Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 6, 1645-47. Originally published by D Browne, London, 1722.
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John Rushworth, 'Historical Collections: Parliamentary proceedings, April 1647', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 6, 1645-47(London, 1722), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol6/pp444-475 [accessed 14 March 2025].
John Rushworth, 'Historical Collections: Parliamentary proceedings, April 1647', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 6, 1645-47(London, 1722), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol6/pp444-475.
John Rushworth. "Historical Collections: Parliamentary proceedings, April 1647". Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 6, 1645-47. (London, 1722), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol6/pp444-475.
In this section
Chap. XIII. Proceedings in Parliament from April 1. to May 1. 1647.
Thursday, April 1. 1647.
A Letter to the Parliament's Agent in France, about the Ships and Goods taken by Pirates going for Ireland, was then reported to the House, and, being read, was assented to for Relief. An Order was then likewise made, referring it to the Committee of the Navy, to provide Shipping for the Coasts of Sussex, and to prevent Robberies by Pirates, thereby to encourage the Merchants.
The House then fell upon the Business of the Day, concerning the Affairs of Ireland (as was appointed) and more particularly whether the Civil and Military Government shall be in one or two distinct Governments; and it was voted that the Civil Government should be distinct from the Military. Also voted, That the Civil Government of that Kingdom shall be by two Lords Justices, as formerly.
That the Military Government of that Kingdom shall be by a Commander in chief, and that the said chief Commander shall be directed by Commissioners on the Place.
The House also fell into a Debate for the nominating the chief Commander for Military Affairs, and the Question was proposed to be put for Sir William Waller to command in chief, but it came not to the Vote; some others were likewise nominated, but the further Debate thereof was put off till to Morrow ten of the Clock.
The House was then informed, That according to the Letter to his Excellency, Lieutenant General Hammond, Colonel Hammond, Lieutenant Colonel Pride, &c. were come up, and attended at the Door; the House, after much Debate, ordered they should be called in; and Mr. Speaker acquainted Lieutenant Colonel Pride, That the House was informed that be should read a Petition (of which the Houses had an ill Sense) at the Head of Colonel Harley's Regiment, and that there were threatning Speeches given out, that those that did not subscribe it should be cashiered the Army, &c.
For Answer he said, That there was no Petition, either by himself, or by his Appointment, read at the Head of the said Colonel Harley's Regiment, and that there was no menacing or threatning Words used, and denied the whole Charge; and so did the rest of them, and gave good Satisfaction in Answer to what was demanded of them; and after some Debate thereupon, Mr. Speaker, by Direction of the House, acquainted them what Sense the Houses had of the said Petition, and desired their Care for the suppressing thereof, or any other of the like Nature for the future, and that they would go down to the Army to their several Commands, and so were dismissed.
A Letter was this Day presented to the House from his Excellency Sir Tho. Fairfax, directed to the Speaker, in answer to that sent on Monday about the Petition on Foot in the Army. The Letter, for better Satisfaction, is as follows.
For the Honourable William Lenthal Esquire, Speaker of the Honourable House of Commons.
I Received your Letter dated the 27th of this Instant, with an enclosed Order from the House of Commons, for the making Stop of the further proceed in a Petition, which the House was informed was carrying on in the Army. In Obedience to which, I sent out Orders to the Officers of the Regiments quartering in these Parts of the Kingdom, to meet at my Quarters, that I might enquire into the whole Matter, and take such Course as might effectually conduce unto the accomplishing your Commands; where having communicated your Letter and Orders to them, they did generally express a very deep Sense of their Unhappiness in being misunderstood in their clear Intentions, which were no other, than by Way of Petition to represent unto me those Inconveniences, which would necessarily befal most of the Army after disbanding; desiring, That as much as I should judge fit and seasonable might be submissively made known to the House of Commons, which otherwise (your Multiplicity of Business intervening) might not be remembred; assuring me, that they would wholly acquiesce in whatsoever I should judge reasonable to offer, or you to grant on their Behalf. I have also, according to your Command, sent up Lieutenant General Hammond, Colonel Hammond, Colonel Lilburn, Lieutenant Colonel Pride, and Lieutenant Colonel Grimes, to attend the Houses Pleasure. Who I hope will give you (as far as they are acquainted therewith) a full and candid Account of the whole proceedings in this Petition. Sir, there is one Clause of your Letter concerning all the Regiments marching this Way, which I do not understand, except it be meant by Sir Hardresse Waller's Regiment, which I have remanded away at the Instance of Major General Skippon, upon the Grounds in his enclosed Letter; and Colonel Hammond's, and Colonel Herbert's, now upon their March to Chester, being dismist from that Service. Sir, I trust the Army will ever manifest their Affections to the Publick, by their constant Perseverance in their accustomed Obedience unto all your Commands, which shall be ever really endeavoured by,
Your most humble Servant,
Tho. Fairfax.
Walden, March 30. 1647.
April 2. 1647.
The House of Commons, upon April the 2. (according to their former Order) debated the Ordinance for the Militia of the City of London, and, after much Debate, it was referred to a Committee.
They then proceeded in the Business of Ireland, and the Question was put; whether the Commander of the Forces of Ireland should be stiled Field Marshal, and also concerning his Allowance, whether it should be 6l. per Diem? And in both 'twas carried in the Affirmative.
The House then entred further into Debate, who should be the chief Marshal of Ireland; and taking into Consideration the Gallantry, Worth, and Honour, of that faithful and renowned Souldier Major General Skippon, It was put to the Question, and voted, that Major General Philip Skippon should be appointed chief Marshal of Ireland, and have the Allowance of 6l. per Diem, none dissenting.
The Question was then also upon further Debate put, whether Colonel Massey should be Lieutenant General of the Horse, under the chief Marshal, some others likewise were nominated, but it was carryed in the Vote, that Colonel Massey should be Lieutenant General of the Horse.
The Lords sent down a Message to the Commons; That their Lordships had appointed a Committee to joyn with a Committee of their House, to go into the City on Tuesday next, for the borrowing the Sum of 200000l. for the Service of England and Ireland. And the House of Commons hereupon appointed a Committee of their House to joyn with that of their Lordships to go into London.
And they ordered further, that several Members (that were of the City) should acquaint the Lord Mayor, That he be desired to call a Common Council against Tuesday next; At which Time the Committee of both Houses do come to propound some Things to them from the Parliament.
Then the House according to former Order, adjourned till Tuesday next; and not fitting on Saturday, nothing further came from any Parts worth the mention.
A Letter from Saffron Walden, April 3. 1647.
Whilst our Enemies appeared only as Men out of Place and Authority, and we looked upon them as the common Enemies of the Kingdom, we conceived there might be something done to vindicate our Actions upon the publick Stage; but now the Disease is grown so epidemical, that all our Endeavours are like to prove invalid. And indeed those who are now prejudiced against us, are our Superiours ; nay further, those whom we looked upon as our best Friends: (and the Wounds of Friends are grievous ;) who would have thought that so modest and moderate an Address, as the late Petition drawn up to be subscribed by the Army, to be presented to the General, would have raised so much Dust ? Or, have the Souldiers only, who have been Instruments to recover the lost Liberties of the Nation, fought themselves into Slavery ? Sure there is Right of petitioning for us, as well as there was a Petition of Right for the Parliament. If we had been so rash, as at first Adventure to have knock'd with a Petition at the Parliament's Doors, it might have been censured as too saucy and malapert : For Souldiers to represent their Grievances to their General, is a Liberty which the Law of Nature and Nations will not deny ; for this was to go no further, but left to his Excellency to retract, or represent, as he thought either fit or seasonable.
The first Vote of the House of Commons for the stopping of the Petition seemed strange to us, and we could not but have a very deep Sense of our Unhappiness, in being misunderstood in our clear Intentions, which are no other than by Way of Petition to represent the Inconveniences which must necessarily befal the Army, after disbanding, which the Parliament through Multiplicity of Business might not so well provide against ; besides some have already suffered for Want of a general Act of Indempnity, and many Officers (as I believe is obvious to your Eyes) have been starved for Want of Subsistence, whilst they sought to obtain their Arrears. But how great a Cause of Amazement and Astonishment was it to us, to fee a second Declaration of both Houses of the 30. of March, wherein that Petition is declared to tend to the putting the Army into a Distemper and Mutiny, to put Conditions upon the Parliament, and obstruct the Relief of Ireland; That they should pronounce their high dislike thereof, and that they would proceed against the Promoters as Enemies to the State, and Disturbers of the Publick Peace; but that which yet heightens the amazement is, that such a Declaration should be grounded upon Letters and Informations of so slight Credit, which if I might be so bold I might term both frivolous and fictitious. One of the Letters directed to Colonel Harley, says, that at a Rendezvous of the said Colonel's Regiment, the Petition was read and signed by 1100 Hands, and such as refused it were threatned to be cashiered: The Muster-Master will tell you there was not 1000 mustered the last Muster; and yet 1100 set their Hands, and the rest 00000 were cashiered: But this is not all the Discovery. The other Regiments were coming up; and says one, except the Parliament take high Resolutions, they will enslave the Kingdom. To answer this, there was none came from the North, but Sir Hardres Waller's, and that was sent for at Major General Skippon's request, who complained that the Country there was not able to bear it. And Colonel Herbert's, and Colonel Hammond's Regiments being about Chester ready for Transportation for Ireland, but (their good will not accepted) coming back towards the rest of the Army. But another Member acquaints the House, that those who would not subscribe the Petition were to be left out of the Muster-Roll. And another says, that he heard Lieutenant General H. and other Officers were to reside at the Head Quarter to receive Subscriptions: yet not one of them received a Paper or Subscription, nor any brought in at that time. But this was not all; there was another Letter from an Officer of Colonel Rositer's (who would do nothing without his Colonel's consent) and he takes exceptions at nothing but at the desiring the Royal Assent: This Colonel Fines very excellently vindicated the same day in the House; declaring that there was nothing desired more than what the Parliament themselves demand in the Propositions; (but Colonel Rositer had thanks, and his Regiment voted their Arrears.)
Sir, Give me leave a little to clear up the Intentions of the Army: For that charge of Mutiny; I can assure you there was no such thing, the Petition being generally approved of, and whole Regiments unanimously subscribing it, except here and there some indifferent Commanders seemed to oppose it: The truth is, it is the Master-piece of our Enemies to suppress it in such high Language, if it were possible to bring the Army to a Mutiny, and so put an Odium upon them at the last, which they could not hitherto fasten: For putting Conditions upon the Parliament; I dare speak the Hearts of the Petitioners (the Commanders I'm sure) it never entred into their thoughts: And I may say the like for the obstructing of Ireland, and add further, That the Parliament will find those Men, who were most forward in this Petition, more ready to go for Ireland, than any of the Septem decem viri, who only to curry favour and ingratiate, have tendered their Service (in a Declaration which I suppose you have seen) leaving the Conditions, Conduct, Indempnity, and Arrears at pleasure; which indeed they may, for most of them will never come there.
