Historical Collections: 1638 (1 of 5)

Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 2, 1629-38. Originally published by D Browne, London, 1721.

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John Rushworth, 'Historical Collections: 1638 (1 of 5)', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 2, 1629-38(London, 1721), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol2/pp717-745 [accessed 14 March 2025].

John Rushworth, 'Historical Collections: 1638 (1 of 5)', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 2, 1629-38(London, 1721), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol2/pp717-745.

John Rushworth. "Historical Collections: 1638 (1 of 5)". Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 2, 1629-38. (London, 1721), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol2/pp717-745.

In this section

Historical Collections For the Year 1638.

The Arch-Bishop of Canterbury's Diary. April 29.

The Tumults in Scotland about the Service Book offered to be brought in, began July 23. 1637. and continued increasing by fits, and hath now brought that Kingdom in danger. No question but there is a great concurrence between them and the Puritan Party here in England; there was great aim there to destroy me in the King's Opinion, &c.

May 26. Saturday, James Lord Marquess Hamilton fet forth, as the King's Commissioner, to appease the Tumults in Scotland. God prosper him for God and the King.

June, My Visitation then began of Merton College in Oxford, by my Visitors, was adjourned to my own hearing, again upon October 2.

October 2, 3, 4. I sat upon this Business these three days, and adjourned it till July 1. Inter boras primam & tertiam, Lambeth. The Warden appeared very soul.

October 19. News was brought to us, as we sat in the Star-Chamber, that the Queen-Mother of France was landed at Harwich; many and great apprehensions upon this Business.

October 31.The Queen came into London, so to St.James's

November 13. The Agreement between me and A. S. & c

November 21. Wednesday, The General Assembly inScotland began to fit.

November 29. Thursday; The Proclamation issued out ford dissolving of the Great Assembly in Scotland, under pain of Treason.

December 20. They fat notwithstanding, and made many strange Acts till December 20, which was Thursday, and then they rose; but have indicted another Assembly against July next.

February 10. My Book against Fisher the Jesuit was Printed, and this day, being Sunday, I delivered a Copy to his Majesty.

Tuesday, Feb. 21. That Night I dreamed that K. C. was to be married to a Minister's Widow, and that I was called upon to do it: No Service Book could be found; and in my own Book, which I had, I could not find the Order for Marriage.

At Whitehall, April 6.

    Present: The King's most Excellent Majesty.

  • Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury,
  • Lord Keeper,
  • Lord Treasurer,
  • Lord Privy-Seal,
  • Lord Duke of Lenox,
  • Earl Marshal,
  • Earl of Northumberland,
  • Earl of Salisbury,
  • Lord Cottington,
  • Lord Neuburgh,
  • Mr.Treasurer,
  • Mr. Vice-Chamber lain,
  • Mr. Secretary Cook,
  • Mr. Secretary Windebanck.


'His Majesty and the Board taking into consideration the frequent resort to New-England, of divers Person ill-affected to the Religion established in the Church of England, and to the good and peaceable Government of this State. However, upon the humble Petition of the Merchants, Passengers, and Owners of Ships now bound for New-England, and upon the Reasons by them representedto the Board, His Majesty was graciously pleased at this time to free them from a late Restraint, and to set them at liberty to proceed on in their intended Voyage. Nevertheless His Majesty well knowing the factious disposition of the People (for a great part of them) in that Plantation, and how unfit and unworthy they are of any Support or Countenance from hence, in respect of the great Disorders and want of Government amongst them; where of sundry and great Complaints have been presented to the Board, and made appear to be true, by those that being well-affected, both for Religion and Government, have suffered much loss in their Estates by the unruly Factious Party, did think fit and Order, That Mr. Attorney General shall forthwith draw up a Proclamation, expressing his Majesty's Royal Pleasure to prohibit all Merchants, Masters, and Owners of Ships from henceforth to set forth any Ship, or Ships, with Passengers for New-England, till they first obtained special Licence on that behalf, from such of the Lords of His Majesty's most Honourable Privy-Council, as are appointed for the Business of Foreign Plantations by special Commission.

April 15.

Ministers and Tythes in adjacent Parishes to London

'Whereas an humble Petition was this day read at the Board unto the King's most excellent Majesty in the Names of the Parsons, Vicars, and Curats of the adjacent Places to the City of London, namely, of St. Margarets Westminster, St. Clements Danes, St. Giles in the Fields, St. James Clarkenwel, St. Leonard Shoreditch, St. Martins in the Fields, St. Mary Newington, in Southwark, St. Magdalen Bermondsey, St. Saviours Southwark, St. Kath. Tower, Lambeth, and St. Olaves in Southwark; Shewing unto His Majesty the great increase of New-Buildings of late Years, erected in the Petitioners 'several Parishes; and that the number of People is now so much augmented, that the said Livings are for the present incompetent and in no proportion meet for the discharge of so great Cures, some of the Petitioners receiving no Tithe at all, the rest far short of that which of right ought to be paid unto them; that great numbers of Parishioners in the aforesaid Parishes, now living in Houses, lately built upon that Ground which heretofore hath paid Tithes and other Rights (to the said several Churches) pay now to the Petitoners, either nothing, or but 2 d. at Easter, and 3 d. at the most, besides the Obventions of small value; and therefore humbly besought his Majesty, amidst His Gracious Thoughts towards the Clergy of London, to take the Case of the Parishioners into His Princely Care, and to take some course for the better maintenance of the Petitioners, and for the establishing of their Right. And whereas by former Order hath the said Parsons, Vicars, and Curats, and also the Church-Wardens, and divers of the principal Parishioners of the said Parishes appeared this day before His Majesty and their Lordships, in whose hearing and presence, the said Petition being again read, they the said Clergy, and Church-Wardens, and Parishioners, alleadged themselves to be no way authorized thereunto. It was thereupon by His Majesty ordered, That the said Clergy should forthwith prepare their Submissions respectively. And that the Church-Wardens and Vestry-Men of the aforesaid several Parishes, should with like diligence and expedition assemble their Parishioners; and communicating the Petition of the said Clergy unto them, withall acquaint them with His Majesty's Pleasure touching their Submission; and they the Parishioners by Writing, signed with their hands, fully to authorize their several Vestry-Men, or Church-Wardens, to return unto His Majesty their Answer therein. And that both the said Clergy, as also the Vestry-Men, or Church-Wardens of each Parish so authorized, fail not to give their attendance, with their said Submissions and Authorizations, upon Sunday the 6th of May next. Whereof all Parties are required hereby to take notice, and to govern themselves accordingly.

May the 4th.

Another Order of the Lords of the Council concerning St. Gregory's Church.

'This day upon consideration, as well of the Petition of the Parishioners of St. Gregories, as of certain Articles propounded by the Parishioners of St. Gregory's aforesaid, to the Parishioners of Christs-Church, and of others propounded by the Parishioners of Christs-Church to those of St. Gregory's, concerning the accommodating the Parishioners of St.Gregory's in the West end of Christ-Church, for the exercising of Divine Service there. It was by the Board ordered,

'That the Parishioners of St.Gregory's shall place no Pews in Christ-Church, but such as shall be moveable, to the end that Burials may not be hindered, when those of Christ-Church have occasion to bury there.

'That for the said Parishioners of St. Gregory's coming in and going, they shall make use of the West Doors only.

'That they shall depart and leave the said West end of the Church at the Feast of St.John Baptist, which shall be in the Year of Our Lord God 1641.

'That those of St.Gregory's shall leave the Church as they found it, and as well repaired in all respects, ordinary use and wearing excepted.

'That those of St. Gregory's shall have liberty to bury ten of their Parishioners every Year (if there be occasion) within the West end of Christ-Church, for that they have no other place where to bury their Dead.

'That the Parishioners of Christ-Church and St. Gregory's shall from time to time submit themselves to the Arbitrement and Commands of the Lord Bishop of London and his Succesors for the composing of all Differences which shall arise between the said Parishioners.

'And lastly; Their Lordships do hereby order and require, That the Church-Wardens, Common-Council-Men, and Sidemen, as well of the Parish of St.Gregory's, as of that of Christ-Church shall subscribe to the performance of all the aforesaid Articles; and that such their Subscription, together with this their Lordships Order, shall oblige respectively both the one and the other side to the due performance of the same, and every part thereof. And upon this Subscription, which is forthwith required, those of Christ-Church, shall presently deliver the Keys of that part of the Church to those of St. Gregory's. Hereof as well the Parishioners of Christ-Church, as those of St.Gregory's, are to take notice, and conform themselves accordingly.

At the Court at Whitehall, May 6.

    Present: The King's most Excellent Majesty.

  • Lord Arch-Bp. of Canterbury,
  • Lord Keeper,
  • Lord Treasurer,
  • Lord Privy-Seal,
  • Lord Duke of Lenox,
  • Lord Marquess Hamilton,
  • Earl Marshal,
  • Lord Great Chamberlain,
  • Lord Chamberlain,
  • Earl of Dorset,
  • Earl of Holland,
  • Earl of Danby,
  • Earl of Morton,
  • Earl of Roxburgh,
  • Lord Cottington,
  • Mr. Treasurer,
  • Mr. Comptroller,
  • Mr. Vice Chamberlain,
  • Mr. Secretary Cook.
  • Mr. Secretary Windebanck.

