Syllabus Entry |
Foedera Text |
July 27. Safe conduct for Albert bp. of Lubeck, Knout bp. of Viborg, Erick Otonis, seneschal of Denmark, Nicholas Ramowe, marshal, and eight other ambassadors of Cristiern K. of Denmark. Stamford. O. xi. 784. H. v. p. iii. 32. |
De Salvo Conductu pro Ambassiatoribus Regis Daciae ad Tractandum super Negotiis infra Regnum Angliae. An. 13. E. 4. Franc. 13. E. 4. m. 15. Rex Universis & singulis Admirallis &c. Salutem. Sciatis quòd Nos, Bonum commune Subditorum talibusque Rem publicam munire Praesidiis summopere affectantes, per quae, semotis Guerrarum & Depraedationum Calamitatibus atque Turbinibus, prosperè & securè persistere, ac sub suavissimae Pacis Filicitate laetari continuè valeat & crescere, Suscepimus in salvum & securum Conductum nostrum, ac in Protectionem, Tuitionem, & Defensionem nostras speciales, Venerabiles in Christo Patres, Abbertum Lubicensem & Knoutum Wyburgensem Episcopos, Nobilesque Viros Ericum Otonis Senescallum Daciae, Nicholaum Ramowe Marescallum Daciae, Strang. Nicholason Militem, Auxellum Laweson Militem, Johannem Oxe Militem, Georgium Laurenson Militem, Johannem Nicholas Cancellarium Daciae, Escall Guy Militem, Magistrum Jasperum de Copenhaven, & Johannem de Embek Secretarium, Serenissimi Principis Cristierni Daciae, Sweciae, Norwegiae, Slavorum Gothorumque Regis Fratris nostri Carissimi Ambassiatores, Commissarios, Procuratores, Nuncios, sive Oratores, in Regnum nostrum Angliae, ac alia Dominia, Terras, Jurisdictiones, & Territoria nostra quaecumque, tàm per Mare & Aquas dulces, cum Duabus Navibus cujuscumque Portagii fuerint, unà cum sufficientibus Magistris & Marinariis pro Gubernationibus earumdem, quàm per Terram, equestrè vel pedestrè, seu aliâ equitaturâ, cum Trecentis Personis in Comitiva sua, cujuscumque Statûs, Nationis, seu Conditionis fuerint, Nobis non Rebellibus, Armatis vel non Armatis, ac cum Bonis, Rebus, Jocalibus, Hernesiis, Literis, Papiris, Instrumentis apertis & non apertis, Manticis, Bogeis, & Fardellis, conjunctim vel divisim, Veniendo, ibidem Die ac Nocte Morando, Perhendinando, Sojornando, Conversando, & Itinerando, Ac cum Commissariis, Procuratoribus, Oratoribus, sive Nunciis nostris Negotia & Materias, Nos & dictum Serenissimum Principem Fratrem nostrum, ac Regna, Dominia, ac Subditos, & Vassallos utriusque nostrûm concernentia, Tractando, ac de & super eisdem Comunicando, Appunctuando, Concludendo, & Determinando, Et ab eodem Regno nostro, ac aliis Dominiis, Terris, Jurisdictionibus, & Territoriis praedictis, ad quascumque Partes Exteras, cum Bonis, Rebus, Jocalibus, Hernesiis, Literis, Papiris, Instrumentis, Manticis, Bogeis, & Fardellis praedictis, transeundo, & iterum in Regnum, Dominia, Terras, Jurisdictiones, & Territoria nostra praedicta, totiens quotiens sibi placuerit, durante praesenti Salvo Conductu nostro, in formâ praedictâ Reveniendo, & ab eisdem Redeundo, absque Impetitione seu Impedimento nostri aut aliorum quorumcumque, aliqua Marqua, Contromarqua, seu Reprisalia concessa vel concedenda, aut aliquo Statuto, Actu, Ordinatione, seu Restrictione, in contrarium factis, editis, ordinatis, seu provisis, aut eo quòd Nomina Navium praedictarum ac Magistrorum & Portagia earumdem in Praesentibus non expressantur, juxta formam Statuti indè editi & provisi, aut aliâ Re, Causâ, vel Materiâ quacumque non obstantibus; Et ideò &c. Proviso semper quòd praefati Ambassiatores, Commissarii, Procuratores, Nuncii, sive Oratores praedicti Serenissimi Principis Fratris nostri, ac secum Committantes, se benè & honestè erga Nos & Populum nostrum habeant & gerant, absque quicquam, quod in nostri Contemptum seu Praejudicium aut Populi nostri praedicti Dampnum seu Gravamen cedere valeat, attemptando val faciendo, Quodque ipsi nullum Castrorum, Fortalitiorum, seu Villarum nostrarum firmatarum, absque eo quòd ipsi praesentes Literas nostras de Salvo Conductu Capitaneis, Majoribus, seu Gubernatoribus eorumdem primitùs demonstrent, ingrediantur, nec eorum aliquis ingrediatur quovis modo,
