List of Illustrations

An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in City of York, Volume 5, Central. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1981.

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'List of Illustrations', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in City of York, Volume 5, Central( London, 1981), British History Online [accessed 7 October 2024].

'List of Illustrations', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in City of York, Volume 5, Central( London, 1981), British History Online, accessed October 7, 2024,

"List of Illustrations". An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in City of York, Volume 5, Central. (London, 1981), , British History Online. Web. 7 October 2024.


(The prefixed numerals in brackets refer to the Monument numbers in the text).

GENERAL plate or (p.) page
Maps showing the position of the Monuments between pp. xxxii, xxxiii
Map of central area of York from Yorkshire Directory, by Edward Baines (1822) 1
'Egyptian Hall' from The Four Books of Andrea Palladio's Architecture, by Isaac Ware (1738) 98
Queen's Gallery, Somerset House, from Vitruvius Britannicus, 1 (1715) 93
Bell-frames Fig. 1, p. xlv
Fireplaces and overmantels from Batty Langley, The City and Country Builder's and Workman's Treasury of Design (1745) 177
Roof trusses Figs. 6, 7, pp. lxx, lxxi
Staircase balusters Fig. 11, pp. xc, xci
     "     "     , cast-iron, from pattern book of W. Thomlinson Walker 195
Timber-framing details
Jetty construction Fig. 4, p. lxvi
Scarf joints Fig. 5, p. lxvii
Wall bracing Fig. 3, p. lxiv
Timber mouldings
Panelling, dado and skirting details Fig. 10, pp. lxxxiv, lxxxv
Doorway and window architraves Fig. 9, p. lxxxiii
Window heads Fig. 8, p. lxxx
(1) Parish church of All Saints, Pavement. Plan Fig. 12, p. 3
Exterior from N.W. 12
Interior from W. 18
Pre-Conquest stone 23
Bell-frame Fig. 1, p. xlv
Brass (6), Robert Ask with, 1597 40
Chair 38
Closing-ring on N. door 33
Communion table 35
Floor-tiles Fig. 13, p. 4
Window wI. Central lights 50
     "     The Deposition; The Entombment; The Angel at the Tomb; The Incredulity of Thomas 48
     "     Passion shield 55
     "     Canopy 56
Lectern 38
Pulpit and sounding-board 36
Royal arms, Hanoverian before 1801 32
(2) Parish church of Holy Trinity, Goodramgate. Plan Fig. 14, p. 6
Exterior from S. 9
Window in Chapel of St. James 24
Interior from N.E. 16
S. aisle. Shields on archway to Chapel of St. James 29
Bell-frame Fig. 1, p. xlv
Brass (1), Thomas Danby, 1458 40
Coffin lid (2) 40
Communion rails 34
Window I. 45
     "     Corpus Christi 46
     "     The Holy Family 51
     "     St. George; St. John the Baptist; St. Christopher 57
     "     Coronation of the Virgin; St. Ursula 58
     "     St. Mary Salome, Zebedee and infant St. John; St. Mary Cleophas, Alphaeus and family 59
     "     Canopy 56
     "     nII. The Virgin Mary 55
(3) St. Andrew's Hall, Plan Fig. 15, p. 10
Exterior from N.W. 20
Bell-frame Fig. 1, p. xlv
(4) Parish church of St. Crux. Exterior from S.W. from W. Monkhouse and F. Bedford, The Churches of York, c. 1840 2
St. Crux Parish Room. Corbel-head in S. wall 29
Door in W. wall 158
Monument (2), Sir Tancred Robinson, 1754 43
     "     (4), Sir Robert Watter, 1612 41
     "     (6), Roger Belwood, 1694 43
     "     (9), Henry Waite, 1780 43
(5) Parish church of St. Cuthbert. Plan Fig. 16, p. 13
Exterior from S.E. 10
Door in S. porch 26
Roof bosses in chancel and nave 31
Communion table 35
Monument (5), Charles Mitley, 1758 42
(6) Parish church of St. Denys. Plan Fig. 17, p. 16
Exterior from S.E. 11
E. window of chancel 25
     "     N. aisle 24
     "     S. aisle 24
S. doorway 26
Corbel-heads in nave S. arcade 28
Pre-Conquest stones Fig. 19, p. 19; 21
Bells 39
Bench-end 38
Window I. Key to numbering of panels based on the Corpus Vitrearum system
Fig. 18, p. 18
     "     The Virgin Mary; The Crucifixion 47
     "     nIII 50
     "     St. John the Evangelist; St. Thomas 60
     "     nV. Theophilus scenes 55