Letters from Saffron Walden, the General's Head Quarters, of Intelligence.
I Suppose you are not ignorant of the late Command sent unto the General, to publish a Declaration at the Head of his several Regiments requiring them to desist from going on in that Petition they were about to present unto him; I thought fit by this to acquaint you, That in obedience to the Commands of the Parliament, his Excellency has caused the same to be published, and the Soldiers acquiesce therein (such is their Obedience and respect to the General) though at the reading it, some of the Souldiers gave out, it was an hard Case with them, that they that had fought for the Liberty of the Subjects of England, should be denyed the Liberty of the Subject to Petition, though it be to their General in an humble way, and meerly in things relating to them as Souldiers (medling neither with Church Government nor State Affairs) and withal submitting it to the General's Judgment for Approbation or Correction, as he saw cause; and though they said they did desist in this Petition, yet since it was published to the World,
that their Proceedings tended to such a Nature, as to deserve to be declared Enemies if they persisted therein, they purpose to publish to the World a Vindication of their Innocency, from those groundless Opinions had of them, and hope to have Justice done upon the mis-informers; this they say they intend to do in an humble and a submissive, Way, and though their Mouths be stop from a Liberty of Petitioning, yet their Honour is so dear unto them, that they say they are resolved of a Vindication, so as it shall be neither offensive to the Parliament, nor the General, To regulate Offences and allay Heats in Parliaments, sometimes is more prevaling, than things tending to Provocation, and it had been Wisdom in the County of Essex in the first violent Petition, to have forborn to have published the same in Print, wherein they possess the World, That this Army came to enslave the Country, and to awe the Parliament. I send you here enclosed a Copy of a second Petition of that County, contrived and printed privately in London, and sent down hither in Print (no Man knows from whom) to the several, Hundreds and Parishes, to be read the next Lord's Day in all Churches, as you will see by the Direction. The Souldiers will not hinder others Petitioning against them, even in their own presence, and yet they say they must be denyed to Petition for themselves, be their Cause never so just. Who can blame the County of Essex? Or any County in this Kingdom else, to desire a present Disbanding, since the Work is done? It is as much irksome to us, when there's no need of Souldiers to Quarter upon the Country, as it can be to the Country to Quarter us; yet no Petition that hath been put out in Print lately against this Army, for the Disbanding of it, hath ever yet expressed so much Affection, Love or Requital Unto the Army, for what they have done for them, as to mediate or desire That as they would have them Disbanded, so that Care may be taken, the poor Souldier that hath been so faithful and expeditious in their Service, might be considered for their Arrears at the Disbanding. And what (says the Souldier) makes the Army lyable to these Reproaches, unless it be for finishing their Work so soon? And have they sought to maintain the Petition of Right, and be denyed a right of Petitioning themselves? Sir, Having given given you this brief Account,
I Remain.
Walden, April 3. 1647.
April 5. 1647.
The House Sat not, having formerly ordered, not to Sit Saturdays or Mondays for a time.
Another Petition against the Army from Essex, was read in several Churches yesterday by the Ministers, to get Hands to it. The Souldiers (especially the Horse) are much troubled at this, and cry out, Why may not we be heard in Petitioning, as to see Petitions in our own Quarters Subscribed in an indirect manner against us? The Horse hereabouts talk of drawing to a Rendezvous, or meeting to compose something for Vindication.
Intelligence from Scotland.
Intelligence from Scotland advise, That a great noise hath been made of the coming over of a considerable number of Irish, to joyn with the Earl of Antrim's Forces, but in the mean time it hath pleased God to prosper Major General Middleton in his Undertakings against the Gourdons, and hath since taken a strong Castle of Strathbolgly, which was the chiefest Hold the Marquess of Huntly, had trust in. This Castle endured a very hot Storm, but at length the Defendants were beaten out of their Possession, throwing down their Arms, and calling for Mercy for their Lives; which was granted, except to the Inhumane Rebels above twenty, who were taken in the Castle, and deservedly hang'd Major General Middleton is still in pursuit of the Marquess of Huntly, endeavouring to prevent his joyning with Colkitoth.
The Parliament's Commissioners of England do still remain at Edinburgh, where (during the interval of Parliament) there is a standing Committee to order Affairs.
By other Letters from Edinburgh, of the same date, came more, thus. The Parliament of Scotland, Sitting at Edinburgh, adjourned on Saturday last, and the Adjournment is to be until the first Thursday of the next March, 1647 But they have chosen a grand Committee to fit in the Interval; and Power is given them by Commission and Instruction perfect such Business as shall come before them, until the next Sitting of Parliament.
Our Field News is very good, and David Leshly hath taken in Strobogie Bogg, a Ghight Lesmore, and Ward-House, two of them by Storm, and the other upon Quarter; There were 160 Prisoners taken, in Strabogie1ooo Bowls or Corn; there was not much Hurt sustained in storming and taking of the Place; besides the many Noble Prisoners are taken coming in from the Rebels, 36 in all are hang'd, David Leshly hath begirt other three of the Rebels Garrisons, letting them know that if they will not surrender he will storm them, and give none of them Quarter. Those Rebels scattered in the Mountains are vanished, and few left in the Field elsewhere.
On Tuesday last, March the 30. The Lord Lauderdale intended to let out from Edinburgh, towards London, with some others.
Edinburgh, March 30. 1647.
Upon Tuesday April 6. 1647.
The Commons Concurrence desired by the Lords, for the Enlargement of Captain Kittleby, who with his Ship deserted the Protestants in Ireland, and came with it to the Ships which revolted from the Parliament.
The House being informed, That irregular Means have been used lately in the County of Essex, for getting of Hinds to a second Petition against the Army, which Petition was first promoted and contrived in London, and sent down privately into Essex, to get Hands unto it.
The House, to shew their Dislike of such Way of petitioning, and the great Discontent it may occasion in the Army, in this Juncture of Time,
Ordered, That the Knights of the Shire serving for that County, should write to the Inhabitants to desist, and to give them to understand, that the Houses were upon a Way to dispose of the Army, as may be best advantagions to the whole Kingdom. The Members of the House that serve for the Counties of Suffolk and Norfolk, were likewise ordered to do the like.
The House then also finished Instructions for the Committee, who are to treat with the Common Council of London this Afternoon, about the Loan of the 200000l. for the Service of England and Ireland. And accordingly this Evening a Committee of Houses met the Common Council at Guildhall, and acquainted them with the Houses Desire for the Loan of the 200000l. The Security propounded was the Remainder of the Bishops Lands, the Excise, Delinquents Estates, or the new Ordinance for raising 60000l. per Mensem, for England and Ireland's Forces, and further left it to the City to propound what Security they should think fit, in the Houses Power to grant.
The Common Council looked on the Business with much Respect, and there appeared a Willingness in them for the Loan of the Monies, upon some further Conditions to be offered; and upon the Result of all, this Answer only at present was given That the Common Council would chuse a Committee of their Members to bring in an Answer, which should from them be given to the Houses.
Upon April 7. 1647.
According to former Order, the House reassumed the Debate of the Ordinance for 60000l. per Mensem, for the Service of England and Ireland, and after the Amendments were reported, they were assented unto, and then a Clause was offered to be inserted in this Ordinance, for freeing and exempting all Colledges of the Universities, Alms-Houses, Free-Schools, Hospitals, &c. from Payment to this Ordinance, and this was referred to a Committee.
Another Clause was offered to be inserted into the said Ordinance, which was for abating all the Counties of the Kingdom Free-Quarter in Payment of their Assessments, and this was agreed unto.
Many others were offered, but nothing done upon them.
The House then ordered, That this Ordinance should commence from the 25. of March last. And they ordered that it should be lent to the Lords for their Concurrence.
A Letter was (April 7. 1647.) read in the House of Commons, from the Parliament of Scotland, dated before their Adjournment, in the Behalf of Viscount Montgomery, Lord Ards, Colonel of the old Irish Establishment, who was taken Prisoner last Year by the Rebels, desiring that his Arrears may be paid him to procure his Redemption; The Commons voted to refer it to the Committee at Derby House for Ireland, to consider if they can find out any Way for Exchange, and the Lords Concurrence was desired herein.
Another Letter was read from General Leventh out of Scotland, expressing his great Engagements, and Thanks to the House for the great Honour and Favour in bestowing the Jewel on him. The House ordered 20l. (besides the former Money) to be paid to the Messenger.
A Letter was also delivered to the House, from his Excellency the Lord Lisle, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, but by Reason of their great Business, it was not then read.
The Commons added twelve of their House to the Committee for Ireland, at Derby-House, and they sent a Message to the Lords, that they would nominate a proportionable Number of theirs to joyn with them. They likewise ordered that the Committee for Ireland, should have Power to secure the Horses and Arms of all such as shall not be listed for Ireland, and likewise to transport those that are designed thither, to the End the Countries may not be burthened by them.
The Lords took into Consideration the Business concerning Country Committees, and it was moved to have a Conference with the Commons about putting them down. The futher Debate thereof was referred till another Day.
Several Messages were sent from their Lordships to the Commons, about the Earl of Bath's and Captain Kittleby's Petitions, &c.
The House ordered to send Answers by Messengers of their own.
To the Right Honourable, the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses assembled in Parliament. The humble Petition of the Inhabitants of the County of Essex,
Essex Petition to disband the Army. April 6.
Humbly sheweth,
That in all Exigencies having freely and with the first engaged themselves to the utmost Hazard of their Lives, and exhausted their Estates for the Support of the Kingdom in its Native Rights and Liberties, and by God's Blessing the Successes have been answerable in some Degree to their Desires, by which we sit in peace and your selves in Security, with a full Possession of the Hearts of the People; and now fearing left by the miscarrying on the Military Charges, beyond the Necessity of the Work, and the Ability of the People now much weakened, by a Dearth sharper than the late devouring Sword, you should hazard the Loss of your Selves and Friends, not so much from the Alienation of their Affections, which yet is not to be neglected, as their Disabilities to serve you which may arise from the Army now on Foot; after six Months Cessation of all Hostility here, and so bleedingly called for to the saving of any other Kingdom, as also from so numerous a Party in this County; shortly by their Quarters, like to equal all precedent. Charges, and to surmount the worst and heaviest of our former Taxes, especially by the Manner of their being imposed upon us.
Your Petitioners do humbly offer to your Prudence the Speedy Disbanding of the Army, as a plenary Expedient against the worst, that in general may be feared by you and us. And the Removal of it from this County, by, which you shall continue absolute Masters and Disposers of them and theirs, in all your pious and painful Undertakings for the future; and that God will assist you for all your Safeties, is and shall be the daily Prayers of your Petitioners, &c.
