Historical Collections: 1629

Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 2, 1629-38. Originally published by D Browne, London, 1721.

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John Rushworth, 'Historical Collections: 1629', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 2, 1629-38(London, 1721), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol2/pp1-46 [accessed 14 March 2025].

John Rushworth, 'Historical Collections: 1629', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 2, 1629-38(London, 1721), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol2/pp1-46.

John Rushworth. "Historical Collections: 1629". Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 2, 1629-38. (London, 1721), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol2/pp1-46.

In this section

Remains of Historical Collections. For the Year 1629.

In the Preface to this second Part, the Author acquaints the Reader how it happened that these following Additions, which come under the Title of Remains, were omitted in the first Part of Historical Collections, and not then inserted in the Year 1629, as was intended.

Among the things (so omitted) no mention was made of an Expression in the Diary of Dr. William Laud, then Bishop of London, of which the subsequent Parliament took special notice, (viz.) That that Parliament which was Dissolved (the King being present) upon the 10th of March, 4 Car. 1. had laboured his Ruin. And probably the reason for that Memento might be, because the House of Commons in their Remonstrance in that Parliament had reflected upon that Bishop. Unto which Remonstrance an Answer was given in the King's Name, (but omitted also in the First Part) penned by the said Bishop of London, being of his own hand-writing, produced afterwards at his Trial, and was to this effect.

The King's Answer to the Commons Remonstrance.

'We are not bound (faith his Majesty) to give an account of our Actions to any but to God only; yet out of the Honour and Integrity of our Grace, the Love and Care of our People, the great and hearty desire we have to take off all Fears and Jealousies from our Loyal and Loving Subjects, We have thought fit to declare these Reasons following, why we have called in this Remonstrance, which yet we presume and constantly believe was framed and delivered up unto us with good Intentions, tho' by a misguided Zeal.

'For first, That Remonstrance begins at Religion, and fears innovation of it by Popery: But we would have our Subjects of all sorts to call to mind what Difficulties and Dangers we endured, not many years since, for Religion's sake; that we are the same still, and our Holy Religion is as precious to us, as it is or can be to any of them, and we will no more admit Innovation therein, than they that think they have done well in fearing it so much.

'This true, that all Effects expected have not followed upon the Petition delivered at Oxford, but we are in least fault; for that Supply being not afforded us, disenabled us to execute all that was desired, and caused the stay of those legal Proceedings which have helped to swell up this Remonstrance; yet let all the Counties of England be examined, and London and the Suburbs with them, neither is there such a noted increase of Papists, nor such cause of fear as is made; nor hath any amounted to such an odious tolerating as is charged upon it, nor near any such.

'For that Commission so much complain'd of, both the Matter and Intent of it are utterly mistaken; for it doth not dispense with any Penalty, or any course to be taken with any Papists for the exercise of their Religion; no, nor with the pecuniary Mulct, or not-Conformity to ours. It was advised, for the increase of our Profit, and the returning of that into our Purse: which abuse, or connivance of Inferior Ministers, might, perhaps, divert another way: if that, or any other shall be abused in the Execution, we will be ready to punish upon any just Complaint.

'The next Fear is, the daily growth and spreading of the Arminian Faction, call'd, a cunning way to bring in Popery; but we hold this Charge as great a wrong to our Self and our Government, as the former; for our People must not be taught by a Parliament Remonstrance, or any other way, That we are so ignorant of Truth, or so careless of the profession of it, that any Opinion, or Faction, or whatsoever it be call'd, should thrust it self so far, and so fast into our Kingdoms, without our knowledge of it. This is a mere Dream of them that make, and would make our Loyal and Loving People think we sleep the while.

Dr. Laud Bp. of London, and Dr. Neale Bp. of Winchester.

'In this Charge there is great wrong done to two Eminent Prelates that attend our Person: for they are accus'd without producing any the least shew, or shadow of proof against them; and should they, or any other, attempt Innovation of Religion, either by that open, or any cunning way, we should quickly take other order with them, and not stay for your Remonstrance.

'To help on this, our People are made believe, there is a Restraint of Books Orthodoxal: but we are sure, since the last Parliament began, some, whom the Remonstrance calls Orthodox, have assumed to themselves an unsufferable liberty in Printing. Our Proclamation commanded a Restraint on both sides, till the Passions of Men might subside and calm: And had this bin obey'd, as it ought, we had not now bin tossed in this Tempest; and for any distressing or discountenancing of Good Preachers, we know there is none, if they be (as they are called) Good, but our good People shall never want that Spiritual Comfort which is due unto them. And, for the Preferments which we bestow, we have ever made it our great care to give them, as Rewards of Desert and Pains: But as the Preferments are ours, so will we be Judge of the Desert our Self, and not to be taught by a Remonstrance.


'For Ireland, We think, in case of Religion, it is not worse than Queen Elizabeth left it; and for other Affairs, it is as good as we found it, nay, perhaps better: And we take it for a great disparagement of our Government, that it should be voiced, That New Monasteries, Nunneries, and other Superstitious Houses are erected and replenished in Dublin, and other great Towns of that our Kingdom: for we assure our Self, our Deputy, and Council there, will not suffer God and our Government so to be dishonoured, but we should have had some account of it from them; and we may not endure to have our good People thus misled with Shews.

'There is likewise somewhat considerable in the Time when these practices to undermine true Religion in our Kingdom are set on Foot. The Remonstrance tells us it is now, when Religion is oppos'd by open Force in all other Parts: but We must tell Our People, there are no undermining practices at Home against it, if They practise not against it that seem most to labour for it. For while Religion seems to be contended for in such a Factious way (which cannot be God's way) the heat of that doth often melt away that, which it labours earnestly (but perhaps not wisely) to preserve. And, for God's Judgments which We and our People have felt, and have cause to fear, We shall prevent them best by a true and religious Remonstrance of the amendment of our Lives, &c.

Upon the Dissolution of the last Parliament, the People were highly discontented, and uttered unpleasing Speeches and Discourses; That if a Parliament was not presently called again, all things would be unssettled and out of Order, and Trading would fail, and Contests would arise about Tunnage and Poundage, &c.

Whereupon his Majesty put forth a Proclamation, on the 27th of March, for suppressing of false Rumors touching Parliaments, to this Effect.

Againtst false Rumors of Parliament.

'That not withstanding his Majesties late Declaration for satisfying of the Minds and Affections of his loving Subjects, some ill disposed Persons do spread false and pernicious Rumors abroad, as if the scandalous and seditious Proposition in the House of Commons, tumultuously taken up by some few, after that by his Majesties Royal Authority he had commanded their Adjournment, had been the Vote of the whole House, whereas the contrary is the Truth: which Proposition was a thing of a most wicked and dangerous Consequence to the good estate of this Kingdom, and it appeareth to be so by those impressions which this false Rumor hath made in Mens Minds, whereby, out of causeless Fears, the Trade of the Kingdom is disturbed, and Merchants discouraged to continue their wonted Traffique. His Majesty hath thought it expedient, not only to manifest the Truth thereof, but to make known his Royal Pleasure; that those who raise, or nourish false Reports, shall be severely punished; and such as chearfully go on with their Trades, have all good encouragement; not purposing to overcharge his Subjects by any new Burthens; but to satisfy himself with those Duties that were received by the King his Father of Blessed Memory, which His now Majesty neither can, nor will dispense withal. And Whereas, for several ill ends, the calling again of a Parliament is divulged, howsoever his Majesty hath shewed by his frequent meeting with his People, his Love to the use of Parliaments; Yet the late abuse having, for the present, driven his Majesty unwillingly out of that Course: He shall account it presumption for any to prescribe any time to his Majesty for Parliaments; the Calling, Continuing, and Dissolving of which is always in the Kings own Power. And his Majesty shall be more inclineable to meet in Parliament again, when his People shall see more clearly into his Intents and Actions; when such as have bred this interruption shall receive their condign Punishment, and those who are misled by them, and such ill Reports as are raised upon this occasion, shall come to a better understanding of his Majesty and Themselves.

Duke of Rohan, March 12. 1628–29.

The Duke of Rohan, the Head of the Protestant Party of the Reformed Religion in France, (not knowing that the King of England had dissolved the Parliament) implored his further Aid, on the behalf of the Reformed Churches in France, in a Letter dated the 12th of March 1628, being two days after the Parliament was dissolved; and was to this effect.

The Duke of Rohan's Letter to the King.

The deplorable accident of the loss of Rochel, which God hath pleased to permit to humble us under his hand, hath redoubled, in the Spirit of our Enemies, the passion which they have for our Ruine; and the hopes to attain thereunto: but it hath not taken away from those Churches of the Provinces that Courage, or Affection of opposing, by a just and vigorous defence, to their unjust Designs. This is that which hath made them take up a Resolution, and assemble themselves together, and to stand in a Body amidst these Commotions, to assist me with their good Counsel, and provide with me means for their Deliverance. And because the most powerfut Means, which God hath raised them upon Earth, is the Aid which our Churches have received, and do expect from your Majesty, the general Assembly have desired, That my Letter (which solely hitherto represented unto your Majesty the Interest of the publick Cause) might be joined to the most humble Supplication, which they represent. I do it, Sir, with so much the more Affection, because I am Witness, that this poor People breath after your Assistance, having once laid down their Arms, which the Oppression of the Enemy made so necessary: and because they knew it was your desire, took them up again, when they learned that your Majesty obliged them to it by your Counsel, and by your Promises. Upon this sole Assurance, they have exposed themselves to all Dangers, overcome all Obstacles, consumed their Goods, and are still ready to spill their Blood, even unto the last drop. Tour good Will they have found more dear than their Lives: and, not withstanding the Promises and Menaces, which their Enemies have made use of to move them, they have not been induced to make any Breach of those Oaths, by which they were tied never to hearken to any Treaty, but with your Majesties Cansent. All the Churches of this Kingdom, which are linked together to an unexampled fidelity, are glorious Objects of your Charity and Power. You are (Sir) Defender of that Faith, which they profess. Do not suffer it to be unjustly oppressed: You have stirred up their Affections by your Royal Promises, and those sacred Words, That your Majesty would employ all the Power of your Kingdoms to sheild those Churches from the ruine that threatned them, and have been, next to the favour of God, the only Foundation of their Hopes; they have also thought it to be one of the highest Crimes they could commit, to doubt of the performance thereof. If the beginning of their Miseries hath moved your Compassion, this sad subject hath increased upon them with so much Violence, that there is nothing, but your Assistance can prevent their absolute Destruction: for at this day the greatest Misdemeanors which our Enemies accuse us of, and publish, that it cannot be expiated, but by our Blood, is the imploring and hoping for your Assistance. Our Goods for this are confiscated and destroyed; our Farms desolate and burned to Ashes; our Heads exposed to the Block; our Families banished; our Temples demolished. And every where, where the cruelty of our heinous Enemies can extend, Men and Women are beaten to Mass with Staves. In short, the Horror and Persecution we endure is so great, that our Words are too weak to express them.

Furthermore, We see, even at our Doors, the powerful Armies, which only wait the time to destroy those retiring places that are left, and after that banish the exercise of Religion, and massacre the Faithful throughout the Kingdom. Hereupon, if should intreat your Majesty not to Abandon us; I fear by these Words to offend a great King, so powerful, and so faithful: but I will take upon me the boldness, by reason of our pressing necessities, to supplicate your ready Assistance, to hinder our falling under the strength of our Enemies. Your Majesty need not search elsewhere, but in your own profound Wisdom and Experience, to render your succor redoubtable to those that despise it, and advantageous to those People that expect it. By this means you will gain the greatest Glory that can be desired; you will free from Fire and Sword 300000 Families, which pray to God continually for your Prosperity; will preserve a People, whom God bath purchased by his Blood, and that have kept their Faith towards God and Man amidst the greatest Distractions and cruel Sufferings; will place the Fidelity of your Word, the Reputation of your State, and your Armies in a point worth by of so much Grandeur, and in checking the boldness of those, who undertake to blast it daily with unworthy Reproaches, will add to your Title that of the Restorer of the most innocent People in the World, and the most inhumanely persecuted.

As to my own Concerns, Sir, I make no mention to your Majesty of my Interest. I might (having the Honour to be what I am) do it without blame, as to outward appearance: but it is so long since I had consecrated them to the use of the Publick; that I shall always esteem my condition happy enough, provided the Church be not miserable; and that I may have this advantage, to be known by such occasions which your Majesty doth not disprove of, that I am,

Your Majesties Most Humble,
and most Obedient Servant

Henry of Rohan.

At Rohan the 12th of March, 1629.

An Address from the Deputies of the Reformed Churches.

Deputies came also from the Reformed Churches, and gave the King to understand, that they were informed a Treaty of Peace was intended to be propounded, between the two Crowns of England and France, by some Ministers of Forreign Princes. That in case the Treaty do succeed, they humbly pray his Majesty of Great Britain, to insist upon the Capitulation made upon his Mediation, and for which he passed his Word, that the Reformed Churches should perform on their parts, which they kept inviolably, till there were Forces placed, and kept in Forts against them, contrary to the Capitulation; and so, in their own Defence, were necessitated to take up Arms.

To the Duke of Rohan 's Letter, His Majesty returned an Answer, which was to this effect.

The Effect of the King's Answer to the D. of Rohan.

'That his Majesty understands there is an Intention, by the Mediation of some Forreign Princes, to propose a Peace between the two Crowns of England and France, which probably he may incline unto; and therefore adviseth the said Duke, and those of the Reformed Religion, timely to apply themselves to the French King, and to get as advantageous Terms for himself, and those engaged with him, as he could procure: The King further informing the Duke, that he was constrained to dissolve the Parliament, which he had lately reassembled, from whom he expected further Supplies of Mony; but failing thereof, he was not in a condition to contribute such further Aid and Assistance, either by Mony or Arms, as the Duke of Rohan, and those that adhered unto him, might expect, and their present Necessities require; His Majesty expressing his sorrow, that the Condition of his Affairs was such, that he could not answer his and their Expectation.

The Duke of Rohan seeks to the French King for a Peace.

The Duke of Rohan, upon the aforementioned advice of the King of England, forthwith made Address to the French King, in order to a Peace, on behalf of himself, De Soubieze, and others of the Reformed Religion engaged with them: To which Address, after some indisposition thereunto in the French King, He at last agreed upon Articles, and Hostages were given, and a Peace concluded accordingly, and performed on both sides; and an Act of Parliament passed in France to confirm the Articles of Peace so agreed upon.

March 24 1628–29.

