Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48. Originally published by D Browne, London, 1721.
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John Rushworth, 'Proceedings in Parliament: June 1st - July 1st 1648', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48(London, 1721), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol7/pp1134-1172 [accessed 14 March 2025].
John Rushworth, 'Proceedings in Parliament: June 1st - July 1st 1648', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48(London, 1721), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol7/pp1134-1172.
John Rushworth. "Proceedings in Parliament: June 1st - July 1st 1648". Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48. (London, 1721), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol7/pp1134-1172.
In this section
Chap. XXVII.
Proceedings in Parliament, from June 1. to July 1. 1648.
Thursday, June 1. 1648.
Petition of many Officers and Soldiers referred to a Committee to audit their Accounts.
A Petition was this Day presented to the House, in the Name of the many Officers and Soldiers that ventured their Lives in the Service of the Parliament. A Report of the Matter of Fact of many Officers and Soldiers Petition, formerly referred to Sir Thomas Daires, was this Day likewise reported to the House. This Business took up much time; at last it came to this Resolution, That an Ordinance should be drawn, to give Power to a Committee of the House of Commons to Audit the Accompts of the Officers and Soldiers of the Kingdom: Which being ready, was Read the First and Second Time, and Ordered to be Read the Last Time on this Day Sevenight.
Petition from the Lord Mayor and Common Council.
This Day a Petition was presented to both Houses, from the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common-Council of London; and it was, To acquaint the Parliament with a Petition presented to them on the Tuesday before from divers well-affected Citizens of London, which they desired to tender to the Houses, and leave to their Consideration. The Sum of the Petition was, 'To return Thanks to the Common-Council, for their best Endeavours for a Personal Treaty to be had with His Majesty.
Secondly, 'That the Militia of London, Middlesex, Essex, Hertford, Buckingham, Kent, Surrey, and Sussex, might be Associated.
Thirdly, 'That Capt. William Batten might be restored to the Place of Vice-Admiral at Sea, as formerly.
Fourthly, 'That the Distempers now risen in Kent, might be appeased by some Expedient, without shedding of Blood.
Fifthly, That the Aldermen of the City under Restraint, might be Acquitted and Discharged.
Thanks to the Petitioners.
This Petition was Read in both Houses, and the Speaker of the House of Commons, by Command of the House, acquainted the Citizens, 'That the House doth perceive the Wisdom and Moderation of the Common-Council in this Business, and thereby their good Affections to the Parliament, for which he was Commanded to return them Thanks, and by them to the Common-Council. As to the Petition from the Citizens, they are resolved to send Members of their own to the Common-Council this Afternoon upon that Business, and desired them, That a Common-Council might be called to meet this Afternoon to this purpose, The like Answer was given by the Lords.
Narrative of the Sense of the House upon this Petition, and others of the like Nature, to be drawn up.
The House also Ordered, 'That the Committee be appointed to draw a Narration to the Common-Council of the City of London, to acquaint them with what Debate the House had upon their Petitions, and what the Sense of the House was, and hath been of late upon Petitions of this Nature.
They farther Ordered, 'That the Lord Mayor be desired to call a Common-Council this Afternoon, and that this Committee do go to them accordingly.
Commitment of the Aldermen to be considered of.
They Ordered, 'That the Business concerning the Commitment of the Aldermen in the Tower be considered of on Saturday next.
The Lords this Day sent word, 'That they Agreed to the Addition of the Committee at Derby-House.
Farther Account of the Kent Proceedings at large.
Out of Kent came farther this Day to this purpose: 'On Wednesday in May last, His Excellency with four Regiments of Horse and three of Foot, with some loose Companies of Colonel Ingoldsby's Regiment, marched from Eltham (where they lay in the Fields thereabouts the Night before) to Craford Heath, where the said Forces were drawn up to a Rendezvous, and after that marched thro' Dartmouth, and then drew up on an Heath two Miles from the Town, where His Excellency had Intelligence, That a Party of Kentish had fortified and barracadoed a Bridge which led to Gravesend: A Commanded Party was sent forth under the Conduct of Major Husbands, about 300 Horse, who mounted about 1oo Foot behind them: When they drew towards the Bridge, the Enemy fired thick upon them; our Men notwithstanding fell on, and the Horse swam thro' the Water, and so got over by this time the Enemy perceiving in what Danger they were, fled: Major Child who Commanded them, and was very active, hardly escaped, having his Horse shot, whereupon he forsook it; his Son was shot in the Back, and taken. There were about 20 slain in the Place, divers wounded, and 30 taken Prisoners; many escaped, by hiding themselves in the Corn-Fields and Houses. The Enemy's Party consisted of the Country-men thereabouts, the Seamen, and some London Apprentices: One Mr. Phips was very active, in setting on the Countrymen.
After this, Major Husbands advanced with a Party two or three Miles beyond Gravesend, and had afterwards Orders to march to Maulin, towards which the Army marches this Morning from Mapham, a very small Village, (where the Lord General quartered last Night, and his Forces about it in the Fields) and will make an Halt near Maulin, where Orders will be given out. His Excellency has sent forth a Proclamation, for the Prevention of Disorders in Soldiers, or the taking of Plunder in their March, Horses or Goods, and to restore what have been so taken. There are very few Men to be seen in the Towns through which we march, but only the Women making sad Moan, fearing the ill Success their Husbands are like to have. The Enemy are very Numerous, given out to be Ten Thousand at least, amongst which a great part Cavaliers. Their principal Ringleaders are, Sir Gamaliel Dudley, Sir George Lisle, Sir Will. Compton, Sir Robert Tracy, Colonel Leigh, Sir John Many, Sir Tho. Peyton, Sir Tho. Palmer, Esquire Hales, reported to be General, Sir James Hales, Sir William Many, Sir John Dorrell, Sir Thomas Godfrey, Sir Richard Hardresse Colonel Washington, Colonel Hammond, Colonel L'Estrange, Colonel Culpepper, Colonel Hacker, Mr. James Dorrell, Mr. George Newman, once a Colonel for the Parliament, and Mr. Whelton, Treasurer for the Parliament.
Sir Rich. Hardresse forced by Major Gibbon to retreat to Canterbury.
Major Gibbon, in the Relief of Dover Castle, hath forced Sir Richard Hardresse to retreat to Canterbury, who laid Siege to that Place; and this Day we hope to be over the River at Maidstone, or Aylesford, and to force the Enemy to flight or swim, for we have left a strong Party of Horse, Foot, and Dragoons, to make good the Pass at Rochester, whilst we fall on the other side the River, and make good Maidstone and Aylesford. Major Gibbons lies towards Dover, so they have nothing but the Sea to fly to.
Mapham, June 1. 1648.
Friday, June 2. 1648.
Narrative of the Sense of the House upon the City Petitions reported.
The Committee yesterday appointed to give a Narrative of the Sense and Resolutions of the House upon the City Petitions, made a Report this Day to the House of what they had done in order to that Business, and of the Answer of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council thereunto, which was to this purpose: 'That the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of the City of London, did return their humble Thanks to the Parliament for the sending a Committee to them, to acquaint them with the Overtures of Favour they have made to the Petitioners of the County of Kent, do acknowledge their great Patience, and their low Condescention towards them.
And ordered to be Printed.
Secondly, That they were so fully satisfied in what had been delivered to them from the said Committee, in relation to the Clemency of the Parliament, the House Ordered, That this Narritive of the Common Council, and Committees Answer thereunto, should be both Printed, that the Kingdom might take notice of the good Understanding there is between the Parliament and City, and how far both are sensible of the Designs of the Publick and Common Enemy, and their Endeavour to bring a second War upon this Kingdom, to the Ruine of us and our Posterity.
The 3 Bills to be presented to His Majesty, should be sent to the Parliament of Scotland.
The House Ordered, 'That the three Bills to be presented to His Majesty should be sent to our Commissioners in Scotland, and to be by them communicated to the Parliament of Scotland, that so both Kingdoms may go on in a Brotherly Union, and by that means join against the Common Enemy in Prosecution of our Solemn League and Covenant, and according to the Laudable Custom of the Kirk of Scotland.
False Reports from Kent.
Strange were the Reports spread abroad by Malignants this Day about the Business of Kent; but towards Night came Letters to the Speaker, and other Members of Parliament, which informed the Truth of all, much contrary to what some would have had, as by the Letter following (not before Published) from a Person of Credit, you may have at large.
A Letter and Kent of in Account of Affairs there.
Honoured Sir,
I Could not, in Prosecution of my former Promise to you, omit any Opportunity of satisfying you of the Transactions or Engagements of this Army, especially at this time, when so desperate a Dispute has been between us and a Potent Enemy in this County of Kent; where the Lord has appeared as much for us as at any Time or Place since the beginning of this War in this Kingdom. I shall not keep you longer from the thing so much expected, but in short give you a perfect and brief Relation of the whole Business: On Thursday the first of June, our Army marched towards Rochester, where by the way we sound a Passage over a Bridge near Norsleet, maintained by about 600 Foot, whereof Major Child had Command; His Excellency commanded out a Party of 200 Horse, and 100 Foot mounted behind them, Major Husbands having the Command of them; and after some Dispute we gained the Pass, and the Enemy fled, about 20 being killed, and 50 taken Prisoners; after this we marched in a full Body, expecting that the Enemy would have looked back, or fought with us before they advanced to Rochester, having a Body of 6000 Foot and 1000 Horse (an equal number with ours) to engage with us; but we found that the Lord had struck them with the Spirit of Fear, for they fled before us. Hereupon His Excellency, and Council of War, resolved not to lose any time in Dispatch of this great Business in relation to the whole Kingdom; and in Prosecution thereof advanced with his whole Army towards Maidstone, which could not be expected, having taken such long Marches before, and both Horse and Foot lay in Fields much necessitated; and after we had passed over the River, 3 Miles from Rochester up the River, the head Quarter was intended this Night at Maidstone: His Excellency had then Intimation, that 2000 of the Enemies were quartered at a pass; a commanded Party was drawn out to force their Entrance into this Town; at which the Enemy prepared a Defence, and in order thereunto had 1000 Horse and Foot brought in for their Assistance. About seven of the Clock this Evening, Orders were given out for the storming of Maidstone, and after some Exhortation was given to the Soldiers to prepare them for this great and desperate Service, they began to shout and with much Violence to Storm; but contrary to Expectation we found as resolute an Opposition from the Horse; Yet after a small Dispute we forced Entrance into this Town, and then we thought the Difficulty of this Service was over. But by this time the Enemy had drawn in 800 more to their Assistance, under the Command of Sr. William Brockman, which made them up compleat 2000, and had so lined the Streets in the several Houses, and had placed so much Case-shot in every Street, that the Business became very disputable till almost 12 at Night; the like Service, though I have been a Member of this Army ever since the first going out, and have seen desperate Services in several Stormings, I have not seen before; for every Street in the Town was got by Inches: But the Lord, who bath fought all our Battles for us, and hath appeared for this Army in all Streights and Difficulties, compleated this Victory for us, and made us Masters and Conquerors over our Enemies. We find the Number of the slain to be 200 and upwards, and according to the Computation of our Officers, we have not lost above 40 at the utmost, amongst which no Officer of Quality, but the truely Valiant and Religious Captain Price; the Number of Prisoners taken amounts to 1400 and upwards, with 400 Horse, and 2000 Arms compleat. In this selected Brigade we find few or none to be Countrymen, but many of them of the King's Party, and Men of Quality, some Seamen, and the rest Apprentices and Watermen that came from London, and thereabouts. The Enemy drew out of Rochester in a main Body within two Miles and a half of this Place; To answer which, His Excellency drew forth three Regiments of Horse and one of Foot, the better to secure those that stormed, but they stayed at that Distance till the whole Business was disputed; His Excellency, tho' much disabled by Indisposition of Health, and a Goutish Humour fallen into his right Foot, could not be prevailed with to remain with the Body in the Field, but mounted and exposed himself to great Danger, being one of the first in this Action. I might speak much of the Commendations of our Officers and Soldiers in this Service, and the rather, because our Enemies were truly Valiant; but being a Member of this Army, I shall omit it, and desire that your self, and all those that love the Lord of Hosts truly, would join with us in giving Praises to him; Which is the Desire of.
Your very loving Friend.
Maidstone, June 2. 648.
Saturday, June 3. 1648.
A Letter from the General, giving an Account of the Defence of the Kentish Men.
The House this day had a Letter from His Excellency, concerning the defeating of the Kentish Men at Maidstone; and that the Enemy had since quitted Rochester, and the General possessed thereof; and the very Women of the Town being so much enraged against the Cavaliers that they should engage their Husbands to Ruine, that they would well near have beaten them out, if they had stayed longer. The Defeat at Maidstone quite broke the neck of their Design, the Countrymen after that leaving them apace and returning home. Upon their quitting of Rochester, some Thousands of them Horse and Foot, with Goring in the Head, took their March towards London, thinking a great part of the City and County of Essex would join with them, but none came: The General appointed 500 Horse to pursue after them, and how bravely they behaved themselves in dispersing that Rout, you shall hear before we end.
The Ministers of the City ordered to return Thanks to God for this Success.
The House hereupon Ordered, "That to morrow, being Sunday, Thanks should be given to Almighty God for this great and seasonable Victory over the Enemy, by the Forces under the Command of His Excellency the Lord Fairfax at Maidstone in Kent, in all the Parish Churches in London and Westminster; and that the Lord Mayor do give notice to all the said Churches accordingly.
Messengers rewarded for bringing good News.
The three Messengers of His Excellency to the Committee at Derby House, had good Gratuities bestowed upon them, for bringing this good News.
Two Letters from those of Kent, to the Lord Mayor, &c. desiring assistance.
Two Letters this day came from the chief Ringleaders and the Yeomen of Kent; directed to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of the City of London desiring Assistance and Association with them. The City would do nothing upon it, but acquainted the Parliament with the Letters.
The Letters communicated to the House. And the Lord Mayor had Thanks returned.
The House hereupon Ordered, "That the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council Men, should have the Thanks of the House for communicating these Letters to them, and for that they had done nothing in Answer or Satisfaction thereunto.
The House then considered of the Business of the Eleven Members, and the Aldermen of the City in the Tower; and Ordered,
The Eleven Members discharged.
That the Votes, whereby Denzil Hollis, Sir John Maynard, Knight, Sir William Waller Knight, Sir William Lewis Knight, Colonel Edward Massey, Sir John Clotworthy Knight, Anthony Nicolls Esq; and Walter Long Esq; stand accused by this House, be fully discharged.
The Aldermen likewise.
That the Votes whereby Alderman Gayer, Langham, and Bunce, stand accused by this House, be fully discharged.
And also the Lords.
That the Votes whereby the Lord Willoughby of Parham, Earls of Lincoln, Suffolk, Middlesex, Berkly, Hunsdon and Maynard stand accused by this House, be fully discharged.
Letter of Thanks to be sent to the General, and those under hit Command.
That a Letter of Thanks be sent to His Excellency, and the Officers and Soldiers under his Command, for their great Service and Valour at Maidstone.
Goring come to Black-heath; In great hastesled to Greenwich, and with 4 or 500 serried over into Essex.
