Statute |
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No Merchant or other Person to print beyond Sea, or import English Books, &c.—Penalty. |
14 Car.II. c. 33. §8. |
431 |
Aliens not to import or vend Books in any Language printed beyond Sea (Exception) without Special Licenses of Archbishop, &c.—Penalty. |
Ib. |
No Person to erect a Printing Press or House, or et Premises for printing, without giving Notice to Stationers Company. |
§ 9. |
Ib. |
No Carpenter, &c. to make a Printing Press, or cast Letters, nor import Letters, without first acquainting Stationers Company—Penalty. |
Ib. |
Ib. |
No Person to be admitted a Master Printer till the Master Printers be reduced to Twenty (Exception), which Number is to be continued, and Four Master Letter Founders. |
§10. |
Ib. |
In case of Death, &c. of any Master Printer or Founder, the Archbishop, &c. to appoint another. |
Ib. |
Persons allowed to have a Printing Press, &c. to give Security in £300. |
Ib. |
Ib. |
The Number of Presses which Masters are allowed to keep. |
§11. |
432 |
The Number of Apprentices which Printers (except the King's Printer) and Letter Founders are allowed to take and retain. |
§12. |
Ib. |
Proviso respecting replacing runaway Apprentices. |
Ib. |
Ib. |
Master Printers and Master Letter Founders to take care that Journeymen are employed; and if Journeymen be out of Employ, he is on Application to be received if Master Printer have not a Jorneyman, though himself and his Apprentices can do his Work—Penalty £5. |
§13. |
Ib. |
Journeymen, refusing Employment or neglecting Work—Imprisonment. |
Ib. |
Ib. |
Masters not to employ any but Englishmen and Freemen or Sons of Freemen and Apprentices. |
Ib. |
Messenger of the King's Chamber, by Warrant under Sign Manual, or the Hand of Secretary of State, or Master and Wardens of Stationers' Company, with a Constable, may search Houses, &c. for Books, &c. and may demand a Sight of License, and seize Books and Offenders. |
§14. |
Ib. |
Justices may imprison. |
Ib. |
Ib. |
If Searchers find unlicensed Books which they suspect, they may seize and take them to Archbishop, &c. |
Ib. |
Ib. |
Proceedings thereupon. |
Ib. |
Ib. |
Printers, Letter Founders, &c. working for the Trade, offending—First Offence, Punishment—Second Offence, Punishment. |
§15. |
433 |
Quarter Sessions may determine Offences; and are to certify Fines to the Exchequer yearly; and may awared Process and Execution. |
Ib. |
Printers to reserve Three Printed Copies of every Book, One for the King's Library, and One for each of the Universities.
University Printers to do the like—Penalty—17 Car. II.c.4. §2, 3. |
14 Car. II.c. 33. §16. |
433 |
Proviso for Universities licensing. |
§17. |
Ib. |
No Search in Houses of Peers, or of Persons using other Trades, without special Warrant. |
§18. |
Ib. |
Booksellers may import certain Books ready bound, not formerly prohibited. |
§19. |
Ib. |
Proviso for Persons who have sold Books or Papers in Westminster Hall, Palace of Westminster, &c. |
§20. |
Ib. |
Proviso for Grantees under the Great Seal, &c. |
§21. |
Ib. |
Proviso for John Streater, Stationer. |
§22. |
Ib. |
Proviso for keeping and using a Printing Press in the City of York, with Conditions. |
§23. |
Ib. |
Continuance of Act Two Years
This Act continued, 16 Car. II.c. 8—16 & 17 Car. II. c. 7—17 Car. II. c. 4.; and further continued for Seven Years from 24th June 1685, 1 Jac. II. c. 17. §15. but now, together with the continuing Acts, expired.
§24. |
Ib. |
For Continuance of State. 14 Car. II. c. 33. |
17 Car.II.c. 4 |
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