Staffordshire Historical Collections, Vol. 11. Originally published by Staffordshire Record Society, London, 1890.
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'Cartulary of Trentham Priory: Clayton Griffyn', in Staffordshire Historical Collections, Vol. 11, ed. G Wrottesley, F Parker (London, 1890), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].
'Cartulary of Trentham Priory: Clayton Griffyn', in Staffordshire Historical Collections, Vol. 11. Edited by G Wrottesley, F Parker (London, 1890), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,
"Cartulary of Trentham Priory: Clayton Griffyn". Staffordshire Historical Collections, Vol. 11. Ed. G Wrottesley, F Parker (London, 1890), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.
Clayton Griffyn.
Omnibus, &c., frater Nicholaus Prior Sancti Thome m. juxta Stafford et ejusdem loci conventus eternam in Domino Salutem. "Noverit univ' vestra nos remisisse, &c., pro nobis et successoribus nostris Johanni, Priori de Trentham, et ejusdem loci conventui, omnes terras et tenementa in Clayton Griffyn, que habuimus ex donacione ipsorum, sine ullo retenemento, nobis et success' nostris in perpetuum. H. T. dominis Willielmo de Caverswall, Johanne de Chetwynd Bertramo de Burg, Johanne de Swinnerton, militibus, Roberto de Cotes, Ada de Lavenden, Radulfo de Thickness, Ada de Swyneshead. (fn. 1)
Omnibus &c., Johannes Saule et Rogerus de Verney Sal' in Domino, Nov' nos, vice domini Hugonis de Mortuo Mari, vice comitis Salop' et Stafford', ad mandatum Domini Regis, liberasse et dedisse Fratri Johanni Priori de Trentham, et ejusdem loci conventui, novies viginti acras unam et dimidiam terre, prati bosci, et Wasti, cum pertinenciis, per perticam XXIV pedum mensuratas, in villâ de Clayton Griffyn in comitatu Stafford, cum quâdam placeâ extra curiam Galfridi Griffyn, cum quodam pomerio et quâdam grangiâ infra eandem placeam constructa; videlicit omnes terras, &c., quas dictus Galfridus in dictâ villâ de Clayton habuit die dicte liberationis, seu tradicionis preter capitale messuagium cum gardinis, curiâ, et domibus infra eandem curiam constructis, et preter quatuor acras in quodam assarto versus Kel (keel), et preter omnes terras et tenementa &c., que Aubrea, mater dicti Galfridi, dicto die nomine dotis in dicta villâ tenuit. Pro extenta manerii de Elkesdon, (fn. 2) quod quidem manerium extendebat ad novem libras, XIV. solidos, et sex denarios, annuatim. Cujus extente valorem dictus Prior versus dictum Galfridum Griffyn quem in warranto vocavit coram dominis Radulpho de Hengham, H. de Montfort, W. de Hoptun, et Th. Trenet justic' itenerantibus apud Lychfeld, in dicta villâ de Cleyton recuperavit. Et Sciend' est quod extenta de Cleyton minor est quam extenta de Elkesdon de IV. S. annuis, quos Prior de Trentham dominis de Keblesdon pro manerio de Elkesdon solvere solebat, Prior de Trentham et successores sui predictas terras de Cleyton cum pertinenciis (?) firme solucione in liberam p. et perpetuam elemosinam in perpetuum tenebunt. Et in hujus rei, &c. H. Testibus, Rogero de Pipa, Willielmo Camerario tunc constabulario de Eccleshall, Henrico de Emkerdon, Ada de Lavenden, Ada de Swyneshed, Roberto de Joneston, Thoma Carpent' de Cherleton, Gervies de Levedale, Roberto de Witemore.
Margery, widow of Roger Burgelon, gives to Nicholas, Prior of Trentham, &c., for herself and her heirs, her right in thirteen solidates and 4d. worth of yearly rent in land, formerly her husband's, in Clayton Griffyn. These witnesses, Roger Swinnerton, John, Lord of Whitmore, William de Thickness, Ralph del Hogh, and others. Given at Trentham on the Monday next after the Feast of the Purification of B.V.M. (5 R. II) (1382 A.D.)