At this time there was delivered to the Lords of the Privy Council, an humble Petition of John Talbott, Edward Porter, Henry Tellier, and John Shepheard, the four English Captains employed by his Majesty in the defence of Rochel, during the whole time of the Siege.

A Petition of the distressed Rochel Captains.

They humbly offer unto your Lordships Consideration, the great Miseries and Pains they endured during the Siege in Rochel, being above 14 months feeding long on Hides and Parchments, and stinted in that.

That during that time the Petitioners had every one of them deducted 3s. 6d. the week out of their Pay, by the Pay-Master, which he pretended to be for Billet Money; whereas the Petitioners, and their Officers did, when Victuals was to be had for Mony, buy such Victuals as they had, at a very dear rate, from the Rochellers, putting his Majesty to no Charge at all for the same.

That your Petitioners were at extraordinary charge, above 200l. a Man to maintain themselves and their Companies in that miserable Service, for Cloaths and other Necessaries, for which they grew indebted, and still owe unto the English Merchants trading there.

They therefore pray their Lordships to take the Premises into consideration.

To this Petition, their Lordships returned Answer;
That they do take notice of the Petitioners great Sufferings, and as occasion may be offered, for his Majesty's Service, they will be mindful of them.

The Bishop of London, after the Dissolution of the said Parliament, thought it his Duty to present to his Majesty certain Considerations in reference to the Church, Entituled;

Considerations for the better settling of the Church-Government.

The Bishop of London presents 3 Paper to the King concerning the Church Government.

That his Majesty would be graciously pleased;

  • (1.) To command the Lords, the Bishops, to their several Sees, excepting those which are in attendance at Court.
  • (2.) That none of them reside upon his Land, or Lease that he hath purchased, or on his Commendam, if he hold any, but in one of his Episcopal Houses; and that he waste not the Woods where any are left.
  • (3.) That they give charge in their Triennial Visitations, and at other times, both by themselves, and the Arch-Deacon, that the Declaration for settling the Questions in difference be strictly observed.
  • (4.) That a special charge be given them against frequent and unworthy Ordinations.
  • (5.) That a special care be had over the Lecturers in every Diocess, which by reason of their Pay are the People's Creatures, and blow the Bellows of their Sedition.

    For the abating of whose Power, these ways may be taken.

  • 1. That the Afternoon Sermons in all Parishes may be turned into Catechising, by Questions and Answers, according to an Order set out by King James, of blessed Memory.
  • If this cannot be, then,
  • 2. That every Bishop ordain in his Diocess, That every Lecturer do read Divine Service in his Surplice before the Lecture.
  • 3. That where a Lecture is set up in a Market-Town, it be read by a Combination of Grave and Orthodox Divines near adjoining.
  • 4. That if an Incorporation do maintain a Lecturer, that he be not suffered to Preach, till he take upon him Cure of Souls within that Incorporation.
  • 5. That the Bishop do countenance and encourage the grave Orthodox Divines of his Clergy, and gain them in the several quarters of his Diocess, to be present at such Lecturers Sermons, as are near them; that so the Bishop may have knowledge.
  • 6. That the Bishop suffer none under Noble-Men, and Men qualified by Law, to have any private Chaplain in his House.
  • 7. That his Majesty may be graciously pleased, that Men of Course, Gravity, and Experience in Government, be preferred to Bishopricks.
  • 8. That Emanuel and Sydney Colleges in Cambridge, which are the Nurseries of Puritanism,' may from time to time be provided of Grave and Orthodox Men for their Governors.
  • 9. That his Majesty's high Commission be countenanced by the presence of some of his Majesty's Privy Council, so oft at least as any matter of moment is to be sentenced.
  • 10. That some course may be taken that the Judges may not send so many Prohibitions.
  • 11. That his Majesty would be graciously pleased, once in half a year, to call for an account of all, or so many of these as he in His Wisdom shall think fit.

    A consideration also to be had,

  • 1. As to the general Feoffees for Benefices and Preferments.
  • 2. A new authorising of the Injunctions.

His Majesties Declaration as to Religion, Liberty and Property.

Also after the Dissolution of the said Parliament, his Majesty most graciously declares himself as to Religion, and the Right and Property of the Subject; 'That it is, and always hath bin Our hearts desire, to be found worthy of that Title, which We account the most glorious in all our Crown, Defender of the Faith. Neither shall We ever give way to the authorizing of any thing, whereby any Innovation may steal or creep into the Church, but to preserve that Unity of Doctrine and Discipline established in the time of Queen Elizabeth, whereby the Church of England hath stood and flourished ever since; And that We have by Our Proclamation and Commandment, ordered the Laws to be put in Execution against Priests and Popish Recusants, to fortify all ways and approaches against that Foreign Enemy.

'And as We have bin careful (saith his Majesty) for the setling of Religion, and quieting the Church, so were We not unmindful of the preservation of the just and ancient Liberties of our Subjects, which we secured to them by Our gracious Answer to the Petition in Parliament, having not since that time done any Act whereby to infringe them; but Our care is, and hereafter shall be, to keep them entire and inviolable, as We would do our own Right and Soveraignty, having for that purpose enrolled the Petition and Answer in Our Courts of Justice.

As his Majesty thus declared himself concerning Religion, and the Subjects Right and Property, so the Lords of the Privy Council did proceed in settling the Militia of the Kingdom, and of Tunnage and Poundage, to preserve the Narrow Seas. Also to put the Laws in execution against Popish Recusants; to which purpose these particular Orders and Directions were given.

Customs of Tunnage and Poundage required to be paid.

  • 1. As concerning Tunnage and Poundage, (the great Contest in the last Sessions of Parliament) the Privy Council thus proceeded: They directed Warrants to the Officers of the Customs in the Port of London, to seize and detain the Goods of any that shall attempt to Land without Warrant, till the Customs be paid.
  • 2. And they farther ordered; That such Merchants Goods as remained on Ship-board, be removed into Store-Houses at the Custom-Key, and, for want of Room, into the Tower, to remain there, till his Majesties Duties, and the Freight due to Ship-Masters, were satisfied.
  • 3. And whereas Attempts were made by Replevin, directed to the Sheriff of London, to obtain those Goods out of the King's Store-Houses, the Messengers of the Council were appointed to detain them in their keeping; and to apprehend, and keep in safe custody, all Persons that should make resistance in this Case.
  • 4. Also Letters of Command were sent unto the Officers and Chief Magistrates of most Ports of the Kingdom, to assist the Officers of the Customs, in case of opposition, that might be made by Refractory Persons.
  • 5. In like manner Sir Francis Cottington was authorized to call before him those Merchants that had been trusted by the Collectors for Sums grown due by Customs, and protracted the payment thereof; and to require them, without delay, to pay in the several Sums which they owe to his Majesty; and upon refusal, to injoin them to attend the Lords of the Council.
  • 6. Richard Chambers, whose Goods were detained in the Commissioners hands, for non-payment of Customs, being fined to his Majesty in the Sum of 2000l. in the Court of Star-Chamber; and the Fine estreated in the Exchequer, and from thence Process of Extent issued out to levy the same. It was afterwards ordered by the Court of Exchequer, that the Goods should be delivered to the said Chambers, upon payment of so much Mony into the Court, as the Duties demanded for the King did amount unto; or levying of so much Goods as should amount to double the value of those Monies. The Privy-Council required the Commissioners not to deliver the Goods, until the Fine was first levied; the Order of the Exchequer no ways intending, or being intended to prevent the same, and then to observe the Order of Court.
  • 7. About the same time a Ship returning from the Streights, laden with store of fine Wares, belonging to the London-Merchants, and consign'd for London, was appointed by the Merchants to come to an Anchor in Dover-Road: Whereupon the Council being inform'd that the Merchants intended to defraud the King of his Customs, by unlading their Goods into Catches, and other small Vessels, and Landing at unlawful Hours, in obscure Places, commanded the Officers of Dover to take a particular account of the Goods, and to put them into Store-houses; unless security was given to send them to the Custom-House Key at London. But a farther ground of the Warrant was this; because the Merchants were purposed to send their Goods into Holland in Catches, and not to land them at all; which purpose was held by divers Merchants; and afterwards an Order was made against this secret Conveying of Wares and Merchandizes beyond Sea in Catches, and other small Vessels, to defraud the King of his Customs.
  • 8. There was also a strict Order made, enabling the Messengers of the Council-Table to enter into any Ship, or Vessel, House, Ware-House, or Cellar; and to search in any Trunk or Chest, and to break any Bulk whatsoever, in default of the payment of Customs; and to apprehend all Persons that shall give out any scandalous Speeches against his Majesties service, or cause any disturbance.

Rich. Chambers his goods seized for non-payment of Customs; and his Fine of 2000l. in the Star-Chamber not to be extended upon the Goods.; Merchants design to send their goods beyond Seas, to avoid paying of Customs.; Orders to search in Warehouses, &c. in case a default be made to pay Customs.;.

Militia of the Kingdom for Public defence and safety.

For the Publick Defence and Safety, by the setled Militia of the Nation, (the Trained Bands) this course was taken. The Privy-Council, in their Letters of Instruction to the Lords Lieutenants of Counties, expressing the King's Displeasure, at the great neglect of Musters in most parts of the Kingdom, required them to take care that the Trained Forces, both Horse and Foot, becompleat, according to the Modern Fashion, and be perfectly instructed in the Exercise of Arms: And that the Captains and Officers be able to perform their several Charges; and that both Officers and Souldiers be not only able and sufficient Men, but well-affected in Religion; that they take the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy; and that if a Soldier enrol'd remove his dwelling out of the Town or Parish of his abode, notice be given thereof to the Deputy-Lieutenants of that Division; to the end that in case he have Licence to depart, his Company may be made up again. And in case any Mannor, Mansion-Houses, or Lands, which formerly found, or contributed toward the finding of Horse, or Foot, do not furnish the Musters, as formerly, by reason of the dividing of such Estate among Co-heirs, or coming into the hands of any Joynters, or Tenant in Dower, or the purchase of new Owners, that the same be supplied by the Owners, or Occupiers thereof, that no such alteration may diminish the Bands, which should rather be increased, especially the Horse. That the best sort of Men provide themselves Arms for their particular use; that the Beacons be repaired, and continued in good Order; that a Proportion of Powder, Match and Bullets be kept in the Magazines. And in regard of the great deficiency in the Horse-Bands; and Neglect in those that should shew their Horses, it was required that good Bond be taken for his Majesties use, of those that shew not, or whose Horses, Arms and Furniture are deficient, that they shall personally appear with their Horses and Arms, to shew them on the first of October next.

Lord Mayor of London's Order for Militia.

The Lord Mayor of London received the like command concerning the Trained Forces within the City, and concerning the Arms and Furniture, the Commanders and Officers, and a convenient Magazine.

Captains of Train'd Bands.

Moreover, the Council taking into Consideration the Unwillingness, Excuses and Refusals of some Gentlemen to undertake and perform the discharge of Captains of Trained Bands, which are the ordinary Forces and Strength of the Kingdom: Declared and Ordered, That the Lord-Lieutenants, in the Counties of their Lieutenancy, shall appoint for Captains, upon the vacancy of the Charge, such Gentlemen as they shall find most fit and capable: and they shall return to the Board the Names of all such as shall refuse to undertake, or execute the same, that they may be proceeded with in such manner, as their Contempt in a Case of this Nature and Importance shall deserve.


And for the exercising and keeping of the Train'd Bands in good Equipage and Order, each County was Assessed at a certain Rate, for the entertainment of a Muster-Master, who was appointed for that Service: this Money was to be granted by the Grand Jury, and collected by the High Constables of every Hundred; the Persons refusing this payment, are to be returned to the Council-Table.

But divers refusing to submit to these Taxes, the Lieutenants and Deputy-Lieutenants were commanded to sign the Assessment with their own hands; that if any should deny hereafter to pay, they should make them enter into Bond to answer this their Contempt at the Council-Table.

Also after the Dissolution of the Parliament, a new occasion is offered to his Majesty of expressing his sense of, and his zeal against, Popish Recusants.

Popish Recusants to be prosecuted.

'As We were careful to make up all Breaches and Rents in Religion at home, so did We by Our Proclamation and Commandment for the execution of the Laws against Priests and Popish Recusants, fortify all ways and approaches against that Foreign Enemy; which if it hath not succeeded according to our Intention, We must lay the fault where it is, in the subordinate Officers and Ministers in the Country, by whose Remisness Jesuits and Priests escape without Apprehension, and Recusants from those Convictions and Penalties which the Law and Our Commandment would have inflicted on them.

Recusants going to Embassadors Houses prohibited.

And his Majesty in Council made a strict Order to seize upon all English going to Embassadors Houses to hear Mass, requiring the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs, Justices of Peace, and others, to assist the King's Messengers, in the apprehending of any of the King's Subjects going to Mass, requiring the Laws to be put in execution against them. And, to shew the clearness of his Intention, doth declare that he hath begun already at his own House, not permitting any to go to the Queen's Chappel, but those of the Queen's own House who do attend her, and requires the Privy-Council to acquaint Foreign Embassadors with this his Intention.

The Statute 3 Jac. to be put in Execution.

About this time also the Lords of the Council Ordered the Attorney General to take care, that the Statute 3 Jacobi be put in execution against Recusants dwelling within 10 Miles of London; and that the Statute of Confinement be executed against all such of them as are Lodgers about the City: and that he cause a Bill of Indictment to be Exhibited at the next Sessions, against the Keeper of New-Prison, for suffering Priests committed to his Custody to walk abroad at their Pleasure.

Recusants in Northumberland not prosecuted according to Law.

About the same time a Letter was sent from the Council to the High Sheriff, and Justices of Peace in Northumberland, expressing how his Majesty was credibly informed that the number of Popish Recusants in that County, which of late years was very small, is now through too much remisness in the execution of the Laws against them, increased to such an excessive number, as hath given his Majesty just cause to be highly displeased therewith, and may justly give exceeding great offence to all his well-affected Subjects. Wherefore they thought fit (as they Declare) for the timely preventing the farther growth of such an unsufferable Evil, whereby Almighty God is dishonoured, his Majesties most gracious and religious Government may be traduced, and the Peace and Safety of the Kingdom endangered, to signify unto them his Majesties express Pleasure, that they make exact inquiry into the number of Popish Recusants Convicted, or Unconvicted, which may be justly suspected, and return a Certificate. Also that they take care that the Laws against them be put in execution without Partiality or Connivance; and that they give unto the Board a faithful account of their Proceedings herein, as they tender the good of Religion, the happy Government of the Common-wealth, and as they would avoid his Majesties great Displeasure.

