Historical Collections: Papers relating to Scotland, 1644

Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 5, 1642-45. Originally published by D Browne, London, 1721.

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John Rushworth, 'Historical Collections: Papers relating to Scotland, 1644', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 5, 1642-45(London, 1721), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol5/pp926-935 [accessed 14 March 2025].

John Rushworth, 'Historical Collections: Papers relating to Scotland, 1644', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 5, 1642-45(London, 1721), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol5/pp926-935.

John Rushworth. "Historical Collections: Papers relating to Scotland, 1644". Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 5, 1642-45. (London, 1721), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol5/pp926-935.

In this section

CHAP. XXI. Passages in, or relating unto Scotland, in the Year 1644 and Actions for Montross of the King,

Of Montross.

The Person that made the chief Figure in the Scottish Affairs at this time, being the Lord Marquess of Montross, it may not be unsatisfactory to give a brief Account of that active Noble-man. He was descended from, and Chief of the Ancient Family of the Grahams, call'd in Old Scottish Graham-More, the great Graham, of whom one was Son-in-Law to Fergus the second King of Scotland, Famous in the Histories of that Nation, for that he was the first, that with the Assistance of his Father-in-Law, cast down that Trench which Severus had caused to be made and set out, for the utmost Limit of the Roman Empire, between the Scottish Faith, and the River of Cluid (the narrowest place of the whole British Isle) and by that means cut the Power of the Romans shorter. In memory whereof, some Remains of that Trench are to this day, called by the Inhabitants Gremesdyke.

Montross Imprisoned; Released.

James Marquess of Montross of whom we are about to speak, was not much above Thirty Years of Age: How we first sided with the Covenanters, and was afterwards gained to the King, we have mentioned in our second Volume of Collections, Fol. 847. and 949. after which time the Covenanters were very Jealous of him, and having by some secret Correspondence understood, That the King had written Letters to Montross, and that they were Quilted in the Saddle of the Bearer, one Stuart, belonging to the Earl of Tranquair, the Bearer was no sooner entred the Borders of Scotland, but he was apprehended on some pretences, his Saddle ript up, and the Letters intercepted; whereupon Montross, with Napier Lord of Morchiston, and Sir Sterling Ker, Knight, his two near Kinsmen, and intimate Friends, were on a sudden clapt up Prisoners in the Castle of Edinburgh, where he remained when his Majesty was in Scotland, Anno 1641. and soon after his Majesty's return to England, he and his Friends were set Liberty.

Waits upon the Queen; His Advice; Hamilton opposes his Counsel.

Afterwards towards the end of the Year 1642. when the Queen came from Holland, and was Landed in Torkshire, Montross accompanied with the Lord Ogilby, hastened to wait on her Majesty, and attended her to Tork, where he gave her Majesty an Account of the State of Affairs in Scotland, and the dangers thence to be apprehended: That the King wanted not Subjects in Scotland, Faithful and Stout: Nor did they want Hearts, nor Wealth, nor Power to oppose against the Covenanters, if they durst Enterprise any Thing against the King: All that they wanted was the King's Commission, without which they durst do nothing, and all the danger was in delay. That the Covenanters when they had once got an Army on Foot, would be able to grind any to Pieces that should offer to stir, and therefore the only way was to be beforehand with them. But at the same time the Marquess (for he was yet no more) of Hamilton, came likewise to kiss her Majesty's Hand, and Gratulate her happy Return, who endeavoured to divert her Majesty from hearkning to that Overture of Montross as rash, and no way like to conduce to the King's Interests, for that his Majesty having so lately settled a Treaty with Scotland, till that were violated on their Part, if the King should begin the Rupture and Authorise the first Breach, it would both stain his Honour and create a perpetual Diffidence in all his Subjects, of his Concessions and Assurances. That he had indeed great Fear of, Scotland, yet hoped to keep Things in Agitation that Summer; and at worst, 'twas sitter to spin out things as long as could be, than to precipitate them by an over hasty Rupture, which in its self carried no probability of Success, since there was never a Place of Strength in all Scotland, in the King's Power, to which they might retire, since the Vulgar were still at the Ministers Devotion, and all as one Man resolv'd to dye in Defence of the Covenant, and if any handful of Gentry could be got together, they would but expose their own Throats to their Enemies Rage, and the King's Authority to their Hatred and Scorn. That the only hopes must be of the Highland-men, and nothing considerable could thence be expected, for the Marquess of Huntley was unable for so brisk an Undertaking, and the Inclinations of Argyle (the other Chief of those Parts) were sufficiently known; besides, there was a Scottish Army in Ireland consisting of Ten Thousand Men, now well Train'd and Disciplin'd, who were most part at the Covenanters Devotion, and these would presently be brought over, there being no Way to obstruct their Passage, and he could not foresee how any Body of an Army could be raised in Scotland for the King's Service, able to resist that Force. In regard of all which Difficulties, he disswaded a present Breach, and advised rather to temporize, and hold off the Scots by fair Means as long as might be. Montross replied, That nothing would come of that but the loss of Opportunity, and slip ping Time, till the Covenanters having raised an Army, should prevent the King of any Means to deliver himself and his Party from their Tyranny.

Montross comes again into England.

But Hamilton's Advice prevailed, and both the MArquisses returned to Scotland, where not withstanding Hamilton's Mediation and Endeavours, the King's Interest still declined, and Montross perceiving that matters would issue in Assistance to the English Parliament, comes again into England about August, 1643. the King lying then before Glocester: To whom he declared, That there was a powerful Army designed to be raised in Scotland, and brought into England against his Majesty; that some private Overtures had been made to himself, and Honourable Commands offered him, but that detesting such an Employment, he was fled to his Majesty, that having Advertisement thereof, if he were not able to provide so timely and powerful Remedy as could be wished, he might at least cast some rubs in their way, and impede their Enterprises, until such time as he had better settled his Affairs in England; that there were very many in Scotland, who would Sacrifise themselves and all they had, for their dearest King, whose good Affections would be of no use to his Majesty, after the Covenanters had raised their Army.

Montross Imployed by the King into Scotland; A Conference between Montross and the Marq. of Newcastle; Montross takes Dumfreize; Forced back into England; Returns privately into Scotland.

But nothing was done in this Affair, till Tidings came, That the Scots were almost ready to March into England, and then Montross being consulted with, about some Expedients to divert that Storm, told the King, That tho' things seemed now to be come to an Extremity, and he had nothing to set up with, neither Men nor Arms, nor Pay, yet, if his Majesty would lay his Commands upon him, he would undertake to do his best, his Majesty should be in no worse Case than he was, for he would take what Malice, Envy or Danger should happen, upon his own Shoulders; so as his Majesty were graciously pleased to condescend to a few reasonable Requests. And first, That the Business might go on more successfully, it seemed to him very necessary, that some Soldiers should be sent out of Ireland, into the West of Scotland, to give them a Diversion: Next, That Order should be given to the Marquess of Newcastle, to furnish him with a Party of Horse, wherewith to enter the South of Scotland: Thirdly, That his Majesty would deal with the King of Denmark for some Troops of German Horse: And lastly, That course might be taken for procuring and transporting some Arms into Scotland: All which the King declared he would take into Consideration. And the Earl of Antrim, being then at Oxford, undertook to bring over the Irish Forces, engaging that he would be in Argyle (a part of Scotland bordering towards Ireland) with Ten Thousand Men by the first Day of April, 1644. (this Consultation being in December, 1643) For Foreign Aids and Anms, the King dispatch'd Instructions to Sir John Cockeram, his Ambassador with the Crown of Denmark, and Directions were sent to the Marquess of Newcastle as was desired; and Montross having received the King's Letters and Commission to be Governor of Scotland and General of his Forces there, sets forwards thitherwards, attended by about two Hundred Horse, most of them Gentlemen, that had been Officers in Foreign Service, and by the way Conferred with my Lord Newcastle, who insisted upon the Distresses and Necessities of his Army, That the Scots breaking in, in the midst of Winter, had spoiled his Recruits; and that now, in far greater Numbers than he had, they Quartered within five Miles of him, so that he could not possibly spare any Hose without a manifest hazzard to the whole Army. Montross on the other side, urged, That he could not do himself a greater Kindness, or his Majesty better Service, than by accommodating him with a Party of Horse, (in which he was very strong) to enter Scotland, that so he might either divert, or least divide the Enemy, and by kindling a Fire in the Bowels of their own Country, setch them home again to defend themselves. Newcastle replyed, That as soon as he had wound himself out of that present Danger, he would not be wanting in any Service to Montross, but all he could do at present, was to furnish him with about two Hundred Horse and Dragoons, and two Brass Field pieces; together with Orders to all the King's Officers and Commanders in Cumberland, and Westmoreland, to give his Lordship what Assistance they could: And accordingly they came into him with Eight Hundred Foot, and Three Troops of Horse, and with those Forces he entered Scotland and took the Town of Dumfrieze (as we have already mentioned elsewhere) but not hearing any thing of the Forces he expected from Ireland to join with him, and the Enemy gathering round him on every side, he was obliged to quit it again, and returned to Carlisle, and engaged himself amongst the King's Forces in Northumberland, and the Bishoprick, where he took the Town and Castle of Morpeth, and when Prince Rupert came to Relieve Tork, was sent for to Join him; which he endeavoured to do with all Expedition, but could not get up in time, for he met not the Prince till the Day after the Defeat of his Army at Marston-moor, and pressd hard for some of the Prince's Horse to go with him upon an Expedition into Scotland, but his Highness did not think fit at that time to spare any: So Montross and his own Troops return to Carlisle, much afflicted that he could get no further Assistance, and finding the State of Scotland in such a Posture, wholly averse to his Party, and no hopes of the Earl of Antrim and his Irish, in this Extremity, he at last resolved upon a strange Adventure, which yet afterwards opened a way to an Eminent degree of Glory and Fame, for resigning those Gentlemen that had continued constant with him, to the Conduct of the Lord Ogilby (whom only he trusted with his secret Intentions) to carry them to the King, and himself keeping them Company the first two Days March, and leaving with them his Horses, Servants and Carriages, privately left them, and hastened back to Carlisle. There selecting only two Men for his Companions and Guides, viz. Sir William Rollock, and one Sibbald, the Marquiss disguised, and in the Habit of a Groom, passing as Sibald's Man, mounted on a Jade, and leading another in his Hand, came to the Borders; and so entring Scotland, in Four Days time got to the House of his Cousin Patrick Graham of Innitbrake, not far from the River of Tay, on that side of the Sheriffdom of Perth, which is next the Mountains, where he sojourned some time in a Neighbouring Cottage in the Day time, and the Nights (for fear of searches) he mostly spent in the Neighbouring Mountains, and having sent his two Companions several ways amongst his Friends, to learn Intelligence, they bring him Word, That the King's Party were every where under Hatches, that of such of them as had made Opposition, some were Destroyed, others Fined, and others Imprisoned: That the Marquess of Hustley had laid down the Arms, which too unadvisedly he had taken up, at the first Summons of the Enemy, and that he himself was fied to the utmost corner of the Island. In the mean time, the Earl of Antrim had sent some Irish under the Command of Alexander Mac-Donnel, a Scotchman, who landed in the North of Scotland, and having some Letters to Montross to advertise him of their Arrival, sent a trusty Man with them, supposing him still at Carlisle, which Messenger passing by Mr. Patrick Graham's, knowing how related and affectionate he was to Montross, acquainted him with the Business, who promised he would take Charge of the Letters, and undertook to deliver them safely to Montross, tho' he made a Journey as far as Carlisle on purpose. By this unexpected means, the Letters came to Montross, sooner than could be hoped, who writes back, as from Carlisle, to encourage them, That they should not stay long either for sufficient Assistance to Join with them, or a General to Command them: But withal, required them forthwith to come down into Athole, a place whose Inhabitants he valued most of all the Highlanders. The Irish receiving Montross's Commands, marched strait thither, where he immediately came to them on Foot in the habit of a Mountainer without any Man along with him save the said Patrick Graham his Guide and Companion, and indeed the Irish would hardly be perswaded that was Montross, till they saw him somuch worshiped by the Men of Atbole and others that knew him well. His coming then was most seasonable, for they were in extream danger to be cut off; Argyle being in their Rear with a strong and well ordered Army; The Campaign Country ready in Arms before them, expecting to fall upon them if they should make down into the Plain; The vessels that brought them over were Burnt by Argyle that they might have no Retreat; Nor would the Atbole Men, or any other that favoured the King's Cause, venture any hazard with them, because they were Strangers, and came not by the King's open and known Authority; nor had they any Commander of ancient Nobility, a Thing by the Highlanders much set by; who would not fight under the Command of Alexander Mac Donel, a Man of no Account with them; Lastly, their Number was Inconsiderable, being not above 1100.

Montross begins a War in Scotland with Fire and Sword.

But the next day after Montross's Arrival the Athol Men to the Number of 800 put themselves in Arms, and offered him their Service; with whom he Marched over the Plains towards Ern, and passing by Weme, a Castle of the Menises, seeing they affronted a Trumpeter whom he sent to them, and sell hotly upon the Rear of his Army, he wasted their Fields and caused all their Houses and Corn to be fired and utterly destroyed. This was the first Onset of the War to strike Terror into the Enemy.

The same Night he passed over Tay, the greatest River in Scotland, and sending forth Scouts before, received Notice of some Soldiers discovered on the Top of an Hill at Ruckinth, who proved to be commanded by the Lord Kilpont Son to the Earl of Taith, a Man of ancient Nobility and descended of the Grahams, and Sir John Drummond Son to the Earl of Perth, a Kinsman also of Montross, who were both of them summoned by the Covenanters to joyn against the Irish as the Common enemy, and had got together about 500 Foot, but had not heard any certainty at all of Montross's being in those Parts. But as soon as they understood it by his Approach, they preseutly joyned themselves unto him.

Montross's Victory at Perth Sept. 1. 1644.

Then together away they march towards Perth, where the Covenanters Army was drawn to a Rendezvouz, whom he finds upon Tippermoor, three Miles from that City, drawn up providing to fight; They were Commanded by the Lord Elcohe, with whom were the Earl of Tullibardin, and the Lord Drummond, Sir James Scot (who formerly had done good Service under the State of Venice) and others; Their whole strength being near 6000 Foot and 700 Horse; Elchoe Commanded the Right Flank, Sir James Scot the Left, and Tullibardin the Batalia; to the Right and Left Flanks were added Wings of Horse, with whom they made Account to have Hemm'd in Montross, being so much superior to him in Numbers, and especially because he had no Horse-men at all, nor any more than three poor lean Horses in all his Army. Therefore to prevent their falling upon him Front, Rear, and Flank, he caused his Forces to be drawn out in as open an Order as could be possible, and made his Files only three deep; Commanding the Ranks to discharge all at once, those in the first Rank kneeling, the second stooping, and the hindermost, where he placed the tallest Men, upright, and that they should not so much as make a shot, till they came to the very Teeth of the Enemy; pursuant to which Orders, having beat back the Enemies Forlorn-hope in disorder to the main Body, his whole Army with a mighty shout advanced upon them, and quickly put the Left Wing to flight; The Right Wing stood to it something better, for Sir James Scot disputed for some time for the higher ground, but Montross's Men, being much the swister Footmen, gained it; and at last routed them too, and had the pursuit of them several Miles with great slaughter; And the same day took in the City of Perth, but would not suffer it to be plundered, by that kindness to oblige them to the King's Party.

His Victory at Aberdeen Sept. 12. 1644.

He staid at Perth three Days, but then understanding that Argyle with a great Force of Foot reinforced with supplies of Horse out of the Southern Parts was advancing near him, he pressed over the Tay into Angus, where the Lord Ogilby Earl of Airley with his two Sons Sir Thomas and Sir David joyn'd him with their Tenants and Dependants; Here he received Intelligence that some Commissioners from the Covenanters (of whom the Lord Burghly was the principal) Quartered with an-Army at Aberdeen, whom he determined to fight before Argyle came up, and there fore by swift Marches possesseth himself of the Bridge upon the River Dees, and approaching the City found the Enemy drawn up close besides it, consisting of about 2000 Foot and a Regiment of Horse, whereas his own Forces were not reckoned above 1500 Foot (many of the Highlanders having deserted him and laden with spoil got home) and a very few Horse, of whom he formed two Divisions, and mixing amongst them the best Fire-men and Archers he had (who in Nimbleness and Swistness of Body were almost as serviceable as Horse, and in some respects better) places them on either Wing. He gave the Command of the Right Flank to James Hay and Nathaniel Gordon, and of the Left to Sir William Rollock. The Left Wing of the Enemy was commanded by Lewis Gordon, Son to the Marquess of Huntley, who having got the Plain and most commodious Ground for fighting on Horseback, charged Montross's Right Flank, who perceiving it, ordered the Horse of his left Flank to their Aid, which received the Charge with such Courage, that they beat back the Enemy, but were so few they durst not follow the Chace; the rather for that the Enemy was preparing to charge Montross's Left Wing now wholly destitute of Horse, therefore Montross seeing Lewis Gordon and his Men fied, called off the same Horse to the left Wing, who wheeling fell upon the Flank of the Enemy, and put them to flight, but they soon Rallied and imputing their double Repulle to those light Fire-locks, that were mixed with Montross's, Horse, they also endeavour to draw out some Foot-men from their main Body; but before that could be done, Montross's Foot broke in upon the Enemy's Body and routed them, which the Horse seeing fied, and made their Escape, but the Foot having no place to fly to but the City, Montross's Men came in Pell Mell thronging among them through the Gates and Posterns, and in the Streets sought a long time very desperately, and in the end obtained an entire Victory, and Montross entered the City, and allowed his weary Soldiers two Days Rest.

In the mean time News is brought that Argyle was at Hand with far greater Forces than those they dealt with last, the Earl of Lothian accompanying him with a great Body of Horse, therefore Montross removes from Aberdeen to Kintar a Village Ten Miles off, that he might make an easier Access unto him, for the Gordons and others that were supposed much to favour the King's Cause. But none of them, of whom he conceived so much Hopes, coming into him, he found it necessary to withdraw his Forces into the Mountains and Fastnesses, where he knew the Enemy's Horse (wherein their great strength consisted) could do them little service, Therefore he hid his Ordnance in a Bogg, and quitted all his troublesome heavy Carriages, and so advances to the side of they Spey, (one of the swistest Rivers in Scotland) intending to have passed over it, but there he finds the Men of Cathness, and Sunderland, Ross, Murcy, and others to the Number of four or five Thousand, ready in Arms on the other side to oppose his Passage, and Argyle with all his Force was coming upon his Back. In this Streight that he might at least save himself from their Horse, he returned into Badenoth, a Rockey Mountainous Country, and scarce passable; and so through Athole, Adgus, and over the Grainsbane (which going a long with a perpetual Ridge from East to West divideth Scotland into two near equal Parts) he returned into the North of that Kingdom and Quartered for some time at Strathbogy; but about the end of October came to Fairy Castle, and possest it; There through the Mis information of his Scouts he was like to have been surprised; for before he had any Notice Argyle was encamped within two Miles of him, with above 2000 Foot, and upwards of a 100 Horse. Tosecure himself he draws his Men to a high Hill which overlook'd the Castle, the soil of which was rough and full of Hedges and Ditches, which served him almost as well as Breast-works; but Argyle tho' much exceeding him in Force, did not think fit to come on, only some smart skirmishes happened between Parties, and after several days thus spent, Argyle Retreated three Scotch Miles over the River, and Montross by the favour of the Night, lest his Rear should be cut off by the Enemy's Horse, return'd to Strathbogy, and Argyle next Day pursues him, and Montross had Apprehensions that Argyle underhand endeavoured to inveigle away his Men, and therefore resolveth on a long March the next Night, as far as Badenoth, and sent away the Carriages before with a Guard; but on a sudden News came, That not only Forbes of Cregaver, a Knight, taken at the Battel of Aberdeen, and who upon his Parole had the Liberty of the Camp, but Sibalds, the only Confident whom besides Rollock, Montross Intrusted when he came out of England, were gone away with some others, to the Enemy: Therefore suspecting they would betray his Counsels, called back the Carriages, and seem'd wholly to have altered his Resolutions; but indeed, he only delayed them, for four Days afterwards he sent them away again before him, and making Fires through all the Camp, he placed what Horse he had within view of the Enemy, as if they kept their Guard there, till such time as the Foot were Marched far enough from Danger, and then brought the Horse also safe off, and all by break of Day came to Balvenny, where he was safe from having his Quarters beat up by the Enemy's Horse, they no further pursuing, it being the depth of Winter. And now many of Montross's prime Soldiers, Noblemen and Gentlemen especially, deserted Montross, some of them alledging Sickness, others their disability to make such long Marches in Winter, over Mountains Unhabited, full of nothing but Stones and Briers and scarce ever before trodden on by the Feet of Man, and therefore being forced by extream Necessity to depart, desired his Pass, which he denyed to none that ask'd it. But the Old Lord Ogilby, tho'a Man of Threescore Years of Age, and not very healthy neither, together with his two Sons, Sir Thomas and Sir David, could never be perswaded to leave him.

Furthermore, Montross shortly after received Intelligence, that Argyle having sent his Horse to Winter Quarters, lay with his Foot at Dunkeldon, and tampered with the Athole Men to Revolt, wherefore with Incredible Expedition, he hastens thither, for in one Night, at that Season, and in those Ways, he March'd with his Forces twenty four Miles, to the intent he might fall upon Argyle, whilst he had not his Horse about him; but he having Notice of Montross's approach, whilst he was yet sixteen Miles off, broke up his Camp, and retreated to Perth, where they had a strong Garrson.

By this time came Mac-Donnel, whom Montross had sent with a Party to the Highlanders, to raise Forces amongst them, and brought with him from thence the Chief of the Macrenalds, with his Men, to the Number of Five hundred; to whom out of Athole was added Patrick Graham, and some choice Men of that Country. Being Recruited with these, Montross Marches to the Lake, out of which the River of Tay breaks forth, resolved to pass from thence through Bradalbain, into the County of Argyle, for he was wont to say, that an Enemy could never be so happily overthrown as in his own Country. he considere that Argyle's Power and Authority amongst the Highlanders, rendred him formidable to his Peers and Neighbours, for as soon as any one adventured to oppose the Covenanters, or dispute their Commands, presently Argyle gathering an Army of five or six Thousand Highlanders, crusht him to pieces; and therefore none durst stir till he were first subdued. Besides, the Lowlands being maintained by the Covenanters, with strong Garrisons, and great Bodies of Horse, except he would undo his Friends, he had indeed no other place to Winter his Soldiers in but that.

Upon these Reasons, with long and speedy Marches, he comes into Argyle the Earl whereof, was at that time Lifting of Soldiers, and had appointed the Time and Place for their Rendezvous, and lived himself securely in the Castle of Innerare, supposing no Enemy to be within one hundred Miles of him, for he could never before be brought to believe, that an Army could get into Argyle on Foot tho' in the midst of Summer, when he therefore suspected nothing less, the trembling Cow-herds came down from the Hills, and told him the Enemy was within two Miles of him. Being on this surprise, unable to resist, he secured himself by getting away in a Fisher-boat, and Montross dividing his Army into three Brigades, ranged over the whole Country, and laid it waste; as many as they find in Arms, going to the Rendezvous, they slay, and spared no Man fit for War and so destroyed, or drove out of the Country, or into holes unknown, all the Service, and fired the Villages and Cottages, and drove away, and destroy'd, all their Cattel. These things lasted from the 13th of Decemb. 1644. to the end of January following.

Routs Argyle at Innerlogh.

