Historical Collections: July-December 1643

Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 5, 1642-45. Originally published by D Browne, London, 1721.

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John Rushworth, 'Historical Collections: July-December 1643', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 5, 1642-45(London, 1721), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol5/pp341-387 [accessed 14 March 2025].

John Rushworth, 'Historical Collections: July-December 1643', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 5, 1642-45(London, 1721), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol5/pp341-387.

John Rushworth. "Historical Collections: July-December 1643". Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 5, 1642-45. (London, 1721), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol5/pp341-387.

In this section

An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament; Touching the Great Seal of England.

Nov. 11. 1643.

Whereas the Great Seal of England, which by the Laws of this Realm ought to attend the Parliament, being the Supreme Court of justice and Judicature within this Realm, for the dispatch of the great and weighty Affairs of the Common-wealth, which is especially Interested and Cancerned therein, was above a Year last past, that is to say, the Two and Twentieth day of May, Anno 1642. by the then Lord-Keeper thereof, Edward Lord Littleton, then a Member and Speaker of the House of Peers in Parliament, contrary to the great Trust in him Reposed, and duty of his place, Secretly and Perfidiously conveyed away from the Parliament into the Kings Army, raised against the Parliament; the said Lord-Keeper departing therewith into the said Army, without the Leave or Privity of the said House; by means whereof, great Mischiefs and Inconveniencies have ensued to this Kingdom? and the Kingdom of Ireland.

And whereas the said Great Seal ought constantly to remain in the Hands and Custody of one or more Officer or Officers, (Sworn for that Service) and to be used and imployed for the weal and safety of His Majesties People; which notwithstanding hath been divers times sit hence the Conveying away thereof as aforesaid, put into the Hands of other Persons not Sworn, and Popishly and Dangerously affected, who have had the disposing and managing thereof at their own Wills and Pleasures, and hath been Traiterously and Permicously abused, to the Ruine and Destruction of the Parliament and Kingdom, by Granting and Issuing out divers Illegal Commissions of Array, and other Unlawful Commissions for raising of Forces against the Parliament, by Issuing out most foul and scandalous Papers, under the Name and Title of Proclamations, against both Houses of Parliament, and divers Members thereof, and others adhering to them, and Proclaiming them Traitors and Rebels; Commissions of Oyer and Terminer, to proceed against divers of them, as Traitors, and other Commissions to Seize and Confiscate their Estates, for no other Cause, but for doing their Duties and Services to the Common-wealth; as likewise by granting that horrid Commission, for executing of that most Bloody and Detestable design of Waller, Tompkins, and others, for the Destruction of the Parliament, and City of London, and of the Army raised for their just Defence; and (as if Massacres and Assassinations had been but light and venial Crimes) another Commission hath been Granted under the same Seal for a Cessation of Arms with the barbarous and bloody Rebels in Ireland, after the Effusion of so much Innocent Blood, and Slaughter of above One Hundred Thousand Protestants, Men, Women, and Children, by their Merciless and Bloody Hands; whereby a Cessation of Arms is accordingly Concluded; and these brutish Rebels hereby imboldned to prepare themselves, not only for a total Extirpation of the Protest ants remaining there, but for a Conquest also of this Kingdom: And further by Granting of several Commissions, and Officers of Trust and Command, to Notorious Papists, who by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, are made uncapable thereof; and by Conferring of Honours and Dignities, and Granting of Lands and Estates to divers Exorbitant Delinquents, who stand legally Impeached of High Treason, and other high Crimes and Misdemeanours in Parliament.

All which, and many other unlawful and Enormous Acts have passed under the said Great Seal, since the removal thereof from the Parliament, as aforesaid: Which the Lords and Commons taking into their Consideration, and finding all ways and means obstructed for the procuring of any Redress from His Majesty in the Premisses, notwithstanding their long Hopes, and uncessant Labours for the obtaining thereof, are bound in Duty, and Necessity to provide some speedy Remedy for these insupportable Mischiefs.

Be it therefore Declared and Ordained by the said Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, that as well all and every the said Acts formerly mentioned, which have palled under the said Great Seal; as also all Letters Patent and Grants of any Lands, Goods or Estates, of any Person or Persons whatsoever, for adhering to the Parliament, all Compositions or Grants, of any Wardships, or Leases of any Wards, Lands, Liveries, Primer Seizins & Oasterles maines since the said 22d of May, 1643 which have not according to the due Course of Law, passed through the Court of Wards and Liveries, established by Law All Grants since the said 22d of May, 1643, of any Honours, Dignities, Mannors, Lands, Hereditaments, or other thing whatsoever, to any Person or Persons, which have voluntarily contributed, or shall voluntarily contribute any any Aid or Assistance to the Maintenance of that unnatural War raised against the Parliament, and all Pardons granted to any such Person or Per sons, and all other Acts or Things whatsoever, contrary to or in derogation of the Proceedings of both or either of the Houses of Parliament, which have passed under the Great Seal since the removal thereof from the Parliament, shall be and are hereby declared to be utterly invalid, void, an of none effect, to all Intents and Purposes.

And that all and every Act or Thing which after the Publication of this Ordinance shall pass by or under the said Great Seal, or under any Great Seal of England (other than what is hereby appointed and established) shall be utterly void, frustrate, and of no effect; and every Person or Persons which shall put the same in use, or shall claim any thing thereby, shall be held and adjudged a publick Enemy of this State.

And be it further ordained by the said Lords and Commons, that a Great Seal of England already by them made and provided, shall be forthwith put in use, and shall be and is hereby authorized and established to be of like Force, Power and Validity to all Intents and Purposes as any Great Seal of England hath been or ought to be.

And that it shall be put into the Hands and Custody of the Persons hereafter named, who are hereby ordained Commissioners for that purpose, that is to say, John Earl of Rutland and Oliver Earl of Bullingbrooke, Members of the House of Peers, and Oliver St. Johns Esq; his Majesty's Solicitor-General, John Wilde Serjeant at Law, Samuel Brown and Edmund Prideaux Esqrs; Members of the House of Commons; which said Persons, or any three or more of them, whereof one Member or more of the Lords House, also one Member or more of the House of Commons shall be present, shall have and are hereby authorized to have the keeping, ordering and disposing thereof, as also all such and the like Power and Authority as any Lord-Chancellor or Lord-Keeper or Commissioner of the Great Seal for the time being hath had, used, or ought to have.

H. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

But the Earl of Rutland alledging himself not so well read in the Law as might qualify him for such a Charge, desired to be excused; and Ruthin Earl of Kent was nominated in his 100m.

The new Seal delivered to the Commissioners, Nov. 30.

On Thursday the last of November the new Seal was carried by the Speaker of the Commons, attended with the whole House, to the Lords, and delivered to the Speaker of that House, who in the Presence of both Houses delivered the same to the Commissioners, who then took the Oath for the due Execution of their Places, the Speaker of the Peers swearing the two Lords, and Mr. Brown the Clerk of the Lords House, the four Commons; and the Seal was ordered to remain at the said Mr. Browns' House in an Iron Chest, with three different Locks, and not at any time to be removed thence but in the Presence of three of the Commissioners.

A Declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament.

The Lords and Commons taking into Consideration the miserable Distractions and Calamities with which this whole Kingdom and Nations is now infested, the Fate and cruel Effects of an unnatural Civil War being, too visible and apparent in all the Parts thereof, and the Power of the Sword so prevailing, as that the publick Justice of the Kingdom cannot be expected to be administered in a just and indifferent way, but that the judges and Ministers thereof may be terrified and awed by the Power of armed Men, and also for preventing of Inconveniences which may happen by Assemblies of Multitudes of People in those Times of such miserable Distractions, have thought fit to order, and the said Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled do ordain and declare, that the several judges and justices of the the Assize, and Nisi Prius, and Officers of Oyer and Terminer, and Goal Delivery and their Associates, and the Clerks of Assize, and every of them, of, or within any of the Counties, or Cities of England, and Dominion of Wales, do forbear to Execute any of the said Commissions, or to hold, or keep any Assizes, or Goal Delivery, at any time during this Summer Vacation; Or to Issue any Warrant for Summoning the Assizes within any County, in which they shall be appointed Judges and Justices; and if they have already Issued out any, that they forthwith Revoke, and recall the same; And herein their ready and perfect Obedience is Expected and Required, as they will Answer the Contempt and Neglect here of before the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled.

Die Lunæ 10 July, 1643.

Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled That this Declaration shall be forthwith Printed and Published.

J. Brown, Cler. Parliamentorum.

By the King.

A Proclamation prohibiting from henceforth all intercourse of Trade between Our City of London, and other Parts of Our Kingdom, until other Direction given by Us.

The Kings Proclamation forbidding Trade with London, &c. July 17, 1743.

Where as out of Our tender Care to Our City of London, and in hope to reduce them to their due Obedience to Us, We, by Our Proclamation bearing date at a Our Court at Oxford, the English day of December now last past, did Declare Our Royal Pleasure to be, That there should be no Stop or Interruption to any Our Loving Subjects, as they should Travel to Our City of London, with any Cloaths, Wares, or Merchandize, but that they should freely and peaceably pass, without any Letter, Trouble, or Molestation whatsoever; which Grace and Favour unto them, have in these many Months wrought this contray Effect, That above all other parts of this our Kingdom, a prevalent Faction of that City (which over-rules the whole) hath so far joined with, and in, that horrid Rebellion, that it hath Denounced War against the whole Kingdom, by violent opposing all the possible ways to Peace; and so that City formerly Famous for their Loyalty and Love to their Sovereigns, is now become the Head of that Traiteous Faction, and the Receptacle of all such as are Disaffected to Our Government, and the Laws of the Kingdom: And not only willingly Consents and Submits to all Burthens, and Impositions laid upon them for the Support and Maintenance of the Rebellious Armies raised against Us, but Maliciously prosecutes, and pursues all such who are but suspected to with well to Our Service. And when We Pitying the desperate and deplorable Condition of Our People, were graciously Pleased to desire a Treaty for an Accommodation, and propounded, that whilst that Treaty should continue, there might be a Cessation of Arms, and a free Commerce for all Our Loving Subjects in all parts of Our Kingdom, that so the Benefits of Trade and Commerce being enjoyned, Our good People might be more in Love with Peace; yet this Motion thus proceeding from us, was nevertheless by special Incitation from the City of London, (which by the grace of our said Proclamation, enjoyed the said Advantages of the whole Kingdom) scornfully neglected by the Enemies of Peace, and Intercourse interdicted to Our City of Oxford, the present Seat of Residence for Our Court and Army; and that Restraint is continued upon all those who are thought to be Serviceable, or but well Affected to us: We therefore being thereunto enforced out of this Necessity, and finding that the Trade and Commerce of the Kingdom, which ought to be maintained for the publick benefit of all our good People, is be this use and Inverted only for the Advantage of those Places and Persons which cherish this Rebellion; the Goods and Merchandize of such who are thought well-affected to us, being seized when they are brought to London, We have thought it fit and reasonable, to Revoke and Recal that Our former Acts of Grace and Favour; And by this Our Proclamation, We do Publish and Declare to all our Subjects, that whosoever of them, either in their Persons shall from henceforth Travel into the City of London, without License from Our Self, or one of our Principal Secretaries of State, the Generals, or the Lieutenant-Generals of our Armies, or the Governours of any of Our Towns, Castles, or Forts, or with their Goods, Goods, Cattel, Victual, or Merchandize of any sort whatsoever, shall from henceforth travel to or for our said City of London or Suburbs thereof, without our express License for the same under our Sign Manual, shall adventure the same at their own Perils, we being resolded by all possible means to seize the same; and that all those who from any Parts of this our Kingdom shall furnish or serve our said City of London or Suburbs thereof, either by Sea or Land, with any Victuals, or other Provisions, or with any Merchandize to maintain them their Trade, as long as they shall obstinately stand out in Rebellion against us, we shall esteem at Persons disaffected to us and to our Government, and as Aiders and Assisters to the Rebels, and shall accordingly deal with them and proceed against them; and that this Restraint shall continue upon them till such times as the Inhabitants of the said City, finding their Errors, shall return to their due Obedience to us, straitly commanding all the Officers of our Armies, and all other our Officers and Ministers and loving Subject in all Places thro' which any Person, Goods, Cattel, Victual or Merchandize shall pass or be conveyed towards the City of London, to apprehend the Persons, and seize and detain the Goods, till upon speedy notice to us they shall receive our speedy further Directions, we hereby assuring them that they shall receive part of such Goods so seized in Satisfaction, and for their Reward; but for the continuing of the general Trade and Commerce of the Kingdom, and the Manufactures thereof (which we desire to uphold and advance) we leave all our Subjects to trade freely in and to all other Parts, and in and to all other Ports or Havens of this our Kingdom, not being in actual Rebellion against us, and from those Ports to trade with their Merchandize freely into any other Parts whosesoever beyond the Seas, being in Amity with us, without any Restraint whatsoever.

Given under our Sign Manual at our Court at Oxford this 17th Day of July, in the 19th Tear of our Reign.

God Save The King.

A Petition of the Divines of the Assembly, delivered to both Houses of Parliament, July 19, 1643.

To the Right Honourable the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament.

The humble Petition of divers Ministers of Christ, in the Name of themselves, and of sundry others,

The assemblies Petition, July 19.

Humbly sheweth,
That your Petitioners upon serious Consideration, and deep Sense of God's heavy Wrath lying on us, and hanging over our Heads, and the whole Nation, and manifested particularly by the two late sad and unexpected Defeats of our Forces in the North and in the West, do apprehend it to be our Duty, as Watchmen for the Good of the Church and Kingdom, to present to your religions and prudent Consideration these ensuing Requests, in the Name of Jesus Christ, your Lord and ours.

First, That you would be pleased to command a publick and extraordinary Day of Humiliation this Week throughout the Cities of London, Westminister, the Suburbs of both, and Places adjacent within the Weekly Bills of Mortality, that every one may bitterly bewail his own Sins, and cry mightily unto God, for Christ his Sake to remove his Wrath, and to heal the Land, with professed and new Resolutions of more full Performance of the late Covenant for the Amendment of our Ways.

Secondly, That you would vouchsafe instantly to take it into your more serious Consideration how you may most speedily set up Christ more gloriously in all his Ordinances within this Kingdom, and reform all things amiss throughout the Land, wherein God is more specially and more immediately dishonoured; among which we humbly lay before you these Particulars.

1. That the brutish Ignorance and palpable Darkness possessing the greatest part of the People in all Places of the Kingdom, whereby they are utterly unfit to wait upon God in any holy Duty (to the great Dishonour of the Gospel, and the everlasting endangering of their poor Should) may be remedied, by a speedy and strict Charge to all Ministers constantly to catechize all the Youth and ignorant People (they being commanded to be subject to it) and all sorts to be present at it, and Information to be given of all Persons who shall withstand or neglect it.

2. That the grievous and heinous Pollution of the Lord's Supper, by those that are grosly ignorant and notoriously prophane, may be hence forth with all Christian Care and due Circumspection prevented.

3. That the bold venting of corrupt Doctrines, directly contrary to the sacred Law of God and religious Humiliation for Sin, which open a wide Door to all Libertinism and Disobedience to God and Man, may be speedily suppressed every where, and that in such manner as may give hope that the Church may be no more infected with them.

4. That the Profanation of any part of the Lord's-day, and the Days of solemn fasting, by buying, selling, working, sporting, travelling, or neglecting of God's Ordinances, may be remedied, by appointing special Officers in every Place, for the due Execution of all good Laws and Ordinances against the same.

5. That there may be a thorough and speedy proceeding against blind Guides and scandalous Ministers, by whose Wickedness People either lack or loath the Ordinances of the Lord, and Thousands of Souls perish, and the removal of the Ark from among us is (to the trembling of our Hearts) evidently threatened; and that your Wisdoms would find out some way to admit into the Ministry such godly and hopeful Men as have prepared themselves, and are willing thereunto, without which there will suddenly be such a Scarcity of able and faithful Ministers, that it will be to little purpose to cast out such as are unable, idle, or scandalous.

6. That the Laws may be quickened against Swearing and Drunkenness, with which the Land is filled and defiled, and under which it mourneth.

7. That some severe Course be taken against Fornication, Adultery, and Incest, which do greatly abound, especially of late, by reason of Impunity.

8. That all Monuments of Idolatry and Superstition, but more especially the whole Body and Practice of Popery, may be totally abolished.

9. That Justice may be executed on all Delinquents, according to your religious Vow and Protestation to that purpose.

10. That all possible Means may be used for the speedy Relief and Release of our miserable and extremely distressed Brethren, who are Prisoners in Oxford, York, and elsewhere, whose heavy Sufferings cry aloud in the Ears of our God; and it would lie very heavy upon the Kingdom should they miscarry, suffering as they do for the Cause of God.

That so God, who is now by the Sword avenging the Quarrel of his Covenant, beholding your Integrity and Zeal, may turn from the Fierceness of his Wrath, hear our Prayers, go forth with our Armies, perfect the Work of Reformation, forgive our Sins, and settle Truth and Peace throughout the Kingdom.

And your Petitioners shall ever pray, &c.

This Petition being read in both Houses, Answer was returned to the Divines that presented it, to this effect:

That the Petition was very well approved; that both Houses had agreed to have a publick Fast in all the Places mentioned in the Petition on the Friday then next following, being July 21. (which accordingly was very solemnly performed by both Houses of Parliament, and the Assembly all together, as well as by the Cities): And that they would take the other Particulars into speedy Consideration.

His Majesty being ready to receive the Sacrament from the Hands of the Lord Archbishop Usher, rising up from his Knees, and beckoning to the Archbishop for a short Forbearance, said,

The King's Protestation to the Lord Primate of Ireland, and the Congregation at Christ-Church in Oxford, July, 1643.

My Lord,
I Espy many resolved Protestants, who may declare to the World the Resolution I do now make. I have, to the utmost of my Power prepared my Soul to become a Worthy Receiver: And may I so receive Comfort by the blessed Sacrament, as I do intend the establishment of the True Reformed Protestant Religion, as it stood in its Beauty, in the happy days of Queen Elizabeth, without any Connivance at Popery. I bless God, That in the midst of these publick Distractions, I have still liberty to Communicate: And may this Sacrament be my Damnation, if my Heart do not joyn with my Lips in this Protestation.

A Declaration of the Commons assembled in Parliament, concerning the Rise and Progress of the grand Rebellion in Ireland.

Declaration concerning the Rise and Progressos the Rebellion in Ireland, July 25. 1643.

The Commons in Parliament do observe, That the grand Design of altering Religion throughout His Majesties Dominions, had a more special Influence in Ireland, as being more remote from View, and more propense to receive such Impression, and therefore they think fit to call to mind (as introductive to that which follows) some particular Footsteps, by which Popery hath been advanced, and true Religion discountenanced in that Kingdom, Since the Access of His Majesty to the Crown of England.

See sol. 24.

In the Second Tear of His Majesty's Reign, certain Proportions were set on foot in Ireland, the scope whereof was to auteur and indulge Popery in that Kingdom, as namely, to suspend all Proceedings against the Papists, for being married, or for procuring their Children to be Christened by Popish Priests, to allow the suing out of Liveries & Ouster Lesmains by the Papists, without taking the Oath of Supremacy; with many like Privileges to the Papists. The Design being to bring in a more publick Toleration of the Popish Religion in that Kingdom, for a sum of Money to be paid to his Majesty for the same. These Propositions and Designs were so gross and scandalous, that even the then Bishops of Ireland, by a Writing under their Hands, bearing Date the 26th of November, 1626. did make a Protestation, setting forth how grievous a Sin it was to consent to such Toleration of Popery, and that to grant it in respect of any Money to be given, were to set Religion to sale, and withal, the Souls of the People whom Christ hath Redeemed with his precious Blood. And that, as it was a great Sin, so they did conceive it of most dangerous Consequence, as by the said Protestation herewith Printed may appear: And although the House of Commons in their Remonstrance made in the third Year of his Majesty's Reign, did truly inform that even then the Popish Religion was openly prosest in every part of that Kingdom, that Monasteries and Nunneries were then newly erected and replenished with Men and Women of several Orders, that this might prove of evil Consequence, if not seasonably repressed, therefore most humbly besought His Majesty, to lay the serious Consideration thereof to his Royal and Pious Heart, and that some speedy Course might be taken for Redress therein; Yet how this faithful and timely Advice of the Bishops of Ireland, and the Commons of England, was followed, and what speedy Course was taken for Redress therein, will appear by this which infues. For,

In the beginning of the Fourth Year of his Majesty's Reign, upon the Agreement of certain Agents, sent from Ireland to his Majesty, (all or most part of them being professed Papists) these propositions and Graces, with many like Additions, were granted and confirmed by his Majesty, in consideration of One hundred and twenty thousand Pounds, to be levied in three Year upon the Kingdom in general, as well upon the Protestants as upon the Papists: How great an encouragement to the Papists this was, and what an insufferable pressure to the Protestants, that besides the illegal imposing it upon them, without their Consent in Parliament, they must be compelled to purchase with their money, Tolerations and Immunities for the Papists, let even those Men judge who will be stilled the moderate and honest Protestants, whil'st with all their Faculties both of Body and Mind, they strive to advance Popery, and to root up the Protestant Religion, and the Liberty of the Subject.

Many potent and notorious Papists have been created Peers by his Majesty, whereby the Votes of the Popish Party in the Lords House (too many before) are much encreased; and those Papists become more powerful and more exemplary in their respective Countries, to the great encouragement and growth of Popery, and discouragement to the good people of that Kingdom.

That when by direction of the Lord Chancellor Loftus, and the Earl of Cork, then Lords Justices, Proceedings were begun against the Papists, upon the Statute of 2 Eliz. for not coming to Church, and the Judges in their Circuits gave that Statute in charge, and Indictments were framed thereupon, Directions were sent from England, to suspend and stay all Proceedings upon that Statute, when by taking the penalty imposed by that Statute, being Nine pence, for absenting from Church Sundays and Holidays, the poor Protestants there might have been eased of many heavy Payments and Taxes which were after imposed upon them, and the Papists either brought to Conformity, or else kept so under, that this Rebellion, if not wholly prevented, yet could not have proved so universal, and so bloody as now it is.

That the late Earl of Strafford being the King's Lieutenant there, did by his great Favourite Sir George Ratcliff, one of his Majesty's Privy Council of that Kingdom, hold Correspondency with the Popish Clergy, and particularly with Paul Harris, a known Priest, who had both publick and private Access to Sir George Ratcliff all times, as well by night as by day.

That in March, 1639. the Earl of Strafford carried with him into Ireland Sir Toby Matthews, a notorious pernicious English Jesuited Priest, (banished at the beginning of this Parliament, upon the Importunity of both Houses lodged this Priest over against the Castle of Dublin, the House where the Earl did himself reside, and from whence this Priest daily rode to the publick Mass-houses in Dublin, and negotiated the engaging of the Papists of Ireland in the War against Scotland.

When the late Lord Chancellor Loftus and the Earl of Cork were Lords Justice they endeavoured to suppress the Mass-houses in Dublin, and to convert them to pious uses; one, which was in the Street called the Back-lane, they disposed of to the University of Dublin, who placed a Rector and Scholars in it, and maintained a weekly Lecture there; to which Lecture the Lords Justices and State of Ireland did usually resort, to the great countenancing of the Protestant Religion there: But after the Earl of Strassord came to the Government, the Lecture was put down, the Scholars displaced, and the House became a Mass-house, as formerly it had been.

That divers Monasteries and Nunneries were newly erected immediately before the Rebellion brake forth in divers parts of that Kingdom: That at the Naas, where the Earl of Strassord had his chief Seal and Resort, Convents of Friars, namely, Augustines, Franciscans, Dominicans, were not only permitted, but also an house built there by the said Earl, for another purpose, (as he pretended) soon after the Building was converted to a Friery, by the Connivence of the said Earl.

That the Popish Irisn Army was kept on foot there for a long time after the beginning of this Parliament, contrary to the Advice and frequent Desires of both Houses of Parliament; and to the great furtherance of this Rebellion, by teaching those barbarous Villains the knowledge of Arms, under the notion of sighting against Scotland, but now made use of to extirpate both English and Scots from the Kingdom of Ireland.

And that Lead might not be wanting to the compleating of this intended Rebellion, (as it had been in the last great Rebellion there, to the great disadvantage of the then Rebels) the Silver-mines of that Kingdom (which do afford great store of Lead, and therefore fit only to be in the hands of Protestants of known Integrity) were farmed out by his Majesty to most pernicious Papists, namely, Sir George Hamilton, Sir Basil Brook, and the like; and upon the discovery of the Plot for the surprising of the City and Castle of Dublin, divers Barrels of Musket-Bullet were found (upon search) in the house of the said Sir George Hamilton in Dublin.

Before this Rebellion brake forth, the Earl of Strafford (well knowing the ready way to endear his Prince, was to promote his profit) had by a violent endeavour entitled his Majesty by Office to the whole Counties of Roscommon, Mayo, Slego, Galloway and Clare, and to a great part of the Counties of Limerick and Tipperary; by which means a door was opened, not only to encrease his Majesty's Revenue in a very great proportion, but therewith to settle a Plantation of English Protestants, to the advancement of Religion, and safety of that Kingdom: And however the proceedings of the Earl herein were not to be justified in all points, yet when the Committee was sent from Ireland, at the beginning of this Parliament, to complain of divers Grievances, they had no particular Directions to mention this for one; neither did that Committee ever attend his Majesty, to complain thereof, or desire a Redress therein, (conceiving the mentioning thereof would exceedingly distaste His Majesty) until His Majesty freely offered to depart with his Title to the former Proprietors. But on the contrary, the Lords Justices and Council of Ireland, apprehending the great advantage of this Service, did by their Letters exceedingly importune his Majesty, that he would not part with his Title to those Counties and Lands; and that the Plantation of English Protestants might proceed as was formerly intended. But when those mischievous Councils, (now only prevalent with his Majesty) found that the Parliament had both discovered and interrupted them in some measure, and that their Design could be no longer carried on by fraud and subtilties, as before; and had therefore projected this hideous Rebellion, then the Lord Gormanstown, Sir Donnaugh Mac Carthy Knight, now Lord Viscount Muskerry, Nicholas Plunket, Uncle to the Earl of Fingal, Sir Roe-buck Lynch, and Jeffery Brown, a Lawyer, all principal and active Rebels now in Ireland,) and Thomas Bourke, (who was named a Commissioner in the late Commission to Treat with the Rebels, and whose Father, Brothers, and Kindred are all now in Rebellion, being the chief of the Popish part of that Irish Committee) were consulted and caressed at Whitehall; and they, or some of them without the privity of the rest of that Committee, had divers private Conferences with the King in the Queens Presence: And what clandestine Agreement was made with those Rebels may easily be imagined, when upon their private mediation his Majesty was induced to giveaway those five whole Counties, with a great part of the Counties of Limerick and Tipperary, after so great an endeavour had been used for divers years together to entitle his Majesty to the same; and all this for a Rent of 2000l. or thereabouts, when as, in finding the Offices, searching Records, and admeasuring these Counties and Lands, the King had expended out of his own Coffers Ten thousand Pounds and upwards. And this Service of entitling the King was before that time esteemed such a Master-piece of the said Earl, that some Persons who came over to complain against the Earl for the same, were imprisoned here, and after rent into Ireland to be farther dealt with as the said Earl should think fit.

Neither is it improper to observe upon this occasion, the extreme Difference between this Superlative Indulgence to the Irish Papists, by this unusual Bounty, and that exquisite piece of Injustice offered to the City of London, in the cafe of Londonderry and Colrain; which shews the Land of Ireland is worth the owning, where no greater Compensation is proposed for the parting therewith: And his Majesty was drawn to tell the Committee for Ireland, That now since he was content to part with so much of his Right, he expected they would recompence him some other way,

Immediately after, (namely in August before the Rebellion) they returned into Ireland, where how they bestirred themselves, by seconding their Letters and Messages with their personal Sollicitations, did appear by the Sequel, for that the Three and twentieth of October following, this Rebellion brake forth in Ulster.

To these violent Presumptions may be added that which is expresly proved by Archdeacon Maxwell, a Learned Divine, who testifies in his Examinations taken in Ireland, That he heard Tirl. igh Oge O Neale, Brother to Sir Phelim O Neale, the Arch-Rebel of Ulsier, consess, That this business (meaning the Rebellion) was communicated by the Popish Irish Committee to the Papists in England, who promised their Assistance; and that by their Advice, some things formerly Resolved on were altered; saying, it was a good Omen, and undoubted Sign of Divine Approbation, that the Parliament of Ireland should send over a Committee into England, the major part whereof were Papists. And Mac Maboun, who was to join with the Lord Mac Guire for the surprizing the Castle of Dublin; being taken and Examined at the Rack, Consested, that the Original of that Rebellion was brought to them out of England, by the Irish Committee employed to his Majesty for Redress of Grievances, as by the Examination of James Piesty Gentleman, herewith Printed may appear.

And as these Irish Papists did Negotiate in both Kingdoms, so the Earl of Castlehaven, a Peer of this Realm; (that sate here in Parliament at the beginning thereof, but now a Notorious Rebel in Ireland) Mr. Porter, Son to Endimion Porter, who declared himself a Papist in Ireland, Sir Bazill Brooke, the Popish Treasurer for the Monies raised by the Queens Solicitation for the War against the Scots; Mr. Andrew Brown, a Lawer of Lincolns-Inn, heretofore Expelled thence for being a known Papist, with divers other dangerous English Papists, went out of England into Ireland, the Summer before the Rebellion brake forth, and were very active there.

Colonel Mervin's Examination. William Stuart Esq; Examination. Henry Steuarts Examination.

It these Circumstances preceding the Rebellion, and divers others the like Nature, be not enough of themselves to open the Eyes of the World, it hath pleased God to discover such subsequent Evidence of this kind, that may serve to convince the greatest Unbeliever. Therefore (not repeating any of the Proofs set forth in that Answer to His Majesties Message of the 13th of August, 1642. but reserring to the same herewith Printed, to which no Reply hath yet been made) they think sit to add to that Evidence this which follows; namely, the general Prosession of the Rebels in all Parts of that Kingdom, that the cause of their Rising was to preserve his Majesty and the Queen from being opprest by the Puritan-Parliament, and that it was by their Consent. That they knew well the best in England would side with them; that they had good Warrant in Black and White for what they did. Their calling the English Army Parliament Rogues, and Traitors to the Queen, and telling them at the beginning of the Rebellion, before any appearance of War here, that ere long they should see England as much in Blood as Ireland then was. That they had their Party in England and Scotland, which should keep both Kingdoms so busie at home, that they should not fend any Aid against them, with a multitude of such like Expressions from the Irish of the best Quality and Degree; as may appear by the Examinations of Colonel Audley Mervin, William Steuart Esq; Henry Steuart Gent, herewith Printed, and by divers other Proofs. And although these Expressions proceed from Rebels, yet concurring with a multitude of other Proofs, and found true in a great part by sad Experience, they are not inconsiderable.

In the same Month of October, where in the Rebellion of Ireland brake forth, the Lord Dillon of Costelough, (an Irish Peer, now in Arms against the Parliament and Kingdom of England) went out of Scotland from his Majesty into Ireland, bringing his Majesties Letters (which obtained by Mediation of the Queen) to be presently Sworn a Privy-Counsellor of Ireland; who when he had taken the Oath of a Privy-Counsellor, endeavours to be useful to the Rebels, presents to the Lords, Justices, and Council, from many of the Gentry and Inhabitants of the County of Longford, (all in Rebellion) a Rebellious and Scandalous Letter in the Nature of a Remonstrance, full of pretended Grievances, and unreasonable Demands: As namely, to have freedom of Religion, a repeal of all Laws made to the contrary, and the like; as by the said Letter herewith Printed may appear.

In December after the Rebellion, the same Lord Dillon together with his Brother-in-Law, the now Lord Taaffe, (a notorious Papist) repaired into England, bringing with them several Papers and Instructions in Writing from the Lord Gormanston, and other Lords and Gentlemen of the Pale, all now in Rebellion, to Negotiate for them to his Majesty; and as they sollicite with his Majesty here on the behalf of the Rebels, so do they sollicite the Rebels from hence in the name of his Majesty, to persist in their wicked Rebellion, as appears by the Testimony of Mr.Jephson, a Member of the house of Commons lately delivered at a Conference before both Houses in these Words, viz.

At my late being, at: Oxford, finding the Lord Dillon and the Lord Taffe in Favour at Court, I acquainted the Lord Fauikland, His Majesties Secretary that there were Two Lords about the King, who to His Majesties great Dishonour, and the great Discouragement of His good subjects, did make Use of His Majesties Name to Encourage the Rebels: To make this appear, I informed that I had seen Two Letters sent by the Lord Dillon and the Lord Taaffe, to the Lord of Muskerie, the chief man in Rebellion in Munster, and One of the Jrish Committee.sent into England, intimating that though, it did not stand with the conveniency of 'His Majesties Affairs to give .him publick Contenance, yet that his Majesty was well pleasted with he did, and would in time give him Thanks for it; (or near to that purpose.) That these Letters were seen by the Lord Inchiquine, the chief Commander of the English Forces in Munster, and by his Secretary, who had kept Copies of them; and that, I was ready to justifie as much, Whereupon the Lord Faulkland was pleased to say, That they deserved, to be Hanged. But though I stayed there at Oxford about a, Week after this discovery made; I never was called to any farther Accompt, nor any prejudice done to these Two Lords, but they had the same freedom in Court as before, for ought I could observe or hear to the contrary. Thus far in Mr. Jephson's own Language, a Man of known .Honour and Integrity,

That since thisdiscovery made to the Lord Faulkland by Mr. Jephsan, the same Lord Taaffe, one Roche, and William Brent a Lawyer, active Papists, with Letters from majesly, went from Oxford to Dublin: And upon Thursday before Whitsuntide 1643, in the Evening, (taking with them one Colonel Barry, a prosest Papist) and pretending for Connaught, slipt away to Kilkenny, where the Tuesday following was a general Assembly of all the chief Rabels. When they ha, d done their Errand, Barry was left Lieger at Kilkenny, among the Rebels; the Lord Taaffe, returned to Dublin, and upon Friday the 9th of June, 1643. the Lord Taaffe, with divers of the Privy-Council of Ireland, that favour'd the Rebels, met at the Marquis of Ormond's House, where the Propositions, which the Lord Taaffe brought from the Rebels were Rebated. The Lord Taaffe is since gone into Connaught, Brent is come back to Oxford to give an Accompt of this Imployment.

By this, which hath been thus truly related, every Man may condtrne what was meant by His Majesties not Consenting that the Parliament should send a Committee into Ireland the last year, to endeavour the carrying on the War against the Rebels, upon pretence that the Earl of Leicester was presently to go over thither, who is yet remaining at Oxford. That when that Committee had prevailed with the Lords Justices and Council, and with many of the prime Commanders, and other Officers of the Army in Leimster, to subscribe by way of Adventure for Land in Ireland to be setled by a new Bill, very considerable Sums which were to be deducted out of their Irespective Entertainments, and were in a fair and hopeful way to induce most of the Officers of that Kingdom to do the like, which would have been a principal means under God; to have quickned the managing of that War, when the Officers that must do the work should have been engaged in Interest, as well as Honour, to prosecute the same with vigour and effect, and would have lessened the insupportable charge of that War, and in all probability would have encouraged the Adventurers in London and elsewhere, to have proceeded cheerfully to a second Subscription. Then to render this endeavour fruitless, one Captain Tarner did confidently affirm, that tbose which had, or should subscribe, were Enemies to the King, a thing so incredible, that few could believe it, till the same Man went to Oxford; and upon his return to Dublin, assured the Lord Marquis of Ormond and the Officers, That he had discoursed with His Majesty, about this way of Subscription, and that his Majesty did not approve of the same: Whereupon those who had Subscribed did withdraw their Hands, and the rest were wholly discouraged, finding His Majesty to dislike of that way, which he had formerly approved of, by His Assent to the Propositions presented to Him at Dover; and by His Royal Assent to four Acts of parliament, all made in pursuance of these Propositions.

That about this time a Commission was sent over, to meet with the Rebels, and to hear what they Could say, or propound for. themselves; which Commission was directed to the Lord Marquis Ormond, the Commander in Chief of the Enslish Armies, there, (whose Duty was to Fight, and not to Treat with the Rebels;) and to some other Commissioners, among whom the said Thomas Bourk, that had an hand in contriving this Rebellion, was One, and who brought the said Commission in Ireland, and confidently delivered the same at the Council Table, to the Amazement of all the Council then present, that were not acquainted with the Plot.

And whereas by an Act of Parliament, it is provided, That all the Monies paid in upon that Act, shall be employed for the speedy and effectual subduing of the said Rebels, by sending over into the said Realm of Ireland, and disposing there such Forces of Foot and Horse, Monies, Ammunition Victual, and all other Things necessary for a War, in such manner at the Lords and Commons in Parliament shall from time to time direct.

And whereas the Lords and Commons, finding that from the Battle of Kilrush, which was fought in April 1642, till October following, the Army in Lemster had not been so active as was expected: and therefore to quicken, the War, to inform themselves of the Wants and Defects of the Army, and of all other Things that might enable them the better, To send thither, and dispose of there (according to that Statute) such Forces, Monies, Ammunition and Necessaries, as were requisite for that Service, thought it very expedient to send into Ireland a Committee for that Purpose, Members of the House of Commons, but Authorized from both Houses; who carrying With them above Twenty Thousand Pounds in ready Money, besides great Store of Powder, Match and other Ammunition, and hazarding their lives in the Winter Season, meerly for the good of that Kingdom, might justly have expected a cordial welcome there But when those that now appear too evidently to favour the Rebels, saw, that during the abode of the Committee there, Parties Were continually sent forth to destroy the Enemy; that the Committee engaged their own particular Credits, to take up Monies for the Relief, and setting forth of the Army; That the Commission sent over to Treat with the Rebels, was not like to have so good Success as was wish'd by them, so long as the Committee were present at the Council-Table, where all the Proceedings against the Rebels were promoted and concluded. A Letter was sent from his Majesty to the Lords Justices and Council, to this Effect; That His Majesty took Notice, that without his Consent or Privity, they had admitted of one Master Robert Goodwyn, and one Master Reynolds, to be present it their Debates; who thereupon were become so bold, as to Vote with them, a Thing of such Presumption, as none of their Predecessors would have done or suffered: And therefore His Majesty did require the Lords Justices and Council, not to admit them any more, that he knew of no Business those Men had in his Kingdom of Ireland, but is they had any, they should make their Addresses like other of His Subjects; and did upon their Allegiance, charge the Lords Justices and Council to take care that those Persons did not sow Sedition among his good Subjects. And 'tis observable, that this Letter, (like that which accompanied the Commission to Treat with the Rebels) was only Sign'd with His Majesty's Hand, without any Secretary's Hand to avow the same. That it was brought over by the Marquis of Ormond's own Secretary, who was sent very secretly to Oxford a little before. That altho' both Houses before the sending over of their Committee, had acquainted His Majesty therewith by Letter, and sent him a Copy of the Instructions, which they had given to their Committees, to which Letter and Instructions, an Answer was returned by Sir Edward Nicholas, as from His Majesty, acknowledging thereby, that the Instructions were the same in effect which his Majesty had given to the Earl of Leicester; Yet after all this, His Majesty was pleased to say in that Letter, that he knew of no Business those Men had in his Kingdom of Ireland.

And 'tis further observable, that a Committee sent by the Authority' of both Houses of Parliament, (who had both the Charge and Managing of the War referred unto them;) to negotiate and consult with a State in Distress for their own Good, where every Privy-Counsellor satc overed in Council, there such a Committee so qualified should make their Addresses like other of his Majesty1s Subjects: that is to say, should stand bare-headed at the back of the Council day by day, from morning to night, and humbly beseech them to save the Kingdom of Ireland, and consequently their own Estates, at the proper Cost and Charges of the Parliament and Kingdom of England, who sent them thither. Lastly, the Commons cannot conceive what is meant that the Justices and Council are straitly charg'd in that Letter, upon their Allegiance, not to lusser the Committee to sow Sedition among his Majesty's good Subjects, unless to stir up and incite the English Soldiers in the Pay of the Parliament, to proceed vigorously against those bloody Irish Rebels, be construed as the sowing of Sedition among his Majesties good Subjects, for that the Irish Rebels, should now be esteemed his Majesty's good Subjects, is more than probable by that which follows. Sir William Breveton, Knight of the Shire for the County of Chester, a Man of Honour and Religion, by his Letter to the Speaker of the House of Commons, dated from Leverpool in Lancasbire, the 7th of June, 1643, and herewith likewise printed, after some Account given of his happy Proceedings in those Parts, writes in this manner.

'Within few days after this victory, there landed out of two Barques many Irish Rebels in Werrall in Chesbire, some whereof acknowledged, in the Presence of divers sufficient Men, who affirmed the same unto me; that they had washed their Hands in the Blood of several English and Scotch in Ireland, and now hoped to wash their Hands in the Blood of Englishmen in England; which Rebels being brought unto Chester, were accused by several of those poor English who sled from Ireland to Chester f'or Refuge, to be the Persons who cut their Husbands Throats, others, that they ripped up their Childrens Bowels. The Country wherein they first arrived did apprehend so much distast, that they did all rise with their best Weapons, and apprehend divers of the Irish Rebels, but being unarmed, not having past seven or eight Musqueteers, they could not make good their Prisoners, who were rescued out of their Hands by a Troop of Horse which came from the Commissioners of Array, who also seized about 28 of our honest Country-men Prisoners, These Irish acknowledge they came from Strangford, and that there are 1200. some speak of 10000 more to follow after, a sby the said Letter herewith printed may appear.

So these Irish Rebels were taken for good Subjects, and set at liberty, and the honest Men that had had taken them, imprisoned in their Stead.

And that the Councils now Predominant at Oxford, and the supreme Council of Rebels at Kilkenny are equally his Majesty's good Subjects, and do aim at one and the same thing, and are concurring and aiding one another, as well by Sea as by Land, is apparent by that which follows,

The Commissioners authorised to Command the King's Forces in the West, viz. The Lord Mohun, Sir Ralph Hopton, and others, by an authority derived unto them under the Great Seal of England, as they express themselves, do grant Commissions or Letters of Mart, for the apprehending, seizing, and taking for his Majesty's Service, all Ships and Vessels, belonging to the Cities, Towns and Ports of London, Exeter, Hull, Portsmouth, Dartmeuth, Barnstable, Biddeford and Plymouth, or belonging to any other Cities, Towns, or Ports of England, &c. As by a Commission or Letters of Mart, bearing date the first of June, 1643, under the Hands and Seals of the Lord Mohun, Sir Ralph Hopton, and Sir John Barklay herewith likewise Printed may appear.

On the other side the Rebels of Iceland, by the name of the supreme Council of the Confederate Catholicks of Ireland, do grant Commissions or Letters of Mart, for the taking of all his Majesty's Enemies, and the Enemies of the general Catholick Cause now in hand in that Kingdom of Ireland, as by a Commission dated the 5th of March, 1642. granted by the said Supreme Council, to one Francis Oliver, a Flemming, herewith likewise printed may appear.

And as the Ships in his Majesty's Service do gratifie the Rebels of Ireland, in seizing the Ships that bring Provision for the Relief of the English Army in Ireland, as appears by the Examination of John Davice, Esq; Commissary of Victual for the Province of Ulster who testifieth as followeth:

That a Ship, called The Michael of London, whereof Sydrake Pope was Master, was sent for France by the said John Davice, with 648 Hides, which were to be sold, and converted into Corn, for the Relief of the Army in Ulster: This Ship, by foul Weather in December 1642, was forced into Falmouth in Cornwal, where the was seized on by Sir Nicholas Slanning, and by him sent into France; and the Proceed of the Hides returned to him, in the said Ship, in Powder, Match, and Ammunition: That about April 20, 1643, a Ship belonging to William King of Dover, laden with. Wines and Salt from France, and bound for Carricksergus in Ulster, upon the account of the said John Davice was taken at Sea by one Richard Jones, Captain of a Ship set out from Falmouth by His Majesty's Warrant; and as well the Ship as the Goods were sold at Brest in France by the said Jones: so the Rebels of Ireland do in like manner gratifie His Majesty, by commanding the Ships set forth by them to examine all English Ships at Sea, whether they be for the King or Parliament; and if they be for the King., to let them go; but if for the Parliament, to take and Pillage them, as may appear by the Examinations of Christopher, Hussal, and Mark Roche, two Irish Seamen of Wexford in Ireland, who were taken upon the Coast of Yarmouth in Norfolk, and June 12. 1643. examined before the head Officers of Yarmouth, and authentick Copies of those Examinations sent up to the House of Commons, and herewith Printed.

The Earl of Antrim, a. notorious Rebel, was taken by the Scots Army in Ulster, and Imprisoned there, upon suspicion of High-Treason: To avoid his Tryal, he brake Prison, and fled into the North parts of England, and hath been with the Queen at York a long time; from whence he was sent to the Rebels of Ulster, with secret Instructions, and had Ammunition assigned him by the Queen's directions: And what care was taken of his Ammunition will appear by a Letter dated at York, the 8th of May, 1643. written by Serjeant-Major Rosse, to that Apostata Sir Hugh Cholmey, Governor of Scarborough, intercepted by the Lord Fairfax, and sent up to the House of Commons; wherein Cholmey is in treated to have such care of the Ammunition appertaining to the Lord of Aboyn, as he shall have of the Lord Antrim's Ammunition, for Mr. Jermin hath desired him to write these Lines; as by the Letter herewith also Printed may appear; and what relation M. Jermin hath to the Queen is well known to the World. Since this care taken of the Ammunition of the Earl of Antrim, and the Lord of Aboyn, the Earl of Antrim is taken the second time by General Major Monroe, in the County of Downe in Ireland as he was returning from the Queen to the Rebels of Ulster, with divers Letters, Instructions, and Papers: And by the Confession and Deposition of the Earl of Antrim's own Servant (who was taken with his Master, and since Condemned and Executed) it is evident that there was, and doubtless yet is, an impious Design on foot to reconcile the English and Irish in Ireland; and that by their joynt power having expelled the Scots, the Irish Forces there might be sent against the Parliament of England. The Earl of Antrim and the Lord of Aboyn, (whose Arms assigned them by the Queen for this purpose were taken care of by M. Jermin) as appears by the said Letters from Serjeant-Major Roffe) and the Earl of Niddisdale, were Three principal Agents employed in this horrid Plot. And that it may clearly appear to the whole World from whence all our Miseries and Calamities do proceed, the same Lord of Aboyn, by his Letter directed to the Earl of Antrim then with the Queen, bearing date at Carlisle, the 8th of May, 1643. and taken in the Earl of Antrim's Pockets, among the rest of the Letters and Papers, writes in these words; My Lord, being certainly informed by Niddisdale's-Servant, That there is a new Order since we parted, for stopping of the Ammunition, I have taken occasion to intreat your Lordship by this Bearer, that I may know the particulars of it. I must confess, it surprizeth me, that any distance should alter so seasonable a conclusion: And certainly, I shall never deserve to be made the Instrument of frustrating the hopes of those parts, which should have been enabled by this Supply: I am persuaded there is scarce another mean to make our Fidelity useless for Her Majesty's Service. And lastly, desires the Earl of Antrim in that Letter, to against the Queen with these effects of his Ingenuity, as by the said Letter herewith likewise Printed may appear. And that it might appear to the Rebels of Ireland, that the Earl of Antrim was accounted His Majesty's good Subject, and had his Majesty's approbation for what he was to act there, he was furnished with a Pass from the Earl of Newcastle, in these words:

William Earl of Newcastle, Governour of the Town and County of Newcastle, and General of all His Majesty's Forces raised in the Northern parts of this Kingdom, for defence of the same: To all Colonels, Lieutenant-Colonels, Serjeant-Majors, Captains, and all other His Majesty's loving Subjects of England and Ireland. For a such as the Right Honourable the Earl of Antrim is to Travel to Dublin in Ireland, and other parts of that Kingdom, these are therefore to desire and require you, and every of you, to whom this shall come to be seen, to permit Him and his Servants quietly and peaceably to pass and repass into those Parts, and back again, without any molestation or interrupt ion: And further, I do hereby require all Post Masters, Constables, and other Officers, to furnish the said Earl and his Servants, with so many Post-Horses as they shall have need of from Place to Place, and Stage to Stage for all the said Journey, He and They paying the usual Rates for the same. And hereof you, or any of you may not fail at your Peril.

Given under mine Hand and Seal, the 4th day of May, 1643.

Signed, William Newcastle.

Neither can it be imagined, That the Earl of Newcastle, a Privy-Counsellor, and a great Commander under His Majesty, durst have adventured to have given such a Pass to so notorious a Rebel, without express Warrant so to do; which Pass; together with the said Letters, were sound in the Earl of Antrim's Pockets, and were sent by Major General Monroe into Scotland, from whence authentick Copies were sent hither, which are like wise herewith Printed, together with a Declaration of the Lords of His Majesty's Privy Council in Scotland, and Commissioners, for conserving the Articles of the Treaty, dated at Edinburgh the 9th of June, 1647. concerning the apprehending and employment of the Earl of Antrim, with their sense upon the same; as also a Letter sent from Major-General Monroe (who took the said Earl of Antrim) to the Committee appointed by the House of Commons for the Affairs of Ireland, bearing date at Carrickfergus the 23d of May, 1643. To which may be added, the Earl of Antrim's own Confession, who was examined before Major-General Monroe and a Council of War, the 12th of June, 1643. and in his Examination confesses, That he came into Ireland with the Lord of Newcastle's Pass, and with private Instructions for making of Peace; and Master Steuart, another Servant of the said Earl of Antrim, and taken with him, being likewise Examined the said 12th of June, 1643. before the said General Monroe and Council of War, and threatned with Torture, except he would declare by whose Warrant and direction the said Earl of Antrim had undertaken that Imployment, faith, That as the Ammunition and Arms was to be furnished by the Queen's Order and Command: so that he doubts not but the Earl of Antrim's imployment and others was directed by Her Majesty.

But yet to come nearer home, The House of Commons, among a numerous Company of Proofs of this kind, too many to be all related, shall conclude with the Testimony of John Dod, late Minister of G0D's Word at Annegilliffe in the County of Cavan, in the Province of Ulster in Ireland, who was examined at the Bar of the House of Commons, and after before a select: Committee of the said House, and testifieth, That after he had suffered many Miseries in this Rebellion of Ireland, he repaired into this Kingdom, and some occasions carrying him to Oxford, he flayed there seven Weeks, and came out of Oxford the 13th of June, 1643. That during his stay there he, saw a great number of Irish Rebels, whom he very well knew to have had a hand in the most barbarous actions of that Rebellion; as the dashing of small Infants in pieces, the ripping up of Women with Child, and the like, among whom was one Thomas Brady, who at Turbet in Ireland, within seven Miles where the said Dod lived; as 36 old Men, Women, and Children, not able to flee, were passing over a Bridge, caused them all to be thrown into the Water, where they were all Drowned; that this Brady is now at Oxford, in great favour, and Serjeant-Major to Colonel Piercy his Regiment; that he law there Three Franciscan Fryars, namely, Bryan O Gormuly, Anthony mac Geochagan, and Thomus Nugene; and Three Jesuits, namely, Lawrence Sutton, Philip Roth, and Edmund 0 Rely, who were all very earnest for the Cause, and daily encouraging the Soldiers to sight against the Round-beads, and for I hat purpose have listed themselves in the Lord Dillon's Troop, as was affirmed by divers; they go very brave and are called Cornets: That there arc daily and publick Meetings at Mass, in almost every Street there; and veri'y believes in his Conscience, That for one Sermon Preached, there are four Masses said now at Oxford; That he saw Sir John Dungan there, a Man accused of High-Treason in Ireland, for being in the Rebellion, and fled into England, who hath a Commission for a Troop of Horse; The Lord Barnewall of Trimblestown, and his Son, who hath a Commission for a Troop a Horse, and is now gone into Wales to raise them; A Son of the Lord Newterfield, who hath gotten a Command likewise; that as near as he can possibly compute, there was then at Oxford above 3000 Rebels; and that most of the King's Life-Guard are Irish; by all which it may appear, That the Irish Rebels are not only esteemed His Majesty's good Subjects, but even the best of His Subjects, when they thus are admitted so near His Majesty's own Person.

Upon the whole matter, no Man can think, that this Rebellion in Ireland, so barbarous and bloody, that One Hundred and Fifty Four Thousand Protestants, Men, Women, and Children, English and Scotch, were Massacred in that Kingdom, between the 23d of October, when the Rebellion brake forth, and the 1st of March following, by the computation of the Priests themselves that were present, and principal Actors in all those Tragedies, and were directed by some chief Rebels of Ireland to take this computation, lest they should be reported to be more bloody than in truth there was cause: All which appears by the Examination of the said Arch-deacon Maxwel, who lived as a Prisoner a long time with St. Phelim O Neil's Mother, and was there when this Computation was brought in.

No Man can believe, That this horrid and unparallel'd Rebellion should be the undertaking of the Rebels alone, being set On soot when a Parliament was sitting in England that could not dissolve without its own consent, when all Nations prosessing the Romish Religion, were at Peace with England, and so engaged at home, that the Rebels, in reason, could not expect any considerable assistance from them, nor could think themselves able to encounter England, or Scotland either, much less both together, being so concerned and engaged by, Religion, and the common Interest of both Kingdoms, to suppress, by all means possible, so insufferable an Insurrection: So that to imagine the Nobility, Gentry, and in a manner, the whole Kingdom of Ireland, who at that time enjoyed more freedom of Religion, than they had done for many Years before, should thus desperately engage their Lives and Estates in so wicked, so rash art enterprise, without being encouraged, incited, nay, commanded from England, with assurance both of connivance and assistance too, were to deny them to be reasonable Creatures.

And therefore the House of Commons, abundantly satisfied in their own Consciences and Judgments of the truth thereof, (though with deep sorrow and amazement) cannot but declare to the World, That by all these concurring Circumstances and convincing Proofs, (to which nothing can be added, save a witness, to confess that he was present at the making of the Bargain, which no Man will expect in a Conspiracy of this horrid and high importance) that this unheard of and monstrous Rebellion of Ireland, was projected, incited, and assisted, by those Councils now only prevalent with his Majesty.

That the Queen, with Her Romish Priests, the Papists of all His Majesty's Three Kingdoms, have been principal Actors and Sticklers herein. That now those bloody Rebels have, in a manner, rooted out the Protestant Religion in Ireland, there is a design to pardon them, and to bring them into England to do the like. That no earthly power is likely, in humane reason, to withstand this damnable. Plot, but the Power of the Parliament in England, which is now declared by a late Proclamation, to be no free Parliament, to be null, and of none Effect;' and all possible endeavour used, by strength and stratagem, to destroy the same. So that unless the Royal Blood of King James, and the innocent Blood of the Protestants of Ireland, do lie as a crying and stupendous Guilt upon this Nation; which GOD hath determined at this time to Revenge and Retalliate: The House of Commons do conceive it impossible, that so many of those which would be thought the honest and moderate English Protestants should any longer be blinded and led on, to joyn with German, French, Walloon, English, Scotch, and Irish Papists; and thereby to Surrender up at once, the Protestant Religion, the Parliament, Liberties and Laws of England, into the hands of Papists and Strangers; that so this Renowned Kingdom may be no more a Nation.

Die Martis, 25 Julii, 1643.

It is this day Ordered by the House of Commons, That the Ministers of every Parish, within the Kingdom, shall Read this Declaration in their several Churches and Chapels on the next Fast-Day after the same shall come to their Hands, after the ending of the first Sermon, and before the beginning of the next.

H. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. Dow. Com.

There were annext to this Declaration, many Examinations, and other Papers referred unto therein, some of which we have inserted in their proper Places, and the rest to avoid Tediousness omit.

To the Honorable the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of the Commons House in Parliament Assembled.

The Humble Petition of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London in Common Council Assembled.

A Petition of the City of London against Propositions Kent from the Lords, Aug. 7.

That your Petitioners having heard That such Proportions and Offers have been lately sent from the House of Peers to this Honorable House; which (as we greatly fear) if yielded unto, would be destructive to Our Religion, Laws and Liberties; And finding already by Experience, that the Spirits of all the Well-affected Party in the City and Counties adjacent, that are willing to assist the Parliament, both in Person and Purse, are much dejected thereat, and the Brotherly Assistant from Scotland, as well as the Raising and Maintaining of Forces Our Selves, thereby likely to be Retarded; (all which the Petitioners refer to your Serious Consideration;) And considering our present sad Condition lies upon as in a special Manner, through the incensed Patience of the Almighty, by delay and want of Execution of justice upon Traitors and Delinquents; And having an Opportunity yet afforded no to Speak; Our Desires are,

That you would be pleased so to persist in your former Resolutions, where upon the People have so much depended, and wherein you have so deeply engaged your Selves, (though you should perish in the Work) that Justice may be done upon Offenders and Delinquents. And that since we are as willing as ever to expose what we Are, and Have, for the Crowning of so good a Cause, you will be pleased by speedy passing the Ordinance hereunto annext, or one to this Effect to put us into a probable Way for our and your Defence, wherein your Petitioners will, by the Blessing of God, never be wanting,

But will ever Pray.

There was annext the Draught of an Ordinance for Impowering a Committee to Lift Men, and receive Subscriptions from such as should Offer the same. The Petitioners had the Thanks of the House, with promise speedily to take the Particulars of their Petition into Consideration.

The same Day many Citizens and Inhabitants of London went down in great Multitudes to Westminster, whereupon the Commons pass'd this Order.

Die Lunæ, 7 Augusti, 1643.

It is this day Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, That it be Recommended to my Lord Mayor of London to take some Course to prevent all Tumults.

The Mayor in pursuance thereof set forth a Proclamation, prohibiting all Persons within the City, and the Liberties thereof, from making any Unlawful Assemblies, or Printing any Papers to be dispersed to that End, upon pain of Incurring the utmost Penalty of the Law to be Inflicted upon all such Offenders.

To the Honorable the House of Commons in Parliament Assembled.

The Humble Petition of many Civilly-Disposed Women, Inhabiting in the Cities of London, Westminster, the Suburbs and Parts adjacent.

The Womens etition presented, Aug 9.

That your poor Petitioners (though of the weaker Sex) do too sensibly perceive the ensuing Desolation of this Kingdom, unless by some timely means your Honours provide for the speedy Recovery thereof. Tour Honours are the Physitians, that car by Gods Special and Miraculous Blessing (which we humbly Implore) Restore this Languishing Nation, and our Bleeding Sister, the Kingdom of Ireland, which hath now almost Breathed her last Gasp.

We need not Dictate to your Eagle-Ey'd Judgments the Way; Our only desire is, That Gods Glory in the True Reformed Protestant Religion may be preserved, the just Prerogatives and Privileges of King and Parliament maintained; The true Liberties and Properties of the Subjects, according to the known Laws of the Land, Restored; and all Honorable Ways and Means for a speedy Peace endeavoured.

May it therefore please your Honours, That some speedy Course may be taken for the Settlement of the true Reformed Protestant Religion for the Glory of God, and the Renovation of Trade for the Benefit of the Subject, they being the Soul and Body of the Kingdom.

And your Petitioners, with many Millions of Afflicted Souls, Groaning under the. Burthen of these Times of Distress, shall (as bound,) Pray, &c.

The Womens Tumult at the House of Commons, Aug. 7.

This Petition was brought up by two or three Thousand Women but generally of the meanest fort, with White Silk Ribons in their Hats, and was by some of their number presented to the House of Commons, who Received and Read the same; And sent out Sir John Hepsley and two or three Members mere to return them an Answer, That the House were no ways Enemies to Peace, and that they did not doubt in a short time to Answer the Ends of their Petition, and desired them to return to their Habitations. But the Women not satisfied, remain'd thereabouts; and by Noon were encreased to 5000 at the lest; and some Men of the Rabble in Womens Cloaths, mixt themselves amongst them, and instigated them to go on to the Commons Door, and Cry Peace, Peace, which they did accordingly, thrusting to the Door of the House at the Upper-Stairs-head; and as soon as they were pass'd, a part of the Trained-Band (that usually stood Centinel there) thrust the Soldiers down, and would suffer none to come in, or go out of the House for near Two Hours; The Trained-Band advised them to come down, and first pulled them; and afterwards to fright them, Shot Powder; But they cry'd out, Noting but Powder; and having Brickbatts in the Yard, threw them apace at the Train-Band, who then Shot Bullets, and kill'd a Ballad-Singer with one Arm, that was heartning on the Women, and another poor Man that came accidentally. Yet the Women not dausted, cry'd out the louder at the Door of the House of Commons, Give us these Traitors that are against Peace, that we may Tear them to pieces Give us that Dog Pym, 358. At last, Ten of Waller's Troopers, (some of them Cornets) having his Colours in their Hats, came to pass by the Women, who would needs have the Soldiers Colours out of their Hats, and took away the Ribons from Two of them, and call'd them Waller's Dogs, etc. Whereupon they drew their Swords, and laid on some of them Flatways, but seeing that would not keep them off, at last cut them over the Hands and Faces, 'and one Woman lost her Nose; whereof' twas Reported, the afterwards Died. As soon as the rest of the Women law Blood drawn, they ran away from the Parliament House, and scatter'd themselves in the Church-yard, the Palace-yard, and Places adjacent. And about an Hour after the House was up, a Troop of Horse came, and Cudgell'd such as staid with their Canes and dispersed them. But unhappily a Maid Servant, that had nothing to do in the Tumult, was shot as she pass'd over the Church-yard; The Trooper that did it, was sent to the Gate-House, in order to his Trial for her Death; but he alledged his Pistol went off by mischance. Serjeant Francis, and one Mr. Pulford were committed for encouraging this Female Riot.

Die Lune, 21 Augusti, 1643.

An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament; For the utter Demolishing, Removingand taking away of all Monuments of Superstition or Idolatry.

The Lords and Commons in Parliament taking into their serious Considerations, how well pleasing it is to God, and conduceable to the Blessed Reformation in his Worship, so much desired by both Houses of Parliament, That all Monuments of Superstition or Idolatry, should be removed and demclished do Ordain, That in all and every the Churches and Chapels, as well Cathedral and Collegiate, at other Churches and Chapels, and other usual places of publick Prayer, authorised by Law Within ship Realm of England and Dominion of Wales, all Altars and Tables of St one, shall before the first day of November in the year of our Lord Cod 1643, be utterly, takes away and Demolished; And also all Communion, Tables removed from the East end of every such Church, Chapel, or place of publick Prayer, and Chancel of the some, and shall be placed in some other fit and convenient place or places of the Body of the said Church, Chapel, or other such place of publick Prayer, or of the Body of the Chancel of every such Church, Chapel, or other such place of publick Prayer', and that all Rails whatsoever, which have been erected near to, before, or about any Altar, or Communion Table, in any of the said Churches or Chapels, or other such place of publick. Prayer as aforesaid, shall before the said day to likewise taken away; and the Chancel ground of every such Church or Chapel, or other place of publick Prayer which hath been within twenty years last past, raised from any Altar or Communion Table to stand upon, shall before the said day be laid down,. and leveled as the saw was before the said twenty Tears last past; And that all Tapers, Candlestick, and Basons, shall before the said day be removed and taken away from the Communion Table, in every such Church, Chapel, or other place of publick Prayer, and neither the same, nor any such like shall be used about the same at any time after the said day, And that all Crucifixes, Crossesy and all Images and Pictures of any one or more Persons of the Trinity, or of the Virgin Mary, and all other Images and Pictures of Saints, or Super stitious Inseriptions in, or upon all and every the said Churches or Chapels, or other place of publick Prayer, Church-yards, or other places to any the said Churches and Chapels, or other place of publick Prayer, belonging, or in any other open place, shall before the said first day of November be taken away and Defaced, and none of the like hereafter permitted in any such Church or Chapel, or other places as afore said.

And be it further Ordain'd, That all and every such removal of the said Alter, Table of Stone, Communion Table, Tapers, Candlesticks and Basons, Crucifixes and Crosses, Images and Pictures as afore said, taking away of the said Rails, leveling of the said grounds, Shall be done and peasormed, and the Walls, Windows, Grounds, and other places which shall be broken, impairedor altered by any the means aforesaid, shall be made up and repaired in good and sufficient manner, in all and every of the said Parish-Churches or Chapels, or usual places of publick Prayer belonging to any Parish, by the Churchwarden, or Churchwardens of every such Parish for the time being respectively, and in any Cathedral or Collegiate Church or Chapel, by the Dean or Sub-Dean, or other chief Officer of every such Church or Chapel for the time being; and in the Universities, by the several Heads and Governours of every Colledge or Hall respectively, and in the several Inns of Court, by the Benchers and Readers of every of the same respectively; at the Cost and Charges of all and every such Person or Persons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, or Parishioners of every Parish respectively, to whom the Charge of the Repair of any such Church or Chapel, Chancel, or place of publick Prayer, or other Part of such Church or Chapel, or place of publick Prayer, doth or shall belong: And in case Default be made in any of the Premisses, by any of the Person or Persons thereunto appointed by this Ordinance, from and after the said first day of November, which shall be in the Year of our Lord God 1643. 'That then every such Person or Persons so making Default, shall for every such Neglect or Default, by the space of Twenty Days, for jeit and Lose Forty Shillings to the use of the Poor of the said Parish wherein such Default shall be made; or if it be out of any Parish, then to the use of the Poor of such Parish whose Church is or shall be nearest to the Church or Chapel, or other place of publick Prayer, where such Default shall be made; and if Default shall be made after the first Day of December, which shall be in the said Year 1643. then any one Justice of the Peace of the County, City, or Town, where such Default shall be made, upon Information thereof to him to be given, shall cause or procure the Premisses to be performed, according to the Tenor of this Ordinance, at the Cost and Charges of such Person or Persons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, or Inhabitants in every Parish, who are appointed by this Ordinance to bear the same.

Provided that this Ordinance, or any thing therein contained, shall not extend to any Image, Picture, or Coat of Arms in Glass, Stone, or otherwise; in any Churchy Chapel, Church-yard, or place of publick Prayer at aforesaid, set up or graven only for a Monument of any King, Prince, or Nobleman, or other dead Person which hath not been commonly reputed or taken for a Saint: But that all such Images, Pictures, and Coats of Arms, may stand and continue in like manner and form, as if this Ordinance had never been made.

H. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

Die Lunæ 28 Augusti, 1643.

Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That this Ordinance be forthwith Printed; and divulged and dispersed through the several and respective Counties, Cities, and Towns, by the several and respective Knights and Burgesses.

H. Elsynge, Cler, Parl. D. Com:

Die Martis, 5 Septemb. 1643.

An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, to prevent the coming over of the Irish Rebels.

Whereas very many of the Irish Rebels have lately come over into this Kingdom, and joined themselves with the Army against the Parliament, where they have exercised their accustomed Cruelties upon the King's Protestant Subjects here; and still endeavour to destroy all those that are well-affected to the Religion and Liberty of this Nation: And whereas the miserable Condition of that Kingdom of Ireland is such, that if many Soldiers of the English Army there should at this time come over hither, and desert that Service, it would in all probability be the utter losing of that Kingdom, and the delivering up of all the Protestants there, in to the hands of those inhumane cruel Rebels. For the preventing of which Mischiefs and Inconveniences, it is Ordered and Ordained by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That from henceforth no Ship, Bark, or other Vessel, do bring, convey or transport any Person or Persons what so ever, out of the Kingdom of Ireland into this Kingdom of England, or Dominion of Wales, (except Merchants, and such as shall come upon special Business to the Parliament, either from the Lords Justices of Ireland, or from some chief Commander in the English or Scottish Armies there, or that have License to be Transported from thence hither by both Houses of Parliament) upon the Penalty of Forseiure of such Ship, Bark, or other Vessel, with her Tackle and Furniture, in which any such Person or Persons shall be so brought over or transported. And it is hereby Ordained and Declared, That whosoever shall first seize and take any such Ship, Bark or Vessel, in which there shall be any Person or Persons passing from Ireland into this Kingdom, (other than such as are above excepted) such Persons so seizing shall have the Moyety of such Ship, Bark, or other Vessel, with her Tackle and Furniture; and are to be accomptable to the State for the other Moyety, where of they are to give speedy Notice unto the Committee of the House of Commons for the Navy. And for whatsoever any Person shall do in pursuance of this Ordinance, they shall be saved harmless by the Power of both Houses of Parliament.

An Order of the Commons touching scan dalous Ministers, Sept, 6. 1643.

It is this day Ordered by the Commons House of Parliament, That the Deputy-Lieutenants and Committees of Parliament in any County of this Kingdom, or any Five or more of them, shall have Power to take the Examinations of all Witnesses against any Ministers that are scandalous, either in Life or Doctrine, or any others that have deserted their Cures, and joyned themselves actually with, and are assistant unto the Forces raised against the Parliament; and to that end, that those who will appear may have the Witnesses examined in their Presence, It is farther Ordered, That Summons (with sufficient Warning of the time and place, when and where the Charge against them shall be proved) be either given to their Persons, or left at their Houses: And (if they desire it) they shall have a Copy of the Articles against. them, with a convenient time to give in their Answers under their Hands; which, together with their Charge, and the Proofs upon every particular of it, the said Deputy-Lieutenants and Committees of Parliament shall send up to the Committees of this House appointed for to provide for Plundered Ministers; which Committee shall from time to time transmit them to this House.

His Majesties Declarations all his loving Subjects in the County of Carnival, 10. Sept. 1643.

Charles R.
We are so highly sensible of the extraordinary Merit of Our County of Cornwal of their Zeal for the Defence of Our Person and the just Rights of Our Crown, (in a time when We could contribute so little to Our own Defence, or to their Assistance, in a time when not only no Reward appeared, but great and probable Dangers threatned Obedience and Loyalty) of their great and eminent Courage and Patience in their indesatigable Prosecution of their great Work against so potent an Enemy, backt with so strong, rich, and populous Cities, and so Plentifully furnish with Men, Arms, Money, Ammunition and Provisions of all kinds, and of the wonderful Success with which it hath pleased Almighty God (though with the loss of some eminent Persons, who shall never be forgotten by Us) to reward their Loyalty and Patience by many strange Victories over their and Our Enemies, in dispite of all human probability, and all imaginable disadvantages: That as We cannot be forgetful of so great Deserts, so We cannot but desire to publish to the World, and perpetuate to all Time the Memory of these Their Merits, and of Our Acceptance of the same. And to that end We do hereby Render Our Royal Thanks to that Our County, in the most publick and lasting manner we can devise, commanding Copies hereof to be printed and Published, and one of them to be read in every Church and Chapel therein, and to be kept for ever as a Record in the same; That as long as the History of these Times and this Nation shall continue, the Memory of how much that Courty hath merited from Us and Our Crown, may be derived with it to Posterity.

Given at Our Camp at Sndeley Castle, the Tenth of September, 1643.

Sept. 12 Judge Berkley's Sentence.

The Lords at Westmister, sitting in their Robes, sent a Message this Day to the Commons to come up unto them; for that they were proceeding to Judgment against Judge Berkley. Accordingly they went up with their Speaker, and the Prisoner being called to the Bar, the Lord Gray of Wark, Speaker of the House of Peers, pro Tempore, declared, That whereas the Commons had, formerly Impeached the Prisoner at the Bar, upon sundry Articles of High-Treason, and other high Crimes and Misdemeanors; and that by sufficient Proofs be was, by their Lordships, sound guilty of sundry high Misdemeanors, that House had at that time determined to proceed to judgment, only upon that Part of his Charge, touching his extrajudical Opinions in the case of Ship-Money, and to take further time upon those other Articles alledged against him. And then after reading his Charge, touching the said Business of Ship-Money, Judgment was pronounced against him.

1. That the said Judge Berkly be Fined 20000l. and Pay the same to the Treasurers at Guild-Hall, within Six Weeks next, to be disposed of as Both Houses shall appoint, and upon Default, the same to be Levied on his Estate.

2. That he be for the present, disabled, and made incapable for the future, of all Honours, and from bearing Office in any Court of Judicature in this Kingdom, or any other Place of Trust.

3. That he stand committed to the Tower, during the Pleasure of the House.

An Ordinance for the due and orderly Receiving and Collecting of the Kings, Queens, and Princes Revenue, and the Arrearages thereof.

Ordinance for, seizing the Kings, Queens, and Princes Revenue, Sept. 21. 1643.

The Lards and Commons Assembled in Parliament, taking into their serious Considerations, the many heavy Pressures and most grievous Calamities which now lye upon this Kingdom, by this bloody and unnatural War raised against the Parliament: And that notwithstanding all their faithful and constant Endeavours for the preserving of His Majesty and the whole Kingdom, from the most cruel and endless. Designs of Papists, Delinquents, and Ill-affected Persons; yet their Counsels and Practices are still so prevalent with His Majesty, and the Hearts of many People so misted and beguiled by their false Pretences and specious Insinuations, that nothing can be expected but the Extirpation and final Subversion of our Religion, Laws, and Liberties unless God of his infinite Mercy prevent it, and incline His Majesty's Heart to the faithful Advice of his Great Council of Parliament, which hath ever been, and is (under God) the chief Support of His Royal Crown and Dignity, and the Security of all that we have or can enjoy. And, for that it is found by woful Experience, that divers III-affected Persons, by the pretence of his Majesty s Authority, have, and do still daily seize upon divers and sundry great Sums of Money, raised and collected in divers Parts of this Kingdom by Acts and Ordinances of Parliament, for the Relief of the poor distressed Protestants in Ireland, the suppressing and subduing of those most barbarous and bloody Rebels, and for Defence of this Kingdom and Parliament, and do divert and employ the same, and like wise His Majesty's Revenue, and all other Moneys of the well-affected Persons whatsoever, by Rapine or Violence they can lay hands on; to the fomenting, nourishing, and maintaining of these miserable Distractions, and unnatural War: And the Lords and Commons omitting no Opportunity nor neglecting any sitting means which they conceive might divert the said War here, so violently pressed forwards by Papists, Delinquents, Ill-affected Persons, and the Rebels of Ireland, did formerly ordain, that the Officers of the Receipt, Court of Wards and Liveries, Receivers, and others, Should not repair unto Oxford, but attend their Service here, in the usual Places; yet in contempt of the same, and other Ordinances, some Officers are gone to Oxford, divers convey sundry Sums of Money thither, and others neglect their Service, to the great prejudice and differvice of the Commonwealth: And to the intent that His Majesties Revenue might no more be misapplied and that the same may be imployed for the Good of His Majesty, and the Commonwealth: The Lords and Commons therefore do ordain, and be it ordained by the said Lords and Commons, that all his Majesties, the Queens, and Princes Revenue of what nature or kind soever, certain or casual, within the view or survey of the Court of Exchequer, Court of Wards and Liveries, Dutchy of Lancaster, Dutchy of Cornwal, or in any other Court or Jurisdiction whatsoever, within this Realm of England Dominion of Wales, and Port and Town of Berwick, together with all the Arrears thereof, and all other Debts and Sums of Money whatsoever, any way due to His Majesty, the Queen, or Prince, shall be seized upon, and received by the Persons here after named, or such others as at anytime hereafter shall be appointed, and nominated by the Committee for the Revenue, which said Persons are Receivers in each several County or Counties, Cities or Places for which they are or shall be appointed respectively, are hereby authorized and required by themselves, their Agents and Deputies, to take and seize in to their hands and custodies all and every his Majesties, the Queen, and Princes, Honours, Mannors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, Rents, Arrearages of Rents, Revenues and Profits whatsoever, within the said Realm of England, Dominion of Wales, and Port and Town of Berwick, and to let, set, and demise the same, or any part thereof, from Year to Year; and shall have power to call before them all Stewards, Auditors, Receivers, Bailiffs, Collcetors, or any other Officer or Officers whatsoever, and to send for or take any Books of Accounts, Rentals, Copies of Court-roll, or any other Writings, touching the Premises, and thereby, and by all other ways and means which to them shall seem meet and necessary to inform themselves of the said Revenues, Debts, and Arrears thereof and of all things concerning the same, and to appoint any subordinate Officer or Officers and Ministers under them, for the better expediting of this Service; which said subordinate Officers and Ministers are hereby authorized and enjoyned to perform and execute all and every their Commands respectively, in and concerning the Premises; and shall have such Allowances for their Pains and Charges in that behalf, as the respective Persons or Receivers appointed for the several Counties, Cities, or Places shall think fit, the same being approved of by the Committee for the Revenue: And that all such Stewards, Auditors, Receivers, Bayliffs, Collectors, or any other Officer or Officers whatsoever, which have not submitted themselves to the Commands and Directions of any, former Ordinance of Parliament, or to the Committee for the Revenue; and likewise other such Officers, which shall not yeild Obedience to this Ordinance of Parliament, or to the Committee for the Revenue, shall stand sequestred from their several Offices, respectively, and from the receiving and enjoying any Profit or Benefit of or for the same: And the Committee for the Revenue, or any five shall have Power, and are hereby authorized to nominate and appoint other meet, fit, and trusty Persons to supply and execute those Offices and Places, which are or shall be sequestred as aforesaid; and the said Persons or Receivers nominated, or to be nominated, as aforesaid, their Agents and Deputies within their several limits respectively, shall have Power, and are hereby authorized and required to enter into all and every his Majesties, the Queens and Princes Honours, Mannors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, Courts and Offices, and to receive such Rents, Arrearages of Rents, Herriots, Issues, Profits Sums of Money, Debts, and other Duties, as are or shall be due and payable for or out of the same: And the Free-Farmers, Farmers, and the Tenants thereof Officer and all others, are required to pay the same accordingly, to the said Persons or Receivers, or to such other Officers or Receivers as shall be thereunto appointed, by vertue, and according to the direction of this Ordinance, and to no other Person whatsoever. And the said Free-Farmers, Farmers, Tenants, and all others which shall pay any Rent, Sum of Money, or other thing, according to this Ordinance, shall be protected and saved harmless from any Forfeiture, Penalty, or Damage, which he or they may incur by not payment of his or their said Rent, Sum of Money or other thing, according to his or their Grant, Lease, Copy, or other Agreement, by the power and Authority of Both Houses of Parliament. And if any Sheriff, Reciever, Collector, or any other Officer of any Court whatsoever, shall refuse to pay the Moneys, from time to time remaining in their hands, or any Free-Farmer, Farmer, or tenant, shall refuse to pay his or their Rents, or any others shall refuse to pay their particular Debts to the hands of the said Persons or Receivers in the several and respective Counties, Cities, and Places, at such times as the same shall become due and pay able, or to the Receiver-General hereby appointed; then the said Persons or Recelvers the same, and to take all other advantages for non-payment thereof, as His Majesty, the Queen and Prince, their Officers and Ministrs might have done; and they shall have power to Sue for and recover any Debt, Sum of Money, or other Duty owing to His Majesty, the Queen or Prince, by any Person whatsoever, and also to give Discharges and Acquittances for any Rent, Sum of Money, Debts, Duty, or other thing, which they shall receive by Virtue of this Ordinance, and shall be accomptable from time to time for the same, and for all such other things as shall be had, received, or taken by them, their Agents or Deputies, and for all their Receipts and Payments, and other Acts for or in respect of the Premises to the Committee for the Revenue, or to such as they shall appoint; and shall pay in, from time to time all such Sums of Money as they, or any of them shall receive by virtue of this Ordinance, unto Thomas Faulconbridge Esq; at Westminster (who is hereby constituted and appointed Receiver-General of all such Sums of Money as shall be received or raised by virtue of this Ordinance) and shall be from time to time subject to the further Orders and Directions of the Committee for the Revenue: And the Acquittances of the said Receiver-General, and of the said Persons or Receivers in the several Counties, Cities, and Places, Courts and Offices respectively, shall be m good and sufficient a discharge for the Sums of Money therein contained, as if the same were paid into the receipt of the Exchequer, or into any other usual Court or Place. And the Barons of the Exchequer, and all other Officers and Ministers of the same, and other Courts and Places respectively, are hereby required and authorized to give full allowances thereof; and thereupon to make forth quietus ests, and other Discharges according to the course and custom of the several Courts and Places. And the said Persons or Receivers, their Agents and Deputies, shall have power to call to their aid and assistance the Trained-Bands, Voluntiers, or other Forces, and any other Officer or Minister of Justices, of or within their several Counties, Cities, or Places respectively, or any other Person or Persons dwelling in or near the Place, to compel obedience to this Ordinance, where any resistance shall be made, or as ost as need shall require, and shall have power to Punish such Person or Persons as they shall find refractory, negligent, or faulty in the said Service, by Fine and Imprisonment, such Fine not exceeding the Sum of Twenty Pounds or to certifie their Names to the Committee for the Revenue, who shall have power to send for them, or any of them, and commit them to such Prisons and Places as they shall think fit, until they shall conform themselves to this present Ordinance of Parliament. And the said Trained-Bands, Voluntiers, and other Forces their Commanders and Officers, and also the several Constables, Headboroughs, and other Officers and Persons within their several and respective limits, are hereby required and enjoyned to be aiding and assisting to the said Persons or Receivers, their Agents and Deputies, as ost as they shall be thereunto required.

And it is further Ordained and declared by the said Lords and Commons, That all and every the said Revenue, Rents, Profits, Debts, and Sums of Money whatsoever, shall be imployed to and for such uses and services as are or shall be directed by the Committee for the Revenue.

And it is likewise further Ordained, That all and every the said Persons or Receivers, Receiver-General, Auditors, and other Officers and Ministers imployed in this Service by the Committee for the Revenue, or any Five of them, shall have such Allowances for their necessary Charges and Pains in and about the Premises, as the said Committee shall think fit; and that as well they as all others who shall be imployed in the said Service, or shall do any thing in execution or performance of this Ordinance, shall be therein protected and saved harmless by the Power and Authority of Both the said Houses.

And lastly, it is Ordained, That the said Committee for the Revenue, or any Five of them, shall have power, and be hereby enabled to do and execute any other Act or Acts, thing or things, they shall think fit for the better and more speedy collecting, levying, advancing and receiving of all and every the said Revenues, Debts, and Sums of Money before-mentioned.

Provided, and be it further Ordained, That all and singular such Revenues, Rents, issues, Fees, Profits, and Sums of Money and Allowances whatsoever, as have heretofore been, and now ought to be paid and disposed unto, or for the maintenance of any College or Hospital (whose Revenues, or any part thereof, have not been imployed for maintenance of the War against the Parliament) Grammar-School, or Scholars, or for, or to wards the reparation of any Church, Chapel, High-way, Cafe-way, Bridge, School- House, or other Charitable use which are chargeable upon, or ought to issue out of, or be paid for, or in respect of any the Honors, Mannors, Lands, Tenement or Hereditaments Revenues, or Profits aforesaid, shall be and continue to be paid, disposed, and allowed if, as they were and have been heretofore.

By the King.

A Proclamation forbidding all the Tenants, or Debtors, of such who are in actual and open Rebellion; or who adhere to, or assist the Rebels, to pay any Rent, or Debts, to such Persons or any of them.

His Majesties Proclamation forbidding Rents to be paid to any in Rebellion, Sept. 25. 1643.

Whereas We have by Our several Proclamations, bearing date the eighth Day of March last, and the seventh Day of April last Published Our Resolution to Grant Our Commissions for the Seizing of the Goods, and Sequestring the Estates of all such persons who are in Rebellion, or do ass: it those who are, to the Intent that suck their Goods and Rents may be safely Deposited, until such time as the Offenders can be brought to Legal Tryal, which shall speedily proceed against them as soon as they can be Apprehended, and Delivered into the Hands of Justice; And we did therefore Command all Persons, who were any ways Indebted unto, and all the several Tenants of all such Persons to forbear to pay any Rents, or Debts, due to the said several Persons, but to detain the same in their Hands towards the Maintenance of the Peace of the several Counties, and the Reparation of such Men who have suffered by the Violence of the Rebels; Since which time it hath pleased God so far, and so eminently to Bless Our Armies, that We have again reduced several Counties to Our Obedience, which were for the greatest Part if not totally possessed by the Rebels; And Considering therefore, that it is very probable our said Proclamations were kept from the Knowledge of Our good Subjects of those Counties, We have once more thought fit to publish the same, and do hereby declare to all Our Loving Subjects what soever, that as We have already Issued such Our Commissions into several Counties, in which We give Authority to the Persons trusted by us to distinguish between those who have been active and malicious Contrivers of this Rebellion, and those who have been through weakness or fear seduced by them; so we will daily Issue out other Commissions to the same purpose: And we do straitly Charge and Command all Our Loving Subjects of what Condition soever, as they will answer their Disobedience at their utmost Perils; That they pay no Rents, or Debts, which now are, or hereafter shall grow due to any Persons, who either are, or lately have been in Rebellion, (and have not since submitted themselves to us) or to any such who adhere to or assist those who are in Rebellion; And that they presume not to receive any Goods, Money, or Stock, in trust for any such Persons, but that they faithfully Account, and Pay the same to such Persons as either are, or shall be Intrusted by us, for that Purpose: And we shall proceed against all such Persons, who shall willfully and peremptorily Disobey us herein, as against Persons notoriously Disaffected to us, and Our Service. And Our Pleasure is, That this Our Proclamation be Read in all Churches and Chapels through this Our Kingdom.

Given at Our Court at Oxford, the 25th day of September, in the Nineteenth Year of Our Reign.

God Save the King.

By the King.

A Proclamation for a General Fast to be held throughout this Kingdom, on the Second Friday in every Month.

Proclamation for a monthly Fast Octob. 5. 1643.

When a General Fast was first propounded unto us, in Contemplation of the Miseries of Our Kingdom of Ireland, We readily gave Our Consent unto it and in our Court, and in our Person, have duly observed it as a Religious Duty fit to be Exercis'd in a time of Common Calamity. But when we have seen what Ill use hath been made of those publick Meetings, under the pretence of Religion, in Pulpits, and Prayers and Sermons of many Seditious Locturers, to stir up and continue the Rebellion raised against us within this Kingdom; and that those who first moved, and seemed to affect the Relief of our Distressed Subjects of Ireland, have deserted the Care thereof, and diverted the Support and Preservation of that Kingdom, to the Destruction of Vs, and of this Kingdom of England. We have thought it fit to Command, That such an Hypocritical Fast to the Dishonour of God, and the Slander of true Religion, be no longer continued and countenanced by our Authority, which hath been too long continued already to such false and traiterous Ends: And yet we being desirous, (as by our Duty to Almighty God vie are bound) by all possible Means to express our own Humiliation, and the Humiliation of our People, for our own Sins, and the Sins of this Nation, (as we have great Cause) are resolved to continue a Monthly Fast; but not on the Day formerly appointed, and so much abused by those who are in Rebellion against us, by using it as a principal Engine to their own Designs. We do therefore hereby command, That from henceforth no Fasts, or publick Meetings under that Name, be held on the last Wednesday of the Month, in any Part of this our Kingdom of England, as for many Months it hath been, nor upon any other Day than as hereby is appointed by us, which we are well assured none of our Subjects may, or ought to do without, much less against our Command; but instead thereof, we do expresly charge and command, That in all Churches and Chapels, in all Parts of this our Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales, there be a solemn Fast held, and religiously observed, on the second Friday in every Month, with publick Prayers to God, and Preaching in all Places where it may be had; when and where we may all, both Prince and People, as one Man, earnestly pour out our Prayers to God, for the diverting of his heavy Judgements from us, for the continuing of his gracious Protection over us, and this Nation, for the avoiding of all malicious Practices against us, and the settling and establishing of a happy Peace amongst us: And to the End that with one Heart we may perform so religions an Exercise, we have caused devout Forms of Prayer to be composed and printed, and intend to disperse them into all the Parts of this our Kingdom; and do command, That they be used in all Churches and Chapels, at the solemn and publick Meetings: And if thus we shall heartily and unfeignedly apply ourselves to our good God and gracious Father, whom we have offended, and praise him for his many and miraculous Deliverances past, we may with Comfort and Confidence hope, that he will in Mercy look upon us, and be reconciled unto us.

Given at our Court at Oxford the Fifth Day of October in the Nineteenth Year of our Reign.

GOD save the KING.

By the King.

A Proclamation to restrain all Trade or Commerce with the City of London, and some other Cities and Towns now in actual Rebellion.

A Second Proclamation for bidding Trade with London &c. Octob. 17. 1643.

His Majesty having with an unwearied Patience hitherto expected that the City of London, and the Citizens and Inhabitants thereof, should at last return to their Obedience, and having used all the Endeavours he could to reduce them thereunto; but finding, that by the Malice of their Misleaders they are so obdurate, that the very Name of Peace and Reconciliation is with them accounted a Crime, and that that City is both the Seat of Rebellion, and the Pattern to all ill-affected Subjects of the Kingdom, by whose Example and Assistance some other Cities and Towns do also stand out against his Majesty in open Rebellion, not only to the Disturbance, but even to the Destruction of the whole Kingdom, if God in his Mercy do not timely prevent it: His Majesty therefore by his Royal Proclamation, dated at Oxford the 7th Day of July, now last past, for the many Reasons in that Proclamation mentioned, did prohibit all Persons, with any of their Goods, Victuals, or Merchandize what soever, to travel to or for the City of London, or the Suburbs thereof, without his Majesty's express License for the same, under his Sign Manual, under the Pains and Penalties in the said Proclamation mentioned; and his Majesty now perceiving, that notwithstanding that Proclamation, that rebellions City, by continuing their Trade, as well at Home, as also from foreign Parts, do hereby drain their Monies from all other Parts of the Kingdom, and traiterously dispose the same to the Maintenance of this unnatural War against their Sovereign and Fellow-Subjects; and that many of the Freemen and Citizens of that City, and some of the Aldermen and Trained Bands of the City, in their own Persons, have lately gone from the said City to assail his Majesty, and to fight with him, and were in the late Battle near Newberry; and that many of the said City are involuntarily compelled to take up Arms, and to expose their Lives to the Slaughter, for the Maintenance of the Malice of a few; and the Fuel of all this unnatural Fire is taken from the City, who spare. neither their own Persons, Estates, or Fortunes, nor the Persons or Estates of the Inhabitants of the Neighbouring Counties, but either perswade or compel them to contribute to this horrid and barbarous War. Now his Majesty being moved with just Indignation against that City, and some few other Cities and Towns; who in like Manner do obstinately stand out in Rebellion, doth hereby prohibit all Persons and straitly charge and command them upon the severest Penalties and Punishments which, by the Law, can be inflicted upon them, as Traytors, Aiders, and Assisters unto Traitors, that from and after the Time of publishing this Proclamation, they, or any of them, do not presume, without the King's special Warrant, under his Sign Manual, either by Land or Water, to drive, carry, or convey, any Manner of Victuals, alive or dead, or any sort of Provision for Man or Horse; or any Goods or Merchandize, of any Kind whatsoever, directly or indirectly, or wilfully suffer the same to be carried, or conveyed unto, or from the City of London, or City of Westminster, or Suburbs thereof; or to, or from the Cities of Glocester and Coventry, or to, or from the Towns of Kingston upon Hull, Warwick, Northampton, Portsmouth, Southampton, Poole, and Lime Regis, or any of them; or to, or from any other Cities, or 'Towns, within this Kingdom, being in Rebellion against his Majesty, until they, or any of them respectively, shall return to their Obedience; nor do presume to trade, or traffick, or buy, or sell, with the Citizens or Townsmen, of, or in the said Cities, or Towns, or any of them, or any other Persons inhabiting or residing in any of the said Cities, or Towns, until the said Cities and Towns respectively shall conform themselves to their Loyalty and due Obedience: And his Majesty doth farther declare his Plecsure to be, That no Subject of his Kingdom of Scotland, or of any foreign Kingdom, or State, in Amity with him, directly or indirectly, shall bring any Ammunition, Victuals, Goods, or Merchandize whatsoever, unto, or for the City of London, or any other Port, or Place of this Kingdom, which doth obstinately stand out in Rebellion against his Majesty, until they shall return to his Majesty's Obedience; but shall apply themselves and their Trade to such other Ports and Places of this his Kingdom, which do continue in their Obedience, which his Majesty, with all the Speed he can, purposeth to signify to his Kingdom of Scotland, and by his Ambassadors, Agents, or Ministers, to the Kings, Princes, and States, of those foreign Parts respectively: And if any of the Subjects of his Kingdom of Scotland, or any of those Kings, or States, beyond the Seas, shall do otherwise, contrary to his Majesty's Pleasure declared, his Majesty shall esteem of all such, as of Persons who adhere unto, and maintain his Majesty's Subjects in their Rebellion: Yet, left any Merchant-Strangers, at unawares, not having Knowledge before, come, or send, into the Port of London, or other the Ports aforesaid, and so might incur the Danger, whereof they are, by these Presents forewarned: His Majesty doth farther declare, That he will give Directions for the Seizure only of such foreign Goods, Ships, and Merchandize, and not dispose of the same as forfeited, or confiscate, until it shall be first examined, whether they had Knowledge of this his Proclamation: And his Majesty doth farther declare his Pleasure and Command to be, That his Armies, or any Part thereof, or any other of his loving Subjects, may and shall seize all such Goods, Victuals, and Merchandize to his Use, which shall be in passing unto, or from any of the said Cities, or Towns, (without the King's special Warrant, as aforesaid) and to bring the same to his next Garrison, or to the chief Commander of that Part of his Army, who shall be next, or near to the Place of such Seizure, out of which Goods, those who shall seize the same, shall be rewarded with a third Part thereof, and the rest shall, upon Account, be converted towards the Maintenance of his Majesty's Army: And his Majesty doth farther command, That no Person whatsoever, being out of the Cities and Towns before-mentioned, do pay, or convey any Money, or other Satisfaction for any Rent, Debt, or other Duty, due, or payable to any Person, or for the Use of any Person, residing, or abiding in the said City of London, or any other of the said Cities, or Towns, (so as such Persons be not actually in Prison) whilst those Cities and 'Towns respectively shall be Aiders and Assisters to them who are in this Rebellion: And his Majesty doth hereby declare, That he is resolved to require a strict Account both of this and of the said former Proclamation: And his Majesty doth lastly declare, and would have all his good Subjects to understand him thus, That although he hath been beyond Measure provoked and that this Rebellion is transeendent, in many Ctrcumstances thereof, even beyond all former Examples, yet he is so much a Lover of the Peace and Prosperity of his good Subjects, that as he not been ever ready to extend his Mercy, rather than exercise his Justice, so he. can yet spare that City of London, (which he hath esteemed and favoured as the Seat of his Empire) and the other Cities and Towns now in Rebellion against him, if they shall speedily submit themselves, and return to that Obedience, which becometh dutiful Subjects, and not persist any longer in their Rebellion; and shall also deliver up those Incendiaries to the Hand of Justice, to be proceeded against according to the known Laws of the Land, whom his Majesty, by former Proclamations, or Declarations, hath by Name excepted from his Offer of Grace and Pardon.

Given at our Court at Oxford, the Seventeenth Day of October, in the Nineteenth Year of our Reign.

GOD save the KING.

Die Mercurii, 18 Octobris, 1643.

Order of the two Houses, that such as come from Oxford into the Parliaments Quaters, shall be proceeded against as Spies. 18th Octob. 1643.

Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That whatsoever Person shall come from Oxford, or any Part of the King's Army, to London, or the Parts adjacent, or to any Part of the Army under the Command of the Earl of Essex, or to any Fort, or Court of Guard, kept by the Authority of both Houses of Parliament, without the Warrant of both Houses of Parliament, or the Lord General the Earl of Essex, shall be apprehended as Spies and Intelligencers, and be proceeded against according to the Rules and Grounds of War. And it is farther Ordered, That the like Care be taken by Water, for the apprehending of the Persons aforesaid. And all Captains of Guards, and Officers, and all other Persons, are required to be very diligent in apprehending the said Persons. And it is farther Ordered, That this Order be Printed and Published, and sent to the several Courts of Guard, both by Water, and Land.

Novemb. 5th, The Earl of Holland leaves Oxford, and comes back again to the Parliament.

The Earl of Holland having for some time left Westminster, and betaken himself to the Court at Oxford, came this Day privately from thence, and at Uxbridge, (a Parliament Garrison) had a Guard put upon him, and so was sent up to London, and examined by a Committee of both Houses; and afterwards fet forth the following Declaration in Print.

A Declaration made to the Kingdom by Henry Earl of Holland.

The Earl of Holland's Declaration, 1645.

I have not forborn, either out of Forgetfulness or Guiltiness, to send forth these Expressions thus publickly, though I confess they are of a Nature, in the which I have so little Dexterity, as I may rather give Advantage to such as would be ready to leek it, than Satisfaction to those that would be pleased to take it.

I was willing to take this National Covenant, that binds up these Kingdoms in such an Unity, and in so happy an Agreement; and likewise to pass thro' any Tryal, that so my Actions might be laid open, before this Discourse, that thereby it might find the more Credit; and I do passionately with, that the Thoughts and Intentions I carried to Oxford could likewise be so; which, since they cannot, nor pass by any other Conveyance to the Knowledge of such as I desire to satisfy, I shall here freely and faithfully express them.

Tho' I have ever, both in my pious Duties and my natural Reason, wish'd and endeavour'd to see this Kingdom restor'd to the Comforts and Rest of Peace, yet was I never such a Seeker of it, as to desire to find it, without those Blessings we have endeavour'd to procure with it, of Truth and true Liberty, agreeable to the Condition of free and undejected Subjects; yet such were my Hopes, I confess, (made so by many publick Relations and Discourses from Oxford, as they were even form'd into an Opinion) That upon a free and faithful Representation to his Majesty of the sad and deplorable Condition of his Kingdoms of England and Ireland, he might have been persuaded to have offer'd, even those Things from his own Reason or Wisdom, that we for our Necessity and Conservation have often and humbly petition'd him for; and when this was made not only possible, but probable unto me; I did conceive myself to be not the unproperest Person to represent these Things unto his Majesty, from a long and near Relation, not only to his Person, but his Councils; where I may truly say, I have endeavour'd to oppose all Advices, that I believ'd could raise any Misunderstanding or Division betwixt his Parliament and People; and this, I am persuaded, hath been apparent in all my Actions, and that very clearly, (I will not say dangerously) when his Majesty advis'd with his Council concerning the Breaking off the last Parliament; I having ever look'd upon those Resolutions, as unhappy and dangerous Ways of Government in this Kingdom

But I shall say no more in this Way, since, as it leads towards myself, even Truths, thus looking homewards, may Abroad be look'd upon as Vanities; otherwise there are many Particulars, that would thew my Counsels to his Majesty, and my Employments from him, to have been ever express'd and govern'd with great Fidelity to this Kingdom.

These faithful and free Connsels made me hope his Majesty, with some Reason and Justice, might have reflected and look'd back upon my usual Advices unto him, and from thence have given me Encouragement to have pursued both my Fidelity to him, and to his Kingdoms, brought to this Condition by contrary Counsels; which finding his Majesty not persuaded to do, and at that Time such a Ceffation concluded in Ireland as made me fee the Streams of Council died in the Blood of Protestants, massacred in their Martyrdom there; and not enly so, but a Danger likewise, by too many visible Circumstances threaten'd to our Religion in this Kingdom.

These Reasons prevailed straight, both upon my Conscience and my Judgment, speedily to return unto the Parliament Streams; though by Accident, or by Breaches, they may hastily run, even out of their own Bosom; yet naturally are they inclin'd to revert, and to look back to their Channels and long-kept Course again: So was it with me to return unto the great Channel of the Kingdom's Safety, the Parliament, the Life-Stream, that doth encompass, and hath Depth only to bear the Weight, and to buoy up the Honour of this endanger'd and distracted Kingdom; where I faithfully embarque myself, to take those Fortunes that God shall send me, either with them, or from them; and no Tetnpest shall have Power to make me repent my Adventure, both of Life and Fortune, with them; where, though I may be justly esteem'd but as a Grain in a Balance, yet the smallest Duft adds something to the Scales: And since I have made an uneven Step, from the Unclearness of my Information, more than the Unfaithfulness of my Affections, or Intentions, I hope it may be look'd upon and consider'd as the Proverb that faith, Whosoever slumbles, and falls not, gets rather than loses Ground.

And this Ground I profess faithfully to stand or fall upon; That I shall choose rather to perish with the Parliament in their Intentions, to maintain our Religion, Laws, and Liberties, than to prosper in the abandoning of the least of them; and this I bind up by the Vows of a Christian and a Gentleman.

Charles Rex.
Right Trusty and Entirely Beloved Cousin and Counsellor, We great you well. Whereas We have received Advice from my Lord 85. 66. Goring 54:22: 57. out of Holland. 36. 16. 30. 29. 48. 22. 51 that 35. he 56. hath 17. 1. 74. here found able Men 56. 72. 25. 55. 21. 65. that will 19. 21. 52 under 66. 38. take if 61. They 31. 70. 38. may be suffered 2. 55. 4 52. 59. 13. to 69 41. bring 22 58. 67. 44. Coals 30. 23. 72. 17 thither from 14. 66. Newcastle to 71. 1. furnish 53. 24. 37. Us from those Parts 24. 59. 11. 47. 7. 13. 23. with not only a valuable Proportion of Arms 40. 110. and Ammunition, 42. but 13. 38. all-of 15. 61. 74. 20. with 13. 36. 20. good 16. 15. 52. Ships 24. 70. are-m'd 51. 59. 27. with Ordnance 123. 20. which 54. 34. 36. 67. 11. 3. 15 Proposition 54. 44. 15. 21. We conceive to be so much for such for the Advantage of 61. 70. 89. Our 15. 18. 3. 38. 23. 50. Service 43. 55. as We have thought good not only to 73. recommend 15. 26. 56. 22. 51. 59. the 35. 56. 71. 23. same 55. 66. 13. 15. 62. Your 63. 74. 38. Consideration 48. 44. 15. 21. but by these Our Letters 38. to 15. 74. 48. 18. Authorize 3. 53. 23. You 31. 16. 19. to 15. 38. 17. take 49. 56. some 23. speedy 55. 51. 28. & 56. 21. effectu- 13. 71. 40. al 43. 15. 19. Course 65. to 15. 38. 11. put 13. 72. 53. it 40. in 11. 3. 55. 23. 56. present 55. 8. Execution 34. 15. 21. either by Sending 47. an 46. absolute Answer 59. 25. 47. 21. 0. 18. 55. 3. in to 13. 16. 68. Holland 30. 48. 21. 51. with Power 15. to 21. 56. Negotiate 53. 47. 17. 73. 17. 35. that 13. 46. Service 53. 43. 55. or otherwise, We having 58. 67. already 52. 31. 38. 58. 54. 19. 55. 22. 59. 74. Order 56. 7. 65. to 15. the Lord Goring 53. 22. 58. to 11. 9. 15. Proceed 56. 52. 66. on that 37. the 23. 39. 12. Proposition 16. 24. 54. 34. 15. 21. 62. 46. with Effect. For all which these Our Letters shall be your Sufficient Warrant. And so we bid you heartily Farewel

Given at our Court at Oxford, the second Day of November, 1643.

To our Right Trusty and entirely Beloved Cousin and Counsellor, William Marquess of Newcastle, General of our Army in the North.

The Execution of Daniel Kniveton as a Spie, for bringing to London His Majesties Proclamations, Nov.27, 1643.

On Monday the 27th of November, was Executed Daniel Kniveton, formerly a Prisoner in the Fleet, whence making his Escape, he went to Oxford, and brought from thence to London on the 30th of October, Certain Proclamations, One against Taking of the Solemn League or Covenant; Another against the Observation of the Monthly Fast; A Third for Removing the Seals of the Green-Wax Offices belonging to the Exchequer, Kings-Bench, and Common-Pleas, to Oxford; for which he was Tryed at a Council of War at Essex-House, on Friday, November 24. and tho' he insisted, that he was one of His Majesty's Sworn Messengers; and that he knew not that London was a Garrison-Town, and so ventured to come into it without Drum, Trumpet, or Pass: He was Sentenced to suffer Death as a. Spy, and (the rather, for that he had before been taken and detained at Windsor for the like Matters, and, discharged then by the General) Intelligencer. On the 27th of Nov. he was carried from Newgate, by Quarterman the City-Marshal, and other Officers, into Cornhill, where a Gibbet was erected over-against; the Royal Exchange: Mounting the Ladder, he listed up his Hands and Eyes towards Heaven, and said the following Prayer.

Omost Holy and Grasious Lord! Thou art a GOD of infinite Good ness and unspeakable Mercy to all that truly fear and call upon thy Name: I beseech thee, good Father, to luck at on me at this present in much Mercy and tender Compassion, and lay not to my Charge those Sins which from Time to Time I have committed against thy Divine Majesty; but wash them away in the Blood of thy dear Son Jesus Christ; and grant, That I may now dye as I have ever lived a True Protestant, in the Faith prosassed by the Church of England.

Then he made a short Speech, That he was employ'd by his Majesty with a Message from Oxford to the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs which he delivered to them accordingly; and that was ignorant the City was a Garrison, or that he ought not to have come without Drum, or Trumpet, and Pass; and desired the People to sing the LI. Psalm, and so suffered.

Another Condemned.

At the same Council of War there was also try'd and condemned one Carpenter, for bringing from the King several Letters and Writs to the Judges, to adjourn the Term to Oxford: The Form of the Letter was as followeth.

Kings Letter to the Judges, to Adjourn the Term to Oxford, Nov. 19. 1643.

Charles R.
Trusty and Well-beloved, We greet you well; Together with these our Letters We send unto you a Writ of Adjournment for our Bench, and all Pleas, Pricess, and Proceedings therein, to be adjourned in and from the 22d Day of this Month of November, in and unto Octab. Sanct. Hill. next, from Westminster to our City of Oxford, "which we command you, upon your Allegiance to execute, and make your Adjournment accordingly: And left you should be interrupted, or prevented therein, We have directed these to be delivered unto you but the same Morning; and we charge you to keep our Counsel, and to execute our Commands, at the first Sitting of the Court that Morning, which you shall hasten for that Cause. We know well, that what we command to be done herein is both just and legal, and doth much concern our Service, and the Good of our People, the Advancement of our Laws, and the Safety of this Our Kingdom: You must therefore be careful to give us a good' Account thereof, as you tender our Service, and will answer the contrary.

Given at our Court at Oxford, this 19th Day of November, 1643.

But though the Bearer was sentenced, yet he was repriev'd and committed to Bridewell.

A Precept to stir up all well-affected People, by Benevolence, towards the raising a Company of ARCHERS, for the Service of the King and Parliament.

The Earl of Essex's Precept for raising a Company of Archers, Nov. 1643.

Whereas, by Virtue of a Commission under my Hand and Seal, dated First Day of Nov. 1643. directed to Mr. Thomas Taylor, Citizen of London, be the said Thomas is authorized to raise a Company of Archers, for the Service in Hand, and to set the same on Foot, by and through the free Bounties of the well-affected People, in and about the City of London, and Parts adjacent, as by the Teneur of the said Commission appears. It is therefore desired, That all Manner of Persons who are well-affected will be pleased forthwith to bring in Bows and Arrows, ceivers for the several Counties, Cities, and Places, shall have power to destrain, or have any, or what Sum of Money they please, for the speedy Advance of the said Service to Bowyers-Hall, within Cripplegate, London, upon Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, which place is prepared as a Magazine or Storehouse for Receipt thereof, and better expediting the said Business; wherein, if willingness, and indifferent Contributions do appear, no doubt but a considerable number of Archers will be raised, and God's Blessing will still attend the use of that Honourable and Ancient Weapon, here to fore found of good use in this Kingdom; Therefore all Ministers, Church-Wardens, Constables, Headboroughs, and other Officers, are desired to be furtherers of the Service, according; to the Tenor hereof.


Die Mercurii, 22. Novemb. 1643.

The Commons Order the Assembly to write to the Protestants beyond Sea, Nov. 22.

IT is this day Ordered by the Commons House of Parliament, That the Assembly of Divines be moved to write Letters unto some Divines or Churches Zealand, and Holland, and to the Protestant Churches in France, Switzerland, and other Reformed Churches, to inform them against the great Artifices and Disguises of His Majesties Agents in these parts, of the true state of our Affairs, and of the constant Imployments of Irish Popish Rebels, and other Papists, to be Governors, Commanders and Soldiers; the many evidences of their Intentions to introduce Popery, their endeavour to hinder the Reformation here intended, and condemning other Protestant Churches as unfound, because not Prelatical. And that the Scots Commissioners be desired to joyn therein: And likewise, that the Committees of the Lords and Commons, and of the Divines, may advise with the Scots Commissioners in the Premises.

H. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D, Com.

In pursuance of this Order, they drew up a Letter, which, in English, spake as followeth.

A Letter From the Assembly of Divines in England, and the Commissioners of the Church of Scotland, to the Belgick, French, Helvetian, and other Reformed Churches.

Right Reverend and dearly beloved in our Lord Jesus Christ,

We the Assembly of Divines and others, called and convened by the Authority of Both Houses of Parliament of England, with the Commissioners sent from the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, do heartily salute you in the Lord. We doubt not but the sad reports of the miseries under which the Church and Kingdom of England do bleed, and where with we are all ready to be swallowed up, (the Cup which the Righteous Lord hath given us to Drink) is long since come to your Ears. And it is probable that the same Instruments of Satan and Antichrist, have endeavoured, by their Emissaries, to present us as black as may be among yourselves; who by falshood and lyes endeavour every where to put fairglosses upon their own bloody Designs, and to reproach our strugglings after a more thorough Reformation of Religion in the Church of England, according to the Word of GOD, and our just defence of our Lives, Liberties, and Religion, against their cruel and unjust Violences. And we sometimes doubt, whether we have not been wanting to our own Innocency and your Satisfaction, in being thus long silent, from giving you a faithful, though sorrowful, relation of the state wherein we stand. But pardon us, dear Brethren, if this Cup of Trembling, wherewith our Spirits have been filled to amazement, and our wrestlings with extreme difficulties ever since our meeting, have hindred us from that which we long since knew to be our Duty. And give us leave now a little to ease our Gries, by powring our Hearts into your Bosoms, while we relate the desolation made by an Antichristian Faction, who amongst us, have still been hindring the work of Reformation, and withal introducing and cherishing of Popery; and are now arrived at that strength, and have prevailed so far against us, that if the Lord, whose Judgments are unsearchable, and whose tender Mercies are innumerable, do not speedily help us, we shall even altogether be laid waste by them.

How great a hand this treacherous and bloody Generation amongst us, have long had in the miseries of other Reformed Churches, in the destruction of the Palatinate, and in the betraying and loss of Rochell, and how, by seeming Overtures of Ambassies and Treaties, for their Relief, they have somented, continued, and encreased their Calamities, are so fully known by you all, and miserably selt by some of yourselves, that we need not speak any thing of them. And we suppose their inveterate hatred against you all, is sufficiently manisested, in that multitudes of them have refused to acknowledge any of you for Churches of Christ, because you are not Prelatical, and thereby (as they conceive) want a lawful Vocation of Ministers. Sure we are, that amongst ourselves' in all these Three Kingdoms, they have prevailed so far in advancing Popery, and depressing Religion, that it would require a Volume, rather than a Letter, to relate all the particulars. Scarce one thing can be thought upon, which may be supposed to be an Argument of any intent to set up Popery, and even extirpate the true Reformed Religion, but we could give you abundant instances, that they have not only attempted, but in great measure prevailed for the putting there of in execution. All the good and just Laws of this Kingdom, against Papists (concerning their Lives, Liberties and Goods) suspended; Judges prohibited to proceed against Condemned Priests; and even Jesuits set free: Houses of Superstition in Ireland and England set up, and not Discountenanced; (beside the seldom or never questioned Transportation of many young Persons to Seminaries in Foreign Parts) Notorious Papists, contrary to known Laws, permitted to come to Court, to reside there, and enjoy the favour and preserment of it: Multitudes of them released from legal Penalties for time past, and time to come; Prosecutors of them checked and Discountenanced Agents sent from hence into Italy; Nuncio's and Agents from Rome received, and Treated with; such as warped that Way, cherished and advanced; the moil Zealous Ministers and Proseslors of Religion bitterly Persecuted. And all these things so apparent, that abundance of Popishly affected Prelates and Ministers adventured in every Part of the Kingdom publickly to Preach and leaven their People with almost all points of Popery, (except the Supremacy) and to introduce abundance of corrupt Innovations in the Worship of God, compelling the People to yield Conformity to them, with Persecuting such as. would not. Insomuch as many who looked at Religion only for ourward advantage, found it best for their gain and safety to turn Papists: And many Godly Ministers, who would not publish a Book purposely set forth to allow such Sports on the Lords Day, which the Reformed Churches think unlawful at any time; or who would not conform themselves to their other Superstitions, have had their Mouths slopped, and many Thousands of their People with them compelled to seek for Refuge amongst yourselves, or in remote Parts of the World.

Yea, so far they had advanced in their presumption, as to impose upon the whole Kingdom of Scotland, a new Popish Book of Service, Rites and Ceremonies, and a Book of Canons: To which, when the Piety and Zeal of that Nation would not subrnit, they prevailed (alas) with His Majesty to proclaim them Rebels and Traytors, and to raise a formidable Army against them; to which all the Papists, and Popishly affected, did professedly contribute their best assistance. And certainly had not the Lord by his Blessing upon the Scottish Army, by the manifestation and acknowledgment of the wrongs done them, by the calling of this Parliament, and their Godly Care to clear the Innocency of their Brethren, and by the Treaty of Peace concluded betwixt the Two Kingdoms, prevented it; the Two Nations, long since, through the Treachery and Rage of these brutish Men, had been embrewing their Hands in each others Blood.

But through, through the Goodness of God and his Blessing upon the publick Counsels and Proceedings of both Nations of England and Scotland, they were more closely and mutually conjoyned; and the Lord, had raised up such a Spirit throughout this whole Kingdom to mourn after the Lord, to lament our Backslidings, and to desire a perfect Reformation; and had so inclined the Hearts of the Honourable Senators Convened in Parliament, to repair the House of the Lord among us, that we verily hoped our Winter to be past, and the time of our Refreshing and Healing to be come: yet alas we find it to be clean otherwise: Our God, who before was a Moth and Rotteness, is now turned unto a Lion to us. We know our Sins have deserved all; and if we all Die and Perish, yet the Lord is Righteous, to his Hand we submit, and to him alone we desire to look for Healing. Howbeit, the Instruments of these new Miseries are the same Antichristian Faction, who have been so far from being discouraged, or giving over their former design by their want of success in Scotland, or in beholding the fixed Resolution of the parliament here for Reformation, that their Rage and Diligence therein is more increased since the beginning of the Parliament, than at any time before. And indeed have more prevailed; both by stirring up a bloody Rebellion in Ireland, wherein (as the Papists themselves boast) they have destroyed above a Hundred Thousand Protestants in one Province, within a sew Months: And in England, by alienating the Heart of his Majesty from his Parliament which had begun to call many of them to Account for their former Mischiefs. And (after an Attempt to surprize some Members of both Houses in an Hostile Manner) prevailing with his Majesty to withdraw himself from the Parliament, and to raise an Army; which at first, pretended only to be made up of Protestants; but the Papists knew their Intents, who both here and beyond the Seas, had frequent Prayers for the good Success of this great Work intended in England, for the advancing of the Catholick Cause; and spared not in England to Boast, that they were not to, appear until many Protestants were ingaged so far, that they might not start back, and then they were to own it, which accordingly is come to pass: For when once many seeming Protestants were ingaged upon pretence of the Kings Prerogative, and Privileges of Parliament and the Protestant Religion, (which Protestants yet for the most Part were the same, who before the beginning of these Stirs had been by the publick Judicatory of the Kingdom, impeached of Treason, Oppression, and other High Crimes and Misdemeanors; and others who knew themselves guilty thereof; and other corrupt Parties of the Clergy and their Adherents) presently the Papists (who before were spared from all Plunder and Violence where-ever the Kings Forces came, though many Protestants, who even held not for the Parliament, were rifled) were Armed by Commission from the King, and Promise of Repayment for their Arms, if they were lost; many great Papists being put into Places of Command in several Parts pf the Kingdom; and the Body of all the Papists joyning with all their Might, and Professing and Exercising their Religion even by publick Masses in divers Parts of the Realm: And thus assisted with Ammunition, Men, and Money, from other Parts, (deluded by their fair Glosses and Pretences) they go up and down, Plunder and Murder, and Spoil all such as adhere to the Parliament, and Cause of Religion.

And although, when the Parliament saw that these wicked Instruments prevailed with the King, to raise Force to be protected from the Justice of the Laws, (which the Parliament went about to inflict upon them for their former Treasons, and other high Crimes) and to accomplish their former Designs, they endeavoured to secure the Forts and Navy, and provide Means for the Defence of themselves, and of their Laws, Liberties, and Religion (all which these Men endeavoured to destroy;) Yet such hath been their Cunning, by false Glosses to hide their own Intention! and to Seduce others; or rather, such is the Righteous Judgment of our now Angry God, for our Abuse of our long Peace, that we have not yet been able by Supplications, Petitions, and Remonstrances, to recover His Majesty out of their Hands; or to bring these Men to deserve Punishments; but the Sword rageth almost in every Corner of this woful Land.

And, to make up our Misery to the full, they have now at last prevailed with His Majesty so far to own the bloody Rebels in Ireland, as not only to call them His Roman-Catholick Subjects now in Arms, &c. but even to grant them a Ceslation for a Year, (when they were brought into great Extremity); and to hold" what they have gotten, Liberty to Strengthen themselves, with, Men, Money, Arms, Ammunition from any Place, freedom to send or come to His Majesty; and thereby be not only inabled to destroy the Remnant of the Protestants there, but to come over hither, (as many of them are already,) to act the same Butcheries upon us, as they have hitherto Exercised upon our miserable and distressed Brethren among themselves.

In these deplorable Calamities are we Involved; and in the midst of these troublesome Times, have the Honourable Houses of Parliament, called this Assembly, to give them our best Counsel for the Reformation of the Church, for the purging and perserving of Religion; and require us to make Gods Word only our Rule, and to endeavour the nearest Conformity to the best Reformed Churches, and Uniformity in all the Churches of the Three Kingdoms. And in this Work we are now Exercised, though the Enemy hath stirred up the Heart of our dear and dread Sovereign against us also: Yet through the good Hand of God upon us, we have made some comfortable Beginnings: The Work is his, who Commands us not to despise the Day of small Things.

Thus (Reverend and Dear Brother) we have given you the Face, or rather the Shadow, (for what Words are able to express the Face?) of our Miserable Condition in England: Our Civil Liberties in danger to be lost, our Goods spoiled, our Houses plundred, our Blood poured out in evety coiner: (Things though otherwise very Precious to us, we omit to mention.) If our God will lay our Bodies as the Ground, and as the Dust under their Feet; the Will of the Lord be done: Might our Blood be a Sacrifice to Ransom the rest of the Saints of Christ from Antichristian Fury, most gladly would we offer it upon this Service. But that which breaks our Hearts, is, the Danger we behold the Protestant Religion, and all the Reformed Churches in at this Time. We know their Rage is insatiable, and will not be quenched with out Blood Their fury is kindled against us, not as we are Sinful Men, but as Men engaged in the Defense of the true Religion, and panting after a right Reformation: And if once the Lord deliver us as a Prey into their Teeth, Oh! the Darkness and Horrour, the Bondage, Slavery and Persecution, which all who will not receive the Mark of the Beast, are like to be wrapped in, in these Three wisely Kingdoms! And not here only, but they are like to attempt the same in all the Reformed Churches in Europe. Your own Thoughts can easily suggest unto you, with what Rage the Beast which came out of the bottomless Pit, the Woman who hath thus long Drunk the Blood of the Saints, is filled now before her utter Destruction, against that Virgin company that follow the Lame.

The Church and Kingdom of Scotland, have been willing and ready by all good Means to quench this unnatural Fire. They have sent their humble Supplications, Remonstrances, and Declarations to his Majesty: And at last made offer of their humble Mediation, and National Intercession, for a Pacification. All which being resnsed and rejected, they have entered into a mutual League and Covenant with the Church and Kingdom of England; and have resolved to joyn in Arms with their Brethren for their Assistance and Deliverance, for the Preservation of their own Religion, and of themselves from the merciless Cruelty of the common Enemy, and (so far as in them lieth) for the Safety of their Native King, arid his Kingdoms from Destruction. on and Desolation, (as is more largely expressed in their publick Declaration, and in the Solemn League and Covenant of the three Kingdoms, which will give Satisfaction to all the wise and well-affected concerning their intention) They have also, according to the desire of the Honourable Houses of Parliament, sent us their Commissioners hither, for Uniformity of Religion in the Churches of both Kingdoms. And we (their Commissioners,) do exceedingly rejoyce to behold the Foundation of the House of God, not only in Doctrine, but Church Government, laid before our Eyes in a Reverend Assembly of so Wise, Learned, and Godly Divines. And find our Selves bound in all Christen Duty, but especially by the late Solemn League and Covenant of both Kingdoms, wherein we are so deeply interessed and engaged, to joyn in representing to the Reformed Churches Abroad, the true Condition of Aftairs here, against all Misinformations and Mistakings.

And now (dear Brethren) in this extreme Danger threataing us all, what are the Things we can beg of you? But that first you would judge aright off our asslicted Condition, of our Innocency and Integrity in this our just Defance. If our Enemies every where caluminate us, that we be risen up in Rebellion againstour Sovereign to deprive him of his just Power and Greatness, and endeavour to bring Anarchy and Confusion into the Church of Christ; from these foul and false Aspersions, our Intentions full and clearly set forth in our League and Covenant, (the Copy whereof we here withal humbly present you) we doubt not will sufficiently clear us. But if these Children of Belial have unjustly stirred up our Sovereign against us, and by abusing his Majesties Name and Authority, are labouring to keep themselves from deserved Punishment of their former Crimes, which the Supreme Judicatories of the Kingdom went about to inflict upon them, and to deprive us of our Lives, Liberties, Privileges, and especially of our Religion; and that-our Defensive Arms are by us used, and intended only to preserve our Selves from their unjust Violence: (which hath often been the Condition of many of your Selves.) Let the Righteous Lord judge between us and them, whom we implore to help us no further than we can plead these Things in Sincerity before him: And let our dear Brethren, to whom these Letters are Addressed, acquit our Innocency in their Hearts, and make their Apology for us in all their Churches.

Secondly, that ye will Sympathize with us as Brethren, who suffer in, and for the same Cause, wherein your Selves have been Oppressed, which will be no little refreshing to our Mourning Spirits, when we shall know that our God who smites us, yet inclines the Hearts of his Beloved Churches to look upon us with Companionate Bowels, as judging us to be the Servants of their own God, and Saviour Jesus Christ, and as remembring themselves to be in the Body.

Thirdly and Lastly, That as all the Antichristian Faction owns the Cause of our Adversaries as their own, and contributes what lies in their Power every Way to their Help, and our Ruine: So that you would embrace our Condition, as your own common Cause, wherein if we be once swallowed up, your Selves are not like long to escape; the Quarrel of the Enemy being not so much against the Persons of Men, as against the Power of Godliness, and Purity of Gods Word wherever it is Professed. The Way and Manner of your owning us, we leave wholly to your Selves: Except this one Particular, which we must importunately crave, even your servant Prayers both publick and private. That God who hearth Prayer, now he hath humbled us, and broken all per Arms of Flesh, (whereon alas we have been too prone to learn) would himself bring Salvation to us, that the Blessings of Truth and Peace might rest upon us, that these three Nations may be joyned as one Stick in the Hand of the Lord, and that we our Selves, contemptible Builders, called to repair the House of God in a troublesome Time, being ashamed of our former Pollutions, may see the Pattern of this House, and commend such a Platform to our Zorobabells, as may be most agreeable to his own Sacred Word, nearest Conformity to the best Reformed Churches, and greatest Uniformity amongst our Selves, that all Mountains may become Plains before them and us, that then all who now see the Plummet in our Hands, may also behold the Top-Stone set upon the Head of the Lords House amongst us, and may help us with shouting to cry, Grace, Grace unto it.

And thus much we have been willing to Inform you of, Reverend Brethren, (and by you all Faithful Christians under your Charges) by the Honourable House of Commons; In whose Name, and in our own, we bid you heartily Farewel in the Lord.

Your most Assectionately Devoted Brethren in Christ,

Jo. Maitland, Commissioners of the Church of Scotland.
A. Johnston,
Alex. Henderson,
Sam. Rutherfurd Rob.
Bailyie, Geo.
William Twisse, Prolocutor
Cornel. Burges, Assessor.
Jo. White, Assessor.
Henry Robrough, Scribe.
Adoniram Bysield, Scribe.

The Form of Inscription, and the several Churches by them written unto.

The several Charches sent to.

To the Reverend and Learned Pastors and Elders of the Classses and Churches of the Province of Zealand, our much honoured Brethren.

The like severally to Holland, East-Holland, Gelderland, Overyssel, Utrecht, Friezeland, and Groningen.

To the Reverend and Learned Pastors and Elders of the Church in the City and Republick of Geneva, our much honoured Brethren.

The like to those of the Churches of Berne, of Zsurick, of Bazel; and of Schaffhausen.

To the Reverend and Learned Pastors and Elders of the Church which is at Paris, our much honoured Brethren.

To the Reverend and Learned Pastors and Elders of the Classes and Churches of Hessen, our much honoured Brethren.

The like to those of Anhalt. And lastly,

To the Reverend and Learned Pastors and Elders of the Churches of Hanaw, our much honoured Brethren.

December 8, 1643, died John Pym, a Member of the, House Of Commons, at Derby-House, and on the. 13th his Corps, carried by fix Members of that House, and attended with most of the Lords and Commons at Westminster, was interred in the Abby. But whereas it was reported by some, that he died of that loathsome and ignominious Disease, called by Physicians, Morbus Pedicular is, the same was not true; and for publick Satisfaction therein, his dead Body was for some time exposed to, and viewed by many Hundreds of People; the true natural Cause of his Death seeming to be the great Pains he took, joined with a competent Old Age, and (at best) but an infirm Constitution.

Some time before he had caused to be printed and publilhed Paper, intituled,

A Declaration and Vindication of John Pym Esq; which was as followeth:

Pym's (Declaration publish'd by him self, Anon 1643.

It is not unknown to all the World (especially to the Inhabitants in and about London) with what desperate and Fame-wounding Aspersions my Reputation, and the Integrity of my Intentions to God, my King, and my Country, hath been invaded by the Malice and Fury of Malignants, and like affected Persons to the Good of the Commonwealth; some charging me to have been the Promoter and Patronizer of all the Innovations which have been obtruded upon the Ecclesiastical Government of the Church of England, Others of more spiteful and exorbitant Spirits, alledging, that I have been the Man, who have begot and festered all the so lamented Distractions, which are now rise in this Kingdom; and though such Calumnies are ever more harmful to the Authors, than to those whom they strive to wound with them, when they arrive only to the Censure of Judicious Persons, who can distinguish Forms, and see the difference betwixt Truth and Falshood: Yet because, the Scandals inflicted upon my Innocence have been obvious to People of all Conditions; many of which may entertain a belief of those reproachful Reports, though in my own Soul, I am far above those Ignominies, and so was once resolved to have waved them, as an worthy my Notice: Yet at last, for the assertion of my integrity, I concluded to declare myself in this Matter, that all the World, but such as will not be convinced, either by Reason or Truth, may bear Testimony of my Innocency. To pass by, therefore, the Earl of Strafford's Business, in which some have been so Impudentas to charge me of too much Partiality and Malice; I shall declare myself fully concerning the rest of their Aspersions; namely, That I have promoted and fomented the differences now abounding in the English Church.

How unlikely this is, and improbable, shall, to every indifferent Man, be quickly rendred Perspicuous: For that I am, and ever was, and so will Die, a faithful Son of the Protestant Religion, without having the least relation in my belief to those gross Errors of Anabaptism, Brownism, and the like, every Man that hath any acquaintance with my Conversation, can bear me Righteous witness. These being but Aspersions cast upon me by some of the discontented Clergy, and their Factors and Abettors, because they might per haps conceive, that I had been a main Instrument in extenuating the haughty power and ambitious Pride of the Bishops and Prelates. As I only delivered my Opinion as a Member of the House of Commons, that attempt or action of mine had been Justifiable, both to God and a good Conscience; and had no way concluded me guilty of a Revolt from the Orthodox Doctrine of the Church of England, because I fought a Reformation of some gross abuses crept into the Government by the Cunning and Perverseness of the Bishops and their Substitutes; for was it not high time to sack to regulate their Power; when instead of looking to the Cure of Mens Souls (which is their Genuine Office) they inflieted Punishment on Mens Bodies, banishing them to remote and desolate Places; after Stigmatizing their Faces, only for the Testimony of a good Conscience, when not contented with those insufferable Insolencies, they fought to bring in unheard of Canons into the Church, Arminian or Papistical Ceremonies (whether you please to term them, there is not much difference) imposing Burdens upon Mens Consciences, which they were not able to bear, and introducing the old abolished Superstition of bowing to the Altar; and if it favoured either of Brownism or Anabaptism, to endeavour to suppress the Growth of those Romish Errors, I appeal to any equal minded Protestant, either for my Judge or Witness; nay, had the Attempts of the Bishops desisted here, tolerable they had been, and their Power not so much questioned, as since it hath; for when they few the Honourable the High Court of Parliament begun to look into their Enormities and Abuses, beholding how they wrested Religion like a Waxen Nose, to the furtherance of their Ambitious purposes, then Troy was taken in, then they began to despair of holding any longer their usurped Authority; and therefore, as much as in them lay, both by publick Declarations and private Councils, they labour to foment the Civil Differences between his Majesty and his Parliament, abetting the proceedings of the Malignants with large Supplies of Men and Money, and stirring up the People to Tumults by their Seditious Sermons. Surely then no Man can Account me an ill Son of the Commonwealth, if I delivered my Opinion, and passed my Vote freely for their A bolishment; which may, by the fame Equky, be put in Practice by this Parliament, as the dissolution of Monasteriesand their lazy Inhabitants, Monks and Fryars, were in Henry the Eighth's Time; for without Dispute, they carried as much Reputation in the Kingdom then as Bishops have done in it since, and yet a Parliament then had Power to put them down; why then should not a Parliament have Power to do the like to these, every way guilty of as many Offences against the State as the Former? For my own Part, I attest God Almighty, the knower of all Hearts, that neither Envy, or any private Grudge to all, or any of the Bishops hath made me averse to their Function, but merely my Zeal to Religion and God's Cause, which I perceived to be trampled under Foot by the too extended Authority of the Prelates, who, according to the Purity of their Institution, should have been Men of upright Hearts and humble Minds, shearing their Flocks, and not flaying them, when it is evident they were the quite contrary.

And whereas some will alledge, it is no good Argument to dissolve the Function of Bishops, because some Bishops are Vitious: To that I answer, since the Vice of these Bishops was derivative from the Authority of their Function, it is very sitting the Function, which is the Cause thereof be Corrected, and its Authority diverted of its borrowed Feathers, otherwise it is impossible but the same Power which made these present Bishops (should the Episcopal and Prelatical Dignity continue in its Ancient heighth and vigour) so Proud and Arrogant, would infuse the same Vices into their Successors.

But this is but a Mole-Hill to that Mountain of Scandalous Reports that have been inflicted on my Integrity to his Sacred Majesty; some boldly avering me for the Author of the present Distractions, between his Majesty and his Parliament, when I take God, and all that know my Proceedings, to, be my Vouchers, That I neither directly nor indirectly, ever had a thought tending to the least Disobedience or Disloyalty to his Majesty, whom I acknowledge my lawful King and Sovereign, and would expend my Blood as soon in his Service, as any Subject he hath. Tis true, when I perceived my Life aimed at, and heard my Self proscribed a Tray tore, merely for my intireness of Heart to the service of my Country, was informed, That I, with some other Honourable and Worthy Members of the Parliament, were against the Privileges thereof demanded, even in the Parliament House, by his Majesty, attended by a multitude of Men at Arms and Malignants, who, I verily believe, had for some ill Ends of their own, persuaded his Majesty to that excess of Rigour against us; when for my own part (my Conscience is to me a Thousand Witnesses in that behalf) I never harboured a Thought which tended to any Disservice to his Majesty, nor ever had an intention prejudicial to the State: When I say, notwithstanding my own Innocence, I saw myself in such apparent Danger, no Man will think me blame-worthy, in that I took a Care of my own safety, and fled for Refuge to the Protection of the Parliament, which, making my Case their own, not only Purged me and the rest of the Guilt of High-Treason, but also secured our Lives from the Storm that was ready to burst out upon us.

And if this hath been the occasion that hath withdrawn his Majesty from the Parliament, surely the fault can no way be imputed to me, or any proceeding of mine, which never went further, either since his Majesty's departure, nor before then, so far as they were warranted by the known Laws of the Land, and authorized by the indisputable and undeniable power of the Parliament and so long as I am secure in my own Conscience that this is Truth, I account myself above all their Calumnies and Falshoods, which shall return upon themselves, and not wound my Reputation in good and impartial Mens Opinions.

But in that Devilish Conspiracy of Cataline, against the State and Senate of Rome, none among the Senators was so obnoxious to the envy of the Conspirators, or liable to their Traducements, as that Orator and Patriot of his Country, Cicero, because by his Council and Zeal to the Common-wealth, their Plot for the ruine thereof was discovered and prevented; though I will not be so arrogant, to parallel myself with that Worthy, yet my Case, (if we. may compare lesser things with great) hath to his a very near Resemblance. The Cause that I am so much maligned and reproach'd by ill-affected Persons, being because I have been forward in advancing the Affairs of the Kingdom, and have been taken notice of for that forwardness; they, out of their Malice, converting that to a Vice, which, without boast be it spoken, I esteem as my principal Virtue, my Care to the publick Utility: And since it is for that Cause that I suffer these Scandals, I shall endure them with patience, hoping that GOD in his great Mercy will at last reconcile his Majesty to his High Court of Parliament; and then I doubt not but to give his Royal Self (though; he be much incensed against me) a sufficient account of my Integrity. In the interim, I hope the World will believe, that I am not the first Innocent Man that hath been injured, and so will suspend their farther Sensures of me.

Jan. 8. 1643–4. The Design of Sir Basil Brook and others.

At a Common-Hall purposely call'd in London, a Committee of both Houses, viz. eight Lords and sixteen Commoners, gave the City an Account of the Discovery of a Design, which they alledged tended (under the specious Pretence of advancing Peace) to divide the City and the Parliament, and embroil them both, and violate the late Treaty with the Scots, and destroy the Parliament. The Instruments they declared to be one Read, by some called Colonel Read, a common Agent for the Papists, and to whom the Packets and Addresses from Rome were made, lately amongst the Rebels in Ireland, and being there taken, sent Prisoner from Dublin; Sir Basil Brook a Papist (Treasurer of the Money contributed by that Party towards the late War against Scotland) and Tho. Violet a Goldsmith, who being all for some time Prisoners together in the Kings-Bench, consulted the Matter, and engaged Theophilus Riley Scout-Master-General of the City of London, by whose help both Read (under a false Character) and Violet got at liberty, being exchanged. Then a Character of Intelligence was agreed on between them, Read to be known by the Name of Lee, Riley by the Name of the Man in the Moon, and Violet by the Name of James Morton; and so away went Read to Oxford.

The Business projected, as appeared by the Examinations of Sir Basil Brook, Riley and Violet (now publickly read at Guild-Hall) was, to procure the City of London to petition his Majesty for Peace, and to fet on foot a Treaty immediately between the King and the City; and for the Grounds of such Treaty, Sir Basil, Mr. Riley and Violet framed certain Proportions, viz.

I. That the City might be satisfied that the King would settle the Protestant Religion, for without that neither the Parliament nor City would admit any Treaty.

II. That the Debts contracted upon the Publick Faith on either side, by King or Parliament, should be satisfied; and the most likely way for doing thereof was to settle the Excise for those Purposes.

III.. That it was conceived, that in respect of the Kings late Declaration, that the two Houses at Westminster were no free Parliament, and that there fore the King could not treat with them any more, the Treaty was to be immediately between the King and the City, and the City was to be the Medium between the King and Parliament; but if any Parliament-Men would join with the City in this Treaty, they also might come with them to Oxford under the same safe Conduct granted to the City, tho' their Names not particularly mentioned; and so much was to be declared and express'd.

IV. That there must be an Act of Oblivion for all Parties and Delinquents whatsoever, and a general Pardon; and that no Cessation be expected during the Treaty.

But in these Propositions there was no mention made either of Scotland or Ireland.

Read wrote up Letters to Riley of the Success of his Negotiation, and press'd him not to lose such an Opportunity, using these Words—For I have made those whom you have given just occasion to be your worst Friends, to be your best, and the only Instrument to procure what here is sent you; and be you confident she shall still be so, provided you do your Part.—Defer no Time for God's Sake, and what you will do, do it speedily; I say again, do it speedily, for Reasons I may not write.—And in another Letter —I assure you I have not been wanting to further your good Destrey and if it be not your own Faults, I make no doubt but things will have a happy Issue, &c. One of these Letters casually dropt from Riley at his Examination before the Committee, and was took up after he was gone, disrected on the out side, To the Man in the Moon; whereupon he was sent for back, and the other found in his Pocket with the same Direction by which he confess'd was .meant himself, and that they came from Read, and were delivered to him one by Sir Basil Brook, and the other by Violet.

The better to dispose the City to this Overture of petitioning for Peace, it was thought fit among it them that a Letter should be wrote from the King, encouraging them thereunto, to be read at a Common, Hall; and in the mean time a Party to be made to advance the Business there; and accordingly the Form or Draught of such a Letter was prepared by Sir Basil, Mr. Riley, and Violet, and sent to Oxford by one Wood brought back a Letter (in effect the same with their Draught) signed by his Majesty; and Violet also went down to Oxford, and by Read was introduced to the Lord Digby, from whom he brought the following Letter to Sir Basil Brook.

The Lord Digbys Letter to Sir Basil Brook, Dec, 29. 1643.

SIR,The King and Queen have both commanded me to give you Thanks in their Name for your Care and Diligence in their Service, and his Majesty hath so much Confidence in your Discretion and Wariness not to be deluded, that in, the hopes of the good Effects towards a happy Peace, which you seem to promise yourself from this Negotiation, his Majesty is pleased to descend very far in writing so gracious a Letter to those who may seem to have deserve so ill of him. I send you here withal a Copy of the Letter itself, which varies only in Stile, not in Matter, from that Draught which was sent down hither, which if you like, and continue your Confidence that it may be effectual to so blessed an End as Peace and Union, you are to deliver it to those Parties, seconded with assurance of his Majesty s most gracious and sincere Inclinations to give them full Satisfaction in all their reasonable Desires. But if you shall find cause to lessen the Belief of a powerful Effect by this Letter of his Majesty s, it is then recommended to your Discretion to forbear the delivery of it, since it would be a very unfit thing to expose so great a Grace and Condiscending of his Majesty to Hazards of being made frustrate and contemn'd. God send you happy Success in this great Undertaking, I profess it is that wherewith my Belief and Reason go along more comfortably than with any thing I have known Projection since these Troubles; but it is not fit to ravel further into the Business this hazardons way, and therefore I shall add no more, but I am

Your very affectionate Servant,
George Digby.

Oxford, Dec. 29, 1643.

His Majesty's Letter to the City was thus directed on the outside.

To our trusty and well-beloved our Lord-Mayor and Aldermen of our City of London, and all other our well affected Subjects of that City.

The King's Letter to the City.

Charles R.
Trusty and Well-beloved, we-greet you well. When -we remember the many Acts of Grace and Favour we and our Royal Predecessors have conferrned upon that our City of London, and the many Examples of eminent Duty and Loyalty for which that City hath been likewise famous, we are willing to believe, notwithstanding the great Defection we have found in that Place, that, all Men are not so far degenerated from their Affection to us, and to the Peace of the Kingdom as to desire a continuance of the Miseries they now feel; and therefore being informed that there is a Desire in some principal Persons of that City to present a Petition to us, which may tend to the procuring a good Understanding between us and that our City, thereby the Peace of our whole Kingdom may be procured, we have thought fit to let you know that we are ready to receive any such Petition, and the Persons who shall be appointed to present the same to us shall have a safe Conduct; and you shall assure all our good Subjects of that our City, whose Hearts are touch'd with any Sense of Duty to us, or of Love to the Religion and Laws established (in the quiet and peaceable Fruition whereof they and their Ancestors have enjoyed so great Happiness) that we have neither passed any Act nor made any Profession or Protestation for the Maintenance and Defence of the true Protestant Religion, and the Liberties of the Subject, which we will not most strictly and religiously observe, and for the which we will not be always ready to give them any Security can be desired; and of these our gracious Letters we expect a speedy Answer from you, and so we bid you farewel.

Given at our Court at Oxford, in the 19th Year of our Reign, the 26th of December 1643.

By His Majesty's Command,


This Letter was never delivered; for Violet having communicated the Matter to one Sir David Watkins, for his Advice and Assistance, who seemed to approve the same, the said Sir David discovered their Proceedings from time to time to some Members of Parliament; and so a day or two before the Common-Hall should be holden, Riley and Sir Basil Brook and Violet were secured. And now after the Examinations at large and these Letters had been read to the Common-Hall, the Earl of Northumberland concluded with this Speech:

'My Lord-Mayor, and you, Gentlemen of the City of London, you have fully heard delivered by these Gentlemen all the Proceedings in their late Discovery; you are now well able to make a right Judgmerit upon the whole Matter. I am commanded in the Name of both Houses to read unto you here their Opinions, and the Sense they have delivered and are of amongst themselves, viz. That the Matter of this Report containeth a seditions And jesuitical Practice and Design, under the fair and specious Pretence of Peace, having its Rise and Fountain from known Jesuits and Papists, to work Divisions between the Parliament and City of London, to raise Factions in both, thereby to render them up to the Designs of the Enemy, and tending also to the Breach of the Publick. Faith of this Kingdom unto our Brethren of Scotland, engaged by the late solemn Covenant and Treaty entred into by both Nations, thereby not only to weaken us in our united Force against our Popish and common Enemies, but to embroil the two Nations in unhappy Divisions.

Sir Basil Brook was by Order of Parliament removed-from the Kings-Bench to the Tower, there to be kept close Prisoner; and Mr. Riley, by Vote of the Commons, was to be sent thither, and kept close Prisoner also; and Violet secured elsewhere.

The Association of Cornwal and Devon for the King, Jan. 1643. 4.

Whereas A few malevolent and ambitious Persons, in the Name of the two Houses of Parliament, have by treasonable Practices embroiled this Kingdom in a Civil War, pursued his Majesty's Person, murder'd his good Subjects, some barbarously by the common Hangman against Law and Jastice, others by hostile Assaults, brought a general Devastation upon the whole Kingdom, taking away all Liberty from the Members of both Houses, by awing, terrifying and assaulting them with Tumults and Arms, usurping the Royal Power, counterfeiting a Great Seal, to shew their horrid Intentions against the King, Kingdom, and Government; and finding their Acts not likely to protect them from the Punishment due to their Merits, have unnaturally invited the Scots to invade this Kingdom, and in these Distractions to make a total Conquest of this Nation; for Resistance whereof, and preserving the common Peace, the Inhabitants of Cornwal and Devon have united themselves; and for continuance of which Union this ensuing Protestation is to be taken.

The Cornish and Devonshire Mens Oath.

I A. B. do in the Presence of Almighty God promise, vow and protest, with my utmost Power to maintain and defend the true reformed Protestant Religions, established by Law in this Kingdom, against all Popery, Popish, and other Innovations of Sectaries and Schismaticks, as also his Majesty's Person and Rights, against all Forces whatsoever, and in like manner the Laws, Liberties and Privileges of Parliament, and of this Kingdom; and I shall to the utmost of my Power preserve and defend the Peace of the two Counties of Cornwal and Devon, and all Persons that shall unite themselves by this Protestation in the due Performance thereof, and to my Power assist his Majesty s Armies for reducing the Town of Plimouth, and Resistance of all Forces of Scots Invaders, and others, levied under pretence of any Authority of two Houses of Parliament, or otherwise, without his Majesty's personal Consent.

And touching the taking this Protestation, and managing the King's Service, they farther agreed upon the following Articles.

Articles agreed upon by them.

1. That there be Copies of this Protestation delivered out by the Sheriff, at the Sessions of each County, to the Constables of each Hundred respectively, and that the said Hundred-Constables do immediately deliver out several Copies to all the petty Constables, which are by the Minister of every Parish Church and Chapel to be publish'd the next Sunday following after the Receipt, and then every Man present to take the same, and subscribe his Name thereunto, before the said Minister, Constable, or Churchwardens, or two of them; and such of the Parish as shall not be present at the time, shall take the same within ten Days following; and the Ministers and Constables are to give in the List or Certificate of their Names that take it, and of them that are absent or refuse, to the Constables of the Hundred, who are to deliver the same to the Commissioners, at their next general Meeting after the 20th of February next.

2. That the Army be governed according to his Majesty's Articles, and that all Persons, of what Condition soever, be held infamous, and Enemies, to the Publick Peace, that shall raise or cause any Mutinies or Disobedience thereunto, and suffer all Severity according to his Majesty's Articles.

3. That all such Persons as have been or shall be slain in the present War, or die in the Service (by whose Life any other Person held any Lands or Rents) the Party to whom the Right to grant such Land or Rent belongeth, shall be bound to grant an Estate for a Life, instead of the Person so killed or dying, under the Rents and Covenants as it was formerly held, unto such Person and Persons as were entitled to hold the same, and at his or their Nomination; and the Refusers to lose the double Value of the Estate, one half to his Majesty, the other to the Party, and to be imprison'd till Payment.

4. That if any Minister shall refuse or wilfully neglect the solemn Celebration of the Fast, appointed by his Majesty on the second Friday.of the Month, or shall not read the Service and Prayers appointed for that Fast, and being called before a Justice of Peace, shall not promise and protest his future Conformity, he be forthwith secured, and his Estate sequestred; and the like Course to be taken with such Ministers as absent themselves that Day, unless upon Sickness, or other Cause, allowed by two Commissioners or Justices of Peace; and the like Order to be taken with such as shall not read such Books as shall be appointed to be read by his Majesty, and the Constables are to certify their Defaults to the next Justices.

5. That there be provided 1000 Barrels of Powder and 10000 Fire-Arms at the Charge of both Counties, whereof Cornwal to be a fourth, and Devon three Parts, according to the Proportion of the Grand Subsidy.

Feb. 2, 1643. 4. Sired Deering comes in to the Parliament from Oxford.

Sir Edward Deering (whose Speeches we have ost had occasion to recite heretofore in this Volume) retired in some Disgust (especially taken for his not complying against Episcopacy) to his House in Kent, and there lay private the Months of May and June, 1642; in which time receiving several Expresses from some of his Majesty's Ministers then at York, to invite him to Court; he at last consented, and passing thro' Surry and Oxford, went to his Majesty at Leicester, and with him to Coventry, and so to Nottingham, before the Standard was set up; and thenceforwards continued a constant Attendant, till this Day he came into the Protection of the 'Parliament, under the Favour and pursuant to the Declaration of both Kingdoms, promising Indulgence to such as should return upon certain Terms, and within such a time; [which Declaration you have here at large in the Chapter touching the Scots Advance into England] he came all the way from Oxford by a counter feit Name, until he arrived at the Out-works of the City of London; and there discovering himself, was brought by the Captain of the Guard to Westminster, examined, for the present committed, and afterwards discharged upon his Petition, which ran in these Words:

To the honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament.

The humble Petition of Sir Edward Deering, Knight and Baronet,

Sir Edward's Petition to the Parliament.

Humbly sheweth,
That no Force or Restraint hath brought me hither, but my own free Choice, pursued with Industry, and this Choice grounded and confirmed in me upon many sad Meditations, which have begotten as many serious Invocations to be directed in the best way. Some few Motives to manifest the honest reality of my Purposes I ask leave to lay down in this Petition, but beforehand professing myself very sorry for bearing Arms against the Parliament.

1. I considered, that in removing myself hither I do not forsake my Duty and Allegiance to the King, but really pursue it, and shall actuate it better than before, in a true Obedience both to him and to the Parliament.

2. I did in this honourable House take the Parliamentary Protestation, one Clause whereof is for the Privilege of Parliament. This (as an Argument of my return) came late into my Thoughts, but since it came I have much wondred at myself how I could be so long transported to assist in a way to destroy this very Parliament, which I have vowed to preserve.

3. I dare not say that the King's Promises are forgotten and unperform'd, I had rather hide than open so unroyal Failings, if I knew them; but certainly something hath at some times appeared like unto such Breakings, and I think the Petition out of Wiltshire on Tuesday or Wednesday last spake little less to the King himself.

4. The Fear of an Anti-Parliament at Oxford, and a particular Fear left I should (as divers of the Members there professed I should) be shortly called into that Convention, made me not only endeavour to come away, but to hasten to the true Parliament here.

5. Some Clergymen and others do speak a Language there, as if the King should come no other way to his own Dwellings here unless by Conquest; but that way of prevailing doth carry the Terror of desperate Consequences with it, and is likely (I fear) to lead into arbitrary Government and Popery; and I have been confident that the King with 40 Servants might come to Westminster, and (stay there with undoubted Safety to his Person; so I have said at Oxford, and I do still assuredly believe so, and God will bless him if he do so.

6. I could never reconcile the Cessation in Ireland to the Vows made in England.

7. When the first Declaration of this honourable House gave publick Caution of a prevailing Popish Party, I confess I had then no more but an implicit Faith in that Sense of the House at that time; it is since explicited unto me, and the first Scene is play'd home in Ireland, which already is the Pope's, Denomination being given ex majore parte, some late Defections have been to the Romish Mis-belief, and divers Papists are daily trusted with Commands.

For these Reasons I am come to render myself into the Protection of the Parliament, and that with a clear, candid, hearty Integrity of Respect and Duty to this honourable House. I am come in in an happy Hour, when the Providence of Heaven hath brought me in under the Shelter of a Declaration by both Kingdoms, who both have therein promised that I shall be received into Favour, and that with special Consideration of the Time of returning, wherein I have the Honour to be the first Suitor that lays hold on the offered Favours.

Most humbly therefore I pray that your free Reception of me may send the full Liberty which is promised, and I shall daily pray for the happy Issue of all your Consultations.

Edward Deering.

His Death, June 23, 1644.

This Petition, together with a Paper called his Declaration (too long or at least needless here to be inserted) was afterwards printed by Sir Edward's Directions, who on Sunday, June 23, 1644, died at his House not far from Canterbury in Kent, leaving behind him (besides his former Prints) a learned Discourse (publish'd not above a Week before his Death) concerning the proper Sacrifice, wherein he no less solidly than eloquently confutes Popish Transubstantiation.

Sir Richard Greenvile goes to the King, Mar. 3, 1643–4

Sir Richard Greenvile, a Western Gentleman, that had served in Ireland against the Rebels, coming over about August last out of that Kingdom, repaired to London and was entertained by the Parliament and had 600 l. (as 'twas generally said) Advance-Money paid him for raising of Forces in Sussex and Surry, with whom on the 3d of March he mareh'd away to his Majesty at Oxford, at which the Houses were highly incensed, and caused two Gibbets to be erected, one in the Palace-Yard Westminster, and the other over-against the Royal-Exchange, where a Proclamation was made by the Provost-Marshal and Trumpeters of Essex's Army in the Words following, which were also fixed on each of the said Gibbets.

The Paper set upagainst him March 15.

Whereas Richard Greenvile hath of late presented his Service to the Parliament, and hath been entertain'd by the Parliament as Colonel of a Regiment of Horse; and whereas the said Greenvile, contrary to his Promise, Engagement, and Honour of a Soldier, hath basely, unworthily and faithlesly deserted the said Service, and feloniously carried away the Money paid unto him in regard of the said Service; these are to proclaim the said Richard Greenvile Traytor, Rogue, Villain and Skellum, not only uncapable of Military Employment, but of all Acquaintance and Conversation with Men of Honesty and Honour; and this Proclamation in the mean time to be nailed to the Gallows, whilst it shall please God to deliver the said Greenvile into the Hands of Justice, that he himself may supply the room of this Proclamation. Done this 15th of March, 1643.

But tho' they thus branded him, yet we must be so just to this Gentleman as not to omit what he said for himself, in a Letter to the Speaker of the Commons immediately after his coming to Oxford which spake as follows:

Sir Richard's Letter to the Speaker, when he went off to the King, Mar. 8. 1643–4.

My Employment in Ireland in his Majesty's Army under the Pay of the Parliament, and my faithful Carriage in it against the Rebels there, is sufficiently known; and to say no more of it since it concerns myself, I thank God I can look back upon those Actions with some Comfort, and the more, that I prosecuted with a sincere Affection, to the up holding the Protestant Religion in that Kingdom, so well as his Majesty's just and undoubted Right to that Crown. The occasion of my coming over is well known too, and truly it was with many sad Thoughts of the Distractions and Miseries of my native Country, and I assure you it was without the least design of engaging myself, for I knew my Allegiance to my Sovereign was a Check to me to lift my Hand against him; and the Reverence I bare to the Name of a Parliament (which I find hath and doth deceive many) thwarted any Resolution in offering my Service to his Majesty, where I knew it was due; I contented, myself to think I had served both, without dislike of either, and that therefore might intend my own Particular, and before I any way engaged myself (if I should do so in the future) do it upon Knowledge, and not Report. Landing at Lever pool in August last, I found both there and at Warrington that great Suspicions were had of me, and also of my Lord Lisle, that we had brought over great Store of Treasure, and the Itch was so great to plunder m thereof, and of our Horses, &c. that it was told me what we bad was most useful for their good Cause in hand; if we were Friends, it should be but lent, if we were other, they must not let slip such an Advantage; and truly tho' we had Insolencies offered us, yet Colonel John Booth, by his Discretion and good Usage of us, kept them from committing those barbarous Injuries I found they were inclined unto; this wakened me, and I soon perceived that if this were the Justice of those Pretenders to Religion and Reformation, the many Complaints I had heard from many honest Men were not without cause. In short, from thence with great difficulty I was permitted to come up with a strict Guard to London, whence the Source and Spring of all our Miseries flows. There, Sir, to speak plain English to you, I found Religion was the Cloke of Rebellion, and it seemed not strange to me when I found there was so little left of the Protestant Religion, as there were few of the Learned and Reverend Divines that were wont to preach it. There I found the Subject's Liberty had a strange Guard far it, his Conscience being forced to submit to many unlawful Oaths (tho' it pleased God I escaped them all) his Estate was liable upon Interpretation of a necessitous Party to be exacted from him; and the whole Government there was but a necessity of Oaths, and Money for Subjects to compound to keep part of their own. The Privileges of Parliament I knew not many of them, and yet was it very visible that the great Privilege of this Parliament was to be none of the former; this some dishonest and sober Friends in divers Particulars made very clear to me. How the. Kings Name was used against himself, was as odious to me as ridiculous. Sir, by this you will see I have lived some Time amongst you, in which I must confess I endeavored to have dispatched some of my own Occasions concerning my private For tune, but without it were obliging me in some Command which I conceive had an eye to your own Service, I found so little Service as any other Man. At last I received that this might be a Design to have a Hold and Engagement upon me in a Service I was so ill satisfied in, therefore I withdraw myself to my becoming and lawful Duty to his Majesty, at whose Feet I have now laid myself, from whence no Fortune, Terror or Cruelty shall make me swerve. This, Sir, in Satisfaction to you and the World, so I rest, as I expect you should term me.

Your malignant Servant,
Richard Greenvile

Oxford, March 8. 1643.

To the honourable William Lenthal, Speaker of the House of Commons at London, present these.

Die Veneris 15 Martii, 1643.

Vote to prepare Propositions for Peace, Mar 15, 1643–4.

Resolved upon the Question, that it be referred to a Committee of both Kingdoms to consider of and prepare some Grounds for settling a just and safe Peace in all his Majesty's Dominions, such as both Kingdoms may consent unto and prosecute.

A Speech by Whitlock on this Debate, touching preparing Propositions for Peace.

Mr. Speaker,
It would be no Wonder to see an unanimous Concurrence of the whole House in furthering Proportions for a good Peace.

The Calamities of our Distractions have brought us to it, and who is there among us that hath not in some measure felt the Strokes of them? I am sure I have smarted by them.

We may here say; but I hope never with the like Application, what Tacitus said of the Romans, Omnia discordiis Civilibus seffa, the Land is weary of our Discords, being thereby polluted with our Blood.

GOD hath given you great Successes in many places against our Enemies, and sometimes he is pleased to give our Energies Successes against us, in all of them whether of the one or the other Party, the poor English are still Sufferers.

Whose Goods (I pray Sir) are plundered? Whose Houses are burnt? Whose Limbs are cut or shot off? Whose Persons are thrown into loathsom Dungtons? Whose Blood stain the Walls of our Towns, and defiles our Land?

Is it not all English? And is it not then time for us, who are all Englishmen, to beware of these Discords, and to use our utmost Endeavours to put an end to them.

I know, Sir, you are all here of the same Opinion with me in this Point, and that it was an unhappy Mistake of those who told us in the beginning of our Warfate, that it would be only to shew ourselves in the Field with a few Forces, and then all would be presently ended.

We have found it otherwise, let us now again seek to recover these Blessing of Peace, where of we are told, that nihil tam populare quam pax, that nothing is than Peace more gracious to be heard of, more pleasing to be desired, and wore prositable to be enjoyed.

I am sorry we have so much and so sad Experience, as well as ether Arguments, to convince us of this Truth.

You think it best to refer it to the Committee of both Kingdoms, and you cannot find more able and faithful Men to trust in this Business; the, Lords think sit that another Committee be named, to whom this may be referred.

Whilst we differ upon the Committee we lose the Business, and do not pursue Peace; I am persuaded, Sir, you can hardly name any Committee either within without these Walls, but would be ready to take Pains to effect this good Work,

Unless it were those who have said, that if this War be well managed it may last 20 Years, but these were not Englishmen; and altho' we have Irish, French Dutch and Walloons, as well as other Papists, engaged for the Settlement of the Protestant Religion and Laws of England.

Yet I am persuaded that his Majesty and you mutually endeavouring (as it is both your Interests) none can hinder it.

It is true these Foreigners help to open the Veins wider, but a Peace will rid the of them, and stop the Issue of Blood; but if it bleed on still we must faint and perhaps become a Prey to Foreigners.

Sir, I humbly move, that we may endeavour, without more toss of Time, to satisfy the Lords with Reasons, that it is fittest to have this Matter referred to the Committee of both Kingdoms.

Yet if their Lordships should not be satisfied herein, let us consent to name another Committee, rather than to suffer so desirable a Business to be protracted; let us consent to any thing that is just, reasonable and honourable, rather than in the least to neglect to seek Peace, and to ensue it.