Select Bibliography for Roman York

An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in City of York, Volume 1, Eburacum, Roman York. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1962.

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'Select Bibliography for Roman York', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in City of York, Volume 1, Eburacum, Roman York( London, 1962), British History Online [accessed 7 October 2024].

'Select Bibliography for Roman York', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in City of York, Volume 1, Eburacum, Roman York( London, 1962), British History Online, accessed October 7, 2024,

"Select Bibliography for Roman York". An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in City of York, Volume 1, Eburacum, Roman York. (London, 1962), , British History Online. Web. 7 October 2024.


NEWSPAPERS are listed together at the end. See also AUTHORITIES, p. xxxix

Allen, T. New and complete history of the County of York. 1828.
Archaeological Institute, Royal Memoirs illustrative of the History and Antiquities of the county and city of York. 1848.
Banks, Sir Joseph 'Description of a Roman vault discovered in the suburbs of the City of York', Archaeologia XVI (1812), 340.
Bateman, T. 'Account of Discoveries made near York', BAA Journal II (1847), 191.
" " Descriptive Catalogue of Antiquities and miscellaneous objects preserved in the Museum of Thomas Bateman. 1855.
Benson, G. Archaeological Plan of York. 1926.
" " 'Coins, especially those relating to York', YPSR (1913), 1.
" " 'Discovery of a Roman tower in York', YAJ XXV (1920), 352.
" " 'Excavations on the site of the N.W. Gateway of Eboracum', YPSR (1909), 41.
" " The forming of the Landscape of York, being an introduction to the study of the archaeology of the district. 1903.
" " 'Notes on a cobble-road ... St. Leonard's Hospital, York', YPSR (1915), 1.
" " 'Notes on Excavations at 25, 26, 27, High Ousegate, York', YPSR (1902), 64.
" " York: I, From its origin to the end of the 11th century, (1911); II, Later Mediaeval York from 1100 to 1603, (1919); III, From the Reformation to the year 1925, (1925); II and III contain addenda to I.
" " and Platnauer, H. M. 'Notes on Clifford's Tower', YPSR (1902), 68.
Birley, E. Roman Britain and the Roman Army. 1953.
Bowman, W. (ed.). Reliquiae Antiquae Eboracenses. 1855.
Brushfield, T. N. 'Excavations at the York and Scarborough Railway at Bootham', BAA Journal VIII (1853), 160.
Burton, J. 'An account of a Roman sepulchre found near York in 1768,' Archaeologia II (1773), 177.
" " 'Extract of two letters from Dr. John Burton of York to Dr. Ducarel, concerning Roman antiquities discovered in Yorkshire, 1770', Archaeologia II (1773), 181.
Buxton, L. H. D. 'The racial affinities of the Romano-Britons', JRS XXV (1935), 35.
Caine, Caesar The martial annals of the City of York. 1893.
" " See below, Widdrington, Sir Thomas.
Chandler, R. Marmora Oxoniensia. 1763.
Clark, G. T. 'The Defences of York', Arch. Journal XXXI (1874), 221.
Clark, M. K. 'Some invasions of Yorkshire', YAJ XXXI (1934), 320.
" " (ed.) 'Roman Yorkshire' annually in YAJ XXX (1930)-XXXV (1943); subsequently without reference to Roman York.
Collinge, W. E. 'Notes on some Roman mask or face vases in the Yorkshire Museum', YPS Proceedings (1936), 4.
" " 'On a further Roman camp-kettle found at York,' YPS Proceedings (1934), 5.
" " 'On a Roman memorial stone in the Yorkshire Museum', YPS Proceedings (1935), 5.
" " 'Roman camp-kettle found at York', Ant. Journal XV (1935), 198.
Cook, J. Antiquities of York. Bound volume of drawings with MS. annotation in the Yorkshire Museum.
Cook, R. 'Recent discoveries at York', BAA Journal III (1848), 55.
" " MS. letters to Thomas Bateman. Sheffield Public Museum: Bateman Correspondence.
Cooper, T. P. York: miscellaneous Notes in manuscript. MS. in York Public Library.
" " York: the story of its walls, bars and castles. 1904.