The Minister is desired to publish this Petition April 4. and to have two Sheets of Paper, to take the Names of those that will freely joyn in it, the one to be presented to the House of Lords, and the other unto the House of Commons.
This Petition was sent from London to Joseph Hall, High-Constable in little Bardfield, and they are to be published in every Parish-Church in this County of Essex, and in every Parish to gather Hands to it, with this further Direction written in the printed Paper, wherein they are desired (as many as can conveniently) to meet at Shealford Langthrine the 8. of April, to go to London with the same.
Upon April 8. 1647.
The House of Commons proceeded in the Business of Ireland, and voted Colonel Jones to be Governour of the City of Dublin.
The Lords sent down the Names of the six additional Members of their House, to be added to the Irish Committee at Derby-House, viz. The Earls of Lincoln, Suffolk, and Middlesex Lords Dacres, Willoughby, and Maynard.
The House of Commons likewise debated, and approved of the contract brought in by the Committee for Ireland, upon the Ordinance for Provisions already sent, and for which the Committee have contracted to be sent into that Kingdom. Likewise the Contract with Mr. Davies for Corn to be sent thither, was debated and approved on.
Ordered likewise, that Colonel Sidney be considered of, for his Faithfulness and good Service to the State in convenient Time, and the Lords Concurrence was desired in these Votes.
Then the House of Commons (according to former Order) entred upon the Business of the Body of Horse, who are to be continued in this Kingdom; and particularly they fell upon nominating the Regiments and Officers of Horse, who are to be continued in the several Counties, or otherwise, as Occasion shall require; and having formerly voted the Yorkshire Horse under Colonel General Poynth, Colonel Bethell, and Colonel Copely to be continued, they now proceeded and voted,
The General Sir Thomas Fairfax, his own Regiment td be continued.
Lieutenant General Oliver Cromwell, his Regiment continued.
Colonel Graves (who commands the Party at Holmby) with his Regiment in Warwickshire, continued.
Colonel Rositer, his Regiment about Lincolnshire, continued.
Colonel Whaley, his Regiment about Sussex, continued.
Colonel Needham (formerly Governour of Leicester) to command a Regiment to be drawn out of the Forces of Shropshire, Staffordshire, Cheshire, Warwickshire, and Leicestershire.
The House then took into Consideration the continuing of some Horse, for the Defence of North-Wales and South-Wales, and they voted that Major General Mitton shall have 100 Horse and 100 Dragoons for the Safety of North-Wales, to be under the Command of his Excellency.
That Major General Langhorn shall have the same Number for the Safety of South Wales, under his Excellency.
A Letter was this Day brought from the Parliament's Commissioners at Holmby, to the House, giving them to understand, That notwithstanding all the Care which they have taken to prevent any from delivering Papers to his Majesty, which they have been constantly vigilant to prevent, yet one Colonel Bosvill (formerly an Officer in the King's Army) of the Lord Cleaveland's Regiment, disguised himself in a Country-man's Habit, and as his Majesty (with the Commissioners ) was passing over a narrow Bridge, he put a Pacquet of Letters into his Majesty's Hands. The Commissioners apprehended him, he confessed they came from France; his Examination is sent up from the Commissioners, desiring to know what to do herein; but of the Effect of the Letters, there is nothing known as yet.
After the reading of the Commissioners Letter, and Colonel Bosvill's Examination, They ordered that the said Colonel Henry Bosvill should be sent for to the House as a Delinquent, by the Serjeant at Arms attending the House.
They ordered likewise, That a Letter of Thanks should be sent to our Commissioners for their Care herein, and desire them to the like Care of preventing private Intelligence to his Majesty the future.
On April 9. 1647.
The House further proceeded as to the Business of Ireland, and ordered, That the Officers employed for the Service of Ireland, shall have greater Pay allowed them than those to be continued in this Kingdom. That the Commanders and Governours of all Forts, Towns, and Castles, having above 200 Men under their Command, shall have above a Captain's Pay, according to the Establishment. And in further Pursuance of this Business, it was referred to a Committee to draw up an Establishment for the Forces of the two Kingdoms of England and Ireland, and to report it the House, and with all these Additions agreed on. That the Officers to be employed for Ireland, shall have a Proportion of Land in Ireland, for that Part that is respited upon the publick Faith.
That the Committee for Ireland, shall have Power to grant Commissions to the Officers to be employed for Ireland.
That the Committee for Ireland, shall have Power to draw the forces that undertake for Ireland into Regiments, and take Care for the safe Transport of them.
The House then had into Debate the Business of the Church, and ordered that on Thursday Fortnight, the House do debate the Business of the Church for fourteen Days together, and in the Interim no private Business to intervene. And further ordered, that such Ministers as are recommended from the Lords to be put into, Livings, be referred to the Assembly to be examined concerning their Abilities for the Ministry.
A Message came down from the Lords, for a Conference for taking away Country Committees, and a Conference about that Business was had accordingly, and several Reasons were given by the Lords at this Conference for the taking away Committees, which Reasons the Commons have appointed to take suddenly it to Consideration, and give their Lordships an Answer. The Commons then further considered the Ordinance for appointing new Commissioners for the Great Seal. Finding some Stop in the Lord's Concurrence in that Ordinance, that no Obstruction may be to the publick Prejudice, they ordered the present Commissions shall be continued for twenty Days longer.
After this the Houses adjourned till Tuesday next, and there was nothing of Moment on Saturday.
On April 12. 1647.
From Holmby by Letters something further came this Day of the Pacquet from France, delivered privately into the King's Hands the last Week by the Gentleman disguised ; and the business thus certified. His Majesty the other Day going to Bowls, there as one Major Bosvil (who in a plain Country Habit) presented is Majesty with a Pacquet of Letters so secretly, that none of those (that attended him) perceived it. The Major having done his Business, escaped three Quarters of a Mile, but being perceived by a Miller, who looked lower than the rest, he cryed, Nobles and Gentlemen, there was a Man gave his Majesty Letters ; which e Major perceiving (others not hearing) offered him Gold to keep silent, but the Miller would have none. Some that attended is Majesty at a greater Distance than ordinary passing by after, he Miller told them, there was one had given his Majesty Letters ; they demanded where he was, he told them he went such a Way, they rode after him, over-took him and brought him back. Being examined, he said he came from Paris, and brought the Letters from the Queen's Majesty and others ; They demanded of him what they contained he told them he knew not ; only the Lady Culpepper told him, that they contained a Desire of the Prince, to go along to the War this Summer with the Duke of Orleance, who commands the Army in Flanders against the Spaniard, and that the Prince conceived it necessary in Point of Honour, but both his Mother Queen and the Queen Regent was against it.
It was desired of his Majesty, that he would make known the Contents of those Letters; he answered he was not to give an Account to any Man living.
Major Bosvil is sending up to the Parliament.
On April 13. 1647.
The House of Commons proceeded in the Business of Ireland, and more particularly of an Establishment of Pay who will go thither, as reported from the Committee at Derby-House; and that they may have the more Encouragement, it was
Ordered, That those that went should have the same Pay that they had under the Command of Sir Thomas Fairfax; and for Officers, whereas they had for half their Pay publick Faith, they that go for Ireland shall have that Half-Pay in Rebels Lands, and they who formerly adventured for Land in Ireland, according to the same Rate.
It was this Day further agreed on by both Houses, That the Earl of Warwick, Lord Dacres, Sir William Waller, Sir John Clotworthy, and Major General Massey, go down to the Army, and make some further Propositions to the Officers and Souldiers that will go for Ireland, and accordingly this Committee of both Houses set forwards from London to the Army this Afternoon.
The Establishment agreed on by the Commons this Day, for the Forces to be continued in both Kingdoms, take as followeth.
Officers of Horse in this Kingdom.
A Colonel shall have 12 s. per Diem, and for four Horses 6 s. per Diem.
A Captain 10 s. per Diem, and two Horses 4 s.
A Lieutenant 5 s. 4 d. per Diem, and two Horses 4 s.
A Quarter Master 4 s. per Diem, and one Horse 2 s.
A Provost Marshal 3 s. 4 d. and two Men 4 s.
Corporals and Trumpeters each 2 s. 6 d. per Diem.
Foot Officers in this Kingdom.
A Captain 8 s. per Diem.
A Lieutenant 4 s. per Diem.
An Ensign 2 s. 6 d. per Diem.
Serjeants, Drummers, Corporals, each 1 s per Diem.
They ordered no Officer shall be above a Captain in any Garrison, but the Governour.
That the Governours of Chester, Plymouth, Hull, Pendennis, Leverpool, Gloucester, Linne, Newcastle, and Portsmouth, shall have 12 s. per Diem as Governours, and 8 s. per Diem as Captains.
That the Governours, of Weymouth, of the Fort and Castle of Bristol and Tinmouth, shall have 7 s. per Diem as Governours, and 8 s. per Diem as Captains.
They also made an Establishment for those that had under 50 in their Garrisons, and those that had above 50.
That the Forces in Portland shall be reduced to 50.
They ordered that they approved of Colonel Sheffeild's going into Ireland with his Regiment of Horse.
That in Respect of Captain Howard's good Services, he shall have a Regiment in Ireland.
That the Foot that goes for Ireland, shall have Coats and Knap sacks allowed them above their Pay.
That the Forces that go for Ireland, shall have Debentures made up in their Absence for their Arrears in the Service of this Kingdom.
That what is respited upon the publick Faith to the Officers employed for Ireland, the same shall be paid them out of the Land in Ireland, as if they had adventured.
Letters were read this Day from the. Lord Lisle, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, which express his Lordship's Readiness to serve the Parliament to the utmost in the Service of Ireland, if they think fit to employ him further, if not he is willing to return when they shall so order it, and in the mean Time to do what Service he may for their Assistance against the Rebels.
The Business of sending Propositions to the King should have been debated this Day, but this grand Business of Ireland, and the Establishment for the Pay of the Forces of both Kingdoms, hindered the same.
There came this Day a Citizen, and gave himself Prisoner to the Serjeant of the Commons House, telling him he had a great and dangerous Plot to discover; thereupon a Committee was appointed to examine him and take his Discovery, but he would not at present say any Thing, having (as he said) acquainted Mr. Marshal and Captain White of Westchester therewith; he gave general intimation, that the Design was against the Parliament at Westminster.
The Commons sent a Message to the Lords, desiring their Concurrence to several Particulars; As to the Votes concerning the Forces to be continued in England.
The Ordinance for the Repayment of the Monies, for the first reducing Newcastle, for 300l. to be given to the Gentlemen that came from the Parliament of Ireland, and to carry them back.
From Westchester came by Letters this Day thus; There is not any Thing came from Dublin, since the putting to Sea of Colonel Cassell's Regiment. There are about 600 of Colonel Hungerford's Regiment come to these Parts.
