Royal Charters and Letters Patent

The Records of St. Bartholomew's Priory and St. Bartholomew the Great, West Smithfield: Volume 1. Originally published by Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1921.

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E A Webb, 'Royal Charters and Letters Patent', in The Records of St. Bartholomew's Priory and St. Bartholomew the Great, West Smithfield: Volume 1(Oxford, 1921), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

E A Webb, 'Royal Charters and Letters Patent', in The Records of St. Bartholomew's Priory and St. Bartholomew the Great, West Smithfield: Volume 1(Oxford, 1921), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

E A Webb. "Royal Charters and Letters Patent". The Records of St. Bartholomew's Priory and St. Bartholomew the Great, West Smithfield: Volume 1. (Oxford, 1921), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section


No. 1.

Charter of Henry I dated at Westminster, A.D. 1133, in his 33rd year, granting to the church, to Rahere the prior, the canons regular, and to the poor of the hospital freedom from all earthly service, and peace to all coming to the fair.

It is witnessed by Henry, Bishop of Winchester, and others. (See this volume, p. 62.)

It occurs:

Chancery Cartae Antiquae (R.O.), Vol. L, No. 1.

By Inspeximus Patent Roll, 7 Hen. V, m. 19–17 (No. 24 below).

do.   do.   2 Hen. VI, pt. 1, m. 4–1 (No. 25 ").

do.   do.   8 Hen. VI, pt. 1, m. 8 (No. 26 ").

Printed in extenso Dugdale's Monasticon, VI, 296.

For translation see Sir Norman Moore's History of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 1912, I, 39.

No. 2.

Charter of the same king, the same date, and the same witnesses. It differs only slightly from No. 1 above, by calling the church the king's 'Demesne Chapel' and by saying that the king's faithful clerk Rahere had founded it for the use of regular canons. It omits reference to the poor of the hospital and to the church not having freedom from episcopal customs, but completes the sentence concerning the Fair. (fn. 1)

It occurs:

Memoranda Rolls, L.T.R., 37 Edw. III, M'mas, Roll 23, m. 40.

By Inspeximus Patent Roll, 7 Hen. V, m. 19–17, (No. 24 below).

do.   do.  2 Hen. VI, pt. 1, m. 4–1 (No. 25 ").

Printed in extenso Cal. Pat., 7 Hen. V, Vol. II, p. 239.

For translation, witnesses, and explanation of terms see this volume, pp. 60–64.

No. 3.

Charter of the same king, dated at Westminster, no year. It is a shortened form of the last (No. 2 above). It speaks of the king's 'Demesne space in Smithfield'.

The witnesses are Henry, Bishop of Winchester, Geoffrey the Chancellor, Stephen Earl of Mortaigne, Aubrey de Vere, Richard Basset and Milo de Gloucester.

It occurs:

Inspeximus Patent Roll, 7 Hen. V, m. 19–17 (No. 24 below).

do.   do.   2 Hen. VI, pt. 1, m. 4–1 (No. 25 ").

Printed in extenso Cal. Pat., 7 Hen. V, Vol. II, p. 242.

No. 4.

Charter of Henry II, dated at Rouen, no year (probably 1173). It recapitulates the privileges granted by Henry I. It is witnessed by T. Roch Ebr. and others (see p. 98).

It occurs:

Chancery Cartae Antiquae, Vol. L, No. 2.

By Inspeximus Charter Roll, 37 Hen. III (No. 16 below).

do.   do.   17 Edw. II (No. 20 ").

do.   Patent Roll,   7 Hen. V. (No. 24 ").

do.   do.   2 Hen. VI (No. 26 ").

Printed in extenso Calendar Charter Rolls, Vol. II, p. 368.

No. 5.

Charter of Henry II, dated at Rouen, no year (probably 1173), a reminder charter. It is witnessed by Richard de Humoz and Manasser Biset.

It occurs:

Chancery Cartae Antiquae, Vol. L, No. 8.

By Inspeximus Patent Roll, 7 Hen. V (No. 24 below).

do.   do.   2 Hen. VI (No. 26 ").

Printed in extenso Cal. Pat., 7 Hen. V, Vol. II, p. 242 (see above, p. 98).

No. 6.

