Historical Collections: 1640, August-September

Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 3, 1639-40. Originally published by D Browne, London, 1721.

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John Rushworth, 'Historical Collections: 1640, August-September', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 3, 1639-40(London, 1721), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol3/pp1221-1286 [accessed 14 March 2025].

John Rushworth, 'Historical Collections: 1640, August-September', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 3, 1639-40(London, 1721), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol3/pp1221-1286.

John Rushworth. "Historical Collections: 1640, August-September". Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 3, 1639-40. (London, 1721), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol3/pp1221-1286.

In this section

On the fifteenth of August the Lord Conway having received certain Intelligence, that the Scots would on such a Day enter England, writ to the effect following, to Mr. Secretary Windebank, for the Information of the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury.

Lord Conway for the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury.

Mr. Secretary,
My Time is very short: I now received your Letter: I have within these two hours word brought to me, [I pray you tell my Lord of Canterbury, that it is by that Man I did write last to him, that I have sent into Scotland, and gave him sixteen Pounds] that the Scotch Army, as he doth assure me upon his Life, and bids me hang him if it be not so, will, upon Monday or Tuesday next, come into England: That they will upon Saturday be before this Town, which they say they will take, or here be broken. From hence they intend to go to Yorkshire, &c.

Your most humble Servant,

Conway and Kilulta.

Newcastle, Aug 15. 1640.

On the 20th of August the King began his Journey from London towards York, in some haste, upon information that the Scots were ready to enter the Kingdom with an Army, which accordingly they did on the same twentieth of August.

August 20; Proclamation against supplying the Scots.

On which day his Majesty published a Proclamation, whereby he declared that all those of Scotland who have already enter'd, or hereafter shall presume to enter in an hostile manner into any part of the Kingdom of England, and their Adherents, Assistants, and others, who shall supply them with Money, Munition, Victuals, or other Provisions, shall be adjudged Traitors against his Majesty, his Crown and Dignity, and incur the Penalties of High Treason; yet the King declares he will forgive the Scots if they return to Obedience, and professeth it before God and the World, as often formerly, and in his late Declaration he hath done; and that he never did nor will hinder his Subjects of Scotland from the enjoying of their Religion and Liberties, according to the ecclesiastical, civil and municipal Laws of that Kingdom, and according to his Promise, and their Desires subscribed by themselves at the Pacification; but that he will govern them as a just and religious Prince: In assurance whereof, if they will yet acknowledge their former Crimes and Exorbitancies, and in humble and submiss manner, like penitent Delinquents, crave Pardon for what is past, and yield Obedience for the time to come, they shall still find that his Majesty will be more sensible of their due Conformity and Obedience, than he hath been of their Rebellions; that he rather desires their Reformation than their Destruction.

August 20. Cumberland and Westmoreland to keep strict Watches.

In Expectation of the entrance of the Scotish Army, the Privy Council sitting at White-hall this Day, sent Letters directed to the Lieutenants of the Counties of Cumberland and Westmoreland, requiring, First, That strict Watches be kept upon the Passages of the Borders into Scotland, by the several Townships, as formerly hath been (fn. 1) accustomed in time of Hostility. Secondly, That the Beacons be watched and kept serviceable. Thirdly, That search be made of what store of Corn there was in any of the Granaries on the other side of the River (fn. 2) Eden, betwixt it and Scotland; and that no Person shall keep more Provision of any kind than shall serve their Family for a Week, and that the rest be put into safe Places. Fourthly, That it being the usual manner in those Parts to put a thousand or fifteen hundred Cattle to Pasture in the Summer time, and to have none but a Boy or two to look to them; those who receive the Profits of those Cattle shall be compelled to keep so many Herdsmen as may presently, upon warning, drive those Cattle over the Eden, that they may be secured from the Pillage of the Enemy.

The Names of the chief Commanders of the Scotch Army. Their strength in Horse and Foot.

The best Intelligence we could get of the strength of the Scotish Army on their March towards England, was, that they consisted of 20000 Foot and 2500 Horse, commanded by General Lesly in chief, Earl of Kallender Lieutenant-General, Alex Hamilton Major-General of Artillery, and Colonel Bailey Major-General of the Army. There were many other Noblemen, Barons, and Gentlemen, who were Commanders in the Army, who marched with them as a standing Committee of the Army, consisting of six Noblemen, six Barons, six Burgesses, besides the General Officers.

The Scots enter England.

On Thursday, the 20th of August, one part of the Scotch Army marched over the River Tweed, at a Ford named Cald Streame, into England; and another part of their Army at a Ford lower down, upon the same River: The Earl of Montross commanded the Vaunt-Guard, and first took the River; the College of Justice Troop, consisting of one hundred and sixty Gentlemen commanded by Sir Thomas Hope, rode upon the Right Wing of the Foot, which help'd to break the Stream: That Night they encamped at a Place called Hirslaw in England, bordering on Scotland.

Friday, August 21. they marched from thence, and pitched that Night at Misfield-Moore; but the Horse lay at several Villages thereabouts.

Saturday, August 22. they marched to Middleton Haugh near Wooller, and that night some of the Berwick Troops came out and fell upon part of the Camp, and seized three Field-pieces; but the Alarm being quickly taken, they were presently regained, and the Berwick Troops forced to retreat, and some of them taken Prisoners.

Aug. 23.

The next day being Sunday, August 23. after Sermon they removed from Middleton Haugh, and encamped that Night at Branton Field.


Munday, August 24. they removed from thence and encamped on the Hill betwixt the New and Old Towns of Eglingam or Eglington.


Tuesday, August 25. they marched from thence, and encamped that Night at Nether Wotten.


Wednesday, August 26. they removed from thence, and pitched that Night on the East part of a Village called Creich or some such Name.


Thursday, August 27. they marched from thence, and encamped their Army about Newborne upon Tyne, a Town of the Earl of Northumberland's, four Miles West from Newcastle.

It is to be observed that at the Scots entry into England, they published certain Considerations to manifest the Lawfulness of their Expedition, and declared the Intention thereof to their Brethren here in England (as they called them) which Considerations were as followeth.

Six Considerations of the Lawfulness of their Expedition into England manifested.

Considerations to justify the Scots Expedition into England.

'As from the beginning till this time, we have attempted nothing presumptuously in this great Work of Reformation, but have proceeded upon good Grounds, and have been led forward by the good hand of God; so now, from our own Perswasion, are we ready to answer every one that asketh us a reason of this our present Expedition, which is one of the greatest and most notable Parts of this wonderful Work of God, beseeching all to lift up their Minds above their own particulars, and without prejudice or partiality to lay to heart the Considerations following.

'First, As all Men know and confess what is the great force of Necessity, and how it doth justify Actions otherways unwarrantable, so it cannot be denied but we must either seek our peace in England at this time, or lie under the heavy Burdens which we are not able to bear.

  • '1. We must maintain Armies on the Borders, and all Places nearest to hazard, for the Defence and Preservation of our Country, which by laying down of Arms, and disbanding of our Forces, should be quickly over-run by hostile Invasion, and the Incursions of our Enemies.
  • '2. We shall want Trade by Sea, which would not only deprive the Kingdom of many Necessaries, but utterly undo our Boroughs, Merchants, Mariners, and many others who live by Fishing, and by Commodities Exported and Imported, and whose particular callings are utterly made void, by want of Commerce with other Nations and Sea-Trade.
  • '3. The Subjects through the whole Kingdom, shall want administration of Justice; and although this time past, the marvellous power and providence of God hath kept the Kingdom in order and quietness without any Judicatories sitting, yet cannot this be expected for afterward, but shall turn to confusion. Any one of the three, much more all of them put together, threaten us with most certain ruine, unless we speedily use the remedy of this Expedition. And this we say not from fear, but from feeling: for we have already felt to our unspeakable prejudice [what it is to maintain Armies, what to want Traffick, what to want Administration of Justice.] And if the beginning of these evils be so heavy, what shall the growth and long continuance of them prove unto us? so miserable a Being all Men would judge to be worse than no being.

'Secondly, If we consider the nature and quality of this Expedition, it is defensive, and so the more justifiable. For proof hereof let it be remembred.

'1. The King's Majesty misled by the crasty and cruel faction of our Adversaries, began this years War, not we. When Articles of pacification had been the other year agreed upon, Arms laid down, Forts and Castles rendred, an Assembly kept, and concluded with the presence and consent of his Majesties High Commissioner, the promised Ratification thereof in Parliament (contrary to the foresaid Articles) was denied unto us; and when we would have informed his Majesty by our Commissioners, of the reasons and manner of our Proceedings, they got not so much as presence or audience. Thereafter his Majesty being content to hear them, before that they came to Court or were heard, War was concluded against us at the Council Table of England, and a Commission given to the Earl of Northumberland for that effect.

  • '1. The Parliaments of Ireland and England were also convocate, for granting Subsidies unto this War against us, as is notoure; Plots have been hatcht, and military Preparations made against us: many invasions by Sea, which have spoiled us of our Ships and Goods: Men, Women and Children killed in Edinburgh by his Majesties Forces in the Castle. Our Enemies therefore are the authors and beginners of the War, and we defenders only.
  • '2. We intend not the hurt of others, but our own Peace and Preservation, neither are we to offer any injury or violence: And therefore have furnished our selves according to our power with all necessaries, not to fight at all, except we be forced to it in our own defence, as our Declaration beareth.
  • '3. We shall retire and lay down Arms, as soon as we shall get a sure peace, and shall be satisfied in our just Demands. Upon which ground even some of those who would seem the greatest Royalists, hold the Wars of the Protestants in France against the King, and the faction of the Guisians, to have been lawful defensive Wars, because they were ever ready to disband and quiet themselves, when they got assurance of Peace and Liberty of Religion. Now this present Expedition being in the Nature of it Defensive, hence it appeareth that it is not contrary, but consonant to our former Protestations, Informations and Remonstrances: In all which there is not one word against defensive War in this Cause; but strong Reasons for it, all which militate for this Expedition.

'Our first Information sent to England this Year, though it accurseth all offensive or invasive War, yet sheweth plainly, that if we be invaded either by Sea or Land, we must do as a Man that fighteth himself out of Prison. If a private Man when his House is blocked up, so that he can have no liberty of Commerce and Traffick to supply himself and family, being also in continual hazard of his Life, not knowing when he shall be assaulted by his Enemies who lie in wait against him, may in this case most lawfully step forth with the Forces which he can make, and fight himself free, of how much more worth is the whole Nation? and how shall one and the same way of defence and liberation be allowed to a private Man, and disallowed to a whole Nation?

'Thirdly, We are called to this Expedition by that same Divine Providence and Vocation which hath guided us hitherto in this great Business. We see the expediency of it, for the Glory of God, for the good of the Church, for advancing the Gospel, for our own Peace: after seeking of God, and begging light and direction from Heaven, our Hearts are inclined to it, God hath given us zeal and courage to prosecute it, ability and opportunity for undertaking it, unanimous Resolution upon it, scruples removed out of Minds where they were harboured, encouragements to atchieve it from many Passages of Divine Providence, and namely from the proceedings of the last Parliament in England, their grievances and desires being so homogeneal and akin to ours, we have laboured in great long-suffering by Supplications, Informations, Commissions, and all other means possible, to avoid this Expedition. It was not premeditate nor affected by us (God knows) but our Enemies have necessitated and redacted us unto it, and that of purpose to sow the seed of National Quarrels: yet as God hitherto hath turned all their Plots against themselves, and to effects quite contrary to those that they intended; so are we hopeful that our coming into England (so much wished and desired by our Adversaries for producing a National quarrel) shall so far disappoint them of their aims, that it shall link the two Nations together in straiter and stronger Bonds, both of Civil and Christian Love, than ever before.

'And that we may see yet further Evidences of a calling from God to this Voyage, we may observe the Order of the Lords steps and proceedings in this Work of Reformation. For, beginning at the gross Popery of the Service Book, and Book of Canons, he hath followed the back Trade of our defection, till he hath Reformed the very first and smallest Novations, which entered in this Church. But so it is, that this back Trade leadeth yet further, to the Prelacy in England, the Fountain whence all those Babilonish Streams issue unto us: The Lord therefore is still on the back Trade, and we following him therein, cannot yet be at a stay. Yea, we trust, that he shall so follow forth this Trade, as to chase home the Beast, and the false Prophet to Rome, and from Rome out of the World. Besides, this third Consideration resulteth from the former two; for if this Expedition be necessary, and if it be defensive, then it followeth inevitably, that we are called unto it, for our necessary Defence is warranted, yea commanded by the Law of God and Nature, and we are obliged to it in our Covenant.

'Fourthly, The lawfulness of this Expedition appeareth, if we consider the Party against whom, which is not the Kingdom of England, but the Canterburian faction of Papists, Atheists, Arminians, Prelates, the misleaders of the King's Majesty, and the Common Enemies of both Kingdoms. We perswade our selves, that our Brethren and Neighbours in England, will never be so evil advised, as to make themselves a Party against us, by their defence and patrociny of our Enemies among them, as sometimes the Benjamites made themselves a Party against the Israelites, by defending the Gibeathites in their wicked Cause, Judg. 20. We pray God to give them the Wisdom of the wise Woman in Abel, who when Joab came near to her City with an Army, found out a way which both kept Joab from being an Enemy to the City, and the City from being an Enemy to him, 2 Sam. 20. As touching the Provision and Furniture of our Army in England, it shall be such as is used among Friends, not among Enemies. The rule of humanity and gratitude will teach them to furnish us with Necessaries, when, as beside the procuring of our own Peace, we do good Offices to them. They detest (we know) the churlishness of Nabal, who refused Victuals to David and his Men, who had done them good, and no evil, 1 Sam. 20. And the inhumanity of the Men of Succoth and Penuel, who denied bread to Gideons Army, when he was pursuing the Common Enemies of all Israel, Judg. 8. But let the English do of their Benevolence, what Humanity and Discretion will teach them; For our own part our Declaration sheweth, that we seek not Victuals for nought, but for Money or Security: And if this should be refused (which we shall never expect) it were as damnable as the barbarous cruelty of Edom and Moab, who refused to let Israel pass through their Country, or to give them Bread and Water in any case, Numb. 20. Judg. 11. and this Offence the Lord accounted so inexpiable, that for it he accursed the Edomites and Moabites from entring into the Congregation of the Lord, unto the tenth Generation, Deut. 23. 3, 4.

'Fifthly, The fifth Consideration concerneth the end for which this Voyage is undertaken. We have attested the searcher of Hearts, It is not to execute any disloyal Act against his Majesty, It is not to put forth a cruel or vindictive Hand against our Adversaries in England, whom we desire only to be Judged and Censured by their own Honourable and High Court of Parliament; It is not to enrich our selves with the Wealth of England, nor to do any harm thereto. But by the contrary, we shall gladly bestow our pains and our means to do them all the good we can, which they might justly look for at our Hands, for the help which they made us at our Reformation, in freeing us from the French, a Bond of Peace and Love betwixt them and us to all Generations. Our Conscience, and God who is greater than our Conscience beareth us Record, that we aim altogether at the glory of God, peace of both Nations, and honour of the King, in suppressing and punishing (in a legal way) of those who are the troublers of Israel, the firebrands of Hell, the Korahs, the Baalams, the Doegs, the Rabshakahs, the Hamans, the Tobiahs and Sanballets of our time, which done, we are satisfied. Neither have we begun to use a military Expedition to England, as a mean for compassing those our pious ends, till all other means which we could think upon have failed us, and this alone is left to us as ultimum & unicum remedium, the last and only remedy.

'Sixthly, If the Lord shall bless us in this our expedition, and our intentions shall not be crossed by our own sins and miscarriage, or by the opposition of the English, the fruits shall be sweet, and the effects comfortable to both Nations, to the Posterity, and to the Reformed Kirks abroad: Scotland shall be Reformed as at the beginning, the Reformation of England long prayed and pleaded for, the Godly thereby shall be according to their wishes and desires, perfected in Doctrine, Worship and Discipline. Papists, Prelates, and all the members of the Antichristian Hierarchy, with their Idolatry, Superstition, and human Inventions shall pack from hence, the names of Sects and Separatists shall no more be mentioned, and the Lord shall be one, and his name one throughout the whole Island, which shall be glory to God, honour to the King, Joy to the Kingdoms, comfort to the Posterity, example to other Christian Kirks, and Confusion to the incorrigible Enemies.

The Covenanters also dispersed another Paper in Justification of their Intentions to come into England, which see at large in the Appendix.

On the twentieth of August the King published a Proclamation to summon all such as hold of his Majesty by grand Sergeantry, Escuage, or Knights-Service, to do their services against the Scots, according to their tenures.

Whereas the King's Majesty intends forthwith in his own Person, or by his Lieutenant, with an Army Royal, to go in War against the Scots (by God's assistance) to repress their Treasons and Rebellions, and for that end hath already begun his Journy towards the Northern Parts of this Kingdom, his Majesty therefore doth hereby require and straitly charge and command, all Lords Spiritual and Temporal, Baronets, Knights, Esquires, Gentlemen, and all others of what estate or condition soever, who hold of his Majesty by grand Sergeantry, or hold of his Majesty or of any of his Wards by Escuage, or Knights Service (and are thereby bound to go in their own Persons, or to find others for them to go with his Majesty, or his Lieutenant in the said War against the said Rebels) That they take knowledge of this his Majesties publick Summons, and with all meet expedition after the publishing hereof, and at the farthest before the Twentieth Day of September next, be ready furnish'd with Horse and Arms for performance of their said Services, at the Town of Newcastle upon Tyne, or at such other Place where his Majesties said Army shall then reside; from thence to go with his Majesty, or his Lieutenant in War against the said Rebels: and hereof they may not fail, under the Penalties of the Law, and as they tender the Service of his Majesty, and the Safety of the Kingdom.

Nevertheless, for such as do so hold of his Majesty, or of his said Wards, who upon just occasions shall seek to be spared and dispensed with, for their Attendance and Service in this Expedition, his Majesty is graciously pleased, and hath authorized the Lord Treasurer, Chancellor and Barons of his Exchequer for the time being, or any two or more of them (whereof the Lord Treasurer or Chancellor to be one) upon Fines to his Majesties use, to admit to composition, and compound with such of those Tenants, as they shall think fit to be spared and dispensed with for this present Service, whom his Majesty doth hereby declare shall be freed and exempted accordingly: so as they shall make their said Compositions before the said twentieth Day of September next, whereby his Majesty may be provided of other meet Persons in their turn to perform the said Services.

Given at our Court at White-Hall the twentieth Day of August in the sixteenth Year of his Majesties Reign.

White-Hall Aug. 20. 1640. A Proclamation

For the Levying and Payment of Ship-Money in Arrear.

Whereas his Majesty out of his Princely care of the Defence of this Realm and Safety of his Subjects, understanding of the great Preparations of Shipping beyond the Seas, as well this present Year as in divers Years preceeding, and the imminent Perils thereby appearing on every Side in these Dangerous and Warlike times; For the speedy Defence of this Kingdom and People, guarding of the Seas, and secure Conduct of Shipping and Merchandize (wherein all his Subjects were concerned) did as well for divers Years past, as in November last, direct his several Writs to several Sheriffs, Mayors, Bailiffs, and other his Officers and Subjects of the several Counties of England and Wales, thereby Commanding the Providing and Getting in readiness certain Ships furnished with Ordnance and Arms, and Manned and Victualled at the Charges of the said Counties, in such sort as by the same Writs were appointed: but his Majesty finding that the said Ships were not provided according to the Tenour of the said Writs, nor the Monies Levied (according to the Estimates yearly given by the Lords and Others of his Majesties Privy Council) for setting forth those Ships, His Majesty for the Common Defence and Safety of his Kingdom and People, was constrained at his own great Charges, yearly to make out and maintain that Shipping which he expected from his Subjects.