A further Order concerning Tithes as to the Out-Parishes.

'This day Information was given to His Majesty and the Board, That where His Majesty's Order of the of April last, touching the Submission of fixteen of the Out-Parishes in the Suburbs of London, and the Liberties of Westminster, unto His Majesty and the Board, concerning the Increase of Maintenance to their Ministers, in such manner as other Parishes within the City of London had done, 'was published within the Parish Church of St. Giles in the Fields, upon Ascension day last past; That one George Winder, qualifying himself a Messenger Extraordinary of His Majesty's Chamber, did, in the midst of a great Assembly of the Parishioners, who then seemed inclinable to return unto His Majesty a modest and respective Answer to His Pleasure signified unto them, did in a most uncivil and insolent manner affront Mr. Dr. Heywood, one of His Majesty's Chaplains in Ordinary, Parson of the said Parish, and Lawrence Whitaker Esq; one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace, an Inhabitant in the said Parish, when they delivered the Points of the said Order to the Assembly, and perswaded them to submission therein required, whereby, and by his peremptory carriage, and affirming of untruths, the Votes of the said Parishioners were diverted from giving such satisfaction to His Majesty's Propostions as were expected. It was therefore ordered by His Majesty and the Board, That the Lord Chamberlain of His Majesty's Houshold should be prayed and required to call the said George Winder before him, and examine him touching the said Offence; and if he found it to be as was informed, that he should then take such order for his Punishment, either by taking from him the countenace of his pretened Service, or otherwise, as his Lordship shall find his Offence to deserve.

August 19.

Unconformable Ministers.

'Whereas it is observed, That such Ministers who are unconformable to the Discipline and Ceremonies of the Church here, have and do frequently transport themselves to the Summer-Islands, and other his Majesty's Plantations abroad, where they take liberty to nourish and preserve their Factious and Schismatical Humours, to the seducing and abuse of his Majesty's Subjects, and the hindrance of that good Conformity and Unity in the Church, which His Majesty is careful and desirous to establish throughout his Dominions. We are therefore in His Majesty's Name, and by His express Command, hereby to pray and require your (fn. 1) Lordship to take a present and strict Order, That no Clergy-Men be from hence-forth suffered to go over into the Summer-Islands, but such only as shall have approbation in that behalf, from Our very good Lords, the Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury his Grace, and the Lord Bishop of London. And that for all such of them as are already gone thither, without such Approbation, that you cause them forthwith to be remanded back hither. And so expecting a good account hereof from your Lordship, we bid you very heartily farewel.

Instructions for Captain William Legg, concerning the Ordnance, Arms, and Provisions sent to Kingston upon Hull.

Arms and Ammunition at Hull.

'You are, with the Assistance and Attestation of the Mayor of the said Town for the time being, to take a particular view and tale of the respective Provisions that shall be there landed, and which are committed, by the Office of the Ordnance, to John Spencer, one of His Majesty's Gunners, and the several Masters of the Ships wherein they were sent, comparing the Indentures with the Charge of 'the Indentures, and accordingly give a Discharge to such as transported them, and not otherwise.

You are also, with the like Assistance and Attestation, to take a particular view and tale of the respective Provisions, being 800 Musquets compleat, and 2000 Pikes, and all other Provisions which are to be brought out of the Low-Countries by Sir Jacob Ashley; and you are to indent, as well for what you receive from the Low-Countries, as for what you receive out of the Ships from the Tower, and to send your Indenture for all the said Provisions into the Office of the Ordnance.

You shall take care that all the said Provisions be lodged in a convenient and safe Store-house, and in such order and decency, that the same may not only be freed from all danger and detriment, but be ready upon all occasions; to which purpose you are to keep particular Memorials, or Lifts, of the Place and Order wherein each nature of the Provisions committed to the charge is placed.

You, with the assistance of the Mayor, are to sell Powder, Match, and Musquet-shot only, (and no other Provisions in your Charge at Hull ) to such Persons of the said Towns or Counties thereabouts, as shall bring Certificate from one or more of the Deputy-Lieutenants of the said Counties, or of the Mayor, and two other Magistrates of any Corporation respectively, That the said Buyers are fit and responsible Persons to be furnished with such Munitions.

You are to keep a particular account of the Sale of all, or any the said Provisions, expressing therein to whom, at what time, and at what rates the same are sold; and the Accompt to be returned to the Office of the Ordnance, and the hands of your self and the Mayor of the said place, at which time the said Certificates of the Deputy-Lieutenants, and the Magistrates, is likewise to be delivered into the Office, and an acknowledgment under the hands of the Party or Parties that shall buy any of the said Provisions, what he hath received, and what he hath paid.

When any considerable proportion of Powder, Match or Musquet-shot shall be sold, you are to give such timely notice to the Master of the Ordnance, that supply accordingly may be returned unto you.

The Monies proceeding from such Sales, is to be from time to time delivered to such Persons as the Lord Treasurer shall appoint to receive the same from you.

As for the issuing or disposing of any other part of the said Provisions committed to your trust, besides Powder, Match, and Musquet-shot, you are to receive further Orders and Instructions, either from his Majesty, the Lords of the Council, or Master of the Ordnance.

You having received your Munition from hence, and those Arms from Holland, and disposed of them in such safety as aforesaid, shall repair to Newcastle with the Engineer; and if Sir Jacob Ashley shall not be come to Hull, you shall notwithstanding go to Newcastle, and dispatch there according to your further Instructions concerning that Town, leaving Mr. Leonard Pinkney, the Bearer hereof, to attend Sir Jacob Ashley's arrival, and to receive the Arms by him brought thither, and to dispose of them as you shall direct before you go.

'During which time of your absence at Newcastle, you shall depute such as you shall think fit; who with the attestation of the Mayor, according to the former Instructions, shall issue and make sale of such Powder, Match, and Musquet-shot as is ordered and warranted as aforesaid until your return.

'You are likewise to take knowledge, That upon signification of your Letter, his Majesty is pleased, for the better encouragement of the Inhabitants, to fortisy the Town, to lend them six DemiCulverings of Iron, with their Field-Carriages, mounted upon unshod Wheels, with Ladles and Spunges belonging to them; they indenting for the same with the Master and Office of the Ordnance, according to course.

'You are further to certify the Master of the Ordnance, what stores of Ordnance and other Munition have bin formerly in charge at Hull.

'And lastly; In regard that neither the Provisions that shall come from the Tower to Hull, nor those out of the Low-Countries, can be stowed without Mony, Men, and Labour, you are to advise with the Mayor touching the Hire usually given to Labourers there; and those you imploy, to give them Wages accordingly; and the same course you shall take at Newcastle. And to enable you thereunto, you shall receive 300l. by John Spencer; whereof you are to render an Accompt of your several Disbursements, subscribed by the several Persons whom you imploy, attested by the respective Mayors of Hull and Newcastle. As also out of the said Monies, to pay to Thomas Heath such Monies as he shall necessarily disburse for his Majesty's Service in stowing or issuing of the Munition or Arms upon Certificate thereof, subscribed by the Magistrates of the Town.

The Prices of Powder, Match, and Arms to be sold, viz.
Powder 18d. the pound.
Match 1l. 10s. the C. Weight.
Musquets 18s. 6d. the piece.
Bandaleers 3 s. the piece.
Rests for Musquets 10 d. the piece.
Musquct-shot 18 s. the C. Weight.
Long Pikes 3 s. 2 d. the piece.
Corslets, consisting of Back, Breast, Gorget and Head-piece 22 s. the piece.
Swords 7 s. 6. d. the piece.
Girdles and Hangers 2 s. the piece.

September 30.

Letters to the L. Lieutenants of Northumberland, &c.

Whereas his Majesty hath bin graciously pleased of his Princely Care and Providence for the preservation of the publick Peace and Safety of his People, and for the better strengthening of the Northern Parts of this his Majesty's Kingdom, to send to the Towns of Kingston upon Hull and Newcastle, Arms, Powder, Shot, Match, Bullet, and other Munition; to the end that such of his Majesty's Subjects of this Kingdom as are desirous to furnish themselves with such Provisions for their own proper use, or for the use of Towns or Places in this Kingdom, may for their Mony be there-with supplied. Whereof We have thought good hereby to give your Lordship notice, That your Lordship let that County, and the Corporations in the same, know his Majesty's Care of their Good, and that you may make further use of it for the advancement of his Majesty's Service as there shall be occasion. And so we bid, &c.

Names of the Lord Lieutenants.
Counties. Ld Lieutenants.
Nottingham Earl of Newcastle.
York Lord V. Wentworth.
Lancaster Earl of Derby.
Chester Lord Strange.
Stafford Earl of Essex.
Northumberland Earl of Arundel and Surrey.
E. of Northumberland.
Cumberland Earl of Cumberland.
Earl of Suffolk.
Westmorland Lord Maltravers.
Lord Clifford.
Duresm Bishop of Duresm.

The Qu. Mother of France comes to England.