Then departing out of Argyle, through Larn, Glencow, and Aber, Montross came to Logh-Nesse, where he was advertis'd that the Earl of Seafort, a Nobleman, very Powerful in those Parts, with the Garrison of Inverness, and the strength of Murray, Rosse, Sutherland, Cathness, and the Sept of the Frazers were ready to meet him, to whom he yet resolved to give Battel; but then he had Notice, That Argyle having gathered Forces out of the lower Parts of the Kingdom, and joined to them such Highlanders as yet adhered unto him, was come down with three Thousand Foot to Innerlogh, an Old Castle upon the Bank of Logh-Aber, and therefore Montross thought fit to fight him first, and so passing by a private unusual way, streight over Logh-Aber Hills, came upon them unawares, who presently put themselves into a posture of Fighting, and all Night both sides stood to their Arms, making frequent Sallies and Skirmishes, by Moon-light, on each other. And the next morning, being Candlemas-Day, the Battle began, where the prime of the Cambels (for that's the sirname of Argyle's Family) charged very bravely, (it is said he himself was before withdrawn) but their Soldiers, when it came to dint of Sword, retreated in disorder, and the Montrossians, for several Miles, pursued them with great Slaughter; so that 'twas reckoned, there were near sisteen Hundred of them slain, amonst whom were many Gentlemen of the Campbels, chief Persons of that Family, and of good Account in their Country, who making as much resistance as they were able, received Deaths answerable to their Names of Campo Bells. Montross had many wounded, but few slain of Note, except Sir Thomas Ogilby, one of his dearest Friends, and who had done good Service for the King in England, under the Command of his Father-in-Law the Lord Ruthen, Earl of Forth and Brainford.

As for the rest of Montross's Exploits, and his after ill Fortunes, the same be longing unto (as being transacted in) ensuing Years, I reserve them to their proper Place.

The Parliament began at Edinburgh on Tuesday, 4. Junii 1644. being the first Triennial Parliament: The Acts and Proceedings therein were as followeth:

Undecimo Junii 1644. 6 die Parliamenti.

Titles of Acts and Proceedings in the Parliament of Scotland 1644.

Act, and Proclamation charging the several Committees of War to send some of their Number, with their Clerk, to the Parliament, with their Records, Acts, and Orders of their Committees.

Commission to the Earl of Calender, to be Lieutenant-General of all the Scots Forces who are in Service, or shall serve, in this Common Cause in Scotland or England.

Proclamation to the Commanders and Officers under the Earl of Calendar's Charge at Kelso, proclaimed at Edinburgh by Lyon King of Arms.

Decimo secundo Junii 1644.

Act concerng the sitting of the Session to the 1 November, 1644.

Act continuing the meeting of the Committee for the Northern Business while the 11th of July next.

Commission for trying of Delinquents.

14 Junii 1644.

Act anent those who are, or shall be found Fugitives and Runaways from their Companies and Colours.

Ordinance in favour of the Commissioners of Fyse, for Relief of their Armies.

Several Warrants for putting out of their Troops.

18. Junii 1644. 10. die Parliamenti.

Instruction by the Estates to the Earl of Calendar, anent his Commission as Lord Lieutenant-General.

Ordinance anent the Earl of Calendar's March with his Army into England.

19. Junii 1644.

Commission to Sir James Ramsey to be General-Major to the Horse, with the Declaration and Instructions thereuntil.

Precept and Warrant in favour of the Earl of Calendar.

22 Junii 1644.

Warrant for Supply of some Victuals and Money, to some Regiments in Ireland.

Instructions to the Earls of Glencarne and Lothiane.

Committee for filling up the Blanks in the Propositions of the Articles for Peace, and for renewing the Commission of the Commissioners to be sent to England.

25. Junii 1644. 14 die Parliamenti.

Act for putting forth of Horse and Foot, both for By-gones, and Time-coming, and those that are deficient thereuntil.

28. Junii 16. die Parliamenti.

Order of Parliament anent the filling up of the Blanks in the Proposition for Peace.

Instructions for the Commissioners who are to go to England, wherein are twenty four several Instructions.

Instructions addit be the Estates of Parliament to the former Instructions already given to the Commissioners that goes to London; six Instructions more.

Results of the Parliament upon the Articles of Propositions for Peace, in Number 26.

15. Julii 1644. 27. die Parliamenti.

Act anent the Ratification of the calling the Convention, and Ratification of the League and Covenant.

Articles of the Treaty betwixt the Kingdoms of Scotland and England; and remanent Articles of the Convention of Estates, and Committee thereof.


General Assemblies Approbation of the same.

The Convention of Estates Approbation thereof.

Ordinance for the Swearing and Subscribing thereof.

