Cartulary of Trentham Priory: Longeton

Staffordshire Historical Collections, Vol. 11. Originally published by Staffordshire Record Society, London, 1890.

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'Cartulary of Trentham Priory: Longeton', in Staffordshire Historical Collections, Vol. 11, ed. G Wrottesley, F Parker (London, 1890), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Cartulary of Trentham Priory: Longeton', in Staffordshire Historical Collections, Vol. 11. Edited by G Wrottesley, F Parker (London, 1890), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Cartulary of Trentham Priory: Longeton". Staffordshire Historical Collections, Vol. 11. Ed. G Wrottesley, F Parker (London, 1890), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.


Sciant p' et futuri quod Ego Willielmus de Beyvil (Lord of Longeton), dedi et concessi et hac pr. cartâ meâ confirmavi caritatis intuitu et salute amine mee et omnium antecessorum meorum Deo et ecclesie Sante Marie et omnium sanctorum de Trentham et canonicis ibidem Deo servientibus totam illam terram in villa de Longeton quam Willielmus Rusul aliquando tenuit, et nnam dimidiam bovatam terre in eadem villa quam Robertus Norman de me tenuit, cum edificiis toftis et croftis, &c., pertinentibus infra villam de Longeton et extra, et unam particulam terre in territorio de Longeton, videlicet que vocatur le Ruemor, habend, &c., de me et heredibus meis dictis canonicis et eorum successoribus, vel eorum assignatis in puram et perpetuam elemosinam bene, &c., et sine secta curie mee et cujuslibet curie: preterea dedi canonicis homagium et servicium Willielmi de Fenton videlicet de molendino de Longton unum par albarum cirothecarum, et de terra que fuit Petri de Kell, unum par albarum cirothecarum, per annum in perpetuum certos (?) ad terminos dicti Willielmi in cartis statutos et homagium et servicium Ade de Lavenden, cum omnibus pertinenciis, videlicet reditum quartuor solidorum, de unâ dimidiâ warâ terre in Longeton, et quatuor sagittas barbatas de alia dimidiâ warâ terre, que de me aliquando in viliâ de Longeton tenuit, per annum ad terminos in cartis dicti Ade statutos, qu habet de me; et homagium et servicium Gilberti de la Mere cum omnibus pertinenciis, scilicet redditus quinque solidorum et quatuor denariorum, de qui busdam particulis terre, quas particulas? dictus Gilbertus aliquando de me tenuit, in villâ de Longeton, scilicet de "Kocstall," et de aliis particulis et homagium et servicium Thome de la Mere cum omnibus pertinentiis, scilicet redditus duodecim denariorun de unâ particula' terre que de me tenuit in villâ de Longeton, cum homagiis et releviis, etc. De omnibus predictis liberis que mihi vel heredibus meis evenire potuerint. Ita quod dicti liberi tenentes habeant et teneant omnes terras, &c., in capite de Priore et canonicis de Trentham, sicut de me, vel de patre meo, liberius et melius tenuerunt, et ut habeant omnes libertates, &c., per totum tenementum de Longeton sicut continetur in cartis quas dicti Willielmus de Fenton, Ada de Lavenden, Gilbertus de la Mere, et Thomas de la Mere de me, vel de patre meo, tenuerunt. Concessi etiam dictis Canonicis de Trentham, et eorum omnibus hominibus de Longeton, tam liberis quam firmariis, "Housebote" and "Haybot," et rationabilia estuvaria (sic) in bosco meo de Longeton in perpetuum. Preterea sciendum est quod dicti canonici de Trentham et omnes homines eorum de manerio de Trentham habebunt antiquam communem pasturam per totum tenementum de Longeton in perpetuum. Et Ego Willielmus et heredes mei et omnes tenentes de Feudo de Longeton die confectionis carte istius sessati et de tenementis suis saysati (?) eodem modo habebunt antiquam communem pasturam super tenementum de Trentham. Si vero Ego Willielmus de Beyvil de cetero, vel heredes mei, alicui terram vel tenementum, vel porcionem terre de tenemento de Longton dederimus vel concesserimus vel ad firmam tradiderimus, ipsi tenentes nullo modo a die predicto communem pasturam in tenemento de Trentham habebunt, neque ratione castelarie vel jure alicujus immunitatis (?) Predictus vero Willielmus, et heredes sui, totum tenementum de Longeton plenarie contra dominum regem et contra omnes alios homines in mundo defendent, et ad quietabunt, tam de firma quam de sectâ debitâ Novi Castri. Supradicti vero Prior et canonici et eorum liberi tenentes de Longeton, et alii tenentes eorum, nullo modo de cetero debent implicitari, neque attachiari neque amerciari . . . . Willielmi de Beyvill neque heredum suorum. (Warranty and seal.) H. test. Hugone de Cha(r)nia, tunc constabulario de Novi Castri. Willielmo Muriel, Johanne le Brit', Willielmo de Hanleg, Willielmo de Stubbiley, Willielmo Griffin de Hanneford, Alano Demur, Thoma de Burton, et toto alimoto de Novi Castri. Datum apud castrum Novum subt. limam, in plenâ curiâ, die Jovis prox', post festum S. Marci Evangel', anno gracie M.C.C.L. (1250 A.D.) Anno coronacionis Regis Henrici, filii R. Johannis XXXIV.

