Staffordshire Historical Collections, Vol. 5 Part 1. Originally published by Staffordshire Record Society, London, 1884.
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'The Burton cartulary: Folios 93-110', in Staffordshire Historical Collections, Vol. 5 Part 1, ed. G Wrottesley (London, 1884), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].
'The Burton cartulary: Folios 93-110', in Staffordshire Historical Collections, Vol. 5 Part 1. Edited by G Wrottesley (London, 1884), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,
"The Burton cartulary: Folios 93-110". Staffordshire Historical Collections, Vol. 5 Part 1. Ed. G Wrottesley (London, 1884), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.
In this section
Folio 93.
De advocatione Ecclesiæ de Aldulrestre.
John de Clinton brought a writ of quare impedit against the Abbot respecting the advowson of the Church of Aldulvestre, and the Abbot brought a writ of last presentation against the same John on the Octaves of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Nary, 16 E. II. The plea was terminated in the Common Bench at York on the day above named, before the Lord William de Bereford, the Chief Justice of the Common Bench (Communis Banci), and William de Herle, etc. Roll 134, as stated below.
Placita apud Ebor coram W. de Bereford et sociis suis, Justiciariis Domini Regis de Banco in Octabis Purificationis Beatæ Mariæ anno regni Regis Edwardi filii Regis Edwardi sextodecimo.
An assize, etc., of last presentation to the Church of Aldulvestre, the advowson of which the Abbot of Burton claimed against John de Clynton of Matestoke.
The Abbot pleaded that Thomas de Pakington his predecessor had last presented to the Church one William de la Warde, who had been admitted and instituted, and that on a previous vacancy the same Thomas had presented one Adam de Walton to the same Church, who had been admitted and instituted, and on the vacancy before that John de Stafford, formerly Abbot of Burton, had presented one Osbert de Bereford, who had been admitted and instituted in the time of King Edward the father of the King. And John de Clynton stated that the presentation belonged to him, inasmuch as one Thomas de Clynton, his great grandfather (proavus), had been seised of the advowson, and had presented one Adam de Chetewynd, who had been admitted and instituted on his presentation; and the said Thomas had given the advowson to one Thomas de Clynton and Matilda his wife, to be held by them and the heirs of their bodies; and from the said Thomas and Matilda the right descended to John their son and heir, and from John to this John his son and heir, who now pleads; and as to the presentations made by the Abbot, they ought not to prejudice his right, because they were made during the time that the said Matilda and John son of John held in fee tail (per feodum talliatum).
And the Abbot stated that the said Thomas de Clynton, the great grandfather, was seised of the advowson, and presented to the Church one Walter de Clynton, who had been admitted and instituted in the reign of King Henry the grandfather of the King, and he had afterwards granted the advowson to Osbert his son, and the said Osbert had granted it by his charter to John de Stafford, formerly Abbot of Burton, to be held by him and his successors; and a fine had been subsequently levied 55 H. III. between the said John Abbot of Burton and Osbert son of Thomas de Clynton respecting a messuage in Aldulvestre and the advowson of the said Church, by which the said Osbert had acknowledged the advowson to be the right of the Abbot and his Church.
Likewise in the third year of King Edward the King's father, Thomas de Clynton the great grandfather had brought an assize of last presentation against the same John de Stafford, the Abbot's predecessor, respecting the advowson of the same Church, and the said Thomas had then acknowledged the quit claim made to the Abbot's predecessor, etc. A verdict was given in favour of the Abbot, who remitted his damages against the said John de Clinton.
Folios 94 and 95.
Processus de francoplegio de Huncyndon non inveniendo primo per petitionem in Parliamento preterea per inquisitionem et certificationem ac demum per judicium omnium, Justiciariorum et Baronum de Scaccario prout sequitur.
This is a long and intricate account of the process respecting the view of frankpledge of Huncyndon, Thomas Earl of Lancaster having denied the Abbot's right, and distrained his men to appear at the Earl's Hundred Court of Wyrkesworth.