Corder, P. 'Miscellaneous small objects from the Roman Fort at Malton', Ant. Journ. XXVIII (1948), 173.
" " 'Parisian ware', YAJ XXXIX (1958), 48.
" " 'Roman bath discovered in 1930–31 during the reconstruction of the Mail Coach Inn, St. Sampson's Square', YA and YAS Proceedings I, no. 1 (1933), 3.
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum See below, Huebner, E., and Haverfield, F.
Corteault, P. 'An Inscription recently found at Bordeaux', JRS XI (1921), 102.
Crawford, O. G. S. See below, Richmond, I. A.
Deansley, M. 'Mediaeval Music from the point of view of the historian', History, XXIII (1938), 193.
de Rohden, P. See below, Klebs, E.
Dessau, H. Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae. 1892–1916.
" " See below, Klebs, E.
Dickinson, C., and Wenham, L. P. 'Discoveries in the Roman cemetery on The Mount, York', YAJ XXXIX (1958), 283.
Dodd, P. W. 'A new Roman inscription from York', YAJ XXII (1913), 127.
Drake, F. Eboracum or the History and Antiquities of the City of York. 1736. Drake's own copy with his MS. additions is in the York Public Library.
" " History and Antiquities of the City of York. 1785. An edition of Eboracum in smaller format with additions, anonymously edited, printed by Ann Ward.
" " and Ward, J. 'An account of a Roman altar, with an inscription upon it, found in April last at York', Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions XLVIII (1753), 33.
Elgee, F., and Elgee, H. W. The Archaeology of Yorkshire. 1933.
Ephemeris Epigraphica See below, Haverfield, F., and Huebner, E.
Gale, T. Antonini Itinerarium. 1709.
Gent, T. History of the Famous City of York . . . and its magnificent Cathedral. 1730.
Groag, E., and Stein, A. (eds.) Prosopographia Imperii Romani. (2nd edn., 1933—unfinished.) See Klebs, E. etc.
Halfpenny, J. Fragmenta Vetusta or the remains of ancient buildings in York. 1807.
Hargrove, W. History and Description of the ancient City of York. 1818.
" " The New Guide for strangers and residents in the City of York. Editions 1838, 1844, 1846. Also printed under the imprint of John Glaisby, York, as A Guide to the City of York. No date but similar to the 1838 edition.
" " Miscellaneous MS. notes, unbound, in the Yorkshire Museum.
Hartley, B. R. 'Cut glass Samian from York', Ant. Journal XXXIV (1954), 233.
Haverfield, F. 'Additamenta quarta ad Corporis Inscr. Latin. vol. VII', Ephemeris Epigraphica VII (1892), 273; and 'Additamenta quinta' etc., ibid. IX (1903), 509, (reprinted separately 1913).
" " 'Roman inscriptions in Britain, 1888–1890', Arch. Journal XLVII (1890), 229.
" " 'Romano-British inscriptions, 1892–1893', Arch. Journal L (1892), 279.
" " MS. notes and letters in the Haverfield Library, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.
Hawkes, C. F. C. 'Roman gold bracelets from York', Ant. Journal XII (1932), 168.
Hill, R. A. 'Hungate area excavations. Interim report 1951', YA and YAS Proceedings (1951–2), 26.
Home, G. Roman York. 1924.
Horsley, J. Britannia Romana. 1732.
Howarth, E. Catalogue of the Bateman Collection of Antiquities in the Sheffield Public Museum. 1899.
Huebner, E. 'Additamenta ad Corporis Inscr. Latin. vol. VII', Ephemeris Epigraphica III (1877), 113, 311, IV (1881), 194.
" " 'Denkmäler des Aeon in York und Bonn,' Jahrbücher des vereins von Alterthumers freunden im Rheinlande (Bonner Jahrbücher) LVIII (1876), 147.
" " (ed.) Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum VII (1873).
Hunter, J. Diary of Ralph Thoresby, F. R. S., 1677–1724. 1830.
Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae See above, Dessau, H.
Kenrick, J. 'Additional observations on the Egyptian gnostic amulet,' YPS Proceedings I (1847–54), 106.
" " 'Notice of an Inscribed Tablet found at Clementhorpe', YPSR (1865), 23.
