Historical Collections: Matters relating to Ireland, 1645

Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 6, 1645-47. Originally published by D Browne, London, 1722.

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John Rushworth, 'Historical Collections: Matters relating to Ireland, 1645', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 6, 1645-47(London, 1722), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol6/pp238-249 [accessed 14 March 2025].

John Rushworth, 'Historical Collections: Matters relating to Ireland, 1645', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 6, 1645-47(London, 1722), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol6/pp238-249.

John Rushworth. "Historical Collections: Matters relating to Ireland, 1645". Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 6, 1645-47. (London, 1722), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol6/pp238-249.

In this section

Chap VII. Occurrences in the kingdom of Ireland, or relating thereunto in the Year 1645.

Of the Cessation made in Ireland, as also of the Lord Inchiquin's opposing it, and siding with the Parliament, we have before, in the Year 1644 given an Account: Which Cessation, tho' not well observed by the Irish, yet being still continued, much Action cannot be expected; those that adhered thereunto, spending the Time in Treaties, in order to the concluding of a Peace; and for those that renounced the said Cessation, many of the Scots by reason of Montross's Successes there, were recall'd home, and Supplies as yet came but slowly from England, so that they were not able to effect much; yet some Rancounters did occur, which are here to be mentioned.

The British Forces of Ulster make an Expedition on into connaught, June, 1645.

The British Army in Ulster having received a Month's Victuals from the Parliament of England, about the 17th of June 1645. advanced out of their several Quarters, with about 4000 Foot and 600 Horse (not being able to march with Ordnance for want of Carriages). They came to a Rendezvouz near Augher, June 20. Sir Robert Stewart (by consent) commanding in Chief for that Expedition. Then they pass'd over at Iniskillin, and sent a Party of 500 Foot and 100 Horse to James-Town, over the Mosses, the nearest Way, to join the Connaught Forces in the Garrisons thereabouts, and to advance into the County of Roscommon, to seek for Booty for the Relief of the Army, and to come up to a Rendezvouz five or six Days after with the Army at Bellinafad, near the Abby of Boyle. The Main Body marched June 24. to Mannor Hamilton, and sent out a Party of Horse commanded by the Lord Montgomery, who advanced to the Borders of the County of Mayo: But understanding the Country was all deserted, his Lordship attended the coming up of the Army at Agbaconry, near which Place several Castles were kept by the Rebels, which fired upon that Party in their Passage by; but most of them were either taken by the Army as they marched up, or deserted: Amongst which one strong Castle, held by one Captain O Hara, was taken by the Soldiers without Command; for being at a Halt near it about Twelve a Clock, and seeing some Poultry under the Walls, some of the Soldiers ran down to get them for their Dinners; and some Shots being made at them by the Castle, they answered them again; which caused others to advance to their Rescue; and so after an Hours Service, and Two or Three kill'd, and some hurt without and within, they forced the Rampire, and put Fire to the Gate; whereupon Quarter was earnestly called for, and granted at Discretion: In the Place they found good Store of Provision, about fifty Cows, and some Arms and Ammunition.

Slige takon July 7.

June 29. The Army marched towards their Rendezvouz at Ballinafad, where the Lord Montgomery and his Party came up again to them with a Booty of 500 Cows; and the Connaught Horse joined with them, being Five good Troops, and a Hundred Dragoons; and so sending out Parties to forage the adjacent Countries, having got great Numbers of Cows, Sheep, Horses, &c. they came up to Sligo about the beginning of July, and took that Town after two days Battery with Three or Four pieces, which they took from aboard the Ships that brought the President of Connaught's Provision: There were slain about 160 of the Irish Party; the Protestants lost about 12 at the entring of the Breach, and some wounded. There were 500 Soldiers placed in Garrison under Sir Robert Stewart, and a proportion of Victuals assigned them out of the Booty, and the rest divided amongst the Army, being in all near 3900 Head of Cattle: And so the Ulster Forces retreated homewards to their Quarters, where they arrived about July 13.

The Archbishop of Tuamslain.

But the Irish were resolved to attempt the regaining of that Town; and therefore on Sunday the 17th of October, 1645. surrounding it with above 1000 Foot, and 300 Horse; whereupon the Garrison conceived it absolutely necessary to hazard the fighting with them with their own Strength, and Sir William Cole's Troops, rather than to starve themselves, and lose their Out-Garrisons, which were blocked up, the Enemy lying between them; so Captain Coote and Captain Cole commanding out 2oo Horse, charged the Rebels Horse very resolutely, and beat them within the Divisions of their own Foot: And Lieutenant-Colonel Sanderson at the same time fallying out of the Town with his Foot, and Sir Francis Hamilton coming in the Nick of time with his Troop, they had all Execution upon them for Five Miles; and took 150 Horse, with their Arms, their Tents, and other Ammunition; several Colours of Horse and Foot, and many Officers of Note, to the Number of about 18 Prisoners, and about 200 kill'd, and amongst them the Archbishop of Tuam, the Rebels President of Connaught, and one of their Supreme Council of Kilkenny, who attended their Army at this time to visit his Diocess, and to put in execution an Order for the Arrears of his Bishoprick granted to him by the said Council: Which Order, together with a Bull of the Popes, and several Letters of Correspondence between him and his Agents from Rome, Paris, and other Parts, were found amongst his Baggage; and particularly, the Copy of certain Articles of Agreement, purporting to have been made between the Earl of Glamorgan and several of the chief of the Rebels the August before, in these Words:

'Whereas in these Articles touching the Clergy-Livings, the Right Honourable the Earl of Glamorgan is obliged in his Majesty's behalf to secure the Concessions in these Articles by Act of Parliament: We holding that manner of securing those Grants as to the Clergy-Livings, to prove more difficult and prejudicial to his Majesty, than by doing thereof and securing those Concessions otherwise; as to the said Livings, the said Earl undertaking and promising in the behalf of his Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, as hereby he doth undertake, to settle the said Concessions, and secure them to the Clergy and their respective Successors in another secure way, other than by Parliament, at present, till a fit Opportunity be offered for securing the same, do agree and condescendthereunto: And this Instrument by his Lordship signed, was before the perfecting thereof intended to that purpose as to the said Livings, to which purpose we mutually signed this Indorsement: And it is further intended, That the Catholick Clergy shall not be interrupted by Parliament or otherwise, as to the said Livings, contrary to the meaning of these Articles.


Copia Vera colata fidelitèr cum Originiali, Thomas Cashel, Fra. Pratricius Waterford & Lismore.

This is a true Copy of the Original Copy found in the Archbishop of Tuam's Carriage; compared by us, Arthur Annesley, Robert King.

The Earl's Oath.

I Edward Earl of Glamorgan do protest and swear, faithfully to acquaint the King's most Excellent Majesty with the Proceedings of this Kingdom, in order to his Service, and to the-Endearment of this Nation, and punctual Performance of what I have (as authorized by his Majesty) obliged myself to see performed; and in default, not to permit the Army intrusted into my Charge to adventure itself, or any considerable Part thereof, until Conditions from his Majesty, and by his Majesty, be performed.


Sept. 3. 1645.

Copia Vera concordans de Verbo ad Verbum fidelitèr cum Originali, Tho. Casthel.

This is a True Copy of the Original Copy found in the Archbishop of Tuam's Carriage; compared by us, Arthur Annesley, Robert King.

When this Treaty came to be known, the Earl of Glamorgan was committed to Prison by the Lord Digby, one of the Principal Secretaries of State to his Majesty, who was then in Ireland, and gave the following Account thereof to Secretary Nicholas.

To Secretary Nicholas.

Lord Digby's Letter to Secretary Nicholas, Jan. 4 1645/6.

My good Brother,
You will receive by this Dispatch a particular Account from my Lord Lieutenant, of the State of the Treaty here, and of those Conditions upon which he was hopeful suddenly to have concluded such a Peace, as would have afforded his Majesty powerful and timely Aids from this Kingdom, had not the unfortunate Madness (for I can give it no other Name) of my Lord of Glamorgan, and the necessary Proceeding thereupon, cast all Things back into a Posture as uncertain and more dangerous than ever: You will receive from my Lord Lieutenant, and the Council here, a punctual Relation of the Matter of Fact and it is referred to me to convey unto you, and by you to his Majesty, the Circumstances and Reasons of the whole Proceeding against his Lordship.

About ten Days since, Matters of the Treaty growing near to a Conclusion, and in confidence thereof, Preparations being made by my Lord of Glamorgan and the Irish, (as they assured us) for the speedy sending over of Three Thousand Men for the Relief of Chester, which were to be made up Ten Thousand before the Beginning of March: It was thought necessary that we should confer with the said Ear! Glamorgan, and some of the Irish Commissioners, to the End that before my Lord Lieutenant's final Consent to the Articles of the Treaty, the Business of the King's Supply might be reduced from Discourse to a Certainty, and directed in the molt advantageous Way for his Service: To which End (we little suspecting then what was since discovered) the said Earl of Glamorgan, and some of the Irish Commissioners then at Kilkenny, were earnestly invited hither both by my Lord Lieutenant and myself.

Upon Monday last, the Day before the said Earl of Glamorgan was expected in Town, my Lord Lieutenant received out of the North, from an honest and well-affected Person, the Copy which is sent you of my Lord of Glamorgan's Articles and Oath with the Confederate Catholicks, assured to have been found in the Titular Bp of Tuam's Pocket, killed in Octob. last at Sligo. At first the Thing appeared so impossible, as that we were apt to think it a Forgery and Plot against the King, of the Parliamentary Rebels; 'till considering the Circumstances, Formalities, and Punctualities thereof, we grew to apprehend somewhat more in the Matter; and soon after, a Second and Third Copy of The same coming to other Persons, all with Letters to the Effect of this inclosed, it was then though, high time to take the Business into most serious consideration: Which being done by my Lord Lieutenant and myself, assisted by some of the wisest and best affected Persons here, we soon concluded, That if these Things were once published, and that they could be believed to be done by his Majesty's Authority, they could have no less satal an Effect, than to make all Men, so believing, conclude all the former Scandals cast upon his Majesty, of the inciting this Irish Rebellion, true: That he was a Papist, and designed to introduce Popery, even by Ways the most Unkingly and Persidious: And consequently that there would be a general Revolt from him of all good Protestants, with whom this Opinion could take Place.

