Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48. Originally published by D Browne, London, 1721.
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John Rushworth, 'Proceedings in Parliament: August 1st - September 1st 1648', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48(London, 1721), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol7/pp1212-1248 [accessed 15 March 2025].
John Rushworth, 'Proceedings in Parliament: August 1st - September 1st 1648', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48(London, 1721), British History Online, accessed March 15, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol7/pp1212-1248.
John Rushworth. "Proceedings in Parliament: August 1st - September 1st 1648". Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48. (London, 1721), British History Online. Web. 15 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol7/pp1212-1248.
In this section
Chap XXIX.
Proceedings in Parliament, from Aug. 1. to Sept. 1. 1648.
Tuesday, Aug. 1. 1648.
The House of Commons this day considered of the business of Tatershall Castle; and Ordered, "That the present Governour thereof should not be removed till farther Order. An Ordinance for levying of Forces in the County of Middlesex, was read in the House, and upon the Question, pass'd; and Ordered to be transmitted to the Lords for their Concurrence.
The Committee yesterday appointed to treat with, and give Reasons to the Common Council, for continuing the Power to Major General Skippon, Reported, "That the City of London was very sensible of this high Favour, in condescending so low, to give them Reasons for their Actions in Parliament, and did give them most humble Thanks for the same. But withal, the House were acquainted with an Act, or Declaration of Common Council passed-last Night, for listing of Horse by the Militia of London: Referred to a Committee to treat with the Militia about the same.
The House Ordered, "That the Letters taken going to Scotland, and the Commission taken in Captain Green's Ship, should be forthwith Printed, that the People might be undeceived: We gave you the Sum of them before. A Draught of a Letter to be sent by both Houses to the Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, was read; Acquainting them how far the House had proceeded, in settling the Government of the Church, and how they have been obstructed in the perfecting of that great Work, by the rising in the several Parts of the kingdom, and the marching of an Army of Scots into this Nation; and with many other great Distractions nearer hand them: Which upon second reading was Committed.
The House Ordered, "That Major Rolfe should be bailed, and that a Conference should be desired with the Lords thereupon to morrow Morning.
A Petition was read in behalf of Lieutenant Colonel Lilburn, an upon long Debate thereupon; Ordered, "That he should be discharged his Imprisonment, and a Conference to be had with the Lords for the same. Referred also to a Committee how Lieutenant Colonel Lilburn may have satisfaction, and allowance for his Sufferings, as was formerly Voted.
The Lords concurred with the Commons, to treat with the King in the Isle of Wight; and Voted, "That the Commissioners be speedily sent thither from both Houses; viz. One, Lord, and Two Commoners; and sent a Message to the Commons, to desire their Concurrence. The Lords Voted to send the Earl of Middlesex Several Messages were sent from the Commons to the Lords, for Concurrence to several Ordinances; as for the Militia of Middlesex, for the Militia of the Isle of Ely, and the Militia of the County of Nottingham. Divers Reports were made to the Commons from Derby-House; As concerning North-Wales, of the Cavaliers Designs there, and a Declaration read from the Royalists that keep Anglesey for the King, calling the Parliament Rebels.
The House passed Instructions for the Committee of Derby-House, to send down Major-General Mitton into North-Wales, to raise Forces and settle those Parts. Reported also, concerning the danger of Langer-Fort; referred to the Care of the Lord General. Concerning Loving Land, also referred to His Excellency, with several Reports concerning the West; the taking of the Lord Rich's House in Devonshire by a Party for the King. The Officers of Somersetshire to raise Forces for the Parliament.
Letters were ordered by the House, and signed by the Speaker, to be sent to the several Counties, about speedy Payment of the Assessments to the Army; take a Copy of the Letter as followeth:
The great pressing Necessities of the Army, as well those in Field as those in Garrison, have been often presented unto you by several Letters, wherein you were desired and required, to do your utmost endeavours, in getting in the Assessments in your County. Notwithstanding the House is informed, there is much of Arrears in your County; so that many Inconveniencies are like to come upon the County, and the Soldiers, unless Money be speedily provided and gotten in for them: I am commanded by the House of Commons, to signifie this unto you, and to desire you to proceed vigorously and speedily in the collecting and getting in the Arrears of the 9 Months, and the last Months, and to punish the Defaulters; that out of that the Forces may be supplied, and encouraged in the hard and great Duties they are now upon. This being of so great and eminent Concernment to the Safety of the Kingdom, they doubt not of your Care and hearty Endeavours in the performance thereof I am,
Your Loving Friend,
William Lenthal, Speaker.
Westminster, 1. Aug. 1648.
"From the Leagure before Colchester, July 31. All is silent here, hardly a great Gun in an Hour to. be heard; the Suffolk side is now. closing up with a Line, which is at a near distance, and will not be compleated till Tuesday Night: This done, His Excellency may spare a considerable Brigade of Horse and Foot, if any Occasion happens. The Two Demy-Cannon are mounted against St. Mary's Church, and after a few Shots, brought down a great part of the Steeple, and the Ordnance mounted there in; which, falling upon the Leads, brought down most of it with them, in which the Ordnance is buried.
Wednesday, Aug. 2. 1648.
The House of Commons this day considered of the Condition of Dover Castle; and Ordered, "That a Company of Foot, and a Troop of Horse, should be forthwith advanced, and added to the Garison of Dover Castle.
They likewise considered of Conway Castle, and of the weak Condition it was in; and Ordered, "That 120 Men should be added to that Garison.
The House debated long concerning Mr. Wildman, Committed by that House with Lieutenant Colonel Lilburn; and being for one and the same Business, Ordered, "That the said Mr. Wildman should be forthwith discharged of his Imprisonment.
The Committee of Lincolnshire was this day ordered, "To put the Ordinance for 60000l. per Month, for maintenance of the Army, in Execution, much being in. Arrear in that County.
An Ordinance was read, for laying 4s. 2d. a. Chaldron upon Coals, and 4s. upon Grindstones, and every Weigh of Salt, to be transported out of the Ports of Newcastle, Sunderland, &c. Which upon the Question pass'd; Ordered to be sent to the Lords for their Concurrence.
A Message then came from the Lords, with a certain Vote, concerning the Treaty to be had with His Majesty, to which the Lords desired the House's Concurrence. The Votes were read, and some Alterations made therein, and ordered to be returned to the Lords with those Amendments: The Votes were as followeth:
First, "That a Message be sent to the King to acquaint him, That the Houses desire a Treaty with his Majesty's Person, in what place of the Isle of Wight he shall appoint, upon the Propositions tendred to His Majesty at Hampton-Court, and concerning Wards and Liveries; and to Treat with Honour and Freedom, and Safety to His Majesty's Person.
'Secondly, To receive such other Propositions to be treated oh, as shall be presented by His Majesty.
'Thirdly, That Commissioners be dispatched away to His Majesty by Friday next, with the said Votes, and return within ten days.
For which Purpose, their Lordships have chosen one Lord, and desired them to nominate two Commoners, to join with his Lordship.
The Commons concurred to these Votes, only added to the first, (these Words) with Safety and Freedom to the Commissioners; and chose Sir John Lipsley and Mr. Bulkley Commissioners, to join with the Earl of Middlesex to go to the King.
A Paper was deliver'd to, and read in the House of Lords, from Major Huntington, of Reasons why he left the Army. They are very large being a Narrative of pretended. Carriages of Lieutenant-General Cromwel, and Commissary-General Ireton, since the Parliaments going to disband the Army, in relation to Overtures, with His Majesty; the Proceedings against the Lords, Commons, and Aldermen, that were Impeached.
This day the Prince of Wales (who still lies with his Shipping about the Downs, making stop of Metchants Goods and Shipping; but the Duke of York gone back to Holland) sent a Letter to the Merchant Adventurers of London, and therein one inclosed to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of London; which was delivered and read, at a Common Council this day, signed with the Prince's own hand.
The effect of the Letter was, "That His Highness had caused to be stayed divers Merchants Ships of London; but would discharge them again, upon Condition the City of London send him Twenty Thousand Pounds. With this Letter His Highness sent to the City his Declaration; That his Endeavours were to rescue the King's Majesty, his Royal Father, from base Imprisonment, for restoring the Rights and Liberties of the City of London; and so for all the other particulars contained in the Heads of the Prince's Declaration we gave you last Week.
The Common Council Ordered to acquaint the House of Parliament, therewith to morrow.
Thursday, Aug. 3. 1648.
A Message this day came from the House of Lords, whereby their Lordships desire their Assent to an Ordinance, for giving a Commission to the Lord Admiral, to execute Martial Law. The Ordinance was read, and ordered to be farther debated to morrow Morning.
The House was informed, "That a Committee of the Common Council were at the Door; they were called in, and presented to the House a Copy of the Letter and Declaration from the Prince of Wales directed to the Lord Mayor and Common Council; and that the Common Council had commanded them to present both Houses with Copies thereof before they did any thing concerning the same.
The House had much Debate thereupon, and Ordered, 'The Lord Mayor and Common Council should be desired, to send the Original down to the House to morrow Morning, the Copies not satisfying.
The House like wise Ordered, That the Lord Mayor and Common Council should be enjoined, not to return any Answer thereunto, or proceed thereupon, without special Order or Leave of the Parliament.
The House was informed, That many Officers of the Army, who were engaged in the Kentish Insurrection, were under Restraint to the Serjeant at Arms: The House Ordered, That Power should be given to the Committee of the Army to discharge such of them upon Bail, as they should think were capable of Favour; and that the Committee of Kent do proceed to the Examination of them.
They Ordered, 'That to morrow Morning the House should consider of the Declaration of the Prince of Walts; and likewise of him self, and all that adhere to him.
The House considered of the Condition of Queenborough-Castle, and referred it to a Committee, to slight, or continue it, as they should think fit.
They farther Ordered, That it should be referred to the Committee at Derby-House, to consider of the Fort at Gravesend, whether it may be tenable or not; and if it may, to fortifie it, and provide Ordnance to mount upon it, for the better Security of that Place.
Friday, Aug. 4. 1648.
The House this Day, according to former Order, took into Debate the great Business of the Prince's Declaration, and Letter to the Common Council of London which the Common Council this Day presented to the House of Peers, not to the Commons; most part of the Day was spent in Debate thereof, at last they came to a Resolution; and Voted, That all Persons whatsoever, as well Subjects of this Nation, as others, that do, and shall adhere unto, join with, or voluntarily aid or assist Prince Charles in this War by Sea or Land, against this Kingdom, are Traitors and Rebels; and ought to be proceeded against as Traitors and Rebels.
The Debate as to the Prince himself, put off till another Day.
They farther Ordered, 'That this Vote should be forthwith printed and published; to the end, that none may plead Ignorance therein.
The House formerly Ordered, 'That the Sum of 1000l. should be paid to Doctor Twisse, who being deceased and his Children left in some Neceslity: The House ordered that the said Sum of 1000l. should be charged upon the Excise in course, with allowance of 8 per Cent. per Annum, and paid for the maintenance of the Children, of the said Doctor Twisse.
The Committee appointed to consider of making some Amendments to the Ordinance for better regulating of the Estates of Papists and Delinquents, reported those Amendments this Day; which were approved of, and the Ordinance passed.
They ordered the Business of the Church, to be considered to morrow Morning.
The Earl of Middlesex, and the two Commoners appointed, took their Tourney this Day towards the Isle of Wight, with the Votes of the Houses for a Personal Treaty, with His Majesty, in what Part or Place of that Island His Majesty shall appoint. They are to return within ten Days, according to the Votes you had before.
From the Leagure before Colchester, Aug. 3. came as followeth: `I have forborn to write unto you these three or four Days, by reason there hath but little of Note happened in our Leagure. On Monday Night last, our Men being at work near the middle Mill, a Party of the Enemy's Forces, (about 20) came out of the Town; and wheeling about the River, came with Spades and Shovels, and not above Six Musqueteers: They pass'd the first Guard, telling them they came to make an end of their Work, began the Night before: But the Second refusing to let them come on, they fired at our Men; who charged again, and killed one of them who was a Lieutenant; the rest fled back into the Town, and carried one of our Serjeants Prisoner with them.
'Tuesday there came divers Soldiers out of the Town, a Lieutenant and Cornet of Horse, and 3 or 4 Troopers, with their Horses and Arms; an Ensign of Foot, and 9 or 10 others; they began to be weary of eating Horseflesh; they said divers will come out, if they can get Opportunity.
'Wednesday we understood, That the Town of Yarmouth had returned an Answer to Col. Scroop, the Substance whereof is: That they have declared themselves, that they will adhere unto the Parliament, against all Interest that shall rise up or appear against them. That they will, (if His Excellency command it) admit of the Forces into the Town, which he shall fend unto them, That Col. Scroop shall have Liberty upon all Occasions, with his Horse and Dragoons, to march thro' the Town; and they are able of themselves to suppress all Tumults that shall arise within themselves. And to that end they are raising of their Trained-bands, Four Companies, and 200 Auxiliaries to be added unto them. Col. Scroop has rested Satisfied with this Answer till he hears farther from His Excellency; it is much doubted, they, will not be able to prevent Disturbanees, how confident soever they may seem to be.
'Thursday, Aug. 3. There are 17 of the Enemy come out of the Town to our Guards. They complain, That their Allowance of Bread, which was before 14 Ounces a Day to a Man, is now abated to Ten; That their Horseflesh is much. tainted. Just now there are 20 more of the Enemy come out of the Town; they say, that the Horseflesh appointed for them hath many Gentlewomen with black Bags walking in them, and that more of their Fellows will follow them. I here enclosed the Names of the Exchange, propounded for our Committee; which they refused.
From the General's Tent, Aug. 4. 12. at Neon.
Saturday, Aug. 5. 1648.
The House considered of the fad Condition this Kingdom is like to fall into, and the great Judgment of God upon it, through want of seasonable Weather to ripen and gather in the Fruits of the Land: And upon serious and sad Consideration thereof, Ordered, 'That Thursday next shall be appointed a Day of Humiliation for the City of London and Suburbs thereof, within the late Lines of Communication, for bewailing the Sins of the Nation, and for crying mightily to God for removal of his heavy Judgments from it, in sending us more seasonable Weather than heretofore we have had.
They Ordered, 'That this Order should be printed and published, and sent to the Lord Mayor of the City; who is desired to give Notice thereof to all the Ministers within the City and Suburbs.
They farther Ordered, 'That Mr. Marshal and Mr. Herricke should be desired to Preach before the House of Commons, on Thursday next, at St. Margaret's Westminster.
The House this Day spent much time in Debate of the Ordinance for settling the Government of the Church, which was formerly Committed: And after reading thereof the First and Second time, it was Ordered, To be recommitted.
The House was informed, That the Town of Lyn Regis, did want much Repair, being much ruined by these Times of War; The House Ordered, 2000 Oaks for Reparation thereof.
The House then, according to former Order, considered of the Selfdenying Ordinance, for taking away all publick Places of Benefit confer'd upon any Member of Parliament, since the beginning thereof, by Order of Ordinance of Parliament; which was read the first time, and recommitted.