Charter of Henry II, dated Westminster, no year (cir. 1176), enumerating and confirming in frankalmoign the grants made by King Henry I and others.

Witnessed by Richard, Bishop of Winchester, and others (see above, p. 100).

It occurs (only) as Inspeximus Pat., 11 Edw. II, pt. 2, m. 8 (No. 19 below).

As follows:

Henricus dei gratia Rex Anglorum et Dux Normannorum et Aquitannorum et Comes Andegavorum Archiepiscopis Episcopis Abbatibus Comitibus Baronibus Iusticiariis Vicecomitibus et omnibus ministris et fidelibus totius Anglie salutem Sciatis me concessisse et presenti carta confirmasse ecclesie Sancti Bartholomei de Lundonie et Canonicis regularibus ibidem deo seru(i)entibus in liberam et perpetuam elemosinam omnia subscripta que eis rationabiliter data sunt vel que imposterum rationabiliter adquirere potuerunt (fn. 2) dono sive empcione scilicet ex dono Henrici Regis aui mei locum de 'Smerefeld' in quo ecclesia eorum fundata est et domum hospitalem eiusdem ecclesie cum omnibus tenementis et pertinentiis suis quam Raherus fundator eiusdem ecclesie construxit ad vsus pauperum et infirmorum. Ex dono Rogeri Episcopi Saresburie ecclesiam Sancti Sepulchri de Balio cum decimis et pertinentiis suis infra Burgum et extra. Ex dono Hugonis Buisel medietatem ecclesie de Mentmore et hidam et dimidiam quicquid habeant in eadem parochia ex dono Walteri de Duni et partem quam Robertus de Cestresham de decima sua illis concessit apud Granam. Ex dono Roberti de Ramis ecclesiam Sancti Bartholomei de Tidulfuestre cum omnibus pertinentiis suis. Ex dono Rogeri de Ram' ecclesiam Sancti Laurentii de Stanmere cum pert(in)entiis suis et quicquid Willielmus de Ramis vel Adam Buchiunte vel comes Patricius vel Ela Comitissa illis in villa de Eggeswere et apud Tidulfuestre concesserunt. Ex dono Radulphi Trochet ecclesiam Sancti Martini de Pomerio. Ex dono eiusdem Radulphi medietatem ecclesie de Aldmarichirche. (fn. 3) Ex dono Comitis Willielmi de Mandeville medietatem ecclesie de Danningebere. Ex dono Gaufridi filii Ailwini medietatem ecclesie de Wannachester cum omnibus pertinentiis suis. Ex dono Atropii de Merc ecclesiam de Berdefeld cum pertinentiis. Ex dono Willelmi de Rames ecclesiam de Bradefeld cum (fn. 4) pertinentiis suis. Ex dono Gaufridi capellam Sancti Bartholomei de Wennachester cum pertinentiis suis. Ex dono Milonis de Verdun duas partes decime cum toto mobili de dominio suo de Oslakester. Ex dono Alani Dapiferi partem decime de dominio suo de Cherbuton. Ex dono Radulphi de Berners dimidiam hidam in Peltend. Ex dono eiusdem Radulphi decem solidatas in Iseldun. Ex dono Milonis de Verdun et Willielmi de Niueris duas Idas apud Sortegrave. Ex dono Oswardi quicquid habent in Maldona. Quicquid habent (fn. 5) in Laindon (fn. 6) (ex dono Roberti Lebel et ex dono Henrici Cawesuefes (fn. 7) et ex dono Cecilie filie Roberti Bloet et ex dono le fumi (fn. 8) Carbonarii et Gocsalini pessonarii (fn. 9). Preterea concedo eis et confirmo omnia alia que eis rationabiliter data sunt vel adquisita. Quare volo et firmiter precipio quod ecclesia de Bartholomei de Lundonie et canonici eiusdem ecclesie habeant et teneant omnia prenominata et quelibet alia que eis rationabiliter data sunt vel adquisita cum omnibus pertinenciis suis in bosco et plano in pratis et pasturis in aquis et molindinis in piscariis et vivariis in viis et semitis et in omnibus aliis locis et aliis rebus ad ea pertinentibus bene et in pace libere et quiete plenarie et integre et honorifice cum omnibus libertatibus et liberis consuetudinibus suis sicut carte donatorum suorum quas inde habent testantur. Testibus Ricardo Wynt', B. Elien', J. Norwyc', Episcopis, Ricardo de Luci Comite Alberico Simone de Bello Campo Gaufrido de Sai Gervasis de Canvilla apud Westmonasterium.