And therefore his Majesty, as he cannot but censure the most of his Sheriffs and other his Ministers of great neglect in the Execution of that Service, according to their Oaths and the Duty of their Places, so he will now expect from them an Undelayed and Faithful Performance of the same without favour or connivance. And to that end, his Majesty doth hereby straitly Charge and Command all his present Sheriffs, Bailiffs, and other his Officers and Ministers to whom it appertaineth, forthwith not only to Raise and Levy the said Moneys appointed to be Collected and Raised for the Providing and Furnishing the said Ships for this present Year, but also to give forth their Warrants to the preceding Sheriffs, Mayors and other Officers respectively for the Raising and Levying of those Arrears which happened in their times: And that as well the Sheriffs, Mayors and other Officers for this present Year, as those for the Year past, who are in Arrear to his Majesty, shall make their payments respectively to the Treasurer of his Majesties Navy at or before the first day of November next, without further respite or delay, upon pain of High Contempt against his Majesty, and to be further proceeded with and punished according to the Quality of their Offences, in that which so much importeth the publick Good and Safety of the Kingdom.

Orders to the Lord Keeper to issue out Commissions of Array.

On the same twentieth of August the King's Attorney presented the Lords of the Council at White-Hall a Copy of a Commission of Array setled by Parliament in 5 Hen. 4. and upon Debate had thereupon, it was ordered that the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal shall issue out Commissions of Array in the form aforesaid for each of the Counties of England and Wales, directed to the Lords Lieutenants and Sheriffs of the Counties, and to such of the Lieutenants or others being three or more as the said Lord Lieutenants should recommend. And his Majesty and the Board declared that there was no intention by these Commissions of Array to derogate from or in any sort to abridge the Commissions of Lieutenancy, but that the Lords Lieutenants may make use of both these concurrent Commissions where they shall find a fit occasion for the advancement of his Majesties Service. And accordingly the Lord Keeper was directed forthwith to take effectual care herein.

The Deputy Lieutenants of Devonshire raise a doubt about the Commissions of Array.

The Deputy Lieutenants of Devonshire about this time represented to the Earl Marshal two difficulties in putting the Trained Bands and other Forces in readiness to march and serve in the common Defence. First, the distraction among the Gentry and others, unto which service personally to apply themselves; that which the Trained Bands required as aforesaid, or the other according to Escuage and Tenures in Knights Service, both of them being commanded by Proclamation. Secondly, the way of raising Money for the Charge of the said Bands and Forces when they shall be required to march.

In these objected difficulties directions being desired from the Council Table, they answered that the Service imposed upon the Trained Bands and other Forces for the Common Defence by his Majesties Letters and Proclamation, is carefully to be performed by every Man in his own Person; but for that attendance on his Majesty required by the other Proclamation according to the tenures in Knights Service, it may and will suffice that the same be done by Deputy, or else that Persons so holding their Lands give satisfaction by way of Composition; and for the other difficulty, how to provide for the Charge of these Forces when they shall march, it was ordered by them that not only the Laws and Customs of this Kingdom require that in time of actual Invasion every Man serve in the common defence at his own charge, but that the very Law of Nature doth teach and oblige us thereunto without sticking or staying upon any such Terms or Questions, and that it hath been the Custom and Practice within this Kingdom both in Antient and Modern times when there was a doubt and fear of Invasion: but this present danger is past all manner of doubt, by an actual Invasion of the Scotish Rebels with so great an Army, that his Majesties Subjects in the North serve him cheerfully at their own charges with Bodies and Fortunes. It was hoped that the Subjects in other Parts would take the like care for the issuing of the Commissions of Array into the several Counties; and for those Counties which were under the Lieutenancies of those Lords that attended his Majesty into the North, or were so imployed in his Majesties Service, that they could not be present within their own Lieutenancies, that the Commissions should be directed to such Persons of Quality and Worth as the Lords Lieutenants shall thereunto name and recommend to the Lord Keeper.

The Earl Marshal ordered to Execute the Commission of Array, the Scots being Entred into England.

The Earl Marshal of England had a Commission to command all Forces on the South side Trent, and by his Majesties private Instructions was enjoyned to receive the advice and direction of the Privy Council, or of six or more of them. And it being made known to the Board that the Scots were passed over the River Tweed, and were entred and marched with great Forces within this Kingdom, and the Earl Marshal moving their Lordships for their Direction, it was ordered by the Board, that the said Earl shall proceed forthwith to execute his Commission, and that for this end he shall write Letters to all the Lords Lieutenants, and in their absence to the Deputy Lieutenants of all the Counties within his Commission to require them to have in readiness not only the Trained Bands both Horse and Foot of their several Lieutenancies, but to put all other Persons that are able either in Body or Estate to do Service, into the best Order they can for Arms both for Horse and Foot, to be ready either to defend the County in which they dwell, or to come under the Command and Conduct of their Lords Lieutenants or their Deputy Lieutenants to such Rendevouz elsewhere, and such times for Defence of the Publick, as the said Earl Marshal or his Lieutenants shall appoint, and to be all in such readiness as they may be able to march at twenty four hours warning after command received from him.

On the twenty third day of August, his Majesty having in three days arrived at York, the next day August 24. the Gentry of that County waited upon his Majesty at the Palace called the Mannor at York, and presented him a second Petition to the effect following:

The second Petition of the Gentry to his Majesty at York.

'Whereas there was an humble Petition lately presented unto your Majesty by divers of the now Petitioners, and others of the Nobility and Gentry of this County, without any Intention of Tumult though so conceived, touching the Pressure then lying upon the County by the billetting of Soldiers, with Intimation of an hundred thousand Pounds expended by the County concerning Military Affairs the last Year in your Majesty's Service, the Calculation of which Sum by the answer to the said Petition was held exorbitant and much mistaken, the truth whereof and the rest of the Petition we shall in all humility make appear, if your Majesty require it; and we most humbly supplicate your Majesty to be graciously pleased that we be not for the future debarred of the immediate petitioning to your most sacred Person, in Matters wherein the publick Good and Safety of this County shall be interested.

'And whereas your Majesty did yesterday to our great Comfort and Encouragement declare your Royal Intentions to lead on the Trained Bands of this County to the Frontiers of the same, for the Defence and Safety of your Royal Person and Country, whereto with all Chearfulness we humbly offer our best Endeavours, with our most humble Thanks for so gracious a Favour:

'Yet so it is, most gracious Sovereign, that the Poverty of this County is such that we conceive they cannot be drawn to raise and march without fourteen Days Pay from your Majesty before they move, upon receipt whereof we are confident they will be ready to march under your Majesty's sole Command, to such Rendezvouz as your Majesty shall appoint within this County, humbly desiring your most Excellent Majesty, that seeing the Arms of this County will be twelve thousand Foot, and four hundred Horse, a considerable Number, that we may not be disunited upon any Occasion of Service.

  • Philip Wharton.
  • Ferdinando Fairfax.
  • Henry Bellasis.
  • William Savile.
  • Francis Wortley.
  • Thomas Gower.
  • Jo. Hotham.
  • Ed. Stanhope.
  • Henry Griffith.
  • William Sheiffeild.
  • Richard Darly.
  • Jo. Ramsden.
  • Hugh Cholmeley.
  • Hugh Bethell.
  • William Strickland.
  • Thomas Remmington.
  • Thomas Metham.
  • Robert Strickland.
  • Jo. Legard.
  • George Buttler.
  • Francis Mountone.
  • Henry Cholmeley.
  • George Trotter.
  • Henry Darley.
  • Richard Remington.
  • William Franckland.
  • Thomas Hebblethwaite.
  • Jo. Hotham.
  • Christopher Pearcihey.
  • Jos. Pearcey.
  • Brian Stapleton.
  • Philip Stapleton.
  • Ing. Hopton.
  • Henry Anderson.
  • George Crosbie.
  • George Marwood.
  • Thomas Hisketh.
  • Jo. Anlabie.
  • Christopher Legard.
  • Jo. Inglebie.
  • Mar. Norcliffe.
  • With divers others.

Aug. 26. 1640.

August 26. Whereas it is formerly mentioned that the Lords of the Privy Council had writ several Letters to secure the Persons of such Soldiers in Essex as had in their March mutined and committed Insolencies, and Information being further given that others of those new levyed Soldiers had broke into a Church, pulled away the Communion Table from the Altar, &c. and burnt the Rails that were about it, before the Door of the Minister's House, frightning him therewith, so that he forfook his House for a time; now the Assizes being near at hand, the Lords of the Privy-Council thought fit to write this ensuing Letter.

Commissioners to attend the Tryal of the Essex Offenders.

'Their Lordships this day sitting in Council upon weighty and good Considerations, did think fit and order that the Earl of Warwick, and the Lord Maynard, Lords Lieutenants for the County of Essex, should be hereby prayed and required to give Command and provide that all the Commissioners appointed in his Majesty's late Commission of Oyer and Terminer, issued so the Enquiry and Punishment of the late Rioters and such-like Offenders within that County, should not fail of being present, together with the said Lords Lieutenants themselves in their own Persons, at the time of executing the said Commission, and of the Tryal that is to be had of the said Offenders, and more especially that the said Lords Lieutenants, Sir Thomas Barrington, Sir Harbottle Grimston, Knights and Baronets, and Sir William Hix Baronet, do by no means fail of being present thereat, together with the Judges, and attending upon the said Commission, until the same be fully executed. Whereof they the said Lords Lieutenants for themselves and all the said Commissioners, more especially the three Gentlemen herein named, are hereby required to take Notice, and to govern themselves accordingly.

Aug. 26; Directions for Commissions of Array to some fit Persons, for as much as the Earl of Northumberland, &c. cannot be in Person in the North.

'Whereas the King's most Excellent Majesty before his departure for the Northern Parts, did declare and give Order, that Commissions of Array should be dispatched into all the Counties of England and Wales, whereby the better to enable the Lords Lieutenants in doing his Majesty's Service, according to the several Duties of their Places, in this stirring and dangerous Time: Their Lordships having this day taken Consideration thereof, together with the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, now present in Council, It was thought fit and ordered, that his Lordship should forthwith take effectual Care for the issuing those Commissions accordingly. And that the Commission to be issued for the County of Cumberland, which is under the Earl of Arundel and Surry, Earl Marshal of England, and of his Son the Lord Maltravers, that in regard neither the said Earl nor his Son can personally be present in the said County by reason of their other said great Occasions of his Majesty's Service in these Southern Parts; as also the Commission for the County of Northumberland, which is under the Earl of Northumberland, Lord High Admiral of England, that in regard the said Lord High Admiral cannot be personally present in the said County of Northumberland by reason of his Lordship's Extremity of Sickness; It was ordered, that the several Commissions for those Counties should be directed to such Persons of Quality and Worth, whom the said Lords Lieutenants should thereto name, and recommend unto the Lord Keeper. And that the like Course should be taken for the Counties, which are under the Lieutenancies of the Lord Chamberlain, and the Earl of Holland, and such other Lords Lieutenants, who being now tyed to attend his Majesty in Person in the North, cannot themselves be present in their Lieutenancies, who are to have Notice of this their Lordship's Order, and are hereby to be prayed and required to send such Names unto the Lord Keeper, of Persons upon whom they can confide, that the same may be inserted in the said Commission, who in absence of the said Lords Lieutenants, are thereby to be authorized for the full Performance of all Service required by the aforesaid Commission to be issued for the Bishop of Durham, Lord Lieutenant of that County Palatine, which Commission of Array is to be directed unto them both.

At White-Hall, Aug. 26. 1640.

An Order and Direction of the Lords of the Privy-Council, to put the Commission of Array in Execution.

The Captain General of his Majesty's Forces on the South of Trent to take Order that all that are able to bear Arms be in readiness, the Scots having actually invaded the Kingdom.

'Whereas the King's Majesty having for the Defence of this Kingdom in this Occasion of the Rebellion of the Scots, and for other great and weighty Considerations given his Royal Commission unto the Earl Marshal of England, and Captain-General of all his Majesty's Forces on this side Trent, and hath by his private Instructions unto the said Earl enjoined his Lordship to receive the Advice and Direction of the Lords of his Council, or of six or more of them, who shall be resident here in his Majesty's Service, when to put the same in Execution, It being this day made known unto their Lordships by Mr. Secretary Windebanke, that the said Rebels were passed over the River Tweed, and were entered and marched with great Forces within this Kingdom, the said Earl Marshal hereupon moving their Lordships for their Direction as aforesaid, It was thought fit and ordered by the Board, that the said Earl Marshal should be hereby prayed and required with all Expedition to proceed to the Execution of his Lordship's said Commission, and that for this end he should write Letters to all the Lords Lieutenants, and in their absence to their Deputy Lieutenants of all the Counties that are within his Commission, whereby to require them to have in readiness, not only all the Trained Bands both Horse and Foot of their several Lieutenancies, but likewise all other Persons that are able either in Body or Estate to do Service, to be put into the best Order they can for Arms both for Horse and Foot, and be ready either to defend the County in which they dwell, or to come under the Command and Conduct of their Lords Lieutenants, or their Deputy Lieutenants, to such Rendezvouz elsewhere, and at such times for the Defence of the Publick, as the said Captain-General, or in his absence his Lieutenants shall appoint, and all to be in such readiness, that they may be able to march at twenty four Hours warning at the farthest, after Command to be received from him or his Lieutenant on that behalf. And although the said Captain-General hath full Power of himself to call for all Forces both of Horse and Foot, as well Trained Bands as others within his said Commission to attend such Rendevouz, and at such Time, and upon such Warnings as he shall judge fit according to the Necessity of Affairs, yet his Majesty being now in the North, and seeing all things there at a nearer Distance, It was further thought fit and ordered by their Lordships, that his Majesty's Attorney-General should prepare a Draught of a Proclamation fit for his Majesty's Signature, to declare his Majesty's Pleasure in the Premises, to the end that all true Obedience, Aid and Assistance may be given unto the Commands and Directions of the said Earl Marshal and his Lieutenant from time to time in the Execution of his Lordship's aforesaid Commission; nevertheless, his Majesty's Pleasure is, that for such Forces as are or shall be commanded by himself, or levyed by his Majesty's Captain-General of his Army, for his Majesty's Service in the North, that they shall be spared from serving in his Majesty's Army on this side Trent.

A Warrant with General Directions as followeth.

Aug. 26. 1640; Henry Bold to be furnished with Carts, Horses, &c. in his Passage with the Earl of Strafford's Provisions.

Whereas there are six Waggons and two Carts now sent towards his Majesty's Army in the North Parts, under the Charge of the Bearer hereof, Henry Bold, with divers Provisions for our very good Lord the Earl of Strafford, Lord Lieutenant General of his Majesty's said Army, These are straitly to charge and command you and every of you, whom it may concern, in case any of the said Waggons and Carts, or the Horses belonging to them, should fail in that Journey, the said Henry Bold paying for them such reasonable Prices as are accustomed in his Majesty's like Services. And we do likewise hereby will and command you to give any other further Assistance herein, which shall be needful for the safe and speedy Passage of the said Provisions to his Majesty's said Army, as you will answer the contrary at your Perils. Dated at White-Hall, August 26. 1640. Signed by

  • Lord Archbishop of Canterbury.
  • Lord Keeper.
  • Lord Treasurer.
  • Earl of Dorset.
  • Lord Newburgh.
  • Mr. Secretary Windebanke.
  • Sir Thomas Rowe.
  • Lord Chief Justice of the Common-Pleas.

On the twenty seventh of August in the Forenoon, his Majesty received Intelligence from the Lord Conway, that the Scots would that Night be near Newcastle with their Army, craving his Majesty's Pleasure and Directions, about the disposing of his Army to the Interruption of the March of the Scots.

The King immediately called the Gentry of Yorkshire then at York together, to wait upon his Majesty, to whom the Earl of Strafford made a Speech, (the King being present) to the Effect following,

Aug. 27. 1640; The Earl of Strafford's Speech to the Gentry at Yorkshire.

'That the Scots have invaded England; this County in former times with a small Help besides, kept them within their Bounds; their Pretence to Religion appears now to be nothing else but Rebellion and Invasion, it is now no time of Disputation, but of Preparation and Action; and though some of my Countrymen, who would sain seem to the World to know much of the Law, (but indeed are ignorant and know nothing they should) are loth to advance at their own Charges, I must let all such know, that they, and so are we all bound out of our Allegiance to his Majesty at our own proper Costs and Charges to attend his Majesty in this Service, in case of Invasion, and that it is little less than High-Treason in any one to refuse it; I say it again, we are bound unto it by the Common Law of England, by the Law of Nature, and by the Law of Reason, and you are no better than Beasts, if you refuse in this Case to attend the King, his Majesty offering in Person to lead you on; and if the last Year ye were so forward to attend his Majesty beyond the Frontiers of this County, to prevent an Invasion, now you should be far more willing, (now having already invaded, and are on their march near Newcastle.) It is your Prudence to keep them from coming nearer to you, if they once find the Sweetness of your Soil, they will hardly depart from the same. In a word, Gentlemen, if you will be close fisted, and not open your Purses, nor attend the King's Person, you must be content to lose all, but if you will be free and liberal you will save all.

'But, Sir, I must not lay the whole Burthen upon this County, shall they bear the Burthen and the Brunt, and other Counties reap the Benefit, and not contribute towards the Charges? Let Northamptonshire, Leicestershire, and other Counties bear a proportionable Part, (and great Reason too, said his Majesty): spare me one Word more, said the Earl, for this County in Eighty Eight, they were brought from six thousand to twelve thousand of the Trained Bands, by reason of the then pressing Occasion, but with promise to be reduced to their former Number, that Service being done; yet notwithstanding they have continued to twelve thousand ever since. I shall therefore become a humble Suiter to your Majesty, that after this Service done, they may be reduced to their former Number, or at least four thousand to be abated; I will, said the King, upon my Royal Word, take off four thousand from the twelve thousand after this Service done; and I give my Lord Lieutenant thanks for his Motion, though I had before declared to the Marquiss my Intention therein.

The Earl of Strafford sends a Pacquet to the Lord Conway; It is delivered to him; At the same time, the Army was suddenly engaged.

Presently after the Earl of Strafford had ended this Speech to the Gentry of Yorkshire, he immediately prepared a Pacquet to be sent Post to the Lord Conway, then understanding the Scots were come near Newcastle. And the Author of these Collections being newly come Post from London to York, and hearing a Pacquet was about to be sent to Newcastle, took the Opportunity to bear the Messenger company thither: but when the Author and the Messenger with the Pacquet came to Newcastle upon the 28th of August in the Morning, they were informed that the Lord Conway was gone to the Army near Newbourne, whither we went immediately, and found the Lord Conway and the Field Officers at a Council of War at Stella, half a Mile distance from the Army, and delivered the Lord Conway the Pacquet, which being opened, it contained special Orders to prepare the Army for an Engagement with the Scots. Whilst they were in debate of this Matter, an Herald came in all haste from the Army to acquaint the Lord Conway and Council of War, that the Army was already engaged with the Scots; which seemed strange to them, because Orders were given not to fight but upon the Defence: but the Council of War suddenly broke up, and hastened to the Army. And as it was reported, Colonel Goring came out of the Room where the Council of War sate, and publickly said to some of the Officers, that the Lieutenant General of the Army needed not to have sent Orders to bid them fight whatever came of it, for the Enemy had begun the Work to their Hands; his Majesty and the Earl of Strafford were at this time at York.