From the Leagure before Colchester, Aug. 6. 1648. 'If it be wondred why Colchester is not taken, we give Answer; We can take it when we please by Storm in few Hours warning: But seeing we are in very good hopes to take it by starving shortly, I see no Reason (to satisfie Mens humours) to cast away our Men by Storm. If Relief come by Sea or Land, we can draw off 2000 old Soldiers and fight them; or if the Relief be too strong, upon few Hours warning storm the Town and carry it. We know their Condition within, and every Day adds to their weakness; near 200 are lately run from them, and every Day (as they get Opportunity) they come out. Let them eat Horseflesh and Maggots till the Flux (already among them) increase their Diseases: They do us no hurt, but rather a Courtesie; they keep us from Diseases, and healthful, by causing our Men to be in continual Action. This Day, we had 35 Prisoners come out in Exchange for so many sent in Yesterday, which are all but one or two Prisoners they have of ours, tho' we have many of theirs. The middle Mill, (which we fired a Week since) is spoiled by our Cannon, that it cannot be serviceable.
The House ordered to be called over this Day sevenight.
Monday, Aug. 7. 1648.
This Day the House of Commons was to meet generally, according to the Calling over the List of their Members, such only excepted as were specially employed by Order of the House; but finding the Appearance so small, they Ordered, That the House should be called over this Day Sevenight, against which Day a farther Order was made for all Members to appear.
The House resolved into a Committee, to consider of settling the Militia of the Kingdom. &c.
The House was turned into a Grand Committee, to consider of the Ordinance for settling the Militia of the Kingdom; which was twice Read and Recommitted, and Ordered to be Considered on Saturday next.
The General desired to recall his Orders to Sir Hardress Waller's marching out of the West, &c.
The House was informed, That Sir Hardress Waller being ready to march out of the West, according to his Excellency's Order for that purpose the County apprehended themselves in great Danger, lying naked to the Approach of any Enemy; and many there are that did wait for such an Opportunity: And unless they might receive Encouragement by Protection, after they had appeared for, and engaged with him they should be tender hereafter how they appeared for him, or any of the Parliament's Friends again. The House hereupon Ordered, That his Excellency the Lord-General should be desired to recall his Orders for Sir Hardress Waller to march out of the West.
The Letter Assented to, and sent to his Excellency.
A Letter sent to his Excellency the Lord-General, to this purpose, was Assented unto, and Ordered to be sent speedily to his Excellency.
The Assessment of Devon to pay Sir Hardress's Brigade.
The House then Considered of some Maintenance for this Brigade under Sir Hardress Waller, and Ordered, 'That they be paid from time to time out of the Assessment for the County of Devon, and if that be not sufficient, then out of the adjacent Counties.
Colchester, Aug. 7. Sir William Massam was this Day Exchanged for Mr. John Ashburnham (the most Considerable Prisoner in the Kingdom.) About 20 Soldiers came out this Morning.
Sir William Massam exchanged for Mr. J. Ashburnham.; The Forces of Leicester, &c. conjoin to release the Forces surrounding Pontefract; that Lieutenant-General Cromwell desires Major-General Lambert not to Engage before he comes up.
Letters this Day from the North, and first from Nottingham, Aug. 7. say; 'Lieutenant-General Cromwell took up his Quarters there Thursday Night last; The Forces of Leicestershire, Nottingham, and Derbyshire, were conjoined, and march'd up to Pontefract, to release the Forces that had surrounded that Place, which by Order were to march to Major-General Lambert: Sunday they advanced to Mansfield, and so to Rotheram: The Train is expected there on Tuesday next. Major-General Langhorn, Colonel Poyer, and the other Seven brought out of Wales, are left Prisoners at Nottingham: The Lieutenant-General hath writ to Major-General Lambert, to desire him to forbear Engaging before becomes up; but it's thought the Scots have avoided Fighting him, being drawn off towards Kendal.
A Report of the Scots marching towards Westmorland, which occasioned Lambert to draw off from Bernard-Castle, to Ripon, &c.
York Letters to the House of the 4th say, 'A hot Report was there of the Scots marching in a full Body, within 10 Miles of Skipton, towards Pontefract; to this, Credit was given, and Major-General Lambert last Night drew his Army from Bernard-Castle, Bowes, and Richmond, to Rippon, where his Scouts came in and Certified the Scots March to Kendal, but not with an intent to Engage our Army, tho' we are not yet compleat 10000. But when the Lieutenant-General is joined, they must Fight or Run for it.
Commissioners from York and Hull-Treat with Colonel Bointon; Hull offered 4000l. to surrender the Castle, but he refused.; A Printed Order, proffering 1000l. is shot into the Soldiers.
Saturday last Commissioners were sent from York, to Treat with Col. Bointon; on the same Day others from Hull, Mr. Anlaby, his Brotherin-Law, Mr. St. Nicholls, and Mr. Bowles, were for this City; Mr. Oxenbridge, and Mr. Wingate, for Hull: Those from York he would not admit to enter the Castle, so that they Treated and Persuaded by Writing, having a Trumpet employed between them, but all in vain: Those from Hull he admitted to him, but Persuasions could not prevail; they offered him 4000l. to Surrender the Castle: He demanded how he might be secured if he should accept it; they Answered, They would warrant to procure an Ordinance for his Indemnity; he replied, He durst not Trust to that. The Commissioners for York shot in a Printed Order to the Soldiers in the Castle, promising them 1000l. to deliver it up to them; this may work among 80 Soldiers. The Town and Harbour is secured for the Parliament by the Dissenting Party: If he 'had not accepted of 3000l. Five Months since from the Prince, to betray it, then probably these Temptations might have prevailed.
Appleby Castle, Aug, 4. 1648.
Newcastle, Aug. 4. 1648.
Appleby Castle Surrendred on Conditions.; Great Distaste between English and Scots under Langdale.; Lambert causes all passages to be stopt towards Stanemore, and Ditches cast up to oppose the Scots Advance.; Langdale and Scots will be forced to leave Cumberland to Quarter in Lancashire.
Appleby-Castle was Surrendred upon Saturday last to Major-General Lambert, upon Conditions, To march away with all their Arms and Ammunition, with Colours Flying, Drums Beating, all their Baggage and to have a safe Convoy to Major-General Lambert's Quarters. Great Distrust betwixt the English under Langdale, and the Scots, they putting the English upon the hardest Duty, which occasioned some Quarrelling; one of Langdale's having killed a Scot, a Scot killed an Englishman. Appleby-Castle surrendred, and the Scots advance to Brough, under Stanemore. Major-General Lambert causeth to stop all Passages towards Stanemore; casts up Ditches and Trenches to hinder their Passage; and his small Forces are resolved to keep their Ground, and oppose the Scots farther Advance; or if they come on, to Fight them, from which the Major-General hath hitherto, with much difficulty detained them. Westmorland and Cumberland are so harassed, that neither the Scots nor Langdale's can subsist, but will be forced to seek other Quarters in Lancashire, or elsewhere. We had Intelligence last they were moving towards Lancashire.
A great Storm and Land. Flood which drowned two Collyeries on Sunderland, River.
'On Monday Night last we had an extraordinary Storm, the Wind at North-East, with abundance of Rain, which hath not only driven away very much Hay by Land Floods, but spoiled much Corn upon the Ground, blown up Trees by the Roots, and hath drowned Two of the best Collyeries upon Sunderland River.
Seventeen Prisoners taken in Northumberland, escaped supposed by Design.
'Upon that Night also, in the time of the Storm, the Prisoners lately taken in Northumberland, all that were in Weft-Gate in the Town of Newcastle, to the number of 17, and 6 of the Chief of them that were at Tinmouth-Castle, escaped away; a thing in appearance plotted before hand to be both at one time, those in West-Gate having had Friends come to visit them several times, divers Ropes were brought in to them, which way not known, till they were gone; in the dark of the Night, when the Storm was violent, blew hard, and much Rain, the Prisoners by the Rope let themselves down through a Privy: Those in Tinmouth Castle escaped in like manner through a Privy, built on the North side of the.Castle; and though the Rock is very high, yet with Sheets sewed together, let themselves down.
Col. Monk and Hungerford took Ballahor-Castle by Storm.
Letters of the 3. Instant from Dublin say, "That Col. Monk and Col. Hungerford drew out 800 Foot from thence, which they joined with their Party; and Thursday last took the Field, fell into Action unexpected to the Enemy, took Ballabor-Castle by Storm, and have since Besieged Nahor-Castle in the Province of Lemster.
Lord Biron with 300 Horse advances towards Anglesey.
Letters from Chester of the 5th Instant mention, "The Rising of the Lord Biron with 300 Horse, his Agents abroad very active; they will much increase, if not speedily supprest; the Countries joined with them, he is advanced towards Anglesey, which hath been long kept for him.
Tuesday, Aug. 8. 1648.
Prince's Letter to the House of Peers, about the personal Treaty, &c That the Treaty may be in such a place as mayconsist with the Honour. and Safety of his Father, &c. That it may be between the King, England and Scotland, &c.; That during it, there may be a general cessation of Arms.
This day there came a Letter from the Prince, directed to the Speaker of the House of Peers, (no mention to be communicated to the Commons.) In this Letter the Prince takes notice of the Progress made, as to a personal Treaty; and farther expresseth his desire;
- 1. That the Treaty be in such place and manner, as may consist with Honour, Freedom, and Safety of His Majesty his Father; so that the Agreement may not be blemished with any Face of Restraint.
- 2. That the Treaty may be between the King and his two Kingdoms of England and Scotland, that things may go on fairly to all Persons concerned therein.
- 3. That during the Treaty, there be a general Cessation of Arms; that the Affection of the People of this or the other Kingdom, be not lessened by Acts of Hostility, but may meet in kindness, and nothing disturb the Treaty.
That A subsistence may be agreed for all Armies now on foot, and that course may be taken, to content him and the ships in the downs with money, &c that the may not hinder the city trade.
Lastly, An ordinary moderate Subsistence, during the Treaty, may be agreed upon, for all Armies and Forces now on foot; and particularly (which must in no Case go unmentioned) the Scot's Army now in England; and in such a manner, as may be with the least pressure of the Northern parts. And if the two Houses will agree to these things, he will endeavour to his utmost Power with his Father, for a good Agreement. And concludes with desire, That a Course may be taken, to content him, and his Ships in the Downs with Money and Provision; that so he nor they may not hinder the City Trade, but discharge the Ships he hath now in hold.
The Common Council of London Petition, That His Majesty may not be under Restraint but invited to a Treaty &c.; That the Armies be disbanded, Subject's Liberties restored, The Laws of the Land established, &c.
This day also a Petition was presented to both Houses, from the Common Council of London.
- 1.That the King's Majesty may be free from his Restraint.
- 2. Invited to a Treaty.
- 3. That all Acts of Hostility by Sea and Land, may by Command of King and Parliament cease.
- 4. That the Government of the Church may be settled, according to the Covenant.
- 5. That distressed Ireland may be relieved.
- 6. The People of England, by disbanding all Armies, cased; the Liberty of the Subject restored; the Laws of the Land established; the Members of both Houses enjoined to attend the House for the Service of the Kingdom; that the self-denying Ordinance may be effectually observed; and speedy Consideration had of the Condition of such Merchants, whose Ships and Goods are stayed by those with the Prince in the revolted Ships; and that some Expedient may be thought of, for discharge of all Ships; that Trade be not destroyed.
The Lord's Thanks to the Common Council for the Petition, &c.
The Lords gave Thanks to the Common Council, and say they will endeavour the settling of the Kingdom, with all possible Care and Endeavour.
A Committee order'd to draw up an Answer to this Petition.
The Commons appointed a Committee, to draw up an Answer to this Petition, to be brought in the next day, which is to answer all the Particulars desired.
A Petition of the reduced Oscers to the same Effect as the Common Council's.
A Petition was presented to the Commons from the reduced Officers, praying, "That there may be a speedy Settlement of Religion, the King, Parliament, and Kingdom, in a Parliamentary way, by a free and personal Treaty, according to the late Desire of the City of London: And that all Officers and Soldiers (without exceptions) whole Accounts are not stated, may have them audited.
Order'd, That a 25th part of such Delinquents as the Petitioners shall discover (not before discovered) go to the Payment of the Areas of the Petitioners.
The Commons, upon Debate of the Petition, Ordered, "That the 25th part of such Delinquents Estates, as the Petitioners shall discover, not formerly discovered; go towards payment of the Arrears of the Petitioners. And the House farther appointed a Committee to confer with some of the Petitioners of a way to give them farther satisfaction.
The Committee ordered to pay the Non-Cost mission Officers of sir Robert Pye's Regimt. their Arrears.
A Petition was also presented to the House, from the non-Commission Officers, of Sir Robert Pye's Regiment, whose Arrears were formerly charged upon the Committee of the Army; and the House Ordered, "That the said Committee should make Pay thereof with all convenient speed.
The Lords granted Mr. Albarton a Months Stay here, being a Messenger from the Estates of Scotland.
The Lords being moved, That whereas Mr. Albarton, (who brought the Letter from the Committee of Estates at Edinburgh, by the way of Duke Hamilton, to be delivered to His Majesty; of which he had Answer to carry back from His Majesty) had Letters of Credence, ordering his stay in England until sent for; the Lords granted him a Month's Time.
Major Huntington ordered Protection, upon affirming his late Narrative to be true.
Major Huntington appeared before the Lords this Day, and took his Oath, That what he had affirmed in his late Narrative, given in of his own knowledge, was true; and what upon hear-say, he believed would be attested; the Lords required his Attendance, and ordered him Protection.
Great Strait in this Leagure of the Enemy 20 or 30 in a day deserting them.
Colchester Leagure Aug. 8. "The Enemy are very quiet, not firing Gun, or scarce a Musquet in a Day: We wait until their Horseflesh be all spent; they come daily from the Enemy, 20 or 30 in a day. Yesterday almost a whole Guard came away together; their Wine and Raisins are near spent, so that the common Soldiers get none. Yesterday they killed 30 Horses to powder up, some Horseflesh having been put up before, but not well, for it bred Maggots. The bloody Flux is among them, by reason of their bad Diet: The Enemy have drawn off most of their Guns from the Wall, and, we think, intend to fortifie the Streets: that so they may be able to keep that shorter Line with fewer Men; Others believe, they will quit the Town, and retire to the Castle where they are building; therefore to keep all in, is sure the best way; and it is said, they will carry our Committee along with them into the Castle, and cut their Throats, if they may not have Conditions for themselves. The Allowance of Bread is decreased to 7 Oz. a day to a Man.
His Excellency sent to them this Letter following
The General's Letter to the Ld. Norwich, Ld. Capel, Sir Charles Lucas, about Exchange of Prisoners.
My Lords,
I Cannot but wonder 1 have no return from you concerning the Exchange of Ensign Carrington and the Corporal; having formerly sent you 3 towards them, which you neither returned, nor sent out any in Exchange for them: And having by the last Drum sent in 3 more, according to your Desire, to compleat that Exchange, I desire you to send them forthwith by this Drum; as also your Answer concerning the Exchange, according to the Lift sent you in my last. Your Prisoners shall be ready at 3 of the Clock this afternoon, at the Alms-house, to be delivered to any Drum you shall send for them, if you send notice, That the Prisoners you have of mine in Exchange be there ready at same time to come forth.