The first instrument is a mandate of King Edward II., dated the 9th April, 17th year of his reign, assigning Philip de Somerville, Henry de Hamburi, and Roger Hillary to make an inquisition upon oath into the matter in the presence of the "custos" of his Wapentake of Wyrkesworth. The inquisition was to return whether "utrum predictum manerium in manus predicti Abbatis existens aliquo tempore hamelettum predecessorum ipsius Abbatis et homines in eodem hameletto residentes fuissent nec ne, et si etc. tunc quo tempore et qualiter et quo modo et si iidem residentes qui tunc fuerunt, fuissent liberi tenentes ipsius Abbatis an nativi sui, et si liberi tenentes, tunc de quo tenuerunt et per quod servitium et qualiter et quo modo et quo tempore hamelettum predictum primo devenit ad manus Abbatis loci predicti. Et. si iidem homines dum in hameletto predicto residebant hujus (fn. 1) francumplegium invenire solebant nec ne, et si sic, tunc qualiter et quo modo et ad quæ et qualia presentando et ubi etc.
The inquisition was taken at Ashburne on the morrow of the Apostles SS. Peter and Paul, 17 E. II., and stated that Roger de Huncyndon, formerly lord of the hamlet of Huncyndon, had enfeoffed Laurence, Abbot of Burton, of a messuage and eighty acres of land in the said hamlet, which he held in demesne in the time of King Henry the grandfather of the present King, to be held by him and his successors of Robert de Thorp his lord by the service of 2d. annually; and the same Abbot afterwards acquired from Robert de Thorp the rent in question, and the service of seven free tenants of the said hamlet, who "attorned" themselves to the said Abbot for the same services; and all the aforesaid tenants rendered to the lord of the Wapentake 2s. 3d. "ad palefridum; " and the said tenants found a frankpledge ("unum francumpleggium") to make presentments at the said Wapentake of Wyrkesworth in co. Derby every three weeks respecting the infractions of the assize of bread and beer and effusions of blood, and the raising of hue and cry and wayfs when such occurred, and all other matters which pertained to the view of frankpledge. Also that all the said tenants were accustomed to plough with one "caruca" once a year at Lent for the lord of the Wapentake, who found them food, or else they gave 1¼d., and they had to find a man to sow once a year in the autumn, or they gave a farthing. And afterwards the Abbot Thomas, the successor of the Abbot Laurence, acquired all the said lands and tenements which the said tenants held, to hold in demesne as of fee by the license of King Edward the father of the present King, and to be held of the capital lords of the fee; and after the said Abbot Thomas had thus acquired all the hamlet, which they now call a manor, he found no frankpledge, because there were no tenants resident in the said manor. And they say that Thomas, late Earl of Lancaster, had caused the Abbot John to be amerced, and also the Abbot William, in the sum of £16 at various times, because they would not find a frankpledge to make presentments at the aforesaid Wapentake ("eo quod noluerunt invenire unum francumpleggium ad presentandum ad predictum Wapentakum ut supra, ratione manerii sui de Huncyndon"), and that the plea between the said Earl and the Abbot was pending in the Court of the King's Justices de Banco at the time of the death of the said Earl.
A verdict was given in the Court of Exchequer at Hillary term, 18 E. II, in favour of the Abbot. It states, after detailing the facts as given above, "propter quod videtur Thesaurario et Baronibus et aliis prenominatis de Consilio Regis quod ex quo dictum hamelettum integre devenit ad manus predicti Abbatis in dominico et nulli tenentes fuerunt ibidem residentes predictus Comes injuste exigebat a prefatis Johanne et Willelmo Abbatibus unum francumpleggium ad presentandum ad visum predictum ubi viri religiosi non tenentur hujusmodi francumpleggium invenire pro terris quæ tenent in dominico, et in quibus tenentes non fuerunt residentes," etc.
Folio 96.
De advocatione Ecclesiæ de Aldulvestre.
Placita apud Ebor coram W. de Herle et sociis suis Justiciariis Domini Regis de Banco a die Paschæ in tres septimanas anno regni Regis E. tertio a Conquestu secundo. Roll 131.
This is the official record of another suit respecting the advowson of Austrey, co. Warwick, between the Abbot and John, Bishop of Ely: the Bishop having intervened in consequence of an alleged collusive verdict having been given upon the former occasion; but the Court find in favour of the Abbot. (fn. 2)
Folio 97.
Omnibus etc. Thomas Abbas Burthoniæ etc. Noverit etc. nos concessisse Magistro Michael de Ormesby et Thomæ filio ejus viginti quatuor acras terræ et bosci de bosco nostro quod vocatur Kyngeswode, quod habuimus de dono Margeriæ de Styveschale. Habendum etc. predictis, M. et T. et eorum heredibus etc. Hiis testibus Dominis Roberto de la Warde, Johanne de Clynton. et Roberto de Grendon, Militibus; Johanne de Longedone, Roberto fratre ejus in Amyntone, Thoma filio Philippi, Willelmo Fytun de Aldulvestre, et aliis.
