Historical Collections: January 1642

Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 4, 1640-42. Originally published by D Browne, London, 1721.

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Rushworth, John, 'Historical Collections: January 1642', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 4, 1640-42(London, 1721), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol4/pp494-503 [accessed 14 March 2025].

Rushworth, John, 'Historical Collections: January 1642', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 4, 1640-42(London, 1721), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol4/pp494-503.

Rushworth, John. "Historical Collections: January 1642". Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 4, 1640-42. (London, 1721), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol4/pp494-503.

In this section

We now return to some other Passages in the Month of Jan. 1642.

Jan. the 5th. Arms and Relief ordered for Ireland.

The Committee for Irish Affairs having made a Report, the following Votes passed in the House.

  • 1. That all the Arms, Ammunition and Ordnance at Carlisle be sent to Carrick-fergus in Ireland, for the Supply of the Northern parts of that Kingdom: And for their further supply, and to Arm the two Regiments of the Lord Conway and Sir John Clotworthy, there shall be sent from the Tower one thousand Musquets with Bullet and Match proportionable, one thousand five hundred Swords, ten Lasts of Powder, to be disposed of as the Lord Lieutenant shall think fit.
  • 2. That there shall also be sent out of the Tower, to the Lord President of Munster, ten Lasts of Powder with Bullets and Match proportionable.
  • 3. That 2000 l. be ordered to be delivered to Sir William Brereton out of the Subsidies or Poll-money, to pay the three hundred Horse now at Chester, and for their Transportation. And 3000l. out of the said Subsidy or Poll-money in Cheshire or Wales, for the present relief of Dublin and Drogheda, to be received by the Victualer; and two thousand to be delivered here to to the Victualer of Carrickfergus.

By the King.

King's Proclamation for a general Monthly Fast Jan. the 8th.

His Majesty taking into his Princely and Pious consideration, the lamentable and distressed Estate of his good Subjects in his Majesty's Kingdom of Ireland, and conceiving it to be a just and great occasion, calling upon Him and his People of this his Kingdom of England, for a general Humillation of all Estates of this Kingdom before Almighty God in Prayer and Fasting, for drawing down his Mercy and Blessing upon that Kingdom: His Majesty doth therefore by his Proclamation straitly charge and command, That a general, publick and solemn Fast be kept and holden, as well by abstinence from Food, as publick Prayer, Preaching and hearing of the Word of God, and other sacred Duties in all Cathedral, Collegiate, and Parish Churches and Chappels within this His Majesty's Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales (His Majesty's Cities of London and Westminster only excepted, where it hath already been observed) on the 20th. day of this present Month of January.

And His Majesty doth further by this his Proclamation straitly charge and command, That a general, publick and solemn Fast be kept and holden as well by abstinence from Food, as by publick Prayers, Preaching and hearing of the Word of God, and other sacred Duties in all Cathedral, Collegiate, and Parish Churches and Chappels within this Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales (without any exception) on the last Wednesday of the Month of February next following the date hereof, and from thenceforth to continue on the last Wednesday of every Month during the Troubles of the said Kingdom of Ireland. All which His Majesty doth expresly charge and command shall be reverently and devoutly performed by all his loving Subjects, as they tender the favour of Almighty God, and would avoid his just Indignation against this Land, and upon pain of such Punishments as His Majesty can justly inflict upon all such as shall contemn or neglect so religious a Work.

Given at our Court at White-Hall the 8th. of January, in the 17th Year of our Reign.

Jan. the 12th Lieutenant of the Tower sent for.

The Parliament sent for Sir John Byron Lieutenant of the Tower (about this sending forth Arms on the 4th. of January to White-hall ) but he refused to come, telling the Messenger that he had an Order from the King not to stir out of the Tower, and sent a Copy of the King's Warrant to that purpose; whereupon it was ordered that he should again be sent for to come at his peril; and then he came and gave an Account to the Lords what Arms and Ammunition he sent, and afterwards to the Commons, first kneeling at the Barr of both Houses for his contempt in not attending at the first Summons, and so he was dismiss'd.

The King consents to a Guard for the Parliament under the E. of Lindsey.