Sunday came farther Intelligence, 'That Goring and the Rebel Rout, were come on Saturday night to Black-heath; but found the Bait they sent to the City would not take, and which was worse, the Countrymen with them much divided, and had no mind to engage farther or that Goring would be their General. In this nick of time, a small Party of the General's Horse came within sight of the Enemy, and being struck with Fear and Terror, cried out presently, before a Stroke struck, shift for your selves; and all dispersed and sled, some one way, some another. The General's Horse came on, and took great store of Prisoners and good Pillage. Goring, with about 4 or 500 of the chief, fled to Greenwich; and in Post haste, in Lighters and Boats, ferried over the Water for Essex (as they cryed) whilst some in haste were forced to swim, and many of them drowned; some Seamen and Watermen feeing them in this haste, set upon them and took many Prisoners and good Pillage. In this manner the whole Rout were disperst; those fled to Essex are pursued by the General's Horse, and Kent you will hear with the other Counties in a Day or two wholly quieted.
Monday, June 5. 1648.
Letter from the General, of Proceedings in Kent.
This Day a Letter was read in both Houses, from His Excellency the Lord Fairfax of the whole Proceedings in Kent; which we omit, because the substance of it is already related.
Capt. Price's Arrears to be paid to his widow, and 200l. more.
The House of Commons upon reading His Excellency's Letter, with certain Papers inclosed, taken from the Enemy at Maidstone, and discovering all the Designs of the Enemy against the Parliament, City, and Kingdom; also His Excellency's Recommendation of the Cafe of Captain Price his Widow, he having lost his Life in the said Service; the House Ordered, That the Arrears of the said late Captain Price, should be paid to his Widow, and 200l. more unto her, for maintainance of her self and her Children.
Thanks to be returned to the General, and his Letter ordered to be printed.
The House also Ordered, To give His Excellency Thanks for his great Service, and further Ordered this Letter to be printed, and some Observations to be made upon it; that the People may see how much they are deceived and seduced by the malignant Party. An Ordinance for settling the Militia of Cornwal and Devon was this Day read and assented unto. A Message this Day came from the Lords, That their Lordships intended to discharge the seven Lords, Committed upon the Charge at the House of Commons, on Wednesday next; unless the House of Commons before that time, would prove their Charge against them.
The Lord Going, Voted a Rebel.
The House this Day Voted the Lord Goring a Rebel, for raising Forces in Kent and Essex, against the Parliament and Kingdom; and for deluding the poor Countrymen so to do: The House Ordered, 'That it should be referred to a Committee of the North, to continue such Garisons in the North as they should think sit; notwithstanding any former or particular Order for slighting of Garisons.
Goring and his Party near Bow; Some slight skirmishing betwixt the Scouts; An Act of Indemnity excepting Goring.
Goring, and the rest that fled with him out of Kent into Essex, we understood this Day, hath by false suggestion against the Parliament, prevailed with the discontented Party in Essex, to join with him; they lie about Stratford, Langton, and Bow; Colonel Whaley at Milesend. Some slight Skirmishing hath been betwixt the Scouts only; and, if it may be, to prevent farther Bloodshed, the Houses thought sit, in Favour of the deluded Multitude, to grant them an Act, of Indemnity (excepting Goring and that Party) if they shall forthwith lay down Arms and go Home; which passed both Houses this Day, and was sent unto them by some Members of Parliament for that County.
Affairs of Scotland much distracted; Great Meetings at Tividale to Petition the Parliament for satisfaction to their Propositions.
By Letters from Scotland this Day is certified, 'That the Affairs of that Kingdom are at present much distracted, and the great Army so much talked of, not like to be raised as intended: In Tividale was lately a great Convention of Lords, Knights, and Barons, with most of the Gentry of Tividale and Marfe, about raising Men; at which appeared, out of four Presbiteries, divers Ministers and Elders, on behalf of the respective Parishes; who presented their Petitions, that the Parliament would give satisfactory Answer to their Eight Propositions, and until that be done, to proceed no further in an Engagement. Great Disputes were, but at last it was carried, That they would Petition the Parliament according to the Ministers Desires; and it was Ordered, That the Petitions should be compared, whether they all tended to the same Thing; and when Two disaffected to the Church were named for that Work, there arose a new Debate; and upon the Question, they were forbidden, and two others appointed for known Integrity; which gave great Content to the godly People, and so enraged the other, that in a deep Discontent hanging down their Heads, they rode out of Town with a drooping Company; Reisoe hath Petitioned the Committee, tho' against the Lord Roxborow: Fife and Angus will not raise a Man, but by way of opposition, have put themselves in a Posture of Defence. Argile and other Shires do the like; and this backwardness ariseth, as for other Reasons, so chiefly because Duke Hamilton is General; it's believed the present Force continued to this time will not disband until they have their Arrears. The Ministers preach here violently against the War; Mr. Galapsey and others, as a great Breach of Covenant, with other Expressions; divers Ministers are chosen to go to Edinburg, to solicite their Petitions.
Berwick and Carlisle supplied with Arms from Scotland.
From Newcastle, June 1. came thus, 'The great Differences in Scotsland doth retard, yet not like to hinder any Armies coming for England, yet too much Encouragement is taken, that there comes not Force enough from Parliament to suppress the English together under Langdale; that the Design goes on, appears in that Berwick and Carlisle is supplied with Arms and other Things from Scotland: Lord Lauderdale sent lately 22 Horse-load into Berwick; it's conceived they are well Armed in Cumberland; a Party from thence last Friday, took Major Shafto with 16 of his Men: He was raising a Troop of Horse about Beywell; these were surprised by Colonel Carnaby and others of the Country that knew the way to them. The Major is carried Prisoner to Carlisle; this is a great discouragement to others that were Arming; Langdale had Musters about Hetursel and Grimdon, and News is come, that his main Body will Quarter at Heman this Night or to Morrow; they come whither they will, or go whither they will, nothing comes to us wherewith to oppose them.
The Scots in Ireland expected in Scotland; Langdale estimated about 8000.
The Scots in Ireland are daily expected; Money is sent to fetch them; the Parliament at Edinburgh sits again, great Matters are expected which way Things will stir is uncertain, Marquiss Hamilton 'tis expected will lay down his Commission, and the Lord Leven be chosen General again, but not to sight against England without better Ground; Colonel Lilburn, now with Major General Lambert, going towards the Quarters of Sir Marmaduke Langdale, faced a considerable Party of them, but they had no mind to engage. Lancashire stands firm for the Parliament; Graydan, Lord Roxborow's Creature, and our English General Errington, have brought two Troops of Scots Horse on this side Tweed. We are here in great Fears both from Scotland and Langdale, and expect they will come with Armies into this Country within this Week; the People generally are much troubled to fee no help from Parliament, and yet how could it well be otherwise, since the Distempers have been so great in the South. Lord Argyle is gone to a Castle which he is Captain of, not having a mind to trust himself at Parliament. The Parliament have summoned his Return, and is he comes not, it's like they will proceed against him. Langdale is still estimated about 8000, he wants Money, and begins to weary his Friends, which will put him upon a sudden Remove.
Tuesday, June 6. 1648.
Ordinance for sequestrating Papists Estates debated.
The House of Commons this Day had much Debate about an Ordinance, for sequestrating the Estates of Papists and Delinquents, in the Counties of North-Wales, and Monmouth, which was read twice and Committed.
Pontefract Castle surprized.
The House was informed, That the Cattle of Pontefract in Yorkshire was surprized by the Enemy in the North, by a Design of about 20 Men that came with Corn, with Frocks upon them, under pretence to relieve and victual the Castle; who having Arms under their Frocks, seized upon their main Guard having acted likewise with some of the Guard, and had a Party that lay in Ambuscado near hand; before the rest of the Forces could receive the Alarm, the Enemies Party entred. Upon this the House Ordered, 'That it should be referred to the Committee at Derby-House, to consider of the speedy sending some of the Forces, in Wales into the Northern Parts.
The Spanish Ambassador desired to forbear making Bonfires.
The House was informed by the Militia of the City of London, That the Spanish Ambassador Resident in London, by reason of some late Victories in Spain, had appointed Bonesires to be made, which would Occasion too much resort of Malignants and discontented Persons, who have endeavoured to make Tumults and Mutinies, to the great endangering of the Parliament and City. The House hereupon Ordered, That the Spanish Ambassador should be desired, to forbear the causing of any Bonesires to be made, upon any Victory or Pretence whatsoever, in these tumultuous and riotous Times, till the Peace of the Kingdom be better fettled. The House Ordered, That the Garison of Leverpoole should be taken into Pay, and provided for as the rest of the Garisons of the Kingdom; for which purpose it was referred to the Committee of the Army.
Three Propositions to His Majesty debated; The Lords resolve to proceed no farther Against the Impeached Lords; Ordinance for the sequestrating the Estates of Langhorne, Powel, and Poyer, read and Committed.
The House then, according to former Order, took into Consideration the three Propositions to be presented to His Majesty, in relation to the Treaty, which took up much time; and the three Propositions to be communicated to the Kingdom of Scotland for their Concurrence; and who were desired to draw up Propositions for themselves, in order to these three. The Lords concurred with the Commons, and resolved not to proceed any farther against the Seven Impeached Lords; Eleven Commons, and the Aldermen in the Tower; and Ordered them all to be discharged. An Ordinance was read the second time and Committed, for sequestration of the Estates of Langhorne, Powel, Poyer; and Proceeding against them, and all other Delinquents in Wales.
Intelligence from Rochester.
Letters from Rochester give to understand that the General is yet there; hath sent Colonel Rich with a Party to raise the Siege at Dover; yet continued notwithstanding the Defeat of the Army; make no doubt also to clear Deal and Sandwich, and so clear all before he stirs, having an Eye likewise to Essex, if they accept not the Indempnity and go Home.
The Reducement of Wales, more difficult than expected; Town and Castle of Tenby surrendred.
From the Leaguer before Pembroke, June I. was thus certified; The reducement of Wales, hath proved more difficult than expected; the Towns and Castles of Tenby and Pembroke being Places of worth, equal to any in England, well provided of all Things. Concerning Tenby and Pembroke, the first besieged by Twelve Hundred Foot of Colonel Overton's Regiment, Commanded in chief by Lieutenant Colonel Read; where is also Major Wade, and two Companies of Colonel Constable's Regiment, whose Deportment in this Enterprize deserves great Commendation, Reward, and real Thanks, as well as verbal; stormed the Suburbs of Tenby five Nights since, took Twenty Horse, killed some: Yesterday Morning the Town and Castle was surrendered upon Mercy of the Parliament, a Breach being made in the Wall; and Town adhering, seeing nothing but Ruine, brought the desperate Officers and Country Gentlemen to a Compliance; those Officers and Gentlemen Prisoners are, Colonel Rice Powel, Colonel Richard Dunvel, Captain Vaughan, Edward Hemeys, Henry Vaughan, Captain Arny, Captain Beale, Captain Addes, Mr. Culpepper, Lieutenant Smith, Henry Penry, Lewis Buans, Thomas Jesset, Richard Lison, Jo. Thomas, Jo. Stump, Jo. Brasier, George Loveday, Robert Starden, Thomas Reynolds, Simon Sway. The Town and Castle was able to have held out ten Weeks longer, having Food sufficient, 300 common Men, 35 Guns mounted, 12 Barrels of Powder, 2 Tuns of Match.
Pembroke besieged.
For Pembroke, besieged by Lieutenant General Cromwel, with Colonel Pride's Regiment of Foot, Colonel Dean's and Colonel Horton's Horse, part of Colonel Scroop's and Colonel Okey's Dragoons, hath in it, besides what Poyer hath in the Castle, Three Hundred Horse, and many Foot. To this Siege there was fetcht from the Lyon, a Ship of the Parliaments riding in Milford Haven, Two Drakes, Two Demy-Culverins, and Two whole Culverins, when but two of them being planted, were let off against the Castle; at the same time was stormed a Village just under the South-Gate of the Town, which keeps both Horse and Foot in the Town and Castle, that a Man dare not stand upon the Castle-Wall to shoot, with out a Blind; which Poyer perceiving, pulled in his red Flag. The Horse in the Town make desperate Sallies, but not without Command of their Guns, and beaten in, not without loss on both sides; their Rage is so much the greater, because desiring to come out, it would not be granted, but upon Mercy. And besides, they cannot get the least Pile of Grass, but are constrained to pull down the Thatch of Houses for their Horses: They give no Quarter to our Dragoons, nor our Dragoons to them our Batteries will be finished this Night; the Forces before Tenby come up to us, it will then be a round Siege, and we hope to give you a good Account of this Town, and to leave suddenly the Counties in good Devotion to Parliament; which will no doubt continue, if they be severe enough to the Ringleaders, to whom the People are pure Slaves. Major General Langhorne is in Pembroke.
Wednesday, June 7. 1648.
The Draught of a Letter from the Assembly of Divines, to be sent to Scotland presented to the Parliament for their Approbation.
The House was informed, That many of the Assembly were at the Door, they were called in, and presented to the House the Draught of the Letter to be sent from the Assembly here to the Assembly in Scotland, to strengthen the Amity and Union of both Kingdoms, and desired the Approbation of the House thereunto. The House had some Debate upon this Congratulatory Letter, and past a Vote for their Approbation.
The House was informed, That some of the County of Berks had Intentions to make Reading a Garison again. The House hereupon Ordered, 'That the said County should forbear as yet to make the said Town a Garison, or to Garison any other place in that County, till the Houses give Order therein.
County of Berks not to Garison Reading. Pass granted to Prince Philip.
A Message this day came from the Lords, desiring the Concurrence of the House of Commons to a Pass for Prince Philip his Return, and 12 Horses, beyond the Seas: The Pass was read and agreed unto accordingly.
Inhabitants of Westminster Petition to have Mr. Glyn to be re-admitted into the House.
The House was informed, That many of the Inhabitants of Westminster were at the Door; they were called in and presented a Petition to the House, wherein they desired, 'That Mr. Glyn, who was formerly chosen to serve in Parliament for them, might be re-admitted into the House. The House hereupon Ordered, 'That the former Vote for disabling Mr. Recorder Glyn to be a Member of the House of Commons should be henceforth revoked and made void.
Newport Pagnel to be secured by the Eastern Association; A Rising in Lincolnshire.
The House Ordered, That Newport Pagnel should be speedily secured, and that the Committee of the Eastern Association would speedily consider thereof. This day came News, That the Cavaliers and Malignants are up in Lincolnshire, and chiefly in Stamford; Colonel Doctor Hudson, once the King's Guide, and Captain Stiles, in chief amongst them.
Dover Castle relieved by Colonel Rich.
This day came Letters of the relieving of Dover Castle by Colonel Rich; Sir Richard Hardress had before the Castle about 2000 Men, besides some Horse from those that left Rochester designed to have joined with him; he had possessed himself of the Block Houses, and the Ordnance, and Powder, Match, and other Ammunition, wherewith he presently sell to Execution.
It is said that he made about 500 Shot against the Castle, aud they began to be very high and insolent.
Sir Miles Leivesey, &c. possessed of the Town.
Upon the approach of Colonel Rich, they fled and left the Siege, Colonel Rich, Sir Miles Leivesey, and other Forces, &c. possessed of the Town and Block-Houses, and all their Quarters; and hath taken all their Ordnance which were in the Block-Houses.
Sir Richard Hardress pursued.