Priests and Jesuits to be sent to Wisbich.

And for putting the Laws and Statutes in Execution made against Jesuits, Priests, Popish Recusants and others who had taken Orders by Authority derived or pretended to be derived from the See of Rome, a Proclamation issued forth that they be proceeded against and brought to Trial. It was therein farther Declared, that if upon Trial they shall be Convicted, and if there be cause to respite the Execution of any of them, it was resolved not to let them lie in common Goals, but, according to the example of former times, to send them to the Gastle of Wisbich, or some other safe Prison, there to remain in strait and close Custody.

In pursuance of which Proclamation the Lords of the Council wrote their Letter to the Bishop of Ely, thereby signifying the King's Pleasure and Command, that he do forthwith prepare and make ready the Castle of Wisbich in the Isle of Ely, to lodge all Priests, Jesuits, &c. which shall be sent thither. Giving him notice also at that time that one southwood a Romish Priest, is to be removed to that place.

Priests and Jesuits in Scotland.

In Scotland also, the Priests and Jesuits were very active in promoting their Religion; the People in many places coming publickly to Mass, being chiefly countenanced thereunto by Marquess Huntley, Earl of Nidsdale, Athol, Abercorn, and some others of the Nobility of Scotland of the Roman-Catholick Religion. But this gave such great distaste to the Council of Scotland, that they proceeded by way of Process against the said Marquess and Earl, who flying into England for refuge, and not appearing according to Summons, were all of them put to the Horn; but in England they found no good reception, and so returned.

Corporation of Starch-makers.

These things beforementioned of publick Concern for the Kingdom being settled by the Lords of the Privy Council, they in the Month of July this Year thought it their Duty to take into Consideration what probable ways might be taken to get Supply for his Majesty; and the first thing taken into Consideration, was to raise Moneys by his Majesties granting of Patents to incorporate Companies, and to bring Revenues thereby yearly into the Exchequer, by Indentures between His Majesty on the one part, and the Patentees on the other part. In prosecution of which Design it was thought fit to confirm a Grant made by King James to incorporate the Starch-makers into a Company, ordering them Rules for the making of Starch, and avoiding annoyances thereby. Whereupon his now Majesty for the better regulating that Trade, appointed a Surveyor to oversee the same in every part, and that his Majesty's Commissioners, which hereafter to that purpose he shall appoint, shall be ready to hear and dispatch all Complaints touching the Premises; and if they shall find any, whose offence and misdemeanour deserves to be made more exemplary, they are to take care that such Offenders shall undergo the censure and severity of the Court of Star-Chamber for that contempt of the King's Prerogative Royal; and also that all Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Sheriffs, &c. shall cause all and every the Offenders, whose offences deserve exemplary Punishment against any Branch, Article or part of his Majesties Royal Proclamation (Dated the 30th of June) to be bound with Sureties in good Bond to the King's Use, for their appearance before the King and the Privy Council, and in the Court of Star-Chamber, there to answer their Contempts.

Afterwards there was a Contract by Indenture, between the King of the one part, and the Master, Wardens, and Assistants, and Commonalty of the Society of Starch-Makers of London on the other part, whereby the said Society doth covenant to pay into his Majesties Exchequer, the sum of 1500l. for the first Year; and for the second Year, the sum of 2500l. And after the said two Years shall be ended, to pay per annum to his Majesty 3500l.

Next to this, it was proposed to raise Monies by Composition with Recusants, as in the following Order is exprest.

Recusants to compound for their Forfeitures.

'Whereas his Majesty had formerly granted several Commissions for Leasing Lands of Recusants, lyable to Forfeitures; with Instructions for the direction of his Commissioners in that Service: and in expectance of a due Reformation of the manifold Neglects and Abuses of his Inferior Officers and others, whereby that part of his Revenue had been much lessened, and those who were backward in their Religion, encouraged to persist in their obstinacy and blindness, his Majesty hath now caused those Commissions and Instructions to be revived, and in many parts altered, for his Majesties better Profit and Service.

All which was published by Proclamation, to the intent that such as should be willing to contract, or to farther the service on that behalf, might attend the said Commissioners.

And whereas some had contracted for such Leases, who did not sue out the same, his Majesties declared Will and Pleasure was, That such Persons who had so contracted, should pass their Leases under Seal before the end of Michaelmass Term next, or else their Contracts to be utterly void.

On the 24th of March, 1628–29, A second Proclamation was issued out for the Apprehension of Richard Smith, a Popish Priest, styl'd, and calling himself the Bishop of Calcedon, to this effect.

Concerning the Bishop of Calcedon, a Popish Priest.

'That his Majesty by his Proclamation, bearing date the 11th day of December last past, (for the Reasons therein expressed) did straitly command, That none of his Subjects should harbor or conceal the said Smith, but that forthwith they should arrest and apprehend his Body, and bring him before the next Justice of the Peace to the place where he should be apprehended; whom his Majesty thereby commands to be committed to Prison without Bail or Mainprise; and presently to inform his Majesty, or his Privy Council of his Apprehension. And the King did thereby declare; That if any Person should then after, directly or indirecty, harbor or conceal the said Smith, or use or connive at any means whereby the said Smith might escape from being apprehended or arrested, that his Majesty should extend the utmost severity of his Laws against every such Offender, as by his Proclamation more at large appears. Which Proclamation hath not yet wrought that good Effect which his Majesty expected; the said Smith being still hidden and harboured by those, who being infected and blinded with Popish Superstition, prefer their Respects to him, before their Duty to their King, and the fear of his high displeasure, and the Consequence thereof. His Majesty therefore, by the Advice of his Privy Council, hath thought fit by this his second Proclamation, to renew his former Command in that behalf.

'And to the end that none of his Subjects may hereafter excuse themselves, by a pretended ignorance of the danger they shall fall into, if they shall harbour or conceal him, His Majesty doth hereby publish and declare, That the said Smith is not only a Popish Priest, and with high presumption taketh upon him to exercise Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, pretended to be deriv'd from the See of Rome, within this Realm, and endeavoureth to seduce the King's Subjects from the True Religion established in the Church of England, (which by God's Assistance, his Majesty shall ever constantly maintain) but doth also seditiously and traiterously hold correspondence with the King's Enemies, tending to the disturbance of the State.

'And therefore his Majesty doth now again renew his former Command for the Apprehension of the said Smith; and doth hereby farther signify, That whosoever shall lodge, harbor, or relieve the said Smith, or any other Priest, Jesuit, or other, having taken Orders by Authority pretended to be derived from the See of Rome, shall incur the danger of the King's Laws made against the Harborers, Lodgers, and Relievers of Priests, to the full extent thereof; which by the Statutes of this Realm is Felony.

'And the King doth further hereby declare, That whosoever shall discover the said Smith, and cause him to be apprehended, as aforesaid, shall have a Reward of one Hundred pounds in Mony, to be presently paid unto him by the King; and shall also have the benefit of such Penalties and Forfeitures, which shall or may accrue unto his Majesty, and he forfeited by that Person in whose House the said Smith shall be found to have bin harboured or cocealed.

'And his Majesty doth farther charge and command hereby (as by his former Proclamation His Majesty did) all and singular the Judges, Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Sheriffs, Constables, and all other his Officers, Ministers, and Loving Subjects; that if they shall find any Person offending herein, that then they, and every of them, proceed with all diligence and readiness, not only against the said Smith, but also against all such as shall harbor, conceal, or connive at his Concealment; or shall not use their best endeavours for his Discovery and Apprehension, according to the utmost extent of the Laws.

This Bishop, as is hereafter mentioned, had bin, since the last year of King James, severely persecuted by the Regular Priests in England, who at last over-power'd the Bishop's Faction here, and forced him to fly for succor into France, where he was receiv'd by Cardinal Richelieu.

Le Maistre and Rudesindus, write on behalf of the Bishop.

It may not be impertinent to give some account of this Bishop of Calcedon, and of what esteem he had here in England in the exercising of his Function.

N. le Maistre a Sorbon Priest, writes thus of him; That after the Death of William Bishop of Calcedon in England, most of the Secular Priests, together with the Benedictines, for the advancement of the Romish Catholic Religion, became Suitors to the Pope and his Conclave, to have one or more Bishops created by the Pope to be sent over into England, to ordain Priests, give Confirmation, and exercise Episcopal Jurisdiction there. The Regular Priests, and some others here, did stifly oppose this Design, but the Episcopal Secular and Benedictine Party prevailing, Pope Urban by his special Bull, bearing date the 4th of August, Anno 1625, created Richard Smith Bishop of Calcedon, and sent him over into England to exercise Episcopal Jurisdiction, and to be Superintendent over the Priests within the English Dominions, according to the Tenure of his Bull. But the Regular Priests writ divers printed Treatises against Episcopacy, and the inconveniency of having a Bishop in England, whose Books were referred to the Examination of the Faculty of Paris, and there censured; but they raised up such a Faction and Persecution against this their New Bishop of Calcedon in England and Ireland among the Popish Party, that they chaced him out of England into France, where he was entertained by Cardinal Richlieu.

And the said Le Maistre writeth further, That this Bishop was a most Illustrious Champion, &c. fit to be settled in England, where the heat of Persecution hath ceased, through the dignity of a magnanimous King, and most invincible Prince by the Bourbonian Star, which hangs over these Countries in a most dear Wise; by which Stars, peradventure the Tempest of Persecution will in time be appeased, &c.

And Father Rudecindus, President of the English Benedictines, writes to the Sacred Congregation, consecrated to the Propagation of the Faith, dated from the Covent of St. Gregory of the Benedictines, at Doway in Flanders; wherein (among other things) he doth with great dolor of mind lament the Opposition given to Matthew Kellyson and Richard Smith, antient Priests, who, among others, were nominated to his most holy Lord, to undergo the Episcopal Charge in the English Mission, (for he reckons above 60 Benedictine Monks in England subject to his Congregation, and does prepare far more in their Covents to the Functions of Mission;) and doth testify that the said venerable Priests, Dr. Matthew Kellyson and Dr. Richard Smith, are in great veneration in England; and that Dr. Kellyson was chief Professor of Divinity for many years in the University of Rhemes; and that Dr. Richard Smith was first conjoined in the Society of Studies to the most Learned Bishop of Lussion, now Cardinal of Richlieu; and concludes, We Benedictines, your humble Servants and Sons, do humbly pray that you will be pleased to grant a Bishop to our England, seeing that no Province of the Catholic World hath more need of one, the observance of Ecclesiastical Discipline being not able to be preserved without Episcopal Authority. Neither is it to be doubted, for we have already seen the good success under the first Bishop, that another Bishop being constituted, you would behold more joyful Fruits within one two years in the English Mission, than hitherto ye have beheld for 60 years now elapsed. And we see not why the Regulars, with their Privileges given them by the Apostolic See, may not as happily agree with a Bishop and Secular Clergy in the English Mission, as well as we see they every where do out of England, &c.

The Bishop of London in his Diary on the 29th of March, in which Month the Parliament was Dissolved, makes this Memorial following.

March 29 1629; A Libel against the Bishop of London.

On Sunday, two Papers were found in the Dean of Pauls Yard before his House, the one was to this effect concerning my self. LAVD, Look to thy self, be assured thy Life is sought, as thou art the Fountain of all Wickedness; Repent thee of thy monstrous Sins before thou be taken out of the World, &c. And assure thy self neither God nor the World can endure such a vile Councellor to live, or such a Whispere, or to this effect. The other was as bad against the Lord Treasurer. Master Dean delivered both Papers to the King that Night.

Lord (said the Bishop) I am a grievous Sinner, but I beseech thee deliver my Soul from them that hate me without a cause.

Irish Agents.

Ireland having been a long time without a Parliament, and Grievances upon the People abounding in that Kingdom, the Lord Faulkland then Lord Deputy condescended to the desires of the Nobility and Gentry of that Kingdom, that each Province in Ireland should chuse fit Persons to go into England to attend upon his Majesty, and present what they had to offer on behalf of themselves, and the People: to which purpose he gave them leave to name Commissioners for every Province, and particular Commissions were granted accordingly, and this which followeth was granted to the Province of Munster. The rest of the Commissions to other Provinces being to the same effect.

The Lord Deputies Commission to the Irish Agents for Munster.

'Whereas it hath pleased the Right Honourable the Lord Deputy, upon the humble suit of some of the Nobility of this Realm, in behalf of themselves and other his Majesties Subjects here; That some fit Agents should be sent over into England to present unto His Majesty such things as may be to the behoof of his Majesties Service and good of this Kingdom; His Lordship hath condescended to the said suit, and authorized by his Lordship's Letters of the 26th of June 1627, the Gentlemen and Freeholders of the several Counties of the Province of Munster, and the several Corporations of the same, to assemble and agree upon such Agents for the said Province to make the said Propositions as they should think fit.

Which said Letters of the Lord Deputy's were seconded and confirmed by other Letters of his Lordship's to the same effect, dated the 26th of July, the year aforesaid.

'We the Agents of the several Counties, and Corporations of the said Province, have accordingly met at Fermoy the last of August the Year aforesaid, and have by common Assent nominated, deputed and appointed, like as by these Presents we do nominate, depute and appoint our Trusty and well beloved John Lord Baron of Carraghmore Sir Edward Fitz-Harris Baronet, Sir John Mead Knight, and Richard Osborn Esquire, to be our Agents for the said Province of Munsters; and do appoint and authorize them or any of them, to join with the Agents of the rest of the Provinces of this Kingdom, in presenting of our Grievances to the King's most Excellent Majesty; ratifying and allowing what our said Agents, or any three of them, shall do. Witness our hands the last of August, 1627.


  • Sir William Sarsfield.
  • Sir Daniel Obrian, &c.

The Commissioners arriving at Court in the Month of September, presented the following Petition to his Majesty.

The Humble Petition of your Majesties Subjects, appointed Agents to prefer certain Humble Requests and Petitions to your Highness, in the behalf of your Kingdom of Ireland.

Humbly sheweth,
'That your Majesties Suppliants did in the behalf of your Subjects of Ireland offer unto your Majesty to remit and release unto your Highness 150000l. or thereabouts already borrowed from them, or paid to your Majesties Army there, and further to grant three Subsidies to be paid in the next three Years, which humble offers your Petitioners are now only authorized to make; as also do present certain humble Requests to your Highness, according to the instructions given them, of your Majesties faithful Subjects of your Kingdom of Ireland: which Offers though they do not extend to that Greatness, as from your Highnesses other more flourishing Kingdoms may be expected, yet considering the State and Poverty of the said Kingdom, they are as much as the Subjects are possibly able to afford at this time.