October the last, Mary de Medicis, the Queen Mother of France, came to London, and so to St.James's. The People were generally Malecontent at her coming, and wish'd her farther off; for they did not like her Train and Followers, which had often been observed to bring the Sword or Pestilence, so that she was beheld as some Meteor of ill signification. Nor was one of these Calamities thought more the effect of her Fortune than Inclination, for her restless and uncessant Spirit was prone to embroil all wheresoever the came. Her impetuous banding and combining with Monsieur the Duke of Orleans, and the improperity of that enterprise, made France too hot for her, and drave her, in the Year 1631, to Brussels, where the Cardinal D'Infanta treated her a while with most honourable Caresses and Respects; but Flanders, which at first seemed her Place of Refuge, became afterwards her greatest Danger, she being (as her own Manifesto sets forth) so hunted and pursued with continual Imprecations and Curses there, as she began to fear some violence to her Person; so that quitting that Country, she betook her self to the Protection of the Prince of Orange 1637. Long she stayed not there, but having received an invitation from the Queen her Daughter, resorted hither.

November 12.

A Hearing appointd of divers Business hetwixt the Ld. Deputy and Council of Ireland, and the Ld. Chancellor.

'Upon the motion of the Lord Vicount Wentworth, Lord Deputy General for His Majesty in the Kingdom of Ireland; it was this day ordered by his Majesty, with the Advice of the Board, That on Tuesday sevennight next, at two of the Clock in the Afternoon, at the Council Chamber in Whitehall, being the 12th of this present Month of November, the Cause concerning the Charge sent unto his Majesty by the Lord Deputy and Council of State of the Kingdom of Ireland, against the Lord Chancellor of Ireland, for divers undue Proceedings and Misdemanours in that Kingdom: As also the Cause of Appeal by the Lord Chancellor of Ireland, against a Decree made by the said Lord Deputy and his Majesty's Council of that Kingdom, and a Review thereof desired by the said Lord Chancellor shall be heard: Whereof all the Parties concerned therein are to take notice, and prepare themselves with their Counsel learned, and to attend accordingly. And in regard the Charge against the said Lord Chancellor doth consist of many several parts: To the end his Lordship may be better prepared for such things as shall come in debate at the time aforesaid (having reference to the said Charge) he is to take notice, that there will be then first insisted upon these Particulars following; viz. The Lord Chancellor delivering the Negative Voice of the Nobility against the Contribution for the Army. Article against the Lord Chancellor in the Cause between Mary Fitzgerald, Plantiff, and John Fitzgerald, Defendant. Misdemeanors in Jacob 's Cause. Lord Chancellor's Misdemeanors and Irregularities inthe Cause between Dr. Medcalf, Plantiff, and George Harpool and others, Defendants.

Novemb. 3.

To pay Shipmoney in Arrears.

Whereas upon a late Examination of the Account of the Shipmoney taken by Us in the presence of his Majesty, to be levied upon the Writs issued in the Year 1637, not withstanding the continual calling upon you, the Sherriff of the last Year, by this Board, by his Majesty's special Command, it appeareth there is yet left an Arrear of We have therefore thought fit hereby, according to his Majesty's special Command, to require you the Sheriff for the last Year, with all possible speed, upon pain of his Majesty's displeasure, and a severe proceeding to be had against you, to pay unto Sir William Russel, Knight, Treasurer of the Navy, so much of the said Arrear as you have already collected and not paid in, and to assess, levy and collect by Distress or otherwise, according to the tenor of the said Writ issued in the Year 1637, the residue of the said Arrear remaining unassessed, unlevied or uncollected; to pay in the same with all possible speed, as aforesaid: For which purpose We do require and authorize you the present Sheriff, to give Warrant and Authority to you the Sheriff of the last Year, for the assessing, levying, and collecting as aforesaid, of the said Arrears; as also to give like Warrant and Authority to such other meet Persons as you the Sheriff for the last Year shall present and nominate unto you the present High-Sheriff, either jointly or severally, to be imploied in this Service by you the Sheriff of the last Year, from whom only his Majesty doth expect an Account thereof for your own time. Of performance of all which, you, or either of you, may not fail, as you tender the good Opinion of his Majesty and this Board, at your perils. And you the Sheriff for the last Year are to collect and pay in all the said Arrears to Sir William Russel by the beginning of Candlemass Term: Or else you are to attend his Majesty and the Board the second Sunday of that Term, to give an Account why the same is not levied and paid in. And so, &c. Dated ult.Novemb. 1638.

Decemb. 5. 1638.


William Coke, Esq; one of his Majesty's Justices of Peace for the County of Nottingham, having by his under-writing of 25l. for Composition for Knighthood (being the Rate appointed for 'Persons of Quality) made himself liable in the payment thereof, and is returned as Debtor for the same. Forasmuch as We are informed by the Commissioners imploied in that Service, that he hath done his Majesty very good Service upon several occasions, We therefore think it sit that the said Sum of 25l. be reduced to 5l. And do accordingly will and require you, that the said Mr. Coke, having paid the said Sum of 5l. be discharged of the overplus of the said Fine returned upon him insuper upon the Account of Sir Jervis Cliston, Knight and Baronet, Collector of the said Monies for the Fines of Knighthood in the said County of Nottingham. And for so doing this shall be your Warrant.

December 16. 1638.

To find Horse and Arms.

'This day, his Majesty being present in Council, was pleased in his Provident and Princely Care for the Safety and Defence of the Realm, to take into Consideration amongest other Particulars, the making compleat, and increasing all that conveniently may be, the number of Horse in every County, as a most important part of the Strength of the Kingdom. And for the better advancing and purting in execution thereof, it was taken into deliberation what proportion of Lands and Estate within the County ought to be chargeable with the finding of Horse; and upon mature advice thought fit and resolved, That every person having Lands of Inheritance of the clear yearly value of two hundred or three hundred pounds per Ann. within the County, or other Estate equivalent thereunto, should be chargeable with a Horse, viz. two hundred pounds per Annum with a Light Horse, and three hundred pounds per Annum with a Lance, at the discretion of the Lord-Lieutenant of that County for the time being. And whereas it was now like wise taken into consideration that the sparing of some Persons doth open a gap to excuses and backwardness in others; to the weakning both of Horse and Foot. And for that by Letters under his Majesty's Roial Signature, bearing date 24th day of May, And by a Minute of Letters from the Board, sent together with his Majesty's said Letters to the Lords Lieutenants of every County, it appeared that his Majesty's pleasure was then declared and signified to be, That no Man's Purse should be spared in these Services, upon any Excuse or Pretence what soever; And that his own Servants, and those that attend him in Court, should be priviledged only, and spared from personal and actual Duties, but their Lands and Revenues to be as liable as any others to the Charge of finding Arms in those Counties where the same to lie. It was therefore (according to his Majesty's express will and pleasure now again Declared) Resolved and Ordered, That the Direction and Command given on that behalf, by his Majesty's former Letters, should be pursued and put in Execution by the Lords Lieutenants of every County. And that the like Rule should be held and observed as well concerning the Persons as the Lands and Revenues, of all and every the Ministers and Officers of any his Majesty's Courts of Justice, or any others that pretend Privilege by reason of any relation to his Majesty's Service, or dependance upon any great Officer in respect of his Place and Office, which however it was not so particularly expressed in his Majesty's former Letters, yet (as his Majesty was now pleased to observe and declare) the same was necessarily implied; for that if none of his own Servants were to be priviledged and exempted in their Lands and Estates from being chargeable with Arms, much less was it intendedthat the Ministers and Officers of any of his Courts of Justice, or any other pretending Privilege by his Majesty's Service, or by dependence upon any great Officers in respect of their Offices, should in a like case have any great Priviledge or exemption allowed them. Hereof a Copy is to be forthwith sent to the Lord Lieutenant of every County.

Sir William Russel's Accompt of Moneys received upon the Ship-money Writs which issued out An. 1637.

The Charge of Sir William Russel, and Sir Henry Vane, Knights, Treasurers of his Majesty's Navy, touching the Moneys by them received of the several Sheriffs hereafter named, and by them levied by virtue of his Majesty's Writs, issued out of the high Court of Chancery in the 14th Year of his Majesty's Reign, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of divers Ships for the defence of this Realm, and paid over by them the said Sheriffs unto the said Sir William Russel, and Sir Henry Vane, by virtue of a special Commission under the great Seal; Dated the day of in the said 14th Year of his Majesty's Reign, Aunoque Dom' 1638. And by Order from the Board to be by them expended and disbursed in and about the said Service.

Imprimis, the said Sir William Russel, and Sir Henry Vane, are charged with the sum of five thousand and sive hundred pounds, by them received of the Sheriffs of the Counties of Berks, Oxford, Buckingham, and Bedford, as followeth, viz. With one thousand four hundred and fifty pounds received of the Sheriff of the County of Berks. With one thousand and three hundred pounds receiv'd of the Sheriff of the County of Oxford; with one thousand six hundred and fifty pounds received of the Sheriff of the County of Bedford, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 450 Tuns, for the service aforesaid.

