William and Mary, 1693: An Act for granting to their Majesties certain Rates and Duties upon Salt and upon Beer Ale and other Liquors for secureing certaine Recompences and Advantages... [Chapter VII. Rot. Parl. pt. 2. nu. 6.]

Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94. Originally published by Great Britain Record Commission, s.l, 1819.

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'William and Mary, 1693: An Act for granting to their Majesties certain Rates and Duties upon Salt and upon Beer Ale and other Liquors for secureing certaine Recompences and Advantages... [Chapter VII. Rot. Parl. pt. 2. nu. 6.]', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94, ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/statutes-realm/vol6/pp447-461 [accessed 23 February 2025].

'William and Mary, 1693: An Act for granting to their Majesties certain Rates and Duties upon Salt and upon Beer Ale and other Liquors for secureing certaine Recompences and Advantages... [Chapter VII. Rot. Parl. pt. 2. nu. 6.]', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94. Edited by John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online, accessed February 23, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/statutes-realm/vol6/pp447-461.

"William and Mary, 1693: An Act for granting to their Majesties certain Rates and Duties upon Salt and upon Beer Ale and other Liquors for secureing certaine Recompences and Advantages... [Chapter VII. Rot. Parl. pt. 2. nu. 6.]". Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94. Ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online. Web. 23 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/statutes-realm/vol6/pp447-461.

Long title
William and Mary, 1693: An Act for granting to their Majesties certain Rates and Duties upon Salt and upon Beer Ale and other Liquors for secureing certaine Recompences and Advantages in the said Act menc[i]oed to such Persons as shall voluntarily advance the su[m]m of Ten hundred thousand Pounds towards carrying on the Warr against France. [Chapter VII. Rot. Parl. pt. 2. nu. 6.]

In this section

Reasons for passing this Act.

Rates upon Sale for three Years.; Foreign Salt 3d. per Gallon.; Home Salt 1½ d. per Gallon.

WEE your Majesties most loyal and dutiful Subjects the Commons in Parliament assembled being sensible of the great and necessary expence in which your Majesties are engaged for carrying on the present Warr against the French King and being desirous to supply the same in such manner as may be least grievous to your Majesties Subjects Therefore for the incouragement of such Persons who shall voluntarily contribute to the advancing and paying into your Majesties Exchequer towards carrying on the said Warr any su[m]m of sums of money not exceeding the sum of Ten hundred thousand Pounds upon the respective terms and recompences hereafter menc[i]oed wee your Majesties said loyal and dutiful Subjects the Commons in Parliament assembled have given and granted and do hereby give and grant unto your Majesties the several Rates and Duties herein after menc[i]oed for and dureing the several terms herein after expressed And do beseech your Majesties that it may be enacted. And be it enacted by the King and Queens most Excellent Majesties by the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That from and after the Five and twentieth day of March One thousand six hundred ninety foure there shall be throughout the Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales and Towne of Berwick upon Tweed raised levied collected and paid unto their Majesties their Heires and Successors until the Seventeenth day of May which shall be in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred ninety seaven and noe longer for Salt the Rates and Duties following (that is to say). For every Gallon of Salt not being of the product or manufacture of the Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales or Towne of Berwick upon Tweed imported or to be imported from and after the said Five and twentieth day of March into the said Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales and Towne of Berwick upon Tweed the su[m]m of Three pence of lawfull money of England to bee paid by the Importer thereof over and above the present Duties now payable for Salt imported and after that rate for a greater or lesser quantity. And for every Gallon of Salt and Rock Salt made att the Salt-works or taken out of any Pitts within the said Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed the su[m]m of One penny halfe penny and after that rate for a greater or lesser quantity.

II. Duty upon Foreign Salt paid by Importer upon Entry and before Landing.

Landing before Entry or Duty paid, or without Warrant;; Penalty.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Duty hereby sett on all foreigne and imported Salt shall be from time to time satisfied and paid by the Merchant or Merchants Importer or Importers of the same in ready money upon his or their Entry or Entries made and before the landing thereof and that in case any forreigne or imported Salt shall be landed or put on shore out of any Ship or Vessel from beyond the Seas before due Entry bee made thereof with the Collector or Officer appointed or to be appointed for the said Duty on Salt in the Port or Place where the same shall be imported or before the Duty hereby imposed bee fully satisfied and paid or without a Warrant for the landing or delivering of such Imported Salt first signed by the hand of the said Collector or Officer for the said Duty on Salt in the said Port and Place respectively that all such imported Salt as shall be landed putt on shore or delivered contrary to the true intent and meaning hereof or the value thereof shall be forfeited and lost and shall be recovered of the Importer or Proprietor thereof in manner as is herein after provided Neverthelesse that all and every person importing any Salt into this Kingdom for which the aforesaid Duty is payable by this Act shall have Six months time for the payment thereof from the time of the Importation giving security to the person appointed to collect the same and in case such Importer shall pay ready money hee shall have after the rate of Ten per Centum per Annum out of the said Duty abated him

III. Duty under Commissioners of Excise, Collectors, &c. how appointed. Penalties, &c. recovered as by 12 Car. II. c. 24. or any other Law in Force.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said Dutyes on Salt shall from time to time be within the receipt management and government of the chief Comissioners and Governors of the receipt of Excise for the time being and that all Collectors and other Officers necessary for the ascertaining collecting or receiving of the said Duty upon Salt shall be constituted and appointed under the Hands and Seals of the said Commissioners and Governors of the receipt of Excise for the time being or the major part of them and that all Penalties and Forfeitures by this Act imposed shall be sued for recovered levied and received or mitigated by the same means rules ways and methods as any Penaltie or Forfeiture is to be sued for or recoverable or is menc[i]oned expressed or directed to be recovered in and by one Act of Parliament made in the twelfth yeare of the Reign of the late King Charles the Second entituled An Act for takeing away the Court of Wards and Liveries and Tenures in capite and by Knights Service and Purveyance and settling a Revenue on His Majesty in lieu thereof or by any other Law or Statute now in force relateing to the Revenue of Excise and that as fully and amply to all intents as if the several clauses in the said Acts or any of them contained were herein reenacted and repeated.

IV. Entries of the Quantities.

Officers Warrant to remove gratis, on Payment of or Security for Duty.; Penalty.; Allowance on prompt Payment.

And be it enacted That all makers and proprietors of Salt and Rock Salt within the Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales and Towne of Berwick upon Tweed shall from time to time make true entries with the said Officers so to be appointed as aforesaid some or one of them of the quantities of Salt soe by them made or taken out of any pitt or pitts and delivered or imported as aforesaid and shall likewise have a Warrant or Tickett under the Hand and Seale of some one of the said Officers impowering such maker or proprietor of Salt to carry away the same before such time as the said Salt made or taken out of any pitt or pitts within any the places aforesaid or any part thereof shall be removed or carried from the respective Salt-works or pitts under the several penalties and forfeitures herein after menc[i]oed which said Warrant the said Officers are hereby required to give gratis unto the said makers or proprietors of such Salt upon payment or giving security for the payment of the duties hereby granted within six months after such entry made which secureity the said Co[m]missioners and Officers are hereby [authorized & (fn. 1) ] required to accept upon such entry as aforesaid. Provided always That if any person or persons att the time of the entry and delivery of his or their Salt shall pay downe the Duty hereby imposed such person or persons shall be allowed att the Rate of Ten pounds per Centum per Annum for the same.

V. Conveying Salt without Warrant.

Salt seized and detained, if not claimed within Ten Days, forfeited and sold;; Proceeds of Sale, how disposed of;; and if Owner does not make it appear on Oath that Salt was duly entered, &c.; Penalty.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That it shall and may bee lawfull for the said Officers soe appointed to seize all such Salt which shall from and after the said Five and twentieth day of March be conveying or conveyed by day or by night either by land or by water before due entry be made of such Salt without Warrant Tickett or Licence obtained from the Commissioners of the Duties granted by this Act their Collectors or Officers or some or one of them as aforesaid for the conveying or carrying the said Salt And the Salt that shall be soe seized shall be brought to the Office appointed for these Duties next adjoyneing to the place where such Salt shall be so seized there to be detained and kept And in case the Salt so seized shall not be claimed by the true and lawfull Owner thereof or by one deputed under his or their hand within Ten days after seizure the said Salt shall be absolutely forfeited to their Majesties and shall be sold the next general day of Sale to be appointed by the Co[m]missioners or their Officers respectively after the said days are expired the one moyety or halfe part of the proceed thereof (all necessary Charges being first deducted out of the whole) to bee paid to the use of their Majesties and the other moyety or halfe part to be paid to the partie or parties who seized the same And in case such Salt soe seized shall be claimed within Ten days by the true and lawfull Owner thereof or by one deputed thereunto under his hand And if the said Owner or Claimer shall neverthelesse neglect or refuse to make it appeare before the next Justice of Peace of the County where such seizure shall be made by the Oath of one or more credible Witnesses (which Oath the said Justice is hereby impowered to administer) that the said Salt soe seized [was (fn. 1) ] or had been duely entred and a Warrant Tickett or Licence obtained for the carrying and conveying the same as aforesaid that then the said Salt shall likewise be forfeited to their Majesties to be sold and disposed of as aforesaid And every person who shall carry or convey or cause any Salt to be carried and conveyed before due entry made and Warrant or Licence obtained as aforesaid shall likewise forfeit to their Majesties double the value of such Salt soe carryed or conveyed.

VI. Retailer not to convey Salt by Water, till he shew that Duty is paid.

And be it further enacted That noe Retailer nor Shopkeeper shall be permitted to ship any Salt to be sent to any Port within this Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales and Town of Berwick upon Tweed before hee hath made it appeare by Oath or otherwise before the Co[m]missioners for collecting of the said Duties granted by this Act or their Officers or some or one of them that the Duty of such Salt is paid or secured to be paid or that it was bought of some other Retailer or Shopkeeper that hath paid the Duty.

VII. Master of Vessel, before he has a Warrant for landing, to deliver in a Particular of Quantity, duly signed, and Oath that no other Salt laid on board.