Omnibus etc. Johannes de Longedune salutem etc. Noveritis me remississe etc. Magistro Michaeli de Ormesby et Thomæ filio suo et eorum heredibus totum jus et clamium quod habui etc. in omnibus terris etc. quæ habent de dono et feoffamento Abbatis et Conventûs de Burtonâ super Trentam in Magna Amyngton et Parva Amyngton etc. Hiis testibus Dominis Ricardo de Wytacre, Johanne de Clynton, Roberto Marmion, Militibus; Anketillus de Insula, Ricardo le Pledur, Willelmo Fundu de Attelberge, Johanne de Plumpton, et aliis. Datum apud Warewych die Dominicâ post festum Assumptionis Beatæ Mariæ anno R. R. Edwardi xxvij.
Universis etc. Osbertus de Clinton filius Thomæ de Clinton salutem etc. Noverit etc. me etc. concessisse etc. Deo et Ecclesiæ Beatæ Mariæ et Sanctæ Moduennæ Virginis Burtoniæ etc. totum tenementum in Aldulvestre etc. cum homagiis et omnibus servitiis liberorum hominum etc. quam terram et tenementum Margeria de Nerbone quondam uxor Roberti de Stinechale aliquando tenuit de feodo meo, et in ligiâ, viduitate etc. dedit Deo et Ecclesiæ de Burtonâ etc. Hiis testibus Dominis Henrico de Appelby, Roberto de la Warde, Willelmo de Meysham, Militibus; Radulfo de la Bache, Johanne Grym de Hethcote, Willelmo de Caldewalle, Willelmo filio Ricardi de Stapenhulle, et aliis.
Pateat etc. nos Frater W. Abbas de Burtona etc. dimisimus etc. Nicholao de Greseleye Clerico omnes decimas nostras garbarum villæ de Caldewalle provenientes tam de terris etc. quæ Willelmus le Child tenet etc. quam de aliis terris etc. pro quâdam summâ pecuniæ etc. quam recepimus. Habendas etc. a festo Translations Sancti Thomæ Martyris proximo futuro usque ad terminum trium annorum etc. Dat. 14 E. II.
N.B.—The above deed has been scored out by transverse lines across it.
Folio 98.
Sciant etc. ego Galfridus de Greseley dominus de Drakelowe concessi etc. Domino Johanni de Stafford Abbati de Burtonâ etc. communam pasturæ per totam villam de Drakelowe cum omnimodis averiis suis levantibus et cubantibus tam in villâ de Drakelowe quam in villâ de Caldewalle omni tempore anni exceptis bladis et pratis et in Ruyhull et Rodemore post vesturam asportatam etc. Hiis testibus Dominis Roberto de la Warde, Alredo de Solevey, Henrico de Appelby, et Johanne Grym, Militibus; Willelmo, Clerico de Stapinhull, Petro de Lucy de eâdem, Stephano de Wyneshulle, et aliis. Datum apud Meysham die Jovis prox. post festum Sancti Michaelis anno regni Regis Edwardi filii Regis Henrici tertio.
Fuit quidam Waclyn (de) Wynterton . . . qui perquisivit de Radulfo de Caldewalle manerium sive mansuram suam de Caldewalle qui dum predictus Radulfus . . . per accionem quod fecit cum eo, contulit se ad Dominum Robertum de Greyseley promittendo sibi xl. s. ut eum advocaret; cujus opere predictus Radulfus inde expulsus est et predictus Waclyn inde est seisitus; quo facto, predictus Radulfus cepit predictum mansum sive manerium de predicto Waclyno ad terminum vitæ. Set postmodum quia predictus Waclynus non inplevit promissum suum de predictis xl. s. predicto Roberto solvendis, per eundem Robertum occisus est; cujus jus Johannes Irlond, dominus de Herteshorne et Willelmus de Stretton clamant habere.
The writing on the rest of this folio is illegible from damp and discoloration.
Folio 99.
Inquisitio facta pro quintodecimâ de maneriis de Overa et de Appelby.