Item, The sum of four thousand eight hundred and fifty pounds by them received of the Sheriffs of the several Counties of Cornwal and Devon, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 400 Tuns, for the service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of four thousand eight hundred pounds, by them received of the Sheriffs of the Counties of Dorset and Somerset, and of the Mayor and Sheriffs of the City of Bristol, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 400 Tuns, for the service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of four thousand eight hundred pounds, by them received of the Sheriffs of the Counties of Glocester and Wilts, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 350 Tuns for the service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of four thousand eight hundred pounds, by them received of the Sheriffs of the Counties of Southampton, Surry, Sussex, and Cinque Ports there, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 400 Tuns, for the service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of four thousand eight hundred pounds, by them received of the Sheriffs of the Counties of Cambridg, Huntingdon, and Northampton, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 350 Tuns, for the service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of four thousand nine hundred pounds, by them received of the Sheriffs of the several Counties of Chester, Derby, Stafford, and Lancaster, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 400 Tuns, for the service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of two thousand pounds, by them received of the Sheriffs of the Counties of Cumberland, Westmorland, Northumberland, and Duresme, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 150 Tuns, for the service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of five thousand and five hundred pounds, by them received of the Sheriffs of the Counties of Essex and Kent, and Cinque-Ports there, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 450 Tuns, for the service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of five thousand and five hundred pounds, by them received of the Sheriffs of the several Counties of Sussolk and Norfolk, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 450 Tuns, for the service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of three thousand three hundred pounds, by them received of the Sheriffs of the several Counties of Hertford and Middlesex, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 250 Tuns, for the service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of four thousand nine hundred pounds, by them received of the Sheriffs of the several Counties of Lincoln, Rutland and Leicester, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 400 Tuns, for the service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of three thousand five hundred pounds, by them received of the Sheriffs of the several Counties of Monmouth, Hereford, and Salop, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 300 Tuns, for the service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of five thousand five hundred pounds, by them received of the Sheriffs of the several Counties of York, and Nottingham, for and towards the setting out and furnishing of one Ship of 450 Tuns, for the service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of two thousand seven hundred pounds, by them received of the Sheriffs of the Counties of Warwick and Worcester, for and towards the setting out and furnishing one Ship of 200 Tuns, for the service aforesaid.

Item, The said Sir William Russel charged with the sum of five thousand pounds, by him received of the Sheriff of the County of Dorset, for and towards the setting out and furnishing one Ship of 500 Tuns, for the service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of two thousand pounds, by him received of the Sheriff of the County of Duresme, for and towards the setting out and furnishing one Ship of 200 Tuns, for the service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of five thousand five hundred pounds, by him received of the Sheriff of the County of Glocester, for and towards the setting out and furnishing one Ship of 550 Tuns, for the service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of six thousand pounds, by him received of the Sheriff of the County of Southampton, for and towards the setting out and furnishing one Ship of 600 Tuns, for the service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of three thousand five hundred pounds, by him received of the Sheriff of the County of Hereford, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 350 Tuns, for the Service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of four thousand pounds, by him received of the Sheriff of the County of Hertford, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 400 Tuns, for the Service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of two thousand pounds, by him received of the Sheriff of the County of Huntington, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of two hundred Tuns, for the Service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of eight thousand pounds, by him received of the Sheriff of the County of Kent, and Cinque-Ports in Kent, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 800 Tuns, for the Service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of four thousand pounds, by him received of the Sheriff of the County of Lancaster, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 400 Tuns, for the Service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of four thousand five hundred pounds, by him received of the Sheriff of the County of Leicester, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 450 Tuns, for the Service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of eight thousand pounds, by him received of the Sheriff of the County of Lincoln, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 800 Tuns, for the Service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of five thousand pounds, by him received of the Sheriff of the County of Middlesex, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 500 Tuns, for the Service aforesaid.

Item, The said Sir William Russel and Sir Henry Vane, are charged with the sum of one hundred threescore and eight pounds, by him received of the Sheriff of the County of Anglesey, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 100 Tuns, for the Service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of two hundred and sixteen pounds, by them received of the Sheriff of the County of Carnarvon, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 100 Tuns, for the Service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of four hundred twenty and four pounds, by them received of the Sheriff of the County of Denbigh, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 100 Tuns, for the Service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of two hundred sixteen pounds, by them received of the Sheriff of the County of Flint, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 100 Tuns, for the Service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of three hundred twenty and two pounds, by them received of the Sheriff of the County of Montgomery, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 100 Tuns, for the Service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of one hundred fifty and four pound, by them received of the Sheriff of the County of Merioneth, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 100 Tuns, for the Service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of three hundred threescore and one pounds, by them received of the Sheriff of the County of Brecknock, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 150 Tuns, for the Service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of two hundred forty and eight pounds, by them received of the Sheriff of the County of Cardigan, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 150 Tuns, for the Service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of three hundred and one pounds, by them received of the Sheriff of the County of Carmarthen, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 150 Tuns, for the Service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of five hundred forty and seven pounds, by them received of the Sheriff of the County of Glamorgan, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 150 Tuns, for the Service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of two hundred threescore pounds, by them received of the Sheriff of the County of Pembroke, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 150 Tuns, for the Service aforesaid.

Item, With the sum of one hundred fourscore and three pounds, by them received of the Sheriff of the County of Radnor, for and towards the setting forth and furnishing of one Ship of 150 Tuns, for the Service aforesaid.

This Accompt coming to our hands, we thought meet to present it for the Reader's more particular satisfaction.

Affairs in Scotland.

Now we beg leave for a while to make a step into Scotland, to give an Account of the Transactions of Affairs in that Kingdom since the Month of December in the preceding Year 1637. The Scots begin their Year always with the Month of January, according to Foreign stile; so the first thing that offers it self in order of Times is, That his Majesty sent the Earl of Roxborough, Lord Privy-Seal (then at the Court in England ) to Scotland, with certain Instructions to the Council, who were to meet at Dalkeith, to consider of the Disordered Affairs of that Kingdom. And the Council removed the Session [or Term] from Linlithgow to Sterling, twenty four miles from Edinburgh, to the end the Multitudes might be dispersed, under pain of Treason; but nevertheless they came in great Tumults to Sterling also, and the Earl of Traquaire, Lord Treasurer of that Kingdom, being newly returned back from the King, went with the rest of the Council to Sterling, where they caused a Proclamation to be made for the dispersing of the huge and dangerous Tumults there assembled, and to assure the King's Subjects of his Majesty's sincerity towards the Religion Established in that Kingdom, and caused the Proclamation to that purpose (following) to be made publick accordingly.

Charles by the Grace of God, King of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To Our Lovits, &c. Our Sheriffs in that Part conjunctly and severally, specially constituted, greeting.

A Proclamation to beat down Superstition. The King hath ordained a Common-Prayer Book.

Forasmuch as We, out of Our Princely Care of maintenance of the true Religion already professed, and for beating down of all superstition, having ordained a Book of Common-Prayer to be compiled for the general Use and edification of our Subjects, withing our Ancient kingdom of Scotland: The same was accordingly done. In the framing whereof We took great care and pains, so as nothing past therein but what was seen and approved by Us, before the same was either divulged or printed; assuring all Our loving Subjects, That not only Our intention is, but even the very Book will be a ready means to maintain the True Religion already professed, and beat out all superstition, of which We in Our own time do not doubt in a fair course to satisfy our good Subjects: But having seen and considered some Petitions and Declarations given in to Our Council against the said Book, and late Canons of the Church, We find Our Royal Authority much injured thereby, both in the Matter and in the Carriage thereof; whereby We conceive these of Our Nobility, Gentry, Burroughs, Ministers, and others, who kept and assisted these Meetings and Convocations, for contriving and forming the said Petitions, or who have subscribed the same, to deserve and be liable to Our high Censure, both in their Persons and fortunes, as having convened themselves, without either Our Consent or Authority; yet because We believe, That what they have done herein, is out of a preposterous zeal, and not out of any Disloyalty or disaffection to Soveraignty, We are graciously pleased, so far forth as concerns these Meetings, for consulting or subscribing of these Petitions, or presenting the same to any judge or Judges in OuO said kingdom, to dispense therewith, and with what may be their fault or Error therein, to all such as upon Signification or Declaration of Our Pleasure, shall retire themselves as becometh good and dutiful Subjects: To which purpose Our Will and Pleasure is, and We charge you straightly, and command, That these Letters seen, incontinent you pass, and in Our name and Authority, make intimation hereof to all Our Lieges and Subjects, by open Proclamation, at all places needful, wherethrough none pretend ignorance thereof; and therewith also that you in Our Name and Authority, discharge all such Convocations and Meetings in time coming, under the pain of Treason. And also that you command, charge, and inhibit all Our Lieges and Subjects, That none of them presume, nor take in hand, to resort nor repair to Our Burgh of Sterling, nor to no other Burgh where Our Council and Session fits, till first they declare their Cause of coming to Our Council, and procure their Warrant to that effect. And further, That you charge and command all sunory Probosts, Bailiffs, and Magistrates, within every Burgh, That they and every one of them, have special care and regard to see this Our Royal Will and Pleasure really and dutifully obeyed in all Points, and that no violation thereof be suffered within their Bounds, under all highest Pain, Crime, and Offence, that they may commit against us in that behalf. As also that you command and charge all and sundry Noblemen, Barons, Ministers, and Burroughs, who are not actually Indwellers within this Our Burgh, and are not of the Number of the Lords of Our Pridy Council and Session, and Members thereof, and are already within this Our Burgh, that they and every one of them, remove themselves, and depart and pass forth out of Our said Burgh, and return not again without the Warrant aforesaid, within six hours atter the publication hereof, under the said pain of Treason. And as concerning any Petitions that shall hereafter be given Us, upon this or any other Subject, We are likewise pleased to declare, We will not shut Our Ears therefrom, so that neither the form nor matter be prejudicial to Our Regal Authority; the which to do, We commit to you, conjunctly and leberally, Our full Power by these Our Letters, delivering the same by you duly execute and indorsed again to the Bearer. Given under Our Signet at Sterling, the 19th day of February, and of Our Reign the 13th year, 1638.