Officer to certify Quantity.; Penalty.

And be it further enacted That all and every Master and Co[m]mander of any Shipp or Vessel whatsoever that from and after the said Five and twentieth day of March shall transport or carry any Salt or Rock Salt from one Port to another within this Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales and Towne of Berwick upon Tweed shall before hee or they have any Warrant for the landing or delivering of such Salt (by him transported and carried) on Shore in any Port) deliver to the Officers for collecting the said Duties granted by this Act in the said Port appointed to receive the same a true particular of the quantity so transported and carried as aforesaid signed by the Officers for collecting the said Duties granted by this Act and by the Officers of the Customs of the Port from whence the said Shipp or Vessel came and that then the Master or his Mate or the Boatswain of such Ship or Vessel shall make Oath before the Co[m]missioners for collecting the said Duties granted by this Act or their Officers some or one of them that to his knowledge there hath not been laid on board or taken into the said Ship or Vessel any Salt since he or they came from such Port as aforesaid And in case such Ship or Vessel be to deliver one part of her Salt att one Port and another part att another Port or Ports that then the Officer for collecting the said Duties and Officers of the Customs when such part of the said Salt shall be delivered shall certifie on the backside of the Cocquett Transire or other Warrant or else by Certificate alone under the Hands and Seals of the Officers how much and what quantity of the Salt menc[i]oned in the Cocquett Transire or other Warrant from the Port from whence such Ship or Vessel came hath been there landed and delivered upon the Penalty of forfeiting double the Value of the Salt that shall be otherwise delivered.

VIII. Ticket gratis.

And be it further enacted That no Fee or Reward be had or taken for makeing issueing or granting any of the Ticketts Warrants or Licences herein before menc[i]oed but that the same be made issued and granted gratis.

IX. Reward to Exporter of certain Fish,

on Debenture verified by Searcher of Quantity and Oath.; Officer not having Money in hand to pay Debenture, Commissioners chargeable.; Officer neglecting to pay;; Penalty.

Provided always and be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid That for all such Fish hereafter menc[i]oed as shall be exported dureing the continuance of the Duty upon Salt by this Act imposed from any Port or Place in this Kingdom Dominion of Wales or Towne of Berwick upon Tweed into parts beyond the Seas by any person or persons whatsoever the Rates or Su[m]ms of money hereafter expressed (that is to say) For every Cask or Vessel of Pilchards or Scads containeing Fifty Gallons Twelve shillings and so proportionably for a greater or lesser quantity. For every Barrel of White Herring Two shillings and six pence. For every Barrel of Red Herrings Two shillings. For every Barrel of Salmon Five shillings For every Hundred of Cod-Fish Ling Conger or Hake Fifteene shillings and so proportionably for a greater or smaller number or quantity shall be paid by the Officer appointed to collect the Duties upon Salt payable by this Act in the same Port from whence any such Fish shall be exported within Thirty days after demand thereof on a Debenture to be prepared by the Collector of the Customs in the Port where such Fish shall be entred out for exportation and verified by the person executing the Office of Searcher in such Port as to the quantity of Fish actually shipped and that the Oath of the Exporter or Agent be first taken before the principal Officers of the said Port before the Debenture be allowed who are hereby required and impowered to give the said Oath that the Fish in such Debenture menc[i]oed were English taken and really exported to parts beyond the Seas and not intended to be relanded in England Wales or Berwick for which Debenture no Fee or Reward shall be taken And in case the Officer hereby directed to pay such Debenture shall not have sufficient money in his Hands to pay the same then upon Certificate thereof by him made (which Certificate he is hereby required to give the party gratis) the principal Commissioners for manageing their Majesties Revenue of Excise for the time shall be chargeable with the said payment to be made in course out of the first money in their Hands ariseing out of the said Duties upon Salt And any Officer neglecting or refuseing to pay the said money or to give such Certificate as is here directed shall forfeit double the su[m]m so to be paid to the party grieved to be recovered by Action of Debt Bill Plaint or Informac[i]on wherein noe Essoigne Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed

X. Duty repaid upon Exportation.

Debenture given.

Provided always and be it enacted by the authority aforesaid That if any person [or (fn. 2) ] persons shall export beyond the Seas any Salt as well Forreigne as English or any Rock Salt the Officer of the place where the said Salt was made taken out of Pitts or imported and the Duty thereof paid or secured to be paid shall upon demand deliver gratis a Certificate under his Hand and Seale that the Duty imposed by this Act on such Salt hath been duely paid or secured to be paid and then the Officer of the place where the Salt is exported upon produceing the said Certificate and Oath made of shipping off the said Salt and of its not being relanded in England or Wales shall give a Debenture under his Hand for repayment of the said Duty which being produced to the Officer of the place where the Duty on the said Salt shall have been paid or secured to be paid such security shall be discharged And all and every su[m]m and su[m]ms of money paid for the duty of the said Salt shall be repaid upon demand by the said Officer without fee or reward.

XI. Quarter Sessions to set the Rate of Salt.

Selling above the Rate;; Penalty.

And be it further enacted That the Justices of the Peace not concerned in makeing or selling Salt in every County Riding or Division of England shall and are hereby authorized and impowered att every Easter and Michaelmas Quarter Sessions to sett the prizes of all Salt and Rock Salt to bee sold by the maker or first seller thereof in the said County for the halfe yeare next ensuing and that noe person or persons that shall be the maker or first seller of any Salt shall sell the same for more then the prizes so sett by the said Justices as aforesaid over and above the duty payable by virtue of this Act upon pain of forfeiting for every such Offence Five pounds and double the value of the Salt so sold to be levied by distresse and sale of the Offenders Goods the one moiety thereof to be paid to their Majesties their Heires and Successors and the other moiety thereof to the Informer.

XII. Certain Salt imported deemed Foreign Salt.

And be it enacted and declared That all Salt imported or brought by Sea or Land into the Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales or Towne of Berwick upon Tweed and not of the product of any of the said places shall be adjudged and deemed to be forreigne Salt imported and shall bee charged as such with the duty of Three pence per Gallon by this Act granted and that all Scotch Salt brought into England by land shall be entred att Carlisle or Berwick with the Officer or Officers for that purpose there to be appointed under the penalty of the forfeiture of double the value of such Salt soe brought in.

XIII. Oaths taken by Commissioner, 1 W. & M. Sess. 1. c. 8.

And be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid That noe person or persons shall be capable of acting as chief Co[m]missioner for collecting the said duties granted by this Act until he or they shall before one of the Barons of the Exchequer take the Oaths appointed by an Act of Parliament made in the first yeare of their Majesties Reigne entituled An Act for the abrogateing the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance and appointing other Oaths and the Oath following,

YOU shall sweare to execute your Office truly and faithfully without favour or affection and shall from time to time true Accompt make and deliver to such person and persons as their Majesties shall appoint to receive the same and shall take noe Fee or Reward for the execuc[i]on of the said Office from any other person then from their Majesties or those whom their Majesties shall appoint on that behalfe. Soe helpe you God &c

XIV. Oaths taken by the Under Officers.

And be it likewise enacted That noe person or persons shall be capable of intermeddling with any office or imployment relateing to the said Duties granted by this Act other then that of chief Comissioner until he or they shall (before Two or more of the chief Co[m]missioners for collecting the Duties granted by this Act or before two or more of the Justices of the Peace of the County or Place where they shall be appointed Officers for execution of this Act) take the aforesaid Oaths appointed by the said Act and the said other last menc[i]oed Oath mutatis mutandis And the said Barons of the Exchequer and chief Co[m]missioners for collecting the said Duties granted by this Act the said Justices are hereby impowered and required to administer the said Oaths,

XV. In Actions brought against Persons executing Act, General Issue.

Double Costs.

Provided always and be it enacted That if any person or persons shall att any time be sued or prosecuted for any thing by him or them done or executed in pursuance of this Act he or they shall or may plead the General Issue and give this Act in evidence for his defence and if upon tryal a verdict shall passe for the Defendant or Defendants or the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs be nonsuit discontinue or forbeare prosecuteing the said Actions then such Defendant or Defendants shall have double costs to him or them awarded against such Plaintiff or Plaintiffs for which costs hee shall have such Remedy as in other cases where costs are by lawe given to Defendants.

XVI. No Certiorari upon Orders made by Commissioners, &c.

Provided also and be it enacted That no Writ or Writs of Certiorari shall supersede execuc[i]on or other proceedings upon any order or orders made by the said chief Co[m]missioners or Justices of Peace in pursuance of this Act but that execuc[i]on and other proceedings shall & may bee had and made thereupon any such Writ or Writts or allowance thereof notwithstanding.

XVII. Measure of Salt settled.

Provided always and be it further enacted for the ascertaining of all measures where the said Duties are to bee paid That all Salt be measured by a Bushell of Eight Gallons Winchester measure and by fitt measurers liveing upon the place where the Salt is made to be sworne and admitted by some Justice of Peace neare adjoyneing without charge or fee upon forfeiture of double the value of the Salt that shall not be so measured.

XVIII. Removing Salt without Notice; Penalty £20.

And be it enacted That no Salt shall be delivered from any Salt-works or pitts without notice first given to the Officer appointed for that purpose upon paine of forfeiture of the Salt so delivered and upon paine of twenty pounds to be forfeited by the Owner or Owners of the Salt works or pitts where such Salt shall bee so delivered the moiety of which forfeitures to be to the use of the Prosecutors and the other moiety to the use of their Majesties.

XIX. Relanding Salt laden for Exportation;


And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That if any of the Salt for which the Duty shall have been repaid and discharged upon the exportac[i]on thereof as is herein before directed shall by fraud or otherwise be landed in England Dominion of Wales or Towne of Berwick upon Tweed before the Duty be again paid and such entry and all other things performed as are herein before required in case where any Forreigne Salt is imported every person soe offending shall forfeit double the value of such Salt so landed and such other penalties and forfeitures as are herein inflicted upon any person who shall land any Forreigne Salt contrary to the true intent and meaning of this Act.