'And lest it might be conceived or be objected by any, that these Offers are in any such kind as though your Highness's said Subjects did intend to contract with your Highness, and that they would not after the said three years express their loyal and dutiful desires to do your Majesty Service, by further contributing to your Highness's occasions, your said Petitioners do most humbly beseech your Highness to call to mind with what celerity, alacrity, and true hearty affection and duty your said Subjects, and their Ancestors in all the times of your Majesties royal Predecessors, have made demonstration of themselves, by shedding their Blood, and extending their Means in the Service of the Crown from time to time; and to conceive of your said Subjects, that as they must acknowledge themselves most bound to your Majesty, so they will be ever willing with all their Ability, Means and utmost Power, to contribute to your Majesties Affairs from time to time, not doubting that your Highness will in your Paternal Care of your loyal and faithful Subjects there, take such courses that they shall never be prest beyond the necessity of Times and their Abilities.

And in regard the said Kingdom hath lately and now doth sustain great Burdens, as well by your Petitioners Attendance here as otherwise, that your Highness will be graciously pleased to give a favourable and speedy dispatch to this Affair, that your said Subjects being eased of a great Charge, might be the better able to satisfy your Highness, according to their Desire and true Intention.

And they will ever most humbly pray, &c.

The particular Grievances presented by the said Agents, were many and long, being fifty five in Number; to each of which Grievances one by one, the King did give a particular Answer, either giving present ease to the same, or putting things into a way of future remedy. The Titles to the Answers were thus expressed.

Apostiles, Answers, and Resolutions to the humble Requests of his Majesties Subjects of the Kingdom of Ireland.

Some of their complaints were against the courses held in the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, touching the extortion of 13s. 4d. 10s. and 6s. 8. Sterling for every Christening, Marriage, and Burial, which being taken from the poor Husband-man, by whose labour the Landlords and Gentlemen subsist, enforced him often with his Family to beg and quit his Residence: wherefore such Exactions- being without limits, taking what they please, they procure from the Lord Deputy Warrants of Assistance to attach and imprison any such Person. And though those Warrants of unjust complaints of the soul abuses arising from them, have been recalled, and not to be allowed but by Act of State, published in that behalf: Yet are they now lately renewed, and the Subjects there upon restrained without legal Warrant; which being abusively carried in this violent course, will in short time draw all the Treasure in the Kingdom from the Laity to the Church; wherein, as for other Duties exacted, and not warranted by Law, they desire redress.

Also against exorbitant Fees taken for Proceedings in Courts of Justice at Dublin, greatly to the impoverishment of the People.

Also against employing of Soldiers to fetch in the King's Revenue, and doing other things which ought to be performed by Men in a civil Capacity.

Also that the Soldiers be confined to their Garrisons, and when called to march out, that Money may be given unto them to maintain them when they are abroad.

Also that his Majesty would be pleased to take away all Monopolies, Restraints and Grants of that kind to private Men for selling of Aqua-vita, Wine, Ale and Beer, sealing of Barrels; abuse by short Ploughs, Tanning of Leather, &c.

That no new Charge be laid or imposed on the Subjects of that Kingdom without their own consent, being ready to contribute to the utmost of their Abilities in any his Majesties Service.

That his Majesty may be pleased to call a Parliament for the present rating of the Subsidies to be granted to his Majesty for the Favors and Graces aforesaid, and for securing the Subjects Estates, granting a general Pardon, and providing for such other things as shall be necessary for his Majesties Service, and the good of the Common-wealth.

In Ireland they call a Parliament irregularly.

The King in his gracious Answer to this last Request, declared his Pleasure to call a Parliament to meet in Ireland, which did so overjoy the Irish Agents, as they writ Letters thereupon into Ireland, intimating as if they there might presently issue out Writs for a Parliament to meet: which was a great Error in them so to do, being contrary to the Law and former course of proceedings; forgetting that they must first obtain a Grant under the Great Seal of England to enable them to issue Writs for a Summons of a Parliament in that Kingdom. Which extraordinary haste of theirs, occasioned this ensuing Order of the Council Board in England.

Order of Reference to the Judges, concerning a Parliament in Ireland.

'Whereas the Board hath understood by Letters from the Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland, that they had already issued the Writs for the summoning of a Parliament to be held in that Kingdom in November next. Forasmuch as the Writs of Summons have been issued illegally contrary to the Statutes made in that behalf, Anno Hen. 7. And 3 Eliz. And the due formality of a Licence, which ought to have been first obtained of his Majesty under the Great Seal of England, was not obtained, whereby the said Summons is in it self Null and of none Effect, and the Parliament (if any should ensue thereupon) would be utterly void and fruitless. The Board for this Consideration thought fit and Ordered, That all the Judges of his Majesties Court at Westminster, that are now in or near the City of London, shall be prayed and required forthwith to meet together, and calling to their Assistance the Commissioners for Irish Causes, especially Sir Francis Ainslow, Vice-Treasurer of Ireland, and Sir Henry Holcroft, together with the King and Queens Attorneys and Solicitors General, or as many of them as may be had, and take into their Consideration as well the said Letters written to the Board concerning the said Summons and the Errors committed in precipitately issuing of the said Writs, as a Certificate made by the said Commissioners touching the due preparations for the calling of a Parliament in Ireland, and upon the whole matter, as soon as may be, to certify their Opinions in writing what course they think fittest to be held for redress, and rectifying of the before rehearsed erroneous Proceedings, whether by revoking of the former Summons, superceding or respiting them for a time, or issuing out of new, and by what means it may be done, either by Letters, Proclamations, or otherwise, as they shall think best, and most expedient for his Majesties Honour and Service; that satisfaction and full assurance may be given to his Subjects of that Kingdom, of his Royal Intention to proceed in the calling of a Parliament, so soon as things may be done in such manner and form as they ought to be, according to the ancient Custom.

The Judges opinions concerning a Parliament hastily called in Ireland.

May it please your Honourable Lordships,
'According to your Lordships Order the 19th of September last, we have taken into our Consideration the Letters written from the Lord Deputy of Ireland, touching the Summons of a Parliament already made there, and the former Certificate made by his Majesties Commissioners for Irish Causes, as was directed by the said Order. Upon Consideration whereof we find that the said Summons already made, is unwarrantable; and that if a Parliament should be assembled and proceed thereupon, all that should be done therein would be utterly void.

'The Statute of 10 Hen. 7. commonly called Poyning's Act, and the Statute 3 and 4 of Phil. and Mary, expounding and explaining the doubts conceived upon that Act, do prescribe an absolute form of summoning a Parliament in that Kingdom, which must be by a Certificate first made by the Lord Deputy and Council from thence, of such Acts as they would offer to his Majesties Consideration, with the Reasons and Motives for the same to be enacted there, and that Certificate to be under the Great Seal of Ireland: Which Acts, so propounded, must be returned back from hence, approved or altered by his Majesty, as by him shall be thought fit; together with his Majesties Licence for summoning of a Parliament under the Great Seal of England, and then, and not before, the Summons of a Parliament there is to issue; wherein if any failure be of those Circumstances prescribed by these two Laws, which continue in force in that Kingdom, all that shall be done will be utterly void. We have also taken into our Consideration, the Lord Deputies Commission, wherein he hath power given him to summon the Parliament, but that is limited to be according to the Laws, Statutes, and Customs of that Kingdom, and with the King's Consent first had, and not otherwise; which hath not been observed in the Summons of this intended Parliament in any of the points before mentioned, and therefore this Summons, notwithstanding that power, is illegal and void.

'We have also observed the passage in the Lord Deputies Letter, as if by an Adjournment this might be remedied; but we are of opinion that that is not a right way, because it fails in the ground of the Summons. So that upon the whole matter we humbly offer our Opinions, That the best course to be held for the rectifying of the Premises, and for avoiding of all mis-instructions thereupon, will be this: That directions be given from hence with all possible speed for a Proclamation to be there made, wherein this mistaking, and the reasons thereof, may be published, that so the Assembly may be prevented, until by a due and orderly preparation, Summons may be legally, according to the said Laws and Statutes, and that by the same direction they be advised to make due preparation for a Parliament, according to the recited Acts. Whereupon his Majesty may be graciously pleased to send his Licence and Consent under the Great Seal of England for the summoning of the Parliament, and so all may after proceed legally altho' with some loss of time, which cannot now be prevented. And if your Lordships shall so approve thereof, we humbly conceive it would not be amiss for the better expedition of the Service, and for the avoiding of all mistakings, that the form of a Proclamation to the effect aforesaid were sent thither, but to be made and proclaimed there, that the error may appear to have come from themselves, as the truth is; which will most probably take away all jealousy from the People. But we are of opinion that no General Writ of Supersedeas of the former Writ of Summons can be awarded, because there neither was, nor can be any one General Writ of Summons, and afterwards particular Writs of Supersedeas to every one summoned, would be infinite and inconvenient. All which we most humbly submit to your Majesties great Wisdom and Judgment. Serjeants-Inn in Chancery-lane, Octob. 2. 1628.

Signed by

  • Thomas Richardson,
  • Hen. Yelverton,
  • Geo. Vernon,
  • Rob. Heath,
  • Henry Holcroft,
  • Will. Jones,
  • George Trevor,
  • Fran. Ainsly,
  • Rich. Shilton,
  • John Finch,
  • Richard Hadzor.

In this conjuncture, the Lord Faulkland Lord Deputy of Ireland, put forth in the King's Name this ensuing Proclamation.

Proclamation by the L. Deputy and Council against Priests, Jesuits, &c.

'Forasmuch as we cannot but take notice that the late intermission of legal Proceedings against Popish pretended or titulary Arch-Bishops, Bishops, Abbots, Deans, Vicars General, Jesuits, Friars, and others of that sort, that derive their pretended Authority and Orders from the See of Rome, hath bred such an extraordinary insolence and presumption in them, as that they have dared of late not only to assemble themselves in public Places to celebrate their Superstitious Services in all parts of this Kingdom, but also have erected Houses and Buildings, called Public Oratories, Colleges, Mass-Houses, and Convents of Friars, Monks and Nuns, in the eye and open view of the State and elsewhere; and do frequently exercise Jurisdiction against his Majesties Subjects, by Authority derived from the See of Rome, and (by colour of teaching and keeping Schools in their pretended Monasteries and Colleges) do train up the Youth of this Kingdom in their Superstitious Religion, to the great derogation and contempt of his Majesties Regal Power and Authority, and great offence of many of his Majesties good Subjects, contrary to the Laws and Ecclesiastical Government of this Kingdom, and the impoverishment of his Majesties Subjects in the same.

'These are therefore to will and require, and in his Majesties Name straitly to charge and command all, and all manner of such pretended or titulary Arch-Biishops, Bishops, Deans, Vicars General, Arch-Deacons and others, deriving any pretended Authority, Power or Jurisdiction from the See of Rome, That they, and every of them, forbear from henceforth to exercise any such Power, Jurisdiction, or Authority within this Kingdom; and that all such Abbots, Priors, Jesuits, Friars, Monks, Nuns, and others of that sort, as aforesaid, do forthwith break up their Convents and Assemblies in all Houses of Friars, Colleges, Monasteries, and other Places, wheresoever they are or shall be conventually or collegiately assembled together within this Kingdom, and to relinquish the same, and to dispose and separate themselves.

'And that all and every of the Orders before-named, and other Priests whatsoever, do from henceforth forbear to Preach, Teach, or celebrate their Service in any Church, Chappel, or other Public Oratory or Place, or to teach any School in any place or places whatsoever within this Kingdom.

'And we do further charge and command all and singular the Owners of such Houses of Friars, Colleges, Monasteries, Schools, Oratories, Mass-houses, and Nunneries, That they and every of them respectively, in default of the Persons before-named, their voluntary relinquishing of the said Houses of Friars, Colleges, Monasteries, Schools, Oratories, Mass-houses, and Nunneries, do forth with expel and thrust forth all and singular such Friars, Jesuits, and other Monastical Persons out of the same, and do convert the same to more lawful Uses, upon pain to have their said Houses seized upon to his Majesties use; and both the one and the other to be proceeded against for their unlawful Assemblies, and maintenance of such unlawful Conventicles and corrupt nurture of Children, in the severest manner that by the Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom, and Ecclesiastical Government of the same, may be had or extended; whereof they and every of them are to take notice, and to yield due obedience thereunto, as they and every of them will avoid his Majesties high Indignation, and the consequence thereof.

The Protestant Arch-Bishops and Bishops in Ireland were about this time so much scandalized to see the boldness of the Titular Popish Arch-Bishops and Bishops, Abbots, Priors, Jesuits, Friars, &c. residing in Ireland, to erect Houses publickly to celebrate their Popish Superstitious Services, &c. as they thought fit to publish a Declaration, in nature of a Protestation, against Popery, and a Toleration thereof, to the effect following.

The Protestation of the Bishops in Ireland against Popery.

'The Religion of Papists is Superstitious and Idolatrous, their Faith and Doctrine Erroneous and Heretical, their Church (in respect of both) Apostatical; to give them therefore a Toleration of Religion, or to consent that they may freely exercise their Religion, and profess their Faith and Doctrine, is a grievous sin, and that in two respects: First, It is to make our selves accessary, not only to their superstitious Idolatries, Heresies, and in a word to all the Abominations of Popery, but also (which is a consequent of the former) to the Perdition of the seduced People which perish in the Deluge of the Catholic Apostacy. Secondly, To grant them a Toleration in respect of any Mony to be given, or Contribution to be made by them, is to set Religion to Sale, and with it the Souls of the People, whom Christ our Saviour hath redeemed with his Blood; And as it is a great sin, so it is a matter of most dangerous Consequence: The consideration whereof we leave to the Wise and Judicious, beseeching the zealous God of Truth, to make those who are in Authority zealous of God's Glory, and of the advancement of true Religion, zealous, resolute and couragious against all Popery, Superstition and Idolatry.

An Order of the Ld Mayor of London, for reforming the Abuses on the Sabbath-day.

