Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94. Originally published by Great Britain Record Commission, s.l, 1819.
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'William and Mary, 1693: An Act to supply the deficiency of the money raised by a former Act entituled An Act for granting to their Majesties certain Rates and Duties of Excise upon Beer Ale... [Chapter V. Rot. Parl. pt. 2. nu. 4.]', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94, ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online [accessed 24 February 2025].
'William and Mary, 1693: An Act to supply the deficiency of the money raised by a former Act entituled An Act for granting to their Majesties certain Rates and Duties of Excise upon Beer Ale... [Chapter V. Rot. Parl. pt. 2. nu. 4.]', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94. Edited by John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online, accessed February 24, 2025,
"William and Mary, 1693: An Act to supply the deficiency of the money raised by a former Act entituled An Act for granting to their Majesties certain Rates and Duties of Excise upon Beer Ale... [Chapter V. Rot. Parl. pt. 2. nu. 4.]". Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94. Ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online. Web. 24 February 2025.
In this section
Recital of 4 & 5 (4) W. & M. c. 3. § 8.
£14 per Cent. for Life to Contributor.; when Life to be nominated;; how and when Annuities payable; Orders transferable.; Duties appropriated for Payment.; Register kept without Fee.; Access to the same.; Penalty.; Persons advancing Money before 1st May, Interest to 24th June, at £10 per Centum per Annum.
Whereas by an Act of this present Parliament entituled An Act for granting to their Majesties certaine Rates and Duties of Excise for secureing certaine Recompences and Advantages in the said Act menc[i]oed to such persons as shall voluntarily advance the su[m]m of Ten hundred thousand pounds towards carrying on the Warr against France It was enacted that it should be lawfull for any persons natives or forreigners to contribute towards the advancing the su[m]m of ten hundred thousand pounds for the purposes therein menc[i]oed by paying into their Majesties Receipt of Exchequer such su[m]m or su[m]ms of money att such times and upon such terms respectively as in the said Act are particularly menc[i]oed and expressed. And whereas the several sums paid in upon the said Act by the several contributors did and doe in the whole amount but to the su[m]m of Eight hundred eighty one thousand foure hundred ninety three pounds fourteen shillings and two pence. Wee your Majesties most loyal and dutiful Subjects the Co[m]mons in Parliament assembled being sensible of the great and necessary expences in which your Majesties are engaged for carrying on the present Warr against the French King and being desirous [to supply (fn. 1) ] the same in such manner as may be least grievous to your Majesties Subjects doe beseech your Majesties that it may bee enacted. And bee it enacted by the King and Queens most excellent Majesties by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Co[m]mons in this present Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same That it shall and may be lawfull for any persons natives or forreigners to contribute towards the advancing the su[m]m of One hundred and eighteen thousand five hundred and six pounds five shillings and ten pence to make upp the whole su[m]m of Ten hundred thousand pounds by the said recited Act intended to bee advanced by paying into the Receipt of their Majesties Exchequer att any time before the first day of May one thousand six hundred ninety foure any su[m]m or su[m]ms of money not exceeding in the whole the su[m]m of one hundred and eighteen thousand five hundred and six pounds five shillings and ten pence upon the terms following (that is to say) That every such person out of the rates and duties of Excise granted by the said recited Act shall have and receive for every su[m]m of one hundred pounds by them respectively advanced and paid a yearely annuity rent or payment of fourteen pounds of lawfull English money and proportionably for a greater su[m]m for and dureing the Life of such person soe advancing or paying the same or dureing any other Life to bee nominated by the person advancing or paying any such su[m]m