     "     St. John the Baptist 60
     "     s.II. Detail 47
     "     sIII. Angel with symphony 55
Monument (1), Dorothy Hughes, 17th-century 42
(7) Church of St. George (R.C.). Exterior from S.W. 13
(8) Parish church of St. Helen. Plan Fig. 20, p. 21
Exterior from St. Helen's Square. Watercolour by J. C. Buckler, 1816 2
Exterior from W. 13
Interior from S.W. 17
N. arcade. Label-stops 30
Font 38
Royal arms of George III, 1802 32
Parish church of St. John the Evangelist, Micklegate. Bell-frame Fig. 1, p. xlv
(9) Parish church of St. Margaret. Plan Fig. 21, p. 23
Exterior from S.E. 11
S. porch 26
     "     details of voussoirs 28
Bell-frame Fig. 1, p. xlv
(10) Parish church of St. Martin, Coney Street. Plan before 1942 Fig. 22, p. 27
Plan as existing Fig. 23, p. 27
Exterior from N.W. Watercolour by W. J. Boddy, 1910 2
     "     "     S.E. 9
Window in S. aisle 25
Interior. S. aisle from W. 19
S. aisle. Carved voussoirs 28
Tower. Carved head on N.E. pier 29
Brass (3), Thomas Colthurst, 1588 40
     "     (4), Christopher Harington, 1614 40
Font and cover 36
Window n.II. Donor panel; Cherubin; Dominations 54
     "     St. Martin's vision; St. Martin with the devil 61
     "     Canopy 56
     "     s.IV. Corpus Christi 46
     "     The Holy Family 51
     "     Canopy 56
Monument (4), Lady Elizabeth Sheffield, 1633. Detail 41
Parish church of St. Martin-cum-Gregory. Bell-frame Fig. 1, p. xlv
(11) Parish church of St. Mary, Castlegate. Plan before 1974 Fig. 24, p. 31
Exterior from S.E. 14
Window in N. chapel 25
     "     "     S. aisle 24
Interior, before alteration in 1974 15
S. chapel, E. wall. Angel with shield-of-arms of Graa 29
Mouldings in stone Fig. 25, p. 33
Pre-Conquest stones 21, 22, 23
Bell-frame Fig. 1, p. xlv
Misericordes 39
(12) Parish church of St. Michael-le-Belfrey. Plan Fig. 26, p. 37
Exterior from S.W. 13
Window in N. aisle 25
Interior from W. 19
N. arcade. Capital and spandrel 27
     "     Pier base 27
Communion rails 34
Window I. Diagram illustrating numbering of panels based on the Corpus Vitrearum system Fig. 2, p. liv
     "     SS. Peter and Paul; The Nativity; The Resurrection 49
     "     Canopy 56
     "     nV. Scenes from story of Thomas Becket 63
     "     nVI. The Virgin of the Annunciation; St. Ursula 49
     "     St. Michael; St. Christopher 63
     "     sIII. St. John the Baptist; St. Peter 49
     "     sV. St. George; St. Martin 63
Monument (21), an infant Vavasour, 1728 42
     "     (23), Sir Robert Squire, 1707 44
     "     (25), Mary Woodyeare, 1728 42
Reredos 37
(13) Parish church of St. Michael, Spurriergate. Plan Fig. 27, p. 41
Exterior from S.E. 13
Interior from S.W. 18
Capital in nave S. arcade 27
     "     "     W. tower 27
Bells (2–6) 39
Brass (2), William Wilson, d. 1517 40
Chair (1) 38
Chest (2) 35
Communion rails 38
Communion tables 35
Door (2) 36
Window sII Frontispiece
     "     sIII. Nine Orders of Angels 52
     "     Cherubin; Archangels 53
     "     Powers; Thrones 62
     "     sIV. Tree of Jesse 52
     "     Hezekiah; Rex; Isaiah 53
     "     David; Manasses 62
     "     sV. King and Queen 53
Monument (9), William Hutchinson, 1772 43
Reredos 37
(14) Parish church of St. Sampson. Plan before conversion Fig. 28, p. 45
Exterior from N. 10
N. door 26
Interior from W., before alteration in 1974 17
W. tower. Angel with shield on S.E. pier 29
(15) Parish church of St. Saviour. Plan Fig. 29, p. 47
Exterior from W. 12
Interior from W. 16
Bell-frame Fig. 1, p. xlv
(16) Former Burial Ground. Pre-Conquest stone 21
(24) Centenary Methodist Chapel, St. Saviourgate. Front 66
(26) Former Ebenezer Primitive Methodist Chapel, No. 3 Little Stonegate. Plan Fig. 30, p. 52
Front 66
Staircase baluster Fig. 11, p. xci
(27) Friends' Meeting House, Clifford Street. Plan, section and elevation Fig. 31, p. 53
Interior 67
(31) Salem Chapel, St. Saviourgate. Plan and section Fig. 32, p. 55
Front 66
Interior 67
(32) Unitarian Chapel, St. Saviourgate. Plan Fig. 33, p. 56
Front 66
(33) Bedern
Chapel. Plan and section Fig. 34, p. 59
