Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94. Originally published by Great Britain Record Commission, s.l, 1819.
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'William and Mary, 1691: An Act for raiseing money by a Poll payable quarterly for One year for the carrying on a vigorous War against France [Chapter VI. Rot. Parl. pt. 2. nu. 4.]', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94, ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online [accessed 21 February 2025].
'William and Mary, 1691: An Act for raiseing money by a Poll payable quarterly for One year for the carrying on a vigorous War against France [Chapter VI. Rot. Parl. pt. 2. nu. 4.]', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94. Edited by John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online, accessed February 21, 2025,
"William and Mary, 1691: An Act for raiseing money by a Poll payable quarterly for One year for the carrying on a vigorous War against France [Chapter VI. Rot. Parl. pt. 2. nu. 4.]". Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94. Ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online. Web. 21 February 2025.
In this section
Reasons for this Grant.
Grant of 4s. payable quarterly by all Persons.; Proviso for Almsmen and their Children under 16.; Poor Housekeepers and their Children under 16.; for Children under 16 of Day Labourers; of Servants in Husbandry; for Children under 16 of certain other Persons.
Wee Your Majesties most dutiful and loyal Subjects the Com[m]ons in Parliament assembled having entred into a serious consideration of the great and extraordinary expences in which Your Majesties are engaged for the necessary defence of your Realmes and the vigorous carrying on the War against France and being desirous to raise aids and supplies proportionable to the greatnesse of the occasions do most humbly present to Your Majesties a free gift of the several sum[m]s of money herein after specified Beseeching Your Majesties that it may be enacted And be it enacted by the King and Queens most Excellent Majesties by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Com[m]ons in this present Parliament assembled and by authority of the same that all and every person and persons of what age sex or condition soever within this Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales and Towne of Berwick upon Tweed shall pay unto Their Majesties the sums hereafter menc[i]oned that is to say the sum of one shilling on the third day of May One thousand six hundred ninety two the sum of one shilling on the third day of August One thousand six hundred ninety two and the sum of one shilling on the third day of November One thousand six hundred and ninety two and the sum of one shilling on the third day of February One thousand six hundred ninety two (except such persons as shall receive Alms of the Parish where they dwell and their children being under the age of sixteen years att the time of the execucõon of this Act And except all poor Housekeepers or Housholders who by reason of their poverty onely are exempted from contributing to the Church and Poor and their children being under the age of sixteen years And alsoe except all children being under the age of sixteen years of all Day Labourers and of all Servants in Husbandry And alsoe except all Children being under the age of sixteen yeares of such who have four or more children and are not worth in Lands Goods and Chattells the sum[m] of fifty pounds.)
II. Over the Sums aforesaid.
Gentlemen of £300, and Persons above, except Peers, Widows, &c. of a certain Income,; to pay £4 quarterly.; Proviso for Gentlemen and Widows, &c.; making Oath of less Property.
And be it further enacted that over and above the sums aforesaid every Gentleman or person so reputed or owning or writing himselfe such having an estate in the whole either real or personal of the clear value of three hundred pounds or more and every person above that quality and not a Peer of this Realme and all Widows having a Dower or Joynture of the cleare yearely value of One hundred pounds or more or being worth in the whole the cleare sum of One thousand pounds and all unmarried Women being worth in the whole in any Estate real or personal the cleare sum of One thousand pounds shall pay to Their Majesties the sums hereafter menc[i]oned (that is to say) the sum of twenty shillings on the third day of May in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two the sum of twenty shillings on the third day of August in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two the sum of twenty shillings on the third day of November in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two and [the (fn. 1) ] sum of twenty shillings on the third day of February [in the said yeare (fn. 1) ] One thousand six hundred ninety two And no Gentleman Widow or unmarried Woman not having such Estates respectively and thereof makeing Oath before two or more of the respective Comissioners hereafter mentioned shall be charged with the said quarterly sum[m] of twenty shillings.
III. Cursitors and other Officers in Courts of Law, &c.
Merchants and Brokers.; Clergymen of £60 and upwards.; Preachers not having Orders.; Clergymen of £120 and upwards.; Tradesmen, Shopkeepers, Vintners of £300 and upwards.
And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that every Cursitor Philizer Attorney Sollicitor Clerk in Chancery or Exchequer or other Courts of Law or equity or Scrivener or practising as such and every Chancellor Com[m]issary Official and Register and every Advocate Proctor and Publick Notary or practising as such and all other Officers in any Court and all Merchants and Brokers to Merchants shall be charged and pay twenty shillings quarterly att the several Days before mentioned And none of the said Persons so charged to be further liable to be charged or pay as a Gentleman or reputed Gentleman And also that every Clergyman not being a Lord Spiritual having or receiving in or by any Benefice or Contribution or otherwise sixty Pounds by the yeare or upwards And every Preacher or Teacher in any Congregation whatsoever not having taken Orders according to the discipline of the Church of England (other then French Protestant) shall be charged and pay twenty shillings quarterly att the several days before menc[i]oed And none of the said last menc[i]oed persons so charged to be further charged or pay as a Gentleman or reputed Gentlemen And also every Clergyman having more then one Benefice or Ecclesiastical Promotion being in the whole of the yearly value of One hundred and twenty pounds or upwards shall pay double the Sums charged upon other Clergymen And every Tradesman Shopkeeper and Vintner having an Estate in the whole of the clear value of three hundred pounds and upwards shall over and above the aforesaid quarterly sums of one shilling pay unto Their Majesties the sums hereafter menc[i]oed that is to say the sum of ten shillings on the third day of May in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two the sum of ten shillings on the third day of August in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two the sum[m] of ten shillings on the third day of November in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two the sum of ten shillings on the third day of February in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two.