This is an inquisition taken by Geoffrey de Greseleye, Henry de Braylisford, and Hugh Tenerey, the collectors of the fifteenth in co. Derby, by writ of King Edward, dated from York, 22nd June, in the thirty-first year of his reign, to inquire into the liability of the Abbot's lands in the above manors to taxation. The jury, viz., Robert de Muntjoye, Thomas le Pouer, Edmund de Aston, Roger de Somervyle, Ralph de Gurney, Ralph de Irlande, Adam de Linton, Peter le Porter, John son of Robert de Herteshorne, William Davy of Drakelowe, William le Palmer, and Thomas de Thurleston, "Clericus," stated that the Church of Burton was endowed with Overa and its members of Appulby and Winshull excepting four bovates of land in Parva Overa and three bovates in Finderne, which were a lay fee, and that all the goods of the Abbot and Convent in those manors were "spiritualia," excepting those which came (provenientibus) from the aforesaid seven bovates of land.
Quod Vicecomes faciat esse rationables divisas inter terram ipsius Abbatis in Stapenhull et terrain G. de Gresley.
This is the account of a suit in the county court between the Abbot and Geoffrey de Gresley respecting the boundaries of their respective lands of Stapenhill and Drakelow, the dispute including the right to three islands and a fishery. The Abbot in his claim states that his predecessor Nicholas de Abendon the Abbot, was seised of the lands, etc., in dispute in the time of King Henry the grandfather of the reigning King. The account ends by Geoffrey stating he had appealed to a great assize of the Lord the King, and the Abbot denying this fact, which would have withdrawn the suit from the County Court, "et ideo per considerationem Comitatûs dictum est ipsi Galfrido quod perquirat sibi breve de 'Pone.'" (fn. 3) (No date.)
Omnibus etc. Johannes de Greseley Chivaler salutem. Sciatis me concessisse etc., Abbati etc. quod possint adquirere de Laurentio de Ibestoke Clerico etc. unum mesuagium, unam carucatam terræ etc. in Caldewall, Lynton et Drakelowe, quæ sunt de feodo et dominio meo etc. Hiis testibus Hugone de Meygnell, Roberto de Gresseleye, Alfredo de Sulvy, Militibus; Willelmo de Ingwarby, Thoma Abell, et aliis. Datum apud Burton 30 E. III.
Ceste endenture faite le Dymemench posthem devant la feste Seynt Michell l'Archangele l'an du regne le Roy Edward tierz puys le Conquest trentysme entre l'Abbe et Convent de Burton sur Trente d'une part et Monz. Johan de Gresseleye Chivaler d'autre part testmoigne que come (refers to the Abbot's right of common of pasture in the manors of Caldewalle and Drakelowe, Sir John Gresley renouncing all claim to make further enclosures without the Abbot's permission. Testmoignes Mons. Hugh, de Meygnell, Mons. Aurey Sulvy, William de Ingwardby, Henry de Stanydelf, John de Fynderen, et autres.
Folio 100. (fn. 4)
Sciant etc. Thomas de Clinthona Miles dedi etc. Osberto filio meo totum tenementum quod habui etc. in villâ de Aldulvistre cum advocatione Ecclesiæ ejusdem villæ etc. Hiis testibus Willelmo de Scheltona, Thoma Wronge, Rogero de Stapilton, Willelmo de Edricheleye, Roberto de Blithe, Henrico, Clerico de Aldulvistre, Henrico de Scheldona.
Sciant etc. ego Osbertus de Clinthona filius Domini Thomæ de Clinthona dedi etc. Abbati et monachis etc. advocationem Ecclesiæ de Aldulvistre, cum mesuagio quod Ricardus Bulloc de me tenuit etc. H. T. Domino Johanne de Clynton filio meo, Milite, Domino Henrico de Appilby Milite, Thoma Wronge, Radulfo de la Bache, Henrico, Clerico de Aldulvestre, Johanne filio Johannis de Stapinnill, Willelmo Walgyve de Alspathe.
Memorandum quod anno R.R. Henrici filii Regis quinquagesimo quinto v. idus Februarii in pleno Comitatu Warewick personaliter comparentes Dorninus Thomas de Clynton et Osbertus filius ipsius recognoverunt cartas suas etc. de quodam mesuagio et de advocatione Ecclesiæ de Aldulvestre in presentiâ Domini Willelmi de Morteyn tunc Vicecomitis, Domini Roberti de Grendona, Domini Willelmi Bagot, Domini Roberti de Hondesacra, Domini Ricardi de Mundevile, Domini Willelmi de Wavere, et aliorum plurimorum militum et libere tenentium. In cujus rei testimonium dictus Dominus Willelmus de Morteyn huic memorando sigillum suum apposuit, una cum sigillis dictorum Domini Thomæ et Osberti.
