Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48. Originally published by D Browne, London, 1721.
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John Rushworth, 'Proceedings in Parliament: April 1st - May 1st 1648', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48(London, 1721), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol7/pp1045-1074 [accessed 14 March 2025].
John Rushworth, 'Proceedings in Parliament: April 1st - May 1st 1648', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48(London, 1721), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol7/pp1045-1074.
John Rushworth. "Proceedings in Parliament: April 1st - May 1st 1648". Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 7, 1647-48. (London, 1721), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol7/pp1045-1074.
In this section
Chap. XXV. Proceedings in Parliament from April 1. to May 1. 1648.
Saturday, April 1.
The House this Day heard the Ordinance concerning the Affairs of the Admiralty reported; it being referred to a Committee to be drawn up. This took the Debate almost of the whole Day, and at last it was assented unto, and ordered to be sent to the Lords for their Concurrence.
The House thought fit to give an Additional Power to the Commissioners that are appointed to go to the Forces in Munster, under the Command of the Lord Inchequin; whose Officers had an Oath of Secrecy tendered to them, which if they refused to take, or disputed it, then they were secured, though that Oath might have been to kill their Wives and Children.
But in respect these Instructions ought not to be Published till the Commissioners are gone into Ireland, and their Transactions known upon them, we shall forbear mentioning of them at present.
A strong Report was this Day, That the Prince Charles is withdrawn from France, whether designed is not yet known, but it is whispered Scotland: But if so, or otherwise, the Truth will be known shortly.
The House of Peers Adjourned from Friday till Monday.
His Excellency the Lord Fairfax removed the Head Quarters of the Army this Week from London to St. Edmonds-Bury in Norfolk.
Monday, April 3.
A Letter was this Day read in the House of Commons from Col. Jones, Governor of Dublin, expressing the great Necessity of the Soldiery there, for want of Monies and Cloaths; and desiring some speedy Supply to be sent thither, that may enable him to take the Field, and encourage the Soldiery under his Command, and that he doubted not to give a good Account for his Service this Summer against the Rebels.
The House hereupon took into Consideration the eminent and faithful Services preformed by the said Col. Jones, since he hath had any Command in that Kingdom, and the Blessings that God hath crowned their Endeavours with; and Ordered, that One Thousand Pounds should be bestowed upon the said Col. Jones, as a Gratuity and Testimony of the Favour of the said House, for all his said faithful Services: And that he should likewise be acquainted what Provisions and Monies are proportioned for all the Soldiery and Provinces in Ireland, and what in particular for the Forces under his Command.
It was likewise Ordered, That Mr. Greenhill and Mr. Pocock, Treasurers of Christ-Church, do, out of Nine Thousand Pounds reserved out of the Monies at Goldsmiths-Hall for Indigent Persons, pay proportionably (as the Monies will hold out) the Officers and Soldiers whose Names are contained in the List presented to this House by Auditor Wilcox; taking special Care, and endeavouring by all Means, that no Monies be paid to those that shall appear to have been engaged against the Parliament about July or August last. And Mr. Potter, Clerk to the Committee of the Military Garden, is appointed to be present at the time of Payment, with Mr. Greenhill and Mr. Pocock, with his Books of the Five Qualifications, and the former List by which they have received any former Monies, whereby none of them may be twice paid, nor any paid that are not comprehended within the Five Qualifications.
A Letter this Day came from our Commissioners in Scotland, acquainting the House, that they had made several Addresses to the Parliament of Scotland, according to the Order of both Houses of the Parliament of England, concerning Capt. Wogan; but as yet they can receive no Answer or Satisfaction. The House hereupon Ordered a Letter of Thanks to be sent to our Commissioners, for their Fidelity in their Transactions and Endeavours; and to desire them to insist in their Addresses to the Parliament of Scotland for Answer to that Particular.
The House Ordered, That the Business of the Fens should be considered of to Morrow Morning.
From York came Letters this Day to this Purpose:
Your only News is not very toothsome, but it may prove wholsome; Acts disagreeing to Principles of Nature being carried on by a Mysterious Providence (above so low a Capacity) commonly produce a gracious and glorious Issue; for all that Alarm, and the heightened Malignant Expectation thereupon, the Appearance of a God in this Extremity and Opportunity will soon dispel their misty Actions, like the Sun in the Morning, though (I perceive) they gather Strength and Courage very fast and in every Place. If honest Men stick not together, and act not with Love and Courage, a Deluge of Calamities may suddenly break in upon us; if once the Scots can but divide us, they will soon unite to make us a Prey, notwithstanding their many Civil Differences. Our Sufferings now are not much in these Parts, the Forces being in their Quarters, but I am confident very ready to oppose Invaders, as they shall be required by Parliament, or any by Authority from them. The Assizes here are now done, after much Toil and Trouble, for there was a great Goal Delivery; Twenty Three were Condemned, Sixteen Men and Seven Women; Thirteen of the Men were Executed this Day, and Two of them Hang'd, Drawn and Quartered for Clipping; Three of the Men were reprieved at the Gallows; Two of the Women were Executed, Five Reptieved for being with Child, One whereof was condemned for the Crucifying of her Mother, and sacrificing a Calf and a Cock, as a Burnt Sacrifice; and the Husband of that Woman was Hang'd for having a Hand in that Fact.
March 31. 1648.
From Newcastle by Letters of the 28th is thus written:
'This Week many Ipswich Ships and others (to the Number of Seven) split and sunk on the Bar of Tinmouth, much of the Ammunition, Powder and Match is spent and lost; Seven or Eight are driven upon the Sands besides, but in hopes to be gotten off. Col. Lilburne is gone from hence to his Charge into Yorkshire, wherein he is to have a Regiment of Horse from the North. I having nothing but this, Sir William Fleming is come into the Road with a Holland Man of War Six and Thirty Guns in her; it is a general Report that the Prince is in the Ship, but not likely: None hath Liberty to go into the Ship. Sir Thomas Glenham is now in a French Man of War. This enclosed is all.
From Edenburgh by Letter, March 28. is thus certified:
'The Scots do not appear for the King directly, as the Malignants conceive they would; but to compose things amongst themselves: and the better to effect their Designs upon England; they insist upon nothing but Breach of Covenant and Treaty on our Part, and the not settling the Church-Government; and none of their Malignants, they say, shall serve in their New Army, unless they take the Covenant, for all they do is but adhering to their First Principles.
'Our Commissioners have as yet received no Answer to any of their Papers, nor to that concerning Capt. Wogan and his Troop. To the Committee of Danger are added the Earls of Traquire and Roxborough, both Men well affected, at least to the pious Part.
'The Commissioners of the General Assembly gave in these following humble Desires to the Parliament last Week, which they have taken to their serious Considerations, but have not given an Answer yet. Their Desires are,
1. That the Grounds and Causes of undertaking a War may be cleared to be so Just, as that all who are well affected, may be so satisfied in the Lawfulness and the Necessity of the Engagement; and that nothing be acted in reference to a War, before the Lawfulness of the War, and the State of the Question be agreed upon.
2. That as the Breach of the Covenant by the prevalent Party of the Sectaties in England are evident, so we desire and hope that, according to the Treaty, it may be condescended upon and declared by the Parliament, what are those Breaches which they take to be a Ground of War, and that Reparation thereof may be fought.
3. That here may be no such Quarrel or Ground of the War, as may break the Union between the Two Kingdoms, or may discourage or disoblige the Presbyterian Party in England, who continue firm in adhering to the League and Covenant.
4. That if the Popish Prelatical or Malignat Party shall again rise in Arms, this Nation and their Armies may be so far from joining or associating with them, that the contrary, they may oppose them, land endeavour to suppress them as Enemies to this Cause and Government upon the one hand, as well as Sectaries on the other.
5. Seeing your Lordships Undertaking should be in the first Place for Religion; We desire that his Majesty's late Concessions and Offers concerning Religion (as they have been by the Church, so may be by the Parliament) declared unsatisfactory; whereby your Lordships may give further Evidence of the Reality of your Intentions for the Good and Safety of Religion.
6. That your Lordships may be pleased not to fix and settle upon any such State of a Question, as doth not contain Security and Assurance to be had from his Majesty, by his solemn Oath under his Hand and Seal, that he shall for himself and his Successors, consent and agree to Acts of Parliament enjoining the League and Covenant, and fully establishing Presbyterial Government, Directory of Worship, and Confession of Faith, in all his Majesty's Dominions; and that his Majesty shall never make any Opposition to any of these or endeavour any Change thereof; and that this Security be had from his Majesty before his Restitution to the Execrise of his Royal Power; which we desire for no other End, but because we cannot see how Religion (which has been, and we trust shall be the principal End of all the Undertakings of this Nation) can be otherwise secured; but that without this Security it shall be lest in very great Hazard.
7. That the same End in securing Religion (which is professed to be the Principal Cause of Engagement) and for securing all other Ends of the Covenant, such Persons only may be entrusted by your Lordships to be of your Committees and Armies, as have given constant Proof of their Integrity and Faithfulness in this Cause, and against whom there is no just Exception or Jealousy, that so we may the more confidently encourage our Flocks and Congregations to follow the Cause of God in their Hands, and not to doubt of the Fidelity of those who shall be entrusted by your Lordships.
8. That there be no Engagement without a solemn Oath, wherein the Church may have the same Interest which they had in the Solemn League and Covenant the Cause being the same.
'All which Desires, being duly pondered by your Lordships, inanequal Ballance, will, we trust, be found just and necessary, and do not doubt Satisfaction from your Lordships therein, may be a happy and-effectual Means for facilitating the State of the Question, and for the uniting this Nation in an unanimous undertaking of such Duties as are requisite for the Reformation and Defence of Religion, the Honour and Happiness of the King, the Peace and Safety of the Kingdom.
'Concerning the late Vote of 40000 Men to be raised, it was by the Committee of Danger: who went so much beyond their Authority as some conceived, that a Protestation was entred, (viz.) against the Manner, not the Matter, and is as followeth:
The Protestation made by Eighteen Lords and Forty others against the Vote, for raising an Army by the Committee of Danger, runs thus:
Whereas we have earnestly desired that no Power be granted to any Committee, to do, act, or order any thing that may engage this Kingdom in a new War, before the Parliament resolve on a War, and state the Cause and Ends thereof; it being in our Judgment, neither agreeable to the Oath of Parliament, and Tenour of Commons from Shires and Burroughs.
Nor the Act of Parliament 1640. and against the Articles; being also a dangerous Preparative and derogatory to the Liberty of the Kingdom, and Privilege of Parliament; and most of all, it being of dangerous Consequence to the Cause of God, and to the Ends of the Solemn League and Covenant. We do therefore dissent from granting any such Power; and do Protest, That we may not be included in any such Vote or Resolutions; but may be free before God and Man of all the Guiltiness, Prejudices or Evil that may follow thereupon, to the Cause, Covenant, and Religion, to the King's Person and Authority, to this Kirk and Kingdom, or the Union between the Two Kingdoms.