Exterior from N.E., before partial demolition 20
Window in E. wall 183
Hall. Plan, sections, window and mouldings Figs. 35, 36, pp. 60, 61
Exterior from W. 65
Interior from S.E. 65
(34) St. William's College. Plans Figs. 38, 39, pp. 66, 67
Sections Fig. 40, p. 68
Aerial view 76
Exterior from S.W. 76
S. elevation. Carved figures flanking doorway 198
     "     Original entrance door 158
N. elevation. Stair block. Exterior 78
S. range. (?) Provost's Chamber 79
E. range. Oriel window in courtyard elevation 78
N. range. Exterior from S. 77
     "     "     "     from drawing by (?) J. Beckwith Fig. 37, p. 64
     "     MacLagan Memorial Hall 80
     "     Staircase baluster Fig. 11, p. xc
W. range. Exterior from E. 77
     "     Hall at first floor 80
     "     Wall-painting 79
Carved figures on courtyard elevations 198
Scarf joint Fig. 5, p. lxvii
(35) The Treasurer's House and Gray's Court. Plans Figs. 43, 44, pp. 72, 73
The Treasurer's House. Plan Fig. 45, p. 74
Aerial view from S. 82
S.W. elevation 82
     "     Reconstruction as in c. 1700 Fig. 42, p. 69
     "     Entrance 83
N.E. elevation 83
     "     Windows 185
     "     S.E. wing 83
Great Hall 81
Drawing Room 81
Ceiling of Dining Room 84
Doorway in Queen's Room 85
Fireplace in Dining Room 87
     "     "     Drawing Room 87
     "     "     Kitchen 174
     "     "     South Bedroom 85
     "     "     West Sitting Room 86
Mouldings of dados, skirtings and panelling Fig. 10, pp. lxxxiv, lxxxv
Main staircase 86
     "     "     Baluster Fig. 11, p. xci
Gray's Court. Ground-floor plan by J. B. and W. Atkinson 1
Exterior from N.E. 148
W. corner of courtyard 88
Columns in entrance hall 88
Ceiling of Sterne Room 84
Doorway to Sterne Room in Long Gallery 85
     "     in Sterne Room 163
Fireplace in Sterne Room 85
     "     "     bow-fronted room 179
Window in N.W. wall of entrance hall 183
(36) Guildhall. Plans Fig. 48, p. 81
E. elevation Fig. 46, p. 78
W. elevation 68
Main doorway Fig. 47, p. 80; 158
Interior from W. 69
Doorway in W. wall. Cartouche 182
     "     "     Moulding Fig. 47, p. 80
     "     between Hall and Committee Room I 162
Committee Room 1. Mouldings in timber Figs. 10, 47, pp. lxxxiv, 80
     "     "     Roof bosses 199
     "     "     Glass. Royal arms of Stuart by Henry Gyles 187
     "     "     Inscription and City arms 197
     "     "     Royal arms of Stuart 182
Common Hall Lane 68, 69
(37) Merchant Adventurers' Hall. Plans Fig. 49, p. 85
Sections Fig. 50, p. 87
Exterior 70
Undercroft. Doorway in N.E. wall 71
     "     Window in S.W. wall 183
     "     S.W. aisle from N.W. 73
Chapel. Exterior from S.E. 72
     "     Interior from N.W. 72
     "     Royal arms of Charles II, 1669 32
     "     Arms of Company of Merchant Adventurers, 1765 32
Great Hall from S.E. 73
     "     "     N.E. aisle. Roof truss 133
     "     "     S.W. " Fireplace 174
N.E. addition. Exterior from N. 71
     "     "     Doorway in N.E. wall 71
     "     "     Scarf joint Fig. 5, p. lxvii
Chest (1) 35
(38) Merchant Taylors' Hall. Plan Fig. 51, p. 90
Exterior from S.W. 74
Interior from S.E. 74
Screens passage 188
Doorway to screens passage 158
Glass. Panels by Henry Gyles in windows of Little Hall 186, 187
Hospital. Inscription tablet 182
(39) St. Anthony's Hall. Plans Fig. 52, p. 92
Exterior from S. 75
Great Hall from N.E. 75
(40) St. Leonard's Hospital. Plans Fig. 53, p. 95
Exterior from W. 90
Undercroft from S.W. 90
     "     Window in S.W. wall 183
Vaulted passage from S.W. 91
Pre-Conquest stones 21
(41) Lady Hewley's Hospital, St. Saviourgate. Exterior 152
Warden's House. Inscription tablet 182
(42) Dorothy Wilson's Hospital, No. 2 Walmgate. Plans before modernisation in 1952 Fig. 54, p. 96
Exterior 153
Inscription tablets 182
(44) Mansion House. Plans Fig. 55, p. 97
Front 93
Entrance hall 94
State Room 95
     "     "     City arms above fireplace 197
Fireplace in first-floor S.W. room 179
Main staircase 94
     "     "     Baluster Fig. 11, p. xci
Civic Plate, Insignia, etc.