Memorandum quod anno Domini 1270, iiij. idus Februarii comparuit Osbertus filius Domini Thomæ de Clinton in pleno capitulo de Arderne celebrato apud Filingele et recognovit etc. cartam quam fecerat etc. de quodam mesuagio in villâ de Aldulvestre et advocatione Ecclesiæ ejusdem villæ etc. et lectum fuit ibidem quoddam memorandum sub sigillo Domini Willelmi de Morteyn tunc Vicecomitis Warewick in quo continebatur quod dicti Thomas et Osbertus etc. (as before) facta est autem hæc recognitio in presentiâ Magistri Andreæ tunc ofiicialis Domini Archidiaconi Coventrensis, Domini Willelmi, Vicarii de Colesulle tunc Decanide Arderna, Domini Roberti, Rectoris Ecclesiæ de Draytona, Domini Henrici, Vicarii de Alspathe, Magistri Johannis, Vicarii de Poleswurth, etc.
Folio 102.
Memorandum quod anno R.R. Henrici filii Regis Johannis quinquagesimo quinto tertio idus Februarii comparuit personaliter Osbertus filius Domini Thomæ de Clynton in pleno Hundredo de Humelefort et recognovit etc. (as before). In cujus rei testimonium Rogerus de Attilberge tunc Ballivus Hundredi de Humelefort huic memorando sigillum suum apposuit. Et tenebatur Hundredum apud Bramcoteford et fuerunt presentes ibidem, Dominus Nicholaus de Hurle, Clericus Hundredi, Walterus de Cuily, Johannes de Lench, Philipus de Burugate, Thomas Otheyn, Radulfus de Cuily, Jordanus de Poleya, et alii quamplurimi.
Omnibus etc. Thomas de Clynthona, Miles, et Osbertus films ejus, salutem. Noveritis etc. nos recepisse etc. de Johanne Abbate etc. septuaginta et octo marcas pro quodam mesuagio in villâ de Aldulvestre et advocatione Ecclesiæ etc. In presentiâ Magistri Rieardi de Langedona, Clerici, Radulfi de la Bache, Walteri de Schobenhale, Roberti de Appilby, Willelmi de Thurlestona, Roberti de Cungreve, Ricardi de Lacu, quos ad hoc una cum aliis vocari fecimus. Dat apud Burton Dominicâ in medio quadragesimæ anno Domini 1270.
Hæc est finalis concordia facta apud Westm. etc. 55 H. III. (A fine by which Osbert de Clinton acknowledges the right of the Abbot and Convent to the advowson of Austrey.)
De Vicesimâ.
Anno 23 E. II. Ego Egidius de Audemare recepi ab Abbate de Burtona apud Novum Templum Londonii x. libras per quas finem fecit pro vicesimâ ipsum et villanos suos contingente etc.
Folio 103.
Notum sit etc., ego Margeria de Stivechale in meâ liberâ viduitate etc. quicquid habui etc. de terris et tenementis infra villam de Aldulvestre et extra etc. H.T. Dominis Willelmo de Meysam, Henrico de Appilby, Roberto de la Warde, Militibus; Galfrido de Greseleya, Johanne de Norton, Willelmo filio Saræ, Willelmo de Hertishorn, Milone de Melton, Radulfo de la Bache, tunc Senescallo Burtoniæ, Johanne de Stapinill, Henrico de Aldulvestre, Clerico, Henrico filio Dominæ Margeriæ de Stivechale, Willelmo fratre ejus, Philippo filio Symonis de Aldulvestre, Galfvido Coco de eâdem, Ricardo le Arpur de Appylby, Willelmo filio Willelmi de Meysam, Willelmo filio Rogeri le Peeher, et aliis.
Sciant etc. Margeria de Nerobone quondam uxor Roberti de Stivechale in ligiâ viduitate etc. confirmavi etc. illud messuagium in villâ de Aldulvestre in quo habitare consuevi etc. et tres virgatas terræ quas tenui in dominio etc. et totum jus quod habui in advocatione Ecclesiæ de Aldulvestre et septem marcatas annui redditus etc. H T. Domino Henrico de Appilby, Milite, Radulfo de la Bache, Willelmo Hugelin de Appilby, Ricardo le Arpur de eâdem, Henrico, Clerico, et aliis.