The Names of the Committee of Danger are as followeth:
Duke Hamilton, Marquess of Argile, Earl of Crayford Lindsey, Earl of Lauderdale, Earl of Lanerick, Earl of Callender, Earl of Traquire, Earl of Roxborough.
Lord Innerpepher, Lord Wariston, Lord Lee, Lord Humbe, Lord Collington, Lord Arneston, Lord Gartland, Lord Ennis.
Edward Sidserfe, Alexander Wedderburne, Pat. Lesley, Bell, Ja Roberton, Thomas Merberine, Two Burgesses more.
'There come yet divers English by Land into Scotland. The Ships that came to Scotland (and are yet in the Haven of Leith) have as yet Landed none of the Passengers, which begets Thoughts of great Persons being in them.
'It's probable the Parliament of Scotland will make such a Conclusion as will be very well taken in England, and send it by Commissioners before any War be declared. It's true, common Talk is wild there, as with us here; but the Debates are serious.
Tuesday, April 4.
Letters from Pembrokeshire give Intelligence of the uncontroulable Deportment of Col. Poyer, and a part of Major-General Langhorne's Men, how fast they take Prisoners, and that they had secured some of the Committee-Men. But we hope Col. Horton, and the rest of the Forces designed against Poyer, is by this time there with a sufficient Force.
This Day came Intelligence from Scotland, that things remain there in as bad a Condition as formerly. The English Commissioners have not yet received an Answer to any of their Papers; nor to that concerning Capt. Wogan and his Troop, although they have done their utmost Endeavours in it.
Sir William Fleming came hither Two Days since from France in a Dutch Man of War. Through Misinformation, the Minds of most Men here are possess'd with strange Opinions of the Parliament of England; and as to our English Army, an inveterate and implacable Hatred is deeply rooted against them. The Dutch Ship keepeth Guard, and likewise a French Pinnace, and lieth here; we know not the Meaning of it.
Edenburgh, March 28, 1648.
There came this Day further Intelligence from Wales, and particularly of the Affairs in Pembrokeshire; which gives a good Account how things stand there, (viz.)
The Miseries of the destroyed County of Pembroke do very much increase. This Evening a Vessel arrived here that came Yesterday Morning out of Milford, and brings News that Poyer is near 500 strong in Foot, and that Capt. Addis's Troop, and one other of Major-General Langhorne's Horse, are fallen in to him, both to the Number of 100; he is daily raising more Forces both of Horse and Foot; and to that End do frequently Muster the Country into Pembroke Town, who do out of pure Fear obey him, and do make very full Appearances before him, with Bills, Halberts, and such other Weapons as they can get; and out of them on Saturday last he Pressed 100 Men, besides what he hath Pressed since in the Country. He hath Sessed all the Country-Parishes about him to a Tax near Treble as much on a Parish as the Three Months Sesment for the Army is, which he forceth the Inhabitants to bring in to him in Money or Provision, or both; and such as do refuse, he threatneth to Plunder. He hath imprisoned Mr. William Lort, Mr. Matthew Bowen, and William Poyer, with several others, and made them all Pay their Ransoms.
Last Tuesday a little before Night, the Two Companies of Soldiers that were sent down by Water from Bristol, landed near Hentlan in Milford, and on Wednesday were set upon by the Two Troops of Horse, and an Hundred or Six Score Foot of Poyer's Pulchrahan Church and Church Yard; but they maintained the Place, and are not taken (as the Report was) but had Conditions upon Treaty to March away with their Arms, and are gone to Cardiffe, upon Engagement not to Land again in Milford. The same Day Poyer beset Hentlan House, where was Mr. White, Mr. Roger Lort, Adjutant-General Fleming, Mr. John Lort, and several other Commissioners and Gentlemen, that were met together about accommodating and quartering of the New Landed Soldiers; all of them were in great Danger of taking, but they also by a Stratagem escaped, and are got on Ship-board. Hugh Butler, a Colonel of the King's Army, a grand Malignant, commanded the Foot that were about the House, and had provided Barrs of Iron, Sledges, and other Instruments, for the breaking open the Doors of the House.
By this and what formerly has been certified, you may see the settled Resolution of Poyer and his Adherents to raise a new War; which I am confident will grow to such a Head on a sudden, if not timely prevented, in those Malignant and Discontented Parts, as will not easily be overcome.
Col. Fleming, with some of the Commissioners, are aboard the Expedition in Milford Haven.
We will not now mention the additional Forces designed by his Excellency the Lord Fairfax, now on their March, or we believe there by this Time, to disperse this threatning Cloud in Wales, by Poyer and his Adherents. Glamorgan, Monmouth, Radnor, and Brecknockshire stand firm, and there is Shipping to secure Milford Haven, that no Supplies further can go to Pembroke. The Forces also of Major-General Langhorne (besides those joined with Poyer) have agreed to disband, and we believe are disbanded by this time, as is certified by a Letter from the Commissioners to that Purpose, to his Excellency the Lord Fairfax from Cardiffe, dated April 3. to this Purpose:
The Commissioners have Prosecuted the Work of Disbanding of Major-General Langhorn's Forces with all the Speed and Care they could, wherein they have endeavoured by their Candour and Fairness, to keep them from the least Occasion of such Discontent as might colour a Mutiny that would produce a Broil, whence they might seem to take Occasion to patronize the Design they were sufficiently satisfied was of Foot. In this Work the Countenance, Advice, and Forwardness of Col. Horton has been shewn, and which has gain'd the Country, and brought the Work to Perfection in that County, that the respective Officers there are now content, according to his Excellency's Orders, to Disband Troop by Troop, and Company by Company, whereunto they have engaged their Faith and Honour. Major Phillips Disbands on Tuesday on Swanzey-Sands, and the Residue in like manner one after another, to receive their Money and Disband, which about Saturday we believe will be over.
And as concerning Pembroke, it is further certified, That Poyer gathers Strength; some of Col. Powell's Men are fallen in to him and also some Foot of Col. John Butler's once Lieut. Col. to the Earl of Essex, who ('tis certified) having a Brother at Munster, holds a Correspondence with the English there, resting in Expectation of Assurance thence to have a Cessation with the Rebels, being already talked of. Poyer as yet hath but a very few Horse, nor is not able to keep the Field, but will be again sufficiently penn'd up in the Castle upon the Appearance of the Additional Forces sent down, or there by this time. There are not any Gentlemen of Note, or Men of Estates, in all the forementioned Counties of Wales (whatever the Reports were) come in to Poyer, or that give him any visible Countenance. And the Officers under Major-General Langhorne, who have agreed to Disband, have also subscribed a Declaration, wherein they Protest against any Conference or Compliance with Poyer and his Confederates in this Action; and that such of their Soldiers as have or shall go in to him, they have and will look upon them as Enemies and Disturbers of the Peace of the Kingdom. By all this, yet we hope this Storm in Wales, so much heighten'd by the Malignants, will be suddenly blown over, and their Malignant Expectations to engage a new War in those Parts frustrated.
From Shrewsbury by Letters, we understand that the Malignants in that County had comploted to seize on Shrewsbury, and so to raise a new Combustion in those Parts: But by the Vigilance of the Governor and Garrison it was prevented.
Monday, April 10.
Tumult in London on the Lord's Day; Took its Rise in Moore-Fields.
That which first offers it self this Week is the great Tumult which broke forth in London by a Company of rude and disorderly Persons on the Lord's Day, about their Sporting, Tipling, and other Disorders on that Day, in Contempt of the Ordinance of Parliament; but so much concerning this Business is published already, we need say the less. The Tumult first took it's Rise in Moore-Fields, amongst a Company of rude Persons Playing and Sporting there in Sermon-time, who set upon a Party of the Trained-Bands about Finsbury, and over-power'd them; and upon this the Mutiny increased: Some ran to White-Chappel, and seized upon the Captain's Colours, others to Smithfield, and a great Company of them ran down towards White-Hall; but these were met withal by the House from the Mewse, and presently disperst, some running one way, and some another. Notwithstanding this, the Mutiny gathered Head in the City that Night; they surprized Newgate and Ludgate, took the Keys, went to the Lord Mayor's House, and took per force a Drake thence, in which Action some were slain; the Drake they bring to Ludgate; my Lord Mayor leaves his House and goes to the Tower: In the Morning the Number increases, they labour to get Arms, break open a House in Milk-street; from thence, and from several other places, with their Drake they go to Leadenhall, there they get Possession of the Magazine; Drums were beaten upon the Water to invite the Seamen and to quell this Mutiny before it grew to high; set up all Night himself about it, calls a Council of War, and the Question was, whether they should hazard those Two Regiments at the Mewse and White-Hall, or stay for more Forces? It was agreed, that rather than put off the Business further, which must needs be dangerous and much Blood shed, to engage with the Regiments, though they perish; this Morning betimes they enter at Aldersgate, came to Leadenhall, charge them there gathered, they shot their Drake off, hurt Capt. Merriman in the Shoulder, and his Lieutenant in the Belly, kill'd Woman, the Soldiers hurt many of them; he that shot off the Drake was a Waterman, and was kill'd diverse Persons were taken, the Mutineers in all Parts of the City were presently disperst, the City-Gates set open, and all quiet in the City before Ten of the Clock this Morning.
From Scotland by Letters dated April 5. to this Purpose:
Letters From Scotland.
'There is little hath happened since my last, of Importance in scotland. The Parliament hath given no satisfaction to the Desire of the Commissioners of the Kirk of Scotland, and seem to be very angry that the Ministers still persist to cross them in their Designs, and they seem to be far from Agreement; the Parliament are resolved to proceed against them. A new Model of their Army is agreed on, great store of Arms came lately thither from Holland; Sir Will. Fleming stays there 'tis said, to carry News to the Prince when the Army is ready for the Field. Sir thomas Glenham and Sir Philip Musgrave are still at Edenburgh, and the Streets are full lf English there.
Parliaments, Commissioners not satisfied.
'There hath been great Debate the Last Week about the Ministers Desires, but it broke off with much Discontent on both Sides. Our Commissioners have received no Answer as yet.
'There are no Orders given our as yet for the levying of Men for the New army.
The last Week we gave you Account of the Desires of the General Assembly of Scotland to the Parliament there, consisting of Eight Heads; we shall now in order thereunto give you the Substance of the Parliament's Answer, and the Reply of the General Assembly to the same, as Followeth:
The Answer of the Parliament of Scotland to the Desires of the General Assembly there.
The Estates of Scotland now convened in this First Session of the Second Triennial Parliament, having considered the Desires of the Commissioners of the General Assembly represented to them, They, after full Debate and Consideration concerning the same, for Answer to the First Desire, &c. Declare. That the Grounds and Causes of undertaking of War shall be cleared to be so just, as that all who are well affected may be satisfied in the Lawfulness and Necessity of the Engagement.