Et, si contingat aliquem praedictorum Episcoporum, Erici, Nicholai, Strang. Axellmi, Johannis, Georgii, Johannis, Escall. Jasparis, & Johannis, aut secum Commitantium, praesentem salvum Conductum nostrum infringere, nolumus tamen alicui, dictum Salvum Conductum nostrum minimè infringenti, aliquod Dampnum seu Praejudicium generari, set illi vel illis sic Infringenti vel Infringentibus. In cujus &c. per unum Annum duraturas. Teste Rege apud Staunford, vicesimo septimo die Julii. Per ipsum Regem, & de Data, &c. |
July 27. Safe conduct for Cristiern K. of Denmark. Stamford. O. xi. 785. H. v. p. iii. 33. |
De Salvo Conductu pro Rege memorato. An. 13. E. 4. Franc. 13. E. 4. m. 15. Rex universis & singulis Admirallis, &c. Salutem. Sciatis quòd, Cùm Serenissimus Princeps Dominus Cristiernus Daciae, Sweciae, Norwigiae, Slavorum, Gothorumque Rex, Frater noster carissimus, propè Confinia nostrae Ditionis Maritima, uti nuper accepimus, peregrè proficisci intendens, nostri salvi Conductûs Literas sibi concedi magnoperè affectet, Nos, ipsum amore & benivolentia intimiùs amplexantes, mutuisque inter Nos Tractatibus non modo nostrorum suorumque Regnorum Rem publicam plurimùm crescere, verùm etiam nostris suisque satis proficere Subditis dignè arbitrantes, ejus superinde Votis totis annuendo visceribus, ipsum illustrissimum Principem Cristiernum Regem Fratrem nostrum perquam carum non solum grato immo perjocundo suscepimus animo in bonum securum & salvum Conductum nostrum, per Regnum nostrum Angliae & Partes Maritimas ejusdem, aliaque Dominia, Jurisdictiones, & Territoria nostra quaecumque, ubicumque sibi placuerit, cum Septingentis Personis vel infra in Comitivâ suâ (cujuscumque Statûs, Gradûs, Dignitatis, Praeeminentiae, Conditionis, aut Nationis fuerint) Nobis non Rebellibus, Armatis vel non Armatis, & totidem Equis, ac Bonis, Rebus, Jocalibus, Auro Argento Monetato & non Monetato, Literis, Papiris, Libris, cartis, Scripturis, Manticis, Fardellis, Bulgeis, Arcubus, Telis, Cordis, Gladiis, Cultellis, ac aliis Hernesiis suis quibuscumque, conjunctim vel divisim, per Mare & Aquas dulces, cum Quatuor Navibus ad minus cujuscumque Oneris aut Portagii fuerint, unà cum sufficientibus Magistris & Marinariis pro Gubernationibus eorumdem, aut per Terram, equestrè vel pedestrè, vel aliter, per Vias publicas & semitas, totiens quotiens sibi placuerit, durante praesenti salvo Conductu nostro, Veniendo, ibidem Nocte Dieque Morando, Perhendinando, Pausando, Quiescendo, Itinerando, Tractando, & Expectando, quamdiu dicto Serenissimo Principi Cristierno aut suis bonum videbitur & placebit, & exindè ad quascumque Partes Exteras, ubicumque sibi placuerit, unà cum suis Rebus & Bonis hujusmodi quibuscumque, Transeundo, Reveniendo, & Redeundo, liberè & absque Impedimento, Impetitione, Perturbatione, Molestatione, Aresto, seu Gravamine quocumque, eidem Serenissimo Principi Cristierno, seu aliquibus vel alicui de Societate suâ praedictâ, in Corporibus vel in Bonis, per Nos, aut Officiarios, Ministros, seu Subditos nostros quoscumque, Pacto, Conditione, vel Colore quocumque, directè vel indirectè, Praestando, Irrogando, vel Inferendo, aliquâ Marquâ, Contromarquâ, sive Reprisaliâ concessâ vel concedendâ, aut aliquo Statuto, Actu, Ordinatione, Provisione, seu Restrictione in contrarium factis, ordinatis, seu provisis, aut eo quòd Nomina Navium praedictarum ac Magistrorum & Portagia earumdem in Praesentibus non expressantur juxta formam Statui indè editi & provisi, aut aliâ Re, Causâ, vel Materiâ quacumque non obstante: Et ideò &c. Proviso