The Mutiny of the Souldiers in North-Wales for Arrears continues; They still hold in Prison several Committee-men in Richam Church, Colonel Mitton is gone for Shrewsbury, Colonel Alderson is come to this Town; other chief Men in the Country, not in their Hands, have taken Refuge in Conway Castle, which they threaten to besiege, and say they will have Money before disbanding.
By Letters from Cork, dated March 26. 'tis advised, That the Lord Lisle, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, remains there, but is in no Condition to take the Field, having no Addition of Power since his first Arrival; he hath fortified the Places upon the Black-water, and according to first Resolutions settled the Garrisons, and is now ready (had he Horse and Foot, the Season beginning to be good) to take the Field, and to shew himself a faithful and true Servant to the Parliament: As for the Rebels they are quiet, and stir not in those Parts.
From Scotland, dated April the 6. is thus certified. David Lesbly hath taken in Anthenden Castle, which was surrendred upon Summons, Colonel Lewis Gourdon Governour, and the Men 30 in Number Prisoners at Mercy; he hath also taken another House near Bruntricke, Commanded by one Mortimor (an Arch-Rebel) who capitulated for his own Life, the rest to the Number of 26 were hanged, and when he hath taken two or three Places more about Bucquaine, it is believed he will march through the Vale.
Since the mentioning of the former. Letter from Cork, came a Letter from Brandon-Bridge, March 20. 1646. and it speaks sadly, as by the Sequel.
Sir, Since this my last Letter, News came here to Mr. Ellwell, That there is a Discovery of the unparallel'd Murthers committed by Kerry men (viz.) That near about 60 Men, Women, and Children were stripped in Kerry, and coming from thence towards our Protestant Quarters, were taken and thrown into a deep rocky Cave, about the Mangerton, and impossible to get out, some having broke Arms, Legs, with other Limbs fractured, and most grievously wounded, lay there and starved, being impossible to relieve them.
On April 14. 1647.
The House of Commons ordered, That a Letter should be written to Colonel Mitton, that he should take special Care to expedite the slighting and demolishing of the Castles and Garrisons in North-Wales, according to the former Order of the House.
The House of Commons resumed the Debate according to former Order, concerning the procuring his Majesty's Answer to the last Propositions of both Houses, presented to his Majesty at Newcastle; and likewise to the Bill for the Sale of Bishops Lands.
The House had much Debate herein, and Ordered that a Committee should be appointed to draw up Instructions for such Commissioners for Sale of Bishops Lands, as shall be named by both Houses for this Purpose, and a Committee was chosen accordingly.
A Petition was this Day read to the House, in the Name of the reduced Officers, late under the Command of Ferdinando Lord Fairfax, most of which raised their Troops at their own Charge, and upon disbanding had not their two Months Pay, or fifth Part paid them as others had.
A Letter was likewise read from his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, on Behalf of the Petitioners; upon the Debate of the Business the House ordered to give them a fifth Part of their Arrears, and this Money to be charged on Goldmiths-Hall in Course.
On April 15. 1647.
A Report was made to the House of a Conference had with the Lords, concerning the Lords Alterations in the Ordinance for the University of Oxon, That the Lords concurred with the House of Commons in all Things, except the Addition of Names to the said Ordinance, giving Reasons why the same should not be added.
The House of Commons ordered to adhere to the Addition of Names, as they were sent up to the House of Peers, and for this Purpose appointed a Committee to draw Reasons to satisfie their Lordships, why the same should stand.
They ordered that the Committee for this Ordinance shall meet and consider of a fitting Maintenance for the Masters and Heads of the two Universities.
That the Committee to consider of giving competent Maintenance to the late Bishops, should meet constantly, till they have dispatched that Business; and this Order was grounded upon a Petition from some of them.
That the Committee for Ireland sitting at Derby-House do meet daily, notwithstanding the Adjournment of the House.
That the Committee for Ireland sitting in the Star-Chamber, shall sign all Warrants for Monies for the Service of Dublin.
The Business for settling the Militia of London was then taken into Consideration, and an Ordinance was read, giving Power to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of London, to Select Thirty one Persons of the City, to govern the Militia of the City, and the Liberties thereof, for one Year and no longer, which was read and assented unto.
Upon April 16, 1647.
The House further considered of Prosecuting the Affairs of Ireland; and
Ordered, that 12000l. should be advanced upon the Credit of the 200000l. to be borrowed of the City, for the Transporting of the Forces designed for Ireland.
That the Lord Mayor should be desired to call a Common Council concerning the 200000l. to be borrowed of the City, to the end the House may receive Satisfaction therein.
On April 17, 1647.
The Houses sate not; but there came a Letter of the Proceedings of the Commissioners sent down to the Army, viz. That on Thursday there came to Walden, the General's Head Quarters, The Earl of Warwick, Lord Dacres, Sir William Waller, Lieutenant General Massy, and Sir Johns Clotworthy, Commissioners appointed by the Committee at Derby-House, to make Propositions to the Army for Ireland; concerning which Business, I suppose you are desirous to receive Satisfaction; and upon strict Inquiry (with what also I was my self an Eye-Witness) have sent you this Account. His Excellency invited the Commissioners to Dine with him on Thursday, and had before sent forth Orders to every Regiment, for the Officers to meet at the Head Quarters that Afternoon; many Officers appeared, and met at the Church in Walden, where after some Consultation about the Business of going into Ireland, there were nominated Lieutenant General Hammond, Colonel Lambert, Colonel Rich, Colonel Lilburn, and Colonel Hewson, to represent their Sense to the Commissioners. After Dinner near 200 Officers came down to the General's Quarters, where the General and Commissioners were present; The Commissioners caused the several Votes of both Houses to be read, concerning their Power to transact, and make Propositions to such as willingly would undertake for Ireland. The Conditions I suppose you have heard, and therefore I shall not particularize them. They also read the Votes for the Payment of such Forces as shall remain in England.
These Votes being read by the Earl of Warwick's Secretary, the said Earl made a Pathetical Speech, using many Exhortations to the Officers to accept of those Terms, and undertake for Ireland, setting forth both the Necessity and Concernment of that Service, and the great Honour many had got by being Soldiers abroad; His Excellency encouraging the Officers to engage themselves in the Service, and much pressed them with the Necessity thereof. After this it was desired by Colonel Lambert, in the name of the Officers, to know what Satisfaction the Parliament had given to those four Queries they made at the last Convention, concerning Arrears, Indempnity, Maintenance in Ireland, and Conduct: Sir John Clotworthy endeavoured to possess the Officers, that by the aforesaid Votes they were all answered, except that of Indempnity; and of that he said, no doubt but the Parliament would take care, and had given Instructions to the Judges in the mean time, not to receive any Indictments against Soldiers for things done in tempore & loco Belli, till the Ordinance could be brought in. But then it was moved concerning Commanders. He answer'd, Major General Skippon, and Major General Massy were named by both Houses for General and Lieutenant General; for other Commanders, the Parliament had not yet nominated any. To this was objected, That some of the Officers understood of the Unwillingness of Major General Skippon to take that Employment; Sir John Clotworthy said the House had no such Information, and that there came a Letter from the Major General to the House on Wednesday, whereby they perceived he had not then received the Votes of both Houses of his being General, so that there could be no ground to think that he would refuse it, till he had declared himself so to the Parliament. Colonel Hammond declared, that if they had Assurance that Major General Skippon would go, he doubted not, but a great part of the Army would engage in that Service, which otherwise would not, such is the great endeared Respect, and high Esteem the whole Army in general have of the Worth and Valour of that great Soldier. And this was further seconded with a Proposition, that if they might have the General Officers of whom they had so much Experience. To this the Officers cryed out, all, all; and others, Fairfax, and Cromwell, and we all go. The Commissioners seeing they could make no Impression upon the Officers in general, without Satisfaction in Conduct, (which is so much desired) in the Issue declared, that such of the Officers as would go for Ireland, upon the above-mentioned Conditions, should come to their Lodgings in the Town, where they would give them further Satisfaction. Hereupon the Convention was dismissed, and the Town very full before, was suddenly emptied; there being only Lieutenant Colonel Peckham, Captain Kempson, Captain Dorme, and five or six other Officers of Colonel Lilburn's Regiment, and some few others from other Regiments, that have yet presented themselves to go for Ireland upon the above specified Conditions; the rest of the Officers who were in the Church, drew up and subscribed this Declaration following, to prevent the Misrepresentation of their Proceedings, wherein they said they formerly suffered Prejudice, viz.
Saffron-Walden April 15, 1647.
Officers of the Army named, to represent to the Parliament their Proceedings.
Whereas the Officers of the Army being met together, by Order from the General, in pursuance of the Desires of the Committee of Lords and Commons for Irish Affairs at Derby-House, and to advise what Satisfaction to give the Commissioners now come hither, upon their Demands to the Proportions of both Houses, concerning the Business of Ireland, It was agreed by all the Officers there convened, whose Names are Subscribed, That Lieutenant General Hammond, Colonel Hammond, Colonel Lambert, Colonel Lilburn, Colonel Hewson, and Colonel Rich, should be desired to represent the Sense of the rest of the Officers as followeth.
- 1. To represent their Desires, to know what was done in reference to the last Proportions sent unto the Parliament by way of Query.
- 2. To represent, That all those who in their own Persons do not engage for Ireland, would be ready to promote the Service.
- 3. That if the same Conduct they have had, under which God hath so exceedingly blessed this Army and Kingdom, might be continued also as to the Service of Ireland, it would conduce much to their Encouragement and Personal Engagement.
Lastly, That there was nothing afterwards delivered at the meeting with the Commissioners by any of the aforesaid Gentlemen, but what was generally approved of as the Mind and Sense of all the Officers. This Declaration was subscribed presently by 100 Officers, and the Horse Officers all generally subscribed it on Friday.
Sir, This is all the Account I can give you of this Transaction, I shall leave it to your Observation to consider, what it is that will much expedite the Officers in their Engagements for Ireland. His Excellency hath this day granted a Warrant to Captain Howard, to draw Colonel Fleetwood's Regiment to a Rendezvous at such time and place as he shall think fit, to make known what he hath to say for their Encouragement to go in to Ireland. There is since also some of the Officers of the General's Regiment that have subscribed to go, and some in Colonel Rainsborough's, one Captain and some Lieutenants in Colonel Hammond's, few Horse Officers, but Captain Howard, Colonel Sheffield, and some of Colonel Rich's Regiment, Colonel Butler, Major Fincher, Major Alford, and Major Ducket, whose Subscriptions are sent up to the Parliament. The General hath at the desire of the Commissioners granted an Order, that the Officers shall draw out as many of their Men as will engage and march with them to Bridge-North in Shropshire. I shall not trouble you further at present.
Your Servant.
April 16, 1647.
On April 19, 1647.
The Houses not sitting, we will briefly collect something only of what came by Letters from other Parts of the Kingdom. And first from Holmby: We understand the Dutch Ambassador came thither last Thursday, and had Audience in Publick that Afternoon, and acquainted his Majesty with the Death of the Old Prince of Orange.