Follows the Treaty.

With the Eleven Propositions agreed upon betwixt the Parliament of both Kingdoms.

Articles of Treaty concerning the Town of Berwick.

That the Scots keep the Garrison with six Hundred Foot, and two Troops of Horse, &c.

Follows an Act for raising Money. 16. Julii, 1644.

Commission for those that goes into England.

Discharge by the Parliament of Scotland to the Parliament of England, of 30000 l. Sterling.

19 Julii, 1644. 31 die Parliamenti.

Declaration in favour of the Commissioners that goes to England, and for the Quaruni, and pain of absence of the Committee of Estates.

22. Julii 1644. 33. die Parliamenti.

Act and Declaration in favour of James Duke of Hamilton, and others, Peers, and Subjects of this Kingdom, Imprisoned in England: That their Imprisonments are an Infringement of the Freedom and Liberty of the Subjects of Scotland, &c.

23. Julii, 1644, 34 die Parliamenti.

Ratification of the Articles of Treaty agreed unto betwixt the Commissioners for Scotland, and the Commissioners for England, concerning the ordering of the War in Ireland.

Articles of the Treaty concerning the reducing of the Kingdom of Ireland to the Obedience of the King's Majesty, and the Crown of England, agreed upon betwixt the Commissioners for Scotland, Authorised by his Majesty and the Parliament of that Kingdom; and the Commissioners for England, Authorised by his Majesty and the Parliament of that Kingdom at Westminster

There are Thirteen Articles.

24 Julii 1644. 35. die Parliamenti.

Act appointing the Committees of War in the several Shires and Divisions of the Kingdom, &c,

Act in favour of the Earl of Calender, for 40,000l. in Recompence of his Bygone Service in the first Expedition to England.

Act for putting the Kingdom in a posture of War for Defence.

26. Julii 1644, 37. die Parliamenti.

Commission for the Committte of Estates in Parliament,

27 Julii 1644. 38. die Parliamenti.

Act anent the Declaration at Oxford, and Rebellion in the North and South.

Warrant to the Provost and Bailiffs of Edinburgh for burning the Declaration at Orford by the Hand of the Hangman.

Commission anent the Irish Affairs to be Treated with the Parliament of England.

Ordinance anent the Irish Business.

Act of Approbation and Exoneration to the Committee for Revising the Registers and Warrants for delivery thereof, and Keys of the Charter-House in the Castle of Edinburgh: And that Sir Alexander Gibson, Clerk of the Rigisters and Records, do Revise and Inventory the said Records, and do every other thing for the Safety and Preservation of the same, as he will be answerable to the King's Majesty, and the Estates of Parliament, and to bring an Inventory of the said Records to the Parliament, at the next Session.

29 Julii 1644. 39. die Parliamenti.

Reference anent the Act for putting the Kingdom in a posture of War and Defence.

Commission and Ratification anent the Excise.

The Roll of the particular Commodities, subject in Payment of Excise, and of the Rates laid thereon, and the manner of imposing and settling of it, with all Commissions belonging to it.

Warrant to the Clerk of the Registers for Printing of the Publick Acts, and of the Titles of the particular ones.

Act continuing the Parliament of the first Tuesday of January, 1645. and declaring the Parliament Current to that Day.

Thus have I (as the best Legacy my dying Years could bequeath Posterity) endeavoured to give a true Impartial Deduction of Memorable Occurrences, Civil and Military, within these Kingdoms of Great Britain, and Ireland; as in my first Volume from the Year 1618. to 1629. And in my Second, thence to the Year 1640. So in this my Third Part, from the first Convention of the Parliament, Assembled November 3. 1640. to the end of the Year 1644. (English Account) at and about which time the two Houses at Westminster Forming a New Model of their Army, there appeared thence forwards a New Scene (tho' still the same Tragedy) of Affairs. The reporting the Particulars whereof in the same manner, I am necessitated (this Volume swelling so much, and yet not to be Lessened without publick Injury) to refer to a Fourth Part; which shall (God willing) Continue teh like Remarkable COLLECTIONS to that fatal Period of the Life and Reign of King Charles the First, January 23d 1648 9,