Your Servant,
Tho. Fairfax.
Aug. 5 1648.
For the Ld. Norwich, Ld. Capel and Sir Charles Lucas.
Wednesday, Aug. 9. 1648.
Ordered a Debate of Members enjoying Publick Offices, &c.
The House then spent much time in Debate of the Self-denying Ordinance, and Ordered, "That this day sevenight the House shall resume this Debate, of Members enjoying publick Offices of the. Kingdom, and receiving Money.
The Answer of the Commons to the last Petition of the City.
The Answer of the House of Commons to the last Petition. of the City was this day reported to the House of Commons; which was Assented to, and Ordered, 'To be forthwith sent to the City, by the several Members that serve for it. In this Answer is set forth, How far the House have proceeded to a Treaty with the King, (with the several Votes) and their expectation of the King's Answer; and hopes that His Majesty will treat.
'That the Scots are declared Rebels for invading the Kingdom, and that they hope the City will join in subduing them; and, That they offered the revolted Ships Indemnity, but they refused to come in. The several Votes for reducing them by the Lord Admiral quoted, and the Ordinance for Reference to a Committee to treat with the Merchants for a way for free Trade, &c.
Ordered a Collection in Churches, &c. given to poor People as freely come out of Colchester.
The House Ordered, "That to morrow being the Fast-Day, a Collection should be made in all Churches and Chappels, within the late Line of Communication; for the Moiety thereof to be given to such poor People, as have freely come out of Colchester since the Siege was first laid against it; and that the Lord Mayor do take care to give Notice thereof accordingly.
Amendments of Delinquents and Recusants past the Lords.
The Lords past the Ordinance of Amendments concerning Delinquents and Recusants. The Commons had a Letter from their Commissioners that went upon the Message of a Treaty with His Majesty which gives to understand, "His Majesties willingness thereto; His liking of the Terms of Freedom, Honour, and Safety, and did say, That he being without Secretary or other Assistants, could not be so sudden, as otherwise; yet would be give Answer within their time.
The Commons sent to the Lords, to desire a Conference to those Reasons, wherefore their Lordships should recall their Orders to Mr. Albarton (who carried the Letter from Scotland to the King) to remain here a Month; but a Conference not being obtained this day, it was Ordered, "That none do speak with Mr. Albarton, but in the Presence of his Keeper.
Thursday, Aug. 10. 1648.
From Holland came Letters to this purpose. Aug. 14. Stilo Novo.
The Merchants, and most here, begin to resent the business of the Prince of Wales in a very strange manner, because they apprehend his being upon the Downs with of considerable a Party of the Navy, for fear it obstruct Trasfique. The Prince of Orange is very earnest in getting an encrease of Ship; and let me tell you for a Secret, there is much tampering to borrow some Regiments to attempt something in England; and as some say (who are in the Council) it is thought you may have good cause to secure Pool, Lime, and Weymouth; withal, it is a little feared, That some with you Interessed do not so much consult the Interest of the Kingdom, or their own Reputation, as Men in their places ought; but are too much complying with an Adverse Party: But I am unwilling to lay an Imputation upon any, and therefore I will say no more upon that particular.
My Lord of Peterborough is here, and Mr. Stafford, a Northamptonshire Gentleman, who was by his Garb and Disguise thought to be a French Cavalier; he has lately Taxed same Body that were in my Lord of Holland's late Action, and has pressed the Matter to the height of a Duel; wherein, tho' many suppose he had the better Cause, yet he had the worst Fortune to be dangerously wounded: By my next I hope to give you some Particulars of the States Consultation concerning Trading; but in the mean time you must know the Prince labours much to a good understanding here, and in order to that, has caused his Declaration and Letter to your City to be Printed in Dutch and French; they leave no way unattempted to drive on their Ends.
Friday, Aug. 11. 1648.
The House this day Ordered, 'That the special Thanks of the House should be given to Mr. Caroll, Mr. Martial, and Mr. Ash, for the great Pains they took in Preaching yesterday before the House of Commons; and that they have the Liberty to Print their Sermons, as others, upon the same Occasion.
The House then fell upon the Business of the Church. The Title to the Ordinance for settling the Government of the Church, was Read, and Assented unto.
The main Business of the Day was the Reading the Ordinance for the Militia of the County of Wilts, being Reported from the Committee, to which it was Committed; this took up much time, Vote every Name one by one, which at last was Assented unto, and Ordered to be sent to the Lords for their Concurrence.
Earl of Middlesex, &c. in wight Isle, bad Audience of His Majesty, and read the Votes for a Personal Treaty; to which the King in a Speech declared his willingness.
From the Isle of Wight came Letters to this purpose. Aug. 11. 1648. On Sunday last in the Morning the Earl of Middlesex, Sir John Hippesley, and Mr. Bulkley, arrived in this Island; they came to Newport that Night, and had Access and Audience at Carisbrooke-Castle the next Day about Nine in the Forenoon; at which time the Earl of Middlesex read the Votes of the House concerning a Personal Treaty, and delivered them to the King: His Majesty received them with much Cheerfulness, and made a Speech to this purpose; That no Man desired Peace so much as he, (look on him in his several Relations, as a King, a Husband, a Father, a Master) and that he would give Ear to any Motion or Overture which might conduce to a good Accommodation: For (said he) Whoever they be that gain by these Troubles, I must needs be a loser.
The Commissioners declare they could stay but to Days, &c.
'His Majesty demanded of the Commissioners, How long they were to stay in the Island? To which it was Answered by my Lord of Middlesex, That they were confined by the Two Houses to Ten Days from the time they set forth from London: His Majesty Replied, That the time was short, and that he had no Clerk to write for him, but he would (nevertheless) dispatch them within the time limited.
Saturday, Aug. 12. 1648.
The House sate in a Grand Committee on settling the Militia of the Kingdom.; The Commons declare Major Rolfe was Committed without cause, but Albarton was a dangerous Person.
The House of Commons this Day, according to former Order, took into Consideration the Ordinance for settling the Militia of the Kingdom, and sate in a Grand Committee about the same till 11 a Clock. A Conference was then desired with their Lordships, concerning the Business of Major Rolfe and Mr. Albarton, which took up much time. The Commons alledged, 'That Major Rolfe was committed by their Lordships without shewing any Cause in the Warrant, and they saw more Cause to clear him, than to have him Committed: That Mr. Albarton was a dangerous Person, employed by the Declared Enemies to the Kingdom, from whom many Letters of dangerous Consequence were taken, which were Disciphered and Communicated to the Common-Council of the City; and having delivered his Letters to His Majesty, they conceived it necessary to return to his own Country, and not to be Protected here to do ill offices to this Kingdom.
Reasons to the Commons for disabling Major-General Skippon to List Forces.
Their Lordships desired, at this Conference, the Commons Concurrence to the Ordinance for disabling Major-General Skippon to List Forces, and gave the House of Commons Reasons for the same.
1. 'The Listing of Apprentices and Servants at unseasonable Times in the Night.
2. 'The Jealousie the City of London will have, that the Parliaments Affections are Alienated from them, in not granting their Request; with many others. The House took time to Debate and Answer both these.
Exchanges to be made of King and Parliaments Prisoners.
They farther Ordered, 'That the Committee of Essex, in restraint at Colchester, should be exchanged for so many of the King's Party, that are Prisoners to the Parliament.
Sir Peter Killigrew's Letters to the Houses, of the Commissioners journey for London, and the King's Agreement to a Treaty at Newport.
Sir Peter Killigrew came this Day from the Isle of Wight, and brought Letters to the Houses, 'That our Commissioners are upon their Journey for London this Night or to Morrow. That the King hath condescended to a Personal Treaty in Newport, in the Isle of Wight, and desires that the Kingdom of Scotland may Treat also; but for that, He leaves it to both Houses to send to Scotland, or is they refuse to send Commissioners, His Majesty will Treat with the Parliament of this Kingdom alone.
Our Gunner be fore Colchester spoiled the Besieged's Mill.
From the Leagure before Colchester, Aug. 11. 'This Morning the Enemy began to set their Mill (which they have lately formed on the Top of the Castle) a going; which our Gunner, at the new Fort perceiving, made two shots at the Sails, so that it is made unuseful for the present.
The General received a Letter from the Bailifs of Yarmouth, of a Letter and a Declaration received by them from Prince Charles, &c.
This Day his Excellency received a Letter from the Bailiffs of Yarmouth, 'That they had a Letter from Prince Charles in the Downs, with a Declaration inclosed, by a Fisherman of that Town, who was intercepted there, going to a Market in France with his Fish, and had his Fish taken out of his own Vessel into the Admiral where the Prince was; the Copy of the Letter I have sent you inclosed; the Declaration was in Print before. The Answer of the Town of Yarmouth is, That they will stand to their first Engagement to the Parliament, and oppose all Hostile Attempts against them and the Kingdom, altho' they know their whole Estates, which consist in Shipping and Trading upon the Sea, do lie at the Mercy of those that have the Command at Sea, yet they shall trust God with Themselves and Estates; and continue their careful Endeavours for the Safeguard and Preservation of the Town from all Hostile Attempts and Invasions. His Excellency in Answer took notice of their timely Advertisement, and that he would not put any Forces into the Town, unless they (and Necessity) should require it.
The Prince's Letter to the Town of Yarmouth, was as followeth: Charles, Prince.
The Letter declares that they would Concur with the Prince for His Majesty expressed in the Declaration, and with Courage to withstand Oppsosition to His Majesty.
Trusty and Well-beloved, We greet you well. The late Evidences we have received of your good Affection to us, and the Desires we have to express a particular Care of that Town of Yarmouth engage us to send you a Copy of our Declaration; which we have already sent to the City of London, and intend to publish to the whole Kingdom, upon those Heads we formerly delivered to two of your Aldermen, that came to us on Board the Fleet in Yarmouth Road. And we hope you will now think it your Duty, as well us your Interest, to declare and avow a Concurrence with us for His Majesty, upon the Grounds and for the Ends expressed in our said Declaration, as we shall be careful to protect your Ships and Commerce, and to give all such other Assistances in our Power, as you shall desire from us.
We exhort you therefore, not to be wanting to your selves, nor to the Kingdom; but with Courage and Confidence, to join with us and those Forces, (both English and Scots) which already appear, for the obtaining of a happy and well-grounded Peace (in spight of all Opposition;) and for the freeing of all His Majesty s Subjects from Tyranny, Oppression, and all illegal Taxes; such Ends as all good Men ought to desire, and expect the Blessing of Almighty God upon their Endeavours to obtain the same. Given under my Hand and Seal the Day of Aug. In the 24th Year of the Reign of our Royal Father the King.
The Subscription thus:
To our Trusty and Well-beloved, The Bailiffs, Aldermen, and the rest of the Corporation and Inhabitants of Yarmouth.
The Commissioners sent about a Treaty with His Majesty, made their Report, &c.
No News farther from the North, but that Major General Lambert is about Rippon; Lieutenant General Cromwel joined with him; and the Scots at Kendal and about Lancaster.
Monday, Aug. 14. 1648.
The Commissioners sent to His Majesty about the Treaty, being returned, they this Day made Report to the Houses of their Reception and whole Transaction with His Majesty; and withal, communicated His Majesty's Letter, in Answer to the Houses, which was read in the House of Peers.
And for better Satisfaction, in order to the Votes passed by both Houses upon this Letter of His Majesty's, we will give it you here at large.
Carisbrook-Castle, Aug. 10. 1648.
Letter of His Majesty, being an Answer to the Houses.
If the Peace of my Dominions were not much dearer to me than any particular Interest whatsoever, I had too much Reason to take notice of the several Votes which passed against me, and the sad Condition I have been in now above these 7 Months. But since you, my two Houses of Parliament, have opened (as it seems to me) a fair Beginning to a happy Peace, I shall heartily apply my self thereunto: And to that end, I will as clearly and shortly as I may, set you down those Things which I conceive necessary to this blessed Work; so that we together may remove all Impediments that may hinder a happy Conclusion of this Treaty; which with all Chearfulness 1 do embrace.
His Majesty desires to recall all Votes, which frighten People from writing or speaking freely.
And to this wished end your selves have laid most excellent Grounds; for what can I reasonably expect more, than to treat with Honour, Freedom, and Safety, upon such Propositions as you have or shall present unto me, and such as I to you? But withal remember, that it is the Definition, not Names of Things, which make them rightly known; and that without means to perform, no Proposition can take effect. And truly my present Condition is such, that I can no more treat, than a blind Man can judge of Colours; or one run a Race, who hath both his Feet tied together. Wherefore my first necessary Demand is, That you will recall all such Votes and Orders, by which People are frighted from coming, writing, or speaking freely to me.
Men of all Professions to wait on him in this Treaty.; That be may have the same freedom, at when last at Hampton Court.;Desires to know the true State of all his Dominions, &c.
Next, That such Men of all Professions, whom I shall send for, as are of necessary use to me in this Treaty, may be admitted to wait upon me: In a word, that I may be in the same State of Freedom I was in when I was last at Hampton-Court. And indeed, less cannot in any reasonable Measure make good those offers which you have made me by your Votes; for how can I treat with Honour, so long as People are terrified with Votes and Orders against coming to speak or write to me? And am I honourably treated, so long as there is none about me, (except a Barber who came now with the Commissioners) that ever I named to wait on me? Or with Freedom, (until I may call such unto me, of whose Services I shall have use in so great and difficult a Work?) And for Safety, I speak not of my own Person, having no apprehension that way, how can I judge to make a safe and well-grounded Peace, until I know without disguise the true present State of all my Dominions; and particularly of those, whose Interests are necessarily concerned in the Peace of these Kingdoms? Which leads me naturally to the last necessary Demand I shall make for the bringing of this Treaty to a happy End; which is,
To invite the Scots to authorize Persons to treat upon such Proportions as they shall make.
That I alone, or you jointly, do invite the Scots to send some Persons, Authorized by them, to treat upon such Propositions as they shall make: For certainly, the publick and necessary Interest they have in this great Settlement, is so clearly plain to all the World, that I believe no body will deny the Necessity of their Concurrence in this Treaty, in order to a durable Peace. Wherefore I will only say, That as I am a King of both Nations, so I will yield to none in either Kingdom for being truly and zealousy affected for the good and Honour of both; my Resolution being never to be partial for either to the prejudice of the other.
Newport His Majesty first names as the Place to treat in but judges near London more proper, because of settling Peoples Minds by his Presence.
Now as to the Place, (because I conceive it to be rather a circumstantial than real part of this Treaty, I shall not insist so much upon it) I name Newport in this Isle. Yet the servent Zeal I have, that a speedy end be put to these unhappy Distractions, doth force me earnestly to desire you to consider what a great loss of time it will be, to treat so far from the Body of my two Houses; when every small Debate (of which doubtless there will be many) must be transmitted to Westminster before it be concluded.
Desires a speedy Expedition, to hasten this work by authorizing fully Commissioners, and enabling His Majesty to treat.