The Scots send a Drummer to Newcastle.

It is to be observed, that on the said 27th of August, when the Scots encamped their Army about Newbourne, General Lesly sent his Drummer towards Newcastle, at which time Sir Jacob Ashley, Colonel Goring and some other Commanders were riding a little out of Town to view the Ground near the Walls, where they met the Drummer, who being demanded whence he came, he said from General Lesly, and shewed two Letters, one directed to the Commander in Chief, and the other to the Mayor of Newcastle, which Sir Jacob Ashley took, and read the Superscriptions, but in regard they were sealed, delivered them back to the Drummer, and bid him remember his Service to his General, and tell him no sealed Letters ought to be received, and if he sent any more, the Bearer thereof had better stay at home; so the Man with his Kettle Drums on Horseback returned, but the Contents of the Letters were not known, conceived only to be a kind of Summons.

That Night the Scots pitched their Tents on Heddon-Law above Newbourne, from whence there went a continued Descent to the River of Tyne. In the Night time they made great Fires in and round about their Camp on an open Moorish Ground, (having Coals plenty thereabouts) so that the Camp seemed to be of large Compass and Extent.

That Night and the next Morning they suffered any Englishman to come into their Camp, and made them welcome with Expressions of great Love and Protestations of doing harm to none but those who should oppose them in demanding Justice of the King against Incendiaries.

The same Night part of the King's Army consisting of three thousand Foot and fifteen hundred Horse were drawn forth into a plain Meadow Ground which was near a Mile in length, close on the Southside of Tyne called Newbourne-Haugh or Stella-Haugh, to hinder the Scots from passing the River in the Night time, where were two several Sconces or Breast-Works raised by the English against the two Fords, which the Scots might pass over at low Water, for till then they could not pass the Tyne, and into each Sconce were put four hundred Musqueteers and four Pieces of Ordinance.

The Horse were drawn into Squadrons in the said Haugh at some Distance from the Foot, in this posture Horse and Foot guarded the River all that Night and the next Day, till the Engagement.

The Scots all the Forenoon watered their Horses at one side of the River and the English on the other side without affronting one another or giving any reproachful Language.

The Scots having the Advantage of the rising Ground above Newbourne easily discerned the Posture and Motion of the English Army below in the Valley on the South-side the River, but the Posture of the Scots Army the English could not discern by reason of the Houses, Hedges and Inclosures in and about Newbourne. The Scots brought down Cannon into Newbourne Town, and planted some in the Church Steeple a small Distance from the River Tyne, their Musqueteers were placed in the Church, Houses, Lanes and Hedges in and about Newbourne.

The Skirmish began thus (as the Author of these Collections was informed, being then upon the Place.) A Scotish Officer well mounted having a black Feather in his Hat came out of one of the thatcht Houses in Newbourne and watered his Horse in the River Tyne, as they had done all that day, an English Soldier perceiving he fixed his Eye towards the English Trenches on the South-side of the River fired at him (whether in earnest, or to fright him is not known) but wounded the Scotish Man with the Shot, who fell off his Horse, whereupon the Scotish Musqueteers immediately fired upon the English, and so the Fight begun with Small-Shot, but was continued with great Shot as well as small.

The Scots played with their Cannon upon the English Breast-Works and Sconce; the King's Army played with their Cannon to beat the Scots out of the Church-Steeple; thus they continued firing on both sides, till it grew to be near low Water, and by that time the Scots with their Cannon had made a Breach in the greater Sconce which Colonel Lunsford commanded, wherein many of his Men were killed, and began to retire, yet the Colonel prevailed with them to stand to their Arms, but presently after a Captain, a Lieutenant, and some other Officers more were slain in that Work. Then the Soldiers took occasion to complain, that they were put upon double Duty, and had stood there all Night and that Day to that time, and that no Soldiers were sent from the Army at Newcastle to relieve them; but Colonel Lunsford again prevailed with them not to desert their Works, but another Cannon-Shot hitting in the Works amongst the Soldiers, and killing some more of them, they threw down their Arms, and would abide, in the Fort no longer.

The Enemy on the rising Hill above Newbourne plainly discerned the Posture of the King's Army, and how the Soldiers had quit the great Work, and being low Water, the Scots commanded a forlorn Party of twenty six Horse, being Gentlemen of the College of Justice Troop, to pass the River, which they did with some Swiftness; their Orders were only to make Discovery in what Posture the Soldiers were about the uppermost Work, but not to come to close Engagement, but fire at a Distance and retreat.

The Scots playing at this time very hard upon the furthermost Trench, forced the English Foot to retreat from that Work also, which the Scots discerning on the rising Ground at Newbourne, more Horse commanded by Sir Thomas Hope, and two Regiments of Foot commanded by the Lord Craford Lindsey and Lord London, waded through the River; and General Lesly at this instant of time played hard with nine Pieces of Cannon from a new Sconce which they had raised on a Hill to the East, and so galled the King's Horse drawn up in plain Meadow Ground, that it much disordered them; and sending more Forces over the River, a Retreat was founded, and Colonel Lunsford drew off the Cannon. Immediately Commissary Wilmot, Son to the Lord Wilmot, Sir John Digby a Romish Recusant, and Daniel O Neal an Irishmar, jointly engaged the Enemy, and had a sharp Encounter with their Horse, they being commanded to bring up the Rear, whilst the Foot retreated up Riton and Stella Banks: but the Scots with their fresh Supply newly come over the River, environed these three Commanders, and took them and some others of their Troops Prisoners. General Lesley treated these Commanders nobly in the Scots Camp, and afterwards gave them their liberty freely to return to the King's Army.

In this Engagement Cornet Porter, Son to Endymion Porter of the Bed-Chamber, was slain, and during the whole Fight about sixty Men more, as the Scots told us, after the Cessation of Arms was agreed unto; for the Scots buried the Dead: and afterwards they further told us, that most of them that were killed lay about the Works; how many of the Scots were slain we know not. At the Engagement with the King's Horse, none of the scots of Quality were slain, but Captain Macgee Son of Sir Patrick Macgee, Sheriff of Galloway, and one Mr. Thomas Dacolmy a Gentleman of the General's Life-Guard.

English Army retreats to Durham.

After this Retreat the Lord Convay called a Council of War, and it was there resolved at Twelve at Night, that the whole Army should retreat to Durham, Horse and Foot, and Train of Artillery, and to quit Newcastle.

The next day being Saturday, August 29. the Lord Conway and Sir Jacob Ashley,by Five of the Clock in the Morning, caused all the Soldiers both Foot and Horse in Newcastle to march away with the Ordnance and other warlike Provision to Durham, leaving Newcastle naked of Soldiers: and in the Afternoon Douglass Sheriff of Tividale came with a Trumpet, and certain Troops of Horse to the Gates at Newcastle, which were shut against him, and after some Parley and Threatning to plant Ordnance against the Town, the Mayor Sir Peter Riddel, Knight, (who was destitute of Men and Arms to defend the Town) opened the Gates and suffered him to come in; and the next day being Sunday, fifteen Lords and Douglass came and dined with the Mayor, drank a Health to the King, had three Sermons that day by their own Divines. On Monday after, Lesly came and pitched his Tents on Gate-side Hill, half a Mile South of Newcastle.

The Scots enter Newcastle.

On Tuesday, Septemb. I. he demanded of the Mayor of the Town to bake certain Quantities of Bread, and to brew so many Tun of beer a day: which the Mayor unwilling to undertake, the Scots employed Men about it, giving Money in part, and a Note in writing as Security for the rest.

On Thursday Sept. 3. there came a Summons to Sir William Bellasis Knight, Sheriff of the County Palatine of Durham, and Sir William Lambton Knight, two Gentlemen of good quality in the same County, (the latter of which was afterwards at York Battle slain fighting under the King's Colours) which Summons was to appear before General Lesley at his Leaguer at Newcastle on Saturday the fifth of September, by eight of the Clock, signed by Montross, Rothes, and Lindsey; and accordingly they went (having first obtained leave from the King to go to the Scots Quarters for the good of the Country.) That Summons under those Scots Lords hands was to require the Country to bring in provision to the Scots Army upon payment of Money in part, and security for the rest, or otherwise they must take it without security.

The great fear of the Inhabitants of Newcastle after the defeat at Newborn.

At this time Newcastle and the Coal Mines that had wont to employ ten thousand people all the year long about their Coalery, some working under ground, some above, others upon the Water in Keels and Lighters, now not a man to be seen, not a coal wrought, all absconding, being possest with a fear the Scots would give no quarter; 400 Ships using to be there often at a time in the river, not a ship durst come in, and an hundred and odd coming to the mouth of the Haven the day after the fight, and hearing the Scots had possess'd Newcastle return'd all empty, and Tradesmen in the town for some days kept their shops shut, many Families gone leaving their houses and goods to the mercy of the Scots; who possessed themselves of such corn, cheese, beer, &c. as they found, giving the owners thereof or some in their stead some money in hand and security in writing for the rest to be paid at four or six months end in money or corn; and if they refuse, said the Scots, such is the necessity of their Army that they must take it without security rather than starve.

As also of Durham.

As for the City of Durham, it became a most depopulated place, not one shop for four days after the fight open, not one house in ten that had either man, woman or child in it, not one bit of bread to be got for money, for the King's Army had eat and drank all in their march into yorksbire; the country people durst not come to market, which made that city in a sad condition for want of food.

At this time a Letter came from the Lord Lieutenant General of the Army to bury or break every upper Milstone, and drive and carry away all Cattle and Goods to a great distance, insomuch that most drove their Cattle and Sheep into yorkshire, and removed most of their Families thither also.

On the said August 29. Dr. Morton Bishop of Durham, a learned and moderate Bishop, had an account of the defeat at Newbourne, and that the King's Army was retreating into yorkshire, whereupon the said Bishop went to his Castle at Stocton in the Bishoprick of Durham, standing on the edge of yorkshire: but he quickly removed thence into yorkshire, but Dr. Belcanqual Dean of Durham fled in great haste, because he understood the Scots gave out that they would seize on him as an Incendiary for writing the King's large Declaration against the Scots; all the rest of the Clergy of Durham fled away also, and the Scots shortly after employed men to recive their Rents, and the Rents of Papists for the Use of the Scotish Army.

The News of this Defeat met the Earl of Strafford, August 29. the next day at Darlington, fourteen Miles South of Durham, and about twenty six Miles from Newcastle, and as far from york, purposing to have been with the Army before any Engagement; but now endeavouring to make the best he could of an ill business, he sent a Messenger to the Army, requiring the chief Officers to rally those Forces that were scattered, and to keep close in a Body and march into yorkshire.

The same day the King was come from york as far as Northallerton towards the Army, being ten miles short of Darlington, hoping to have been with them at a Fight with the Scots; but understanding his Army was defeated and upon their Retreat, and had quit Newcastle to the Scots, his Majesty hasten'd back again that Night to york. And the same day the Earl of Strafford sent out this following Order to destroy Milstone, &c.

The Earl of Strafford Lord Lieutenant General of his Majesties Army, to all Sheriffs, Constables of the Peace, High Constables, and other his Majesties Officers.

Aug. 30. The Earl of Strafford's Warrant after the defeat given to the King's Army at Newborn to break Milstones, &c.

Where as his Majesties Army is now marching from Newcastle to Darlington, and the Villages thereunto adjacent, These are specially to require you, and the rest of the High Constables, to use your utmost Diligence in causing to be brought hither by four a Clock this Afternoon at farthest, all such Quantities of Butter, Bread, Cheese, and Milk as you can possibly furnish for the victualling of his Majesties said Army; which being brought hither by the several Owners, I shall take special care to see them justly satisfied the Price of their said Commodities, it being his Majesties Gracious Intention there shall be no Burden nor Oppression to his Majesties good and loving Subjects. These are likewise farther to require you, that with the Assistance of the Justice of Peace adjoining, you give order for the taking away of all the upper Milstones in all the Mills in that your Ward, and to bury or otherwise to break them, that the said Mills may not be of any use to the Army of the Scotch Rebels. You are likewise to require all his Majesties Subjects to remove all their Cattle and other Goods, as soon as possibly they can, out of their Country into places more remote, and of greater safety for them, until the Return of his Majesty, which will be very shortly by the help of God, that his good Subjects may be powerfully secured from the Fears and Dangers threatned by the said Rebels.

Given under my Hand and Seal
at Darlington, Aug. 30. 1640.


After the Arrival of the King's Army in the County of York a Muster was taken thereof which was as followeth:

A List of the Strength of the King's Majesties Army, both Officers and Soldiers, as they were muster'd.

Lord General 160
Lieutenant Colonel Ashburnham 162
Serg. Maj. Latham 93
Capt. Fludd 103
Capt. Washington 95
Capt. Atkins 101
Capt. Dowse 72
Capt. Chudleigh 108
Capt. Sandford 74
Capt. Parramore 92
Capt. Edwards 110
Capt. Hearne 98
Lord Marquis Hamilton 211
Lieut. Col. Fielding 164
Serg. Maj. Berry 150
Capt. Dawson 110
Capt. Monyngs 109
Capt. Smith 106
Capt. Payne 106
Capt. Langlcy 107
Capt. Walthal 109
Capt. Bozoone 110
Capt. Greve 110
Capt. St. John 103
Capt. Watson 108
Lord Newport 163
Lieut. Col. Moncke 125
Serg. Maj. Warren 112
Capt. Sheldon 95
Capt. Kirten 78
Capt. Croft 83
Capt. Coape 78
Capt. Stradling 74
Capt. Barrowes 93
Capt. Vaupere 77
Sir Jacob Ashley 133
Lieut. Col. Selvin 91
Serg. Maj. Ashley 99
Sir William Udal 88
Capt. Baynton 101
Capt. Townsend 90
Capt. Ashley 78
Capt. St. John 90
Capt. Russel 94
Capt. Bellasis 88
Col. Goring 96
Lieut. Col. Kirke 99
Serg. Maj. Willis 97
Capt. Gray 87
Capt. Predaux 66
Capt. Garrat 76
Capt. Menns 48
Capt. Danyell 89
Capt. Shelley 59
Capt. Elliot 66
Lord Grandeson 172
Lieut. Col. Ballard 72
Serg. Maj. Sibthorp 106
Capt. Pretty 103
Capt. Ellis 82
Capt. Lesley 96
Capt. Boys 91
Capt. Villars 98
Capt. Smith 77
Capt. Varvay 99
Lord Batramore 181
Lieut. Col. Lawday 169
Serg. Maj. Usher 148
Capt. Trafford 97
Capt. Bryan 95
Capt. Gifford 103
Capt. Hemsley 105
Capt. Gray 107
Capt. Gwyn 104
Capt. Cary 105
Colonel Wentworth 191
Lieut. Col. Wayte 135
Serg. Maj. Brockit 134
Capt. Holman 89
Capt. Floyd 101
Sir Christ. Abdey 97
Capt. Fotherby 92
Capt. Parry 103
Capt. Stanbury 94
Capt. Roberts 103
Col. Glenham 212
Lieut. Col. Pawlet 166
Serg. Maj. Kirkby 128
Capt. Perkins 110
Capt. Wythers 101
Capt. Story 94
Capt. Codrington 103
Capt. Walgrave 108
Capt. Mynn 98
Capt. Dymmocke 91
Sir John Mearicke 189
Lieut. Col. Carue 153
Serg. Ma. Davis 140
Capt. Broughton 94
Capt. Seymer 92
Capt. Button 97
Capt. Hide 103
Capt. Herbert 109
Capt. Skrimshawe 97
Capt. Maxie 103
Sir Tho. Culpeper 160
Lieut. Col. Gibson 90
Serg. Ma. Ogle 90
Capt. Owen 81
Capt. St. Leger 90
Capt. Roberts 76
Capt. Thurland 94
Capt. Cooke 82
Capt. Boyer 88
Capt. Nichols 61
Sir Cha. Vavasor 200
Lieut. Col. Tyrwhit 155
Serg. Ma. Apleyard 146
Capt. Donnel 108
Capt. Scudamore 100
Capt. Wynd 99
Capt. Thornton 109
Capt. Pate 84
Capt. Kinsmell 93
Capt. Bridgman 74
Col. Will. Vavasour 101
Lieut. Col. Mynn 80
Serg. Ma. Padgit 74
Capt. Brit 62
Capt. Holtby 60
Capt. Nichols 56
Capt. Leighton 56
Capt. Ferrer 59
Capt. Bowes 60
Capt. Baskavel 62
Capt. Maxwel 85
Col. Lansford 163
Lieut. Col. Lonsford 71
Serg. Ma. Gibbs 72
Capt. Powel 62
Capt. Lonsford 87
Capt. Pomeroy 84
Capt. Martin 75
Capt. Dillon 61
Capt. Capper 68
Capt. Hippisley 72
Sir Will. Ogle 175
Lieut. Col. Bucke 146
Serg. Ma. Basset 106
Capt. Ferrer 70
Capt. Andrews 44
Capt. Ventris 57
Capt. Sandys 53
Capt. Griffith 59
Capt. Cary 64
Capt. Fleetwood 39
Col. Fielding 205
Lieut. Col. Bole 160
Serg. Ma. Conisby 140
Capt. Lukine 98
Capt. Bradshaw 97
Capt. Kayes 95
Capt. Leighton 95
Capt. Thomas 96
Capt. Thilwell 95
Capt. Apleton 92
The Number of the last Muster was 17420
The Number of this Muster is 16957
Besides dead, and run away since the last Muster not put in the Total of the Books sent up unto his Excellency, the Number of 426
Which being added to this Muster makes the Number of 17383
Which is less than the last Muster the Number of 37
Witnessed under our Hands,

Ralph Errington, Deputy Commissary,

Henry Fenwicke, Deputy Commissary.

The Names of all the Colonels, Lieutenant Colonels, Sergeant Majors, Captains, Lieutenants, Ensigns, Preachers, Chirurgeons, Quarter-masters, Provost Marshals, under his Excellency the Earl of Northumberland, Captain General for this Expedition 1640. Taken according to the Muster Roll after the Armies Retreat from Newcastle into York.

  • His Excellency Algernoon Earl of Northumberland, Captain General.
  • William Ashburnham, Lieutenant Colonel.
  • Thomas Latham, Sergeant Major.


  • Charles Lloyde
  • Henry Washington
  • Jonathan Atkins
  • Richard Dowse
  • Giles Porter
  • James Chudley
  • George Herne
  • John Edwards.


  • Guy Molesworth
  • Lewis Gifford
  • Lewis Tooley
  • Henry Chayton
  • William Moore
  • William Palmer
  • Barnaby Bradford
  • Edward Lunden
  • Thomas Wylde
  • Nathanael Dillon
  • Tristram Fenwicke
  • Roger Larrimore


  • John Newton
  • William Wentworth
  • Thomas Parrimore
  • Stephen Dawson
  • Charles Foster
  • Henry Miller
  • Robert Brandling
  • Robert Marsh
  • Edward Jackson
  • John Hilderson
  • John Salkeld
  • David Farrington
  • Preacher, Mr. William Cox
  • Chirurgeon, Lawrence Lowe
  • Quarter Master, Thomas Sandford
  • Provost Marshal, James Jeftres .

The Right Honourable Edward Lord Viscount Conway, Captain General of the Horse, consisting of 35 Troops already raised.