The King continues very pleasant, spends some time at Bowls and other Recreations, and some time for Study.
The Earls of Lauderdale and Dumfarling, came this day to London from Scotland, with Commission to joyn with the Commissioners of the Parliament of England, to press the King to take the Covenant, and sign the Propositions.
From Westchester came Letters this day thus, The Regiment of Colonel Cassel is arrived at Dublin, Colonel Hungerford's Regiment 600, to which will be added 200, and will away with the first fair Wind; no news of Colonel Birch his Regiment, yet Captain Parson's Troop, which hath lain ten Weeks in the West, to go to Munster, is come to this Town; they go with others, in all 340, to Dublin, under Colonel Jones, and will pass when Sir Robert Meredith, Sir Robert King, and Mr. Ansley Commissioners go for Dublin. Besides these Forces are gone for Munster; The Regiments of Colonel Long, and others, are shipping from Bristol.
They say the Lord of Ormond is to be made a Marshal of France.
The Lord Digby is now in Dublin, and brought with him a new French Agent over thither.
On April 20, 1647.
A Great Company of the Apprentices of London attended the Houses, in pursuance of their former Desires for Days of Recreation, and they presented a second Petition to the House of Commons, desiring an Answer of their former, and that some speedy Satisfaction might be given to the Petitioners.
The Commons had a great Debate about the same; and after referred it to a Committee, to draw up an Ordinance for the abolishing of all Festival and accustomed Holy-days, and for the appointing the second Tuesday in every Month, a day of Recreation for all Apprentices, Scholars, and Servants in the Kingdom, with such Bounds and Limits still to be observed against Tumults, Disorders, unlawful Sports, &c. on that day.
The Business of the Church, appointed to hold for fourteen days, was renewed this day; and the obstructions to the Government of the Church in the Presbytery, and the Amendments to be Remedies thereof, were reported to the House, and much Debate had thereon, and at last assented unto, and the Lords Concurrence to be desired. An Addition to the several Classes of London and the Liberties was likewise read and passed.
The Answer of the City concerning the advance of 200000l. was this day reported to the House from the Common Council also, and the Cities Propositions for their Security for the said Sum, which consisted of several Heads (viz.) the Remainder of Bishops Lands, after the 400000l. and Expences are paid out, likewise the Lands of Delinquents excepted, and also such Papists as have been in actual War, Goldsmiths-Hall and the Excise in course, others failing.
The Houses hereupon Ordered, That the City of London shall have the Remainder of Bishops Lands, Papists, and excepted Persons Estates (their Debt before April 1642. being first satisfied) and the Excise in course for their Security for this Money, and an Ordinance to be drawn up to this purpose.
The House had further Debate, and Ordered, That the 12000l. formerly Ordered for the Service of Dublin, to be borrowed upon the Security of the 200000l. be made up 20000l. and that it be employed for the Service of Ireland.
From the Army, by Letters dated April 19. We understand that the Proceedings of the Commissioners for getting Horse and Foot to go for Ireland, proves not so effectual as was expected, there being very few disposed that way, unless with their own Commanders. Lieutenant Colonel kempson gave Orders for Colonel Lilburn's Regiment to march this day towards Cheshire, some giving out the Colonel was now discharged of it; but the Soldiers imagined the Design was for Ireland, and Colonel Lilburn's Captain Lieutenant told his Company they should have no Pay till they advanced further from the Army; thereupon sixteen of them (though at first afraid to engage in the business) resolved to complain, feeing they were likely to be led into Ireland against their Consent, their Lieutenant Colonel having not proposed Conditions to them, nor made known the Votes of the Parliament, and their Colonel having Ordered their March another way; coming into the Head Quarter, they were brought to the General, they declared to his Excellency their Complaint; his Excellency told them, as to Pay he would take order with their Captain, but withal used some Arguments to move them to go for Ireland; they cried that they would be willing to go for Ireland with his Excellency, and their other Commanders; but for those Officers who had undertaken to lead them, they had not well used them here, and they might justly fear worse Usage in Ireland; and they had served the Parliament, some three, some four Years, and now desired to return to their Trades ; that the whole Company was of that mind. The General went presently to the Commissioners, to acquaint them therewith : Declared his Desire, that as the Service might be promoted, so the Soldiers might be fairly dealt with, and the Work better advanced, than by engaging Men in indirect ways; to that Purpose, that the Votes of the House might be read to them, that they might know their Conditions, and that those who stayed here might not lose their Pay. This was thought reasonable, and the General had before given order for the drawing up of the following Letter, to be sent with the Votes to the several Regiments, and read. This day Colonel Lilburn's Regiment is to be drawn to a Rendezvous, and the Letters and Votes to be read to them; this they say, That were the old Commanders entertained, the greatest part of the Army would engage for Ireland, and be ready for Service this Summer.
That the General intends for London.
The General intended for London this day, but his Excellency received a Letter from the Committee at Darby House, desiring his stay to advance the Service of Ireland, which he was before, at the Desire of the Commissioners, resolved to do, though the weak Constitution of his Body calls upon him to use the Means for recovery of Health, and preservation of Life.
The Letter his Excellency caused to be sent to the Officers of every Regiment, is as follows.
The General's Letter to the Officers of every Regiment, to promote the Service for Ireland.
Whereas at the last Meeting of the Officers of the Army at Saffron-Walden, I declared in the Presence of the (Lords and Commons) Commissioners of Parliament, to all the Officers then present, as also to such Officers as have since that time come to the Head Quarters, That they should make known to their several Regiments the Intention of the Parliament, to send a considerable Force of such of this Army as are willing to go into Ireland, for the reducing of that Kingdom ; desiring them also to make known my Desire to advance that Service, and to prevent any hindrance thereof: And that if any Officers stand not disposed to engage in Person in that Employment, yet that they should promote it, in making known my Desire, and the Votes of both Houses, for the Encouragement of such as shall engage in that Service. I do therefore desire you to publish this Letter, together with the said Votes, by reading the same unto your Regiment. In expectation whereof , I remain
Your assured Friend,
Thomas Fairfax.
Walden, April
18, 1647.
For Colonel, or the Lieutenant Colonel, or other Officers in chief with that Regiment named in the Directions.
On April 21.
A Report Scots Officers Arrears 17000 l.
A Report was made from the Committee appointed to consider of the Arrears of the Scots Officers, that the Sum of 17000l. was due unto the Petitioners for Arrears, but charged not them with any free Quarter, Billet, Horse or Arms of the States, &c. The House hereupon Ordered, That the third part of the said Sum should be abated for free Quarter, Horse and Arms, &c. which the Committee did not charge them with, and that the Remainder should be paid to the said Officers, in full Discharge of all Arrears due unto them.
Instructions were this day Reported for the Commissioners that are to attend his Majesty, to get his Majesty's Assent to the Propositions, and to take the Covenant, which were assented unto, and Ordered to be sent to the Lords for their Concurrence.
Ordered further, That the King's Assent be desired to the Ordinance for putting Bishops Lands into the hands of Trustees, and likewise to the Ordinance for the Sale of Bishops Lands.
The House then also took into consideration the Extraordinary good Service done by Mr. John Torrant, one of Sir Thomas Fairfax Messengers, by which this Kingdom now receiveth great Benefit, being a secret Service, there being likewise a Recommendatory Letter in his behalf read in the House from his Excellency. Hereupon Ordered, that the Arrears of Mr. Torrant be paid off, and that he shall have the Sum of a hundred Pounds for his Extraordinary Services to this Kingdom
An Ordinance was this day read in the House for Repayment of the Monies long since borrowed of one Mr. Stewart for the Service of the State, and upon the Question assented to.
The Commons sent a Message to the Lords with the Votes for the Security of the 200000l. and some other Papers brought up by Sir Philip Stapleton. To which their Lordships answered, they would send Answer by Messengers of their own. Their Lordships ordered to take into consideration the Votes concerning the Security for the 200000 l. which was read.
On April 21, 1647.
Letters came from the Parliament's Commissioners at Holmby, acquainting the House with the great Resort of People to his Majesty, to be touched for the Kings Evil.
The House hereupon Ordered, that a Declaration shou'd be drawn up, to inform the People of the fond Superstition of being touched by the King for the Evil. And a Committee was appointed to draw up a Declaration to this purpose.
They Ordered that a Letter of Thanks should be drawn up, to be sent to the Commissioners at Holmby, to give them Thanks for their Care and Faithfulness in all their accounts in that Service.
They likewise proceeded in the business of the Church, and passed several Orders. And first, That the Assembly should be requested to return to the House the Articles of the Church of England, and the several places of Scripture thereunto.
And further, That this day sevennight the House do consider of the Confession of Faith presented by the Assembly, the first business, and nothing to intervene.
A Report was this day made to the House, of the transaction of the Parliament's Commissioners in his Excellency's Army.
Several Letters from his Excellency, and others from the Commissioners there to the Committee of Darby-House, were read.
A Report was likewise made of the Letters set forth by his Excellency, to encourage all the Officers and Soldiers of his Army, to undertake the Service of Ireland, which was read at the Head of several Regiments of the Army.
The House had some Debate on a Paper presented them under the Title of a Declaration of the Officers of the Army, but generally disclaimed, as is certified by the Officers.
From the Army we understand further, by Letters to this purpose: That Yesterday Colonel Lilburn's Regiment were drawn forth to a Rendezvous near Hinkston; Five Companies drew into the Church, where the General's Letter (we gave you before) and the Votes of both Houses, (for the Encouragement of such as should undertake for Ireland) were read, upon which about sixty of the five Companies drew forth for Ireland, the rest returned to their Quarters. Whilst this was in agitation, Lieutenant Colonel Kempson drew the four Companies (which were without) towards Cheshire, having the last three Weeks Pay for the Regiment with him. The Soldiers were the rather induced to follow him (though the General's Letter, nor the Votes were communicated to them) because they saw their Officers, Colours, and Money go.
Lieutenant General Massy was present in the Church.
Colonel Herbert came to the Head Quarter Yesterday Morning, where he declared to divers Officers, that he was come to attend the Commissioners, but could give them little Encouragement, for all his Officers and Soldiers had declared themselves against going for Ireland, unless they might have their Arrears, but he would do his utmost to perswade them, and afterwards he (having dined with the Commissioners) came to take his leave of his Excellency, and to acquaint him, that he and his Regiment were to go for Ireland. The General encouraged him to the Service, and gave him an Order to draw forth his Regiment to a Rendezvous at Hitchin in Hertfordshire, on Friday the 28th.
Last Night his Excellency received a Letter from the Commissioners here, That they were informed by Lieutenant General Massy, that part of Colonel Lilburn's Regiment was marched for the Service of Ireland, some whole Companies, and some part, and that it would be contributary to the Service to give them the Countenance and Encouragement of Colours; to which his Excellency (for the furtherance of the Service) condescended, and returned answer, That he was willing, that such as marched with their whole Companies, should have their Colours with them. There was one of Colonel Lilburn's Companies wanting, being marched towards Suffolk.