" " 'Notice of a Roman altar presented to the Museum', YPS Communications (1872), 13.
" " 'Notice of the sepulchral Monument of Aelia Aeliana', YPS Communications (1872), 20.
" " 'On the Sarcophagus of M. Verecundius Diogenes, and the civil administration of Roman York', YPS Proceedings I (1847–54), 52.
" " 'Some Roman antiquities recently discovered at The Mount', YPSR (1859), 29.
" " 'Some Roman antiquities lately discovered at The Mount', YPSR (1861), 30.
" " See below, Wellbeloved, C.
King, C. W. 'Roman statue found in York in 1880', YPSR (1882), 35.
" " 'Votive tablets of the "scriba" Demetrius at York', Arch. Journal XXXIX (1882), 23.
Klebs, E., Dessau, H., and de Rohden, P. (eds.) Prosopographia Imperii Romani Saec. I, II, III (1897–8). See Groag, E. etc.
Knight, C. B. History of the City of York. 1944.
Lewis, S. S. 'On two Greek Inscriptions found at York', YPS Communications (1876), 26.
Lister, M. 'Roman urns and other antiquities near York', Royal Society, Philosophical Collections IV (1682), 87.
" " 'Roman wall and Multangular Tower at York', Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions XIV (1683), 238.
Lukis, W. C. (ed.) Family Memoirs of the Rev. William Stukeley, M. D., and the Antiquarian and other Correspondence of William Stukeley, Roger and Samuel Gale, etc. III (1887), being Surtees Society Pubns. LXXX (1887).
Macdonald, G. 'Note on some fragments of imperial statues and of a statuette of Victory,' JRS XVI (1926), 1.
May, T. 'Roman pottery in York Museum', YPSR (1908), 35, (1909), 34, (1910), 14, (1911), 1.
Mayhall, J. Annals of York, Leeds . . . and other places in the county of York. 1860.
Miller, S. N. 'Note on Roman York: New Facts of earlier and later periods. Recent Excavations', BAA Journal XXXIII (1927), 234.
" " 'Roman York: Excavations of 1925', JRS XV (1925), 176.
" " 'Roman York: Excavations of 1926–27', JRS XVIII (1928), 61.
Ordnance Survey 5 ft.-1 m. Plan of York. 1853.
" " 6 ins.-1 m. Map of Yorkshire. 1853. Sheet 174.
" " MS. notes and records, at Ordnance Survey Office, Chessington.
Parson, W., and White, W. Annals, History, and Guide of Leeds and York. 1830–31.
Pearson, F. R. Roman Yorkshire. 1936.
Pegge, S. 'An illustration of an inscription, in honour of Serapis, discovered in York in 1770', Archaeologia, III (1775), 151.
Phillips, J. The Rivers, Mountains, and Sea-coast of Yorkshire. 1855.
Platnauer, H. M. 'Note on an inscribed Roman slab', YPSR (1911), 63.
" " 'York during the Roman Occupation', in British Ass. Handbook, York and District. 1906.
" " See above, Benson, G.
Raine, A. 'The New Roman Memorial stone: The Sleeping Soldier', YPS Proceedings (1928), 7.
" " 'Recent archaeological work on Roman York', Arch. News Letter, Oct. 1948.
" " 'Religion in Roman York', in York Minster Tracts (1927) (ed. A. Hamilton Thompson).
" " 'Roman Excavations at York', in British Association Handbook, A Scientific Survey of York and District. 1932.
" " 'Roman inscribed stones found at York', YAJ XXVI (1922), 389.
" " 'Two new Roman Memorial stones', YPSR (1922), 61.
Raine, J. 'An account of the recent discovery of the hair of a Roman lady at York', YPS Communications (1875), 5.
" " 'An account of several Roman inscriptions discovered during the Railway Excavations', YPS Communications (1875), 1.
" " 'Curious discovery made in the garden of St. Mary's Convent, near Micklegate Bar', YPSR (1880), 48.
" " Historic Towns: York. 1893.
" " 'Recent discoveries of Roman remains at York', The Academy, 7 July 1884, 35.
" " 'Roman cemeteries at York, their arrangements and the mode of burial in them', YPS Communications (1876), 1.