as aforesaid the same to be nominated within six days after payment of such su[m]m which yearely annuities rents or payments shall commence from the foure and twentieth day of June next ensueing and shall be paid and payable at the foure most usuall Feasts of the yeare (that is to say) The Annunciacon of the Blessed Virgin Mary the Nativity of Saint John Baptist the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel and the Feast of [the Birth of (fn. 1) ] our Lord Christ by even and equal portions And every person on payment of any such su[m]m or su[m]ms as aforesaid shall i[m]mediately have one or more Tally or Talleys importing the receipt of the considerac[i]on money and orders for the payment of the said annuities beareing the same date with the Talley the said Talleys to bee levied and the said orders to be signed in the same manner as in the said recited Act is mentioned touching Tallies and orders to bee given to the contributors for annuities upon the said Act and the said orders not to bee determinable revocable or countermandable as touching the foremenc[i]oed orders in the said recited Act is enacted which said orders shall bee assignable and transferrable in such and the same manner as is menc[i]oed in the said recited Act touching orders given to the contributors in the said Act menc[i]oed and all the rates and duties by the said recited Act granted over and besides soe much as shall beare proportion att the rates in the said Act menc[i]oed to the whole su[m]m of eight hundred eighty one thousand foure hundred ninety three pounds foureteen shillings and two pence already advanced by the contributors upon the said recited Act are and shall be appropriated and applied and are hereby appropriated to and for the payment of the said annuities yearely rents or su[m]ms after the rate of fourteen pounds per Centum per Annum for every hundred pounds to bee advanced as aforesaid according to the true intent and meaning of this Act and shall not be diverted or divertible to any other use intent or purpose whatsoever under the like penalties forfeitures and disabilities in respect to all and every the Officers and other persons in the said recited Act menc[i]oed as are in the said Act appointed and enacted in case of diverting or misapplying any part of the moneys which ought to be paid to the contributors upon the said Act And the said Officers are hereby required to keep Books and Registers and make Entries of the names of all persons who shall advance any moneys before the said first day of May as aforesaid and of the several su[m]ms soe advanced and the times of paying in the same respectively and the names of such persons for whose Lives the several annuities or yearely payments are to be payable without fee or reward in such manner as in the said recited Act is menc[i]oed To which Books all persons concerned shall have accesse as in the said Act alsoe is directed All which the said Officers are to doe and performe under the like penalties and forfeiture and disabilities as in the said recited Act are menc[i]oned And every person who shall advance and pay any such su[m]m as aforesaid before the first day of May as aforesaid shall receive out of the money granted by the said recited Act for all money so advanced by him and paid from the respective days of payment unto the foure and twentieth day of June as aforesaid interest att the rate of ten pounds per Centum per Annum.
II. Annuities, &c. free from Taxes.
Surplus to the King.
And be it further enacted That any moneys payable to any person or persons upon or by virtue of this Act shall not be charged or chargeable with any rates duties or impositions whatsoever And in case there shall be any surplus or remainder of the moneys ariseing by the said rates and duties of Excise att the end of any yeare dureing the terme of ninety nine yeares granted therein by the said former Act after makeing all the payments which by this or the said former Act are appointed to be paid or satisfied within the same yeare or reserving money for the same such surplus or remainder shall be to the use of their Majesties their Heires and Successors.
III. Contributor to produce Certificate of Nominee's Life, unless Nominee appear;
or may make Oath of Nominee's Life.; Perjury and Forgery of Certificate.; Certificate of Nominee's Absence; Receiving after Nominee's Death.; Penalty.