Per Actum Secreti Concilii.

Upon the publishing of this Proclamation, it met with this Protestation.

For God and the King

February 19.

We Noblemen, Barons, Ministers, Burgers, appointed to attend his Majesty's Answer to our humble Petition and Complaint, and to prefer new Grievances, and to do what else may lawfully conduce to our humble Desires; That whereupon the 23rd of September last, we presented a Supplication to Your Lordships, and another upon the 18th of October last; and also a new Bill relative to the former upon the 19th of December last, and did therein humbly remonstrate our just Exceptions against the Service-Book, and Book of Canons; and also against the Arch-Bishops and Bishops of this Kingdom, as the Contrivers, Maintainers, and Vrgers thereof, and against thier sitting as our Judges, until the Cause be decided; earnestly supplicating withal, to be freed and delivered from the these and all other Innovations of that kind, introduced against the laudable laws of this Kingdom, as that of the High Commission, and other Evils particularly mentioned, and generally contained in our foresaid Supplications and Complaints; and that this our Party Delinquent against our Religion and Laws, may be taken order with, and those pressing Grievances may be taken order with, and redressed according to the Laws of this Kingdom, as by our said Supplications and Complaints doth more largely appear; With the which, on the 19th of December last, we gave in a Declinator against the Arch-Bishops and Bishops as our Parties, who by consequence could not be our Judges: whereupon your Lordships did declare, by Your Act at Dalketih, the said 19th of December, That You would present our Petitions to His Majesty's Royal Consideration, and that without prejudice of the Declinator given in by us the said Supplicants, whereupon we should be heard at time and place convenient, and in the mean time should receive no prejudice, as the said Act in itself beareth. And whereas we your Lordships Supplicants, with a great deal of patience, and hope also grounded on sundry promises, were expecting an Answer to these our humble Desires, and having learned that upon some Directions of his Majesty anent our Supplicatios and Complaints unto your Lordships of the secret Council, your Lordships admits to the consulting and judging anent our Supplications, and his Majesty's Answer thereunto; the Arch-Bishops and Bishops our direct Parties, contrary to our first Declinator propounded at Dalkeith, and now renewed at Sterling; and contrary to your Lordships Act aforesaid at Dalkeith, and contrary to our Religion, and Laws, and humble Supplications; therefore left our silence be prejudicial to this so important a Cause, as concerns God's Glory and Worship, our Religion, Salvation, the Laws and Liberties of this Kingdom, or derogatory to the former Supplications and Complaints, or unanswerable to the trust of our Commission; out of our bounden duty to our God, our King and native Country, we are forced to take Instruments in Notaries Hands, of your Lordships refusal to admit our Declinator, or remove these our Parties, and to protest in manner following.

First, That we may have our immediate recourse to our Sacred Soveraign, to present our Grievances, and in a legal way to prosecute the same before the ordinary competent Judges, Civil or Ecclesiastical, without any Offence offered by us, or taken by your Lordships.

Secondly, We protest that the Arch-Bishops and Bishops, our Parties complained upon, cannot be reputed or esteemed Lawful Judges, to sit in any Judicatory in this Kingdom, Civil or Ecclesiastical, upon any of the Supplicants, until after lawful Trial judicially, they purge themselves of such Crimes as we have already laid to their charge, offering to prove the same whensoever his Sacred Majesty shall please to give us audience.

Thirdly, We protest no Act nor Proclamation to follow thereupon, past, or to be past in Council or out of Council, in presence of the Arch-Bishops and Bishops, whom we have already declined to be our Judges, shall be any ways prejudicial to us the Supplicants, our Persons, Estates, lawful Meetings, Proceedings or Pursuits.

Fourthly, We protest that neither we, nor any whose Heart the Lord shall move to join with us in these our Supplications, against the aforesaid Innovations, shall incur any danger in Life, Lands, or any Political or Ecclesiastical Pains, for not observing such Acts, Books, Canons, Rites, Judicatures, Proclamations introduced without or against the Acts of General Assemblies, or Acts of Parliament, the Statutes of this Kingdom, but that it shall be lawful to us or them to use our selves in Matters of Religion, of the External Worship of God and Polity of the Church, according to the Word of God, and laudable Constitutions of this Church and Kingdom, conform to his Majesty's Declaration the 9th of December last.

Fifthly, Seeing by the legal and submissive way of our former Supplications, all those who take these Innovations to heart, have bin kept calm, and carried themselves in a quiet manner in hopes of redress; We protest that if any Inconvenience shall fall out, which we pray the Lord to prevent, upon the pressing of any the foresaid Innovations or Evils, specially or generally contained in our former Supplications and Complaints, and upon your Lordships refusal, to take order there anent, the same be not imputed unto us, who most humbly seek all things to be reformed by an Order.

Sixthly, We protest that these our Requests, proceeding from Conscience, and adue respect to his Majesty's Honour, do tend to no other end, but to the preservation of the true Resormed Religion, the Laws and Liberties of his Majesty's most ancient Kingdom, and satisfaction of our most humble Desires contained in our Supplication and Complaint, according to his Majesty's accustomed Goodness and Justice; from which we do certainly expect that his Sacred Majesty will provide and grant such Remedy to our just Petitions and Complaints, as may be expected from so gracious a King towards his most Loyal and Dutiful Subjects, calling for redress of so pressing Grievances, and praying to God that his Majesty may long and prosperously reign over us.

After this their Protestation, they did erect a great number of Tables (as they called them); in Edinburgh four Principals, one of the Nobility, another of the Gentry, a third of the Burroughs, and a fourth of the Ministers. And the Gentry had many subordinate Tables, according to their several Shires. These several Tables did consult of what they thought sit to be propounded at the General Table, which consisted of several Commissioners chosen from the other four Tables. And from this time they proceeded in framing and subscribing of their Covenant; concerning which, faith Dr. Belcanqual, the reputed Penman of the King's Declaration, That the first Dung that which from these Stables was thrown upon the Face of Authority and Government, was that lewd Covenant and seditious Band annexed unto it; which followeth in these words.

The Consession of Faith of the Kirk of Scotland, Subscribed at first by the King's Majesty and his Household in the Year of God 1580; thereafter by Persons of all Ranks in the Year 1581, by Ordinance of the Lords of the Secret Council, and Acts of the General Assembly; subscribed again by all forts of Person, in the year 1590, by a new Ordinance of Council, at the desire of the General Assembly; with a General Band for maintenance of the True Religion, and the Kings Person, and now subscribed in the Year 1638, by us Noblemen, Barons, Gentlemen, Bugesses, Ministers, and Commons under subscribing; to gether with our Resolution and Promises for the Causes after specified, to maintain the said True Religion, and the Kings Majesty, according to the Consession aforesaid, and Acts of Parliament; the Tenure whereof here followeth.

We all, and every one of Us under written, do protest, That after long and due examination of our own Consciences in Matters of True and False Religion, are now throughly resolved of the Truth, by the Word and Spirit of God; and therefore We believe with Our Hands, and constantly affirm before God and the whole World, That this only is the true Christian Faith and Religion, pleasing God, and bringing Salvation to Man, which now is by the Mercy of God revealed to the World by the preaching of the bleassed Evangel. And received, believed, and defended by many and sundry notable Kirks and Relams, but chiefly by the Kirk of Scotland, the King's Majesty, and three Estates of this Realm, as God's Eternal Truth, and only Ground of Our Salvation; as more particularly is expressed in the Consession of Our Faith, established and publickly confirmed by sundry Acts of Parliament; and now of a long time hath bin openly prosessed by the King's Majesty, and whole Body of this Realm, both in Burgh and Land. To the which Consession, and Form of Religion, we willingly agree in Our Consciences in all Points, as unto God's undoubted Truth and Verity, grounded only upon his written Word; and therefore We abhor and detest all contrary Religion and Doctrine, but chiefly all kind of Papistry in general and particular Heads, even as they are now damned and consuted by the Word of God, and Kirk of Scotland. But in special, We detest and refuse and usurped Authority of that Roman Antichrist upon the Scriptures of God, upon the Kirk, the Civil Magistrate and Consciences of Men; all his Tyrannous Laws made upon indifferent Things against our Christian Liberty; his Erroneous Doctrine against the Sufficiency of the Written Word, the Perfection of the Law, the Office of Christ and his blessed Evangel; His corrupted Doctrine concerning Original Sin, Our natural inability and rebellion to God's Law, Our Justification by Faith only, Our imperfect Sanctification and Obedience to the Law, the Nature, Number, and use of the Holy Sacraments; His five Bastard Sacraments, with all his Rights, Ceremonies, and false Doctrine, added to the Ministration of the true Sacraments, without the Word of God. His cruel Judgments against Infants departing without the Sacrament; his absolute necessity of Baptism; his blasphemous Opinion of Transubstantiation, or real presence of Christ's Body in the Elements, and receiving of the same by the Wicked, or Bodies of Men. His Dispensations with solemn Oaths, Perjuries, and degrees of Marriage, forbidden in the Word; his cruelty against the Innocent divorced; his devilish Mass; his blasphemous Priesthood; his prophane Sacrifice for the Sins of the Dead and the Quick; his Canonization of Men, calling upon Angels or Saints departed, worshipping of Imagery, Relicks, and Crosses; dedicating of Kirks, Altars, Days, Vows to Creatures; his Purgatory, Prayers for the Dead, Praying or Speaking in a strange Langauage; with his Processions and blasphemous Letany, and multitude of Advocates or Mediators; his manifold Orders, Auricular Consession; his desperate and uncertain Repentance; his general and doubtsome Faith; his Satisfactions of Men for their Sins; his Justification by Works, Opus Operatum, Works of Supererrogation, Merits, Pardons, Peregrinations and Stations: His Holy Water, baptizing of Bells, conjuring of Spirits, Crossing, Saning, Anointing, Conjuring, Hallowing of God's good Creatures, with the Superstitious Opinion joined therewith. His wordly Monarchy, and wicked Hierarchy; his three solemn Vows, with all his shavelings of sundry forts; his erroneous and bloody Decrees made at Trent, with all the Subscribers & Approvers of that cruel and bloody Band conjured against the Kirk of God. And finally, We detest all his vain Allegories, Rites, Signs, and Traditions, brought in the Kirk without or against the Word of God, and Doctrine of this true reformed Kirk. To which We join Our selves willingly in Doctrine, Religion, Faith, Discipline, and Use of the Holy Sacraments, as lively Members of the same, in Christ Our Head, promising and swearing, by the Great Name of the Lord Our God, That we shall continue in the Obedience of the Doctrine and Discipline of this Kirk, and shall defend the same according to Out Vocation and Power all the days of Our Lives, under the pains contained in the Law, and danger both of Body and Soul in the day of God's fearful Judgment. And seeing that many are stirred up by Satan, and that Roman Antichrist, to Promise, Swear, Subscribe, and for a time use the holy Sacraments in the Kirk, deceitfully against their won Consciences, minding thereby, first under the External Claok of Religion, to corrupt and subvert secretly God's True Religion within the Kirk; and afterwards, when time may serve, to become open Enemies and Persecuters of the same, under vain hope of the Pope's Dispensation, devised against the Word of God, to his great Confusion, and their double Condemnation in the Day of the Lord Jesus.