IV. Rates at which Persons already chargeable to find a Horse and Horsemen for Militia.
And be it further enacted that every person who by reason of his or her estate is charged or by any Law now in being is in any manner chargeable to find a Horse and Horseman with Arms to serve in the Militia of this Kingdom (over and above all other sum[m]s with which he or she is chargeable by this Act) shall for each and every horse he or she is so charged or chargeable with pay the sum[m]s hereafter menc[i]oed that is to say the sum[m] of twenty shillings on the third day of May in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two the sum[m] of twenty shillings on the third day of August in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two the sum[m] of twenty shillings on the third day of November in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two And the sum[m] of twenty shillings on the third day of February in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two and so proportionably every person contributing towards finding a Horse or Horses and Horsemen with Arms as aforesaid.
V. Persons not chargeable as above, and keeping a Coach, &c.
Persons keeping Stages and Hackney Coaches.
And be it further enacted that every person not finding or contributing to the finding of a Horse and Horseman with Arms as aforesaid who does keep a Coach Chariot or Calash over and above all other sum[m]s with which he or she is chargeable by this Act shall pay the sums hereafter menc[i]oed that is to say the sum[m] of twenty shillings on the third day of May in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two the sum[m] of twenty shillings on the third day of August in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two the sum of twenty shillings on the third day of November in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two And the sum[m] of twenty shillings on the third day of February in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two (except such persons as keep Stage Coaches or Hackney Coaches) And alsoe that every person keeping any Hackney or Stage Coach or Coaches (over and above any other sum[m] with which he or she is chargeable by this Act) shall for every Coach so kept pay the sum[m]s hereafter menc[i]oed that is to say the sum[m] of five and twenty shillings on the third day of May in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two the sum[m] of five and twenty shillings on the third day of August in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two the sum[m] of five and twenty shillings on the third day of November in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two And the sum[m] of five and twenty shillings on the third day of February in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two.
VI. Lords Spiritual and Temporal.
And be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid that every Lord Spiritual or Temporal of this Realme shall over and above any sum[m] with which he is chargeable by this Act pay to Their Majesties the sum[m]s hereafter menc[i]oed that is to say the sum[m] of ten pounds on the third day of May in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two the sum[m] of ten pounds on the third day of August in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two the sum[m] of ten pounds on the third day of November in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two And the sum[m] of ten pounds on the third day of February in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two.
VII. Gentlemen and above, and under Peers, of 16 Years, and having £300, and being within the Realm, and not taking the Oaths of 1 W. & M. Sess. 1. c. 8. which Commissioners are to administer, &c. charged double.
And be it further enacted that every Gentleman or person so reputed or owning or writing himselfe such or being above that quality and under the degree of a Peer of this Realme and having an Estate of the value of three hundred pounds as aforesaid and being of the age of sixteene yeares or upwards and being within this Realme at the time of the execuc[i]on of this Act who shall not voluntarily appear before the said Com[m]issioners or three or more of them within the time limitted by this Act for heareing appeals and take the Oaths mentioned and required to be taken by an Act made in the first yeare of Their Majesties Reigne entituled An Act for the abrogating the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance and appointing other Oaths (which Oaths the Com[m]issioners or any three or more of them are hereby impowered and required to administer and make an entry or memorandum thereof in some Book to be kept for that purpose) And every such person who shall neglect to appeare or shall not take the Oaths as aforesaid shall be charged with and shall pay to Their Majesties double the sum[m]s which by force or vertue of any clause in this Act he should or ought to pay or be charged with to be levied collected answered recovered and paid in such manner and by such ways and means as are in this Act expressed and appointed for and concerning the rates and sum[m]s hereby intended to be doubled as aforesaid.
VIII. Proviso for Quakers who may make Declaration of Fidelity of 1 W. & M. Sess. 1. c. 18.
Provided neverthelesse that whereas certain persons Dissenters from the Church of England com[m]only called Quakers and now knowne to be such do scruple the taking any Oath It shall be sufficient for every such person to make and subscribe the Declarations of Fidelity contained in Act made in the last Parliament entituled An Act for exempting Their Majesties Protestant Subjects dissenting from the Church of England from the Penalties of certain Laws which Declaration any Two or more of the Com[m]issioners appointed for the execuc[i]on of this Act are hereby impowered and required to take And every such person so doeing shall not be liable to or chargeable with any of the double rates aforesaid.
IX. Commissioners under c. 5. ante, to be Commissioners for executing this Act.
Commissioners to meet 16th March 1691; may divide themselves; and direct Precepts to Inhabitants, Constables, &c. to attend; and thereupon Commissioners to read, &c. the Rates openly, and instruct them how to make their Certificates; and prefix other Days for bringing in Certificates of Names, &c. of Persons residing within certain Limits, together with Assessment.; Penalty £5.; and also return Collectors,; for whose paying to Receiver General Parish to be answerable.; Such Certificates and Assessments returned to Commissioners 6th April 1692, and thereupon Commissioners to issue Warrants for collecting Assessments, and Collectors to demand Payment accordingly; and to levy and pay same for the said several Quarterly Payments at the times herein mentioned.; Receivers to hasten Collectors.; If not paid, Distress upon Collector
And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that for the better assessing ordering and levying of the several sums of money so as aforesaid limitted and appointed to be paid And for the more effectual putting of this present Act in execuc[i]on the persons named and appointed to be Com[m]issioners by an Act of this present Session of Parliament intituled An Act for granting an Aid to Their Majesties of the sum[m] of sixteen hundred fifty one thousand seven hundred and two pounds eighteen shillings towards the carrying on a vigorous War against France shall be Com[m]issioners for putting in execuc[i]on this present Act and the powers therein contained within all and every the several and respective Counties Ridings Cities Boroughs Townes and places for which they are appointed Com[m]issioners respectively by the said Act And the said Com[m]issioners in order to a speedy execuc[i]on of this Act shall in their respective Counties Ridings Cities Boroughs Townes and Places meet together att the most usual [or (fn. 2) ] com[m]on place of Meeting within such of the said Counties Ridings Cities Boroughs Townes and Places respectively on the sixteenth day of March One thousand six hundred ninety one And the said