For answer to the Second, they think it fit, That the Breaches of the Covenant and Treaties be presented, and the seeking of Reparation, and the best Time and Manner thereof considered.
To the Third they Declare, That this Kingdom will be so far from making War against the Kingdom of England, that ant Engagement they shall enter into, shall be for strengthening the Union between these Kingdoms, and for encouraging the Presbyterians and well affected in England.
To the Fourth, they Agree to the Substance and Matter thereof; and remit to those who are to be upon the Conference for stating the Question to explain the same.
To the Fifth, they Declare, That upon the Agreement on the whole Matter and State of the Question, they will declare his Majesty's Concessions concerning Religion not to be satisfactory.
To the Sixth Desire, That since Religion hath been, and they trust ever shall be, the Principal End of all their Undertakings; so they will be careful that the present Question to be stated shall contain Security and Assurance from his Majesty, by his Solemn Oath under his Hand and Seal, that he shall for himself, and for his Successors, give his Royal Consent to Pass Acts of Parliament enjoining the League and Covenant Established by Presbterial Government, the Directory of Worship, and Confession of Faith, in all his Majesty's Dominions; and Charge thereof.
To the Seventh, That they will be careful that none shall be employed in the Command of their Armies, nor in their Committees, but such as are of known Integrity and Affection to the Cause, and against whom there is no just Cause of Exception.
And to the Last they Declare, That to the Grounds of their Engagement and Undertaking, an Oath shall be subjoined, wherein both in the framing of it and otherwise, the Church shall have their due Interest. And the Estates of Parliament desire the Commissioners of the Church to appoint some of their Number to meet with such of the Committee of Parliament of Twenty-four, as shall be appointed be the same Committee, for the Conference and stating of the Question for agreeing upon the Grounds of an Engagement, and draying up such a State of a Question, as may unite this Nation in an unanimous Undertaking of such Duties are requisite for the Reformation and Defence of Religion. the Safety, Honour and Happiness of the King and his Posterity, and the Good of this Kingdom.
This Answer being returned to the General Assembly, the next Day they agreed upon a Reply in Answer to that of the Parliament's, to this Effect.
The General Assembly's Reply to the said Answer.
As to the Answer of the First Desire, They conceive that, notwithstanding any thing expressed in their Lordships Answer, there may be an acting in reference to War, before the Lawfulness of the War, and the State of the Question be agreed upon, which is the very thing they desire to be avoided.
To the Second, They neither find any Breach of Peace between the Kingdoms which may be a Ground of War, nor any positive Resolution of Parliament to seek Reparation.
To the Third, Instead of that Clause of the Desire, The Presbyterian Party in England, who continue firm in adhering to the Leagur and Covenant; Change of Expression in the Answer is the Presbyterians and well affected in England; which may intimate that there are some well-affected in England, which are not of the Presbyterian Party, nor do adhere to the League and Covenant.
The Fourth Desire, For not joining with the Popish Prelatical or Malignant Parry, we cannot conceive wherein it needs Explanation, unless there be now more Favourable and Friendly Intentions towards Malignants than formerly.
Touching the Fifth, His Majesty's Concession being so prejudicial to the Cause and Covenant, they desire the Parliament to declare against them both positively without any Condition, and presently without Delay.
In the Answer to the Sixth Desire, As there is much said in the first Part, for Security of Religion to be had from his Majesty, so that Clause, viz. That this Security be had from his Majesty before his Restitution to the Exercise of his Royal Power, is laid aside, and they are lest unsatisfied in that which is the Main of that Desire.
That the Answer to the Seventh Desire, concerning such as are to be intrusted in Armies and Committees, doth admit of some of the Qualifications expressed in the Desire, viz. Such as have given constant Proof of their Integrity and Faithfulness in this Cause, and against whom there is no just Cause of Jealousy, that so we may the more confidently encourage our Flocks to follow the Cause of God in their Bands, and not to doubt of their Fidelity.
And in the Answer to the last Desire, instead of that clear Expression used, namely, That the Kirk may have the same Interest in any Oath for a new Engagement, which they had in the Solemn League and Covenant, they find this doubtful and uncertain Expression, That both in the framing of the Oath and otherwise, the Kirk shall have their due Interests.
And upon these and the like Considerations, they conceive that their Desires, unto which they still adhere as Just and Necessary, are not satisfied by their Lordships Answer.
Intelligence from the Borders of Scotland.
Further from the Borders by Letter April 5. was thus certified:
'The Cavaliers in Northumberland are a little curbed by Major Sanderson's Horse, quartered in that County, and do already fear they may be questioned again.
The Scots agree upon Propositions.
'The Scots are of late very close, but we hear their Parliament have agreed upon some Propositions.
- 1. To raise an Army for the Safety of both Kingdoms.
- 2. That none who have been in direct Opposition to the Two Parliaments of England and Scotland, shall have Command, or serve in their Army.
- 3. That they will by their Army defend their Covenant, and the King if he will take the Covenant, but will ever have regard to preserve the Peace of both Kingdoms.
'Tis said, there are Six other Propositions, but I cannot tell the Sense as yet. The Cavaliers on Saturday Seven-night did much rejoice at the Sight of Two Squadrons of Ships sailing Northward; in the first was Thirty-six Vessels, Eighteen Men of War well Man'd; the Second consisted of Forty, both Dutch: Tis thought they are Bound for a Fishing Voyage. A great Cavalier hath ingenuously confest, upon private Discourse with his Friends in Scotland, That they would not join in a Body with, or under the Command of the Scots if they come into England, but are confident to have Opportunities and Assistance to make a Body of their own Party to carry on their Designs, and manage their own Interests, fancying they shall roul like a Snow-Ball into a Formidable Army. 'Tis gathered, that if the Scots do come into England, the Cavaliers will not come the Way that they do, but some Distance from them, that they may the better free themselves from the Scots Command, and yet advantage them by the Scots.
'On Wednesday last there was a Meeting in the City of York of divers of the Presbyterian Ministers of the County, for settling of that Government; but I perceive no great Progress is made in it, they have only begun some Three or Four Classises in the West-Riaing; it is thought it will go on but slowly. By a Gentleman lately come from the North we understand, That the moderate Party are now the fewest there, and that their Thoughts are generally this way-ward, and are for the present preparing their Way, and privately carry on their Work of making their Entrance as plausible as they can, to preserve and gain Interest.
Tuesday April 11.
Common Council debate of the late Tumult.
This Day the Common-Council of the City of London sat very close in Debate of the late Tumult in the City, and a Narration was then made unto them concerning the fame from the Militia, upon which several Votes and Resolutions were agreed upon by the said Common-Council, the Sum of all is thus represented:
Committee of the Militia's Relation of the Tumult; The Common Council declare, that the City was in great Danger by the said Tumult; The Committee of the Militia to make known the same to the Parliament; Publ. Thanks to be given to God for the City's Deliverance from the said Danger.
'At this Common-Council Mr. Alderman Fowke, and Mr. Alderman Gibbs, by the Direction of the Committee of the Militia of London, did make a large Relation of the great Multitude, Insurrection and Mutiny which happened in this City on the last Lord's Day and Monday last, by many evil disposed Persons, which first began on the Lord's Day in the Afternoon in the county of Middlesex, where they seized the Colours of one of the Trained-Bands of the said County, who were there employed for the suppressing of such Persons as did Propane the Lord's Day; and being dispersed by some of the General's Forces, did gather together within the City of London and Liberties thereof, and in a Riotous Manner did break open divers Houses, and Magazines of Arms and Ammunition, and took away Arms, Plate, Money, and other Things; and did seize upon the Drums of the Trained-Bands of this City, which were Beating to raise their Companies; and Armed themselves, and beat up Drums, and put themselves in a Warlike Posture, and seized upon the Gates, Chains, and Watches of this City, and then Marched to the Lord Mayor's House, and there assaulted the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, Committee of the Militia of London, and other Magistrates of the same, and did shoot into the Lord Mayor's House, beat back his Guards, killed one of them, wounded divers others, and seized and took away a Piece of Ordnance from thence, with which they did after wards slay and wound divers Persons, and committed many other Outrages. All which Matters being largely debated, and many Particulars insisted upon, both for the Discovery and Punishment of the said Misdemeanours and Outrages, and also for the preventing of the like for the time to come, it was at last concluded and agreed by this Common-Council, as followed: First, This Common-Council do generally conceive, that this City was in great Danger by Reason of the said Outrages and Misdemeanours; and that if the same had not so timely been prevented and stayed, the whole City would have been exposed to the Fury and Rage of the said Malefactors. And this Common-Council doth Declare, That the same Misdemeanour and Outrage was a horrid and detestable Act, tending to the Destruction of the City; and that they do Disavow the same, and with an utter Detestation do declare their Dislike thereof. And this Common-Council do Appoint the Committee of the Militia of London to make the same known to the Honourable Houses of Parliament: And also to make an Humble Request unto them, That an Order may be issued forth from them to the several Ministers of this City and the Places adjacent, that they may be directed to give Publick Thanks to Almighty God, the Author of this great and wonderful Deliverance, from that eminent Danger wherein the City ad Parts adjacent were involved. And further, the said Committee are appointed by this Court to apply themselves to the Hounourable Houses of Parliament, for the obtaining of a special Commission of Oyer and Terminer, for the Trying and Punishing of all the Malefactors that had a Hand in this detestable Action, according to the known Laws of this Land. And this Court with thankful Hearts do acknowledge the Instruments under God, by which they obtained this Deliverance, to be by the Forces raised and continued by the Parliament, under the Command of his Excellency the Lord General Fairfax; and to manifest the same,
Thanks to be given to the General for his Care in suppressing the said Tu mult; The Committee of the Militia likewise thank'd for their Care therein.
'This Common-Council do also Order, That the said Committee of the Militia, in the Name of this City, as a thing agreed upon by a unanimous Consent, Shall return their hearty Thanks to his Excellency for his speedy and seasonable Aid offered unto the City in this their great Streight and Danger, And this Court with a general Consent do well approve of the Endeavours of the said Committee of the Militia for London, for the raising of the Forces of this City, and in their procuring of the said Aid and Help from his Excellency in this Extremity, and what else they have done for the appeasing and suppressing of the said Tumults. And this Court doth give Thanks to the said Committee of the Militia for their Care and Pains by them taken upon this sad Occasion; and they do appoint Mr. Alderman Fowke to declare the same their Thanks to such of the said Committee as are not of this Court. And this Court doth also with all Thankfulness acknowledge the Pains and Care of the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, and the Right Worshipful the Sheriffs of this City therein. And this Court do generally Declare, That it is the Duty of every Citizen of this City by himself, and all that do belong unto him, or is under his Command, to be ready upon all Occasions to be aiding and assisting unto the Lord Mayor and the rest of the Magistrates of this City, for the suppressing of all Tumults and Disorders within the same. And the several Persons now present at this Common-Council, by the holding up their Hands, have promised, that for the time to come they will use their utmost Endeavours, and be ready upon all Occasions, to do the same.