Now when we consider the Circumstances convincing the Truth of this Transaction on my Lord of Glamorgan's Part, and how impossible almost it was for any Man to be so Mad, as to enter into such an Agreement, without Powers from his Majesty; and there being some Kind of a formal Authority vouched in the Articles themselves; we did also conclude, That probably the created Part of the World, who had no other Knowledge of his Majesty than by outward Appearances, would believe this true, and do according to that Belief, unless his Majesty were suddenly and eminently Vindicated by those who might justly Pretend to know him best. Upon this Ground it was also concluded by us, That less than an Arrest of the Earl of Glamorgan upon Suspicion of High Treason, could not be a Vindication of his Majesty eminent or loud enough; and that this Part could not properly nor effectually be performed by any other Person than myself, both in Regard of my place and Trusts near his Majesty: That the Business of Ireland had passed for the most Part through my Hands: That I attended his Majesty about the Time of the Date of his Majesty's pretended Commission: That since that Time I had by his Majesty's Command written to the Irish Commissioners a Letter, whereof I send you a Copy, so diametrically opposite to the said Earl's Transactions: And lastly, in Regard that my Lord Lieutenant, to whom otherwise his Majesty's Vindication in this Kind might properly have belonged, was generally thought to be unworthily cozened and abused in the Matter, in Case there were any such secret Authority given by his Majesty to the Earl of Glamorgan.

This being our unanimous Judgment of what was sit to be done, and by whom, the only Question then remaining, was to the Point of Time; in which we were also of Opinion, that if it were deferred till the Business growing Publick otherwise, should begin to work its Mischief, his Majesty's Vindication would lose much of its Force, and be thought rather applied to the Notoriety than to the Impiety of the Thing; and rather to the pernicious Effects, than to the detestable Cause itself: Notwithstanding, I must confess unto you, That the consideration of Frustrating the Supplies of three thousand Men, which were so confidently affirmed to be in Readiness for the Relief of Chester in Case the Condition of that Place could not bear the Delay which this might Occasion, wrought in us a very great Suspension of Judgment, whether the Proceedings against my Lord or Glamorgan should not be forborn till that so necessary Supply were sent away. But the Case being more strictly examined, we found, First, That by the Lord of Glamorgan's Oath, the Forces were not to be hazarded till his Majesty's Performance of the said Earl's Conditions. And Secondly, That the Supply was never Intended by my Lord of Glamorgan and the Irish, till the Articles of Peace were consented; which the Lord Lieutenant durst in no wise do, without a preceding Vindication of the King's Honour, since this Transaction of my Lord of Glamorgan's was known unto him, and known to be known unto him, by those who wanted neither Art nor Malice to make Use of it. So that the necessary Forbearance to conclude the Treaty, frustrating as much the Relief of Chester, as the sudden and vigorous Proceeding against my Lord of Glamorgan could do, our Resolutions did in the End determine upon that Course; when at the Instant to remove all Objections, Information was brought us, That the Thing was already publick throughout the Town, and began to Work such dangerous Effects, as in Truth I do not believe that my Lord Lieutenant, or any of the King's faithful Servants could have been many Hours safe in the Delay of this his Majesty's and their Vindication: Which has now been so reasonably applied, as that it hath wrought here not only a general Satisfaction in all moderate Men, but even such a Conversion in many less well inclined, that whereas before a Peace with the Irish, even by those unavoidable Conditions upon which my Lord Lieutenant must needs within few Days have concluded, it would hardly have been published in this Place without very much Danger; Mens Minds are so secured and settled by this Proceeding, as that I believe the Peace now would be embraced upon those, and perhaps upon harder Terms, without much Mutiny or Repining. This being so, our chief remaining Fear is, left what hath been done against my Lord of Glamorgan should so far Incense the Irish, as to drive them to sudden Extreams; Things here on his Majesty's Part being in so ill a Condition to enter again upon a War: Unto this Danger the best Preventives we could think of, are applied; this inclosed Letter written to my Lord of Muskerry by my Lord Lieutenant; apt Persons employed to Kilkenny, to acquaint them with the Reasons and Necessities of this Proceeding: And lastly, The Articles of Peace sent unto them, with my Lord Lieuenant's Assent, in the very Terms proposed and acquiesced in by themselves in the last Results of this long Treaty: Which in all probability will have one of these two Effects; Either to make them conclude a Peace, notwithstanding this intervening Accident, whereby Chester will be speedily relieved, and his Majesty further supplied this Spring: Or make it break so foully on their Side, as to divide from them the most considerable of their Party. Whatever the Event be, my Lord Lieutenant and I shall comfort ourselves with this Satisfaction, That we have done what belonged to Men of Honour, Faithful to their King and to their Religion, and as wisely as ours and our best Friends Understanding could direct us; leaving the rest to God Almighty, whom we beseech to direct his Majesty to that Course herein on his Part, which may be correspondent to our faithful Endeavours; and that he will bless them with as good Effects upon the Minds of all honest Men towards his Majesty's Vindication in that Kingdom, as I make no doubt but what we have done will have in this, when seconded and pursued by those further Directions from his Majesty, which I am sure his own Wisdom and Princely Indignation to find his Honour, Conscience, and Piety, thus infamously traduced; will dictate unto him, without further Advice from

George Digby.