XX. Proviso for Persons losing Salt at Sea.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That if any Merchant or other person being a subject of this Realme of England shall dureing the continuance of this Act ship any Salt or Rock-Salt that hath paid the Duty to their Majesties by this Act imposed to convey it by Sea to any part of England and the Vessel on which such Salt as aforesaid is shipt shall either perish att Sea or be taken by Enemies with such Salt on board her that in such case any Merchant or person Owner of the said Salt shall upon proof made before the Justices of the Peace att the Quarter Sessions held for the County Riding Division or Towne wherein hee doth inhabit of the losse of such Salt so shipt receive from the said Sessions a Certificate that such proof was made before them and upon produceing the said Certificate to any of their Majesties Officers appointed to collect the Duty by this Act imposed the said Officer or Officers are hereby required to let such persons buy the like quantity of Salt as is expressed in the Certificate to bee lost without paying to their Majesties any Duty or Excise for the same any thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

XXI. Owner removing Salt from Pits after Entry, not obliged to pay Excise till sold.

Provided alsoe and be it enacted That it shall and may be lawfull for the Owners and Proprietors of any Salt-Rock or Rock Salt to remove and carry out of and from the Pitts or Warehouses adjoyneing to or belonging to such Pitts into his or their other Warehouses or other places for storing thereof for conveniency of selling or shipping off the same any of the said Salt-Rock or Rock Salt after due entry made thereof and a Warrant or Tickett taken for the same from the Officer next to such Salt-pitts which Warrant or Tickett the said Officer is hereby required upon demand to give without fee or reward as aforesaid And that the said Owners or Proprietors shall not be obliged to pay or secure the payment of the said Duty until such time as the said Salt-Rock or Rock-Salt shall be sold and delivered as aforesaid.

XXII. Contracts heretofore made, how charged.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That no person or persons whatsoever shall be obliged by vertue of any contract made att any time before the First day of December One thousand six hundred ninety three to deliver any Salt or Rock Salt unlesse the person who is to receive the same shall before or att the time for delivery of the same by such contract pay to the seller thereof such su[m]m or su[m]ms as hee shall have paid or secured to pay for the Duty for the same by vertue of this Act.

XXIII. Chester Salts entered by Weight.

And whereas Salt made att the present Salt-works in the County Palatine of Chester when taken from the Pans is put into Walms Basketts or Vessells and must be by the Maker some miles distant from the works before hee can deliver the same to the Merchant or first Buyer so that to break and measure the Salt att the said Salt-works would be great losse to the makers thereof be it therefore enacted That all Salt made att the said Salt-works in the said County shall be entred by weight onely and that Fifty six pounds weight thereof shall bee deemed and taken to bee a Winchester Bushel of Eight Gallons Winchester measure and shall bee entred rated and taxed accordingly.

XXIV. Salt Rock by Weight.

What a Winchester Bushel.

And whereas Salt-Rock or Rock-Salt taken out of pitts is in such great Lumps that it cannot be measured without breaking the same to powder which would be great losse to the Proprietors thereof be it therefore enacted That all Salt Rock or Rock Salt taken out of pitts shall be entred by weight onely and that Sixscore pounds weight thereof shall be deemed and taken to bee a Winchester Bushel of Eight Gallons Winchester measure and shall bee entred rated and taxed accordingly.

XXV. Allowance to Refiner,

on Oath of Quantity, and of Payment of Duty.

And to, the intent that Salt made by melting and refining of Rock Salt may not contrary to the true intent and meaning of this Act be charged more then other English Salt be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That where any such Rock Salt shall be melted and refined which had before paid the Duty imposed by this Act according to the direction of the same the person who shall make such Salt by refineing shall receive an allowance and abatement of Duty on the Salt by him soe made after the rate and proporc[i]on of Twelve pence for every Bushel of such Rock Salt soe melted and refined which had paid the Duty as aforesaid Oath being first made before some Justice of the Peace neare adjoyning to such Salt-Works of the particular quantities of the said Rock Salt soe by him employed in makeing the said Salt by refineing which Oath the said Justice of the Peace is hereby impowered to administer and upon due proof by Oath or otherwise made of the payment of the Duty imposed by this Act.

XXVI. Recital of 2 W. & M. Sess. 2. c. 10. § 1.

Additional Excise upon Beer, &c. for Sixteen Years.

And whereas by an Act of Parliament made in the Second yeare of their Majesties Reign entituled An Act for granting to their Maj[es]ties. several additional Duties upon Beere Ale and other Liquors for Foure yeares from the time that an Act for doubleing the Duty of Excise upon Beere Ale and other Liquors dureing the space of one yeare doth expire it was enacted from and after the Seventeenth day of November in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred ninety one there should bee throughout their Majesties Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales and Towne of Berwick upon Tweed raised levied collected and paid unto their Majesties and their Successors dureing the space and terme of Foure yeares and noe longer for Beer Ale Cyder and other Liquors therein menc[i]oed by way of Excise over and above all other Duties Charges and Impositions by any former Act or Acts which should be then unexpired sett, and imposed in such manner as therein is menc[i]oed be it further enacted That for the further encouragement of such persons who shall voluntarily contribute as aforesaid towards the raiseing and paying into their Majesties Exchequer any su[m]m or su[m]ms not exceeding in the whole the su[m]m of Ten hundred thousand pounds upon the several termes and recompences herein after menc[i]oed that from and after the Seventeenth day of May which shall bee in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred ninety seaven there shall be throughout their Majesties Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales and Towne of Berwick upon Tweed raised levied collected and paid unto their Majesties their Heires and Successors dureing the space [& terme (fn. 3) ] of Sixteen years and noe longer for Beer Ale Cyder and other Liquors herein after expressed by way of Excise over and above all Duties Charges and Impositions by any former Act or Acts then unexpired sett and imposed one moiety or halfe part of the several Rates and Duties of Excise granted by the said last mentioned Act in manner and forme following (that is to say).

Beer, &c. above Six Shillings, 9d. per Barrel.

For every Barrel of Beer or Ale above Six shillings the Barrel exclusive of the Duty of Excise brewed by the co[m]mon Brewer or any other person or persons who doth or shall sell or tap out Beer or Ale publickly or privately to bee paid by the co[m]mon Brewer or by such other person or persons respectively and soe proportionably for a greater or lesser quantity over and above the Duties payable for the same Nine pence.

Beer, &c. of and below Six Shillings, 3d. per Barrel.

For every Barrel of Beer or Ale of Six shillings the Barrel or under brewed by the co[m]mon Brewer or any other person or persons who shall sell or tap out Beer or Ale publickly or privately to bee paid by the co[m]mon Brewer or by such other person or persons respectively as aforesaid and so proportionably for a greater or lesser quantity over and above the Duties payable for the same Three pence.

Vinegar, English, 1s. 6d. per Barrel.

For every Barrel of Vinegar or Vinegar Beere brewed or made of any English matterialls by any co[m]mon Brewer or any other person for sale to be paid by the Maker thereof and so proportionably for a greater or lesser, quantity over and above the Duties of Excise payable for the same One shilling six pence.

Vinegar, Foreign, 4s. per Barrel.

For every Barrel of Vinegar or Liquor p[re]pared for Vinegar made here that hath run through Rape or made with or passing through any Forreigne materials or any mixture with Forreigne materials to be paid by the Maker thereof and soe proportionably for a greater or lesser quantity Foure shillings.

Beer, &c. imported,. 3s. per Barre.

For every Barrel of Beer Ale or Mum imported from beyond the Seas or from the Islands of Guernsey or Jersey and soe proportionably for a greater or lesser quantity to be paid by the Importers before landing over and above the Duties payable for the same Three shillings

Cyder, &c. imported, £4 per Tun.

For every Tun of Cyder or Perry imported from beyond the Seas and so proportionably for a greater or lesser quantity to be paid by the Importer before landing over and above the Duties payable for the same Foure pounds.

Brandy, Single, 2s. per Gallon.

For every Gallon of single Brandy Spirits or Aqua vite imported from beyond the Seas to be paid by the Importer before landing over and above the duties payable for the same Two shillings.

Brandy, Double, 4s. per Gallon.

For every Gallon of Brandy Spirits or Aqua vite above Proof co[m]monly called Double Brandy imported from beyond the Seas to be paid by the Importer before landing over and above the duties payable for the same Foure Shillings.

Cyder, &c. Retail, 1s. 3d. per Hogshead.

For all Cyder and Perry made and sold by retail upon every Hogshead to be paid by the retailer thereof over and above the duties payable for the same and so proportionably for a greater or lesser measure One Shilling Three pence

Metheglin, &c. 3d. per Gallon.

For all Metheglin or Meade made for sale whether by retaile or otherwise to be paid by the maker for every Gallon Three pence.

XXVII. Duties recovered as under

12 Car. II. c. 24.; 12 Car. II. c. 23.; 15 Car. II. c. 11.; and the said Acts to be in force.; Rates under Commissioners of Excise.

And be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the said several Rates Duties & Impositions upon Beer Ale Cyder and other Liquors aforesaid be levied collected and paid unto their Majesties theire Heires and Successors dureing the said space and terme of Sixteene yeares in the same manner and forme and by such rules ways and meanes and under such Penalties and Forfeitures as are menc[i]oed in the Act made in the Twelfth yeare of the Reigne of King Charles the Second entituled An Act for takeing away the Court of Wards and Liveries and Tenures in capite and by Knights Service and Purveyance and for settling a Revenue upon his Majestie in lieu thereof And alsoe in and by another Act made in the Twelfth yeare of the Reigne of the said late King Charles the Second entituled A Grant of certaine Impositions upon Beer Ale and other Liquors for the increase of his Majesties Revenue dureing his Life And alsoe in and by another Act made in the Fifteenth yeare of the reigne of the said late King Charles the Second entituled An additional Act for the better ordering and collecting the Duties of Excise and preventing the Abuses therein or by any other Law in force relateing to the said Revenue of Excise And that the aforesaid Acts and every Article Rule and Clause therein mentioned as for and concerning only the Rates Duties and Impositions upon Beer Ale and other Liquors by this Act granted shall be of full force and effect to all intents and purposes dureing the said terme of Sixteene yeares in like manner as if the same were att large and particularly recited and sett downe in the Body of this Act And that the said Rates and Duties of Excise and [the (fn. 4) ] other Duties upon Salt by this Act granted shall from time to time be within the Receipt and Government of the chiefe Commissioners and Governours of the Receipt of [the (fn. 4) ] Excise for the time being.