His Excellency has granted an Order to Captain Ohara, to draw Colonel Hammond's Regiment to a Rendezvous, and to draw forth such of the Regiment, as will engage with him for Ireland.
Captain Howard hath drawn forth Colonel Fleetwood's Regiment to a Rendezvous, according to his Excellency's Order; and made known the Parliament's Votes to them, but cannot obtain any considerable part of them to go with him; yet the Soldiers express much Civility towards his own Person, but declare they were not satisfied in other respects.
Major General Skippon'tis said is come from the North, and on his way as far as Huntington, but much weakned in Body, by reason of his Wounds, Age, and other Infirmities; so that tho' his Heart be for the Service (as doubtless his valiant Spirit is) yet his present Weakness pleads rather for an Exemption.
The Commissioners in the Army intend to come back towards London to Morrow.
His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax came to London this Night.
On April 23, 1647.
The House this day, according to former Order, debated the Articles of Truro, and Ordered, That all such Letters as were sent by the General to the Speaker, in the behalf of the Persons concerned in the Articles, according to the said Articles, for the Favour of the House in their Compositions, shall compound at two full Years Value, and no more, according to the full Value of their Estates in the Year 1640. and that they be enjoyned to pay their twenty fifth Parts also. That it be referred to a Committee to make some Alterations in the Propositions, according to the Debate this day had; the Houses having pardoned and admitted some to Compositions, since the last presenting of them which were deeply included therein.
A Message came from the Lords, with some Amendments to the Ordinance for securing the City of London 200000l. to be borrowed of them, their Lordships desiring that Goldsmiths-Hall may be part of the Security of that Sum. The House did much debate about this Business, being of great Concernment to the whole Kingdom, and Ordered the House should adhere to their first Votes, and so dissented.
The Petition (presented and subscribed by many Citizens of London, and referred to Colonel Leigh's Committee, wherein the Word (Supream) was mentioned) was formerly Ordered to be debated this Day, which occasioned many of the Petitioners to be at the House, where they waited 'till five at Night, but had no Answer given them.
The House this day, according to former Order, resumed the Debate of the Report Yesterday, concerning the Commissioners Transactions in the Army.
A List is returned of such Officers, Horse and Foot, as have undertaken for the Service of Ireland.
Briefly thus, There is one Colonel and two Captains of Horse returned upon the List.
One Major, and four Captains of Dragoons, two of which Captains have only engaged to go on such Terms as they shall approve of.
Officers of Foot, Colonel Herbert, and Lieutenant Colonel Kempson, are two Field Officers.
The Captains that have subscribed, are in number about twenty; the rest Lieutenants, and inferior Officers. Or more particularly thus,
There are upon the List returned in all, Officers of Horse 17, of Dragoons 7, and of Foot 87.
It was hoped these particular Officers would have been able, every Man respectively, to carry over his several Troop or Company of Foot; but it is certified, that one Officer who had Eightscore in his Company, could get but 26 that would go along with him for Ireland, and another Officer not one Man in the whole Company: It is to, be wished the rest be enabled to perform what they have undertaken, or otherwise it may prove very inconvenient to the Service of Ireland.
The House had a very large Debate as to this Business of the Army; and whether the Army should be disbanded, and what Pay to give them before Disbanding; or whether it be not more convenient to send the Army intirely into Ireland for the reducing of that Kingdom. And it was Ordered to resume this Debate on Tuesday next, and no other Business to intervene, and by that days Debate you will understand the Issue.
The Houses met not on Saturday, having adjourned till Tuesday.
On April 26, 1647.
A Perfect List (delivered Munday, April 26. by the Commissioners that went down to the Army, unto the House of Commons) of such Officers of the Army as have engaged themselves for the Service of Ireland, viz.
In Colonel Tho. Sheffeild's Regiment of Horse.
- Tho. Sheffeild Colonel.
- Richard Young Captain Lieutenant.
- Richard Comber Cornet.
- Robert Arthur Quarter-Master.
- Captain Robothom's Troop.
- Michael Hale Lieutenant.
- Henry Dethick Quarter-Master.
- Robert Dawes Lieutenant.
- Charles Martin Cornet.
Captain Martin's Troop, Tho. Hey Quarter-Master of this Regiment. None as yet drawn forth.
In Colonel Rich's Regiment of Horse.
Major Alford's Troop, Francis Rawson Cornet.
Captain Tho. Nevil's Troop, Ralph Hooker Lieutenant.
Captain Ireton's Troop, Edward Lisle Lieutenant of this Regiment. None as yet drawn forth.
In Colonel Graves's Regiment of Horse.
William Lord Cowfeild's Troop; none as yet drawn forth.
In his Excellencies Life Guard, Henry Hall Captain, Andrew Goodhand Captain Lieutenant; none as yet drawn forth.
In the Regiment of Dragoons.
Major Nicholas Moor's Company, William Phillips Cornet. Captain Farmer's Company, Harrold Skermages Captain, Hen. Fulcher Lieutenant. Captain Woodan's Company, Edward Wogan Captain. Captain Farr's Company, Ralph Farr Captain. None of this Regiment as yet drawn forth.
In his Excellency's Regiment of Foot.
His Excellency's Company, Lewis Awdley Captain Lieutenant, Charles Bolton Ensign. Major Gooday's Company, Watson Lieutenant, Wild Ensign. Captain Muscott's Company, Fulke Muscott, Captain Heyden, Lieutenant Cope. Captain Heyfeilds's Company, Tho. Heyfeilds Captain, Stokeham Lieutenant, Miller Ensign. Captain White's Company, Gore Ensign. Captain Wolfe's Company, Tho. Phillips Lieutenant, Caleb Burges Ensign of this Regiment. None as yet marched.
In Colonel Hammond's Regiment of Foot.
Major Saunders's Company,
John Thompson Lieutenant,
Tho. Wood Ensign.
Captain Ohara's Company,
Charles Ohara Captain,
Bedinfeild Cremer Lieutenant.
Captain Isr. Esmithi's Company,
John Mathews Lieutenant.
Captain Puckle's Company,
John Bishop Ensign.
Captain Boyse's Company, John Togle Lieutenant, Godfry Pert Ensign. Captain Stratton's Company, Rich. Bernard Lieutenant.
Captain Rolphe's Company Josiah Slader Lieutenant, Rich. Taylor Quarter-Master, Basingborne Layer Waggon-Master. About 400 of this Regiment upon their March.
Captain Ohara hath Orders to march with his Company to Olne, Newport Pannel, and Wilne Hundreds in Northamptonshire and Bedfordshire.
In Colonel Rainesborough's Regiment of Foot.
Captain Brown's Company, John Brown Captain, John Herrick Ensign. None as yet marched.
In Colonel Sir Hardresse Waller's Regiment of Foot.
Colonel Waller's Company, James Knight Captain Lieutenant.
William Pope Ensign.
Lieutenant Colonel Salmon's Company,
Lewis Northcott.
Lieutenant Major Smith's Company, Samuel Clase Ensign. Captain Thomas's Company, Daniel Thomas Captain, Nathaniel Chase Lieutenant, Edward Allen Ensign. Captain Clark's Company, John Clark Captain, Ralph Wilson Lieutenant, Smith Ensign. Captain Howard's Company, William Howard Captain, William Hopkins Ensign. Captain Elzerye's Company, Thomas Flilkings Lieutenant. Captain Ask's Company, William Laudgredge Lieutenant. Captain Holden's Company, Humphrey Hartwell Lieutenant, Slow Ensign. Captain Stoddard's Company, Deakins Ensign. None of this Regiment as yet marched.
In Colonel Fortescue's Regiment of Foot.
Captain Young's Company, Arthur Young Captain, Thomas Jones Lieutenant, Owen Ensign. Captain Pooley's Company, Richard Pooley Captain, William Read Lieutenant, Richard Hart Ensign.
Captain Denison's Company, John Denison Captain, William Baley Lieutenant, George Forker Ensign.
Captain Cope's Company, John Cope Captain, Nicholas Luke Lieutenant, Mathew Marvel Ensign.
Captain Bushell's Company, John Bushell Captain, Jo. Ferrers Lieutenant, Rich. Cordee Ensign. Captain Whitton's Company, Roger Jones Lieutenant. About 400 or 500 of these upon their March.
Colonel Graves hath, on the Officers Desire, Order to go to Browsgrove in Worcestershire, and there to Quarter these Companies.
In Colonel Ingoldsby's Regiment of Foot.
Lieutenant Colonel Kelsoy's Company, Tho. Jones Lieutenant. Major Duckett's Company, Charles Duckett Captain. Captain Wagstaff's Company, Christopher Mathews Lieutenant. None as yet marched of these. Lieutenant Jones, and Lieutenant Mathews, have Orders to march with the Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain Wagstaff's Company to Browsgrove in the County of Worcester.
In Colonel Harly's Regiment of Foot.
Captain Forgison's Company, John Forgison Captain. Captain Parson's Company, Walter Croker Lieutenant. None as yet marched.
In Colonel Herbert's Regiment of Foot.
Colonel Herbert's Company, William Herbert Colonel, Charles Auberry Ensign. Lieutenant Colonel Read's Company, Bartholomew Helby Lieutenant. Captain Lundey's Company, Richard Lundey Captain. Captain Melvin's Company, John Melvin Captain. Captain Spooner's Company, John Duckley Lieutenant. Captain Short's Company, Nathaniel Short Captain, William Hodgskins Lieutenant. About 400 of these upon their March.
The Colonel Ordered to march with his Regiment to Skipton upon Stower, he hoping to engage divers other Officers, and little less than the whole Regiment.
In Colonel Lilburn's Regiment of Foot.
Colonel Lilburn's Company, Robert Fish Captain Lieutenant, Thomas Noone Ensign. Lieutenant Colonel Kempson's Company, Nicholas Kempson Lieutenant Colonel, Alexander Frie Lieutenant, Levesey Sharpelesse Ensign. Major Master's Company, William Master Major cannot go, but his Brother George Master is commended to the Place. Abr. Clarke Lieutenant, George Hope Ensign. Captain Peckham's Company, Christo. Peckham Captain, Francis Wells Lieutenant. Captain Dormer's Company, Francis Dormer Captain. Captain Tothurst's Company, James Murrey Ensign. Captain Welden's Company, George Welden Captain, Shreive Parker Lieutenant, James Rose Ensign. Lieutenant Colonel Henry Lilburn's Company, Evan Morris Ensign. Lieutenant Colonel Kempson hath Orders to march to Evesham in Worcestershire. About 300 of this Regiment marched.