By another deed she gives to Trentham, in the same year, all her rights of dower on lands in Clayton Griffyn.
Hec indentura testatur quod nos Nicolaus de Moleston (Muccleston) Prior de Trentham, et ejusdem loci conventus tenemus manerium nostrum in Clayton Griffyn de Rogero Burgoillon ut per cartam nostram probatur "omnibus Xti fidelibus, etc., Johannes Burgoillon clericus salutem' Noverit universitas vestra quod cum Prior de Trentham se modo attornavit de fidelitate suâ et de redditu tresdecem solidorum et 4 denariorum exeuntium de terris et tenementis suis in Clayton Griffyn concessi presenti scripto ipsum Priorem et conventum suum et successores suos, de predictis serviciis et eorum pertinenciis versus quoscunque in perpetuum acquietare, et ad hanc acquietanciam fideliter faciendam in perpet' obligo me et heredes meos, et omnes terras et tenementa mea ad quascunque manus devenerint. Et preterea concedo pro me et her' meis predictis Priori, etc., predicta servicia cum suis pertinentiis contra omnes homines warrantizare, acquietare et defendere in perpetuum." Etiam ego Rogerus Burgoillon relaxo, etc., pro me et her' meis, predictis Priori Nicholao, etc., tresdecem solidos et tres denarios de redditu predicto, salvâ modo fidelitate cum uno denario de redditu predicto, etc., de prefato Priore et Conventu, etc. Et ego (warranty). In cujus rei testimonium huic indenture partes predicte alternatim sigilla sua apposuerunt. Dat' apud Novum Castrum subtus Lymam, die lune in festo S. Barnabe Ap. H. T. Willielmo Thickenes, tunc maior ville de N. Castro, Henrico Delves et Johanne filio ejus, domino Johanne Wytemore, Thoma Symon, et Johanne Colclogh, tunc baillivis ville predicte, Thoma Padmore, Johanne Bourton. A. D. Milessimo IIImo octogesimo. (1380 A.D.)
Extenta tēn Galfridi, filii et heredis Galfridi Griffyn, apud Clayton, die martis 20 ante festum Sancti Tiburtii A. R. R. Edwardi tricesimo quarto, ad valenciam triginta novem solidat' et septem denarriat' terre in villâ de Clayton per breve Domini Regis in hec verba. Ad sectam Prioris de Trentham per Ricardum de Verney Johannem de Wytemore, Willielmum de Chaveldon Robertum de Curgerleye, Wm. de Bromley, Johannem filium Thome de Novo Castro, Adam fratrem ejus, Ranulphum de Bromley, etiam de eâdem Johannem de Bromleye, Robertum de Dutton (?) et Alanum de Dutton, qui super sacramentum suum dicunt, quod idem Galfridus habuit in campo de' Middulhulfeld' et le Heygrene quatuordecim acras terre regales, partem (?) acre 12 denariorum. Item in campo inter villam N. Castri et villam de Clayton undecim acras terre et, etc., duodecim denarios, Item in campo de Fullwallefeld et assarto quondam domini de Clayton quatuordecim acras terre preter partem (?) acre decem denariorum: et in curtilagiis Willielmi de Berlaston unum denar' terre. In cujus rei testimonium sigilla sua apposuerunt.