Sciant etc. ego Thomas de Stapilthona filius et heres Roberti de Stapilthona remisi etc. Philippo filio Simonis de Aldulvestre et heredibus suis homagium etc. et totum servitium in quibus mihi vel predecessoribus meis tenebatur pro tenemento quod de me tenuit in territorio de Aldulvestre de feodo Margaretæ de Nerebone etc. H. T. Domino Henrico de Appilby, Milite, Osberto de Clinthona, Radulfo de la Bache, Willelmo de Appilbi, Johanne de Northona, Willelmo de Waverton, Henrico, Clerico de Aldulvestre, et aliis.
Omnibus etc. Osbertus filius Thomæ de Klintona, Militis, etc., me dedisse totam partem meam cujusdam prati in territorio de Aldelvestre etc. H. T. Domino Henrico de Appilbi, Willelmo de Grand, Domino de Bromcote, Magistro Willelmo de Barewall, Rectore Ecclesiæ de Overton, Radulfo de la Bache, etc.
Folio 104.
Universis etc. Osbertus de Clynton filius Thomæ de Clynton etc. concessisse etc. totam terrain in Aldulvestre etc. quam Margeria de Nerburne quondam uxor Roberti de Styvechale aliquando tenuit de feodo meo etc. H. T. Dominis Henrico de Appelbi, Roberto de la Warde, Willelmo de Meysham, Militibus; Radulfo de la Bache, Johanne Grim de Heccot, Willelmi de Caldewell, Willelmo Radulfi (sic) filio de Stapenhull, et aliis.
Universis etc. Symon de Albynyaco filius et heres Willelmi de Albyniaco de Kaynho, etc. concessisse totam terram illam de Aldelvestre etc. quam Margeria de Styvechale aliquando tenuit de feodo meo etc.
Sciant etc. ego Hugo filius Willelmi concessi etc. Ricardo de Stapelton filio Reginaldi totum pratum et terram quam Alexandrus filius Ricardi de Overtun tenuit de me et de antecessoribus meis in villâ de Aldulvestre etc.
Sciant etc. Thomas de Stapelton filius et heres Roberti de Stapelthona concessi etc. totum tenementum quod habui in villâ et territorio de Aldelvestre de feodo Margeriæ de Nerbone etc.
Folio 105.
Sciant etc. ego Ricardo filius Ricardi de Kyntona concessi etc. totum jus etc. quod habui vel habere potui in homagiis releviis etc. de totâ terrâ et tenemento quæ fuerunt Symonis de Aldelvestre Clerici etc.
Sciant etc. Osbertus de Bereford concessi etc. totum jus et clamium quod habui etc. in wardam et maritagium heredis Philippi Symonis filii de Aldelvestre et heredum suorum etc. et in unâ virgatâ terræ etc. in predictâ terrâ de quibus inter me et prefatos Abbatem et Conventum aliquando contentio mota erat etc.
(Here is inserted another account (the official record) of the suit respecting the advowson of Austrey, 3 E. I.)
Folio 106.
Omnibus etc. Walterus de Clynton salutem. Sciatis me in presentiâ Magistri Willelmi de Kylkenni Archidiaconi Conventrensis remississe etc. Margeriæ de Stivechale et heredibus suis terram illam quam tenui in Aldulvestre de ballio ipsius Margeriæ ad voluntatem suam etc. H. T. Priore de Sancto Sepulcro Warewyc, Willelmo, Vicario de Coleshulle, Magistro Thomâ de Shireford, Ranulfo de Styvechale, Willelmo de Seys, Johanne de Stratford, Clerico, et aliis. Datum apud Warewic, die Jovis proximo post festum Translationis Beati Thomæ Martins, anno regni Regis Henrici, filii R. Johannis, xxxviii.
Omnibus etc. Adam de Chetewynde Rector Ecclesiæ de Aldulvestre etc. salutem. Noverit etc. me inspexisse etc. literam Walteri de Clynton quondam Rectoris Ecclesiæ de Aldulvestre cujus tenor talis est. (Here follows Walter's deed as given above, and confirmation by Adam.) Datum apud Burthonam Dominicâ proximâ, post festum Sanctæ Luciæ Virginis, A.D. 1275. H. T. Magistro Willelmo de Henore, Magistro Ricardo de Morle, Magistro Henrico de Derley, Domino Willelmo de Chetewinde, Elya de Oddestona, Willelmo de Staffort, Martino de Wermundeswurth, et aliis.