No. 7.

Charter of Henry II, dated Windsor, no year (cir. 1176), granting protection to the church and canons. Witnessed by Geoffrey, Bishop of Ely, and others (see p. 103).

It occurs only as Inspeximus Pat., 11 Edw. II, pt. 2, m. 8 (see No. 19 below).

As follows:

Henricus dei gratia Rex Anglie [or Anglorum] et Dux Normannorum et Aquitannorum et Comes Andegavie Archiepiscopis Episcopis Abbatibus Comitibus Baronibus Iusticiariis Vicecomitibus ministris et fidelibus suis Francis et Anglicanis salutem Sciatis me suscepisse ecclesiam sancti Bartholomei Lond' et Canonicos ibidem deo seruientes et omnes homines et res et terras eorum et possessiones sicut meos dominicos Canonicos et meas dominicas possessiones in manu et protecione et defensione mea contra omnes homines sicut coronam meam. Quare volo et firmiter precipio quod manuteneatis et custodiatis et protegatis predictam ecclesiam et Canonicos et omnes homines et res et terras et possessiones eorum sicut meas dominicales possessiones. Ita quod predictis Canonicis vel hominibus vel terris suis nullam iuiuriam vel molestatem aut gravamen faciendum vel ab aliquo fieri permit(t)atis prohibeo etiam super forisfacturam meam quod nullus siue clericus siue laicus de predicta ecclesia Sancti Bartholomei que est dominica Capella mea siue de possessionibus suis siue de hospitali eorum se intromittat nisi per bonam voluntatem prioris et Canonicorum eiusdem ecclesie set predicta domus hospitalis et omnia que ad ipsam domum pertinent sint in disposicione et ordinacione et subiecione prioris et Canonicorum predicte ecclesie sicut fuerunt eo tempore quo Raherus primus prior eiusdem ecclesie eam fundavit et sicut fuerunt tempore Henrici Regis Aui mei. Si quis vero predictam domum hospitalem ab ecclesia et subieccione prioris et Canonicorum separari voluerit ipse et omnia que ad ipsum pertinent in ius regale deveniant et fiat de eo sicut qui libertatem corone mee diminuere voluerit.

Testibus Gaufrido Elyen' episcopo Ranulfo de Glanuill Comite Alberico Simone de Bello Campo G(aufrido) de Say apud Wyndeles'.

[Note.—Above enrolment [11 Edw. II] is an inspeximus and exemplification of a confirmation and protection severally, and not a confirmation and is not witnessed.]

No. 8.

Charter of Henry II, dated Winchester in his 33rd year (1187), enumerates and confirms in frankalmoigne the grants made in the previous charter (No. 6 above) with many omissions, but with the following additions:

Ex dono eiusdem (Hen. I) ecclesiam de Gorleston cum aliis ecclesiis et capellis de Ludyngland.

Ex dono Willelmi filii Milonis aliam mediaetatem eiusdem ecclesie (Mentemore).

Ex dono G. episcopi Londoniensis ecclesiam de Bassengeshagh.

Ex dono Willelmi de Bosco ecclesiam de Taiden.

Witnessed by Richard, Bishop of Winchester, and others.

It occurs (probably in part only):

Memo. Roll, L.T.R., M'mas, 19 Edw. II, m. 31d (A.D. 1325).

do.   do.   Trinity, 1 Edw. III, m. 46d, 47 (A.D. 1327).

do.   do.   M'mas, 37 Edw. III, m. 41d, No. XXIII (A.D. 1363).

The 33rd year Hen. II is named in the roll as the date of the charter, but only a few lines are recited. (See pp. 101, 103.) Not printed here, as it follows closely the previous charter (No. 6) above.

No. 9.

Charter of Richard I, dated Rouen, 23 or 24 March, in his 1st year (1190); recapitulates the privileges granted by Henry I (No. 1) and by Henry II (No. 4).

Witnessed by Baldwin, Archbishop of Canterbury, and others (see p. 103).