XXVIII. Money to be kept apart.

To be paid into the Exchequer weekly.

And be it enacted by Authority aforesaid that the said Commissioners and Governours for Management and Receipt of the Excise att the Head Office in London for the time being shall separate and keep a part all and every the moneys raised by the rates and duties of Excise and other Duties upon Salt hereby granted as the same shall from time to time arise or be paid into the said Office of Excise by the Receivers or Collectors of the same or by any other person whatsoever And the said Commissioners and Governors of Excise for the time being are hereby required and strictly enjoyned from time to time to pay weekely (videlicet) on Wednesday in every week if it bee not a Holiday and if it be then the next day after that is not a Holiday all and every the moneys ariseing by the rates and duties of Excise and other duties hereby granted into the receipt of their Majesties Exchequer distinct and apart from the other moneys which the said Commissioners and Governors of Excise shall receive for the use of their Majesties their Heires and Successors.

XXIX. Accounts to be kept separate.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid that there shall be provided and kept in their Majesties Exchequer (that is to say) in the Office of the Auditor of the receipts One book in which all the said weekely moneys which shall bee paid into the Excheq[uer] as aforesaid shall be entred apart and distinct from all other moneys paid or payable to their Majesties their Heires and Successors upon any account whatsoever.

XXX. Commissioners refusing, &c. to pay, or misapplying Monies.

Incapacity and Penalty.

And be it further enacted that if the said Co[m]missioners and Governours of Excise for the time being shall refuse or neglect to pay into the Exchequer all or any the said weekly su[m]ms appointed to bee paid as aforesaid in such manner as they are before by this Act required to doe or shall divert or misapply any of the same then they for every such Offence shall forfeit their Offices of Commissioners and Governours for the management and receipt of the Excise and be incapable of any Office or Place of Trust whatsoever and shall be lyable to pay the full value of any su[m]m or sums soe diverted or misapplied to any person or persons who will sue for the same by any Action of Debt Bill Plaint or Information in any of their Majesties Courts of Record att Westminster wherein noe Essoigne Protection Wager of Law Priviledge of Parliament or other Priviledge or more then one Imparlance shall bee granted or allowed.

XXXI. Sums to be a Yearly Fund.

And bee it further enacted that all the said su[m]ms soe as aforesaid appointed to bee [paid (fn. 4) ] weekely into the receipt of Exchequer dureing the said terme of Sixteen yeares shall be the yearely Fond for the several, and respective purposes herein after mentioned and expressed.

XXXII. Salaries provided, &c.

Provided always and be it enacted that it shall and may bee lawfull to and for their Majesties their Heires and Successors out of the said Duties ariseing upon Salt to cause such su[m]m and su[m]ms of money to bee expended and paid from time to time for Salaries or other incident Charges as shall bee necessary in and for the receiving collecting levying or manageing of the same Duties upon Salt dureing the [said (fn. 4) ] terme therein by this Act granted Any thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

XXXIII. Excise Office, &c. continued.

Appointment of a Comptroller.; Accounts of Salt, and Excise kept apart.; Access to Books without Fee.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the Head Office of Excise which is now established within the City of London shall be continued and be within the said City or Ten miles thereof and a sufficient number of Commissioners therein from time to time shall bee continued or appointed by their Majesties their Heires and Successors to governe and manage the receipt of Excise and to performe and execute the several matters and things hereby enjoyned to be done and executed by such Commissioners until the same shall be fully performed and complyed with according to the true intent and meaning of this Act And that in like manner there shall be continued and be within the said City or Tenne miles thereof by the appointment of their Majesties their Heires and Successors a Comptroller of Excise until such time as all matters and things which by this Act such Comptroller is enjoyned to doe and performe shall be fully performed and accomplished which [said (fn. 5) ] Comptroller for the time being is hereby alsoe required and co[m]manded to keep a perfect and distinct account in Books fairely written of all the moneys which shall arise by the said duties upon Salt and the [said (fn. 5) ] duties of Excise by this Act granted as the same respectively shall from time to time arise come or be brought into the said Office of Excise To which Books all persons concerned shall have free access att all seasonable times without Fee or charge And that the said Commissioners and Comptroller shall execute their respective Offices in the performance of all things enjoyned by this Act without any other Salary Fee or Reward then what they now have or enjoy.

XXXIV. £140,000 a yearly Fund.

The Revenue chargeable if these Duties fall short.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid that yearely and every yeare reckoning the first yeare to begin from the said five and twentieth day of March One thousand six hundred ninety foure the full su[m]m of One hundred and fourty thousand pounds by or out of the moneys to arise by the said duties upon Salt and by the said rates and duties of Excise hereby granted or either of them and to be brought into the receipt of the Exchequer by weekely payments as aforesaid in case the said weekly payments shall extend thereunto shall be the whole and entire yearely Fund And in case the said weekely payments shall not amount to One hundred and fourty thousand Pounds per annum then the said weekely moneys or payments soe far as the same will extend shall be part of the yearely Fund for and towards the answering or paying of the Annuities herein after menc[i]oed and for other the purposes hereafter in this Act expressed And in case the said duties upon Salt and the said rates and duties of Excise by this Act granted or either of them shall att any time or times appeare to bee soe deficient or low in the produce of the same as that within any One yeare to bee reckoned as aforesaid the weekely payments upon the same rates or duties or any of them shall not amount to soe much as One hundred and fourty thousand Pounds or to soe much as shall be sufficient to discharge and satisfie the said Annuities and other Benefitts and Advantages by this Act appointed or intended to bee paid within or for the same yeare respectively. That then and soe often and in every such case the Commissioners of their Majesties Tresury and the Under Treasurer of the Exchequer now being and the Treasurer and Under Treasurer of the Exchequer or Commissioners of the Treasury for the time being are hereby strictly enjoyned and required by virtue of this Act and without any further or other Warrant to bee sued for had or obtained from their Majesties their Heires or Successors in this behalfe to cause every such deficiency to bee made good by applying and issueing or paying soe much of any Treasure or Revenue belonging or to belong to their Majesties their Heires or Successors (not being appropriated to any particular use or uses by any Act or Acts of Parliament) towards the dischargeing or paying of the said Annuities or other Benefitts or Advantages appointed to bee paid by this Act as together with the moneys which shall have been brought into the said receipt of or for the said rates or duties upon Salt and the said rates and duties of Excise as aforesaid shall be sufficient to pay off and discharge [and shall compleately pay off and discharge (fn. 6) ] all the moneys which within the same yeare respectively shall bee growne due or ought to bee paid upon the said Annuities or other Benefitts or Advantages according to the true intent and meaning of this present Act.

XXXV. Native or Alien may advance £10, &c.

and thereupon be entitled to a Share of the said yearly Fund.

And bee it further enacted that it shall and may be lawfull for any person or persons Natives or Forreigners to contribute towards advancing the su[m]m of Ten hundred thousand Pounds for carrying on of the said Warr by paying att or before the tenth day of September One thousand six hundred ninety foure to any Receiver or Receivers to bee appointed for that purpose as is herein after mentioned the su[m]m of Tenne Pounds or diverse entire su[m]ms of Tenne Pounds upon this Act And that for the raiseing the said su[m]m of Ten hundred thousand Pounds any person who will become an Adventurer shall and may advance the su[m]m of Tenne Pounds for which su[m]m soe advanced hee she or they for Sixteene yeares shall be entituled to receive a Share or Dividend of the said yearely Fund as hereafter is expressed And that every Adventurer may advance as many entire su[m]ms of Tenne Pounds as hee she or they shall think fitt and for every such su[m]m of Ten Pounds soe advanced hee shee or they is or are to bee interested in one Lott or Share in the said yearely Fund.

XXXVI. Their Majesties may appoint Managers.

Books of Tickets provided with Three Columns.


And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid that such persons as their Majesties by their Commission under the Greate Seale of England shall nominate or appoint shall bee Managers and Directors for prepareing and delivering of Ticketts and to oversee the drawing of Lotts and to order doe and performe such other matters and things as are hereafter in and by this Act directed or appointed by such Managers or Directors to be done and performed And that such Managers or Directors shall meet together from time att some publick Office or Place within London or Westminster for the execution of the powers and trusts in them reposed by this Act and that the said Managers or Directors or soe many of them as shall bee present att any such Meeting or the major part of them shall cause Books to bee prepared in which every Lease shall bee divided or distinguished into three Columns and upon the innermost of the said Columns there shall be printed One hundred thousand Ticketts numbered. 1. 2. 3. and soe onwards in arithmetical progression where the co[m]mon excesse is to bee one until they arise to and for the number One hundred thousand and upon the middle Columne in every of the said Books there shall be printed One hundred thousand Ticketts of [the (fn. 7) ] same length breadth and forme and numbred in like manner And in the extreame Columns of the said Books there shall bee printed a third rank or series of Ticketts of the same numbers with those in the two other Columns which Ticketts shall severally bee of an oblong figure And in the said Books shall bee joyned with oblique lines in such manner as is here described, and that every Tickett in the third or extreame Columns of the said Books shall have written or printed thereupon (besides the Number Words to this effect to wit [This Tickett entitles the Bearer to an Annuity of one Pound or (by Chance) to a greater yearely sum for Sixteen Yeares.]

XXXVII. Treasury may appoint Receivers.

Security to be given by such Receivers.; Managers to examine Books with the Tickets;; and then deliver the Books to the Receivers.; Receivers on receiving the £10 to cut out Tickets, and sign, &c. and deliver them to Contributor.