Colonel Rich having secured Dover, hath Sir Richard Hardress and those sled with him in pursuit, and no doubt but all things will be well in those Parts.
Upon publishing the Indemnity, several Gentlemen of Essex submitted; Goring joined with Sir Charles Lucas prevail with the discontented Party, not to lay down their Arms.
From Essex this day we had also to understand, 'That the Parliaments Commissioners having published the Indemnity at Bow, to those that should lay down Arms, Sir William Hicks and divers others of the Gentlemen submitted, and the Lord Goring retreated back from thence. But Sir Charles Lucas, that eminent Cavalier, is come into them, and keeps up the Soldiers, making great promises to them; and by his Insinuations, hath prevailed with the discontented Party not to lay down Arms; they have seized on Sir William Hicks, and several other Gentlemen of the County; and plundered some, which hath much discontented many of the Inhabitants. It is said that another Party are rising to join with them about Colchester, and they give out, that many will come out of Norfolk and Suffolk to assist them; and the Officers tell, that the King is in the Ships upon the Coasts of Kent, and that they are possest of Dover Castle, and divers other Castles; and so by Lies and Tricks, they seduce the People exceedingly. The Commissioners are not without great danger returned back to the Parliament: Colonel Whaley is ready upon Instructions to march to reduce them if the Houses think sit the General having sent some Foot to join with him for that Service.
Col. Whaley Ordered to fall upon them and disperse them.
Upon the Report of this Business of Essex to the House, it was Ordered, "That the General be sent unto, to give Directions to Col. Whaley, and to appoint such other Forces to join with him as shall be necessary to fall on, and disperse them, and to take all advantages of War against them; the Members of Norfolk and Suffolk, by Order, likewise attended the Committee at Derby-House, and had Instructions passed for preserving the Peace of those Counties.
Letter from Jersey of the suffering of that Island.
According to my Engagement when I saw you last in London, to give you an Account of the proceedings of the Malignant Party in the Island of Jersey, where I am now, I have found this opportunity which I would not neglect; and therefore I shall proceed to tell you, that the well-affected Party here are extreamly miserable under Carteret the Governour; yea, the whole Commonality of the Island are so impoverished and exhausted with insupportable Taxes, and Fines, that if they had but small Forces, with some worthy Commander at the head of them, they would soon shake off the Enemies yoak; your Friends are almost out of hope ever to see you again; and except you can procure some Forces this Summer, they will be utterly lost, for there are so many false Reports here, as if all England should Declare for the King, and such an Odium upon the Parliament, that the well-affected Party is mighty dejected; the Enemy doth much insult upon them, not only by their Barbarous Usage, but also by Banishment and Imprisonment; and particulatly one John Legalais, a well-wisher to the Parliament, which they have, upon suspicion of giving intelligence to the Enemy, meaning you, imprisoned and fettered, and give out in their common Discourse, that they will hang him. There are in Montorgueil-Castle, besides him, many other Prisoners for their Affection to the Parliament, and especially one John Drew, a very gallant Gentleman, that hath suffered much hardship in Prison ever since the Troubles began here, which in no wise daunts him, and is resolved rather to die, than to adhere to them against the Parliament: It were a very Charitable work to get their Releasement, that so their Enemies may know that the Parliament have not forgotten their Friends, as they scandalously report; and also would stop the Enemies false and scandalous Speeches, which they endeavour to insinuate in the People, That the Rebels at Westminster, as they term the Parliament, do take no care of you, and by that means you are in a miserable Condition, and almost starved, and reduced to that extremity of begging your Bread; all which they look upon as a just Reward and Vengeance of God upon such Rebels and Traitors to their King, as (they say) you are; and notwithstanding all your endeavours in petitioning for Relies and Subsistence to your selves, as likewise to have Forces to reduce this Island, you have not prevailed in any thing; and they are still in hope that all your endeavours will take no effect, being so bold to boast, that it is by the means of their prevalent Friends: Which scandalous Reports do discourage many in the Island; and therefore to assure your Friends, and encourage the well-affected there, I shall desire you to inform them concerning the premises, that so their Spirits may be revived; and in the interim, my Prayers shall be to God, he may be pleased to deliver your Friends from the cruel yoak of Slavery of their Oppressors, and to send you, with the rest of your exiled Country-men, in a condition of subduing your Enemies, and delivering your poor oppressed Friends.
Thursday, June 8. 1648.
Letter from Col. Waite of the suppressing the Rising in Lincolnshire.
A Letter this day came from Colonel Waite, a Member of the House of Commons, and a Knight of the Shire for the County of Rutland; "That since his coming down to those parts, which hath been but a very short time, there happened an Insurrection of Malignants, and Disaffected and Discontented People in Rutlandshire, and Northamptonshire, and began much to increase; but that himself, with some well-affected, joined in a body, and sell upon them at Stamford, where by God's Blessing, he dissipated them, killed some, amongst whom Col. Doctor Hudson, and took many Prisoners; as for the Countrymen, he hath discharged them, as being deluded by the Malignant Party; but some of the Chief he keeps Prisoners, desiring the pleasure of the House herein.
Thanks to be returned to the said Colonel; and a Commission for Martial-Law to be sent to him for the Trial of the principal Actors; Committee appointed to dispose of the Prisoners in Kent and Essex.
The House hereupon Ordered, "That they approved of, and Thanks should be returned to the said Colonel for his good Service; That his Excellency the Lord-General be desired to grant a Commission of Martial-Law to the said Col. Waite, for the Trial of those Principal Actors in this Rebellion, that are now under his Restraint, to the end Justice may be executed. The House this day considered of those many Prisoners that are taken in the Counties of Kent and Essex, &c. Ordered, 'That the business should be referred to the Committee where Col. Moor hath the Chair, to take speedy Order for Transporting of them beyond the Seas; excepting such as have engaged formerly for the Parliament and are now Revolted; and those the House hath Ordered to be Tried by Martial-Law.
Watermen and Apprentices engaged in the Risings in Kent and Essex to be disfranchised.
The House farther Ordered, "That the Master and Wardens of Watermen should take speedy and effectual care to find out all such Watermen as have or shall engage in this Rebellion in Kent and Essex, or any other place of the Kingdom, and that they disfranchise them, so that they be disabled of any Freedom to Row upon the River of Thames. The House likewise Ordered, "That all the Apprentices and Freemen, that have or shall so Engage, shall be disfranchised likewise.
Ships at Portsmouth submit to the Earl of Warwick.
From the Navy came Letters, That the Ships at Portsmouth have submitted to the Earl of Warwick, and received him with Honour, and given assurance of their Resolutions to be firm to the Parliament.
By Letters from Portsmouth, dated Monday last, is thus written. "We came hither safely yesterday; we found here the Phœnix, Mary-Rose and Robert; the Lord-Admiral sent for the Nonsuch, and Lilly, from Cowes, forthwith to come into the Harbour; the Nonsuch came in this day, the Lilly was gone Westward to the Rear-Admiral, and so his Lordship's Letter overtook her not. This Afternoon my Lord went on board the Phœnix, Mary-Rose, and Nonsuch; and there was such a reciprocal expression of Love and Confidence betwixt his Lordship and the several Companies, that they did mutually engage each to other, in a firm Resolution, to live and die together in that Cause of Religion, Liberty, and the Interest of the Kingdom, which the Parliament owns and maintains. We expect the Rear-Admiral, the Lion, Bonadventure, and Antilope shortly, besides the Swiftsure: A second Rate Ship is setting forth here; the second Rate Ships that are setting forth from Chatham, the Exeter, and Fellowship, that are there also, will be a very considerable Fleet, to Subdue, and bring into Obedience, those mutinous and piratical Seamen, that have been so well paid by the Parliament from the beginning of these Troubles, having added to their Pay 4s. per Month, more than they had formerly, and yet falsifie their Trust; and hope that God who hath given such Glorious Manifestations of Power, when the strength of his People was small, will now also make bare his Arm, and make it appear that he Rules in the midst of his Enemies.
Friday, June 9. 1648.
Committe at Derby-House to take the Rising in Hertfordshire under the Lord Capel, into consideration.
The House was informed, That the Lord Capel was very active in the County of Hertford, where he lives, to draw the Ignorant, Discontented, and Disaffected People in that County into Rebellion, where he hath got a Head, and will Body very fast if not timely prevented. The House hereupon Ordered, "To Refer this business to the Committee of Derby-House, to give speedy Order for the suppressing the said Lord Capel, and what Party he hath got with him; to the end the Peace of the County may be preserved.
Petition of the County of Sussex against Tumults.
A Petition was this day presented to the House, in the name of the County of Sussex; the Petitioners were called in, and the House acquainted them, That they took special notice of their ready Obedience to the Ordinance of Parliament against Tumultuous Addresses by Petition to them; That they are now upon Debate of such things as tend to the Settlement of this Kingdom, which had been in a greater ripeness, had not some Rebellious and Tumultuous Insurrections, of some Discontented and Disaffected Persons in the Kingdom, obstructed and hindered them therein.
Saturday June 10. 1648.
Letter from North-Wales of the Routing of Sir John Owen; Sir John Owen taken by Capt. Taylor.
From North-Wales this day came Letters to the House of the routing and dispersing that Rebel-rout, and Cavaliers, that were risen there with Sir John Owen, and had besieged Carnarvan Castle: The Relation according to the Letters runs thus; "That Col. Carter and Lieut. Colonel Twisleton, with the assistance of 30 Horse and 70 Foot from Colonel Duckenfield from Chester, marched in Carnarvanshire, when Sir John Owen, with 150 Horse, and 120 Foot, had streightned the Garison of Carnarvan, wherein, with the Governour Col. Mason, was General Mitton, and about 60 Soldiers, besides those of the Garison, with whom Col. Carter, and Lieutenant Colonel Twisleton intended to join; but Sir John Owen, having notice thereof, prevented their joining, advancing with his Forces, and upon the Sand, betwixt Chunnoway and Carnarvan, met our Men. The forlorn of both parts was of the best Horse; ours were commanded by Capt. Carter of Cheshire, whose Resolution was very great; but being over-powered, was forced to a disorderly retreat; the Enemy pursued, advancing their whole Body; our Reserve was ready to receive them, and, after a hot Dispute, put them to a rout; Capt. Taylor singly encountring Sir John Owen, closed with him, and dismounted him, and took him Prisoner; the Enemy immediately sled. We slew 30, and took 100, Sir John Owen, with divers others of Quality, and 60 private Men: We lost four Men, and divers wounded; many Horse of each side slain. This Mercy was seasonable; the loss of our Party now, had hazarded the loss of the Parliaments Interest in North-Wales, whom we make no question, will now be quiet.
Capt. Taylor that brought Letters, Ordered 200l.
The House of Commons upon reading the Letter from North-Wales, Ordered Captain Taylor, that brought the Letter, 200l. given him out of the Estate of Sir John Owen, whom he took Prisoner: Some other particular Orders were read for rewarding of others that deserved well for the disposing of the Prisoners there, to bring the Chief of them to Trial.
Agreement between the Lord Fairfax and the Kentish Gentlemen; Sir Thomas Peyton taken near St. Edmonds-Bury.
This Day came News also of a full Agreement betwixt his Excellency the Lord Fairfax and the Kentish Men, for the settling that County in Peaces; and, That the five Revolting Ships are all willing to submit upon an Act of Indemnity, which the General hath promised them. Sir Thomas Peyton, a great stickler in the Kentish Engagement, was taken about St. Edmonds-Bury, and this Day brought to the House and Committed: Goring and Sir Charles Lucas encrease their Strength in Essex, the Lord Capel with some Horse being come to them; they are yet about. Chelmsford, but talk of drawing into the North to Langdale; but the Business of Kent being over, a sufficient Strength will be appointed to attend them, if not shorten their March, as you will hear farther shortly; The Essex Men generally accept the Indemnity.
The General came to Gravesend to pass his Men over into Essex.
The General came this Night out of Kent to Gravesend, intending to pass his Men over there for Essex, and will go along himself in Person; you will here more of Action thence suddenly.
June 10: 1648.
Monday, June 12. 1648.
Letters from the Governour of Newcastle about the settlement of that Garison.
This day Letters were read in the House of Commons from the Governour of Newcastle, acquainting the House with the Settlement of that Garison, and the State of Affairs in those Parts, desiring that the Moneys formerly ordered them, may be speeded thither.
1500l. Ordered for the said Garison.
The House hereupon ordered 1500l. to be paid forthwith by a Delinquent, in part of the Moneys formerly ordered.
The Counties backward in paying Assessments.
The House was informed from the Committee of the Army, of the great backwardness of the Counties in payment of Assessments for the Army, so that the Army must be forced to take Free Quarters in many Places where they pay not.
Free Quarter to be taken upon such as refuse to pay.
The House hereupon Ordered, That Free Quarter shall be taken only upon such as refuse to pay their Assessments, and such as do pay, they to be freed thereof.
Letters to be written to hasten the payment of Assessments.
The Committees of the several Counties were ordered to bring in the Assessments for the Army with all speed; and for this purpose Letters were appointed to be written to the several Committees of the Counties.
Committee of Goldsmiths Hall to Report the Business of Compositions.
The Committee of Goldsmiths-Hall were ordered to Report to the House the Business of Compositions, every Morning till Ten of the Clock.
The Lords sent a Message to the Commons, concerning the Duke of Gloucester, to which they concurred, 'That His Highness have those approved Gentlemen to attend him, which formerly waited on his Brother the Duke of York, and four other Gentlemen added; and a Sallery of 2500l. per Annum, is settled upon his Highness, for the Maintenance of his Family.
Letters from Sir Hardress Waller concerning Exoter.
Letters were read out of Cornwall from Colonel Sir Hardress Waller, giving to the Parliament a Narrative of the whole Business in difference between him and those Inhabitants of the City of Exeter that were disarmed; concerning which, the Commons passed some instructions to the Committee.
Letters from Lambert of the advance of the Enemy.
From the North by Letters this Day came to this purpose, 'Major-General Lambert understanding that a Party of the Enemy from Cumberland of 4000 Horse and Foot, were advancing by the way of Stanemore towards Bernards-Castle, he Retreated, that he might draw the Enemy from the Mountains to the more Champion Carts; being, come, to the Castle, and moving no farther, Lambert advanced towards them, within five Miles of Bernards-Castle, to a Place called Gaterly-Moore, upon a long Plain, and a sit Place to Fight; upon whose approach, Langdale Retreated into Westmorland, where it is conceived they will halt until such time as they see what they shall receive from Scotland.
Upon Lambert's Approach, Langdale Retreats. Reward offered for the delivery up of Castles in the North.
'The Enemy have had their Agents working with some or other of every Castle in the North, for the delivery of them up to them. Helmsley-Castle was lately attempted; but the Fidelity of the Soldier they applyed themselves to, to whom was offered 100l. in Hand, and 500l. more upon Bond, and to be Knighted, prevented it; for he discovered the Parties, and apprehended them Prisoners, and now they are in the Dungeon at Helmsley-Castle; this I can assert for Truth, having examined it upon Oath. Langdale is in Westmorland, and we hear is unwilling to Fight, if he can prevent it; but our Forces are now in a Body, and are on the edge of Westmorland upon Bowes, watching an opportunity to engage him, tho' they be fewer in Number; 'tis thought he will wheel about for Pontefract, if he can possible, and miss Fighting. Pontefract is blockt up with about 800 Horse and Foot, which is all can possibly be made for the present; the Enemy there increases, and are as we hear, 250 Horse, and 400 Foot, so that that Party cannot lay close, Siege.