  • Earl of Newport.
  • George Moncke Lieutenant Col.
  • Henry Warren Sergeant Major.


  • Robert Crofts
  • Thomas Shelton
  • John Stradling
  • Posthumus Kirton
  • William Cope
  • Henry Vaupeere
  • Cashea Burrowes.


  • George Lower
  • Arthur Moncke
  • Thomas Vaughan
  • Edmund Goffe
  • George Cooke
  • John Hoskins
  • John Weekes
  • James Gardiner
  • Owen Owens
  • Daniel Don.


  • John Hamond
  • Richard Legg
  • John Fox
  • John Blunt
  • Thomas Paramore
  • Montague Sanderson
  • John Lutterell
  • John Washington
  • Edward Armory
  • Robert Bonny
  • Preacher, Higham Gibby
  • Chirurgeon, Anthony Coquinx
  • Quarter Master, George Lawdy
  • Provost Marshal, John Parker.


  • Sir Jacob Ashley, Colonel
  • Sir Nicholas Selvin, Lieutenant Colonel
  • Bernard Ashley, Sergeant Major. Captains.
  • Sir William Udall
  • Robert Townsend
  • James Baynton
  • William Bellowes
  • Robert Rushell
  • Edward Astley St. Johns.


  • William Lower
  • Michael Bedolph
  • Edward Fowles
  • George Slatford
  • Devereux Gibbons
  • John Haslewood
  • Isaac Cobb
  • Theodore Paleologus
  • Thomas Colbie
  • Henry Somerster


  • Edward Courtney
  • Bray Knight
  • Francis Gay
  • Walter Neale
  • Peregrine Tasburgh
  • Hugh Pomeroy
  • Edward Nelson
  • Charles Thompson


  • George Fuller
  • Preacher, John Kowland
  • Chirurgeon, John Austin
  • Quarter Mastrr, Rawlins
  • Provost Marshal, Paul Knight.


  • George Goring, Colonel
  • Thomas Kirke, Lieut. Col.
  • Richard Willis, Sergeant Major.


  • Henry Sully
  • William Preddocks
  • Andrew Menns
  • Charles Gerrard
  • Edward Gray
  • Richard Elliot
  • Thomas Danil.


  • Richard Dowes
  • William Langon
  • William Swan
  • Henry Cooke
  • John Marly
  • Tho. Throgmorton
  • Robert Noyse
  • Francis Grover
  • Daniel More
  • Philip Honywood.


  • Richard Lovellis
  • Henry Crompton Warren
  • John Terwit
  • John Millard
  • John Barbridge
  • Francis Lisle
  • Ralph Brandling
  • Joseph Brand
  • Arthur Chaune
  • Preacher, Richard Lloyde
  • Chirurgeon
  • Quarter Master, Ben. Lawerowyes
  • Provost Marshal, Tho. Broxley.


  • The Lord Viscount Grandison, Colonel
  • Thomas Ballard, Lieut. Col.
  • Henry Sibthorpe, Serg. Maj.


  • William Pretty
  • Francis Smith
  • Edward Villars
  • Thomas Ellis
  • George Lisle
  • Edward Urney
  • John Boyes.


  • Thomas Browne
  • William Alford
  • John Malorye
  • William Smith
  • Robert Wilishire
  • Robert Wynd
  • John Eaton
  • Daniel Broughton
  • Francis Gaudy
  • Philip Ballard


  • John Bennet
  • John Carter
  • Hugh Justice
  • Henry Crooker
  • Henry Payton
  • Ralph Sparkes
  • Henry Marshin
  • John Cooney
  • John Walters
  • Thomas Kent, Preacher
  • John Earnlesse, Chirurgeno
  • Quarter Master, Philip Cooke
  • Provost Marshal, Marmaduke Collins.


  • David Earl of Barimore, Col
  • Garret Barry, Lieut. Col.
  • James Usher, Serg. Major.


  • Thomas Trafford
  • John Fitzgerald
  • Miles Power
  • Henry Obrian
  • George White
  • Charles Henise
  • Garret Parsel.


  • Daniel Bolton
  • David Barry
  • Richard Greatrix
  • Thomas Pheasant
  • Lodowick Price
  • Samuel Wright
  • William Weston
  • John Russel
  • Charles Stepkin
  • Richard Barry.


  • William Barry
  • Philip Barry
  • James Dallocbin
  • John Barry
  • Nicholas Barry
  • Neptune Howard
  • James Bladwell
  • William Norcot
  • Robert Rosington
  • William Tomkins
  • Preacher, John Rocke
  • Chirurgeon, Charles Oxenbridge
  • Quarter Master, Thomas Owens
  • Provost Marshal, John Baldwin.


  • Arthur Aston Colonel
  • Richard Bole Lieutenant Col.
  • Robert Coningesby Sergeant Major.


  • Isaac Lukine
  • Richard Bradshaw
  • Henry Keyes
  • Henry Thomas
  • Thomas Leighton
  • William Courtney
  • James Thomson.


  • Thomas Minn
  • William Keeling
  • Richard Spoore
  • William Roston
  • John Skipwith
  • Charles Hales
  • Celestine Bingham
  • Vul. Wright
  • Nathanael Moyle
  • Stafford Sherborne.


  • Francis Aston
  • Robert Bowles
  • Philip Lowes
  • Robert Smith
  • John Atkins
  • James Browne
  • Robert Nelson
  • George Leigh
  • Richard Leigh
  • John Mynne
  • Preacher, Henry Jones
  • Chirurgeon
  • Quarter Master, Lodowick Burwick.
  • Provost Marshal, Tho. Goubourne.


  • Henry Wentworth Colonel
  • Henry Waite Lieut Col.
  • William Brocket Serg. Major.


  • Sir Christopher Abdey
  • William Roberts
  • Owen Parry
  • John Holman
  • Broichel Lloyd
  • Henry Fothersby.


  • Francis Kanyer
  • Frederick Windsor
  • Francis Boyer
  • Hugh Williams
  • Joseph Bamfield
  • Robert Bingham
  • Gilbert Wheathil
  • John Higham
  • Thomas Stanbury
  • Robert Rookes.


  • Edward Roberts
  • Isaac Throughton
  • John Thomas
  • Francis Smithwick
  • Hamphry Standburgh
  • William Lewis
  • Philip Norris
  • Edmond Brocket
  • James Esline
  • Robert Herne
  • Preacher, Mr. Matthew Whitley
  • Chirurgeon, Edward Hales
  • Quarter Master, William Bury
  • Provost Marshal, John Hodson.


  • Sir Thomas Glenham Colonel,
  • Sir John Pawlet Lieutenant Col.
  • Sir John Beaumont Serg. Major.


  • Robert Kirbie
  • Robert Pirkins
  • George Whither Waldgrave
  • Nicholas Codrington
  • Robert Mynn
  • Thomas Dymock.


  • John Waldgrave
  • William Pawlett
  • William Molineux
  • William Greene
  • Jacob Stringer
  • Thomas Ward
  • James Bassett
  • Richard Norwood
  • William Neve.


  • Edward Pereont
  • Thomas Pawlett
  • John Beamont
  • Theodore Delasley
  • Thomas Sanders
  • Hugh Gerrard
  • Francis Godfery
  • Arthur Ward
  • Henry Reyley.


  • Chirurgeon, Palmer.
  • Quarter-Master, William Moore.
  • Provost Marshal, William Swaine.


  • Sir John Merick, Colonel.
  • Thomas Carne, Lieutenant Col.
  • William Davis, Sergeant Major.


  • Robert Broughton
  • Edward Seymore
  • Thomas Button
  • William Herbert
  • David Hide
  • Charles Shrumshaw
  • William May.


  • Thomas Langham
  • William Mathews
  • John Butler
  • Ambrose Tindall
  • John Edwards
  • William Mintridge Brasse
  • Waldwine
  • George Betts
  • John Lloyd.


  • Auberry
  • John Luther
  • William Owen
  • Thomas Smith
  • Thomas Cardinall
  • Gelly Merick
  • Miles Button
  • Thomas Milshaw Woods
  • Thomas Thwaytes.
  • Preacher, Dr. Edward Alcaron.
  • Chirurgeon.
  • Quarter-Master, Henry Bishop.
  • Provost Marshal, Isaac Chalise.


  • Sir Thomas Culpepper, Colonel.
  • Richard Gibson, Lieutenant Col.
  • Robert Turvill, Sergeant Major.


  • Walter Owen
  • Lewis Lawkner.
  • Rowland Sleger
  • Henry Boyer
  • Francis Cooke
  • Richard Thurland
  • Samuel Payton.


  • Daniel Nicholls
  • Compton Evers
  • John Sherman
  • Henry Ugall
  • William Mohun
  • Edward Louch
  • Richard Parker
  • Anthony Thorpe
  • Richard Carter.


  • Nicholas Lidcott
  • Thomas Lyster
  • John Chyne
  • Robert Goodwine
  • Peter Brewnett
  • John Steed
  • Lionell Beecher Bowdon
  • William Waldron
  • John Scanderith.
  • Preacher, Mr. Edward Langford.
  • Chirurgeon.
  • Quarter-Master, William Wheeler.
  • Provost Marshal, Turner.


  • Sir Charles Vavasor, Colonel.
  • Howard, Lieutenant Col.
  • Appleyard, Serjeant Major.


  • Bascarvill
  • Winde
  • Scudamore
  • Therneton
  • Pate
  • Kinsman
  • Doneill.


  • Thomas Bascarvell
  • William Evert
  • Philip Hutton
  • Edward Dymmocke
  • Nathaniel Smith
  • James Marwood
  • John Griffith
  • Edward Molworth
  • Jeremy Cheviers
  • George Masters.


  • William Blakistone
  • Averoy Maleroy
  • Henry Chriswell
  • Richard Mason
  • Samuel Mallowes
  • Thomas Chapline
  • William Carre
  • Edward Cropley
  • John Holland
  • Giles Palmer.
  • Preacher, Mr. Thompson.
  • Chirurgeon, Bennett.
  • Quarter-Master, Rolland Davis.
  • Provost Marshal, William Powell.


  • William Vavasor, Colonel.
  • Nicholas Mynne, Lieutenant Col.
  • Thomas Pagett, Serjeant Major.


  • Charles Gillmore
  • Edward Brett
  • William Bedingfield
  • Lancelot Houltby Nicholls
  • Francis Layton
  • Henry Ferries.


  • Robert Griffith
  • Ralph King
  • Francis Cowgrave
  • Owen Collugno
  • Nicholas Hughes
  • Francis Mills
  • John Wren
  • Robert Nicholas
  • Arthur Grant
  • Arthur Lowe.


  • Edward Chester Finch
  • Henry Baggett
  • Thomas Audey
  • Charles Fox
  • George Drewell
  • Fenix Wilson
  • Benjamin Brett
  • John Jefford
  • Robert Hugganes.
  • Preacher, Mr. Christian Sherwood.
  • Chirurgion, Trinity Langley.
  • Quarter Master, Humf. Farrew.
  • Provost Marshal.


  • Lunsford, Colonel.
  • Hen. Lunsford, Lieutenant Col.
  • Powell, Sergeant Major.


  • Dilon
  • Harbert Lunsford
  • Francis Martin
  • Thomas Cupper
  • Hugh Pomeroy
  • Edward Powell
  • Edward Hippesley.


  • John Iremonger
  • Thomas Owen
  • John Sanbedge
  • Thomas Carrow
  • Ralph Lilley
  • Allen Povey
  • Poynton Castillion
  • Philip Chalwell
  • Edward Hulstone
  • William Cheney.


  • Titus Layton
  • Robert Skerrew
  • Edward Fowles
  • John Meredith
  • Philemon Sanders
  • William Atkins
  • William Bellow
  • Greevile Cary
  • John Cole
  • Preacher.
  • Chirurgeon.
  • Quarter-Master, Anth. Witherings.
  • Provost Marshal, Elias Hickmar.


  • Sir William Ogle, Colonel.
  • Brutus Bucke, Lieutenant Col.
  • Richard Lawdey, Sergeant Major.


  • Constance Ferrer
  • Edward Drury
  • Edward Andrews
  • Henry Ventris
  • Robert Sandes
  • Richard Power
  • Conyer Griffen.


  • Fleetwood
  • Thomas Laward
  • Peter Gleane
  • Cornelius Ragan
  • George Lambert
  • Thomas Bennett
  • Charles Kirke
  • Edward Hackluyt
  • Thomas King
  • Francis Moore.


  • Thomas Symoure
  • Edward Ogle
  • Banard
  • Edward Maylard
  • Hugh Leigh
  • John Waite
  • William Andrewes
  • Gerrard Ogle
  • Hugh Gue
  • Robert Bacon.
  • Preacher, Mr John Phillips.
  • Chirurgeon, Henry Barker.
  • Quarter-Master, George Lisle.
  • Provost Marshal, Thomas Bragge.


  • James Marquess Hamilton, Col.
  • Edward Feilding, Lieutenant Col.
  • John Berry, Sergeant Major.


  • William Monnings
  • Paul Smith
  • Francis Langley
  • Jervas Paine
  • Howard St. Johns
  • Peter Walthall
  • Anthony Greene
  • Charles Dawson
  • Thomas Bosome.


  • Moses Treadwell
  • Emanuel Neale
  • William Denn
  • William Tuke
  • William Gualter
  • George Rouse
  • Godard Pemberton
  • Thomas Throughwood
  • George Little
  • Henry Bowerman
  • Henry Peto
  • John Wolverstone
  • Robert Watham.


  • Bennett Prior
  • Henry Peters
  • Richard Cooke
  • Thomas Pergent
  • William Reeves
  • Walter Price
  • Anthony Williams
  • John Prenton
  • Thomas Best
  • Francis Willier
  • Thomas Carde Rogers
  • William Lane.
  • Preacher, Mr. Deight.
  • Chirurgeon, Richard Smith.
  • Quarter-Master, Jo. Daniell.
  • Provost Marshal, Henry Fisher.


  • Sir Nicholas Biron, Colonel. Lieutenant Col.
  • Edward Aldrich, Serjeant Major.


  • John Watts
  • Thomas Sherley
  • John Middleton
  • Abraham Shipman
  • James Morgan
  • Roger Mollineux
  • Sheerly Shilling
  • Hercules Huncks
  • William Paterson.


  • Francis Stradling
  • Daniel Trever
  • Thomas Rush
  • John Marshall
  • Thomas Brumley
  • John Carnocke
  • Ralph Freeman
  • John Chonnocke
  • Edward Watts
  • Ithiell Luch
  • Thomas Garret.


  • Lambert Colield
  • Richard Bond
  • Michael Bland
  • John Exton
  • John Shipman
  • Daniel Redman
  • Christopher Elsing
  • John Elrington
  • George Hartrigg
  • Tho. May
  • Nicholas Watson
  • William Winter.
  • Preacher.
  • Chirurgeon.
  • Quarter-Master, Henry Bluder.
  • Provost Marshal, John Fletcher.


  • Sir James Hamilton, Colonel.
  • John Slaughter, Lieutenant Col.
  • Francis Story, Sergeant Major. Captains.
  • Thomas Dabscoate
  • Horatio Carew
  • Richard Munington
  • Thomas Gardiner
  • Thomas Cornewallis
  • Bullen Erreny
  • Anthony Brockett
  • Thomas Gifford
  • Thomas Bushell.


  • Thomas Rockwood
  • William Balyes
  • Roger May
  • John Andrewes
  • John Grove
  • Duke Calton
  • William Corney
  • Thomas Townsend
  • Humfry Corey
  • John Goodrich
  • Francis Poore
  • Thomas Bancks.


  • John Blunt
  • John Heaslewood
  • Thomas Shelton
  • William Stratford
  • George Burwell
  • Isaac Wally
  • John Food
  • Thomas Leigh
  • Robert Bayles
  • John Lycent
  • Edward Purpitt
  • John Jervas
  • Preacher Mr. Henry Miller.
  • Chirurgeon.
  • Quarter-Master, Will. Dethick.
  • Provost Marshal, Will. Richardson.


  • Sir Jo. Dougless, Colonel.
  • Sir Matthew Carry, Lieuten. Col.
  • Arthur Basset, Sergeant Major.


  • Sir John Le Hunt
  • Charles Ventress
  • Edward Kingstone
  • Thomas Middleton
  • James Barsey
  • James Powell
  • Robert Burghill
  • Nicholas Parker
  • George Windham.


  • Robert Gandey
  • Roger Hiddon
  • Samuel Kevison
  • Robert Davis
  • Thomas Ferrors
  • Robert Hamlon
  • William Gamblin
  • William Ross
  • James Carwardine
  • Thomas Andrewes
  • Thomas Draper
  • Robert Davyes.


  • Thomas Kingstone
  • Silvanus Keyghtley
  • William Codrington
  • Mich. Doughty
  • Humfrey Cornwall
  • Richard Naupham
  • George Carew
  • Thomas Carleton
  • Hugh Lovelace
  • Thomas Rookes
  • Edward Knightly
  • Thomas Coote.
  • Preacher, Mr. Humfry Sloconil.
  • Chirurgeon, Clodius Adney.
  • Quarter-Master, Robert Juns.
  • Provost Marshal, Richard Read.


  • Jerom Brett, Colonel.
  • Sir Vivian Molineux, Lieutenant Colonel.
  • William Gibbs, Sergeant Major.


  • Thomas Brett
  • Bartholomew Jukes
  • Stephen Hawkins
  • George Leake
  • Thomas Pettus
  • Henry huddleston
  • John Godfrey
  • Digory Collins
  • Humfrey Nicholls.


  • John Fisher
  • William Simpson
  • John Glassington
  • Francis Hooke
  • Robert Benbricke
  • John Palmer
  • John Clifton
  • Daniel Robinson
  • Nicholas Barnet
  • Nicholas Browne
  • Thomas Mollineaux
  • Giles Baskervill.


  • Ambrose Jenings
  • Poole Turvill
  • Norrice Jepson
  • Thomas Hunt
  • Isaac Shawbury
  • Francis Bret
  • Thomas Birke
  • Francis Cobb
  • John Hunt
  • Roger Bendish
  • William Draper.
  • Preacher, John Weld.
  • Chirurgeon.
  • Quarter-Master, Will. Bellamy.
  • Provost Marshal, John Vittell.


  • Francis Hamond, Colonel.
  • Robert Hamond, Lieutenant Col.
  • John Gifford, Sergeant Major.


  • Matthew Gray
  • Edward Hamond
  • John Bayley
  • Arthur Roberts
  • James Ogle
  • Robert Ascough
  • Jeremy Manwood
  • Benjamin Eldred
  • Henry Mathewes.


  • Roger Burges
  • Thomas Conisby
  • Nicholas Deane
  • John Worsop
  • Daniel Goldsmith
  • Francis Whitney
  • Robert Scott
  • George Warson
  • Edward Tyerer
  • William Fisher
  • Christopher Crowe
  • Matthew Plowman


  • James Tooke
  • Richard Travers Walton
  • Edward Gray
  • Thomas Swinford
  • Henry Blundell
  • Ralph Murrian
  • Thomas Walkington
  • John Philpot
  • Henry Echlyn
  • Plomer
  • John Fitz James.
  • Preacher, Henry Pike.
  • Chirugeon.
  • Quarter-Master, Ferdinando Gray.
  • Provost Marshal, Nicholas Knot.


  • Richard Feilding, Colonel.
  • Francis Tirwhit, Lieuten. Col.
  • Anthony Thelwall, Sergeant Maj.