And really I think, (tho' to some it may seem a Paradox,) that Peoples Minds will be much more apt to settle, seeing me treat in or near London, than in this Isle. Because, so long as I am here, it will never be believed by many, that I am really so free, as before this Treaty begin I expect to be. And so I leave and recommend this Point to your serious Consideration. And thus I have not only fully accepted of the Treaty which you have proposed to me, by your Votes of the 3d of this Month, but also given it all the furtherance that lies in me, by demanding the necessary Means for the effectual Performance thereof: All which are so necessarily implied, tho' not particularly mentioned in your Votes, as I can no ways doubt of your ready Compliance with me herein. I have now no more to say, but to conjure you; by all that is dear to Christians, honest Men, or good Patriots, That you will make all the Expedition possible to begin this happy Work, by hastening down your Commissioners fully Authorized, and well instructed; and by enabling me (as I have shewed you) to Treat. Praying the God of Peace so to bless our Endeavours, that all my Dominions may enjoy a safe and well-grounded Peace.
Charles R.
To the Speaker of the Lord's House pro tempore, to be communicated to the Lords and Commons, in the Parliament of England at Westminster.
The Commons Concurrence desired by the Lords, That two of His Majesty's Chaplains may come to him.
The Earl of Middlesex delivered to the Lords a Letter, which Col. Hammond sent after them, of His Majesty's Desires to have two of his Chaplains allowed him; and the Lords Ordered Dr. Sheldon and Hammond to wait on His Majesty; the Commons Concurrence to be desired. Col. Denzil Hollis came this Day to the House and fate.
An Express from Sir Arthur Haslerig at Newcastle, declaring Lt. Col. Lilburn's Revolt, &c.
An Express came this Day to the House, from Sir Arthur Haslerig at Newcastle, dated Aug. 11. Giving the House an Account of the Revolt and Storming of Tinmouth-Castle, in brief thus:
Tinmouth Castle taken by Col. Ashfield and Major Cobham by Storm, the perfidious Governour killed, 3 Stormers wounded and one stain.
'Wednesday last, Lieutenant Colonel Henry Lilburn commands most of his officers and Soldiers out of the Castle upon Service; reserves a few, most of which of his own Mind; afterwards discharges the Prisoners and calling all the Soldiers together, declares for himself and King Charles; and such as did not yield hereunto, were dead Men. Hereupon many of the honest Soldiers got over the Wall; a Corporal refused to yield hereunto, forthwith the Lieutenant Colonel run him through; after this he sends down to Sheilds and Towns adjacent, desiring such as love King Charles to join with him for his assistance, which many did accordingly. This sad News being brought presently to Newcastle, Sir Arthur Haslerig draws out a considerable Brigade of Foot, and 100 Dragoons, and gives them in Command to Lieutenant Colonel Ashfield and Major Cobham, with Orders to storm the Castle with expedition: They advance all Night; Ladders are sent after them by Sea; about 2 in the Morning they fall to work; the Ladders prove too short; the Lieutenant Colonel fires 4 Pieces of Ordnance upon the Stormers; they not discouraged, force in at the Portholes, and after a short dispute become Possessors of the Castle, and Masters of the Soldiers, who cry out for Quarter and then yield; many of these within were slain; amongst the rest, the perfidious Governour's Body was found; three of the Stormers were wounded, but one slain.
The Scot's Cruelty and poorness of Mind.; Ld. General fell in and took 4 of the Enemy and left 11 Troops there marching to Lambert.
The Scots play Sweep-stake, take nothing but all Moveables; Cows and Sheep in great abundance, and all Houshold-stuff to the very Pot-hooks; they take our Children, and make us pay Ransom for them, and force our Women before our Faces, (the like Impudence never seen.) The Lieutenant General remained at Doncaster from Monday to Wednesday where most of his Train being come up, he marched toward Lambert, but took Pontefract in his way, fell in and took 4 of the Enemy: He hath left 11 Troops there, and march'd with his Body to Lambert; from whom came an Express to the Lieutenant General, that the Country came in very fast to him, desiring him to take the advantage of the Enemy scatterd in other parts thereabouts; the main Body of them not moving at all from Kendal.
Col. Stepkins slain, in attempting to surprize Stafford Garison, by Capt. Stone Governour.
"From Stafford Aug. 14. It is thus written: Colonel Stepkins, who formerly betrayed this Garison to the Parliament, hath long waited an Opportunity, to reingratiate himself in His Majesty's Favour, by surprizing the same for His Majesty's Service. The Design was laid very cunningly, but prevented by the Vigilancy of Captain Stone, (the present Governour, and a faithful Gentleman) and Stepkins slain.
Tuesday, Aug. 15. 1648.
Ordered that in Ordinance should be, for transmitting raising, and sitting of Forces is the Militia, and Major Gen Skippon to command them
A Verbal Message from the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Commons, in Common Council, was this day delivered to the House of Commons; desiring the House, to consider of the Votes passed by them, in order to their Security: "That the Militia of the Out-parts may be joined; That Major General Skippon may not list without them. They likewise presented a Representation of the Officers of the City of London, and the Expressions of many of them; That they would be as faithful to the Parliament as ever. The House hereupon Ordered; "That the Thanks of the House should be given to the Gent. and that an Ordinance should be brought in, For the transmitting the Power of raising and listing Forces, to the Militia; and that the Forces raised by them, should be under the Command of Major General Skippon.
They likewise Ordered, "That the Committee for joining the Milltia's should be revived, and that another Committee be added thereunto.
Order'd that a Committee for joining the Militias be revived, and another Committee added.
Letters came this day to the House from Colonel Rich, and others from Colonel Rich's Quarters near Sandown in Kent, giving to understand a remarkable Victory over all the Prince's Land-men in his whole Fleet, joined with Sailors; in brief thus:
Col. Rich's Letter to the House, of a Victory obtained over the Prince's Land-men in his whole, Fleet joined with Sailors.
'The Prince, and those high Spirits with him, having lain long upon the Downs, and done no remarkable Action, unless stopping some Merchants Ships of London; and seeing my Lord Admiral sent no Force against them, they resolve upon a Land Expedition. 500 Land Soldiers, all the whole Fleet afford, to whom join as many Sailors as would voluntarily go, 800 in all, with officers and Reformadoes above 100: To land all come; the Resolution is to fall upon Colonel Rich and Col. Hewson then as they lay intrenched, and to beat them out of their Securities; they pass by the way of upper Deal in very good Order: Being discovered, 300 Musqueteers were drawn off; all that could suddenly be got for Service, under the Command of Colonel Hewson's Lieutenant Colonel; Major Husband's mounted, who could make but 100 Horse, the rest being sent, some to the Isle of Wight, others to secure other places. The Princes Forces march up with great Resolution, and to prevent the Parliament's Horse from annoying them, had marsh Ground for their Action and Retreat, which put the Horse upon a loss, not knowing how to engage. Thereupon the Major wheels about, in a way of Retreat, which occasion'd them to advance to firmer Ground in hope of Victory; which the Horse Party presently got hold of, flank'd them, and were almost in the Rear of them; the 300 Musqueteers at the same time advanced, discharge, and presently the Prince's Party was in disorder, and the Parliament's fell to Execution: Near 200 were slain upon the place, of whom many of Quality; 100 Prisoners were taken, 300 Arms, as it is conceived; there is not 100 Men returned that are serviceable, the rest wounded and fled; divers fled for Life into the Castle; to fetch in whom, came Forces out, who also were beaten in, and glad to leave their Arms behind them.
The Prisoners of Quality taken, are, Major General Gibson, Commander in Chief; Sir John Boyse, Sir John Knotsford, Colonel Lindsey, a mighty Scots-man, Lieutenant Colonel Bailey, Lieutenant Col. Gamlin, Major Burridge, Major Denn, Capt. Hull, Capt. Wright, Sir John Cockam, Lieut. Constantine March, Capt. Bowman, Capt. Croory, Capt. Pool, Lieut. Lindall Lieutenant to the the Admiral formerly Batson's Mate, Lieut. Nock, Sir Humphrey May's Son, Servant to the Prince, Mr. Blitho, Mr. Corain, Mr. Bawson, Mr. James: Thirty odd of the Prisoners were Apprentices of London, who cried, Quarter for God's sake, we are Apprentices of London; the Sailors say, they will fight no more by Land against such desperate Fellows, having no Shelter, nor could they sail away when they had the worst of the Parliament's Soldiers; (who, both Horse and Foot, fought most gallantly). Were killed Col. Rich's Quartermaster, Major Husband's. Lieutenant, 3 Horsemen wounded, and 4 Footmen killed.
The House ordered a Letter of Thanks be sent to Colonel Rich for his great Care in that Action Ordered that Major Husbands have 1501. charged upon Delinquents in Kent, to buy him Horses.
The House hereupon Ordered; "That a Letter of Thanks be sent to Col. Rich, for his great Care and Courage therein.
They farther Ordered, "That Major Husbands, who brought up this News, and lost many Horses in the Service, should have the Sum of 150l. bestowed upon him to buy him Horses, and this charged upon the Compositions of Delinquents in Kent.
Voted Colonel Hewson 150l. to buy him Horses.
They likewise voted Col. Hewson, who did good Service likewise at this time 150l. to buy him Horses with.
Wednesday, Aug. 16. 1648.
The Lords desire a Conference, to communicate several Votes by them passed for a personal Treaty with his Majesty.
The Lords sent to the Commons to desire a Conference; which was granted: And at this Conference was communicated several Votes passed their Lordships in order to the King's Letter for a personal Treaty, desiring the Commons Concurrence. The Votes were these:
- 1. "That the Treaty between the King and the Parliament, be according to these Votes following:
- 2. "That the Votes of both Houses of Parliament, against no farther Addresses and Application to His Majesty, be recalled.
- Votes relating to the Treaty
- 3. "That such Persons as His Majesty shall send for, as of necessary use to him in the Treaty, be admitted to wait on him: And that His Majesty be in the same Estate of Freedom, as he was last in at Hampton Court.
- 4. "That such Servants as His Majesty shall appoint, be sent to wait on him.
- 5. That the Place for the Treaty, be in Newport in the Isle of Wight.
- 6. That the Scots be invited to treat with His Majesty, upon the Proportions of both Kingdoms, delivered to him at Hampton-Court.
- 7. That His Majesty be admitted to invite the Scots, to treat upon the Propositions of both Kingdoms, delivered to him at Hampton-Court.
- 8. That the Instructions given from both Houses of Parliament, to Col. Hammond Governour of the Isle of Wight, be recalled.
- 9. That 5 Lords and 10 Commoners be chosen Commissioners, to treat with the King.
- 10. That it be referred to the Committee of Lords and Commons for Peace, to prepare all things in readiness for the speeding of the Treaty.
Order'd that the Lords Votes be considered, de Die in Diem, nothing intervening, Ordered Colonel Martin, a Member of the Home, be required to attend the Service of the House &c.
The Commons debated the Lords Votes, and Ordered; "That they be considered of de Die in Diem, till finished, and no other Business to intervene.
The House was this day informed, That Col. Henry Martin, a Member of the House, was raising Horse in the County of Berks, and that Col. Ayres and Mr. Walrend, had taken many Horse by Violence from the Inhabitants of that County, without any Authority of Parliament for the same, and to the great Grievance of the well-affected People of that County. They thereupon Ordered, "That the said Colonel Martin should be required forthwith to attend the Service of the House, and that Notice thereof should be given to him.
That Col. Ayres and Mr. Walrend be taken into Custody.
The House likewise Ordered, "That the said Colonel Ayres and Mr. Walrend should be sent for in safe Custody, for taking Horses from the Inhabitants of the County of Berks without Authority of Parliament.
The Lord Mayor ordered to call a Common Council.
The House Ordered, "That the Lord Mayor should be desired to call a Common Council against to morrow in the Afternoon, for that a Committee of the House of Commons would come down, and propound something to them from the House.
The Committee appointed to meet the Common Council.
A Committee was hereupon named to meet the Common Council, to desire, that the Arrears of the City, due to the Army, might be forthwith paid the Army, the Army being in great necessity for Moneys.
The Committee of Estates invites Prince Charles to come and remain in Scotland.; The Copy of their Letter.
We have had it much mentioned of the Committee of Estates of Scotland, sending to Prince Charles, inviting him to come and remain in Scotland or with the Scottish Army now in England. A Copy of their Letter to this Purpose, may not unfitly be incerted, as followeth:
May it please your Highness.
Their Forces enter England.; That the Prince would countenance Loyal andPious Endeavours with his Presence and Assistance.; They engage the publick Faith for the Prince's being in Safety. The Prince to remove when he pleaseth.
Amongst all the Calamities and Miseries which this Nation these late Years hath wrestled under, none doth more deeply wound and afflict us, (next to His Majesty your Royal Father His present sad Condition and Restraint,) than your Highness's long Absence from this Kingdom; whereunto, by God's Mercy and a long Descent from your many Royal Progenitors, your Right and Title is so just and unquestionable: And seeing the Forces of this Kingdom are now again in England, in pursuance of their Duty to Religion and His Majesty's Rescue; We the Committee of Estates in 'Parliament, intrusted by them with managing the publick Affairs of this Kingdom, under His Majesty's Government, do presume humbly to beg, That your Highness would be pleased, to honour and countenance with your Presence and Assistance, our pious and Loyal Endeavours for Religion, and your Royal Father's Re-establishment, with all your just Power; which we look upon, as the most eminent and hopeful Means of Strengthening and uniting us in this great Work: Being confident, That if it shall please God to honour us with being instrumental in His Majesty s Rescue, That your Highness will effectually apply your self to procure from him just Satisfaction to the Desires of Parliaments, and those intrusted by them, in both his Kingdoms. And is your Highness shall be pleased to grant these our humble Desires, and intrust your Person among us, we do engage the publick Faith of this Kingdom, for your being in Honour, Freedom, and Safety, during your Abode with us in Scotland, or with our Army or Forces now in England: And that your Highness shall have a free and entire Liberty to remove from us, when or whither your Highness shall think fit.
These humble Desires they offer to the Prince by Earl Lauderdale.
These our humble Desires we have presumed to offer to your Highness, by the Right Honnourable the Earl of Lauderdale, a Person of great Honour and Loyalty; who hath been eminently Instrumental and useful in this present Engagement, and is fully instructed and authorized by us in every thing concerning this Service. To whom we beg your Highness would be pleased to give Trust to all that shall be by him presented to you from,
Your Highness's most humble, most obedient, and most faithful Servants the Committee of Estates of the Parliament of Scotland; in whose Name, and by whose Warrant this is Signed.
Crawford, Lindsay.
Thursday, Aug. 17. 1648.
Order'd that the 4 Votes, that no more Application be made to His Majesty be revoked.
That all Persons (except such as are exempted &c.) may wait on His Majesty.
And that they Concur, that His Majesty have the same freedom as at Hampton-Court.
The House this day, according to former Order, considered of the Report made yesterday upon the King's Letter: They Ordered thereupon, "To agree with the Lords in revoking their 4 Votes, That no more Application be made to His Majesty. They likewise Ordered, That His Majesty be desired to send to the Houses the Names of such Persons as he shall conceive to be of necessary use to be about him during this Treaty; they not being Persons excepted against by both Houses of Parliament from Pardon, or that now are under Restraint, or in actual Wars against the Parliament by Sea or Land; or in such Numbers, as may draw any just Cause of Suspicion. They Concur with their Lordships in the Vote, That His Majesty be in the same Freedom, Honour, and Safety, as he was in when he was at Hampton-Court.