And bee it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That it shall and may bee lawfull to and for the Commissioners of their Majesties Treasury or any Three or more of them now being or to and for the Treasurer of the Exchequer or any three or more of the Commissioners of their Majesties Treasury for the time being by any Instruments or Writings under their Hands and Seales respectively to constitute and appoint such and soe many persons as they shall think fitt to intrust or imploy to bee their Majesties Receiver and Receivers within the Cities of London and Westminster and such other Cities Townes and places in England or elsewhere as to them shall seem meet for the better expediting and carrying on of this Service taking from the said Receivers respectively such Securities for the due answering and paying of the moneys which they shall severally receive for their Majesties Use into the Receipt of the Exchequer and for the due performance of the trusts in them reposed as they the said Commissioners of the Treasury or any three or more of them now being or the Treasurer of the Exchequer or any three or more of the Commissioners of the Treasury for the time being shall judge reasonable and sufficient in that behalfe And that the said Managers and Directors or soe many of them as shall bee present att such a meeting as aforesaid or the major part of them then present shall carefully examine all the said Books with the Ticketts therein and see that the same bee contrived numbred and made according to the true intent and meaning of this Act and shall then deliver or cause to bee delivered the same Books to the said Receivers takeing from each Receiver an acknowledgment in writing under his Hand importing his receipt of such Book or Books and soe many Ticketts therein as shall bee delivered to him respectively that soe the said Receiver may bee charged to answer Ten pounds in money for every one [of (fn. 7) ] the Ticketts in the extreame Columns which shall bee delivered to him or for soe many of them as hee shall not returne back to the said Managers or Directors And every such Receiver respectively is hereby directed and required upon his receiving of every or any su[m]m of Ten pounds from any person or persons contributing or adventuring as aforesaid to cut out of the said Book, or Books soe to bee put into his Custody thorow the said oblique lines indent wise a Tickett of the Ticketts in the said extream Columns which the said Receiver is to signe with his owne name and hee shall permitt the contributor or adventurer (if it be desired) to write his Name or marke on the two corresponding Ticketts, in the same Book and att the same time the said Receiver shall deliver to the said Contributor or Adventurer the Tickett soe cutt off which hee or shee or they are to keep and use for the better ascertaining and secureing of the respective share which hee shee or they his her or their Assignes are to have in the said Fund for the money soe by him her or them contributed or adventured.

XXXVIII. Receivers to redeliver the Books to the Managers.

Receivers to account.; Managers to keep the Tickets redelivered to them.; Tickets of the Middle Column put into a Box, and marked A. Box put into another Box and locked, &c.; Tickets of the First Column to remain.

And bee it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That the [said (fn. 7) ] several Receivers on the Twentieth day of September which shall bee in the yeare one thousand six hundred ninety foure shall re-deliver to the said Managers and Directors att their said Office or Place of meeting all the said Books and therein all the Ticketts of the first and second Columnes before mentioned and soe many of the said Ticketts of the extreame Columns. (if any such bee) as the said Receivers shall not have cutt out and delivered to the Contributors for their money as aforesaid and shall then and there also deliver to the said Managers and Directors a true and just account in writing under their hands of all su[m]m and su[m]ms of money accrued or come to the hands of such Receiver and Receivers respectively by or for the Ticketts delivered out as aforesaid and how the same or how much thereof shall have been actually paid by every such Receiver into the Receipt of the Exchequer to and for their Majesties use and behoofe and that the said Managers and Directors or the major part of them which shall bee present att a meeting as aforesaid shall cause all the Ticketts of the said middle Columns in the Books which shall bee delivered back to them by or from the said Receivers in case all the corresponding Ticketts in the extreame Columns shall have been disposed for money as aforesaid to bee carefully rolled upp and made fast with Thread or Silk and in case all the Ticketts in the extreame Columns shall not have been disposed for money as aforesaid that then the said Managers and Directors or the major part of them which shall bee present as aforesaid shall cause soe many of the Ticketts of the said middle Columns as shall corespond with or bee the counterparts of those of the extreame Columns which shall have been cutt out and disposed for money as aforesaid and none other to bee carefully rolled upp and made fast with Thread or Silk as is before mentioned and the said Managers and Directors or the major part of them as aforesaid shall in their presence and in the presence of such of the Adventurers as will bee there cause all the Ticketts which are to bee soe rolled upp and made fast as aforesaid to bee cutt off indent wise thorow the said oblique lines into a Box to bee prepared for this purpose and to bee marked with the letter A; which Box is presently to bee putt into another strong Box and to bee lockt upp with seven different Locks and Keys to bee kept by as many of the said Managers and sealed with their seales or the seals of some of them until the said Ticketts are to bee drawne as is herein after mentioned and that the Ticketts in the first or innermost Columns of the said Books shall remaine still in the Books for discovering any mistake or fraud if any such should happen to bee co[m]mitted contrary to the true meaning of this Act.

XXXIX. Books with Two Columns.

2,500 Tickets to be called the Fortunate Tickets.; The several Benefits accruing therefrom.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said Managers and Directors or the major part of them which shall bee present att any meeting as aforesaid shall alsoe prepare or cause to bee prepared other Books in which every Leafe shall bee divided or distinguished into two Columns and upon the innermost of those. Columns there shall bee printed One hundred thousand Ticketts and upon the outermost of the said two Columns there shall bee printed one hundred thousand Ticketts all which shall bee of equal length and breadth as neare as may bee which two Columns in the said Books shall bee joyned with some flourish or devise thorow which the outermost Ticketts may bee cut off indentwise and that two thousand five hundred Ticketts part of those to bee contained in the outermost Columns of the Books last menc[i]oed shall bee and bee called the Fortunate Ticketts to which extraordinary benefitts shall belong as is herein after mentioned and in case the said whole su[m]m of ten hundred thousand pounds shall bee advanced and contributed by Contributors or Adventurers as aforesaid then the said Managers and Directors or the major part of them or such of them as shall bee present att a meeting as aforesaid shall cause the said fortunate Ticketts to bee written upon as well in figures as in words at length in manner following that is to say. Upon One of them one thousand pounds yearely. Upon every one of Nine of them severally five hundred pounds yearely. And upon every one of Twenty of them severally one hundred pounds yearely. And upon every one of Eighty of them severally fifty pounds yearely And upon every one of Ninety of them severally five and twenty pounds yearely. And upon every one of Three hundred of them severally twenty pounds yearely. And upon every one of Two thousand of them severally ten pounds yearely. Which yearely su[m]ms soe to bee written upon the said Fortunate Ticketts together with one hundred and fifty pounds yearely to bee allowed to the Owner of the first drawne Tickett and one hundred pounds yearely to the Owner of the last drawne Tickett.(besides the benefitts which may happen to belong to the two Ticketts last mentioned) will amount in the whole to fourty thousand pounds per Annum part of the said yearely fund.

XL. Fund must be proportionable to the Sum advanced.

Blanks 20s. a Year, for Sixteen Years.; The Tickets to be rolled up and cut into another Box marked B. which is to be put into another Box locked, &c.; No Money to be advanced after 10th September.; Public Notice of time of cutting the Tickets into the Boxes.

Provided always and it is hereby enacted That if the said whole su[m]m of ten hundred thousand pounds shall not bee advanced and contributed by the Contributors or Adventurers as aforesaid on or before the tenth day of September then soe much onely of the abovesaid yearely su[m]m of one hundred and fourty thousand pounds as shall beare proportion to the real su[m]m which shall bee actually advanced or contributed by the Contributors or Adventurors as aforesaid shall bee the yearely Fund to bee applyed by this Act for satisfaction of the Annuities and other purposes hereby intended that is to say as the su[m]m of ten hundred thousand pounds is to one hundred and fourty thousand pounds per Annum soe the real su[m]m which shall bee actually advanced or contributed on this Act as aforesaid shall bee to the certaine yearely Fund in such case provided by this Act for the said Annuities and other purposes and in such case a diligent calculation shall bee made by the said Managers and Directors or the major part of them who shall cause all the yearely su[m]ms to bee written upon the said Fortunate Ticketts and the two yearely su[m]ms for the said first and last drawne Ticketts to bee proportioned accordingly yet soe as that every numbred Tickett which shall bee drawne not haveing a fortunate Lott to come upp for itt exceeding twenty shillings a yeare shall neverthelesse bee entituled to twenty shillings a yeare for the said terme of sixteene yeares And that all the said hundred thousand Ticketts as well the Fortunate as the Blanks which shall bee contained in the said outermost Columns of the Books last menc[i]oed shall in the presence of the said Managers and Directors or the major part of them which shall bee present att a meeting as aforesaid and in the presence of such Adventurers as will then bee there, bee carefully rolled upp and fastned with Thread or Silk and bee severally cutt out indent-wise thorow the said figure or devise into another Box to bee prepared for this purpose and to bee marked with the letter. B. which Box shall presently bee putt into another strong Box and bee lockt upp with seven different Locks and Keyes to bee kept by as many of the said Managers and sealed upp with their Seales or the Seales of some of them until these Ticketts shall alsoe bee drawne in the manner and forme herein after mentioned and that noe money shall bee received from any Contributor or Adventurer as aforesaid after the [said (fn. 8) ] tenth day of September And that the whole businesse of rolling upp cutting off and putting into the said Boxes the said Ticketts and locking upp and sealing the said Boxes shall bee performed by the said Managers and Directors or such of them as aforesaid on or before the first day of October One thousand six hundred ninety foure And to the end every person concerned may bee well assured that the counterparte of the same number with his Tickett is putt into the Box marked with the letter A. from whence the same may bee drawne and that other matters are done as hereby directed some publick Notification in print shall bee given of the precise time or times of cutting the said Ticketts into the said Boxes to the end that such Adventurers as shall bee minded to see the same done may bee present att the doeing thereof.