  • Francis Tirringham
  • John Talbot
  • Thomas Collins
  • Toby Bowes
  • Edward Tirwhit
  • William Rolson
  • Robert Appleton
  • John Fox
  • Robert Barker.


  • Richard Oxenden
  • Denny Purvey
  • George Oakes
  • Salathiel Baxter
  • Thomas Hill
  • John Windfeild
  • John Errington
  • Edward Vincent
  • George Foord
  • John Cratroft
  • John Sutton.


  • Francis Rogers
  • Henry Garfeild
  • Richard Francis
  • Edward Bray
  • Henry Hatcher
  • John Tirwhit
  • Foulke Woodroffe
  • Edward Disney
  • Charles Persall
  • Robert Ruston Cosworth.
  • Preacher, William Beare.
  • Chirurgeon.
  • Quarter-Master, Walter Harcourt.
  • Provost Marshal, Christopher Woodman.

White-Hall, August 31. 1640.

Aug. 31; Writs to be issued to require the Lords Spiritual and Temporal to attend his Majesty in the North, according to several Tenures.

'Whereas his Majesties Attorney General did this day present two Draughts of Writs, to be directed according to former Precedents, unto all the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of this Kingdom of England, whereby to require them to attend his Majesty and to perform the Services due for their several Tenures in this present Expedition against the Scotish Rebels in the North, or otherwise to Compound with the Lord Treasurer, the Under-Treasurer, and Barons of his Majesties Exchequer for the same: Their Lordships having heard the same read, and duly considered thereof, did think fit and order, that such Writs should be issued with all convenient Expedition, unto all the said Lords, as well Spiritual as Temporal, and that the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England should be hereby prayed to give order for the dispatch of the same according to the said Draughts, which were as followeth:

The King's Writ to the Archbishop of Canterbury, to appear well arrayed to oppose the Scots.

'Carolus Dei Gratia Angliœ, Scotiœ, Franciœ & Hiberniœ Rex, Fidei Defensor, &c. Reverendissimo in Christo Patri Willielmo eadem gratia Cantuariensi Archiepiscopo, totius Angliœ Primati & Metropolitano, salutem. Sciatis quod cum quidam Rebelles regni nostri Scotiœ regnum Angliœ cum Posse non modico hostiliter ingressi fuerint, Nos hujusmodi Rebellioni (gratia nobis favente divina) resistere, eamque pro salvatione & defensione nostri ac regni Angliœ prœdicti, & Ligeorum nostrorum ejusdem reprimere volentes, apud Villam nostram Novi Castri super Tinam vicesimo die Septembris proxime futurum aut citius cum exercitu nostro ac toto servitio nobis debito esse proponimus: Vobis Mandamus in fide & dilectione quibus nobis tenemini firmiter innitentes, quod habeatis totum servitium quod nobis debetis cum omni festinatione qua poteritis, & ad ultimum dicto vicesimo die Septembris apud prœdictam Villam Novi Castri super Tinam, aut alibi ubicunque nos cum exercitu nostro adtunc fuerimus, ad proficiscendum exinde nobiscum contra Rebelles supradictos, vel citra dictum vicesimum diem Septembris ad Scaccariom nostrum accedatis finem ibidem nobiscum facturi pro vestro servitio ante dicto. Damus autem Thesaurario, Subthesaurario & Baronibus nostris de dicto Scaccario in Mandatis ut à vobis inde finem capiant moderatum. Teste, &c. Consimilia brevia dirigenda cœteris Episcopis Angliœ.

The like Writ to other Noble Men.

'Carolus Dei Gratia Angliœ, Scotiœ, Franciœ & Hiberniœ Rex, fidei Defensor, &c. Clarissimo Consanguineo suo A. B. Comit. Salutem. Sciatis quod cum quidam Rebelles regni nostri Scotiœ regnum nostrum Angliœ cum Posse non modico hostiliter ingressi fuerint, Nos hujusmodi Rebellioni (gratia nobis favente divina) resistere eamque pro salvatione & defensione nostri ac regni nostri Angliœ prœdicti & Ligeorum nostrorum ejusdem reprimere volentes, apud villam nostram Novi Castri super Tinam vicesimo die Septembris proxime futurum, aut citius cum exercitu nostro ac toto servitio nobis debito esse proponimus: Vobis mandamus in fide & homagio quibus nobis tenemini firmiter innitentes, quod habeatis totum servitium quod nobis debetis cum omni festinatione qua poteritis, & ad ultimum dicto vicesimo die Septembris apud prœdictam villam Novi Castri super Tinam aut alibi ubicumque nos cum exercitu nostro adtunc fuerimus, ad proficiscendum. exinde Nobiscum contra Rebelles supradictos, vel citra dictum vicesimum diem Septembris ad Seaccarium nostrum accedatis finem ibidem Nobiscum facturi pro vestro servitio ante dicto. Damus autem Thesaurario, Subthesaurario, & Baronibus nostris de dicto Scaccario in Mandatis, ut ` vobis indo finem capiant moderatum. Teste, &c.

Consimilia Brevia dirigenda cœteris Comitibus & Baronibus Angliœ

August 31, 1640; Order of the Council for the Earl of Crawford, to list 100 Reformado Scotish Officers.

'Whereas the Earl of Crawford hath received his Majesties Command, to repair unto his Majesty in the North, with one hundred Persons all Officers of War, and of the Scotish Nation, who are by him to be conducted in one Body, and to be imployed for his Majesties Service, according as his Majesty shall there please to direct; These are therefore to Will and Command in the first place, all and every of the said Scotish Officers, that they be obedient unto the said Earl, in their Journey, and not to stray or disperse themselves, nor yet to be absent from him, without his special Licence or Command. And in the next place, to Will and Command all Sheriffs, Mayors, Justices of the Peace, Constables, and all other his Majesties Officers and Loving Subjects, to suffer the said Earl, and Scotish Officers quietly to pass, and to be accommodated with Lodging and such Conveniencies, as are usual in like Occasions, and to treat and respect them as his Majesties Loving and Faithful Subjects. Always provided, that they pay their Expences, and carry themselves civilly in their Journey according as in Duty they are bound to do. And hereof neither you nor they may fail. Dated at Whitehall the last of August 1640. Signed by

  • Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury.
  • Lord Keeper.
  • Lord Treasurer.
  • Earl Marshal.
  • Earl of Berks.
  • Lord Cottington.
  • Lord Newburgh.
  • Mr. Secretary Windebanke.

A Commission of Lieutenancy to the Lord Mayor of London.

A Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London, directed to Sir Henry Garoway, Knight, Lord Mayor of the said City, and others. Teste apud Westmon, secundo die Septembris, Anno Regis Caroli sexto decimo.

J. F. C. S.


A Commission of Array to Thomas Earl of Strafford.

A Commission of Array for the County of York, directed to Thomas Earl of Strafford and others. Teste apud Westm. xxxi. die Augusti Anno Regis Caroli sexto decimo.

Per dom. Custod. magni Sigilli Angl.
virtute Warrant. Reg.

J. F. C. S.


Septemb. 3. 1640; Bishoprick Gentlemen summoned to come to General Lesley at Newcastle.

On Thursday the third of September, there came a Warrant in nature of a Summons to Sir William Bellasis, Knight, Sheriff of the County Palatine of Durham, and to Sir William Lambton Knight, a Gentleman of Quality in that County, Signed by Montross, Rothes, Lindsey and others; these two Knights and their Estates being in the Power of the Scots, and having Licence from the King, went to General Lesley: the thing proposed unto them, was how to get Provision for the Scots Army in that County upon Payment of Money in part, and Security for the rest.

On Friday Morning the 4th of September came a Petition to the King from the Commissioners of the late Parliament in Scotland, inclosed in a Letter to the Lord Lanerick; at which time the King's Army were all retreated into Yorkshire, and some of them quartered about York. The Petition followeth.

To the King's most Excellent Majesty,

The humble Petition of your Commissioners of the late Parliament, and others of his Majesty's most Loyal Subjects of the Kingdom of Scotland.

Sept. 4; The Petition of the Scotch Commissioners of the late Parliament.

Humbly sheweth,
'That whereas through many Sufferings, in this time past, extreme Necessity hath constrained us, for our Reliefs, and obtaining our humble and just Desires, to come unto England; where according to our Intentions formerly delivered, we have in all our Convoy, lived upon our own Means, Victuals and Goods brought along with us; and neither troubling the Peace of the Kingdom of England, nor hurting any of your Majesty's Subjects of whatsoever Quality in their Persons or Goods, having carried ourselves in a most peaceable manner, till we were pressed by Strength of Arms to put such Forces out of the way, as did without our Deservings, and (as some of them at their Point of Death have confessed) against their own Consciences opposed our peaceable Passage at Newborne upon Tyne; and have brought their own Blood upon their own Heads against our Purposes and Desires, expressed by Letters sent to them at Newcastle. For preventing of the like, of greater Inconveniencies, and that without further Opposition we may come to your Majesty's Presence, for obtaining from your Majesty's Justice and Goodness, full Satisfaction to our just Demands, we your Majesty's most Humble and Loyal Subjects, do persist in that most humble and submissive Way of petitioning, which we have kept from the beginning, and from the which, no Provocation of your Majesty's Enemies and ours, no Adversity we have hitherto sustained, no prosperous Success that can befal us, shall be able to divert our Minds; most humbly entreating, that your Majesty would in the Depth of your Royal Wisdom consider at least our pressing Grievances, and provide for the Repair of our Wrongs and Losses, and with the Advice of the States of the Kingdom of England convented by Parliament, settle a firm and durable Peace against all Invasions by Sea and Land.

'That we may with Chearfulness of Heart pay unto your Majesty, as our native King, all Duty and Obedience, that can be expected from Loyal Subjects; and that against the many and great Evils which at this time threaten both Kingdoms, whereat all your Majesty's good Loyal and Loving Subjects tremble to think, and which we unanimously beseech God Almighty to avert; that your Majesty's Throne may be established in the midst of us in Religion and Righteousness.

And your Majesty's Answer we humbly desire
and earnestly wait for

At the Court at York, Sept. 5. 1640.

His Majesty's Answer thereunto.

'His Majesty hath seen and considered this within written Petition, and is graciously pleased to return this Answer by me, That he finds it in such General Terms, that till you express the Particulars of your Desires, his Majesty can give no direct Answer thereunto: wherefore his Majesty requireth, that you would set down the Particulars of your Demands with expedition; he having been always ready to redress the Grievances of his People. And for the more mature Deliberation of the weighty Affairs, his Majesty hath already given out Summons for the Meeting of the Peers of this Kingdom in the City of York, the 24th day of this Month, that with the Advice of the Peers, you may receive such Answer to your Petition, as shall most tend to his Honour, and the Peace and Welfare of his Dominions. And in the mean time, if Peace be that you so much desire, as you pretend; he expects, and by this his Majesty commands, that you advance no further with your Army into these Parts, which is the only Means that is left for the present to preserve Peace between the two Nations, and to bring these unhappy Differences into a Reformation; which none is more desirous of than his most Sacred Majesty.


At White-Hall; Sept. 6. 1640.

Touching a Commi to the Lords of the Council, for ordering Affairs in the King's Absence.

'It was this day ordered, that his Majesty's Attorney-General be hereby required to prepare a Commission to be directed to the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Keeper, Lord Treasurer, Lord Privy Seal, Earl Marshal, Lord High Admiral of England, Earl of Dorset, Earl of Salisbury, Earl of Bridgewater, Earl of Danby, Earl of Berkshire, Earl of Newcastle, Earl of Cork, Lord Viscount Wilmot, Lord Cottington, Lord Newburgh, Mr. Comptroller, Mr. Secretary Windebanke, Sir Thomas Rowe, Lord Chief Justice Littleton, and to all and every other the Lords and others of the Privy-Council, who shall not attend his Majesty in the Northern Part, authorizing them or any six or more of them, (whereof the Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury, the Lord Keeper, Lord Treasurer, Lord Privy Seal, the Earl Marshal of England, or Mr. Secretary Windebanke to be one) by all good Ways and Means in his Majesty's Absence to provide for the Peace and Safety of his Majesty's Kingdom and People, in the same Manner and Form as it was drawn up (mutatis mutandis) at his Majesty's going into the North, Anno 1639. And with like Power to them to hear and order all Complaints and Matters touching the Levies of the Moneys and other Occasions in the Shipping-Business as was granted by the former Commission.

Sept. 6. 1640; Ships designed for Newcastle with Victuals, and not sent, ordered to go to Hull.

'Whereas by an Order of the Board of the 26th of August last, the Officers of the Navy were required to hasten away twelve Ships appointed to transport Victuals from London to lie without the Bar at Tinmouth, for as much as the Town of Newcastle is now possessed by the Scotish Rebels, it was this day ordered, That so many of the said Ships as are yet not sent, shall now go for Hull, and ride thereabout in some safe and secure Place, till such time as the Lord Lieutenant General of his Majesty's Army shall be advertised of their Arrival there, and give order for the disposing of the said Victuals.

A Copy of the King's Writ, dated Sept. 7. 1640. sent to all the Peers to meet as a great Council at York the 24th of September 1640.

Rex Reverendissimo in Christo Patri ac fideli consiliario nostro Willielmo eadem gratia Cantuar. Archiepiscopo, totius Angliœ primati & metropolitano salutem. Quia super quibusdam arduis & urgentissimis negotiis nos & Regni nostri statum Coronœque nostrœ Jura specialiter concernentibus vobiscum & cum aliis Prœlatis, magnatibus & proceribus ipsius Regni apud civitatem nostram Ebor. die Jovis, 24 die instantis mensis Septembris, Colloquium habere volumus & tractatum, vobis in fide & dilectione quibus nobis tenemini firmiter injungimus & mandamus, quod cessante excusatione quacunq; dictis die & loco personaliter intersuis nobiscum & cum prœlatis magnatibus & proceribus prœdictis super dict. negotiis tractaturi vestrumque consilium impensuri, & hoc sicut nos & honorem nostrum ac tranquillitatem Regni nostri juriumq; nostrorum prœdict. diligitis, nullatenus omittatis. Teste &c. 7 Sept.

Right Honourable,
Sept. 8. 1640; The Scots Letter at Newcastle to the Earl of Lannerick.

As nothing on Earth is more desired of us than his Majesty's Favour, so nothing doth delight us more than that his Majesty beginneth again to hearken unto our humble Desires, wherein we trust nothing shall be found, but what may serve to his Majesty's Honour, and for the Peace of his Dominions. The Particulars we would have expressed, but that they are contained in the Conclusion of the last Parliament, and the printed Declarations which were sent to your Lordship. But in case the Papers be not by your Lordship, we now summarily repeat them.

  • 1. That his Majesty would be graciously pleased to command that the last Acts of Parliament may be published in his Highness Name, as our Sovereign Lord with the Estates of Parliament convened by his Majesty's Authority.
  • 2. That the Castles of Edinburgh and other Strengths of the Kingdom of Scotland may according to the first Foundation be furnished and used for our Defence and Security.
  • 3. That our Countrymen in his Majesty's Dominions of England and Ireland may be freed from censure for subscribing the Covenant and be no more pressed with Oaths and Subscriptions unwarrantable by your Laws, and contrary to their National Oath and Covenant approved by his Majesty.
  • 4. That the common Incendiaries which have been the Authors of this Combustion may receive their just Censure.
  • 5. That all our Ships and Goods with all the Damage thereof may be restored.
  • 6. That the Wrongs, Losses and Charges which all this time we have sustained may be repaired.
  • 7. That the Declarations made against us as Traitors may be recalled in the end by the Advice and Counsel of the State of England convened in Parliament, his Majesty may be pleased to remove the Garrisons from the Borders, and any Impediments which may stop free Trade, and with their Advice to condescend to all Particulars, that may establish a stable and well-grounded Peace for the enjoying of our Religion and Liberties against all Force and Molestation, and undoing from Year to Year, or as our Adversaries shall take the Advantage.

This Royal Testimony of his Majesty's Goodness, we would esteem to be doubled upon us, were it speedily bestowed, and therefore we must crave leave to that his Majesty's Pleasure concerning the of the Peers the 24th of this instant will make the time long e're the Parliament be convened, which is conceived the only Means of settling both Nations in a firm Peace, and which we desire may be seriously represented unto his Majesty's Royal Thoughts; the more the time is abridged, the more able we to obey his Majesty's Prohibition of our advancing with our

Army; our Actions, and whole Comportment since the beginning of those Commotions, and especially of late since our coming into England, are real Declarations of our Love and Desire of Peace, nothing but invincible Necessity hath brought us from our Country to this Place, no other thing shall draw us beyond the Limits appointed by his Majesty, which we trust his Majesty will consider of, and wherein we hope your Lordship will labour to be a profitable Instrument for the King's Honour, the Good of the Country, and of

Your Lordships humble Servants,

Scots Leaguer at Newcastle, Sept. 8. 1640.

Subscribed by

  • Rothes.
  • Montross.
  • Cassilles.
  • Dumferling.
  • Lothian.
  • Lindsey.
  • David Homes.
  • Sir George Key.
  • Sir Tho. Hope.
  • Sir Will. Douglas.
  • Mr. Alexander Gibson. Dury.
  • Jo. Smith.
  • Geo. Potterfield.
  • Hen. Kenedy.
  • Jo. Rutherfound. Welderbourne.

Sept. 9. The Letter from Newcastle to the Lord-Mayor and Aldermen of London.

Right Honourable,
What Care and Pains have been taken by us these Years past to settle our Grievances at home, and what heavy Complaints have been made heretofore to all our dear Brethren in England, that the Ground of our Evils and Sufferings is from the abused Power of this Kingdom in the Hands of wicked Counsellors, what Necessity hath been laid upon us of late to enter into England with our Lives in our Hands, to petition his Majesty, the manifold Declarations and Informations that have been published for that end bear us witness, and that our appearing in Arms is not to wrong any, but to guard ourselves against all unjust Persons that may hinder us from obtaining our humble and just Desires from our Gracious Sovereign; and therefore, as it was the End of our Journey not to make us Enemies but kind Friends, so we profess and declare to your Lordship, and the Aldermen your Brethren, that our Abode at Newcastle, a Town of great Importance for our Security until our Petition be heard and granted, is not to make any Stop of Trade in that River, since the free Traffick of Coles is so necessary for the City of London, and other Places of England; but on the contrary, our Purpose is to use the best Means we can to continue that Trade: and for this Effect at our coming to Newcastle, hearing that many Masters of Ships possessed with needless Fears were hastening out of the River empty, we sent two Noblemen of our Number to make this Declaration unto them, whereby many of them rested satisfied, and stayed to Load; and hereby we do renew our former Assurance, as the finallest Testimony of greatest Respect, and Good-Will to the City of London, of whose Affection to the Peace of these two Kingdoms, wherein they have greatest Share and Interest, we are fully informed, and to whom we desire not to be found wanting in any Act of Friendship and Thankfulness that may flow from us to the utmost of our Power. Signed,

Your Lordship's and the Aldermen your Brethren's respectful Friends,

  • Rothes.
  • Alex. Lesley.
  • Almont.
  • Lothian.
  • Montross.
  • Lowden.
  • Lindsey.
  • Cassels.

A Letter directed to the Lord High Treasurer of England.

Sept. 9. 1640. Transportation of Victuals beyond Sea, or from Port to Port (but only to Hull) inhibited.