They concur with the Lords for His Majesty's Attendants.
Newport the Place of Treaty.
They Concur with the Lords likewise in the Vote for His Majesty's Attendants, with these Amendments; Provided they be such as are not in any of the former Qualifications. They likewise concurred, that Newport be the Place of Treaty; and also that as for the Time, Manner, and Circumstance, it's referred to the Committee of Lords and Commons to consider of the Treaty, and they to report with all speed.
The House to consider of the two Votes, &c.
As for the 2 Votes of inviting the Scots to this Treaty, the House Ordered, To consider of them to morrow Morning the first Business, and nothing to interpose.
The Grand Committee adjourned till Saturday next.
The Grand Committee of the House, to consider of the Ordinance for settling the Militia of the Kingdom, adjourned it self to Saturday next.
Friday, Aug. 17. 1648.
The Houses satisfaction in their Commissioners for Relief of the Protestants. &c.
A Report being made to the Houses, of the Transactions of their Commissioners, employed to negotiate a Contribution in the Low-Countries, for the Relief of the Protestants in Ireland; and being fully satisfied with the Account of the said Commissioners concerning that Service, both Houses this Day passed this ensuing Manifesto.
Die Veneris, Aug. 18. 1648.
The Distractions of the Kingdom make them unable presently to relieve them.; Adam Lawrence, &c. to repair to the States-General, &c.
The Lords and Commons Assembled in the Parliament of England, taking into their Consideration the most miserable sad Condition of all the British and Protestants within the Kingdom of Ireland, thro' the late horrid Rebellion; and the most barbarous Cruelties there acted upon them by the bloody Irish Rebels: And finding, that in regard of the great Distractions within the Kingdom, they were not then able to afford them such present Relief and Supplies, as their Necessities required; did, by an Ordinance of both Houses appoint Mr. Adam Lawrence, Mr. Dierick Hoosts, Mr. Maurice Thompson, and Mr. Nicholas Corselly of London, to be Commissioners; and ordered them presently to repair to the High and Mighty Lords, the States General of the united Provinces, and likewise to the Burgo-masters of the several Cities, and all other well-affected People to the Protestant Cause; there to negotiate for the Relief of the British and Protestants in Ireland, either by Subscriptions of Land, Loans voluntary Contributions, or other ways: Now whereas the said Commissioners have presented to both Houses of Parliament a full Account of their whole Proceeding in that Business, whereby it doth appear, that the full Sum of One and thirty thousand two hundred and eighteen Pounds Twelve Shillings and Six Pence was brought in by the voluntary Contribution of the well-affected People in the United Provinces, for Supply of the British, and Protestants within the Realm of Ireland, and disposed of accordingly in Victuals:
The said Lords and Commons, taking notice of the extraordinary great Affection of the People of the United Provinces declared herein towards them, have thought fit to publish this Manifeste, as an Acknowledgment of their Pious and Charitable Sense of the miserable Condition of their distressed Brethren in Ireland, in their Benevolence for the Relief of those Protestants who had so highly suffered thro' the most horrid Cruelties of those bloody Rebels. And they being given farther to understand of the great Care and Diligence, as well of the said Commissioners, as also of Mr. Tho. Cave, Mr. Charles Looten, Mr. Will. Watson, and Mr. Jonas Abeeles, the Treasurers in Amsterdam; and Mr. Jeronimo William Ashnam, Mr. Peter Bouderen Courten, and Mr. John de Durper Cozen, Treasurers in Middleburgh; who did with much faithfulness go thro' this Work, discharging the Trust reposed in them, without making any Defalcation for their Charges, or Salary, out of those Contributions; do likewise give the said Commissioners and Treasurers their most hearty Thanks, and to all others who have assisted in this good Work so seasonably performed for the Relief of the British and Protestants in Ireland.
John Browne, Cler. Parl.
Hen, Elsynge, Cler. Dom. Com.
The House concur not with the Lords, to invite the Scots, &c.
Ordered to resume the Debate to morrow concerning His Majesty's inviting the Scots.
The House this Day, according to former Order, considered of the rest of their Lordship's Votes upon His Majesty's last Message; and the Question was put, whether they should agree with the Lords in the Vote, that the Scots should be invited by the Parliament to send Commissioners to treat with His Majesty Upon the Propositions presened to His Majesty at Hampton-Court; and after long Debate, the Question being put, it was carried in the Negative.
They Ordered to resume the Debate concerning His Majesty's inviting the Scots to Treat; and this to be considered of to morrow Morning the First Business.
Saturday, Aug. 19. 1648.
Ordered, if the King sends for any of the Scots Nation to Advise, &c. the House will give safe Conduct.
The House, according to former Order, considered of the Vote of their Lordships, 'That His Majesty should. invite such Number of the Scots Commissioners to Treat upon the Propositions at Hampton-Court, as His Majesty should think fit: The House hereupon Ordered, That is the King shall think fit to send for any of the Scotish Nation, to Advise with him concerning the Affairs of the Kingdom of Scotland only, the Houses will give him a safe Conduct.
That Ten Members be nominated to Treat with His Majesty.; Ordered, the Judges be desired to go their Circuits, except York, Anglesey, &c.
They likewise Voted, 'That Ten Members of that House should be nominated as Commissioners to Treat with His Majesty upon their Propositions, to join with Five of the House of Peers. The House then Considered of the great Business of Judges going the Circuits, and Ordered, 'The Judges should be desired to go their several Circuits, as formerly appointed, excepting the Counties of York, Anglesey, Carnarvan, Merioneth; And that they shall have Power given them to avoid going to any Town, after they are gone out, is they apprehend any danger of going thither.
Ordered, Chief Justice of Chester to go down.; Ordinance to be read for Listing Forces in the City.
They Ordered the Chief Justice for Chester should go down; They Ordered, That the rest of the Lords Votes concerning a Treaty should be considered of on Monday Morning; and that the Ordinance concerning the Listing and Commanding Forces in the City, should be Read the next Business after that is ended.
Five Soldiers Deserters swim the River, and declare the miserable Condition of that Place.
From the Leagure before Colchester, Aug. 18. The last Night Five Soldiers came from the Enemy, and swam over the River, Three of them being Townsmen, who did express, that the Cries of Women and Children, and the poorer sort, are such as would grieve any Heart to hear them; that if they be not permitted to come our, they must Starve; Three of these Men left their Arms behind them, pretending they came to let us know the Certainty of the Condition of the Town; we hope that Hunger will necessitate the People to something which may occasion the Soldiers to join with them, which may facilitate our Work in gaining the Town; the Honest and Well-affected People that are there, we very much pity their Condition; and could we single them out from the rest, they might have Passes from the General; but Goring will let no Well affected come out, unless some that are Ill-affected, may come out with them.
Yesterday there came out a Woman and five Children, one Sucking at her Breast; she fell down at our Guards, beseeching them to pass beyond the Line; the People in the Town looking to see is they had admittance, resolving to follow them; but the Guards were necessitated to turn them back again, or otherwise Hundreds will come out, which would much prejudice the Service.
The Soldiers and the Woman said, That could they get but Dogs and Cats to cat, it were happy for them, but all the Dogs and Cats, and most of the Horses are near eaten already: Some sad thing of necessity must befall the Town suddenly.
A Trumpeter came from the Enemy, desires to know whether they may have Relief or not?
Just now our Trumpeter is come from the Enemy in Colchester, desiring leave to send to know whether they may have Relief, or not, and is they see no hopes of any, within 20 Days, then to Treat. By this you may guess the necessity of their Condition; and what a few days may produce. My Lord General returned Answer; That he cannot give way to their Desire, &c. That he doubts not but within less time than 20 days to have the Town with out Terms: They have this day refused to exchange the Earl of Cleaveland, &c. for any of the Committee, which is a sign they reserve the Committee to serve themselves. Another is stoll'n out of Town, who faith, That this day the Women and Children were at the Lord Goring's Door for Bread; That he told them, They must eat their Children is they wanted: The Women Reviled his Lordship, told him, They would pull out his Eyes rather than starve, and were in a high Discontent; and that all the Inhabitants set the Women on, and some Soldiers dislike it not.
Your Servant,
W. C.
Heith-Suburbs, Co'chester, Aug. 18. 1648.
The Prince's Letter not to Proceed rigorously against Major-General Langhorn, Col. Powell, and Col. Poyer.
I have sent you enclosed a Copy of the Prince's Letter to the General, and his Excellency's Answer.
Being informed that some rigorous Course is intended against Major-General Lang horn, Col. Powell, Col. Poyer, and others, now Prisoners of War, for things done under the Authority of my Commission; I think fit to let you know, That I cannot but be extreamly sensible of such a Proceeding, as well in regard of the Merit of the Persons, as of my own Honour, which I take to be highly concerned in their Preservation; As also, because thereby a necessity will be put upon me, of proceeding with such as shall fall into my hands in a way very contrary to my Nature, and as far from my Intention, unless I be necessitated thereunto by your Rigour to these Gentlemen: I desire therefore, that by your Care, and seasonable Interposition, such Moderation may be used towards them, as becomes Soldiers to one another, and as I conceive to be due to them; which will be an Engagement to me to pursue my Inclinations towards those that shall be in my Power: And so I remain,
Your Loving Friend, Charles P.
His Excellency's Answer.
His Excellency's Answer to the Prince.
I Have acquainted the Houses with your Highnesses Letter concerning Major-General Langhorn and the rest; it being not in my Power to act farther, the Parliament having Ordered in what way they shall be proceeded against, not so much that they were in Hostility against them, I suppose, as that they have betrayed the Trust they reposed in them, to the sad engaging this Nation again in War and Blood: So it is not in my Power to interpose their Justice; but that all Obstacles of a just and firm Peace may be removed, shall be the earnest Prayer of,
Your Highness's most Humble Servant,
August 14. 1648.
Monday, Aug. 21. 1648.
The Houses concurs about the Treaty with His Majesty and referr it to the Committee of both Houses.
The Commons this day resumed the Debate Upon the Lords Votes in relation to the Treaty with His Majesty, and Concurred with their Lordships, That it be referred to the Committee of both Houses for Peace, to prepare such things as shall be needful for the Treaty.
The recalling of Col. Hammond's Instructions debated, &c.
They Debated the recalling of Col. Hammond's Instructions, but thought fit first to send again to His Majesty, to let him know how far they had proceeded, as to a Treaty, and to have His Majesty's Approbation.
Order from the Lords for delivering the E. of Holland from Warwick Castle, to be confined at Kensington.
A Letter was read from the Lord General; "That he had received an Order from the Lords, to deliver the Earl of Holland from Warwick-Castle, to be confined to his House at Kensington.
Letter about Albarton the Scots Agent, Lord Andover and others, going to the Prince.; Letters for the Lord Admiral and Lord General, to stay all such Persons.; Ordered that Major-General Skippon do grant the Suburbs Commissions, and the Committee furnish them with Arms. Col. Horton took Sir Henry Lingen, &c. and regained all the Horse and Prisoners taken fromCol. Harlies.; Sir Hardress Waller was on his march, till countermanded.; A Letter from the Lord Norwich, &c. with a Petition of the Inhabitants to Treat of a Surrender.
Also a Letter from the Lord Admiral, "That upon the Lords Passes for some to go beyond Seas, divers have ma de use of them to go to the Prince, as Mr. Albarton the Scots Agent, the Lord Andover, and others.
The Commons Ordered, To desire a Conference with the Lords about it, and that Letters be sent to the Lord Admiral, and the Lord General, to make stay of all such Persons, notwithstanding their Order.
Upon the Petition of Thousands of the Suburbs, that have joined with Major-General Skippon; the Commons Ordered, "That Major General Skippon should grant them Commissions, and the Committee for suppressing Tumults, furnish them with Arms.
From Salop, Aug. 19. came Letters, "That Sir Henry Lingen, and a Patty of Cavaliers, took about 60 of Col. Harlies Horse, Men and Arms, about Lempster in Herefordshire; but two or three days after, a Party of Col. Harlies, with a Party of Col. Horton's, met with Sir Henry Lingen's Company, between Radnor and Montgomeryshire, regained all their Horses and Prisoners, took Sir Henry Lingen and Col. Crofts, with many other Commanders, Prisoners, flew divers of the Party, and routed the rest.
From the West came Letters, "That Sir Hardress Waller was upon his March, till a Countermand came to him from his Excellency, upon the desire of the House; his Regiments are full, and in a capacity to secure the West; the Well-affected are much encouraged by his stay, and will Live and Die with him upon occasion.
Little News at Colchester, but carrying on our Approaches &c.
From Colchester Leagure, Aug. 19. "We have little News here; our great Work now, is the carrying on of Approaches, which are so near, that our Soldiers and theirs lay aside Muskets, and instead of Shooting, cast Stones one at another. Our Line between Botolphs-Gate and East-Gate is almost brought to their Wall: The Enemy in Town are full of Distractions, and the Inhabitants of Straits and Disturbance, as you will perceive by the inclosed Petitions, which were this day sent unto his Excellency in a Letter from the Lord Norwich, and the rest, expressing, That they had, at the desire of the Inhabitants, thought sit to send them, and that they should be constrained, for the better accommodation of the Soldiers, to turn out the Towns-People, whereby their Houses and Goods would be left liable to spoil and Ruine; for the prevention whereof, they had thought fit to Treat with his Lordship for the Surrender of the Town, is he pleases; To which purpose they would send six officers, is his Lordship appointed the like number to meet them on his behalf. With this Letter there came another, offering the exchange of Capt. Gray, for Mr. Weston, and Mr. Rawlins. His Excellency's Answer was, That as to the exchange he accepted of it, but as to the matter of Treaty, he would send Answer by a Messenger of his own; as yet no inclination to grant their Requests; the officers are to advise about it to Morrow, Delay being now the best part of our Game. This Evening his Excellency going into one of the Forts near East-Gate, the Enemy discharged a Drake with Case-Shot, which scattered Dirt upon him and his Attendance, which they and their Party had often done before; but, as that, so this, did none of them any harm; our Men killed one of theirs looking over the Wall: The other day Sir Richard Hastings's Boy being exchanged for one Gooday a Townsman, whom the Enemy had apprehended for a Spie, having heard some Discourse among the Soldiers, told it; and amongst the rest, that our Soldiers bid him Commend them toGoring, and tell him, They would bore a hole through his Nose, and draw him with a Rope thro Cheapside, Crying, here is the great Bull of Colchester.
The Petitions were as followeth:
To the Right Honourable the Earl of Norwich, the Lord Capel, and Sir Charles Lucas.
The humble Petition of the Inhabitants of Colchester,
The Petition of the Inhabitants of Colchester, to the Earl of Norwich, &c.
That your Petitioners having lately received your Commands, to prepare our selves generally to depart this Town for the better supplying of the Soldiers; we have been bold humbly to Petition the Lord Fairfax for Liberty to pass into the Country; least being forced, or going voluntarily without His Lordship's Licence, we might expose our Lives to eminent danger.
We therefore humbly pray your Honours to be pleased to give way, That our Petition may be sent to His Lordship; and that till we have received Answer of it, we may not be enforced from our Habitations.