'Whereas I am credibly informed, That notwithstanding divers good Laws provided for the keeping of the Sabbath-Day Holy, according to the express Commandment of Almighty God, divers Inhabitants and other Persons of this City, and other Places, having no respect of Duty towards God, and his Majesty or his Laws, but in contempt of them all, do commonly and of custom greaty prophane the Sabbath-Day, in buying, selling, uttering, and venting their Wares and Commodities upon that Day for their private Gain. Also Inholders suffering Markets to be kept by Carriers, in most rude and prophane manner, in selling Victuals to Hucksters, Chandlers, and all other Comers. Also Carriers, Carmen, Cloth-workers, Water-bearers, and Porters carrying of Burthens, and Watermen plying their Fares; and divers other working in their ordinary Callings. And likewise that I am further informed, That Vintners, Alehouse-keepers, Tobacco and Strong-water-fellers, greatly prophane the Sabbath-Day, by suffering Company to fit drinking and bibbing in their Houses on that day; and likewise divers by Cursing and Swearing, and such-like Behaviour, contrary to the express Commandment of Almighty God, his Majesties Laws in that behalf, and all good Government. For the Reformation whereof, I do hereby require, and in his Majesties Name straitly command all his Majesties Loving Subjects whatsoever : And also all Constables, Head-boroughs, Beadles, and all other Officers whatsoever, to be aiding and assisting to J. S. the Bearer hereof, in finding out and apprehending all and every such Person and Persons as shall be found to offend in any of these kinds; and them, and every of them to bring before Me, or some other of his Majesties Justices of the Peace, to answer to all such Matters as shall be objected against them, and to put in good security for their good behaviour. Whereof fail you not, as you or any of you will answer at your peril.

Richard Deane

April 26 1629.

The French King shortly after the surrender of Rochel, was engaged to prosecute a War in Italy, which he declared was begun by the Spaniard in taking Mantua and Monteferrat, contrary to Capitulation; which obliged him to remedy with violence those Usurpations of the Spaniards over the Duke of Savoy, the French King's Allie, and sent Cardinal Richlieu with an Army into those Parts; of whose prudent Conduct in his Expedition formerly against Rochel, his Majesty had had good experience.

Articles of Peace between England and France, agreed upon at Susa in Italy.

It so hapned, that at Susa in Italy, in the Month of April, by the Mediation of the Venetian Ambassador, Articles of Peace between the King of Great Britain and the King of France were agreed unto ; and which were by that Agreement to be made public by both Princes the 10th of May following.

And accordingly the French King ordered them to be first published at Privas, (being gone from Susa to the Camp before that City) to which his Forces had laid siege after the taking of Rochel; hoping by the surrender thereof, to bring the Protestants in Languedoc to terms of Peace.

And the Sieur Le Bretagne, French King at Arms, published the Peace there on the 10/20th of May, 1629, in pursuance of his Majesties verbal Command, marching before on Horse-back, with Trumpet in hand, Colours flying, having mounted his Coat of Arms on his shoulders, his Cap Hat on his Head, and his Scepter in his Hand: and this publication was made in the fight of the Besieged in Privas, and within less than Canon-shot of the Town.

The French King that day sent a Summons to St. Andre Montauban, the Governor of Privas, to render the Town ; which he then refused to do, yet on the 29th of May it was surrendred, but in great confusion and slaughter of Men in the Town, by an accident that fell out.

The 10th day of May, was published in England the Peace with France.

The Peace with France published in England.

Whereas there had fallen out an interruption of Amity between the King's Majesty and the most Christian King; which the Common Friends and Ancient Allies of both the Crowns have earnestly laboured to repair, by propounding and negotiating a Reconcilement between them upon honourable Considerations, as well to their Kingdoms, as to the general Estate of Christendom: The King's Majesty thereupon considering how pleasing it is to Almighty God, and necessary to the present constitution of Publick Affairs, to have Concord and good Intelligence with such as be his Neighbours ; and are further so nearly allied unto him, had renewed the ancient Amity between the two Crowns, their Realms, Countries, Cities, Towns, Lands, Dominions, Territories, Signories, Castles, and Subjects, by Land, Sea, and Fresh-water. By which Peace it is already provided, that all Hostility and War, as well by Sea as Land, shall cease on either part from the 14th day of April last; and that the said Kings and their Subjects shall live together in Peace ; and that it shall be lawful for their Subjects freely, peaceably, and quietly, to go, come, remain, and to use and exercise their Trade and Commerce, and do all things else whatsoever in each others Countries, as freely as it had bin done in any former time of Peace had between the said Realms, and according to the ancient Treaties and Alliances between them, with opening of safe and free Trade betwixt the two Kings Dominions, according to these Treaties.

And it is further ordained by the said Peace, in regard there are many Ships at Sea with Letters of Mart, which cannot so soon take knowledge of this Peace, nor receive direction to forbear Hostility, that as whatsoever had bin, or shall be done during the space of two months after the said 14th of April last, shall not derogate from, nor hinder the said Peace of the two Crowns: So as whatsoever hath bin, or shall be taken within the foresaid time, shall be restored, as well on the one side as on the other.

All which Premises his Majesty hath thought meet to notify to all manner of his Subjects of what estate soever, strictly charging and commanding them, to observe, and perform, and accomplish all that hereunto belonged, as it is certainly promised to be published on the French King's side, the date of these Presents being the Tenth of May, 1619.

The Articles of Peace were to this Effect.

Articles of Peace between the 2 Crowns of England and France, 1629.

  • 1. That the two Crowns shall remain agreed to renew the ancient Alliances betwixt them, and to keep the same inviolably, opening again the Commerce sure and free. And concerning the said Commerce, if there is any thing to be added or diminished about the same, it shall be done on both Parts freely and willingly, as it shall be thought convenient.
  • 2. And forasmuch as it should be difficult to make the restitution on the one and the other part of the divers Prizes, which during this War have been taken, the two Crowns are agreed that there shall be made no Restitution. And there shall also not be granted any Reprisal by Sea, nor by any other ways whatsoever, for what is past between the two Kings and their Subjects during this last War.
  • 3. Concerning the Articles and Contract of the Marriage of the Queen of Great Britain, the same are to be confirmed faithfully. And as for the said Queen's Houshold, if there be any thing to be added or diminished, it shall be done by a mutual consent freely and willingly, as it may be judged fit and convenient for the Service of the said Queen.
  • 4. All former and ancient Alliances both of the one and the other Crown, shall remain in their full force, they receiving no Alteration by the present Treaty.
  • 5. The two Kings being by this present Treaty reunited in the same good Affection and Intelligence where they were formerly in, shall imploy themselves, and endeavour mutually to give Aid and Assistance unto their Allies and Friends, according as by the Constitution of Affairs, and by the advantage of a common Good shall be required and suffered. And all this to the end thereby to procure an entire Quietness for Christendom; for the good whereof the Ambassadors of the two Crowns shall receive Propositions and Overtures.
  • 6. All these things being re-established and accepted on the one and the other Part, there shall be sent reciprocally extraordinary Ambassadors, Persons of Quality, with the Ratification of the present Agreements; The which shall bring with them the denomination of Ordinary Ambassadors, that are to reside in the one and the other Royal Court, thereby to confirm again the Union, and to hinder all occasions that might trouble the same.
  • 7. And whereas there are yet many Ships abroad in the Sea with Letters of Mart, and Commission to fight against their Enemies, which cannot so soon have knowledge of this Peace, nor receive Order to abstain from all Hostility; therefore it shall be agreed upon by Article, That whatsoever shall be taken during the space of two months after the signature of this present Treaty, shall be restored on the one and the other side.
  • 8. The two Kings shall sign these present Articles on the 24th day of the Month of April, which shall afterwards be consigned and delivered at the very same time by their Commandments into the hands of the Lords Ambassadors of Venice, residing near their Royal Persons, to be mutually delivered to the said two Kings at their prefixed day, as soon as each of them shall have knowledge of the other that they have the said Articles in their hands, and from the day of the Signature, all Acts of Hostility both by Sea and Land shall cease, and Proclamations needful to this effect shall be published upon one day within the two Kingdoms. Given, &c.

Certain Priests set at Liberty.

His Majesty at the instance of the Queen, in regard of the Peace concluded between the two Crowns, is graciously pleased that certain Priests and Recusants, who then were in several Prisons, should be released, and delivered to the French Ambassador to be transported beyond Seas, notwithstanding any former Orders against such Releases and Deliverances.

The Queen delivered of a Son.

May 13. about three of the Clock in the Morning, the Queen was delivered before her time of a Son; he was Christened and died within a short time, his Name Charles. This was Ascension-Eve; and the next day being Ascension-day, a little before Midnight, the Bishop of London buried him at Westminster.

July 7. French Wines prohibited.

Upon the Petition of the French Merchants, as well as of the Company of Vintners in London, the Importation of French Wines was prohibited for the space of six months, by reason of the great quantities in Merchants Cellars already, happening by the liberty taken during the time of the late Disturbance with France; and command was given not to import any French Wines in Forreign Bottoms, contrary to the Laws.

July 12. Against selling of Ships to Strangers.

His Majesty being informed that sundry of his Subjects, Masters and Owners of Ships, respecting more their private Gain, than the public Good and Safety of the Land, did sell and dispose to Strangers and Foreigners, their Ships, and other Vessels, tending to the weakning of the Navigation of the Kingdom, Doth now publickly declare and command, that none of his Subjects do at any time hereafter presume to sell or alien any Ship or Vessel, unto any Person, either born or resident out of the King's Dominion, upon severe Penalties.

In this Month of July his Majesty was pleased to order his Privy-Council, to write a Letter on the behalf of Sir Pierce Crosby Knight, directed to the Lord Faulkland, Lord Deputy of Ireland, taking special Notice of his Service at the Isle of Retz.

A Letter on the behalf of Sir P. Crosby.

Where as his Majesty, upon due consideration of the extraordinary readiness and ability of Sir Pierce Crosby, in the levying and transporting of those voluntary Troops employed under his Command at the Isle of Retz, as also upon good experience, as well of his own as of the Officers and Soldiers well approved sufficiency and fidelity in that Service, is resolved to continue them still in Employment; and hath therefore thought fit, with the Advice of this Board, to transmit them back again into Ireland, there to be entertained upon the List of his Majesties Army. And whereas you have received former direction from his Majesty, bearing date the 4th day of June last, to raise seven new Companies to make up the number of forty eight. Now his Majesty's express Will and pleasure is, and We do in his Majesties Name require your Lordship, that you for bear to raise any new Companies, notwithstanding any former direction; and that you take effectual order that the Regiment of Sir Pierce Crosby, consisting of ten Companies besides the Colonel's may presently be listed as part of his Majesties Army, under the same Captains and Officers that now command them; and that upon their landing in that Kingdom, the said Sir Pierce Crosby and Soldiers under his Command, may receive such treatment and usage as is prescribed.

This Gentleman some years after fell under the displeasure of the Court of Star-Chamber; of which more in its proper time and place.

The swearing of the Peace by the French King Lewis the 13th.

The 16th day of September, the French King swore the Peace in this Tenor,

'Lewis by the Grace of God, the most Christian King of France and Navarre. We swear and promise upon our Faith and Royal Word, upon the Holy Evangelist, on which We have laid Our Hand to that purpose, in the presence of Sir Thomas Edmonds Knight, Embassador Extraordinary from the most High, most Excellent and Puissant Prince CHARLES, also by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, Our most Dear, Beloved and Good Brother-in-Law, Cousin and antient Allie, That We will accomplish, observe, and cause to be observed and accomplished really and bonâ Fide, all and every the Points and Articles agreed upon, and imported by the Treaty of Peace and Reconciliation made and concluded between Us, and Our said most dear Brother, and Brother-in-Law, Our Kingdoms, States, Countries and Subjects, the 14th of April last. Which Treaties and Articles We having heretofore approved and confirmed, do approve and confirm de novo; and do swear and promise before God, with joined hands, that We will observe the same without any contradiction directly or indirectly, nor will permit it any ways to be oppos'd; So help us God. In witness whereof We have publicly signed these Presents with Our own Hand and put thereunto Our Seal, in the Church of Fontainbleau the 16th day of September, in the Year of Our Lord 1629, and of Our Reign the 20th.

The Grand Seignior sends his Visier to besiege Babylon with 200000 Men.

The Grand Seignior about this time resolving upon the Siege of Bagdet, or Babylon, the third time, sends his Grand Visier, Conseron Bassa to execute the Design, with Ammunition and Necessaries for his Army, which consisted of 200000 Men. His Military Discipline was admirable, for he punished every Soldier with Death that wrong'd any one, upon the single complaint of the Person injur'd.

The French Consul complains of the English Conful; English Merchandizes seized.

In order to this Siege, the Grand Visier set forth from Nicomedia, and arriv'd at Aleppo on Tuesday the 25th of September. During his stay at Aleppo, which was from the 25th of September, to the 8th of October, he executed many for their Crimes and Offences: But the English Consul was the first that was sensible of his severity upon this Occasion. There were four Men of War, Corsaires, who being met in the Port of Alexandria, they pillaged there three small Vessels of Marseilles, there being a War at that time between England and France; and upon the French Consul's Complaint to the Bassa of Aleppo, the English Magazines and Merchandizes were seized, and most of the Merchants imprisoned, which made the English return them the Vessels and Goods they had taken, and for the rest agreed with the Bassa, the Aga of Alexandria, Caddi and other Officers of Justice, but at the charge and cost of above 50000 Crowns.

The Grand Visier being encamped, he sent for the English Consul; and the English Merchants there on the 27th of September went to find the Bassa in his Tent; but being too late, they had no audience at that time.

Condemns the English Consul and his Interpreter to be hang'd.; The English Consul saves his Life by 30000 Ducatoons.

The Morrow, being the 28th, the French Consul visited him very early, and was much caressed by the Visier; but he used the English Consul strangely, who came not till the Afternoon, and contrary to the Custom, made him stand before him, whereas there useth to be a Seat appointed for him opposite to the Visier, who asked him, with great passion, Why the English did make that attempt in a Free Port? The Consul replied, They were not Pirates, but Men of War belonging to their King of Great Britain. He answered, with greater fury, Then thy King hath violated the Capitulations, and I am no longer obliged to observe them; and commands his Executioners to take the Consul and his Interpreter, and hang them both before the Castle: But the Interpreter being not able to walk by reason of his corpulence, they would have hang'd him on a Tree, but that the Consul gave them thirty Ducatoons to cut off the Interpreter's Head; which they did, and furnished the Consul with a Horse, and carried him Prisoner to the Castle, where he was put into a sordid nasty Hole, not permitting any of his Friends to see him; so that they thought they would murder him in the night; but this was only to scrue Mony out of him, for seven days after he obtain'd his Liberty at the Rate of 30000 Ducatoons, as it is related in the French Mercury.