Dublin, Jan. 1645.

I believe you will be as much startled as I was, to find the Signet mentioned in my Lord of Glamorgan's Transactions; but it seems that was mistaken, and that he now pretends to some kind of Authority under the King's Pocket-Seal; which I certainly believe to be as false as I know the other.

The Earl of glamorgan's Treaty with the Irish Catholicks, Aug 25. 1645.

Whereas much Time has been spent in Meetings and Debates betwixt his Excellency James Lord Marquess of Ormond, Lord Lieutenant and General Governour of his Majesty's Kingdom of Ireland, Commissioner to the King's most Excellent Majesty Charles, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, &c. for the Treating and Concluding of a Peace in the said Kingdom with his Majesty's Humble and Loyal Subjects, the Confederate and Roman-Catholicks of the said Kingdom of Ireland, of the one Part; and the Right Honourable Donogh Lord Viscount Muskerry, and others, Commissioners deputed and authorized by the said Confederate Roman-Catholick Subjects, of the other Part: And thereupon many Difficulties did arise, by occasion whereof sundry Matters of great Weight and Consequence, necessarily requisite to be condescended unto by his Majesty's said Commissioner, for the Safety of the said Confederate Roman-Catholicks, were not hitherto agreed upon; which retarded, and doth as yet retard the Conclusion of a firm Peace and Settlement in the said Kingdom: And whereas the Right Honourable Edward Earl of Glamorgan is entrusted and authorized by his most Excellent Majesty to grant and assure to the said Confederate Catholick Subjects, further Grace and Favours, which the said Lord Lieutenant did not as yet in that Latitude as they expected, grant unto them: And the said Earl having seriously considered of all Matters, and due Circumstances of the great Affairs now in Agitation, which is the Peace and Quiet of the said Kingdom, and the Importance thereof in order to his Majesty's Service, and in relation to a Peace and Settlement in his other Kingdoms; and here, upon the Place, having seen the Ardent Desire of the said Catholicks to assist his Majesty against all that do or shall oppress his Royal Right, or Monarchick Government; and having discerned the Alacrity and Cheerfulness of the said Catholicks to embrace Honourable Conditions of Peace, which may preserve their Religion and other just lnterests: In pursuance therefore of his Majesty's Authority, under his Highnefs's Signature Royal and Signet, bearing Date at Oxon the 12th Day of March, in the Twentieth Year of his Majesty's Reign, granted unto the said Earl of Glamorgan; the Tenor whereof is a followeth; viz.

Touching this Matter see his Majesty's Message of the 29th of January 1645/6. to the Two House, herein before recited.

Charles R.
Charle's, By the Grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, dc. To our Trusty and Right Well-beloved Cousin, Edward Earl of Glamorgan, Greeting. We reposing great and especial Trust and Confidence in your approved Wisdom and Fidelity; do by these (as firmly as under our Great Seal, to all Intents and Purposes) authorize and give you Power to Treat and Conclude with the Confederate Roman Catholicks in our Kingdom of Ireland, if upon Necessity any be to be condescended unto, wherein our Lieutenant cannot so well be seen in, as not fit for us at the present publickly to own: Therefore we charge you to proceed according to this our Warrant, with all possible Secresy: and for whatsoever you shall engage yourself, upon such valuable Considerations as you in your Judgment shall deem fit, we promise on the Word of a King and a Christian, to ratify and perform the same that shall be granted by you, and under your Hand and Seal; the said Confederate Catholicks having by their Supplies testified their Zeal to our Service. And this shall be in each Particular to you a sufficient Warrant. Given, at our Court at Oxford, under our Signet and Royal Signature, the 11 Day of March, in the Twentieth Year of cur Reign, 1644.

To our Right Trusty, and Right Well-beloved Cousin, Eward Earl of Glamorgan.

It is therefore granted, accorded and agreed, by and between the said Earl of Glamorgan, for and on the Behalf of his most Excellent Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, on the one Part; and the Right Honourable Richard Lord Viscount Mountgarret, Lord President of the Supreme Council of the said Confederate Catholicks, the said Donnogh Lord Viscount Muskerry, Alexander Mac Donnel, and Nicholas Plunket, Esq; Sir Talbot Baronet, Dermot O Brian, John Dillon, Patrick Darcy, and Jeffrey Brown, Esq; Commissioners in that behalf, appointed by the said Confederate Roman-Catholicks, Subjects of Ireland, for and in the Behalf of the said Confederate Roman-Catholick Subjects, of the other Part, in Manner and Form following: (That is to say,)

1. Imprimis, It is granted, accorded, and agreed by the said Earl, for and in the Behalf of his most Excellent Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, That all and every the Professors of the Raman-Catholick Religion, in the Kingdom of Ireland, of whatever Estate, Degree, or Quality soever he or they be or shall be, shall for evermore hereafter have and enjoy within the said Kingdom, the free and publick Use and Exercise of the said Roman-Catholick Religion; and of the respective Function therein.

2. Item, It is granted, accorded, and agreed by the said Earl, for and on the Behalf of his Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, That the said Professors of the Roman-Catholick Religion, shall hold and enjoy all and every the Churches by them enjoyed within this Kingdom, or by them possessed at any time since the 23d of October, 1641. and all other Churches in the said Kingdom, other than such as are now actually enjoyed by his Majesty's Protestant Subjects.