Subscribed by us the Mayor and Aldermen, in the Name of all the Petitioners.
William Cook, Mayor. Rob. Buxton, John Furley, Tho. Laurence, and John Sharp, Aldermen.
Aug. 19. 1648.
To the Right Honourable Thomas Lord Fairfax, His Excellency.
The humble Petition of the Inhabitants of Colchester.
The Petition of the Mayor and Aldermen in the Names of all the Petitioners to the Lord General.
That divers of your Petitioners of every Parish, having been Summoned this present Morning to attend the Commanders in Chief here, have received this Message from them; with strict Charge to communicate it to all the Inhabitants in general: Namely, That we must with all Expedition provide to depart the Town, or otherwise we shall by Power be forced there unto; for that whatever becometh of us, the Soldiery, who maintain the King's Cause, must and shall be provided for.
Now, my Lord, your Petitioners being driven to this Exigency, they have no other Means, but to fly to your Christian Clemency; and humbly to pray, That you will give them leave to pass into the Country for the preservation of their Lives: And your Petitioners shall humbly pray, &c.
Subscribed by us the Mayor and Aldermen, in the Name of all the Petitioners.
William Cook, Mayor. Rob. Buxton, John Furley, Tho. Laurence, and John Sharp, Aldermen.
Aug. 19. 1648.
The 20th of Aug. the General returned Answer to Goring's Letter; and it is as followeth:
My Lords,
I am willing to believe, that the pressing Necessities of the miserable Inhabitants of the Town of Colchester, have wrung from them the Petition in your Letter enclosed: I shall not only clear my self to all the World from the Occasion of their Sufferings, but so far contribute to their Relief as to allow all the Inhabitants of that Town, (you first engaging not to restrain any who shall be willing to come out) to enjoy their Liberty in their Petition desired; provided the Committee of the County of Essex, now Prisoners with you, be sent out with the first: Only I shall not permit the Wives and Children of any Townsmen, or others, who shall abide with you in Arms, to have the Benefit above-mentioned.
Lord General's Answer to Goring's Letter, &c. But not permit the Wives and Children of any Townsmen, &c. And for the rendition of the Town, all Officers and Soldiers under the degree of a Captain, &c. to have Passes; And all Captains, &c. to submit to Mercy.
And to that other part of your Lordship's Letter, that concerns the Condition of the Town, I make this offer: That all such officers and Soldier's, under the degree of a Captain, excepting all such who, being Members of my Army, have since the loth of May last deserted their Colours, shall have Passes, without Injury offered them, to return to their respective Homes; they engaging themselves never hereafter to bear Arms against the Parliament. And all Captains and other superiour officers, with Lords and Gentlemen, to submit to Mercy.
Your Lordships Servant, Tho. Fairfax.
For the Earl of Norwich, Lord Capel, and Sir Charles Lucas.
An Express from Cromwell.
An Express came this Day from Lieutenant General Cromwell, of his defeating the Scotch Army under Duke Hamilton; but the Particulars came more fully afterwards, under the Lieutenant General's own Hand.
Tuesday, Aug. 22. 1648.
The House Voted new Instructions to Col. Hammond, &c.
The Commons proceeded as to the Business of the Treaty, and Voted some new Instructions to Col. Hammond; as, 'That the King be removed to Newport in the Isle of Wight, the Place of Treaty; That the King be in the same Condition and Freedom there, as he was at Hampton-Court; That no Person in the first Exception out of Mercy, nor under Restraints of the Parliament, nor of late actually in Arms against the Parliament, be admitted to the King.
That no Person bearing Arms against the Parliament, be admitted into any Fort or Town, &c.
That no Person that hath been in Arms against the Parliament, or aiding or assisting to them, or of whom there is just Cause of Suspicion, be admitted into any Fort or Tower in the Isle of Wight; That no Person of any foreign Nation be admitted to come into the same Isle, without leave of both Houses of Parliament. And is the Kingdom of Scotland send any to treat with His Majesty, they shall have a Pass from both Houses, and be admitted. That His Majesty pass his Royal Word, not to go out of the Island during the Treaty, nor 28 Days after, without the Advice of both Houses of Parliament.
A Letter from the Lord Admiral, &c.
A Letter was read from the Lord Admiral, for additional Power to the Ordinance for Martial Law, as binding to such Order as shall be made by a Council of War; which passed the Commons, and was ordered to be sent to the Lords for their Concurrence.
An Ordinance passed for raising 3000l. &c.
The Commons passed an Ordinance, 'For the raising of 3000l. out of the real Estate of the late Lord Coventry, sometimes Keeper of the Great Seal of England, towards Reparation of Lieut. Col. John Lilburn's Two Sentences against him in the late Court of Star-Chamber; the 1st of Feb. 13. 1637. And the other April 18. 1638.
The Committee of the Revenue to consider, &c.
The Committee of the Revenue order'd to consider of the Paper, this Day, of the Office and Place of Honour enjoyed by Grant to Duke Hamilton, and to state it to the House.
The Committee of the Navy to disburse Money, &c.
The Committee of the Navy ordered to disburse Money for the Pay of the Holy Island. The Governour of the Holy Island ordered to have Thanks for his faithful Services, and a Letter of Encouragement, Sir Arthur Haslerig order'd to make up the Men in Holy Island 100.
An Ordinance that the City Militia be in the Power of the Committee. 500 Women sent out of the Leagure, and came towards Cot. Rainsho rough's Quarters.
An Ordinance concerning the City Militia to be in the Power of the Committee of the Militia, and Major General Skippon to Command them, was read and Committed.
Colchester, Ang. 22. I told you before of Goring's Letter to the General, desiring the People might come out; the next Day they sent out 500 Women, who with much Confidence march towards Colonel Rainsborough's Quarters; he commands a Cannon to be shot off, but so as not to hurt them; they come on notwithstanding; he orders the siring some Musquets with Powder; that daunts them not; he sends out some Soldiers, bids them strip some; this makes them run; but Four were stripped; the Town refuses to let them in; they stand between both: The General sends, tells them of their Cruelty, and faith, they shall answer for their Blood; they regard not that. One of our Horse being shot as he stood Centinel, there came many out to fetch him in, who were shot at, and some killed, yet got not the Horse: The next Day they came again, and when stinking they adventured their Lives to cut Pieces off. They keep some Horse, upon which the Chief intend to escape; we keep double Guards to prevent the same.
An Ordinance debated for the Militia to have joint Power, &c.
An Ordinance was brought in, and debated, for the Militia of London to have joint Power with Major General Skippon; some Dispute as to naming of officers; but at last it was referred to a select Committee.
Wednesday, Aug. 23. 1648.
A Letter from Lieut. General Cromwel.
This Day came a full Relation to the House, under Lieut. General Cromwel's own Hands, of the great Victory against the Scot's Army in the North; the Particulars we will give you as briefly as may be, according to the Lieut. General's Letter, Dated Aug. 20.
After the Conjunction of that Party which I brought with me out of Wales with the Northern Forces about Knaresborough and Wetherby, hearing that the Enemy was advanced with their Army into Lancashire, we came the 6th Instant to Hodder-Bridge over Ribble, where we had a Council of War; and upon Advertisement the Enemy intended Southward, and since confirmed, that they resolved for London itself, and Information that the Irish Forces under Monroe lately come out of Ireland, which consisted of 1200 Horse and 1500 Foot, were on their March towards Lancashire to join with them; it was thought to engage the Enemy to sight was our Business: And accordingly marching over the Bridge that Night, Quartered the whole Army in the Fields. Next Morning we marched towards Preston, having Intelligence, that the Enemy was drawing together thereabouts from all his Out-quarters; we drew out a Forlorn of about 200 Horse and 400 Foot; these gallantly engaged the Enemy's Scouts and Out-guards, until we bad Opportunity to bring up our whole Army. So soon as our Foot and Horse were come up, we resolved that Night to engage them is we could; and therefore advancing with our Forlorns, and putting the rest of the Army into as good a Posture as the Ground would bear, (which was totally inconvenient for our Horse, being all Inclosure and miery Ground) we pressed upon them thro a Lane, and forced them from their Ground, after four Hours Dispute, until we came to the Town; into which four Troops of my Regiment first entred; and being well seconded by Col. Harrison's Regiment, Charged the Enemy in the Town and cleared the Streets. At last the Enemy was put into Disorder, many Men stain, and many Prisoners taken: The Duke with most of the Scot's Horse and Foot retreated over the Bridge; where, after a very hot Dispute betwixt the Lancashire Regiments, (part of my Lord General's and them being at push of Pike) they were beaten from the Bridge, and our Horse and Foot following them, killed many, and took divers Prisoners; and we possessed the Bridge over Darvent and a few Houses there, the Enemy being drawn up within Musquet Shot of us, where we lay that Night, we not being able to attempt farther upon the Enemy, the Night preventing us. In this posture did the Enemy and we lie the most part of that Night; upon entring the Town, many of the Enemy's Horse fled towards Lancaster, in the Chase of whom we had divers of our Horse, who pursued them near Ten Miles, and had Execution of them, and took about Five Hundred Horse, and many Prisoners: We possessed in the Fight very much of the Enemy's Ammunition; I believe they lost Four or Five Thousand Arms; the Number of the stain we judge to be about a Thousand, the Prisoners we took near about 4000.
In the Night they marched away, 7 or 8 Thousand Foot, and about Four Thousand Horse; we followed them with about 3 Thousand Foot, and about 2 Thousand; Hundred Horse and Dragoons; and in this Prosecution that worthy Gentleman Col. Thornhaugh, pressing too boldly, was stain, being run into the Body, Thigh, and Head, by the Enemy's Lancers: Our Horse still Prosecuted the Enemy, killing and taking divers all the way; but by that time our Army was come up, they recovered Wigan before we could attempt any thing upon them. We lay that Night in the Field close by the Enemy, lying very dirty and weary, where we had some Skirmishing, &c. We took Major General Van Druske, Col. Hurrey, and Lieut. Col. Ennis.
The next Morning the Enemy marched towards Warrington, made a stand at a Pass near Winaick; we held them in some Dispute until out Army was come up, they maintaining the Pass with great Resolution for many Hours; but our Men, by the Blessing of God, Charged very home upon them, beat them from their Standing, where we killed about a Thousand of them, and took (as we believe) about Two Thousand Prisoners, and Prosecuted them home to Warrington Town, where they passessed the Bridge. As soon as we came thither, I received a Message from Lieut. General Bailey, desiring some Capitulation; to which I yielded, and gave him these Terms: That be should surrender himself and all his Officers and Soldiers Prisoners of War, with all his Arms, Ammunition, and Horses, upon Quarter for Life; which accordingly is done. Here are took about Four Thousand compleat Arms, and as many Prisoners: And thus you have their Infantry ruined.
The Duke is marched with his remaining Horse (which are about 3000) towards Nanptwich, where the Gentlemen of the Country have taken about 500 of them; the Country will scarce suffer any of them to pass, but bring in and kill divers as they light upon them. I have sent Post to my Lord Grey and Sir Edward Roades, to gather all together with Speed for their Prosecution; Monroe is about Cumberland, with the Horse that ran away, and his Irish Horse and Foot; but I have left a considerable Strength, I hope, to make resistance, till we can come up to them.
Thus you have the Narrative of the Particulars of the Success. I could hardly tell how to say less, there being so much of God, and I was not willing to say more, least there should seem to be any thing of Man; only give me leave to add one Word, shewing the disparity of the Forces of both sides, that so you may see, and all the World acknowledge, the great Hand of God in this Business. The Scots Army could not be less than 12000 Foot well Armed, and 5000 Horse; Langdale not less than 2500 Foot and 1500 Horse; in all, 21000: In ours, in all, about 8600; and by Computation, about 2000 of the Enemy slain, betwixt 8 and 9000. Prisoners, besides what are lurking in Hedges and private Places, which the Country daily bring in or destroy.
A solemn Thanksgiving to be the 7th of Sept.
This Letter being read in both Houses, it was Ordered: 'That Thursday come Fortnight, the 7th of Sept. next, be appointed a Day of Solemn Thanksgiving thro the whole Kingdom, unto Almighty God, for his wonderful great Mercy and Success to the Forces under Lieut. General Cromwel, against the Scots whole Army under Duke Hamilton, on the 17th, 18th, and 19th. of this present Aug. in Lancashire. Provisions for Shoes and Stockings, also referred to a Committee.
Provisions for Shoes, &c.
Mr. Sexby had given 100l. Major Burey 200l.
Mr. Edward Sexby, who brought up a second Letter, had 100l., given him for his Pains. Major Bury that brought the Lieut. General's Letter, who was very gallant in this Service, was Ordered 200l.
Commissions order'd to pass the Great Seal to the Commissioners of Lancashire, &c.
They Ordered, 'That Commissions should pass under the Great Seal of England, to Commissioners in the several Counties of Lancashire, York, Durham, Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmorland, and other Places of this Kingdom, to enquire what loss is sustained by every particular Person in this Invasion of the Scots; to the end Satisfaction may be given therein.
Thursday, Aug. 24. 1648.
An Ordinance for settling Delinquents. Estates, &c.
An Ordinance for settling Delinquents Estates, for the maintenance of a Troop of Horse in the County of Surry, was read and Committed.
A Report from the Committee, &c.
A Report was made from the Committee appointed to examine the Plot in the City, which took up much time.
The House Ordered, "That they approved of the said Committee Committing of Mr. Rivers, Lieut. Colonel Clerk, Capt. Reynor, and Capt. Hill, and their sending to Windsor-Castle.
The House approves of the Committees committing Mr. Rivers, &c.
Friday, Aug. 25. 1648.
Judges to go the Northern Circuit.
An Order was made for the Judges to go the Northern Circuit now, if they please.
The total Rout of the Scots Army by Capt. Hitson.
A Second Letter from Lieutenant-General Cromwell by Capt. Pitson, was this day brought to the House, in confirmation of the total Routing of the Scotch Army, with a Lift of the Prisoners, too large to insert here, and about 100 Colours taken, brought up to the House: The House Ordered Capt. Pitson 100l. and referred the Lieut. General's Letter, as to the providing Necessaries, to the Committee of the Army.
A Letter and Votes relating to the Treaty, dispatched to His Majesty.
A Letter to His Majesty, with the Votes inclosed, in relation to a Treaty, was this day passed by both Houses; and Ordered, That Sir Peter Killigrew be dispatched away with these Votes and Letter; who accordingly set forwards from London this day.
40000l. charged in Goldsmiths Hall for the Scots, be now paid to the Committee of the Navy. Overtures for a Surrender of Colchester, not accepted.
Ordered, "That the 40000l. charged in Goldsmith's-Hall for the Scots, as part of the 100000l. be now paid to the Committee of the Navy for the Service of the Navy.
From the Leagure before Colchester we understood of some Overtures made Yesterday by Goring and the rest, for the Surrender of the Town; but not accepted of, as you may fee by the Papers following.
Goring's Letter to the General, not accepting of the last Proposal.