Com[m]issioners or so many of them as shall be present att the first General Meeting or the major part of them may by their consent and agreement divide as well themselves as other the Com[m]issioners not then present for the execuc[i]on of this Act in Hundreds Laths Wapentakes Rapes Wards Townes and other Places within their limitts priveledged or not priveledged in such manner and forme as to them shall seem expedient and shall direct their several or joynt precept or precepts to to such Inhabitants High Constables Petty Constables Bailiffs and other such like Officers & Ministers and such number of them as they in their discretions shall think most convenient to be Presenters and Assessors requireing them to appeare before the said Com[m]issioners att such time and place as they shall appoint not exceeding eight days and att such their appearing the said Com[m]issioners or so many of them as shall be thereunto appointed shall openly read or cause to be read unto them the rates in this Act menc[i]oed and openly declare the effects of their charge unto them and how and in what manner they ought and should make their Certificates according to the Rates aforesaid and shall then and there prefix another day to the said persons to appeare before the said Com[m]issioners and bring in their Certificates of the names and sirnames qualities degrees titles estates proffessions imployments and trades of all and every the persons dwelling or residing within the limitts of those places with which they shall be charged and of all other things in respect whereof any person is or may be chargeable by this Act together with the assessment of the respective rates hereby imposed on each particular person according to the rules and directions hereof without concealment love favor dread or malice upon paine of forfeiture of any sum[m] not exceeding five pounds to [be (fn. 3) ] levied as by this Act was appointed And shall also then [returne (fn. 3) ] the names of two or more able & sufficient persons within the [bounds and (fn. 3) ] limits of those Parishes or places where they shall be charged respectively as aforesaid to be Collectors of the money due to Their Majesties by this Act for whose paying unto the Reciver General (to be appointed by Their Majesties) their Deputy or Deputies in manner following such moneys as they shall be charged withal the Parish or place by whom they shall be employed shall be answerable which Certificates and assessments shall be ascertained & returned into the Com[m]issioners att or before the sixth day of Aprill One thousand six hundred ninety two And upon the delivery or returneing in of such Certificates or Assessments unto the said Com[m]issioners they or any two or more of them shall forthwith issue out & deliver their Warrants of Estreats to such Collectors as aforesaid for the speedy [colleting (fn. 4) ] and levying of the said Assessments and all moneys and rates due thereupon according to the intent and directions of this Act of all which the said Collectors are hereby required to make demand of the Parties themselves or att the places of their last Abode within six days after the receipt of such Warrants or estreats and to levy and pay in att such place as the Com[m]issioners shall appoint unto the respective Receiver General his Deputy or Deputies the sums payable for the first of the said quarterly payments on or before the third day of May in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two And the sums payable for the second of the said quarterly payments on or before the third day of August in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two the sum[m]s payable for the third of the said quarterly payments on or before the third day of November in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two And the sum[m]s payable for the fourth and last of the said quarterly payments on on before the third day of February in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two And the respective Receivors are hereby impowered and required to call upon and hasten the Collectors to the said payments And in default thereof to levy by Warrant under the hands and seales of any two or more of the Com[m]issioners upon the respective Collector by Distresse such sum[m] and sum[m]s of money as they have received and as ought by them to have been paid and are not paid by reason of their failure in doeing their duty respectively according to the direction of this Act.
X. Duplicate of Sum charged on every Hundred, &c. under Hand and Seal of Commissioners returned into Exchequer.
Duplicates delivered to Receiver General.; The said Quarterly Sums paid into Exchequer at the Times herein mentioned.; Upon Return of Certificate, Commissioners may examine Presenters, and suspecting Value of Estate,; may warn Persons to appear to be examined.; Persons not appearing; Penalty.
And be it enacted that a true Duplicate of the whole Sum[m] charged within every Hundred Lath Wapentake Parish Ward or Place rated and assessed in pursuance of this Act (without nameing the Persons) shall under the Hands and Seales of Two or more of the Com[m]issioners thereunto appointed be returned into their Majesties Exchequer before the Third Day of June One thousand six hundred ninety two (all Appeals being first determined) And in like manner within Thirty Days after every other Quarterly Payment And that like Duplicates be alsoe in convenient time made out and delivered unto the Receivors General so as every of them may be duely charged to answer their respective Collections and Receipts And that the said several Quarterly Sum[m]s be paid into their Majesties Exchequer att the several times following that is to say the First of the said Quarterly. Payments on or before the said Third Day of June the Second of the said Quarterly Payments on or before the Third Day of September in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two the third of the said Quarterly Payments on or before the third day of December in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two And the fourth and last of the said Quarterly Payments on or before the third day of March in the said yeare One thousand six hundred ninety two And upon returne of any such Certificate the said Com[m]issioners or any three or more of them shall and may (if they see cause) examine the Presenters thereof And if the said Com[m]issioners or any three or more of them within their several limits shallatt the time of the delivery of the said Certificates or within twelve days after have knowledge or reasonable cause of suspition that any person or persons who ought to be menc[i]oned in the said Certificates is or are omitted or that any person or persons in the said Certificate mentioned is not or are not fully and duely charged according to the true intent of this Act the said Com[m]issioners or any three or more of them shall have power to warn such person or persons to appeare [before them at a day & place prefixed (fn. 3) ] to be examined touching the premisses or any matter which may any ways concern the same And if the person or persons warned to be examined shall neglect to appeare not haveing a reasonable excuse for such his default every person soe makeing default shall pay unto their Majesties double the sum[m] or rate he should or ought to have been set att
XI. Commissioners may examine into Estates, &c. chargeable, and set a Rate.
Receiver General 2d. in the Pound.; Collector 3d. in the Pound.
And moreover the said Com[m]issioners or any three or more of them shall have power by all lawfull ways and meanes to examine and enquire into all matters and things for or by reason of which any persons are chargeable by this Act and to set such rate or rates upon such persons as shall be according to the true intent and meaning of this Act And the said Receiver Generall shall have an allowance of twopence in the pound for all moneys which shall be by him paid into the receipt of the Exchequer And every Collector shall have three pence in the pound for what money he shall pay to the Receiver Generall his deputie or deputies.