Letter from the Commissioners in Scotland.
Upon Wednsday, April 12. the House Sitting, a Letter was read in the House of Commons, from their Commissioners in Scotland, giving Account of their Transactions with the Parliament of Scotland the last Week, that they had demanded Sir Philip Musgrave and Sir Thomas Glenham, according to the Treaties, but have received no Answer as yet, nor to their Demand of Capt-Wogan, or their other Papers. Letters from France give to understand, That the Prince of Wales is still there, and not as yet gone for Scotland, as Letters this Day intimated.
The Impeached Lords put in their Answer to the Charge against them.
This Day the Earl of Lincoln, Earl of Suffolk, Earl of Middlesex, the Lord Hunsden, Lord Bartlet, Sir John Maynard, did each of them put in their Answer to the House of Peers in Parchment, pleading not Guilty to the Charge of High Treason framed against them.
Ordinance past for the Admiralty.
An Ordinance passed both Houses for the Jurisdiction of the Court of Admiralty for Three Years.
The Business of the Forrest of Deane reported.
A Report was made to the Commons, concerning the whole Business of the Forrest of Deane, about the Iron-Works and Timber there; and it was Ordered, That no more Timber be felled in the Forrest of Deane, or in New-Forrest, upon any former Order, and that the Timber fir for Ships be disposed on for the Use of the Navy.
Ordinance for the Militia recommitted.
An additional Ordinance for Explanation of the former, concerning the Militia of Westminster and Southwark; another for the Hamlets, read and recommitted.
Sir Thomas Widdrington and Mr. Whitlock sworn Commissioner of the Great Seal.
The Speaker, with the Commons, went to the House of Peers, where Sir Thomas Widdrington and Mr. Whitlock were sworn Commissioners of the Great Seal; the Earl of Kent, and the Lord Gray of Wark, were sworn before, and the great Seal with the Purse delivered.
A Committee from the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Common-Council of London, went with a Message to the House this Day about the Tumult, but the Houses were up before they came.
Committee give the General Thanks for his Care in suppressing the late Tumult.
The said Committee then went to his Excellency the Lord General, to his House in Queen-street, to give him Thanks for his great Care and Pains in so speedy suppressing the late Tumult, according to the Vote of the Common-Council.
This Committee from the City, were entertained by the General with very great Favour and Respect.
Thursday, April 13.
The Auditor-General of the Excise this Day came to the House, and was called; he then delivered a general Account of the Receipts of the Excise for the Year last past; and further propounded some things in relation to the settling of the Excise, and removing of Obstruction as to that Receipt, which the House considered of; and after some Debate they Ordered, That these Proposals should be referred to the Committee of Lords and Commons for regulating the Business of the Excise.
The House then considered of the appointing of Judges for the Court of Admiralty, and they Voted Mr. William Clarke, Mr. William Exton, and Mr. Isaac Dorislaw, Doctors at the Civil Law, to be Judges of the said Court. These Names being incerted in the Ordinance, it was assented unto, and sent to the Lords for their Concurrence.
The Amendments to the Ordinance for settling the Militia of Southwark was reported to the Hose, and assented unto, and ordered to be sent to the Lords for their Concurrence.
A Message was sent from the Lords to the Commons concerning the settling the Summer's Fleet. The House considered of several Commanders employed in the said Fleet, and agreed to the most of them.
The Commissioners of the Great Seal had a Stipend settled upon them for the Time of their being Commissioners: And it was Ordered, That the Commissioners of the Customs should pay the said Stipend unto them in such manner as is paid to the several Judges.
They further Ordered the Commission formerly granted for hearing of Causes in the Court of Chancery should be revived.
Narrative of the Tumult, presented to the House.
The House of Commons was then informed, That a Committee from the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common-Council of the City of London were at the Door, they were called in, and they presented to the House the Narrative of the Tumult, and the Votes of the Common-Council upon the same, the Copy whereof is before mentioned.
They Order Publ. Thanks to be given in all Churches in and about London.
The House had Debate upon the Desires of the Common-Council, and Ordered that a Publick Thanksgiving shall be in all Churches in and about London on the next Lord's Day. That a Commission of Oyer and Terminer be passed for Trial of the Mutineers. That the Posts and Chains about London be taken down.
1000 l. to be bestowed upon the Officers and Soldiers in the Mewse, for suppressing the Tumult.
They Ordered, That the Sum of 1000 l. should be bestowed upon the Officers and Soldiers at the Mewse and White-Hall, for the Viliant and Gallant Act of theirs, in suppressing of the said Tumult.
That the hearty Thanks of that House should be given to his Excellency the Lord Fairfax, and the Officers under his Command, for their great Care and Valour in suppressing this Tumult.
Disaffected Persons to be removed out of the Tower of London.
They further Ordered, That all disaffected, suspected, and idle Persons be removed out of the Tower of London, by the Committee of the Tower, or the Lieutenant; and that the Regiment in the Tower be made up 1000 compleat, and that 100 Horse be raised and quartered in the Tower, for the better Security of the City of London.
The Committee from the City likewise presented the said Narration and Votes to the Lords, and their Lordships returned Answer to the same Purpose as the Commons.
Letters from Wales that Poyer increaseth in Strength.
From Wales by Letters this Day we had further, That Col. Horton, with the Forces assigned for the Reducing of Pembroke-Castle, are drawing nearer, and have had a Rendezvous in that County; but Poyer increaseth in Strength about the Castle, and it is written, That he hath sent a Ship into France to invite the Prince thither.
Letters from the Isle of Wight, that the King is in good Health.
From Isle of Wight came Letters also, intimating, that the King is in good Health, and Pleasant, hath Bowled several times upon the new Bowling-Alley with the Governor, Col. Herbert, and others; and talks merrily in relation to this Army and the Scots.
The Assembly of Divines acquaint the House, that they had perfected the Catechism.
Upon Friday, April 14, the House of Commons was informed, That many of the Assembly were at the Door; they were called in, and acquainted the House that they had perfected the Catechism, according to the former Order of the House, and had incerted the Place of Scripture in the Margent thereof.
600 Copies thereof to be Printed.
The House hereupon Ordered, That Six Hundred Copies of this Catechism should be Printed and Published for the Service of the Members of both Houses, and no more.
The House Ordered, That the Thanks of the House should be given to the Assemblies, for the Pains and Endeavours in perfecting of this Catechism; which was done accordingly.
Narrative of the Ld. Inchequin's Revolting from the Parliament.
The House was acquainted that some Officers that had Command under the Lord Inchequin in the Province of Munster in Ireland, were come to Town; one Major Elsing, a Worthy and Faithful Gentleman, was called in, and made a Narration to the House of the Lord Inchequin revolting from the Parliament, and joining with the Rebels, &c. and how he endeavoured to perswade all his Officers to join with him herein.
Commissioners for Munster to attend the Service of the House.
The House hereupon Ordered, That their Commissioners appointed, and now on their Journey for the Province of Munster, should be called back and required to attend the Service of the House.
The Power granted to the Ld. Inchequin declared void.
The House then considered of this Perfidious and Treasonable Act of the Lord Inchequin, and declared, that all Power granted to the said Lord Inchequin, from both or either of the Houses of Parliament of England, be null and void. And that no Officers or Soldiers shall submit to the Command of the said Lord Inchequin.
Ld. Inchequin declared Rebel and Traitor.
They further declare, the said Lord Inchequin to be a Rebel and Traitor to the Parliament and Kingdom of England; and that a Declaration for this Purpose be forthwith drawn up and represented with all convenient speed. They further Ordered, Shipping should be speedily sent upon the Coasts of Ireland, for the Service of the Parliament, to assist the Parliament's Forces there against this horrid Design.
No Private Business for Eight Days.
The House then Ordered, That no Private Business shall be heard or moved in the House for Eight Days, but only such Things as may relate to the settling of these Kingdoms.
1500 l ordered for the Guard in the Tower.
On Saturday, April 15. the House Ordered, That the Sum of 1500 l. should be prepared for the Pay of the 1000 Foot and Troop of Horse, which are Ordered to Quarter in the Tower for the Security of the City of London against all Insurrections of Malignants, and other disaffected Persons to the Peace of the Kingdom.
A Message was sent form the Lords, communicating thereby a Letter to the House from the Duke of Lorrain. Their Lordships desired it might be referred to the Committee of the Admiralty.
The Duke of Lorrain's Letter referred to the Admiralty
The Horse considered thereof, and Ordered, That the Business concerning the said Duke of Lorrain should be stated, and a Report made thereof with all convenient speed, and that this Letter be referred to the Committee of the Admiralty, as their Lordships desired.
The business of Wales debated.
The House then also had some Debate concerning the Business of Wales; and Ordered, that the Committee of the Counties of Monmouth and Glamorgan should have Power, and were required to apprehend and commit to safe Custody all such Malignants to be Sequestred as have not Compounded, and all such other Persons as they shall find to have any Hand in making of Tumults of Insurrections, to the Disturbance of the Peace of those Counties, and the whole King dom.
400 Foot to be joined with those in the Tower.
The House Ordered, That his Excellency the Lord General should be desired to appoint the 400 Foot to be joined with those in the Tower to make them up 1000.
1500 l. ordered to provide Bedding for the Soldiers in the Tower.
They further Ordered, That the Sum of 1500 l. should be forthwith prepared for buying Bedding for the 1000 Foot and the Troop of Horse to be quartered in the Tower of London.
An Ordinance was sent from the Lords, concerning the Forrest of Dean, and the New Forrest, to which their Lordships agree, with a Proviso added thereunto. The House hereupon Ordered, That it should be referred to the Committee of the Revenue to take Care that no more Wood be cut down in the Forrest of Dean, and to consider of giving their Lordships Satisfaction in that Proviso.
Forces to be sent into the Province of Munster.
The House also further Orders the sending of some Forces into the Province of Munster in Ireland, for Maintenance of the Interest of the Parliament in that Province, and for regaining the same to the Power of the Parliament. And further Ordered, That the Ordinance for raising Money for the Relief of Ireland should be prosecuted effectually, and further considered of on Thursday next.
Lift of the Summer's Fleet passed.
Upon Monday, April 17. The House passed the Lift for this Summer's Fleet for the Irish Seas under Capt. Crowther, Vice. Admiral for those Seas, and to receive Orders from Vice-Admiral Rainsborough; the Vice-Admiral is to take Care of transporting the Mortar-pieces, &c. for Assistance to reduce Wales; concerning which, Instructions passed also.
Debate about raising Money for the Navy.
The House had Debated about raising Monies for the Navy by the Commissioners for the Customs.