" " 'Roman children and their burial', YPS Communications (1876), 13.
" " 'Roman curiosities recently discovered in York,' YPSR (1877), 38.
" " Simplicia Florentina, York A.D. 100. 1901.
" " Notes on Archaeological Finds (mostly Roman) in or near York 1872–1882. Unpublished, James Raine Collection, York Public Library.
Raine, J. See below, Wellbeloved, C.
Ramm, H. G. 'The extent and street plan of the Roman town on the west bank of the Ouse', YA and YAS Proceedings (1953–4), 32.
" " 'The North Western approach to Roman York', YPSR (1954), 13.
" " 'A note on the finding of the Roman road at No. 278 Tadcaster Road, York, 1953', YA and YAS Proceedings (1953–4), 10.
" " 'Roman Burials from Castle Yard, York', YAJ XXXIX (1958), 400.
" " 'Roman camps on Bootham Stray, York', YPSR (1952), 15.
" " 'Roman Occupation', in British Association Handbook, York: A Survey, 1959, 1959.
" " 'Roman York: Excavations in 1955', JRS XLVI (1956), 76.
Richmond, I. A. 'The four Coloniae of Roman Britain', Arch. Journal CIII (1947), 57.
" " 'Part of the stem of a Roman monumental candelabrum of stone from York', Ant. Journal XXVI (1946), 1.
" " 'Three fragments of Roman Official Statues, from York, Lincoln and Silchester', Ant. Journal XXIV (1944), 3.
" " York: from its origins until the close of the 11th century: a review, Oliver Sheldon Memorial Lecture. 1959.
" " and Crawford,O. G. S. 'The British Section of the Ravenna Cosmography', Archaeologia XCIII (1949), 1.
Sheahan, J. J., and Whellan, T. History and Topography of the City of York, the Ainsty Wapentake, and the East Riding of Yorkshire. 1855.
Skaife, R. H. Plan of Roman, Mediaeval and Modern York. 1864.
Smith, C. R. 'On certain mythic personages', BAA Journal II (1847), 239.
" " 'Roman leaden coffins and ossuaria', Collectanea Antiqua VII, 170.
Stead, I. M. 'An Anglian Cemetery on The Mount, York', YAJ XXXIX (1958), 427.
" " 'Excavations at the South Corner Tower of the Roman Fortress at York, 1956,' YAJ XXXIX (1958), 515.
Stein, A. See above, Groag, E.
Taylor, M. V. (ed.) 'Roman Britain in . . .', annually in JRS from 1921 to date.
Thompson, A. H. (ed.) See above, Raine, A.
Thoresby, R. 'Account of a leaden coffin taken out of a Roman burying-place at York', Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions XXIV (1705), 1864.
" " 'Account of an old earthern vessel lately found near York', Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions XV (1685), 1017.
" " 'Concerning a Roman Inscription lately found at York, etc', Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions, XXIV (1705), 2145.
" " Ducatus Leodiensis, or the topography of the ancient and populous town and parish of Leeds and parts adjacent. 1714. 2nd ed., bound with 2nd edn. of the following work, but with separate pagination, with notes and additions by T. D. Whitaker. 1816.
" " Musaeum Thoresbyanum or a catalogue of the Antiquities and of the Natural and Artificial Rarities preserved in the repository of Ralph Thoresby, Gent., F.R.S. 1712. (See previous entry.)
" " 'On a Roman Coffin and other Antiquities lately found in Yorkshire', Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions XX (1698), 310.
" " 'On some Roman Antiquities found in Yorkshire', Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions XIX (1697), 738.
" " 'Two Roman inscriptions at York', Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions XXV (1706), 2194.
Todd, J., and Todd, G. Description of York. 1818.
Ward, J. See above, Drake, F.
Watkin, W. T. 'Britanno-Roman inscriptions discovered in 1876', Arch. Journal XXXIV (1877), 130.
" " 'On Britanno-Roman inscriptions found in 1877', Arch. Journal XXXV (1878), 63.
" " 'On some recently discovered Britanno-Roman Inscriptions', Arch. Journal XXXIII (1876), 342.
" " 'Roman inscriptions discovered in Britain in 1878', Arch. Journal XXXVI (1879), 154.