We therefore willing to take away all suspicion of Hypocrisy, and of such double dealing with God and his Kirk, protest and call the Searcher of all Hearts for Witness, that Our Minds and Hearts do fully agree with this our Confession, Promise, Oath, and Subscription: so that We are not moved for any worldly Respect, but are persuaded only in Our Consciences, through the knowledge and love of God's True Religion, printed in Our Hearts by the Holy Spirit, as we shall answer to him in the Day when the Secrets of all Hearts shall be disclosed. And because we perceive that the quietness and stability of Our Religion and Kirk doth depend upon the safety and good behaviour of the King's Majesty, as upon a comfortable Instrument of God's Mercy granted to this Country for the maintenance of his Kirk, and ministration of Justicie among us, we protest and promise with Our Hearts under the same Oath hand Writ, and pains, that We shall defend his Person and Authority, with out Goods, Bodies, and Lives, in the defence of Christ his Evangel, Libertis of Our Country, Ministration of Justice, and Punishment of Iniquity, against all Enemies within this Realm, or without, as We desire Out God to be a strong and merciful Defender to Us in the day of Our Death, and coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be all Honour and Glory eternally.

Like-as many Acts of Parliament not only in general do abrogate, annul, and rescind all Laws, Statutes, Acts, constitutions, Canons Civil or Municipal, with all other Ordinances and practick Penalties whatsoever made in prejudice of the True Religion, and professors thereof; or of the True Kirk Discipline, Jurisdiction, and freedom thereof; or in favours of Idolarty and Superstition: Or of the Papistical Kirk, as Act. 3. Act. 31. Part. 1. Act. 23. Part 11. Act. 114. Part. 12. of King James the 6th. That Papistry and Superstition may be utterly suppressed, according to the intention of the Acts of Parliament reported in Act. 5. Part. 20. King James the 6th. And to that end they ordained all Papists and Priests to be punished by manifold Civil and Ecclesiastical Pains, as Adversaries to God's True Religion preached, and by Law established within this Realm, Act. 24 Part 3. K. James 6. and as Idolaters, Act. 104. Part 7. K. James 6. but also in particular, (by and attour the Confession of Faith) do abolish and condemn the Pope's Authority and Jurisdiction out of this Land, and ordains the Mainteiners thereof to be punished, Act 2. Parl. 1. Act 51. Parl. 3. Act 106. Parl. 7. Act 114. Parl. 12. of K. James 6. do condemn the Pope's erroneous Doctrine, or any other erroneous Doctrine repugnant to any of the Articles of the true and Christian Religion publickly preached, and by Law established in this Realm; and ordains the Spreaders or Makers of Books or Libels, or Letters or Writs of that nature, to be punished: Act 46. Parl. 3. Act 106. Parl. 7. Act 24. Parl. 11. K. Jam. 6. do condemn all Baptism conform to the Pope's Kirk, and the Idolatry of the Mass; and ordains all Sayers, wilful Hearers, and Concealers of the Mass, the Mainteiners and Resetters of the Priests, Jesuites, traffiquing Papists to be punished without any exception or restriction; Act 5. Parl. 1. Act 120. Parl. 12. Act 164. Parl. 13. Act 193. Parl. 14. Act 1. Parl. 19. Act 5. Parl. 20. King James 6. do condemn all Erroneous Books and Writs containing Erroneous Doctrine against the Religion presently professed, or containing Superstitious Rites and Ceremonies Papistical, whereby the People are greatly abused; and ordains the home-bringers of them to be punished, Act 25. Parl. 11. K. Jam. 6. do condemn the Monuments and Dregs of by-gane Idolatry; as going to Crosses, observing the Festival Days of Saints, and such other Superstitious and Papistical Rites, to the dishonour of God, contempt of true Religion, and fostring of great Errors among the People, and ordains the users of them to be punished for the second fault as Idolaters: Act 104. Parl. 7. K. Jam. 6.

Like-as many Acts of Parliament are conceived for maintenance of God's true and Christian Religion, and the Purity thereof, in Doctrine and Sacraments of the true Church of God, the Liberty and Freedom thereof, in her National, Synodal Assemblies, Presbyteries, Sessions, Policy, Discipline, and Jurisdiction thereof, as that Purity of Religion, and Liberty of the Church was used, professed, exercised, preached and confessed according to the Reformation of Religion in this Realm. As for instance: Act 99. Parl. 7. Act 23. Parl. 11. Act. 114. Parl. 12. Act 160. Parl. 13. K. Jam. 6. ratified by Act 4. K. Charles. So that Act 6. Parl. 1. and Act 68. Parl. 6. of K. Jam. 6. in the Year of God 1579, declares the Ministers of the blessed Evangel, whom God of his Mercy had raised up, or hereafter should raise, agreeing with them that then lived in Doctrine and Administration of the Sacraments, and the People that professed Christ, as he was then offered in the Evangel, and doth communicate with the holy Sacraments (as in the Reformed Kirks of this Realm they were presently administred) according to the Confession of Faith, to be the true and holy Kirk of Christ Jesus within this Realm, and decerns and declares all and sundry, who either gainsays the Word of the Evangel, received and approved as the heads of the Confession of Faith, professed in Parliament in the Year of God 1560, specified also in the first Parliament of K. Jam. 6. and ratified in this present Parliament, more particularly do specify; or that refuses the Administration of the holy Sacraments as they were then ministrated, to be no Members of the said Kirk within this Realm, and true Religion presently professed, so long as they keep themselves so divided from the society of Christ's Body. And the subsequent Act 69. Parl. 6. K. James 6. declares, That there is no other face of Kirk, nor other face of Religion, than was presently at that time by the favour of God established within this Realm, which therefore is ever stiled God's true Religion, Christ's true Religion, the true and Christian Religion, and a perfect Religion. Which by manifold Acts of Parliament, all within this Realm are bound to prosess to subscribe the Articles thereof, the Confession of Faith, to recant all Doctrine and Errors repugnant to any of the said Articles, Act 4. &9. Parl. 1. Act 45, 46, 47. Parl. 3. Act 71. Parl. 6. Act 106. Parl. 7. Act 24. Parl. 11. Act 123. Parl. 12. Act 194. & 197. Parl. 14. of King James 6. And all Magistrates, Sheriffs, &c. on the one part, are or Jained to search, apprehend, and punish all Contraveners: For instance, Act 5. Parl. 1. Act 104. Parl. 7. Act 25. Parl. 11. K. Jam. 6. And that, notwith standing of the King's Majesty's Licences on the contrary, which are discharged, and declared to be of no force, in so far as they tend in any ways to the prejudice and hindrance of the execution of the Acts of Parliament against Papists, and Adversaries of the true Religion, Act 106. Parl. 7. K. James 6. On the other part, in Act 47. Parl. 3. K. James 6. it is declared and ordained, Seeing the Cause of God's true Religion, and his Highness's Authority are so joined, as the hurt of the one is common to both; and that none shall be reputed as loyal and faithful Subjects to our Sovereign Lord, or his Authority, but be punishable as Rebellers and Gainstanders of the same, who shall not give their Confession, and make Profession of the said true Religion; and that they who after defection shall give the Confession of their Faith of new, they shall promise to continue therein in time coming, to maintain our Soveraign Lord's Authority, and at the uttermost of their Power to fortifie, assist and maintain the true Preachers and Professors of Christ's Religion, against whatsoever Enemies and Gainstanders of the same: and namely, against all such of whatsoever Nation, Estate, or Degree they be of, that have joined and bound themselves, or have assited, or assists, to set forward and execute the cruel Decrees of Trent, contrary to the Preachers and true Professors of the Word of God, which is repeated word by word in the Articles of pacification at Pearth the 23d Feb. 1572, approved by Parliament the last of April 1573, ratified in Parliament 1578, and related Act 123. Parl. 12. of King James 6. with this addition, That they are bound to resist all treasonable Uproars and Hostilities raised against the true Religion, the King's Majesty and the true Professors.