HIS Majesty out of his Royal Care for the Preservation of his Army having been graciously pleased to command that the same be furnished with all manner of Provision of Victual that the County of York and the adjacent Counties can afford; and fearing that the Proportion of Victuals in those Parts should not be sufficient, hath commanded likewise to have Supply sent from hence, and that the Transportation of Corn, Butter, Cheese, and all other Victuals out of the Realm, or from Port to Port, within the Kingdom should be strictly inhibited; We have therefore thought good hereby to pray and require your Lordship forthwith to give effectual Order that no Corn, Butter, Cheese, nor any other Victual be transported into the Parts beyond the Seas, nor from Port to Port, but sent to Hull, where the Owners shall receive just and due Payment in ready Money for the same, and be secured that neither themselves nor their Goods shall suffer the least Prejudice or Molestation, but by all means of good Usage be encouraged to make continual Repair thither. Hereof your Lordship may not fail, And so &c. Dated September 9. 1640. Signed by

Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, &c.

To the King's most Excellent Majesty,
The humble Petition of your Majesty's most Loyal and Obedient Subjects, whose Names are here under-written, in behalf of themselves and divers others.

The Petition of the Earl of Essex, Hertford, &c. to the King to call a Parliament.

Most Gracious Sovereign,
THE Sense of that Duty and Service which we owe unto your sacred Majesty, and our earnest Affection to the Good and Welfare of this your Realm of England, have moved us in all Humility to beseech your Royal Majesty, to give us leave to offer unto your most Princely Wisdom, the Apprehension which we and other your faithful Subjects have conceived of the great Distempers and Dangers now threatning the Church and State of your Royal Person, and the fittest Means by which they may be prevented.

'The Evils and Dangers whereof your Majesty may be pleased to take Notice are these;

  • 1. 'That your Sacred Majesty is exposed to Hazard and Danger in the present Expedition against the Scotish Army; and by the Occasion of the War, your Revenue is much wasted, your Subjects burthened with Coat and Conduct Money, Billetting of Soldiers, and other Military Charges; and divers Rapines and Disorders committed in several Parts in this your Realm, by the Soldiers raised for that Service; and your whole Kingdom become full of Fear and Discontent.
  • 2. 'The sundry Innovations in Matters of Religion, the Oath and Canons lately imposed upon the Clergy, and other your Majesty's Subjects.
  • 3. 'The great Increase of Popery, and employing of Popish Recusants, and others ill-affected to the Religion by Law established, in Places of Power and Trust, and especially commanding of Men and Arms both in the Field and other Counties in this Realm, whereas by the Laws they are not permitted to have Arms in their own Houses.
  • 4. 'The great Mischief which may fall upon this Kingdom, if the Intentions which have been credibly reported, of bringing in of Irish Forces, shall take effect.
  • 5. 'The urging of Ship-Money, and Prosecution of some Sheriffs in the Star-Chamber for not levying of it.
  • 6. 'The heavy Charges of Merchandize to the Discouragement of Trade the Multitude of Monopolies, and other Patentees, whereby the Commodities and Manufactures of the Kingdom are much burthened, to the great and universal Grievance of your People.
  • 7. 'The great Grief of your Subjects by the Intermission of Parliaments, in the late former dissolving of such as have been called, with the hoped Effects which otherwise they might have procured.

'For a Remedy whereof, and Prevention of the Danger that may ensue to your Royal Person, and to the whole State, we do in all Humility and Faithfulness beseech your most Excellent Majesty that you would be pleased to summon a Parliament within some short and convenient time, whereby the Cause of these, and other great Grievances, which your poor Petitioners now lie under, may be taken away, and the Authors and Counsellors of them may be there brought to such legal Tryal, and condign Punishment, as the Nature of the Offence does require, and that the present War may be composed by your Majesties wisdom without Bloodshed, in such manner as may conduce to the honour and safety of your Majesties Person, and content of your People, and continuance of both of your Kingdoms against the common Enemy of the reformed Religion.

  • Francis Bedford.
  • Ro. Essex.
  • William Hartford. Warwick.
  • Earl of Bristol.
  • Mulgrave.
  • Say and Seal.
  • Ed. Howard.
  • Bullingbrook.
  • Mandevile.
  • Brook.
  • Pagett.

The Privy Council being informed that the City of London was about to petition his Majesty to call a Parliament, wrote a Letter to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London, as followeth.

Sept. 11. 1640. To stop the Londoners Petition to his Majesty.

WHEREAS we have seen the Copy of a Petition pretended to be presented to his Majesty in the name of the Citizens of London, to which many hands as we understand are endeavoured to be gotten in the several Wards concerning divers grievances; out of the care which, we have for your good, and the duty which we owe to his Majesty, being the representative Body of his Authority, and to whom he hath particularly recommended the care and quiet of these parts in his absence; we have thought fit to signify unto your Lordship, and the rest, the sense and apprehension we have of the said Petition, and of the time, and of the manner of contriving the same. And we cannot but hold it very dangerous and strange to have a Petition framed in the name of the Citizens, and endeavoured to be signed in a way not warranted by the Charters and Customs of the City, setting forth of Grievances which they cannot but know, that his Majesty of his abundant grace and goodness to his People will presently take into his Consideration, and give thereunto all just redress; concluding the Petition with a demand which they be most certain will come from his Majesties owngrace and goodness, from which only it can proceed with comfort and success. And all this in a time, when his Majesty is in his own Person ingaged in an Army for the defence of this City, and the whole Kingdom, against the Rebels who have invaded this Kingdom with so great an Army, and have so far advanced to the danger of the Kingdom, and dishonour of the Nation; especially his Majesty having so particularly at his parting hence recommended the care and safety of the Queen his dearest Consort's Person, and the Prince, and his Royal Children to your Lordship and the Aldermen, and the antient and approved Loyalty and Fidelity of this City of London honoured from all Antiquity with the Title of his Majesties own Chamber. We have therefore thought fit thereby to pray and require your Lordship and the rest to take a course by all good and lawful ways to stop the proceedings of this intended Petition, wherein me doubt not but you shall have the concurrence of the most able and best affected Citizens, for the avoiding of the great disturbance, which it may bring to the King's Affairs (thus engaged as he is) and the just censure which may lie upon the City, in future times; And so, &c. Dated Sept. 16. 1640. Signed by

Lord Arch Bishop of Canterbury, &c.

NOtwithstanding this Order of the Lords of the Council, the City of London (having been grievously burthened with Projects and Monopolies) did proceed to perfect their said Petition, and sent some of the Court of Aldermen and Common Council to present it to the King at York: which Petition followeth.

To the King's Most Excellent Majesty,

Tne humble Petition of your Majesties Subjects the Citizens of LONDON.

A Petition of the Londoners to the King to call a Parliament.

Most Gracious Soveraign,
'Being moved with the duty and obedience which by the Laws your Petitioners owe unto your Sacred Majesty, they humbly present unto your Princely and pious wisdom, the several pressing Grievances following; viz.

  • '1. The pressing and unusual Impositions upon Merchandize, Importing, and Exporting, and the urging and levying of Ship-money; notwithstanding both which, Merchants Ships and Goods have been taken and destroyed both by Turkish and other Pirates.
  • '2. The multitude of Monopolies, Patents, and Warrants, whereby Trade in the City and other parts of the Kingdom is much decayed.
  • '3. The sundry Innovations in matter of Religion.
  • '4. The Oath and Canons lately enjoined by the late Convocation, whereby your Petitioners are in danger to be deprived of their Ministers.
  • '5. The great concourse of Papists, and their Inhabitations in London, and the Suburbs, whereby they have more means and opportunity of Plotting and Executing their designs against the Religion established.
  • '6. The seldom Calling, and sudden Dissolutions of Parliaments, without the redress of your Subjects Grievances.
  • '7. The Imprisonment of divers Citizens for non-payment of Ship-money, and Impositions, and the prosecution of many others in the Star-Chamber, for not conforming themselves to Committees in Patents of Monopolies, whereby Trade is restrained.
  • '8. The great Danger your sacred Person is exposed unto in the present War, and the various Fears that seized upon your Petitioners, and their Families by reason thereof: which Grievances and Fears have occasioned so great a stop and distraction in Trade, that your Petitioners can neither buy, sell, receive, or pay as formerly, and tends to the utter Ruine of the Inhabitants of the City, the decay of Navigation and Clothing, and the Manufactures of this Kingdom.

'Your humble Petitioners conceiving that the said Grievances are contrary to the Laws of this Kingdom, and finding by Experience that they are not redrest by the ordinary Course of Justice, do therefore most humbly beseech your most sacred Majesty to cause a Parliament to be summoned with all convenient speed, whereby they may be relieved in the premises.

'And your Petitioners and Loyal Subjects shall ever pray, &c.


Upon his Majesties Calling this last Parliament.

'This last (fn. 3) Parliament I called, not more by others advice, and necessity of my Affairs, than by my own Choice and Inclination, who have always thought the Right way of Parliaments most safe for my Crown, as best pleasing to my People. And although I was not forgetful of those Sparks which some Mens Distempers formerly studied to kindle in Parliaments (which by forbearing to convene for some Years, I hoped to have extinguished) yet resolving with my self to give all just Satisfaction to modest and sober Desires, and to redress all publick Grievances in Church and State, I hoped by my freedom and their moderation to prevent all misunderstandings, and miscarriages in this. In which as I feared Affairs wonld meet with some Passion and Prejudice in other Men, so I resolved they should find least of them in my self, not doubting but by the Weight of Reason I should counterpoize the over-ballancing of any Factions, &c.

Sept. 10. The King's Proposal to the Gentry of Yorkshire.

The King called the Yorkshire Gentry together, and propounded unto them the Payment of the Trained Bands for two Months; which Proposition they took into present Consideration, being also much satisfied that his Majesty had summoned a great Council of his Peers to meet at York.

And on the 11th of September returned Answer, the Substance whereof was to this Effect.

The Answer of the Gentry of Yorkshire.

That the Petitioners have consulted together concerning the Payment of the Trained Bands for two Months, and have agreed upon doing the same, to which purpose they will use their utmost Endeavours, humbly beseeching his Majesty to consider out of his Royal Wisdom how to compose the Differences with the Scots, that the Country may enjoy Peace again, and not run more and more into Danger, and do most humbly beseech his Majesty to think of summoning a Parliament, the only way to confirm a Peace betwixt both Kingdoms.

Which Answer they desired the Earl of Strafford to present to his Majesty, which he inclined to do, leaving out those Words in the Petition of Advice to the King to call a Parliament, for that he knew it was the King's full Purpose to do: but the Yorkshire Gentlemens Hearts, and the Voice of the Kingdom being servent for a Parliament, were unwilling to leave out those Words of summoning a Parliament; therefore they deliver'd their Answer themselves, and which was well taken by his Majesty.

A Letter to the Earl of Bedford and to the Lord Russel, &c. his Majesty's Deputy Lieutenants for the County of Devon.

Sept. 11. An Answer to Letters from their Deputy Lieutenants concerning some Difficulties about marching, &c.

'We have been made acquainted by our very good Lord the Earl Marshal of England, Captain General of all his Majesty's Forces on this side Trent, with the Letters of your Deputy Lieutenants for that County of Devon, of the second and fourth of this present, by you put into his Lordship's hands, and thereby understand two Difficulties they conceive they shall find in the Execution of his Majesty's late Command for the preparing and putting in readiness the Trained Bands and other Forces of the said County to march and to serve in the common Defence as occasion shall require, and further shall be commanded in this time of common Danger.

'The first whereof is the Distraction which is amongst the Gentry and others, unto which Service personally to apply themselves, whether that commanded as aforesaid with the Trained Bands, or else that other concerning Escuage and Tenures in Knights Service, both commanded by Proclamation.

'The second Difficulty they apprehend being the Way how to furnish or procure Moneys for the Charge of the said Bands and Forces when they shall be required to march. Whereunto some Direction being desired from this Board; unto the first we answer, That it is his Majesty's Pleasure and Intention that the Service commanded the Trained Bands and other Forces for the common Defence by his Majesty's Letters and Proclamations is carefully to be performed and executed by every man in his own Person. But for that Attendance on his Majesty required by the other Proclamation according to the Tenures in Knights Service, &c. it may and will suffice that the same be done by Deputy, or else that Persons so holding Lands of his Majesty may give Satisfaction by way of Composition as by the same Proclamation, is more particularly expressed. And for the other Difficulty how to provide for the Charge of these Forces, when they shall march; we do understand that not only the Laws and Customs of this Kingdom do require that in a time of actual invasion every Man ought to serve in the common Defence at his own Charge, but that the very Law of Nature doth teach and oblige us all thereuuto, without sticking or staying upon any such Terms or Questions, and that thus it hath been the Custom and Practice within this Kingdom both in antient and modern Times is very manifest, even but when a Doubt or Fear was had of an Invasion; but whereas this present Danger is past all manner of Doubt by Reason of the actual Invasion of the Scottish Rebels, with so great an Army, and the same so far advanced that the whole Kingdom may soon be overrun, unless by a greater Power they be repelled and beaten back. And whereas his Majesties Subjects of the North Parts of this Kingdom do cheerfully join together and serve his Majesty in this great Occasion at their own Charge both with Bodies and Fortunes, without Trouble to his Majesty or Deputies; we are therefore hereby to pray and require your Lordships, to signify to your Deputy Lieutenants, what the Sense of this Board herein is, that the same may by you and them be infused into others, and that we will not doubt but that his Majesties Subjects of that County will in this Occasion shew as much forwardness and Zeal for the common Safety, wherein we are all so nearly concerned, as is either now in the North Parts, or hath been practised in any other time of Danger heretofore within this Kingdom, which we do hereby effectually recommend unto your Lordships Care. And bid, &c.

A Letter to the Lords Lieutenants of Surrey.

Sept. 11. 1640. For restoring of Coat and Conduct Money.

Whereas of late by his Majesties special Command signifying from this Board to your Lordships divers Sums of Money have been Levyed upon that County of Surrey for Coat and Conduct Money, for the Conveying the Number of 800 Souldiers then appointed to be raised within that County, to the General Rendezvouz thereof, since which time the said 800 Souldiers have by order from us been discharged. These are therefore to pray and require your Lordships to give present and effectual Order to the Deputy Lieutenants for the restoring the said Coat and Conduct Money, to those of whom the same was Levyed, as is done in the other Countries of this Kingdom. And so, &c. Dated September 11. Signed by

Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, &c.

Sept. 11. 1640. Sheriffs of London to dispose of Mrs. Hussey in some safe place, who made discovery of an intended rising of the Papists in England.

'Their Lordships being this day credibly informed that Mrs. Anne Hussey an Irish Woman is much threatned by certain Irish People to be mischieved, and that there have been some Irish to enquire after her as is strongly suspected to offer some violence to her, for that she has given an Information and Testimony of certain Lewd and Traiterous Speeches uttered by one William O Conner an Irish Priest, It was this day ordered by their Lordships, that the Sheriffs of London shall be hereby prayed and required forthwith to receive into their or one of their Charge the Person of the said Mrs. Hussey, and dispose of her in some such safe Place, as she may be free from any violence or danger.

At White-Hall, Sept. 11. 1640.

Touching William O Conner an Irish Priest.

'Ubpon an Information of Mrs. Anne Hussey against one William O Conner an Irish Priest, It was this day ordered by their Lordships that John Herne Esq; one of the Justices of Peace of the County of Middlesex shall be hereby prayed and required to examine the said Mrs. Anne Hussey and William O Conner, and all such others, as upon their Examination he shall discover to know any thing concerning the matters whereof the said O Conner is now accused. And hereof the keeper of the Gatehouse (where the said O Conner is now Prisoner) and all others whom it may concern, are to take notice and to conform themselves accordingly.

Sept. 11. 1640. Defaulters at Musters.

'A Warrant to William Wats Messenger, to bring before their Lordships, the Lady Elizabeth Laurence, Samuel Sewster, of Great Ratcliff, Sr. Lewis Watson, Baronet, Ch. Parker, Esq; Heneage Proby of Aylton, John Glover of Water Newton Esquires, and Mr. Riplingham returned as Delinquents, in not shewing their Light-Horses at the last Musters in the County of Huntington, with a Clause to discharge such of the defaulters as shall immediately repair before the Lord Lieutenant of the County aforesaid, or one of his Deputy Lieutenants, and promise Conformity for the future in shewing their Horse at the Musters, and at such times as they shall be thereto required by the Deputy Lieutenants of the said County. Dated Septemb. 11. 1640. Signed by

Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, &c.

A Warrant directed to the Lord High Treasurer of England, and the Lord Cottington, under-Treasurer of the Exchequer

Sept. 13. 1640. To issue 80 l. for Conduct of Irish Officers to the Army.

'Whereas Serjeant Major James Nolan is to conduct divers Officers and Souldiers of the Irish Nation to his Majesties Army near York, for the performance whereof it is thought fit that the sum of threescore Pound for their Conduct thither be advanced to them, being after 15 days pay for himself and Company, according to a List of their Names, signed under his hand, and according to their Establishment of Pay for his Majesties Army, as also the sum of twenty Pounds more by way of advance to Captain Jo. Bermingham, Captain Bartholomew St. Lawrence, Captain Tho. Revel, and Captain Maurice Macdonell for their speedy Conduct to York aforesaid.

'These are therefore to pray and require your Lordships to cause 60 l. to be paid to the said Serjeant Major Nolan, and 20 l. to the said other Captains, by virtue of his Majesties Privy Seal, dated May 22. for issuing of 300 l. For which this shall be your Lordships sufficient Warrant, Dated Sept. 13. Signed by

Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, &c.

Sept. 14. That Enquiry be made after the Rents of Bishops and Papists in the County of Durham. George Grey and Anthony Smith Collectors.

'By virtue of a Commission from General Lesley his Excellency, and the rest of the Right Honourable Lords, and other of the Committee for ordering Business for the Scotish Army, directed to us Tobias Knowles and William Hamilton Gentlemen, to enquire and find out the Rents, Tithes and Profits belonging to the Bishops, Papists, or any other Associates, Enemies to this Army, and to take an Inventory of their Rents, Goods and Profits whatsoever, and to chuse able men to assist us in this business: We understanding that Mr. G. G. and Mr. A. S. have been employ'd in business for the Tenants of the Dean and Chapter of Durham, and understand that the said Tenants have Rents in their Hands due at St. Cuthbert's day last, and Rents that will be due at Martinmas next, with Tithes and many other Profits, &c. These are therefore, by virtue of the said Commission, to require and charge you Mr. G. G. and Mr. A. S. to enquire and search out all the Rents, Tithes and Profits belonging to the Bishop of Durham, the Dean and Chapter, or any their Associates or Papists, Enemies to this Cause and Expedition, and to give in their Names, with a Schedule or Inventory of their Goods, Rents and Profits whatsoever: and to warn all the Tenants of the aforesaid Parties, especially the Tenants of the Dean and Chapter of Durham, for the Rents, Tithes and Profits which are due at St. Cuthbert's day last, or any other former Debts or Sums of Money due or become due at Martinmas next by the Tenants of Westoe, Harton, Fulwell, Munckwarmouth, Sudwick, Mountain-Hedworth, the two Hedworths and Southshields, nor to pay any Rents to the aforesaid Dean and Chapter, nor to any of their Receivers or Officers, but towards the Relief and Maintenance of the Army, as they will answer the contrary. And those that shall refuse to pay the said Rents, Tithes and Profits as aforesaid, and to set their hands thereunto; We require and charge you to return their Names in writing, with the Places of their Abode, that such further course may be taken with them, as shall be thought fit by the General. And of this fail not, as you will answer the contrary at your Peril. Dated at Newcastle the 14th of September 1640.