XLI. The manner of drawing the Tickets.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That on the Eighth day of October One thousand six hundred ninety foure the said Managers and Directors shall cause the said several boxes with all the ticketts therein to bee brought into the Guild Hall in the City of London by Eight of the clock in the forenoon of the same day and placed on a table there for the purpose and shall then and there severally attend this service and cause the two boxes containing the said ticketts to bee taken out of the other two boxes in which they shall have been lockt upp and the Ticketts or Lotts in the respective innermost boxes being in the presence of the said Managers and Directors or such of them as shall bee then present and of such adventurers as will bee there for the satisfaction of themselves well shaked and mingled in each box distinctly some one indifferent and fitt person to bee appointed and directed by the Managers aforesaid or the major part of them or of such of them as shall bee then present shall take out or draw one Tickett from that box where the said numbred Ticketts shall bee as aforesaid putt and one other indifferent and fitt person to bee appointed and directed in like manner shall presently take out a Tickett or Lott from that box where the said Two thousand five hundred fortunate and Ninety seven thousand five hundred blank Ticketts shall bee promiscuously putt as aforesaid and immediately both the Ticketts soe drawne shall bee opened and the numbred Tickett as well as the fortunate or blank Tickett shall bee named aloud and if the Tickett taken or drawne from the box containing the fortunate and blank Lotts shall appeare to bee a Blank then the numbred Tickett soe drawne with the said Blank att the same time drawne shall both bee putt upon one file and if the Tickett soe taken or drawne from the box containing the fortunate and blank Lotts shall appeare to bee one of the fortunate Ticketts then the yearely su[m]m written upon such fortunate Tickett (whatsoever it be shall bee entred by a Clerk which the said Managers or the major part of them as aforesaid shall imploy and oversee for this purpose into a book to bee kept for entring the Numbers comeing upp with the said fortunate Ticketts and the yearely su[m]ms whereunto they shall bee entituled respectively and two of the said Managers shall sett their names as witnesses to every such entry and the said fortunate and numbred Tickett soe drawne together shall bee putt upon another file and soe the said drawing of the Ticketts shall continue by takeing one Tickett att a time out of each box and with opening nameing aloud and filing the same and by entring the fortunate Lotts in such method as is before mentioned until the whole number of Two thousand five hundred fortunate Ticketts and one more for the last as aforesaid shall bee compleatly drawne and if the same cannot bee performed in one days time the said Directors or Managers shall cause the boxes to bee lockt upp and sealed in manner as aforesaid and adjourn till the next day and soe from day to day and then open the same and proceed as above till the said whole number of fortunate Ticketts shall bee compleately drawne as aforesaid and afterwards the said numbred Ticketts soe drawne with the fortunate Ticketts drawne against the same shall bee and remaine in a strong box lockt upp as aforesaid and under the custody of the said Managers until they shall take them out to examine adjust and settle the property thereof.

XLII. The Managers to write down the Name's of the Persons to whom the fortunate Tickets belong.

When the Drawing is over, the fortunate Tickets to be printed and published.; Forging Benefit Tickets, Felony.; Managers may commit Forgers.

And bee it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That att any time after Six days and within Sixty days after the drawing shall bee finished the several Adventurers or their Agents or Assignes who shall bee actually possessed of the numbred Ticketts delivered out by the abovesaid Receivers for which fortunate Lotts shall bee drawne as aforesaid shall or may appeare with the said Ticketts soe in their respective possessions for the Managers or the major part of them which shall bee present att a meeting as aforesaid to know and write downe the names of the respective persons to whom the fortunate Lotts shall severally belong and the several yearely su[m]ms soe written upon the said fortunate Ticketts as aforesaid shall severally and respectively belong and bee adjudged accepted and taken to belong and appertaine to such persons respectively as shall soe appeare with the numbred Ticketts to the said Managers or to such Persons as shall have their names indorsed upon any such Ticketts in case they bee brought to the Managers by any other hands And to the end the fortunate may know (whether absent or present) to what degree they have been soe as soon as the drawing is over the said Managers are hereby required forthwith to cause to bee printed and publish the number of the Tickett drawne against each fortunate Tickett and the yearely su[m]m written in the same And if any contention or dispute shall arise in adjusting the property of the said fortunate Ticketts the major part of the Managers aforesaid agreeing therein shall determine to whom it does and ought to belong And if any person or persons shall forge or counterfeit any such Tickett or Ticketts as aforesaid or bring any forged or counterfeit Tickett (knowing the same to bee soe) to the said Managers or any of them to the intent to defraud their Majesties or any Contributor or Adventurer or the Executors Administrators or Assignes of any Contributor or Adventurer upon this Act that then every such person or persons (being thereof convicted in due forme of Law) shall be adjudged a Felon and shall suffer as in cases of Felony and the said Managers and Directors or any two or more of them are hereby authorized and impowered to cause any such person or persons bringing such forged or counterfeit Tickett or Ticketts as aforesaid to bee apprehended and to committ him her or them to their Majesties Goal of Newgate to bee proceeded against for the said Felony according to Law.

XLIII. Managers to make a Book of the fortunate Tickets, and sign and transmit it into the Exchequer, and a Duplicate into the Transfer Office.

Holders of Fortunate Tickets to be paid their Annuities for Sixteen Years.; Adventurer of several £10 to have 20s. per Annum for each £10 for Sixteen Years.; Annuities when payable.

And bee it enacted by the authority aforesaid That the said Managers and Directors or the major part of them shall cause one book of parchment or vellom to bee prepared and shall enter or cause to bee entred therein the Names and Sirnames of the respective persons who shall bee entituled to extraordinary benefitt by the said fortunate Ticketts or Lotts with the respective places of their abode and against every one of their Names the yearely annuity which hee or she respectively is to have by virtue of this Act as well in words att length as in figures and the names sirnames and places of abode of the respective persons who shall be entituled to the Annuities in respect of their numbers being first and last drawne as aforesaid with the Anuities payable to those two persons respectively and that the book last mentioned shall bee signed by the said Managers or the major part of them and transmitted by the first day of March One thousand six hundred ninety foure att the farthest into the Receipt of their Majesties Exchequer into the Office of the Auditor of the said Receipt there to remaine for the future and a true duplicate thereof by the same time shall bee transmitted to the Co[m]missioner or Officer of the Transfer Office herein after mentioned And that every person soe to bee named in the said Book to bee transmitted into the said Receipt of Exchequer his her and their Executors Administrators and Assignes shall have receive and enjoy and bee entituled to have receive and enjoy for and dureing the said terme of sixteen yeares the respective Annuity or yearely su[m]m so to bee sett against his or her name respectively in the book last menc[i]oed out of the said yearely Fund by this Act provided which Annuities shall bee payable and paid by equal halfe yearely payments to witt att the Feasts of the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Michael the Archangel by equal porc[i]ons or within twenty days after every or any such Feast day the first payment thereof to bee made att the Feast of the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary One thousand six hundred ninety five or within twenty days then next ensueing And all and every other person and persons who shall have contributed or adventured any su[m]m of ten pounds or several entire sums of ten pounds as aforesaid not being entituled to a fortunate Lott exceeding one pound a yeare by the drawings before mentioned his her and their Executors Administrators and Assigns shall have receive and enjoy and bee entituled to have receive and enjoy for and dureing the same terme of yeares for every such su[m]m of ten pounds soe contributed or adventured an Annuity of one pound by the yeare out of the said Fund by this Act provided which Annuities of one pounds by the yeare apiece shall bee payable and bee paid att the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel in every yeare or within [twenty (fn. 9) ] days after the same Feast day the first payments thereof to bee made att the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel One thousand six hundred ninety five or within twenty days then next ensueing and that every person who shall bee commissionated by their Majesties as aforesaid to bee Managers and Directors for putting of this Act in execution before his acting in such Commission shall take the Oath following that is to say.

Oath to be taken by the Managers.

I. A. B. do sweare that I will faithfully execute the Trust reposed in me And that I will not use any indirect art or meanes or permitt or direct any person to use any indirect art or meanes to obtaine a Prize or fortunate Lott for my self or for any other person whatsoever And that I will doe my utmost endeavor to prevent any sinister or undue practice to bee done by any person whatsoever And that I will to the best of my judgement declare to whom any Prize Lott or Tickett of right does belong according to the true intent of this Act.

which Oath shall and may bee admininistred by any two or more of other Managers or Directors.

XLIV. Managers, &c. how and by whom to be rewarded.

Provided always and bee it likewise enacted by the authority aforesaid that out of the residue (which in any case will not exceed Two thousand five hundred pounds a yeare) of the said yearely su[m]m of One hundred and fourty thousand pounds or of such other proportionable yearely su[m]m as is hereby appointed to bee the yearely Fund for the purposes aforesaid and which shall remaine from time to time after paying or leaving sufficient to pay all the said Annuities belonging to all the fortunate and other Lotts as aforesaid itt shall and may bee lawfull to and for their Majesties their Heires and Successors or the Co[m]missioners of their Majesties Treasury or the Treasurer and Under-Treasurer of the Exchequer for the time being pursuant to the directions of their Majesties their Heires or Successors to bee signified under the Great Seale Privy Seale or Royal Signe Manual to reward the said Managers and Directors and the Clerks and Officers to bee imployed by and under them and the Comissioner or Officer of the Transfer Office and his Clerks or Instruments for the time being and the Officers and Clerks that shall bee appointed in the Exchequer and such other Officers Ministers and persons as shall be any way imployed in this affair for their labour paines and service therein respectively in such proportions as shall bee thought fitt and reasonable in that behalfe.

XLV. Contributors allowed £14 per Cent. for Money advanced before 10th Sept. till 29th Sept.

Receiver's Allowance, 1d. per pound.