William de Beyvil, for the sake of his own soul, and that of Sybil his wife, gives to God and the Priory of Trentham 12 pence annual rent which Henry son of Muriel used to pay him for an assart in Longeton, also he gives Henry's homage, wards, relief's, etc. (Warranty and seal.) These witnesses, Robert de Badenal, then seneschal of Trentham, Peter de Coknage, William de Lilleshull, John Bertram, William Morel, Geoffrey de Titnesovre, John Hacun. (C. 1250.)

Sybil, his widow, now re-married to John de Say, gives to Prior John of Trentham and the convent, &c. (Witnesses), Robert, son of Gervase, Ivo de Titnesovre and others, at Stafford. (1285 A. D.)

William de Ales, gives "pro salute anime," three acres and a meadow adjacent in the territory of Longeton, in a certain cultivated field called le "Thystilhyrreve," one of which lies near the boundaries between Honeford and Longeton in length, and the other lies near the land of Adam de Lavenden, and the third near the land that Adam, son of Vivian, formerly held, for ever. These witnesses, William de Fenton, Adam de Lavenden, Geoffrey de Coknage, Robert de Caldewell, John Bustart, &c.

William de Ales gives to God and Trentham church, etc., nine selions and three butts in Longeton in a cultivated field called the mill-field. (The same witnesses.)

Henry de Longeton, miller, gives his holding of fourteen selions of arable land in Longeton, to the Prior and convent of Trentham. These witnesses, Adam de Lavenden, Geoffrey de Coknage, Matthew de Longeton, &c.

He also gives them a messuage he bought of Robert Beirle, with three selions in Longeton, and an assart that Ralph, son of Robert, held near "Hidereclineside," &c. (Witnesses), Matthew de Longeton and others.

Sciant tam p' quam f' quod Ego Robertus de Weston, filius Gilberti de la mere, dimisi, &c., in perpetuum illam terram que appellatur Kocstall, cum sex selionibus in territorio de Longeton Deo et Priori, etc., de Trentham. H. T. Ada de Lavenden, tunc constabulario de Novi Castri, Johanne domino de Whitmore, Johanne de Bretth, Thoma de Bidolfe.

Randle de Buville to Gilbert de Mere, for homage, &c., the land of Cockstall that Walter Carpenter held with a messuage and croft in Longeton. These witnesses, Alan, Prior of Trentham, Geoffrey de Dutton, Walter Coyne, Henry de Verdun, William de Erdintun, William de Henley, Peter de Coknage, Richard de Mere, Peter de Erdinton, Richard de Titnesovre.

Universis ad quorum audienciam p. scriptum pervenerit Ranulphus de Beuvilla salutem Noscat universitas vestra me concecisse, etc. Deo et canonicis de Trentham cursum aque cum ripa adjacente que descendit de villâ mea de Longeton, que ad me vel heredes meos pertinet ad usum molendini super brueram, pro salute anime mee, etc., et ut hec (warranty and seal). His testibus, Viviano de Toka, Ricardo de Titnesovre, Philippo de Toke, Johanne de Blortun, David de Coknage, Radulpho fratre suo.