'Like-as all Lieges are bound to maintain the King's Majesty's Roial Person and Authority, the Authority of Parliaments, without which neither any Laws or lawful Judicatories can be established, Act 130. Act 131. Parl. 8. K. James 6. and the Subjects Liberties, who ought only to live and be governed by the King's Laws, the common Laws of this Realm allenarly, Act 48. Parl. 3. K. James 1. Act 79. Parl. 6. K. James 4. repeated in Act 131. Parl. 8. K. James 6. which if they be innovated or prejudged, the Commission anent the Union of the two Kingdoms of Scotland and England, which is the sole Act of 17. Parl. k. James 6. declares such confusion would ensue, as this Realm could be no more a free Monarchy: because by the fundamental Laws, ancient Priviledges, Offices and Liberties of this Kingdom, not only the Princely Authority of his Majesty's Roial Descent hath been these many Ages maintained, also the Peoples security of their Lands, Livings, Rights, Offices, Liberties and Dignities preserved. And therefore for the preservation of the said true Religion, Laws and Liberties of this Kingdom, it is statute by Act 8. Parl. 1. repeated in Act 99 Parl, 7. ratified in Act 23. Parl. 11, & 14 Act of K. James 6. & 4 Act of King Charles, That all Kings and Princes at their Coronation and Reception of their Trincely Authority, shall make their faithful Promise by their Solemn Oath in the Presence of the Eternal God, That during the whole time of their Lives they shall serve the same Eternal God to the utmost of their Power, according as he hath required in his most holy Wordy contained in the Old and New Testaments, and according to the same Word shall maintain the true Religion of Christ Jesus, the Preachingof his holy Word, the due and right Ministration of the Sacraments now received and preached within this Realm (according to the Confession of Faith immediately preceding;) and shall abolish and gain-stand all false Religion contrary to the same; and shall rule the People committed to their Charge according to the Will and Commandment of God revealed in his foresaid Word, and according to the lowable Laws and Constitutions received in this Realm, no ways repugnant to the said Will of the Eternal God; and shall procure, to the utmost of their Power, to the Kirk of God, and whole Christian People, true and perfect Peace in all time coming: And that they shall be careful to root out of their Empire, all Hereticks and Enemies to the true Worship of God, who shall be Convicted by the true Kirk of God of the fore said Crimes. Which was also observed by his Majesty at his Coronation in Edinburgh 1633, as may be seen in the Order of the Coronation.

'In obedience to the Commands of God, conform to the practice of the Godly in former times, and according to the laudable Example of our worthy and religious Progenitors, and of many yet living amongst us, which was warranted also by Act of Council, commanding a General Band to be made and subscribed by his Majesty's Subjects of all Ranks, for two Causes: one was, for defending the true Religion, as it was then reformed, and is expressed in the Confession of Faith above written, and a former large Confession established by sundry Acts of lawful General Assemblies, and of Parliament, unto which it hath relation, set down in publick Catechisms, and which had bin for many Years with ablessing from Heaven Preached and Professed in this Kirk and Kingdom, as God's undoubted Truth, grounded only upon his written Word: The other Cause was for maintaining the King's Majesty, his Person and Estate; The true Worship of God and the King's Authority being fo straightly joined, as that they had the same Friends and common Enemies, and did stand and fall together. And finally being convinced in our minds, and confessing with our mouths, that the present and succeeding Generations in this Land are bound to keep the foresaid National Oath and Subscription inviolable,

'We Noblemen, Barons, Gentlemen, Burgesles, Ministers, and Commons under subseribing, considering divers times before, and especially at this time, the danger of the true Reformed Religion, of the King's Honour, and of the publick Peace of the Kingdom, by the manifold Innovations and Evils generally contained, and particularly mentioned in our late Supplications, Complaints, and Protections, Do hereby profess, and before God, his Angels, and the World solemnly declare, that with our whole Hearts we agree and resolve all the days of our life constantly to adhere unto, and to defend the foresaid true Religion, and forbearing the practice of all Novations, already introduced in the matters of the Worship of God, or apporbation of teh Corruptions of the publick Government of the Kirk, or civil Places and Power of Kirnmen, till they be tried and allowed in free Assemblies, and in Paliaments, to labour by all means lawful to recover the Purity and Liberty of the Gospel, as it was established and prosessed before teh aforesaid Novations: And because after due examination We plainly perceive, and undoubtedly believe, that the Innovations and Evils contained in our Supplications, Complaints and PRotestations have no warrant of the Word of God, are contrary to the Articles of the aforesaid Consessions, to the intention and meaning of the blessed Reformers of Religion in this Land, to the above written Acts of Parliament, and do sensibly tend to the reestablishing of the Popish Religion and Tyranny, and to the subversion and ruin of the true Reformed Religion, and of our Liberties, Laws and Estates; We also declare, that the aforesaid Consessions are to be interpreted, and ought to be understood of the aforesaid Novations and Evils, no less than if every one of them had bin expressed in the foresaid Consessions; and that we are obliged to detest and abhor them, amongst other particular Heads of Papistry abjured therein; And therefore from the knowledge and Conscience of our Duty to God, to our King and Country, without any worldly respect or inducement, so far as humane infirmity will suffer, wishing a further measure of the Grace of God for this effect, We promise and swear by the great Name of the Lord our God, To continue in the prosession and obedience of the aforesaid Religion; That we shall desend the same, adn resist all these contrary Errors and Corruptions, according to our Vocation, and to the utmost of that power that God hath put into our hands all the days of our life. And in like manner with the same Heart we declare before God and Men, That we have no intention or desire to attempt any thing that may turn to the dishonour of God or the diminution of the King's Greatness and Authority; but on the contrary we promise and swear, That we shall to the utmost of our power, with our Means and Lives, stand to the defence of our dread Sovereign the King's Majesty, his Person and Authority, in the defence and preservation of the aforesaid true Religion, Liberties and Laws of the Kingdom; As also to the mutual Defence and Assistance, every one of us another, in the same Cause of maintaining the true Religion, and his Majesty's Authority, with our best Counsels, our Bodies, Means and whole Power, against all sorts of Persons whatsoever. So that whatsoever shall be done to the least of us for that Cause, shall be taken as done to us all in general, and to every one of us in particular. And that we shall neither directly nor indirectly suffer our selves to be divided, or withdrawn by whatsoever Suggestion, Combination, Allurement, or Terror from this blessed and loyal Conjunction, nor shall cast in any Let or Impediment that may stay or hinder any such Resolution, as by common consent shall be found to conduce for so good ends: but on the contrary shall by all lawful means, labour to further and promove the same. And if any such dangerous and divisive Motion be made to Us by Word or Writ, We and every one of Us, shall either suppress it, or (if need be) shall incontinently make the same known, that it may be timously obviated. Neither do we fear the soul Aspersions of Rebellion, Combination, or what else our Adversaries from their Craft and Malice would put upon Us, seeing what We do is so well warranted, and ariseth from an unseigned desire to maintain the True Worship of God, the Majesty of Our King, and the Peace of the Kingdom, for the common happiness of Our selves and Posterity. And because We cannot look for a Blessing from God upon Our Proceedings, except with Our Prosession and Subscription, We join such a Life and Conversation as beseemeth Christians, who have renewed their Covenant with God; We therefore faithfully promise, for Our Selves, Our Followers, and all other under Us, both in publick, in Our particular Families, and personal Carriage, to endeavour to keep Our selves within the bounds of Christian Liberty, and to be good Examples to others of all Godliness, Soberness, and Righteousness, and of every Duty We owe to God and Man. And that this Our Union and Conjunction may be observed without violation, We call the Living God, the Searcher of Our Hearts, to Witness, who knoweth this to be Our sincere Desire, and unseigned Resolution, as we shall answer to Jesus Christ in the great Day, and under the pain of God's everlasting Wrath, and of Insamy, and of loss of all Honour and Respect in this World: Most humbly beseeching the Lord to strengthen Us by his Holy Spirit for this end, and to bless Our Desires and Proceedings with a happy Success, that Religion and Reighteousness may flourish in the Land, to the Glory of God, the Honour of Our King, and Peace and Comfort of Us all.

'In Witness whereof We have subscribed with Our Hands all the Premises, &c.

This Covenant was no sooner framed, but it so took, as it was presently sworn, first at Edinburgh, in the Month of February 1638 Scottish style, and then every-where through the Country, to be subscribed according to the Example of those in Edinburgh.