It occurs:

Chancery Cartae Antiquae, Vol. L, No. 3 (dated 23 March).

By Inspeximus Patent Roll, 7 Hen. V, m. 19-17 (dated 24 March, No. 24 below).

do.   do.   2 Hen. VI, pt. 1, m. 4–1 (6th inspected, No. 25 below).

In extenso Cal. Pat., Vol. III, p. 243.

No. 10.

Charter of Richard I, dated Rouen, 23 March, in his 1st year (1190); recapitulates the grants of land, &c., confirmed by Henry II, cir. 1176 (No. 6).

Witnessed by Baldwin, Archbishop of Canterbury, and others (see above, p. 103).

It occurs (only):

Memo. Roll, L.T.R. 1 Edw. III, Trinity, m. 46d, 47.

do.   do.   19 Edw. II, M'mas, m. 31d (only in brief).

Not printed here, being a recapitulation of No. 9 above. It, however, adds cum capella de Mannester.

No. 11.

Charter of Richard I, dated at Rouen, 22 or 26 March, in his 1st year (1190). Above, p. 104.

Witnessed (only) by W(illiam Longchamp), Bishop of Ely.

It occurs:

Chancery Cartae Antiquae, Vol. L, 9 (dated March 22).

By Inspeximus, 11 Edw. II, pt. 2, m. 8 (dated March 26, No. 19 below), as follows:
Carta Richardi Regis—De Confirmatione.

Ricardus Dei gratia Rex Anglie Dux Normannie Aquitanie Comes Andegavie Archiepiscopis Episcopis Abbatibus Comitibus Baronibus Iusticiariis Vicecomitibus et omnibus ministris et fidelibus suis Francis et Anglis salutem Sciatis nos concessisse et hac carta nostra confirmasse Deo et Ecclesie beati Bartholomei Londonie que est dominica capella nostra et Canonicis nostris ibidem Deo servientibus omnes cartas et omnes donationes et libertates et liberas consuetudines quas H. Rex Anglie proavus noster et H. Rex Anglie pater noster predicte Ecclesie Sancti Bartholomei et Canonicis concesserunt et cartis suis confirmaverunt. Preterea concedimus eis pro amore Dei et salute nostri et antecessorum nostrorum et pro stabilitate regni nostri omnes terras et redditus suos tam ecclesiasticos quam laicos infra Civitatem Londonie et extra. infra burgum et extra. cum omnibus libertatibus et liberis consuetudinibus suis et quicquid tenuerunt tempore H. Regis patris nostri bene et in pace teneant sicut carta ipsius testatur. Et prohibemus ne Prior vel Canonici ponantur in placitum de aliquo tenemento suo quod tenent nisi coram nobis vel coram capitali iusticia nostra. Quare volumus et firmiter precipimus quod predicta Ecclesia Sancti Bartholomei et Canonici nostri hec omnia habeant et teneant bene et in pace libere et quiete integre et honorifice inperpetuum. Teste W. Elyensi Episcopo et Cancellario nostro apud Rothomagum xxiio die Marcii Regni nostri anno primo.

No. 12.

Letters Patent of Richard I, dated at Rouen, 23 or 24 March, in his 1st year (1190): a mandate to the sheriffs of London not to interfere with the Fair of the p. and c. (see above, p. 104).

Witnessed (only) by W(illiam Longchamp) Bishop of Ely.

It occurs:

Chancery Cartae Antiquae, Vol. L, 4 (March 24).

By Inspeximus, Patent Roll, 7 Hen. V, m. 19–17 (March 23, No. 24 below). (7th inspected.)

do.   do.   2 Hen. VI, part I, m. 4–1 (March 24, No. 25 below). (7th inspected.)

Printed in extenso in Cal. Pat., 7 Hen. V, Vol. II, p. 245. (For translation, see above, p. 299.)

No. 13.

Charter of John, dated at Brill, 29 December, in his 5th year (1203). It granted protection and confirmed all liberties and possessions granted by Henry I and Henry II.

Witnessed by G(eoffrey), son of Peter Earl of Essex, and others (see p. 107).

It occurs:

Charter Rolls, 5 John.

Patent Rolls, 7 Hen. V, m. 19–17 (8th inspected).