English Commissioners at Edenburgh promised an Answer to their Papers.
Letters were read from the English Commissioners at Endenburgh; certifying, that the Scots Committee there had delivered their Reports to the Parliament concerning their Papers, and that they are promised to have an Answer the beginning of the next Week from the Parliament. Other Letters thence express thus:
Intelligence from Scotland.
You had the last Week the Protestation of some Lords and Commons at Edenburgh, against raising Arms under any Pretence whatsoever, until the Question be stated shewing the Cause of a War, and how the War shall be; but this hath not impeded the Business; for a considerable Army will be forthwith raised, notwithstanding the many appearing Dissenters: Tis true, the Pretence is no more than putting the Kingdom in a Posture of Defence; Men are already Lifting in all Parts of the Kingdom. In the interim, and a little to amuse you in the South, the Lord Lee is appointed to go for London, to the Parliament, with Four Propositions, said to be for a Personal Treaty, and for that End to bring the King to London or Holmby, there to be in Honour and Safety; that Presbitery be settled in full Uniformity to that of Scotland, or according to Covenant; the Disbanding the Army of Sectaries, and raising such as were intended when this Army was to be formerly Disbanded; those who will be obedient to Parliament, and give no Jealousy to Scotland; that the War of Ireland may be effectually prosecuted, and that none of the present Army in England may, being disbanded, go for Ireland: These, 'tis said, were grounded upon Seven Votes, some of them are said to be these; That the King is a Prisoner contrary to promise; That Religion is not settled according to Covenant; That Sectaries are encouraged; That the Parliament is not Free; Bills sent to the King without their Consent. The Lord Argile, and the other dissenting Lords and others, with the General, are against these Ways, as appears before, and almost all the Officers in the Army, who have petitioned against the raising Forces in the way they are. Also the Clergy hold fast together, and do labour the People, who are entering into an Agreement not to have War upon the Terms like to be: Also Petitions are for that end framing to the Parliament, and one County hath agreed already, Fife. The English Soldiers have Four Pence a Day, near 100 came last Week into Edenburgh, they are in all about 2000. Never more Joy in the Northern Counties by the Cavaliers than now. The Ships that came with Sir William Fleming, and with Sir Thomas Glenham, wait the carrying back the said Knights, with such Satisfaction form Parliament in Point of Assurance, as may invite the Prince thither.
Ordinance to be brought in to secure Turbulent Persons
Upon Tuesday, April 18 the House of Commons Ordered, That the Committees of the several Counties of this Kingdom, shall have Power to secure all suspected and disaffected turbulent Persons in their several Counties, as Occasion shall require; and that an Ordinance be brought in to this Purpose.
Sheriffs of Norwich. Thanks returned.
The House further Ordered, That the present Sheriffs of the City of Norwich should have the Thanks of the House given them for their good Affections to the Parliament.
They further Ordered, That the Commission of Oyer and Terminer for Trial of the Mutineers at Canterbury should be renewed, and that Judges go down for the Trial of them, notwithstanding it is Term Time; for the Parliament conceive it is high time now to execute Justice, seeing the Mercy and Clemency of the Parliament and Army hath been so much abused of late.
Message to the Lords to mind them of the Impeachment against the 7. Lords &c.
Several Messages were sent up from the Commons, to the Lords, to mind them of the Impeachment against the Seven Lords, also of that against the late Lord Mayor, Sir John Geere, and the Aldermen; of the Ordinance for making Mr. Steel Recorder of the City of London, in Place of Mr. Glyn; and of the Impeachment against Judge Jenkins: all which their Lordships ordered to take into Consideration on Thursday following.
The last Week we gave a brief Account of the Revolt of the Lord Inchequin, and the Votes of the Houses upon the same; and that you may the better judge how these Votes were grounded, we will now a little further to satisfy, give you the Substance of the Report of the Officers late under the Command of the Lord Inchequin, since made to the Houses concerning this Business, to this Effect:
The Report of the Lord Inchequin's Revolt.
The Lord Inchequin, they say, did call them and other Officers to him, and told them, that according to that Clause in the Covenant, which speaks of his Majesty's being preserved in Person, &c. and that of Privileges of Parliament, he was resolved to declare for his Majesty, and against the pretended Parliament at Westminster, who were no Parliament, as he conceived, being forces by an Independent Faction; and that he would, for better Preservation and Defence of himself, join with the Lord Taaff, in Arms with the Rebels, and all the Forces in Munster, who had assured him Aid, both with their Persons and Estates; and that he had Encouragement from the King, Scotland, and all the Presbiters in England, that had made Peace with the King: and if they would not join they might depart, for he would have none in Command that would not go through Pace: And this he could conceal no longer, because Vice-Admiral Crowther had blocked up his Harbours, and declared against him; and among other Reasons why he joins with my Lord Taaff, with whom he sought so gallantly, or those under his Command, but a while before, it's because Col. Jones had made a Cessation with Owen Rowe O Neal, and Owen adhering rather, as he faith, to the Parliament than to the King, and he would go contrary; by which means he doubts not to see the Army and Parliament in England laid flat upon their Backs by Michaelmas day. The same Overture was made to other Officers in the Field, and to one in Prison for standing up for the Parliament. It was not for nothing some were so ready to justify him against the Lord Lisle, and excuse his usage of him. They that come thence say, he reports that divers have made Peace with the King; he faith, he is now beforehand with the Independents, and never till now; he doubts not, come the worst that can, to make good Terms for himself and all that join with him.
The ill Consequence of that Revolt.
Thus much as to the Lord Inchequin, and from Dublin, April 4. is thus written.
Col. Jones begins to understand the Fruit of that unhappy Revolt in Muster, for the Rebels drew near him, and Owen Rowe is about Kildare with all his Power; whether they in Munster will be Actors with them of Spectators only, time will tell. All the Forces that Col Jones can possibly bring together, by the Conjunction of Col. Monk and Sir Charles Coots, will be done, and Garrisons besides must be quit; if we be not strong enough to fight we have no way but perishing, Provision will be so taken from us.
This Day his Excellency the Lord Fairfax went from London to Windsor, where the Head Quarters are now kept.
April 18. 1648.
Commissioners of the Customs refuse to advance 30000 l.
Upon Wednesday, April 19. a Report was this Day made to the House of Commons of the Commissioners of the Customs their Answer to the Advance of 3000 l. for the present Service of the Navy, which was in the Negative.
Propositions made to advance the said Sum.
The House was informed of a Proposition made by some Gentlemen to advance the said Sum of 3000 l. if they might be nominated Commissioners of the Customs in the Place of these present Commissioners.
The said Propositions not accepted.
The House considered thereof; but in respect the Hoses had formerly ordered and promised that these present Commissioners shall not be displaces till they have re-imburs'd themselves the Monies they have advanced for the Service of the State, they resolved to keep their Promise and Faith with them, and therefore accepted not of the said Propositions.
10000 l. for the Delinquency of Sir John Strangeways to be employed for the Service of the Navy.
The House ordered to accept of the Sum of 10000 l. for the Delinquency of Sir John Strangeways and his Son, and that their Fifth and Twentieth Parts should be included in the said Composition. This 10000 l. is, according to former Order, to be employed for the Service of the Navy.
Prisoners in the Tower to be removed to Warwick-Castle, &c.
In Prosecution of the former Order of the House, that all disaffected and suspected Persons should be removed out of the Tower of London, the House this Day Ordered, That the Places to which these Prisoners shall be removed, shall be Warwick-Castle, Windsor-Castle, and Walling for Castle; and that it should be referred to the Committee of the Tower, and the Lieutenant of the Tower, to remover the said Prisoners as they shall think fit: And that for the Aldermen of the City that are there, they are not to be removed, because they are now proceeding against in order to their Trial in the Lord's House.
Col. Fortescue recommended for Employment.
The House Ordered this Day, That Col. Fortescue should in a special Manner be recommended to his Excellency the Lord Fairfax, for Employment in the Army.
Part of his Arrears to be paid unto him.
They likewise Ordered, That part of his Arrears should be paid unto him.
Letters form Scotland, that the English Commissioners have admittance to treat with the Committee of Danger.
This Day Letters were read form the Parliament's Commissioners in Scotland, certifying what Answers they received April 12. from the Parliament of Scotland, and that they have Admittance to treat with the Committee of Danger. The Copy of the Answer was inclosed; 'I. To that of the Amity between the Kingdoms: That they do on their Part desire it, and will labour to continue it. 2. For Delivery of Capt. Wogan, Glemham, and the other English Delinquents; They say, It is not contracted in the Treaties and Pacification, only to deliver up such as shall endeavour to incense the King of the Scots against the Kingdom of England; for that they conceive them not Incendiaries between the Kingdoms, but rather between the King and England. That they do approve the Matter of their Commissioners Declaration, and the Parliament's Answer they conceive not satisfactory, &c.
Sir John Gayre fined 500 l. and recommitted.
Sir John Gyre, the late Lord Mayor, was brought to the Lords Bar, and refused to Kneel, was Fined 500 l. had his Charge of High Treason read Saturday, giving him time to put in his Desired for Counsel, and Ordered to be committed to the Tower.
From Oxford, Letters thence April 17. give understand, the Entertainment of the Earl of Pembroke, Chancellor of Oxford, by the University and City, to this Purpose:
The Earl of Pembroke's Entertainment at Oxford.
The Earl of Pembroke, Chancellor of this University, came last Tuesday into this City with about 100 Horse; most of whom went hence to fetch him in: At his Entrance a Speech was made unto him by the Mayor, as Member of the Commons House; another by Mr. Cheynell; as he came to his Lodging in Martin College one of the Proctors made a Speech unto him; next Morning he went to settle Me. Reynolds in Christ-Church, being attended by the Soldiers, as was ordered; where finding the Doors shut by Mrs. Fell, the late Dean's Wife, the Soldiers broke them open, and the New College, Dean was put in Possession. In the Afternoon the Chancellor went into the Schools, accompanied with the Visitors, where he was welcomed by an eloquent Oration in Latin made by Mr. Corbet, University-Orator: when the Chancellor was sat in his Chair in the Convocation-House, he delivered over his Power as Chancellor into the Hand of the Vice-Chancellor, now Dr. Reynolds, at which time he and the Proctor made Speeches in Latin. At this Convocation divers Learned Men were made Doctors, as the Vice Chancellor, Mr. Chambers, Mr. Callicots, Mr. Harris, of Divinity; Mr. Palmer, of Physick; Mr. Wilkinson, and Mr. Cheynell, Batchellors in Divinity; the young Earl of Carnarvan, the Chancellor's Two Youngest Sons, and several Country-Gentlemen, Masters of Art. The next Day the Chancellor with the Soldiers attending, went to put Dr. Wilkinson in Possession of Magdalen-College, where the Soldiers were constrained to break open the Doors of the President's Lodgings. In the Afternoon they went to All Souls, where Dr. Shelden, the Warden, appeared, refusing to submit, because the Visitors had not Authority from the King, and went into his Lodgings and lockt the Doors, which also were broken open, himself confined to a Chamber in the Town, and Dr. Palmer put in his Place. From thence they went to Trinity-College, where the Doors being broken open, Dr. Harris was put in Possession. Thence they went to St. John's, where Dr. Baly would not acknowledge their Authority, yet attended them to his Lodgings, where Mr. Cheynell was put in Possession. Thence to Wadham-Colledge, where the Doors being broke open, Mr. Wilkins was put in Profession, before any Violence was offered to any Man's Lodgings. The Heads and Fellows were summoned to appear before the Chancellor and Commissioners, but none appeared save Dr. Shelden and Dr. Baly, who denied the Authority. The next Day some of the Canons of Christ-Church were ejected. In every College was read openly the Orders of the Committee of Parliament, for ejecting the old and putting in the new. The Settlement thus over, the Chancellor departed towards London, being attended by many of the University, also of the Soldiery, to the Gates.