On the 11th of October, the King expressed his pleasure concerning the decay of Churches, to this effect.

To repair Churches and Chappels in decay.

'That having of late taken special notice of the general Decay and Ruin of Parish-Churches in many parts of this Kingdom; and that by Law the same ought to be repair'd and maintain'd at the proper charge of the Inhabitants, and others having Land in those Chappelries and Parishes respectively; who had wilfully neglected to repair the same, being consecrated Places of God's Worship and Divine Service: His Majesty doth therefore charge and command all Arch-Bishops and Bishops, That they take special care of the repairing and upholding the same from time to time, and by themselves, and their Officers, to take a view and survey of them, and to use the power of the Ecclesiastical Court, for putting the same in due execution; and that the Judges be requir'd not to interrupt this good Work, by their too easy granting of Prohibitions.

Goldsmiths shops in Cheapside.

At this time the City of London was in great splendor, and full of Wealth, and it was then a most glorious sight to behold the Goldsmiths Shops all of one row in Cheap-side, from the end of the Street called the Old-Change near Pater-Noster-Row, unto the open place over against Mercers-Chappel, at the lower end of Cheap; there being at that time but three or four Shops of other Trades that interposed in the Row. Whereupon the Lords of the Privy Council were pleased, on the 18th of November, to make this following Order.

'Forasmuch as his Majesty hath received information of the unseemliness and deformity appearing in Cheap-side, by reason that divers Men of mean Trades have Shops there amongst the Gold-smiths; which disorder, it is his Majesties express pleasure to have reformed; Whereas by occasion that Sir Heneage Finch Knight, and some Aldermen, did this day attend the Board upon other business, there was the same time also mention made of the aforesaid deformity. It was thereupon thought fit and accordingly Ordered, That the two Lord Chief Justices, with such other Judges as they shall think meet to call unto them, shall consider what Statutes, or Laws there are, to enforce the Goldsmiths to plant themselves for the use of their Trade, in Cheapside, Lombard-street, and the parts adjacent, and thereupon return Certificate to the Board in Writing, with all convenient expedition. Of which Order the said Lord Chief Justices are hereby prayed and required to take notice, and to perform the same accordingly.

On the 19th of December, provision was made against the Transporting of Timber.

To prohibit the Transportation of Timber.

'Whereas his Majesty and the Board, having been informed of the great decay of Timber, as well within the Kingdom of Ireland as here in England, and that Ship-Timber, and Pipe-Staves, and more particularly Knee-Timber, is grown very scarce both here, and in that Kingdom, and therefore the preservation thereof doth much concern the good and safety of his Majesties Dominions. Their Lordships being careful to prevent the Transportation thereof, have this day thought fit and Ordered, that the Lord Treasurer do forthwith give effectual Order and Directions to the Officers of the Ports of England, That no Ship-Timber, especially Knee-Timber or Pipe-Staves, be Transported to any parts out of this Realm, without special direction from his Majesty, or this Board. And that the like Order be given to the Officers of the Ports of Ireland, for the restraint of all Transportation out of that Kingdom.

The Death of Bethlem Gabor.

In the Month of November this year, Bethlem Gabor, Prince of Transilvania, who had assisted the Confederate Protestant Princes in the War, died of a Dropsy, to the great regret of the Turk, to whom he rendred many signal Services, and to the great satisfaction of the Emperor, who looked upon him as his most Puissant and redoubtable Enemy. Here followeth his Will.

His last Will and Testament.

The last Will and Testament of Bethlem Gabor was opened, the particulars whereof were as followeth; as it appeared upon the perusal thereof, viz. That he did give and bequeath to his Imperial Majesty one Horse very richly harnessed, together with 40000 Duckers in specie; as also to his Majesty the King of Hungaria, one of the best Horses that ever was seen, with the Collar, Bridle and Saddle embroidered all over with Gold, Silver and precious Stones; and withal 40000 Duckets in specie. To the Emperor of the Turks, such another gallant Horse, with 40000 Duckets in like manner. To his Wife, the Princess of Transilvania, 100000 Duckets, 100000 Rix-Dollars, 100000 German Florins, and three considerable Signories, which she was to enjoy, during Life; and made the Emperor of the Turks his sole Executor.

The 30th of December, certain Instructions were sent from his Majesty to the Arch-Bishops of Canterbury and York, under this Title, viz.

Instructions for the most Reverend Father in God, Our Right Trusty, and Right Intirely Beloved Councellor George Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, concerning certain Orders to be observed, and put in Execution by the several Bishops in his Province.

Afterwards called Regal Instructions, differing in some things from the Bishop of London 's Considerations before-mentioned.

'That the Lords the Bishops give Charge in their Triennial Visitations, and at other convenient times, both by themselves, and the Arch-Deacons; that the Declaration for the setling all Questions in difference, be strictly observed by all Parties. That there be a special Care taken by them all, that their Ordinations be Solemn, and not of unworthy Persons.

'That they take great Care concerning the Lectures in their several Diocesses, for whom We give these special Directions following.

  • 1. 'That in all Parishes the Afternoon Sermons be turn'd into Catechising by Question and Answer, where, and whensoever there is not some great Cause apparent to break this antient and profitable Order.
  • 2. 'That every Bishop ordain in his Diocess, That every Lecturer do read Divine Service, according to the Liturgy printed by Authority, in his Surplice and Hood before the Lecture.
  • 3. 'That where a Lecture is set up in a Market-Town, it may be read by a Company of Grave and Orthodox Divines near adjoining, and in the same Diocess; and that they preach in Gowns, and not in Cloaks, as too many do use.
  • 4. 'That if a Corporation do maintain a single Lecturer, he be not suffered to preach, till he profess his willingness to take upon him a Living with Cure of Souls within that Corporation; and that he do actually take such Benefice, or Cure, so soon as it shall be fairly procur'd for him.
  • 5. 'That the Bishops do countenance and encourage the Grave and Orthodox Divines of their Clergy; and that they use means, by some of the Clergy or others, that they may have knowledge how both Lecturers and Preachers within their Diocesses behave themselves in their Sermons, that so they may take order for any Abuse accordingly.
  • 6. 'That the Bishops suffer none, under Noblemen, and Men qualified by Law, to have any private Chaplain in his House.
  • 7. 'That they take special care that Divine Service be diligently frequented, as well for Prayers and Catechisms, as Sermons; and take a particular note of all such as absent themselves, as Recusants, or otherwise.
  • 8. 'That every Bishop, that by Our Grace and Favour, and good Opinion of his Service, shall be nominated by Us to another Bishoprick, shall, from that day of nomination, not presume to make any Lease for three Lives, or 21 Years, or concurrent Lease; or any ways to renew any Estate, or cut any Wood or Timber, but merely to receive the Rents due, and quit the Place: For we think it a hateful thing, that any Man's leaving the Bishoprick, should almost undo the Successor. And if any Man shall presume to break this Order, We will refuse Our Royal Assent, and keep him at the place he hath so abus'd.
  • 9. 'And lastly; We command you to give Us an account, every Year, the second of January, of the performance of these Our Commands.

These Regal Injunctions were sent to the Arch-Bishops of Canterbury and York, and by them to all the Bishops in both the Provinces.

The Ministers and Lecturers about London, summoned upon this occasion before the Bp. of London.

And in pursuance thereof, the Bishop of London summoned all Ministers and Lecturers within the City and Suburbs of London, and making a solemn Speech, pressed obedience to his Majesties instructions, as being full of Religion and Justice, and advantagious to the Church and Common-wealth; tho' they were mistaken by some, before it was possible for them (as he said) to see and weigh them.

And afterward the said Bishop, in order to procure ready Obedience to the King's Instructions, wrote this ensuing Letter to several Arch-Deacons.

The Bishop of London's Letter concerning the King's Instructions for the Clergy.

These are to let you understand, That his Majesty, out of his Royal and Princely Care that the Government of the Church be carefully looked unto by the Bishops, and others with whom it is trusted, hath lately sent certain Instructions to my Lord's Grace of Canterbury, and of York, to be by them dispersed to the several Bishops of each Diocess within their Provinces; to the intent, that whatsoever concerns any Bishop personally, or otherwise, in reference to those of the Clergie which they are to govern, may be by every of them readily and carefully performed. The Instructions which concern the Persons to be Governed, are only the Third, for keeping the King's Declaration, that so Differences and Questions may cease; and the Fifth about Lecturers, and the Seventh concerning private Chaplains in the Houses of Men not qualified; and the Eighth about, either Recusants, or any other that absent themselves from Church and Divine Service. All the rest are personal to the Bishops; yet because they are so full of Justice, Honour, and Care of the Church, I send to you the whole Body of the Instructions, as they came to me, praying and requiring you, as Arch-Deacon of London, to send me at or before Wednesday the third of February next, both the Christian and Sirnames of every Lecturer within your Arch-deaconry; as well in places exempt, as not exempt; and the place where he preacheth, and his Quality and Degree. As also the Names of such Men as being not qualified, keep Chaplains in their Houses. And these are farther to pray, and in his Majesties Name to require you, that you leave with the Parson or Vicar of the place, a Copy, not of all, but of the four Instructions mentioned, with the four several Branches belonging to the Lecturers, with a charge, That the Parson or Vicar deliver another Copy of them to the Church-Wardens; and that you do not only call upon them for Performance now presently, but also take a great care from time to time, that at the end of your next Visitation, and so forward at the end of every several Visitation, I may, by your self or your Officials, have true notice how they are perform'd, and where, and by whom they are disobeyed: For so much my Lord's Grace of Canterbury requires of me, as you shall see by the Tenor of his Grace's Letters to me here inclosed. I pray you in any case not to fail in this, for if you should, when I come to give up my Account, I must discharge my self upon you; and that neglect would make you go backward in his Majesties favour, besides whatsoever else may follow. Thus, not doubting of your care and fidelity in this behalf, I leave you to the Grace of God; and shall so rest,

Your very loving Friend,
Will. London.

Jan. 4. 1629.

Mr. Bernard question'd in the High Commission, for some words in his Prayer before Sermon.

On the 28th of January, Mr. Bernard Lecturer at St. Sepulcher's Church, London, had this Expression in his Prayer before Sermon; Lord, open the eyes of the Queen's Majesty, that she may see Jesus Christ, whom she hath pierced with her Infidelity, Superstition, and Idolatry. For these Expressions he was question'd in the High Commission Court, and the Court did declare, that the same were scandalous and unadvised Speeches, derogatory to some particular Persons of most eminent Place, which the Court did not desire to have repeated: But in regard the said Mr. Bernard made an humble submission, the Court desired the Bishop of London to acquaint his Majesty therewith, and afterward Mr. Bernard was dismissed.

A Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Mayor of Chichester, January the 4th, 1618–19.

Billeting of Souldiers opposed at Chichester.

We have been made acquainted with your Letters of the 4th of January instant, to our very good Lord the Earl of Dorset, concerning the opposition threatned by divers of the Inhabitants of that Town, in the Billeting of Souldiers directed to be sent thither, by Letters from this Board of the 28th of this last Month. The manner and circumstances whereof, in threatning to shut the Gates of the City against them, as if you assumed to be a Free-State, and to give Law to your selves, with other Insolencies both in Speech and Action; which seem to us strange and unheard of from Persons living under a Civil Government; As that the same being come to his Majesties Ears, he doth much marvel, and is highly displeased therewithal. And whereas we understand that two of the Burgesses of the Town have been the principal Encouragers of the said Opposition, by taking upon them to tell you (the Mayor) that there could be no more Billeting of Souldiers by Law; and accordingly advised you (the Mayor) to take heed what you did, for that the Parliament would call you to an account for it, We therefore, by his Majesties express command, have sent the Bearer hereof, one of the Messengers of his Majesties Chamber, with Warrant for the taking into custody, and bringing before us the said two Burgesses; requiring you to be aiding and assisting unto him in the execution of his said Warrant. And we do likewise will and require you the Mayor, together with your Recorder, and two other Aldermen, such as you shall think fit, to make your speedy repair hither to attend us at our next sitting at Whitehall. Hereof you may in no ways fail. And so, &c.

In Ireland the Popish Bishops, Abbots, Vicars, Jesuits, &c. and others of that sort, assembled themselves throughout the Kingdom, in publick places to celebrate their Services, and erected Buildings, Colleges, Convents of Monks and Nuns, in the Eye and open view of the State, exercising Jurisdiction by Authority derived from the See of Rome, which every day took growth; And his Majesty and the Lords of the Council being advertised thereof from Ireland, on the 31st of January 1629, wrote the ensuing Letter, directed to the Lords Justices and Council of Ireland.

A Letter to the Lords Justices, and Council of Ireland.

A Letter from the Privy Council in England to the Lords Justices in Ireland, against the Convents of Friars, Nuns &c. erected in Ireland.

By your Letters we understand how the seditious Riot, moved by the Fryars and their Adherents at Dublin, hath by your good Order and Resolution been happily supprest; And we doubt not but by this occasion, ou will consider how much it concerneth the good Government of that Kingdom, to prevent in time the first growing of such evils. For where such People are permitted to swarm, they will soon make their Hives, and then endure no Government but their own, which cannot otherwise be restrained, than by a due and seasonable execution of the Laws, and such Directions as from time to time have been sent from his Majesty and this Board. Now it redoundeth much to his Majesties Honour, that the World shall take notice of the ability and good service of his Ministers there, which in Person he hath been pleased openly in Council, and in most gracious manner to approve and commend, whereby you may be sufficiently encouraged to go on with like resolution and moderation till the Work be fully done, as well in that City, as in the other places of that Kingdom. The carriage whereof we must leave to your own good discretions, whose particular knowledge of the present state of things, can guide you best when and where to carry a hard or a softer hand; only this we hold necessary to put you in mind, that you continue in that good Agreement among your selves, for this and other Services, which your Letters do express, and for which we commend you much. That the good Servant of the King and State may find encouragement equally from you all, and the ill-affected may find no support or countenance from any, or other connivance used, than by general advice, for avoiding further evils, shall be allowed. And such Magistrates or Officers, if any shall be discovered, that openly, or under-hand, favour such disorders, or do not their duties in suppressing them, and punishing the Offenders, you shall do well to take all fit and safe advantages, by the punishment or displacing of a few, to make the rest more cautious. This we write not as misliking the fair course you have taken, but to express the concurrence of our Judgments with yours. And to assure you of our Assistance in all such Occasions, wherein for your further Proceedings, we have advised, and his Majesty requireth you accordingly to take Order, First, That the House where so many Fryars appeared in their Habits, and where in the Reverend Arch-Bishop and the Mayor of Dublin received the first affront, be speedily demolished; and be a mark of terror to the Resisters of Authority: and that the rest of the Houses erected, or employed there, or elsewhere in Ireland, to the use of Superstitious Societies, be converted to Houses of Correction, and to set idle People on work, or to other publick uses, for the advancement of Justice, good Art or Trade. And further, that you use all fit means to discover the Founders, Benefactors, and Maintainers of such Societies and Colleges, and certify us their Names. And that you find out the Lands, Leases, Rents or Revenues applied to their uses, and dispose thereof according to the Law. And that you certify also the Places, and Institutions of all such Monasteries, Priories, Nunneries, and other Religious Houses, and the Means of all such Persons as have put themselves to be Brothers or Sisters therein, specially such as are of Note, to the end such evil Plants be not permitted any more to take root in that Kingdom, which we require you to take care of. As for the supply of Munition, which you have reason to desire, we have taken effectual order that you shall receive it with all convenient speed. And so, &c.