Lancashire Forces ready to join with Lambert.
'The Committee of Lancashire have Ordered Four Colonels of Foot, and Two of Horse, with their Regiments now in readiness in the Northern part of this County, forthwith to join with Major-General Lambert's Forces in Yorkshire, against the Enemy in Westmorland, and Cumberland; Col. Ashton is Commander in Chief, and under him Lieut. Col. Alexander Rigby commandeth one Regiment of Horse, and Col. Nicholas Shuttleworth the other; the Colonels are Col. Dodding, Col. Standish, who commandeth his own and Lieutenant-Col. Rigby's Foot, Col. Ashton, and Col. Oghtred Shuttleworth.
The Committee of that County laid an Assessment of 3000l. for the advance of those Forces.
'The Committee hath laid an Assessment of 3000l. for the advance of these Forces, and have left considerable Forces for the preservation of the Peace of the County, upon the march away of the Army, and have set apart a Day for Publique Worship, to pray for God's Blessing upon their Endeavours and Army; The Committee received Testimony that one Bamber, a Capt. of Horse, Declared himself by Words, That he would sooner Fight against his Excellencies Forces, than against the Forces in Westmorland.
Tuesday, June 13. 1648.
Letters from the Generals of the reducing of Kent, and Articles of Canterbury read.
Letters this Day come from his Excellency the Lord Fairfax, of the reducing of Kent, except Three Castles besieged, were read, with all the several Passages and Letters between the Enemy and himself.
He likewise sent the Articles of Canterbury which were read.
The House approves of the same.
The House, upon Debate hereof declared, That they approved of the said Articles, and of what His Excellency had done in the reducing of Kent.
The Judges for the Assizes nominated.
The House this Day nominated the Judges to ride the Circuit for this Summer Assizes. It was referred to the Commissioners of the Seal, to nominate and present to the Houses such Persons as they should think fit to be made Judges to fill the vacant Places in the Courts of Westminster.
Instructions for the Judges to be drawn up, in reference to Tumults.
They likewise Ordered them to give Instructions to the Judges that ride the Circuits, to declare the Point of Law against these Riotous Proceedings that have been in some Counties, and the danger thereof.
Thanksgiving ordered for the reducing of Kent.
The House likewise Ordered Sunday next for a Day of Thanksgiving for the great Mercy in reducing Kent, and blessing the Parliament's Forces with such good Success against the Enemy.
The Committee was appointed to draw a short Narration of the great Mercies of God herein, to be read by all the Ministers within the late Lines the said Day.
The Cases of Delinquents to be reported, in order to the removing of obstructions.
The House pass'd an Order, To enable the Committee of Goldsmith's-Hall to report the Cases and Names of such Persons that are Delinquents, that cannot Sell their Estates to pay their Composition, and other Cases; that the House may consider of a Mitigation, notwithstanding the general Rules for Compositions; That thereby all obstructions and Excuses of Delinquents may be taken away, and Moneys may be advanced for the Service of the Publick.
Nottingham Castle attempted to be surprized, but prevented.
A Report was this Day made, of the endeavouring to surprize Nottingham-Castle; and how that faithful Governour thereof, Captain Felton, surprized the Complotters, and took them all Prisoners.
Letters from the Head Quarters in Kent give an Account of the Affair of that County.
From the Head Quarters of His Excellency the Lord Fairfax, June 12 came asfolloweth. 'Col. Rich and Col. Hewson, being sent to raise the Siege of Dover, did accordingly; the Besiegers staid not their coming, but made to Sandwich; but that Place not being in a Capacity to receive them, they went several other ways, as to Canterbury and other Castles. Against those in Canterbury, Commissary-General Ireton was sent, and Col. Barksted, with their Regiments; when they were come as far as Evesham, two Commissioners met them, with whom they agreed for those in Canterbury, who were to have their Lives saved; the General to write to the Parliament for easie Composition for their Offences: Eighty Horse and Swords were allowed to those in Kent, they were to leave Horses, Arms, and Ammunition behind them; for perfecting of which Work, the Commissary- General went forward, and Col. Barksied returned to pass for Essex. The Business of Kent thus near over, the General writes a Letter dated June 20. from Rochester, to the Gentlemen of Kent, and the Seamen aboard the Ships in the Downs, purporting offer of Mercy, and Content to those that, were revolted from Parliament, if they would return to Obedience; which he in this ratified, and so much the rather, because he was informed they were sensible of their misdoings; which might well be from Consideration of the continued good Success God had given him at Maidstone, Dover, Canterbury and Sandwich, possessed by some of his Forces, others marching to reduce Deal and the other two Castles; and therefore presseth the delivery of the Ships to certain Persons named. This Letter was carried by Colonel Rich his Trumpeter aboard the Admiral; but for Answer, none would undertake, the Command if any, as in Mutinies, being in the Multitude; a Boatswain gave only this verbal one, That they did not owe the Parliament. so much Service, as to write Answer to any that did come from them. After which, they set Sail, (as was conceived) for Helvoet-sluice in Holland, as by Intention they exprest, shall. for present be omitted. Colonel Rich afterwards Summoned the Castles of Deal, Weymore and Sandown, who gave Answer, That they would deliver them to none, but whom His Majesty should appoint: Therefore Mortar-pieces were ordered to reduce the Castles. The Commissary-General, having settled Canterbury, in which was 3000 good Arms, good Horse, and 24 Colours, is returning.
The General puts over his Forces at Gravesend in Essex, and join Sir Thomas Honywood; 80 Gentlemen out of London, intended for a Guard for the Prince of Wales, surprized.
'The General Quartered at Gravesend Saturday; Sunday he put over what Forces, he had, with much trouble, to Essex, and Quartered at Billeracay; he left his Men, and with Ten Horse rode to Cogshal; some of his Artillery passing by Land thro' London, some Horse also; Colonel Whaley who had attended Goring's Motion to this time, which the General found at Cogshal; being joined by Sir Thomas Honywood, 2000 Horse and Foot of the Country, who kept many from going to the Enemy; among others 80 Horse out of London, most, or all, Gentlemen, intending to be a Guard to the Prince of Wales when he came, in their March were met with by some Horse of His Excellency's, charged, many killed and taken, the rest disperst; among whom were four Brothers, three of which are killed or mortally wounded: The Countrymen also have taken many Prisoners. As for Goring, he is, as those say that have seen him, upon March, with 4000, whereof 600 Horse, not 2500 Armed in all; he passed so as he touched at Lees, where he made bold with Horse, Guns, and Arms, of My Lord of Warwick's, and so went towards Colchester, where he was Monday; and from thence it may be gathered, he intends Suffolk and Norfolk, to divert the General's going North. The General hath many of Essex come to him, whose Hands were at the Petition: Colonel Barksted's Regiment, and what Horse were come up, Quartered the Twelfth at Night within six Miles of Cogshal, the better to engage Goring. A Letter is sent to Suffolk to pull up the Bridge, and lay Trees in the way, which if they do, they will be good Savers; but if not, they must take as falls.
Wednesay, June 14. 1648.
The Committee formerly appointed to consider of bringing Sir John Owen to Trial, did this Day make Report to the House, which took up much Debate; which Business was Committed.
Sir John Owen to be sent for up.
The House farther Ordered, 'That the said Sir John Owen should be forthwith sent up Prisoner to the House, to the end that he may speedily be brought to Trial; and all other chief Actors with himself are to be proceeded against in the same manner.
An Ordinance pass'd for the payment of the Arrears of several Officers and Soldiers.
An Ordinance was read, for the charging of 42000l. Upon the Excise in course; with Interest, for the payment of part of the Arrears of several Officers and Soldiers. who were put into several Lists, and had their Accompts audited; which was assented unto.
The House of Commons this Day Ordered, 'That the Order formerly pass'd, That such Persons as. shall raise Forces, or take up Arms, without the Authority of both Houses of Parliament, should die without Mercy, should be renewed; The Lords Concurrence to be desired thereunto.
The Lords Concurrence desired to an Order against such as shall take up Arms, without Authority of Parliament; Order concerning the revolted Ships.
The House then proceeded to debate of the Ships that had lately revolted; and hearing that three of the revolted Ships were gone for Holland: The House Ordered, 'That a Letter should be writ to the States of Holland to apprehend the said Ships, as Revolters from the Authority of Parliament; and for Encouragement to such of the Ships that were formerly revolted, and came in upon the Ordinance of Indemnity, They Ordered that part of their Arrears should be paid: And doubtless the rest of the Revolters that come in, will receive the like Testimony of the Favour of the Parliament.
A Committee was appointed to consider of the whole Business of Kent, and what to be done in relation thereunto, and what Declaration is sit to be drawn up concerning the same.
Tuesday, June 15. 1648.
For the clearing of Aspersions cast upon the House, in relation to Sequestrations, the Committee at Goldsmith's-Hall are ordered to Print their Receipts, and how the Money hath been disposed of.
The House was this Day informed, That a heavy Imputation was laid upon them by the malignant Party, thereby to insinuate into the honest and more moderate Party, that the Parliament hath received many Millions by Compositions at Goldsmith's-Hall, for which they could give no Account for the Satisfaction of the Kingdom. The House, to clear these scandalous Aspersions, knowing their own Innocency herein, Ordered, 'That the Committee of Goldsmith's-Hall, should Print all their Receipts for Compositions ever since they sate, County by County; and how these Moneys have been disbursed for the special Service of the State.
None but Delinquents to pay their Fifth and Twentieth Parts.
They Ordered, 'That the Order that none shall pay their Fifth and Twentieth Part but Delinquents, should be printed and published; to the end publick notice thereof be taken throughout the Kingdom.
Additional Ordinance for putting Delinquents out of the Lines of Communication, Committed.
An additional Ordinance for putting Papists and Delinquents out of the Lines of Communication was this Day reported, which was read the second time and Committed.
The County of Radnor to be put into a Pasture of Defence.
An Ordinance was read, for putting the County of Radnor into a Posture of Defence, and settling the Militia of that County; which was assented unto, and ordered to be transmitted to the Lords.
20 Persons to be offered in exchange, for Sir William Massam, and the rest of the Committee of Essex.
The House this Day Ordered, 'That a Committee should be named, for apprehending such Persons as they should think sit, not exceeding the Number of Twenty, to be offered in exchange for Sir William Massam, and the honest Gentlemen of the Committee of Essex, apprehended by Goring, to be sent down to the Lord General Fairfax, and to receive the same harsh usage which our Friends do with Goring, until they be exchanged.
My Lord,
We have herewith sent you inclosed a Petition, delivered unto us by the Bays and Say-makers of Colchester; and are so inclinable on our Parts to satisfie their Desires, as there shall want nothing thereto but your Lordships equal Concurrence for our Undertakings; being to have the known Laws and Property of free Subjects enjoyed by every one of this Kingdom. We cannot but hold it our Duty (as much as we may) to encourage and assist all free Trades, which is the Subjects Right; and the Sinews of the Common Wealth; And therefore if your Lordships (shall on your part) be of the same mind and good Inclination towards the Petitioners, upon signification thereof to us, we shall be ready to concur with you, in agreeing upon such a way to satisfie their Desires,
as may be an assurance to them for the free Passage of their Goods thro' both of out Guards, without any inconvenience or advantage to be thereby drawn upon the Guards on either part, expecting your Answer herein. We rest,
Your Servants,
Norwich, Arthur Capel, Charles Lucas.
Colchester, June 15. 1648.
(For the Lord Fairfax.)
To the Right Honourable the Lords and others of the Council of War, sitting at Colchester.
The humble Petition of the Bay and Say-makers of Colchester, to the Right Honourable the Lord Goring, the Lord Capel, and Sir Charles Lucas:
That your Petitioners having formerly employed Thousands of poor people in this Town, in making of Bays and Says, which they have Weekly vended to London; For these three Weeks past the Passages thither being embarred, they are now no ways enabled for the continuing of the same, except they may have Licence from your Honours, and from the Lord General the Lord Fairfax, to convey the said Manufactures to the said City of London.
Your Petitioners therefore humbly pray, That they may have a free Passage from your Honours, to convey their Bays and Says and Perpetuanoes to London by Waggons. And that your Honours would be pleased to recommend their humble Desires to the Lord General Fairfax, for the like free Passage, with free Convoy thro' his Quarters.
And your Petitioners shall humbly pray, &c.
Right Honourable,
The Petition of the Bay and Say-makers of this Town, to the Council of War here, accompanied with their Letters to your Honour, coming to our view; and the Petitioners humble Desires to us, to second the Petition and Letters, together with our own Knowledge and Sense of the Damage that will accrue, not only to this Town, but to the Kingdom in general, by reason of an Embarment and Stand of Trade, hath moved us to be humble Suitors to your Excellency, for your Concurrence with the Council of Warhere, in granting the Desires of the Petitioners. For which we shall remain,
Your humble Servants,
William Cook, Mayor, John Lucy.
Colchester, June 21. 1648.
Friday, June 16. 1648.
The Amendments against Papists and Delinquents reported.
The Amendments to the Ordinance, for putting Papists and Delinquents out of the Line, were reported.
The 19th for their Departure for six Months.
The House hereupon Ordered, 'That the 19th of this Month should be the Peremptory Day for them to be gone Out of the late Lines, twenty Miles distant, for six Months.
They farther Ordered, 'That such as had not compounded, and had not effectually Prosecuted their Composition at Goldsmith's-Hall, should be included in this Ordinance.
Such as have not compounded to be included.
And likewise, 'That all such Ministers as are sequestred, shall be included in this Ordinance; and are to be gone that Day.
The Ordinance to be printed.
They Ordered, 'That this Ordinance should be printed, that none might plead ignorance thereof.
The Ordinance for Presbytery read.
The Ordinance for settling the Presbiterial Government was this day read the first time, which took up some Debate, and Ordered to be read the second time on Wednesday next.
Affront upon Sir Henry Mildmay examined by the Committee for Complaints.
The great Affront put upon Sir Henry Mildmay, a worthy Member of the House of Commons, by a Footman of the Lord Duke's, was referred to the Committee of Complaints, for them to Examine the matter of Fact, and report to the House; to the end he may be severely punished for so high an Affront.
This day came Letters from the Leagure before Colchester to the House, as followeth.
To the Honourable William Lenthal, Esq; Speaker of the Honourable House of Commons.
Letters from the Leagure before Colchester.