Ordinance read for the Advance of 50000 l. for the Service of Ireland.
On Thursday, April 20. an Ordinance was read in the House of Commons, explaining a former Ordinance for Advance of 50000 l. for the Service of Ireland; which took up much time, being read twice, and then committed.
Another for securing disaffected Persons.
An Ordinance was read in the House for securing all disaffected and suspected tumultuous Persons throughout all the whole Kingdom; which took up much Debate, being read the first time, and Ordered to be read again to Morrow.
Another for punishing Detaulters upon Musters.
An Ordinance was read for punishing Defaulters upon Musters in the County of Kent; which took up much Debate, and was, upon the Question, committed.
Poyer's Forces increase in Pembrokeshire.
Letters from Wales give to understand, that Poyer grows strong about Pembroke-Castle: Many of Major-General Langhorne's Men, after they are Disbanded and have their Monies, run to Poyer: Col. Powell is also joined with him, and they Summon and Muster the Country at Pleasure, as they have done lately in Pembroke, Caermarthen, and Cardiganshire, the poor Inhabitants being compelled, through Fear, to appear at their Summons, and pay unto them large Taxations besides.
His Quarters beaten up by Col. Horton.
There hath been some beating up of Poyer's Quarters already by Col. Horton, with the Forces designed by the General to reduce those Parts; and say the Letters, there is like to be Engagement of both Parties within few Days, if Poyer's Men will abide the Fight.
The prince of Wales at St. Germains with the Queen.
The Prince is not gone for Wales, nor yet into Scotland, as was confidently spoken this Day or Two: But by Letters from Paris, dated April 16. it was certified, that he was then certainly at St. Germains with the Queen his Mother.
Several Ordinances debated for settling Ministers.
Upon Friday, April 21. The House, according to former Order, considered of settling the Ministry throughout the Kingdom.
An Ordinance was read for settling a Ministry in the Borough of St. Albans, out of certain impropriate Lands in that County; which was read and committed.
Thanks returned to the Earl of Pembroke for his Care in settling the University of Oxford.
Several other Ordinances for setting Ministers in several Places of this Kingdom were read, and upon the Question assented unto.
The House this Day Ordered, That the Thanks of the House should be given to the Right Honourable the Earl of Pembroke, Chancellor, for his great Care and Pains, in settling and reforming the University of Oxford.
Fellow of Colleges, &c. that refuse to submit to the present Visitor to be expell'd.
The House was then informed, That many Fellows, and other Officers of Colleges, did refuse submit to the Power of the present Visitors, and other Power now over them: The House Ordered, That such as did refuse to submit to the said Power, that they should be Expell'd and Ejected the House.
University-Tenants to pay their Rents to the Visitors appointed by Parliament.
The House further Ordered, That the several Tenants to the Colleges of Oxford, should be required and enjoined to pay their respective Rents to the Visitors of Oxford appointed by Ordinance of Parliament, and that their Acquittance for the same shall be a sufficient Discharge to the said Tenants, and every of them.
They further Ordered, That these Three last Votes should be Printed and Published.
Ordinance against Rioters agreed to.
According to former Order, the House took into Debate the Ordinance for securing all the disaffected and riotous Party in this Kingdom, which took up much time, and then at last was put to the Question and assented unto, and ordered to be transmitted to the House of Lords for their Concurrence.
Additional Ordinance for Ireland assented unto.
The explanatory and additional Ordinance for Ireland was this Day reported to the House, debated and assented unto.
From Wales came further this Day by Letters form Col. Horton, to the General and Committee of both Kingdoms; that to his Excellency was to this Purpose.
Col. Horton's Letter to the Lord General.
May it please Your Excellency,
I Am now advanced to Swansey and Neath, and I hope Col. Okey will join with me to Morrow, and then by God's Assistance we shall endeavour to engage the Enemy within Two or Three Days, they lying now on this side the River of Towry, which runs through the midst of Caermarthenshire. Col. Powell hath now declared so positively for the King, that it's hoped the greatest part of the Officers and Soldiers, they having taken the Covenant, will fall off from him. Two Captains came to me Yesterday, and say, That the Officers are displeased to see Culpepper and other Cavaliers rule all, and the Officers sent to them for Orders. They have made the greatest part of the Commonalty for them, which appear in great Numbers upon Rendezvous; and the Malignants from all Parts steal in to them. Col. Fleming with a Party of Horse and Dragoons gave them an Alarm on Thursday last at Havathry, took Twelve Horse-Men. Want of Provisions, especially for Horse, in these Barren Mountains (which we are to pass over before we can engage) doth most trouble us; had we Money we might expect it from our Enemies. My Regiment hath had but a Fortnight's Pay this Six Weeks, and not like to have any in a long time; yet, I praise God, the Soldiers are generally Chearful. I shall upon all Occasions, give your Excellency Account of our Proceedings, and be
Your Excellency's Constant and Faithful Servant,
Thomas Horton.
Neath April 17. 1648.
Papers from Scotland reported.
On Saturday, April 22. The House received a Report from the Committee of Derby-House, of the Papers that were this Week referred to them, in Relation to Scotland, viz. The Commissioners Message to the Parliament of Scotland, demanding Capt. Wogan and some other Delinquents there, that endeavoured to set both Kingdoms of Fire by another War; and the Parliament of Scotland's Answer thereunto. They debated long upon this Particular, and then it was resolved, That the Answer of the Parliament of Scotland to the Demands of our Commissioners from the Parliament of England, is no way satisfactory.
They further Ordered, That our Commissioners should still insist and press the Parliament of Scotland for further Answer to the said to the said Message and Demands.
Ordinance for Security of the Arrears of the Army assented to.
The House of Commons then also considered how to satisfy the Soldiery of the Parliament, in point of Security of their Arrears; and an Ordinance was read for assertaining and securing the Arrears of the Soldiery due upon the Debentures, which was assented unto, and Ordered to be transmitted to the Lords for their Concurrence.
The Duke of York's Escape.
A Message came down from the Lords to the House of Commons, whereby their Lordships desired a Conference in the Painted Chamber, concerning the Escape of the Duke of York, between Nine and Ten of the Clock the last Night from St. James's; The House agreed thereunto. At this Conference Report was made of the Manner of the Escape of the Duke of York; That the Duke, with his Brother and Sister, the Duke of Glocester and Lady Elizabeth, being sporting and playing in a Room by them selves the last Night after Supper, the Duke privately slipt from them down the Back-Stairs, without either Cloak or Coat, in Shoes and Stockings, and by the Way of the Private Garden, he having the Key of the Garden-Door, passed through the Park, and so away. There is nothing yet found out further of this Escape, who went in Company along with him, or which ways he is gone; known of the Servants that attended him here are wanting; some talk one thing, and some another, but a little time will discover further.
Free Quarter complained of
And Information was given to the House that some Forces in Barnstable and Dartmouth live upon Free Quarter, to the great Oppression of the Subject; complaining of a Lieutenant in particular in this Business.
His Excellency to be acquainted therewith.
The House Ordered, That a Letter should be sent to his Excellency to acquaint him with this Information, and to desire his Excellency to send for the said Lieutenant, and to hear and examine the Evidence upon Oath. The House hereupon Ordered, that a further Ordinance should be drawn for taking off Free Quarter; which was presently drawn and reported, and assented unto.
The House called over.
Upon Monday, April 24. the House of Commons, according to former Order, called over the List of their Members one by one; some who were not in Health nor had been Absent of a long time were excused, others were upon Publick Employment in the Countries and in Scotland, therefore were excused; but about Three or Four who neglected the Service of House, no Excuse could be admitted to them. There sat in the House this Day about Three Hundred and Six.
Absent Members Cases to be considered.
Some Votes then also passed, as First, That those Members who are out upon Cases, be taken into Consideration on Monday next, and the Committee to meet daily to be ready to report their Cases then.
2. That the House be called again, this Day Fortnight.
3. Those Members that be here, not to go away without Leave granted by the House sitting between the Hours of Ten and Twelve of the Clock.
Additional Instructions for the Commissioners in Scotland.
An Additional Instruction for the Commissioners in Scotland, still to insist upon and press their former Message to the Parliament of Scotland, for Delivery of Delinquents and Incendiaries between the Two Kingdoms: the last Answer of the Parliament of Scotland not being satisfactory, was this Day reported from the Committee at Derby-House, and upon the Question assented unto.
The rest of this Day was spent about nominating Captains of Ships for the next Summer's Fleet.
From Scotland by Letters this Day came to this Purpose:
Scots prepare for War.
The Scots go on in their Preparations for War, they have a Declaration ready to come forth; the Soldiers that come from England and still received, but maintained at Private Mens Charge, which cannot hold. The Ministers still couragiously oppose, but prevail not, but do acquit themselves of the Guilt of Blood that shall be shed: much endeavour is used to gain them. The principal Synod in Fife and Sterling Petition the Parliament's Heatkening to the Kirk, but are slighted, and the other Party carries on all with a strong Hand. Wogan's Troop increases. The Commissioners of the Kirk perceiving the Leavying of Forces through the Kingdom, and that notwithstanding their former Papers given in, and the Protestation of the Lords, that yet the Question is not stated, nor the Grounds of the War declared, put a large Petition to the Parliament; wherein they do most earnestly desire the Lords, as they will answer the contrary at the great Day of Judgment, not to proceed; so as to give any Encouragement unto the Prelatical or Malignant Party in England, nor to be any Grief to the Presbiterian Party, nor to restore the Kings until he have resolved and assured the Settlement of Presbitery, the taking the Covenant, and that what they intend on the King's Behalf may be with Subordination to these Ends exprest in the Covenant, by which his Majesty may be induced to remove all Obstructions on his part that hinders settling Religion, and this Government, and to prevent Effusion of Christian Blood; they desire that such Preparation be sought from the Parliament of England as may be most probable in reason to attain the same in a peaceable way.
In answer to this Petition the Twenty-four Lords and Committee for that Purpose give in, as the Sense of the Three Estates of Parliament, this Answer following:
The Committee's Answer to the Commissioners of the General Assembly.
We the Committee of Twenty Four having, on further pursuance of Trust committed to us by your Lordships, taken to our Consideration the Desire of the Commissioners of the General Assembly, and the whole Matter intrusted to us, do, in order thereunto, humbly offer to your Lordships Consideration the subsequent Articles, with the former Papers given in by us on Friday last, which being past in Parliament, we conceive may be Grounds of the Resolutions of this Kingdom at this time, viz.
The Estates of Parliament do declare, That as the Engagement of this Kingdom hath constantly been for settling of Peace and Truth under his Majesty's Government; so any Undertaking we now are necessitated unto, shall also be for the same Ends, and the Necessity and Lawfulness thereof cleared and condescended unto, before any Engagement in a War; so as all that are well affected may satisfied therewith.
Scotch Parliament's Resolution to adhere to the Union.
The Parliament resolves, with God's Assistance, in all their Proceeding never to break on their part the Union between the Two Kingdoms, nor discourage, nor disoblige the Presbiterians in England, who continue firm to their League and Covenant.
And oppose the Sectaries as well as Papists and Malignants.
The Parliament declared, that they will be so far from joining with, or associating with the Popish, Prelatical, or Malignant Party, if they shall again rise in Arms, either to oppose and endeavour to suppress them as Enemies to the Cause and Covenant, as well as Sectaries on the other side.
And maintain the Covenant and Presbitery.
In regard that his Majesty's late Concessions and Offers concerning Religion are not satisfactory, and the principal Ends of all the Undertakings of this Nation hath been and we hope shall be, to see Religion in the first place settled; and as we shall endeavour the rescuing of his Majesty from those who maliciously carried him away from Holdenby-House against his own Will, and declared Resolutions of both Kingdoms, and do still detain close Prisoner, that he may come with Honour, Freedom and Safety to some of his Houses in or about London, where both Kingdoms may make their Applications to him for settling Religion and a well grounded Peace: so we resolve not to put in his Majesty's Hands, or in any other whatsoever, such Power whereby the aforesaid Ends of the Covenant, or any one of them may be obstructed or opposed, Religion or Presbiterian Government endangered: but on the contrary, before any Agreement be made, that his Majesty give Assurance under his Solemn Oath, and under his Hand and Seal, that he shall, for himself and his Successors, give his Royal Assent and Agreement to such Act or Acts of Parliament and Bills as shall be presented to him by his Parliaments of both and either Kingdom respectively, for enjoining the League and Covenant, and fully established Presbiterian Government, Directory and Worship, and Confession of Faith in all his Majesty's Dominions; and that his Majesty shall never make Opposition to any of these, or endeavour any thing thereof.
None to be intrusted by them but of known Integrity.
If and War shall be made, as it shall be made on just and necessary Grounds, so we resolve to give Trust and Charge in Armies and Committees, to none but such as shall be and are of known Integrity, against whom there is no just Cause of Exception.
That the Parliament is willing to subscribe, for the Ground of their Undertaking, an Oath wherein both in the framing of it and otherways, they are willing the Church shall have Interest, as hath been in the like Case.
That Kingdom to be put into a Posture of Defence, as in 1543.
And that the Resolutions of the Parliament hereupon may be more effectual, and in regard of the present Condition of Affairs, it is our Opinion, That this Kingdom be put in a Posture of Defence, as it was in Anno Dom 1643. like as we have drawn that Act of Posture, which being allowed in Parliament, and sent to the Shires, we think it then a fit time to send our Demands to the Parliament of England; and that some discreet Man be sent with the same; and a limited time appointed for his Return with Answer.
Prince Philip leave to come over to visit the Prince Elector.
On Tuesday, April 25. A Letter came from Vice-Admiral Rainsborough, acquainting the House that he had received a Letter from Prince Philip, Son to the Queen of Bohemia; whereupon he desired a safe Transport for England, to give a Visit to his Brother the Prince Elector, and he desired to know the Houses Pleasure therein. The House hereupon Ordered, That Prince Philip should have leave and be permitted to come to visit his Brother, the Prince Elector, accordingly.
Mr. Strong to Pray in the House of Commons.
The House this Day Ordered, That on Thursday next they would take into Consideration the Business of settling the Kingdom. They further Ordered, that Mr. Strong should pray on Thursday Morning next in the House of Commons, for a Blessing upon their Debates and Consultations that Day, in Relation to that great Business of settling this Kingdom.
Letter to the Ministers of London and Westminster, to pray 10. a Blessing upon the Publick Affairs of the Nation.
The House further Ordered, That a Committee should be appointed to draw a Letter to be printed and sent to all the Minister in London, Westminster and Middlesex, to desire them to be earnest to God to Morrow, being the Publick Fast-Day, for a Blessing upon the Debates and Consultations of the House, in relation to the great Work; and a Letter was drawn up accordingly, and past by both Houses to this Purpose:
Whatsoever Dangers are threatned or feared, either by Divisions amongst our selves, or Practices from Enemies abroad, we have Assurance out of the Word of God, that we are not in the least Danger, if God Almighty be not incensed against us for our Sins and Wickedness, which our Consciences testify that he is exceedingly against every one of us in Particular, and the Kingdom in General; yet we believe that if we do heartily and sincerely humble our selves, and turn to the Lord, crying mightily to him in servant Prayers, with a lively Faith in Christ, we shall surely be delivered from all Evils and Dangers, and enjoy all needful Blessing and Benefits to the whole State and Kingdom; therefore the several Ministers within the Cities of London and Westminster, and the later Lines of Communication in the respective Congreagations, are desired upon this ensuing Day of Humiliation, being the 26th of this Instant April, earnestly to seek the Lord, who is the God of all Wisdom and Help, in much Mercy to this sinful Nation, so to direct and bless the Councels and Proceedings of the Parliament at this present, that his heavy Judgments may be diverted from us, and Truth and Peace established throughout the Three Kingdoms.
Capt. Browne Bushell apprehended.
The House was this Day informed, that Capt. Browne Bushell, the Pirate, who revolted from the Parliament, and took a Ship of great Value with him, of which he was made Master, was apprehended and in Custody; and it was Ordered, that the Sum of 20 l. should be bestowed on the Two Men that apprehended him, for their Encouragement and good Service herein. And further Ordered, That the said Bush II should be referred to the Committee of the Admiralty for a Trial as a Pirate.
20 l. given to the Two Men that apprehended him.
They further Ordered, That in the mean while till he comes to his Trial, he be committed close Prisoner to Windsor-Castle.
6000 l for the Repair of Hull.
The House Ordered 6000 l. for the Repair of Hull. Order was likewise taken for Monies for the Repair of Works about Newcastle upon Tine.
This Day Three Aldermen, Adams, Langham and Bunch, were brought to the Lords Bar to receive their Charge, but refused to Kneel or to be Tried by their Lordships, desiring, by Petition, to be Tried at Common Law; and denying the Power of their Lordships to try Commoners, they were Fined 500 l. a Man, sent back to the Tower, and ordered to have Liberty to nominate their Counsel in order to their Trial before their Lordships.
As the Common-Council of the City of London sat close in London Yesterday, and this Day an Information by one John Everard, of some pretended Words said to be spoken by some Officers of the Army against the City of London, and which Words Mr. Everard should hear spoken as he lay in his Bed in a Room at the Garter at Windsor and the Officers in another Room. The Information and Affidavit of the said Everard taken before the Lord Mayor concerning this Business is as followeth:
Everard's Information
The Information of John Everard, concerning some Speeches that passed from certain Persons at Windsor, of an Intension to disarm the City of London, and then to Plunder the same.
John Everard maketh Oath, That he having some Occasion of Business at Windsor upon Thursday the 20th of April, 1648. as he did lye in his Bed, did hear some Gentlemen discourse in the next Chamber, the Number of whom he cannot tell, but by their Discourse they could not be less than Three or Four, and that he doth believe they were all Officers of the Army under the Command of his Excellency the Lord Fairfax; one of them was Quarter master-General Gravenor, as he supposeth, another one Col. Ewer, or some such Name; and after some merry Discourse they began to be serious, and propounded what they thought sit to be done in reference to the present Exigencies of the Kingdom, upon which Subject they discoursed an Hour or more.
They made no Doubt of the coming in of the Scots, and with the same Confidence believed that the City of London would join with the Scots; for the preventing of which they could find no way but disarm the City both Friend and Foe; and afterwards, they said, would intimate, that those who were the Friends of the Army should come forth the into the Fields, and there they should be armed, and that they should have thePower of the City of London put into their Hands, to keep the rest of the Citizens in awe, and that they should be maintained at the Charge of the City, so long as it should be thought sit to continue them. And because that Money is the Sinews of War, having which they doubt not but to procure Men enough, if there were Occasion to use them, and therefore for the present Advancement of the same, if need were, this City being disarmed, they would make them advance a Million of Money, or else plunder them; and the Party that Spake this said he had acquainted Commissary-General Ireton with it. All which, or to the like Effect, was spoken in this Deponent's hearing.
John Everard.
Copia vera, 23 Aprilis, 1648. Jur' Coram J. Warner, Major.
Further from the North came as followeth:
Intelligence from Scotland.
'Two of our Commissioners, the Earl of Stamford and Mr. Ashurst, were at Berwick the 19th Instant, the one comes on this Road, the other goeth by Carlisle, and through Lancashire. In Scotland the Party that is for the King carry all, sometime Twenty, sometime Thirty dissenting; the Ministers not able to make good their Oppositions, Though indeed they do what is possible. Irish Forces under Monroe, have sent over to the Parliament to let them know they will be ready to serve them, and have a Letter of Thanks returned them, and a Fortnight's Pay given them for proffering their Service. They carry it under a Notion, that the Parliament of England is under the Force and carried b a Party, have therefore lest their Cause, and disserted their Propositions of Newcastle and made new ones, wherein they have set up a Toleration, With this and such like things they carry honest Men and all along. They have voted Eight Breaches, wherein the Kingdom of England hath broken the Covenant and Treaty. They have Three Desires, 1. That the King be brought to one of his Houses with Honour, Freedom and safety, where both Kingdoms may make Application. 2. That the Army may be disbanded, and none employed but those that take the Covenant. 3. That the Presbiterial Government be settled, and the Covenant taken. They are much for the King; and I fear except you take some speedy way to pt them to it, whether they will own the Cause or no, it will be too late, and they will be past it. Major-General Hoborn is a true Friend; so is Argile and Louthean. That Kingdom will be put into a Posture within this Mouth, and then they will send their Breaches and Desires to the Parliament.