semper quòd praefatus Serenissimus Princeps Cristiernus ac secum Commitantes se benè & honestè erga Nos & Populum nostrum habeant & gerant, absque quicquam, quod in nostri Contemptum seu Praejudicium aut Populi nostri praedicti Dampnum seu Gravamen cedere valeat, attemptando vel faciendo, Quodque ipsi nullum Castrorum, Fortalitiorum, seu Villarum nostrarum firmatarum, absque eo quòd ipsi praesentes Literas nostras de Salvo Conductu Capitaneis, Majoribus, seu Gubernatoribus eorumdem primitùs demonstrent, ingrediantur, nec eorum aliquis ingrediatur quovis modo, Et, si contingat aliquem praedictorum de Comitivâ praedicti Serenissimi Principis Cristierni praesentem Salvum Conductum nostrum Infringere, nolumus tamen exin-
dè alicui praesentem Salvum Conductum nostrum minimè Infringenti aliquod Dampnum seu Praejudicium generari, set illi vel illis sic Infringenti vel Infringentibus. In cujus &c. per unum Annum duraturas. Teste Rege apud Staunford, vicesimo septimo die Julii. Per ipsum Regem, & de Dat. &c. |
Aug. 24. Commission to John bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, Henry earl of Northumberland, sir Ralph Graystok, of Graystok, sir John Scrop, of Bolton, Irelond king-of-arms, and nine others, to treat for redress of injuries, truce or peace with Scotland. Lichfield. O. xi. 786. H. v. p. iii. 33. |
De Tractando cum Commissariis Scotiae. An. 13. E. 4. Scot. 13. E. 4. m. 15. Rex Omnibus, ad quos &c. Salutem. Sciatis quòd Nos, De Fidelitatibus, Circumspectionibus, & Industriis, Venerabilis Patris Johannis Episcopi Coventrensis & Lichfeldensis, Ac, Praecarissimi Consanguinei nostri Henrici Comitis Northumbriae, Necnon, Dilectorum & Fidelium nostrorum, Radulphi Graystok de Graystok Militis, Johannis Scrop de Bolton Militis, Humfridi Dacre de Dacre Militis, Ricardi Prioris Dunolmensis, Ac Magistri Roberti Mason, Magistri Johannis Lilford, Et Magistri Johannis Fox, Legum Doctorum, Willielmi Parre Militis, Jacobi Strangeways Militis, Johannis Conyers Militis, Et Thomae Witham, Ac Dilecti Nobis Irelond Regis Armorum, Quamplurimùm confidentes, Ipsos nostros veros & indubitatos Commissarios, Deputatos, & Procuratores speciales Facimus, Constituimus, & Ordinamus per Praesentes, Dantes & Concedentes eisdem Commissariis, Deputatis, & Procuratoribus nostris, Tresdecim, Duodecim, Undecim, Decem, Novem, Octo, Septem, & Sex eorum, plenam Potestatem & Auctoritatem, Vicesimo Die Septembris proximò futuro, apud Aunewyk, vel in quocumque alio Loco congruo & oportuno, Conveniendi cum Commissariis, Deputatis, & Procuratoribus praecarissimi Consanguinei nostri Jacobi Regis Scotorum, sufficientem Potestatem ab eodem Consanguineo nostro in hac parte habentibus, Ac Tractandi & Communicandi de & super quibuscumque Querelis, & Gravaminibus, ac Offensis, & Attemptatis, tàm per Ligeos & Subditos nostros quàm Ligeos & Subditos ipsius Consanguinei nostri Regis Scotorum, in Westmarchiis & Estmarchiis versus Scotiam, seu alibi, contra Formam Treugarum & Guerrarum Abstinentiarum, inter Nos & dictum Consanguineum nostrum Regem Scotorum captarum, initarum, & conclusarum, hinc indè habitis & qualitercumque factis sive perpetratis, Necnon debitam Reformationem & Reparationem Querelarum, Gravaminum, Offensarum, & Attemptatorum praedictorum fieri Petendi, ac fieri Promittendi, Et super Praemissis & eorum Dependentiis Appunctuandi, Concordandi, & Concludendi, Universaque & singula, quae pro Reparatione & Reformatione Praemissorum necessaria fuerint & oportuna, ac qualitercumque debita & requisita, juxta Leges & Consuetudines Marchiarum praedictarum, & aliàs prout expediens hinc indè visum fuerit, Faciendi, Excercendi, Puniendi, & Exequendi, unà cum Prorogatione Dierum & Assignatione Locorum pro eisdem: Dantesque ulterius & Concedentes eisdem