
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in City of York, Volume 2, the Defences. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1972.

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'Bibliography', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in City of York, Volume 2, the Defences( London, 1972), British History Online [accessed 7 October 2024].

'Bibliography', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in City of York, Volume 2, the Defences( London, 1972), British History Online, accessed October 7, 2024,

"Bibliography". An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in City of York, Volume 2, the Defences. (London, 1972), , British History Online. Web. 7 October 2024.


(Excluding works frequently cited and so listed under Abbreviations: e.g. Cave, Cooper, Drake, Halfpenny, Hargrove, Torr, Widdrington.)

'An Architect' Gentleman's Magazine LXXVI (1806), 322–5.
Anon. An Exact Relation of the Siege before Yorke: Of the taking of the Suburbs and of the Approaches made within 40 yards of the Walls: Of the taking of the Kings Mannorhouse there ... As it is sent in severall Letters, dated at the Leaguer before York, the 6 and 7 of June (1644).
" Exact and certaine Newes from the Siege at Yorke July 3 (1644).
" Hulls Managing of the Kingdoms Cause ... To which is added ... the posture of the English and Scots Armies before York, with the manner of the siege (1644).
" Newes from the Siege before Yorke (1644).
" One night spent in the condemned hole, York Castle, in April, 1810 ... by one of two persons, who had leave from the chaplain to spend the night with the prisoners (1815).
" Rules and Regulations for the Government of York Castle, adopted at a Court of General Gaol Sessions held at the Castle of York on the 9th day of March, 1843 and approved by the Right Hon. Sir James G. Graham, Bart., One of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, on the 9th Day of May, 1843 (1843).
" The Articles of the surrender of the City of Yorke to the Earle of Leven ... on Tuesday July 16. 1644. Together with an explanation of some part of the Articles (1644).
Addyman, P. V. 'Excavations at Baile Hill, York, 1968', Arch. J., cxxv (1968), 307–8.
" 'Excavations at Baile Hill, York, 1969', Arch. J., cxxvi (1969), 178–9.
Allen, T. A New and Complete History of the County of York, 3 vols. (1828).
Ash, S. and Goode, W. The Continuation of True Intelligence From the Right Honourable, the Earl of Manchester's Army, since the taking of Lincolne; May 6th untill the first day of this instant June, 1644 (1644).
Ash, S. and Goode, W. A Particular Relation of the most Remarkable Occurrences From the United Forces in the North ... From Saturday the 1. untill Munday the 10th. of this instant June (1644).
" A Continuation of True Intelligence from the English and Scottish Forces ... now beleaguering York, from the eighth of this instant June to the 17th thereof ... (1644).
Ash, S. A Continuation of True Intelligence From the English and Scottish Forces ... now beleaguering York, from the 16th of June, to Wednesday the 10th of July, 1644 (1644).
" A Continuation of true intelligence from the Armies in the North, from the 10. day to the 27 of this instant July 1644. Wherein is given a full and particular Accompt of the Surrender of York ... (1644).
Baildon, W. P. 'The Old Baile, York', YAJ, xii (1893), 39.
Bell, W. G., Cottrill, F., and Spon, C. London Wall through Eighteen Centuries (1937).
Benson, G. York: 1, From its origin to the end of the 11th century (1911); ii, Later Mediaeval York from 1100 to 1603 (1919); iii, From the Reformation to the year 1925 (1925). ii and iii contain addenda to 1.
" 'Notes on an Intrenchment on Holgate Hill, York', YPSR (1904), 49.
" 'The Walls of York', Burdekin's Old Moore's Almanack (1926).
" and Platnauer, H. 'Notes on Clifford's Tower', YPSR (1902), 68.
Brewis, P. 'The west walls of Newcastle upon Tyne. Between Durham and Ever Towers', Arch. Ael. 4th s. xi (1934), 1–20.
Britton, J. Picturesque Antiquities of the English Cities (1830).
Browning, A. (ed.) Memoirs of Sir John Reresby (1936).
Caine, C. The martial annals of the City of York (1893).
Camidge, W. 'York: its Ramparts, Bars and Walls', Burdekin's Old Moore's Almanack (1900).
" 'Clifford's Tower, York', Burdekin's Old Moore's Almanack (1901).
Chaplin, R. E. See Gooder, E., Woodfield, C., and Chaplin, R. E.
Clark, G. T. 'The Defences of York', Arch. J., xxxi (1874), 221–61, and in YAJ, iv (1877), 1–42.
" Mediaeval Military Architecture (1884).
Collins, A. E. The Walls of Norwich (1910).
Collyer, C. 'Yorkshire and the "Forty-five"', YAJ, xxxviii (1952), 71–95.
Cooper, T. P. 'Masons' Marks in Yorkshire', Yorks, Notes and Queries, v (1909), 233–238.
Corder, P. 'The excavations of the Earthwork on Holgate Hill, York. 1936', YAYAS Procs. (1951–2), 31.
Cottrill, F. See Bell, W. G., Cottrill, F., and Spon, C.
'J. C.' 'Present State of York', Gents. Mag.. LXXXVI (1806), 1027–8.
Englefield, H. C. 'Ancient Buildings of York', Archaeologia, VI (1780), 104–6.
Fairbank, F. R. 'The Waterworks at York in 1682', YAJ, xv (1900), 120.
Fisher, P. Marston-Moor, sive de Obsidione Proelioque Eboracense Carmen; Cum Quibusdam Miscellaneis (1650).
Gent, T. The Antient and Modern History of the Famous City of York (1730).