The Emperor Sigismund's Sword 64
Great Mace 92
Double seal and impressions 92
Centre-piece of 1796 64
Gold cup of 1671 64
Standing cup of 1679 64
(45) Assembly Rooms. Plan Fig. 57, p. 101
Plan from F. Drake, Eboracum (1736), 338 Fig. 56, p. 100
Elevation from F. Drake, Eboracum (1736), 338 96
Front 96
Great Assembly Room from S.W. 98
Ceiling of Recess to Great Assembly Room 168
Doorway to N. Front Room 99
     "     in Circular Room 99
     "     to Great Assembly Room 99
Fireplace in S. Front Room 99
     "     "     Cube Room 99
     "     "     Lesser Assembly Room 99
Details of plasterwork in Lesser Assembly Room 97
(48) De Grey Rooms. Plan Fig. 58, p. 103
Front 100
(49) The Minster Song School. Plan and elevation by J. P. Pritchett 150
Front 150
(50) Foss Bridge 116
(61) Oliver Sheldon House, Nos. 17, 19. Plan Fig. 60, p. 106
Exterior 138
Entrance doorway 159
Rainwater head 181
Ceiling above staircase 168
     "     of ground-floor room of rear block 166
Staircase detail 200
(66–68) Nos. 22–30. Plan Fig. 61, p. 107
Blake Street
(70) Nos. 1, 3, 5. Plan Fig. 62, p. 108
No. 3. Staircase baluster Fig. 11, p. xci
(72) No. 11. Plan Fig. 63, p. 109
(74) Nos. 15–21. Front 143
(76) No. 25. Front 143
Mouldings of window architraves Fig. 9, p. lxxxiii
(77) No. 18. Plans Fig. 64, p. 110
Front 146
Fireplace in E. room, first floor 179
Staircase 193
     "     Baluster Fig. 11, p. xci
(80) No. 7. Rainwater head 181
(82) Fairfax House, No. 27. Plan and elevation Fig. 65, p. 112
Front 101
Ceiling of N.W. front room, ground floor 105, 106
     "     "     Dining Room 102
     "     "     Drawing Room 103
     "     "     Saloon 106
     "     "     stair hall 104
     "     above main staircase 104
Doorway in entrance hall 107
     "     "     Dining Room 107
     "     on first-floor landing 107
     "     in Saloon 107
Details of plasterwork on wall of main staircase 105
Main staircase 108
Window to main staircase 108
(85) Nos. 12, 14, 16. Plan Fig. 66, p. 113
N.W. gable 136
(89) Castlegate House, No. 26. Plans Fig. 67, p. 114
Front 109
Rear 109
Ceiling of Drawing Room 169
Doorway in S.W. room, ground floor 111
     "     "     Drawing Room 111
     "     "     Saloon 111
Fireplace in S.W. room, ground floor 111
     "     "     Drawing Room 111
Main staircase 110
Secondary staircase 110
Mouldings of dados and skirtings Fig. 10, p. lxxxv
Chapter House Street
(91) No. 8. Plan Fig. 68, p. 116
Garden elevation 148
N.E. side 6
(108) No. 4. Staircase baluster Fig. 11, p. xc
(112) No. 10. Staircase baluster Fig. 11, p. xci
(114) Nos. 13, 14. Plan Fig. 69, p. 119
(115) Nos. 15, 16. Front 141
(115) Nos. 15, 16. Roof truss Fig. 7, p. lxxi
(117) Nos. 18, 19. Plan Fig. 70, p. 119
Window heads Fig. 8, p. lxxx
Fireplace and overmantel in Saloon 177
Mouldings of doorway architraves Fig. 9, p. lxxxiii
Staircase balusters Fig. 71, p. 120
(121) No. 23. Mouldings of doorway architraves Fig. 9, p. lxxxiii
(124) No. 27. Plans Fig. 72, p. 121
Coney Street
(130) Nos. 16–22. Exterior 119
Roof truss Fig. 6, p. lxx
(131) No. 24. Ceiling of front room, second floor 164
Building behind No. 24. Roof truss 127
(133) Judges' Court, behind Nos. 28, 30. Plan Fig. 73, p. 123