3. Item, It is granted, accorded, and agreed by the said Earl, for and on Behalf of his-most Excellent Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, That all and every the Roman-Catholick Subjects of Ireland, of what Estare, Condition, Degree or Quality soever, shall be free and. exempted from the Jurisdiction of the Proreltant Clergy, and every of them; and that the Roman-Catholick Clergy of this Kingdom shall not be punished, troubled, or molested, for the Exercise of their Jurisdiction over their respective Catholick Flocks, in Matters Spiritual and Ecclesiastical.

4. Item, It is further granted, accorded, and agreed by the said Earl, for and on the Behalf of his most Excellent Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, That an Act shall be passed in the next Parliament to be holden in this Kingdom; the Tenor and Purport thereof shall be as follows: (viz.)

An Act for the Relief of his Majesty's Catholick Subjects of hit Highness's Kingdom of Ireland.

Whereas by an Act made in Parliament held in Dublin the Second Year ?of the Reign of the late Queen Elizabeth, entituled, An Act restoring to the Crown the Ancient Jurisdiction over the State Ecclesistical and Spiritual, ?and abolishing all Foreign Tower repugnant to the same And by One Others ?Stature made in the said last mentioned Parliament, entituled, An Act for the Uniformity of Common-Prayer and Service in the Church, and the Administraion of the Sacrament, sundry Mulcts, Penalties, Restraints, and Incapacities, are and have been laid upon the Professors of the Roman-Catholick Religion in this Kingdom, in, for, and concerning the Use, Profession, and Exercise of their Religion, and their Function therein, to the great Prejudice, Trouble, and Disquiet of the Roman-Catholicks in their Liberties and Estates, and the general Disturbance of the whole Kingdom: For Remedy whereof, and for the better settling, increase, and continuance of the Peace, Unity, and Tranquillity of this Kingdom of Ireland his Majesty, at the humble Suit and Request of the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, is graciously pleased that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty the LordsSpiritual and Temporal, and Commonsin this present Parliament assembled, and by Authority of the same, that from ?and after the first Day of this Session of Parliament, it shall and may be Iawful to and for all the Professors of the Roman-Caiholick Religion, of what Degree, Condition, or Quality, to have, use, and enjoy the free and publick Exercise and Profession of the said Roman-Catholick Religion, and of their several and respective Functions therein, without incurring any Mulct or Penalty whatsoever; or being subject to any restraint or Incapacity concerning the same, any Article or Clause, Sentence, or Provision in the said last mentioned Act of Parliament, or in any other Act or Acts of Parliament, Ordinances, Law, or Usage to the contrary, or in any wife notwithstanding. And be it also further enacted, That neither the said statutes, or any other Statute, Acts, or Ordinance hereafter made in your Majesty's ?Reign, or in the Reign of any of your Highness's most Noble Progenitors or Ancestors, and now, of Force in this Kingdom; nor all, nor any Branch Article, Clause and Sentence in them or any of them, contained or specified, shall be of Force or Validity in this Realm, to extend, to be construed or; adjudged to extend in any wise to inquiet, prejudice, vex, or molest the Professors of the said Roman-Catholick Religion in their Persons Lands, Hereditaments or Goods, for any thing, matter, or cause, whatsoever, touching and concerning the free and publick Use, Exercise, and enjoyings of their said Religion Function, and profession. And be it also further enacted ?and declared by the Authority aforesaid, That your Majesty's. Roman- Catholick ?Subjects in the said Realm of Ireland, from the first Day of this Session. Parliament, shall be, and be taken, deemed, and adjudged capable of all Officers of Trust and Advancement, Places Degrees, and Dignities and Preferment whatsoever, within your laid Realm; of Ireland; any Acts, Statutes Usage, or Law to the contrary notwithstanding. And that other Acts shall be, passed in the said parliament, according to the Tenor of such Agreement or Concessions as herein are expressed, and that in the Mean Time the ?said Roman-Catholick Subjects and every of them, shall enjoy the full Benefit, Freedom, and Advantage of the said Agreements and Concessions, and every of them.

5. Item, It is accorded; granted, and agreed by the said Earl, for and in the behalf of his. Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, That his Excellency the Lord Marquess of Ormand, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, or any other or others, authorized or to be authorized by his Majesty, shall nor disturb the Professors of the Roman-Catholick Religion in their present Possession, and the Continuance or the Profession of their said Churches jurisdiction, or any other the Matters aforesaid in these Articles agreed and condescended unto by the said Earl, until his Majesty's pleasure be signified for confirming and publishing the Grants and Agreement's hereby Articled for, and Condescended unto by the said Earl

6. Item, And the said Earl of Glamorgan doth Hereby engage his Majesty's Royal Word and Publick Faith unto all and singular the Professors of the said Roman-Catholick Religion within the said Kingdom of Ireland, for the due Observance and Performance of all and every these Articles Grants and Clauses there in contained, and the Concessions herein mentioned to be performed by them.