Printed in extenso, Rotuli Cartarum, by T. Duffus Hardy, p. 115. It may be translated thus:

John by the Grace of God King of England Lord of Ireland Duke of Normandy & Aquitaine Earl of Anjou to the Archbishops, Bishops Abbots Earls Barons Justices Sheriffs Provosts Officers and to all his Bailiffs and faithful subjects Greeting. Know ye that we have taken the church of St. Bartholomew London and the canons therein serving God and all their men and tenants goods lands and possessions as being our Demesne canons and our Demesne possessions into our hand protection and defence against all men like our crown. Wherefore we will and strictly ordain that ye maintain and guard protect and defend the said church and the canons and all their men and tenants goods lands and possessions like our Demesne possessions so that ye do no injustice trouble or inconvenience to the aforesaid canons or their men or lands nor suffer such to be done by any person. We forbid moreover upon pain of forfeiture by us that any person whether clerk or layman shall interfere with the said church of St. Bartholomew, which is our Demesne Chapel, or its possessions or its hospital except by the good pleasure of the prior and canons of the same church but the aforesaid house of the hospital and all things which belong to the said house shall be in the rule order and governance of the prior and canons of the said church as they were at the time when Rahere the first prior of the said church founded it and as they were in the time of King Henry our great grandfather and King Henry our father. But if any shall desire to withdraw the said house of the hospital away from the said church and the rule of the prior and canons he and all that belong to him shall be amenable to our royal prerogative and it shall be done unto him as to one who shall desire to infringe the liberty of our crown. Know ye besides that we have granted and by our present charter have confirmed unto God and unto the said church of St. Bartholomew London which is as we have said our Demesne Chapel and unto our canons there serving God all the charters and all the gifts franchises and free customs which King Henry our great grandfather and King Henry our father have granted unto the said church and by their Charters have confirmed. Further we grant unto them for the love of God and for the salvation of the souls of us and our heirs all their lands and revenues as well Ecclesiastical as Lay within the city of London and without within borough and without together with all their franchises and free customs and whatsoever they held in the time of King Henry our father they shall well and peaceably hold. And we forbid that the prior or canons of the said church of St. Bartholomew be set to plead concerning any of their tenements which they hold save in presence of us. Wherefore we will and strictly ordain that the aforesaid church of Saint Bartholomew and the canons shall have and hold all these premises well and peaceably freely and quietly entirely and honorably for ever. As the charters of King Henry our father which they have from him sufficiently witness. These being witnesses—

Geoffrey the son of Peter Earl of Essex

William Marshall Earl of Pembroke

Robert son of Roger

Hugh de Nevill

Robert de Nipont

Peter de Stok

Geoffrey de Lucy

William Briwerr

Given by the hand of Simon Provost of Beverley and Archdeacon of Wells at Brehull the 29th day of December in the fifth year of our Reign.'

No. 14.

Charter of Henry III, dated at Westminster, 16 March, in his 11th year (1227). It is identical with the preceding. It is witnessed by Jocelyn the Bishop of Bath and others (see above, p. 114).

It occurs:

Chancery, Cartae Antiquae, Vol. L, No. 6.

Charter Rolls, 11 Hen. III, pt. 1, m. 19.

Not printed here, being the same as No. 13 (above).

No. 15.

Charter of Henry III, dated at Rochester, 13 September, in his 13th year (1229). A confirmation of grant of various churches in Suffolk. Witnessed by Hugh de Burg and others (see above, p. 114).

It occurs:

Charter Rolls 13 Hen. III, pt. 1, m. 4. As follows:

H. Rex etc. salutem Noveritis nos intuitu Dei et pro salute anime nostre etc. concessisse et hac carta nostra confirmasse Ecclesie Sancti Bartholomei Londonie que est dominica capella nostra et canonicis ibidem Deo servientibus ecclesiam de Gorleston et ecclesias Sancti Nicholai de Parva Iernemuth et de Lodewistoft et de Beleton que sunt de donacione nostra cum omnibus aliis pertinentiis decimis ouentionibus (fn. 10) et omnibus aliis rebus ad predictas ecclesias pertinentibus habendas et tenendas de nobis et heredibus nostris eisdem Canonicis et successoribus suis in liberam puram et perpetuam elemosinam ad eorum sustentationem Quare volumus etc. quod predicti Canonici et eorum successores habeant et teneant de nobis et heredibus nostris predictas ecclesias cum omnibus pertinentiis decimis ouentionibus et omnibus aliis rebus ad easdem ecclesias pertinentibus bene et in pace libere quiete et integre sicut predictum est et sicut carta H. Regis avi H. Regis avi nostri et confirmatio ipsius H. Regis avi nostri et R. Regis avunculi nostri quas ipsi Canonici inde habent rationabiliter testantur Hiis testibus H. de Burgh etc. H. de Sedgrave R. de Gray Johannes filius Philippi Data apud Roffa . . . xiii die Septembris.