The Enemy still continues in Colchester; the great Ones had a Purpose last night to escape, as we hear, for their Goods are shipped; and sent a Party to possess Mersey Island Fort, the better to secure their passage to the Sea: But this Morning early, our Horse and Dragoons possessed the Island and Fort, and so hath prevented the Enemies flight by Sea. And by Land their Body cannot stir; some Horse may perchance in the Night escape, and leave the rest to slaughter: For, such is the Rage of the Soldiers for the loss of their Commanders, that they will hardly admit of Quarter. Many honest People, though the meaner sort, steal out of Town hourly to us; and all agree in one Story, That the Enemy know not which way to turn themselves; That they are desperate, and think to get Conditions for themselves, by their having Sir William Massam, and others of the Committee, Prisoners. The General sent a Trumpeter to see Sir William Massam, but they yet detain the Trumpeter. The Townsmen say, they had six. Hundred Men ran away that Night the Fight was; we have five hundred Prisoners, most taken from the Gates of the City. The Enemy buried of their slain Men, sixty in one Church yard, besides what was slain in the other part of the Town: They say that Sir William Campion and one Knight more, Colonel Cook, and two Majors, and other Officers, were slain; some Prisoners, we have taken since, confess as much; and many of Quality are wounded: Many of the Prisoners of the Trained Bands, which this day the General released, being sore wounded, say, That they went under Colonel Farr, My Lord Norwich Lieutenant Colonel; That he led them out into the Field, and into Mr. Grimston's House; and when he and the Men sled, being galled with cur Musqueteers, he got to the Gate and caused it to be shut, and left his Men to the mercy of the Enemy with out the Wall, if our Soldiers had not been more merciful. The General is close beleaguring the Town. This day Colonel Ewers is come up with his Regiment and all our Train: The General purposes to preserve the Town from Plunder and Fire, if it be possible; tho' one Buxton and the Leamons, and many more, as those that come out inform, encourage Goring and the Cavaliers to hold out: Many an honest Body is undone by them. God is only wise; for who could have found out such a way to unite the honest Party together against this bloody and common Enemy? There are four Colonels taken at Newmarket, who were about to raise Men for the King; Colonel Sir Bernard Scudamore is one of them. If the News of any Success this Army hath, were acceptable, you would send one Weeks Pay to the Army, that hath not had one Penny this Month.
The Trumpeter brings an Account, that Sir William Massam and the rest of the Essex Committee are in a good Condition.
The Generals Trumpeter is returned, who left Sir William Massam and the other Gentlemen in a reasonable good Condition; he said Sir William Campion and one Colonel Cook were buried this Afternoon, their Corps attended by the Lord Goring, Lord Capel, Lord Loughborough, Sir William Compton, and divers others of Quality: They much lament the Loss of Major Eyers, whom they thought we had Prisoner; but he was slain.
Captain Zanchy, who took in Mersey-Fort, found two Culverins, two Sacres, and one Drake in it; Captain Peacock, and the Commander of the Ships at Harwich, have sent to the General to assist him in the Harbour of Coln-River, if the Fort at Mersey be ours; of which the General hath sent them word. Colonel Stewart and Colonel Thornton were taken with Sir Bernard Scudamore.
From the Leagure before Colchester June 15. 1648.
Two Troops to be raised for the Security of Northamptonshire.
The House Ordered, "That the Committee at Derby-House shall be enabled to give Commissions to Captain Boteler, Captain Strike, Captain Cookenbes, Mr. Henry Benson, and Captain Dickenson, with their inferiour Officers, to raise two Troops of Horse for preserving the Peace of the County of Northampton.
A Months Pay to be raised for the Army.
The House Ordered, "That the Committe of the Army should meet this Afternoon; and present to the House, to morrow Morning, the Obstructions of bringing in the Assessments of the Army, and their Opinion how a Months Pay may be raised and advanced for the Army under the Command of His Excellency the Lord Fairfax.
Wednesday and Friday every Week till 10 a Clock, the House to consider of settling Ministers.
The House Ordered, "That Wednesday and Friday in every Week, till 10 of the Clock, the House consider of settling Ministers in particular Parishes in the Kingdom.
Committe of Examinations revived, with Power to suppress scandalous Papers.
The House Ordered, "That the Power formerly given to the late Committee of Examinations, should be reported to the House; and that this Committee be revived, and farther Power given them, for suppressing all malignant, scandalous, and unlicensed Sheets; which is to be put into effectual Execution, for punishing as well those that have offended herein, as shall offend for the future.
Saturday, June 17. 1648.
Debate about taking the Covenant.
The House of Commons this day had much Debate concerning the Taking of the Covenant, by such as should receive new Commissions from the Parliament for raising of Forces; whether such Officers should take the Covenant, before they receive their Commissions? And it was Ordered, "That this Debate be laid aside at present.
Colonel Herbert to raise Forces, for the Defence of the Isle of Ely.
The House Ordered, "That Colonel Herbert should have a Commission, for raising Forces for the Defence of the Isle of Ely.
The Sheriffs Accompts to be considered on Saturday next.
They farther Ordered, "That the Sheriffs Accompts of the Kingdom should be considered off on Saturday next.
A great Fleet to be raised.
The House then considered of railing a Summers Fleet for Defence of the Kingdom, and for reducing those revolted Ships that sled to Holland, &c. And Ordered, "That the Parliament of England resolves to raise as great a Fleet as possible they could, for Preservation and Defence of the Kingdom, and for reducing the revolted Ships; and this to be done with all speed.
The Officers and Mariners to have a Gratuity for Encouragement. Debate about raising Money for the Army.
"That the Officers and Mariners of this Fleet shall have every of them a Gratuity for their Encouragement.
The House then considered of raising Moneys for the Army; and Ordered, "That the Commissioners in the several Counties for that Purpose shall meet once a Month, and the Sub-Commissioners in the several Divisions should meet once a Week; to the end Accompts may be given thereof, and all Officers negligent herein may be punished.
The Ordinance to sequester the Estates of Delinquents in South-Wales assented to.
The Amendments to the Ordinance, and the Instructions for the Commissioners to sequester the Estates of Delinquents in South-Wales, were reported and assented unto.
Several Reports have been of the Proceedings and Actions of the Lord General's Forces in Essex, and against Colchester. For better satisfaction, take this short. but punctual Account, as followeth.
The Relation of the remarkable Fight between our Forces and the Enemy's, near and in Colchester, on Tuesday last, hath, I suppose, been fully communicated
to you; so that I shall not need to reiterate the same: But supposing you have not His Excellency's Summons, I shall give it you verbatim.
To the Commander in Chief in Colchester.
My Lord,
I Am come hither with the Parliament's Forces, to reduce those under your Command to the Obedience of the Parliament: If your Lordship, and those under you, will instantly lay down your Arms, there may be a prevention of much Blood that is like to be spilt, and the Town preserved from Plunder and Ruine: The Evil must lie upon you if you refuse, I expert your present Answer, and remain
Your Servant,
Tho. Fairfax.
Lexton-Heath, June 13. 1648.
The Summons slighted.
They slighted this Summons; and the Earl of Norwich ask'd the Trumpeter how the General did? Telling him, That he heard he was ill of the Gout, but he would Cure him of all Diseases. This scornful Answer hath much enraged the Soldiers.
Afterwards, upon a Letter from the Committee at Derby-House, concerning the ill usage of Sir William Massam, &c. His Excellency wrote as followeth,
The General's Letter to the Commander in Chief in Colchester.
I Understand you have in your Custody Sir William Massam, a parliament Man, and some other Gentlemen, Prisoners. I desire you to permit this Bearer to go see in what Condition they are, and what Necessaries they want, that Care may he taken for the supplying of them: I have about 500 Prisoners of yours; if you have any of my Soldiers Prisoners, I desire to know the Number and Quality of them, and I shall send you as many in Exchange; which shall be performed by me,
Thomas Fairfax.
For the Commander in Chief of the Forces in Colchester, These.
Yesterday there came this ensuing Letter to His Excellency, viz.
The Answer thereto by the Earl of Norwich, &c.
My Lord,
We desire you will by this Trumpeter send us a List of all those Gentlemen, Officers, and Soldiers of our Party, and under our Command, that are now Prisoners in your Army: We shall upon the like occasion shew the same respect to you; and we desire this Trumpeter may speak with the best of Quality of our Prisoners, to let them know our Endeavours for their Enlargement. We have detained your Trumpeter the longer, by reason of our hourly Motion and Action.
My Lord, We rest your Servants,
Norwich, Arthur Capel, Charles Lucas.
Colchester, June 15. 1648.
(For the Lord Fairfax.)
In Answer to this, the ensuing Lift was sent back this Day.
A List of the Prisoners remaining in Custody with the Marshal-General.
Lexton, June 15. 1648.
A List of the Persons in Custody of the Marshal General.
Sir William Layton Colonel, Lieut. Col. Roberts, Capt. Gregory Baker, Capt. Christmas, George Rawlings, Esq; Lieut. Thomas Outing, Lieut. Francis Bland, and Sixteen Gentlemen more.
Sir John Dorrel, Col. Francis Clarke, George May, Gent, these Three taken before the Fight, with 300 private Soldiers, who have acknowledged themselves to have been in Arms in this Engagement; about 80 discharged, besides Colchester Men, most of them being sore wounded, and of Col. Farr's Regiment.
Sir William Campion, Col. Cooke, &c. buried in Colchester.
Thursday, Sir William Campion, once Governour of Borstall-House for the King, and Col. Cooke, a gallant Fighting Man, with others of Quality, slain in Tuesdays Fight, were buried in Colchester: The Earl of Norwich, Lord Capel, Lord Loughborough, attending their Funeral; their loss is much lamented. They say, They venture Gold for Dross.
Six Men of War at Harwich tender their Service to the General.
Six Sail of the Parliament Ships at Harwich have sent to his Excellency to tender their Service to him against the Enemy; the names of the Ships and Captains, are, the Tyger, Capt. Peacock; the Adventure, Capt. Ball; the Providence, Capt. Mildmay; the Greyhound, Capt. Coppin; the Recovery, Capt. Cox; and the Dolphin, Capt. Weare. His Excellency, upon this Tender, sent a Party to secure Mersey-Fort and Island, in order to the keeping in the Enemy in Colchester; so they are blockt up at Sea as well as by Land, and we hope to give a good account of it shortly,
I am,
Your Assured Friend.
Leaguer before Colchester, June 7. 1648.
Monday, June 19. 1648.
The Royalists in Devonshire suppressed.
The House of Commons this Day had the Report made to them of the quelling and subduing the Tumults, and Royal Party in Devonshire and Cornwall, by Sir Hardress Waller; also some Letters of the Listing of Voluntiers for the Service of the Parliament in Devonshire; and it was moved in behalf of those Counties, that no new Levies might be put upon them, or Additional Forces raised There, whereby to burden the Counties. The House hereupon Ordered, 'That a Letter be sent to Sir Hardress Waller, to acquaint him herewith, and that no new Forces be raised there; but that, if there shall be occasion, he might raise the Militia of those Counties to his Assistance.
The breaking open Mr. Charlton's Chamber, a Member of Parliament, referred to a Committee.
The Commons were acquainted with the breaking open of a Chamber of Mr. Charlton, a Member of the House, the taking away a Ward there; the Business was Debated; so far as concerns the Ward was waved and lest to Law; the affront, as to a Member of Parliament, was referred to a Committee.
Mr. Walter Long's Case Reported.
The Case of Mr. Walter Long was Reported; and the House Voted to receive him in again. Upon the Case of Sir John Clotworthy, in whose stead is since chose Mr. Mildmay, the House Voted, That it be referred to the Committee for Priviledges to examine, and make Report to the House.
The forwardness of the County of Chester, taken notice of by the House, and Capt. Carter to Command a Troop raised by the City of Chester.
The Commons were acquainted with the extraordinary forwardness of the County of Chester, in raising Forces for their Defence; and particularly that the City of Chester raised a Troop of Horse, and desired that Capt. Carter might Command them; whereupon the House Ordered, That he should have Commission accordingly.
Pembroke upon surrender.
From Pembroke by Letters of June was certified, 'That the Town of Pembroke is upon Surrender, being much discontented and divided, occasioned for want of Victuals; Col. Poyer intreated them to hold out a few Days longer, and told them he doubted not but to be relieved by Langdale; a Breach was made by Battery, and the Assault attempted, but fruitless, being repulsed with the loss of 23 Men, and Four on their Part.
Two Thousand Fighting Men in the Town, besides a Party of Horse.
Major-General Langhorne is recovered; there are Fighting Men in the Town, Two Thousand, besides a considerable Party, of Horse, which are conceived to be eaten before this. The Castle hath yet Twenty Days Provision lest, and can Sally out at Two several Places, tho' not able to get any Relief.
Letters from the Head Quarters near Colchester.
From the Head Quarters before Colchester, by Letters this Day, we understand, 'That a Party of Horse and Foot, consisting of 300, Sallied out of Colchester Saturday Night last, towards Harwich, their Design not known; it was conceived at first that the Grandees were gone with them, to endeavour to escape, but it proved otherwise, for they all returned the next Day with about 40 Head of Cattle and 100 Sheep; a Party of 400 Horse and Dragoons were sent after them, but met them not, the Enemy being gone a private way. The great Work upon the Top of the Hill is finished, it holds 1000 Men, the great Cannons planted, and intend to play to Morrow upon the Town, being within Musquet shot thereof.
Letters from the North, of the defeating Langdale's Forces.
By Northern Letters this Week, and first from Major-General Lambert's Quarters at Penrith, June 15. is thus certified; 'We have taken Braugham Castle, Penrith, and settled Appleby and other Places hereabouts. Sir Marmaduke Langdale is fled towards Carlisle, but not without some Loss; for a Party of Horse marched up towards his Rear, and fell into the Quarters of a Regiment newly levied, which we have totally dispersed and broken; the Officers fled after Langdale, and the Soldiers threw down, most of them, their Arms, and ran Home, seeming to be very glad of the opportunity; we had a little Skirmish with another Party of Langdale's, and took some Prisoners, and are still in pursuit of them: There is a great hubbub in Carlisle about receiving Langdale in there, as we hear; for upon the alarm of his Retreat thitherward, the Town made Addresses to Sir Philip Musgrave, That the Army with Langdale may not come in; saying, That they had rather lose their Lives, than to be forced to eat Horse-flesh, as they did before when it was so long besieged in the late Wars. The Lancashire Forces are most of them come up, and we hope to be able to fight with Langdale, if he will stand to it.
Letters from Scotland of the Divisions and Distractions there.
From Edenburgh by Letter, June 14. is thus written; 'An Army will be raised in Scotland forthwith; Duke Hamilton goes along General, his strength is at present 6000 Horse, Foot, and Dragoons, upon their march; Major-General Middleton is Major-General of the Foot, and the Earl of Kalendar Lieutenant-General of Horse. The Parliament have Adjourned for Two Years, and lest a very great Power to the Committee, who act vigorously for a War; insomuch that the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Wariston, and divers others, fall off from them to the Marquess of Argile. The Ministers are not to Preach against any thing done by the Parliament, or the Authority derived from them: An Act is passed for punishing such as shall Speak, Preach, or Write against them; yet many do Preach, and tell them in their Pulpits, that they have broken their Covenant and the Treaties, and must expect to meet with God's Judgments for it; some Ministers are apprehended, others had been, if they had not been rescued. There is a great discontent in the Kingdom, every County ready to Rise, if they had Protection against them: Major-General Holborn is gone with about 1000 Horse to fetch in the Marquess of Argile, and others; it is said that it shall be Death to publish any Books, Pamphlets, or Libels against the Proceedings of the Parliament. There comes daily such Malignant News hither, That the Lord-General Fairfax's Army is routed, that London is joined with the King, and are gone to fetch him Home; and that those Members of Parliament, that acted against him, are all fled and gone away.
'About a Month hence Duke Hamilton expects to compleat his Army, which if he doth, and Langdale not supprest, then he will march into England.
