Historical Collections: Passages relating to Ireland 1642-43

Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 5, 1642-45. Originally published by D Browne, London, 1721.

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John Rushworth, 'Historical Collections: Passages relating to Ireland 1642-43', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 5, 1642-45(London, 1721), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol5/pp504-559 [accessed 14 March 2025].

John Rushworth, 'Historical Collections: Passages relating to Ireland 1642-43', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 5, 1642-45(London, 1721), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol5/pp504-559.

John Rushworth. "Historical Collections: Passages relating to Ireland 1642-43". Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 5, 1642-45. (London, 1721), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol5/pp504-559.

In this section


Transactions in Ireland, Passages relating thereunto, in the Years 1642, and 1643. until the Cessation concluded the 15th of Sept. 1643.

A Letter written from Isidore's College in Rome, by Bonaventure O-Conney, to Phelim Roe O Neal in Ireland, dated Jan. 4. 1641/2.

A Letter written from Isidore's College in Rome, by Bonaventure O-Conney, to Phelim Roe O-Neale in Ireland, dated Jan. 4. 1642.

The Holy Father and his two Nephews, Cardinal Anthony Barbarinus, Protector of Ireland, and Cardinal Francis Barbarinus, who hath all the Power here in such matters as concern the Pope, have heard of the War and Consederation, which you make for your Religion and Liberty; and truly I cannot express the greatness of the Joy (no wonder) which they conceive here; in such manner, that if they had received Letters, or if you had sent an Agent unto them, to express your Will or Designs, you should want no help, for your better proceeding; wherefore I would have you to send some able Man, with a Declaration of your Grievances, inform of Law.

Be sure you have a great Heart; make some chief Head among you; but reserve the Crown for Gen O Nexts. Remember the old Slavery, wherein you have lived of long time, and the Destruction which will generally come upon you, except you get the upper Hand. You will prevail, if you join together as you ought; God send it. I would advise every chief Officer among you, to have a Secretary along with him, to write a Diurnal of your Passages, and Overthrows which your Enemies receive, will redound much to your, Glory. Spoil not the Country, for fear of Famine. I will not fail to write according as I shall hear from you. We would send unto you a Bull, after the Form of the Bull which Hugh Mac-Baron got, if we had received your Letters. If the Church do well, they will turn over the Election of Prelates there to the Nobility, and will give them Authority in that point.

The Siege of Tredagh; The Siege begun Nov. 31. 1641.

The City Tredagh lies about 3 Miles from the Sea, in a plain open Country, no Bogs or Marsh-land near it, encompassed with an old Stone Wall, without Bulwarks, or any kind of Rampiers, or other Fortifications, but an ordinary Ditch; thro the midst of it runs the River Boyne; the Harbour none of the best, yet admits Vessels of good Burden; and such as exceed not 60 Tuns, may come up to the very Bridge in the Town. The Lord Viscount Moor, upon the first discovery of the Plot, having notice that his Sister the Lady Blaney's Castle was surpriz'd, and her self and Children imprison'd by the Rebels, hasted in the midst of the Night to this City, Oct. 26. with his Troop of Horse consisting of 66. and called up the Mayor and Aldermen to a speedy defence; but they and most of the Inhabitants being Papists, he found them very unready and backward; yet having regained some old pieces of Ordnance cast into a Dungeon, he fitted up them and four more that he took out of a Merchant's Ship, and planted them at the Gates, and most useful Places, and strengthned the Walls. There were 2 half standing Companies in the Town, Sir John Nettervil's and Capt. Rockley's (but the former prov'd false,) and 120 of the English Inhabitants, and other Protestants, join'd themselves in a Com pany under Capt. Seafoul Gibson. On the 4th of Nov. (upon inteligence given at Dublin, by Dr. Jones, that the Rebels had a design upon Tredagh) Sir Henry Titchburn was sent to be Governor, with a Regiment of Foot and two Troops of Horse, and some other small Forces got in afterwards. Upon the 30 Nov. the Rebels having made themselves Matters, in a manner, of the whole Province of Leimster, (the most flourishing part of the Kingdom) except Dublin and this City, advanced on both sides of it, near to the Walls, and block'd up the passage of the River, so that no succour could be brought in by Sea or Land.

On the 3d of Dec. a Party of 350, and 2 Troops of Horse fallied out, to secure some Carriages sent out for Corn at the Green-Hills about half a Mile off, when unexpectedly there appeared a Body of 3000 Men; upon which some Officers advised to retreat, and some of the Horse in the Rear (being Papists) ran back; Sir Henry Titchburn alighting from his Horse, led the Musqueteers up the Hill, and commanded his Pikes to open for the Horse, and gave the Rebels so home a charge, as he made them fly with the loss of 200, and of his own side lost not a Man. Then the Rebels sent to parley; upon which one Darcy a Friar, and a Captain of his Name, demanded a surrender of the Place, for his Majesty's Use and Service, in the Name of the Commanders of the Catholick Army: The Governour returned answer, That he had a Commission from his Majesty to keep the Town, and would do so; and if the Rebels attempted it by Storm, they would defend it with their Bones; if by Famine, they should hear they eat their Horses Hides. And to oblige the Garison and Inhabitants to a certain Resolution, finding the latter very treacherous, the following Protestation was tendred.

The Preamble of an Oath for preservation of the Town.

Whereas we are beset with such who pretend their Attempts (in taking this Town) to be for the advancement of his Majesty's Service, (which notwithstanding we believe is but a pretext to delude the Vulgar;) we the Governor and Captains of the said Town, for the farther Manifestation and Approbation of our Loyalty and Thankfulness to his Majesty, by whose immediate Command we are charged for the defence of his Just and Royal Title in it, do likewise hereby unanimously make this following Protestation and Oath, and do injoin it to be taken by every Soldier and Inhabitant of this Town, as the Evidence of their Faith and Truth to the King's Crown and Dignity, which we shall maintain with our Lives and Estates, and that such as shall refuse it be put out of the Gates.

The Oath.

I Shall to my utter most, endeavour the defence of this Town, against all outward and inward Attempts whatsoever, for his Majesty's Service: I shall forthwith discover any Plot, Conspiracy or Combination, which shall or may come to my Knowlege from without or within, which may any ways be intended to the prejudice of the whole Town, or to the Person of the Mayor, Governor, Aldermen, or any of the Captains or Officers Garisoned in it: I shall not Attempt or Consent, That the Town shall be given up upon any Pretence or Cause whatsoever, without consent of the Governor, Mayor, and greater part of the Captains and Aldermen in it; or without special command from his Majesty, or chief Governor or Governors of the Kingdom. All which I do hereby Swear truly and faithfully to observe and keep, without any fraud, deceit, or mental Reservation whatsoever.

The first supply to the Town; The Rebels enter the Town, but are repulsed.

Many that took this Oath, afterwards broke it; but the Mayor and Aldermen refused it. Dec. 22. about one a-clock in the Morning, the Rebels made an Attempt, but were beaten off by the Canon, and divers slain. The want of Provision both for Men and Horse was now very grievous; but on the 11th of January they received a supply by Sea, and the Soldiers drinking too liberally, being tempted there unto by the Friars, who had drawn some of the Centinels from their Guards, and some within giving notice to the Enemy thereof, the Rebels about four a-clock next Morning made a Breach in the Wall at which 500 of their choicest Officers and Soldiers entred unheard, till having marched as far as the Key, they gave a shout, which the Governor hearing, instantly ran down unarmed, only with his Pistols in his Hands, and caused a Drum to beat; wherewith his Men being alarm'd, and finding the Rebels Pikes to be shorter than theirs by a Yard, charg'd them home, and the Lord Moor (coming in with some Horse) and Sir John Borlace hastened to the Breach, and kept out any more from entring, and most of those that came in were cut off. Those of the Rebels Party in the City had mark'd their Doors with Chalk, to be known.

The Garison in the Town forced to eat Horses, Dogs, &c. Again supply'd; Tredagh freed from its Siege, March 4. 1642.

Feb. 11. Lieutenant Greenham fallied out with a Party of Horse and Foot, routed 60 of the Enemy, and took a Lieutenant, an Ensign, and other Prisoners. But now the Town was brought to great Extremity, Horse-flesh, Dogs and Cats being excellent Food; but on the 14th of Feb. in a Sally, with much hazard, they recovered 80 Cows, and 200 Sheep of the Enemy, and at the same time came in by Sea a plentiful Relief for three Months. On the 26th of Feb. the Governor went forth with 220 Foot, and 120 Horse to Beanbeck, secured some Corn and Hay, at Smithstown met a Party of Rebels, flew 300, took 2 Colours and a Drum; which Success that it might be improved to a total raising of the Siege, my Lord Moor march'd out with 600 Foot, and 120 Horse, and 2 Field-Pieces; but by reason of the Rains did little Execution, only loaded themselves with Corn, and so returned. The first of March young Sir John Borlace, with four Companies, beat a Party of the Rebels, secured 200 l. worth of Corn: The Lord Moor the same day routed another Party; and the Castle of Colp was taken, and all the Rebels in it put to the Sword, except the Captain. The 4th of March his Lordship went abroad again with 400 Foot and 80 Horse, sought with Sir Phelim O-Neal, and Colonel MacBryan who appeared with 8 Colours advantaegously entrench'd; but they were soon beat out and put to flight, and near 400 slain, and the rest saved themselves in a Bag; and henceforwards the City of Tredagh was free from the Siege, and that Garison recruited with four Companies of Foot, two Troops of Horse, and some Cannon at leisure, to visit the Rebels in the adjacent Countries.

The taking of Dundalk, March 26. 1642.

On the 21 of March, the Lord Moor and Sir Henry Titchburn, march'd out with 1000 Foot and 200 Horse; and after a smart Fight, on the 23. with about 1500 of the Rebels, they having routed and Slain near 400 of them, made an Assault upon Dundalk, (a strong and well fortified Town, having a double Wall, a double Ditch, a Morass on the one side, and the Sea on t'other.) They approached this Town on the 26th of March, about 9 in the Morning, planted their Ordnance on a little Hill near the Gate, which 500 of the Rebels for a while defended; but being forced to retire, Lieutenant-Colonel Wainman with 300 Men resolutely advanced to the Gate, and with Pickaxes (after a brisk Encounter) entred, which made way for the Horse to enter, who with a full Gallop pursuing the Enemy killed many; but upon the turning to the next Gate, seeing 2 or 5 Brass Pieces planted, and 500 of the Rebels ready to receive them, they were obliged to retreat: and a Castle at the Head of that Street plaid hot upon them and killed ten Men, whereof one was Ensign Fortescue, a very brave Gentleman. This enraged the Lord Moor, he set the Houses near the Castle on Fire, through which the Wind blowing the Smoak on the Castle, the Soldiers making Bundles of dryed Bean-stalks, intermix'd with Tow and Gun-powder, and carrying them on their Heads, got undiscovered to the Castle-door, which they blew up; whereupon those within, almost choak'd and fully frighted, leap'd out at a Window, and so my Lord's Forces became Masters thereof, from whence they play'd their Musquets into the Town so thick that none could walk the Streets; then they drew up Ordnance against the Inner Gate, and with ten Wool-packs, luckily found in the Castle, made a kind of Bulwark for the Musqueteers; which the Rebels perceiving left their Fieces there loaden, and Sir Henry Titchburn with a Division of Horse, marching by the back of the Town, killed 40; and entring at a By-gate found the Town deserted. Here were taken three Brass Pieces and much good Pillage. And now Sir Phelim O-Neale sled to the Newry, and thence into the Counties of Tyrone and Ardmagh, where in revenge of his Losses before Tredagh, he exercised the utmost Cruelties on Men, Women and Children.

Carrickmain Castle taken, and Sir Simon Harcourt and Major Berry slain, March 26th.

The same 26 of March, Sir Simon Harcourt with a small Party march'd out of Dublin, towards Wickloe, and finding the Rebels possessed of the Castle of Carrickmain, but 4 Miles from Dublin, sent back for two great Guns to batter it; but before they arrived, Serjcant-Major Berry viewing the Castle, with 200 Firelocks, was shot in the side, whereof he soon after dyed, and Sir Simon himself giving orders to his Men was also slain by a shot from the Castle; which so enraged his Men, that within few Hours after the Guns came up, they, under the Command of Colonel Gibson, made a Breach, and entring the Castle with great Fury, put all that they found therein to the Sword.

Upon the breaking out of the Rebellion, as many of the English as could secured themselves in Castles and strong Holds, where they had been besieged by the Rebels, and most of them endured great Extremities for want of Necessaries; and therefore it was now thought fit to relieve them: In order whereunto,

On Saturday, the Second of April,

The Earl of Ormond's Expedition against the Rebels, April 1642.

The Earl of Ormond, Lieutenant-General of his Majesties Forces in the Kingdom of Ireland, with 3000 Foot, and 500 Horse, and five Field-Pieces, marched from Dublin, and quartered that Night at Racoole.

Sunday Morning, the Third,

After Prayers, the Army marched towards the Naase, burning several Villages of the Rebels in their March. Within a Mile of the Quarter, Captain Armstrong, Quarter-master General of the Horse, brought word, that in a Castle, called Upper, belonging to one Sutton a Colonel (as they call'd him) amongst the Rebels, where the said Armstrong intended to quarter a Troop of Horse, there were some Rebels; whereupon the Lieutenant-General sent thither Sir George Wentworth's Troop of Horse, then commanded by Captain Harman, with direction to surround the Castle; and one of the Trumpeters approaching nearer than he had direction, was slain by a shot from the Castle. The Lieutenant General upon notice thereof, sent a Party of Foot, under the Command of Sir Charles Coote, who blew up the Castle, and therein a Popish Priest, Uncle to the said Sutton, and some others; so returned back to the Quarter.

Monday, the Fourth,

The Army marched to Killcullin, burning in their March the Villages in their way, which belonged to the Rebels, and quartered at Killcullin that Night.

Tuesday, the Fifth,

The Army marched from thence to Athy, and in their way burnt the Castle and Town of Killtrush, belonging to Fitz-Gerald, a Colonel also amongst the Rebels, and relieved some English Men which had been long Prisoners with the Rebels, one of them being an aged Man and a Minister. The Army came that Night to Athy. Before they got thither, the Townsmen not knowing they were so near them and fearing the approach of the Rebels, who had the day before assaulted the Town, burnt the most part of the Houses of the Town, left coming into the Hands of the Rebels they should thereby be the better inabled to annoy the Castle

Wednesday, the Sixth,

Several Castles relieved.

The Army rested at Athy, and the Lieutenant General sent four Troops of Horse to relieve the Castles of Catherlagh and Cloughgrement (viz.) his Lordship's Troop, commanded by Sir Patrick Wymes; Sir George Wentworth's Troop, commanded by Captain Thomas Harman, Captain Thomas Armstrong's Troop, commanded by himself; and part of Sir Charles Coote's. When they came within fight of the Town, the Rebels observing their approach, set the Town on fire and fled; whereupon Captain Harman, best knowing that Country, and which way they would take, did with his Troop of Horse pursue them, and killed 50 of them, (the rest escaping into a Bog) brought in good Store; of Cattle, and relieved the Castle, where there were 500 Persons who were exceedingly distressed, having been a long time besieged by the Rebels. The Troops returned that Night to their Quarters, having relieved both the Castles. The same Day Sir Charles Coote was sent; forth with a Party of Horse and Foot, and relieved Captain George Graham's Castle, called Ballilenon, wherein there were 300 Persons Castle Rebon was reliev'd the same day by the Lord Lieutenant's and Sir Tho. Lucas's Troops; and a Castle near it, called Bert, taken in, and eight Rebels found in it, who were immediately hanged.

Thursday, the Seventh,

The Lieutenant marched from Athy to Stradbally, and left at Athy Colonel Crauford and his Regiment, and Sir George Wentworth's Troop of Horse, for the Guard of the Town, being a Passage over the River Barrow.

Friday, the Eighth,

The Army marched from Stradbally towards his Majesty's Fort of Mary-Borough. That Day Sir Tho. Lucas, Commissary-General of the Horse, accompanied with Sir Charles Coote, together with four Troops of Horse, commanded by the Lord Lieutenant, Lord Lisle Sir Thomas Lucas, and Sir Charles Coote, were sent to relieve Ballynekill-Castle with Ammunition; in their March thither there fallied out of one Dempsie's Castle, called Knockardnegurragh, 300 of the Rebels; Captain Terswell, commanding the Lord Lisle's Troop, charged them and killed 60 of them, and put the rest to the flight. In that Service there was a Gentleman of the Scottish Nation, called Master Calvill, shot in the Arm: Some Arms were then taken from the Rebels, which were left with the Earl of Londonderry's Uncle, at Ballynekill. That Night those Troops returned back to the Fort of MaryBorough.

Saturday, the Ninth,

The whole Army rested at the Fort of Mary-Borough.

Easter-Day, the Tenth,

Sir Tho. Lucas, Commissary-General of the Horse, accompanied with Sir Charles Coote, together with fix Troops of Horse, (viz,.) the Lord Lieutenant's, Sir Tho. Lucas's, Sir Charles Coote's, Sir Richard Greenvile's Captain Armstrong's, and Captain Scout's, were lent with Ammunition to relieve the Castles of Burrows, Knocknemease, and Burr in which Day's march, passing the River of the Noare, the Rebels shot at our Troops; but some of the Horse beat them out of the Woods, and killed some of them. Near the Castle of Florence Fitz-Patrick, there was a stone-Causey thorow a Bog, where but two Horses could march in a Front, where the Rebels had cast up a Ditch on each side of the Causey, and cut off some two Yards in length at the entrance on the Causey, so to hinder our passage: but although the Rebels flood in view, ready to play upon them with their shot; yet our Men remaining resolute in the Service they went about, deserted not that place, but alighted from Horse-back, and Sir Charles Coote in his own Person, with thirty of the Dragoons there become Musqueteers, did on Foot charge the Rebels, so to force their passage, and did force it, being seconded thereiu by thirty of Sir Tho. Lucas's Horse, the rest of the Horse coming on softly after. In that Conflict and Execution done by the Horse, he that there commanded the Rebels in chief was slain, with forty of the Rebels. Captain Armstrong was slightly shot. The Passage being so gained, the Troops marched to Burrows, the Duke of Buckingham's Castle, and there relieved all the English-Men, being about three hundred, who had been for a long time besieged by the Rebels, and were almost starved. From thence the Troops marched forwards to the Burr, and in the way relieved the Castle of Knocknemease, and got to the Burr about three of the Clock in the Morning, and relieved the Castle, aud four or five hundred English therein, who had endured a long Siege by the Rebels.

Monday, the Eleventh,

The Troops, in their return back, marched thorow O-Dunn's Country, and burnt all the Country until they came to Castle-Cuff; from thence marching to portnehinch, thorow Woods and Bogs, the Rebels fell upon them, and Captain Yarner was shot in the Forehead, of which shot he is well recovered. Some of the Troops were hurt, and divers of their Horses killed; and the Passage of Portnehinch was possessed by the Rebels, so that the Troops were forced to swim the River of the Barrow. The Lieutenant-General knowing that the Troops were to return that way, and considering that it is a dangerous Passage, (he being himself indisposed by reason of Sickness all Saturday and Sunday) sent thither 500 Foot commanded by Colonel Monk and the Lord Lisle's Troop of Horse, commanded by Captain Tersvell, who burnt all the Country, and kept the Rebels so busy in fight, who had intrench'd themselves upon that Passage, as gave our Troops opportunity to get safe over another Passage, but were so ill guided in the Night thorow the Bogs, that they were constrained to stay all that Night in the Bogs until Morning; and in this hard Journey there were lost, and made unserviceable above 100 Horse; the Horsemen having sat eight and forty Hours on Horse-back, before they came back to the Fort at Mary-Borough; also the Lieutenant-Genaral upon Easter-day sent his own Troop of Horse, commanded by Sir Patrick Wymes to Ballynekill, to relieve the English that were there, who were in great distress for want of Victuals; where the Troop quartered that Night.

Monday Morning, the Eleventh,

Sir Patrick gave directions, that all the Cars and Horses that could be found there, should be made ready to bring in Corn for the relief of the Castle, and with his Troop brought in unto them 80 Barrels of Wheat and Beer, belonging to one Dempsie, a notorious Rebel which they took within Musket shot of his Castle. About five of the Clock in the Afternoon there were 1000 of the Rebels, and a Troops of Horse, that shew'd themselves upon a Hill called Ballioskill within two Musket's shot, and did not advance. Sir Patrick Wymes burnt all the Villages belonging to Dempsie, and returned back that Night with the Troop to the Fort of Mary-Borough. That Night the Lieutenant-General received intelligence, by Letters from Colonel Crawford, that the Rebels with about 40 Colours were encamped on both sides of the River of Barrow, and were there making up the Bridge of Magainy, which had been in the Beginning of the Rebellion broken by order from the State.

Tuesday, the Twelfth,

The whole Army lay still at the Fort of Mary Borough, to give rest to the Troops, the better to prepare and enable them for service, seeing there was advertisement of the Rebels being encamp'd so as they might give them fight in their return.

Wednesday, the Thirteenth,

The Army march'd thorough to Athy, and burnt a great Part of the Territory of Clanmaleero, a Country belonging to the Lord Dempsie in Rebellion.

Thursday, the Fourteenth,

The Army continued Athy, the Rebels quartering on both sides the River at the Bridge of Magainy, within four Miles of Athy, with about 7000 Foot, and 200 Horse; amongst whom were (as we understood by some Prisoners taken in the fight) the Lord Viscount Montgarrat, the Lord Viscount Ikerin, the Lord Baron Dunbonie the Baron of Lughmoe, and most of the principal Rebels of the Counties; of Wickloe, Wexford, Catharlagh, Kildare, Kilknny, and Queens-County, who drew up a part of their Forces to a place called Tankarstown, near Grange Mellon, a Castle defended by Mrs. Borroughs and some Warders, which had been long besieged by the Rebels, where the Lieutenant's Troop of Horse, commanded by Sir Patrick Wymes and Captain Armstrongs Troop, were quartered; from which Castle in the Morning, by directions from the Lieutenant-General, Corner Butler, and Cornet Magragh, were sent to discover the Rebels; but they observing that part of the Troops were a foraging, sent overall Troop of Horse, each Horseman carrying behind him a Musquete who cross'd the River, thinking to cut off both the Cornets what Sir Patrick Wymes and Captain Armstrong, being upon the top of Castle, observing, did in prevention thereof get together so many the Horsemen as were in the Quarter, and charged the Rebels there, skirmish with the two Cornets, and forced them back over the River, kill'd one of their Horsemen, hurt divers of the rest, kill'd all the Foot, and some were drowned in swimming back again. In this Service Sir Patrick Wymes had his Horse kill'd under him, and two of the Lieutenant-General's Troop were then shot. The same day in the Forenoon, the Lieutenant-General, accompanied with Sir Charles Coote, Sir Thomas Lucas, Colonel Crauford, Colonel Monk, and other Commanders, and Volunteers, with 200 Horse, went to view the strength of the Rebels, and in what manner they lay. Upon his Lordship's return to Athy, he immediately called a Council of War; and having there imparted his Observation, concerning the posture of the Rebels, it was debated in Council, what resolution was fitted to be taken: and considering that our Horses were exceedingly harassed in then; former long and troublesome Marches, for relief of the several places before-mentioned; that many of the Soldiers were Tick that our Victuals were very near spent; that our store of Munition was much exhausted, in furnishing the several places we had relieved; that we had not heard from Dublin, nor they from us, since we marched thence, by reason that all the Way s were shut up by the Rebels, so that we knew not but there might be cause for hasting thither, to prevent inconvenience there; that we were much incumbred with the multitude of our Carriages, increased necessarily for carrying the Munition sent for relief of the said several Catties, and for carrying of our own Provision of Bread, left the want thereof might distress us abroad, where we were not sure to be sufficiently provided, and for carrying our Sick Men, and many poor unferviceable English, whom we brought away from the Castles relieved; that the Forces of the Rebels lay upon a great Advantage, and might at their pleasure get from us into a Bog, or Wood, both which lay very near them; that they might easily break down the Bridge of Magainy, formerly mentioned, which they had newly made up, and lay between both parts of their Forces: It was therefore resolved in Council, That we should not go to seek out any Enemy, especially they being so numerous, and having those other, Advantages of us, but would rather bend our Course towards Dublin; yet so, as if they hindred our March, we could not not dishonour His Majesty's Army so, as to fly from those Rebels; but would endeavour, by the assistance of God, to force our passage.

In pursuance of which Resolution, we marched from Athy, on Friday the Fifteenth of this Month, by fix of the Clock in the Morning; our numbers of able fighting Men (by reason of those we had disposed in several needful and apt Garisons, and by reason of our sick Men) not exceeding 2400 Foot, and about 400 Horse: Whereupon the first setting forth were put into this order of marching, First, Cornet Pollard with 30 Horse and 40 Firelocks, as Avant-Couriers, and a Forlorn-Hope. In the next place the Baggage belonging to the Horse; then fix Troops of Horse, led by Sir Thomas Lucas, Commissary-General of the Horse, in two Divisions; then followed the Baggage of the Foot, and the Ammunition Waggons; after it the Lieutenant-General with a Troop of Volunteers, commanded by Captain Edmund Mathew, wherein were the Lord Dillon, (eldest Son to the Earl of Roscommon) the Lord Brabazon, eldest Son to the Earl of Meath, Sir Robert Farrer Colonel, John Barry Serjeant-Major, John Ogle, and divers other Gentlemen of good Quality; after him followed divisions of Foot, each consisting of about 300; then marched the Artillery, and the Ammunition belonging to it; after them four other Divisions of Foot of 300 each; then three Troops of Horse, commanded by Sir Richard Greenvile; the Rear of the Foot was commanded by Sir Charles Coote. When we had marched about a Mile in this Order, we discovered the Rebels on the right Hand of us, with all their strength of Horse and Foot, making all possible haste to over-take us, or to prepossess a Passage near to Ballisounan, some five Miles from Athy, which Passage we could not avoid, having resolved to Quarter at Connel: Whereupon the Lieutenant-General caused the Pioneers to make Ways in the inclosed Grounds, that so the Foot might march in the Flank of the Baggage, as well for the Security of it, as to avoid the cumber thereof, in case the light-armed Rebels should fall suddenly upon us, and commanded our Cornet Magraph, with 300 Horse, carefully to observe the Rebels March; and then he gave order to Sir Thomas Lucas, with all the Troops of Horse that marched in the Van, (except his Lordship's own Troop, and the Volunteers) and a Party of Fire-locks, to possess the foresaid Passage, and to make it good, till all the Troops should come thither; then his Lordship sent out other Scouts, to bring in continually notice of the Motions and Approach of the Rebels. By that time we had marched about two Miles further, the Scouts came in, and brought intelligence, that the Rebels were on the other side of a Hill, that had for a good while hundred our sight of them; and that they made extraordinary haste to overtake us, or to possess themselves of the Passage before us: Hereupon the Lieutenant-General hastned on the Baggage, and gave the Conductors order to make no stand till it were gotten beyond that Passage.

The Batle of Killrush, April 15. 1642.

Presently after this order given, he discovered divers of the Rebels Colours draw up upon a Hill on the right Hand; whereupon he instantly made a stand with the first four Divisions of Foot, drew them up in order to sight, and faced the Rebels within two Musket's shot of them, leaving room for the other Troops of Horse and Foot, according to the ground, and the order he had designed to draw them up in, having formerly sent for them upon the first notice of the Rebels being so near us. In this order, and in expectation of the other Troops, we stood a while; the Rebels likewise, in the mean time, drawing up, and ordering their Troops; at length Sir Charles Coote, Sir Thomas Lucas, and Sir Richard Greenvile came, (with the Troops under their Command) having by their diligence and circumspection prevented the Messengers, (whom the Lieutenant-General had providently and with good Judgment sent for them) and were by his Lordship immediately put into order.

Seven hundred Rebels slain.

In which order we advanced toward the Rebels, till by the interposition of a Hedge and hollow Way, some of the Troops were forced to go about, and then drew up again in the same order on the other side of the Hedge, within almost Musket shot of the Rebels; then were sent out Parties of Firelocks and Musqueteers to begin the sight After they had given Fire for a good space upon the Rebels, and the Rebels upon them, Sir Thomas Lucas with all the Troops on the Left Wing, viz. his own Troop, Captain Armstrong's, and the Earl of Ormond's (which last was commanded by Sir Patrick Wymes, and led by Sir Thomas Lucas) followed by the other Division; wherein Sir George Wentworth's, commanded by Captain Harman, Sir Charles Coote's by Lieutenant Devalier, and the Lord Lieutenant's by Captain Yarner, who commanded that Division, marched up in order towards two Bodies of the Rebels, consisting of 3000, with a Troop of Horse on each Wing of the Rebels Divisions, they in the mean time giving Fire in his Face; and the other two Bodies that were on the right Wing, consisting of 5000, doing the like on his left Flank. When he was gotten within less than Carabin-shot of them, divers of our Horse and Men that were with him being hurt, he hastened and charged them up a good and round Trot, and in the end routed them, and forced them to break themselves and fly towards a Bog, they leaving behind them divers of their Colours and Arms. Sir Richard Greenvile then with three Troops, viz. the Lord Lisle's, commanded by Captain Tersvell, his own Troop, and Captain Scout's, charged the left Wing of the Rebels Horse, who were routed also, and betook themselves to slight, as the others had done; during all which time our Foot gallantly advancing, gave Fire incessantly upon the Rebels. Our Horse followed the Execution bravely, until by the mingling of our Men with theirs in the pursuit, it became necessary, for preservation of our own, to forbear, and therefore the Lieutenant-General commanded them back. All this time the Body of 4000 of the Rebels, which was in the right Wing of their Army, stood fast and moved not; in which Wing the Lord Mountgarrat, and Colonel Hugh Birne, and divers others of the principal Rebels were, (as was told us by some Prisoners taken in the fight:) Against that Body, the Lieutenant-General with his Troop of Volunteers, and Sir John Sherlock, Lieutenant-Colonel of the Lord Lambert's Regiment, with a Division of 300 Foot, advanced, and sent out 60 Musketeers, who gave fire upon the Rebels, and the Rebels on them, and on the Lieutenant-General with the Volunteers: but in conclusion, that Body which of all the Rebels had the confidence to stand longest, having seen all the residue of their Army routed, and the Execution of sharply followed, began to break; but being by their Officers rallied again, they gave fire once more on the Lieutenant-General and those 300 Foot of ours, who returned back to the Rebels such Volleys os shot, as they chose rather to betake themselves to slight; yet disguising it by a seeming orderly retreat, until they got to the top of a Hill near them, and then they began to run with all speed possible to a Bog, whither all the rest of the Rebels, formerly routed, had betaken themselves, and where their Horsemen had run their Horses into the Bogs, and there forsook them, and betook them to their Heels; and thither they were pursued most fiercely by our Horse and Foot, who were so forward and fierce in following the Execution, as the Lieutenant-General had much difficulty to keep them from following even into the Bog, and no less difficulty to get them to retreat: but in the end they were pursuaded to retire, and then the Lieutenant-General, assembling the Army, commanded to Prayers; and his Lordship (as did also all the rest) gave God Publick Thanks for that Victory against those Rebels, whose Numbers did as far exceed ours, as our Men did theirs in Judgment, Valour and Resolution. In that Battle were slain of the Rebels above seven hundred, and amongst them many Colonels and Captains, and Men of Quality, amongst which there was the Lord of Dunboyn's Brother's, and the Lord of Ikerni's Son's, and Colonel Cavenagh's Heads brought by the Soldiers to the Lieutenant-General. There were not above twenty of our Men slain, and about forty hurt, some of whom died afterwards. The Enemy lost 20 Colours, many Drums, all their Powder and Ammunition, the Lord Mountgarrat (who commanded them in chief,) his Wain drawn by 8 Oxen, where all Provision was, as also his and the Lord Ikerni's Sumpter-Horses. The Lieutenant-General in this important Service, did in his own Person order the Battle, and manner of sight, in all the parts of it, with very great Judgment, laid hold quickly and seasonably on all opportunities of advantage that could be gained, and spared not resolutely to expose his own Person to hazard, equally with any other Commander.

Sir Thomas Lucas manifested great Courage, and very judicious Conduct, and the Officers led by him gave good Testimonies of Alacrity, and undaunted Resolution; as also did Sir Charles Coote, Colonel Crauford, Colonel Monk, Lieutenant-Colonel Loftus, Serjeant Major Warren, Sergeant-Major Peageat, Sergeant Major Willoughby, that led on the Foot; and likewise Sir Richard Greenvile, that commanded the Right Wing of the Horse, and the officers under his command and indeed all the officers, and even the common Soldiers acquitted, themselves exceedingly well and commendably. The Van of our Army lay that Night at old Connel, the rest on the Corrough of Kildare, all in open Field; and on the 17th arrived at Dublin, where they were received with great Joy and Honour.

Amongst others the Rebels had besieged the Lady offalia, of the House of Kildare, and Relict of Sir Robert Digby, in her Castle of Gheshel, in the King's-County: To whom they sent this Summons.

The Rebels Summons to the Lady Offalia.

We His Majesty's Loyal Subjects being at present imployed in His Highnesses Service, for the taking of this your Castle; you are therefore to deliver unto us free posession of your said Castle; promising faith fully, That your Ladyship, together with the rest in the said Castle resiant shall have a reasonable Composition: Otherwise upon your not yielding of the Castle, we do assure you, That we will burn the whole Town, kill all the Protestants, and spare neither Man, Woman, or Child, upon the taking the Castle. Consider, Madam, of this our offer, and impute not the blame of your own Folly unto us; think not that here we brag; your Ladyship upon submission shall have a safe Convey to secure you from the Hands of your Enemies, and to lead you where you please.

A speedy Answer is desired with all Expedition; and thus we surcease,

  • Henry Dempsy.
  • Con. Dempsy.
  • Charles Dempsy.
  • Philem Dempsy.
  • Andr. fitz-Patrick.
  • John Viccars.
  • James Mac-donnel,

To which the returned this brave and prudent Answer.

For her Cousin Henry Dempsy, and the rest.

Her Gallant Answer.

I Received your Letter, wherein you threaten to sack this my Castle by His Majety's Authority. I am, and ever have been, a Loyal Subject, and a good Neighbour amongst you, and therefore cannot but wonder at such an Assault. I thank you for your offer of a Convoy, wherein I hold little safety; and therefore my Resolution is, That being free from, offending His Majesty, or doing wrong to any of you, I will live and die innocently, and will do my best to defend my own, leaving the Issue to God: And though I have been, and still am, desirous to avoid the shedding of Christian Blood; yet being provoked, your Threats shall no whit dismy me.

Lettice offalia.

Sidney Viscount Lisle relieves her.

Sir Charles Coote slain.

Philip Sidney Lord Viscount Lisle, eldest son to the Earl of Leicester, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, being newly arrived and made Lieutenant of the Horse, undertook to relieve this good Lady, and march'd thither with Sir Charles Coote, and 120 foot, and 300 Horse, upon whose approach the Rebels left the Castle, and durst not fight, but only skirmish'd now and then from their Boggs. My Lord in his way took in the strong Fort of Philips-Town in the King's-County, and in their return possessed themselves of the Town of Trim, without loss of a Man; and leaving Sir Charles Coote there, the Enemy in the dead of the Night, with 3000 Men, endeavoured to surprize him; Sir Charles was the first took the Alarm, and charged them but with seventeen Horse, and being soon reinforced with more, routed them; but as he was encouraging his Men to pursue them, was unfortunately slain. After whose Death, and Sir Simon Harcourt's, (some observe (fn. 1) ) the fate of the English Interest in Ireland, seem'd eclipsed.

Idem Ibidem.

The forces in Connaught (which might have subdued that whole Province) were kept by the Lord President, the Earl of R. all the Summer idle, upon short and unwholsome Commons, whereby they generally became weak and diseased, and many of them were famish'd; and yet when at last they were called to Action at the Battle Balintober they did good Service and routed the Enemy; but that Victory not being pursued the advantages of it were lost: An Attempt Was also made on Galloway, but without success. The Soldiers were ready to mutiny, and the Ships that guarded the Coasts being drawn off, those came in presently after great quantities of Arms and Ammunition at Wexford, and divers lrish Commanders, as Preston, Cullen, Plunket, and others, that had been Colonels in France, whereby the Rebels were much encouraged.

Lord Broghill's Exploits.

In Munster the Lord Broghill did excellent Service, and at the Battle near Cappaquin, July 3. 1642. routed the Rebels, and flew 200 of them, with the loss of but of one of his own Men. And on the 21. of August took the Castle of Ardmore in the County of Waterford, being yielded on Discretion; the Women and Children were spared, but the Men (in number 140) put to the Sword.

On the first of July Sir Frederick Hamilton entred the Town of Sligoe and burnt it, freed many Protestants, flew in the Strets 300 Irish, and in his return encountred Owen O-Rock, who in the Interim from Cavan besieged his Castle with 1000 Men, whom he beat off with great loss.

In April 1642, Sir William St. Leger, Lord President of Munster, a brave prudent Gentleman, and hearty Protestant, died at his House 4 Miles from Cork. In whose place succeeded the Lord Inchequin, (a Native Irishman, but bred a Protestant) who had married his Daughter; and beat the Rebels at Liscarrol in the County of Cork, Sept. 3 1642.

In May 1642. The Rebels finding their strength much augmented by the unhappy Differences then increasing in England, the chief Contrivers of the Conspiracy, their Clergy, met at Kelkenny, and there drew up the Articles following for their future Government.

In the Name of the Holy Trinity, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Acts agreed upon, ordained, and concluded in the general Congregation held at Kilkenny the 10th, 11th, and 13th days of May, 1642. by those Prelates whose Names are subscribed, the Proctors of such other Prelates as then were absent being present, together with the Superiours of the Regulars, and many other Dignitaries and Learned Men, as well in Divine as also in Common-LaW, with divers Pastors and others of the Catholick Clergy of all Ireland, whose Names are likewise hereafter set down.

Articles agreed on by the Popish Synod, at Kilkenny, May 1642.

I. WHereas the War, which now in Ireland the Catholicks do maintain against Sectaries, and chiefly against Puritans, for the Defence of the Catholick Religion, for the maintenance of the Prerogative, and the Royal Rights of our Gracious King CHARLES; for our Gracious QUEEN, so unworthily abused by the Puritans; for the Honour, Safety and Health of their Royal Issue; for to avert and restrain the injuries done unto them; for the conservation of the just and lawful Safeguard, Liberties, and Rights of Ireland; and lastly, for the defence of their own Lives, Fortunes, Lands and Possessions, Whereas, I said, this War is by the Catholicks undertaken for the aforesaid Causes, against unlawful Usurpers, Oppressors, and their Enemies, chiefly Puritans; and that hereof we are informed, as well by divers and true Remonstrances of divers Provinces and Counties, of Noblemen, as also by the unanimous Consent and Agreement of almost the whole Kingdom in this War and Union: We therefore declare that War, openly Catholick, to be lawful and just; in which War, is some of the Catholicks be found to proceed out of some particular and unjust Title, Covetousness, Cruelty, Revenge, or Hatred, or any such unlawful, private intentions, We declare them therein grievously to sin, and therefore worthy to be punished and restrained with, Ecclesiastical Censures, is (advised thereof) they do not amend.

II. Whereas the Adversaries do spread divers Rumours, do write divers Letters, and under the King's Name do print Proclamations, which are not the King's, by which means divers Plots and Dangers may ensue unto our Nation: We therefore, to stop the way of Untruth, and Forgeries of the Political Adversaries, do Will and Command, That no such Rumours, Letters, or Proclamations may have place or belief, until it be known in a National Council, whether they truly proceed from the King left to his own freedom, and until the Agents of this Kingdom, hereafter to be appointed by a National Council, have free passage to his Majesty, whereby the Kingdom may be certainly informed of his Majesty's Intention and Will.

III. Whereas no Family, City, Commonwealth, much less any Kingdom, may stand without Unity and Concord, without which this Kingdom for the present standeth in most danger, we think it there fore necessary, that all Irish Peers, Magistrates, Noblemen, Cities and Provinces, may be tied together with the holy Band of Union and Concord, and that they frame an Oath of Union and Agreement, which they shall devoutly and christianly take, and faithfully observe. And for the Conservation and Exercise of this Union, we have thought sit to ordain the ensuing Points.

IV. We straitly command all our Inferiors, as well Church-men as Lay-men, to make no distinction at all between the old and antient Irish and no alienation, comparison, or differences between Provinces, Cities, Towns, or Families; and lastly, not to begin or forward any Emulations or Comparisons whatsoever.

V. That in every Province of Ireland there be a Council made up both of Clergy and Nobility; in which Council shall be so many persons at least as are Counties in the Province, and out of every City or notable Town two Persons.

VI. Let one General Council of the whole Kingdom be made, both of the Clergy, Nobility, Cities, and notable Towns; in which Council there shall be Three out of every Province, and out of every City One, or where Cities are not, out of the chiefest Towns: To this Council the Provincial Council shall have Subordination, and from thence to it may be appealed, until this National Council shall have opportunity to sit together. Again, if any thing of great importance do occur, or be conceived in one Province, which by a negative Vote is rejected in the Council of one Province, let it be sent to the Council of one of the other Provinces, except it be such a matter as cannot be delayed, and which doth not pertain to the Weal-publick of the other Provinces.

VII. Embassage sent from one Province to foreign Nations, shall be held as made from the rest of the Provinces, and the fruit and benefit thereof shall be imparted and divided between the Provinces and the Cities which have more need thereof; chiefly such helps and fruits as proceed from the bountiful Liberality of foreign Princes and States, Prelates, or others whatsoever,; provided always, that the Charge and Damage be proportionably recompensed.

VIII. If there be any Province which may not conveniently send Embassage from it self unto foreign Nations, let it signify it to another Province, which may conveniently supply it, and ought, in regard of their Union, to supply it according to the Instructions sent from the other Provinces, concerning the Place and Princes to which they would have their Embassage employed.

IX. Let a faithful Inventory be made in every Province of the Murders, Burnings, and other Cruelties, which are committed by the Puritan Enemies, with a quotation of the Place, Day, Cause, Manner, and Persons, and other Circumstances, subscribed by one of publick Authority.

X. In every Parish let a faithful Messenger be appointed, whereby such Cruelties and other Affairs may be written and sent to the neighbouring places, and likewise from one Province to another; let such things be written for the Comfort, Instruction, and Carefulness of the People.

XI Great Men taken Prisoners in one Province, may not be set at liberty for any Price, Prayers, or Exchange, without the consent of the Prelates and Nobility of the other Provinces united; and let every Province be careful of the Liberties of such Prisoners as are sent from the other Provinces, as far as it conveniently may.

XII. If any one stubborn or dangerous be found in one Province, County, or Town, let him be sent to another Province, County, or Town, where he may be safely kept, and (with less danger or loss of others) remain.

XIII. Whosoever shall be declared in one County or Province, Adversary or Traitor of this Cause and Country, shall likewise be held and punished in other Counties and Provinces where he shall be found; and such as receive or favour him, or be his Messengers, knowing his Misdemeanor, shall be liable to such Punishment as the Traitor himself.

XIV. We command and ordain, as a main point pertaining to this Union, That no Province, County, City, Town, or Person whatsoever shall demand Peace, or submit himself to the Enemies, without the consent of the General Council of the whole Kingdom; and that under pain of Excommunication to be incurred ipso facto. And for further force of this Statute to be observed, we will, That in every Province a firm Oath be taken by the Peers, Nobility, Corporations, and Commonalty of every Province, and thereupon a publick and authentical Instrument be made; and that every Province do send into every other Province an Instrument subscribed, with the proper Hands of such as have taken this Oath, for the assurance of their Oaths; and whosoever shall refuse to take this Oath, let him be held as an Adversary of the common Cause, and of the Kingdom, and let him be punished as such, as hereafter shall be declared, except he be excused for the Reasons hereafter to be set down.

XV. The Ordinaries of every place, the Preachers. Confessors, Parish-Priests, and other Churchmen, shall endeavour to see perfect Peace and Charity observed between Provinces, Counties, Cities, and Families, as the Obligation of this Union requireth.

XVI. Such Goods, as well movable as immovable, pertaining to Catholicks, as were recovered from the Enemies by this present War, shall be restored to their former Owners; provided, that such necessary and reasonable Charges shall be paid, as the next General or Provincial Council, or Committees of the County where the Parties dwell, shall decree.

XVII. Whereas divers Persons do diversely carry themselves towards this Cause; some with Helps and Supplies do assist the Adversaries, others with Victuals and Arms, others with their Advice and Authority, supporting as it were the contrary Cause; some also as Neuters behaving themselves; and others, lastly neglecting their Oath, do for sake the Catholick Union and Cause: We do therefore declare and judge all and every such as do for sake this Union, do fight for our Enemies, accompany them in their War, defend, or in any other way assist them, as giving them Weapons, Victuals, Counsel, or Favour, to be excommunicated, and by these presents do excommunicate them; provided, that this present Decree shall be first published in every Diocese respectively; and having received admonition before-hand, which shall supply the treble admonition otherwise requisite, as we do hereby declare, so it be made in a place where it may easily come to the knowledge of those whom it toucheth. But as touching the Judgment and Punishment of the Neuters, we leave it to the Ordinaries of every place respectively, so that the Ordinaries themselves be not contrary to the Judgment and Opinion of this Congregation; in which Cause we commie Power to the Metropolitans or Archbishop to proceed against such Ordinaries, according to the common Course of Law, wherein they are to be very careful and speedy: And if the Metropolitans be found herein careless or guilty, let them be liable to such Punishments as is ordained by the Holy Canons, and let them be accused to the See-Apostolick.

XVIII We ordain and decree, That all and every such as from the beginning of this present War have invaded the Possessions of Goods, as well movable as unmovable, Spiritual or Temporal, of any Catholick, whether Irish or English; or also of any lrish Protestant being not Adversary of this Cause; and do detain any such Goods, shall be excommunicated; and by this present Decree we do excommunicate them, if admonished, they do not amend: and with the like Censure, we do bind such as henceforward shall invade or detain such Goods; and not only them, but also all and every such as shall keep Lands or Possessions against publick Authority, as also such as favour or assist them therein. And we declare involved in this Censure all and every of them, who directly or indirectly hinder or forbid to pay their due Rents unto such as have possessed the said Lands, from the beginning of this War; and such likewise as, without the licence of such Possession, do take or extort Rents or equivalent Payment from the Tenants of such Possessors, under colour of paying Soldiers therewith, or otherwise.

XIX. We command all and every the Churchmen, as well Secular as Regular, not to hear the Confessions of the aforesaid excommunicated Persons, nor to administer unto them the Holy Sacrament, under pain of Excommunication ipso facto.

XX. We will and declare all those that murder, dismember, or grievously strike; all Thieves, unlawful Spoilers, Robbers of any Goods, Extorters; together with all such as favour, receive, or any ways assist them, to be excommunicated, and so to remain until they compleatly amend and satisfy no less than if they were namely proclaimed excommunicated: And for satisfaction of such Crimes hitherto committed to be enjoined, we leave to the discretion of the Ordinaries and Confessors how to absolve them.

XXI. Tradesmen, for making Weapons or Powder brought into the Country, or hereafter to be brought in, shall be free from all Taxations and Customs; as also all Merchants that shall transport into this Country such Wares as are profitable for the Catholick Cause, as Arms and Powder, may lawfully traffick without paying any Customs for Commodities brought out of this Kingdom, or transported hither of that kind. And let this be proclaimed in all Provinces, Cities, and Towns.

XXII. We think it convenient, that in the next National Congregation some be appointed out of the Nobility and Clergy as Ambassadors to be sent in the behalf of the whole Kingdom unto the Kings of France and Spain, to the Emperor, and his Holiness; and those to be of the Church Prelates, or one of the Nobility, and a Lawyer.

XXIII We will and ordain, That Ordinaries, Dignitaries, and other Proprietors of Church Livings, with the assistance of the Colonel, or some or her of the prime Gentlemen of the County, Barony, or Parish as the Ordinary and Dignitaries or Proprietors shall appoint, do let Unto Tenants, the Lands, Houses, Tenements and Tithes, and other Church Livings; and let competent means be appointed for the maintenance of the said Ordinaries, Dignitaries, and Proprietors; and the rest to be appointed for the Soldiers, unless it be otherwise ordained.

XXIV. Collectors and Receivers of the Rents of Church Livings shall be appointed by the Ordinaries, with the consent of the Proprietors, in the presence of the chiesest Gentlemen of every County, Barony, or Parish respectively.

XXV. The Ordinaries and other Proprietors of Church Livings, may take unto themselves the Houses, Tenements, and other Churchgoods pertaining unto their respective Titles, with Obligations to pay proportionable Rent unto the Soldiers as aforesaid, or his payment of their own competent Maintenance; and let the Houses, Tenements, and other Church-goods, be taken from the Catholicks, who heretofore had them as Tenements or otherwise.

XXVI. It is committed to the will and disposition of the Ordinary, whether and when to enter into the Churches, and celebrate Masses therein. We command all and every the Generals, Colonels, Captains, and other Officers of, our Catholick Army to whom it appertaineth, That they severely punish all Transgressors of our aforesaid Command, touching Murderers, Maimers, Strikers, Thieves, Robbers; and if they fail therein, we command the Parish-Priests, Curates or Chaplains respectively, to declare them Interdicted; and that they shall be Excommunicated, if they cause not due satisfaction to be made uuto the Commonwealth, and the party offended. And this the Parish Priests or Chaplains shall observe, under pain of Excommunication of Sentence given ipso facto.

XXVII. To the end that these Acts, Proportions and Ordinances may have more happy success, We thought it fitting to have recourse unto God Almighty, by Prayers, Fastings, and Alms; We therefore will pray, and, as far as it is needful, do command, That every Priest, as well Secular as Regular, do celebrate one Mass a Week, and that all Laymen do fast upon Wednesday, Friday and Saturday in one Week, and thence forward one day a Week; and upon that Wednesday or Saturday, as long as the Ordinary shall please; and that they pray heartily unto God for the prosperous Success of this our Catholick War; for which they shall gain so many Days of Indulgences as every Prelate shall publish in their several Diocesses respectively after the Fast of the aforesaid three Days in one Week, having first confessed, and received the Blessed Sacrament, and bestowed some Alms to this effect.

XXVIII. In every Regiment of Soldiers, let there be appointed at least two Confessors and one Preacher, to be named by the Ordinaries, and by the Superiors of the Regulars, whose competent Maintenance we commend and command to every Colonel in their respective Regiments. And to the end that all these Ordinances and Statutes may effectually be put in execution, we will and decree, 'that all Archbishops, Bishops, Apostolical Vicars, and Regular Superiors, as well here present as absent, may be very serious and careful of the Execution of the aforesaid, as they tender not to incur Displeasure, Wrath, and Revenge; and herewith we charge their Consciences.

XXIX. Moreover we pray and require all Noblemen, Magistrates, and all other Martial Commanders, That with their Helps and Secular Forces they assist and set forward in Execution the aforesaid Statutes in their several Precincts respectively, as often as it shall be needful.

If in any of the aforesaid Statutes any doubt or difficulty may by chance arise, the Explication thereof we reserve to the Metropolitans in every Province respectively, and to the Bishops in every of their. Dioceses, such of them as are no way contrary to this Cause: no other Person may presume to expound the aforesaid Difficulties.

Hæc dicta Acta. Ordinata & Statuta, subscripta erant nomnibus sequentium Prælatorum.

All these Judgments, Sayings, Acts, and Covenants, we submit to the Judgment of the See-Apostolick.

  • Hugo Archiepiscopus Armachanus.
  • Thomas Archiepiscopus Casselensis.
  • Malachias Archiepiscopus Guamen.
  • David Episcopus Ossoren.
  • Frater Boetius Episcopus Elphinensis.
  • Frater Patricius Episcopus Waterforden & Lisnoren.
  • Frater Rochus Episcopus Kildaren.
  • Johannes Elestus Claunfarten.
  • Emerus Elestus Dunen & Conoren.
  • Frater Josephus Everard Procurator Archiepiscopi Dublinensis.
  • Doctor Johannes Creach Procurator Episcopi Lymericen.
  • David Bourck & Willelmus O Connel Procuratores Episcopi Imolacen.
  • Donatus O Tearnon Procurator Episcopi Laonen.
  • Doctor Dionysius Harty Decanus Laomensis.
  • Doctor Michael Hacket Vicar. Gener. Waterforden.
  • Gulielmus Devocer Vicar. Gener. Fernesen.
  • Thomas Roch Vicar, General Osseren.
  • Frater Lucas Archer Abbas Sanctæ Crucis.
  • Frater Antonius de Rosario Ord. Præd. Vicar. Provincial.
  • Robertus Nugent Societat. Jesu in Heb.
  • Frater Thaddæus Connoldus Ang. pro Proving.
  • Johannes Waringe Decanus Lymericen.
  • Frater Patricius Darcye Guardian. Dublin.
  • Frater Thomas Strange Guardian. Waterford.
  • Frater Thomas Langton Prior Kilkenny.
  • Frater Thomas Tearnon Guard, de Dundalk.
  • Frater Boetius Egnanus Guard. Buttevant.
  • Jourdanus Bourck Archidiaconus Lymericensis.

A Commission from the Lords Justices of Ireland, to disarm all Papists, 9 Sept. 1642.

Commission to disarm all Papists in Ireland.

Charles, by the Grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To Our well-beloved Our Mayor of the City of Dublin from the time being, Sir William Anderson Knight, Sir Christopher Forster Knight, Sir William Usher Knight, Sir Philip Percival Knight, John Bysse Esq; Recorder of Our City of Dublin, Richard Barry of Dublin Alderman, Char. Forster of Dublin Alderman, Will. Smith of Dublin Alderman, Will. Bladen of Dublin Alderman, Will. Plunket Esq; Capt. Theodore Schout, Robert Savill Serjeant at Arms, Matthew Ford, Anthony Dopping, Capt. Philip Fernely, Robert Kennedy, John Woodcock, John Pue, Sankey Sulliard, Joshua Carpenter, Brian Jones, Thomas Tallis, William Rowls, Thomas Leigh, Thomas Hill, William Scott, Daniel Forster, Richard Francis, Joseph Hall, Daniel Adrian, Thomas Hooke, Frederick Panchart, Captain Balthazar Creamer, John Wogan, Randal Becket, James Smith, John Fisher, Ralph Bryen, Richard Stone, Robert Davies, Ralph Wallis, Daniel Hutchison, Peter Wybrant, John Hill Merchant, John Norris, Thomas Hawkins, Thomas Windall, Nathanael Neve, and Robert Scarborow, Greeting, Whereas we have taken into our Princely consideration the strange and unusual concourse of Papists to our City of Dublin and the Suburbs thereof; some of them not having formerly dwelt there, and others of them (as well Masters of Families as Servants) having formerly dwelt there, but withdrew themselves into the Country for a time since the present Rebellion began, and of late returned again to the said City and Suburbs, and there all of them now continue as Inhabitants or Sojourners, not only to the needless and exceeding great Burden of the Inhabitants, and disappoinment of the Soldiers, as well in their Lodging, as in the raising of the Price of Meat and other needful Provisions, but also to the Terror of many of our good and loyal Subjects inhabiting in this City and Suburbs thereof, as well in respect of the numbers of those Papists, as in the Advantages observed to be daily thereby gained to the Rebels, as well in frequent Intelligences from our said City, as in Supplies of needful Provisions from thence from time to time. And forasmuch as in these times of open Rebellion, when the Rebels appear in all parts of this our Kingdom in open Arms, with Banners displayed against us and our Royal Authority, we are necessitated to take some extraordinary way whereby to free our said City and good Subjects therein from the Fears and Dangers threatned against us and them, and against the Peace and Safety of this our Kingdom, by that unlimited concourse of People flocking so dangerously to our said City and Suburbs, and for reformation of sundry other Abuses and Disorders in our said City of Dublin and the Suburbs thereof.

Know we therefore, That we, reposing special Trust and Confidence in your sidelity and circumspection, have nominated, constituted and appointed, and by these presents do nominate, constitute and appoint you to be our Commissioners. And do hereby give unto you, or any two or more of you, full Power and Authority from time to time, and, as often as you, or any two or more of you shall think fit, to repair to all and every part of the said City and Suburbs; and there, as well by Examination of Witnesses upon Oath, which Oath and Oaths we hereby authorize you, or any two or more of you, to administer, when, and as often as you, or any two or more of you, shall from time to time think fit, as by all other lawful ways and means whatsoever, to examine, search for, enquire, and find out what Arms or Munition are or shall be remaining in any House, Houses, or other place or Places in the said City or Suburbs belonging to any Papists, or in the House or Houses of Protestants whose Wives and Children are Papists. And the same so found out, to enquire bow, when, and where he or they came by them, and all other matters touching and concerning the same, which you, or any two or more of you shall think sit.

And it is our Pleasure, and we do accordingly require and authorize you, or any two or more of you, to seize upon, and take into your hands, or the hands of any two or more of you, all the said Arms and Munition, as also all the Arms of what kind soever, which you, or any two or more of you, shall find any Papist carrying about him, either in his House or Dwelling, or abroad in the Streets, whether he or they be commorant in Town, or Traveller to or from the said City or Suburbs; giving the Party from whom the same shall be so taken, a Note in writing under the hands of you, or any two or more of you, mentioning the particulars and quantity of Arms or Munition, or both so to be taken from him, her or them, to our Use; and that thereupon you, or any two or more of you, cause the same to be delivered forthwith after you shall so seize the same into our store of Arms and Munition at our Castle of Dublin, taking the Clerk of the Stores Hand for receipt thereof, which shall be a good Discharge for you against your said Note or Notes formerly given.

And we also require and authorize you, or any two or more of you, as well by examination of Witnesses upon Oath, as by all other lawful ways and means whatsoever, to examine, search, enquire, and find out what titulary Popish Archbishops, Bishops, Vicars General, Jesuits, Priests, or Friars, or other superstitious Orders of the Popish pretended Clergy, are, or shall be in and about the said City or Suburbs; and them to apprehend and commit to Prison, there to remain until further direction from us, or our said Justices, or other our chief Governour or Governours, and Council of this our Kingdom.

And in like manner to examine, search, enquire, and find out, what Men and Women that are Papists, and what Papists Children, of what Quality or Degree soever he or they be, have come to the said City or Suburbs to reside, sojourn, or any way to continue therein, since Easter last; where they now lodge, and since their coming to Town have lodged, either in the Houses of Papists or Protestants; what their Names and Surnames, and of what Sept or Kindred they be; whence they came; what occasions called them thither; what now detains them there; and all other matters concerning their being there, which you, or any two or more of you, shall think fit. And then that you, or any two or more of you, do command so many of them as you or any two or more of you shall think fit, to depart from the said City and Suburbs, within so many hours as to you, or any two or more of you, shall be thought fit; and not to return back to the said City or Suburbs, without special license from us, or our Justices, or other chief Governour or Governours of this our Kingdom for the time being. And to enjoin all those in whose House or Houses, either Papists or Protestants, such person or persons so to be commanded away do or shall lodge, sojourn or live, that they or any of them presume not thereafter to entertain them or any of them into his or their House or Houses, as they will answer their so doing at their extreme peril.

And we do also require you, or any two or more of you, to cause two Books to be made up, and in one of them to cause to be inserted in writing the Names, Sirnames, and Qualities of all Men and Women, ordinarily Town-dwellers in our said City or Suburbs, as well Matters of Families as Servants, that are Papists; and in the other Book to cause to be inserted the Names, Sirnames, and Qualities of all Men and Women whom you shall so command to depart from this City and Suburbs; and in another part of that Book to insert the Names, Sirnames, and Qualities of all such Men and Women that are Papists, whom you admit to stay, and expressing at their Names for what time their stay is admitted, that so you may upon a new search (wherein we require you to be diligent and frequent) find out whether or no they have exceeded the time limited for their stay.

We do also require and authorize you, or any two or more of you, to charge and command all person or persons whatsoever in the said City and Suburbs, in whose Houses any such person or persons formerly lodged, sojourned, or lived, and to publish and declare to all others whom it may concern, That in case any of the said persons so to be commanded away, shall return again at any time to the said City or Suburbs, or any other Men or Women whatsoever that are Papists, and not resident continually in the said City and Suburbs, without any late intermission, since the first of October last, shall hereafter come to the said City or Suburbs, that then the person or persons to whose House or Houses he, she, or they so returning, shall return or come, do from time to time, and as often as any such shall happen, within two hours after the receipt or entertainment into his, her, or their House or Houses, of any such person or persons, return under his, her or their Hand, unto two or more of you, the Names, Sirnames, Qualities and Conditions of all and every such person or persons so received, lodged, or entertained.

We likewise require and authorise you, or any two or more of you, in like manner, to examine what Victuals, Clothes, Arms, Munition, or other Provisions whatsoever, have been carried, or shall be carried out of the said City or Suburbs for the relief of the Rebels, and by whom, or who were furtherers and privy thereunto, and what Townsmen or their Servants that are Papists, have been since Easter last admitted into any Horse-Troop, or Foot-Company, or Ward in our pay; and by whom; and in whose Troop, Company, or Ward so admitted; and what Arms of any kind have, are, or shall be sold by any Soldier, Horse-man or Foot-man, to any Townsman or other Inhabitant in the said City and Suburbs; and where the said Arms now are; and what Masters or Mistresses of Families or Servants that are Papists, that formerly resided in the said City and Suburbs, have between the three and twentieth of October and the first of April last withdrawn themselves into the Country, and having continued there a while, returned again to live in the said City and Suburbs. And if, upon Examination, you, or any two or more of you, shall find them, or any of them, to have been with the Rebels, to cause all such to be apprehended and committed to Prison, and to certifie their Names under the Hands of you, or any two or more of you, to our Justices, or other our chief Governour or Governours and Council of this our Kingdom; and what else shall appear unto you concerning them.

And we also require and authorize you, or any twelve or more of you, to view all the thatch'd Houses and Cabins in and about the said City and Suburbs, and to give six days warning to the Possessors of such the said thatch'd Houses and Cabins, as you, or any twelwe or more of you, shall find to be dangerous to the Safety of the said City and Suburbs, and therefore ought necessarily to be removed or pulled down, to remove or pull them down: Wherein if they fail, then and in such case, you, or any twelve or more of you, are to cause such of the thatch'd Houses and Cabins to be removed and pulled down, as you, or twelve or more of you, shall find not to have been pulled down by the Possessors within the said six Days, according to the said warning given.

And in case you, or any two or more of you, shall find any person or persons disobedient to your Commands in and concerning the execution of the Premises, or any part thereof, we do in such case authorize you or any two or more of you, to commit to Prison such persons or persons, when, and as often as there shall be just Cause; and afterwards to release such person or persons, when you, or any two or more of you shall think fit. And for the better and more full and due performance of these Services, It is our Pleasure, and we do hereby authorize you, or any two or more of you, as aforesaid, to administer from time to time an Oath or Oaths to any person or persons, Witnesses touching or concerning all or any the Points, Clauses, Articles, Authorities or Commands in these presents above-mentioned; And that you, our Commissioners, do divide your selves in and throughout the said City and Suburbs, into several Limits, Streets and Parishes; and so to proceed in the execution of the premisses, either all together or severally, as you shall find cause; And that you be frequent, at least weekly, or oftner if you find cause, in the Searches, Examinations, and other Services by these presents committed to your Trust.

And we require all Mayors, Sheriffs, Justices of the Peace, and all other our Officers, Ministers, and loving Subjects whom it may concern; and particularly, all Colonels, Commanders, Officers and Soldiers of our Army, to be unto you, or any two or more of you, alwaysaiding, helping and assisting in the due execution of the premisses from time to time, as there may be occasion. And we require you from time to time to give an account of your Proceedings to our Justices, or other our chief Governour or Governours of this our Kingdom for the time being. And this our Commission is to continue in force during our Pleasure. Witness our right trusty and well-beloved Cousellors Sir William Parsons Knight and Baronet, and Sir John Borelase Knight, our Justices of our said Realm of Ireland. At Dublin the ninth day of September, in the eighteenth Year of our Reign. Carleton & Exham.

The Brief of Pope Urban VIII. to O-Neal, an Irish Rebel. Dated Octob. 8. 1642.

Urban VIII's Brief to O-Neal; Pope's Blessings and pardon of all their since to all the Irish Rebels.

Urban, Servant of the Servants of God, &c. To his beloved Son, Eugenius O-Neal. You are accustomed to omit no occasion to testifie your singular zeal and endeavour, which you derive from your Ancestors, of defending the Church: And of this you have given a recent Testimony, by designing to go into Ireland, to take care of the Concerns of the Catholicks. Wherefore your Letters came very welcom, whereby you signifie your intended Voyage; and, taking your Auspices from the Divine Assistance, have not less humbly than religiously desired of us our Benediction. We highly commend your Constancy against the Hereticks, and the sincerity of your Faith; expecting from you in this Opportunity the proofs of your Valour, which have formerly given you Renown, and will be exemplary to others. We hope the Most High will be at hand to assert your Cause, and will make known his saving health among all Nations. In the mean time, that you may proceed with greater assurance, praying incessantly to the Divine Clemency, that he would frustrate the endeavours of your Enemies, we give to you, and these others who promote the Affairs of the Catholicks in the aforesaid Kingdom, Our Benediction; and to all and each of them, if they, being penitent, are confess'd, and duly refresh'd with the Holy Communion, if it may be had, full Remission and Pardon of their Sins, and also at the point of Death Plenary Indulgence. Dated at Rome, under the Seal of the Fisher, the 8th day of October, [which is according to our Account September 28.] Anno Dom. 1642. and of our Papacy the 20th.

Hereunto I shall add another more general Bull of the Pope's, though not bearing date till above a year after.

The Pope's Indulgence to war against the Hereticks in Ireland.

His Indulgence to war against the Hereticks in Ireland.

URBANUS Octavus, &c. URBAN the Eighth, &c.
Ad futuram rei memoriam, zelum Orthodoxæ Fidei, quo diversi Hiberni Catholici Bellatores exercituum Regni Hiberniæ (ob eximium ejusdem Fidei cultum Patriam Sanctorum olim appellatam) ab hæreticorum oppressionibus & injuriis, quibus jamdudum affligitur, armis vindicare, & operarios iniquitatis, quiMassamCatholicæpuritatis eodem in Regno hæereticæ contagionis fermento insecerunt, & jugiter inficere nituntur, extirpare latagunt, spiritualium gratiarum, quarum dispensatores in terris a Domino constituti fumus, largitione consovere volentes, deomnipotentis Dei misericordia, ac beatorum Petri & Pauli Apostolorum ejus, Authoritate fulti, ex illa ligandi atque solvendi potestate, quam nobis Dominus, meritis minime suffragantibus, contulit, universis & singulis Christi sidelibus in prædic to Hiberniæ Regno contra Hæreticos & alios Catholicæ sidei hostes, nunc & pro tempore militantibus, verepœnitentibus & consessis ac sacri Communione refectis, plenariam omnium peccatorum subrum indulgentiam & remissionem, sicut in Anno Jubilæi visitantibus certas Ecclesias intra & extra urbem concedi cosuevit; tenorepræsentium pro una vice tantum pro quolibet concedimus & elargimar; cupientes autem omnes Christi sicleles, militantes ut præfertur, participes fieri hujus pretiosissimi Thesauri, universis & singulis Christi sidelibus prædictam licentiam concedimus & facultatem damus, ut fibi ad hunc effctum quemcunque Consessarium, tam Secularem quam cujusvis ordinis Regularem, etiam, ex aliis approbatis a locorum ordinariis eligere possent, qui corum consessionibus diligenter auditis, abomnibus Excommunicationibus, Suspensionibus, & aliis Ecclesiasticis Sententiis & Censuris a viro vel ab homine quavis causa latis leu inflictis; nec non ab omnibus neccatis, excessibus, criminibus & delictis, quantumvis gravibus & enormibus, etiam locorum ordinariis, five nobis & Sedi Apostolicæ etiam in Coena Domini legi consuetis, contentis, & alias per quascunque nostras, & Romanorum Pontisicum Prædecessorum nostrorum Constitutiones, quarum tenore præsentious haberi volumus pro expressis quomodocunque reservatis in foro conscientiæ & ea vice tantum eos labsolvere & liberare valcat & insuper vota quæcunque (Religionis & Castitatis exceptis) in alia pia & lalutaria opera commutare, injuncta turn eis & eorum cuilibet in supradictis omnibus casibus poenitentia salutari, aliisque ejusdem Conseissoris arbitrio injungendis; quapropter tenore presentiurn in virtute sanctæ obedientiæ districte præcipimus & mandamus omnibus & quibuscunque venerabilibus fratribus Archiepiscopis, Episcopis, & aliis Ecclesiasticis Prælatis, ac quibuscunque Ordinariis locorum in Hibernia existentibus, eorumque Vicariis & officialibus; vel, iis deficientibus, illis qui curam Animarum inibi exercent, ut ut præsentium literarum transcripta aut exempla etiam impressa acccperint, illa statim absque ulla mora, retardatione vel impedimento, per suas Ecclesias, Dioeceses, Provincias, Civitates, & Oppida, Terras & Loca publicent & publicare saciant. Non intendimus autem per præsentes super aliqua irregularitate publica vel occulta, nota, desectu, incapacitate seu inhabilitate, quoquo modo contracta, dispensare, vel aliqua sacultate tribuere dispensandi seu habilitandi, & in pristinum statum restituendi, etiam in soro conscientiæ; neque eriam easdem præsentes iis qui a nobis, & Apostolica Sede, vel abaliquo Prælato, seu Judice Ecclesiastico, excommunicati, suspensi, interdicti, in sententias & censuras incidisse declarati, vel publice denuntiati suerint, nisi prius satissecerint, aut cum partibus concordaverint, ullo modo sussragari posse aut debere, non obstantibus Constitutionibus & Ordinationibus Apostolicis quibus sacultas observandi in his & aliis expressis casibus, ita Romano Pontisici protempore existenti reservatur, ur necetiam similes vel dissimiles Jubilæi Indulgentiarum & sacultatum hujusmodi concessiones, niside illis expressa mentio aut specialis derogatio fiat, cuique surssragari queant, nec non regula nostra, de non concedendis iindulgentiisad instar, ac quibusvis etiam juramento, confirmatione Apostolica, vel alia quavis firmitate roboratis, statutis, & consuetudinibus, privilegiis quoque indultis, & literis Apostolicis incontrarium præmissorum concessis, quomodolibet approbates & innovatis, quibus omnibus & singulis, etiamsi de illis corumque totis tenoribus specialis, specisica expressio, & individua, ac de verbo ad verbum, non autem per clausulas generales idem importantes, mentio scu quavis alia expresso, auc aliqua alia exquisita forma ad hoc servanda, foret illorum tenorum præsentibus prosussicienter expressis, ac formam in illis traditam pro servata habentes, hac vice specialiter, nominatim & expresse ad effectum Præsentium derogamus, cæterisque contrariis quibuscunque. Ut autem præentes nostræ quum ad singula loca deserri non possunt, ad omnium notitiam sacilius deveniant, volumus & earundem prælentium transcriptis vel exemplis etiam impressis manu alicujus Notarii Publici subscriptis, & sigillo alicujus personæ in dignitate Ecclesiastica constitutæ, munitis, cademprorsus adhibeatur sides quæ adhiberetur præsentibus, si forent exhibitæ vel oftensæ. Datum Romæ apud Sanctum Petrum 25 Maii 1643. Pontisicatus nostri anno vigesimo.
M. A. Maraldus.
Having taken into our serious Consideration the great zeal of the Irish towards the propagating of the Catholick Faith, and the Piety of the Catholick Warriors in the several Armies of that Kingdom, (which was for that singular servent cy in the true Worship of God, and notable care had formerly in the like case, by the Inhabitants thereof for the maintenance and preservation of the same Orthodox Faith called of old, The Land of Saints;) and having got certain notice him, in imitation of their godly and worthy Amcestors, they endeavour by force of Arms to deliver their thralled Nation from the oppressions and grievous injuries of the Hereticks, wherewith this long time it hath been afflicted and heavily burthened, and gallantly do what in them lieth to extirpate and totally root out those workers of iniquity, who in the Kingdom of Ireland had infected, and always striven to infect the Mass of Catholick Purity with the pestiserous Leaven of their heretical Contagion: We therefore being willing to cherish them with the gift of those spiritual Graces, whereof by God we are ordained the only Disposerson earth, by the mercy of the same Almighty God, trusting in the Authority of the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and by virtue of that Power of binding and loosing of Souls, which God was pleased (without our deserving) to confer upon us, to all and every one of the faithful Christians in the Kingdom of Ireland, now, and for the time militating against the Hereticks, and other Enemies of the Catholick Faith, they being truly and sincerely penitent after Consession and the spiritual refreshing of themselves with the sacred Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ, do grant a full and plenary Indulgence and absolute Remission for all their sins, and such as in the holy time of Jubilee is usual to be granted to those that devoutly visit a certain number of privileged Churches within And without the Walls of our City, of Rome; By the tenor of which present Letters for once only, and no more, we freely bestow the favour of this Absolution upon all and every one of them; and withal heartily all the Faithful in Christ, now in Arms as aforesaid to be partakers of this most precious Treasure. To all and every one of these aforesaid faithful Christians, we grant License, and give power to choose unto themselves for this effect, any fit Consessor, whether a Secular Priest, or a Regular of some Order, as likewise any other selected person approved of by the Ordinary of the place, who after a diligent hearing of their Confessions, shall have power to liberate and absolve them from Excommunication, Suspension, and all other Ecclesiasiical Sentences and Censures, by whomsoever, or for what cause soever pronounced or inslicted upon them; as also srom all Sins, Trespajses, Transgressions, Crimes, and Delinquencies, how heinous and Atrocious Joever they be; not omitting those very Enormities in the most peculiar cases, which by any whatsoever former Constitutions is ours, or of our Predecessor Popes (than which we will have those to be no less valued in every point) were designed to be reserved to the Ordinary, or to the Apostolick See; from all which the Consessor shall hereby have Power granted him to absolve the aforesaid Catholicks at the Bar of Conscience, and in that sense only. And furthermore, we give them power to exchange what Vow or Vows soever they were formerly astristed to (those of Religion and Chastity excepted) into any other pious and good Work or Works imposed or to be imposed on them, and every one of them, to perform in aII the aforesaid Cases, by a wholesom Penance, according to the mind and will of the Consessor. Therefore, by the tenor of these present Letters, and by the virtue of that holy strict Obedience wherein all Christians are bound unto us, we charge and command all and every one of the Reverend Brethren, Archbishops, Bishops, and other Ecclesiasiical Prelates, and whatsoever Ordinaries of places now residing in Ireland, together with all Vicars, Substitutes and officials under them; or these failing, we command all such on whom, in those places the Cure of Soals is incumbent, That as soon as they shall have received the Copies of these our Letters, they shall forthwith, without any stop or delay, publish them, and cause them to be published throughout all their Churches, Dioceses, Provinces, Countries, Cities, Towns, Lands, Villages, and place whatsoever. Nevertheless, we do not intend by these present Letters, where any publick or secret irregularity is made known, or any defection, apostacy, incapacity, or inability in any manner of way contracted, to dispense therewith, or grant to any other any power or faculty of Dispensation, Rehabilitation, or Restor ing the Delinquent to his former condition, though but at the Bar of Conscience: Neither can nor should these our present Letters avail, or be steadable to those who by us and the Apostolick See, or by any Prelate or Ecclesiastick Judge, have been Excommunicated, Suspended, Interdicted, or declared and publickly denounced to have justly incurred the Sentences and Censures of the Church, till first they have satisfied and agreed with the parties therein concerned, notwithstanding all other Constitutions and Apostolical Ordinations; whereby nevertheless the Faculty of Absolution in these as well as other expressed Cases, is so reserved to his Holiness the Pope for the time being, that no kind of Jubilee, nor power of granting such Indulgences, can in any fort avail, unless express mention be made of the fault or saults in particular, and the whole tenour of them fully deduced, by an individual relation from word to word, and not by general Clauses, importing the same thing: this, or some other exquisite form of the like nature, being carefully observed, we in that case especially, expresly, and namely, by the effect of these present s, do totally abolish and remit to them all and every one of them their offences, notwithstanding any thing to the contrary. Now that these principal Letters of ours, which cannot be conveniently brought to every place, may the sooner come to the notice of all, our Will and Pleasure is, that any whatsoever Copies or Transcripts, whether written or printed, that are subscribed with the hand of a Publick Notary, and which have the Seal of some eminent person in Ecclesiastical Dignity affixed thereunto, be of the same force, power and authority, and have the like credit in every respect given unto them, as would be to these our principal Letters, is they were shewn and exhibited. Dated at Rome in the Vatican, or St. Peter's Palace, the 25th of May 1643. and in the 20th year of our Pontisicate.
M. A. Maraldus.

An Act of State, made Octob. 14. 1641. by the Lords Justices and Council of Ireland, for the Observation of the three and twentieth day of October yearly, to be a day of' Thanks giving,

for the discovery and prevention of the horrible Conspiracy and Plot of the Papists, to massacre all the protestants in that Kingdom.

An Act of State, &c.

W. Parsons, Jo. Borlase.
Whereas many malignant and devilish Papists and Jesuits, Friars, seminary Priests, and superstitious Orders of the popish pretended Clergy, most disloyally, treacherously, and wickedly conspired to surprize bis Majesty's Castle of Dublin, his Majesty's principal Fort in this Kingdom, the City of Dublin, and all other Cities and Fortisications in this Realm, to massacre us the Lords Justices and Council, to destroy and root out all the Protestant British, and all other Protestants in this Realm; and finally, to deprive his Majesty of his ancient and rightful Crown and Sovereignty of this Kingdom, and to possess themselves thereof: All which was by the said Conspirators plotted, and intended to be acted on the 23d day of october, in the Year of our Lord God, 1641. A Conspiracy so inhumane, barbarous, and cruel, as the like was never before heard of in any Age or Kingdom: And is it had taken effect in that fulness which was intended by the Conspirators, it had occasioned the utter ruine of this whole Kingdom, and the Government thereof.

And howsoever it pleased Almighty God in his unsearchable Wisdom and Justice, as a just Punishment, and deserved Correction to us for our Sins, and the Sins of this Nation, to permit then, and afterwards, the effecting of a great part of that destruction, complotted by those wicked Conspirators, whereby many thousand British and Protestants have been massacred; many thousands of others of them have been afflicted and tormented, with the most exquisite Torments that the Malice of the Devil could suggest to the mischievous Rebels; and all Mens Estates (as well those whom they traiterously flew, as all others) are utterly wasted, ruined, and destroyed: Yet as his Divine Majesty hath in all Ages shown his Power and Mercy in the miraculous and gracious deliverance of his Church, and in the protection of Religious Kings and States, so even in the midst of his Justice, he was graciously pleased to extend Mercy to his Majesty, and to this his Kingdom, and good Subjects therein, not only in miraculously discovering to us the Lords Justices, that hideous and bloody Treason, not many hours before the appointed time for the Execution thereof, but also in preserving the said Castle and City of Dublin, and some other Cities, Towns, and Castles in the Kingdom, from the bloody hands of the barbarous Conspirators; as also in thereby rendring Deliverance to the lives of us the Lords Justices and Council, and of all the British and Protestants in Dublin, and in the said other Cities, Towns, and Castles preserved, and of sundry other British and Protestants, fallen even in to the Hands of those rebellious Conspirators; and likewise in sending us Succours, whereby (with God's Blessing) we have hitherto continued safe under his mighty Protection, notwithstanding the unexampled rage, and implacable sury and malice of those merciless Enemies of God's Truth.

Wherefore, as we do most humbly and justly acknowledge God's Justice in our deserved Punishments, in those Calamities which from the counsels and actions of those Conspirators and their Adherents are fallen upon us, and this Nation in general, so we do in like manner acknowledge, That even in exercising of that his Justice, he remembred Mercy also, and magnified his Mercy to us, in those great Blessings which we humbly confess to have proceeded merely from his infinite Goodness and Mercy; and therefore to his most Holy Name we do ascribe all Honour, Glory, and Praise. And to the end this unseigned thankfulness may never be forgotten, but may be had in a perpetual Remembrance, that all Ages to come may yield praises to his Divine Majesty for the same, and have in Memory This joyful day of Deliverance; We do ordain and establish by this our Act of Council, (in the mean time, until by Authority of Parliament it shall be made a Law to be delivered over to Posterity) That all and singular Ministers in every Cathedral and Parish-Church, or other usual place for Common-Prayer, in this Realm of Ireland, shall always upon the 23d day of October, say Morning-Prayer, and give thanks unto Almighty God, for this most happy and miraculous Deliverance, and for our preservation hitherto, far above the expectation of those wretched Conspirators: And that all and every person and persons, inhabiting within this Realm of Ireland, shall always upon that Day, diligently and faithfully resort to the Parish-Church or Chappel accustomed, or to some usual Church or Chappel where the said Morning-Prayer, Preaching, or other Service of God shall be used, and then and there to abide orderly and soberly, during the time of the said Prayers, Preaching, or other Service of God there to be used and ministred.

And because all and every Person may be put in mind of his Duty, and be then better prepared to the said Holy Service, We do ordain and establish, by this our Act of Council, That every Minister shall give warning to his Parishioners publickly in the Church at Morning Prayer, the Sunday before every such 23d day of October, for the dueObservation of the said Day: And that aster Morning-Prayer and Preaching, upon the said 23d day of October, they read publickly, distinctly, and plainly, this our Act of Council.

Given at his Majesty's Castle of Dublin, the 14th day of october, 1642.

  • Ormond.
  • Ad. Loftus.
  • Geo. Shurley.
  • Gerrard Lowther.
  • J. Temple.
  • Tbo. Rotheram.
  • sr. Willoughby.
  • Ja. Ware.
  • G. Wentworth.
  • Rob. Meredith.

A Committee sent by the Parliament into Ireland, Octob. 1642; Commanded away.

About October 1642. The two houses of Parliament in England; sent over a Committee, viz,. Mr. Robert Goodwin, and Mr. Robert Reynolds, Members of the House of Commons, to whom the City of London joined one Captain Tucker, who carried with them 20000l. in ready Money, 300 Barrels of Powder, ten Tun of Match and other Ammunition, who arrived (by long Sea) at Dublin on the 29th of Octob. The Lords Justices and Council ordered their reception with respect. They used their Endeavours to satisfie the officers of the Army, of the care the Parliament took to provide their pay and send over Money, and to furnish them with Provisions, and Ammunitions, and to promote the service by sending out Parties; and when there was a failing, either in Money or Provisions, engaged their own particular Credits to supply it. And were srom time to time to satisfie the two Houses, of the state of affairs in that Kingdom. But by reason of the differences between the King and his Parliament, they being look'd on but as spies on his Majestys Ministers, his Majesty by a Letter delivered to the Lords Justices and Council the 10th of February, 1642/3. commanded their Removal; whereup on they embarked for London, Febr. 27.

The Parliament was much dissatisfied at this sending back their Commissioners. The wants of the Army in Ireland grew very pressing; to supply which, what they could, the Lords Justices melted down their own Plate, and coined it with his Majesty's Stamp, and encouraged others to do the like; by help whereof, and some supplies from England, the Army march'd out 2500 Foot, and 500 Horse, under the Marquess of Ormond; touching which, and the Battle of Ross, and their condition at that time, they gave an account in this following Letter to the Speaker of the House of Commons.

The Lords Justices Letter to the Speaker of the House of Commons in England touching Rosse, &c. Apr. 4. 1643.

The Lords Justices Letter to the Speaker of the House of Commons in England touching Rosse, &c. Apr. 4. 1643.

Our very good Lord, the Marquess of Ormond, having in his March, in his last Expedition, consulted several times with the Commanders and officers of the Army, in a Council of War; and so finding that subsistence could not be had abroad, for the Men and Horses he had with him, or for any considerable part of them, it was resolved by them, that his Lordship with those forces should return hither, which he did on the 26th of March.

In his return srom Rosse, (which in case our forces stood, he sound so difficult to be taken in, as tho our Ordnance made a Breach in their Walls, it was sound necessary to desert the Siege) he was encountred by an Army of the Rebels, consisting of about 6000 Foot, and 650 Horse, well arm'd and hors'd; yet it pleased God so to disappoint their Counsels and Strength's with those small forces which the Lord Marquess had with him, being of sighting Men 2500, and 500 Horse, not well arm'd, and for the most part weekly horsed, (and those, as well Men as Horse, much weakned, by lying in the Fields, several Nights in much Cold and Rain, and by want of Man's meat and Horse meat) the Lord Marquess obtained a happy and glorious Deliverance and Victory against those Rebels, wherein were stain about 300 of them, and many of their Commanders and others of Quality, and amongst those Prisoners, Colonel Cullen, a Native of this City, who being a Colonel in France departed srom thence, and came hither to assist the Rebels, and was Lieutenant-General of their Army in the Province of Leimster; and the Rebels Army was totally routed and defeated, and their Baggage and Ammunition seized on by his Majesty's Forces, who lodged that Night where they had gained the Victory; and on our side about 20 slain in the Fight, and divers wounded.

We have great cause to praise God, for magnifying his Goodness and Mercy to his Majesty, and this his Kingdom, so manisestly, and indeed wonderfully, in that Victory.

However the Joy (due from us upon so happy an occasion) is, we confess, mingled with very great Distraction here, in the apprehension of our Unhappiness to be such, as altho the Rebels are not able to overcome his Majesty's Army, and devour his other good Subjects, as they desire; yet both his Army and good Subjects are in danger to be devoured, by the wants of needful Supplies forth of England: For as we formerly signified thither, those forces were of necessity sent abroad, to try what might be done for sustaining them in the Country, so as to keep them alive till Supplies should get to us. But that design now failing, those our Hopes are converted into Astonishment, to behold the unspeakable Miseries of the officers and Soldiers, for want of all things, and all those Wants made the more in supportable by the want of Food; whilst the City (being all the help we have) is now too apparently found to be unable to help us, as it hath hitherto done: And divers Commanders and officers in the Army do now so far express the sense of their Sufferings, (which indeed are very great and grievous) as they declare, That they have little hope to be supplied by the Parliament, and press with great importunity to be permitted to depart this Kingdom, so as it will be extreme difficult to keep them here.

By our Letters of the 23d of March, we signified thither the insupportable Burden laid on this City, for victualling those of the Army left here, when the Marquess of Ormond, with the forces he took with him, marched hence; which Burden is found everyday more heavy than other, in regard of the many House-keepers thereby daily breaking up House, and scattering their Families, leaving still fewer to bear the Burden. Wealso by those Letters, and by our Letters of the 25th of February, advertised thither the high danger this Kingdom would incur, if the Army so sent abroad, should by any distress, or thro want, be forced back hither again, before our relies of Victuals should arrive forth of England.

When we found that those Men were returning back hither, altho we were (and are still) full of distractions, considering the dismal Consequences threatned thereby, in respect of our Wants, yet we consulted what we could yet imagine seasible, that we had not formerly done to gain some Food for those Men; and found, that to send them or others abroad into the Country we cannot, in regard we are not able to advance Money, for procuring the mainy Requisites incident to such an Expedition. In the end therefore we were forced to fix on our former way, and to see who had yet any thing left him, untaken from him, to help us; and altho there were but few such, and some of them poor Merchants, whom we have now by the Law of necessity utterly undone, and disabled from being hereafter helpful to us, in bringing us in Victuals, and other needful Commodities; yet were we forced to wrest their Commodities from them. And certainly there are few here, of ourselves and others, that have not felt their parts in the inforced rigour of our proceedings, towards preserving the Army; so as what with such hard dealing, not less grievous to us to do, than it is heavy to others to suffer and by our descending (against our Hearts) far below the Honour and Dignity of that Power we represent here, under his Royal Majesty, we have with unspeakable difficulty prevailed, so as to be able to find Bread for the Soldiers for the space of one Month.

We are expelling hence all Strangers, and must instantly send away for England thousands of poor despoiled English, whose very eating is now unsupportable to this place.

And now again, we finally, we earnestly desire, (for our Confusions will not now admit the writing of many more Letters, if any) that his Majesty and the English Nation, may not suffer so great, if not irrecoverable, prejudice and dishonour, as must unavoidably be the consequence of our not being relieved suddenly; but that yet (altho it be even now at the point to be too late) supplies of Victuals and Munition may presently be hastned hither, to keep Life until the rest may follow, there being no Victual in the Store, nor will there be 100 Barrels of Powder left in Store, when the Out-Garisons (as they must be instantly) are supplied; and that remainder, according to the usual necessary expence, besides extraordinary accidents, will not last above a Month. And the residue of our Provisions must also come speedily after, or otherwife England cannot help to secure Ireland, or secure themselves against Ireland, but in the loss of it, must look for such Enemies from hence, as will perpetually disturb the Peace of his Majesty and his Kingdom of England, and annoy them by Sea and Land, as we often formerly represented thither: which mischiefs may yet be prevented, if we be yet forthwith enabled from thence with means to overcome this Rebellion.

We hope that a course is taken there, for hastning hither the Provisions of Arms and Munition, mentioned in the Docket sent in our Letter of the 20th of January, and the 600 Horses which we [then moved might be sent; hither for Recruits;, and that the 7893 l. 3 s. for Arms to be provided in Holland (besides those we expect in London) bath been paid to Anthony Tierens in London, or to Daniel Wibrants in Amsterdam; and if that sum had been paid, as we at first desired, we might well have had those Provisions, arrived here by the tenth of March, as we agreed. However we now desire, that that Money if it be not already paid, may be yet paid to Mr. Anthony Tierens in London, or Mr. Wibrants in Amsterdam, that so those Provisions may arrive here speedily, which (considering that Summer is now at hand) will be very necessary, that when our supplies of Victuals, Munition, Clothes, Money, and other Provisions shall arrive, we may not, in the publick Service here, lose the benefit and advantage of that season. And so we remain, &c.

From his Majesty's Castle of Dublin, the Fourth of April, 1643.

In the mean time the following Petition was presented.

To the King's Most Excellent Majesty,

The Humble Petition of Sir James Montgomery, Sir Hardress Waller, Knights and Colonels, and of Colonel Arthur Hill, and Colonel Audley Mervin,

in the behalf of themselves and others, Commanders in your Majesty's Army in Ireland.

Petition of some Protestant Commanders in Ireland to the King, Dec. 1. 1642.

May it please Your Sacred Majesty,
We Your Majesty's most humble Subjects, being intrusted from considerable parts of your Majesty's Forces in the Kingdom of Ireland to petition your Majesty and your Parliament for supplies; and finding that your Majesty had committed the care and management of that War to your Parliament here, we address'd ourselves unto the same, whose sense of our Miseries and inclination to redress, appeared very tender unto us; but the present Distempers of this your Majesty's Kingdom of England, to our unspeakable grief, are grown so great, that all future passages, by which Comfort and Life should be conveyed unto that gasping Kingdom, seem totally to be obstructed; so that unless your Gracious Majesty out of your single Wisdom, and Fatherly Care apply some speedy remedy, we your Distressed and Loyal Subjects of that Kingdom must inevitably perish. Our condition represents unto your Majesty the Estate of all your Majesty's Faithful Protestant Subjects in Ireland, the Influence of Princely Favour and Goodness, so actively distilled upon your Kingdom of Ireland, before the Birth of this Monstrous Rebellion there. And since the same so abundantly expressed in Characters of a deep sense and lively presentment of the bleeding Condition thereof, gives us hope in this their deplorable Extremity, to address ourselves unto your Sacred Throne, humbly beseeching, that it may please your Gracious Majesty, amongst your other weighty Cares, so to reflect upon the bleeding Condition of that perishing Kingdom, that timely relief may be afforded; otherwise your Loyal Subjects there must yield their Fortunes a Prey, their Lives a Sacrifice, and their Religion a Scorn to the Merciless Rebels, powerfully assisted from abroad, whilst we live in rest in your Majesty's Protection, if our Deaths are signed in that Cause, we will die in your Obedience; living and dying ever pray for your Majesty's long and prosperous Reign over us.

  • Montgomery.
  • Hardress Waller.
  • Arthur Hill.
  • Au. Mervin.

At the Court at Oxford this First of Decemb. 1642. His Majesty hath expresly commanded me to give this Answer to this Petition.

The King's Answer.

That his Majesty, since the beginning of that Monstrous Rebellion hath had no greater Sorrow than for the bleeding Condition of that his Kingdom: And as he hath by all means laboured that timely relief might be afforded to the same, and consented to all propositions, how disadvantageous soever to himself, that have been offered him for that purpose; and not only at first recommended their Condition to both his Houses of Parliament, and immediately, of his own mere Motion, sent over several Commissions, and caused some proportion of Arms and Ammunition (which the Petitioners well knew to have been a great support to the Northern Parts of that Kingdom) to be conveyed to them out of Scotland, and offered to find ten thousand Volunteers to undertake that War; but hath often since press'd by many several Messages, that sufficient Succours might be hastned thither and other matters of smaller importance laid by, which did divert it; am offered, and most really intended, in his own Royal Person, to have undergone the Danger of that War, for the defence of his good Subjects, and the chastisement of those persidious and barbarous Rebels: And in his several Expressions of his Desires of Treaty and Peace, hath declared the miserable present Condition, and certain future Lofs of Ireland, to be one of his principal motives, most earnestly to desire that the present Distractions of this Kingdom might be composed, and that others would concur with him to the same end; so his Majesty is well pleased, that his Offices, Concurrence, Actions, and Expressions, are so rightly understood by the Petitioners, and those who have employed them, notwithstanding the groundless and horrid Aspersions which have been cast upon him; but wishes that instead of 2 mere general Complaint, to which his Majesty can make no return but of Compassion, they could have digested and offered to him any such desires, by consenting to which he might convey, at least in some degree, Comfort and Life to that gasping Kingdom, preserve his distressed and loyal Subjects of the same from inevitably perishing, and the true Protestant Religion from being scorned and trampled on by those Merciless and Idolatrous Rebels. And if the Petitioners can yet think on any such, and propose them to his Majesty, he assures them, that by his readiness to consent, and his thanks to them for the proposal, he will make it appear to them, that their most pressing personal Sufferings, cannot make them more desirous of Relief, than his care of the true Religion, and of his Faithful Subjects, and of that Duty which obliges him in his Power to protect both, renders him desirous to afford it to them.

An Ordinance for Loans and Contributions for Ireland, as well from the United Provinces as from England and Wales, January 30 1642/3.

An Ordinance for Loans, &c.

Whereas the gasping Condition of the Protestants in Ireland is too much manifest, their Estates devoured, their Lives daily sacrificed, not only to the Malice of their and our bloody Enemies, the Popish Rebels, but also to the more unavoidable Executioners, Starving, Cold, and Hunger, their Sorrows hardly to be equall'd, nor their utter Destruction possible to be prevented, but by the great and undeserved Mercy of God, upon some speedy supply of their grievous Necessities: In a deep sense and companion of their sad Estate, and not so much doubting the Charity of all good Protestants here, (which hath been so fully manifested before,) as to use many Arguments to invite them to a liberal Contribution and Loan, for the present relief of those of our own Blood and Profession, and to hinder the Rebels from being Sharers in the execution of those devilish Plots, which they and their Adherents in England have devised, and too far effected amongst us, (who can expect no safety here, if that Kingdom be not preserved unto us, that hath so near a relation and dependance upon this;) and for the more speedy raising, collecting, and disposing of such supply as God shall incline the Hearts of his People to afford their Brethren in Ireland; which can be no otherwise procured at this time, by reason of the unhappy Distempers here.

The Lords and Commons in Parliament, do hereby Order and Declare, That all and every of his Majesty's well-affected Subjects of any of his Kingdoms and Dominions, and any Person or Persons of the Dutch Nation, under the Government of the States-General of the United Provinces, that at any time hereafter shall bring in and disburse any sum or sums of Money, to be employed and laid out for the maintenance of the Army in Ireland, against the Rebels; or that shall bring in and deliver any Victuals, Arms, Ammunition, Goods, Wares, or Commodities fit and necessary for the better supply of the said Army, to be received and indifferently appraised and valued by such person or Persons as shall be appointed for that purpose by the Committee for the Irish Affairs, made the 30th of Sept. 1642. or any eight of them, those intruded with this Service, and that are hereafter named; That all and every such Person and Persons shall have the publick Faith of the Parliament. And both Houses of Parliament do hereby engage the publick Faith of the Kingdom, to satisfy and content, and that such Persons shall be satisfied and contented for the same, either out of the Rebels Lands in Ireland forfeited, or that shall be forfeited and confifcate, when it shall please God that Kingdom shall be reduced, in proportions answer able and according to the several sum and sums of Money, in manner and form aforesaid, to be brought in, and in all respects and things to their best advantage and contentment, as the Adventures for Lands in Ireland, according to the former Propositions and several Acts of Parliament, or any of them, therefore made and enacted this present Session, shall have their Lands set out unto them, or otherwise at their Election shall be re-satisfied their Monies and the Value of their Goods, with Interest for the same, after the rate of 8 l. per Cent, for so long a time as it shall be forborn, to be paid out of the common Treasureof this Kingdom. And for the better ordering and managing of this Affair, and to the end that such Monies, Victuals, Arms, Ammunition, Goods, Wares, and Commodities thus to be brought in, may only be employed for the maintenance of the said Army, and not otherwise, the Lords and Commons do hereby nominate, authorize, and appoint, Sir Paul Pynder, Mr. John Kendrick, Mr. William Pennoyer, Mr. Maurice Thompson, Mr. Michael Casteele, Mr. Benj. Goodwyn, to be Treasurers, and to have the receiving of the said Money, Victuals, Arms, Ammunition, Goods, Wares, and Commodities, and to nominate, appoint, and employ all such Persons under them for the purposes aforesaid, as they shall think fit;, and the said Money, Victuals, Arms, Ammunition, Goods, Wares, and Commodities, to pay and deliver out for the maintenance of the said Army in Ireland and for no other cause whatsoever, and to reward the Persons to be employed under them for their Service, in such manner as the said Committee, or any eight of them shall from time to time, order, direct, and appoint; and the Persons to be employed under the Treasurers before-named, to be rewarded for their service insuch a manner and proportion as the said Committee, or any eight of them, shall from time to time order and appoint; and the Receipts and Payments of Moneys coming in and issuing out by virtue of this Ordinance, shall be kept in Guildhall London, by the said Treasurers, and others by them appointed; and that an Acquittance under the Hands of any two or more of the said Treasurers, shall be a sufficient discharge to any Person, paying any sum or sums of Money to them, by virtue of this Ordinance. And for the more speedy and better effect of this Ordinance, the Lords and Commons in Parliament have commanded, that the same be forthwith put in Print, and be published and dispersed in every Parish in England and Wales, as well within Liberties as without; and the Parsons, Vicars, or Curates of the said Parishies respectively, are hereby required, to read this Ordinance in the several Parish Churches and Chappels upon the next Lord's day, after the same shall be delivered unto them, and to exhort the People to a free and liberal Contribution to so necessary and godly a Work as this is. And the Churchwardens, or Overseers for the poor where there are no Church-wardens, of the said Parishies respectively, are hereby authorized and required, after the reading of this Ordinance as aforesaid, to go from House to House to every the Inhabitants of the said Parishies respectively, and as well to collect and gather the free and charitable Benevolence of all the Inhabitants thereof, from the best to the meaner fort of People, that shall be willing to contribute any thing herein, as all and every other sum and sums of Money, as also Victuals, Arms, Ammunition, Goods, Wares or Commodities, that any the said Parishioners respectively shall be willing to lend and disburse, to be re-satisfied for the same, as is herein before expressed. And the said Church-wardens and Overseers for the poor, shall cause to be written down in a Schedule thereof indented, as well the Name and Names of the several Givers as of the Lenders, with the several sum and sums of Money which shall be by every of them lent or given: And the said Church-wardens and Overseers for the poor, having subscribed their Names at the foot of one part of the said Schedule indented, shall deliver that part, together with all such sum and sums of Money, Victuals, Arms, Ammunition, Goods, Wares, and Commodities, as shall be given or lent in the said respective Parishes, unto such Person or Persons as shall be therefore employed and entrusted, by order of the said Committee, or any eight of them; and the said Persons so intrusted, shall upon receipt thereof from the said Churchwardens and Overseers for the poor, subscribe the other part of the said Schedule, to remain with the Church-wardens or Overseers for the poor, and Parishioners, the producing whereof to the said Lords and Commons in Parliament, or to such Person or Persons as they shall appoint for the same, being well attested at the time of the subscription, under the hand-writing of the Parson, Vicar, or Curate, and four or more of the principal Inhabitants of the said Parifshes respectively, at all and every time and times then afterwards, shall be an authentick and sufficient ground for all and every such Person and Persons, their Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, that shall lend any sum or sums of Money, or other Goods above-mentioned, to be employed as aforesaid, to have, demand, and receive the same back again, or such content and satisfaction to be therefore made, and given unto them, as the said Lords and Commons have herein before declared and undertaken. And the said Persons so intrusted for receiving the said Money, Victuals, Arms, Ammunition, Goods, Wares, or Commodities in the said several Parishies, shall with all convenient speed after the receipt thereof, return the same unto the said Treasurers herein before named, at the Guildhall, London. And the said Committee are hereby directed to appoint a Register, and Entries to be made of all and every the said Schedule, sums of Money, and Premises to be thus received; whereby the Persons lending the same, may be the more justly satisfied, and to remain upon Record as an Act of great Bounty and Piety, and much conducing to the safety of all his Majesty's Dominions.

Die Luna 30. Jan. 1642.

Ordered to be printed and read in all Churches and Chapels.

On the 4th of April 1643. some of the officers of the Army presented the Lords Justices and Council with the following Remonstrance.

Remonstrance of some officers in Ireland, April 4.

Remonstrance of some Officers in Ireland, April 4.

At our first entrance into this unhappy Kingdom, we had no other design, than by our Swords to assert and vindicate the Right of his Majesty, which was heremost highly abused; to redress the Wrongs of his poor Subjects, and to advance our own Particulars in the prosecution of so honest Undertakings. And for the rest of these, we do believe they have, since our coming over, succeeded pretty well; but for the last, which concerns our selves, that hath saln out so contrary to our Expectations, that insteadof being rewarded, we have been prejudiced; instead of getting a Fortune, we have spent part of one: And tho we behave our selves never so well abroad, and perform the Actions of honest Men; yet we have the Rewards of Rogues and Rebels, which is Misery and Want, when we come home. Now, my Lords, altho we be brought to so great an Exigency, that we are ready to rob and spoil one another; yet to prevent such outrages, we thought it better to try all honest means for our subsistence, before we take such indirect courses: therefore is your Lordships will be pleased to take us timely into your Considerations, before our urgent wants make us desperate, we will, as we have done hitherto, serve your Lordships readily and faithfully. But is your Lordships will not sind a way for our preservations here, we humbly desire we may have leave to go where we may have a better Being: And is your Lordships shall refuse to grant that, we must then take leave to have recourse to that first and primary Law, which God hath endued all Men with, we mean the Law of Nature, which teacheth all Men to preserve themselves.

The King's Commission to treat with the Irish for a Cessation, April 23. 1643.

The King's Commission to treat with the Irish for a Cessation, April 23. 1643.

C. R.
Right Trusty and Well-beloved Counsellors, we Greet you well. Whereas, considering the present condition of our Assairs, as well in this as that our Kingdom, thro the famous Plots and Practices of Persons disaffected to our Person and Government, we have given Command and Authority to our right trusty, entirely, and well-beloved Cousin and Counsellor, The Marquess of Ormond, Lieutenant-General of our Army and Forces in Ireland, to treat with our Subjects, who in that Kingdom have taken up Arms against us, and to agree with them upon a Cessation of Arms for one year; which as it is a Service of very great concernment to us and our present Affairs, both here and there; so we will and command, that you therein give your most effectual Assistance and Furtherance to advance the same, by your Industry and Endeavours, as there shall be occasion.

Given at our Court at Oxford the 23d of April 1643.

The King's Second Letter touching a Cessation, May 3. 1645.

The King's second Letter touching a Cessation.

C. R.
Right Trusty and Right Well-beloved Cousin and Counsellor, We Greet you well. By our Letters of the 23d of the last Month, we gave you our Command to treat and agree upon a Cessation of Arms for one year, with those our Subjects in that our Kingdom, who have taken up Arms there against our Authority; and having since seen the Propositions, which you and the rest of our Commissioners sent us from our said Subjects, we find the same to be of such great importance, and many things therein alledged, so necessary to be farther examined and enquired into, as we have been the rather induced to have such a Cessation, as we have formerly written unto you, so as it may be with Honour to us, and without prejudice to our Interests and Service. This Bearer, Mr. William Brent, is a Person whom we have purposely sent over to give us an account of your Proceedings in a business of this Consequence, to whom you may give Credit, and by him we shall desire to hear from you, when you shall have any matter of moment to send over unto us.

To Our Right Trustly and entirely Beloved Cousin and Counsellor, James Marquess of Ormond, Lieutenant General of our Army in Ireland.

Given at our Court of Oxon the 3d of May, 1643.

A Letter of the Lords Justices of Ireland to the King.

The Lords Justices Letter to the King, of the present State of Ireland, May 11. 1643.

May it please Your Most Excellent Majesty,
As soon as we, your Majesty's Justices, entred into the Charge of this Government, we took into our Consideration, at this Board, the State of the Army here; which we find suffering under unspeakable extremities of want of all things necessary to the support of their Persons, or maintenance of the War;, here being no Victuals, Clothes, or other Provisions requisite towards their Sustenance; no Money to provide them of any thing they want; no Arms in your Majesty's Stores, to supply their many defective Arms; not above 40 Barrels of Powder in your Stores; no strength of serviceable Horses being now left here, and those few that are, their Arms for the most part lost or unserviceable; no Ships arrived here to guard the Coasts;, and consequently no security rendred to any, that might (on their private Adventures) bring in Provisions of Victuals, or other necessaries, towards our subsistence: And, finally, no visible means, by Sea or Land, of being able to preserve for you this your Kingdom, and to render Deliverance from utter Destruction, to the Remnant of your good Subjects, yet left here.

We find that your Majesty's late Justices, and this Board, have often and fully by very many Letters, advertised the Parliament in England of the extremities of Affairs here, and besought relief with all possible importunity; which also have been fully represented to your Majesty, and the Lord Lieutenant, and to Mr. Secretary Nicholas, to be made known to your Majesty. And altho the Winds have of late for many days (and often formerly) stood very fair for accessions of supply forth of England hither, and that we have still with longer expectations hop'd to find Provisions arrive here in some degree, answerable to the necessities of your Affairs; yet now (to our unexpressible grief) after full fix Months waiting, and much longer patience and long-suffering, we find all our great expectations answered in a mean and inconsiderable quantity of Provisions, viz. 75 Barrels of Butter, and 14 Tun of Cheese, being but the fourth part of a small Vessel's lading which was sent from London, and arrived here on the 5th of this Month, which is not above seven or eight, days Provision for that part of the Army which lies in Dublin, and the out-Garisons thereof no Money or Victuals (other than that inconsiderable proportion of Victuals) having arrived in this place as sent from the Parliament of England, or any other forth of England, for the use of the Army, since the beginning of November last.

We have (by the Blessing of God) been hitherto prosperous and successful in Your Majesty's Affairs here, and should be still hopeful, by the mercy of God, under the Royal Directions of your Sacred Majefty, to vindicate your Majesty's Honour, and recover your Rights here, and take due vengeance on those Traitors, for the innocent Blood they have spilt, if we might be strengthned or supported therein by needful supplies out of England; but these Supplies being hitherto expected to come from the Parliament of England (on which, if your Majesty had not relied, we are assured you would, in your high Wisdom, have found out some other means to preserve this your Kingdom) and so great and apparent a failure having happened therein, and all the former and late long continuing Easterly Winds bringing us no other Provisions than those few Cheese and Butter, and no advertisement being brought us of any future supplies to be so much as in the way hither, whereby there might be any likelihood that considerable means of support for your Majesty's Army might arrive here in any reasonable time, before that we be totally swallowed up by the Rebels, and your Kingdom by them wrested from you; we find ourselves so disappointed of our hopes from the Parliament, as must needs trench to the utter loss of the Kingdom, if your Majesty, in your high Wisdom, ordain not some present means of preservation for us.

And considering, that if now by occasion of that unhappy and unexpected failing of support from thence, we shall be less successful in your Services here against the Rebels than hitherto (whilst we were enabled with some means to serve you) we have been, (tho shame and dishonour may, in common construction of those who know not the Inwards of the Cause, be imputed to us, and not to the failing that disabled us;) and considering, principally and above all things, the high and eminent Trust of your Affairs here, deposited with us by your Sacred Majesty, we may not forbear in discharge of our Duty, thus freely and plainly to declare our humble apprehensions; to the end your Majesty thus truly understanding the terribleness of our Condition, may find out some such means of support, to preserve to your Majesty and your Royal Posterity, this your Autient and Rightful Crown and Kingdom; and derive Deliverance and Safety to the Remnant of your good Subjects yet left here, as in your excellent Judgment you shall find to be most to your Honour and Advantage.

And so praying to the King of Kings to guide and direct you for the best, in this high and important Cause, and in all other your Counsels and Actions, we humbly remain,

From your Majesty's Castle at Dublin the 11th of May 1643.

Your Majesty's most Loyal and most Faithful Subjects and Servants.

A Declaration of the Lords and Commons, touching the present lamentable Condition of Ireland, June 16. 1643.

Die Veneris 16 June, 1643.

A Declaration of the Lords and Commons, &c.

We the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, being by several Letters fully informed, both from the Lords Justices and Council of Dublin, and also from other parts of the Kingdom of Ireland, of the extreamly necessitous condition of the whole Army, and the rest of the distressed Protestants of that Kingdom, out of a companionate sense of the Miseries of their Brethren there, and their tender care to prevent the extirpation of the Protestant Religion so generally aimed at, have thought fit to publish to the view of all piously affected Persons, the lamentable Estate of that distressed Kingdom; which is now, by the unhappy influence of our Distractions here, reduced to that extremity, that in most Parts of the Army, our Soldiers want Bread for their Bellies, Clothes for their Backs, and Shoos for their Feet, to give them a necessary subsistence; and in some parts they have been forced to kill their Horses to satisfy their Hunger, very many of the poor English in several places having perished by Famine.

Nevertheless it hath pleased Almighty God, to imprint such special Marks of his unlimited Favours upon the endeavours of our several Armies there, that we have more than probable cause to hope, that if we shall cheerfully address our selves to send them seasonable supplies, he will not yet permit the ruin of our Religion and Countrymen in that Kingdom; which we are the more induced to believe, since we are credibly informed, that the wants of oar Adversaries do in most parts equalize, in many far exceed ours, where they have been forced to eat, not the Flesh only, but the very Hides of their Horses to keep them from starving; which hath brought very many of them to such a condition of weakness, that they appear rather like walking Anatomies, than fighting Men; so that we have no reason to suspect, but that our Armies there (if not suffered first to starve) may by God's Blessing yet soon reduce that Kingdom.

Nor can it be unknown to any understanding and judicious Observer, that whatever be pretended by the Rebels, yet the true causes heightning them to such a degree of barbarousness, are the inveterate Hatred they bear to the true Religion, and their ambitious Desires; as is most evident by the several Commissions from the Rebels, stiling themselves the Supreme Council of the Consederate Catholicks of Ireland, issued to Men of War, whom they maintained at Sea to spoil the Trade of this Kingdom, making themselves absolute, and Independent on this Kingdom: And which is not a little somented by all the Popish party throughout Christendom, as appears by the large Contributions sent from all parts thither, of Money, Arms, Ammunition, and experienced Commanders. And can it be that God's Enemies should be more violent and indefatigable for restoring Idolatry in a Kingdom foreign to theirs, than we zealous in propugning God's Truth in our own, against both barbarous Traytors and monstrous Idolaters? Shall the common Incendiaries of both Kingdoms strip themselves of all they have, to accomplish our Destructtion, by devouring that rich and fruitful Island? And shall the good People of this Nation, of the same Blood and Religion with them, think any thing too dear for redeeming them, whom we ought to our Powers to preserve seeing hereby, we also secure our own, both Religion and Liberties, preventing the access of the Rebels from thence, by enabling our Army to continue there, which will consequently contain them within that Kingdom, a thing earnestly to be intended, considering what I courses are set on foot at Oxford for bringing them into this Kingdom.

Not to insist how much it imports all the Adventurers, Lenders and Contributers, all Merchants, and indeed the whole Nation to advance a considerable Sum to what they have applyed unto that Work for the now compleating thereof; nor to be more particular in laying before the World, how the King (reduced by evil Counsels) doth deny his concurrence to the Bill lately sent him as a most necessary expedient for that Work.

We have therefore thought fit to appoint a special Committee for that purpose, and have resolved in the midst of our Distractions here, (as a thing wherein the welfare of our Religion, the Honour of our English Nation, and the safety of this Kingdom is so nearly concerned) to contribute by all possible means to the preservation of that Kingdom.

And altho the great Burdens which lie upon the Subjects for maintenance of the Armies, raised for the necessary defence of this Kingdom, will not suffer us to lay any present charge upon them, yet our tender care of Ireland is such, that in pursuance of a Vote of the House of Commons, an Ordinance is now ready to pass, whereby a charge shall be set of two hundred thousand pounds upon this Kingdom, to be assessed upon the several Counties, according to the Proportion of the Bill of four hundred thousand pounds, and to be paid in two years, by which time we hope the Distractions of this Kingdom, by God's Mercy, may be so settled, that the Subjects shall with ease and cheerfulness bear this necessary Burden, and by this means we conceive this future charge will give present credit for the relief of the starving condition of Ireland, which is intended to be laid upon this Kingdom, as an Adventure for Land in Ireland, for the benefit of the several Counties proportionable to the Sums that shall be raised in the particular Counties to be imployed to the ease of their Publick Charge And do likewise earnestly recommend the care of that Work to all such as are really affected to our Religion, and the Cause we have in hand, to advance Moneys for that use, either by way of Adventure, Loan, or weekly Contribution, in such manner as shall be agreed on by the Committee, and approved by the Parliament; wherein both Houses of Parliament intend to shew that good Example, which they hope all others will follow.

For what may be advanced by way of Adventure, it is already provided in a late Ordinance of Parliament, that all new Adventurers shall receive the same Advantages granted to the former in the Act of Parliament for the Adventurers of Ireland: and in the same Ordinance Provision is made for the security of all such as shall voluntarily lend to so pious a Work. All which Moneys now proposed to be advanced, shall only have their Aspect forwards (without consideration of former Arrears) and be disposed of with all possible care, to the best advantage of this present Summers service. And for what hath been formerly raised to that purpose, it shall most evidently appear to all the World, that it hath been with a great overplus disposed of for the use of Ireland; and that all Aspersions of that nature, cast upon the Parliament, have been but the malicious Pretences of disaffected Persons, to excuse their own backwardness, and dishearten such as desire to prevent the ruin of our Religion; which we hope by our cordial and seasonable Endeavours may speedily be prevented, and this War soon brought to a happy conclusion: And herein the concurrence of most of the Officers of that Kingdom administers great encouragement, who are desirous (so well they affect that Work) to underwrite the one half of their Arrears due by way of Adventure for Land, and also take the one half of what shall grow due and is to come, likewise on the Condition of the Subscribers, at the reducing of that Kingdom, desiring only to subsist until the Work be finished.

We have so just reason, upon these many and convincing grounds, to be sensible of the extraordinary Care and pious Intentions of the well-affected Party in this Kingdom, as we must nor or cannot doubt of their ready Zeal in the setting forward of so Pious, so Charitable a Work, wherein the Religion we prosess lies at the stake; and the lives of so many thousands of our poor Protestant Brethren are in apparent danger, unless by present relief their approaching ruin be timely prevented; nor can we well expect that God will long bless us, if we be wanting to our Brethren, whose preservation is so immediately linked to our own safety, that we have much cause to suspect this Kingdom is much endangered, when we have once absolutely lost that of Ireland.

For such is the Malice of the Rebels to our Nation, that if they once root us out of that Kingdom, they will not despair, by themselves and their Consederates, wholly to extirpate both us and our Religion out of the Christian World.

For remedy whereof, insomuch as the general ways observed on the last Act of Contribution have not procured such means of relief as are necessary, (tho divers, both Persons and Parishes, have been very bountiful) several of that Kingdom, with others, are therefore directed to sollicite the business, by such particular applications as may be hoped (in a Work fo earnestly crying for relief) will beget competent Supplies for giving that Kingdom a Being, and in all likelihood preserving this from final undoing; which as it must be acknowledged to the already Contributors, so is and shall be esteemed, by those who hereafter put Hand to the Work, as a most acceptable Service to this and that Kingdom.

These things considered, we desire that all well-affected People would heartily apply themselvee to prevent such Mischief, by cheerful contributing to so pious a Work; which will be an Act, in the esteem of all the World, very commendable, and extremely acceptable to God and all good Men.

Die Lunæ 19 Junii, 1643.

The Committee appointed by the House, the 19th of May, 1643, for the better expediting the Affairs of Ireland, together with the Committee of the Adventurers in London newly elected, or any eight of them, shall have power to call to their assistance such other Persons as they shall think sit; and the said Committee of Adventurers shall have equal power to vote with the Committee of the House of Commons, in all matters concerning the managing of the Moneys now to be raised for Ireland, by way of Adventure, or otherwise And this Committee shall have likewise Power to appoint Treasurers to per. use the Accompts of such as have been formerly imployed, to be ready for the view of the House, to reward such as they must necessarily imploy in this Service, and to issue out any of these Moneys now to be raised for the Affairs of Ireland by Order from this Committee, and to manage all matters for the good of the future Service, according as they shall find most expedient, being still to give an account to the House of their Proceedings, as oft as shall be re-quired.

Die Lunæ, 19 Junii, 1643.

Resolved upon the Question,
That this House doth declare, that they will in a short time send over a Commander in Chief into Ireland, Such as this Kingdom shall have good cause to conside in.

Resolved upon the Question,
That this House doth think it fit to send over Committees into the several Provinces of Ireland, whereof one in each to be of the House of Commons, and one chosen by the Adventurers, from whom they may expect such conti-nual Intelligence of the conditions of each Province, that they may make their Provisions accordingly.

Die Lunæ, 19 Junii, 1643.

Propounded from the Committee,
That an Ordinance may be brought in for the Adventurers, who shall now deposite a fourth part of what formerly is subscribed and paid, that they shall have so many Acres of Land added to what is allotted by the former Act of Parliament, as shall make their former proportion of Acres double to what is granted by the Act; as also for what they shall now pay upon the Ordinance, with all Privileges as formerly. And whosoever shall subscribe De novo, shall have the like double proportion of Land for his new Subscription.

The Adventurers to be set in such Province as they shall chuse.

That such as desire to plant together, may be permitted so to do, they de-claring the same at their new Subscriptions, or within a Month.

That the House declares an Act or Acts of Parliament shall be prepared in due time, to pass both in England and Ireland, for confirming whatsoever new passeth by Ordinance.

Resolved, &c.

That this House doth agree, that an Ordinance be prepared and drawn in pursuance of these Proportions.

H. Elsyng, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

Propositions touching Ireland.

Die Lunæ, 19 Junii, 1643.

For as much as many, both Adventurers for Land in Ireland and others, are willing to apply themselves by all good means for bringing that great good Work to some perfection, well knowing what consequence the loss of that Kingdom will be to this, both in relation to the Security and firm Peace of the State, and also in respect of the Cause of Religion, which must be deeply wounded in case that Kingdom should become wholly Popish: And forasmuch as the Subscriptions upon the several Acts of Parliament do not engage a third part of the Land designed to be applied to that Work by those Acts, and that the time limited for underwriting by those Acts is elapsed; we being desirous to make up what was wanting in the former Subscriptions, in some proportion to our Abilities, do humbly offer, That both Houses of Parliament will give such Encouragement, as may induce those who are Merchants, and live on Trades, to adventure considerable Sums, by passing an Ordinance in these following, or the like particulars.

That so much of the City and Suburbs of Limerick as is escheated, with the Island of Enishcattery, and the Fishings of the River, with other Immunities belonging to the City, and Twenty four Thousand Acres consiscated profitable Land, next contiguous to that City, may be secured to the Adventurers, who shall now underwrite; the said City and Land being made over to them and their Heirs, &c. in free and common soccage, as of his Majesty's Castle of Dublin, with such Immunities as are granted to the City of Bristol, and such other Privileges as be contained in the Acts of Parliament for Subscriptions on Lands in Ireland; provided the several Sums to be underwritten, do amount in the Total unto Sixty Thousand Pounds; there being reserved to his Majesty for the same, the yearly Rent of one Thousand two Hundred and Fifty Pounds per Annum,

That the Town of Galloway, in Connaught, with Twenty Thousand Acres of Land and Immunities, as abovesaid, shall be secured to such as adventure for that City and Land, provided that the Total of the Subscriptions amount unto Fifty Thousand Pounds, his Majesty's Rent one Thousand and Forty Pounds.

That the City of Waterford in Munster, with Thirty Thousand Acres of Land and Immunities, as aforefaid, shall be secured to such as adventure for that City and Land, provided the Total of their Subscriptions amounts unto Sixty Thousand Pounds; the Rent to his Majesty, per Annum, one Thousand two Hundred and Fifty Pounds.

That the Town of Wexford, with twelve Thousand Acres of Land and Immunities, as aforesaid, shall be secured to such as adventure for that Town and Land; provided the Total of their Subscriptions amount unto Fifteen Thousand Pounds; the Rent to his Majesty, per Annum, three Hundred and twelve Pounds eight Shillings eight Pence.

And seeing the course of passing Bills is so much obstructed, that the Kingdom of Ireland will be lost, if some effectual and speedy course be not taken, the Adventurers desire to be secured, that such Conditions, as shall be now passed by Ordinance, shall be turned into an Act or Acts of Parliament, for their more fit and unquestionable security; which they humbly conceive will much further the Work.

That those who have or shall underwrite any considerable Sum upon the said Propositions for Cities, and have formerly adventured, or shall underwrite for Lands in the Kingdom at large, shall be accommodated to have his Lands set out as near unto those Cities (for which he shall subscribe) as may be.

And in case the respective Sums, whereat the said Cities, Towns, and said Lands adjacent are valued, be not wholly underwritten; yet the Underwriters shall have so much in proportion out of those Cities, Towns, and Lands adjacent, as their Adventure shall amount unto, to be set forth by indifferent Commissioners to be named by both Houses.

The House doth allow of these Proportions; and it is Ordered that the House will apply their Authority for making good of the same.

H. Elsyng, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

The Form of the Subscriptions, June 24. 1643;

Whereas the Honourable House of Commons have fully condescended to the Proposuions made by the joint Committee of Adventurers, as by an Order of the 19th of June, 1643, doth appear; That so good a Work may not suffer through the want of necessary supply, which is now hoped may be soon brought to a very good condition, we whose Names are underwritten, do hereby oblige our selves to the payment of the Sums to our Names affixed at Grocers-Hall, unto Mr. James Bunce, Mr. Thomas Foot, Mr. John Kendrick, Aldermen, and Sam. Avery Esquire, Treasurers, appointed for that Service; whose Acquittance, or any two of them, shall be sufficient to entitle the said Subscribers to such Adventure, unto which they shall subscribe, and be a discharge for such other payments as shall be brought in upon the other Propositions; the several payments to be made as followeth, viz. One third with in ten Days, another third within one Month after, and the last third within two Months after that: So as all our Adventure is to be fully paid in within three Months after our said Subscription. And we whose Names are underwritten, will make our Election to which of the Propositions we will apply our Adventure, at the time of our said ftrst payment.

The King's Letter to the Lords Justices to agree to a Cessation of Arms for a year, July 2. 1643.

C. R.
Right trusty and well-beloved Counsellors, and right trusty and intirely well-beloved Cousin and Counsellor, we greet you well: The present Distractions here have rendred us as unable, as by Experience we find the remaining part of the Two Houses are unwilling, to supply or relieve our Army in Ireland; and if the Money we consented should be raised in this our Kingdom for the relief of Ireland had not been diverted by them, and rebelliously imployed against us here in England, we should not have been constrained to have hearkned to a Cessation of Arms now on that side: But since we see no other hope, during the unhappy Distempers here, to settle the Peace of that our Kingdom, but by a Cessation of Arms between us and the Irish now in Arms there, and doubt very much, how our Forces now in that our Kingdom will be there maintained, if we shall admit of a Cessation; We have thought it expedient, by these our Letters, to recommend it to your care and industry to consider seriously how our Forces on that side may be enabled to subsist during a Cessation; and if there may be means found for that, we do then hereby authorize and require you, to agree to a Cessation of Arms there for a year; and in our Name to assure the said Irish, that we are graciously inclined to dissolve the present Parliament, and call a new one, between this and the 10th of November next; and to take a course to put all those that shall be chosen Members of the said Parliament, into such a Condition, as they shall not be prejudiced of the Liberty of assisting, sitting, and voting in the said Parliament; for better effecting whereof, we do hereby farther authorize and require you, to give License to such Commissioners as the faid Irish shall appoint to come over hither to us, to treat of that business, and such other particulars (to be proposed by way of Petition) as shall necessarily conduce, not only to the settling of the said Cessation, but to a preparation of what shall be requisite for the settling of a just, honourable and perfect Peace in that our Kingdom. And we farther require, in case the said Irish now in Arms shall agree to such a Cessation and Treaty, to advertise us of some such able and sitting Ministers, or Servants of ours on that side, as you conceive fit to be sent over hither to assist in the Treaty here, when Commissioners shall come over from the said Irish; in which business we require you to use all convenient Expedition, and to give us a speedy account, for which these our Letters shall be your Warrant.

To our right trusty and well beloved Counsellors Sir John Borlace and Sir Henry Titchburn, Knights, Lords Justices of our Kingdom of Ireland; and to our right trusty and entirely beloved Cousin and Counsellor, James Marquess of Ormond, Lieutenant-General of our Army there.

Given under our Signet at our Court at Oxford, July 2. in the 19th year of our Reign, 1643.

A Commission from the Consederate Catholicks at Kilkenny, to treat for a Cessation of Arms.

A Commission from the Consederate Catholicks at Kilkenny, &c.

Whereas his Majesty's most faithful Subjects, the Consederate Catholicks of Ireland were inforced to take Arms for the Preservation of their Religion, for the defence of his Majefty's just Prerogatives and Rights, and the maintenance of the Rights and Liberties of their Country, laboured to be destroyed by the Malignant Party; And whereas his Majesty, in his high Wisdom, and Princely Care of his said Subjects Welfare and Safety, and at their humble Suit, That his Majefty might be graciously pleased to hear their Grievances, and vouchsafe Redress therein, did direct there should be a Cessation of Arms, and thereupon did authorize the Right Honourable the Lord Marquefs of Ormond to treat and conclude the faid Cessation with the said Consederate Catholicks:

KNOW YE, That the said Council, by the express Order and Authority of the said Catholicks, by them conceived in their general Assembly at Kilkenny, on the 20th Day of the last Month of May, and in pursuance of the said Order and Authority, reposing special Trust and Confidence in the Wisdom, Circumspection, and provident Care, Honour, and Sincerity of our very good Lords, Nicholas Lord Viscount Gormanston, Dannogh Lord Viscount Muskerry, and our very well-beloved Sir Lucas Dillon Knight, Sir Robert Talbot Baronet, Tirlagh O Neal Esq; Geoffery Brown Esq; Ever Mac-Gennis Esq; and John Walsh Esq; have constituted and ordained, and by these Presents do constitute, appoint, and ordain the said Nicholas Lord Viscount Gormanston, &c. our Commissioners; and do by these presents give and grant unto our said Commissioners, or any Five or more of them, full Power and Authority to treat with the said Lord Marquess of Ormond of a Cessation of Arms, for one whole year or shorter, and to conclude the same for the time aforefaid, upon such Terms, Conditions, and Articles, as to the faid Commissioners in their Judgments, Conscience, and Discretion shall be thought fit and expedient: by these Presents ratifying and confirming whatsoever Act or Acts our faid Commiffioners as aforesaid shall do or execute concerning the faid Cessation. Given at Kilkenny the 20th of June, 1643.

By the Lords Justices and Council.

An Order about the change of a Prisoner.

Fo, Borlace. Hen. Titchburn.
We the Lords Justices and Council do declare, That if Captain John Varrar be forthwith released by the Rebels, and safely sent hither, that forthwith upon his coming so released, we will give order for the releasing of Synnot, lately employed as Captain amongst the Rebels, out of Prison, the Gaolers just Dues being first paid; and will then permit him freely to depart without interruption. Given at His Majesty's Castle of Dublin, July the 8th, 1643.

  • La. Dublin
  • Ormond
  • Roscommon
  • Bramston
  • Ant. Midenfis
  • Tho. Rotheram
  • Jo. Temple
  • Fra. Willoughby
  • James Ware.

The Irish disdain to be called Rebels, but aver themselvesto be loyal Subjects.

We do not know to whom this Certificate is directed; and we will avow our selves in all our Actions to be his Majesty's Loyal Subjects, neither shall it be safe henceforth for any Messenger to bring any Paper to us containing other Language than such as suits with our Duty, and the Affections we bear to his Majesty's Service, wherein some may pretend, but none shall have more real desires to further his Majesty's Interest, than his Majesty's loyal and obedient Subjects,

  • Montgarret
  • Muskerry
  • Fr. Tho. Dublin
  • Malachias Tuamen
  • Castlehaven
  • Dudley
  • R. Bealing
  • Torlo O Neal
  • Patr. Darcy.

Reasons why the Parliament of Ireland should not be determined.

Reasons why the Parliament of Ireland should not be determined, Sept. 11. 1643.

May it please your Lordships,
According to your Lordships Order of the 11th of September, 1643. we have considered of such inconveniences as we conceive may arise to his Majesty and his Service, as Affairs now stand, if this present Parlia-ment should be determined; and have reduced the same to Writing, which we humbly present to your Lordships further Consideration.

The greatest part of the Free-holders of this Kingdom are now in actual Rebellion, whereby his Majesty ought to be justly entitled to all their Estates both real and personal: This cannot be done, but by their Conviction and Attainder, which by course of Common Law will be very difficult to be effected for these Reasons following.

First Those who are indicted in most of the Counties of this Kingdom cannot be attainted by Outlawry, by reason that the Sheriffs of those Counties, by occasion of the present Rebellion, cannot keep their County-Courts, to proclaim and make due Return of the Exigents; nor can they be attainted by Verdicts for want of Jurors, most of all the Free-holders of the Kingdom being now in Rebellion.

Secondly, Those that are not indicted, or those that are already indicted, and in Prison, or upon Bonds, cannot be proceeded against legally at the Common Law for want of Jurors, because, as aforesaid, most of the Free-holders are in Rebellion.

Therefore, of necessity, those Persons must either not be attainted at all, or only by Act of Parliament; which is scarce possible to be effected if this present Parliament be dissolved or discontinued; for that upon a new Parliament to be summoned, the Knights and Burgesses must be elected by the Free-holders and Inhabitants respectively, most whereof are in Rebellion. And yet the present Parliament will be discontinued, unless a Commission under the Great Seal of England to the now Lords Justices, or other the chief Governor or Governors for the time being, be here before the 13th of November next, being the Day of Prorogation for the beginning of the next Session of Parliament, to enable them to continue this present Parliament; the last Commission for the continuance thereof being only to the Lords Justices, one whereof is since removed: unless the Parties now in Rebellion being legally attainted, which cannot be here, as is aforesaid, as the case now stands, but by Act of Parliament, his Majesty can have Power to dispose of their Estates, as in his Wisdom he shall think fit, either for the increasing of his Revenues, or for the peaceable Establishment of this Commonwealth and indifferent Administration of Justice therein.

  • Richard Bolton Cancell.
  • Gerard Lowther
  • Sa. Mayard.
  • Geo. Shurley
  • Ja. Donnalon

Another Letter to the Lords Justices, to make a Cessation;

and after that, the Forces which were sent against the Irish to come over to assist His Majesty against his English Rebels. Sept. 7. 1643.

Another Letter to the Lords Justices.

C. R.
Right Trusty and Well-beloved Counsellors, and Right Trusty and Entirely-beloved Cousin and Counsellor, We greet you well. Whereas not only the great neglect of the Affairs of that our Kingdom, by the remaining part of Our Houses of Parliament, who pretended so great care of it, but their impious preventing all Supplies destined to their relief by Our Authority, (which did ever most readily concur to any Levy of Men, Money, or any other Work, in order to the Assistance of Our Protestant Subjects there) and employing the same in an unnatural War against Us their Liege-Lord and Sovereign, hath reduced Our Army in that Our Kingdom into so heavy streights, that out of our Care of the preservation of them, who so faithfully ventured their Lives for our Service, We were brought to condescend to a Treaty for a Cessation of Arms: Our will and pleasure is, and we do hereby charge and command you, That in case, upon the Authority given unto you by us, you have agreed upon a Cessation, or as soon as you shall agree thereupon, You, or any two of you, do immediately consider of, and put in execution these our following Commands.

I. That you agree upon what number of our Army will be necessary to be kept in Garison there, for the maintenance of the same, during the time of the Cessation; and what Soldiers they shall be, and what Persons shall command the same; and that you settle them accordingly in that Command, as shall appear to your discretion to be most conducing to our Service.

II. That you do consider and advise of the best means of transporting the rest of our Army in that our Province of Leimster, excepting such as are to be kept in Garison in our Kingdom of Ireland; and to that end, we do hereby give you, or any one of you, full Power and Authority to hire all Ships, Barks, or Vessels whatsoever, and to treat with any Persons whatsoever for the Loan, Hire, or Sale of any Ships, Barks, or Vessels, upon such Conditions as you, or any one of you, shall agree upon with them.

III. That in such time and manner as to you shall seem meet, you communicate to the Officers and Soldiers of that our Army this our intention, to make use of their known Courage and Fidelity in the Defence of our Person and Crown, against the unnatural Rebellion raised against us in this our Kingdom, and against the like laboured by the Rebels here to be raised against us out of our Kingdom of Scotland.

IV. That you signify unto them, that we are the more moved and necessitated unto this course, forasmuch as it is resolved by some ill-affected Persons in that our Kingdom of Scotland, to call over the Army of our British Subjects out of our Kingdom of Ireland, to the end to make use of them for the Invasion of us, and of our good Subjects of England. And forasmuch as this Rebellion against us, under colour of the humility of our two Houses of Parliament, hath exhausted the means appointed by the concurrence of our Royal Authority, for the sustentation of that our Army there, and by force hath stayed and taken from us all those our Revenues which might have enabled us to have supplied them in that our Kingdom; We ought in reason (besides the Bond of their Allegiance) to expect their ready concurrence against those Persons who are as well the Causers of all the Miseries they have endured, as of all the Injuries we have suffered.

V. That you assure them, both Officers and Soldiers, That upon their landing here, they shall immediately receive our Pay, in the same proportion and manner with the rest of our Army here. And you are to assure the Soldiers, That all care shall be taken, that Clothes, Shoes, and other Necessaries will be forthwith provided for them, after they are landed here; and that care shall be taken for the Provision of such as shall happen to be maimed here in our Service, and for the Payment of all their Arrears, that shall be due to any of them that shall happen to be killed in the same, to their Wives, Children, or nearest Friends. And you are to assure both Officers and Soldiers, That we will take special Care to reward all such, according to their Merit and Quality, that shall do us any eminent Service in this our War, against this odious and most unnatural Rebellion.

VI. We will and require you, and do hereby authorize you, to use your utmost Interest and Industry for the speedy transportation of this forementioned part of our Army, with their Arms, Horses, and such Ammunition, and the like, as you shall think fit, into our Kingdom of England; and particularly, if it may be, to our Fort of the City of Chester, or to the most commodious Haven in North-Wales. And for your Obedience in this, and every other of these our Commands, this shall be to you, and every of you sufficient Warrant.

Subscribed as before, For the Lords Justices, and the Lieutenant-General of the English Army.

Given at Our Court at Eudly-Castle, 7 Sept. in the Nineteenth Year of Our Reign.

Articles of Cessation of Arms, agreed and concluded on at Siggins-Town in the County of Kildare, the 15th day of September, in the Nineteenth Year of His Majesty's Reign, by and between James Marquess of Ormond, Lieutenant-General of His Majesty's Army in the Kingdom of Ireland, for and in the Name of our Gracious Sovereign Lord, CHARLES, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, &c. by Virtue of His Majesty's Commission, bearing date at Dublin the last of August, in the said Nineteenth Year of His Majesty's Reign, of the one part; and Donnogh Viscount Muskerry, Sir Lucas Dillon Knight, Nicholas Plunket Esq; Sir Robert Talbot Baronet, Sir Richard Barnwel Baronet, Torlogh O-Neal, Geoffery Browne, Ever Mac-Gennis, and John Walsh, Esquires, Authorized by His Majesty's Roman Catholick Subjects, of whose Party they are, and now in Arms in the said Kingdom, &c. to treat and conclude with the said Marquess for a Cessation of Arms, by virtue of an Authority given unto them, bearing date at Cashell the 7th day of September, in the said Nineteenth Year of His Majesty's Reign, of the other part.

Articles of Cessation of Arms with the Irish, agreed on Sept. 15. 1643.

Impr. It is concluded and accorded, That there be a Cessation of Arms, and of all Acts of Hostility, between His Majesty's said Roman Catholick Subjects, who are now in Arms, &c. In this Kingdom, and their Party, and all other His Majesty's good Subjects, for one whole Year, to begin the 15th day of September, Anno Domini 1643, at the hour of twelve of the Clock of the said day.

Item, It is concluded and accorded, That free Passage, Intercourse, Commerce, and Traffique, during the said Cessation, shall be between His Majesty's said Roman Catholick Subjects, who are now in Arms, &c. and their Party, and all other His Majesty's good Subjects, and all others in League with His Majesty, by Sea and Land.

Item, It is concluded and accorded, and the said Viscount Muskerry, and the rest of the abovenamed Persons, do promise and undertake, for and in the behalf of those for whom they are authorized to treat and conclude as aforesaid, That all Ships, Barks, and Vessels, which shall bring Provisions to any Harbour in this Kingdom in the hands or possession of such as shall obey the Articles of this Cessation, from Minehead and Whitehaven, and from all the Ports between, on that side where Wales is situate, so as they be Ships belonging to any of the said Ports, and do not use any Acts of Hostility to any of the said Roman Catholicks who are now in Arms, or to any of their Party, or to any who shall be waged or employed unto or by them, shall not be interrupted by any of their Party, nor by any Ships or other Vessels, of what Country or Nation soever, under their Power or Command, or waged, employed, or contracted with on their behalf, or by any Forts, Garrisons, or Forces within this Kingdom under their power, in their coming to this Kingdom, or returning from hence.

Item, It is concluded and accorded, and the said Lord Viscount Muskerry, and the rest of the abovenamed Parties, do promise and undertake, for and in the behalf of those for whom they are authorized as aforesaid, That all Ships, Barks, and Vessels, which shall bring Provisions to any Harbour in this Kingdom in the hands of such as shall obey the Articles of this Cessation, from any Ports in the Kingdom, having his Majesty's Pass, or the Pass of any who is or shall be His Majesty's Admiral or Vice-Admiral, or the Pass of any Governor or Governors of any the Ports in England in His Majesty's hands, or which shall hereafter during this Cessation be in His Majesty's hands, or the Pass of the said Marquess, shall not be interrupted by any of those for whom the said Lord Viscount Muskerry, and the rest of the above-named Persons, are authorized as aforesaid, neither in their coming to this Kingdom, or in their return, so as they use not any Acts of Hostility to any of their said party: And this to be a Rule until His Majesty's pleasure be further declared therein, upon application of the Agents of the said Roman Catholick Subjects, now in Arms, &c. to His Majesty.

Item, It is concluded and accorded, and the said James Marquess of Ormond doth promise and undertake, for and in the name of His Majesty, that no interruption shall be given to any Ship or Ships under His Majesty's Power and Command, or waged, employed, or contracted with, by, or in the behalf of His Majesty, or any of His Majesty's Forts, Garisons or Forces within this Kingdom, to any Ship or Ships that shall trade with any of the said Roman Catholicks who are now in Arms, &c. or any of their party, or which shall come in or go out of any of the Cities, Towns, Harbours, Creeks, or Ports of this Kingdom, in the hands of the said Roman Catholicks now in Arms, &c. with Arms, Ammunition, Merchandise, Commodities, or any thing whatsoever, during this Cessation. As on the other side, the said Donnogh Viscount Muskerry, and the rest abovenamed of that party, do promise and undertake, for and in the behalf of those by whom they are authorized, That no interruption shall be given by any Ship, or other Vessel whatsoever, under the Power and Command of their party; or waged, employed, or contracted with, by or in the behalf of their party, or by Forts, Garrisons, or Forces within this Kingdom in their power, to any Ship or Ships that shall trade with any of His Majesty's Subjects obeying this Cessation; or which shall come in or go out of any of the Cities, Towns, Harbours, or Ports of this Kingdom, which shall obey this Cessation, with Arms, Ammunition, Merchandise, Commodities, or any other thing whatsoever, during this Cessation. Provided that no Ship or Ships shall be admitted free Trade by colour of this Article, but such as are warranted by the precedent Articles.

Item, It is concluded and accorded, That the Quarters in the Province of Leimster be as followeth, viz. That the County of Dublin, the County of the City of Dublin, the County of the Town of Drogheda, and the County of Lowth, shall remain and be, during the Cessation, in the possession of His Majesty's Protestant Subjects, and of such as adhere unto them respectively; saving and excepting unto the said Roman Catholick Subjects now in Arms, &c. and their party, all such Castles, Towns, Lands, Territories, and the Lands and Hereditaments thereunto belonging, which upon the said 15th day of September 1643, at the hour aforesaid, are possessed in the said Counties or any of them, by any of the said party. And it is further concluded and accorded, That as much of the County of Meath as is on the East and South-side of the River of Boyne, from Drogheda to Trim, thence to the Lordship of Moylagh, and thence to Moyglare, and thence to Dublin, shall, during the said Cessation, remain and bein the possession of His Majesty's Protestant Subjects, and of such as adhere unto them, respectively; saving and excepting to the said Roman Catholick Subjects now in Arms, and their party, all such Castles, Towns, Lands, and Territories, and the Lands and Hereditaments thereunto belonging, which upon the said 15th day of September 1643, at the hour aforesaid, are possessed by any of the said Roman Catholick Subjects now in Arms, &c. and of their party, within the said limits and boundaries. And that the residue of the said County of Meath shall remain in the hands and possessions of the said Roman Catholick Subjects now in Arms, &c, and their party, except the Castles, Towns, Lands, Territories, and the Lands and Hereditaments thereunto belonging, which upon the said 15th of day of September 1643, at the hour aforesaid, are possessed within the said last-mentioned Quarters in the County of Meath, by His Majesty's Protestant Subjects, and such as adhere unto them, or any of them respectively. And that so much of the County of Kildare as is on this side of the Liffye, where Naas is situate, and on the other side of this Liffye, from Dublin Westward into the County of Kildare, so far as the Rye-water at Kilcock; and so far betwixt that and the Liffye, as shall be at the same distance from Dublin, as the said Rye-water is at Kilcock on the side Liffye, shall during the said Cessation remain and be in the hands and possessions of His Majesty's Protestant Subjects, and their Adherents respectively, except such Castles, Towns, Territories, and the Lands and Hereditaments thereunto belonging, which upon the said 15th day of September 1643, at the hour aforesaid, are possessed within the said Quarters by the said Roman Catholick Subjects who are now in Arms, &c. and their party. And that the residue of the said County of Kildare, shall remain in the hands of the said Roman Catholicks now in Arms, &c. and their party, except such Castles, Towns, Lands, Territories, and the Lands and Hereditaments thereunto belonging, which upon the said 15th day of September 1643, at the hour aforesaid, are possessed by His Majesty's Protestant Subjects, and their Adherents respectively, within the said mentioned Quarters in the said County of Kildare. And that the several Counties of Wicklow, Westmeath, King's-County, Queens-County, Catherlagh, Kilkenny, County of the City of Kilkenny, Wexford, and Longford, shall, during the said Cessation, remain in the hands of the said Roman Catholicks now in Arms, &c. and their party; except such Castles, Towns, Lands, Territories, and the Lands and Hereditaments thereunto belonging, which upon the said 15th day of September 1643, at the hour aforesaid, are possessed within the said County by His Majesty's Protestant Subjects, and their Adherents respectively.

Item, It is concluded and accorded, that what Corn hath been sown by any of His Majesty's Army, or by any of his Protestant Subjects, or their Adherents, or by any of them, within any of the Quarters allotted in the Province of Leimster to the said other party, the same shall be enjoyed by the Sowers and Manurers, paying for the same as they did agree; and in case they did not agree, paying the fourth Sheaf unto such Garison within whose Quarters the same shall fall. And that in case any of the said Roman Catholick Subjects now in Arms, &c. or any of their party, have sown Corn within any Quarters allotted in the Province of Leimster to the said other party, the same shall be enjoyed by the Sowers and Manurers, paying for the same as they did agree; and in case they did not agree, paying the fourth Sheaf unto such Garisons within whose Quarters the same shall fall. And it is likewise concluded and accorded, That those places which have been protected by the Lords Justices, or any Officer of His Majesty's Army, do pay according to the agreement which was made, and if no agreement were made, to pay the fourth Sheaf to those Garisons or Persons who protected them, in whose-soever Quarters they are; and this to continue for a Rule no other wife than as to so many of those Garisons who granted such Protection, and are since regained by the said party, or some of them, for whom the said Donnogh Viscount Muskerry, and the Persons above-named, are authorized as aforesaid. And that the Tenants of the Town of Ballibought in the County of Dublin, if they have not been protected, shall pay according to agreement; and if no agreement made, then the fourth Sheaf, and to continue their possession during this Cessation. And it is further concluded and accorded, that where His Majesty, or any of his Protestant Subjects or their Adherents, shall happen to have any Garison or Garisons within the Quarters set forth in the next precedent Article, or the said other party, that such Garison or Garisons shall have such competency of the Lands, as well profitable as unprofitable, now termed Waste, as shall be found necessary for them, by any indifferent Commissioners to be appointed for that purpose.

Item, It is concluded and accorded, that the Quarters in the Province of Munster be as followeth, viz. that the County of the City of Cork, and so much of the County of Cork as is within the subsequent Garisons, viz. from Youghal to Moogeely, thence to Formoye, thence to Michaels-Town, thence to Liscarrol, and so in a Line from Michaels-Town and Liscarrol Northward, as far as His Majesty's Out-garisons on that side do extend, and from Liscarrol to Wallow, thence to Cork, thence to Carrig-Croghan, thence to Rochfords-Town, thence to Bandon-bridge, thence to Timmoleagie, and thence forward to the Sea, together with the said Garisons, shall, during the said Cessation, remain and be in the possession of His Majesty's Protestant Subjects, and of such as adhere unto them; saving and excepting to the said Roman Catholick Subjects now in Arms, &c. and their party, all such Castles, Towns, Lands, Territories, and the Lands and Hereditaments thereunto belonging, which on the said 15th day of September 1643, at the hour aforesaid, are possessed in the said Counties, or any of them, by any of the said Roman Catholick Subjects now in Arms, &c. and their party. And that the Residue of the said County of Cork shall likewise remain to the said party last named, saving and excepting to His Majesty's Protestant Subjects, and their adherents, all such Castles, Towns, Lands, Territories, and the Lands and Hereditaments thereunto belonging, which on the said 15th day of September 1643, at the hour aforesaid, are possessed in the last mentioned Quarters by them, or any of them. And that the County of Tipper ary, the County of Limerick, the County of the City of Limerick, the County of Kerry, the County of Waterford, the County of the City of Waterford, and the County of Clare, shall, during the said Cessation, remain and be in the possession of the said Roman Catholick Subjects now in Arms, &c, and their party, except Knockmorne, Ardmore, Piltowne, Cappoquin, Ballinetra, Stroncally, Lifmore, Balliduffe, Lisfinny, and Tallow, all situate in the County of Waterford, or as many of them as are possessed by His Majesty's Protestant Subjects, and their Adherents, the said 15th day of September 1643, at the hour aforesaid; and likewise except all such Castles, Towns, Lands, Territories, and Hereditaments thereunto belonging, as within the said Counties respectively on the said 15th day of September 1643, at the hour aforesaid, are possessed by any of His Majesty's Protestant Subjects, or such as adhere unto that party respectively, in the said County of Waterford, and the rest of the last mentioned Counties. And 'tis concluded and accorded, That the like Rule for Corn sown, and what shall be paid by places protected, and for the laying out Wastes, for the respective Garisons, shall be observed in the Province of Munster, as it is set down for Leimster.

Item, It is concluded, and accorded, That the Quarters in the Province of Ulster be as followeth, viz. That such Counties, Baronies, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments in the Province of Ulster, which the said 15th of September 1643, at the hour aforesaid, are possessed by any of His Majesty's Protestant Subjects, or any that adhere unto them, and all places protected by any Commander deriving Authority from His Majesty, shall, during the said Cessation, remain entirely in the hands and in the possession of His Majesty's Protestant Subjects, and such as adhere unto them; excepting such Castles, Lands, and Hereditaments as on the said 15th day of September 1643, at the hour aforesaid, are possessed by the said Roman Catholick Subjects now in Arms, &c. or their party; and that all such Counties, Baronies, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, in the said Province, which on the said 15th of September 1643, at the hour aforesaid, are possessed by the said Roman Catholick Subjects now in Arms, &c. and their party, shall remain intirely, during this Cessation, in the hands and possession of the said Roman Catholick Subjects now in Arms, &c. and their party, saving and excepting thereout all places protected by any Commander deriving Authority from His Majesty; and likewise excepting thereout all such Territories, Castles, Towns, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, which on the said 15th day of September 1643, at the hour aforesaid, are possessed by any of His Majesty's Protestant Subjects or such as adhere unto them. And it is concluded and accorded, That the like Rule for Corn sown, and what shall be paid for protected places, and for the laying down of Wastes for the respective Garisons, shall be observed in the Province of Ulster, as is set down for Leimster.

Item, It is concluded and accorded, That the Quarters in the Province of Connaught be as followeth, viz. that the County of Galloway, the County of the Town of Galloway, the Counties of Mayo, Roscommon, Sligo, and Letrym, in the Province of Connaught, and all such Castles, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, in the said Province, which the said 15th day of September 1643, at the hour aforesaid, are possessed by the said Roman Catholick Subjects, now in Arms, &c. and their Party, shall, during the said Cessation, remain intirely in the Possession of the said Roman Catholick Subjects now in Arms, and their Party, excepting all such Territories, Castles, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, within the said several Counties, which upon the said 15th of September, 1643, at the hour aforesaid, are possessed by any of His Majesty's Forces, or by their Party, or by any of them; and that those, who after taking Protection of any of His Majesty's Forces, or any of that Party, or from any Governers, deriving Authority from His Majesty there, have joined themselves to the said Roman Catholick Subjects now in Arms, &c. and their Party shall pay no Contribution unto such who protected them: But in regard there may be a Rule different touching Persons that may be said to do this and consequently touching the Contributions payable by them, it is concluded and accorded, that such Disputes and Questions, if any shall arise, be determined by Commissioners, indifferently chosen on each side; and it is concluded and accorded, that the like Rule of Sowers and Manurers of Corn, within the Quarters of each other, shall be observed in the Province of Connaught, as is set down for Leimster.

Item, It is concluded and accorded, and the said Marquess of Ormond, for and in the Name of His Majesty, doth promise and undertake, that no Interruption shall be given to the said Roman Catholick Subjects now in Arms, &c. of their Party, in any of the said Counties, Quarters, or Places, by the precedent Articles, unto them or any of them limited as aforesaid, during this Cessation; like as the said Donnogh Viscount Muskerry, and the rest of the abovenamed Persons, who are authorized as aforesaid, do promise and undertake, that no Interruption shall be given unto any of His Majesty's Forces, Protestant Subjects, or such as adhere unto them, within any of the said Counties, Quarters, or Places, by the precedent Articles limited unto them, as aforesaid, during the said Cessation.

Item, It is concluded and accorded, that no Officer of the Army, or Soldier, of either side, shall be admitted without License from the Commander in Chief of the Army, on both sides, or of the Commander of the next chief Garisons respectively, to pass or repair into any Garison on either side; save that it be lawful for either Party to furnish any Garison in their power; during the Cessation, with Victuals, Cloth, Ammunition, or other necessaries by License, as aforesaid, which is not to be denied upon demand.

Item, It is concluded and accorded, that if any Army or Forces in this Kingdom, raised by His Majesty's Authority, or any part thereof, or any other His Majesty's Subjects, shall not yield Obedience to the Articles of this Cessation, but shall publickly stand in opposition thereunto, that the said Roman Catholick Subjects now in Arms, &c and their Party may prosecute such. And the said James Marquess of Ormond, doth promise and undertake, that such who shall stand in opposition, shall not be assisted, protected, or defended against the said Roman Catholick Subjects now in Arms, &c. or their Party, by His Majesty or any of His Forces; and yet nevertheless the same shall not be understood to be any breach of Cessation, as to other Parts of the Kingdom, which shall conform and yield thereunto. And whereas the Assistance of His Majesty's Forces is desired by the said Roman Catholick Subjects now in Arms, &c. against such as shall oppose the Articles of this Cessation, and will not yield Obedience thereunto, or interrupt the Trade and Traffick, albeit that it is not to be supposed that there will be any such, the said James Marquess of Ormond doth farther promise and undertake, that their said request shall be made known to His Majesty; and upon signification of His Pleasure the same shall be obeyed.

Item, It is concluded and accorded, that if in other Cases it be pretended on either side, that the Cessation is violated; that yet no Act of Hostility is immediately to follow, but first the Party complaining is to acquaint the Lord General, Lieutenant-General, or other chief Commander of either side of that Province, in which the said Cessation is pretended to be violated, therewith, and to allow fourteen days after notice given for reparation; if satisfaction be not given or rendered, then fourteen days notice to be given before hostility begin.

Item, It is concluded and accorded, that all Prisoners and Hostages of both sides, in all parts of the Kingdom, excepting such of them as are indicted of any capital Offence, shall be mutually released and set at liberty, within seven days after Publication of the said Cessation. And the said Marquess of Ormond doth farther promise and undertake, that such Prisoners who are indicted of any capital Offence shall be set at liberty upon Bail, until His Majesty's farther Pleasure be known therein; provided nevertheless, that if any Party of His Majesty's Army in any other Province of the Kingdom, shall not within ten days after publication of these Articles, yield obedience thereunto, that the same shall be no breach of Cessation, but that His Majesty be first made acquainted with such disobedience, and his direction expected therein. And that all other Persons, that do reside with either Party, and all Women and Children, shall be permitted within seven days after publishing of this Cessation, or when they please, with their Goods and Chattels, to depart to what place they please with a safe Conduct or Convoy if they desire it.

Item, It is concluded and accorded, that the said Roman Catholick Subjects, now in Arms, &c. and their Party, may at any time, during the Cessation, send such Agents to His Majesty as they shall think fit, and that the said Agents shall have safe Conduct, in writing, from the chief Governor or Governors of this Kingdom for the time being upon demand,

Item, It is concluded and accorded, and the said Marquess of Ormond doth promise and undertake, for and in the Name of His Majesty, that all and every of the precedent Articles which have been agreed unto, and undertaken by the said Marquess, for and in the behalf of His Majesty, shall be faithfully, truly, and inviolably observed, fulfilled, and kept. And the said Viscount Muskerry, Sir Lucas Dillon Kt. Nicholas Plunket Esq; Sir Robert Talbot Bar. Sir Richard Barnwell Bar. Thorlogh O-Neal, Ever Mac-Gennis, Geoffry Browne, and John Walsh, Esquires, for and in the behalf of the said Roman Catholick Subjects now in Arms, &c. and their Party, do promise and undertake, that all and every of the precedent Articles, which have been agreed unto and undertaken by them, for and in the behalf of their Party, shall be faithfully, truly, and inviolably observed, fulfilled, and kept.

Lastly, It is concluded and accorded, that all Possessions, and likewise all Goods and Chattels, that shall be found in Specie, taken by their Party, after the hour of 12 aforesaid, and before publication of this Cessation, shall be restored to the Owners; and after publication all Possessions and Goods that shall be taken to be restored to the Owners upon demand, or Damages for the same.

In Witness whereof, the said Marquess to the part of the said Articles, remaining with the said Viscount Muskerry, and the rest of the above-named Persons, hath put his Hand and Seal; and the said Viscount Muskerry, Sir Lucas Dillon Knight, Nicholas Plunket Esq; Sir Robert Talbot Baronet, Sir Richard Barnwell Baronet, Thorlogh O-Neal, Geoffry Browne, Ever Mac-Gennis, and John Walsh, Esquires, to that part of the Articles remaining with the said Marquess of Ormond, have put their Hands and Seals the day and year first above written.

  • Muskerry.
  • Lucas Dillon.
  • Nicholas Plunket.
  • Rich. Barnwel.
  • Thor. O-Neal.
  • Robert Talbot.
  • Ever Mac-Gennis.
  • Jo. Walsh.
  • Geoffry Brown.

A Proclamation concerning a Cessation of Arms, agreed and concluded on at Siggings-Town, in the County of Kildare, in Ireland, the 15th day of September, in the Nineteenth Year of His Majesty's Reign.

By the Lords Justices and Council.

A Proclamation of the Cessation, Sept. 19. 1643.

Jo. Borlafe, H. Titchburn.
Upon Consideration had of the annexed Articles of Cessation of Arms, whereby it is concluded and accorded, That there be a Cessation of Arms, and of all Acts of Hostility, for one whole Year, beginning the 15th day of September, Anno Dom. 1643. at the hour of 12 of the Clock of the said day: We the Lords Justices and Council, according to His Majesty's Letters of the 31st day of July last, do by this Proclamation, in His Majesty's Name, ratify, confirm, and publish the same: And do require all His Majesty's Subjects, whom it may concern by Sea and by Land, to take notice thereof, and yield all Obedience thereunto, and all the parts thereof.

Given at His Majesty's Castle of Dublin the 19th of September, 1643.

  • R. Bolton, Canc.
  • La. Dublin.
  • Ormond.
  • Roscommon.
  • Edw. Brabazon.
  • Ant. Midensis.
  • Cha. Lambert.
  • Geo. Shirley.
  • Gerrard Lowther.
  • Tho Rotheram.
  • Fr. Willoughby.
  • Tho. Lucas.
  • La. Ware.

God Save the King.

But before the News of this Cessation's being concluded arrived in England, the Parliament set forth the following Declaration to prevent it.

A Declaration of the Lords and Commons, assembled in Parliament, against the intended Cessation, or Treaty, with the Irish Rebels.

The two Houses Declaration against the Cessation or Treaty wun the Rebels in Ireland, published, Sept. 30, 1643.

As it is evident to all the World, that this late horrid Rebellion of the Papists in Ireland, did, without any colour or pretext of Provocation, professedly, and boldly aim at the Destruction of the Protestant Religion, the rejecting of the Laws of England, and the extirpation of the British Inhabitants out of that Kingdom: So it is no less manifest, that this Parliament of England (to whom his Majesty hath left the managing of the War against those Rebels) hath taken the Troubles of Ireland to heart, with that resentment and compassion as may evidence their Zeal to Religion, their Love to their distress'd Country-men, and Brethren there, in these times, when the like Jesuitical Practices have cast England into woful Distractions and an unnatural War, notwithstanding which the reducing of Ireland hath still been a chief part of the care of this Parliament; and God hath been pleased to bless our Endeavours with success, as that those furious, blood-thirsty Papists have been stopped in the career of their Cruelty, some part of the Protestant Blood, which at first was spilt like Water upon the ground, hath been revenged, their Massacres, Burnings and Famishings, have by a divine Retaliation been repaid into their Bosom; and the Protestant Party hath been erected to that condition of Strength and Hope, that their Enemies are constrained (distrusting their Forces) to have recourse to their Craft and Policies; and therefore by their subtile Agents at Court, and their active Instruments elsewhere, have been endeavouring now of a long time to make our Armies in Ireland disaffected to the Parliament, what by occasion of their Wants not so readily supplied as their need required, what by amusing them with these unhappy Differences fallen in here between King and People, labouring by these means to divide those Forces into Factions, to the end the main Work they have in hand might be neglected, which is the prosecuting of the War against the Rebels, so far brought low in some parts of Ireland, that if they can be deprived of the benefit of this Harvest, they are not likely to see the next Summer. And therefore the Rebels finding, that notwithstanding the Distractions here occasioning the flowness and scarceness of Supplies, yet they themselves are in a far worse Condition, being in want of most things necessary, not only for the maintaining of a War, but even of Life; the Judgment of God being remarkable upon them in this, that as their bloody and treacherous Religion made them inhumanely cruel in shedding the Protestants Blood; so now the Famine amongst many of them hath made them unnaturally and Cannibal-like eat and feed one upon another: Therefore that they may have time to expect from their Friends abroad new Supplies both of Victuals and Ammunition, and may without molestation reap the Fruit of this Harvest, they have laboured a Treaty for a Cessation; which Project of theirs doth no less aim at the overthrow of the remainder of the Protestants in that Kingdom, than their treacherous taking of Arms at first did intend the destruction of them all; for their Cessation; and Hostility, their War and Peace are alike to be esteemed of, and with those that neither in Peace nor War keep any Faith, it is best to be in perpetual Defiance: Therefore the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, according to their continued care of that Kingdom of Ireland, do in a special manner take into their Consideration the condition thereof, upon this occasion of an intended Cessation; and so much the rather, because it is feared that the Protestant Forces, thro want of Provisions for their Armies, may at last, if not relieved, be persuaded to admit of this course, in hope thereby to procure some means for their Subsisting; as also because there is too much ground to suspect, that if this Cessation should be agreed unto, they might have opportunity to joyn with the Popish Party here for their greater Strengthning; and though it were to have no influence upon this Kingdom, yet the evil Consequences of it are so many and pernicious to Ireland, that this Parliament should betray the trust reposed in them, if they did not declare against this Cessation, and use all means in time to make it prove Abortive. And therefore they desire that it may be observed and taken notice of,

First, From whence the Counsel and Design of this Cessation ariseth, even from the Rebels and Papists themselves for their own Preservation; for soon after they had missed of their Intent, to make themselves absolute Masters of that Kingdom of Ireland by their treacherous Surprizes, and seeing that this Kingdom did with most christian and generous Resolutions, undertake the charges of the War for the relief and recovery of Ireland, Propositions were brought over from the Rebels by the Lords Dillon and Tase, at which time they were intercepted and restrained by order of the House of Commons. After that, they had the boldness, even while their Hands were still imbrued in the Protestants Blood, to petition his Majesty that their Demands might be heard; and for this purpose they obtained a Commission to be sent over into Ireland to divers Persons of Quality (whereof some were Papists) to hear, receive, and transmit to his Majesty their Demands, which was done accordingly; and one Master Burke, a notorious pragmatick Irish Papist, was the chief Sollicitor in this business. After this, the just revenging God giving daily success to handfuls of the Protestant Forces against their great numbers; so that by a wonderful Blessing from Heaven they were in most parts put to the worst; then did they begin to set on foot an overture for a Cessarion of Arms; concerning which, what going and coming hath been between the Court and the Rebels is very well known; and what Meetings and Treaties have been held about it in Ireland, by Warrant of his Majesty's ample Commission sent to that Effect; and what reception and countenance most pragmatick Papists negotiating the business, have found at Court; and that those of the State in Dublin, who had so much Religion and Honesty as to dissuade the Cessation, were first discountenanced, and at last put out of their places and restrained to Prison, as Sir Will, Parsons one of the Lords Justices there, Sir John Temple Master of the Rolls, Sir Adam Loftus Vice-Treasurer of Ireland and Treasurer at Wars, and Sir Robert Meredith one also of the Council-Table.

Mr. Davis's Ships, and others.

Secondly, The Lords and Commons desire it may be observed, That during all these Passages and Negotiations, the Houses of Parliament were never acquainted by the State of Ireland with the Treaty of a Cessation, much less was their Advice or Counsel demanded, notwithstanding that the care and managing of the War was devolved on them, both by Act of Parliament, and by his Majesty's Commission under the great Seal, To advise, order, and dispose of all things concerning the Government and Defence of that Kingdom. But the wants of the Army were often represented and complained of, whereby with much craft a ground was preparing for the pretext, wherewith now they would cover the Counsels of this Cessation, as if nothing had drawn it on, but the extream wants of their Armies; whereas it is evident, that the reports of such a Treaty have been (in a great part) the cause of their wants; for thereby the Adventurers were dis-heartned, Contributions were stopped, and by the admittance to Court of the Negotiators of this Cessation, their wicked Counsels have had that influence, as to procure the intercepting of much Provisions which were sent for Ireland; so that Ships going for Ireland with Victuals, and others coming from thence with Commodities to exchange for Victuals, have been taken, not only by Dunkirkers, having his Majesty's Warrant, but also by English Ships, commanded by Sir John Penington, under his Majesty. And moreover, the Parliament Messengers, sent into several Counties with the Ordinance of January last for Loans and Contributions, have been taken and imprisoned, their Money taken from them, and not one Penny either Loan or Contribution hath been suffered to be sent in for Ireland, from those Counties which were under the Power of the King's Army, while in the mean time the Houses of Parliament by their Ordinances, Declarations, and Sollicitations to the City of London, and the Counties free from the terrour of the King's Forces, were still procuring not contemptible aid and relief for the distresses of Ireland.

Thirdly, As the Lords and Commons have reason to declare against this Plot and design of a Cessation of Arms, as being treated and carried on without their Advice; so also because of the great prejudice which will thereby redound to the Protestant Religion, and the encouragement and advancement which it will give to the practice of Popery, when these Rebellious Papists shall by this agreement continue and set up with more freedom their Idolatrous Worship, their Popish Superstitions, and Romish Abominations in all the places of their command, to the dishonouring of God, the grieving of all true Protestant hearts, the disposing of the Laws, of the Crown of England, and to the provoking of the wrath of a jealous God; as if both Kingdoms had not smarted enough already, for this Sin of too much conniving at, and tolerating of Antichristian Idolatry, under pretext of Civil Contracts and Politick Agreements.

Fourthly, In the fourth place, they desire it may be observed, that this Cessation will prove dishonourable to the publick Faith of this Kingdom, it will elude and make null the Acts and Ordinances of Parliament, made for the forfeiting of the Rebels Lands; at the passing of which Acts, it was represented, that such a course would drive the Rebels to despair: and it proves so, but otherways than was meant; for despairing of their Force and Courage, they go about to overcome us with their Craft.

Lastly, What shall become of the many poor exiled Protestants, turned out of their Estates by this Rebellion, who must now continue begging their Bread, while the Rebels shall enjoy their Lands and Houses? And who shall secure the rest of the Protestants, that either by their own Courage, Industry, and great Charges, have kept their Possessions, or by the success of our Armies have been restored? Can there be any assurance gotten from a persidious Enemy, of a Cessation from Treachery and breach of Agreement, when they shall see a fit time and opportunity? These and many other Considerations being well weighed, it will appear evidently that this design of a Cessation is a deep Plot laid by the Rebels, and really invented for their own Safety, and falsly pretended to be for the benefit of our Armies.

And whereas the Lords and Commons have no certain Information that the Treaty is concluded, but are informed by several Letters that all the Protestants, as well Inhabitants as Soldiers in that Kingdom, are resolved to withstand that Proceeding, and to adventure on the greatest Extremities, rather than have any sort of Peace with that Generation, who have so cruelly in time of Peace murdered many thousands of our Country-men, and laboured to extirpate the Protestant Religion from amongst them: So they do believe, that these rumours of a Cessation were first contrived by the Enemies of our Religion and Peace, and by their practices the Treaty was carried on with much subtilty and sollicitation, thereby to stop the sending of Supplies from thence to our Armies, and for the cooling of the Affections of those who have already shewed their Zeal to the Weal of Ireland. And therefore the only means to defeat this their Policy, and prevent the Evils intended by it, is to settle a course whereby the Armies of Ireland may be at least senced against Hunger and Cold: For which purpose it is desired, that all those who are well-affected to the Protestant Religion, either in that or this Kingdom, and all those who by their Adventures already made, have embarked their particular Interests with the publick of that Kingdom, and do desire a good return of their Engagements, would joyn their Endeavours, for obviating of that Necessity, which may be made a strong Argument to inforce a destructive Cessation of Arms, and that they would not thro too much suspicion and jealousie of it forbear the providing of Supplies, and so occasion that inconvenience which they ought by all means to prevent: for by so doing, they will lose all their former pains and charge; and the withholding of Provisions now, will gain credit to that calumny laid against this Kingdom, of neglecting the Armies of Ireland; and by the continuing of Supplies, these Forces will be encouraged to continue the War, and so crown both their Work and ours. And lastly, the Rebels seeing Assistance against them still flowing from hence, must needs be out of hope of prosecuting or concluding this their design. The cry of much Protestant Blood, the great indigency of many ruined Families, the danger of our Religion almost exiled out of that Kingdom, calls for this last Act of Piety, Charity, Justice, and Policy from us, which being resolved on, Letters are to be dispatched to the several parts of that Kingdom, to encourage the Commanders and Soldiers upon the aforesaid Reasons and Assurances, that they may not hearken to such an unjust and deceitful Counsel, and as by their prosecuting of the War, thro God's Blessing they have successfully resisted the Rebels Cruelty, so they may upon this occasion beware they be not over-reached by their craft.

All which the Lords and Commons do earnestly desire, may be seriously taken to Heart by all the Kingdom, and that from those other Encouragements, mentioned at large in the Ordinance of the fourteenth of July last, and such as now are offered, a course may be taken, whereby such a constant weekly Contribution may be settled, as will supply to the Armies in Ireland the mere necessities of Nature, which may be more punctually and seasonably transmitted unto the several parts of that Kingdom, according to their respective wants, that so the Benefit and Honour of so pious a Work happily begun, and successfully hitherto carried on, may not be lost when so little remains to be done; and that the saving of a Kingdom, the re-establishing of so many Protestant Churches, the repossessing of so many thousand Christians, into their Estates, may not be deserted and let fall to the ground, for a little more pains and cost.


  • 1. Dismal Effects of the Irish Insurrection, fol. 80.