Plea Rolls for Staffordshire: 13 Edward I

Staffordshire Historical Collections, Vol. 6 Part 1. Originally published by Staffordshire Record Society, London, 1885.

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'Plea Rolls for Staffordshire: 13 Edward I', in Staffordshire Historical Collections, Vol. 6 Part 1, ed. G Wrottesley (London, 1885), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Plea Rolls for Staffordshire: 13 Edward I', in Staffordshire Historical Collections, Vol. 6 Part 1. Edited by G Wrottesley (London, 1885), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Plea Rolls for Staffordshire: 13 Edward I". Staffordshire Historical Collections, Vol. 6 Part 1. Ed. G Wrottesley (London, 1885), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

Coram Rege Roll, Hillary, 13 E. I.; apud Bristoll.

Staff. Philip Marmium appeared by his attorney against Roger de Cumberford, Richard Don, Alan Cocus, and three others, for entering his manor of Wygenton vi et armis, breaking open his houses, cutting down his trees, and carrying off his goods and chattels to the value of £20. None of the defendants appeared, and the Sheriff is ordered to distrain and produce them at the Quindene of Easter. m. 7.

Staff. Edmund the King's brother appeared by attorney against John son of Reginald de Horninglowe, Roger Doterel of Ansedele, and John fitz Bagot of Bromle, in a plea that whereas notwithstanding the King had taken all his possessions, etc., under his protection whilst he was in the King's service beyond the seas, they, together with Roger son of Cecilia de Bromle, Robert de Appelby, William de Pakenton, Nicholas son of William de Colton, and eleven others named, had entered by night vi et armis the free chase of the said Edmund of Nedwode, broken into his parks, and had taken and carried away his wild beasts, and committed damage to the extent of £500. None of the defendants appeared, and the Sheriff is ordered to distrain and produce them at the Quindene of Easter. m. 9.

Coram Rege Roll, Easter, 13 E. I.

Staff. Hugh son of Ivo de Salt is in misericordiâ for many defaults.

The said Hugh was attached to answer the plea of Robert Musebert that whereas having been threatened by the said Hugh he had obtained a writ de pace of the King, by which Hugh was to find security not to do him any injury, he had nevertheless, in contempt of the King, assaulted him vi et armis at Enston, and had so wounded and maltreated him that his life was for a long time despaired of, and for which he claimed £20 as damages.

Hugh appeared and denied he had done Robert any harm, and appealed to a jury, and the Sheriff was ordered to summon a jury for this term, etc. A postscript states that an inquisition was taken at Brewode before Reginald de Legh and Hugh de Cave on the Morrow of the Purification, 14 E. I., when the jury found that Hugh came to the Heath of Salt with one Richard Tag his shepherd, and found Robert there with a cart which he was loading with heath for burning, and he required from Robert pledges (i.e., to answer for a trespass), and Robert replied he would give no pledge because the heath was his common, and his ancestors had exercised the right of taking material from it from time out of memory; and Hugh then took the horse of the said Robert from his cart, Robert took it again, and Hugh then struck him with an axe on the shoulder, and Robert then took hold of Hugh and threw him down (illump rostravit ad terram), and Richard Tagge the shepherd came up whilst Robert was on the top of Hugh, and struck him three fearful blows on the head with a stick (cum quodam baculo), and Hugh then got up and took the stick from Robert and inflicted several more blows on the head and body of Robert, so that his life was despaired of by the whole country. It is therefore considered that Robert Musbert should recover damages, which are taxed by the Justices at 10 marks. And Hugh is to be apprehended. m. 7.

Banco Roll, Easter, 13 E. I.

Staff. Richard son of Thomas de Couelegh withdraws his writ of entry gainst Bertram de Burgo for half a carucate of land in Couelegh (Cowley). m. 9.

Staff. William de Rye and Lucy his wife, and Ela the widow of James de Audithlega appeared against Nicholas de Audithlegh in a plea that he should warrant to the said William and Lucy sixteen acres of land in ColdeNorton, and to the said Ela eight acres in the same vill which Roger de Pyvelesdon and Joan his wife claimed against them as the right of Joan. Nicholas did not appear, and the Sheriff is ordered to take into the King's hands lands from him to the value of the land claimed, and to summon him again for the Quindene of Michaelmas. m. 21.

Staff. The suit of Alice the widow of William de Dacovere (Okeover) versus Magister Robert de Stafford and John fitz la Persone and another is dismissed, Alice not appearing to prosecute it. m. 19, dorso.