Tuesday, June 20. 1648.
Votes of both Houses against such as take up Arms against the Parliament.
Both Houses this Day palled several Votes we mention'd before, concerning such as take up Arms against the Parliament of England, or assist in such a War, which were as followeth;
Whereas the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled, did, upon the 20th of May 1642. for the preventing of the late War, pass these Three Votes;
- 1. That it appears, that the King, seduced by wicked Counsel, intends to make War against the Parliament, who, in all their Consultations and Actions, have proposed no other end unto themselves, but the Care of the Kingdoms, and the performance of all Duty and Loyalty to His Person.
- 2. That whensoever the King maketh War upon the Parliament, it is a breach of the Trust reposed in him by his People, contrary to his Oath, and tending to the Dissolution of this Government.
- 3. That whosoever shall serve or assist him in such Wars, are Traitors, by the Fundamental Laws of this Kingdom, and have been so adjudged by Two Acts of Parliament, and ought to suffer as Traitors 11 Rich. II. 1 Hen. IV.
And whereas there are now at this time divers Persons in Arms, who endeavour to raise War against the Parliament; the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, for better informing the Subjects of this Kingdom in their Duty, do now at this time Declare, That it doth appear, That divers who have assisted the King in the late War against the Parliament, as also divers others, do endeavour to seduce the People, and do actually Levy War against the Parliament.
Such Persons Traitors by the. Fundamental Laws.
That whosoever shall make War against the Parliament of England, or assist in such a War, are Traitors by the Fundamental Laws of this Kingdom, and have been so adjudged by Two Acts of Parliament, and ought to suffer as Traitors, 11 Rich. II. 1 Hen. IV.
The said Votes to be published in every Market Town.
It was likewise farther Ordered, That these Votes be forthwith Printed, and Published by the Sheriffs in every Market Town in the several Counties, at the next Market Days after the Receipt hereof; And that the Judges do deliver them in their several Circuits.
Col. Weldan, Governour of Plymouth, 100l. to buy him Horses.
The Commons debating concerning the Garison of Plymouth, and passed an Ordinance for establishing Col. Weldon Governour thereof; And it was farther Ordered, That 100l. should be allowed him to buy him Horses.
Serjeant Hunt to put in Suit the Bands for the Duty of One per Cent. Plymouth Duty.
Ordered, That the Bonds of the Merchants remaining in the Custody of the late Serjeant Hunt, for the Payment of the Duty of One per Cent. for Plymouth, be put in Suit by the Assigns of the said Serjeant Hunt.
The Committee of Nottingham to raise a Troop of Horse for the Preservation of that County.
A Letter was read from the Committee of Nottingham, and a Declaration inclosed of railing Forces for Defence of their County: The House Ordered thereupon, That the said Committee should have Power to raise a Troop of Horse for Preservation of the said County of Nottingham.
An Ordinance read for settling the Militia of the County of Lincoln, and Assented unto.
Militia of Lincolnshire settled; Col. Ashton to Command in Chief in Lancashire.
That the Committee of the Militia of Lancashire, do present the Name of such Person as they shall think fit, to his Excellency the Lord General, to be Governour of Leverpool, to the end his Excellency may approve thereof: The House Ordered to approve of Col. Ralph Ashton, a Member of the the House, to Command in Chief the Brigade of Lancasbire, to join with Major-General Lambert, in the present Service for the North.
Col. Russel to take care of the Island of Guernsey.
Col. Russel, Governour of Guernsey, was Ordered speedily to go thither, to take Care of that Island.
Letters were this day read in the House, from the Leagure before Pembroke, from Lieutenant-General Cromwell, and of his own Writing; the Letters import, as followeth;
Lieut. General Cromwel's Letter of the necessitous Condition of Pembroke.
All that you can expect from hence is a Relation of the state of this Garison of Pembroke, which is briefly thus; They begin to be in extream want of Provision so as in probability they cannot Live a Fortnight without being Starved; but we hear that they Mutined about Three Days since, cried out, Shall we be ruined for Two or Three Mens pleasure? Better it were we should throw them over the Walls. It's certainly reported to us, that within Four or Six Days they'll cut Poyer's Throat, and come all away to us: Poyer told them Saturday last, That if Relief did not come by Monday night, they should no more believe him, nay, they should Hang him. We have not got our Guns and Ammunition from Wallingford, as yet, but however we have scraped up a few which stand us in very good stead. Last night we got Two little Guns planted, which in 24 Hours will take away their Mills; and then, as Poyer himself Confesses, They are all undone: We made an Attempt to Storm it about Ten Days since, but our Ladders were too short, and the Breach so as Men could not get over; We lost a few Men, but I am confident the Enemy lost more; Capt. Flower of Col. Dean's Regiment was wounded, and Major Grigg's Lieutehant and Ensign slain; Capt. Burges lies wounded and very sick: I question not but within a Fortnight we shall have the Town. Poyer hath engaged himself to the Officers of the Town, not to keep the Castle longer then the Town can hold out; neither indeed can it, for we can take away his Water in Two Days, by beating down a Stair-Case which goes into a Cellar where he hath a Well; They allow Men half a pound of Beef, and as much Bread a day, but it is almost spent. We much rejoyce at what the Lord bath done for you in Kent. Upon our Thanksgiving for that Victory, which was both from Sea and Leagure, Poyer told his Men that it was the Prince was coming with Relief. The other night they mutined in the Town. Last night we fired divers Houses; which runs up the Town still; it much frights them: Consident I am we shall have it in 14 Days, by Starving. I am,
Your Servant,
Leagure before Pembroke, June 16. 1648.
From the Head Quarters, June 19. came thus, "Three of the Six Harwich Ships that presented their Service to the General, Engaged with the two Ships that the Forces in Colchester had to lay open the River, and secure their passing in and out; some Dragoons from Mersey Fort joined with them, and after some skirmish, with the loss of Two Men, boarded the Two Ships, and took them; they have sent away one of the Ships, and keep the other to attend them in Colchester, who sent a Party of Horse and Foot to relieve the Ships; but the Prize was taken ashoar before they came; and because these should not lose their Labour, a Party of the Lord General's Engaged them at Wivenall, a Village, they hitherto possessed, and took Forty of them Prisoners. One of the Frigats taken had Ten, and the other Twelve pieces of Ordnance.
Lieut. Colonel Gardner, once Vice-Governor of Farrington-House, and others, were taken Prisoners going to Colchester.
The Prisoners taken, confess, That the Intent of Goring's Army was to go through Colchester into Suffolk, so into Norfolk, and back through Cambridgeshire, by which time they should have a gallant Army; and then they would go up to the very Walk of London, where their own Party would join with them in plundering that Rebellious City.
Sir Charles Lucas has offer for exchange of Prisoners rejected; The Committee under restraint in Colchester desire a Treaty.
Sir Charles Lucas sent a Trumpet, proposing an exchange for Prisoners, but offering Private Men for Officers and Gentlemen, it was rejected. The Lord-General sent his Letter to Colchester, to acquaint them, That Sir Charles Lucas had forfeited his Paroll, his Honour and Faith, being his Prisoner upon Paroll, and therefore not capable of Command or Trust in Martial Affairs: To this an Answer, or rather Excuse was returned. Yesterday in the Evening came a Letter from Sir William Massam, and the rest of the Committee under restraint in Colchester; "That they made it their Request to his Excellency to enter into a Treaty of Peace; and in the same Paper a Line or Two Signed, Norwich, Arthur Capel, Charles Lucas; That they thought fit to give the Committee leave to Sign that Paper, and that they intended by it a general Peace. No Answer as yet returned, and believed the Committee was forced to Sign this Paper.
Wednesday, June 21.
Ordnance for Presbitery read and committed; Some persons taken up in lien of those detained in Colchester.
This day the Ordnance for the more effectual Settling the Presbyterial Government throughout the Kingdom, was read a Second time in the House of Commons, and Committed; Report was made to the House from the Committee appointed to apprehend and keep in Custody Twenty Persons of the King's Party, in lieu of those detained in Colchester; upon which some are apprehended: And it was Ordered, That the said Committee should have the Speaker's Warrant to break open doors, &c. in case of opposition. The Members serving for Essex were ordered to go down to use their Endeavours for better securing of that County, and settling the Peace thereof.
1000l. Ordered for the fortifying of Bristol.
An Ordnance for settling the Militia of the City and County of Bristol was read, and assented unto; and 1000l. ordered for the repair of Fortifications, and victualling of Bristol Fort and Castle.
200 Demy Culverins Shot taken out of Arundel Castle.
Ordered, That 200 Demi-Culverin Shot be taken out of Arundel Castle for the Service of the Isle of Wight. The Articles of Faith and Texts of Scripture to them brought in by the Assembly, were Ordered to be Printed.
Mr. Dowcet, &c. that endeavoured the King's escape brought up Prisoners.
This day Mr. Dowcet, and others that endeavoured the King's escape out of the Isle of Wight, were brought up Prisoners, and committed to Peter-House.
Ammunition Ordered for the service of the North.
The Commons ordered 6000 Musquets with Bandeliers, and 500 Case of Pistols, with Saddles and Furniture for Horse, 4000 Pikes, and 5000 Swords, with Ammunition, to be provided for the Service of the Northern Counties.
The Lords this day Debated the Instructions for the Judges Declaration for the Counties, but the great business was, to consider of a way for the speedy settling of the Kingdom in Peace, and made some progress in it; and Ordered to proceed therein on the Morrow.
Orders are sent to the Matters and Wardens of the several Companies in London from the Lord Mayor; That whereas Saturday next is to be a Common Hall, as usually on every Midsomer-day, for the chusing of Sheriffs for the City of London, that in regard some Persons may in these distracted times croud in with those of the Livery (who are only to be there at common Halls) that therefore they will be careful (every Company respectively) to see who, and what they are that come to the Guild-Hall with them, to prevent the coming of such as are not of the Livery.
From the Leagure before Colchester, June 21. came farther to this purpose; "The Enemy within the Town are fortifying amain, and endeavour to get Provisions from Tendering Hundred, which cannot be considerable, nor yet prevented, unless the Suffolk Forces were come up, for whom Col. Whaley is gone: They are imposing a Fine upon the Town, forcing all between 16 and 60 to bear Arms, and are preparing Horse-Mills and Hand-Mills to grind their Corn. The Lord-General begun a Work yesterday at the North-Gate, and the Soldiers maintain it with much Gallantry and Resolution. The Trumpeter with a Message for a Treaty is not yet returned, nor must not, till the Mortar-pieces and Granadoes come up; and then accept of what the General offers; else Thunderbolts and Granadoes will be their doom. They have twice marched out with Foot and Long Boats to regain Mersey Island, but returned with loss, for our Forces fell upon them, and beat them back into the Town. The Soldiers begin to despair, but the Earl of Norwich feeds their Fancies with vain Delusions, telling them that the General had sent a Trumpeter to them, offering to draw off, bid them chew their Bullets, all the Round-heads in London were plundered, only their Friends had left some for them, as deserving it. And he farther intimated, that Major-General Langhorne with 10000 Men were within 14 Miles, and would fall on the General's Rear very suddenly.
Thursday, June 22. 1648.
The House was this day informed, That one Captain Vesey (a Trained-Band Captain of the County of Essex, who lately endeavoured to invite all his Company to come into Colchester and join with the Lord Goring) was taken Prisoner by the Lord General's Forces; They Ordered, "That his Excellency should proceed against the said Capt. Vesey by Martial Law.
The House was informed, That the Contracters for the Sale of Bishops Lands were at the door, they were called in, and presented to the House a Petition, Humbly desiring the removal of Obstructions, in the Sale of Rectories, part of the Revenues of Deans and Chapters; which was read, and after some Debate, Ordered to be referred to the Committee, appointed to consider of removing Obstructions in the Sale of Bishops Lands, who were ordered to report their Opinions with all convenient speed.
An Ordinance was read for settling the Militia of the City of Westminster, and after some Debate, Ordered to be read again on Saturday next.
An Ordinance was reported to the House for discharging the Sequestrations, and taking off the Delinquency of Sir John Strangeways, and his Son; and accepting the Fine which he has paid for his Delinquency; which was Assented to.
The State of the Navy was this day reported to the House, which took up much time; and it was hereupon Ordered, 'That the Sum of 40000l. should be advanced upon the Credit of the Excise in course, with allowance of 8l. per Cent. per Annum to the Advancers for the use of the Navy, and that an Ordinance be brought in to this purpose.
'That the Committee of the Army should pay the 2500l. borrowed by them of the Committee of the Navy.
'That the Ships now in readiness for part of the Summer's Fleet be forthwith Manned, and Set forth, in order to the reducing of the Revolted Ships.
The House was informed, That the Isle of Wight was not in a very safe condition without some additional Strength: They thereupon Ordered, 'That it should be referred to the Committee at Derby-House, to take care for the Safety of the said Place both by Sea and Land.
Friday, June 23. 1648.
The House of Commons this day resumed their Debate, as to the speedy Settlement of the Peace of the Kingdom, and Ordered, That it should be referred to a Committee, to consider how far the Parliament have gone in order to a Peace, and what offers have been made by the King for that purpose, and what is fit farther to be offered to him in relation to the settling a well-grounded Peace in this Kingdom; and likewise to consider of the Place, Manner, and Circumstances, in relation to this Business, and to Report with all speed to the House; and that the Lords Concurrence should be desired herein.
Debate about His Majesty's Person.
The House then had much debate concerning His Majesty's Person; and the Question was put, Whether His Majesty's Person should be removed from Carisbrook Castle to Windsor Castle, in order to a Personal Treaty upon such Things as both Kingdoms shall conclude on; But this Business was not then fully agreed on.
A Letter from Colonel Hammond by Captain Rolfe, concerning the Charge against them.
A Letter this day came to the House from Col. Hammond by Captain Rolfe, giving Answer to the Scandalous Charge laid upon himself and the said Captain by Mr. Osborne, in that feigned Relation printed, putting himself wholly upon the Knowledge of His Majesty, and what he shall say therein.
Capt. Rolfe denies the Charge.
Captain Rolfe was called in, and Mr. Speaker acquainted him with the Heads of the Charge against him; which he absolutely denied, or that ever he had any Discourse with the said Osborne to that purpose.
The Charge ordered to be printed.
The House hereupon, to give the Kingdom Satisfaction, Ordered, That the Charge, Col. Hammond's Letter by way of Answer, and the House's Order for giving Freedom and Security to Osborne for 40 days to make good the said Charge, should be forthwith Printed. A Letter was this day read, in Answer to a Letter of the 21st from Col. Jones, which was Assented unto.
The House then Ordered, To Adjourn until Monday Morning, and hereafter to Adjourn from every Friday to Tuesday following.
The Enemy in Colchester sally out, and are repulsed.
From the Leagure before Colchester by Letters dated Thursday, June 22. came as followeth: 'This day was the first Salley that ever the Enemy made out of the Town, whatever Reports you have had out of London since the first Battle, being with 30 Horse and 40 Foot, to discover our new Work; but 14 of your Muskettiers beat them from their Works.
'This Day likewise 4 Foot-Soldiers went over the River, and brought away fix Cows within Pistol Shot of their main Work.
Four Soldiers bring away 6 Cows within Pistol shot of their main Work.