7. Item, It is accorded and agreed, That the said Publick Faith of the Kingdom shall be engaged unto the said Earl by the said Commissioners of the said Confederate Catholicks, for sending ten thousand Men to serve his Majesty by order and Publick Declaration of the General Assembly now sitting. And that the Supreme Council of the said Confederate Catholicks shall engage themselves to bring the said Number of Men armed, the one half with Musquets, and the other half with Pikes, unto any Port within this Realm, at the Election of the said Earl, and at such Time as he. shall appoint; to be by him shipped and transported to serve his Majesty in England, Wales, or Scotland, under the Command of the said Earl of Glamorgan, as Lord General of the said Army; Which Army is to be kept together in one intire Body and all other the Officers and Commanders of the said Army, are to be named by the Supreme Council of the said Confederate Catholicks, or by such other; as the General Assembly of the said Confederate Catholicks of this Kingdom shall Intrust therewith. In Witness where of, the Parties to the se Presents have hereunto interchangeably put their Hands and Seals, the 25th day of August, 1645.


Sign'd, Sealed, and Deliver d in the Presence of John Somerser, Jessrey Baron, Robert Barry.

Copia versa colata fidelitèr cum Originali, Thomas Cashel, Fr. Pratricius Water ford de Lismore.

This is a true copy of the Original Copy found in the Archbishop of Tuam's Carriage; compared by us, Arthur Annesley, Robert King.

Articles of Agreement made and concluded upon, by, and between the Right Honourable Edward Earl Glamorgan, and in pursuance and by Virtue of his Majesty's Authority under his Signet and Royal Signature, bearing date at Oxford the12th Day of March, in the Twentieth Year of his Reign, for and on the behalf of his most Excellent Majesty of the one Part, and the Right Honourable Richard Lord Viscount Mountgarret, Lord President of the Supreme Council of the Confederate Catholicks of Ireland, Donnogh Lord Viscount Muskerry, Alex. Mac-Donnel and Nicholas Plunket, Esquires, Sir Robert Talbot, Baronet; Dermot O Brien, John Dillon, Patrick Darcy, and Jeffrey Brown, Esq for and on the behalf of his Majesty's Roman-Catholick Subjects, and the Catholick Clergy of Ireland, of the other Part.

I Mprimis, The said Earl doth grant, conclude, and agree, on the behalf of his Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, to and with the said Richard Lord Viscount Mountgarret Donnogh Lord Viscount Muskerry, Alex. Mac-Donnel, and Nicholas Plunket, Esqs Sir Robert Talbot, Baronet, Dermot O Brien, Patrick Darcy, and Jeffrey Brown, Esqs That the Roman-Catholick Clergy of the said Kingdom, shall and may from henceforth for ever hold and enjoy all and every; such Lands, Tenements, Tythes, and Hereditaments whatsoever, by them respectively enjoyed within this Kingdom, or by them possessed at any Time since the 23rd of October, 1641. and all other such Lands, Tenements, Tythes and Hereditaments belonging to the Clergy within this Kingdom, other than such as are actually enjoyed by his Majesty's Protestant Clergy.

Item, It is granted, concluded, and agreed on by the said Richard Lord Viscount Mountgarret, Donnogh Lord Viscount Muskerry, Alex. Mac-Donnel, and Nicholas Plunket, Sir Robert Talbot, Dermot O Brien, John Dillon, Patrick Darcy and Jeffrey Brown, on the behalf of the Confederate Roman Catholicks in Ireland, That two Parts in three Parts, to be divided, of all the said Lands, Tythes; and Hereditaments whatsoever, mentioned in the precedent Articles shall for three Years next ensuing the Feast of Easter, which shall be in the Year of our Lord God 1646. be disposed of and converted for and to the Use of his Majestry's Forces employed, or to be employed in his Service, and the other third Part to the Use of the said Clergy respectively: And so the like Disposition to be renewed from Three Years to Three Years by the said Clergy during the Wars.

Item, It is accorded and agreed by the said Earl of Glamorgan, for and in the Behalf of his Majesty his Heirs, and Successors, That his Excellency the Lord Marquess of Ormond, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, or any other or others, authorized, or to be authorized by his Majesty, shall not disturb the Professors of the Roman-Catholick Religion in their present Possession, and continuance of the present Possession of the Churches, Lands, Tenements, Tythes, Hereditaments, Jurisdiction, or any other the Matters aforesaid in these Articles agreed and condescended to by the said Earl, until his Majesty's pleasure be signified for confirming and publishing the Grants herein articled for, and condescended unto by the said Earl.

Item, It is accorded, granted and agreed by the said Earl, for and in the Behalf of his Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, That an Act shall be passed in the next Parliament to be held in this Kingdom, according to the Tenor of such Agreements or Concessions as herein are expressed; and that in the mean time the said Clergy shall enjoy the full Benefit, Freedom, and Advantage of the said Agreemens and Concessions, and every of them.

And the said Earl of Glamorgan doth hereby engage his Majesty's Royal Word, and Publick Faith, unto the said Lord Viscount Mountgarret, and the rest of the said Commissioners, for the due Observance and Performance of all and every the Articles, Agreements, and Concessions herein contained and mentioned to be performed to the said Roman-Catholick Clergy, and every of them. In Witness whereof, the Parties to these Presents have hereunto interchangeably put their Hands and Seals, the 25th Day of August, Anno Dom. 1645.