No. 16.

Charter of Henry III, dated at Winchester, 15 June, in his 37th year (1253). A confirmation and enumeration of the possessions of the monastery.

Witnessed by Aymer Vallance, Bishop elect of Winchester, and others (see above, p. 127).

It occurs:

Chancery Cartae Antiquae, Vol. L, No. 11.

By Inspeximus Charter Rolls, 18 Edw. I, m. 17 (No. 18 below).

do.   Patent Roll, 11 Edw. II, pt. 2, m. 8 (No. 19 ").

do.   Memoranda Rolls, L.T.R. 7 Edw. III, Roll 7 (at foot 40th m.).

do.   Charter Roll, 6 Rich. II, No. 7 (No. 23 below).

do.   Patent Roll, 2 Hen. VI, pt. 1, m. 4 (9th inspected, No. 25 below).

do.   do.   5 Edw. IV, pt. 3, m. 15 (No. 28 below).

Printed Dugdale, Monasticon, vi. 295, and may be translated thus:

'Henry by the Grace of God King of England Lord of Ireland Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine and Earl of Anjou to the Archbishops Bishops Abbots Priors Earls Barons Justices Foresters Sheriffs Provosts Officers and all Bailiffs and faithful subjects of his Greeting.

Know ye that we for the salvation of our own soul and of the souls of our predecessors and our heirs have granted and by this our Charter have confirmed unto our beloved in Christ the prior and canons of the church of St. Bartholomew of Smethfeld in the suburbs of London all the gifts and grants hereunder written to wit of the gift of Henry the first, King of England the place in Smethfeld wherein the said church of S. Bartholomew has been built with the hospital of the poor of the same church; of the gift of the same King Henry the church of St. Nicholas of Little Yarmouth with other churches and chapels in Luddingland; of the gift of Roger sometime Bishop of Sarum the church of the Holy Sepulchre of the Bailiwick of London with its appurtenances within borough and without; of the gift of Hugh Bussell the moiety of the church of Mentmore; of William son of Milo the other moiety of the same church. Of the gift of Robert de Ramis the chapel of St. Bartholomew of Tydulnestre. Of the gift of Roger de Ramis the church of St. Lawrence of Stanmere. Of the gift of William de Bosco the church of Teydene. Of the gift of William Earl of Mandeville a moiety of the church of Danigbere. Of the gift of Geoffrey son of Ailwin a moiety of the church of Wennakexton. Of the gift of William de Ramis the church of Bradfield. Of the gift of Ralph Tricket the church of St. Martin Pomeroy. Of the gift of G. sometime Bishop of London the church of St. Michael Bassingshaw. Further we grant and by his own charter we confirm unto the same prior and canons that they shall have and hold all the gifts and grants hereunder written to wit all the lands and rents with their appurtenances which they hold in the vill of Islington of the fee of Ralph de Berniers and all the lands and rents with their appurtenances which they hold in Idulnestre of the fee of William sometime Earl of Sarum. And all the lands and rents with their appurtenances which they hold in Little Stanmere and Bradesend of the fee and of the gift of William de Ramis and all the lands and rents with their appurtenances which they hold in the vill of Shenle of the gift and the fee of Adam son and heir of Ellis de Somery and of Saier (Saerii) son of Henry and all the lands and rents with their appurtenances which they hold in the vill of Mentmore of the fee of Ralph Lepoer and of Walter son of Hugh Bussell of Nicholas le Dun and of Richard of Idebure and all the lands and rents with their appurtenances which they hold in Langley of the fee of Robert son of Roger and of John son of Robert of the manor of Clavering and all the lands and rents with their appurtenances which they hold in the vill of Twying of the gift of Alexander of Swereford sometime Treasurer of S. Paul's London of the fee of Godfrey of Twying son of Richard of Twying and of John son of John son of Vitalis with the advowson of the church of the same vill and all the lands and rent with their appurtenances which they hold in the vill of Hertford Amwell and Lockley of the gift of the said Alexander of Swereford and all the lands and rents with their appurtenances which they hold in the vill of Shortgrave of the fee of Henry de Merk and of William de Verdon. Wherefore we will and strictly enjoin for ourselves and our heirs that the said prior and canons and their successors for ever shall have and hold all the lands and tenements aforesaid together with the churches and chapels and the advowsons of the same and all other their appurtenances well and peaceably freely and quietly together with all franchises and free customs unto all the premises belonging and that the house of the Hospital of St. Bartholomew of Smethfeld aforesaid and all things that belong to the same house shall be in the rule ordinance and governance of the said prior and canons of St. Bartholomew as the charters of the Lord King John our father and of King Henry the First and as the charters of the aforesaid benefactors and grantors which they have concerning the aforesaid gifts and grants more fully and reasonably bear witness These being witnesses the venerable father Aymer Bishop elect of Winton Besham of Crioll John de Grey John de Lessington Peter Chaceport Archdeacon of Wells Master William de Kilkenner Archdeacon of Coventry Henry de Wenham Bartholomew Pecche William de Grey William of St. Ermine and others Given by our own hand at Wynton on the fifteenth day of June in the thirty-seventh year of our reign.'