Confirmation by Randulph, son of Randulph de Bevile, of his father's grant preceding, of water rights to Trentham Priory. These witnesses, Vivian de Fenton, Jordan de Toke, Philip his brother, William de Abetot, Richard de Titnesovre, Randolph Hose, John his brother, Robert de Mere John de Blortun (a round seal, yellow wax). Sigillum (Radulphi ?) de Buville. (fn. 1)

I, Randulph de Buville, Lord of Longeton, with consent of William my heir, and Margaret my wife, and for my own and my ancestor's souls, give for ever to Trentham all the land Robert the miller held of me in Longeton, and the assart of Burni, and that which Robert the Smith held of me at will, with a certain meadow belonging to it in "Hontelēvenēt." These witnesses, Robert de Mere, John de Witemore, William de Erdinton, Peter, parson of Stokes, Robert de Caverswalle, Richard and Gilbert, brothers, de Mere, Samson de Trentham and Alan, son of Alan de Trentham.

Sibilla, widow of William de Bevill, after her husband's death has given to God and Trentham Priory, for his and her soul's sake (he being buried at Trentham) all her rights of dower and her rents and the homage owed her by the Prior and convent in Longeton, for ever. These witnesses, Odo de Hodinet, Kt., dom' John, Chaplain of Pencrich, John his brother, Gilbert de Teene, Roger de Uney (i.e., Verney).

1272 A.D. Agreement between Margery de Lychffield, formerly wife of Randulph, son of William de Bevill, now dead, and the Prior and Convent of Trentham, she gives them, for 18s. yearly, all her rights in Longeton. The money to be paid at Trentham. These witnesses, Peter de Ardern, Knight, Ralph de Burg, then seneschal of Newcastle, William de Nortun, Henry de Emkerton, then constable, Adam de Lavenden.

Om' S. Matris Ecclie filiis, etc. Willielmus de Beuvil, dominus de Longeton, salutem, Noveritis me, anno gracie, 1249, dedisse, etc., in puram, etc., elemosinam, pro salute animarum antecessorum meorum, Deo et ecclesie B. M. et O. S. de Trentham, etc., totum dominicum pratum meum quod dicitur le Brode-Medewe, cujus medietatem dicti canonici ad firmam tenuerunt preterea Ego Willielmus de B, omnes donaciones terras, etc., quas antecessores mei predictis canonicis concesserunt, prout instrumenta et carte, que dicti canonici habent, testantur, hac eâdem cartâ eisdem confirmo, et ut, etc., H. T. Domino Willielmo de Panton, domino Viviano de Standon, Rogero de Wauv'r, Roberto de Mere, Willielmo Muriel, Petro de Coknage, Willielmo de Henley.

Willielmus de Fenton, rector de Aldeleye, reddidi et concessi, etc., atque in ultima voluntate meâ cum corpore meo legavi, Deo et ecclesie B. M. et O. S. de Trentham, etc., in perpetuum duas dimidias waras terre in territorio de Longeton, videlicet illas quas tenui de Ranulpho de Bevile, quarum unam Simon molendinarius de me tenuit, et alteram Xtiana de Bosco (warranty and seal), H. T. Dño Petro de Ardern, milite, Johanne de Witemore, Willo de Nortun, Roberto de Cnutton, Ade de Lavenden, Math' de Longeton. (c. 1261 A.D.)

Cecilia de Erkalewe, formerly wife of William de Halys, in 1285 a.d., gives to Prior, &c., of Trentham, for ever, all her dower claims in her husband's freehold in Longeton. (T. W.) Ralph de Thickness, then bailiff of the Castellerie of N. Castle, William Randolph, Geoffrey de Coknage.

John de Say joins his wife Sibilla (widow of W. de Bevile) in a similar deed (v. supra ?) same date. These witnesses, Ralph de Thickness, then bailiff of New Castle manor, John, Lord of Witemore, William de Bagenall, Thomas de Titnesovre, Geoffrey de Coknage, Richard Demur de Trentham.

Robert de Bevile, son of William de Bevile, certifies all men that he has given to brother John, Prior of Trentham and convent, half a virgate of land with its appurtenances in Longeton, which William de Fenton gave the aforesaid Priory, as is contained in his deed, with an annual rent of one pair of white gloves, value one penny. (Seal.) These witnesses, dom William Fenton, Rector of the church of Audeley, Adam de Lavendon, William de Lilleshull, John Hacun.