Wellbeloved, C. A Descriptive Account of the Antiquities in the grounds and in the Museum of the Yorkshire
Wellbeloved, C. (cont.) Philosophical Society. 3 edns. 1852, 1854, 1858. 4th–6th edns. revised by J. Kenrick, 1861, 1869, 1875. 7th–8th edns. revised by J. Raine, and entitled A Handbook to the Antiquities etc., 1881, 1891. In the Inventory the abbreviated titles Yorkshire Museum Handbook or YMH are used for this work.
" " Eburacum or York under the Romans. 1842.
" " 'Observations on a Roman Inscription, lately discovered in York,' YPS Proceedings I (1847–54), 282.
" " 'On some additions to the Museum of Antiquities', YPS Proceedings I (1847–54), 95.
Wenham, L. P. 'Blossom Street excavations, 1953,' YA and YAS Proceedings (1953–4), 11.
" " 'Course of the Roman road from Sim Balk Lane to near Micklegate Bar, York', YA and YAS Proceedings (1953–4), 24.
" " 'Excavation of Roman Road in Treasurer's House, York, 1954', YAJ XXXIX (1958), 266
" " 'Romano-British cemetery and 17th-century gun emplacement on The Mount, York', YA and YAS Proceedings (1952–3), 18.
" " 'Seven archaeological discoveries in Yorkshire,' YAJ XL, part 158 (1960), 298.
" " 'Trentholme Drive excavations: interim report, 1951', YA and YAS Proceedings (1951–2), 20.
" " 'Two discoveries of the Roman Road between York and Tadcaster', YAJ XXXIX (1958), 276.
" " See above, Dickinson, C.
Wheeler, R. E. M. 'The Multangular Tower', Arch. Journal XCI (1934), 380.
Whellan, T. See above, Sheahan, J. J.
Whitaker, T. D. See above, Thoresby, R.
White, W. See above, Parson, W.
Widdrington, Sir Thomas Analecta Eboracensia, ed. with notes by the Rev. Caesar Caine. 1897.
Willmot, G. F. 'Excavations at St. Mary's Abbey', YA and YAS Proceedings (1953–54), 12.
" " 'Interim report on the 1952 excavation in St. Mary's Abbey', YPSR (1952), 22.
" " 'Report on excavations at Davy Hall, York', Martin's Bank Magazine (Summer, 1959), 12.
Wright, R. P. 'A new leaden sealing from York', Cumberland and Westmorland Ant. and Arch. Soc. Transactions N.S. LIV (1955), 102.
Yorkshire Archaeological Society (1871–97 Yorkshire, previously Huddersfield, Architectural and Topographical Association) Yorkshire Archaeological Journal I–XXXIX (1870–1958) continuing: I–XX named Yorkshire Archaeological and Topographical Journal. Vols. comprise four parts issued, generally, twice annually to 1939, annually thereafter: the first part for 1868, the third part of XL (pt. CLIX) in 1961.
Yorkshire Architectural and York Archaeological Society Proceedings I (1933–5), three annual parts, II (1936) incomplete, one part only. Annual Report (1948–9); Annual Report and Summary of Proceedings (1949–50) and annually (to 1953–4), five volumes.
" " A Short Guide to Roman York. 1956.
Evening Press See, Yorkshire Evening Press.
York Chronicle 1772–1839 weekly; incorporated with Yorkshire Gazette.
York Courant 1725–1848 weekly; incorporated with York Herald.
York Herald 1790–1874 weekly (see, York Courant and Yorkshireman); 1874–90 daily; 1890–1954 weekly as Yorkshire Herald; amalgamated with Yorkshire Gazette as Yorkshire Gazette and Herald.
Yorkshire Evening Press 1882 to date daily, known as Evening Press before 1905.
Yorkshire Gazette 1819–84 weekly (see, York Chronicle); 1884–5 daily; 1885–1954 weekly; amalgamated with Yorkshire Herald as Yorkshire Gazette and Herald.
Yorkshire Gazette and Herald 1954 to date weekly. See, Yorkshire Gazette and York Herald.
Yorkshire Herald See, York Herald.
Yorkshireman 1834–58 weekly; incorporated with York Herald.