Front 141
Main staircase 190
Secondary staircase. Balusters Fig. 11, p. xc
(135) Nos. 36, 38, 40. Plan Fig. 74, p. 124
(137) No. 5. Ceiling at ground floor 164
No. 7. " of back room, first floor 165
(147) No. 39. Plans Fig. 75, p. 127
N.W. house. Fireplace in back room, first floor 179
     "     "     Panelling in Saloon 173
     "     "     Staircase 193
S.E. house. Panelling in front room, second floor 172
(151) Nos. 28, 30, 32. Plan Fig. 76, p. 128
Section Fig. 77, p. 128
Roof truss Fig. 6, p. lxx
Cumberland Street (formerly Middle Water Lane)
Drawing of mediaeval house, 1778 3
Dean's Park
(154) Purey-Cust Chambers. Front 152
Doorway at first floor 163
Staircase 194
Duncombe Place
(156) The Red House. Plans Fig. 78, p. 131
Exterior 139
Cartouche above entrance doorway 182
Fireplace and overmantel in S. room, first floor 178
Secondary staircase. Balusters Fig. 11, pp. xc, xci
(157) No. 1. Exterior 143
(158) No. 3. Exterior 143
View, looking S.E. from Pavement, by H. Cave, c. 1800 3
(161) The Board Inn, Nos. 5, 6. Roof truss Fig. 7, p. lxxi
(164) Nos. 13, 14. Gable 136
Staircase baluster Fig. 11, p. xci
(170) No. 35. Staircase baluster Fig. 11, p. xci
(173) Nos. 42, 43. Plan Fig. 79, p. 133
(174) Queen's Head p.h., No. 44. Plan Fig. 80, p. 133
Front 120
(174) No. 44. Wall bracing Fig. 3, p. lxiv
Doorway at first floor 162
Roof truss 133
(175) Nos. 50, 51. Plan and elevation Fig. 81, p. 134
(177) Nos. 53, 54. Roof truss Fig. 7, p. lxxi
George Street
(181) Nos. 9–17. Plans Fig. 82, p. 135
Front 149
(193–196) Nos. 41–55 from S.W. 6
(193) Nos. 41, 43, 45. Plans and section Fig. 83, p. 137
Front 122
Wall bracing Fig. 3, p. lxiv
Hall 128
Front Range. Roof truss 131
(194) Nos. 49, 51. Plans and section Fig. 84, p. 139
Front Range 123
Hall Range 123
Jetty construction Fig. 4, p. lxvi
Wall bracing Fig. 3, p. lxiv
Hall 128
Roof truss Fig. 7, p. lxxi
(200) No. 81. Gable 136
(205) No. 3 Monk Bar Court. Entrance doorway 161
(210) Royal Oak p.h., No. 18. Plan Fig. 85, p. 142
(215) Nos. 30, 32. Front 119
(216) No. 38. Rear 184
(222) Lady Row, Nos. 60–72. Plan, section and isometric projection Fig. 86, p. 144
Front 117
Wall bracing Fig. 3, p. lxiv
Room at first floor 130
Roof truss Fig. 6, p. lxx; 127
Scarf joint Fig. 5, p. lxvii
(223) Nos. 76, 78, and Old White Swan p.h., No. 80. Plan Fig. 87, p. 145
(224) No. 82. Staircase balustrade Fig. 88, p. 146
Grape Lane
(229) No. 19. Roof truss Fig. 6, p. lxx
High Ousegate
(232) No. 5. Rainwater head 181
Fireplace and overmantel in E. room, first floor 178
(233) Nos. 11, 12. Plan Fig. 89, p. 147
Front 144
Rainwater head 181
Staircase balusters Fig. 11, pp. xc, xci
(234) Nos. 13, 14. Plan Fig. 90, p. 148
Front 144
Staircase baluster Fig. 11, p. xc
(240) White Rose Cafe. Front 117
King's Staith
(247) King's Arms p.h., No. 1. Roof truss Fig. 7, p. lxxi
(249) Cumberland House, No. 9. Plan Fig. 91, p. 151
Exterior 138
(249) Cumberland House, No. 9. Entrance doorway 159
Ceiling above staircase 167
Fireplace and overmantel in S.W. room, ground floor 178
Panelling in N.W. room, ground floor 171
Main staircase 191
Secondary staircase 190
(250) Judge's Lodging, No. 9. Plans Fig. 92, p. 153
Front 113
Main entrance 113