Giles, W. Catalogue of the Charters, House Books, Freemen's Rolls, Chamberlains', etc., Accounts, and other Books, Deeds and Old Documents belonging to the Corporation of York (1908).
Goode, W. See Ash, S. and Goode, W.
Gooder, E. Coventry's Town Wall (1967)
Gooder, E., Woodfield, C., and Chaplin, R. E. 'The Walls of Coventry', Birmingham Archaeological Soc. Transactions, 81 (1966), 88–138.
Griffiths, A. See Twyford, A. W. and Griffiths, A.
Gurney, J. J. Notes on a Visit made to some of the Prisons in Scotland and the North of England (1819).
Harvey, A. H. The Castles and Walled Towns of England (1911).
Hill, F. Mediaeval Lincoln (1948), 160–61.
Holmes, S. 'The Walls of Newcastle-upon-Tyne', Arch. Ael. 2nd s. xviii (1896), 1–25.
Howard, J. The State of the Prisons 1777, 3rd ed. (1792).
Hughes, M. A. Letters and Recollections of Sir Walter Scott, H. G. Hutchinson (ed.) (1904).
Hutton, W. A Tour of Scarborough in 1803; including a particular survey of the City of York, 2nd ed. (1817).
King, E. 'Sequel to the Observations on Ancient Castles', Archaeologia, vi (1780), 259–60.
Kirkpatrick, J. and Ninham, H. The Gates of Norwich, 1720 (1864).
Knight, C. B. A History of the City of York, 2nd ed. (1944).
Lister, M. 'Roman wall and Multangular Tower at York', Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions, xiv (1683), 238.
Montgomery, J. The Poetical Works of James Montgomery (1850).
Morris, J. (ed.) The Troubles of our Catholic Forefathers related by themselves, 3rd s. (1877).
Ninham, H. See Kirkpatrick, J. and Ninham, H.
O'Neill, B. H. St. J. 'A note on the date of Clifford's
" Tower, York', Arch. J., xci (1934), 296–310.
" Clifford's Tower, York Castle (1936).
" 'Excavations at York Castle, 1935', Ant. J., xix (1939), 85–90.
" 'The Town Walls of Southampton' in W. H. Grimes (ed.), Aspects of Archaeology in Britain and Beyond (1951).
" Castles and Cannon (1960).
Platnauer, H. See Benson, G. and Platnauer, H.
Pressly, I. P. The Castle of York (1950).
Radley, J. 'York Waterworks and other Waterworks in the North before 1800' in Newcomen Soc. Trans. xxxix (1966– 1967), 143–56.
RCHM Newark on Trent: the Civil War Siegeworks (1964).
Renn, D. F. Clifford's Tower and the castles of York (1971).
Ross, W. G. Military Engineering during the Great Civil War, 1642–9 (1887).
Salzman, L. F. Building in England down to 1540 (1967).
Simpson, F. The Walls of Chester (1910).
Skaife, R. H. Plan of Roman, Mediaeval and Modern York (1864).
Smith, L. T. (ed.) The Itinerary of John Leland (1907).
Smith, S. A letter to the Committee of Magistrates of the County of York, appointed to alter and enlarge the County Jail (1824).
Sowden, H. Natural History of the City Walls of York (1918).
Spon, C. See Bell, W. G., Cottrill, F., and Spon, C.
Strickland, G. Reasons for not pulling down Clifford's Tower in making the proposed enlargement of the Castle (1824).
Surtees Society xl. Depositions from the Castle of York, relating to offences committed in the Northern Counties in the seventeenth century (1861).
" lxxxv. English Miscellanies (1888).
" cxviii. Six North Country Diaries (1910).
" cxx. York Memorandum Book, 1 (1911).
" cxxv. York Memorandum Book, ii (1914).
" cxlviii. The Chronicle of St. Mary's Abbey, York (1933).
Taylor, A. J. 'The Date of Clifford's Tower', Arch. J., cxi (1954), 153–9.
Taylor, J. W. 'The Military fortifications of mediaeval York', R.I.B.A. thesis (1936).
Terry, C. S. 'The Siege of Newcastle by the Scots in 1644', Arch. Ael., xxi (1899), 180– 258.
Thurnam, T. 'Description of an ancient tumular cemetery... at Lamel Hill, near York', Arch. J., vi (1849), 27–39, and in YPS Procs., 1 (1847–54), 98–105.
'Touch, T.' Gents. Mag. lxxvi (1806), 817–18.
Toy, S. The Castles of Great Britain (1953).
Turner, H. L. 'An Architectural and Documentary Study of Town Defences in England and Wales, 1200–1520', D. Phil. Thesis, Oxford (1967).
" Town Defences in England and Wales (1971).
Twyford, A. W. and Griffiths, A. Records of York Castle (1880).
Wenham, L. P. 'Romano-British cemetery and 17th-century gun emplacement on The Mount, York', YAYAS, Procs. (1952– 1953), 18–34.
" The Great and Close Siege of York, 1644 (1970).
Woodfield, C. See Gooder, E., Woodfield, C., and Chaplin, R. E.
York, City of Catalogue of the Evelyn Collection and Other Local Collections (1934).
" Francis Place 1647–1728 (1971).
" The Parish of York Castle, n.d.

Folding illustration opposite:

PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE CITY OF YORK: Pen and wash drawing by F. Place (1676).

Note. The viewpoint is between Fishergate and the river Foss, approximately the site of the present Fishergate House. The date is deduced: the Sessions House or Moothall in the castle built in 1674–5 is shown complete whereas the spire shown on St. Martin's, Micklegate, was demolished in June 1677. Clifford's Tower, shown roofed and manned, was gutted in 1684. Other buildings shown and demolished in the 18th century are Buckingham House, the triforium of St. Mary's Abbey church, the Grand Jury House and S. Gatehouse of the castle, the ruins of St. George's church, and the spire of St. Denys' church, Walmgate.

(Reproduced by permission of the Trustees of the British Museum.)

City of York from S.S.E., drawn by Francis Place 1676