K. D. p. 7.

It is observed i teh King's Declaration, That whereas the Band annexed to the former Consession, was made in defence of the King's Authority and Person, with their Fortunes, Bodies, and Lives, in defence of the Gospel of Christ, and Liberties of the Kingdom, &c. But to this Covenant (faith the Declaration ) they have added a mutual Defence of one another, and made against all Persons whatsoever, who shall oppose them in their Courses, not excepting the King himself; neither was the King's consent to this their New Covenant ever granted, nor ever so much as once asked.

The Proclamation dated Feb. 19, and published at Sterling, was so far from giving satisfaction, that it produced greater consusion; for it met with a Protestation sent from those of the Tables, who not withstanding the Proclamation, continued to sit. Whereupon the Council appointed a solemn Meeting to be upon the first of March at Sterling, for the examining of Things, that they might send their Advice to Court. When the first of March came, the Lord Chancellor sent his Excuse, the rest of the Bishops declined to come, except Bishop Brechin: Nevertheless the Lords of the Council went on, and continued consulting and debating four days together; the issue of which was, to send Sir John Hamilton, the Justice Clerk, to the King with Instructions, to this effect.

Instructions from His Majesty's Council to the Lord Justice-Clerk, whom they have ordained to go to Court for His Majesty' Service.

'In the first place you are to receive from the Clerk of the Council, all the Acts past since Our meeting upon the 1st of March instant.

'Item, You have to represent to his Majesty, That the Diet of Council was appointed to be solemnly kept, by the Advice of the Lord Chancellor, and Remanant Lords of the Clergy being at Edinburgh for the time, who assured Us, That they should keep the Diet precisely; but at Our meeting at Sterling, We received a Letter of Excuse from the Lord Chancellor, which forces Us to proceed without his Lordships presence, or any others of the Lords of the Clergy, except the Bishop of Brechin, who attended Us three days, but removed before the closing of Our Opinions anent the Business.

Item, 'That immediately after We had resolved to direct you with a Letter of Trust to his Majesty, We did send Our Letter to the Lord Chancellor, acquainting him with Our Proceedings, and desiring him to consider thereof; and if he approved the same, to Sign them, and to cause the Remanant Lords of the Clergy nearest unto him, and namely the Bishop of Brechine, who was an Ear and Eye-Witness to our Consultations, to sign the same, and by their Letter to His Majesty, to signify their Approbation thereof; or if his Lordship did find some other way more convenient for His Majesty's Honour, and the Peace of the Country, that his Lordship-by his Letter to the Lord Treasurer or Privy-Seal, would acquaint them therewith, to the effect they might convene the Council for consulting thereabout.

Item, 'That you shew His Majesty, That His Majesty's Councils, all in one Voice, find, That the Causes of the general Combustions in the Country, are the Fears apprehended of Innovation of Religion and Discipline of the Kirk, (established by the Laws of the Kingdom) by occasion of the Service-Book, Book of Canons, and High-Commission, and from the Introduction thereof, contrary to, or without Warrant of the Laws of the Kingdom.

Item, 'You are to present to His Majesty, Our humble Opinion, that seeing, and as We conceive the Service-Book, Book of Canons and High-Commission (as it is set down) are the occasion of this Combustion; and that the Subjects offer themselves upon peril of their Lives, to clear, That the said Service-Book, and others aforesaid, contain divers Points contrary to the Religion presently processed, and Laws of the Kingdom, in matter and manner of Introduction, that the Lords think it expedient that it be represented to his Majesty's gracious Consideration, if His Majesty may be pleased to declare, as an Act of His singular Justice, That He will take Trial of His Subjects Grievances, and the Reasons thereof, in his own Time, and in His own Way, according to the Laws of this Kingdom; and that His Majesty may be pleased graciously to declare, That in the mean time he will not press nor urge His Subjects therewith, notwithstanding any Act of Warrant made in the contrary.

'And in case his Majesty shall be graciously pleased to approve of our humble Opinions, you are thereafter to present to his Majesty's gracious and wise Consideration, if it shall not be sitting to consult his Majesty's Council, or some such of them as he shall be pleased to call to himself, or allow to be sent from the Table, both about the Time and way of doing it.

'And if his Majesty (as God forbid) shall dislike of what we have conceived most conducing to his Majesty's Service, and Peace of the Kingdom, you are to urge, by all teh Arguments you can, That his Majesty do not determine upon any other Course, until some at least of his Council from this, be heard to give the Reasons of their Opinions: And in this case you are likewise to present to his Majesty's Consideration, if it shall not be sitting and necessary to call for his Informers, together with some of his Council, that in his own presence he may hear the Reasons of both informations fully debated.

'You shall likewise shew his Majesty, That this Council having taken to their Consideration what further was to be done for composing and setling of the present Combustion within that Kingdom, and dissipating of the Convocations and Gatherings within the same, seeing Proclamations are already made and published, discharging all such Convocations and unlawful Meetings; the Lords after debating, find they can do no further than is already done herein, until his Majesty's Pleasure be returned to this our humble Remonstrance.


  • Traquair,
  • Roxborough,
  • Winton,
  • Perth,
  • Wigton,
  • Kingborne,
  • Lauder dale,
  • Southesk,
  • Angus,
  • Lorn,
  • Down
  • Elphinston,
  • Napier,
  • J. Hay,
  • Tho. Hope,
  • Ja. Carmichel,
  • W. Elphinston.

These Instructions being transmitted to the Lords of the Clergy, were returned signed as follows.

  • St. Andrews.
  • Tho. Gallovid,
  • Da. Edin,
  • Wal. Brechinen,
  • So. Dumblanen,

These Instructions were seconded by a private Letter to the King signed by Traquair and Roxborough, to the effect following.

Most Sacred Soveraign,
Although the miserable Estate of this poor Kingdom, will be sufficiently under stood by your Majesty from this Gentleman Sir John Hamilton's Relation; yet we conceive our selves ina special manner bound and obliged to represent what we conceive does so nearly concern your Majesty's Honour and Service; and therefore give us leave truly and faithfully to tell your Majesty, That since the last Proclamation, the fear of Innovation fo Religion is so apprehended by all sorts of Subjects, from all Corners of this kingdom, that there is nothing to be seen here but a general Combustion, and all men strengthening them selves by subscribing Bands, and by all other means, for refusing of that which they seem so much to fear. This is come to such a height, and daily like to encrease more and more, that we see not a probability of Force or Power within this Kingdom to repress this Fury, except your Majesty may be graciously pleased, by some Act of your own, to secure them of that which they seem so much to apprehend by the inbringing of the Books of Common-Prayer, and Canons.

The way which the Subjects have taken, and daily go about in the prosecution of their Business is inexcusable, and no ways agreeable to the Duty of good Subjects. But your Majesty is wisely to consider what is the best and safest couse for your own Honour, and Peace of your Government: And since Religion is pretended to be the Cause of all, if it shall not be a safe Course to free them at this time from Fears, by which means the wiser sort will be satisfied, and so your Majesty enabled, with less pain or trouble, to overtake the Insolencies of any who shall be found to have kicked against Authority.

We are the rather moved at this time be of this Opinion, That having found it the Opinion, not only of those to whom your Majesty wrote in particular, (except of the Marquess of Huntley, who as yet is not come from the North) but of most of the Noblemen, and Men of respect within this Kindgom. We find few or none well satisfied with the Business, or to whom we dare advise your Majesty to trust in the prosecution thereof; and if any have or shall inform your Majesty to the contrary, give us leave humbly to intreat your Majesty to be pleased to call them before your Self, that in our presence you may hear the Reasons of both Informations fully debated.

So praying God to grant your Majesty many happy days, and full contentment in all your Roial Designs, we humbly take our leave, and rest,

Your Majesty's humble Servants,
and faithful Subjects,

Sterling, March 5. 1638.

There was also a publick Letter written by the Council to the Marquess, dated at Sterling the 5th of March, sent by Sir John Hamilton, informing the Marquets, 'That they did find the Subjects Fears and 'Stirs to increase since the last Proclamation, and appointed the Council to meet then to consult upon the growth of publick Evils, and Remedies thereof. After the Council had spent four days in advising, they resolved to send Sir John Hamilton, one of their number, with a Letter from them to his Majesty, to whom they have imparted their Opinions and Reasons of the same Publick Ills, and Remedies of the same, to be represented to his Sacred Majesty, because the Business is so weighty and important, that in their Opinion the Peace of the Country was never in so great hazard; they have thought fit to recommend the Business to your Lordships consideration.

Signed by the same Privy-Councellors, whose Hands were to Sir John Hamilton 's Instructions.

After Sir John Hamilton 's arrival at the Court at Whitehall, and having presented to his Majesty what was committed to his trust and care, his Majesty consulted with his Inward Council, as to the Scottish Affairs, and resolved to send Marquess Hamilton as High-Commissioner to Scotland for that Service, hoping by such an Authority to quiet the Fury of the People; and Sir John Hamilton was immediately dispatched again to Scotland, to give notice of the King's Resolution, and that his Majesty's Pleasure should be further known when his High-Commissioner came down.

The Covenanters not long after the Lord Justice Clerk his arrival at Court, made their Application to the Scotish Lords then at Court, complaining of the Privy-Council for harsh usage; and withal sent up their Grievances, signed by Rothes, Cassils, Montrose, to the effect following.


  • 1. The Lord Admiral.