Sciant p' et f' quod Ego Robertus de Beuvil dedi, etc., in puram, etc. elemosinam Deo, etc., de Trentham, pro salute anime mee, et patris mei et matris mee et antecessorum meorum, totam terram meam in uno campo de Longeton qui vocatur le Mulnefield, et extendit se in longitudine de "Ochul" versus molendinum de Longeton, et in latitudine a culturâ que vocatur le "Cocstal," usque ad viam que venit de villâ de Longeton versus "Lichwodehet" sicut circumfossatur, Habendam, etc. (warranty and seal), H. Testibus, Domino Willielmo de Fenton, Ada de Lavendon, Matho de Longeton, Willielmo de Halis, Galfrido de Coknage.

Robert de Beuvil, son of William de Beuvil, gives to Trentham a virgate in the fields of Longeton, in free alms, which Margery my grandmother (avia) formerly held in dower, for my soul's sake, for ever, also I have given them right to erect (levare) a certain mill within the territory of Longeton, in whatever place they chose, and suit of all the men of Longeton to their mill, when built; also I have given them all my rights in the wood of Longeton, between Longeton and Cokestall, i.e., all the land lying between the high road coming from New Castle and Brode medowe; and between the aforesaid road and the new medowe, and it extends on one side to Long Ford, thence ascending by the high road to the boundaries (divisas) called the Divise, between Longeton and Fenton. These witnesses, Adam de Lavendon, Matthew de Longeton, and others.

Gilbert de Mere grants to Trentham Priory the homage and service arising from 12 pence of rent of William de Fenton, by the said William's wish. These witnesses, William Bevil, Adam de Lavendon, Geoffrey Coknage, and others.

Adam de Lavenden grants to Trentham, land in Longeton in mill-field, and four butts in "Okhul," and seven selions in "Bruchehull." These witnesses, Matthew Clerk of Longeton, Geoffrey de Coknage, Robert de Caldewell, John de Hall (aulâ), Ralph Wyllot, and others.

William de Halis gives to Trentham, lands in the wood between Longeton and Cokstall. These witnesses, Adam de Lavenden, Matthew de Longeton, William de Lilleshull, Geoffrey de Coknage.

Nichol's Leicestershire (Vol. 3, Part 2, Page 968).

In 1346 A.D., the Prior of Trentham on the aid then granted for knighting Edward of Woodstock, the king's eldest son, was assessed 2s. for one twentieth part of a knight's fee in Gaddesby, parcel of the fee of Chester and Huntington. [Rot. aux. 20 Ed. III.]

Omnibus sancte matris ecclesie filiis, Rogerus (fn. 2) (i.e., de Clinton), Dei gratiâ Cestrensis Episcopus, salutem in domino, universitati vestre constare volumus nos inpersonasse Johannem capellanum in ecclesiam de Trentham, et in omnibus pertinentiis suis, et nominatim in Berliston, que est de jure ecclesie de Trentham, et hoc tam largitione quam presentacione venerabilis Domine nostre Matilde, filie Regis bone memorie Henrici, in plena sinodo Lichf' post Pentecost, anno (fn. 3) quo aplicuit (sic) prenominata domina ad castrum Arundel (fn. 4) de quo, tam prudenter quam sapienter, venit Bristol, et evasit de obsidione Regis Stephani; presente Ricardo pincerno, (fn. 5) et concedente, qui prenominatam ecclesiam tenuit de Rege Henrico, post cujus decessum eandem tenere noluit. Ea propter quicquid juris in prenominatâ habuit huic Johanni in nostrâ presentiâ concessit. Test' Roberto (fn. 6) Archdiacono Staff., Willielmo de Vileres (fn. 7) Arch' Cestrie, G. Arch' Derb', Arnald (sic) Capellano, R decano, Willielmo Capellano barbâ Apl (fn. 8) (sic) Alano decano Derb, et multis aliis. [Harl MS., B.M. 3868.] (1139–1145 A.D.)