William Hamilton.

Tobias Knowles.

A Minute of Letters of the Tenour following, directed to the Lords Lieutenants of the several Counties, expressed in the List hereafter mentioned.

Sept. 16. For providing divers forts of Munitions and Provisions for Soldiers rais'd by the Commission of Array, South of Trent.

'Whereas as well by his Majesty's late Proclamation of the last of August last, as also by a Letter sent unto you from our very good Lord, the Earl Marshal of England, Captain General of all his Majesty's Forces on this side Trent, you may take notice of his Majesty's Pleasure and Command for the Trained Bands, and other Forces of that County, to be put in readiness to march upon twenty four Hours warning, or command to be given for that purpose from his Majesty's said Captain General. And whereas the Danger is great and eminent to his Majesty and the whole State by the Invasion of the Scottish Rebels with a powerful Army, which hath already so far advanced and prevailed, that unless by a stronger Power, and the unanimous resistance of all his Majesties Subjects the same be repelled and forced back, this whole Kingdom may soon be over run. For which respects, we find it very needful, that both a good and speedy Accompt be by you returned either unto this Board, or unto his Majesties said Captain General of your proceedings therein; as also that no Directions necessary to be given by us be wanting unto you for what concerns the common Defence: We have therefore thought good, hereby to require you, to have in readiness a sufficient number of able Pioneers, good Carts furnished with Men and Horses; and likewise a sufficient number of Spades, Shovels and Pick-Axes, and all other Tools necessary for the making of Works of Defence in these perilous Times. And further, that you take an effectual Care, that the Magazine of the County be well stored with Powder, Shot and Match, to the end that every Musqueteer may have a sufficient Provision thereof: And that the Beacons in that County be presently made ready and duly watched. And if that County be not already sufficiently furnished with the aforesaid Munitions and Provisions, that then you make all possible speed to procure and provide the same. Of all which, and how far you have proceeded since his Majesties said Proclamation, you are to return a particular Accompt with all expedition, either unto this Board, or unto his Majesties said Captain General, that it may be thereby known, what are the Forces of that County, and how much of each kind of those Munitions and Provisions you have in readiness against such time as the same shall be called upon. And so, &c. Dated September 16. and Signed

Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, &c.

    Counties of

  • Berks
  • Bedford
  • Buckingham
  • Cambridge
  • Cornwall
  • Devon
  • Dorset
  • Essex
  • Gloucester
  • Southampton
  • Hertford
  • Huntington
  • Kent
  • Middlesex
  • Northampton
  • Northfolke
  • Oxon
  • Somerset
  • Suffolk
  • Surrey
  • Warwick
  • Wilts

Sept. 16. A Letter to the Lord Lieutenant of Dorsetshire.

'After our hearty Commendation to your good Lordship, whereas we understand, there have been delays and difficulties in some places, in the Execution of his Majesties late Command, for putting in readiness the Trained Bands and other Forces of that County, to march and to serve in the common Defence in this time of publick Danger; which Delays have been occasioned through some misapprehension concerning the defraying of the Charge of the trained Men to the Place of Service when they march. We have therefore thought good, for the preventing of further delay in matters of this impottance, hereby to advertise your Lordship, that not only the Customs and Laws of this Kingdom do require, that in a time of actual invasion, every Man ought to serve in the common defence at his own charge; but that the very Law of Nature doth teach and oblige us all thereunto, without sticking or staying upon any terms or questions. And that it hath been the custom and practice within this Kingdom, both in antient and modern times, (even but when a doubt or fear was had of an invasion) is very manifest. But this present danger is past all manner of doubt, by reason of actual invasion of the Scottish Rebels with so great an Army, and the same so far advanced, that the whole Kingdom may be soon over-run, unless by a great Power they be repelled and beaten back. And whereas his Majesties Subjects of the north Parts of this Kingdom do cheerfully hold together, and serve his Majesty in this great occasion at their own charge, both with their Bodies and Fortunes, without trouble to his Majesty, we have therefore thought good, hereby to pray and require your Lordship, to acquaint the Countrey with the sense of this Board in this particular, and that we doubt not, but his Majesties Subjects of that Country will in this occasion shew as much Forwardness and Zeal for the common Safety, wherein we are all so nearly concerned, as either is shewn now in the northern Parts, or hath been practised in any other time of danger heretofore in this Kingdom; which we do hereby effectually recommend to your Lordship's care, and bid your Lordship very heartily farewell.

From White-Hall, September 16. 1640. Your Lordships very loving Friends,

  • William Cant.
  • Guil. London.
  • Arundel and Surrey.
  • Dorset.
  • Fra. Cottington.
  • Fra. Windebanke.
  • Tho. Rowe.

To our very good Lord, the Lord Lieutenant of the County of Dorset, and in his Lordship's absence, to his Deputy Lieutenants.

September 1640. King then at York.

To the King's Most Excellent Majesty,

The humble Petition of Walter Belcanquall Dean of Duresme, and one of your Majesties Chaplains.

Dr. Belcanquall's Petition.

Humbly sheweth,
'That whereas your Petitioner lieth under a great scandal for your Majesties large Declaration, your Majesty would be graciously pleased, to require the Right Honourable the English Lords Commissioners for the Scotish Treaty, to call before them your Petitioner, and to give unto their Lordships a faithful and true Account of that Service.

And as he is bound, your Petitioner shall ever pray for your Majesty's long Life and happy Reign.

To the King's most Excellent Majesty,

The humble Petition of the distressed Inhabitants of the poor County of Northumberland.

September. Inhabitants of Northumberland do pay 300 l. a day to the Scots Army.

'MOST humbly shewing to your most sacred Majesty what they presented by a former Petition, wherein was humbly offered to your Majesty's gracious Consideration, the great Distress under which your Petitioners are by the Burden of the Scotish Army, who by plundering some, and threatning to plunder others, have for some fourteen Days last, compelled your Petitioners to submit to their unreasonable and insupportable Exactions of three hundred Pounds a day, and a great Proportion of Hay and Straw; by the latter whereof, those Cattle, if any shall be left to your Petitioners, will be in hazard to be starved. All which Exactions they expect to have from your Petitioners so long as they remain on this side Tweed. We have no Succour or Relief to fly to, for the Redress of these unexpected Miseries, but to God and your Majesty, most humbly befeeching your Majesty, in the Sorrows of our Hearts, to afford us your Princely Compassion, in relieving us and our Country from this sudden and unexpected Calamity; whereby your Majesty will preserve us and our Posterities daily to pray, as in all humble Duty we are bound, for your Majesty.

To the King's mod Excellent Majesty,

The humble Petition of the poor distressed Inhabitants of the County-Palatine of Durham.

September. The Inhabitants of Durham do pay 350 l. a day to the Scots Army.

Who humbly shew,
'That since the 11th of this instant December, they have been under the Burden of a Composition of 350 l. per diem to the Scotch Army, which they were enforc'd to pay, to preserve their Country from Destruction: since which time, they have further taken from them Hay and Straw, for which they pay nothing: which all together is so intolerable a burden, as they are no way able to bear it.

'Therefore their most humble Suit to your Majesty is, that either by some directions from your Majesty to the Lords now assembled, or by some other means, as in your Princely Wisdom shall be thought most necessary, this insupportable burden may presently be removed; delay being unto the Country an unavoidable destruction.

And we according to our bounden Duty shall pray, &c.

To the Right Honourable the Lords of England, appointed Commissioners for the present Meeting at RIPPON.

The humble Petition of the Tenants belonging to the Bishop and Dean and Chapter of Durham.

September. The Tenants of the Dean and Chapter of Durham their Complaint.

Most humbly sheweth,
'That whereas they have paid to the Scots a great sum of Money, that thereby the Inhabitants within that County might be freed from any further trouble of the Scots, and that their Army should make no waste nor spoil in their Country, nor to demand no more Moneys to be paid to them till that time be expired: Yet so it is, may it please your Honours, That the Commanders for the Scots Army have caused one Tobias Knowles an Englishman, to send forth his Warrants under his hand, to divers Parishes, thereby commanding the Constables, Greves and Officers to pay to their Collectors, the Rents due from your Petitioners to the Bishop and Dean and Chapter of Durham at Michaelmas next; and that they should pay the same at Bishop-waremouth on Tuesday last, being the twenty ninth of September last past, and they should have a sixth part abated; and if they did refuse to pay them that day, then that they should pay all their Rents to them the second day of October instant, without any abatement, at their perils.

'Their most humble Suit is, that your Honours would be graciously pleased, to move the Scots Lords, that the poor Tenants may be eased for paying the said Rents, they being no way able; and the Rents not yet due, and they not able to give them any discharge therefore. And that their Officers may desist from further troubling the said Tenants about the payment of the said Rents.

And they shall daily pray, &c.

To the King's most Excellent Majesty,

The humble Petition of Sir Thomas Riddel, the elder, Knight

September 1640. Sir Tho. Riddell's Petition, of the damage he hath received by the Scots.

Humbly sheweth,
'That your Petitioner being an Inhabitant in Gateside Tear Newcastle upon Tine, the Scots Army now of late since their coming thither, have taken and disposed of all your Petitioners Corn, as well that in his Garners, being a great quantity, as also his Corn on the ground; and have spoiled and consumed all his Hay, both of the last year and this years growth, have taken and do keep possession of his two Milns of great value, have spent his Grass, and spoiled many Acres' of his ground by making their Trenches in it; have wasted and disposed of his Coals already wrought; have spoiled and broken his Engines, and utterly drowned and destroyed the best part of his Coal-Mines; have banished his Servants and Overseer of his Lands and Coal-Works; have plundered divers houses of your Petitioners Tenants and Servants, and taken and spoiled their Goods, so that they are not able to pay your Petitioner any Rents, nor do him any Services. By all which, your Petitioner is already damnified 1500 l. And for all which premises the said Scots have not given any satisfaction to your Petitioner nor his Tenants; whereby your Petitioner and his Posterity are like to be ruinated and undone (most of your Petitioner's Estate consisting in the said Coalery) unless some present course be taken for your Petitioner's relief.

'Your Petitioner's humble request is, That your Majesty will be graciously pleased, to take the premises into your gracious Consideration, and of your wonted Clemency to afford your Petitioner such remedy, as to your Highness's Wisdom shall seem meet.

And your Petitioner shall daily pray for your Majesty.

The Names of those are fittest to treat and settle the Compositions for Cumberland and Westmorland.

  • For Cumberland.
  • Sir William Musgrave.
  • Sir Timothy Fetherstonhaugh.
  • Sir Thomas Dacres.
  • William Pennington, Esq;
  • Peter Sinehouse, Esq;
  • Leonard Dikes, Esq;
  • Symond Musgrave, Esq;
  • For Westmorland.
  • Sir Philip Musgrave.
  • Sir John Lowther.
  • Dalston of Ackeronbank, Esq;
  • Gawen Braithwaite, Esq;
  • Dudley, Esq;
  • Cleobarne, Esq;
  • Crackenthorp, Esq;

These Names were delivered unto the Earl of Bristol at York in his Lodging, by divers of the Gentlemen of both the foresaid Counties on the day of September 1640.

    The Names of the Committee for the County of Durham.

  • Sir William Bellasis Knight, High Sheriff of the County Palatine of Durham.
  • Sir Thomas Tempest, Baronet.
  • Sir John Conyers, Baronet.
  • Sir William Lambton, Knight.
  • Gerrard Salvyn, Esq;
  • Thomas Swinburne, Esq;
  • Nicholas Chaytor, Gent.
  • John Killinghall, Gent.
  • Richard Lilburne, Gent.

These are named to be of the Committee for the County of Durham. Signed,


An Account of the Payments and Arrears for entertainment of the Scots Army by the County of Durham from the eleventh of September, to the sixteenth of October, 1640.

An Account of payments to the Scots Army.

Paid in Money 8500 l. or thereabout.
In Hay and Oats 0200 l.
The Clergy behind in the first, second and third Sesses 1000 l.
The Laity behind of the first, second and third Sesses 2000 l.
Sum is 11700 l.
To this add the Non-Solvents for Lands out of the Book of Rates, personal Estates and Impropriations 0550 l. And it will make up the full payment of 350 l. per diem, according to the Agreement, and doth amount unto the full sum of
12250 l.

And if there be any defect in the Arrears by Poverty or otherwise it is to be supplied out of the new Sess, and by paying of such Mo neys for Provision, as they have given only Tickets for.

Proceedings at the Great Council of Peers assembled at York upon Sept. 24. 1640, in pursuance of the King's Writ.

This day his Majesty came to the Dean's House at York near the Minister about nine of the Clock in the Forenoon; and being set under the State at the upper end of the Hall where the Great Council was kept, spake as followeth.

His Majesties Speech to his Great Council of Peers assembled at York, Septemb. 24. 1640.

My Lords,
UPON sudden Invasions where the dangers are near and instant, it hath been the Custom of my Predecessors to assemble the Great Council of the Peers, and by their Advice and Assistance, to give a timely remedy to such Evils, which could not admit a delay so long, as must of necessity be allowed for the Assembling of the Parliament.

This being our Condition at this time, and an Army of Rebels lodged within this Kingdom, I thought it most fit to conform my self to the practice of my Predecessors in like Cases; that with your Advice and Assistance we might justly proceed to the Chastisement of these Insolencies, and securing of my good Subjects.

In the first place, I must let you know, that I desire nothing more, than to be rightly understood of my People. And to that end, I have of my self resolved to call a Parliament; having already given order to my Lord Keeper to issue the Writs instantly, so that the Parliament may be assembled by the third of November next: Whither if my Subjects bring those good affections, which become them towards me, it shall not fail on my part to make it a happy meeting. In the mean time, there are two points wherein I shall desire your Advice, which indeed were the chief Cause of your meeting.

First, What answer to give to the Petition of the Rebels, and in what manner to treat with them. Of which, that you may give a sure Judgment, I have ordered, that your Lordships shall be clearly and truly informed of the State of the whole business, and upon what reasons the Advices that my Privy Council unanimously gave me, were grounded.

The second is, How my Army shall be kept on foot and maintained, until the Supplies of a Parliament may be had. For so long as the Scotch Army remains in England, I think no man will counsel me to disband mine: for that would be an unspeakable loss to all this part of the Kingdom, by subjecting them to the greedy appetite of the Rebels, besides the unspeakable dishonour that would thereby fall upon this Nation.

Then his Majesty commanded the Petition of the Scots dated the fourth of September to be read; and the Answer thereunto the fifth of September. Also the Letter of the Scots to the Earl of Lanerick, dated at the Leaguer near Newcastle, the eighth of September, containing their demands; and the Answer thereunto.

All which are mentioned in order of time in these Collections, and therefore not now repeated again.

After this was read a Letter to the Lord Lanerick, dated by the Scots at Newcastle, September 23, 1640 desiring his Lordship to procure them a speedy Answer to their Petition and Demands: and likewise the Petition to the same effect.

And that their Lordships might perceive and know, upon what Grounds and Reasons the Lords of the Privy Council had unanimously advised to raise an Army against the Scots, his Majesty commanded their particular demands made in their last Parliament, and acknowledged by the Lord London, to be read. Which demands the Earl of Traquair explained to the Peers for their better Information; and shewed, how some of them subverted the Fundamental Laws of that Kingdom: others the Prerogative and Dignity of his Majesty derived from all his Predecessors, and whereof many were to the detriment of the King's Profit, and prejudice of divers good Subjects there.

Commissioners appointed to treat with the Scots.

ALL which being heard and considered of by the Peers, it was at last resolved (as touching the first Point proposed by his Majesty) "That certain of themselves should be sent as Commissioners to treat with Commissioners of theirs". The number agreed upon were Sixteen; viz.

  • Earl of Bedford.
  • Earl of Hertford.
  • Earl of Essex.
  • Earl of Salisbury.
  • Earl of Warwick.
  • Earl of Bristol.
  • Earl of Holland.
  • Earl of Berkshire.
  • Viscount Mandevile.
  • Lord Wharton.
  • Lord Paget.
  • Lord Brooke.
  • Lord Pawlett.
  • Lord Howard.
  • Lord Savile.
  • Lord Dunsmore

AND because the Commissioners for their better proceeding and information, desired some such Assistance to be present with them at the Treaty, as were either versed in the Laws of Scotland, or had been formerly acquainted with the passages of this business; These following were named and appointed Assistants by his Majesty; viz.

  • Earl of Traquair.
  • Earl of Morton.
  • Earl of Lanerick.
  • Mr. Secretary Vane.
  • Sir Lewis Steward.
  • Sir John Burrough.

AS touching the place of Meeting, it was at first designed to be at York; and afterwards ordered to be at Northallerton.

It was further ordered, That the Earl of Lanerick Secretary of Scotland, should write his Letter to the Scots at Newcastle, signifying the resolution of the King and Peers to treat with them at the day and place appointed, with the Names of the Commissioners.

Also to let them know, that they should have sufficient Safe-Conducts for their Commissioners; and likewise a releasing of their Prisoners for exchange of ours detained by them, and fair Quarter to be kept betwixt both Armies.

The Letter followeth in these words:

The Earl of Lanerick's Letter to the Scots about the Treaty.

My Lords,
'According to his Majesties appointment, the most part of the Peers of this Kingdom of England, met here at York this day, where his Majesty did communicate unto them your Desires and Petitions: And because you do so earnestly press for a speedy Answer thereunto; his Majesty with the advice of the Peers, hath nominated such a number of them, for a Conference with you upon Tuesday next at Northallerton, whose Names are here under-written: But withal, if you shall think the time too short, and with conveniency you cannot come so soon thither, if betwixt this and Sunday you do acquaint his Majesty therewith, he will take order for the delay thereof, for one day or two.

'And that you may without all fear or danger of Detension, send such Persons unto the said Conference as you shall think most fit, if betwixt this and Sunday you send thither the Names of those you mean to employ, his Majesty will with all possible diligence retain a safe Conduct under his own Royal Hand for them and their necessary Servants.

'His Majesty hath likewise commanded me to let you know, that upon your releasing of such Officers, and others of his Subjects, as are detained by you, he will return all such of yours, as are his Prisoners, either here or at Berwick: And hereafter resolves, that fair Quarter shall be kept betwixt both Armies. Thus having reported his Majesties pleasure, I continue

Your Lordships Servant, Lanerick.

YORK, Septemb. 24. 1640.

The same Commissioners were inserted in this Letter, who were agreed upon at the Great Council, and are before mentioned.

Earl of Bedford.

Earl of Hertford, &c.

This Letter was ordered to be sent by Mr. John Bellasis Son to the Lord Faulconbergh, appointed for that purpose by his Majesty and the Peers.


September 25, 1640.

Present: The King's Most Excellent Majesty,

Lord Keeper.

Lord Privy Seal, &c.

The Subjects matters to be considered by the Great Council of the Peers at York.

His Majesty in the first place commanded the Petition of the Inhabitants of Northumberland to be read, complaining of divers unreasonable and insupportable Exactions of the Scots.

Also the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Bishoprick of Durham.

Then the Petition of the Tenants to the Bishop, Dean and Chapter of Durham.

All which are before mentioned.

Then his Majesty caused the before mentioned Letter, which the Earl of Lanerick had drawn up, to be read in full Council, bearing date the 24th of September; which was agreed upon and ordered to be sent to the Scots at Newcastle by Mr. Bellasis.

The Bishop of Durham also having presented to the Council the great Calamities which the Inhabitants of the Bishoprick endured by reason of the Scotish Exactions, humbly besought, that the Lords Commissioners would procure the Scots to forbear Acts of Hostility during the Treaty.