Coram Rege Roll, Trinity, 13 E. I.

Staff. William son of Walter de Stanle sued Robert de Bagenholt (Bagnal), Stephen de Bagenholt, John his brother, and five others, for insulting, wounding, and illtreating him at Stanlegh near Lek, and for which he claimed £40 as damages. None of the defendants appeared, and the Sheriff is ordered to distrain and produce them at the Quindene of Michaelmas. m. 12.

Staff. The valor for five years of the tenements for which John de Hastings sued Philip Marmium for redemption according to the Dictum of Kenilworth in Tamworth, Wyginton, Hopwas, Cotes, and Cumberford according to an extent returned into Court on the Morrow of the Circumcision of the Lord, 13 E. I., was £139 15s. 5d. And the value of the same tenements for the year at £27 19s. 1d. Also the sum of the waste of the same (vasti eorundem) £107 4s. 1d.

Also the sum of the takings (perceptorum) of the same tenements for one year and a half was £41 18s. 7¼d. m. 24.

Staff. Walter de Stoke sued Adam Trumwyne of Kanocburi, Adam son of Adam Trumwyne, William son of Adam Trumwyne, William son of Roger de Linhull, Adam son of Roger de Linhull, Elias son of Roger de Linhull, and Roger son of Adam de Trumwine for beating, wounding, and ill-treating him at Kanocburi, and for which he claimed 60s. damages. None of the defendants appeared, and the Sheriff is ordered to arrest Roger, and to distrain the others to appear on the Morrow of All Souls. m 27, dorso.

Staff. Richard de Stretton appeared and acknowledged a deed in the following words:—

"Sciant, etc., quod ego Ricardus dominus de Stretton juxta Brewode dedi, etc., Willelmo de Beresford quatuor marcatas terræ et redditus per bonam extentam cum suis pertinentiis in Stretton juxta Brewode. Habendum et tenendum eidem Willelmo et heredibus, etc., de me et heredibus meis in feodo et hereditate. Reddendo inde per annum michi et heredibus meis unum denarium, etc., pro omnibus servitiis, etc. H. T.: Dominis Willelmo Tromwyne, Willelmo Bagot, Militibus, Willelmo de Kellowe, Waltero de Aylysbyri, Nicholao de Warwic, Ricardo Tevery, Willelmo de Benteley, Willelmo Hillary, Rogero Hillary, et aliis." And the said Richard de Stretton conceded that the said William might have seisin of the aforesaid land and rent. m. 19, dorso.

Staff. The King had assigned his beloved and faithful William de Kaverswell and William de Meynel to enquire on the oath of honest and legal men of co. Stafford, by whom, etc., what malefactors and disturbers of the King's peace had entered the free chase of Edmund the King's brother at Nedwode, and had broken into the parks of the said Edmund vi et armis, and taken and carried away his wild beasts. And the said William and William took an Inquisition by which it appeared that Richard de Twyford, William de Pakynton, Henry son of Walter de Ansedele (Anslow), Henry de Bromle, Roger Pyte, Maddock le Waleys, and four others named, had entered the parks of Edmund at Rolliston and Adgaresle (Agardsley) vi et armis, and had taken the wild beasts of the said Edmund. And the Sheriff had been ordered to arrest them, and returned they could not be found; they are therefore to be put into the exigend, and outlawed if they do not appear. And the Sheriff is ordered to arrest them if found, and to have their bodies in Court at the Quindene of Hillary. m. 37.

Salop, Staff. Alice the widow of Saer Mauveysin sued the Prior of St. Thomas outside Stafford for a third of four messuages and two carucates of land in Cotes in co. Stafford as her dower. And the Prior called to warranty Peter son and heir of Saer Mauveysin, who came and warranted the tenements to him, and stated Alice had no claim to dower in them, because he had assigned to her a carucate and a half of land in Beriwick in co. Salop after the death of her husband in full satisfaction of dower from all the lands of the said Saer, and she had professed herself to be content with it. Alice denied she had received her full dower, and appealed to a jury. The Sheriff is ordered to summon a jury for the Octaves of Hillary. m. 25.

Staff. Alienora de Ferars sued Richard le Parker and William son of Richard le Parker and Richard his brother, for breaking vi et armis into her park of Certeleye (Chartley), taking her game (feras), and cutting down trees, and doing damage to the amount altogether of £100. Richard appeared and denied the trespass, and appealed to a jury. The Sheriff is ordered to summon a jury for Hillary Term. William and the younger Richard did not appear, and the Sheriff had been ordered to attach them, and returned they could not be found, and held nothing by which they could be distrained. The Sheriff is therefore ordered to arrest them and produce them at the same term. m. 56.