First-floor passage 115
Fireplace in entrance hall 115
     "     "     Breakfast Room 115
Mouldings Fig. 93, p. 154
Main staircase 115
Window to main staircase 114
(252) No. 8. Front 6
(254) Nos. 10, 12, 14. Plan Fig. 94, p. 155
Front 6
No. 10. Lead bracket 181
Ceiling above staircase 167
Doorway in Saloon 163
Staircase 191
No. 12. Staircase baluster Fig. 11, p. xc
Little Stonegate
(256) No. 2. Plans Fig. 95, p. 156
Low Ousegate
(265) No. 11. Plan Fig. 96, p. 157
Minster Court
(270) Nos. 1–3. Plans Fig. 97, p. 159
Ceiling of Music Room 169
     "     "     room N.W. of entrance hall 166
Closed truss 134
Roof detail 134
     "     bosses 134
Staircase baluster Fig. 11, p. xci
Minster Gates
View from N.E. 7
(272) Nos. 3–9, and No. 11 Minster Yard. Plan Fig. 98, p. 161
(274) No. 10. Plans Fig. 99, p. 162
Minster Yard
(275) No. 4. Front 145
Entrance doorway 160
Window heads Fig. 8, p. lxxx
Doorway in N.W. room, first floor 162
Fireplace in S.E. room, ground floor 179
(276) No. 5, and No. 2 College Street. Plan Fig. 100, p. 163
No. 2 College Street. Roof truss Fig. 6, p. lxx
(277) The Old Residence, No. 6. Plans Fig. 101, p. 164
Front 139
Fireplace and overmantel in back room, ground floor 176
Staircase 192
(278) No. 7. Plans Fig. 102, p. 164
Fireplace in N.E. room, ground floor 180
(279) Nos. 8, 9. Plan Fig. 103, p. 165
Elevation by J. P. Pritchett, 1837 151
Front 151
Staircase detail 195
(280) No. 10. Front 142
Staircase 193
(281) No. 12. Plan Fig. 104, p. 166
(285) Midland Bank, No. 1. Front 156
New Street
(287) Cumberland Row, Nos. 3–9. Plans and elevation Fig. 105, p. 169
Front 4
No. 3. Doorway in back room, first floor 163
Fireplace and overmantel in back room, first floor 176
No. 7. Doorway in front room, first floor 163
Fireplace and overmantel in front room, ground floor 176
     "     "     "     "     front room, first floor 176
Staircase 192
No. 9. Fireplace in back room, second floor 180
Mouldings of doorway architraves Fig. 9, p. lxxxiii
Staircase 192
Window of staircase 187
(288) No. 8. Staircase 190
(289) No. 6. Window Fig. 106, p. 170
Pre-Conquest stone 23
(291) Nos. 12–15. S.W. end Fig. 107, p. 171; 135
Roof truss Fig. 6, p. lxx
(293) Nos. 3, 5, 7. Window heads Fig. 8, p. lxxx
(296) Cromwell House, No. 13. Front 144
Entrance doorway 159
Staircase 193
(297) The Dutch House, No. 2. Front 185
(299) Nos. 16, 18, 20. Front 120
Roof truss Fig. 6, p. lxx
Parliament Street
(301) Midland Bank, No. 13. Front 155
Entrance doorway 161
Patrick Pool
(307) Building adjacent to St. Sampson's church. Plan and sections Fig. 108, p. 175
Exterior 122
Wall bracing Fig. 3, p. lxiv
(311) Herbert House, Nos. 12, 14. Plan Fig. 109, p. 177
Front 121
House B. Jetty construction Fig. 4, p. lxvi
Fireplace and overmantel in front room, first floor 175
Lady Peckett's Yard 7
(312) House at S. end of Lady Peckett's Yard. Plan Fig. 109, p. 177
Wall bracing Fig. 3, p. lxiv
(312) House at S. end of Lady Peckett's Yard. Window in N. elevation 185
Roof truss Fig. 7, p. lxxi
N. wing. Fireplace and overmantel at second floor 178
     "     Staircase 189
(316) Nos. 26, 28. Front 142
Peasholme Green
(317) The Black Swan p.h. Plan Fig. 110, p. 179
Front 126