The Lord Steward reported in the House of Lords, the King's Answer to the desire of both Houses touching Guards, viz. That to secure their fears, His Majesty will command the Lord Mayor to appoint two hundred Men out of the Train-bands of the City (such as he will be answerable for, to the King) to wait on the two Houses under the Command of the Earl of Lindsey, as being most proper for him in respect of his Office of Lord Great Chamberlain, whereby he hath a particular charge of the Houses of Parliament.

Commons order a Guard under Serjeant Major Skippon.

It was this day ordered by the Commons, That two Companies of the Train'd-Bands of the City and Suburbs, should every day attend upon the House, as a Guard, under the Command of Serjeant Major Skippon.

Jan. the 12th. Lord Digby said to be in Arms at Kingston.

Information was given to the House of Commons, That the Lord Digby with Colonel Lunsford and other disbanded Officers and Reformadoes have with Troops of Horse appeared in a warlike manner at Kingston in Surrey, where the Magazine of Arms for that part of the County lies, to the terror of his Majesty's Subjects; and that 'tis given out, they were to go to Portsmouth. A Committee was appointed to consider of this Information, who reported, That there were about two hundred Men there that are Officers, and that the Town is full of Horses; that they have Pistols, and carry themselves in a disorderly manner, to the terror of the People: That my Lord Digby was there on Horse back with Pistols, that Colonel Lunsford and two others of that Name were there also, and that there was two Cart-loads of Ammunition going to them. Whereupon there passed the next day the following Order:

Odered about the Lord Digby and Col. Lunsford's appearing in Arms at Kingston upon Thames.

Whereas Information hath been given to the Parliament, that the Lord Digby Son to the Earl of Bristol, and Colonel Lunsford with others have gathered Troops of Horse, and have appeared in a warlike manner at Kingston upon Thames, in the County of Surrey; where the Magazine of Arms for that part of the County lies, to the terror and affright of his Majesty's good Subjects, and disturbance of the publick Weal of the Kingdom. It is this day ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, that the Sheriffs of the several Counties of England and Wales, calling to their assistance the Justices of the Peace, and the Train'd Bands of those several Counties, or so many of them as shall be necessary for the Service, shall suppress all unlawful Assemblies gathered together, to the disturbance of the publick Peace of the Kingdom, in their several Counties respectively; and that they take care to secure the said Counties and all the Magazines in them.

Ordered by the Lords in Parliament, That this Order be Printed, and Published in all the Market Towns in this Kingdom.

John Browne, Cler. Parliament.


And particularly the Train'd-Bands of Sussex and Hampshire were sent unto to suppress the said Forces, and to prevent the carrying of Arms or Ammunition to Portsmouth. And an Order sent from both Houses to Colonel Goring the Governor of Portsmouth, requiring him not to deliver up the Town, nor receive any Forces into it, but by his Majesty's Authority signified by both Houses of Parliament. Likewise the Lords were moved to make an Order, requiring the Lord Digby to give his attendance in the House.

Sir John Hotham to be Governour of Hull.

The aforesaid Debate about Portsmouth, gave occasion to the Parliament to take into their consideration the securing of the Town and Magazine at Hull; and thereupon the Commons sent a Message to the Lords by Sir Philip Stapleton, That the Commons are informed, There is at Hull a Magazine of Arms of the King's for sixteen thousand Men, with Ammunition proportionable; but in regard no great strength is in the Town and that the Country adjacent is full of Papists and Persons ill-affected, The desire their Lordships Concurrence in an Order, That some of the Train'd Bands of Yorkshire nearest to the Town of Hull, shall be put into the said Town of Hull, under the Command of Sir John Hotham Knt. for securing the King's Magazine there, and the Town; and the said Sir John to command the said Town and Forces; and that he, or who-ever he should appoint under him, shall not deliver it up, or the Magazine, or any part thereof, without the King's Authority signified by the Lords and Commons in Parliament: To which their Lordships consented.

Mr. John Hotham sent down to Hull

And to hasten this Order down to Hull, Mr. John Hotham (Sir John's Son, and a Member also of the House of Commons) was ordered by the House, to go immediately with the same; and Mr. Hotham then standing up in the Gallery of the House of Commons, thus expressed himself, Mr. Speaker! fall back! fall edge! I will go down, and perform your commands. (See afterwards, the Chapter of Hull.)

A Bill about Adjourning to any other place.

A Bill having been brought into the House, declaring that the Lords and Commons may Adjourn themselves to any place, and the same having passed the Commons, was this day transmitted to the Lords, where it passed also.

Jan. the 13th. A Guard set about the Tower.

An Order was made by both Houses, that the Earl of Newport, Master of the Ordnance, and the Lieutenant of the Tower, their Deputies, or Officers shall not suffer any Ordnance or Ammunition to be carried out of the Tower, without the King's Authority signified by both Houses of Parliament; and that for the better safe guard of the Tower, the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex shall appoint and set a sufficient Guard both by Land and Water, about it, to be commanded by Serjeant Major Skippon.

Great Saddles seized.

One Lee a Water-man informed the House of some great Saddles that were to be sent to Kingston; the Serjeant attending the House, was ordered to seize them, who did seize the same accordingly.

The Royal Assent to Two Acts by Commission. Fryday Jan. the 14th. Ammunition for the Rebels in Ireland from Dunkirk to be stopt by the Dutch.

The Lord Keeper having been ordered to wait upon the King, and desire his Royal Assent to three Bills which had pass'd both Houses, viz. one for pressing of Mariners, another touching Captives in Algeirs, and the third touching the Houses Adjourning to any other place at their pleasure, did this Day signifie His Majesty's Answer, That he would pass the two first by Commission, but as to the last, because neither he nor any of his Council have seen it, his Majesty will take time to consider of it; and accordingly on the 15th day, the two former Bills were passed by Commission; directed to the Lord Keeper Littleton, the Earl of Lindsey, and the Earl of Cumberland.

Information being given, That some Ships laden with Arms, Ammunnition, and Provisions for the relief and assistance of the Rebels in Ireland, were going from Dunkirk and other Ports in Ireland; the Houses sent to the Dutch Ambassador, desiring that there might be present Order given to the States Ships that lie before Dunkirk, for the staying of all such Ships so laden, which the Ambassador promised should be done accordingly.

Information of Troops and Ammunition at Windsor.; Scouts appointed.

Mr. Bagshaw of Windsor informed the House of Commons, That the last Night as he went to Windsor (where the Court then was) he saw divers Troops of Horse, and that there came a Waggon loaded with Ammunition thither, and another Waggon that went from thence to Portsmouth; and that he was informed there were about four hundred Horse in the Town, and about some forty Officers, which was communicated to the Lords, and an Order passed, That Serjeant Major Skippon take care, that ten Horse-men be forthwith appointed to go as Scouts from time to time, to give Intelligence if any Forces do approach near the City, and this House will undertake to pay them; and also to take care for appointing of Boats and small Vessels to lie upon the River for the like Service; which shall likewise be satisfied by the House. Mr. Pierpoint, Sir Richard Care, Mr. Hollis, Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Glyn, Sir Philip Stapleton, Sir Henry Vane, and Mr. Chancellor of the Exche quer, are appointed a Committee to consider of some Heads for putting the Kingdom into a Posture of Defence.

Saturday, Jan. the 15th. Reasons for removing Sir John Byron from the Lieutenancy of the Tower.

The Commons having formerly desired the Lords to join with them in a Petition to the King for the Removal of Sir John Byron, lately appointed Lieutenant of the Tower, and the Lords declining it, did this Day again renew their Motion to their Lordships, and offered these Reasons.

  • 1. The Parliament cannot confide in Sir John Byron, because he hath been disobedient, and refused to come upon the Summons of both Houses.
  • 2. The Citizens cannot confide in him, alledging that he is a Stranger to them; and this Diffidence causes Merchants to take away their Bullion out of the Mint; and a Ship being at present arrived richly laden with Bullion, the Owners for this Reason forbear to bring it into the Mint.
  • 3. Because it much concerns the City, it being a great Charge to maintain a Guard about the Tower; and therefore desire their Lordships Concurrence in a Petition that he may be removed, and Sir John Coniers recommended to his Majesty for that Place; but still the Lords refused.

The Impeachment. Bishops Plea.

The twelve Bishops impeached, were severally brought to the Bar of the Lords House, and put in their Answers to the said Impeachment, which they all did in this Form:

I — Bishop of such a Place, saving to my self all Advantages of Exception to the Insufficiency of the said Impeachment; for my self, say, That I am not guilty of the Treason charged by the said Impeachment in Manner and Form as the same is therein charged.

Jan. 1642. Earls of Essex and Holland sent for by the King, but excuse their going.

Within few Days after his Majesty's Absence from White-Hall, the House of Lords was acquainted by the Earl of Essex, Lord Chamberlain of his Majesty's Houshold, that the King had laid his Commands upon him and the Earl of Holland, Groom of the Stole, to attend his Majesty at Hampton Court, concerning which they pray'd the Pleasure of the House, being required by their Writs there to attend the Business of the Kingdom. The House would not dispense with their Absence, in respect of the many great and urgent Affairs depending; whereupon they excused themselves to his Majesty as well as they could, that in Obedience to his Writ they were obliged to assist in Parliament, and that their Attendance there about the high Affairs of the Realm, was truer Service to his Majesty, than any they would do him at Hampton. The King soon after sent a Messenger to demand the Staff of the one, and the Key of the other (the Ensigns of their Offices) which they resigned accordingly.

To the King's most Excellent Majesty.

The humble Desires of the Commissioners of his Majesty's Kingdom of Scotland.

The Petition and Advice of the Commissioners of Scotland to the King, by way of Mediation, Jan. the 15th.

We your Majesty's humble and faithful Subjects, considering the mutual Relation betwixt your Majesty's Kingdoms of Scotland and England, is such, as they must stand or fall together, and the disturbance of the one must needs disquiet and distemper the peace of the other, as hath been often acknowledged by them both, and especially in the late Treaty, which is ratified in Parliament, and confirmed by the publick Faith of the Estates of your Majesty's ancient and native Kingdom of Scotland, so that they are bound to maintain the Peace and Liberties of one another, being highly concerned therein, as the assured means of the safety and preservation of their own; and finding our selves warranted and obliged by all means to labour to keep a right understanding between your Majesty and your People, to confirm that brotherly affection betwixt the two Nations, to advance their Unity by all such ways as may tend to the glory of God, and peace of the Church and State of both Kingdoms, and to proffer our Service for removing all Jealousies and Mistakes, which may arise betwixt your Majesty and this Kingdom, and our best Endeavours for the better Establishment of the Affairs and Quiet of the same, that both your Majesty's Kingdoms of Scotland and England may be united in the enjoying of their Liberties, in Peace under your Majesty's Sceptre, which is the most assured Foundation of your Majesty's Honour and Greatness, and of the Security of your Royal Person, Crown and Dignity. We have taken the boldness to assure your Majesty, that we are heartily sorry and grieved to behold these Distractions which increase daily betwixt your Majesty and your People, and which we conceive are entertained by the wicked Plots and Practices of Papists, Prelates, and their Adherents, whose Aim in all these Troubles has not been only to prevent all further Reformation, but also to subvert the Purity and Truth of Religion within all your Majesty's Kingdoms; for which end, their constant endeavours have been to stir up Divisions betwixt your Majesty's People, by their questioning the Authority of Parliaments, the lawful Liberties of the Subjects, and real weakning of your Majesty's Power and Authority, nay, all upon the pretence of extending the same, whereof by God's Providence being disappointed in your Majesty's Kingdom of Scotland, these have now converted their mischievous Counsels, Conspiracies and Attempts, to produce these Distempers in your Majesty's Kingdoms of England and Ireland. And therefore according to our Duty to your Majesty, to testifie our Brotherly Affection to this Kingdom, and acquit our selves of the Trust imposed in us, we do make Offer of our humble Endeavours for composing of these differences; and to that purpose do beseech your Majesty in these Extremities, to have recourse to the sound and faithful Advice of the honourable Houses of Parliament, and to repose thereupon, as the only assured and happy means to establish the Prosperity and Quiet of this Kingdom; and in the depth of your Royal Wisdom, to consider and prevent these apprehensions of Fear, which may possess the Hearts of your Majesty's Subjects in your other Kingdoms, if they shall conceive the Authority of Parliament, and the Rights and Liberties of the Subject to be here called in question; and we are confident, that if your Majesty shall be graciously pleased to take in good part, and give ear to these our humble and faithful desires, that the Success of your Majesty's Affairs, howsoever perplexed, shall be happy to your Majesty, and joyful to all your People; over whom, that your Majesty may long and prosperously Reign, is the servent and constant Prayer of us your Majesty's faithful Subjects and Servants.

A Paper of the Scotch Commissioners to the Parliament, offering their Mediation.

A Paper sent from the Scotch Commissioner, to both Houses, offering their Mediation.

Our Treaty concerning the Irish Affairs, being so oft interrupted by the emergent Distractions, gives us occasion to desire your Lordships and those noble Gentlemen of the House of Commons, for to present to the honourable Houses of Parliament, that we having taken to our consideration, the manifold Obligations of the Kingdom of Scotland, to our Native and Gracious Sovereign, his Person and Government, confirmed and multiplied by the great and recent Favours bestowed by his Majesty on that Kingdom, at his last being there, and settling the Troubles thereof; and considering the mutual Interest of the Kingdoms in the Welfare and Prosperity of each other, acknowledged and established in the late Treaty, and finding our selves warranted and obliged by all means, to labour to keep a right Understanding betwixt the King's Majesty and his People, to confirm that Brotherly Affection begun between the two Nations, to advance their Unity, by all such ways as may tend to the Glory of God, and Peace of the Church and State of both Kingdoms; to render Thanks to the Parliament of England, for their assistance given to the Kingdom of Scotland, in settling the late Troubles thereof, wherein next to the Providence of God, and the King's Majesty's Justice and Goodness, they do acknowledge themselves most beholding to the Mediation and Brotherly Kindness of the Kingdom of England, and profer our selves to interpose for removing all Jealousies and Mistakes which may arise betwixt the King's Majesty and this Kingdom, and our best Endeavours for the better Establishment of the Affairs and Quiet of the same.

We do therefore in the Name of the Parliament and Kingdom of Scotland, acknowledge our selves, next to the Providence of God and his Majesty's Justice and Goodness, most beholding to the Mediation and Brotherly Kindness of the Kingdom of England in many respects, especially in condescending to the King's Majesty's coming to Scotland in the midst of their great Affairs, whereof we have tasted the sweet and comfortable Fruits and do heartily wish the like Happiness to this Kingdom. And as we are heartily sorry to find our hopes thereof deferred by the present Distractions growing daily here to a greater height, and out of Sense thereof, have taken the Boldness to send our humble and faithful Advice to the King's most Excellent Majesty for remedying of the same to the just Satisfaction of his People; so out of our Duty to his Majesty, and to testifie our Brotherly Affection to this Kingdom, and acquit our selves of the Trust imposed upon us, we do most earnestly beseech the most honourable Houses, in the Depth of their Wisdoms, to think timeously upon the faireft and fittest ways of composing all present Differences, to the Glory of God, the Good of the Church and State of both Kingdoms, and to His Majesty's Honour and Contentment; wherein, if our faithful Endeavours may be any way useful, we shall be most ready at all Occasions to contribute the same.

Jacob Primrose.

An Order of the King's, touching the aforesaid Paper of the Scots to His Majesty, offering their Mediation, January the 19th.

Charles Rex,
We have thought fit to require you to repair to the Commissioners from our Parliament of Scotland, and let them know, That we expected before they should have interessed themselves in any manner of way betwixt Us and our Parliament of England, they would (according to our Desire, expressed to them by Our Letter of the 13th Instant) have acquainted Us with their Resolution in Private; and that for the Time coming, We are very confident (out of the Respect due to Us from them, and their earnest Desires to shun Mistakes and Disputes) they will no way engage themselves in these present Differences, without first they communicate their Intentions with Us in Private, whereby all Jealousies and Suspicions may be removed, and they better enabled to do Us Service.

Given at our Honour of Windsor, the 19th of January, 1641.

A Letter of the King's, to the Chancellor of Scotland, complaining of the Commissioners for the said Paper, Jan. 26.

Directed to our Right Trusty, and Right Well-beloved Consin and Councellor, the Earl of Lanerick, Our Secretary for Scotland.

Right Trusty, and Right Well beloved Cousin and Counsellor! We greet you well. As it hath been always our Care and Study to have a right Understanding betwixt Us and our Subjects of Scotland, so nothing can say us more than to hear the Effects thereof to be such, as that they in Peace and Quietness, enjoy the Benefit of our Courts of Justice; and that under our Government they reap the Fruits of those sound and wholsome Laws establisht in that Kingdom by Us and our Predecessors for their Good and Happiness. We cannot but take kindly from you, your representing unto Us the Miseries and Afflictions to which our good Subjects of Ireland are reduced, through the inhumane and unheard of Cruelties of the Rebels there; We on our Part have left nothing undone, which We thought could express how sensible We are of their Sufferings; but the present Distractions of this Kingdom, do both delay the sending of those necessary Assistances and Supplies which they ought to expect from hence, and prolong the Treaty with our Commissioners of Scotland; so that if some extraordinary Course be not taken for their present Supply, it is not like their Miseries will end sooner than their Days. The Consideration whereof induceth Us to require you to move our Counsel, that these Forces that are already on foot in Scotland, may be presently sent over thither, and We will oblige our selves to see them readily and punctually paid by this Parliament; which if they shall refuse to do, We will engage Our own Revenues, rather than delay so good and necessary a Work; to which purpose, we shall issue forth such Commissions, and give such Warrants under our own Great Seal of England, as our Counsel of Scotland shall think necessary for their Service, and grant all such their Desires for the Advancement of that Work, as in reason can be demanded from Us; and therefore do require you, with all possible Diligence, to return Us their Resolutions herein, which We are confident, will be such as will testifie their Respect to Us, and Affection to their distressed Brethren in Ireland.

And now We are confident, We shall not need to remember you of those dutiful Expressions of Respect and Fidelity you made to Us at our late being in Scotland; for the same which produced those Expressions, will induce you to make them, good by your Actions. We remember well, you expressed your Readiness both Life and Fortune for the Maintenance of our Temporal Power, and even in matters Ecclesiastical, though you wished Uniformity therein betwixt the two Nations, yet you would not interest your selves in these differences further than should be with our Knowledge and Good liking; We wish our Commissioners of Scotland had taken that Course, and not meddled, nor offered to mediate betwixt Us and this Parliament, before they had first made their Intentions known to Us in private, according to our express Desire, nor made their private Advice publickly known unto both Houses, which is now in Print; We did conceive the Intention of the Commissiongranted to them by Us in Parliament, was for finishing the Remainder of the Treaty, for settling of Trade and Commerce, and keeping a right Understanding between the two Nations, not betwixt Us and our Parliament here; it is true, they were to receive their particular Instructions from the Council, which we believe to have been limited to these Generals, which certainly never could have reached this Particular, but in so far as we shall first know and approve of it, which truly we conceive to be the only Means to shun those Suspicions and Jealousies that might breed any Interruption of that happy Understanding that is now established betwixt Us and our native Kingdom: Herein we expect your best Endeavours, as a real Testimony of your Affection to our Service; We do likewise think fit, that a Double of all such Instructions as have already been given, or shall hereafter be given to the Commissioners, be sent unto Us, which will exceedingly conduce to the shunning of unnecessary Mistakings: And in case there come any Dispute betwixt Us and our Parliament here, about the Nomination of Officers and Counsellors; We hope you will remember upon what Grounds We were induced to yield in this Particular to the Desires of our Subjects in Scotland, it being our necessary Absence from that our native Country, and you in private did often promise upon occasion, to declare that this Kingdom ought not to urge it as a Precedent for the like to them, the Reasons not being the same; therefore now you are to think upon the most convenient way to make good that Promise, and labour to prevent so great an Inconvenience unto Us, which We expect from you as one of the most acceptable Services can be done unto Us.

Postscript with His Majesty's own Hand.

I Have commanded this my Servant Mungo Murray, to tell you some things which I think not fit to write; therefore desiring, you to trust what he will say to you from me, I will now only add, that your Affections rightly expressed to me (at this time) will do me an unspeakable Service; to the effecting of which, I expect much from your particular Affection and Dexterity.

Charles Rex.

Windfor, the 26th
January, 1641.

The Parliament returns the Scots Commissioners Thanks for their Offer of Mediation, Jan. the 16th.

Sir Philip Stapleton was this Day ordered to return Thanks to the Scots Commissioners for their Paper, wherein they give Advice to the King to comply with his Parliament; and to assure them, That the Parliament is much satisfied with that large Testimony of Fidelity in them to the King, and Affection to this State; and do hereby declare, That what they have done is very acceptable to this House, and that they will continue their Care and Endeavours to remove the present Distractions, as also to confirm and preserve the Union between the two Nation.

The Scots Commissioners Proposition the 24th of Jan. 1641.

Touching the sending of the two Thousand five hundred Men into Ireland.

Jan. the 24th, Scots Propositions touching sending Forces into Ireland.

Concerning the Proposition made to us the 22d of January, from the Committees of both Houses, for the Trasporting presently into Ireland of the two thousand five hundred Men now on foot in Scotland. We having no Instruction for that end, cannot by our selves condescend otherwise, than upon the Closure of the Treaty; but shall most heartily represent it to the Council of Scotland, and second the same with our earnest Desires, that every thing may be done, which may contribute to the Preservation of that Kingdom, and may testifie our Brotherly Affection to this; and that we may be the more able to move the Council to condescend to the same, we desire the Propositions following to be granted,

  • 1. That Provision of Victuals be presently sent to Carrickfergus, to be sold to our Soldiers at reasonable Rates answerable to their Pay.
  • 2. That an Order be set down how they shall be paid there, and from whom they may require the same.
  • 3. That they have the Command and Keeping of the Town and Castle of Carrickfergus, with Power to them to remain still within the same, or to enlarge their Quarters, and to go abroad in the Country, upon such Occasions as their Officers in their Discretion shall think expedient for the Good of that Kingdom. And if it shall be thought fit that any Regiments or Troops in that Province shall joyn with them, that they receive Orders from the Commanders of our Forces.
  • 4. That Provision of Match, Powder and Ball, be presently sent to Carrickfergus; and what Arms, Ammunition, or Artillery, shall be sent over with them from Scotland, that the like Quantity be sent from hence to Scotland, whensoever the same shall be demanded.
  • 5. That a Part of the 30000 l. of Brotherly Assistance be presently advanced to us, which although in a just Proportion to these Men, it will amount but to 7500 l. yet for the better furthering the Service, we desire 10000 l. if it may stand with your Convenience.
  • 6. That their Pay, which was condescended unto from the 8th of December, be presently advanced to the 8th of February next, against which time we are confident they shall be ready to march.
  • 7. That a Man of War, or some Merchant Ships, be sent from Bristol, West-Chester or Dublin, to Lochyran, for a safe Convoy and Guard of the Passage, because they being in open Boats, may be subject to Inconveniencies from the Enemy, whose Frigates we hear are towards the Coast.
  • 8. That the sending over of these Men be without Prejudice to the Proceedings of the Treaty, which we desire may go on without any Delay.

Jacob Prymrose.

Westminster, the 24th
January, 1641.

Resolved, That the House of Commons doth agree unto these particular Propositions now presented from the Scots Commissioners.

Ordered, That the House of Peers agreeth with the House of Commons unto these Propositions.

His Majesty's Answer to the Propositions above-mentioned, given the 26th of January, 1641, at Windsor.

King's Answer to those Propositions.

His Majesty having perused and considered these eight Propositions presented by the Scots Commissioners, doth willingly consent to them all, except only the Third, which His Majesty doth not approve, and wisheth the Houses to take that Article again into Consideration, as a Business of very great Importance, which His Majesty doubts may be prejudicial to the Crown of England, and the Service intended; and if the House desire it, His Majesty shall not be unwilling to speak with the Scots Commissioners, to see what Satisfaction he can give them therein.

The Commoms were dissatisfied that His Majesty refused his Consent to the said Third Article, and Voted, That those that advised His Majesty thereunto, were Enemies to the King and Kingdom. But the next Day his Majesty sent a satisfactory Answer thereunto as followeth:

His Majesty's further Answer to the Third Article of the said Proposition of the Scots Commissioners, resolved on the 26th, and given the 27th of January, 1641, at Windsor.

