Statutes of the Realm: Volume 7, 1695-1701. Originally published by Great Britain Record Commission, s.l, 1820.
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'William III, 1696-7: An Act for the compleating the building and adorning the Cathedral Church of Saint Paul London & for repaireing the Collegiate Church of Saint Peter Westminster. [Chapter XIV. Rot. Parl. 8&9 Gul.]', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 7, 1695-1701, ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1820), British History Online [accessed 21 February 2025].
'William III, 1696-7: An Act for the compleating the building and adorning the Cathedral Church of Saint Paul London & for repaireing the Collegiate Church of Saint Peter Westminster. [Chapter XIV. Rot. Parl. 8&9 Gul.]', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 7, 1695-1701. Edited by John Raithby (s.l, 1820), British History Online, accessed February 21, 2025,
"William III, 1696-7: An Act for the compleating the building and adorning the Cathedral Church of Saint Paul London & for repaireing the Collegiate Church of Saint Peter Westminster. [Chapter XIV. Rot. Parl. 8&9 Gul.]". Statutes of the Realm: Volume 7, 1695-1701. Ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1820), British History Online. Web. 21 February 2025.
In this section
Recital of 1 Jac. II. c. 15. § 1. and that the Money had been expended and had proved deficient.
Duty on Coals and Culm imported into London from 29th Sept. 1700 to 29th Sept. 1716.; For every Chaldron 12d.; Every Tun 12d.; The said Act, 1 Jac. II. c. 15. to be in force during the Continuance of this Act.; Exception.
Whereas by an Act made in the Parliament begun att Westminster the Nineteenth Day of May in the Yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred eighty and five and in the First Yeare of the Reigne of the late King James the Second intituled An Act for rebuilding finishing and adorning of the Cathedral Church of Saint Pauls London Itt was enacted That for all sort of Coals which from and after the Nine&twentieth Day of September One thousand six hundred eighty and seven and before the Nine and twentieth Day of September One thousand seven hundred should be imported and brought into the Port of the said City of London or the River of Thames within the Liberty of the said City upon the same River there should be paid by way of Imposition thereupon over and besides all other Impositions&Duties according to the Rates therein after mentioned (that is to say) For all such sort of Coals or Culme as are usually sold by the Chaldron for every Chaldron thereof containing Thirty six Bushells Winchester Measure the Su[m]m of Eighteen pence and for such sort of Coals as are sold by the Tun for every Tun thereof containing Twenty hundred Weight the like Su[m]m of Eighteen pence which said Imposition of Eighteen pence for every Chaldron or Tun of Coals the said Act doth appoint how to be collected and paid and in the first Place to be applied&disposed to the rebuilding finishing and adorning the said Cathedral of Saint Pauls and for the compleating parochial Churches as by the said Act more att large appeares And whereas not onely the Moneys hitherto received for the said Duty but several great Su[m]ms of Money advanced upon the Creditt of the said Act (a considerable part whereof is now owing) and all other Supplies have been carefully expended and laid out about the said Work whereby the same is farr advanced and yett by reason of the extraordinary Expence of Shipping in time of Warr and dearnesse of Materials the Money hitherto provided for the Works intended by the said Act hath proved defective and unlesse some further Provision be made for compleating the said Works that which is already done will be greatly [damaged (fn. 1) ] if not wholly lost and in case the same shall be compleated it will be necessary that some other things be done both for the Convenience and Ornament of the said Cathedral Church Be it therefore enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and temporal and the Co[m]mons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That for all sorts of Coal and Culme which from&after the Nine and twentieth Day of September One thousand seven hundred and before the Nine and twentieth Day of September One thousand seven hundred and sixteene shall be imported or brought into the Port of the said City of London or the River of Thames within the Liberty of the said City upon the same River there shall be paid by way of Imposition thereupon over and besides all other ( (fn. 2) ) Duties according to the Rates hereafter mentioned (that is to say) For all such sorts of Coals or Culme as are usually sold by the Chaldron for every Chaldron thereof containing Thirty six Bushells Winchester Measure the Sum[m] of Twelve pence and for such sort of Coals as are sold by the Tun for every Tun thereof containing Twenty Hundred Weight the like Su[m]m of Twelve pence which said Imposition of Twelve pence for every Chaldron of Coals or Culm or Tun of Coals shall from time to time dureing the terme last aforesaid be levied answered collected and paid in the same Manner Methods and Forme and att such Places and by such Rules Ways and Means and under such Penalties and Forfeitures as are mentioned expressed or directed in and by the said Act made in the said Yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred eighty five for levying answering collecting&paying of the said Imposition of Eighteen pence for every Chaldron or Tun of Coals and that all and every the Powers Authorities Articles Rules and Clauses in the aforesaid Act mentioned or contained (except such and so much of them concerning which it is otherwise hereafter provided) shall be of such force and effect to all intents&purposes for the levying collecting paying ordering advancing and disposing of the Imposition hereby granted for and dureing the said terme herein before limitted as if the same were particularly and att large sett downe and enacted by this Act.
II. Commissioners for disposing of the Monies to have the same Powers as by the said Act.
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and every such Su[m]m and Su[m]ms of Money which shall be raised collected or levied by virtue of this Act shall be appropriated applied and disposed according to the Directions and Proportions herein after mentioned and that the Lord Archbishopp of Canterbury and Lord Bishopp of London and Lord Mayor of London for the time being or any Two of them shall have the like Powers and Authorities for the ordering directing advancing and disposing of the Moneys ariseing by virtue of this Act for the Purposes in the said recited Act mentioned unlesse as herein after otherwise directed as they had by the said former Act for the ordering directing advancing and disposing of the Moneys ariseing thereby.