Entrance passage 188
Panelling in Smoke Room 170
Staircase 189
Petergate, High
Aerial view from S.E. 8
S.W. side 5
(319) No. 4. Front 142
(320) No. 8. Roof truss Fig. 6, p. lxx
(324) Nos. 24–36, and No. 1 Precentor's Court. Plan Fig. 111, p. 182
(327) No. 5. Plans Fig. 112, p. 183
Entrance hall 188
(329) No. 9. Plan Fig. 113, p. 184
(330) No. 11. Plan Fig. 114, p. 184
(334) No. 23. Plans Fig. 115, p. 185
Front 147
Entrance doorway 160
Staircase 196
(335) Nos. 25, 27, 29. Plans Fig. 116, p. 186
Gables 136
Petergate, Low
Views from S.E. 6, 125
(339) Nos. 48, 50. Plan Fig. 103, p. 165
(340) No. 52. Plans, sections and elevation Fig. 117, p. 188
Entrance doorway 160
Rainwater head 181
(343) Nos. 56, 58, 60. Scarf joint Fig. 5, p. lxvii
(344) No. 62. Plans Fig. 118, p. 190
Front 140
Entrance hall 188
Ceiling above main staircase 168
Centre panels of door on half-landing 197
Staircase 196
     "     Carved detail 200
(345) No. 64. Plans Fig. 119, p. 191
Roof truss Fig. 7, p. lxxi
'Talbot' stairs 189
(346) The Fox Inn, formerly on site of No. 66. Plans Fig. 119, p. 191
Fireplace 174
(348) No. 72. Plan Fig. 120, p. 192
(350) No. 76. Wall bracing Fig. 3, p. lxiv
(352) Nos. 37, 39. Exterior 156
(353) Nos. 41, 43. Roof truss Fig. 6, p. lxx
(358) Nos. 59, 61. Rainwater head 181
(362) Nos. 73, 75, 77. Plan Fig. 121, p. 195
(363) House behind Nos. 75, 77. Perspective at first floor Fig. 123, p. 198
(363) House behind Nos. 75, 77. Roof truss Fig. 7, p. lxxi
Scarf joint Fig. 5, p. lxvii
(364) No. 79. Roof truss Fig. 7, p. lxxi
(367) No. 87. Plans Fig. 122, p. 197
Precentor's Court
Aerial view from S.E. 8
(375) Nos. 2, 3, 4, 4a. Plans Fig. 124, p. 200
Front 137
No. 4. Mouldings of dado, skirting and panelling Fig. 10, p. lxxxiv
Panelling in front room, ground floor 172
No. 4a. Staircase 190
(377) Fenton House, No. 9. Plan Fig. 125, p. 200
Staircase details Fig. 11, p. xc; 200
(378) No. 10. Front 145
Rear 148
Fireplace in N.E. room, first floor 180
St. Andrewgate
(383) No. 20. Plan Fig. 126, p. 202
Front 143
Entrance doorway 161
(387) No. 42. Exterior 149
(390) Nos. 48, 50. Front 149
St. Helen's Square
(391) No. 1. Front 155
(392) York County Savings Bank, No. 5. Exterior 153
St. Leonard's Place
(394) De Grey House. Plans Fig. 127, p. 204
Front 100
(395) Nos. 1–9. Plans Fig. 128, p. 205
Elevation by John Harper, 1834 154
Exterior from S.E. 154
Staircases 194, 195
St. Sampson's Square
(397) Melrose House, No. 3. Plan Fig. 129, p. 206
Front 147
St. Saviourgate
(404) Nos. 1–7. Mouldings of doorway architraves Fig. 9, p. lxxxiii
(405) Masonic Hall. Front 156
(407) Nos. 29, 31. Plan Fig. 130, p. 208
No. 29. Entrance doorway 160
No. 31. Mouldings of doorway architraves Fig. 9, p. lxxxiii
Staircase 191
(408) Nos. 33, 35, and No. 10 Spen Lane. Exterior 149
(409–413) Nos. 16–34 from S.W. 4
(409) Nos. 16–22. Plans Fig. 131, p. 209
Mouldings of doorway architraves Fig. 9, p. lxxxiii
No. 18. Panelling in back room, ground floor 173
(410) No. 24. Plan Fig. 132, p. 210
Front 141
Entrance doorway 161
Rainwater head 181
(411) No. 26. Plan Fig. 133, p. 210
(411) No. 26. Front 140
Entrance to side passage 159
(413) No. 34. Plan Fig. 134, p. 211
Scarf joint Fig. 5, p. lxvii