Signed, Sealed, and Delivered in the Presence of John Somerset, Jeffrey Barron, Robert Barry.

The Earl of Glamorgan's Letter to his Lady.

Earl of Glamorgan's Letter to his Lady, Jan. 1645/6.

My Dearest Heart,
I Hope these will prevent any News shall come unto you of me, since my Commitment to the Castle of Dublin; to which I assure thee I went as chearfully and as willingly as they could with, whosoever they were by whose Means it was procured; and should as unwillingly go forth, were the Gates both of the Castle and Town open unto me, until I were cleared, as they are willing to make me unserviceable to the King, and lay me aside, who have procured for me this Restraint. When I consider thee a Woman, as I think I know you are, I fear left you should be apprehensive; but when I reflect that you are of the House of Thomond, and that you were once pleased to say these Words unto me, That I should never in Tenderness of you desist from doing what in Honour I was obliged to do; I grow confident that in this you will now shew your Magnanimity, and by the greatest Testimony of Affection that you can possibly afford me: And am also confident that you know me so well, that I need not tell you how clear I am, and void of Fear, the only Effect of a good Conscience; and that I am guilty of nothing that may testify one Thought of Disloyalty to his Majesty, or of what may stain the Honour of the Family I come of, or set a Brand upon my future Posterity. Courage, (my Heart;) Were I amongst the King's Enemies you might fear; but being only a Prisoner among his Friends and faithful Subjects, you need doubt nothing, but that this Cloud will be soon dissipated by the Sunshine of the King my Matter; and did you but know how well and merry I am, you would be as little troubled as myself, who have nothing that can afflict me but lest your Apprehension might hurt you, especially since all the while I could get no Opportunity of sending, nor yet by any certain probable. Means; but by my Cousin Brereton, Mr. Mannering's, our Cousin, Constable of the Castle, and my Lord Lieutenant's Leave: And, I hope, you and I shall live to acknowledge our Obligation to them, there being nothing in this World that I desire more, than you should at least hear from me: And believe it (Sweet Heart) were I before the Parliament in London, I could Justify both the King and myself in what I have done: And so, I pray, acquaint my Father, who I know is so cautious, that he would hardly accept a Letter from me; but yet I Presume most humbly to ask his Blessing, and as heartily as I send mine to Pretty Mall: And I hope this Day or to Morrow will set a Period to my Business, to the shame of those who have been Occasioners of it. But I must needs say, from my Lord Lieutenant and the Privy Council here, I have received as much Justice, Nobleness and Favour, as I could possibly expect. The Circumstances of these Proceedings are too long to write unto you; but I am confident all will prove to my greater Honour; and my Right Honourable Accuser, my Lord Digby will be at last rectified and confirmed in the good Opinion which he is pleased to say he ever had of me hitherto; as the greatest Affliction that he ever had, did do what his Conscience enforced him to; and indeed did wrap up the bitter Pill of the Impeachment of Suspicion of High Treason in so good Words, as that I swallowed it with the greatest Ease in the World; and it hath hitherto had no other Operation, than that it hath purged Melancholy: For as I was not at the present any way dismay'd, so have I not since been any way at all disheartned: So I pray let not any of my Friends that's there, believe any thing, until ye have the perfect Relation of it from myself And this Request I chiefly make unto you, to whom I remain a most Faithful and most passionately Devoted Husband and Servant,


Remember my Service to my Brother, my Cousin Brown, and the rest of my good Friends.

The Pope's Nuncio comes into Ireland, 22. Octob. 1645.

About the time of the said Battel at Sligo, Viz. on the 22d of October, 1645. arrived in the River of Kilmare the Pope's Nuncio John Baptist Rinnccini, Archbishop of Fermo, in a Frigat of 21 Guns, and 26 Italians of his Retinue, besides divers Regular and Secular Priests, and bringing with him (as was reported) besides Apostolical Benedictions, some Arms, Ammunition, and Spanish Gold. And in Acknowledgment of the Favour of his being sent to them, the Supreme Council of the Confederate Catholicks in Ireland did in January following make the following Address to the Pope.

The Rebels Supreme Council's Address to the Pope, congratulating the Nuncio's Arrival, 7 Jan, 1645/6.