These Officers having by their Forwardness and Example, laid a good Foundation of Encouragement to the Service of Ireland, we desire the General his Excellency to give them all fit Countenance and Respect, for their further Encouragement upon any occasion of Address by any of them.
Subscribed Warwick, William Waller, Edward Massey, John Clotworthy.
22 April, 1647.
Further, as concerning the Engagement for the Service of Ireland, it was informed by Letters this day from the Head Quarters of the Army;
That Thursday last Colonel Howard drew forth Colonel Fleetwood's Regiment, and propounded the Service of Ireland to them, but could not prevail with any of them.
Colonel Fleetwood's own Troop made a short Narration of what they desired.
Colonel Sheffeild's Regiment was drawn forth on Friday, but they gave the like Answer. Captain Stratton hath drawn out of the Regiments thirty six Men.
Captain Ohara most of his Company, and another Lieutenant half his Captains Company.
All Colonel Fortescue's six Companies marched away, and Adjutant Gray Colonel over them. None of Colonel Hewson's marched. And of Colonel Lilburn's almost two Companies of those that marched are returned to the Army. Some strange Expressions (say the Letters) past from Captain Dormer to his Soldiers at the General's Quarters; but we had rather they should be forgotten than remembred.
Some Troopers of the four Regiments in Norfolk, had a meeting about asserting their former Petition, and some Disturbance was like to be thereabouts; but Major Huntington and some other Officers used means to pacifie them, and carry things in an orderly way, and so appointed an Officer and Trooper to meet and advise about the same. And we hope care will be taken that nothing be done disorderly.
Tuesday, April 27, 1647.
The House of Commons (according to former Order) insisted upon the Affairs of Ireland, and the further Report of the Commissioners sent down to the Army. And it was certified the House, That there were Officers of five thousand Foot who had engaged for Ireland, and some Regiments were already upon their March. That the Engagement of Ireland was obstructed by some Officers in the Army, and some by Name charged therewith. Whereupon, after a long Debate, it was Ordered, That four Officers of the Army should be summoned by the Serjeant at Arms to attend the House.
After this the Commons (having received a Message from the Peers) took into Consideration the Disbanding of the Army, and after a long Debate, it was
Resolved, That the Army, Horse and Foot, should be disbanded with all convenient speed, and they Ordered six Weeks Pay should be given unto them upon their Disbanding.
This day also some Officers of the Army presented unto the House, in the name and behalf of themselves, and the rest of the Officers, a Vindication of the Particulars in their late Petition, which here follows at large, viz.
To the Honourable the House of Commons Assembled in Parliament.
The Humble Petition of the Officers of the Army, under the Command of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, on the behalf of themselves, and the Soldiers of the Army,
Humbly Sheweth,
That your Petitioners being sensible of some Displeasure in this Honourable House against them, through some Misinformation, concerning the carriage and managing of a late Petition in the Army, do humbly offer unto your Consideration
the Paper annexed, for the better clearing of our Intentions; humbly desiring your favourable Construction and Acceptance of what is therein contained, according to the Integrity with which it is presented.
And your Petitioners shall pray, &c.
The Vindication of the Officers of the Army under Sir Tho. Fairfax.
The Misrepresentation of us and our harmless Intentions to this Honourable House, occasioning hard Thoughts and Expressions of your Displeasure against us, We cannot but look upon as an Act of most sad Importance; tending, in our Apprehensions, to alienate your Affections from your ever trusty and obedient Army; than which nothing can more rejoyce your Adversaries, or minister greater hopes of their readvancement: Nothing more discouraging to us, who should esteem it the greatest point of Honour to stand by you, till the Consummation of your Work, the removal of every Yoke from the People's Necks, and the establishment of those good Laws you shall judge necessary for the Common-wealth.
Out of our Fears therefore of the Advantage may be had therefrom, and that the Honourable House may retain the same good Opinion of us they formerly had, (whom God hath hitherto blest with abundant Blessings) we humbly crave the boldness to present unto you some Reasons, to clear our Proceedings in those Passages, which we find most obvious to Exceptions in our Petition. Whereby we hope to make it evident to you, that we did no more than what Necessity prompted us unto: That the Means we used, and the Method we took, was as we conceived most orderly and inoffensive; proceeding not in the least from Distemper, and aiming in no measure at Mutiny, nor in any wise to put Conditions on the Parliament; and that you will from thence discover the Corruptions of these Mens Hearts, who have been the evil Instruments of occasioning your late Declaration against us.
For our Liberty of Petitioning, we hope this Honourable House will never deny it unto us; we know not any thing more essential to Freedom, without Grievances are remediless, and our Condition most miserable. You have not denied it to your Adversaries; you justified and commended it in your Declaration of the second of November, 1642. in these Words:
It is the Liberty and Privilege of the People to Petition unto us for the Ease and Redress of their Grievances and Oppressions, and we are bound in duty to receive their Petitions. And we hope, by being Soldiers we have not lost the capacity of Subjects, nor divested our selves thereby of our Interest in the Common-wealth, that in purchasing the Freedoms of our Brethren, we have not lost our own. Besides, we can instance in Petitions from Officers in the Earl of Essex's and Sir William Waller's Army, (even whilst they were in Arms) which were well received by this Honourable House, with a return of thanks; and therefore we hope we shall not be considered as Men without the pale of the Kingdom, excluded from the fundamental Privilege of Subjects, especially since we are conscious to our selves of nothing that may deserve the same.
We have not 'till now appeared in Petitioning, though our necessities have been frequent and urgent; not that we doubted our Liberty, but because we were unwilling to interrupt you in your other weighty Affairs. And we proceeded at this time with the greatest Care and Caution we could of giving the least Offence, intending not to present our Petition to this Honourable House, but with the Approbation, and by the Mediation of his Excellency, our ever honoured General, knowing how watchful our Enemies were to make the hardest Construction of all our Actions, and represent us to you and the World under such terms as may render us most odious.
You may see the Insides of them, by the false Suggestions they have already made to you, of our forcing Subscriptions; the unreasonableness and necessities of our Desires, whereof almost every Soldier is abundantly sensible, will plead the vanity of such an Enforcement; especially when it shall be known that the Petition took its first Rise from amongst the Soldiers, and that we engaged but in the second place to regulate the Soldiers Proceedings, and remove as near as we could all occasion of Distaste.
For our of Desires of Indempnity, for such Actions as being not warrantable by Law in time of Peace, we were enforced unto them by the necessity and exigency of the War. We are confident this Honourable House will approve of it, when you shall be informed that the Soldiers are frequently indicted at Assizes and Sessions. and otherwise grievously molested for such Actions, and many lately suffering for the same. Notwithstanding that Provision you lately made against it, that divers have had Verdicts past against them this last Assizes, for Actions done as Soldiers, (as we are credibly informed;) if this be practis'd during the time of your Session, for what we did through the exigence of your Service, what cruel and violent Proceedings are we like to find, after you are pleased to dissolve.
For the particular Intimation, That the Royal Assent may be desired, we never intended it to lessen your Authority; but since you have by offering the Propositions, judged the desiring the King's Assent convenient; Since likewise the City of London made the same desire without Offence; and your Orders to the Judges, we know not how effectual they may prove to save us from such proceedings after your Sessions; All these Reasons considered, will we hope manifest our Intentions in that Intimation to be only a provident Caution for our future Safety, without the least thought of Disrespect to your Authority. For the desire of our Arrears, Necessity (especially of our Soldiers) inforced us thereunto. That we have not been mercenary, or proposed Gain as our End, the speedy ending of a languishing War will testifie for us, whereby the People are much eased of their Taxes and daily Disbursements, and decayed Trade restored to a full and flourishing Condition in all Quarters. We left our Estates, and many of us our Trades and Callings to others, and forsook the Contentments of a quiet Life, not fearing or regarding the difficulties of War for your sakes: After all which we hoped that the desires of our hardly earned Wages (by the Mediation of our General) would have been no unwelcome Request, nor argued us guilty of the least Discontent, or intention of Mutiny.
We know not any thing further in our Petition which hath been excepted against, but your Apprehensions that it tendeth to hinder the relief of Ireland, which we do not understand wherein, having always manifested in all our Actions, our readiness to further that Work; unless you mean by that desire, that those who have served voluntarily, should not be pressed to go out of the Kingdom; to which we humbly offer this: That those who have voluntarily served in these Wars, and left their Parents, Trades, and Livelihoods, and without any Compulsion engaged of their own accords, should, after all their free and unwearied Labours, be forced and compelled to go out of this Kingdom, whose Peace they have so much endeavoured with unwearied Pains, hoping thereby to have lived and enjoyed the fruits of their Labours, would to them seem very hard; but besides this, our several Votes and Engagements, March 21. to endeavour the Service of Ireland what we could will clear us, and our good Affections in promoting that Work; and therefore we hope what hath been said will remove all Scruples, and restore us to the good Opinion of this Honourable House: In assurance whereof, and in consideration of the Premises, we are further emboldned to make these our Requests unto this Honourable House.
1. That you will be pleased to allow us our Liberty of Petitioning in what may concern us now as Soldiers, and afterwards as Members of the Common-wealth.
2. Since upon the false Suggestions of some Men, informing you, That this Army intended to enslave the Kingdom, the Honourable House was so far prevailed withal as to summon divers of us to appear at your Bar, and to pass a Declaration, thereby expressing your high dislike of our Petition, declaring it tended to put Conditions upon the Parliament: The Sense of such Expressions is so irksom to us, who have ventured whatsoever we esteemed dear to us in this World for Preservation of your Freedom and Privileges, that we cannot but earnestly implore your Justice in the Vindication of us, as in your Wisdom you Shall think fit.
Thomas Hammond Lieutenant General of the Ordinance.
- Edward Whaley.
- John Lambert.
- Robert Lilburn.
- Nathaniel Rich.
- John Hewson.
- Robert Hammond.
- John Okey, &c.
- Thomas Pride.
- Thomas Kelsay.
- Thomas Reade.
- John Jubbs.
- Mark Grime.
- Ewer.
- Edward Salmon.
- Adam Lawrence.
- James Berry.
- William Packer Captain.
- Samuel Packer.
- John Gladman Captain Lieutenant.
- William Disher Lieutenant.
- Richard Morris Lieutenant.
- Joseph Wallington Captain Lieutenant.
- Nathaniel White Lieutenant.
- Edmond Chillenden Lieutenant.
- Gox Tooke Cornet.
- Henry Pretty Captain.
- Sampson Toogood Lieutenant.
- John Friend.
- Francis Wheeler.
- George Ensor Lieutenant.
- George Gregson Captain.
- William Leigh Captain.
- Thomas Parsons Captain.
- Henry Ball Cornet.
- William Farley.
- Edmond Rolfe Captain.
- John Jenkins Captain.
- Abraham Holmes.
- John Carter Captain.
- John Puckle Captain.
- William Arnop Captain Lieutenant.
- Thomas Prite Captain.