No. 17.

Charter of the same king at the same place and year, 15 June, 1253; an Inspeximus of Charter Henry II, cir. 1173 (No. 4 above).

Witnessed by the same as No. 16 (above) with the omission of Archdeacon Chaceport (see above, p. 128).

It occurs:

Chancery Cartae Antiquae, Vol. L, No. 14.

By Inspeximus Charter Rolls, 18 Edw. I, m. 17 (No. 18 below).

The charter inspected is printed in Cal. Charter Roll, Vol. II, p. 368.

No. 18.

Charter of Edward I, dated at Westminster, 10 July, in his 18th year (1290); an Inspeximus of the two charters above, Nos. 16, 17.

Witnessed by Robert, Bishop of Bath and Wells, and others (see above, p. 137).

It occurs:

Charter Rolls, 18 Edw. I, m. 17.

By Inspeximus Charter Rolls, 17 Edw. II, m. 1, No. 2 (No. 20 below).

do.   do.   6 Rich. II, No. 7 (No. 23 below).

do.   Patent Rolls, 2 Henry VI, pt. 1, m. 4–1 (No. 25 below).

The charters inspected have been printed as above.

No. 19.

Letter Patent of Edward II, dated at Westminster, 6 June, in his 11th year (1318); an Inspeximus of the following Charters (which see) (see above, p. 161):

Two Charters (cir.) 22 Henry II (Nos. 6 & 7 above).

Charter—1 Rich. I (No. 11 above).

It occurs: Patent 11 Edward II, pt. 2, m. 8.

No. 20.

Charter of Edward II, dated at Westminster, 10 June, in his 17th year (1324); an Inspeximus for both the p. and c. and the m. and b. of the hospital, of the charter 18 Edward I (No. 18 above) (see above, p. 161).

Witnessed by Walter, Archbishop of Canterbury, and others.

It occurs:

Charter Roll, 17 Edw. II, m. 1, No. 2.

Memo. Roll, 19 Edw. II, M'mas, m. 31d.

By Inspeximus Patent Roll, 2 Henry VI, pt. 1, m. 4–1 (No. 25 below).

No. 21.

Letter Patent of Edward III, dated at Westminster, 2 July, in his 38th year (1364). A protection to merchants coming to the Fair. It is fully set out in the Calendar of the Patent Rolls of that year, p. 524 (see above, p. 298).

No. 22.

Letter Patent of Edward III, dated at Westminster, 15 July, in his 38th year (1364); granting an exemption to the prior of Smythefeld and other lords who have fairs in the suburbs from an ordinance restricting the use of the mystery of drapery in the city to those who had been apprenticed therein.