Staff. John de Ferrars by his custos appeared against Joan la Botillere in a plea that she should give up to him the custody of the land and of the heir of William le Botiler in Saundon, belonging to him, inasmuch as William held his land of him by knight's service. Joan did not appear, and the Sheriff is ordered to distrain and produce her at fifteen days from Hillary. m. 56.

Staff. An assize was taken elsewhere before Reginald de Legh and Hugh de Cave, Justices assigned for that purpose, to make recognition if William de Kent the brother of Hugh de Kent was seised in demesne as of fee of a messuage and 100 acres of land in Certele (Chartley) when he died, and which Alienora de Ferrars holds, who appeared by her attorney and pleaded she could not answer the writ because Robert de Ferrars formerly her husband and herself were jointly enfeoffed of the said tenement, and that John the son and heir of Robert is under age, and in ward to the King. Hugh stated that the Countess produced no deed of feoffment, and the assize ought to proceed, and a day was given to the parties at Westminster that the case might be heard before the Justices, because the heir was under age and in ward to the King. It is considered that as Alienora claimed only her free tenement, and the right and fee of the tenement belonged to John who was under age, the case should remain till the full age of the heir. m. 58.

Leyc. Hugo Rydell dominus de Wytering cognovit quod remisit et omnino quietclamavit de se et heredibus suis Radulpho Basset de Weledon et heredibus suis, etc., totum jus et clamium quod habuit vel quocunque modo habere potuit in omnibus terris et tenementis quæ fuerunt quondam Ricardi Basset et Galfridi Rydell filii sui et heredis, seu etiam in omnibus terris et tenementis, etc., quæ eidem Hugoni vel heredibus suis aliquo modo per Ricardum Basset vel Galfridum filium suum et heredes, dominos quondam de Welledon, seu etiam per Hugonem Rydell seu per Ricardum filium suum et heredem, antecessores ejusdem Hugonis dominos quondam de Wytering, etc., videlicet in omnibus maneriis cum eorum pertinentiis qui predictus Radulphus tenet in comitatu Northampton, scilicet in manerio de Welledon, etc., in manerio de Weston, etc., in terris in Sutton et in Dingeleye, in manerio de Pyghtesleye, in manerio de Maddeleye, in comitatu Stafford, et in omnibus terris, etc., quæ Radulphus Basset de Drayton tenet et tenentes sui tenent de predicto Radulpho Basset de Welledone in comitatu Leycestriæ, scilicet in Rakedale, Wylewes, Dunton, Radclyf, Kereby, Reresby, Ilveston, Akethorp, Overton, Stokefaston, Crawenho, et Gloreston. In terris, etc., quæ idem Radulfus et tenentes sui tenent de predicto Radulpho Basset de Welledone in comitatu Nott., videlicet in Colston Basset et in Edwalton. In terris, etc., quæ idem Radulfus et tenentes sui tenent de predicto Radulpho Basset de Welledone in comitatu Stafford, videlicet in Drayton et in Patingehame. In terris, etc., quæ idem Radulphus et tenentes sui tenent de predicto Radulpho Basset de Welledone in comitatu Northt., videlicet in Wodeford. In terris, etc., quæ idem Radulphus et tenentes sui tenent de predicto Radulpho Basset de Welledone in comitatu Berks, videlicet in Kyngeston sub Wendeclyf. (fn. 1) Et in terris, etc., quæ Robertus de Tateshale et tenentes sui tenent de predicto Radulpho Basset de Welledone in comitatu Leyc., etc. (Here follows a list of all the manors held by Robert de Tateshalle of the Barony of Welledone in Leycestershire, Northamptonshire, Rutland, and Hunts.) Et in terris, etc. quæ Theobaldus de Verdon et tenentes sui tenent de predicto Radulpho Basset de Welledone in comitatu Leyc., videlicet in Swyneford, Walecote, Parva Esseby, Flekeneye, Wurthington, et Herteshorne. In terris etc., quæ idem Theobaldus et tenentes sui tenent de predicto Radulpho Basset de Welledone in comitatu Stafford, videlicet in Strangeshull (Stramshall), Crokesdon, Foxwyst, et Onecote. In terris, etc., quæ Milisenta de Monte Alto et tenentes sui tenent de predicto Radulpho, etc. (Here follows a list of all the manors, lands and advowsons held of the Barony of Welledone by Milisent de Montalt, Symon Basset, John Engayng, the Prior of Launde, the Abbot of Soleby, the Abbot of Mirivall, Ralph le Moigne, John de Bernak, William de Hanred, the Prior of St. John of Jerusalem, Thomas Basset of Weleham, and Guy de Waterville). N.B. The list extends over both sides of the membrane, and forms a complete tenure roll of the Weldon Barony, including all its alienations to religious houses. m. 97.