After that his Majesty had (Yesterday) sent his Opinion concerning the Articles which the Scots Commissioners gave in, touching the present Supplies to be sent for Ireland, they themselves waited on him, their chief Errand being the self same Business; whereupon his Majesty thought fit to perswade them (as much as he could) to alter the Third Article, because he conceived it might be a Prejudice to the Crown of England, the Particulars whereof were too long to relate: their only Argument, that weighed with him, being that (since it was agreed upon by both Houses of Parliament, and that the Strength of his Majesty's Argument was, that Article imployed too great a Trust for Auxiliary Forces) they were in good hope, that his Majesty being their native King, would not shew less Trust in them, than their Neighbour Nation. So that the Question being (meerly) of trust, and that both Houses of Parliament have thought fit to grant it (though his Majesty could wish that the Third Article were drawn more for the Advantages of the Crown of England than he conceives it is) his Majesty cannot but wholly admit of the Advice of his Parliament in this Particular, especially since his Majesty perceives that insisting upon the same, would breed a great Delay in the necessary Supply of his Kingdom of Ireland.

Jan. the 26th Vice-Admiral Pennington examined about Transporting Lord Digby.

Sir William Lewis reported from the Committee appointed to examine Sir John Pennington, that he doth acknowledge the Lord Digby came to him the first time, on the 16th of January to Deal, and dined with him on Board of one of the King's Ships, and said he was by the King's Command to go beyond Seas, and had his Majesty's Warrant for it, and went aboard of one of the Whelps (a small Vessel so called) and under Sail, but having received Letters a board the Whelp, he came to Sir John again, and said he had received Directions to return; so he gave Sir John Penington thanks, and went from thence to Canterbury, and was there staid by the Mayor, but discharged upon his protestation to go to the Parliament, or the Court; and so went towards London, but when he was beyond Canterbury, he returned a private way and came back to Deal, and so again aboard the King's Ship, saying, he had received Orders to be gone. Sir John Penington being then in Bed, he produced his Majesty's Warrant signed with His Majesty's own Hand, January the 13th at Windsor, commanding Sir John to transport the Lord Digby to any place beyond the Seas, either in France or Holland.

After this Report, Sir John Penington was called into the House, and the House told him they had a good Opinion of him, and so was dismissed.

Die Sabbathi 29, January.

Parliaments Order the 29th of Jan. 1641, to restrain Popish Commanders from going into Ireland, and conveying of Ammunition, Arms, Monies, &c. to the Rebels.

Whereas great Numbers of Papists, both English and Irish, some whereof have been, and are Commanders in the Wars; and others such as have Estates in England, have gone out of this Kingdom into Ireland, immediately before and during the barbarous and bloody Rebellion there, and traiterously joined themselves with the Rebels of that Nation, against his Majesty and the Crown of England: And likewise divers other Popish Commanders, and such as have Estates in England, are daily preparing to go thither to the same wicked ends; and great store of Arms, Ammunition, Money, Corn, and other Victuals and Provisions have been sent, and are daily preparing to be sent to that Kingdom, for the assistance and encouragement of those Rebels: For prevention whereof the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, do hereby order and straitly charge and command all Sheriffs, Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Bailiffs, Constables, and all other his Majesty's Officers within the Realm of England and Dominion of Wales, That they apprehend and examine all such Persons as they shall suspect to be Papists, and going out of this Kingdom or the Dominion of Wales, into Ireland; and that they make also stay of all Arms, Munition, Money, Corn, and other Victuals and Provisions which they shall suspect to be preparing for transportation into Ireland, for the Aid and Relief of the Rebels there: And to give speedy Notice thereof unto the Parliament.

And whereas also divers poor People, Men, Women, and Children of the Irish Nation and Papists, have lately come in great numbers out of Ireland into Cornwal, Devon, and other parts of this Kingdom, where they have been and are very disorderly, and much terrifie the Inhabitants where they come, and due care is not taken in all places for the suppressing and punishing of them: The Lords and Commons in this Parliament assembled, do hereby further order and require all Officers before-mentioned, That they put the Laws in due execution against such wandring Irish Papists before expressed, and that they cause them to be forthwith conveyed back into that Kingdom.