III. One Sixth Part of the Monies raised by this Act to be paid by the said Commissioners to the Chancellor of Exchequer, the Chief Justice of K. B. and the Dean of Westminster, by Quarterly Payments, to be laid out in repairing Westminster Abbey.
Accounts thereof to be kept,; and inspected gratis.; Abstracts of Accounts to be delivered yearly into the Exchequer.
And whereas the Collegiate Church of Saint Peter in Westminster (being of ancient and Royal Foundation) is now in great decay and (in case the same be not speedily repaired) will become wholly ruinous For prevention whereof be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That one full Sixth part of all Su[m]ms of Money which shall be raised collected or levied by virtue of this Act shall be appropriated applied&disposed unto the repairing the said Collegiate Church of Saint Peter in Westminster and to no other use or purpose whatsoever and that the said Arch Bishopp of Canterbury Bishopp of London and Lord Mayor of London for the time being or any Two of them shall and are hereby required from time to time dureing the Continuance of this Act to pay or cause to be paid unto the Chancellor of the Exchequer the Lord Chief Justice of the Kings Bench and the Deane of the said Collegiate Church for the time being (who are hereby constituted and appointed Co[m]missioners for repairing the said Collegiate Church) the said Sixth part of all such Su[m]ms of Money which shall be raised collected or levied by virtue of this Act as is aforesaid by equal quarterly Payments the first Payment to co[m]mence and be made on the Thirtieth Day of December in the Yeare One thousand seven hundred which said Su[m]ms of Money so to be paid to the said Chancellor of the Exchequer Lord Chief Justice of the Kings Bench and Deane of the said Collegiate Church in manner as is aforesaid shall be by them laid out and expended in and towards the repairing the said Collegiate Church of Saint Peter in Westminster as is above directed and the like Books of Accounts shall be kept by them the said Chancellor of the Exchequer Lord Chief Justice of the Kings Bench and Deane of the said Collegiate Church or by their Deputies or Officers of all Moneys which from time to time shall be received paid disbursed and applied by virtue of this Act towards the repairing the said Collegiate Church (the said Books to be inspected gratis) and also the like Abstract of such Books of Accounts shall be by them the said Co[m]missioners or any Two of them before the end of Michaelmas Terme in every Yeare transmitted and delivered into the Receipt of Exchequer to be there received kept and viewed without Fee or Reward in such Manner and according to such Directions as are given to the said Lord Arch Bishopp Lord Bishopp and Lord Mayor in and by the Act above recited.
IV. Allowance for collecting Duties.
Provided That it shall and may be lawfull to and for them the said Lord Arch Bishop Lord Bishop and Lord Mayor to deduct yearely out of the said Su[m]ms so to be by them paid to the said Co[m]missioners as aforesaid any Su[m]m not exceeding One sixth part of what they the said Arch Bishop Bishop and Lord Mayor shall yearely pay dureing the Continuance of this Act to their Deputies and Officers for and in Consideration of their collecting and receiving the Duties hereby continued and for inspecting the Coal-Meeters and Deputies in their Work.
V. Commissioners may engage the Profits as Security for Money borrowed towards Repairs of Westminster Abbey.
And forasmuch as it is necessary that a considerable Su[m]m be expended towards the im[m]ediate repairing the said Collegiate Church itt is hereby further enacted That the said Co[m]missioners or any Two of them shall be and are hereby impowered by Indenture under their Hands and Seals to engage the Profitts ariseing out of the Su[m]ms of Money hereby granted and to them directed to be paid for and towards the repairing the said Collegiate Church or any Part or Parts of such Profitts as a Security for any Su[m]m or Su[m]ms of Money by them to be borrowed for the intent and purpose aforesaid to any Person or Persons who shall or will advance any Su[m]m or Su[m]ms upon such Security all which Money so to be borrowed shall be imployed in for and towards the repairing the said Collegiate Church of Saint Peter in Westminster according to the true intent and meaning of this Act.
£3,000 out of the said Duties to be paid in 4 Years towards building St. Thomas's Church, in Southwark.
And whereas the Parish Church of St. Thomas in Southwarke is so much decayed that of necessity it must be rebuilt and it being incumbent upon the Hospital to rebuild the same which after so great Charge as the Governors have been att to new built the Hospitall it selfe they are not able to do without expending a great part of that Revenue which now is laid out for the Cure of Sick and wounded Seamen and Soldiers which in great Numbers together with other poor People are every Yeare sent thither for Help and Relief Be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That a Su[m]m not exceeding Three thousand pounds part of the Duty hereby granted shall in Foure Yeares be paid towards the building the said Church of Saint Thomas aforesaid according to such Directions as the President Treasurer and Governors of the said Hospital with Allowance of the Arch Bishop of Canterbury the Bishop of London and the Lord Mayor of London for the time being or any Two of them shall approve and allow Any thing in this Act to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
Annual Stipend to the Surveyor General of St. Paul's how to be paid.
And whereas there is an annual Stipend or Allowance to the Person who is or shall be Supervisor or Surveyor General of the Building of the said Cathedral Church of Saint Pauls For the Encouragement of such Supervisor or Surveyor General with the utmost Diligence and Expedition to finish the same Be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid That from and after the Nine and twentieth Day of September which shall be in the Yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred ninety seven the said Stipend or Allowance shall be paid in the Manner and Proportions following that is to say One Moiety thereof yearely as aforesaid and the other Moiety in One intire Su[m]m within Six Months after the finishing the said Cathedral Church and not before Any thing herein or in the former recited Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding.