Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48. Originally published by D Browne, London, 1721.
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John Rushworth, 'Proceedings in Parliament: October 2nd - November 1st, 1648', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48(London, 1721), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol7/pp1281-1314 [accessed 14 March 2025].
John Rushworth, 'Proceedings in Parliament: October 2nd - November 1st, 1648', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48(London, 1721), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol7/pp1281-1314.
John Rushworth. "Proceedings in Parliament: October 2nd - November 1st, 1648". Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48. (London, 1721), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol7/pp1281-1314.
In this section
Chap. XXXI.
Proceedings in Parliament from October 2. till November 1. 1648.
Monday, Octob. 2.
His Majesty's Letter to both Houses by Cap. Titus, what he will propose to in general of the Parliaments Propositions, That the Assembly of Divines may fit for three years, with the ufe of the Directory, that Debate be had how to settle Church Government.
This day a Letter from his Majesty was brought to both Houses by Captain Titus: In this Letter his Majesty proposeth what he will consent unto in general of the Parliament's Propositions, and desires to come to London. In brief, concerning Religion his Majesty will Consent, That the calling and sitting of the Assembly of Divines at Westminster be confirmed for three years by Act of Parliament, and confirms for three years the Directory, and the form-of Church-Government, to be used for the Churches of England and Ireland, and Dominion of Wales; provided that his Majesty, and those of his Judgment, or any other who cannot in Conscience submit thereunto, be not in the mean time obliged to comply "with the same; and that a free Consultation and Debate be had with the Assembly of Divines at Westminster in the meantime, twenty of his Majesty's nomination being added to them, whereby it may be determined by his Majesty, and his two Houses of Parliament, how the said Church-Government and form of publick Worship after the said time, and how Religion may be settled, and the Articles determined, and care taken for the case of tender Consciences. Concerning the Bishops Lands and Revenue, his, Majesty will consent to an Acts or Acts of Parliament, whereby Legal Estates for Lives, or for Years, not exceeding 99, shall be made for those Lands towards the satisfaction of the Purchasers, and to others to whom they are engaged, whereby they may receive satisfaction; or his Majesty will some other way provide for their further satisfaction: provided that the Propriety and Inheritance of those Lands may still remain to the Church, and the rest that shall be reserved to be for their maintenance. His Majesty will give his Royal Assent for the better Observation of the Lord's Day, for suppressing of Innovations in Churches and Chappels in and about the Worship of God, and for the better advancing of the preaching of God's Holy Word in all parts of this Kingdom; and to an Act against enjoying Pluralities of Benefices by spiritual Persons, and Nonresidency; for regulating and reforming both Universities, and the Colleges of Westminster, Winchester, and Eaton; for the better Discovery and speedy Conviction of Popish Recusants, for the Education of the Children of Papists by Protestants in the Protestant Religion, for levying Penalties against Papists: To an Act to prevent the Practices of Papists against the State, and for putting the Laws in execution, and for a stricter Course to prevent, hearing and saying of Mass; but as to the Covenant, his Majesty is not yet therein satisfied that he can sign or swear it, or consent to impose it on the Consciences of others; nor doth conceive it proper or useful at this time to be insisted on. Touching the Militia, his Majesty will consent to an Act of Parliament, to be in the Parliaments hands for ten years.
Touching Ireland, after advice with his two Houses, he will leave it to their determination, and give his consent accordingly, as is herein hereafter expressed. Touching publick Debts, his Majesty will give his consent to such an Act, or raising of' Monys by general and equal Taxations. And lastly, proposeth, that hemay have liberty forthwith to come to Westminster, and be restored to a condition of Freedom and Safety, a thing which he shall never deny to any of his Subjects, and to the possession of his Lands and Revenues; and that an Act of Oblivion and Indempnity may pass, to extend to all Persons, for all matters relating to the late unhappy Differences, which being agreed by his two Houses of Parliament, his Majesty will be ready to make these his Concessions binding, by giving them the force of Laws by his Royal Assent.
His Majesty's Message disliked by the Commons. Thanks returned to the Comissioners, requiring them to proceed.; Col. Monk's Letter about Belsast and Carickfergus. Monroe voted Prisoner to the Tower.
The Commons upon Debate of His Majesty's Message, voted the same unsatisfactory, and that a Letter shou'd be sent to their Commissioners in the Isle of Wight, to acquaint them that the Houses did well approve of their Proceedings, and did give them hearty thanks for their great care and pains in the managing of this important and weighty Business, requiring them still to proceed according to their Instructions. Letters came from Col. Monk himself in further confirmation of the great Mercy of surprising Belfast and Carickfergus, and taking Major General Monro and his Forces Prisoners.
The House voted young Major General Monro to be committed Prisoner to the Tower, for joyning with the Enemy in Scotland, and for perfidiously breaking the Trust reposed in him. Letters came of taking the Isle of Anglesey by storm, Col. Mitton having landed Men in several places in the Island, which no sooner bodied, but became Possessors of it without any considerable loss: 300 were taken and slain, the Lord Byron sled into Ireland, Lord Buckley elsewhere. Letters from Bristol speak of a sad loss, of a Merchant Ship that was sunk by two Irish Men of War, richly fraught, and had much Gold in her.
Letters of taking Anglesey by Storm. Cromwel's Letter declaring his Army's high approach to Edinburgh, and blocking up Berwick.
From Lieutenant General Cromwell's Quarters now in Scotland, and by Letters come to this purpose: We have now drawn the most considerable part of our Army into Scotland, the Van Quarters this night within ten Miles of Edinburgh there is part of the Army left behind to block up Berwick, two Regiments of Foot, and the Lieutenant General's Regiment of Horse block it up on the English side, we have others that keep strong Guards on Scotland side: The Lieutenant General, and the Commanders and officers, express very great tenderness, to this Kingdom.
Marquis Argile, &c. come as Commissioners from the Honest Party to the Lieutenant General's Quarters at the Ld Mordington's House.
Friday last the 22d of September, the Marquis of Argyle, the Lord Elcoe, Sir John Scot, and others, came as Commissioners from the honest Party in Scotland, to the Lord of Mordington's House at Mordington, to the Lieutenant-General's Quarters, two Miles from Berwick within Scotland.
That Night the Marquis of Argile sent in a Trumpet to Berwick, for a safe Conduct for the Lord Elcoe, and the rest of the Commissioners; which being granted by the Governor, they were conducted in the next Morning: Little or nothing could be done by them to the gaining of the Town.
Argile brought the Governour to Capitulation.; Articles of Agreement to be drawn up by both Armies under Argile and Lanerick.
The Lord's Day Argile sent in to desire the Governour himself to come forth, which he accordingly did: after much debate he was brought to this, To desire to send two Gentlemen to Lanerick and Monroe, to know their pleasure concerning the Surrender of that Garison. Monday Morning the Gentlemen went, having the Lieutenant General's Pass, and a Letter from the Lord Marquis. We fell to our Business in order to our taking the Town, and the Lord's Day at Night Colonel Pride possessed himself of Tweed-Mouth, and the Bridge-foot at the English side, and the next Night he blew up the House of Guard which they had built upon the Bridge: We were then very near them by the Scotish side, having driven away many of their Sheep from under the Wall. Monday in the Morning there came an Express from General Leven and Lieutenant-General David Lesley, certifying the Lord Marquis, that they were very like to agree upon the old Treaty, which was to hold no longer than that Night. The Conditions were these;
1. That both the Armies, that under the Lord Marquis of Argyle, and that under Lanerick, with all the Forces in any of the Garisons in the Kingdom of Scotland, together with Berwick and Carlisle, be disbanded.
That Civil Differences be referred to the Parliament.
2. That the securing and settling Religion at home, and promoting the Work of Reformation abroad both in England and Ireland, be referred to the general Assembly, or their Commmissioners; and that all Questions, and Civil Differences whatsoever, be referred to the Determination of a Parliament speedily to be called.
That no Party against England be of the New Parliament.
3. That to prevent the ruin of Religion and breach with England, no Party that were in the late Engagement against England, may be of the new Parliament, or General Assembly.
Cockermouth besieged by 500 Countrymen, yet Lieutenant Bird Governor holds out gallantly.
From Cockermnuth briefly thus: It hath been a long time besieged by 500 Countrymen; the Lieutenant General ordered the Lancashire-Forces under Col. Ashton, with Col. Brigs, Col. Hacker, and Col. White's Regiments of Horse, from Pontefract, to march up to their Relief: They might, it's believed, have been there three Weeks ago, but are not yet come up. The honest Governour Lieutenant Bird holds out gallantly, he hath a Fornights Provision yet.
Hopes of a sudden Relief for the Castle.; Argile took a ship with 10000 Arms from Denmark bound for Leith.
The Enemy had mined very near the Wall; he fallied out, killed and took them all that were at work, and brought away their Tools, and burnt the Barn that sheltered them; he can hold out one part of the Castle, though they mould take the other, but we hope will be relieved suddenly, for that there are Forces upon their march towards them. The Marquis of Argile took a Ship with 10000 Arms that came from Denmark, intended for Duke Hamilton: they came to Lieth, where they were seized upon. There are about eighty officers armed that ran away from Hamilton, now lurking about Cheviot Hills; we have sent 120 Horse, and 40 Dragoons towards them, which we hope will be able to give a good account of that Business. Believe it, the Godly Party in Scotland seem to be very sensible of the benefit they have lately reaped by the Victory God gave to our Army, and say they hope never to forget those Instruments which the Lord chose to work their Deliverance, and check themselves for the hard Thoughts they formerly had of this Army.
And 'tis very observable, that this Army which the honest Party in Scotland looked upon as a Bundle of Sectaries, not fit to be continued, and did many ways unjustly reproach, should now under God be the only Authros of their Deliverrance, some of the most eminent and honourable in Scotland having ingenuously confessed their Error and Rashness in charging the Army last Year with Rebellion unjustly, seeing now there is a necessity put upon them to tread in that very Path: nay, they acted now against a clearer Authority, where was the Concurrence of the three States, King, Lords, and Commons.
The Interest of the Godly People in Scotland, as to the Civil, was once different from that of the Godly People in England, or at least acted as is it had bin different; but now the Lord hath bin pleased so to order the Affairs of that Kingdom, as that the Interest of the Godly People there, is become the same with ours in England, and they and we must act upon the same Grounds and Principles; and we are perswaded that so much of their Power as the Princes of the Earth have lent to the support of that Man of Sin, God hath and will suddenly utterly break and destroy.
Mordington in Scotland, Sept. 27. 1648.
Tuesday, Octob. 3. 1648.
In Ordinance or the Militia carried in the Affirmative, desiring the lords Concurrence.
The House, according to former Order, considered of the great Business of settling the Militia of the Kingdom, and spent all the day in debate of that business only: The Question was put for the passing of it, and it was carried in the Affirmative, and Ordered to be sent to the Lords for their Concurrence.
Wednesday, Octob. 4. 1648.
The General's Letter to the House, that he Soldiers may be enabled tho' pay their Quarters.
A Letter this Day came from His Excellency the Lord Fairfax acquainting the House, That he had received many Complaints from several Persons, and particular Counties, of the insupportable Burden they lie under, by reason of his Soldiers taking of Free-Quarter upon them, tho' they pay their Assessments, and are known to have been always well affected to the Parliament; desiring that a speedy Course may be taken for Payment of the Army, that thereby his Soldiers may be enabled to pay their Quarter and the People may not be oppressed by Free-Quarter any more.
Ordered that some Members go to the General to congratulate his good Success.
The House this Day ordered, That certain Members of that House should go down to St. Albans to His Excellency, and take notice of his very good Service to this Kingdom this Summer, and to congratulate his good Success in all the said Services, and to return him the Thanks of this House for his valiant and good Conduct of the Army under his Command; and to acquaint him what the House hath done upon his Letter, for bringing in Monies for the Army, that so they may be able to pay for their Quarters, and not lose the Affections of the People, by taking Free-Quarter of them.
Message sent to the Lords, to pass the Ordinance for collecting of Monies.
The House then appointed four Members to go down, to congratulate His Excellency accordingly. They further Ordered, That a Message should be forthwith sent to the Lords, to desire their Lordships to pass the Ordinance for collecting Monies for the payment of the Army, and for the continuing of them for six Months longer, which hath remained many Days in their House and no Answer given thereunto; to acquaint their Lordships with the great Oppression to the Subject by reason of Free-Quarter, which must of necessity be taken unless their Lordships pass the said Ordinance.
Their Lordships return'd answer, That they would take it into speedy Consideration, and send Answer by Messengers of their own.
The General desired not to quarter the Army on those that have paid Assessments.
They likewise Ordered, That His Excellency should be desired so to quarter the Army under his Command, as may be least burdensom to the several Counties of the Kingdom; especially to such as have paid their Assessments: Relation still to be had to their own, and the Kingdoms Safety and Service.
They likewise Ordered, That the business of the Army should be further considered of on Saturday next, and that then the Committee of the Army should report the Names of such Citizens and others as have not paid their Assessments, to the end that some speedy Course may be taken against them.
Letters from the North, all Parties are agreed in Scotland.
This Day came farther from the North, That all things are agreed in Scotland between the Parties. All are to lay down Arms, Berwick to be delivered to the Lieutenant General and Carlisle the first of October: A Parliament is to be called, and none that were in the Engagement against England to be of it.
500l. order'd to Col. Monk.
The Lords this Day concurred with the Commons in the 500l. to be given to Colonel Monk, and making him Governour of Carickfergus; also 200l. for Capt. Brough, who brought M. G. Monroe to London.
They agreed, That the Lord Incheequin's Son be sent into Ireland, with Lieut. Colonel Bircher, and to be exchang'd for the English Officers, and others detained Prisoners by his Father. They agree that 1000l. be paid out of the first three Months Assessments, for Coals for the Poor of London and Southwark, according to a Grant of King James.
Ordered that Commissioners of Great Seal bring a List of Names of Judges.
The Commons Ordered, That the Commissioners of the Great Seal do bring in a List of Names for Judges, to fill all the Benches, and it was referred to the Committee at Derby-House to consider of the Supernumerary Soldiers in the several Counties.
Thursday, Octob. 5. 1648.
The House this Day, according to former Order, considered of the Business of the Navy, in relation to a Winter Guard.
The House order'd Winter Guard of the Navy.
The House ordered, That there should be a Winter Guard prepared with all speed, for security of the Kingdom.
That 2785 Men shall be the number that shall be appointed to man the said Guard.
They likewise ordered, That the Committee of the Navy should be required and authorized to provide Victuals for the next Summers Fleet, according to the proportion of the number of Men now voted.
And because there may be expedition used herein, the House ordered the Sum of 50000l. should be charged upon the Receipts of Goldsmiths-Hall for the Service of the Navy, for managing and victualling the said Ships with all speed.
That New Delinquents Compositions go to supply the Navy.
They likewise ordered, in relation to this business, That all the new Delinquents in North-Wales, that were in this last Rebellion, their Compositions shall go to wards the Supply of the Navy; and that an Ordinance be brought in for laying Sequestrations on their Estates, and for admitting them to Composition.
The House Ordered, That the Committee of Haberdashers-Hall should report to the House the Obstructions of their Receipts, and what Monies remain in their hands, and to propound Remedies for taking away all Obstructions.
They likewise Ordered, That the Committee of the Navy should treat with the Company of Merchants Adventurers, concerning the Loan of 20000l. for the present Service of the Navy, and for securing the Trade of Navigation.
Friday, Octob. 6. 1648.
The House considered the Ld Goring and Ld Capel's Letter.
The House this Day, according to former Order, considered of the Letter from the Lord Goring and the Lord Capel, acquainting the House, That, they had seen and taken special notice of an Order of that House for the Impeaching them of High Treason, for things done in relation to this last War; that that House could not but be sensible of the Quarter that was given to them upon the Surrender of Colchester, and of the Letter of His Excellency to the House, to acquaint them that His Excellency had assured the rest of Quarter, after some were shot.
The House had much debate about this business, and Ordered, That the Lord General should be designed to give his Explanation of that part of his Letter of the 29th of September, 1648, that concerning the Quarter given to the Lord Goring and the Lord Capel; and leaving them to the further Justice and Mercy of Parliament, and that a Letter be writ to the Lord General, to this purpose.
Saturday, Octob. 7. 1648.
House heard the Report of the Committee of the Army, in relation to the Arrears.
The House of Commons this Day, according to former Order, heard the Report of the Committee of the Army in relation to the Arrears belonging thereunto, which amounts in all to the Sum of three hundred fourteen thousand three hundred and one Pounds and five Pence, whereof near 50000l. is due from the City.
The House hereupon Ordered, that several Collectors of the Arrears of the Army, who have not brought in their Mony according to several Orders of that Committee, should be taken into Custody.
The House likewise Ordered, That the Members of Parliament, that serve for every particular County in the Kingdom, should be required to sign several Letters to the Committees of their Counties, to quicken them to bring in their Arrears of the Army according to former Order, and the said Members give the House an account thereof from time to time, to the Committee of the Army.
The Committee at Derby-House was Ordered to report the Business of the Supernumeraries in the several Counties on Wednesday Morning next.
Cromwel's Letter about delivering up Berwick and Carlisle.
A Letter this Day came from Lieutenant General Cromwel, dated 5 October Instant at Berwick, acquainting the House, That he bad Berwick already delivered up to him; and that he had sent Colonel Bright to Carlisle to take Possession of that County, which likewise was to be surrendred to him, and is doubtless before the Houses receipt of this, upon the same Articles with Berwick; a Copy whereof he had likewise inclos'd, that he had pat in a Regiment of Foot into Berwick, and intended likewise to have a Regiment of Horse lie in and near it.
The House of Commons approved of what the Lieutenant General had done in relation to this Business.
They farther Ordered, That the Committee of the Army should take special Care, and they were required to pay the Forces of Berwick and Carlisle equal with the rest of the Forces of the Kingdom.
Mr. Allen, who brought these Letters from the Lieutenant General, was ordered to have 100l. given him for his great Pains, and for defraying his extraordinary Charges in this long Journey with these Letters: and that this Money be charged upon the Compositions of the new Delinquents in the North.
From the Isle of Wight came Letters to this purpose:
Letters from the Isle of Wight speak of settling Religion; His Majesty's Reasons not to take away Bishops and their Government.
The Treaty goes on, and the great Business insisted on is, the Proposition for settling Religion, which is like to take up some time. His Majesty gave in a Paper to the Commissioners, of the Reasons wherefore he could not condescend to take away Bishops, and the Government by Bishops, which he conceived to be of. Apostolical Institution, and alledged several Scriptures to that purpose; he also propounded some Queries concerning Presbyterial Government, wherein be desired to be satisfied: this was referred to the Ministers that Went along with the Commissioners, viz. Mr. Marshal, Mr. Vines, Mr. Caryll, and Mr. Seyman, who drew up an Answer to satisfy His Majesty in the Things desired. The Papers in relation to this Business are too large to be inserted, but will, for better satisfaction, be printed by themselves. The Treaty hereupon hath held all this Week, and nothing yet concluded on; yet most are of Opinion His Majesty will assent, and this Proposition being over, there is less doubt the other in course will be agreed on.
Octob. 7. 1648.
Monday, Octob. 9. 1648.
An Ordinance for advance of 100000l. for paying of reduced Officers and Soldiers.
An Ordinance was this Day reported to the House from the Committee to whom it was formerly committee, for the advance of the Sum of 100000l. for Payment of the reduced Officers and Soldiers contained in several Lists remaining in the House of Commons: the House was divided, whether the new Sequestrations in the County of Essex should be enempted from being part of the Monies assigned for this purpose; and it was carried in the Negative.
A Declaration to forbid Officers and Soldiers coming up.
The House was informed That most of the reduced Officers and Soldiers of the Kingdom were coming up to London from the several Counties thereof, under pretence of receiving their Arrears. The House ordered that a Declaration should be drawn against to morrow morning, to inform then that the House is now upon passing the Ordinance for satisfaction of the Arrears of the Soldiery of the Kingdom, and that their coming up will much impede and obstruct both their own and other great Businesses of the Kingdom, which are now under consideration of the House, and therefore to require them to forbear coming up, either upon that or any other pretence whatsoever.
An Ordinance for advance of 23000l.
An Ordinance was read for the advance of the Sum of 23000l. for payment of certain reduced Officers, under the Command of the fate Lord Fairfax in part of their Arrears, their. Names being inserted in a List depending in the House of Commons. This Ordinance was assented unto, and ordered to be transmitted to the House of Peers.
The House ordered Colonel Butler to be admitted to Composition.
The House was informed that Colonel Butler, who had the benefit of the Articles of Pembroke, to absent himself two Years out of this Nation, who accordingly had done so, now desired to be admitted to Composition. The House Ordered, That he should be admitted to Composition at a third, and should perfect his Composition in ten Weeks next after the debate of the Order.
But not Sir Tho. Peyton.
The House was divided, whether Sir Thomas Peyton should be admitted to his Composition, he being a Prisoner at Windsor Castle; the House was divided, and resolved in the Negative.
The Lords this Day called their House, and there sat seventeen Lords; The Earl of Denbigh Speaker, Earl of Kent, Earl of Lincoln, Earl of Rutland, Earl of Mulgrave, Earl of Nottingham, Earl of Suffolk, Viscount Hereford, Lord Berkley, Lord North, Lord Howard, Lord Gray of Wark, Lord Hunsdon, Lord Wharton Lord Bruce, Lord May, and Lord Dacres. Lords absent with the King at the Treaty, Earl of Northumberland, Earl of Pembroke, Earl of Salisbury, Earl of Middlesex, Viscount Say and Seal; the Earl of Warwick, Lord Admiral, at Sea with the Navy: other Lords excused for their Absence, as the Earl of Oxford, their Lordships being informed he was coming up on Summons; Earl of Manchester, Earl of Stamford, and Lord Mountague not well; Lord Roberts, and other Lords absence was excused.
Their Lordships had the great Ordinance for the Militia of the Kingdom read the second time, and ordered it to be debated in parts by a grand Committee of the whole House.
Letters from the Isle of Wight.; His Majesty desires to know whether his Answer was not good to the Commissioners.; The Commissioners treated about the Coronation Oath.; A Debate was about the Directory.
Letters this Day from the Isle of Wight, concerning the Treaty, give to understand, they are not yet past the Proposition concerning the Church, in which much hath been said; His Majesty desired to speak with the Ministers sent by Parliament, for satisfaction of his Conscience, which they promise to their utmost, and Meetings were, but the Ministers Debates first declared to be extrajudicial: His Majesty said, He had been bred and instructed in the way he stands for, and that by his Father, the wisest King, and best in the World; therefore could not easily yield, nor must it be wondred if he did not. The Ministers answer for his Satisfaction, the Course was held, and desired he would declare his Scruples; he said he had yielded far, having denied nothing but the Sale of Bishops Lands, and desired them to speak whether his Answer was not good to the Commissioners to that part, offering a Copy to Mr. Marshal; but he refused it, as not having Power: His Majesty declared his three Scruples mentioned in the last, which the Commissioners desired to see before the Ministers had them; the last, which was the Coronation Oath, because depending upon the Law was judged improper for them to resolve; the other two Mr. Marshal received, and desired to withdraw, the King consented; after they returned, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Vines, Mr. Seaman spake, His Majesty desired it in Writing, which they were willing to, if the Commissioners thought fit: The Commissioners treated about the Oath at Coronation, and the Ministers were on Tuesday to bring in their Answer, which was done, the KING'S Bishops, and other Clergy, and the Ministers of Parliament being present; Mr. Vines read it: His Majesty desired it, promising to prepare an Answer. As to the Sale of Bishops Lands as Sacrilege, the Commissioners told His Majesty, That Things lay so much in the Laws of the Land, that the Ministers could not judge of it: At last His Majesty appeared inclinable, but said, That if they were alienated, then they did evert to the Crown. Thursday, there was debate about the Directory, and the taking away the Liturgy, but nothing done: The King in this Debate asked what Fault they found in the Common-Prayer-Book; to this was replied, That the Liturgy was taken out of the Mass-Book, only spoiled in, the Translation; and that His Majesty's Father, King James, had so confest it to be: His Majesty said, If it were good in itself, that did not make it ill. The King had since made offer of a limited Episcopacy.
A Letter was this Day read in the House from Lieutenant General Cromwel out of Scotland, the most material part we will give you, as followeth:
Cromwel's Letter declaring the Possession of Berwick.
Upon Friday, September 29. came an Order from the Earl of Lanerick, and divers other Lords of his party, requiring the Governour of Berwick to march out of the Town, which accordingly he did on Saturday Sept. 30. at which time I entred, having placed a Garison there for your use. The Governour would fain have capitulated for the English, but we having this advantage upon him, would not bear of it; so that they are submitted to your Mercy, and are under the Consideration of Sir Arthur Haslerig, who, I believe, will give you a good account of them, and who hath already turned out the malignant Mayor, and put an honest Man in, his room. I have also received an Order for Carlisle, and have sent Colonel Bright with Horse and Foot to receive it; Sir Anderew Car, and Col. Scot being gone with him to require an Observance of the Order, there having been a Treaty and an Agreement betwixt the two Parties in Arms in Scotland, to disband all Forces, except 1500 Horse and Foot under the Earl of Leven which are to be kept up to see all remaining Forces disbanded: And having some other things to desire from the Committee of Estates at Edinburgh for your Service, I am my self going thitherward this Day, and so soon as I shall be able to give you a further account thereof I shall do it: In the mean time I make it my desire that the Garison of Berwick, into which I have placed a Regiment of Foot, and shall be attended also by a Regiment of Horse, may be provided for; and that Sir Arthur Haslerig may receive Command's to supply it with Guns and Ammunition from New Castle, and be other wise enabled by you to furnish this Garison with all other Necessaries according as a place of that importance will require; desiring that these Mercies may beget Trust and Thankfulness to God the only Author of them, and an Improvement of them to his Glory and the good of this poor Kingdom, I rest,
Your most humble Servant
O. Cromwell.
Berwick, Octob. 2. 1648.
The Articles whereupon the two Scotish Armies are agree dare as followeth;
The Articles whereupon the 2 Scotish Armies are agreed.
I. It is agreed, That for easing the Burdens of the Kingdom, and to prevent Famine and Desolation, all the Forces under the respective Commands of the Earl of Crawford, Earl of Lanerick, George Monro, all Forces having Commission from any of the Commitee of Estates that were for the Engagement, and all other whom they can stop or let, whether in the Field or in the Garisons of Berwick or Carlile, and all other Garisons within this Kingdom on this side of Taye, be disbanded betwixt this and the first of October next, and that none of; them be seen after the said Day in Troops, Companies, or Regiments; and that all the Forces of their Adherents, whether in Field or Garison by North Tay, and the high Lands and Isles, be disbanded betwixt this and the tenth of October next, and that none of them be seen in Troops, Companies, or Regiments.
II. That all Forces under the Command of his Excellency the Earl of Leven, and Lieutenant General David Lashly, also be disbanded between this and the first of October next, except the number of 1000 Foot, and 500 Horse, which are to be kept until the Disbanding of the Forces by North Taye, and the high Lands and Isles; and that the said 1000 Foot and 500 Horse, shall be disbanded betwixt this and the said tenth of October, and that mutual Pledge be given for that effect.
III. That the securing and settling of Religion at home, and promoting of the Work of Reformation abroad in England and Ireland; be referred to the Determination of the General Assembly, or their Commissioners, and all Civil Questions be referred to the Determination of Parliament, to fit down before the 20th of January next.
IV. That to prevent the imminent Danger to Religion, and quarrel with our Neighbour Nation, in the mean time, until the meeting of the Parliament; that all such as have been imployed in Publick Place or Trust, and have been acceslary in the last unlawful Engagement, shall forbear the exercise of their places, and not come to the Committee of Estates; to the end the Committee of Estates may only consist of such Members as protested in Parliament against the late Engagement; and in cafe any of the said Forces under the Command of the Earl of Crawford, Earl of Lanerick, George Monro, and their Adherents, or any other Forces under their Command, shall continue in Arms, and not disband at the Days appointed; that then the said Committee of Estates, constituted as aforesaid, shall continue and raise Forces to suppress the same.
V. That these things being agreed unto, and the Forces under the Command of the Earl of Crawford, Earl of Lanerick, George Monro, and their Adherents, now at Sterling, being disbanded, to the end it may appear we are only seeking the Publick good, and not the Ruin of any particular Persons or their Estates, as have been misreported; we the Committee of Estates, constituted as is before expressed, do hereby declare our selves, and all that adhere unto us, that we shall neither challenge, nor invite any others to challenge any who have been accessary to the late Engagement and Service, to take away their Lives or Estates, Titles of Honour, or the Freedom of their Persons; provided always that no others shall have the benefit of the Treaty, but those who being on this side Taye, shall betwixt this and the first of October next; and those by North Taye, shall betwixt this and the tenth of October next, declare under their Hands Writing to the Lord Chancellor, or President of the Committee of Estates now at Edenburgh, that they accept of and submit to this present Agreement. It is further agreed that all Persons taken in this War, since the second of August on the other side, be presently released.
It's worth inserting a Letter from the Lord Chancellor of Scotland, by command of the Committee of Estates, to the Lieutenant Genera), as followith.
A Letter of the Ld Chancellor to the Lieutenant General, applauding the Civility he sheweth to the Kingdom.
We have received your Letter of the 21st Instant from Northam, wherein you were pleased to acquaint us with your care to prevent for the future the Disorder of some Soldiers that came from England into this Kingdom without your Order, the Resolutions you have taken for the orderly entertainment of the remaining Forces which are of your, old Regiments, for which and the many Civilities and Respects you have shewed to this Kingdom, we do return you very hearty Thanks. We have now agreed upon some Articles with those Forces at Sterling, which our Commissioners are appointed to commuicate unto you. It hath been our chief study therein carefully to avoid every thing which might import an accession to the guilt of the late Engagement; and to avoid every thing which might give any ground of Jealousy to the Kingdom of England, Orders are given for disbanding all the Scotish Forces in the Garisons of Berwick and Carlisle, and delivering the Town for the use of the Parliament of England, as you will be acquainted by our Commissioners. As we have reason to acknowledge the great Mercy of God in the many seasonable Deliverances of both Kingdoms, so we are sensible of the advantage that hath come unto us by the near distance of your Forces at this time, when the common Enemy was ready to have multiplied the Troubles of both Kingdoms, whereof we shall always study to be mindful; and to contribute our utmost endeavours upon all Occasions, for the preservation of the Union, and continuing a happy Corespondence between the Kingdoms: In which firm Resolution we rest,
Your humble Servant;
London, Cr.
EDINBURGH, Sept. 28. 1648.
For the Honourable Lieutenant General Oliver Cromwel, Commander in Chief of the Forces of the Parliament of England, upon the Borders.
Tuesday, October 10. 1648.
A Petition from the Mayor, &c. of Newcastle.
A Petition was this Day presented to the House, signed by the Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffs, Common Council-men, and other well-affected in the Town of New-Castle upon Tine, desiring that the House would be pleased, before this Treaty be ended, to execute impartial and speedy Justice upon the greatest Offenders and Incendiaries of the Kingdom, the Fomentors of, and Actors in the first and second War, till which they cannot expect any Blessing upon this Treaty; and in so doing, they cannot want the assistance of God and Man.
A Petition from the Gentlemen, Ministers, &c. in the County and City of York.
Another Petition was presented to the House, in the name of the Gentlemen, Ministers, Freeholders, and other Inhabitants in the County and City of York, of the County and Town of Kingston upon Hull, well-affected to the Safety of the Kingdom, and the Honour of the Parliament, taking notice with admiration the dissipating of the desperate Designs, and defeating the numerous Forces raised this Summer by the subtile and malitious Enemy, which Design was long in hatching before it broke forth: That notwithstanding all Advantages and Opportunities that God hath given into their Hands, by defeating all the Enemies of the Kingdom; yet they nor any of them improved by executing of Justice upon Offenders, especially upon such as have polluted the Land with Blood, his Majesty having confest himself and his Party to be guiltty thereof. They humbly desired, That there may not be a Forfeiture made of all these great Experiences of God's Mercies in destroying these treacherous and implacable Enemies, but that according to the Declaration of Parliament, their Protestation and solemn Covenant, exemplary Justice may be executed upon them, without partiality or delay; and that their Estates may go towards discharging the Arrears of the Souldiers, and other publick debts; that God may be glorified, and the Land cleansed from Blood.
Another Petition to the same effect.
Another Petition to the same purpose was presented from another County but the House laid them all aside, and did nothing upon them.
Wednesday, October 11. 1648.
An Ordinance assented to, for paying 5000l. to the Horse Guard.
An Ordinance was read, for the Advance of the Sum of 5000l. for Payment of the Horse Guards that daily attended the Houses, out of the Fines of certain Delinquents. This Ordinance was assented unto and ordered to be transmitted to the House of Peers.
The Answer of the Merchants Adventures, for advance of 20000l.
The Answer of the Merchants Adventures, to the Proposition of the House, for the advance of 20000l. for the service of the Navy, was this day reported to the House; the House had some debate thereof, and voted the same unsatisfactory.
The Earl of Arundel's Composition to be employed for the use of the Navy
The House further ordered in relation to the Navy, that the Earl of Arundel's Fine, who is admitted to his Composition, should be employed to the use of the Navy; and that the Committee at Goldsmiths-hall do make Payment thereof accordingly.
The Committee of the Navy to take care for a Months Provision.
The House was informed, that the Fleet with the Lord Admiral, were in much want of Provisions; The House ordered that the Committee of the Navy should take care for providing a Months Provision for them.
The House of Peers this day put off the Debate of the King s Message, till Friday morning next.
The Debate of the King's Message put off the Lds.
A Letter this day came from the Parliaments Commissioners in the Isle of Wight; that his Majesty had consented for the settling the Militia by Sea and Land in the Parliaments hands for 20 Years, as desired in the Propositions; but as to Religion, had given in his further reply for a regulated Episcopacy; or in brief, his Majesty thus offers.
1st. As to the abolishing of Bps. &c. his Majesty faith, As to the former he will consent to confirm for 3 Years by Act of Parliament the Form of Church Government, and Directory for Worship presented to him, but he is not satisfied in his Conscience, or can be content to the utter abolishing of Episcopacy; the substance whereof he conceives to consist in the Power of Ordination and Jurisdiction, as they were exercised by the Apostles themselves and others, by authority derived from them, superior to Prisbyters and Deacons in the primitive times: His Majesty s Resolution being to comply with his two Houses for the alteration and regulating of his present Hierarchy and Government, so as Episcopacy reduced to the Primitive Usage, may be settled and continued in this Church; and if his two Houses should so advise his Majesty will be content to lessen the Extent, and multiply the number of the Diocesses.
2dly. As to the exception that his Majesty has not expressed his consent for settling of Bps. Lands upon Trustees, and for the sale of those Lands: 'Tis true he hath not to alienate the Inheritance of those Lands, and herein he believes he hath concurrent opinions of many Divines, that in other points differ, much among themselves: But his former Answer containing a large offer of satisfaction to all those that have purchased or disbursed Movies upon those Lands he hopes that Answer, to which he now refers, will be satisfactory to his two Houses.
3dly. for the calling and sitting of the Assembly of Divines, his Majesty will assent as is desired.
4thly. His Majesty will confirm the publick life of the Directory in all Churches and Chappels, as is desired in the Proposition, and will consent to the repeal of so much of all Statutes, as only concern the Books of Common Prayer, and also the taking the same away out of all Churches and Chappels, provided that the use thereof may he continued in his Majesty's Chappel for himself and his Houshold: And that the same be confirmed by Act of Parliament for three Years, provided only that a Consultation in the mean time be had with the Assembly of Divines in such a manner, and for the Purposes as are in his former Answer expressed.
Touching the Articles of Religion, his Majesty professes he hath not had time since they were delivered unto him, to look into them with that Deliberation which is requisite, before he bind up himself and his Subjects in matter of faith and Do-Brine, and therefore desires that part of the Proposition may be respited by his two Houses. His Majesty will consent to an Act for better observation of the Lord's. Day: As also to prevent the saying of Mass
And lastly, concerning the Covenant, and the Ordinance concerning the same, his Majesty's Answer being, That he was not yet satisfied to take it or impose it on others, he conceives his two Houses will not insist upon it at this time, and the rather, because the ends thereof will be obtained by the Agreement, if happily concluded, which God grant. These are the chief Heads of his Majesty's Message.
The House had some debate hereupon and the question was put, whether this Paper of his Majesty's concerning Religion, were satisfactory or not and the House voted it in the Negative.
The House order'd that a Letter should be writ to the Commissioners in the Isle of Wight, to require them to proceed in the Treaty, according to their Instructions; and that they should not, till this Proposition concerning the Church were signed, proceed to the Debate of any other new: And that in this Letter, notice should be taken of the extraordinary Service of the Commissioners, in their wise managing of this Treaty.
Thursday, October 12. 1648.
The House ordered for filling the Courts of Westminster-Hall with Judges, that there should be a new call of Serjeants.
The House this day according to former Order, considered of filling the Courts at Westminster hall with Judges; and in confirmation of the Report from the Commissioners of the great Seal, to whom it was ordered to consider of this business, the House ordered, that there should be a new call of Serjeants, and voted,
Out of Grays-Inn, there should be made Serjeants at Law, Sir Thomas Widdrington, Sir Thomas Beddingfield, Mr. Keble, Mr. Thorpe and Mr. Bradshaw; out of Lincolns-Inn, Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Sam. Brown, Mr. Recorder Glyn, and Mr. Erle; out of the Meddle Temple, Mr. Whitlock, Mr. Conyers, and Mr. Pnleston; out of the Inner-Temple, Mr. Chapman, Mr. Gates, and Mr. William Littleton.
Serjeant Roll to be Ld. Chief Justice of the King's Bench. Serj. Jermin, and Mr. Sam. Brown Justices of that Court.
The House ordered, that Serjeant Roll should be made Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench, that Mr. Serjeant Jermin and Mr. Samuel Brown should be made Justices of that Court.
That Mr. Solicitor be made Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas; that Sir Thomas Beddingfield, and Mr. Serjeant Creswel should be made Justices of that Court.
That Mr. Serjeant Wild should be made Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer.
Mr. Whitlock Attor. Gen. of the Dutchy, &c.
That Mr. Gates should be a Baron of the Exchequer.
That Mr. Whitlock should be Attorney General of the Dutchy, and one of the Kings Serjeants.
That Mr. Prideaux should be Solicitor General.
Mr. Prideaux Sol. General. Sir Tho. Widrington Kings Serjeant.
Sir Thomas Widdrington, one of the Kings Serjeants.
Friday, October 13. 1648.
An Ordinance for making the present Governour of Dover-Castle Lieut. thereof.
A Message this day came from the Lords desiring the Commons concurrence to an Ordinance, for making the present Governour of Dover-Castle Lieutenant thereof; the Ordinance was assented unto.
The Declaration of the House to assure the Soldiers of their Arrears.
The Declaration, giving assurance to the Soldiers of the Kingdom, that the House is upon satisfying them in relation to their Arrears, and for prohibiting them not to repair unto London upon pretence of their Arrears, was this day reported and assented unto, and ordered to be forthwith printed and published, and sent to the Sheriffs of the several Counties, to the end they may take special notice thereof thro' out the whole Kingdom.
The Letters from the Isle of Wight.
Letters this day to the House from the Commissioners in the Isle of Wight, give to understand his Majesty's Agreement to the Proposition for Ireland, as desired, the Commissioners Paper to his Majesty, presented October 9. 1648, was as followeth.
The Commissioners Paper.
1. That an Act of Parliament be passed, to declare and make void the Cessation of Ireland, and all Treaties and Condition of Peace, or any Articles thereupon with the Rebels, without consent of both Houses of Parliament; and to settle the Prosecution of the War in Ireland, in both Houses of the Parliament of England, to be managed by them, and the King to assist, and to do no Act to discourage or molest them therein.
That Reformation of Religion, according to the Covenant, be settled in Ireland.
2. That Reformation of Religion, according to the Covenant be settled in the Kingdom of Ireland, by Act of Parliament, in such manner as both Houses of Parliament of England have agreed, or shall agree upon, after consultation had with the Assembly of Divines here.
That the Deputy, &c. in Ireland, be nominated by both Houses here.
3. That the Deputy or chief Governour, or other Governours in Ireland, and the Presents of the several Provinces of that Kingdom, be nominated by both Houses of the Parliament of England, or in the intervals of Parliament, by such Committees of both Houses of Parliament as both Houses of the Parliament of England shall nominate and appoint for that purpose; and that the Chancellor or Lord Keeper, Lord Treasurer, Commissioners of the Great Seal or Treasury, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, Chancellor of the Exchequer and Dutchy, Secretaries of State, Master of the Rolls, Judges of both Benches, and Barons of the Exchequer of the Kingdoms of England and Ireland, and the Vice Treasurer and Treasurers at Wars of the Kingdom of Ireland, be nominated by both Houses of the Parliament of England, to continue quamdiu se bene gesserint, and in the Intervals of Parliament, by the aforementioned Committees, to be approved or disallowed by both Houses at their next sitting.
His Majesty's assent to the Commissioners at Newport.
His Majesty's Answer and Assent, delivered to the Commissioners at the Treaty with his Majesty, at Newport in the Isle of Wight; the eleventh day of October, 1648, as followeth.
Charles R.
For a final Answer to you, to your Proposition of the ninth of October concerning Ireland.
His Majesty doth give his Consent thereunto as is desired, the time for Nomination of the Deputy and other Officers, being limited for twenty Years, from the First of July, 1648.
Saturday, October 14. 1648.
An Ordinance for seizing Estates of Delinquents in North-wales.
An Ordinance and Instructions for seizing the Estates real and personal of all the Delinquents in North-wales, and the Isle of Anglesey, for the use and benefit of the Navy, were read, and upon the Question committed.
The Letter from Derby-house to the Admiral.
A Copy of a Letter from Derby-house to the Lord Admiral was read, and the Lord Admiral's Answer thereunto, which was to this purpose; That upon full consideration of the present design of reducing the revolted Ships, it was thought fit, if the Parliament would approve thereof that the Fleet should remain at Goree for a certain time longer.
The House ordered the Fleet to remain at Goree.
The House hereupon had some debate concerning this Business, and agreed that his Lordship should yet continue at Goree, in order to the reducing there revolted Ships.
And because Provision may not he wanting for the same during their abode there, the House ordered that the Committee of the Navy should take care to make Provision of Victuals and Money during their stay there; and further ordered that the Committee at Derby-house should write to the Lord Admiral, and inclose the said Vote.
An Ordinance giving Power to a Company of Merchants.
An Ordinance was read for authorizing the Company of Merchants, that trade in France, to collect Monies among themselves, for defraying their publick Charges, and assented unto.
The rest of the day was spent in the Report from the Committee of the Navy, in relation to the providing of Mony for the Navy,
Monday, October 16. 1648.
This day the Common Council of the City of London presented a Petition to the Houses for a supply of Ministers in the City, and an allowance to them out of Deans and Chapters Lands, many Places being vacant for want of means to maintain their Ministers.
The Commons upon debate, referred it to a Committee, and who are also to consider of the several complaints of the want of a good Ministry in other parts of the Kingdom, and to report to the House thereupon: This Committee to sit de die in diem.
Letters declare the relief of Cocker mouth by Col. Ashton.
Letters came this day to the House, That Col. General Ashton, having relieved Cockermouth-Castle, the Enemy betook themselves to Appleby; the Col. General pursued, and sent them Summons, requiring them to render themselves to mercy, upon which they willingly consented to a Treaty, and it was agreed the inferior Officers go home, the great ones, as Sir Philip Musgrave Sir Thomas Tilnsley, Sir Robert Stricland, Sir William Huddleston and other Officers to go beyond Sea, and six Months time to provide for their Expedition, In the Town and Castle of Appleby were taken the 4 Knights before mentioned, also Sir Thomas Dacres, Sir William Blackston, 25 Colonels, 9 Lieutenant Colonels, 6 Serjeant Majors, 46 Captains 17 Lieutenants, 10 Cornets, 3 Ensigns, 5 pieces, 1200 Horse, 1000 Arms, all their Bag and Baggage. From Pontefract they write, That not with standing the besieging the Castle, the Enemy sallies out, went a good way in the Country, fetcht away Sir Arthur Ingram from his House, and carried him into the Castle: But when Col. Rainsborough's. Regiment is come up to us, they shall keep them up closer. Col. Boynton is said to be gone beyond Sea. Lieut. Col. Paul Hobson is Deputy Governour of Newcastle.
From Lieut. Gen. Cromwel's Quarters, upon their March out of Scotland, by Letters October II. it is written.
Lieut. General Cromwel's Letter on his March out of Scotland.
In my last was intimated, that the Lieut. General was going towards Edinburgh whither being invited, he went upon Wednesday last. The Lord Kirconbright and Major Gen. Holburn, came from the Committee of Estates to Seaton, the Head Quarter, to accompany him to Edinburgh; the Earl of Murries House in Cannigate was provided for him, and a strong Guard appointed for a constant Watch at the Gate; the Lord Chancellour, the Earl of Leven, the Marquiss of Argile, the Earl of Cassill, Lord Butley, David Lesley, Lord Wariston, and many other Persons of Quality came to welcome him thither.
The next day the Earl of Cassill, Lord Wariston, and two other Gentlemen being sent from the Committee of Estates to receive what the Lieutenant General had to communicate unto them he delivered to them a Paper, wherein he did demand, that to prevent the reviving, or reinforcing of their late Engagement and Invasion, none that had been in Action therein, or accessary thereunto, might henceforward be imployed in any Publick place of trust whatsoever.
The Ld Cassil, &c. gave a very satisfactory; Answer to his Lordship's Demands.; The Lieut. General received the Votes of the House to assist the Dissenters in Scotland.
On Friday, the same Persons brought back from the Committee of Estates a very satisfactory answer, giving assurance in the name of the Kingdom of Scotland that accordingly none should be imployed, with this Addition only, without the Consent of the Kingdom of England, which the honest Party thought to be the surest lay, and a Bar against the Malignants creeping in any more. Several select Ministers also come from the Commissioners of the Kirk, both to congratulate and discuss for mutual satisfaction of which I hope a good fruit will appear. The Lord Provost, and several eminent Citizens performed a Visit also, and old Sir William Dick in the name of the rest made a great Oration. The Lieut. General having the same day (we came to Edinburgh) received the Vote, that he should assist the Dissenters in Scotland, he in the close of his Paper, acquainted the Committee therewith, and withal reserved the latitude for any further Desires or Demands, that might be found cause for by the Parliament of England. Upon the point of Assistance, the Marquiss of Argile, and the forenamed Committee of four, were sent to advice.
And for as much as they in Scotland are raising a new Model, about 3500 Horse and Foot, to command which they are, after an Example, rather solicitous for godly and well principled Men, than only experienced Soldiers:
They have desired two Regiments of Horse, and some Dragoons, to May for some time in Scotland.
This makes mention of their being entertained by the Ld Provost.; Monro's and Lanerick's Men disbanded.; Sir J. Cheisly and Mr R. Blayre, Minister, are gone for Sir J. Cheisly and Mr R. Blayre, Minister, are gone for London.
Our Entertainment during our abode at Edinburgh, was taken care of, and defrayed by the Lord Provost, by order of the Committee of Estates; and when we were about to come away, several Coaches were sent to bring up the Lieut. General, Leven, Sir Arthur Haslerig, and the rest of the Officers to Edinburgh-Castle, where was provided a very sumptuous Banquet; the Lord General Leven, the Lord Marquiss of Argile, and divers other Lords, being present to grace the Entertainment At our departure, many pieces of Ordinance, and a Volley of small shot was given us from the Castle, and we convoyed by some Lords without the City, where we parted. Most of all Monro's Forces are disbanded, and himself; and many of his Officers come to Edinburgh, not well knowing what to do with themselves, being outed in Ireland, as well as their great hopes of advantage in England and Scotland. Lanerick's Men are also disbanded, and their Hostages returned. Edinburgh being full of Maligants, it hath occasioned the Proclamation, that they should depart the City, and not remain within six Miles. Major General Lambert, who is well liked on by the honest Party in Scotland is to be left here with two Regiments of Horse, and two Troops of Dragoons, Lanerick and Glencarne have not accepted of the Articles of agreement, but intend to go for Holland, which raiseth a suspicion that they have hopes to bring into the North the Prince's Army, which is said to be in a readiness to comes thence. Sir John Cheisly, and Mr. Robert Blayre the Minister are gone for London, with instructions from this Estate and Kirk, to represent their condition, and give an account of their late Actions.
The malignant Magistracy of Edinburgh is now utterly changed, and a whole set of honest Men brought in: Good Elections for the next Parliament are made in all, or most places. We are now going to Carlisle.
Tuesday, October 17. 1648.
Col. Ashton's Letter of taking Appleby Castle.
A Letter this Day came from Col. Ashton, in further confirmation of the taking of Appleby-Castle upon the Articles before mentioned: The House order'd that it should be referred to the Committee of the North to consider, what shall be done with Appleby-Castle, and how the Arms, Ordinance and Ammunition, may be secured in Lancaster-Castle.
The House ordered 30l. to the Messenger that brought the Letter of this good News from Colonel Ashton.
A Letter was read in the House from Lieut. General Cromwel, in confirmation of what we before gave you of his Proceedings in Scotland, and march backwards to Carlisle, which is surrendred unto him according to that Agrement between Argile and Monro.
The House voted their Approbation of what Cromwel had done.
The House Voted, that they approved of what Lieut. General Cromwel had done in his advance into Scotland, and that a Letter of thanks should be writ unto him, to give him thanks for all his Services for this Kingdom.
An Ordinance for approving Sir W. Parsons and Sir J. Temple, Commissioners for the Great Seal of Ireland.
The House ordered, that upon Thursday next they would consider of the Ordinance for settling the Sum of 4000l. per Annum upon his Excellency the Lord Fairfax, and his Heirs for ever.
The House considered of a Message to the Lords, for nominating a Lord Chancellour of Ireland, the Commons upon Debate, approved that Sir William Parsons, and Sir John Temple should be nominated, and apponted Commissioners for the Great Seal of the Kingdom of Ireland; and that an Ordinance should be drawn up to this purpose.
Letters from Newport in the Isle of Wight.
Letters this day from Newport in the Isle of Wight, give to understand, that the Treaty goes on apace, as to all matters yet proposed, except that of the Church: his Majesty hath granted, besides that of Ireland mentioned before, that of the Publick Debts of the Kingdom, which is, That such Act or Acts for raising Monies for the payment and satisfaction of the Publick Debts and Damages of the Kingdom, and other Publick uses shall here after be agreed on by both Houses of Parliament; and, that is the King do not give his assent thereunto, then it being done by both Houses of Parliament, the same shall be as valid to all intents and purposes, as if the Royal Assent had been given thereunto, with this Proviso, the said publick Debts to be brought in within two Years.
Also a Proposition for taking away all Honours.
Also the Proposition for taking away all Honours, which runs thus; That by Act of Parliament all Peers made since the day that Edward Lord Littleton (then Lord Keeper of the Greal Seal) deserted the Parliament, and that the said Great Seal was surreptitiously conveyed away from the Parliament being May 21. 1642. and who shall be hereafter made, shall not sit or vote in the Parliament of England, without consent of both Houses of Parliament; and that all Honour and Title conferred on any since May 20. 1642. seeing it was the day both Houses declared, that the King seduced by evil Counsel, intended to raise War against the Parliament, be declared null and void.
His Majesty promiseth an Answer to the Comissioners Paper.
Friday in the afternoon, the Commissioners gave in a Paper, containing the Proposition for Delinquents; to which his Majesty promised to give an Answer on Monday.
Letters from Holland.
Letters from Holland, October 12. Newstile, That the Prince with the revolted Ships are still at Goree Road. The discontents amongst the Seamen very great and after a long Pause if the Councellors about the Prince, the Lord Culpepper was sent to Mariners with Mony, but they scornfully said, they might thank the Earl of Warwick for it. As to the bringer they endured him not, because they believed by his Counsel their Prizes taken from the Merchants was bestowed upon the Gallants to swagger with at the Hague, but that also is near spent; the Sailors gone many of them on Shore, instead whereof Landmen are put. The 15 Dutch Ships, under Command of Admiral Vantrump; weary of staying so long in attend once upon both Fleets, 'tis believed will suddenly leave them to do as they please, keeping close to a Neutrality, which is like to gain my Lord Admiral the Ships at easie rates; but if the Prince's Ships get out, and no agreement at Newport, Prince and all will undoubtedly be for Ireland. The Lord Culpepper hath been charged here with discovering the Princes's Secrets to the Parliament; he presses that they would prove what they say. My Lord Percie is confin'd to his Chamber for giving one the Lie in presence of the Prince. The young Lord Goring is here again, but cannot get a Protection to keep him from Arrests. The Lady Waller's Footman killed a Man in the Hague last Week, and is fled.
Marqu of Ormond is landed at Wexford.
From Dublin October 7. they write for certain, That the Marquiss of Ormond is at last landed at Wexford, and for his better welcome, hath brought over with him 4000 Arms, and 500 Curiassers Arms; part of that supply designed for the Scots Army in England by the Lord Jermin, and those in France: He hath not brought above 50 Cavaliers, and yet enough to put this poor Kingdom into more troubles, and make it the Seat of their malice, when it can have no vent in England. We are in exceeding want of Men and Money without which we can do nothing, unless it be to snatch away a Garison, and so away.
The Arrival of the Marquiss of Ormond in Ireland, considered with the Discourses in the Prince's Court in Holland, shews there's a design to keep Ireland in Commotions, besides that will at Spring time be on soot again in England; all which must be expected, the Treaty not succeeding.
Wednesday, October 18. 1648.
The General's Letter to the House.
This Day a Letter was read in the House of Commons from the Lord General Fairfax, intimating the present proceedings of the Army, and how that several Petitions are promoting amongst the Soldiery, purporting the great Difficulties which they had undergone this Summer in subduing their Enemies, and received very little pay, yet understood Taxes were generally paid, destring that the Army be divided, into the Counties proportion able to the tax they pay, and also that their Arrears maybe thought of, especially the last. Upon reading the said Letter, the Common spent much time in debate thereof, and came to this Result.
Ordered that the Soldiers desires be satisfied.
That the desires of the Soldiery be forth with satisfied, and that speedy care be taken for settling their Arrears.
There have been also other "Petitions presented to the General from the Officers and Soldiers of the Army to the purpose aforesaid, and some larger are more particularly from Commissary General Ireton's Regiment the Heads of their Desires being these:
1. That Search and Justice be made and executed on the Encouragers of the late Rebellion.
1. That there may be a strict Scrutiny for the more full discovery of such Persons as were Contrivers or Encouragers of the late Rebellions, and second War; and that Justice speedily be executed on them according to the late Orders of Parliament.
2. That impartial Justice be done to all Criminals.
2. That impartial and speedy Justice may be done upon all criminal Persons, and especially upon such who have or shall endeavour to obstruct the course thereof, or have betrayed their Trust, or been Authors of shedding that innocent Blood, which calls to Heaven for Vengeance, that so we may be at Peace with God.
3. That the same Fault may have the same Punishment, in the Person of King or Lord, as in the poorest Commoner.
4. That such he proceeded against as Traitors.
4. That all such may be proceeded against as Traytors, who act or break in the Kings behalf, till he be acquitted of the guilt of shedding innocent Blood.
5. That the Army have their Payment of former Arrears.
5. That the Army speedily have their pay, or a present course be taken against those who unjustly withhold it, and that they may have the Arrears due since January 15. before they be ordered to pay Quarters and effectual Provision made for the Payment of former Arrears.
6. That oppression of free Quarter be taken off.
6. That the intolerable Oppression of free Quarters be immediately taken off, and that for the time to come, whilst there is necessity for ah Army, there may be assignations given to each Regiment, Troop and Company, which may be constant, during the establishment of the Army; that the Money may! not pass from hand to hand, till it is half imbezeled, but be paid Immediately; From the Countries to the Soldiery, that so all free Quarter for even avoided, it may turn from the Soldiery, to the Countryman again.
Lastly to prevent malice of Asperstions to destroy Magistracy.
And lastly, searing left the inveterate malice of their Adversaries should asperse them with a design to destroy Magistracy and property; they do declare, that they shall constantly endeavour to defend them both with their Lives and Fortunes.
The House this day considered of the Lords Amendments to the Ordinance for maintaining a Troop of Horse in the County of Surrey out of the Sequestrations of that County, which were debated on and at last assented unto.
An Ordinance for giving publick Faith.
The House likewise ordered that the Ordinance forgiving the Publick Faith to such well affected Persons whose Houses have been seized and made use of for the service of the Publick, should he read tomorrow morning.
The House hereupon ordered, that all the Collectors of the Arrears and Assessments of the Army should bring them in by the first of November next.
The House ordered Sir C. Kemish into Case custody.
The House ordered that Sir Charles Kemish should be taken into safe custody by the Serjeant at Arms attending the House of Commons.
A Letter with 6 Papers from the Commissioners of the Treaty.
A Letter this day came from the Commissioners of the Treaty with six Papers of their Transactions; thereupon the House ordered to consider of this Business to morrow morning.
They ordered likewise that the Supernumerary Forces of Lancashire should be disbanded.
Thursday, October 19. 1648.
His Majesty's dissent from the first part of the Proposition.
The Letters yesterday to the House from our Commissioners in the Isle of Wight, were read, That his Majesty had given his Answer to the Proposition concerning Delinquents: His Majesty consents not fully to the first part of the Proposition concerning those exempted of Life, but offers as followeth:
Charles R.
For a final Answer to your Proposition of the 13th of this Instant concerning Delinquents, &c. his Majesty will consent, That all Persons who have had any band in the plotting, designing, or assisting the Rebellion in Ireland, shall expect no Pardon, as is expressed in the first Branch of this Proposition. As to all the rest of the Propositions, his Majesty cannot consent thereunto, as is proposed, otherwise than is hereafter expressed, viz.
As for all other Persons comprised in the said first Branch, his Majesty for satisfaction of his two Houses will give way, That they may moderately compound for their Estates, and desires they may be admitted to the same, and for removing of Distrust and into options of the Publick Settlement, his Majesty will consent as followeth:
That such of them as the two Houses of Parliament will insist on, shall not be admitted to his Councils, and be restrained from coming to the Court, at such distance as both Houses shall think fit, and shall not have any Office and Employment in the Commonwealth without the consent of both Houses of Parliament, or shall absent themselves out of the Kingdom for same time, if both Houses of Parliament shall think fit.
That all other Persons in this Proposition shall submit to a moderate Composition, and for the space of three years shall not fit, or serve as Members, or assist in either House of Parliament, without consent of both Houses of Parliament.
October 17. 1648.
His Majesty offered a Paper to the Commissioners.
His Majesty also offered a Paper to our Commissioners, but it could not be received, they having no Instructions to that purpose of Propositions by his Majesty, as follows:
- 1. That his Majesty be put into a condition of Honour, Freedom, and Safety.
- 2. That safely he may be restored to his Lands and Revenues.
- 3. That he may have Composition for the Court of Wards, and such of his Revenues as he shall part with.
- 4. That there may be an Act of Oblivion and Indempnity.
Mr. Vines gave in a Paper in answer to his Majesty's, to satisfy his Majesty's Conscience touching Bishops: The Commissioners then also delivered a Paper, desiring a more satisfactory Answer to the business of the Church, but nothing yet done thereupon.
Newport October 18. 1648.
Besides this Paper concerning Delinquents, some other Papers were read of their Transactions upon the Treaty, which took up much time; the House ordered hereupon, that all the Lord's-Days, and Fast-days since the beginning of this Treaty should not be accounted, any part of the 40 days, there being six Lord's days and two Fast days, which will admit the Treaty a week longer than was expected.
The House ordered that they would further consider of these Papers to morrow Morning.
The House this day considered of the Ordinance for payment of the reduced Officers: The House hereupon ordered that the House should forthwith be resolved into a grand Committee for an hour, to consider of this Business, which accordingly was done, and then the Speaker resumed the Chair.
The House went into a Committee to consider of payment of reduced Officers.
The House ordered that on Monday, next they would consider of disbanding all the Supernumeraries of the, Kingdom.
They further ordered that the Lords Concurrence should be desired to the Ordinance for payment of 4800l. to Mr. Peck in respect: of his Losses.
Friday, October 20, 1648.
The Master, Wardens, &c, of Merchant-Adventurers gave in their Answer.
The Master Wardens, and Company of Merchant Adventures of London give in their answer this Day to the House, for their Loan of 20000l. for the Service of the Navy, That they would engage themselves for the Payment of 10000l. for this Service to such as would advance the same, provided that they may be repaid out of the first Monies that come in upon the Customs, with 8l. per cent, per annum, so long as the same or any part thereof shall be unpaid.
The House hereupon past a Vote to approve of what the said Company had offered, and ordered that the thanks of the House should be given unto them for the same.
A Letter of complaint from Sir Henry Cholmley.
A Letter was this Day read in the House which came from Sir Henry Cholmley, complaining, that his Excellency the Lord Fairfax had given a Commission to Col. Rainsborough to command in chief before Pontefract-Castle, and that the disparagement was great to him, he having an Order to that purpose from the Committee of the- Militia of Yorkshire, desiring the House to give some speedy Order therein. The House hereupon ordered that a Letter should be written to the Lord General, and this Letter of Sir Henry Cholmley's inclosed therein, to acquaint him with this whole Business, and to desire that his Excellency would be pleased to settle the same, so as it may be for preservation of the Honour, and clearing the Fidelity of Sir Henry Cholmley, and likewise that the whole Business may be carried on against the Enemy with all the Advantage as may be.
The House ordered that the Sum of 100l. should be bestowed upon Capt. Wolfe that brought the news of the surrender of Carlisle, and ordered Mr. Noble 20l. who likewise brought up Letters concerning the same Business.
The House of Lords desired the Commons Concurrence for Dr. Bastwick.
A Message this day came from the Lords, recommending the Ordinance for Dr. Bastwick to the House of Commons for their Concurrence: The House ordered that this Ordinance should be considered of on Monday Morning next.
The House resumed the Consideration of the King's Message.
The House spent much time in Debate of the King's Messege concerning the exempted Persons upon Life, but came to no conclusion, and ordered to resume the consideration thereof the next week.
The House of Peers likewise spent the whole day about this Business.
Saturday, October 21. 1648.
Ordered to bring in the Arrears of the Assessments.
According to former Order the House took into consideration the Reports from the Committee of the Army concerning the taking off of free Quarter: The House hereupon ordered that Members should be employed to use their best endeavours to bring in the Arrears of the Assessments of the Army under his Excellency's Command, that for free Quarter may be taken off for the future.
The House voted a Conference with the General and his Officers.
They likewise voted that Members should be sent down to the General to confer with him and his Officers (such as he shall appoint) how the Army and other Forces of the Kingdom may be reduced to the establishment, and how they may have satisfaction.
The House appointed a Committee to confer with his Excellency the Lord Fairfax, and accordingly how the Army may have satisfaction for the Pay due unto them since the 15th of January 1647. and that they may likewise consider of free Quarter, to the end there may be an abatement thereof; and likewise that the Committee shall have power to confer with the Lord General, and such Officers as his Excellency shall appoint, how the Army may be quartered upon the former Instructions.
An Information came to the House against Col. King.
An Information came this day to the House against Colonel King of the County of Lincoln, of dangerous Consequence against the Army under the Command of the Lord Fairfax, with the names of the Witnesses that prove the same: The House ordered that Col. King should be sent for by the Committee of the Army to answer the said charge, and that he attend the said Committee till such time as he hath given answer thereunto.
Monday, October 23. 1648.
The House order'd to disband all the Horse in the County of Northampton.
The House of Commons this day according to former order heard Mr. Swinfen's Report for disbanding Supernumeraries in the several Counties of the Kingdom, and they voted thereupon to disband all the Horse in the County of Northampton except 80, all the new-levyed Horse in Oxfordshire, Herefordshire, Derbyshire, Southamptonshire, Glocestershire, Warwickshire, Nottinghamshire, being no part of the Army, and that the Committees of those Counties do pay them their Arrears, since last raised: And also for the new-levyed Forces in Yorkshire, so soon as the Forces of the Army shall come up and besiege Pontefract and Scarborough. Belvoyer-Castle in Nottinghamshire to be reduced, all the new Levies in Somersetshire to be disbanded and paid, and his Excellency ordered to slight Bridgwater Bath, and Dunstar, or man them.
Sir Peter Killegrew's Message from his Majesty touching Episcopacy.
This day Sir Peter Killegrew returned from the Isle of Wight, and brought a Message from his Majesty of the 21st of October, of his Majesty's further Concessions touching Episcopacy, which take at large:
1. He hath particularly consented to the abolishing of Archbishops, Chancellors, Deans and Chapters, &c. and the whole Hierachy, save Bishops.
2. Whereas he did formerly consent to confirm the Form of Church-Government for three years, he hath now expresly consented that no, other shall be used, and the exercise of Episcopal Government shall be wholly suspended during that time.
3. Whereas Episcopal Jurisdiction, if no other had been agreed upon in the mean time, might have risen up after the three years, he hath now expressed his Consent, that none shall be exercised after that time other than Ordination, which is restrained to the Counsel and Assistance of Presbyters, but such, and in such manner as shall be agreed by him and his two Houses; whereby until such Agreement, or if it be nut otherwise agreed, Episcopal Jurisdiction is wholly laid aside.
His Majesty also this day consented to the following Propositions,
His Majesty consented, 1. That Nomination of great Officers be by both Houses.
I. To that for nomination of the great Officers, of the Kingdom, &c. as is desired in the Proposition, the nomination of them to be by both Houses during the term of ten years.
2. Concerning the City of London.
II. To that concerning the City of London, as is desired in the Proposition.
3. That concerning the great Seal.
III. To that concerning the Great Seal, &c. as is desired in the Proposition.
4. That concerning the Court of Wards.
IV. To that concerning the Court of Wards, &c. as is desired in the Proposition, a recompence being assured to his Majesty of one hundred thousand pounds per annum to him, his Heirs, and Successors, in lieu of the Court of Wards.
Newport, October 21.
His Majesty's final Answer to the said Proposition.
His Majesty conceives, That his former Answers to your Propositions concerning the Church, would have given more satisfaction to his two Houses, than is expressed in your Papers of the sixteenth and seventeenth of this instant; containing in them, if considered in their full extent, Concessions of the most material things desired, and therefore as well for a Declaration of his clear intentions by those former Answers, as for a further and final Answer to the said Proposition and Paper of the 17th, his Majesty faith as followed,
That the Hierachy be abolished.
That albeit for the reasons expressed in his former Paper, he cannot consent to a Bill, and the Ordinance for abolishing Bishops, yet for the satisfaction of his two Houses, and settling the publick Peace, he will consent to a Bill for the taking away all Arch-Bishops, Chancellours and Commissaries, Deans and Sub-Deans, Deans and Chapters, Arch-Deacons, Canons and Prebendaries, and all Chaunters, Chancellours, Treasurers, Sub-Treasurers Succentors and Sacrists, all Vicars, Choral and Choristers, old Vicars and new Vicars of any Cathedral or Collegiat Church, and all other their under Officers, out of the Church of England, and Dominion of Wales, and out of the Church of Ireland.
That Episcopal Government be suspended.
And further, his Majesty will consent to suspend the exercise of all Episcopal Government for the space of three years, and hath consented and will consent to confirm the Form of Church Government now presented to him for the said three Years, and that no other shall be used during that time; in which time his Majesty continues his desires that a consultation maybe had with the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, twenty of his own Nomination being added, to the end that his Majesty and his two Houses may within those three Years inform themselves of the Practice of the Primitive Church in point of Episcopacy, and may accordingly agree in limiting the Bishops to the Counsel and Assistance of Presbyters, and in the exercise of their Jurisdiction, and increasing their number if it be thought fit.
And his Majesty will consent, that in case no Settlement shall be agreed on within the said three Years, then after the said time the Power of Ordination shall not be exercised by Bishops without the Counsel and Assistance of Presbyters, and that no other Episcopal Jurisdiction shall be exercised by Bishops but such and in such manner as shall be agreed on by his Majesty, and his two Houses of Parliament.
His Majesty's further Proposition about Episcopacy.
And his Majesty doth profess, That if in that time he be convinced, that the Function of Bishops is not agreeable to the Word of God, or that Christ commanded any other Government, he will most chearfully embrace that, and take away Episcopacy; but until he be so convinced, he believes himself bound in Conscience, as it is above expressed. The rest of his Majesty's Answer to the Proposition concerning Religion, as it was this day delivered by him to the Commissioners to be transmitted, is the same as that of the ninth instant; his Majesty professing, that this now was the furthest that he could go in Conscience.
From St. Albans they speak of some intendment of removing the head Quarters to Windsor, but since again otherwise determined, and the head Quarters likely to continue where they are this Winter. His Excellency hath returned his Answer to the House concerning the Lord Goring and Capel to be surrendred to mercy, which take as followeth.
His Excellency's Answer concerning the Ld. Goring and Capel; The Quarter not upon Capitulation or Agreement; The extent of common Quarter is assuring of Life against military Sword.
"Tho' his Excellency could not easily understand what it was, which in his former Letter to the House of Commons, concerning the Lords Goring and Capel, should so much need a serious explanation as to the point in Question, yet supposing the scruple to be whether in assuring of Quarter to the said Lords and the rest, did extend, or doth imply to secure them from further question as to Life, before their own or other civil Judgment, for the War levied by them. Answered thus; That the Quarter to them was not upon Capitulation or Agreements; and therefore could ground no more claim than common Quarter to any Enemy, taken in a Field-Engagement, or other Action. Now for the sense and extent of common Quarter given, have always understood it to be an assuring of Life against the immediate execution of the military Sword, or any further execution thereby without judicial Trial: But whether it imply to protect, or exempt them from any judicial Trial or Proceeding to Life, either by the civil Sword of that Authority against which being subject they rebel, or by the martial Power, as to Persons and Causes subject to its cognizance, having never so understood it, nor known to be so, his Excellency left it to their determination; and that some Power of giving Quarter every Souldier also hath in his proper Action, which is daily used by them, if they see cause, to all sorts of the Enemy, and is, unless where particular Command is before hand to the contrary, always allowed, whatever the Persons prove, because not understood to extend to further exemption than as aforesaid; and whether now it should be taken other ways, and that the Souldiers granting Quarter shall be a full pardon as to Life, but not to his Excellency's sense; but the general sense and practice in all Wars, and of both Parties in this War, give the Determination: But if it were not so, then not only no Rebel by that civil Judicature to which he stood a Subject, but also no Revolter, nor Deserter of his Colours or Trust, runing to the Enemy, nor any Spy or the like, by the martial Power, after once taken to quarter, they should ever be brought to a judicial Trial or Execution of their Revolt and Treachery: And therefore he did not urge those things out of any particular animosity to the Lord Goring; for were he even an innocent Person, or one for whom he would beg their Pardon, yet he should not by any opinion or silence be guilty of staying their judicial Proceeding upon any such ground. The admission whereof would at once condemn so much the just and necessary practices of the Parliament and other States, and also exclude or prejudg his future Proceedings in Publick Justice against any Person for Rebellion, Revolt or Treachery in War, who after utmost extremity against them could find but any Soldier of theirs to give him Quarter.
The Committee of Estates resolve to raise but 2500 Foot and 600 Horse; They beseech his Majesty to hearken to the Parliament; They write to the Prince.
Letters from Scotland the 17 instant thus mention; The Committee of Estates have this Week been about their Forces which they have resolved shall be but 2500 Foot, and 600 Horse, for the Welt is sure to them, the South under the eye of Berwick and Carlisle: 'Tis conceived this Force is enough to garison and keep quiet the North and East; the keeping up their last Army under David Lesley, who also Commands this, was no small Prejudice by being the cause of the late Engagement against England; for the Souldiers Interests thwarting the Kingdom, and they now find much pressing to bring in Officers, who though without palpable exception, yet not throughly to be confided in; besides there is an Eye of reflection upon England, as the best ground of confidence under God to help in time of need. Mr. Parsons that came from his Majesty is not like suddenly to get Answer, he is now to have it from Men of better tempers, that sent will complain of the miseries suffered by the late Engagement, declare how they were forced to rise in Arms, what were the consequence of it, and what their resolutions are since; for which they refer the King to their agreement with Lanerick, and their late Declaration. They beseech his Majesty at last to harken to the Advice of his Parliament, in consenting to the Propositions of both Kingdoms, and especially to those concerning the Covenant, and Reformation of Religion, which they understand to be the point he sticks most at, and they in honour and interest are most obliged to stick to, and without which they tell him his Throne cannot be established in Righteousness, &c.
They have also writ to the Prince, dehorting him from that course of opposition he is in, and from attempting any Act of Hostility against their Kingdom; and since all worldly Policy and Projects have failed, that he would apply his endeavours to mediate with his Father that he would consent to the Propositions of both Kingdoms, and especially the Covenant. Sir John Chiesley, who is this day on his way to London, is to communicate them to the Houses, then they are to be sent to his Majesty, and with them two frowning Letters from the general Assembly and Commissioners of the Kirk, who can speak more plainly in name of their Master, than the Estates can in their own. George Monro, Colonel Dyell, Colonel John Hambleton Lord of Colington, and other Desperadoes went yesterday and to day over into Fife, where Lanerick, Crawford, Duery, and other Ringleaders of that Party were before, they give out it is only to take a drink at parting: Monro and Hambleton having received Passes from Leven to go to Swedeland, but Wise Men apprehend some mischief in brewing, concurrent with some design in England; and therefore the old Highland Regiment, that was about Edinburgh, is dispatched to Sterling, and same Horse to St. Johnston's: Some think it good discretion, that the Scots Prisoners of note in England, be kept close in the Heart of that Kingdom, and not suffered to come near Scotland or London. Just now comes News that Lanerick went this Night privately, but with one Servant, from his House; none knows whither.
And by other Letters from Major General Lambert's Quarters in Scotland, is thus written.
Lambert's Letter about the Affairs in Scotland.
I Believe you have seen the Declaration of the Committee of Estates, concerning the late Ingagement, being, as I understand, sent from Edinburgh by the last Post; so that I need not acquaint you therewith. Divers of our Soldiers have lately had particular Injuries offered to them, by being set upon in the High-ways, and other Places, by some looje and desperate Persons in this Kingdom; many of their Horses have been taken away, stolen, &c. and other things: And truly there is such watching and waylaying of us, that we dew not stir without cockt and prim'd, and resolute to meet with some Encounter before we come to our Journeys end; particularly six of Major Gen. Lambert's Regiment, with one Quarter-Master, Dimond that commanded them, were set upon by 14 or 15 of these Rogues, at the shutting up of the Evening, within two Miles of Edinburgh; the others, as soon as they discovered ours to be English, having the advantage of their Swords ready drawn under their Cloaks, immediately fell upon them with Sword and Pistol; ours was not much unready, nor turning their backs, because of their number, presently fell to defending themselves: They fought with them about a quarter of an Hour, laid three of them sprawling upon the Ground before them, wounded most of the rest, routed them, and came off without any hurt. Many of the like happen, but our Men being now upon their constant watch, seldom come off with the worst. You see with what danger not withstanding we are in by such private lurking Enemies as these are: Nevertheless the Committee of Estates have taken into consideration, and used means to give Satisfaction to all our Losses in this kind; and to prevent the like for the future, as by the inclosed Paper you will perceive, which hath given us some Incouragement.
But we hope our stay will not be long now; about 14 days will give us a dismission, tho' those that are well-affected to this Committee of Estates, are jealous that the malignant Party watch but an Opportunity of our departure, and to shew themselves again; and that is the cause, that by an advantage of our Presence the Committee of Estates do think fit to put themselves into a posture of defence, by continuing a standing Force, for surpressing and keeping down of that Party; in case they do attempt any such thing. Within this 14 Days they will have compleated about 600 Horse in several Troops, 4000 Foot, and it's conceived old Lesly will have the Command in chief. The next Convention of Parliament begins in January, for which the Members in the several Shires, are already most of them Elected; and those that are well affected to the present Committee, say they are most of them well-chosen, so that the crushed Party must expect to be more trampled on.
Eaton, October 28, 1648.
Tuseday, October 24. 1648.
Sir A. Welden ordered 500l.
The House this Day ordered, that Sir Anthony Welden, who had been very active against the Enemy this last Summer, and received much loss by reason of them, should have the Sum of 500l. charged upon the new Sequestrations of the County of Kent, in lieu of his said Losses.
The General's Letter about Sir H. Chomley.
A Letter this day came from his Excellency in answer to that from the House, concerning Sir Henry Cholmley, complaining that he had given Commission to Col Rainsborow to command in chief before Pontefract-Castle, and that it tended much to his Dishonour, having had, the command of them hitherto, desiring that the House would take such order that his Reputation and Honour might not suffer; that he would be very tender of his Honour, and would answer the Houses expectation therein.
The new forces in Kent that were not of the Army to be forthwith disbanded except 4 Companies.
The House ordered that all the new Forces in Kent, not of the Army, should be forthwith disbanded all but four Companys, and that the Committee of that County should pay them off, and disband them accordingly.
Their Lordships passed several Ordiances for Compositions with Delinquents.
Debate about the Judges.
Their Lordships had some debate about the Judges.
The Gen. Letter about settling the Militia in the North.
A Letter was read, that the Lord General had given Instructions as desired for settling the Militia in the North.
From Newcastle, October 16. thus;
Gentlemen of 4 North Counties to meet at Baynards-Castle about settling the Counties; Skippons Regiment marches; This Night the Scots Commissioners came Post hither.
The Lieut. General, Sir Arthur Haslerig, and the Committee of Cumberland, have ordered the slighting of Cockermouth-Castle, and Appleby. Tuesday next the Gentlemen of the four Northern Counties are to meet at Baynards-Castle, to consider of settling the Counties into an Association. The Lieut. General and Sir Arthur will be there. The Van of our Army will be to morrow as far as Pomfret, to wit, Col. Sanders Regiment: Col. Prides Foot, &c. are about Richmond: this day we are to be enterained by the Mayor of Newcastle at dinner; we shall go to Durham at furthest to morrow morning: Major Gen. Skippons Regiment, that hath been so long at Newcastle, marches with the Army instead of Col. Overton, that is left in Barwick. The Bishopricks Regiment of Horse is left at Carlisle. Monday last when we came to this Town, we were entertained with many Guns, and ringing of Bells. The Committee of York have ordered the slighting of Knaresborow, Helmsley, Bolton, Mulgrave, Midleham, Sheafield, Wreastle, and Skipton. This Night the Scots Commissioners came Post hither; namely, Sir John Chiesly, Mr. Blayre the Minister, and two other Gentlemen: they are coming to London, to declare their dislike of the late Armies coming in, and desire a fair Correspondency betwixt the Nations. To morrow we go to Durham, where we shall spend three or four days in Councils of War; 'tis thought the great Welsh Prisoners will be tried there.
Pendennis, October 18.
Sir Hardress Waller held a Council of War for Trying one M. Richard.
Here hath been a dangerous design for betraying this strong and considerable place, which was by corrupting some private Souldiers formerly of the King's Party: the design was managed by Major Grosse, chief in the late Insurrection at Penzance, who is since this discovery with divers of his Confederates fled to revolted Scilly. Since Hardress Waller hath held a Council of War, according to Power given him, and one hath been sentenced to Death: there being like ground to proceed against one Martin Richard, who was employed to corrupt the Soldiers, and the chief Instrument to work the business, as himself confesseth; but being a Country man and no Souldier, some scruples arose about trying him. The Articles of War relating to Souldiers only, in which regard our Governour, whose faithfulness and circumspection is highly to be commended, hath recommended it to Parliament. Divers of Quality, besides those sled with Grosse, being accused by those taken, are gone several ways: This purports no great likelihood of an intended real Accord or Peace in England these being set on work by greater.
Letters from the Hague about there volted Ships.
Letters from the Hague say, That the States General have been desired to call off the 15 Ships that lie between the revolted Ships, and the Lord Admiral for the Parliament; and it's believed they will yet first bring the Prince with his Fleet into the Sea, with some little Law, and leave them to my Lord Warwick to pursue.
Wednesday, October 25. 1648.
This was the monthly Fast; in the morning Mr. Fuller and Mr. Parker Preached before the Commons: Mr. Green Prayed: After Sermon the Commons sate, and Voted thanks to be given to each of them, and they to be desired to Print their Sermons. The Commons also Voted that Mr. Sedgwick and another, be desired to Preach before them the next Fast-Day.
Letters from the Isle of Wight, of several Passages.
Letters from the Isle of Wight, 23. speak thus: "His Majesty last Night at Supper, the Bishop of London waiting on the right hand of his Chair, and the Bishop of Salsbury next to him, as usual; all were put into a great fear by reason of a Fire near the Court; but soon after came News, that it was only a Chimney, and quenched: but the same Night one of the Soldiers on the Guard and one of the King's Footmen broke out into a great Flame, and were parted, but so that the Footman put a second affront after wards upon him, and they were then a second time appeased; and that Night his Majesty's Health went round lustily in the George-Seller, whither some of the Cooks and others came over from the Court. That Night Sir William Lisle, Father to Mr. Lisle of the House of Commons, dyed.
Thursday, October 26. 1648.
His Majesty's Message about Episcopacy, voted unsatisfactory.
The House this day, according to former Order, considered of his Majesty's Message of Monday concerning Episcopacy; and Voted the said Message unsatisfactory.
They ordered that the Committee should be named to draw up to the House, wherein that Message was unsatisfactory; to the end his Majesty may be acquainted with the Sense of the House thereupon in writing: They were to sit this Afternoon, and to report to the House forthwith; that so the Treaty may not be obstructed thereby.
An Ordinance for payment Tythes.
An Ordinance was read for the payment of Tythes to the Ministry of the Kingdom, in such manner, as by a former Ordinance for that purpose is expressed: The House assented thereunto; and ordered that the said Ordinance should be forthwith transmitted to the House of Lords for their concurrence.
A Letter from the Estates of Scotland,
A Letter was read in the House, from the Committee of Estates in Scotland, desiring a fair Correspondency, and brotherly Union between these two Nations; as for other particulars of their desires, they had intrusted Sir John Chiesley, with others, to deliver by word of Mouth to them; or such as they shall appoint to receive the same.
The House hereupon ordered, that this Letter from the Committee of Estates of Scotland, should be forthwith communicated to the House of Peers; and the Original returned to them.
Sir J. Chiesly's further Instructions, referred to the Committee of Derby-House.
They likewise ordered, that the said Sir John Chiesley, should be, referred to the Committee at Derby-House, who are required to receive what further he hath to deliver to the Parliament of England, from the Committee of Estates of Scotland, and to report their Opinions, upon the whole to the House, with all convenient speed.
Upon Letters from the North, Instructions passed for the carrying of 4000 Sutes of Clothes to Nottingham, for Lieut. General Cromwel's Souldiers; to which 1000 more are to be added.
From the Isle of Wight, Letters say; "The King was private on Monday, but no meeting with the Commissioners, until his Majesty "receives the sense of the Houses upon his Paper concerning Episcopacy.
The Lords concur that his Majesty's Paper about Episcopacy, was not satisfactory.
The Lords this day concurred with the Commons, that his Majesty's Paper concerning Episcopacy, was not satisfactory; and chose a Committee to draw up a Letter to the Commissioners, to desire them to proceed according to their Instructions, and press the King to abolish Bishops; and that after three Years of the settling of the Presbyterian Government, the Power may not be in Bishops, but by such a Government as both Houses shall agree, with the consent of the Assembly of Divines; the Commons Voted it not satisfactory to chuse a Committee to bring in a Letter.
Friday and Saturday, October 27, and 28.
His Majesty's Answer in taking of the Covenant, &c. voted unsatisfactory.
The Committee appointed to draw the dissatisfaction of the Houses, to the several parts of his Majesty's last Message, made a Report this Day to the House, and presented in writing, wherein they were so unsatisfied; which took up the most part of this day's Debate.
They Voted hereupon, That that part of his Majesty's Answer, concerning the taking of the Covenant, is unsatisfactory: They likewise Voted, That that part of his Majesty's Answer, concerning the taking away of Arch-Bishops, Bishops, Deans, &c. is unsatisfactory. The like to that part of his Answer concerning the abolishing of Popery, in desiring to have it tolerated in the Queen's Chappel and for her Family: the like for alienating of Bishops Lands, and sale of Deans and Chapters, and many others; upon those Reasons presented by that Committee,
The House ordered, That a Committee should be appointed to draw up the Covenant into such a Form, as may be proper for his Majesty to take it.
A Committee appointed about His Majesty's Proportions.
A Committee was likewise appointed to meet in Lincolns-Inn-Hall, to consider of his Majesty's Concessons to any part of the Propositions, and to draw them up into Bills, to be tendred to his Majesty to be signed.
An Ordinance was read for the repayment of the Sum of 10000l. to the Merchant Adventurers, advanced by them for the Service of the Navy; with 8l. per Cent, per Ann. for Forbearance thereof; which was assented unto.
Col. Jones's Letter of D. of Ormonds concluding a Peace with the Irish Rebels.
A Letter this day was read in the House coming from Col. Jones Governour of Dublin in Ireland, acquainting them, "That the Marquiss of Ormond was upon Terms of concluding a Peace with the Rebels of Ireland the Lord Inchiquin complying; and all to join together against Colonel Jones and his Party; that this design was hatcht in England, and carryed on by the Fomenters of the late second War in England, and the Scotish Invasion; and should have brook out at the same time, not without Colour of a Commission from his Majesty, but of an old date: He desiring the Houses would seriously consider it, and take some speedy course for the prevention of that total Ruin likely to befal the Protestants in Ireland.
A Message to be sent to His Majesty to declare against the Rebellion and Truce in Ireland.
The House of Commons, upon Debate hereupon, ordered, that his Majesty should be forthwith desired to declare against the Rebellion of Ireland, and against the Truce with the Rebels, and require the Marquiss of Ormond to forbear this Conjunction with the Rebels against the Protestant Forces; and that a Message be sent to his Majesty to this purpose.
From St. Albans, October 28. thus: Mr. Scawen, Sir Richard Onslow, Sir Thomas Dacres, and Mr. Leman, Commissioners for the Parliament, have been here these four days; they proposed several particulars, I shall only give you the Heads of what was agreed to, and desired by the General or Officers.
1. That in regard of the new Garisons of Barwick, Carlisle, Yarmoth, Rye, Carmarthen and Chepstow, and many places now secur'd by County Forces, there may be Allowance and Provision made for 3000 Foot, to be continued more then the former Establishment, whereof eight Companies to be of Col. Rainsboroughs Regiment.
2. That an Engineer, and some other Officers, with twenty Gunners, be added to the Train.
3. The General will give command against Listing any now Recruits.
That the Army be paid off to 15 January.
4. That the Army being paid off from the 15th of January last, the General is willing that free-Quarter be deduced for, according to the Rules in the Agreement for stating Arrears; but those entertained since September 23. which are now to be disbanded, may have their full Pay.
That the Army draw into Cities, &c.
5. That the Army shall be accordingly drawn into Towns, Cities, Garisons, as upon 31. of December; and maintain themselves for a Fortnight after they are paid from the 15th of January.
6. That by Towns is meant Market Towns, and the Streets near them only.
Monday October 30. 1648.
Hit Majesty's Message about Delinquents, wholly unsatisfactory.
The House of Commons this Day, according to former Order, consider'd of that part of his Majesty's last Message in relation to Delinquents, and past many Votes thereupon, viz. That his Majesty's Message, as to Delinquents, is unsatisfactory, in all the Clauses thereof; and thereupon further Voted, That all such who were formerly to be admitted to Composition at two thirds, shall now Compound at a full Moiety.
That all such as were formerly by the Propositions to compound at a Moiety, should now compound at a third Part.
That all such Members of the House, who deserted the Service of the House, and were to compound at a full Moiety, shall now be admitted to Composition at a full third.
That exceped Persons as to Life (except 7) compound at a full Moiety.
They likewise Voted, That excepted Persons as to Life, in the first branch of the Proposition, shall now be admitted to a Composition, except seven, and that they compound at a full Moiety.
They likewise Voted, That all Papists in Arms, and Popish Recusants, except such as have had any hand in the Rebellion in Ireland, shall be admitted to Composition for the future, and that at two full thirds of their Estates.
That all Lawers, Clergymen and Scholars, compound at a full third, according to former order.
They likewise Voted, That the second of February next, shall be the last Day for Delinquents to Compound.
That W. Powel, J. Clark, &c. be made Serjeants at Law.
The House, upon Message from the Lords, ordered, that William Powel, John Clark, John Eltonhead, Robert, Nicholas, John Parker, and Robert Bernard Esquires, should be made Serjeants at Law.
The House was inform'd, that a Ship sent by the Committee of the Army towards Newcastle, with Goods and Provisions, was cast away upon the Coast of Norfolk, but recoverable. Ordered, that a Letter should be Writ by Mr. Speaker, and sent to the Committee of the said County, to require them to give Order for the securing the said Ship, and all the Goods in her, from Imbezlement, and not to be made Prize on.
The Lords this Day at a Conference moved, that the Dispute about Sale of Bishops Lands, might be waved at present, and the rest be agreed by both Houses to be sent to the Commissioners, to treat with his Majesty about them; because no time may be lost.
The Houses assent about Bishops Lands.
The Commons at another Conference, gave Reasons why that of Bishops Lands should be concurred in, divers of them being sold upon the Authority of an Ordinance of both Houses; that in regard their Lordships had concurred to abolish Bishops, that it could not be, if their Lands should not be disposed on, &c. Upon the Commons Reasons, the Lords sate, and after Debate, agreed with the Commons in that also; and that all the Votes be sent to the Commissioners.
Letters from York of the Lieut. Gen. arrival at Newcastle.
By Letters from York, October 22 thus: The last told you, we were to be welcomed at Newcastle, we were received with very great acknowledgments of Love, stay'd there three Days, partly to give our Army a little rest, also for the having our Train come up to us from Berwick. The 19th we were very sumptuously Feasted, by the new Mayor of Newcastle: The next Day we came to Duresme late in the Night: The next Day we spent in Trying Misdemeanours, as not having had so, much spare time since our Lancashire Business, which was no ill time spent.
The Committee's Letter to the Lieut. Gen. desiring his March to Ponfret; A Petition by Gentlemen of 4 North Counties.
That Night there came a Letter from the Committee of York, desiring the Lieutenant General to march to Pomfret, to take the care of reducing that place: He sent them Word, that there were already upon their March two Regiments of Horse, and two of Foot, which would be there in four or five Days; and he would come him self with what speed he could: He sent for three Troops of Dragoons from Derbyshire, to meet him there, which he intends for the strengthening of the Guards of Horse; and to the Committee for one thousand working Tools to be ready at his coming, as likewise what Carts they could fend. Sunday we kept a day of Thanksgiving for the good Success God has given us in our Expedition in Scotland. Monday was spent in Councils of War, were a Soldier was shot to death for plundering in Scotland. Tuesday we came to Barnard-Castle, where we had a Meeting with the Gentlemen of the four Northern Counties, who agreed upon a Petition, and signed it for the Parliament, for Justice against all Delinquents, and for a Commission of Over and Terminer to be sent down to try such as they should apprehend; and likewise a Letter signed by them to the Parliament, desiring a Settlement of Pay for 1200 Foot in Barwick, and a Regiment of Horse under Col. Fenvick, as likewise 800 Foot in Carlisle, and a Regiment of Horse. A Breviate of what was concluded at this Meeting follows.
"That the most eminent Gentlemen of these Counties, or the most part of them who have been active in the late design against the Parliament, may be forthwith secured or removed; and that Order may be presently issued forth for this purpose; which being effectually acted, we conceive less standing Force will suffice.
"That Order may be presently given forth to the Commanders in chief of the Horse in either Counties, Northumberland and Cumberland, for apprehending and bringing to the common Goal all Moss troopers; and that some active Men of each County, who do know the Borders, may be solicited for their concurrence herein.
"That in regard the Counties are extreamly destitute of Mony, Corn, Firing, Hay, and other Goods, the standing Forces, for avoiding of a Famine, which in appearance is to be feared, may be reduced to as small a number as the preservation of the Publick, and these parts, doth possibly admit: that some course may be instantly agreed on and taken for the present Maintenance of the Garisons and other standing Forces; and that the Parliament may be solicited, that this Maintenance may be at the common charge of the Kingdom, from which see the design not only putting out of Trust, but securing of all who have been in the late Engagement, which will be prosecuted to Dover and Kent, Rye in Sussex, and the Mount of Cornwal.
Letrers from St. Albans mention a Petition presented to the Lord General from Col. Ingoldsby's Regiment of Oxford, which because of publick Concernment, take as followeth.
To his Excellency, the Lord Fairfax, our Noble General;
The humble Petition of the Officers of Col. Ingoldsby's Regiment, in the behalf of themselves and private Soldiers, now lying in the Garison of Oxford:
A Petition to the Ld. Gen. at St. Albans.
That your Excellency's endeavours and ours for common Freedoms have been so hazardous to us, so chargeable to the People, and so wonderfully owned by God himself, that once before and now again God hath given us a total Victory over the Enemies of our Liberties, and given those into our hands that would have enslaved us; so that nothing remains to be done to make and keep us and all the honest People of the Nation Freemen, and to make the
hazards of our Live, and loss of so much Blood to be affectual to us, but an immediate care that Justice be done upon the principal Invaders of our Liberties, namely, the King and his Party, whom the Parliament hath formerly declared no Addresses to: The Army likewise declared to live and die with them, in the Prosecution thereof.
That likewise sufficient Caution, and streight Bonds be given to future Kings, for preventing the enslaving the People hereafter; and that grounds of Encouragement be given to the People of succeeding Generations, for defending themselves against the like attempts: Then might we with chearfulness return to our several Callings, hoping to live in Peace, blessing God for his Goodness.
But we are almost past hopes of obtaining these things, and it cannot but lie heavy upon our Spirits, to apprehend that all our Harvest should end in Chaff; and what was won in the Field, shall be given away in a Chamber: For the Treaty now in hand, is the matter of our present doubts, the Issue of it can neither be just nor safe. And seeing that upon the well or ill closing of our late, and yet continued Distractions, depends the outward Weal or We of us and our Posterity, and that is a thing ought to be looked after, as to the making successful all our former Victories, which God hath blessed us with; We therefore humbly pray your Excellency, that you would be pleased to reestablish a General Council of the Army under your Command; to consider of some effectual Remedies hereunto, either by representing the same to the House of Commons, as the Petitioners of London, and divers other places have done, or by such way as your Excellency with your Council, shall think fit in a business of so high concernment to Three Nations, having expended such vast quantities of Blood and Treasure in hopes of better things.
And Your Petitioners shall pray, &c.
Tuesday, October 31, 1648.
Ordered that all Members pay Assessments to the Army.
The House this day called the Collectors of London before them; and one of their great Objections were, that few of those that would not Pay said it was no reason that Members should be excused; and tho' there was a former Order for assessing of the Members, yet not any of them would pay. The House therefore made an Order to enjoin all their Members to pay their Assessments to the Army; equal with the rest of the Subjects.
His Majesty's Answer concerning the Church, voted unsatisfactory.
The House spent much time this day in Debate of that part of his Majesty's Answer, concerning the Church, and Voted it unsatisfactory.
Letters about Affairs in Ireland.
A Letter came from Sir Hardress Waller, in further confirmation of the Lord of Crmond's being in Ireland, to make Truce and join with the Rebels, and the disaffected Protestant Party of that Kingdom, the better to destroy the Forces under the command of Col. Jones and Col. Monk, by Commission from his Majesty. The House hereupon ordered to refer this Letter to the Committee at Derby-House, and the Committee of the Army.
An intercepted Litter from Ormond to the Rebels at Kilkenny.
Also the intercepted Letter from Ormond to the Rebels at Kilkenny, the Copy whereof followeth.
After our hearty Commendations, being arrived in this Kingdom, qualified with a Power to treat, and conclude a Peace with the Confederate Roman Catholicks, or such as shall be deputed or authorized by them in this behalf; we have thought fit by these our Letters, to make the same known to the Assembly of the said Confederate Roman Catholicks now at Kilkenny, as also in pursuance of the Paper, of the 13th of May last, delivered to their Commissioners at St. Germains; we expect to receive from them by Persons fully authorized to treat and conclude such Propositions as they shall think fit at our House at Carrick, whither we intend to remove for the better Accomodation, and more speedy dispatch of Affairs, as soon as we shall be advertised by you of the time when we shall expect them there which we desire may be with all convenient speed. We remain,
Your loving Friend,
CORK, October 4. 1648.
To our very loving Friend, Sir Richard Blake, Kt. Chairman to the Assembly of the Confederate Roman Catholicks, now at Kilkenny.
The Report of the Committee of the Army.
The House further ordered, that the Report of the Committee of the Army should be made next after the Business of the Treaty ended.
They likewise ordered, that the Ordinance concerning sequestring the Estates of Delinquents in the County of Essex, should be read tomorrow.
His Majesty resolves no further Condescension.
Letters from the Isle of Wight this Day speak, as if his Majesty were resolved not to stir further than he hath in condescention, but rather to hazard all, and see what Time may produce for him and his.
From Edinburgh by Letters of the 24th, came as followeth:
Letters from Edinburgh, concerning General Lambert's Army, and a Declaration thereupon.
The Wrongs of the Soldiers under Major General Lambert's command have been endeavoured against by several ways, particularly by a Declaration as followeth:
"Whereas the Honourable Houses of Parliament of England have been pleased to offer Assistance to us for suppressing the common Enemy, we have thought fit that some Regiments of their Horse do stay in this Kingdom for a short time.
"And whereas divers Abuses have been lately committed, and for preventing of which Abuses that may be done to any of the Soldiers under the Command of Major General Lambert, we do command and Ordain the Committees of War of the Shires, where the said Forces are now, or shall be hereafter quartered, to take special Care that the Country People do readily afford them the best Quarter and Accommodation they can during their Stay: And we do further declare. That whosoever within this Kingdom, shall do any Wrongs or Injuries in taking away their Horses or Arms, or shall offer violence to their Persons, that order shall be given to the Troops that are kept up for the Service of the Kingdom, that their whole moveable Goods shall be confiscated, and themselves imprisoned or punished with Death, according as they shall deserve; and if any of the Country People receive Wrong or Injury from any of the English Forces, they are to address themselves to this Committee, or Major General Lambert, from whom they shall receive due satisfaction. Ordains these Presents to be published at the Market-Cross of Edinburgh, Haddington, Dunbar, Linlithgow, Peebles, that none pretend Ignorance.
Moneys have been ordered out of several of the Enemies Estates, as Lanerick's and others, which will furnish new Horse and Arms to them that have been wrong'd. The Committee of Estates do what they can to settle the Kingdom, they have made new Committee for Sea and Land; and most Officers, where any have been forward in the late Engagement, are set aside. They have damn'd their Engagement in this City made for Money for the Party that Were in England, and confirm'd in a full Assembly of the States, all their Transactions with Lieutenant General Cromwel. The Kirk-men go on with the greatest Earnestness and Severity against those of the new Engagement; not a Man is admitted to the Sacrament of them; divers of them return hither, and to other parts of this Kingdom, but are look'd upon with such an evil Eye, that for want of Relief they die in the high ways: An exceeding Esteem by the well-Affected is had here of the English, and particularly Lieutenant General Cromwel and Sir Arthur Haslerig are in high Honour, as every Englishmen were in this Kingdom.
Further, from York 28, thus;
Letter, from York of the 28th concerning desperate Men about Pontefract.
"I Am not unmindful, of my Promise, being got to York, though through much Danger, for on Sherwood-Forest I was set on by some Troopers, who disarmed me; by all Circumstances they were Pontefract men: I then left Pontefract Road; and went by Wenbridgs, thinking to avoid them; I baited at Hatfield in the Room where the Pomfret-Castle Soldiers were, that took Sir Arthur Ingram, who is now at Liberty, paying 1500l. for his Randsom; they are very strong in Pontefract-Castle, and go were they list; they are some 500 Foot, and 140 Horse; some thirty of them ride, armed Cap a pe: They are desperate Men, and fall often upon our Guards; they have wounded Captain Clayton, and taken him and most of his Troop the last week: They have fallen on Major Ivers, wounded his Lieutenant dangerously, killed ten on the place took both Horse and Men, fell upon Captain Greatheads, wounded his Lieutenant dangerously: They have since I came from London, taken at least two hundred Head of Cattle above one hundred Oxen from Grafiers; they sound a Party for a Cessation, and make a Fair of their Horses near the Castle, fell them to Sir Henry Cholmleys Troopers, and in the Cessation they drink to one another, Here is to thee Brother Roundhead, and I thank thee Brother Cavalier: They have and do take much Salt, Corn; Beasis, and Horses from the Country: They prepare for a better Seige; for this Day Lieutenant General Cromwel is expected to come with Forces to block them up. The reason they go thus where they list is, first: All the Forces that are against Pontefract, are under the Command of Sir Henry Cholmley; and Colonel Rainsborough being come to Doncaster, having a Commission to command in chief from the Lord Fairfax, Sir Henry Cholmley having Commission from the Northern Committee, takes in a Disparagement, and refuseth to let, him have the Command; so that Col. Rainsborough is come no nearer than Doncaster, and, the poor Country suffereth. Here is news, that when Lieutenant General Cromwel cometh up with his Forces, all the Northern new Militia shall be disbanded. Pontefract Men have lately fetched Mr. Clayton, Steward to his Excellency the Lord Fairfax, ten Miles off of Leeds, at his Manor at Denton near Otley. There is no difference amongst the Pontefract Blades as is printed, they agree too well; Scarborough, holds out still, and sally, forth; and do mischief, on our Men: They sunk a Frigot early in the Morning, that came in with Coals in the night for the Town; the Government they say is grown very deboist for Drinking and Swearing.
York, October 28. 1648.