'Yesterday the Suffolk Forces being not come over, the Enemy had free Passage to Sir Harbottle Grimston's House and Bradfield-Hall, towards Harwich, where they have placed about 200 Muskettiers, and have two Troops of Horse, and, as we hear, they have sent for Guns from Colchester.
Suffolk Forces arrive at the Leagure.
This Day they have the Confidence to send a Summons to the Suffolk Forces at Cattaway-Bridge, a Copy whereof is herewith sent, and is as followeth:
Those at Cattaway-Bridge by those in Colchester.
We are commanded by Sir Charles Lucas, Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Forces in Essex, to desire your Positive Answer, whether you do declare yours selves to be our Enemies or no? Likewise we desire to give you Notice, That our coming hither is only to preserve this Hundred from Plunder; nor to act any thing against you in Suffolk, upon your declaring either to be our Friends, or to stand Neuters; and that your Intention of Drawing together, are only to secure your own County, hoping you will be so tender of spilling any more Blood, especially of your so near Neighbours, as we Essex Men, that have Associated with you, as that you will take away all just Occasions, by coming no more into our County, and sending back those Men, Horses, and Arms, which you have taken from us, or forcing its to declare our selves to be, what we are loth to think of, Your Enemies; whereas our Wishes and Studies shall be to subscribe, our selves,
Your Friends and loving Neighbours,
Before Bedfeild-Hall, June 22. 1648.
We had likewise a true Copy of a Proclamation by His Excellency the Lord Fairfax, Published throughout the Army, as followeth:
The General's Proclamation published throughout the Army.
Whereas, in Answer to a Letter sent out from Colchester concerning a Treaty, I have offered Liberty to all Private Soldiers, and Persons of that Rank, laying down Arms, to depart to their several Homes, and to be free from the Violence of the Soldiers, together with other Conditions to Persons of other Quality: I do therefore Require and Command all Officers, Soldiers and others whom it may concern, That in case before Acceptance of our Agreement thereupon, the Conditions tendered to all the Enemy's Party for the Surrender of the Town, and Private Soldiers, or Persons of that Rank shall come away from the Enemy, with their Arms, or without, and shall peaceably come into the Guards, rendering such Arms as they have, or shall bring with them; that in such case no Plunder nor Violence shall be committed upon any such Persons, but they be quietly brought to the Head-Quarters there to receive Passes for their Repair to their own Homes. Given under my Hand and Seal the 22d of June, 1648.
Tho. Fairfax.
To Col. Barnardiston, to be published among the Suffolk Forces, and the like throughout the Army.
A further Account from Colchester.
Saturday, From the Leagure before Colchester, we had farther as followeth: 'Once every Day you shall be sure of an Account of Affairs here, tho' nothing be done, to stop the Mouths of those who daily invent Lies, having nothing else to support their tottering Cause. This Day proving extraordinary wet, gave the Enemy encouragement to come out of their dry Houses with some Men, as if they had intended to sally out, which gave us an hopeful Alarm to have an Encounter with them, which both now and hitherto they have avoided. That which I observed upon it, was the extraordinary Readiness and Chearfulness of the Soldiers (notwithstanding they were wet to their Skins) to stand to their Arms. The Country Soldiers of Essex deserve Commendation likewise for their Readiness, who have stood so many Cannon-shot, insomuch that for the future they deserve to be called Essex Lions, and we will turn the Calves into the Town.
Two Cannon from the new Battery play into the Town.
'This Day two of our Cannon from the new Battery played into the Town, which much terrifies 'em within; and when we sent a Party under Lieutenant Chillenden, with Ammunition, to meet the Suffolk Forces, tho' they march'd within Musket-shot of the North Gate, yet they attempted not to make the least Salley, or to fall upon the Rear.
Suffolk Forces assist in blocking up the East Gate.
'The Suffolk Forces have been this Day at their Rendezvous; but some Scruples they made touching their marching out of their own County, being I hope this Day satisfied, we expect them to Morrow without fail to assist in the blocking up of the East Gate, which by reason of our handful of Men we could not hitherto accomplish; and then the Enemy is past all Sallies, if he had Courage to do it; and besides, we shall immediately fall upon Sir Harbottle Grimstone's House, which the Enemy had soundly plundered, and turned out his Lady.
The Cannon on both sides play hard.
Farther from the Head Quarters, dated June 25. at Two in the Morning, thus: 'The last Night the Enemy was very silent, but this Day played very hard, yet did not any Execution; our Cannon likewise played into the Town, and near St. Mary's Church killed one, and wounded two. This Day we finished a Bridge over the River, whereby we can hold Communication with the Suffolk Forces, who are this Day come over, consisting of about 2000 Foot, and 5 Troops of Horse; they are intrenching themselves before the East Gate, and have left a competent Number to secure Cattaway, Nayland, and Streetford Bridges. Their Intrenchments being once finished, I hope we shall suffer the Enemy to take little Rest until we have reduced them.
Monday, June 26. 1648.
The Debate reassumed for settling the Peace of the Kingdom.
The House of Commons this Day farther resumed the Great Debate, in order to the Speedy Settlement of the Peace of the Kingdom; and they then went on to the Nominating a Committee, who are to Debate and Report their Opinions as to the Manner and Place of Treaty with His Majesty, for Settlement of the Peace of the Kingdom; And a Message was sent to the Lords for their Concurrence herein: Upon which, their Lordships named a Committee of their House to join with the Commons as was desired; the Names of the Committee of Both Houses are as followeth; Of the House of Pears, the Earls of Northumberland, Kent, Rutland, Lincoln, Suffolk, Stamford, L. Bartlet, L. North, L. Hundsdon, L. Harbert: Of the House of Commons, Sir Walter Earle, Sir Harbottle Grimston, Sir John Watts, Sir William Lewis, Sir Richard Onslow, Sir Gilbert Gerhard, Sir James Harrington, Sir John Burgin, Sir John Evelin of Wits, Sir Martin Lumley, Sir Robert Harlow, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Swynfen, Mr. Maynard, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Hungerford, Mr. Pierpoint, Mr. Lisle.
Mr. Mildmay's Election made void, and Sir J. Clotworthy readmitted.
The Committee of Privileges made Report to the House, of the Cafe of Sir John Clotworthy and Mr. Mildmay, and after same Debate it was Voted, 'That the Election of Mr. Mildmay was void, and that the former Order, Prohibiting. Sir John Clotworthy and Mr. Mildmay to fit in the House till farther Order, be Revoked; and that the said Sir John be Re-admitted.
The Note sent up yesterday to Dr. Burgesse, when in his Pulpit, subscribed by divers Citizens and others, desiring him, To give God Thanks for preserving His Majesty from Poisoning, and to Pray for the Forces under the Command of the Earl of Norwich, Lord Capel, and Sir Marmaduke Langdale; was Read in the House, and upon Debate thereof, Ordered, 'That the Militia of London do send for the Parties whose Names were subscribed.
'Bishop Wren, and Mr. Capel, Son and Heir to my Lord Capel, Ordered to be added to those who are to be sent Prisoners to his Excellency, and to be Exchanged for, or used as the Committee of Essex in restraint with the Lord Goring.
Many English and Scotch speak the sad Condition of that Kingdom, and the violence used towards those that will not adhere to the new War.
The Northern Letters this Day from York, Newcastle, Major General Lambert's Quarters at Penrith, and from the Lancashire Forces, all of them to one and the same purpose, give to understand thus much: Major General Lambert hath retaken Appleby Castle, in which was 6 Barrels of Powder, 300 Arms, and 1500 Weight of Match; also Graystock Castle and one other. The Lancanshire Forces are come to him being one Regiment of good Horse, and two Regiments of Foot; these joined, they advance 8000 Horse and Foot against Langdale, who is retreated to Carlisle. General Lambert was within a Mile of the City, draws his Men into Battalia, expecting Langdale would fight, but he refused; and yet unwilling to go farther North on that Coast, sends 8 Troops of Horse to Hexam in Northumberland, to fright away many Gentlemen and others to Newcastle. Colonel Gregory Fenwick and Major Sanderson, who until now lay to strengthen Berwick, having Notice, that Langdale's Horse intended to get between them and Newcastle, retreated within four or five Miles: The Enemy then marches to Anwick, and another Party of his Horse (for Foot he hath but few or none) gone a long time towards Berwick, among whom are two Troops of Gentlemen excellently well mounted. This Remove it's conceived, is the better to avoid fighting, securing themselves under Berwick and Carlisle, receiving from Scotland, if any come, and waiting the Prince's Arrival and those with him. The Horse of Bishoprick of Durham, are commanded to join with those of ours in Northumberland, the better to withstand the Force of Langdale: Many come, English and Scotch, out of Scotland, who speak the Condition of Affairs very sad there, and that great Violence is used towards all that will not adhere to the new War. Some Ministers already Executed, more Imprisoned; all that endeavour to obstruct the present furious Proceedings of the new prevalent Party, are, by Power given to the Committee for that Purpose, to be secured, and their Goods to be confiscated. Their Oath is framed and urged already, upon the Nobility and Peers, but no other: The Lord Chancellor, Lowthean, Wariston, and several other Lords and Gentlemen, are fled upon it to several strong Holds; and General Leshly, and others with him, into Fife: There was a purpose of the well-affected in the West Parts of that Kingdom, to have imbodied to the Number of 10000, but prevented by the Advance of the Lieutenant General Middleton thither, so as not above the Number of 1500 got together; those be summoned and willed to return to their Homes. This drew off many, but the rest resolved to outbid all, adventured and would not stir; Three Hundred of these the Lieutenant General; Middleton forced to a Water side, that they must either yield or fight, the latter of which they chose; and did it with much Courage, that they beat off his Horse, and put them to a Rout and Flight, and thereby got opportunity to secure themselves in Galloway, a Garison of Argile's. 500 more, being all that stayed of the 1500, which had been old Soldiers, got into a Bog for their own Preservation: Argile. hath been sent to by the now late Committee of Estates, to know the Reason, why his new Regiments now with him, yield not Obedience to the Commands of the present Officers of the Army? He replied, he would examine it, and shortly return them an Account or Reason of it: Middleton, Bartlet, Vury, have accepted Commands under the new General Hambleton, old Leven, David Lesly, Holburne, Colonel Carr, Lieutenant Colonel Carr, Lieutenant Colonel Middleton, and several; yea, most of the Officers employed by themselves, and we in England have refused; honest Men say, never was such a sad Persecution in that Kingdom; yet God hath exceedingly emboldened the Spirits of the Ministry and others to withstand them, as if a Deliverance were behind the Curtain for them.
'The last Week we told you of a Petition from the Inhabitants of Colchester, and a Letter from the Lord Goring to the General in their behalf; That Liberty might be granted to the Bay and Say-makers in that Town, to have a free Trade with London during the Siege; we had then also given you the General's Answer, but wanted room; we will for better satisfaction give it you now.
For the Mayor, Aldermen, and Inhabitants, of the Town of Colchester.
The General's Answer, to the Petition of the Bay and Say makers in Colchester, and Lord Goring's Letter on their behalf.
It had been good that the unavoidable consequence of War, that of restraining Trade to a Town besieged, had been considered of by the Inhabitants of your Town, before their admittance of those Forces, which have necessarily drawn it upon them; and which indeed first began the new disturbance upon this County and the Kingdom, and that Interruption to your Trade which is complained of. You cannot but remember, that even during the first War raised against the Parliament, while you had none but the Parliament's Forces among you, both your Town and this whole County had as free Trading with London and the Parts adjacent, as if there had been no War. And after that, by the Blessing of God, the adverse Forces were in all Tarts subdued, the whole Kingdom enjoyed for some time universal Quiet; there was again all freedom of Trade and Commerce throughout all Parts, the Forces of the Parliament disbanded and lessened by degrees, and therewith Taxes abated; all Plunder and Abuse of the Soldiers restrained, and at last free Quarter also taken off; and there was no doubt but, with the Blessing of God, the Kingdom might have been speedily settled and eased of its Burden by degrees, as the safety thereof would admit, had it not been for the new disturbances raised chiefly by that Party, whom your Town hath afforded harbour and shelter unto for the present; where, had they not been admitted, and thro the advantage of the Place, gained some present breathing, there was little doubt, but by God's Blessing, they might, e're this time, have been broken or driven far enough off; and your Town had enjoyed without Interruption the same freedom of Trade, and all Things else, as formerly they bad done: And as the present Interruption thereto is thus drawn upon your Town, not by my default, but theirs and the Towns-Mens, so the first beginning thereof, which the petition alleadges to have been I three Weeks past, was singly by them; there being at that time none of my Forces entred into this County, nor any that stop'd your Trade, but the Lord Goring, and those in Conjunction with him, who then lay at Bow, and afterwards at other Places upon the London Road; which so soon as by their diverting another way, it was cleared, there was no stop of Trade by the Forces under my Command, either to other Tarts of this County or your Town, until by their admittance thereinto, I was necessarily drawn down hither to besiege them, now to allow freedom of Trade to a besieged Town, implies so much disadvantage or prejudice to the Besiegers, and such advantages to the besieged, as the like Motion was never yet granted, nor I think made, elsewhere; and therefore as to your and the Inhabitants desire thereof, their hopefullest and surest ways to a full freedom therein, will be such as tend to the restitution of the Town and County (as far as may be) into the
same Condition, wherein they were before those Forces which occasioned the Interruption came in: And, as in order thereunto, I lately offered fair Conditions in a Letter to the Lord Goring, Lord Capel, and Sir Charles Lucas, though perhaps concealed from you; though they be rejected by them, yet shall be ready to make good the same to all that shall timely embrace them, except those three persons themselves. And for the mean time, here are many Gentlemen and others of known Estates in this County, and divers Inhabitants of your Townsmen, eminent in Trade; who declare themselves willing to take off all the Bays and Says made in the Town, at such Prices as they are usually sold for, and give good Security for payment within a fortnight after the Town of Colchester shall be taken, surrendred or quitted; which I hope would be readier payment by many Months, than those Commodities are usually vended for; or else to take them off upon such certain days of payment, as Merchants ordinarily do in that Trade. And though it be a Favour without an Example to a besieged Town, yet in order hereunto, I shall give way to those Commodities, to be freely brought to Stanaway Heath, there to be either sold upon the Terms aforesaid, or else to be returned into the Town if they cannot bargain; and shall give passage to and from that place, to the persons and Goods of those Tradesmen, at such times as I shall find most convenient to be set apart for that purpose.
Your assured Friend,
Tho. Fairfax.
June 24. 1648.
Lord Capel desires, that two Deputes for the Bay and Say-makers may come and treat with the General about a free Trade.
Saturday last a Trumpeter came from the Lord Capel, to desire that Abraham Harsdon and John Raynar, Deputed by the Bay and Say-makers of Colchester, might come and treat with His Excellency about a free Trade.
Two Trumpeters and divers Soldiers desert Colchester.
The Lord Capel's Trumpeter, and Colonel Panton's and divers Soldiers, are this day come from the Enemy; and many have come since the General's Letter into the Town, promising Liberty to Soldiers, and others of the same Rank, to go and live quietly at their own homes.
Colonel Slingsby, Colonel Beale, Colonel Tuke Colonel Champnes, and divers other Colonels, are very active in this Town.
The Forces in Colchester encouraged to hold out.