XII. Commissioners Clerks 1d. in the Pound.
Persons assessed refusing to pay on Demand, Officer may distrain.; Proceedings thereon.; Persons assessed not paying in Ten Days, and where no sufficient Distress, Party imprisoned in Common Gaol without Bail.; Persons aggrieved by Rate, &c. may complain to Commissioners.; Commissioners to hear Complaint,; and may abate or increase Assessment.
And for the careful writing and transcribing the said Warrants Estreats and Duplicates in due time Be it further enacted that the Co[m]missioners Clerks who shall respectively performe the same shall by Warrant under three or more of the Co[m]missioners hands have and receive from the respective Receivers General their deputie or deputies one peny in the pound of all such moneys as they shall have received by vertue of such Warrants and Estreats who are hereby appointed to pay the same accordingly And if any person or persons shall refuse to pay the several su[m]m and su[m]ms and proportions appointed by this Act for such persons to pay upon demand made by the Officer or Collector of the place according to the Precepts or Estreats to him delivered by the said Co[m]missioners it shall be lawfull to and for such Officer or Collector (who is hereby thereunto authorized and required) for nonpayment thereof to distrain the Goods or Chattels of such person or persons and the distresse so taken to keep by the space of foure days att the costs and charges of the owners thereof and if the said owner doe not pay the su[m]m of money due by this Act within the said foure days then the said distresse to be appraized by two or more of the Inhabitants where the said distresse is taken and there to be sold by the said Officer for payment of the said money and the overplus comeing by the said Sale (if any be) over and above the charges of takeing and keeping the said distresse to be im[m]ediately restored to the owner thereof And if any person or persons assessed by this Act shall refuse or neglect to pay the su[m]m or su[m]ms so assessed by the space of ten days after demand as aforesaid where noe such sufficient distresse can or may be found whereby the the same may be levied in every such case three of the Co[m]missioners by this Act appointed for any such City County or Place are hereby authorized by Warrants under their hands and seales to com[m]itt such person or persons to the co[m]mon Goal there to bee kept without bail or mainprize until payment shall be made And if any person certifyed assessed or rated find him or herselfe agrieved with such assessing or rateing and doe within five days after demand thereof made, complaine to the said Co[m]missioners the said Co[m]missioners or any five or more of them (whereof two of the Co[m]missioners who signed or allowed his or her rate to be two) shall and may within seaven dayes next after such complaint particularly examine the party so complaining upon his or her oath touching the same and upon due examination or knowledge thereof abate defaulk increase or enlarge the said Assessment and the same soe abated increased or enlarged shall be estreated by them into the Exchequer in manner aforesaid and to that end the said Co[m]missioners are hereby required to meet together for the determining of such complaints and appeals accordingly.
XIII. Persons rated where they reside.
Persons having several Mansions, and being doubly charged.; Certificate by Commissioners without Fee; and on Oath of Certificate; discharged in every other County, &c.; Persons out of the Realm where rated.; Persons unduly escaping Assessment; charged double.
And bee it further enacted that every person to be rated by this Act shall be rated att such places where he or she and with his or her family shall be resident att the time of the execuc[i]on of this Act And that every person [not (fn. 5) ] being a householder nor having a certain place of abode and all servants shall be taxed att the place where they are resident att the time of the execuc[i]on of this Act. Provided always that if any person having several Mansion-houses or places of residence shall be doubly charged by virtue of this Act that upon Certificate made by two or more of the Co[m]missioners for the County City or Place (which Certificate the said Co[m]missioners are [hereby (fn. 4) ] required to give without delay fee or reward) of his or their last personal residence under their hands and seals of the sum or su[m]ms there charged upon him or them or in what capacity or respect he or they were so charged And upon oath made of such Certificate before any Justice of the Peace of the County or Place where such Certificate shall be made (which Oath the said Justice of Peace is hereby authorized [to (fn. 5) ] administer) then the person or persons so doubly charged shall for soe [much (fn. 5) ] as shall be certifyed be discharged in every other County City or Place. And if any person att the time of the assessing shall be out of the Realme such person shall be rated where such person was last abiding within the Realme And if any person that ought to be taxed by virtue of this Act by changing his place of residence or by fraud or covin shall escape from the taxation and not be taxed and the same be proved before the Co[m]missioners or two of them or two Justices of the Peace of the County where such person dwelleth or resideth att any time within twelve Months next ensueing after such taxation made every person that shall soe escape from the said taxation and payment shall be charged upon proof thereof att the double value of soe much as he should or ought to been taxed by this Act the said double value upon Certificate thereof made into the Exchequer by the Co[m]missioners or Justices before whom such proof shall be made to be levied of the Goods Chattells Lands and Tenements of such persons towards the supply aforesaid.
XIV. Commissioners may assess other Commissioners, and also Assessors.
Provided always and be it further enacted that the Comissioners within any County or Place within their respective limitts or the major part of them shall tax and assesse every other Co[m]missioner joyned with them and the Co[m]missioners within their division shall assess every Assessor within their division and as well all su[m]ms upon every of the said Co[m]missioners and Assessors as the Assessments made and presented by the Presented as aforesaid shall be written estreated levied and gathered as the same should and ought to have been as if the said Co[m]missioners had not been named Co[m]missioners.
XV. Assessor, Collector, &c. neglecting his Duty.
Commissioner may fine not exceeding £20.; Commissioners to require Accounts from Receiver General, and in case of Failure to levy.; In case of Controversy between Commissioners as to assessing, Commissioners concerned to withdraw.; Penalty.; Questions touching Rates determined by Commissioners.; Receiver General to give Acquittance gratis to Collectors.; Collectors to deliver to Receiver General a Schedule of Persons making Default, and Sums charged; to be by him returned into the Exchequer.