- Thomas Davies Captain.
- Edward Orpin Captain.
- William Steeton.
- Richard Zanchy Captain.
- Griffith Lloyd Lieutenant.
- William Goffe Captain.
- John Mason Captain.
- Wartoff Lagoe Captain.
- Edward Scotton Lieutenant.
- William Cobb Cornet.
- John Forgison Captain.
- Roger Alsop Captain.
- Thomas Disney Captain.
- John Nocholas Lieutenant.
- John Spencer Cornet.
- Richard Masse Lieutenant.
- Richard Kempe Lieutenant.
- John Biscoe Captain.
- James Lloyde.
- Mathew Cadwell Captain.
- Samuel Rosse Captain Lieuenant.
- William Sheares Lieutenant.
- Thomas Sheares.
- John Fag.
- Charles Whitehead Cornet.
- John Merriman Lieutenant.
- Henry Dorney Lieutenant.
- Azariel Husbands Captain.
- Charles Bolton Ensign.
- Stephen White Lieutenant.
- Lawrence Nunny Captain.
- Robert Lewis Captain.
- William Jones Ensign.
- Thomas Cartwright Ensign.
- William Weare Captain Lieutenant.
- Edward Artkinson Captain.
- Francis Hawes Captain.
- Richard Wagstaffe Captain.
- Giles Sanders Captain.
- Hugh Jenkyns Lieutenant.
- Benjamin Burges Captain.
- Richard Essex.
- John Resleden.
- Henry Cleare.
- T. Penny-father Captain.
- Walter Bethel Captain.
- Samuel Gardiner Captain.
- W. Foster.
- W. Milward Captain.
- Clem. Arnold.
- William Parry.
- John Grove Captain.
- Willaim Evanson Captain.
- T. Chamberlain Lieutenant.
- John Wright.
- John Frend.
- Francis Allen.
- Thomas Day.
- Abraham Davis Lietuenant.
- John Tapendeane Captain.
- Henry Davis Captain.
- Sam. Grame Captain.
- Alexander Brafeild Captain.
- Tho. Atkinson Captain.
- W. Arnold Lieutenant.
- John Web Lieutenant.
- Jenkin Buen Lieutenant.
- George Jenkins Lieutenant.
- W. Hill Lieutenant.
- Ralph Gell Lieutenant
- T. Baker Lieutenant.
- George Smith Lieutenant.
- Samuel Axtell Lieutenant.
- Henry Williams Ensign.
- Edward Hoare Ensign.
- T. Rawlins Captain.
- T. Lewis Ensign.
- Jer. Cranfeild Ensign.
- Robert Nunwings Ensign.
- T. Newman Ensign.
- John Davis Ensign.
- Morgan Porter Ensign.
- John Blunfeild.
- Nathan Bolet.
- W. Powell.
- John Savage Lieutenant.
- John Shrimpton Lieutenant.
- John Mill.
- John Grime Captain.
- John Reynolds Captain.
- T. Mercer Captain.
- John Blackwell Captain and Treasurer.
- Tho. Coleman Captain.
- John Goodwine Quartermaster.
- John Peek,
- William Stiles Captain.
- John Miller Lieutenant.
- Anthony Lacon Cornet.
- Abel Warren Cornet.
- T. Savage Quartermaster.
- George Hayes Quartermaster.
- John Adice Quartermaster.
Reader, take notice that all the Names hereunto Subscribed are Common Officers, but by reason they did not set down their Titles, the Publisher could not make them known to thee.
The Vindication being brought into the House, the Reading thereof was referred 'till Friday following.
This Day Ensign Nicolls (an Officer in the Army, who was apprehended by Captain Dormer, the General being then at the Head Quarters, and sent up in Custody to the House of Commons) had his Pocket searched, and Money and Papers taken from him, attended the House, and remains committed.
Major General Skippon this Day declared himself, that he would accept of the Service of Ireland conferred on him by the House.
The Lord Lisle we under and hath left Ireland, and landed at Bristol, and is now on his way to London.
The Common-Council of the City of London sat this Day, about nominating a new Committee for the Militia of London, and which of the old ones should stand; and after a long Debate, they outed Alderman Pennington, Alderman Fulke, Alderman Warner, Alderman Kenrick, Colonel Wilson, Colonel Player, Colonel Tichburne, and some others; and agreed to this following List, to be presented to the House for their Approbation.
The Names of those (to be presented to the Parliament, for the Militia of the City of London) are as follows, viz.
- The Lord Mayor of the City of London.
- Major General Skippon.
- Sheriff Cullum.
- Sheriff Edmunds.
- Sir John Woolastone.
- Alderman Adams.
- Alderman Langham.
- Alderman Bunce.
- Alderman Gibbs.
- Alderman Avery.
- Alderman Bide.
- Lieutenant of the Tower,
- Colonel West.
- Colonel Bellamie.
- Colonel Turner.
- Colonel Robert Manwaring.
- Colonel Gowrie.
- Colonel Hooker.
- Lieutenant Colonel Campfeild.
- Lieutenant Colonel Bellamie.
- Lieutenant Colonel Bromfeild.
- Captain Jones.
- Captain Vennor.
- Deputy Packe.
- Deputy Boothby.
- Deputy Githings.
- Deputy Arnold.
- Mr. Edmond Browne.
- Mr. Glide.
- Mr. Kendal.
- Mr. Gaze.
- Mr. Tempest.
- Milner.
The Common-Council had likewise presented them Letters from the Parliament of Scotland, giving the City Thanks for their constant good Affection and Respect to the Covenant, and the Union of the Nations, &c. which Letters were very acceptably received by the Common-Council, and Thanks ordered to be returned to the Scotch Commissioners who presented them.
Some Debates were likewise upon Mr. Eastwick and Mr. Brett's not taking the Covenant.
Wednesday, April 28, 1647.
This was the Fast-Day, and Mr. Ash, and Mr. Strong of Fleet-street, preached before the House of Commons; had Thanks given them, and desired to print their Sermons. Doctor Tempest, and Mr. Hughs, were desired to preach next Fast-Day.
On April 29, 1647.
An Order was made by the Commons, for a Writ to be issued, for the Election of a Knight of the Shire, to serve for the County of Norfolk, in the place of Sir John Hobert deceased.
The Assembly attended the House this Day, and were called in, and acquainted the House, that according to the Orders of that House, they had attended them with their Advice upon the 39 Articles of the Church of England, and the Texts of Scripture thereunto; and upon the Confession of Faith, with the Texts of Scripture likewise to it.
The House hereupon ordered 600 Copies of the Assemblies Advice herein, should be printed for the Services of the Houses, and the Assembly, and no more be printed; and that none presume to reprint the same, 'till further Order.
The Assembly were again called in, and had the Thanks of the House given them for their Pains therein.
A Report according to former Order, was made to the House, of the Answer of Major General Skippon to be Field Marshal; That by reason of his Age and Disabilities, he desired to be excused of that Employment; but seeing he is ordered by both Houses of Parliament, and called thereunto, he shall deny himself to serve the Publick, and obey the Commands of both Houses.
The House hereupon Ordered, That the Field Marshal Skippon should have the Thanks of the House returned him, for his Compliance with the Order of the House, and his denying himself to serve the Publick; which was accordingly done by Mr. Speaker: And the House further ordered, That 1000 l. be bestowed on the said Field Marshal Skippon, for his faithful and good Service to the Kingdom.
The said Field Marshal Skippon took his place in the House of Commons this Day, being returned a Burgess for Barnstaple.
From the Army came further Intelligence this Day, That Major Gooday having read the Parliament's Votes, and General's Letter last Thursday, to his Company in the General's Regiment, 47 of them listed themselves to go for Ireland; the rest of the General's Regiment that are willing to go for Ireland, are to be listed on Wednesday.
April 30, 1647.
This Day at the first fitting of the House of Commons, the petition and Vindication presented last Tuesday by Colonel Hewson, Colonel Okey, Captain Reynolds, Captain Goffe, Lieutenant Chillington, and other Officers of the Army, were read; at which time Major General Skippon (being in the House) produced a Letter presented unto him the Day before, by some Troopers of several Regiments in the Army, in the behalf of eight Regiments of Horse, wherein they expressed some Reasons why they could not engage in the Service of Ireland, under the present Conduct; and complaining of the many Scandals. and false Suggestions, that were of fete raised against the Army, and their Proceedings; whereupon they were declared Enemies to the Publick; and that they saw Designs were upon them, and many of the Godly Party in the Kingdom, and that they could not engage for Ireland, until they were satisfied in their Expectations, and their just Desires granted. This the Major General thought fit to tender to the Consideration of the House. Upon reading whereof the Vindication was laid aside, and the three Troopers (viz) Edward Sexby, William Allen, and Thomas Sheppard, who came with the Letter, (and had presented Copies of the fame to the General and Lieutenant General, both which were brought into the House at the same time) were sent for into the House; where several Questions were propounded unto them, concerning the contriving, drawing up, and subscribing of the same. They affirmed it was drawn up first at a Rendezvous of several of those Regiments, and afterwards they had several meetings about it by Agents from each Regiment in several places. Being demanded whether their Officers were engaged in it? They answered that they thought very few of them knew or took notice of it: Then upon intimation, that surely this Letter came by Promotion of Cavaliers in the Army, it was demanded of each of these Troopers severally by themselves, whether they were Cavaliers? To which Answer was returned, that they had engaged in the Parliament's Cause ever since Edge-Hill Battle, some wounded there. At Brainford, at Newbury, at Henley, under Major General Skippon, and were engaged in all the Services since his Excellency first marched into the Field; and one of them particularly declared, that when he was upon the Ground with five dangerous Wounds upon him, Major General Skippon came by, pitying his fad Condition, gave him five Shillings to procure him some Relief; which the Major General in the House did aver to be true. Then they were demanded, what the meaning of that Clause was, wherein the Word a Soveraignty was exprest? They severally being called one by one, answered;
That the Letter being a joynt Act of those several Regiments, they could not give a punctual Answer, they being only Agents; but if they might have the Queries in Writing, they should send or carry them to the several Regiments, and return their own Answers together with and comprized in the rest. After all these Examinations, they were Ordered to attend the House upon Summons. Afterwards the House (for the better preventing of any Disorder in the Army) passed several Votes, and Ordered, That Major General Skippon, Lieutenant General Cromwell, and Commissary Ireton, and Colonel Fleetwood, be sent down to the Army to acquaint them, that the House would provide a considerable Sum of Money for them before their Disbanding, and their Accounts to be Audited, and an Ordinance to be brought in on Thursday next for Indempnity, for Acts done in tempore & loco Belli.
An Order was made this Day, for the Committee of Parliament sent into Scotland to return; which was sent to the Lords, and assented unto.
The House of Commons Ordered (by reason of the urgent Affairs of this Kingdom and Ireland) to sit to morrow.