Indenture between Thomas Williams, Prior of Trentham and convent, on one side, and Richard Talryke of Clayton Griffin on the other, testifies that the Prior and Convent unanimously granted and farmed out to Richard one messuage, called the "Hall" (aulam) de Clayton Griffyn, with sundry pieces of land (videlicet) Folanfyld, Rowloune Flat, Ladepulbey and Longewast, Laderuddyng' and half Fletbuthyle and thirty-three direct (?) of land called Daywerk, in the common field of N. Castle, and one meadow called "musmeyde," lying at the head of the Pool (stagni) of the Lord of Lancaster, with all crofts belonging to the same messuage, situate at Clayton Griffyn, within the demesne of Clayton Griffyn, now in the holding of the aforesaid Richard. To have and hold to him and his heirs, from the Feast of Annunciation of B.V.M. last past, for a term sixty-one years next ensuing; paying to Trentham, yearly, 8 marcs, three shillings and 6 pence at Michaelmas and Lady Day; and heriot on the death of any tenant, and rendering the other accustomed services [right of re-entry, if rent unpaid, provided]. Sealed with the common seal of the Priory [a woman seated—the B.V.M.] at their Chapter House, April 7. 2 Hen. VII. (1487 A.D.)
John Smythe of Hartished, of the vill of N. Castle, Elderman, greeting "Know ye that I have released to Robert, Prior of Trentham, and his successors, all my right and claim, which I had in one pasture called the Newhay, lying in the fee of Clayton Griffin, and in one parcell of land situated in the same pasture, and one messuage in the lower street of N. Castle. Sealed at N.C., January 19. (18 Hen. VIII.) 1526 A.D.
Indenture made Friday after Epiphany, 16 Ed. IV., between Prior of Trentham and Convent on one side, and the Maire of Newcastle-under-Lyme and the twenty-four, and all the comynes (sic) of the same, on the other, bears witness that as there was variance and debate between the said parties for certain entur (sic, "inter") comynes, the which the said Maire, twenty-four, etc., claim to have between the fields of Clayton Griffyn, and also for diverse lands that Thomas Samfeld gave to divers feoffees, to the use of the "Deveyne Service" of St. Katherine. Also for won (one) parcell of ground, the which the said Maire, etc., had in fe-farme of William Breten, the saidde parties have agreed, etc., in the form that follows, by the mediacion of Hugh Egerton, Esquire, John Wode and William Banastur, etc., that the said land that Thomas Samfeld gave to the D.S. of St. Katrin, and the land the Maire, etc., had in fe-farme of William Breten, lying between the fee of Clayton Griffyn. The Maire, etc., shall make a sufficiant a-state (estate) and a free gyfte in and of all the lands that weren (sic) Thomas Samfold's and William Breten's, to the Priory of Trentham for ever; and the same lands shall freely a warrant without paying of rent, etc. In exchange for two crofts, lying under the Frere-wode (sic) and for two other hayes, called "Androeshayes." Also the said Prior and Convent shall make fully over to them the possession of the said four hayes, without paying of rent, etc. Also the Mair, twenty-four, etc., shall have, for ever, for themselves and their successors entire comynes "in open time" in all the lands of the "fraunches" in the towne, by virtue of the said four hayes and crofts, to the Haygrevelond, on the est part, and so following the diche down unto the Castel-Broke, between Androeshayes and the Millnefeld, now in the holding of Hugh Bagenald, following from the said yate on the west part on the other side ast [after (?) or east (?)] the old Lone, by the Lady Pole, following the old Lone unto the "Galo-tre-hull," and that the same Mair, etc., nor any of them hereafter, shall not claim, nor have, any comyn in any other time, in any parcell of the same ground, nor in any other seison (sic) than in open time as hyt (it) ys (is) above saide, nor in any other lands of the said Prior and Convent of Clayton Griffyn. And should the Prior and Convent be at any time deprived of their part, they shall be at liberty to re-enter on the four hays and crofts. Sealed by both sides on the day and year aforesaid. [English deed.] (1476 A.D.)
Know all men that I, Thomas Clayton, son of Thomas Clayton of Clayton Griffin, am firmly bound by these presents to dom. Stephen Browne, Prior of Trentham and the convent, in 20 marcs of money. Signed Wednesday next after Feast of St. Thomas Ap. (33 Hen. VI) (1455 A.D.)