And be it further enacted that if any Assessor Collector Receiver or any other person appointed by the Co[m]missioners shall wilfully neglect or refuse to performe his duty in the due and speedy execuc[i]on of this present Act the said respective Co[m]missioners or any three or more of them may and shall by virtue of this Act impose on such person or persons soe refuseing or neglecting their duties any fine not exceeding twenty pounds for any one offence the same to be levied and certifyed as aforesaid into their Majesties Court of Exchequer and charged upon the respective Receivers General amongst the rest of the rates aforesaid and the said Comissioners or any three or more of them may or shall from time to time call for and require an Account from the respective Receivers General of all the moneys received by them of the said Collectors and of the payment thereof into their Majesties Receipt of Exchequer according to the direction of this Act And in case of any failure in the premisses the said Co[m]missioners or any three or more of them are hereby required to cause the same to be forthwith levied and paid according to the true intent and meaning of this Act And in case of any controversie ariseing between the said Co[m]missioners concerning the said rates or assessments the Co[m]missioners that shall be concerned therein shall have no voice but shall withdraw dureing the debate of such controversie until it be determined by the rest of the Co[m]missioners And in default thereof that the Co[m]missioners then present shall have power and are hereby required to impose such fine or fines as to them shall be thought fitt upon such Co[m]missioners so refuseing to withdraw not exceeding the Su[m]m of twenty pounds and to cause the same to be levied and paid as other fines to be imposed by virtue of this Act are to be levied and paid And all questions and differences that shall arise touching any of the said Rates Taxes Assessments or Levies shall be heard and finally determined by five or more of the Co[m]missioners upon complaint thereof to them made by any person or persons thereby grieved without further trouble or Suit in Law And the said Receiver General his deputy or deputys shall give acquitancs gratis to the said Collectors for all moneys of them received in pursuance of this Act which Acquittancs shall be a full discharge to the said Collectors respectively And the said Collectors shall make and deliver to the said Receivers General their deputy or deputies a perfect Schedule fairly written in parchment under their hands and seals signed and allowed by any three or more of the respective Co[m]missioners containing the Names and Sirnames and Places of abode of every person within their respective collection that shall make default of payment of any the Su[m]ms that shall be rated or assessed on such person by virtue of this Act and the Sum and Sums charged on every such person the same to be by him returned into their Majesties Exchequer whereupon every person soe makeing default of payment may be charged by processe of the said Court according to the course thereof in that behalfe.
XVI. Letters Patent, &c. not to be an Exemption.
Non obstantes void.
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That no Letters Patents granted by the King and Queens Majesties or any of their Royal Progenitors or to be granted by their Majesties to any Person or Persons Cities Boroughs or Townes Corporate within this Realme of any manner of Liberties Priveledges or Exemptions from Subsidies Tolls Taxes Assessments or Aids shall be construed or taken to exempt any Person or Persons Citie Borough or Towne Corporate or any the Inhabitants of the same from the Burthen or Charge of any Su[m]m or Su[m]ms of money granted by this Act and all Non obstante's in such Letters Patents for any such Purpose or Intent are hereby declared to be void and of none effect.
XVII. Constables, &c. to be aiding, and to obey Commissioners.
And be it enacted That all Constables Headboroughs Tythingmen and other their Majesties Officers shall and are hereby required and enjoyned to be respectively aiding and assisting in the Execuc[i]on of this Act and to obey and execute such Precepts or Warrants as shall be to them directed in that behalfe by the respective Co[m]missioners hereby appointed or any Two or more of them.
XVIII. In Actions for executing Act, General Issue.
Treble Costs.
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any Action Plaint Suit or Informac[i]on shall be co[m]menced or prosecuted against any Person or Persons for what he or they shall do in pursuance or in Execuc[i]on of this Act such person or persons so sued in any Court whatsoever shall or may plead the General Issue Not Guilty and upon any Issue joyned may give this Act and the special matter in evidence And if the Plaintiff or Prosecutor shall become nonsuit or forbeare further prosecution or suffer discontinuance or if a Verdict passe against him the Defendant and Defendants shall recover their treble Costs for which they shall have the like remedy as in case where Costs by the Law are given to the Defendants.
XIX. Parents, Guardians, &c. of Infants to pay.
And be it further enacted and ordained That the respective Parents Guardians and Tutors of every person under the age of one and twenty yeares shall upon default of payment by such person and upon demand pay what is due and payable by this Act for every such person residing in their family or under their tuition as before herein is menc[i]oned.
XX. Collectors to pay Monies to Receivers General, &c.
Notice thereof by Receiver General to Commissioners.; Receipt of Receiver General a Discharge.
And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That all moneys due and payable by this Act shall be paid by the particular Collectors of the respective Counties Cities Boroughs Towns Parishes and Places who shall collect the same unto such Receiver General as shall by Their Majesties be appointed to receive the same or to the Deputy or Deputyes of such Receiver General to be appointed under his hand and seale whereof notice shall be given by the Receiver General to the Co[m]missioners or any two of them within the respective Divisions within ten days after their General Meeting and so from time to time with in ten days after every such death or removal of any Deputy (if any such shall happen) and the Receipt of such Receiver General his deputy or deputyes or any one of them shall be a sufficient discharge unto every such Collector.
XXI. Collectors travelling.
And be it further enacted that the particular Collectors for payment of any sums by them received unto such Receiver General or his deputy shall not be obliged to travel above ten miles from the place of their Habitation.
XXII. Receiver General to give Commissioners a Receipt acknowledging the Money charged upon Hundred, &c.
Such Receipt a Discharge on Hundred, &c.
And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that every Receiver General from time to time within the space of one month next after hee shall have received the full su[m]m that shall be charged upon any Hundred or Division for each particular quarterly payment that is to be made to such Receiver General by virtue of this Act shall give to the Co[m]missioners that shall act in such Hundred or Division a receipt under his hand and seale acknowledging his receipt of the full su[m]m charged upon such Hundred or Division for such particular payment which receipt shall be a full discharge of such Hundred or Division for such particular payments against Their Majesties Their Heires and Successors.