Inquisitio facta in pleno capitulo de Arderne celebrato apud Chelveredescote xii. kalend. Martii anno Gratiæ 1271. Dicit inquisitio quod portio Ecclesiæ de Aldulvestre proveniens de decimis hominum Abbatis etc. de Inferiori Aldulvestre vacat per mortem Thomæ de Bradefort, et vacare incepit a festo Apostolorum Symonis et Judæ anno suprascripto et quod Abbas et Conventus Burtonensis sunt veri patroni totius Ecclesiæ de Aldulvestre, quam ab antiquo ad dictam portionem specialiter presentare consueverunt etc.
Folio 107.
Assisa capta apud Meysham die Jovis proximo post festum Sancti Michaelis anno regni Regis Edwardi tertio coram Domino Radulfo de Hengham, Justiciario.
An assize, etc., to make recognition if Geoffrey de Greseleya, John Fytun, and John le Meyster, had unjustly disseised the Abbot of Burton of his common of pasture in Drakelowe appurtenant to his free tenement in the same vill, viz., in 10½ acres in two places, and 40 acres in another place, where he used to common with all manner of cattle for the whole year, and likewise of his common of pasture in the open season throughout the open fields ("per totum campum"). The Abbot withdrew his plea, and a convention was made by which the Abbot conceded to Geoffrey and his heirs the 10½ acres of pasture as now enclosed, so that the said Geoffrey and his heirs could cut the grass every year, saving the Abbot's right to pasture after the hay had been carried; and the said Geoffrey conceded to the Abbot his right of pasture in the open season throughout the "campum" of Drakelowe.
Sciant etc. ego Henricus filius et heres Willelmi et Mazelinæ de Rolvestona dedi etc. totum jus et clamium quod habui in xix. acris terris et uno mesuagio in Huncedona quæ Ricardus filius Petri aliquando tenuit etc. H. T. Willelmo de Dygeby, Domino Roberto de Accovere, Ranulfo de Alsop, Willelmo de Thurleston, Henrico de Bromele, Willelmo de Stafford, Roberto de Swynesco, et aliis. (Et super premissis habemus finalem concordiam in Curiâ, Domini Regis levatam in custodiâ Precentoris existentem.)
Universis etc. Rogerus Kokayn salutem etc. Noveritis me relaxasse etc. Mazelinæ relictæ Willelmi de Rolvestona et heredibus suis etc. totum jus et clamium quod habui etc. in unâ, bovatâ, terræ etc. in villâ de Huncedonâ. Datum apud Esseburne A.D. 1278.
Carta Mazelinæ. de Esseburne de totâ terrâ et toto tenemento quod habuit in Huncedonâ.
Omnibus etc. Mazelina dicta Margeria filia Henrici filii Symonis de Schepesheved et Ceciliæ dictæ Lovote (fn. 5) de Esseburne, salutem. Noverit etc. me in ligiâ viduitate meâ dedisse etc. Domino Johanni Abbati etc. totam terram etc. quod habui in villâ de Huncedona etc. simul cum homagiis, servitiis, releviis et eschaetis etc. H. T. Stephano de Irthonâ, Matheo de Knyvetone, Roberto de Wednesle, Ranulfo de Alsop, Henrico de eâdem, Ricardo filio Margeriæ de Thorp, Johanne de Estecote, et aliis.
Folio 107.
Offelowe de Libertatibus.
This is an extract from the "Quo warranto" Pleas, temp. E. I., which have been printed by the Record Commissioners.
The jury presented that the Abbot of Burton held Horninglowe, Stretton, and Brontiston of the manor of Burton, viz., six hides of land which were geldable, and for which the King used to receive annually a mark for view of frankpledge and a mark for the Sheriff's aid, and Wakefe and suit at the Hundred every three weeks, and at the County Court every month; and the predecessors of the Abbot had withheld the said 2 marks and suit of court for the last forty years.
The Abbot stated the King was in seisin of the mark for view of frankpledge, and 11 s., for the Sheriff's Tourn and Wakefe, and that he performed suit to County and Hundred; and the Sheriff testified the same; and as to the 28 d. of residue claimed for the King, the Abbot stated the King had never received them. A jury find in favour of the Abbot. Respecting free warren in Burton, the Abbot produced the charter of King John, and it was allowed him. Respecting liberties, the Abbot claimed to have view of frankpledge, amends of assize of bread and beer, warren, gallows, wayf, infongenethef, a fair every year of three days' duration, and a market every week at Burton on Thursdays.
For the fair and market the Abbot produced a charter of King Henry, and they were allowed to him.