And to make [the (fn. 3) ] payment of the annuities more easie to the several contributors upon this and the before recited Act both upon the terms of survivorship and the annuity of fourteen pounds per Centum be it enacted That every contributor upon this or the former Act his or her Executors Administrators or Assigns upon their demanding any halfe yearely or quarterly payment of his her or their respective shares of either of the said funds (unlesse the nominee appeare in person att the said receipt) shall produce a certificate of the life of his her or their respective nominee signed by the Minister and Churchwardens of the Parish where such Nominee shall be then living as by the said recited Act is appointed or otherwise it shall and may be lawfull to and for every Contributor his or her Executors Administrators or Assigns att his her or their Election to make Oath of the truth of his her or their respective Nominees Life upon the day when the said payments shall become due before any one or more Justices of the Peace of the respective County Riding City Town or Place wherein such person att the time of makeing the said Oath shall reside (which Oath hee or they are hereby impowered to administer) and the said Justice or Justices shall make a Certificate thereof for which Oath and Certificate noe fee or reward shall bee required And the said Certificates shall be filed in the said Office of Receipts of the Exchequer And if any person shall be guilty of a false Oath or forgeing any Certificate touching the Premisses and being thereof lawfully convicted hee shall incur the pains and penalties to bee inflicted upon persons who committ wilfull Perjury or Forgery And in case any Nominee shall att the time of such demand bee resident in Scotland or beyond the Seas [and (fn. 3) ] any one or more of the Barons of the Exchequer for the time being shall certifie that upon proof to him or them made (which proof hee and they is and are hereby authorized and required to take in a summary way) it doth seem probable to him or them that the said Nominee is living (which Certificate is to be given and examinac[i]on made without fee or charge) the said Certificate being filed as aforesaid shall bee a sufficient Warrant for makeing the said Quarterly payment to the respective Contributors or Advancers their Executors Administrators or Assigns And if any person or persons shall receive one or more Quarterly payments upon his her or their Annuity or Annuities for any time beyond the death of his her or their Nominee when the same ought to cease such person or persons shall forfeit treble the value of the money soe by him her or them received The one halfe thereof to their Majesties their Heirs and Successors and the other halfe to him or them that will sue for the same by action suit bill or informac[i]on in which noe essoign protection priveledge or wager of law or more then one imparlance shall bee allowed.
IV. Recital that certain Contributors under 4 & 5 (4) W. & M. c. 3. have not named any Life.
Such Persons nominating before March 1. next, to enjoy all the Advantages as if they had nominated as provided by the said Act.
And whereas several persons who did contribute advance or pay several of the su[m]ms of money which have been contributed advanced or paid upon the said recited Act for Shares Dividends Annuities or other Benefitts in the said Act mentioned respectively as well upon the Benefitt of Survivorshipp as upon the yearely Annuities of Foureteen Pounds per Centum did not name to the Auditor of the Receipt or Clerk of the Pells in the Receipt of the Exchequer by or within the respective times by the said Act appointed the respective Lives dureing which such Dividends Shares Annuities or other Benefitts respectively were to continue, It is hereby further enacted and provided by the Authority aforesaid That if such Persons or any of them shall att any time or times before the first day of March next nominate to the Auditor of the Receipt or the Clerke of the Pells in the said Exchequer the respective Lives their owne or others dureing which such Dividends Shares Annuities or other Benefitts should continue respectively That then and in every such case his her or their Nominees shall be entred in the Books kept in the said Receipt for the Nominees And every such Contributor or Contributors his her and their Executors Administrators and Assigns respectively shall have receive and enjoy and be entituled to have receive and enjoy [such and (fn. 4) ] the like Dividends Shares Annuities and other Benefitts for and in respect of the moneys soe contributed advanced or paid as he she or they might should or ought to have had received or enjoyed in case the respective Lives for the same had been named within the respective times by the said Act prescribed any thing in this or the said former Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
V. Surplus to the Crown, not to be charged with Pensions, &c.
Grantees made Accountants.
Provided alsoe and be it further enacted That the surplus or remainder of the moneys ariseing by the said rates and duties appointed by the said Act to be to the use of theire Majesties theire Heires and Successors shall not be charged or chargeable with any guift grant or pension whatsoever And that all and every grant and grants of any such pensions shall bee and is hereby declared to be utterly void And all and every person and persons to whom such grants are or shall be passed shall be and are hereby made accomptants unto theire Majesties their Heires and Successors and shall pay back all su[m]ms of money received by pretence of such grants and the Court of Exchequer is hereby required to issue out processe accordingly.