Ad Beatum Patrem nostrum Innocentium + Papam. To our Blessed Father, Innocent + the Pope.
Beatissime Pater,
Quod in ipso limine sui Pontificatusrebus nostris consulere voluerit, S. V. & illustrissimum Virum Archiepiscopum Fermanum Prælatum Vestræ Sanctitatis Domesticum, & assistentem Sedis Apostolicæ Extraordinarium Nuncium ad Nos miserit Gratius quas possumus humilimè reddimus, Illum si non quâ decuit Magni Scientiâ, certè, insuperablili amorè, & gaudio rescipimus Illum etiam de Vestra Sanctitatis in nos nostramque Casam enimi affectu & Solicitudine discurrentem avidè audivimus speramusque nos Apostolicâ Benedictione nedictione quam nobis Vestræ Sanctitatis nomine impertivit suffultos, & Subsidiis ulterioribus, quæ tanto Bello necessaria duxerit Paterna Sanctitatis Cura; tantictiam & tam prudetis Viri Adhortationibus & Consiliis, eo Res nostros promovere posse, ut de Stabilità in Hiberniam Catholica Religione triumphare posset Innocentius Christissimus; quam & Vestræ Sanctitati & Nobes Victoriam à Deo Exercituum humili & confidentiCorde implorant demisse Benedictionem obsecrantes,
Most Blessed Father,
That your Holiness at the very Entrance on the Popedom has vouchsafed to consult our Affairs, and to send to us that most Illustrious Person the Archbishop of Fermo, a Prelate Domestick to your Holiness, and Extraordinary Nuncio of the Apostolick See, we most humbly render all the Thanks that we can possible. We receive him, if at least not with that Knowledge as becomes us of so Great a Man, yet certainly with a Love and Joy that cannot be exceeded: As also we have with the highest Pleasure and Satisfaction heard him discoursing of the Affection and Solicitude of your Holiness's Mind towards us and our Cause: And we hope, That being supported with the Apostolick Benediction which in you Holiness's Name he bestowed upon us, and those further Assistances which the Fatherly Care of your Sanctity, will judge necessary for so great a War, as also by the Exhorrations and Counsels of so great and prudent a person, we may be able so far to promote our Affairs, that innocent the most Christian (fn. 1) may triumph for the establishment of the Catholick Religion over Ireland Which Victory both to your Holiness and ourselves they with an humble and assured Heart implore from the God of Armies; who submiisively begging your Blessing, cast themselves,
Vestræ & Sanctitatis ad Pedum Oscula, To Kiss the Feet of your Holiness,
Per Supremum Consilium Canfederatorum Catholicorum in Regno Hiberniæ , Kilkenniæ, 7. Jan 1645/6 The Supreme Council of the Confederate Catholicks in the Kingdom of Ireland, at Kilkenny, 7, Jan. 1645/6.

The Government of Ireland to be in a Single Person of Honour. Treaties with the Irish.

January 5. The House of Commons of England fell into a Debate touching the Government of Ireland; and the Question being put Whether the Government of that Kingdom should be by Commissioners or by a Single Person of Honour, Voted, That it should be governed not by Commissioners, but by a Person of Honour, and every Year a New Governor to be chosen.

It was also Voted, That all Treaties with the Rebels in Ireland without the Consent of both Houses of Parliament, should be annull'd: And that the Prosecution of the War against the said Rebels, shall be managed by the two Houses of Parliament; and that no Governor shall be placed there, but by the Consent of both Houses of Parliament.

Jan. 21. Lord Lisle to be Governor of Ireland March 6, 1645/6.

The Commons Vote, That the Lord Lisle a Member of that House, shall be Chief Governor of Ireland.

The Commons Vote, That the said Lord Lisle shall have Power to Nominate and give Commissions to Officers for the Commanding of Two Regiments of Foot, and one Regiment of Horse, for the Service of Ireland : Also, That the Ordinance for raising a Weekly Assesment for the Maintenance of the Forces of Ireland, should be continued for Six Months longer: And a Letter being read from the Commissioners of Parliament in Ireland informing, That five Troops of Horse were raised by some Scots Officers in Ulster, without any Command from the Parliament of England, and what the Consequences thereof might be, was left to Consideration : The House thereupon ordered, That no Forces of Horse or Foot shall be raised in the Province of Ulster, or brought in thither, without the Warrant of the Parliament of England; nor any be permitted to levy either Forces or Moneys in that Province, without Warrant as aforesaid.

No Levies of Money or Forces to be raised by the Scots in Ireland without Warrant of the Parliament of England March 16.

The Commons Vote, That the Stile of the Lord Lisle in his Commission shall be Lord-Lieutenant-General of Ireland; and that he shall have Power to Command all the Forces raised and to be raised, in and for the Reducing of that Kingdom to its Obedience.

For his sacred Majesty.

The Earl of Glamorgan's Letter to his Majesty, feb. 23. 1645/6.

May it please your Majesty.

I am now at Waterford, providing Shipping immediately to Transport 6000 Foot; and 4000 more are by May to follow them: I hope these will yet come opportunely to the Relief of Chester. What hath been the occasion of so long Delays, and yet suffers not your Majesty's Service herein to proceed with that Advantage it might do, I conceive not so fit to commit to Paper; but I shortly send my Brother, who shall fully inform your Majesty with all particulars, and thereby rectify your Opinion, and give you true Knowledge who are your faithful Servants. I hope longe're this; Captain Bacon hath arrived with you since my Enlargement; and therefore I need only tell your Majesty, That my further Services intended for you, will, I hope, without further Crosses , be suffered to go on : Though strange is the Industry used by many seeming Friends to hinder me therein; but I am confidennt it shall not lye in their Power, your Majesty remaining still constant, as I doubt not but you will, to your favourable Opinion, and right Interpretation of my poor Endeavours, which if they might take place, will procure you to be a glorious and happy Prince; I having no other Ends, but to approve my self,

Your Sacred Majesty's most Dutiful Obedient Subject,
and Passionately-Devoted Servant,

Waterford, Feb 23. 1645/6.


  • 1. Thus I modestle conjecture may be their Meaning; tho the word chrissimus, which they use, founds horrible Blaspke may.