Commissariis, Deputatis, & Procuratoribus nostris, Tresdecim, Duodecim, Undecim, Decem, Novem, Octo, Septem, & Sex eorum, plenam Potestatem, & Auctoritatem, ac Mandatum generale & speciale, cum Commissariis, Deputatis, & Procuratoribus praefati Consanguinei nostri, sufficientem Potestatem ab eodem Consanguineo nostro ad hoc habentibus, Conveniendi, Ac Communicandi, Tractandi, Concordandi, Componendi, & Appunctuandi, ac plenariè & integrè Determinandi & finaliter Concludendi, de & super Treugis & Guerrarum Abstinentiis, &, si eis visum fuerit, de Pace perpetuâ, ac Amicitiâ, Confoederatione, & Concordiâ, inter Nos, ac Haeredes & Successores nostros, ac Regna, Dominia, Subditos, Alligatos, & Confoederatos nostros, ac alios Nobis Adhaerentes quoscumque, & dictum Consanguineum nostrum Regem Scotorum, ac Loca, Dominia, Subditos, Alligatos, & Adhaerentes suos ineundis, capiendis, & habendis, Caeteraque omnia & singula, quae inter eos appunctuata, conventa, conclu-
sa, & concordata fuerint, Roborandi & Assecurandi per Fidei interpositionem & Juramentum in Animam nostram praestandum, Ac de & super omnibus & singulis Praemissis, & Dependentiis ab eisdem, omnes & omnimodas Securitates, Obligationes, ac Literas sigillatas Concedendi, Faciendi, & Expediendi, prout eisdem Commissariis, Deputatis, & Procuratoribus nostris videbitur expedire, quae talem tantamque Vim, Auctoritatem, & Effectum volumus realiter optinere, ac si ea in propriâ Personâ fecissemus, Et, si necesse fuerit, Dietam, ac Diem & Locum pro eisdem, Appunctuandi & Assignandi, Caeteraque omnia & singula, quae in Praemissis Conclusa, concordata, & firmata fuerint, Expediendi, Perficiendi, & pro Parte nostrâ Perimplendi, ac debitè Exequendi, etiam si majora sint & Mandatum de sui natura magis exigant speciale, & quae nosmetipsi facere possemus si personaliter praesentes essemus in Explicatione & Conclusione Praemisorum; Promittentes, bonâ Fide & in Verbo Regio, Nos Ratum, Gratum, & Firmum habituros totum & quicquid, quòd per Commissarios, Deputatos, & Procuratores nostros praedictos, Tresdecim, Duodecim, Undecim, Decem, Novem, Octo, Septem, & Sex eorum, in Formâ praedictâ, Actum, Gestum, seu Procuratum fuerit in Praemissis, seu aliquo Praemissorum. In cujus &c. Teste Rege apud Lichefeld, vicesimo quarto die Augusti. Per ipsum Regem, & de Data &c. |
Sept. 10. Similar commission of James K. of Scotland to Thomas bp. of Aberdeen, David earl of Crawford, Robert abbot of Kelso, and four others. Edinburgh. O. xi. 787. H. v. p. iii. 33. |
Commissio Regis Scotorum. An. 13. E. 4. Ex Autogr. Jacobus, Dei gratiâ, Rex Scottorum Universis & Singulis, ad quorum Notitias praesentes Litterae pervenerint, Salutem. Sciatis Nos, De Fide, Legalitate, & Prudentia Reverendi ac Venerabilium in Christo Patrum, Consanguineorum, & Consulum nostrorum praedilectorum, (videlicet) Thomae Episcopi Abirdonensis, David Comitis Craufurdiae & Domini Lindesay, Roberti Abbatis de Calco, Roberti Abbatis de Jedworth, Jacobi Domini Hamiltonn, Magistri Alexandri Inglis Decretorum Doctoris, ac nostrarum Requestarum Magistri, & Duncani de Dundas Armigeri, quamplurimùm confisi, Ipsos, Thomam, David, Robertum, Robertum, Jacobum, Alexandrum, & Duncanum, & eorum Quinque conjunctim Fecimus, Deputavimus & Ordinavimus, ac Praesentium Tenore Facimus, Deputamus & Ordinamus, nostros Commissarios speciales ad Infrascripta, Dantes & Concedentes dictis Commissariis nostris, & eorum quinque conjunctim, plenariam Potestatem & Mandatum speciale ad Conveniendum, apud Aunewik, seu alium Locum ad hoc aptum & congruum, de quo convenientiùs poterit concordari, vicesimo die instantis Mensis Septembris, cum Continuatione Dierum, cum Commissariis Excellentissimi Principis Edwardi Regis Angliae Consanguinei nostri Carissimi, consimilem seu sufficientem Potestatem habentibus, Et ibidem Reformationem Attemptatorum, contra Treugas, per Legios Angliae, tàm per Terram quàm per Mare perpetratorum, Petendum, Consimilemque Reformationem Attemptatorum, per Legios & Incolas Regni nostri perpetratorum, Faciendum, Gardianos & Locumtenentes Merchiarum Regni nostri de eorum Necligentiâ & Officiorum non Executione Accusandum & Puniendum, consimilemque Punitionem Gardianorum & Locumtenentium Regni Angliae fieri Petendum, Ac super bonâ Conservatione Treugarum Initarum & Pacis Roboratae & Firmatae Communicandum, Ordinationesque & Statuta pro firmiori Conservatione dictarum Treugarum & Reformatione Attemptatorum de Novo Avisandum, Faciendum, & Concludendum, Ac omnia alia & singula Faciendum, Tractandum, Communicandum, Componendum, & Concludendum, quae circa Pacis & Treugarum inter Regna Conservationem & Attemptatorum Reformationem necessaria fuerint seu oportuna, etiamsi Mandatum exigant magis speciale; Promittentes Nos, in Verbo Regio, Ratum, Gratum, Firmum, & Stabile habituros totum & quicquid per dictos Commissarios nostros, aut eorum Quinque conjunctim, Actum, Factum, Statutum, Gestum, Conclusumve fuerit in Praemissis, seu aliquo Praemissorum.
Datum sub Magno Sigillo nostro apud Edinburgh, Decimo Die dicti Mensis Septembris, Anno Domini Millesimo, Quadringentesimo, Septuagesimo Tertio, & Regni nostri Decimo quarto. Sigillo avulso. |
Sept. 28. Treaty by indenture for holding meetings at Newbiggynfurde and other places on the borders for redress of injuries. Alnwick. O. xi. 788. H. v. p. iii. 34. |
Tractatus & Appunctuamenta cum Commissariis praelibatis. An. 13. E. 4. Ex Autogr. This Indentur, Made at Alnewyk the xxviij Day of the Moneth of Septembre, the Zher of our Lorde M. Fourehundreth Sevinty thre Zher, BETUIX a Reverend Fader in Gode John Bishop of Coventre and Lichfeld, Henry Erle of Northumberland, Rauf Graystok of Graystoke, Humfray Dacre of Dacre, Knythts, Richarde Priour of Durhame, Master John Fox Doctour of the Lawis, and Irland King of Armys, Commissioners and Ambaxiatours of the most Cristen Hie and Myghty Kyng Edward, be the Grace of Gode, King of Ingland and of France on the ta Part, and a Reverend Fader in Gode Thomas Bishop of Aberden, Davide Erle of Crawfurde and Lord Lyndesay, Robert Abbot of Jedworth, James Lorde Hamyltone, Master Alexander Inglis Doctour of Decreis, and Duncane of Dundas Squyer, Commissioners and Ambaxiatours to the most Hie and Myghty Kyng James, be the Grace of Gode Kyng of Scotts on the tother Part, Proportes and Beres Witnes that it is Aggreit, Appoyntit, and Concludit, betuix the Lordis Commissioners of botht the Realms forsade, in Maner, Forme, and Effect as after folowis; that is to say, That the Aggremente and Appoyntmente, Made, Endentit, and Selit at the New Castell, betuix the grete Commissioners of botht the Realms, the Fyrst Day of the Moneth of May the Zer of oure Lorde, &c. lxxij, shall be Observid and Kepit in all Forme and Effect, as is contenyt in the ENDENTURE, made thar upon and put to due Execution, be the Lordis Wardains, or thare Leutennants and Deputis, in Redressyng and Reformationn of all Compleyntis gevin in be athir of the Parties, Endentit and Subscrivit be the Lordis Commissioners at the forsade Diett. And whare Sleuth and Negligence hath bene, in Tymys by passit, othir be Lordis Wardains, Lieutennants or thare Deputis, in Default of Metyng and Keping of the Dayis of Redresse upon the Bordours, in tyme cummyng thai shall be more diligent and Wakyng upon the Observyng and Kepyng of the Diette of Metyng, and Redresse all such Compleyntis as is aggreit at the New Castell, and in like wise of all Attemptatis committed sen the sade Day hethirwarde: And, for the more effectuale Performyng of the sade Appoyntement, the Lordis hath Ordand a Metyng to be had, betuix the Louetennants, at Newbxggynfurde, the xx Day of the Moneth of Octobre next to cum, with Continuation of Dayis, And, within viij Dayis thair after, ane uther Metyng at Ridaneburne, And, sine viij Dayis thar after, ane uthir Metyng to be had at Gammyllispeth, And, Foure Dayis thaire after, ane othir Metyng at Bell, Aud, syne thaire after xv Dayis, ane uthir Metyng at Loumabanestane for Ananderdale and Esdale, And, sine viij Dayis next thaire after, ane uthir Metyng at Korsohopbrig, And this Diette to be had be the Leutennants and the Deputis of all the Bordours, which shall be Institute by the Wardains, such Personns of Pouer and of gude Disposition as thay will ansuer for to thaire Prince at thaire aun Perell: And at this Diette shall be made a Redresse of all Compleynts as fer as can be allegit and provid be any maner of Preyfe, according to the Trewis, of all Bill and Compleynt, both gevin in at the Diette of the New Castill sen the ix Day of March the Zher forsade &c. lxxij, and also of all new Compleynts gevin in this Diette, of the whiche the Lordis Commissioners hath had in Communication and endentit annens thayme, and also of all uthir Compleynts that shall be gevin in be the Complenars of both the Parteis, in any tyme sen the said ix Day, after the Lawis of the Bordour and Corespondant to the Trewis. Item, the Lordis Aggreis, Ordains, and Concludit that all Prusoners, unlathfully Takyn be othir of the Parteis, be furthwith Fred and Redressit, and thair Sorteis Fred and all Obligacions
gevin for thair Ransouns; for the which Prusoners, unlathfully takyn, the Lordis Commissioners of botht the Realms now present, be the vertu of thaire Commissions, Freis and Dischargis be thir present Writ all Rawnsouns, takyn of all Prusoners, unlathfully Taken, sen the sade ix Day of March the Zher, &c. lxxii. And all Shippis, unlathfully Takyn, under saufe Conduct or otherwise, both of auld and of new, to be Restoryt and Deliverit agane to the Persons at thai were takyn fro: And, yff any Persone or Personns withstand this present Writing, fro it be signifiet to the Wardains Admirall or thair Leutennants, of whois Partie the Halder or Halders of the sade Prusoners, or thaire Rawnsonns, or of Shippis, Inhabitis and Duellis, the Wardains or thaire Leutennants shall mak tham be Fred and Restitute to the Parteys Complenyng within viij Dayis thaire after, or ellis to enter thair Persons to the Partie Complenyng unto Satisfactioun and Redresse be made to the Complenars as affer. Item, it is Aggreit and Concludit that, whare any Slathter has bene committed sen the sade ix Day, or shall be committed or done in tyme cummyng, othire be Inglismen or Inglisman with in the Ground of Scotland, or be Scottismen or Scottisman within the Ground of Ingland, unlathfully upon any Inglisman or Scottisman, the Slaar or the Slaars shall be takyn be the Wardains Leutennants or Deputis, and Deliverit on to the Partye Complenyng, to be Justifiet or Raunsoned at the Will of the Partye Complenyng, within xv Dayis after that thai shall be requirit thaire to, of lesse than the Slayre or the Slaars or the Slaars be Fugitive: And, yff the Slaare or the Slaars be Fugitive, thay shall be put to the Kingis Horne, and declared the Kings Rebells, and not to be Reconsalyt onto the tyme that the Partie be Satisfiet: And yff any Persone or Personns, what degre or condicioun thai bene Inglise or Scottis, that Resettis any such Rebellis or Rebell, after that he be Fugitive and Proclamed, and that lathfully proved, that he be Delyverit to the Partie Complenyng, to incur and abide suche like Pane at the Will of the said Complenar or Complenars, as the said Rebellis or Rebell shuld hafe had and suffred, and thai or any of thaim had bene Delyverit. Item, it is Avisit, Aggreit, and Concludit, that when the Diet of Metyng ar set betuix Wardains, Leutenants, or thaire Deputis, that when thai com to thaire Diet of Metyng, they shall cum in pessable wise, without Harnesse, Ax, Bill, Speyr, or Bow, and without all uthir fensable Wapping (saufe Suerde and Knyffe) under the Payne of Eschetyng of thaire Wappyings; and the Persone or Personns, doars herof, to be Delyvered to the uthir Partie as Prisoner, to be Punysed for the Defaute; And that thai shall not excede this Nowmer; the Wardains a Thowsand Personns: the Lieutenants v. Hundreth Personns: and the Deputis Twa Hundreth Persons, or within; upon Payne of every Persone that excede the sade Nowmer, of one Inglise Noble to be payt to the toyer Partye be Warden, Louetennant, or Deput of aither Partie being present for the tyme: And as for Compleynts, gevin in of New at this present Diett, the Lordis Aggreis and Concludit that all such Bill, as shall be indentit, be geven to the Wardains, or Leutenants now furthwith, and all uthir Bill of any Partie Attemptat sen the sade ix Day; the which Lordis, Wardains, or thaire Leutennants shall mak the Parteis, upon wham it is complenit, within the Bounds of thair Office, be Arrestit to thir Dietts appoynted upon the Bourdours above writin; whair to the Parteis Complenyng shall hafe Justice ministerit unto thaim, withoutyn any dilatour or delais, accordyng to the Vertu of the Trewis, Item, as touchyng the Bill concernyng the Schyp called the Salvatour, which wes put on to the Commissionars at the last Diett haldin at the Newcastill, it is Avysyt, Aggreit, and Concludit that the Act, made in the behalf at that tyme, stande Ferme and Stable and in Strynth in like forme as wes than aggreit; Bot, for Somekill as the Lordis forsade of the Partie of Scotlande allege, and thynk that it be and sufficiently Provid that the Guddis com on Lande, and the Marchandis and Mariners in sufficient Nowmer beand present in the tyme to hase Recoverit and kepit thair Guddis,
and that thai wer be Force and Violence Takyn and put in Pruson, and uthir men unlathfully Takand and Intromettand with thair Guddis, contrare the Vertu of the Trewis, that the Persons, so gevin thaim Impediment in the Recoveryng and Kepyng of thaire Guddis, and syne intromectyng with the same, should mak thaime Restaurens and Reof thaire hale Guddis accordyng to the commone Law and the Vertu of the Trewis; which the Commissioners of the Inglis Party dennit, and sade that any such Personns, that had Takyn or Witholdin any Guddis of the sade Schip, is not Bond nor Auth, noyer be Custume of the Merchez, nor be Vertu of the Trewis, nor be resone of the Comone Law, to mak Restitutioun of more than can be foundin be sufficient Prufe that thay hath so Takyn or Witholden: In the which mater of Variance it is Avisit and Aggreit, be the Commissioners of both the Parties forsade, desyring allways the Gude of Pece, Providing for Remede of all other Attemptatis committed and to be committed agains the Vertu of the Trewis, think hevy that the Gude of Pece and the Welefaire of the Realms shuld be hurt for this Mater in specialle, or Bordours left opyne; therfor thai Referr and Report this Mater to the Discretioun and Declaration of both the Princes: And the sadis Lordis Commissioners of both the Parteis shall exhort yer Princes, in the maste effectuose wife that thai kan, to tak sic a Mene-Way and Direction thairin, after gude Fath and gude Conscience, according to the Trewis, as may be plesand to Gode, Honour to botht the Princis, and Entertenement to the Pece and Tranquillite of both the Realms. Item, it is Avisit, Ordanid, and Concludit, for the Declaration of all Materis, concernyng the Attemptatis committed by the Se, to be Determyt befor the Admirall his Leutennant and his Deput, to be the Lordis Grete Commissioners of both the Realms forsade, and at the Lordis Admiralls of both the Realms shall send ilkane of thaim Ane Notable Persone, of gude Knawelage, Auctorite, and Disposicioun to the Bordour, the eight Day of Januer next to cum, with Continuation of Dayis (the Admirall Leutennant of Ingland, at Norham; and the Admirall Leutennant of Scotlande, at Berwick) the whilke shall Convene togidder at a convenable Place, as shall be aggreit betuix thaim, and Resaufe all the Compleynts given be athir of the Parteis, and Her the Allegiance and Prufis of the same, and minister Justice to both the Parteis as thai will ansuer before Gode and to thair aun Perelt before thair Prince yff thai be Negligent in the Execution of the same: And at now furwith the Compleynts, that ar made be any Scottisman upon any Inglisman, be sende to my Lorde of Gloucestre Admirall of Ingland: And that he sende to Warne and Summonde all the said Parteis to Compere before his Leutennant, the sadis Day and Place, with sic Allegatiouns and Defenses as yai will use in the Defence of the sade Compleynts: And in likewise that the Compleynts made be the Partie of England upon any Scottis man, be send to my Lord of Albany Admirall of Scotlande, and that he make the sade Parteis, upon wham it is Complenyt, to comper befor his Leutennant, the sade Day and Place; with such Allegatiouns and Defensis as thai will use in thair Cause: And wha so falis of athir of the Parteys to compere be hymself or his Procuratour, without rationable Cause, to tyne his Cause: And that now furth that all the Complenar of any Attemptate, committed be the Se, be Warnyt be opyn Proclamation, to Compere befor the Admirall or his Leutennant, the sade Day and Place, with such Allegatiouns and Pruvis as he will use, at his awn Perell, and wha so falis herof, without raisonable Cause, to fall fro his Cause. Item, the Lordis Aggreis and Concludit that all Bill of botht the Parteis, that ar Filyt of befor, shall furthwith be Redressed at the next Dayis of Merchez forsade. Item, as to the Compleynt gevin in be the Merchand of the Newcastill upon David White, the Lordis think at the sade Schip wes unlauthfully Takyn be hym: and as for Redresse that the sade Merchandis desir to hafe of the sade Schip of Robert of Laudre, Will of Nesbet and uthirr thar Complicis, the Lordis Ordains thaime to be Summond, to the sade viij Day of Januar, to answer for thaimself as effer: And Attournements at Dayis of Metyng be kept on the Bourdours fra xx Dayis till xx Dayis, like as wes Aggreit and Concludit at the last Diett haldin at the Newcastell. Item, as tochyng the Rebell of Esdale, the tyme of thair being Rebell to the King, and at his Horn, the Lordis Commissioners Aggreis and Accordit that the Inglismen, that come with thaim for the tyme, shall be constrenyt to Redresse no forthir than can be Privit be the Law of the
Bordour that thay intromettit with for that tyme, without Prejudiee in tyme to cum; Providing always at nothing her wrictin be prejudiciale to the Trewis takyn of before betwix the Princes. And to the Observyn, Keping, and Fulfilling of all and synder thir Appoyntments, Articlis, and Conditionns above writin, lelily and treuly, without fraude or gile, athir of the sade Lordis Commissionars hath feithfully Promisid, als fere as in yare Pouer is, and, for the more securite, to the Part of this INDENTURS hath interchangeable Sett to yair Selis, and Subscrivit thaim with thar awn Hands, Day, Zer, Moneth, and Place before Writtin. Thomas Episcopus Abberden. Davide Erle of Crauffurde. Robertus de Jeddeworth Abbas. James Lorde Hamilton. Alexander Inglis &c. Duncan of Dundas. Sub Sigillis suis, Cerae rubrae, a duplici Cauda Pergamenae pendentibus. |