XXIII. Receivers General certifying Arrears due where Monies have been received.
Penalty to Party.; Penalty to Their Majesties.
And for the preventing such unjust vexations as might be occasioned by such persons as shall be appointed Receivers General of any the sums of money granted by this Act And to the intent the said Receivers General may returne a true Account into Their Majesties Court of Exchequer of such su[m]ms of money as shall be received by them and every of them their and every of their Deputy and Deputies Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that if any such Receiver General shall returne or certifie into the said Court any su[m]m or su[m]ms of money to be in arreare or unpaid after the same hath been received either by such Receiver General or by his Deputy or Deputies or any of them or shall cause any person or persons to be set Insuper in the said Court for any su[m]m or su[m]ms of money that hath been so received that then every such Receiver General shall forfeit to every person and persons that shall be molested vexed or damaged by reason of such unjust certificate returne or setting Insuper treble the damages that shall be thereby occasioned the said damages to be recovered by Action of Debt Bill Plaint or Informac[i]on in which no Essoigne Protection or Wager of Law [shall be allowed (fn. 6) ] nor any more then one Imparlance and shall alsoe forfeit to Their Majesties Their Heires and Successors double the su[m]m that shall be soe unjustly certified or returned or caused to be set Insuper.
XXIV. Commissioners not liable to Penalties of 25 Car. II. c. 2.
And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That no Co[m]missioner or Co[m]missioners who shall be imployed in the execuc[i]on of this Act shall be liable for or by reason of such execuc[i]on to any the penalties menc[i]oned in an Act made in the five and twentieth yeare of the reigne of King Charles the Second for the preventing of dangers which may happen from Popish Recusants.
XXV. Penalties how levied.
Provided always and be it enacted That all penalties and forfeitures to be incurred for any offences against this Act for which there is no way of levying herein before prescribed or appointed shall be levied by warrant of any two or more of the respective Co[m]missioners of the Division or Place where any such offence was or shall be co[m]mitted by distresse and sale of the goods of the offender rendring the overplus to the Owner thereof after a deduction of reasonable Charges for distraining the same.
XXVI. After Appeals determined, Commissioners to cause Duplicates of Sums charged to be transmitted to Sheriff, to be by him transmitted to Exchequer.
And be it further enacted That the Co[m]missioners in every County att a General Meeting to be by them appointed after all appeals shall be first determined shall cause duplicates of the whole su[m]m charged within every Hundred Lath Wapentake Parish Ward or Place rated and assessed in such County in pursuance of this Act without nameing the persons to be fairely written in parchment and ascertained under three or more of their hands respectively to each duplicate and the same so by them subscribed and ascertained shall be joyntly and together delivered to the Sheriff of such County and be by him transmitted [into (fn. 7) ] the Exchequer att or before the third day of Aprill One thousand six hundred ninety three.
XXVII. Commissioners to take the Oaths of 1 W. & M. Sess. 1. c. 8.
which the Commissioners may administer.; Penalty £200.
Provided always And be it enacted That no person shall be capable of acting as a Co[m]missioner in the execuc[i]on of this Act before hee shall take the Oaths appointed by an Act made in the first yeare of Their Majesties reigne entituled An Act for the abrogateing the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance ( (fn. 8) ) appointing other Oaths which Oaths it shall be lawfull for any two or more of the Co[m]missioners to administer and they are hereby authorized and required to administer the same to any other Co[m]missioner And in case any person named a Co[m]missioner for putting in execuc[i]on of this Act shall presume to act as a Co[m]missioner before bee shall have taken the said Oaths he shall forfeit to Their Majesties the su[m]m of two hundred pounds.
XXVIII. Where Persons charged to Horse or Horsemen to be assessed.
Assessment not paid, and no Goods.; Tenant of Land may pay and deduct out of Rent.
Provided always That all persons charged or chargeable by this Act in respect of their finding or contributing or being liable to finde or contribute to the finding any Horse [or (fn. 9) ] Horseman with arms as aforesaid shall be assessed for the same in the Counties and Places respectively where they do or ought so to find or contribute as aforesaid And if the su[m]ms assessed or charged in such Counties or Places respectively shall not be paid within the respective time in this Act before limitted for payment thereof and no Goods or Chattells of the person so assessed sufficient to pay the said su[m]ms shall be found in the Place where such assessment shall be made it shall be lawfull in case the Tenant or Tenants of the Lands in respect of which such assessment shall be made shall not within ten days after demand thereof pay the said su[m]ms to levy the same by distresse and sale of the Goods of such Tenant or Tenants in manner aforesaid And every Tenant paying the sum soe assessed or upon whom the same shall be levied as aforesaid shall and may deduct so much out of the rent payable for the Premisses which said su[m]ms so deducted and retained shall be allowed on payment of the residue of the rent as fully as if the whole rent had been actually paid to such person to whom the same was due.
XXIX. 2 W. & M. Sess. 2. c. 10. recited.
2 W. & M. Sess. 2. c. 3.; The said additional Duties continued.
And whereas by an Act made in the second yeare of Theire Majesties Reigne entituled An Act for granting unto Their Majesties several additional duties upon Beer Ale and other Liquors for foure yeares from the time that an Act for doubling the duty of Excise upon Beer Ale and other Liquors dureing the space of one yeare doth expire It was thereby amongst other things enacted that the several duties and impositions thereby granted should be raised levied collected and paid unto Their Majesties and Their Successors dureing the space and term of foure yeares to commence from the expiration of the above-menc[i]oned Act for doubling the duty of excise over and above all other duties chargs and impositions by any former Act or Acts then unexpired sett and imposed towards the makeing good the su[m]ms of money intended to be given to Their Majesties by the said Act for the ends and purposes therein mentioned the Co[m]mons in Parliament assembled have thought it expedient to continue the said additional duties of Excise. Be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid That the additional duties of excise granted by the said Act above mentioned shall be continued to be raised levied collected and paid unto Their Majesties and Their Successors until the seventeenth day of May One thousand six hundred ninety seaven in such manner and forme and by such rules ways and meanes and under such penalties and forfeitures and to be applied to such uses intents and purposes as are mentioned expressed and directed in and by the said Act.