My Lord,
Upon a Solemn Debate of the Officers here, upon occasion of your former Letters of Demanding the Persons of all the Officers here, above the Quality of a Lieutenant, to render themselves to Mercy; it was unanimously resolved by them, not to yield to the Mercy of any other, but that of God alone: And that all means may be on our part used, for the farther avoiding of the effusion of more English Blood, we have sent you here inclosed the lowest Conditions which in substance we can receive with Honour, conceiving the like were never refused to any, far lower reduced than we can yet yield our selves to be: But if there He any doubt in the Form of Words, or Circumstances, we will if you like of it, Send one Gentleman, or more, that by a Conference with the like number appointed by you, may clear all scruples and agree of the time of performance.
Your Lordships Servants,
Norwich, Arthur Capell, Charles Lucas.
Colchester, Aug. 24. 1648.
'The Town and Castle, and all places of Defence, and all Ordnance, &c. except what is allowed in the ensuing Articles, be delivered to the Lord General. The Earl of Norwich, &c. shall march a Mile without Colchester, and then to render their Horses, &c.
The Articles were as followeth,
'That the Town and Castle of Colchester, and all Places of Defence whatsoever in the same, with all the Ordnance, Arms, Ammunition and Provisions of War, all Magazines and Stores thereunto belonging, excepting what is allowed in the ensuing Articles, shall be delivered to the General, the Lord Fairfax, or whom he shall appoint, without wilful Spoil or Imbezzlement.
That the Earl of Norwich, Lord Capell, Sir Charles Lucas, the Lord Loughborough, and all the rest of the Officers, Gentlemen, and Soldiers, both of Horse and Foot, shall march out of this Town of Colchester, with their Horses and Arms, a Mile without the Town, aud then all to render up their Horses and Arms, excepting as followeth.
The General Officers, Colonels, &c. Horse and Foot, to march with two Horses apiece and one Servant themselves, &c. All Persons to march free from Plunder.
'That the Earl of Norwich, the Lord Capell, Sir Charles Lucas, and the Lord Loughborough, shall march away from thence with all their Horses, Arms, and other Equipage, particularly belonging to them.
'That all other General-Officers, Colonels, Lieutenant-Colonels, Majors and Captains of Horse and Foot, Lieutenants and Cornets of Horse, and all Gentlemen of Quality, shall march away with Two Horses apiece, and one Servant; themselves to march with their Arms, their Servants with their Swords only, and their Masters Baggage; and all other Officers to march with their Swords only.
'That all Persons whatsoever included in these Articles, shall have Passes to go into their several Countries and Places of abode, and to be free from all Violence and Plunder in their March.
Or pass beyond Sea within a Month.
'That all included in these Articles, who shall desire it, shall have Passes Granted them freely to pass beyond the Seas within a Month after marching out, they only engaging themselves in the mean time to act nothing prejudicial to the Parliament now Sitting at Westminster.
Free Quarter for Private Soldiers in march. Maimed Soldiers left in Colchester till recovered.
'That all Private Soldiers shall be provided for in their Passage, for Free-Quarter in their march homewards, lying but one Night in a place. That convenient Provision be made for all Hurt and Sick Soldiers, who shall be left in Colchester, until they be recovered, and then Passes to be given them, as before-mention'd, according to their several Qualities.
The Inhabitants to be free from violence in Goods and Persons.
That all the Inhabitants of this Town of Colchester be free, both in Goods and Persons, from any Violence, without distinction. That all Persons who have been taken Prisoners on either side, shall have the benefit of these Articles.
The General's Answer not to Answer those Demands.
The General's Answer.
When I looked upon your Condition to be far better than now it is, I then offered such Terms as were thought suitable to your Condition; but you now being in a worse posture, both in relation to your selves within, and in relation to any expectance of Relief from without, it is not to be expected from me, That your Conditions should be better: Wherefore I am still resolved not to Grant any such Terms as are now demanded by you.
Your Lordship, Servant,
Tho. Fairfax.
Aug. 14. 1648.
Saturday, Aug. 26. 1648.
The Committee of Derby House to dispose of the Scotch Prisoners, &c.; An Ordinance to take away Obstructions in Sale of Bishops Lands. Surrender of Deal Castle. Ordered Col. Rich to be Governour of Deal Castle. Lieut. Axtel to have 100l.
The House Ordered, "That it be referred to the Committee at 'Derby-House, to dispose of the Noblemen, Gentlemen, Common Officers, Prisoners at the late Victory against the Scots, in such Castles and other Places as they should think fit.
An Ordinance was read for taking away Obstructions in the Sale of Bishops Lands, and Assented unto.
A Letter from Col. Rich of the Surrender of Deal to the Parliament; the Articles of Surrender was read, and approved of; those within the Castle laid down their Arms, and went home, engaging not to take them up again against the Parliament. Sandown-Castle no doubt will shortly follow.
They Ordered, That Col. Rich should be Governour of Deal Castle.
Lieutenant Axtell, that brought this good News, had 100l. given him.
It was referred the the Committee of the Army, to take care for the Repair of Deal and Warmer.
The Army Committee Ordered to repair Deal. Albarton Ordered to be Transported to Scotland. A Debate of the Kingdoms Militia. Slit Marmaduke Langdale and Ten Gentlemen taken, and Prisoners in Nottingham Castle.
The House was informed that Mr. Albarton the Scots Agent was stayed at Tilbury-hope, he intending for the Prince: The House Ordered, "That he should be delivered up to the Lord Admiral, and by him Transported into Scotland.
The rest of the Day was spent in Debate of the Militia of the Kingdom.
This day came News farther, "That Sir Marmaduke Langdale, and about Ten disguised Gentlemen more in Company, was taken near Nottingham, and now Prisoners in Nottingham-Castle. Duke Hamilton is forced by the Country People, who have eas'd him of a Thousand of his Horse since his slight, into Utoxeter in Staffordshire, blocked up, if not, before this, surprized there; Lieut. General Cromwell is gone farther against Monroe.
Lieutenant General Cromwell is gone against Monroe.
A Drum sent out from the Leagure to desire she explanation of the words. To submit to Mercy, &c.
Inferiour Officers and Soldiers to have only Fair Quarter.
From the Leagure before Colchester came farther, "That this day about 12 of the Clock, the Enemy sent out a Drum, with Mr. Bernardiston, one of our Committee, and Col. Tuke, one of their Party; seeing no hope to Treat upon the Articles, they sent out to desire to Treat upon what was offered formerly by his Excellency, viz. Concerning the Explanation of the the words, To submit to Mercy; How far that Mercy might extend; and concerning the inferiour Officers and Soldiers, and Townsmen. His Excellency call'd a very full Council of War, and upon Debate it was resolved: That in regard the inferiour Officers and Soldiers had slipt their opportunity, that now they should have only fair Quarter: And that a Treaty be admitted, provided the Committee under Restraint be forthwith released, upon Circumstances necessary for clearing, and orderly performance of the Fair Quarter now offered; Also, to Treat as to the securing the Town from Plunder, &c. And that the Lords, General Officers, and Captains, &c. be rendred up to Mercy.
The Lords, General Officers, and Captains, to render up to Mercy.
'This Night about Eight, Col. Tuke returned with an Answer in substance as before; and all the whole Council of War sat this Afternoon; the Private Soldiers on both sides held a Treaty amongst themselves; and this occasioned the Enemy to send out so hastily to Treat upon Terms of Mercy; for they said, That their Private Soldiers amongst themselves had agreed to deliver them up.
The Enemy sends out hastily to Treat upon Terms of Mercy, &c. The last night the Officers, gave the Soldiers Sack burnt Claret, &c. to join with them.
The last Night the Officers did give the Soldiers Sack, Burnt Claret, Raisons, Prunes, and good Words, for to join with them to break through; they prepared Poles and Boards, to break over North Bridge which way they did intend to escape; and when they were all drawn out into the Town, the Soldiers did agree amongst themselves, that they would not condescend to their going out, for they knew then they would break through themselves, and leave the Soldiers to the mercy of our Soldiers; and some of the Soldiers got to the Gates, and said, That they would kill their Officers if they offered to stir out. In this high distemper of Mutiny the Enemy now are, and we doubt not of Conclusion concerning the Surrender of the Town to Morrow, which we hope to have upon Monday next, or Tuesday at farthest.
The Three Generals, by a Letter under their bands, submit to Mercy.
Farther thus, "You may add the Surrender of Colchester; the Business is as good as done; the Three Generals have, by a Letter under their hands, submitted themselves, with all the Officers and Soldiers, to Mercy; our Committee are come to the General safe; Sir William Compton, Sir Abraham Shipman, Col. Hammond, Col. Tuke, and Col. Ayloffe, came out to Treat about Circumstances; Three Hundred of our Soldiers are in the Town,
Colchester, 27 Aug. 1648.
Monday, Aug. 28. 1648.
Duke Hamilton and above 3000 Horse and Men taken at Utoxeter.; Ordered 200l. to Maj. Smithson, 100l. to Mr. Evans.; A Committee Ordered to examine Duke Hamilton.
This day Col. Wayte, a Member of the House of Commons, made Report to the House, of the taking of Duke Hamilton the Scots General, and above 3000 Horse and Men, at Utoxeter, all Prisoners at Mercy, but had gallant Quarter given them by the Lord Grey; the Duke sent to Ashby de-la-Zouch, the Lord Loughborough's strong Hold; the House Ordered 200l. to Major Smithson, 100l. to Mr. Evans; Thanks to be sent to the Counties for their ready assistance; the Committee appointed to bring in the List of Assignments to Scotch Officers; Instructions for Sequestring Sir Henry Gibbs's Estate. A Committee appointed to examine Duke Hamilton and others, who say, they were invited to come into England by Ten to One more now than they were before.
The Prince had a Design to go to the Scotch Army, &c.
From the Downs 'twas certified, "That the Prince had a Design to go 'North to the Scots Army, but the Sailors would not agree to it; then it was Debated, whether it was not best to come against my Lord of Warwick, to which they agreed; but in the interim, while they were in a seeming preparation, and my Lord Admiral to meet them, News came to the Prince of the Defeat of the Scots Army, which altered the Course, and its believed they will now quit the English Coast; for my Lord of Warwick went out to Fight with them, having commanded the Ships at Portsmouth to come about, which accordingly they did.
From Colchester, by an Express to the Speaker of the House of Commons, came as followeth,
A Letters to the House of Commons about the Surrender of Colchester Signed J. R.
The last Night about Ten of the Clock the Articles were Signed by the Commissioners on both sides, which were to this purpose: That all Horse with Furniture should be delivered this day by Ten of the Clock: That all private Soldiers and Officers, under Captains, shall have fair Quarter, and render themselves Prisoners: That the Lords, and all Superiour Officers and Gentlemen be drawn together in the Kings-Head Inn, with their Cloaths and Baggage, by Eleven of the Clock, and there to render themselves to the Mercy of the Lord General: That the Enemies Guards be drawn off, and the Guards of this Army appointed in their stead: That all Ordnance, Ammunition, Waggons. &c. be delivered to the Comptroller: That the Sick and Wounded be provided for with accommodation, until recovered.
And this Afternoon Col. Rainsborough's Regiment, and another Regiment entred the Town, and accordingly the Articles in all things else performed; you will very suddenly receive an Account from his Excellency, of the particulars of this Business; as also a Lift of what Persons of Quality, Officers and Commanders are at Mercy; the member of Ordnance, Arms, and quantity of Ammunition. This Morning we rode found about the Wall of the Town, and find it to be a very strong Place in all parts of it; where it was weakest there they made strong Works, and strengthened if with Earth; it was a sad Spectacle to see so many fair Houses burnt to Ashes, and so many Inhabitants made so sickly and weak, with living upon Horses and Dogs; many glad to cat the very Draught and Grains for preservation of Life, I remain
Your Humble Servant,
J. Rushworth.
Colchester, Aug. 28. 1648.
Tuesday, Aug. 29. 1648.
His Majesty's Answer to both Houses, &c.
This day Sir Peter Killegrew returned with His Majesty's Answer, to the Votes of both Houses concerning the Treaty; and it was as followeth;
His Majesty's Acceptance of the Treaty.
My Lord, and Mr. Speaker,
I have received your Letter of the 25th of this Month, with the Votes that you sent me; which though they are not so full as 1 could have wished, for the perfecting of a Treaty; yet because I conceive by what you have done, that I am in some measure sit to begin one, such is my uncessant and earnest desire to give a Peace to these my now distracted Dominions, as I accept the Treaty. And therefore desire, that such five Lords, and ten Commons, as my two Houses shall appoint, be speedily sent fully Authorised and Instructed to Treat with me; not doubting but what is now, wanting will at our meeting upon Debate be fully supplied, not only to the furtherance of this Treaty, but also to the Consummation of a safe and well-grounded Peace. So 1 rest,
Your good Friend.
Charles R.
Carisbrook, Monday Aug. 28. 1648.
His Majesty desires a Pass for one of the Grooms of his Chamber.
Here inclosed I have sent you a Lift that you desire; I desire, in order of one of your Votes, that you would send me a free Pass for Parsons, one of the Grooms of my Presence-Chamber, to go into Scotland; and that you would immediately send him to me, to receive dispatch thither.
To the Speaker of the Lords House 'pro tempore, to be communicated to the Lords and Commons, in the Parliament of England at Westminster.
The List.
The Names of those Servants His Majesty would have attend him.
Gentlemen of my Bed-chamber, Duke of Richmond, Marquis of Hertford, Earl of Lindsey, Earl of Southampton. Grooms of my Bed-chamber, George Kirk, James Levenstone, Henry Murrey, John Ashburnham, William Leg: Barber, Thomas Davis: Pages of my Back stairs, Hugh Henne, Humphry Rogers, William Levet: Yeoman of my Robes, Rivers: Querries, with four or six Footmen, as they shall find fittest to wait: Sir Edward Sidenham, Mr. Robert Tirwhit, Mr. John Honsdon: Mrs. Wheeler, Laundress, with such Maids as she shall chuse: A Groom of my Presence, Parsons: To wait as they did, or as I shall appoint them, Sir Foulk Greenvil, Capt. Titus, Capt. Boroughs, Mr. Cresset, Mr. Ansley, Ab. Dowcet, Fierbrace. Chaplains, Bishop of London, Bishop of Salisbury, Dr. Shelden, Dr. Hammond, Dr. Oldsworth, Dr. Sanderson, Dr. Turner, Dr.Haywood. Lawyers, Sir Thomas Gardner, Sir Orlando Bridgman, Sir Robert Holbourn, Mr. Jeff. Palmer, Mr. Tho. Cook, Mr. John Vaughan. Clerks and Writers, Sir Edward Walker, Mr. Phil. Warwick. Nich. Oudart, Charles Whitacre. To make ready the House for Treating, Peter Newton, Clem. Kenersle.
The Debate of this Letter to be next Thursday.
The Debate of this Letter Ordered to be on Thursday next.
A Committee appointed to consider of the disposal of Scotch Prisoners, &c.
According to former Order, the House considered of disposing of the Scotch Prisoners taken in the North; how the Kingdom may be eased of them, and be in no more danger by them, which took up much time, and came to this Resolution: "That a Committee should be appointed to consider, how every County may maintain a proportionable number of them, till they be otherwise disposed of, that all the Burden may not lie upon some particular Counties: And that this Committee have likewise Power to receive Propositions of Merchants and others that shall undertake for the Transportation of them for foreign Service; they giving Security to transport them thither, and that they shall not return.