Signed by

  • Lord Keeper.
  • Lord Treasurer.
  • Lord President.
  • Lord Privy Seal.
  • Lord High Chamberlain.
  • Earl of Suffolk.
  • Earl of Dorset.
  • Earl of Salisbury.
  • Earl of Kelley.
  • Lord Viscount Dorchester.
  • Lord Newburgh.
  • Mr. Vice Chancellor.
  • Mr. Secretary Cook.
  • Sir William Alexander.

Mr. Chancey, a Minister, questioned in the High-Commission.

Mr. Charles Chancy, Minister of Ware, using some Expressions in his Sermon: That Idolatry was admitted into the Church; That the preaching of the Gospel would be suppressed; That there is much Atheism, Popery, Arminianism, and Heresy crept into the Church: And this being looked upon to raise a fear among the People, that some alteration of Religion would ensue; He was questioned in the High-Commission, and by Order of that Court the Cause was referred to the Bishop of London, being his Ordinary, who ordered him to make a Submission in Latin.

Certificate against Mr. Palmer, for non-Obedience to the Instructions.

Mr. Dean, Arch-Deacon of Canterbury, in pursuance of the aforesaid Instructions, did certify, that Mr. Palmer, a Lecturer in St. Alphage, Canterbury, had no Licence to preach there. That he read Prayers against the Minister's Will; and Catechised, but not according to Canon. That in the Catechising he took upon him to declare the King's Mind in his Instructions. That he had never heretofore read Prayers, or used the Surplice in the Parish. That he preached a Factious Sermon in the Cathedral Church, and detracted from Divine Service there. That Factious Parties in all the Parishes in the Town are his Auditors.

Hereupon the Commissioners willed Mr. Palmer to desist; but they did further certify, they had since been informed that his Grace the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury (meaning Arch-Bishop Abbot) hath authorised Mr. Palmer to preach again, but he did not long continue there.

A Grant under the Great Seal for relief of the exiled Palatinate Ministers.

'His Majesty having heretofore received certain Information, as well by the Ministers and Elders of the Dutch Churches both in the Parts beyond the Seas, and in our City of London, as by the special earnest Recommendation of our Dearest Sister, and Her Royal Consort, our Dear Brother the Prince Elector Palatine, of the most distressed and lamentable Estate, of the poor exiled Ministers of the Palatinate, their Wives and Children, who falling into the power of their cruel Enemies, have been spoiled of all their Temporal Estates, and exposed unto unexpressible Miseries, and are now enforced, as Exiles, to retire and hide themselves from the violence of their Adversaries, in several Cities, Towns, and other Places, where they live in very great penury and want; most of them having formerly had plentiful and liberal Means to sustain their own Charge, and to be helpful to others, whose Cases are the more to be deplored, for that this extremity is fallen upon them for their Sincerity and Constancy in the true Religion; which we together with them do profess, and which we are all bound in Conscience to maintain to the utmost of our Powers. Whereas these Religious and Godly Persons being involved amongst many others their Country-men, in that common Calamity, might have enjoyed their Estates and Fortunes, if with other Back-sliders in the time of trial they would have submitted themselves to the Anti-christian Yoke, and have renounced or dissembled the profession of the true Religion. The King taking these things into his Princely Consideration, and being moved with the Bowels of Compassion towards them, as feeling Members of the same Body, whereof Christ alone is the Head: And being certainly informed, that those of the United Provinces, and divers other Protestants in other places, have bountifully contributed towards their Necessities: And the King being assured that all his loving Subjects of this his Kingdom, who have long enjoyed the freedom of the Gospel, and have tasted largely of the Comfort thereof, will not be inferior to any in a work so full of Piety and Charity towards their distressed Brethren.

'His Majesty, out of his Princely Grace doth Order and Grant, that a General Collection be made of the charitable Devotions and Liberalities of all his loving Subjects throughout this his Realm of England and Dominion of Wales, towards the relief and succour of the said poor Exiles.

After this Patent was passed the Great Seal, the Bishop of London being dissatisfied at some Expressions therein, moved his Majesty concerning the same, and prevailed to have the Patent cancelled, to the end these Words following might be left out, viz. Which Religion we together with them profess, and are all bound in Conscience to maintain to the uttermost of our Power. And accordingly that Patent under the Great Seal was cancelled, and a new Patent to all the intents and purposes as the former, was granted, and did pass the Great Seal; The Words last abovementioned being wholly left out.

The King's affection to, and great care of, his only Sister the Queen of Bohemia.; The Kings of England and France make a Peace between the Kings of Sweden and Poland.

Towards the latter end of this year, the King did seriously take into his Thoughts and Care the distressed Condition of his only Sister, the Queen of Bohemia, being driven out of the Palatinate by the Emperor, and her Husband's Patrimony given to the Duke of Bavaria, and therefore was willing to hearken to the Ambassadors of Foreign Princes who applyed to His Majesty in their Masters Names to join with the French King to mediate a Peace between the King of Poland and the King of Sweden, then at Wars together. Which Mediation those two Kings immediately undertook, and prevailed for a Truce for six years; the one fearing lest the Emperor being victorious against the confederate Protestant Princes, should through his success endeavour to extend his Empire to the prejudice of France; and the other hoping by making a Peace between the Swede and the Pole, to get the Swede's Assistance for the recovery of the Palatinate.

The King of Sweden designs an expedition into Germany.

The King of Sweden after making the said Truce, finding the Inclinations of his Army for Action abroad, resolved to keep them together in order to a design upon Germany, giving out that he would relieve the oppressed Princes and People of those Provinces in Germany, and endeavour to restore them to their antient and undoubted Rights and Liberty.

Sends an Ambassador into England.

In order to this Design, he sent an Ambassador into England to treat for Assistance, and the King of Bohemia and the Queen writ effectually to the King of England her Brother upon the same account; the Queen of Bohemia also writ to Marquess Hamilton, her nearest Kinsman and greatest Confident, to be Instrumental with the King her Brother, to assist the King of Sweden with Forces.

The King resolves to raise 6000 Men.

His Majesty readily complyed with the desires of the King and Queen of Bohemia, and resolved to raise an Army of 6000 Men, to go under the Conduct of Marquess Hamilton, which should not appear to the World to be any otherwise raised, than as the voluntary assistance of his Subjects, for it was not then convenient publickly to disoblige the Emperor, while Sir Robert Amstrother was Ambassador at that Court, to endeavour the Restitution of the Palatinate; and hopes there were at the same time by a Treaty with Spain to gain the same.

Col. Alex. Hamilton and Ramsey sent to the King of Sweden.

Hereupon towards the latter end of this Year, the Marquess sent Col. Alex. Hamilton, Brother to the Earl of Haddington, to the King of Sweden, with a general offer of his Services; which was affectionately received by that King, who presently sent him a Commission to be General of what Army he should bring over. And to expedite a Treaty with the Swede, upon what terms and conditions the Marquess shall engage upon that Design: His Lordship also sent unto the King one David Ramsey, a Scottish Man (a Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to the King of England) who well understood the German Language, and was recommended to his Majesty by the King and Queen of Bohemia, as one who had approved himself faithful to the Interest of the Palatinate Cause.

Execution of the Emperor's Edict in favour of the Catholick Clergy a' Auspurg.

About this time the Emperor, upon several Remonstrances, commands his Edict in favour of the Romish Ecclesiastics at Anspurg and other parts to be put in Execution, which is in the Circle of Suabia, where the Imperial Commissioners arrived in the City of Auspurg, with some Companies of the Peasantry, raised in the Territories of the Bishop of the said City; where they gave the Governor of their Ministry to understand his Imperial Majesties Mandate and Pleasure, That they should restore all Ecclesiastic Goods to their lawful Proprietors; and during the execution hereof, all the Churches of the City were shut up. They also acquainted the Protestant Pastors of the Augustan Confession with the same Mandate; That they must wholly forbear the exercise of their Religion; that those among them who had the privilege of Burgers may continue there, and for the rest, they were commanded to depart the City, and retire to some other place. During the said execution, all the Inhabitants were enjoined to confine themselves to their Houses, and to follow their Trade there, without stirring forth.

The Exercise of Auspurg Protestant Religion to be abolished.; Ecclesiast, Jurisdict, recommitted to the lawful Catholic Bishop.

Some small time after, his Imperial Majesty finding it expedient that the Exercise of the Profession of Auspurg should be absolutely and totally abolished there; and being advised that there were in that City some Persons who opposed his Imperial Majesties Decrees in that behalf. Hereupon the Emperor's Commissaries, the Bishop, Magistrates, and Clergy, threatned even to plunder and burn all that they had; and commanded them to abstain from seditious Expressions upon pain of Death: And declared to the Protestant Pastors, That they were to withdraw themselves for the time to come, for that the Catholic Bishop should, as his proper right, hold the said Episcopal See.

The like at Halberstadt.; The Protestants insist on the Emperor's Grant in 1628.

The same Edict was also executed in the Town of Halberstadt on the 26th of December, the Imperial Commissioners being received very splendidly by the Duke of Fridland and Count Tilly. Two days after their Reception, they began to consider of the Places and Revenues to be restored to the Catholics; and though the Protestants detaining them, pretended to defend themselves by the assurance of the Emperor's Grant made to them; the Commissaries not withstanding all that, proceeded in their Designs with rigor.

The Duke of Fridland invested with the Dukedoms of Mecklenburg.

Also Wallestein Duke of Fridland, and his Heirs, were solemnly invested by the Emperor at Vienna with the Dukedons of Mecklenburg, and that by right of a Fee Imperial, and by virtue of a certain Declaration of his Imperial Majesties published against the Dukes of Mecklenburg, and sent to the Elector of Saxony, whereby they stood accused of High Treason, Rebellion, &c. And that, if they did not submit to this Declaration, they should be proceeded against by the Ban of the Empire.

The King of Sweden hearing of these and other violent proceedings against the Protestant Princes, hastned his preparations for an expedition into Germany; and in the beginning of the next year 1630, concludes upon Terms with Marquess Hamilton, for the assistance of 6000 Men to be transported into Germany; of which more particularly in time and place in the next year.

Prince Charles proclaimed King.

An Instrument in Writing was on the 27th of March drawn up, declaring the death of King JAMES, and that by his Decease, the Imperial Crowns of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, are rightfully come to the High and Mighty Prince CHARLES: Which Writing was in the first place signed by John Gore, then Lord Mayor of London; After him by George Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury; John Lord Bishop of Lincoln, Keeper of the Great Seal of England; then by the Lords Temporal, and such other Nobility and Gentry as appeared together at that time. Which Writing, after the said Subscriptions, was published in Print by Bonham Norton and John Bill.

We hope the Reader will not think his time mispent, to take a view of the Titles of King Charles his Proclamations, as they came forth in order of time, from the first Year of his Reign. Wherein the Reader may observe where the Court was kept when any of those Proclamations were signed. And the Author in the Appendix doth also set down the substance of many of the most material of those Proclamations for the Reader's further satisfaction.

Titles of Proclamations, &c.

Pro Anno 1625.

St. James's, March 28.

A Proclamation signifying his Majesties Pleasure, That all Men being in Office of Government at the Decease of his most Dear and most Royal Father, King James, shall so continue till his Majesties further Directions.

By the King.

St. James's, March 28.

A Declaration of the Death of his Father King James of the 27th of March, and of his being invested in the Crown Imperial of this Realm, and all other his Majesties Dominions; That he doth not mistrust but that they will shew themselves obedient Subjects.

St. James's, April 1.

A Proclamation to Inhibit the Sale of Latine Books reprinted beyond Seas, having been first printed in Oxford or Cambridge.

Whitehall, April 13.

A Proclamation for the maintenance and increase of the Mines of Salt-Petre, and the true making of Gunpowder, and reforming abuses concerning the same.

Whitehall, April 13.

A Proclamation prohibiting the Importation of Allom, and the buying and spending thereof in any his Majesties Dominions.

Whitehall, May 2.

A Proclamation concerning Buildings and Inmates within the City of London, and Confines of the same.

Whitehall, May 30.

A Proclamation for the continuing of Our Farthing Tokens of Copper, and prohibiting the counterfeiting of them, and the use of all other.

Whitehall, May 13.

A Proclamation for setling the Plantation of Virginia.

Whitehall, May 14.

A Proclamation for the Prices of Victuals within the verge of the Court.

Whitehall, May 15.

A Proclamation for the restraint of Disorders in Soldiers Prest for his Majesties Service.

Whitehall, May 17.

A Proclamation for restraint of disorderly and unnecessary resort to the Court.

Whitehall, May 16.

A Declaration to the same effect.

Whitehall, June 18.

A Proclamation for the Adjournment of part of Trinity Term.

Oatlands, July 12.

A Proclamation concerning the Adjournment of the Parliament.

Ricet, July 31.

A Proclamation for the removing the Receipt of his Majesties Exchequer, from Westminster to Richmond.

Woodstock, August 4.

A Proclamation prohibiting the keeping of Bartholomew Fair, and Sturbridge Fair.

Woodstock, August 14.

A Proclamation for recalling his Majesties Subjects from the Seminaries beyond the Seas, and putting the Laws against Jesuits in Execution.

Tichfield, Septem. 4.

A Proclamation for the Adjournment of part of Michaelmass Term.

Tichfield, Septemb. 4.

A Proclamation for making currant certain French Coin.

Tichfield, Septemb. 11.