Provided alsoe and bee it enacted for the encouragent of the Adventurers to make speedy payments to the said Receivers of the said several su[m]ms of ten pounds apiece att any time before the said Tenth day of September the said Receiver shall immediately out of the money so by him received pay back to the respective contributor or adventurer soe much as the interest of every su[m]m of ten pounds soe contributed or adventured shall amount unto after the rate of Fourteen pounds per Centum per Annum to bee reckoned from the day of makeing such payment by the adventurer until the Nine and twentieth day of September One thousand six hundred ninety foure And that every such Receiver upon his account and out of the moneys soe by him received shall bee allowed and discharged of soe much as hee shall soe pay back for interest and alsoe soe much more for his pains and service in receiving paying and accounting for the moneys of his receipt and for the faithful performance of his Office of Receiver as the Commissioners of their Majesties Treasury now being or the Tresurer of the Exchequer or Commissioners of the Treasury for the time being shall think reasonable soe as the allowance last menc[i]oed doe not in any case exceed one penny in the pound upon the moneys onely which the said Receiver shall have actually paid into the Exchequer Any thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

XLVI. A Transfer Office to be kept in London.

When Fortunate Tickets adjusted, Tickets, Books, &c. remaining in the Hands of the Managers, to be delivered to the Commissioner of Transfer Office.; Duty of the said Commissioner thereon. Directions as to numbering, flourishing, and cutting off the middle Tickets and Tallies.; No Fee.; Tickets or Tallies for the Annuities of £1 per Annum payable at the Exchequer.; Person bringing a false Ticket,; Penalty £5; not paid, Imprisonment.

And to the end that all and every the payments of or upon the Annuities abovementioned may bee duely made to such person or persons that shall or may become rightful Proprietors thereof as is herein and hereby directed and appointed and for the makeing the said payments easie and safe to the adventurers in this adventure and for the negociating settling and disposeing of the annual and other payments aforesaid soe that they may become more valuable and useful in payment to and from each person as the occasions of the Adventurers and their Assignes may require Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That a Transfer Office be erected and establisht in London and a Commissioner or Chief Officer appointed thereunto by their Majesties by Letters Patents under the Greate Seale of England for the purposes hereafter expressed And that when the abovesaid fortunate Lotts shall be adjusted by the abovesaid Managers and Directors all the Tickett-Books and Ticketts which shall remaine in the hands of the said Managers (except that Book which is to bee transmitted into the Exchequer) shall bee delivered to the Commissioner of the Transfer Office who is alsoe to receive in all the ten pound Ticketts delivered out as aforesaid and to deliver to the bearer of each of those Ticketts sixteen Vellom or Paper Ticketts or Tallies for the sixteen yearely payments upon the annuities of one pounds by the yeare and Two and thirty Vellom or Paper Ticketts or Tallies for the Two and thirty halfe-yearely payments upon the higher annuities as hereafter is expressed And that Books upon a particular sort of Vellom or Paper on the back-side clouded shall by the care and direction of the Commissioner and Chief Officer of the Transfer Office bee printed to containe as many Ticketts as bee necessary for this purpose and that three of one sort bee alike numbred and flourished as hereunder described. That the middle Paper Tickett or Tally of the three bee cutt off indent-wise to bee delivered out as aforesaid That one of the ( (fn. 10) ) three bee bound upp in a Book to remaine in the Transferr Office for any person to know whether the Tickett or Tally that is offered to bee disposed bee a true or false one And that the other of the three bee bound upp in a Book and delivered into the Exchequer to pay by when the middle Tickett or Talley becomes payable And alsoe that the middlemost of these three Ticketts or Tallies that shall bee delivered to any person or persons that shall bee entituled to any fortunate Lott bee signed by the said Co[m]missioner of the Transfer Office or his sufficient Deputy for whom hee will answer And that att some time within fourty days before the growing due of every payment of the said Annuities exceeding one pounds per annum the Commissioner or his Deputy of the Transfer Office for the time being shall examine the Tickett or Tally for that particular payment and if it answers the counterpart in that Office hee shall signe his examinac[i]on thereof all which shall bee done without fee or charge And then the Officer of the Exchequer examineing the same and finding it to answer the counterpart lodged in his Office hee shall take it upp and pay the contents thereof to the Bearer att or within the time before appointed for the payment thereof without any further or other warrant or order to bee sued for had or obtained in that behalfe And that the Ticketts or Tallies for the annuities of one pound per annum apeice shall bee paid and payable att the Exchequer without any further examination or attestation and without any further or other warrant or order as aforesaid by the Commissioner of the Transfer Office And that in case a false Tickett or Tally upon either the examinations aforesaid bee found That the Officer for the time being att the Transfer Office or the Exchequer doe cutt a slip out of it and that the person that brings it bee liable to pay a Fine of Five pounds to and for the use of their Majesties their heires and successors to bee recovered by the Oath of either of the said Officers of the Transfer Office or of the Exchequer to bee made before one of the Barons of the Exchequer and the said Fines shall bee payable into the receipt of the Exchequer to and for the use of their Majesties their Heires and Successors And for want of payment any one of the said Barons of the Exchequer is hereby impowered to send the party offending to Goal and him her or them therein to detaine until payment bee made of such Fine.

XLVII. Fee on Search, 1d.

And bee it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Fee for examining and proving the validity of a Tickett or Tally in order to make a true Assignement or Transfer or upon any occasion other then to obtaine the payment thereof in the Exchequer as aforesaid shall att the said Transfer Office be One penny and noe more.

XLVIII. In what case Persons selling counterfeit Ticket discharged.

And to prevent any disputes and controversies that may otherwise arise it is enacted That if any person takes a counterfeit Tickett or Tally and does not come to the Office to prove itt within Ten days after his receipt thereof in London or within Ten miles of London or within Thirty days after the receipt of it in any other part of England that then the person that sold or parted with itt shall not bee lyable to any damage or to repay the value or any part of the value received for the same.


Officers of the Exchequer and Transfer Office offending;; Forfeiture of Office;; Incapacity;; and Treble Damages and Costs.

And bee it further enacted for the better encourageing persons to advance the said sum of Ten hundred thousand Pounds upon the terms aforesaid that all receipts and issues and all other things directed by this Act to bee performed in the Exchequer and Transfer Office shall bee done and performed by the Officers there without demanding or receiving directly or indirectly any fee gratuity or reward for the same otherwise then by this Act as aforesaid is appointed And in case the Officers of the Exchequer or Transfer Office shall take or demand any such fee or reward otherwise then by this Act is appointed or shall divert or misapply any of the weekely su[m]ms to bee paid into the receipt of the Exchequer for makeing [upp (fn. 11) ] the aforesaid Fund or shall pay or issue out the same otherwise then according to the intent of this Act or shall not keep Books and Registers and make entries and doe and performe all other things which by this Act they are required to performe every such Officer shall forfeit his Office and bee for the future incapable of any Office or Place of trust whatsoever and shall answer and pay treble damages with costs of suit to any Adventurer that will sue for the same to bee recovered by action debt bill plaint or informac[i]on in any of their Majesties Courts of Record att Westminster wherein noe Essoigne Protection Priveledge of Parliament or other Priveledge or Wager of Law Injunction or Order of Restraint or more then one Imparlance shall bee granted or allowed and in the said action the Plaintiff upon recovery (fn. 11) shall have his full costs One third part of which su[m]m soe to bee recovered shall bee paid into the receipt of the Exchequer for the benefitt of their Majesties their Heires and Successors and the other Two third parts shall bee to and for the use of the prosecutor.

L. Officer paying false Ticket, except knowingly, not liable to Penalty; but shall account for the value to the Person wronged.

Provided always and bee it enacted That in case any Officer of the Transfer Office shall passe any Tickett for payment or any Officer of the Exchequer shall make any payment of any share or shares of the said Funds upon such kind of Ticketts or Tallies as are before directed such Officer shall not incur any penalty forfeiture or disability or bee liable to any action of the Adventurers for doeing thereof although the said Tickett or Tally bee forged or false unlesse the said Officer did know att the time of such direction or payment that the said Tickett or Tally was forged or false but shall bee accountable for the value to the person wronged.

LI. Money lent, Tax free.

And be it further enacted That any money contributed or lent by or payable to any person or persons upon or by virtue of this Act shall not bee charged or chargeable with any rates duties or impositions whatsoever.

LII. Grants of the said Monies by their Majesties void.

Provided always and it is hereby further declared and enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all grants or dispositions of any of the moneys ariseing or which shall be collected by the Authority of this Act hereafter to bee made by their Majesties their Heires or Successors to any other person or persons or in any other manner or for any longer terme or interest then by this Act is appointed shall bee and are hereby declared null and void to all intents and purposes whatsoever.

LIII. A particular Officer appointed by the Treasury in the Exchequer for the Payment of these Annuities.

Security to be taken from such Officers.; Fund how issued.; Such Officer to be subject to the Rules of the Treasury.

And whereas by reason of the multiplicity of payments which are to bee made in pursuance of this Act it will bee difficult (if not impossible) that every particular payment should bee directed recorded paid and accounted for by the several Officers of the receipt of the Exchequer in the ordinary course of payments there used Therefore and to the end that the Exchequer may bee regularly discharged of all the moneys of the several rates and duties before mentioned which shall bee brought into the same for the said Fond Bee it enacted by the authority aforesaid That there shall bee in the said Receipt of the Exchequer a distinct Office for paying the annuities or benefitts by this Act appointed to bee paid and some convenient room or rooms in or neare the receipt of the Exchequer att Westminster shall bee prepared assigned and used for that purpose which Office shall continue untill all the payments to grow due by this Act dureing the said terme of sixteen yeares shall bee satisfied And an Officer or Officers shall bee appointed thereunto from time to time by the Commissioners of their Majesties Tresury now being or by the Tresurer of the Exchequer or Commissioners of the Tresury for the time being who shall alsoe take security according to the best of their judgments and discretions from every or any such Officer or Officers for his or their due paying answering and accounting for all the moneys which hee or they shall receive and for the due and faithful performance of his or their Office and Offices respectively And that the moneys of the fund by this Act appointed which shall from time to time come or bee brought into the receipt of the Exchequer as abovesaid shall by the Commissioners of their Majesties Tresury and [the (fn. 11) ] Under Tresurer of the Exchequer now being or by the Tresurer or Under Tresurer of the Exchequer or Commissioners of the Tresury for the time being without any further or other Warrant to bee sued for had or obtained from their Majesties their Heires or Successors and in such proportions from time to time as shall bee necessary and sufficient to answer the respective payments which shall grow due and are to bee made by the said particular Officer or Officers bee issued or paid over from time to time to the hands of such Officer or Officers by way of imprest and upon account to and for the payment of the said annuities or benefitts by this Act appointed to bee paid And that such particular Officer and Officers shall apply the same thereunto in such manner and forme as are above mentioned and by this Act directed in that behalfe and shall bee subject and liable to such inspection examination comptroll and auditt and to such rules in respect of his paying accounting and other matters relateing to the execution of his Office as the said Co[m]missioners of the Tresury now being or the Tresurer and Under Tresurer of the Exchequer or the Commissioners of the Tresury for the time being shall think fitt or find necessary or reasonable to establish or appoint from time to time for the better execution of the intent and end of this Act and the satisfaction of contributors adventurers or others concerned or to bee concerned therein Any thing in this present Act contained or any law custome usage or course of the Exchequer to the contrary notwithstanding.