As regarded infongenethef and warren the Abbot produced a charter of King Henry, and they were allowed; and as regarded wayf, and the other liberties, he pleaded that he and his predecessors had possessed them from, time out of memory, and appealed to a jury, which gave a verdict in his favour.
Pirhulle de Libertatibus.
In Pirehill Hundred the Abbot claimed a weekly market in his manor of Bromley on Wednesdays, and a yearly fair of three days' duration, and produced a charter of King Henry III. granting them. They were therefore allowed. He also claimed free warren, as in the Hundred of Offlow.
The jury presented that the Abbot of Burton holds the manor of Bromley of the King in capite, which used to do suit to the Hundred of Pirehill every three weeks, and pay to the King by the hands of the Sheriff 6 d. for the Sheriff's aid, and 6 d. for Frithfe, and 12 d. for the Provost's aid. The Abbot appeared and stated he performed suit and made the payments as above stated, and this was confirmed by the Sheriff.
John Deken of Bursicote had issue Felicia and Robert the Chaplain, and he gave Felicia in marriage to Symon the Carpenter, and he gave with her a burgage in Burton in frank marriage, and the said Symon afterwards acquired half a burgage from Robert Dixi and built upon it. Symon had issue by Felicia, Ralph, Lettice, and Ralph the Chaplain, and after the death of Felicia he married Basilia, who is now living. And the said Ralph who was heir to the burgage and a half was not decently maintained (non fuit sustinatus decenter), and Robert de Bursicote the Chaplain, the uncle of the child on the mother's side, took possession of the said burgage and a half by a conveyance (traditionem) of the said Symon for the maintenance and education of Ralph (sine cartâ). On his death (quo morto) the said Ralph, son and heir of the said Symon (the villain of the Abbot), being made a Chaplain, made a fine with the Abbot to hold the burgage for his life.
After the death of the before-mentioned John Deken, one Ralph de Wytewyk married Isabella his widow, and had issue by her one Ralph, and Ralph had issue Robert Ronde of Bursicote.
Folio 109.
Placita de advocatione Ecclesiæ de Lega, anno regni Regis Edwardi vicessimo quinto, et anno Abbatis Thonæ sexto decimo.
This is another copy of the official record of the above suit, heard at Hillary term 25 E. I., Roll No. 12; an abstract of it has been already given.
The back of this folio contains a memorandum of the payments made at various times by an Abbot of Burton (not named) on account of the tenth granted to the King, and of which he was one of the collectors. It merely gives the sums in gross, and is of no interest.
Folio 110.
Universis etc. Frater Thomas Abbas de Burtonâ etc. Noveritis nos concessisse dilecto nobis in Chrispo Thomæ filio Stephani Bast de Notingham Clerico, viginti solidos annuatim percipiendos de camerâ nostrâ etc. quamdiu actos scolasticos exhibuerit et vitam duxerit clericalem quousque sibi provisum fuerit de beneficio Ecclesiastico competenti, predictam pensionem nullatenus recepturus si penes nos ingratum se reddiderit vel ad vitam predictis contrariam se transferat ex post facto. Datum apud Burton etc. A.D. 1301. (N.B. This deed has been scored out.)
Omnibus etc. Johannes Abbas Monasterii de Burtonâ etc. Noverit etc. nos et successores nostros teneri et obligatos esse in perpetuum Decano et capitulo Lychfeldiæ in centum solidos etc. solvendos in Ecclesiâ Parochianâ de Sallowe annuatim Capellano qui in Capellâ Beatæ Mariæ per Magistrum Radulphum deChaddesdene aliquando Thesaurarium deLychfeld Ecclesiâ ibidem constructâ missam de Beatâ Mariâ Virgine et etiam pro animâ ipsius Magistri Radulfi et pro animabus Episcoporum Decanorum, et omnium canonicorum Lychfeldiæ ac omnium fidelium defunctorum in perpetuo celebrabitur ad duos anni terminos etc. Datum A.D. 1271, presentibus Magistris Johanne de Weston, Ricardo de Morleye, Willelmo de Henovere, Rogero Rectore Ecclesiæ de Northbury, Willelmo de Byrleye, et aliis.
Universis etc. Johannes de Derby, Decanus et Capellanus Lychfeldiæ etc. (This is an Inspeximus of the Bishop's confirmation of the Chantry founded by Ralph de Chaddesdene, from which it appears that Ralph was frater germanus of Sir William de Chaddesdene, Knight. The initial of the Bishop's name was R.)