The Lord Goring and the rest of the Officers, keep up the Spirits of their Soldiers with false Information: When they ask'd what our Trumpeters come so often about, they told the Soldiers, "That it was about a Treaty; and that the General offered Fifty Thousand pounds, if he would let him draw off quietly with his Army, but that he would not grant it.
From the Leagure before Colchester, June 26. 1648.
Tuesday, June 27. 1648.
Petition of the Lord Mayor, &c for a personal Treaty, &c.
This day a Petition from the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of the City of London, was presented to both Houses of Parliament; The Substance thereof, for satisfaction of those that have not seen the Petition, take briefly thus:
"That a personal Treaty may be obtained betwixt His Majesty and both Houses, in the City of London, or some other convenient Place; where it may be moil for the Honour of His Majesty's Royal Person, and Preservation of the Parliament, as their Honours thought fit; unto which Treaty they humbly desire our Brethren of Scotland may be invited; That so, according to the Duty of our Allegiance, Protestation, solemn League and Covenant, His Majesty's Royal Person, Honour and Estate may be preserved, the Power and Priviledge of Parliament maintained, the just Rights and Liberties of the Subjects restored, Religion and Government of the Church in Purity established, all Differences may be the better composed, and a firm and lasting Peace concluded; and the Union between the two Kingdoms continued according to the Covenant; all Armies dsbanded, and all your Soldiers just Arrears satisfied; the Kingdoms Burthens eased; and the laudable Government thereof, by the good and wholesome Laws and Customs, happily advanced.
The Lord's Answer to the Petition.
To this the Lords answered, "Giving the Petitioners hearty Thanks for their Continuance of their good Affection to the Parliament, and Inclination to the Peace and Settlement of the Kingdom.
The Commons Answer.
The House of Commons gave them this Answer, "That they have the same Fellow-feeling with the City and Kingdom of their Sufferings by War, and the same Desires with them, to attain to a safe and well grounded Peace: They have, for that end, spent a great part of this last Month in Considerations of Peace, and have made some Progress therein; and for the more speedy dispatch of what farther, remains to be done, the Houses have appointed a Committee to consider what the King hath offered, and what is farther to be offered to the King, for his satisfaction, for settling of a speedy and well-grounded Peace, and to consider of Time, Place, and other Circumstances, for conveniency of Addresses to be made to His Majesty; and they doubt not, but what they have done, and speedily shall do herein, will be fully satisfactory to the City of London, and to all others that desire to see the Troubles of this Kingdom ended in a safe and just Peace. And for your good Affections to the Parliament and Kingdom, manifested by your Actions in the late War, and in your present Petition for a safe and well-grounded Peace; the House hath Commanded me to give you Thanks.
Ordinance for the Militia of Westminster and York passed; Mr. Osborne makes Affidavit before the Lords, against Major Rolfe, and an Impeachment thereupon Ordered to be drawn up. Farther Account from Colchester.
An additional Ordinance passed for the Militia of Westminster; also an Ordinance for the Militia of York: Mr. Osborne hs day appeared to the Lords House, and charged the Matters contained in his Letters against Major Rolfe upon Oath; and an Impeachment was Ordered to be drawn up hereupon.
From Colchester Leagure June 26. 1648.
"This day the Enemy drew out some Foot into their Orchards and Closes under their Works; our Foot immediately went into the open Field, beat them into their Guards, and made those that kept the Guards run also; and took their Hour-glass, set their Guard-House on Fire, killed Two, and brought away one Cook of Greenwich, a Baker, Prisoner. The Suffolk Forces work diligently in making their Trenches before the East Gate; The Enemy hath quitted Sir Harbottle Grimston's House at Bradfield, having plundered it sufficiently, and are retreated to my Lord Banning's House.
Colonel Barkstead's Regiment are marched over our new Bridge, and are intrenching themselves about the North Gate.
'This Night some Horse of Colonel Whaley's were sent to fire the Enemy's Windmills, which they effected; they have yet two Water-Mills, which we hope also to make unserviceable to them before to morrow.
Wednesday, June 28. 1648.
This day was the Monthly Fast-day; The House gave Thanks to the Ministers that preached, and Ordered their Sermons to be Printed.
From the Leagure before Colchester by Letters the 28th of June, 1648. came as followeth:
Further from Colchester.
'Yesterday the Suffolk Forces sell upon the Enemy, killed Two, and took Ten Prisoners; whereof a Kentish Man and two London Apprentices, very resolute Men they had chewed Bullets rowled in Sand in their Pockets, contrary to the Law of Arms; and without doubt, Col. Needham was shot with such, for we have had Shots more dangerous than his Cured: Likewise the same Day 30 of ours sell upon 2 Troops of the Enemy, killed Two and wounded many. Near the Hedge last Night, we had a purpose to begin a Battery close under the Walls, but that the Country failed to bring in their Tools the Enemy suspected it, by viewing of the Ground the Day before, sallied out last Night with 100 Horse in a full Career, thinking to surprize our Men; but failing there, they advanced on a swift March to our Horse-Guards, and their swiftest came within our Centinels, to our Guard, and discharged Pistols, which gave our main Guard Notice, who instantly mounted and charged the Enemy, and pelted them with Shot to their Hedges; which they had lined with Musqueteers, and took off his Head-piece that Commanded in Chief. We had Intelligence last Night out of the Town, That their Horses were sadled, and that they intended to break thorough by the way of Walden, which probably they were intended to have done; for those who came out (as one of them confessed) were the Commanders in Chief and Gentlemen of Quality, who, if they escape not, must cut the Throats of all their Horses. The Enemy shoots Iron pieces, which makes us think they have near spent their Shot; nothing hath hapned this Day remarkable.
Island of Axholme possessed by the Pontefracters.
News came this Day, 'That a Party of the Enemy from Pontefract, had possessed themselves of Axholme Island near Trent.
Thursday, June 29. 1648.
Three Petitions of the Mariners read, and a Committee appointed to draw up an Answer.
Three Petitions were this Day presented to the House, from the Mariners of Trinity House; The one intituled, The humble Petition of the younger Brothers of Trinity House; the second intituled, The humble Petition of the Commanders, Masters, and Mariners, of the Shipping belonging to the River of Thames; the third, The humble Petition of the Master, Wardens, and Fellows, of Trinity House; praying a Personal Treaty with His Majesty, &c. Which Petition was read in the House of Commons, and a Committee appointed to draw up an Answer thereunto.
A Months Pay to be advanced to the Forces of Lancashire.
They Ordered, 'That a Months Pay should be advanced to the Forces of Lancashire, out of the Sequestration of Delinquents in the County of Westmorland.
Colonel Ashton, their Commander in Chief, have Thanks returned.
Colonel Ashton, Commander in Chief of the Lancashire Forces, Ordered, 'To have the Thanks of the House, for his extraordinary good 'Affections and Services for the Publick in the County of Westmorland.
Committee at Derby House to take Care to subdue Insurrections in Sussex.
The House was informed, 'That the Malignants of the County of Sussex, had taken Occasion, upon the endeavoured Removal of the Magazine of that County in Arundel Castle, to rise in a tumultuous manner: They thereupon Ordered, That it should be referred to a Committee of Derby, House to take speedy Course for the subduing of them.
Provisions and Necessaries to be sent to the Army.
Upon a Letter this Day from His Excellency the Lord Fairfax, the House Ordered, 'It should be referred to a Committee of the Army, to take Care speedily to send down to the Army what Provisions and other Necessaries are wanting.
Committee of Essex to take Care to raise Moreys to pay the Forces of that County.
The House Ordered, 'That an Ordinance should be drawn, to en able the Committee of the County of Essex to raise such Moneys as shall enable them to pay the Forces of that County, raised for the Defence of the whole County; to the end an equal share may be had, amongst all the Inhabitants, as to their Maintenance.
Officers and Soldiers to go for Ireland, to have the same Security for their Pay as those under the Lord General.
The humble Petition of those Officers and Soldiers, that came from the Army, upon the Ordinance of Parliament for the Service of Ireland and otherwise, was read; and Ordered, 'The same Security shall be given to them for their Arrears, as the Army under the Lord General hath.
600l. for the Victualling of Chester.
They farther Ordered, 'That the Sum of 600l. should be advanced, for the Victualling the Fort and Castle of Chester; and that the late Actors of the Design there, be Tried by Martial Law.
The besieged in Colchester, expect Relies from Langdale.
From the Leagure before Colchester, by Letters came this Day farther, to this purpose; 'You understood before the Enemy's Sally out of Colchester on Tuesday Night, and their Repulse in again: They still give out, that Langdale is certainly coming for their Relies. The Suffolk Forces work apace in making their Leagure; The Enemy is debarred from all manner of Provisions out of Tendering Hundred or elsewhere, and believe it can hardly escape us any way. Wednesday, a Party of the Suffolk Forces from Cataway-Bridge, went into Tendering Hundred, and took ten Troopers of the Enemy plundering, and afterwards went to Sir Harbottle Grimston's House at Bradfield, where they found it a miserable Place; all the Goods in and about the House taken away, the Beds torn in pieces; the Enemy hath done above a 1000l. Damage there. The Trumpet that came out of the Town that Day says, that many of their Men came wounded in that Morning upon the Sally. Tuesday Night 200 of our Men have been working all that Night, upon a new Battery within Pistol-shot of the Town, near the Alms-Houses; they wrought without Danger all this Night till Morning, when the Enemy made two Shot at our Horse-Guards;. the First miss'd, the Second killed four Horses and one Man.
June 29. 5. in the Morning.
Friday, June 30. 1648.
A Message from t he Lords about a. Personal Treaty.
A Message this Day came from the House of Lords, acquainting them; 'That the Members of their House, of the Committee appointed to consider of a Personal Treaty with His Majesty, who met yesterday and had a great Debate about a Personal Treaty, with His Majesty's Remove nearer London; had Reported two Votes in relation to that Business, in which the Lords had Concurred, and desired the Concurrence of that House thereunto. Hereupon the Members of the House of Commons of the said Committee, made their Report of the said Votes, which were to this Purpose; 'First, That the Vote of the 3d of January, 1647; forbidding any Addresses to be made to, or received from His Majesty, should be made Null. 2. That the Three Propositions sent into the Kingdom of Scotland, and to be presented to His Majesty before a Personal Treaty be had, should not be insisted upon. And, that His Majesty be removed to some of his Houses within 10 Miles of London.
The House of Commons Ordered, 'That in respect the House of Peers had agreed to sit to Morrow and Monday, for dispatching the great Business of a Personal Treaty, which the Kingdom so much expect; That they would likewise sit on the said days; and that to morrow this Message be farthar Debated.
Another from the Lords, on behalf of the Lady Capel.
Another Message came from the Lords, "Recommending the Petition of the Lady Capel on the Behalf of her eldest Son, who is apprehended and sent down Prisoner to the Lord General, to be used in the same Condition, as the Committee of Essex are with the Enemy; and desiring, that the may have such satisfaction herein, as may be for the Justice and Honour of Parliament.
A Letter to be sent to the General on her behalf.
The House hereupon Ordered, "That a Letter should be written from the House to the Lord General Fairfax, with the Petition of the said Lady Capel therein; and that His Lordship be desired, to do there in, as may be for the Justice and Honour of the Parliament.
Another Message, That Mr. Dowcet be required to give hit Testimony, in case of, Major Rolfe.
A Message this day from the Lords, desiring that one Mr. Dowcet may have free Liberty to attend their Lordships, as often as his Testimony shall be required in the Business of Major Rolfe; and to return him with Safety, which was assented unto. Their Lordships also Ordered Major Rolfe to be committed Prisoner to the Gatehouse.
The Committees of Sussex and Worcestershire to have Power to raise Horse and Foot to suppress Insurrections.
The House Ordered, "That the Committee of Sussex, and the Committee of Worcestershire, shall have leave to raise such Horse and Foot, as they shall think sit, for suppressing all Tumults and Insurrections in their Counties; and for preserving the Peace thereof.
The Ordinance for the Payment of the Forces of the County of Essex, raised for their own Defence, was read and assented unto.
10000l. to be advanced for Bristol.
The Ordinance for advancing 10000l. for Bristol, was reported and assented unto.
The rest of this day was spent upon the Ordinance for Religion.
Farther from Colchester.
From the Leagure before Colchester came farther thus: "As soon as it was day this Morning, Thursday June 29. the Enemy plaid with their 'great Guns against our Horse-Guards and new Work near the Alms-House; but when they saw how deep our Men were in their Trenches, that the Shot could not hurt, they desisted shooting with great Shot, and sell to annoy us with small Shot out of Mr. Grimston's House, standing near the Walls of the Town; but our great Cannon shooting thorough and thorough the House, cutting off the Arms and Legs of many of them, they were glad to fly into the Town, and in a malicious humour set the House on Fire, and burnt other Houses with it.
"The Enemy sallied out last Night, on the other side the Leagure, towards Suffolk; which our Horse discovering, lined the Hedges with Dragoons, and went on with a Party of Horse, as if they had meant to Charge the Enemy; and then facing about run away, as if they had been afraid of the Enemy who pursued them; and as soon as they came up, the Dragoons did so gall the Enemy with Shot, that they forbore to advance farther; there being at that time a Lieutenant Colonel, and four other Officers of the Enemy, very desperately wounded, and some slain: And some who came out of the Town this day, confirmed the same. And this Morning they sallied out again with their Troops of Horse, 500 Foot and a Drake: Our Horse-Guards that were upon the Road from East-gate toward Tendring Hundred, perceiving the drawing out both Horse and Foot towards Grimstead Church; and that the Passage being narrow, the Horse could not engage them; Foot were sent for to come to the assistance of the Horse: But before our Foot could come up from the Suffolk Forces, the Enemy had taken up thereabouts, and driven in some Cattle, and killed one Mr. Sandford at Burlesea, that had Interest in the Castle; though it is said he was their great Friend. And this Night we had designed to have fortified Grimstead Church near the Hive, with Foot and a Piece of Cannon; so that they must take their Fare-well of any more Provision. Had the Suffolk Fort been finished sooner, we should have had Foot as well as Horse, to have secured that Hundred. Four Companies of Colonel Ingoldsby's Regiment, and some Horse, arc marched to secure the Church, which Commands the Causey, and gives passage over Hive Bridge into Tendering Hundred.
A Colonel that came out of Colchester taken.
'There was this day taken Prisoner in or near Harwich, a Colonel that came out of Colchester, who, upon Examination, called himself by the Name of Colonel Smithson; but some Townsmen, who saw him there in Town, say, that his Soldiers called him Colonel Bard; but those that have seen him say. it is not Sir Henry Bard.
The besieged gave out that 700 London Apprentices were coming for their Relies.
'This day the Enemy in Colchester gave out, That 700 London Apprentices, with four Guns, were this Night come to Chelmsford for their Relief, That the Parliament Men are all driven from Westminster into the Army.
They burnt Mr. Barringtan's House, and threaten to burn the Subburbs.
'The Enemy have this Night burnt Mr. Barrington's House, on the other side the Town; they give out that they will fire the Subburbs. They are fortifying the Lord Dacres his House in the Town, it being moted round, and are resolved to keep that to the last; so that nothing but Destruction is expected to this poor Town.
Leagure before Colchester, 29. June 1648. 12 at Night.