LIV. Transfer Office to be continued.

Managers and Commissioners of the Transfer Office subject to Orders of the Treasury.

And it is enacted by the authority aforesaid That the Transfer Office above mentioned shall bee continued for the purposes aforesaid by their Majesties their Heires and Successors and an Officer in the same until all matters and things hereby required to bee done by such an Officer shall bee fully accomplished And that as well the Managers and Directors above mentioned as alsoe the Commissioner and Officer of the Transfer Office and the said Receiver's and the said particular Officer in the Exchequer and all the Clerks Ministers and Servants to bee employed by or under them respectively from time to time shall in and for the better execution of their several places and trusts and for pursueing the directions ends or intents of this Act observe and performe such rules methods and orders as they respectively shall from time to time receive from the said Commissioners of the Tresury now being or from the Tresurer of the Exchequer or Commissioners of the Tresury for the time being soe as such rules methods and orders bee conduceable to the ends and purposes of this Act and not otherwise.

LV. If £1,000,000 be not advanced before 24th June 1694, their Majesties may borrow Amount of Deficiency.

And bee it enacted by the authority aforesaid That if the whole su[m]m of Ten hundred thousand pounds bee not advanced and paid into the Exchequer upon this Act before the foure and twentieth day of June One thousand six hundred ninety foure That then it shall and may bee lawfull for their Majesties or their Officers in the receipt of their Majesties Exchequer by their co[m]mand and appointment to borrow and take into the said receipt for their Majesties use by way of Loan any su[m]m or su[m]ms of money which together with the whole value or amount of all the su[m]ms of money which shall before the said foure and twentieth day of June bee contributed or adventured as aforesaid shall not exceed the su[m]m of ten hundred thousand pounds which su[m]m or su[m]ms soe taken upp by way of Loan shall and may bee charged upon the creditt of their Majesties Exchequer in general and Tallies of Loan and Orders of repayment of the same shall bee levied and drawne accordingly which said Orders shall be assignable and transferrable from one person to another.

LVI. £8 per Cent. allowed for Interest, and this Fund, &c. chargeable for the Payment of Principal and Interest;; and if not sufficient, then the next Aids;

and if no Aid granted before 2d Feb. 1694, then out of the Treasure in the Exchequer.

And it is hereby enacted That all and every su[m]m and su[m]ms of money so to bee borrowed not exceeding as aforesaid together with the interest for the same not exceeding the rate of eight pounds per Centum per Annum to bee paid every three months until satisfaction of the principal shall bee payable and satisfied unto the respective lender or lenders of the same his her or their Executors. Administrators or Assignes out of the moneys which shall afterwards arise and bee brought into the Exchequer by or for contributions upon this Act soe far as the same will extend And in case the money soe ariseing by this Act shall not bee sufficient for the paying thereof then, the said Loans which shall remaine unsatisfied and the interest of the same shall bee paid and satisfied out of the next Aids or Supplies to bee granted to their Majesties in Parliament and shall bee transferred and transferrable thereunto as soon as any such Aid or Supply shall bee granted to their Majesties And if noe such Aids or Supplies shall bee granted to their Majesties before the Second day of February which shall bee in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred ninety foure then the said su[m]m and su[m]ms of money so to bee borrowed not exceding as aforesaid and the interest thereof shall be payable and bee paid and satisfied to the said lender or lenders his her or their Executors Administrators or Assignes respectively by and out of any their Majesties Treasure which from thenceforth shall come into bee or remaine in the receipt of their Majesties Exchequer not being already appropriated to any particular uses by any Act or Acts of Parliament before this time made.

LVII. The annual Surplus Money applied in Payment of Monies remaining due on 2 W. & M. Sess. 2. c. 10. continued by 3 & 4 W.& M.c.6.

Proviso in case the whole £1,000,000 be not advanced.

And be it further enacted That in case there shall bee any surplus or remainder of the moneys ariseing by the rates and duties granted by this Act att the end of any one yeare of the said terme of Sixteene yeares after all the annuities or payments directed by this Act shall bee fully satisfied paid and discharged such surplus or remainder shall goe and bee applied for or towards the payment and satisfaction of such principal and interest moneys which shall bee or remaine due upon the register kept in the said receipt of Exchequer for the two third parts of the rates and duties of Excise granted in the second yeare of their Majesties Reigne (entituled An Act for granting to their Majesties several additional duties of Excise upon Beer Ale and other Liquors for foure yeares from the time that an Act for doubleing the duty of Excise upon Beer Ale and other Liquors dureing the space of one yeare doth expire) and continued by clauses in a subsequent Act (entituled An Act for raiseing money by a Poll payable quarterly for one yeare for the carrying on a vigorous War against France) And that such surplus or remainder together with the moneys applicable by the two Acts last menc[i]oed shall bee issued and paid joyntly and severally for and towards the dischargeing of the principal and interest moneys which from time to time shall bee or remaine due and unpaid upon the said register until the same shall bee fully satisfied and afterwards the moneys which shall further arise by the said surplus or remainder shall bee to the use of their Majesties their Heires and Successors for the carrying on the Warr against France. Provided always That in case the whole su[m]m of Tenne hundred thousand pounds bee not advanced and paid into the Exchequer by or for contributions upon this Act the surplus or remainder of the moneys ariseing by the rates and duties hereby granted more then is requisite to pay the annuities or payments directed by this Act shall bee disposed as shall bee hereafter directed by Act of Parliament Any thing in this Act contained to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.

LVIII. Receivers of Duty on Salt to give an annual Account to the Auditors of the Imprest, to be declared before the Treasurer, &c. who may examine Receiver on Oath.

Receivers to produce proper Vouchers.; Accounts taken by Auditors declared before the Treasury.

And bee it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That such Receiver or Receivers General or other person or persons who is or shall bee employed in the receiving collecting or paying the several duties upon Salt by this Act granted shall and are hereby required between the five and twentieth day of March One thousand six hundred ninety five and the nine and twentieth day of September following and soe from yeare to yeare yearely att those times dureing the continuance of this Act to deliver in their respective Accounts thereof to their Majesties Auditors of the Imprest for the time being or one of them who shall and are hereby from time to time respectively authorized to examine upon Oath the said Receiver or Receivers General or other person or persons accomptants which are or shall bee employed in raiseing receiving and collecting the said duties of what su[m]m or su[m]ms of Money was or were by them or any of them respectively raised collected or received within the time of such their accompts and likewise what part thereof was by them or any of them paid into their Majesties receipt of Exchequer or by virtue of any Warrant of Privy Seale or Warrant of the Lord High Tresurer or Co[m]missioners of their Majesties Tresury for the time being otherwise paid and to whom and for what service or services And in makeing the said Accompts to and before the said Auditors or one of them they are to produce proper vouchers for every su[m]m or su[m]ms of money soe by them or any of them raised received and paid according to the antient methods of the Exchequer And to the end it may appeare upon record what the same amounted to in the yeare for which such Accompt or Accompts shall bee made and what thereof was paid and to whom and for what use and service uses and services as aforesaid and what remaines unpaid and rests insuper upon each respective Receiver and Collector and such Accompt or Accompts soe to bee taken by the said Auditor is and are to bee declared before the Lord Tresurer or Lords Commissioners of the Tresury and Chancellor of the Exchequer now and for the time being according to the course of the Exchequer in such cases.

LIX. No Members of the Commons, except Commissioners of Treasury, Customs, Excise, and Land Tax, to be Farmers.

c. 1. ante.; Proviso respecting Thomas Neale.

Provided always and bee it enacted by the authority aforesaid That noe member of the House of Co[m]mons shall att any time bee concerned directly or indirectly or any other in trust for him in the farmeing collecting or manageing any of the su[m]ms of Money Duties or other Aids granted to their Majesties by this Act or that hereafter shall bee granted by any other Act of Parliament (except the Commissioners of the Tresury and the Officers and Commissioners for manageing the Customs and Excise not exceeding the present number in each Office and those appointed to bee Commissioners for putting in execuc[i]on an Act intituled An Act for granting to their Majesties an aid of Four shillings in the pound for one yeare for carrying on a vigorous Warr against France as to their executing onely the Authority of the said Act by which they are appointed Co[m]missioners. Provided always That Thomas Neale Esq[uire] may bee employed by their Majesties as they shall think fitt in the ordering or manageing the several recompences and advantages hereby given to the contributors upon this Act Any thing in this Act contained to the contrarie notwithstanding.


  • 1. interlined on the Roll.
  • 2. interlined on the Roll.
  • 3. interlined on the Roll.
  • 4. interlined on the Roll.
  • 5. interlined on the Roll.
  • 6. omitted in King's Printer's Copy, and interlined on the Roll.
  • 7. interlined on the Roll.
  • 8. interlined on the Roll.
  • 9. interlined on the Roll.
  • 10. other O.
  • 11. interlined on the Roll.