Ld. Grey order'd to keep in Custody D. Hamilton, &c.
The House then considered of disposing of Duke Hamilton, and the rest of the Officers taken Prisoners with him. The House Ordered, "That the Lord Grey should be required to dispose of the said Duke into safe Custody, till the House of Commons took farther Order: His Lordship was likewise Authorized and required, to keep in strong Custody all the Officers taken Prisoners with the said Duke, in such Castles and other Places, as his Lordship shall think fit.
They Ordered, "That the Business of the Excise should be considered on Thursday.
A farther Confirmation of the Surrender of Colchester.; Sir Charles Lucas &c. to be that to death.
"This day we had farther from Colchester, That the Town was surrendred yesterday according to the Articles, all Prisoners at Mercy: 'The Town preserved from Plunder, paying 14000l. That Afternoon a Council of War was called, at which it was resolved, That Sir Charles Lucas, Sir George Lisle, and Sir Bernard Gascoygne, a Papist, should be shot to Death; the Two first were, the Third respited; Sir Charles Lucas urged it much, that the way taken with him was without Precedent; but this was sufficiently answered, and a Soldier told him, how he had put some of ours to death in cold Blood with his own Hand. At first he seemed much dismayed, but took somewhat better Courage before he died. Sir George Lisle, and Sir Bernard Gascoygne (after much Expostulation and Discourse, first with the General's Chaplain, who did not like the Offer of auricular Confession) conferred with the Lord Goring's Chaplain.
Sir Bernard Gascoygne had then unexpectedly a Reprieve sent him from the Lord General; by Virtue whereof he was set at Liberty, and continues to this day at the Court at Whitehall.
Wednesday, Aug. 30. 1648.
Monthly Fast, Mr. Bolton and Mr. Strong Preach, &c. and Thanks ordered them.
This being the Montly Fast-day, there preached before the House Mr. Bolton, and Mr. Strong, and Mr. Bond prayed; The House ordered them Thanks, and appointed Mr. Arthur and Mr. Raynor to preach the next Fast-day.
Discipline of the English in New-England
The House passed an Ordinance for Discipline of the English in New-England.
Thursday, Aug. 31. 1648.
Leave for all Persons to attend his Majesty, except Mr. John Ashburnham and William Legg.
The House this day, according to former Order, took into Debate His Majesty's Message to both Houses of Parliament, concerning Persons to attend him during the time of Treaty. And after some Debate thereof, the House Voted; "That these Persons following should 'have leave to attend His Majesty, during the time of the Treaty, viz. Duke of Richmond, Marquis of Hertford, Earl of Southampton, Earl of Lindsey, George Kirke, James Leviston, Henry Murrey, Thomas Davis, Hugh Henne, Humphrey Rogers, William Levett, John Rivers, Sir Edward Sidenham, Robert Terwhit, John Housdon, Mrs. Wheeler, with such Maids as she shall make choice of Sir Foulk Greenvil, Captain Titus, Capt. Burrows, Mr. Cresset, Mr. Ansley, Mr. Firebrace, (Abraham Dowcet being under Restraint, was put to the Question, and disapproved of,) Doct. Juxon, Doct. Dupper, Doct. Sanderson, Doct. Turner, and Dr. Honywood; Sir Thomas Gardner, Sir Orlando Bridgman, Mr. Jeff. Palmer, Mr. Tho. Cook, Mr. John Vaughan, Edw. Walker, Esq; Mr. Philip Warwick, Mr. Nicholas Owdart, Mr. Charles Whitacre, Mr. Philip Newton, Mr. Clement, and Mr. Kinnersley, Mr. John Ashburnham, Mr. William Legge, (who are in Custody and excepted against) were put to the Question, but disapproved of.
Committee of Peace to consider of Instructions for the Commissioners, &c.
The House Ordered, "That it should be referred to the Committee of Peace, to consider of Instructions, to be given to the Commissioners of Parliament that are to attend His Majesty, that they be dispatch'd with all convenient speed.
And because the Charge will be great, the House Ordered, "That it should be referred to the same Committee, to consider what Moneys will be necessary for defraying thereof, and how those Moneys may be raised.
A Letter from the Ld. General to the Houses, with a Lift, &c.; Order'd that his Excellency execute Col. Farr on Sir Charles Lucas was.
A Letter was this day brought to both Houses from His Excellency, with a Lift of the Prisoners of Colchester, by Mr. Gilbert Mabbot, Agent for His Excellency; and the House spent some time in Debate, concerning Col. Farr, Lieut. Colonel to the Earl of Warwick, who engaged 1000 of the Essex Trained bands to join with the Enemy: The House Ordered hereupon, "That it should be left to His Excellency the Lord General, to execute the said Col. Farr in such manner as Sir Charles Lucas and Sir George Lisle.
The Committee bring in an Ordinance for suppressing all scandalous Pamphlets.
A Proposition was made to the House, by the said Mr. Mabbot, for suppressing of all scandalous Pamphlets, which tend so much to the Dishonour of this Nation; provided he may be enabled with Power to perform the same. The House did well resent the said Overture, and appointed a Committee to confer with, and give Encouragement to him therein; and likewise to advise with the Master and Wardens of the Company of Stationers, for the carrying on this Work; and that the Committee do upon the whole bring in an Ordinance for that Purpose.
An Express from his Excellency.
The Express this day from His Excellency the Lord Fairfax to both Houses, of the Surrender of Colchester, was as followeth;
For the Right Honourable Edward Earl of Manchester, Speaker of the House of Peers: pro tempore.
The General's Letter as follows.
My Lord,
I have herewith sent you the Articles, with the Explanations annexed, upon which it hath pleased God in his best time to deliver the Town of Colchester, and the Enemy therein, into our bands, without farther Bloodshed; saving that, for some satisfaction to military Justice, and in part of Avenge for the innocent Blood they have caused to be spilt, and the Trouble, Damage, and Mischief, they have brought upon the Town, this Country, and the Kingdom; I have, with the Advice of a Council of War of the chief Officers, both of the Country Forces and the Army, caused two of them who were rendred at Mercy, to be shot to death before any of them had Quarter assured them. The Persons pitched upon for this Example were, Sir Charles Lucas and Sir George Lisle; in whose military Execution, I hope your Lordships will not find Cause to think your Honour or Justice prejudiced. As for the Lord Goring, Lord Capel, and the rest of the Persons rendred to Mercy, and now assured of Quarter, of whose Names I have sent your Lordship a particular Lift; I do hereby render unto the Parliament's Judgment, for farther publick Justice and Mercy to be used, as you shall see Cause. I desire God may have the Glory of his multiplied Mercies towards you and the Kingdom in this kind: And in the Condition of Instruments as to the Service here, the Officers and Soldiers of Essex and Suffolk, who in this time of so dangerous defection have adhered constant to yours and the Kingdoms Interest, for their faithful Demeanour, and patient Indurance, in the hardship of this Service, are not to be forgotten.
Your Lordship's most humble Servant,
Tho. Fairfax.
Hieth, Aug. 29. 1648.
Articles agreed the 27. of Aug. 1648.
Articles agreed upon the 27th of August 1648. by and between the Commissioners of His Excellency the Lord General Fairfax, on the one Part, and the Commissioners of the Earl of Norwich, Lord Capel, Sir Charles Lucas on the other Part; for and concerning the Rendition of the Town and Garison of Colchester, which follows:
'That all the Horses belonging to the Officers, Soldiers, and Gentlemen engaged in Colchester, with Saddles and Bridles to them, shall be brought into St. Mary's Church-yard, by nine of the Clock to morrow Morning; and the spare Saddles and Bridles into that Church; and delivered, without wilful Spoil, to such as the Lord General shall appoint to take Charge of them.
2. That all the Arms, Colours, and Drums, belonging to any of the Persons in Colchester abovemention'd, shall be brought into St. James's Church, by ten of the Clock to morrow Morning, and delivered, without wilful Spoil or Imbezelment, to such as the Lord General shall appoint to take Charge of them.
3. That all private Soldiers and Officers under Captains, shall be drawn together into the Fryars-Yard, adjoining to the East-Gate, by ten of the Clock to morrow Morning, with their Cloaths and Baggage; their Persons to be rendred into the Custody of such, as the Lord General shall appoint to take Charge of them; and that they shall have fair Quarter, according to the Explanation made, in the Answer to the first Quere of the Commissioners from Colchester; which is hereunto annexed.
4. That the Lords, and all Captains, and superiour Officers, and Gentlemen of Quality, engaged in Colchester, shall be drawn together to the Kingshead, with their Cloaths and Baggage, by eleven of the Clock to morrow Morning, and there to render themselves to the Mercy of My Lord General, or into the hands of such, as he shall appoint to take Charge of them; and that a Lift of the Names of all the General Officers, and Field Officers, now in Command in the Town, be sent out to the Lord General, by nine of the Clock in the Morning
5. That all the Guards within the Town of Colchester shall be withdrawn from the Line, Forts, and other Places, by Eight of the Clock to morrow Morning: And such as the Lord General shall appoint, shall thereupon come into their Rooms.
6. That all the Ammunition shall be preserved in the places where it lies, to be delivered to the Comptroler of His Excellency's Train, by ten of the Clock to morrow Morning; and all the Waggons belonging to the Soldiery, or Persons engaged, with the Harnesses belonging thereunto, shall be brought to some convenient place near the Ammunition, to be delivered to the same Person, by the same Hour.
7. That such as are wounded and sick in the Town, shall be there kept and provided for, with Accommodation requisite for Men in their Condition; and not removed thence, until they be recovered, or able without prejudice to their Healths to remove; and shall have such Chirurgeons allowed to look to them, as are now in the Town.
8. That all Ordnance in the Town, with their Appurtenances, shall without wilful Spoil be left at the several Platforms, or Places, where they are now planted, and so delivered to His Excellency's Guard that shall take the Charge of those Places respectively.
9. That from henceforth, there shall be a Cessation of Arms on both parts; but the Forces within the Town to keep their own Guards, and the Lord General's to keep theirs, until they shall be removed, according to the Articles aforegoing.
Signed by us the Commissioners on the behalf of His Excellency the Lord Fairfax,
Tho. Honywood, Hen. Ireton, Tho. Rainsborough Edw. Whaley, Will Bloys, Bram. Gurdon, John Sparrow, Isaac Ewer, Tho, Cooke, G. Barnardiston.
Signed by us the Commissioners on the behalf of the Earl of Norwich, the Lord Capel, and Sir Charles Lucas.
Will. Compton, Ab. Shipman, Edw. Hammond, S. Tuke, Will. Ayloffe.
Hieth, Aug. 17. 1648.
Queries propounded by the Commissioners from Colchester, to the Commissioners of His Excellency the Lord Fairfax, upon the Conditions sent into the Town.
Queries propounded by the Commissioners of Colchester, &c.
To the First, "By fair Quarter we understand, That with Quarter for their Lives they shall be free from wounding or beating, shall enjoy warm Cloaths to cover them and keep them warm; shall be main tained with Victuals fit for Prisoners, while they shall be kept Prisoners.
To the second, "By rendring to Mercy we understand; That they be rendred, or render themselves to the Lord General, or whom he shall appoint, without certain Assurance of Quarter; so as the Lord General may be free to put some immediately to the Sword, if he see Cause; although His Excellency intends chiefly, and for the generality of those under that Condition, to surrender them to the Mercy of the Parliament in general. There hath been large Experience, neither hath His Excellency given Cause to doubt of his Civility to such as he shall retain Prisoners; although by their being rendred to Mercy, he stands not engaged thereby.
Upon return of these Answers, the Commissioners from Colchester propounded these two farther Queries.
- I. Whether those that were surrendred to Mercy, should enjoy their wearing Cloaths, as well those on their Backs, as what other Change they have?
- II. Whether the Noblemen and Officers shall have use of their own Horses, to the Places where they shall be confined?
To which it was answered by His Excellency's Commissioners.
"To the first, it is intended, That those who shall be rendred and received to Mercy, shall enjoy the wearing Cloaths on their Backs; but for more, the General will not be engaged.
"To the second, it is expected, in Case of Surrender upon Treaty, 'That all Horses as well as Arms be delivered up; and for Circumstance thereof, there is to be an Article; yet for the Gentlemen and Officers under this Condition in Question, when any shall be removed to the place of Confinement, His Excellency will take Care for Horses to carry them with respect to their Qualities; but for allowing their own Horses, he will not be engaged.
A List of the Prisoners taken at the Surrender of Colchester, Aug. 28. 1648.
The Earl of Norwich, The Lord Capel, The Lord Loughborough, Sir Charles Lucas, Sir William Compton Colonel, Sir George Lisle, Sir Bernard Gascoyne, Sir Ab. Shipman, Sir John Watts, Sir Lodowick Dyer, Sir Henry Appleton, Sir Dennard, Strutt, Sir Hugh Oriley, Sir Richard Mauliverer, made an Escape but taken again; Quarter-Master-General Garter, Col. Gilburne, Col. Farr, escaped and taken; Col. Hammond, Col. Chester, Col. Till, Col. Heath, Col. Tuke, Col. Ayloffe, Col. Sawor, 8 Lieut. Colonels, 9 Majors, 30 Captains, The Marshal-General, Commissary-General, Francis Lovelace Master of the Ordinance Wagon; Master-General Gravisden, Servants attending upon the Lords; Gentlemen 65, Lieutenants 72, Ensigns and Cornets 69, Serjeants 183, private Soldiers 3067.
Major Rolfe acquitted at Southampton Assizes.
By Letters from Southampton is certified, "That at the Assizes there Mr. Osborne and the rest prosecuted Major Rolfe; but their Evidence were so disagreeing, and the Charge so irregular to the Rules of Law, that the Grand Jury found it Ignoramus, and so have acquitted Major Rolfe.
A Petition for removing Jealousies, and uniting Parliaments.
A Petition was presented from the Common-Council of London, for a settled Unity, signed by many thousand Citizens, setting forth the Maladies and Remedies for removing of Jealousies, and uniting the Parliament, the City, and the Army; which was well approved of, Thanks given, and is to be taken into speedy Consideration; concerning which they passed some Instructions.
Sir Baldwin Wake's Design discovered in taking Guernsey, &c.; Earl of Warwick in the Downs. The Prince opposed at Yarmouth. Some Engagement expected.
Sir Baldwin Wake, Governour of Castle Cornet in Guernsey for the King, hearing Prince Charles was in the Downs, thought it a fair opportunity to be Master of the Island, and transported himself in Sir Peter Osborne's Shallop; the Prince sent back the Ship, but not Wake, with the Victuals and Passes, which being under Sail ready to enter the Castle, was discovered by Capt. Bonamy of the Eagle, one of the Parliaments Shallops, and he took it, with the Captain and all the Seamen Prisoners. The Earl of Warwick is in the Downs. The Prince again attempted to land at Yarmouth, but was opposed; and he and his Navy being much straighten'd for Provisions, it's conceived he will again for Holland, if the Earl of Warwick interpose not.
The Prince passed by Mersey by Colchester on Tuesday last: Some Engagement at Sea expected.