'Things go on as fast as can be possible; for indeed the Party that carry the Business had need make haste, for the Soldiers that are come out of England, are maintained at the Charge of particular Lords, some 100 l. some 200 l. some more, some less, so they had need make haste. It is supposed their Declaration is out by this; the House in Two or Three Days will make choice of their Officers, and about a Week hence will adjourn the Parliament, as Intelligence faith, until the beginning of June, and every one into their several Counties, to put on this Business. A Letter was drawn to go to the Parliament of England with their Desires: This Week they will have completed their Resolves.
Argile and the Ministers against the Preparations for War.
'The Ministers yet oppose really, and Argile strives to the utmost; The other Day they put in a Petition, wherein one Clause was, That in case they should go on in these high Resolutions, and Evil follow, they desire to be guiltless of that Blood, and wish that they should seriously consider of the Cause. So I rest, &c.
April 20. 1648.
Letters from Norwich of the great Mutiny there.
Wednesday was the Fast. Letters this Day from Norwich bring very ill News; That the Mayor being sent for to attend the Parliament for somewhat done, disaffected to Parliament opposed his coming up, the well-affected endeavoured to further it; this grew into a great Distraction, and the sad Produce thereof you will see by the Letter following to Col. Fleetwood.
Having a Meeting of your Regiment for a Muster this Day at Market-Deerham, while we were closing the Rolls, and the Troops being gone to their Quarters, except Capt. Sankie's, part whereof Quartered in that Town and exercising about half an Hour after the Muster, as they were lodging their Colours, there arrived one Mr. Garret of Norwich, with a Letter from divers of the Committee of that City, certifying us of many Hundred of Mutinous Persons in Arms in the City, who began to Plunder divers of the Inhabitants; Capt. Sankie immediately sent out Ordered for all the Troops to meet at Norwich, and forthwith we marched with his own Troop, and about Twenty of Capt White's the Captain, Lieutenant and Cornet with the Colours, and entered Norwich about Four a Clock, fell desperately in several Parties on the Mutineers, who were most Resolute in their Engagement; yet by the Goodness of God we did drive them into Corners, wounded many, in which we had Capt. Floyd, who charged on with the Forlorn Hope, Commanded by Quarter-master Philips, slightly wounded, and divers private Soldiers dangerously wounded, many Houses utterly spoiled; and though we made great haste, yet before we came they had prossessed themselves of the Committee House, wherein was a great Magazine, where they being busily employed in getting out Powder, the Magazine amongst them was fired, and at least Forty Men were blown up and spoiled by Powder, the Blow whereof did shake the whole City, threw down part of some Churches, wounded and killed a great many of the Inhabitants, the certain Number not being yet known, nor many of them that were killed as yet found, or can be known; for many were torn in Pieces, and teared Limb from Limb, several Legs, Arms, &c. being found in the Streets, there are already missing and mortally wounded at least 120 Persons, besides as many more which received slight Wounds and Hurts. None of or Soldiers, as far as we can yet learn, received the least Hurt in that, our Horses being tired by our Furious March and scouring the Streets of the City. A happy Providence brought in Capt. Floyd's Troop, who very well improved their Pains with such of the rest as were able to assist them, to scatter those who in Houses and By-Lanes were yet together. About Eight a Clock the Evening, all is Quieted.
April 8. 1648:
All Members to take the Covenant.
Upon Thursday, April 28. the House Ordered, That all such as had not taken the Covenant should take it to Morrow Morning, and that the Sergeant at Arms should give the particular Members Notice thereof.
The House Ordered the Thanks of the House to be given to the Ministers that Preached Yesterday before them, and to Mr. Strong who Prayed before them.
Consideration of the State of the Kingdom.
The House then proceeded to the Consideration of settling the Kingdom, which was the Business of the Day, and much Debate was had, Whether the Business of the Church of the Business of the State should be first taken into Consideration? But the House came to no Resolution thereupon then, the Business of the City intervening; but they adjourned and sat again in the Afternoon, and then the Question was resumed, and after much Debate the House Voted, That the Business of the State should be considered of to Morrow, and the Business of the Church on Monday next.
A Petition was presented to both Houses from the Lord Mayor Aldermen, and Common-Council Assembled, and was as followeth:
The Petition of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, &c.
Humbly Sheweth,
That they had lately presented unto them an Information from one John Everard, a true Copy whereof is hereunto annexed, whereby he doth give Intimation of some Speeches that passed from certain Persons at Windsor, of an Intention to Disarm the City, and then to Plunder the same; and that divers Reports to that Effect have been brought unto us by Letters and otherwise from divers Parts of this Kingdom, and from Foreign Parts; which
Reports together with the present drawing and continuing of the Army so near the City, and the increase of the Number of Soldiers in the Tower, hath been, now is, and will be the Occasion of great Fears, and a great Decay of Trade, and an inhauncing of the Prices of Victuals within this City. The which Fears are much increased by the taking and keeping down of the Chains within the same. And the Petitioners do humbly conceive that their Danger is increased, and their Strength much abated, by the dis-uniting of the Command of the Forces of the City, and the Parts within the late Lines of Communication, and the Weekly Bills of Mortality. For the removing of which Fears, and obtaining of those things which may conduce to the Safety of the Parliament, and of the City,
The Petitioners do Humbly Pray,
That Consideration may be taken of the Information given by the said John Everard, and that upon a further Examination thereof such Course may be taken therein as your Honours shall think sit.
That the Chains within the City of London, which were lately pulled down, may forthwith be repaired and set up again, and the Army may be speedily removed to a further Distance from the City.
That by an Ordinance of Parliament, Major-General Skippon, who was long since chose, and still by Act of Common Council is continued Major-General over the Forces of the City, may be appointed Major-General within the Lines of Communication and the Weekly Bills of Mortality; by which means he may the better be enabled to re-unite the Forces within the City, and the said Lines of Communication and Weekly Bills of Mortality for the better Defence of the City and Places adjacent, and likewise for the Preservation of the Parliament, to whom the City do resolve to adhere, according to their Solemn League and Covenant.
And Your Petitioners shall Pray, &c.
This Petition being read in the House of Peers, Answer was given by the Speaker of the House to this purpose:
The Lords Answer to the City's Petition.
Mr. Sheriffs, and Gentlemen of the Common-Council of the of the City of London,
The Lords have Commanded me to return Thanks to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common-Council of the City of London, for the good Affections that they have expressed in this Petition, asserting the Resolutions of the City to adhere to the Parliament, according to their Solemn League and Covenant.
As to the Particular of setting up the Chains within the City, they do fully leave it to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common-Council, to do therein as they shall think sit.
To the last Particular concerning Major-General Skippon, he being a Member of the House of Commons, the Lords can resolve nothing therein, without joint Concurrence of that House; but they will take it further into Consideration.
Alderman Bide presents the City-Petition to the House of Commons.
The House of Commons being informed that divers Aldermen, and Citizens were at the Door, they were called in, and Alderman Bide, one of the Sheriffs of the City of London, after some short Preambles, acquainted the House that he was commanded by the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Commons in Common Council assembled, the Representative Body of the City of London, to present a Petition to the House.
The Petitioners being withdrawn, the Petition was read, and an Information annexed of one John Everard, taken upon Oath before the Lord Mayor, the 23d of April 1648. The House had the Petition read, and upon some Debate passed these Votes: Ordered, upon the Question, That this House doth approve of the Desires of the City, concerning Major General Skippon.
Votes of House in Answer to the said Petition.
Resolved, &c. That the Desires of the Petitioners concerning the Chains, be granted, and that the Committee of the Militia see it done.
Resolved, &c. That the Thanks of this House be returned to the Citizens for their good Affection exprest in their Petition. Mr. Speaker was appointed to acquaint the Citizens, that drawing of Part of the late Tumult; That the House will take that Business into serious Consideration, and do that therein which may be for the Good and Safety of the Parliament and City, so far as thereby they may receive Satisfaction.
The Petitioners had Thanks returned.
The Sheriffs, Aldermen, and other Citizens were called in, and Mr. Speaker, by the Command of the House, acquainted them with the Resolutions and Proceedings upon the Petition, and did give them the Thanks of this House for their very good Affections exprest in the Petition to the Parliament.
An Answer much to this Purpose was given by the Lords.
The Government of the Kingdom to be by King, Lords and Common.
Upon Friday, April 28. The House again insisted on the Business of settling the Kingdom, and after much Debate Voted, That the Government of the Kingdom should be still by King, Lords and Commons.
That the Ground-Work for this Government should be the Propositions last presented to the King at Hampton-Court, and this next to be considered on.
And then further also Voted, That any Member of the House Shall have leave to speak freely to any Votes, Ordinances or Declarations concerning the King, &c.
Upon Saturday, April 29. a Report was made of the Conference with the Lords, concerning the Duke of York's going hence; that their Lordships had passed a Declaration and some Votes concerning the same, to which their Lordships desired the Concurrence of the House. That Ordinance was read, and did relate, That whereas the Duke of York at his last endeavouring to escape, did send Letters to both Houses to confess his Error in what he had done therein, and did engage himself not to do the like for the future; the Earl of Northumberland was then desired again to take Care of the Duke: But seeing this last going away was by a secret Plot and Design, and to which himself was willing, their Lordship conceived that the Earl of Northumberland was not to be further accountable to the Duke; but that he had done his utmost Endeavour therein. To which Declaration the House of Commons agreed with their Lordships. The common Report is, the Duke is now in Holland; but there are no Letters of Credit to this Purpose. The House then also further Ordered, That the Allowance formerly granted for the Duke of York be taken off. That the Servants attending the Duke of Glocester be taking into Consideration. That it be referred to the Committee of the Revenue to augment the Allowance given to the Duke of Glocester. That the Earl of Northumberland have Power to remove the Duke of Glocester and the Princes Elizabeth to Sion-House or Hampton-Court.
An Order was made, That the Information given in concerning Two Gentlemen be referred to the Committee appointed to consider of the Information of Everard concerning the City's Business, to find out the Truth thereof, and to report the same to the House.
The House further Ordered, That the Votes Yesterday passed concerning the settling of the Kingdom, be resumed on Tuesday Morning next, and then also to proceed further in that Business, and the Business of the Church on Monday.
The Lords Ordered to consider of settling the Distractions of the Kingdom on Thursday Morning next.
Letters form Windsor say, That a Captain and others had their Trials began on Friday Morning by a Council of War. On Thursday the General and Council of the Army kept a Solemn Fast at Windsor. There is nothing further thence at present.
Letters from Wales this Day tell but ill News, how that Poyer hath fallen upon a Forlorne of Four Troops of Horse in Pembrokeshire, Commanded by Col. Fleming, routed, killed and taken all or the most part of them; Col. Horton with the main Strength being not then come up, but since advanced near to Poyer, with Intent to engage if they will stand to it. Col. Fleming is missing and thought to be slain.