Subscriptam transaccionem super controversiâ diu habitâ inter Priorem et canonicos de Trentham et Robertum de Costentin, (fn. 9) super capellis Novi castelli et Witemor, presentis pagine continencia manifestat; Videlicet quod prenominatus Robertus aparuit in presentiâ domini Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis conquerens super injuriâ a prenominatis canonicis sibi illatâ, postulans a domino Archiepiscopo secundum juris normam sibi satisfieri; et qui (a) ipse non potuit interesse, constituit quendam procuratorem, videlicet Vivianum de Stoch decisorem totius litis, et misit eum in manum domini Archiepiscopi, ratum habiturus quicquid Vivianus inde finiret. Quod idem Vivianus, literis et scripto domini Archiepi, insuper et vivâ voce episcopi Coventrensis (fn. 10) constare fecit. Ea propter convenerunt canonici et predictus Vivianus (fn. 11) in presentiâ episcopi Coventrensis in pleno sinodo et in hoc modo composuerunt. Quod prenominatus Prior et canonici concesserunt capellam de Witemore Viviano totâ vitâ suâ tenendam, singulis annis reddendo unum talentum auri, vel duos solidos matrici ecclesie. Insuper prenominata ecclesia retinet sepulturam, et caritatem panis cum Oblacione, et denarioa Sancti Petri, et cetera episcopalia Prima testamenta mortuorum et ceteræ omnes obvenciones remanent Viviano cum capellâ. E converso Vivianus, pro Roberto et pro se, quietam penitus clamat capellam Novi Castelli, tali tenore, quod si predictus Robertus de Costentin aliquando inceperit redivivam Litem contra hanc composicionem tam solemniter terminatam, et Vivianus dictas capellas canonicis contra Robertum de Costentin guarentizare nequiverit inprimis Vivianus reddet capellam Witemore penitus absolutam canonicis et pro pena X marcas et cum canonicis stabit contra prenominatum Robertum: et pro hac concessione sæpedictus Vivianus ecclesie de Trentham clericus effectus fidem se laturum matrici ecclesie tactis sacris affirmavit et cartam quam Robertus de Costentin habuit de canonicis de predictis capellis reddet, pro posse suo fideli, canonicis de Trentham, et ad expensas eorundem ibit et stabit cum illis in negociis suis, et fidele consilii juvamen prestabit ubi per illum promoveri sperabunt; et item Vicarius qui ministrabit in capellâ de Witemore per supranominatum Vivianum presentabitur Priori et canonicis et cautionem dabit de presentis scripti pacto tenendo sine dolo matrici ecclesie. Histi sunt testes et fide jussores de X marcis, Alanus Archidiaconus (fn. 12) de 3 marcis, Robertus decanus de 2 marcis, Johannes de Colwich de 2 marcis, Robertus de Diftune de 1 marcâ, Henricus de Nortunâ de 1 marcâ.

[Seal, in yellow wax, obscured, exhibiting the effigies of a prelate standing and giving benediction; affixed to a parchment label which hangs at the top of the charter]. (Madox's "Formulare Anglicanum," XXXIX). (C. 1175– 80).


  • 1. Ralph de Beville, c. 1220–1240 v. Eyton's, Staff., p. 92.
  • 2. Roger de Clinton was Bp. from 1129–1148; he died at Antioch.
  • 3. (I.e.) 1139 A.D.
  • 4. Matilda was beseiged in Arundel Castle by Stephen in 1139 A.D.
  • 5. Richard Butler was then the predecessor of John, the Earl's chaplain in Trentham Church.
  • 6. Robert, Archdeacon of Stafford, 1126–1145 (Le Neve).
  • 7. William de Vilers was Archdeacon of Chester in 1139 A.D., resigned in 1149, and died between 1155–59. (Le Neve and Eyton.) (Staff. Hist. Coll., Vol. II, p. 204.)
  • 8. Apl. is the contraction for appellato, i.e., William the Chaplain, called "William with the beard." We meet with him again as parson of Beltesford in Earl Hugh's charter.
  • 9. Robert de Costentin (of Thorpe Constantine) was witness to the Treaty of Devizes, 1153 A.D.
  • 10. Richard Peche, Bp., 1162–1182 A.D.
  • 11. Vivian de Stoke was living 1156 and 1200. (V. Pipe Rolls, Vols. I. and II, Staff. Hist. Coll.)
  • 12. See p. 22 (Vol. VI, p. 1). Alan was Archdeacon of Stafford, c. 1175–1182 (Le Neve).