XXX. Sergeants' Inns, Inns of Court, and Inns of Chancery, assessed by Benchers, &c.
And it is hereby further enacted That the several and respective persons inhabiting or lodging in Serjeants Inn in Fleet Street and Serjeants Inn in Chancery Lane the foure Inns of Court and the Inns of Chancery belonging thereto shall be rated and assessed by this Act according to such p[ro]portions as are imposed by this Act And the Judges Benchers and other Governors of such respective places and societies or any three of them are hereby appointed Co[m]missioners to put in execuc[i]on this present Act and shall have like powers and authorities as any other Co[m]missioners by this Act appointed.
XXXI. If it appear that the Monies collected do not amount to £1,341,700, Their Majesties, or the Exchequer by their Command, may make up Deficiency by a Loan.
Such Loan, charged upon the Credit of the Exchequer in general.
And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid That if upon the returns of all the said Duplicates of the two first quarterly payments and computing the amount of the same for the whole Kingdome of England Dominion of Wales and Towne of Berwick upon Tweed it shall manifestly appear that all the rates payments or su[m]ms of money by this present Act granted for the foure quarters aforesaid will not amount to the su[m]m of thirteen hundred fourty one thousand seven hundred pounds that then att any time or times from thenceforth and on or before the first day of January One thousand six hundred ninety two it shall and may be lawfull to and for Their Majesties or Their Officers in the Receipt of Their Majesties Exchequer by their command and appointement to borrow and take into the said Receipt for Their Majesties use by way of Loan any sum or su[m]ms of money as together with the whole value or amount of the su[m]ms of money by this present Act granted to be computed from the said duplicates shall not exceed in the whole the su[m]m of thirteen hundred forty one thousand seven hundred pounds which su[m]m and su[m]ms of money so to be borrowed shall and may be charged upon the credit of Their Majesties Exchequer in general and talleys of Loan and Orders for repayment of the same shall be levied accordingly.
XXXII. Such Loan, and Interest at £7 per Cent. per Annum, repaid out of next Aids.
If no such Aid, then out of Treasure in the Exchequer.
And it is hereby enacted and declared that all and every su[m]m and su[m]ms of money so to be borrowed not exceeding as aforesaid together with the interest for the same not exceeding the rate of seaven pounds per centum per annum to be paid every three months until satisfaction of the principal shall be payable and be paid or satisfied unto the respective lender or lenders of the same his her or their executors administrators or assignes out [of any (fn. 10) ] of the next aids or supplies to be granted to Their Majesties in Parliament and shall be transferred and transferrable thereunto as soon as any such aid or supply shall be granted And in case noe such aid or supply shall be granted to Their Majesties by or before the second day of February One thousand six hundred ninety two then the said su[m]m and su[m]ms of money to be borrowed not exceeding as aforesaid and the interest thereof shall be payable and be paid & satisfied to the said lender or lenders his her or their executors administrators or assigns respectively by and out of any of Their Majesties treasure which from thenceforth shall come into be or remaine in the Receipt of Their Majesties Exchequer not being already appropriated to any particular uses by any Act or Acts of Parliament before this time made.
2 W. & M. Sess. 2. c. 11. continued, and Allowances to the Commissioners under that Act made to Commissioners, &c. under this Act.; Exception.
And to the end that an account may be taken of the several su[m]ms granted [to Their Majesties by this] and all other Acts of this Session of Parliament and that Their Majesties good Subjects may thereby be encouraged more chearfully to undergo the like burthens for the further prosecution of the said War and the support of Their Majesties Government Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid That one Act made in the second yeare of Their Majesties reign entituled An Act for appointing and enabling Commissioners to examine take and state the publick accounts of the Kingdome Be and is hereby continued and in force unto the five and twentieth day of April in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred [and (fn. 10) ] ninety three and that the like yearely allowancs for payment of Clerks and other charges and the like quarterly payments to the Co[m]missioners as in the said Act is directed be paid to the Co[m]missioners named in the said Act (other then such of them as are now Co[m]missioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral) and that the rest of the said Co[m]missioners or any foure of them shall and may execute all the powers and authorities in the said Act contained and that the said Co[m]missioners or any foure of them have thereby power to take an account of all moneys that have been or shall be given in this present Session of Parliament.
1. An Act for the makeing a twelve yeares Lease made by the Earle and Countesse of Ailesbury for payment of debts (which was determinable on their deaths) to have continuance absolutely for those twelve yeares.
2. An Act for the settling a fee farme rent of one hundred pounds per annu[m] upon the Bishop of Ely and his. Successors to be issueing out of Hatton Garden in the County of Middx and the Messuages thereunto erected and for the settling and assureing the same subject to the said Rent upon Christopher Lord Viscount Hatton his heires and assignes forever.
3. An Act to enable the executors and trustees of Sir Thomas Putt Barrt deceased to lease several Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments dureing the minority of Sir Thomas Putt Barrt son and heir of the said Sir Thomas Putt towards the payment of five hundred pounds a peece legacies to his three sisters Margarett Ursula and Susanna Putt as alsoe the debts of Sir Tho: Putt the father.
4. An Act for naturalizing Sir Martin Beckman and others.
5. An Act for the sale of the Mannor and Lands in Wittering in the county of Northampton and the advowson of the Church of Wittering aforesaid and late the inheritance of William Stydolph Esq[uire] deceased late father of Sygismond Stydolph Esq[uire].
6. An Act for settling a Joynture on Jane the wife of Collonell Edward Matthews daughter of Sir Thomas Armstrong deceased.
7. An Act for the vesting and settling divers Lands in Gloucestershire in trustees to be sold for the payment of the remaineing portions to the children of Geo: Mountague Esq[uire] deceased
8. An Act to vest certain Messuages Lands and Tenements in Thorpe Langton and elsewhere in the County of Leicester in trustees to be sold for the payment of the debts of Richard Roberts Esq[uire] and for raising portions for his daughters.