Another deed, stating that Thomas Clayton acknowledges the receipt of £10 from Stephen Browne, Prior of Trentham and convent, in purchase of a messuage in Clayton Griffyn. (36 Hen. VI) (1458 A.D.)
Omnibus Xti fidelibus, ad quos, etc., indentatum pervenerit Johannes Griffith, Armiger, et Johannes Bradock, salutem sciatis nos per presentes tradidisse, etc., Alexandro, Priori et ecclesie B.M. et O.S. de Trentham, etc., omnia, terras redditus, tenementa, etc., servicia, in Parva Clayton. Habend, etc., usque ad finem termini sexaginta annorum, etc., etc. (Sealed 26th day of September, 2nd year of King Henry VIIth) (1487 A.D.)
An indenture dated 18 Ed. IV, 1479 A.D., between James Madeley on the one part, and Stephen Brown, Prior of Trentham and convent, on the other, touching land in Clayton Griffyn.
Sciant p' et f' quod nos Jacobus Tranell et Robertus Speyke, capellani, de dimus et hac p. cartâ confirmavimus Stephano p. divinâ monasterii B.M. et O.S. de Trentham Priori, et ejusdem loci conventui et successoribus suis omnia illa, terras et tenementa prata, pascua, etc., que nuper habuimus ex dono Thome Clayton, filii Thome Clayton, de Clayton Griffyn, que quondam Thomas Clayton habuit ex dono et feofmento Johannis Clayton avunculi sui Habend, etc. Dat' apud C. Griffyn, quinto die Decembris A.R.R. Ed. 4th secunduo (2 Ed. IV). Hiis testibus, Johanne Madeley, Stephano Clayton, Johanne Lobot, et aliis multis.
Universis S. Matris ecclesie filiis ad quos, etc. A. (Bp. Alexander de Stavenby) d.m. Coventr' et Lichf' ecclesie minister humilis, salutem' in Deo eternam, "mandatum domini Pape in hec verbr suscepimus" Gregorius (fn. 3) Episcopus, servus servorum Dei, Venerabili Episcopo Coventr' salutem et apostolicam benedictionem, "dilectus filius G. Griffyn, clericus, nobis humiliter supplicavit ut eidem et suo feodo [this seems correct, though the word is somewhat confused by erasure] construendi capellam ac habendi capellanum in ipsâ licentiam concedere dignaremur, volentes igitur in hoc tibi deferre, qui loci diocesanus existis, fraternitati tue p[ro] ap' scripta mandamus quatinus prefato clerico videtis expedire postulata concedas sine juris prejudicio alieni. Dat' Perusii' V. Id. Janr., Pontif' nostri anno secundo" (i.e., 1229 A.D.) Hujus ergo autoritate mandati, de consensu Prioris et canonicorum de Trentham, concessimus dilecto filio in X to G. Griffin, clerico, cantariam in capellâ suâ de Clayton sub hac formâ, videlicet, quod predictus G. Griffyn clericus juravit quod occasione illius concessionis matrix ecclesia de Trentham nullum sentiet dampnum vel prejudicium. Capellanus vero qui pro tempore in dictâ capellâ ministrat, antequam ministrare incipiat, fidelilitatem jurabit predictis Priori et canonicis, quod neque de divinis neque de oblacione neque de quacumque aliâ obvencione, que ad maternam ecclesiam pertineat, aliquod retinebit. Immo si quid hujusmodi receperit dictis Priori et canonicis fideliter persolvet. Et si forte aliquis capellanus transeundo in dictâ capellâ celebraverit, et aliquam oblacionem receperit nichil sibi retinebit; sed totum dictis Priori et canonicis relinquet. Et si forte matrix ecclesia prenominata in aliis fuerit dampnificata per predictum Galfridum vel ejus capellanum, predictus Galfridus predictis Priori et canonicis complementum restituet. Et in hujus rei testimonium hoc scriptum sigillo nostro, et sigillo Galfridi Griffyn fecimus communiri (1229 a.d.)