A Proclamation for the calling home of all such his Majesties Subjects as are now employed either by Sea or Land in the Services of the Emperor, the King of Spain, or the Arch-Dutchess.

Salisbury, Octob. 11.

A Proclamation for the further Adjournment of Michaelmass Term.

Salisbury, Octob. 17.

A Proclamation for the avoiding of all Intercourse between his Majesties Royal Court, and the Cities of London and Westminster, and Places adjoining.

Windsor, Decemb. 15.

A Proclamation for the commanding of all Souldiers lately employed in the Fleet, upon their Arrival, not to depart from their Colours.

Hampton-Court, Dec. 24.

A Proclamation to forbid the Subjects of the Realm of England, to have any Trade or Commerce within any the Dominions of the King of Spain, or the Arch-Dutchess.

Hampton-Court, Dec. 24.

A Proclamation for the well managing and arming of the Ships of or belonging to this Realm, upon their setting forth to Sea.

Manner of Hampton, Dec. 25.

A Proclamation against imbezelling of Armour, Munition, and Victual, and other Military Provisions.

Hampton-Court, Dec. 30.

A Proclamation to declare his Majesties Pleasure, that a former Restraint enjoined to the Citizens of London for repairing to Fairs for a time, is now set at liberty.

Whitehall, Jan. 11.

A Proclamation for the better confining the Popish Recusants convict according to the Law.

Whitehall, Jan. 14.

A Proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of Flesh in Lent, or on Fish days, appointed by the Law to be hereafter strictly observed by all sorts of People.

Whitehall, Jan. 17.

A Proclamation to declare his Majesties Pleasure touching his Royal Coronation, and the Solemnity thereof.

Whitehall, Jan. 22.

A Proclamation for a general and publick Thanksgiving to Almighty God for his great mercy in staying his hand, and asswaging the late fearful Visitation of the Plague.

Titles of Proclamations, &c.

Pro Anno 1626.

Whitehall, April 24.

A Proclamation for the better furnishing of the Navy, and increase of Shipping.

Whitehall, May 26.

A Proclamation for Fee Decree.

Whitehall, June 14.

A Proclamation for the establishing of the Peace and Quiet of the Church of England.

Palace of Westminster, June 16.

A Proclamation prohibiting the publishing, dispersing, and reading of a Declaration or Remonstrance drawn by some Committees of the Commons House of the late dissolved Parliament, and intended to have bin preferred by them to his Majesty.

Whitehall, June 18.

A Proclamation touching Mariners.

Whitehall, June 18.

A Proclamation for the better ordering of those who repair to the Court for their Cure of the Disease called the King's Evil.

Whitehall, June 30.

A Proclamation for a General Fast throughout this Realm of England.

Whitehall, July 10.

A Proclamation commanding all Inhabitants on the Sea Coasts, or in any Ports or Sea Towns, to make their speedy repair unto, and continue at the places of their Habitations there, during these Times of danger.

Whitehall, July 24.

A Proclamation touching the currency of certain French Coin.

Nonesuch, August 13.

A Proclamation to declare and publish his Majesties Resolution, to ascertain his Revenue by granting his Lands holden, as well by Copie as otherwise in Fee Farm.

Whitehall, August 27.

A Proclamation for all Captains, Masters and Officers of Ships, and Mariners, which are to serve in the King's Fleet, to make their present repair to Portsmouth.

Palace of Westminster, Septemb. 4.

By the King. A Declaration concerning Gold and Silver Coins.

Hampton-Court, Sept. 22.

A Declaration concerning the return of Monies to be emploied in the defence of the Realm, &c.

Whitehall, Octob. 7.

A Proclamation for the restraint of the disorderly repair of Mariners and Souldiers unto the King's Court, or City of London.

Whitehall, Octob. 7.

A Declaration of his Majesties clear intention in requiring the Aid of his loving Subjects, in that way of Loans which is now intended by his Highness.

Whitehall, Nov. 23.

A Proclamation commanding the repair of Noble-men, Knights, and Gentlemen of Quality unto their Mansion-Houses in the Country, there to attend their Services and keep Hospitality.

Whitehall, Decemb. 14.

A Proclamation to restrain the unlawful transportation of Hides and Leather.

Whitehall, Jan. 2.

A Proclamation for the better making of Salt-Petre in this Kingdom.

Whitehall, Jan. 29.

A Proclamation, that all Captains, Lieutenants, and other Officers, shall repair to their Companies, and that all Souldiers shall repair to their Colours.

Hampton-Court, Jan. 25.

A Proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of Flesh in Lent, or on Fish-days, appointed by the Law to be hereafter observed by all sorts of People.

Whitehall, Feb. 17.

A Proclamation touching Tobacco.

New-market, March 4.

A Proclamation to prevent the furnishing of the King of Spain and his Subjects with Provisions for Shipping, or Munition for the Wars, and with Victuals.

Whitehall, March 21.

A Proclamation for the apprehension of John Holland and Robert Blow Gentlemen, late Servants to the Earl of Lincoln.

Titles of Proclamations, &c.

Pro Anno 1627.

Whitehall, April 28.

A Proclamation prohibiting the Importation of any Goods or Merchandize whatsoever in any French Ships or Bottoms.

Whitehall, May 12.

A Proclamation for the explaining of a former Proclamation lately published, intituled, a Proclamation prohibiting the Importation of any Goods or Merchandize whatsoever in any French Ships or Bottoms.

Whitehall, May 25.

A Proclamation for the better execution of the Office of his Majesties Exchange, and Reformation of sundry Abuses and Frauds practised upon his Majesties Coins.

Together with the Articles, which by virtue of the Proclamation hereunto annexed, We will and command shall be duly observed.

Whitehall, June 25.

A Proclamation against unjust pretences for colouring of French Goods, taken by way of Reprize.

Ampthell, July 23.

A Proclamation for the maintaining and encrease of the Mines of Salt-Petre, and the true making and working of Salt-Petre and Gunpowder, and reforming of all abuses concerning the same.

Court at Windsor Aug. 9.

A Proclamation for the Ordering of Tobacco.

Castle at Windsor, August 10.

A Proclamation for the Transportation of any kind of Corn, Grain, or Victuals for the supply of the Navy or Army in the parts of France.

Bagshot, August 18.

A Proclamation for the Transportation of any kind of Corn, Grain, or Victuals, for the supply of the Navy, or Army, in the parts of France.

Whitehall, Octob. 12.

A Proclamation declaring his Majesties gracious intention concerning his Commission lately granted, to enquire of new Offices erected, and new Fees erected in Courts of Justice since 11 Elizabeth.

Whitehall, Novemb. 20.

A Proclamation prohibiting the use of Snaffles, and commanding the use of Bits for riding.

Whitehall, Novemb. 28.

A Proclamation commanding the repair of Noble-men, Knights, and Gentlemen of Quality, unto their Mansion-Houses in the Country, there to attend their Services, and keep Hospitalities.

Whitehall, Novemb. 30.

A Proclamation, That all Captains, Lieutenants, and other Officers, shall repair to their Companies, and that all Soldiers shall repair to their Colours.

Whitehall, Decemb. 8.

A Proclamation to prevent the purloining and stealing of Arms, Powder, and other Munition and Habiliments of War.

Whitehall, Jan. 25.

A Proclamation for all Soldiers to repair to their Companies.

Whitehall, Febr. 4.

A Proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of Flesh in Lent, or on Fish-days, appointed by the Law to be hereafter strictly observed by all sorts of people.

Whitehall, Febr. 10.

A Proclamation against the unnecessary waste of Gun-powder.

Whitehall, Febr. 10.

A Proclamation concerning Buildings and Inmates within the City of London, and confines of the same.

Whitehall, Febr. 15.

A Proclamation for the better encouragement and advancement of the Trade of the East-India Company.

Whitehall, Febr. 16.

A Proclamation for the Execution of the Statutes made against Rogues and Vagabonds.

Whitehall, Febr. 16.

A Proclamation declaring the King's Royal pleasure for the assembling of the Parliament.

Whitehall, Febr. 17.

A Proclamation for the repressing of Disorders of Mariners.

Whitehall, March 9.

A Proclamation prohibiting the buying and selling of any of his Majesties Arms of Munition, and to reform the abuses committed at Musters and Trainings, by borrowing of Arms.

Titles of Proclamations, &c.

Pro Anno 1628.

Whitehall, June 17.

A Proclamation for the better ordering of those who repair to the Court, for their Cure of the Disease, call'd the Kings-Evil.

Whitehall, June 20.

A Proclamation for the calling in, and suppressing of two Sermons, Preached and Printed by Roger Mainwaring Dr. in Divinity, Entituled Religion and Allegiance.

Portsmouth, July 23.

A Proclamation directing how Prisoners shall be ordered, which are taken at Sea by Men of War.

Southwick, Aug. 3.

A Proclamation declaring his Majesties Royal Pleasure and Command, for putting the Laws and Statutes made against Jesuits, Priests, and Popish Recusants in due Execution.

Hampton Court, Octob. 1.

A Proclamation, for the further Proroguing of the Parliament.

Whitehall, Octob. 15.

A Proclamation Prohibiting the Transportation of any Corn, Grain, Victuals, Ordnance, Arms or Munition for War into the Kingdom of France.

Whitehall, Octob. 22.

A Proclamation declaring the King's Majesties Royal Pleasure touching the Inhabitants of Algier, Tunis, Sally and Tituan, in the parts of Africa.

Whitehall, Novemb. 15.

A Proclamation declaring his Majesties Royal Pleasure, touching the English Soldiers late employed at Sea in his Service, and now discharged.

Whitehall, Decemb. 6.

A Proclamation declaring his Majesties Royal Grace and Pleasure, to confirm to his Subjects their defective Titles, Estates and Possessions (as well by colour of former Grants, as without any Grant from the Crown) by his Commission granted to that purpose.

An Abstract of the several Heads and Branches of his Majesties Commission of Grace for the securing, setling and confirming to his Subjects their defective Titles, Estates and Possessions, by which his Majesties Commissioners have power to compound.

Whitehall, Decemb. 11.

A Proclamation for the Apprehension of Richard Smith, a Popish Priest, stiled and calling himself the Bishop of Calcedon.

Whitehall, Jan. 17.

A Proclamation for the suppressing of a Book entitled Appello Cæsarem, or an Appeal to Cæsar.

Whitehall, Jan. 22.

A Proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing and eating of Flesh in Lent, or on Fish-days, appointed by the Law, to be hereafter strictly observed by all sorts of People.

Whitehall, Feb. 7.

A Proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing and eating of Flesh in Lent, or on Fish-days, appointed by the Law, to be hereafter observed by all sorts of People.

Whitehall, Feb. 14.

A Proclamation for a general Fast to be held throughout this Realm of England.

Whitehall, March 2.

A Proclamation about dissolving of the Parliament.

Whitehall, March 11.

An Order of the Lords of the Council, concerning the payment of his Majesties Army employed to Cadiz, and for casting up of the Accounts by the Auditors of the Imprest, to the end that all Officers and Soldiers may be duly paid.

Whitehall, March 24.

A second Proclamation for the Apprehension of Richard Smith a Popish Priest, stiled and calling himself the Bishop of Calcedon.

Titles of Proclamations, &c.

Pro Anno 1629.

By the King

Whitehall, March 27.

A Proclamation for suppressing of false Rumors, touching Parliaments.

A Proclamation for the Apprehension of Walter Long Esquire, and William Strode Gentleman.

Whitehall, March 29.

A Proclamation for a General Fast to be solemnized throughout this Realm.

Greenwich, May 2.

A Proclamation prohibiting the Exportation of Corn and Grain.

Greenwich, May 10.

A Declaration of Peace with France.

Greenwich, May 17.

A Proclamation Commanding the due Execution of the Laws, made for setting the Poor on work.

Greenwich, May 17.

A Proclamation for the speedy sending away of the Irish Beggars out of this Kingdom, into their own Country; and for the suppressing and ordering of the English Rogues and Vagabonds according to the Laws.

Greenwich, June 28.

A Proclamation for the better ordering of those who repair to the Court for the Cure of the Disease called the Kings Evil.

Greenwich, June 30.

A Proclamation concerning the making of Starch, and avoiding the annoyance thereby.

Nonsuch, July 7.

A Proclamation touching the Importation of French Wines.

Nonsuch, July 12.

A Proclamation against selling of Ships.

Whitehall, July 18.

A Proclamation for the better Discovery and Apprehension of those Malefactors, who were Actors in the late insolent Riots and Murders committed in Fleet-street, London, upon Friday the 10th day of this instant Month of July.

Hampton-Court, Octob. 11.

A Proclamation for the preventing the decays of Churches and Chappels for the time to come.

Westminster, Decemb. 27.

A Proclamation recommending to all Magistrates to give Passage to such English and Scottish Soldiers, as the King hath called out of the Service of the States General, until the King shall have occasion to call them to his Service. And that they be treated in their respective Countries with all charitable respect due to Men, who have faithfully served the Allies of their Princes.

Whitehall, Jan. 18.

A Proclamation for the restraint of killing, dressing and eating of Flesh in Lent, or on Fish days, appointed by the Law, to be hereafter observed by all sorts of People.

Westminster, March 14.

That which followeth in order of time after the beforementioned Proclamation, is a Grant from King Charles under the Privy Seal, dated the 14th of March 2d. Car. of the Lights of Dungeness upon the Coast of Kent. And that there shall be collected of every Ship, Hoy and Bark that shall pass that way, one penny upon every Tun, outwards and homewards bound, to the encouraging of which Grants, divers Sea-faring Men and Merchants have subscribed their consent.

The next thing Collected in Order of time after the Grant beforementioned, is a Paper, entituled Instructions for the Clergy.

Westminster, March 16.

The next which follows is his Majesties Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England, for a Collection to be made for the poor Exiled Ministers and their Wives and Children, being spoiled of all their Temporal Estates, and exposed to unexpressible Miseries, whose Causes are the more to be deplored for that extremity is fallen upon them for their Sincerity and Constancy in the true Religion.

Whitehall, March 7.

A Proclamation, reviving and enlarging a former Proclamation made in the Reign of King James, Prohibiting the bringing in of any Commodities traded by the Eastland Merchants into this Kingdom, as well by Subjects as Strangers not free of that Company, with a Publication of certain Statutes for the restraint of all his Majesties Subjects from shipping any Commodities in Strangers Bottoms, either into, or out of this Kingdom.

Whitehall, March 9.

A Proclamation for the restraint of excessive Carriages to the destruction of the High-ways.