Whereupon his Majesty gave order, that the Commissioners for the Treaty at Rippon should take that particular into consideration, and as they should see opportunity to deal therein.

The Incommodities which the Lords should meet withal at Northallerton, being signified by the Earl of Strafford, the whole Council afterward concluded to change the place to Rippon, and the day of Meeting was to be the first of October.

Then his Majesty moved the Lords to apply themselves to the business of the day, which was to enter into debate of the second Proposition proposed the day before by his Majesty; viz.

How the Army should be maintained until the Supplies of a Parliament might he had.

And that their Opinions might be more freely delivered, his Majesty offered to retire and depart the Council. But the Peers humbly besought his Majesty, to continue his presence amongst them; for that by his great Wisdom and particular knowledge of his Affairs, they should be the better directed to resolve upon that which was most expedient to be done. Unto which their humble request his Majesty graciously assented.

And then his Majesty desired the Peers to enter into Consideration,

First, What, and how much, was fit to be had, for the maintenance of his Army. And,

Secondly, How it should be raised or procured. Informing them, that it was only Money that was wanting: For as for other Necessaries, there was sufficient Provision made already. And that they might the better conceive what Sum was requisite, he referred them to the Relations of the Earl of Strafford, and others his Officers, that should give them Information of the true State of the Army: adding, that in his own Opinion, no less Sum than Two Hundred Thousand Pounds would serve the turn.

The State of the King's Army.

Whereupon the Earl of Strafford, Lieutenant General of the Army, declared the State of it to be as followeth:

  • '1. That the King's Army was in Arrear to Yorkshire for one Fortnight's Victuals.
  • '2. That there was in pay Nineteen or Twenty Thousand Foot, and about Two and Twenty or Three and Twenty Hundred Horse, besides Three Regiments of Scotish Reformed Officers all in pay, which amounted to Threescore Thousand Pounds a Month.
  • '3. That if this Army should disband for want of Money to pay them, the County of York would be lost in two Days, and the whole Kingdom endangered.
  • '4. Lastly, That to keep the Army together for three Months, no less would serve than the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Pounds.

'Hereupon it was resolved, That a Letter should be written to the City of London, subscribed by all the Peers present, for lending the aforesaid Sum of Two Hundred Thousand Pounds; which Letter was to be drawn by a select Committee of the Council being nominated, as followeth:

  • Lord Keeper
  • Lord Privy Seal.
  • Earl of Bedford.
  • Earl of Hertford.
  • Earl of Bristol.
  • Earl of Strafford.
  • Lord North.
  • Lord Goring.
  • Mr. Secretary Vane.
  • Lord Chief Justice Littleton.
  • Mr. Attorney.

A Letter from the Lords of the Great Council at York to the City of London.

After, &c. Having been by his Majesties Writ under the Great Seal of England, assembled here the Twenty Fourth of this instant Month, to our exceeding Joy and Comfort, before our entry into any Consideration his Majesty was pleased to declare his gracious Resolution for holding a Parliament at Westminster the third of November next; to which Declaration his Majesty was pleased to add so full assurance of his great desire to be rightly under stood by his People, and of his Resolution to relieve all the just Grievances at this succeeding Parliament, that we all rest confident upon his Royal Word, that this whole Kingdom shall be firmly united in a loyal and hearty care for the Preservation of the true Religion established here, the honour of his Most Sacred Majesty, and the general good and happiness of all his Majesties loving Subjects. We are every way sensible of the great calamity, that cannot but light upon both Kingdoms by the present distractions and distempers, and have for timely remedy therein, been (by his Majesties great Wisdom and Prudence) put into a way of Treaty with those of Scotland, for such an Accommodation, as may tend to the honour of his Majesty, and the perfect Union of both Kingdoms; wherein as we rest most assured, that his Majesty will be no way wanting in his Grace and Goodness, to listen to the just and reasonable Demands of his Subjects of Scotland; so if they shall insist upon terms dishonourable for his Majesty and the English Nation to condescend unto, we shall all hold our selves obliged in honour and duty to preserve and defend this Kingdom from all invasions and spoils, by any kind of enemy whatsoever. The Lords appointed by his Majesty and the Great Council of the Peers are to meet with those of Scotland on Thursday next at Rippon; and we all are not out of hope, that all things may come to a happy and speedy conclusion. In the mean time, taking into our serious consideration the State of Newcastle, the Commodities whereof are so necessary and behoveful for the City of London, and indeed for the whole Kingdom; the miserable Conditions of the Counties of Northumberland, and the Bishoprick of Durham; the particulars whereof, the Lords deputed and entrusted with these our Letters and other Instructions, will fully acquaint you with: and withal finding that the safety of this great and considerable County of York, and the adjacent Counties, depend upon the holding together of his Majesties Army; and knowing well, that although these Counties should for the present first undergo the Calamity that would ensue thereon, yet the danger and misery would soon overtake all other Counties of the Realm, We could not in our Judgments think it wisdom, to advise his Majesty to disband our Forces, but much rather, to continue them together, till by the happy success of this Treaty, or the great Wisdom of the Parliament, some course might be taken for a firm Peace, or just War: the consideration whereof, we shall, as in all things, humbly refer to that Great and Honourable Body now summoned, and which will undoubtedly, with God's Grace, assemble at the day and place appointed. His Majesty hath made it appear to us, that his Treasure is exhausted, and that he is altogether unprovided to keep his Forces together for so long a time, as the Parliament can settle some such course, as they in their Wisdoms shall think fittest. To the end therefore that the English Forces may not disband till those of Scotland do, we have all with an unanimous consent resolved, that it is necessary, that his Majesty be supplied with Two Hundred Thousand Pounds, as well for the continuing of them together, as for the orderly dismissing of them when it shall be time so to do, lest in their return his Majesties Subjects should undergo any of those inconveniencies, that Soldiers sent away unsatisfied are apt to put upon them. We assuredly perswade our selves, that the City of London is well able to supply his Majesty with this Sum; and we do not doubt, but (our hearts being all here united) the same affection will shew it self in you of London, who are so concerned in the Danger, and so considerable in your selves. To these Arguments, which we doubt not but you will seriously consider, and fortify with many of your own, we cannot but add our hearty, earnest and unanimous desires and affectionate requests, that you would not at this time be failing to so gracious a King, to the whole Kingdom, and to your selves; and to this purpose we have deputed their Lordships Henry Earl of Manchester, Lord Privy Seal, Philip Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, Lord Chamberlain of his Majesties Houshold, Jo. Earl of Clare, Ed. Viscount Campden, the Lord Coventry, and George Lord Goring, Vice-Chamberlain of his Majesties Houshould, Members of this Great Council, who being assisted by the Principal Officers of his Majesties Revenues, shall treat and conclude with you of all particulars both for security and days of Payment, such as may best suit with his Majesties real Performance of the Premises, we offer our selves to joyn in any further security in such manner as shall be agreed upon by these Lords and your selves: all which we the rather offer to your serious Considerations, in regard we do visibly foresee, that the disbanding of his Majesties Army may be the absolute loss of all those adjacent Counties, and the endangering of the whole Kingdom, and that no other present means than by Loan of Two Hundred Thousand Pounds from you, can be found, for the publick Preservation of the King and Kingdom. And so we bid you heartily Farewet, and we rest

Your ever loving Friends, &c.

These Instructions were drawn up for the Lords deputed to treat with the City of London.

Instructions given to the Lords that were to treat with the City of London for the Loan of 200000 l.

  • '1. To acquaint them with the Petitions from Newcastle, Northumberland and the Bishoprick of Durham, with such Circumstances as they conceive material concerning them.
  • '2. To acquaint them with the Acts and Proceedings of this Assembly of the Peers.
  • '3. The Security which they shall offer from the Peers, is to be by Bond.
  • '4. All other Peers (though not present at this Assembly) are to be desired to engage themselves as far forth as the Peers now assembled shall.
  • '5. The Lords deputed shall have authority to desire, in the name of this Great Council, the Assistance of any Peer of the Realm for furtherance of the Business, wherein they are employed.
  • '6. The Lords deputed, to agree for times of Payment and Repayment, wherein they are to take notice, that his Majesties Occasions will require Fifty Thousand Pound to be paid by the twelfth of October next, One Hundred Thousand Pound by the fifteenth of November, and the other Fifty Thousand Pound by the first of December; and to draw the City as near as they can to these times.

'For the Days of Re-payment, they are to confer with the Officers of his Majesties Revenue.

English Lords appointed by the Great Council of the Peers, to Treat with the Commissioners of Scotland at Rippon on Thursday October 1, 1640.

  • Earl of Bedford,
  • Earl of Hertford, &c. as are before mentioned.
  • To whom were added as Assistants.
  • Earl of Tarquaire.
  • Earl of Morton.
  • Earl of Lanerick.
  • Mr. Secretary Vane.
  • Sir Lewis Steward.
  • Sir John Burrough.

    Scotish Commissioners.

  • Earl of Dumsermlin.
  • Lord Lowdon.
  • Sir Patrick Hepburne.
  • Sir William Dowglass.
  • Mr. Smith.
  • Mr. Wedderburne.
  • Mr. Henderson.
  • Mr. Johnston.

Sept. 29. The King's Commission impowering the English Lords to treat with the Scots, as it passed under the Great Seal.

Charles by the Grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To our Trusty and well beloved Cousins and Counsellors of our great Council now assembled, Francis Earl of Bedford, William Earl of Hertford, Robert Earl of Essex, William Earl of Salisbury, Robert Earl of Warwick, John Earl of Bristol, Henry Earl of Holland, and Thomas Earl of Berks; and to our right Trusty and right well Beloved Counsellors of our said Great Council, Philip Lord Wharton, William Lord Pagett, Edward Lord Kimbolton, Robert Lord Brooke, John Lord Paulett of Hinton St. George, Edward Lord Howard of Estricke, Thomas Lord Savile, and Francis Lord Dunsmore, Greeting. Whereas divers of our Subjects of Scotland have by their several Petitions humbly besought Vs, that We would be graciously pleased to grant unto them certain Demands, whereupon We let them know, That by the Advice of the Great Council We would give Answer thereunto; We reposing special trust and confidence in your great Wisdoms and Fidelity, by the Advice of our said Great Council, have given and granted unto you, and by these Presents do give and grant unto you, or any Ten or more of you, full Power and Authority to Treat with Charles Earl of Dumfermling, John Lord Lowdon, Sir William Dowglas of Caveris, Sir Patrick Hepburne of Waughton, John Smith, Alexander Wedderburne, Alexander Henderson, and Archibald Johnston, or any of them deputed by our said Subjects of Scotland, or nominated on their behalf: and to take into your serious Consideration the said Demands, and to compose, conclude and end all Differences arising thereupon, or otherwise as you, or any Ten or more of you in your Wisdoms shall think fit. And whatsoever you our said Commissioners, or any Ten or more of you shall do in the Premises, We do by these Presents ratify and confirm the same. In Witness whereof, We have caused these our Letters to be made Patents. Witness Our Self at Our City of York, the Nine and Twentieth Day of September in the Sixteenth Year of our Reign.

For the better management of this Treaty, certain Instructions were given to the King's Commissioners, of this Tenor:

Instructions for our Right Trusty and Right Well Beloved Cousins and Counsellors of our Great Council, the Earls of Bedford, Hertford, Essex, Salisbury, Bristol, Warwick, Holland and Berks, and for our Right Trusty and Well Beloved Counsellors of our Great Council, the Lords Mandevile, Paget, Wharton, Brooke, Pawlett, Howard, Savile, and Dunsmore, Barons and Counsellors nominated and deputed by Vs and the Great Council of Peers, now assembled by virtue of our Writ of Summons at our City of York, to meet and Treat of an Accommodation of Differences; and if possible, a firm Peace, with such Lords and others of Scotland, as shall be deputed and authorized to the same effect: Which Conference is appointed by Vs to be held on Thursday next at Rippon the first of October 1640.

'First, You are for a ground and rule unto this present Treaty, to take the Articles of Pacification agreed upon, and signed by Us and them the last Year at our Camp near Berwick. And in case they assent unto them, you are then to declare in our Name, that we are still resolved not to depart from any thing therein contained on our part.

'But if so you find upon Conference, that they will not lay the said Pacification as a ground to the Treaty, you are then to hear their Reasons, and to advertise Us and the Peers thereof.

'And whereas the Scotch Lords, by their Letter of the eighth of this instant September to the Lord Lanerick, have made several Demands:

'First, That the last Acts of Parliament may be published in our Name; you are to let them know that the Convention being convened without our Royal Authority, contrary to the Laws and Constitutions of that Kingdom, We may not ratify the same with our Royal Assent; yet nevertheless such are our Inclinations to Peace and the Preservation of that our Kingdom, that we having taken into consideration those particular Acts, concerning such and such Persons, We will give our Consent in a Parliament to be summoned by Us according to the Legal way: and for such other Acts, as are either derogatory to our Crown and Dignity, or alter the Fundamental Constitutions of the Parliament of that Kingdom, We have commanded the Earls of Traquair, Morton and Lanerick, to give you the best Informations herein they can.

  • '2. To the second demand, touching the Castle of Edinburgh, and other strengths of Scotland; You are to let them know, that as the last Year, so now, We expect that they shall be restored. Which we mean to keep for the Defence of that Kingdom, as hath been done in the times of our Predecessors.
  • '3. Concerning the third Demand, that the Scotch in England and Ireland should be freed from Oaths and Subscriptions, You are to declare unto them, that the Subjects of each Nation are to be subject to the Laws of that Kingdom wherein they live.
  • '4 To the fourth, That the common Incendiaries who have been the Authors of this Combustion in his Majesties Dominions, may receive their just Censure, You are to tell them that we conceive that all personal Animosities and Disputes touching the Actions of private Persons, not being easie to be composed, it were much better and more Christian to bury them on all hands, than to raise them again by such Demands. But if they press particulars against any Person, you are to hear them, and to report the same to Us, and the Great Council of the Peers.
  • '5. To the fifth, that their Ships and Goods, with all the Damages thereof may be restored, You are to let them know, That the other Points of the Treaty being accorded, We are graciously pleased that the Ships and Goods of our Subjects be restored.
  • '6. To the sixth, That the Wrongs, Losses and Charges sustained may be repaired, You are to understand from them, for what and from whom they intend their satisfaction.
  • '7. To the seventh, That the Declarations made against them as Traitors may be recalled, You are to let them know, that when the Treaty is agreed upon, and they conform themselves as dutiful and obedient Subjects, We shall then be graciously pleased to recall the said Declarations.
  • '8. And for the removing of the Garisons from the Borders, and Impediments that may stop Free-Trade, You may declare unto them, that this was not demanded by the Articles of Pacification; and though afterwards desired by them, yet refused by us. Nevertheless when the Scotish Army and Forces shall be withdrawn out of this Kingdom, We shall be content to do therein, as our Great Council of the Peers now assembled shall advise us. And for the Freedom of Trade, We will then take such order as shall content them.

'As touching the suspension of Arms, We do give you power to move, or accept of any thing concerning the same, as you shall see cause upon the place, taking the best care you can, for relieving of such Counties as are under Contribution.

'Now the Articles of Pacification the last year, being the Rule to govern this Treaty by, and for these Articles and the particular Answers to their Demands, You are then to endeavour to draw them as near to the same as you can, but not to break the Treaty, only to report the Differences, with the Reasons that fall between you, to us, and our great Council of the Peers now assembled.

'Lastly, We have commanded that the Earls of Traquair, Morton, Lanerick, Mr. Secretary Vane, with the assistance of Sir Lewis Steward, and Sir John Burrough, may be present at the Treaty between you and our Subjects of Scotland, at all your publick Debates, Meetings and Conferences concerning the same. It is therefore our express pleasure, that they or any of them may object, debate, and propose what they (out of the knowledge and experience they have had of these affairs) shall conceive to conduce to our service, and the peace of these our Kingdoms.

Soon after this the Scots appointed a select Committee to treat with the Lords Commissioners agreed on by his Majesty and the Council, and signified the same to the said Commissioners in this following Letter.

The Scots Letter to the English Commissioners.

Right Honourable,
These are to signify to your Lordships, that We have appointed the Earl of Dumfermlin, the Lord Lowdon, the Sheriff of Teviotdale, Sir Patrick Hepburne of Wanchtown, John Smith, Mr. Alexander Wedderburn, Mr. Alexander Henderson, and Mr. Archibald Johnston to attend those Noblemen, whom his Majesty hath been pleased to nominate for that Conference, appointed by his Majesty to be at Rippon on Thursday next, they getting that safe Conduct here enclosed under his Majesties Royal hand, with subscription of the Peers, returned with this Bearer; and that We have not (in this preparatory Treaty) sent a Number equal to those Peers expressed in your Lordships Letters: the fewness of our number here, and the nature of our Commission, being a Committee from the Parliament, and the greater part of the Peers of Scotland being absent, will plead our excuse. And to witness how much desirous we are to obey all his Majesties just Commandments, We have released such Officers and others, as were detained by us, being confident, that his Majesty (out of his Royal Justice and Goodness) will be graciously pleased to release all such as are imprisoned, or detained for our Cause in any place within his Majesties Dominions; and that such fair Quarter shall be condescended upon, and kept hereafter betwixt both Armies, as are in any Wars, till we attain a happy peace; That from the sense of Royal benig nity, We may be encouraged to the performing of every Duty can be required or expected from good Subjects. In which Resolution we remain

Newcastle, Sept. 25. 1640.

Your Lordships
Affectionate Friends to
serve you.

The Commission.

'We Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland, under subscribed, Do by these presents give full Power and Commission to Charles Earl of Dumfermlin, John Lord Lowdon, Sir Patrick Hepburne of Wanchtown, Sir William Douglas of Caneris, John Smith, Mr. Alexander Wedderburn, Mr. Alexander Henderson, and Mr. Ar chibald Johnston, to meet and convene with the Noblemen Peers of England, appointed for the Conference, anent his Majesties Answer to our Demands, with power to them to confer, treat, and demand, conform to the Instructions already given, or which shall be hereafter given, or sent to them, and to report to Us at all occasions. In witness whereof we have Subscribed these presents at Newcastle the last day of Septemb. 1640. Subscribed.

  • Rothes.
  • Cassillis.
  • Lothian.
  • Lindesay.
  • Napier.
  • Home.
  • Sir George Ker.
  • Thomas Hope.
  • W. Riccarton.
  • W. Hamilton.
  • Hen. Kennedy.
  • G. Porterfield.
  • J. Sword.
  • J. Rutherford.

The Treaty at Rippon.

October the first, being the day appointed, they met at Rippon, and the Earl of Bristol opened the occasion of the Conference and meeting at this time to this effect.

'It is by his Majesties special Commandment, that We give your Lordships this Meeting; We come authorized by his Majesties Commission, under the Great Seal of England.

'And by his Majesties further permission, We have been nominated and deputed by the great Council of Peers now met at York.

'Our Ends and our Desires, I conceive are the same, which are by God's holy Permission, to endeavour to accommodate those unhappy Misunderstandings and Differences which are now on foot, in such sort as may most redound to the Glory of God, the Establishment of true Religion, the Honour of the King, Soveraign to Us both, and the Peace and Tranquillity of both Nations.


  • 1. Upon Spy Cragg, and other places.
  • 2. Whence probably Edinburgh took its name.
  • 3. Meaning the Parliament which met at Westminster, Nov. 3. 1640.