Staff. Roger de Pywelesdon and Joan his wife, John de Whytemore, Adam son of William de Alsacher, Robert le Mareschal and Gilbert son of Geoffrey de Aston, sued Roger son of Stephen de Uslewall for half the manor of Swynnerton excepting one hundred and sixty (octies viginti) acres of wood in the said manor, and for two parts of fourteen messuages and five virgates of land with appurtenances (excepting twenty acres of wood) and 50s. of rent in Beche, of which John de Swynnerton their kinsman (consanguineus), whose heirs they are, was seised in demesne as of fee when he died, and who died, etc. And Roger appeared and defended his right, and denied that John de Swynnerton their kinsman died seised of the tenements in question, because long before his death he had given the said tenements to him, Roger, by his deed which he produced; and he had made one Philip de Mutton his Attorney to put him into seisin of them, and he produced letters of attorney to that effect, and he appealed to a jury. The Sheriff was ordered to summon a jury for Hillary Term. A postscript states that the case was adjourned from Hillary to Easter and from Easter to Michaelmas through defect of juries, because all put on the panel were challenged. m. 127.

Staff. Roger de Pywelesdon and Joan his wife, John de Whytemore, Adam son of William de Alsacher, Robert le Mareschal and Gilbert son of Geoffrey de Aston, sued Roger son of Stephen de Uslewell and Muriel the widow of John de Swynnerton for eighty acres of wood in Swynerton and Beche, of which John de Swynerton their kinsman, whose heirs they are, was seised as of fee, etc., when he died.

And Roger and Muriel appeared and stated (the same as in last suit), and appealed to a jury. The Sheriff was ordered to summon a jury for Hillary Term. (A postscript states that after several adjournments a jury gave a verdict at Easter Term, 14 E. I., and stated Roger and Muriel were in good seisin of the tenements during the lifetime of John. Verdict for the defendants.) m. 127.

Staff. Elizabeth the widow of Matthew de Knyveton sued the Abbot of Burton on Trent for a third of a messuage and a carucate of land and twenty acres of meadow in Ilum as her dower. The Abbot appeared by attorney and stated he only held a messuage and two bovates and eleven acres of land and five acres of meadow, and for this he called to warranty John son of Robert de Acovere, who is to be summoned for Hillary Term; and as regards the residue he held nothing, nor did he hold any of it at the date the writ was sued out, viz., 28th February, 13 E. I., and he appealed to a jury. The Sheriff is ordered to summon a jury for the same term. m. 86, dorso.

Staff. John Giffard of Chilynton appeared against Nicholas de Wyrington, William le Bedel of Brewode, and two others named, for an illegal distress, inasmuch as against the law and custom of the Kingdom they had taken the cattle from his plough at Chilyngton and impounded them. The defendants did not appear, and the Sheriff is ordered to attach them for the morrow of the Purification. m. 76, dorso.

Staff. Petronilla the widow of Richard de Moleswyke sued John son of Richard de Pencrich for a messuage in Moleswyke (Millwich), and William le Mouner for another messuage in the same vill. The defendants called to warranty John de Greyndon, who appeared to his summons and warranted the tenements to them. Adjourned to Hillary. m. 16, dorso.

Coram Rege Roll, Michaelmas, 13—14 E. I.

Staff. The suit of Thomas de Mere versus William de Mere, Adam le Provost and others was respited till the Quindene of St. Hillary through defect of a jury (nisi Justiciarii, etc.). The jurymen fined were Robert de Elenhale, Reginald de Charnes, Robert de Chatculne, Hamon de Onyleye, Robert son of Edith, William de Badenhale, Geoffrey de Kokenage, John de Eyton, and John de Wytemore. m. 8.

Staff. The suit of William de Stoke versus Adam Trumwyne of Kanocbury and others is dismissed, William not appearing to prosecute it. m. 30, dorso.


  • 1. See notes on the Basset Charters, p. 190, Vol. III., where I stated my inability to identify Ralph Basset's manor of Wendesclive. It seems the modern name of it is Kingston.