It is fully set out in the Calendar of the Patent Rolls of that date, p. 4; also in the Calendar of the Close Rolls of the same date, p. 75 (see above, p. 302).

No. 23.

Charter of Richard II, dated at Westminster, 28 January, in his 6th year (1383); an Inspeximus of the following:

A charter 17 Edw. II (No. 20 above).

do.  18 Edw. I (No. 18 above).

Witnessed by William, Bishop of Canterbury, and others (see above, p. 178).

It occurs:

Charter Rolls, 6 Rich. II, m. 7.

By Inspeximus Patent Roll, 2 Hen. VI, pt. 1, m. 4–1 (No. 25 below).

do.  do.  5 Edw. IV, pt. 3, m. 15 (No. 28 below).

No. 24.

Letters Patent of Henry V, dated at Westminster, 27 September, in his 7th year (1419); an Inspeximus to the p. and c. of the church and to the m. and b. of the hospital, of the following:

1. A charter of Hen. I, dated A. D. 1133 (No. 1 above).

2. Another charter of the same, dated A. D. 1133 (No. 2 above).

3. Another charter of the same, no date, same witnesses (No. 3 above).

4. A charter of Hen. II, dated at Rouen about 1173 (No. 4 above).

5. Another charter of the same, about 1173 (No. 5 above).

6. A charter, 1 Rich. I (No. 9 above).

7. Letters Patent of the same king, the same year (No. 12 above).

8. A charter, 5 John (No. 13 above).

9. A charter, 6 Rich. II (No. 23 above) (see above, p. 209).

It occurs:

Patent Roll, 7 Hen. V, m. 19–17.

By Inspeximus Patent Roll, 2 Hen. VI, m. 4–1 (No. 25 below).

Hospital Cartulary, pp. 72–9.

No. 25.

Letters Patent of Henry VI, dated at Westminster, 8 June, in his 2nd year (1424); an Inspeximus by advice and assent of the lords spiritual and temporal in the Parliament held at Westminster in the king's first year, to the prior and canons, of letters patent, 7 Henry V (No. 24 above) (see above, p. 209).

It occurs:

Patent Roll, 2 Hen. VI, pt. 1, m. 4–1.

No. 26.

Letters Patent of Henry VI, dated at Westminster, 8 October, in his 8th year (1429); an exemplification, at the request of the p. and c., of a charter of Henry I (No. 1 above) (see above, p. 209).

It occurs:

Patent Roll, 8 Hen. VI, pt. 1, m. 8.

No. 27.

Letters Patent of Henry VI, dated at Westminster, 30 December, in his 19th year (1440); relieving the p. and c. from the collection and levying of tenths and fifteenths and making them immune in case of non-payment (see above, p. 212).

It occurs:

Patent Roll, 19 Hen. VI, pt. 1, m. 15.

No. 28.

Letters Patent of Edward IV, dated at Westminster, 15 November, in his 5th year (1465); Inspeximus and confirmation to the p. and c. and to the m. and b. of the hospital, of the charter 6 Richard II (No. 23 above) (see above, p. 214).

It occurs:

Patent Roll, 5 Edw. IV, pt. 3, m. 15.

No. 29.

A Charter of Henry VII, dated at Westminster, on the 7 October, in his 5th year (1489); a charter of confirmation to the p. and c. and to the m. and b. of the hospital of the Letters Patent 5 Edward IV (No. 28 above) (see above, p. 220).

It occurs in an exemplification of its enrolment at the request of Robert Lord Rich, 25 Elizabeth, 14 May (1583). (It is entered in Lord Holland's cartulary, f. 123, but we have been unable to find where it has been enrolled.)


  • 1. See p. 62.
  • 2. For poterunt.
  • 3. Charter No. 10 here inserts 'Ex dono Gilberti episcopi Londoniensis ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis de Bassingheh. Ex dono Willelmi de Boscho ecclesiam de Taiden cum pertinentiis suis'.
  • 4. Charter No. 10 here inserts 'capella de Mannester et'.
  • 5. Charter No. 10 here inserts 'de feodo Roberti filii Rogeri'.
  • 6. In charter No. 10 Langeleia.
  • 7. Do. Cawesnefes.
  • 8. Do. Lefumer.
  • 9. Do. in London.
  • 10. Probably offerings.