St. Saviour's Place
(416) No. 14. Front 142
(417) Peasholme House. Plans and elevation Fig. 135, p. 212
Front 112
Stair hall 112
Staircase baluster Fig. 11, p. xci
View from N.W. 124
(420–24) Nos. 7–12. Plan Fig. 136, p. 214
(420) No. 7. Roof truss 130
(427) No. 19. Plan Fig. 137, p. 215
(429) No. 21. Plan Fig. 137, p. 215
(436) No. 35. Plan Fig. 139, p. 218
Sections Fig. 138, p. 218
Exterior from W. 135
Roof truss 130
Staircase baluster Fig. 11, p. xc
(437) Nos. 37, 38. Plan Fig. 139, p. 218
Front 124
No. 37. Rear 135
Ogee-headed doorway 200
(439) No. 39. Plan Fig. 139, p. 218
(451) Nos. 4–22. Front 156
View from N.E. 125
(452) No. 4. Plans Fig. 140, p. 221
(459) No. 22. Staircase baluster Fig. 11, p. xc
(467) Nos. 44, 46. Plans Fig. 141, p. 224
Shop front 157
Roof truss Fig. 6, p. lxx
(468) Nos. 48, 50. Plans Fig. 141, p. 224
(469) Norman House, behind Nos. 48, 50. Plans Fig. 141, p. 224
Surviving parts of S.E. and S.W. walls 89
Window in S.W. wall Fig. 142, p. 225; 183
(471) No. 58. Panelling in front room, first floor 170, 197
(472) No. 3. Plans Fig. 143, p. 226
Fireplace in front room, first floor 179
(474) No. 9. Plan Fig. 144, p. 227
Front 141
(476) No. 13. Plans Fig. 145, p. 227
(477) No. 15. Front 146
(478) Mulberry Hall, Nos. 17, 19. Front 121
(479) Nos. 21, 25. Plan Fig. 146, p. 229
(480) No. 23. Plan Fig. 147, p. 230
Garden elevation 148
Rainwater head 181
Window in S.W. wall of W. wing 184
Fireplace and overmantel at first floor of central block 175
(480) No. 23. Roof truss Fig. 7, p. lxxi
Staircase in N.E. hall 192
     "     "     W. wing 194
(483) No. 31. Plans Fig. 148, p. 233
Doorway in front room, first floor 163
Fireplace in front room, first floor 180
Coffee Yard. View from S.E. 7
(484) No. 1 Coffee Yard. Plans Fig. 148, p. 233
Window in N.E. wall 185
(485) No. 2 Coffee Yard. Plans Fig. 148, p. 233
Doorway 200
Window in N.E. wall of S.E. block 184
Former hall. S.W. wall 132
     "     "     Central truss 132
     "     "     Roof truss Fig. 6, p. lxx
(486) No. 3 Coffee Yard. Plans Fig. 148, p. 233
(487) No. 33. Plans Fig. 148, p. 233
(488) No. 35. Plans Fig. 148, p. 233
Glass. Window by William Peckitt, now in York City Art Gallery 186
Roof truss 131
Staircase 189
(490) No. 37. Shop front 157
(492) No. 45. Fireplace in Saloon 180
(493) No. 49. Plans Fig. 149, p. 235
Roof truss Fig. 9, p. lxxi
Haberdashers' Hall. Drawing by George Nicholson, 1826 3
(516) Nos. 68, 70. Plan Fig. 150, p. 238
No. 70. Fireplace and overmantel in E. back room, first floor 177
Panelling in W. room, first floor 171
Staircase 191
(519) Red Lion p.h., Merchantgate. Plan Fig. 151, p. 238
Exterior from S.W. 118
Roof truss Fig. 6, p. lxx
(521) No. 11. Plan Fig. 152, p. 239
(525) No. 19. Staircase baluster Fig. 11, p. xci
(527) No. 23. Window 185
Window head Fig. 8, p. lxxx
(528) No. 25. Plans Fig. 153, p. 239
Window 185
     "     head Fig. 8, p. lxxx
(530) Nos. 41, 43, 45. Plan Fig. 154, p. 240
E. gable 135
(536) No. 77. Plan Fig. 155, p. 241
Front 126
Roof truss Fig. 7, p. lxxi
(537) Bowes Morrell House, No. 111. Plan Fig. 156, p. 241
Sections Fig. 157, p. 242
Exterior 118
E. wing. N.E. room, first floor 129
Former hall. E. wall at first floor 129