9. An Act for the sale of the Mannor of Manworthy with it's appurtenances in the County of Devon being the Lands and Estate of Nicholas Martyn Esq[uire] by trustees herein after named for the payment of the debts of the said Nicholas Martyn.
10. An Act to vest the estate late of Henry Drax Esq[uire] deceased in Thomas Shatterden Gent[leman] and to enable the said Thomas Shatterden and others on whom the said Estate is devised to make a joynture.
11. An Act for enabling Sir Dudley Cullum Barronett to raise moneys to pay his brother and sisters portions.
12. An Act to enable the sale of several Lands for the payment of the debts and legacies of Maurice Shelton and others and for settling other Lands instead of them,
13. An Act to enable Trustees to sell the Estate of Edward Smith Esq[uire] deceased to raise money for the payment of his debts and to make a provision for his children who are infants.
14. An Act for the enableing Sir Thomas Burton Barronett to sell Lands for payment of debts.
15. An Act to enable William Davile to sell some Lands for payment of debts.
16. An Act for the enableing of The Right Honourable Charles Earle of Winchelsea to settle a joynture upon any wife hee shall marry dureing his minority.
17. An Act for the better enabling the Trustees and executors of Richard Campion deceased to performe his will.
18. An Act to enable trustees of the Right Honourable James Lord Waldgrave to make Leases and grant Copy-hold Estates for the payment of the arrears of annuities of Henry Lord Waldgrave his father deceased.
19. An Act for enableing Francis Moore Esq[uire] to sell the Mannor of Bayhouse and Lands in West Thorocke in the County of Essex and to purchase and settle other Lands in lieu thereof.
20. An Act for enfranchising several Copy-hold Lands and Tenements holden of the Man[n]ors of Albury and North-Mims in the County of Hertford.
21. An Act for the better secureing the portions debts and legacies given and oweing by James late Earle of Salisbury.
22. An Act for sale of the Estate of John Cripps Gentleman in the county of Kent and for settling another Estate of greater value in lieu thereof to the same uses.
23. An Act to vest certain Lands of William Molyneaux Gentleman in trustees for raiseing the su[m]m of two thousand pounds for paying the portions to his younger brother and sisters pursuant to a Decree in the Court of Chancery.
24. An Act for naturalizing Mainhardt Duke of Leinster and others.
25. An Act for the enabling Phillip Lord Stanhopp son and heir apparent of the Right Honourable Phillip Earle of Chesterfeild together with the said Earle to make a Joynture and Settlement upon the Marriage of the said Phillip Lord Stanhopp.
26. An Act to enable Henry Halsted to make a Lease for the Improvement of his Prebend of Eald-street in the Church of Saint Paul London.
27. An Act to enable the Bishop of London and Trustees to sell the Mannor of Bushley in the County of Worcester part of the Bishoprick of London and to purchase other Lands to be annexed to the said Bishoprick for the Improvement thereof.
28. An Act for the settling of certaine Messuages Mills Lands and Tenements in the County of Merioneth upon certaine Trustees to bee sold or mortgaged towards the payment of the debts of William Vaughan and Jenkin Vaughan Equiers deceased
29. An Act for the enableing Vincent Grantham Esq[uire] to lease part of his Mannor of Golthoe in Lincolnshire for the raiseing moneys to pay portions and debts charged thereupon.
30. An Act for naturalizing of Armand Nompar de Commant commonly called the Marquiss of Monpavillan and others
31. An Act to enable the trustees of James late Earle of Suffolk to sell the Mannor of Hadstock in Essex and for discharging several other Mannors and Lands of the said late Earle from five thousand pounds remainder of tenne thousand pounds by him formerly charged thereon.
32. An Act for the more speedy payment of the debts of Elizabeth Curtis Widowe late deceased and performance of an Agreement touching the same made between Charles Curtis in his life time and Edward Earle according to a Decree in the High Court of Chancery.
33. An Act for the vesting several Mannors Lands and Rents in the Counties of Lincolne Berks and Devon in trustees to be sold for the buying other Mannors and Lands to be settled for the same or the like uses as those to be sold are now settled.
34. An Act for secureing out of some of the Mannors Lands Tenements and Hereditaments of Charles Pelham of Brockelsby in the County of Lincolne Esquier the su[m]m of five thousand pounds with interest unto Anne Pelham eldest daughter of the said Charles.
35. An Act for the better vesting and settling the Mannor of East-Horsley in Surrey in trustees to be sold for payment of the debts of Phillip Hildeyard Esq[uire]
36. An Act for the better assureing to George. Vernon and his heires and assignes foure Acres of Land in Evisham in the county of Surrey.
37. An Act for incorporating the proprietors of the Waterworks in the parish of Saint Pauls Shadwell in the County of Middlesex and for encourageing carrying on and settling the said Waterworks.
38. An Act to vest diverse Mannors Lands and Tenements in the County of Leicester in trustees to be sold for the payment of the debts and legacies of Sir William Halford Knight deceased and for payment of the other debts of Sir William Halford now living prior to his marriage-settlement with the Lady Frances his now wife.
39. An Act for settling the Mannor and Lordship of Kings-Bromley and others the Messuages Lands T enements and Hereditaments of Barbary Newton Widow relict of Sam Newton late of the Island of Barbadoes in America Esq[uire] deceased and John Newton Esq[uire] son and heire of the said Sam. by the said Barbary.
40. An Act to enable Sir Edwin Sadler Barrt to sell Lands to pay his debts.
41. An Act for vesting certain pieces or pcells of ground in the parish of Saint James and Saint Martins in the Feilds late the estate of Henry Duke of Grafton deceased in trustees to be sold.
42. An Act to enable John Keble Gent to sell certaine Lands in Stow-Markett in the County of Suffolke and to settle other Lands of greater value to the same uses.