Monumental Heraldry in Salisbury

Ancient and Historical Monuments in the City of Salisbury. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1977.

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'Monumental Heraldry in Salisbury', in Ancient and Historical Monuments in the City of Salisbury( London, 1977), British History Online [accessed 7 October 2024].

'Monumental Heraldry in Salisbury', in Ancient and Historical Monuments in the City of Salisbury( London, 1977), British History Online, accessed October 7, 2024,

"Monumental Heraldry in Salisbury". Ancient and Historical Monuments in the City of Salisbury. (London, 1977), , British History Online. Web. 7 October 2024.

In this section


The following Armorial blazons all arms mentioned in the present volume. The coats etc. are described in the form seen and are not always the version generally accepted as correct. The position of each representation is given in the general index, s.v. HERALDRY.

Royal Arms

Edward the confessor. Azure, a cross flory between four martlets argent.

England and France (c. 1405–1603). Azure, three fleurs-de-lys or, for France Modern, quartering Gules, three lions passant gardant or, for England.

Elizabeth I. Supporters: a lion gardant crowned and a dragon.

Stuart (1603–1707). Quarterly: 1 and 4, France Modern quartering England; 2, Or, a lion within a double tressure flory counterflory gules, for Scotland; 3, Azure, a harp or stringed argent, for Ireland. Supporters: a lion and a unicorn.

Stuart (1707–1714). Quarterly: 1 and 4, England impaling Scotland; 2, France Modern; 3, Ireland.

Hanoverian (1714–1800). Quarterly: 1, England impaling Scotland; 2, France Modern; 3, Ireland; 4, per pale and per cheveron: Gules, two lions passant gardant in pale or; ii Or, semy of hearts gules, a lion azure; iii Gules, a horse courant argent, for Hanover. Supporters: as Stuart.


Abarough. Two swords in saltire between four fleurs-de-lys.

Audley. Quarterly, 1 and 4, Gules, a fret or, 2 and 3, Ermine, a chevron gules.

Baker. A tower between three keys erect.

Barnes. Azure, three leopards' heads argent.

Batt. Sable, a fess ermine between three dexterhands erect argent.

Baylye or Bayly. On a fess engrailed between three horses' heads couped, three fleurs-de-lys.

Beauchamp. Quarterly, 1 and 4, Gules, a fess between six martlets or, 2, Gules, two lions passant or, 3, Azure, three fishes in pale argent, all within a border (ermine?) (Monument (3)).

Beauchamp. Gules, a fess between six crosses crosslet or (Monument (185)).

Blackall. Argent, a greyhound courant sable, on a chief indented sable, three bezants.

Blake. A chevron, or, between three garbs.

Boucher. A cross engrailed between four water bougets.

Bouchier. Quarterly, 1 and 4, Argent, a cross engrailed gules between four water bougets sable, 2 and 3, Gules, a fess argent between six billets or.

Bowerman or Bowreman. Ermine, on a bend cotised sable three boars' heads couped or, a mullet or for difference.

Brereton? Argent, two bars sable.

Burrough. Gules, the stump of a tree eradicated argent, with two leaves vert.

Burt. Argent, on a chevron gules between three bugle-horns sable stringed or, three crosses crosslet fitchy or.

Calder. Argent, a buck's head cabossed sable, in chief a canton of Ulster.

Campbell. Gyronny gules and ermine.

Cantelupe. Three leopards' heads jessant-de-lys.

Chester. I. Per pale a chevron engrailed between three goats' heads erased (Monument (3)).

2. Ermine, on a chief sable, a griffin statant or (Monument (4)).

Clare. Or, three chevronels gules.

Clarke. I. Argent, on a bend gules between three torteaux, three swans argent (Monument (7)).

2. Three escallops in pale or, between two flaunches ermine (Monument (3)).

Clifford. I. Checky azure and argent, a fess gules.

2. Barry of six argent and sable.

Courtenay. Quarterly, 1 and 4, Argent, three torteaux, 2 and 3, Or, a lion azure, for Redvers.

Cradock. Three boars' heads couped between nine crosses crosslet.

Davies. A fess ermine between three cinquefoils.

Drapers company. Azure, three clouds proper, radiated in base or, each surmounted with a triple crown or, cap gules.

Despenser. Quarterly Argent and gules, in the 2nd and 3rd A fret or, overall a bend sable.

Earle. Ermine, on a chief indented three crowns.

Egerton. Argent, a lion gules between three pheons azure (sable).

Estcourt. Ermine, on a chief indented gules three estoiles or, a crescent for difference.

Eyre. Argent, on a chevron sable three quatrefoils or, a crescent for difference. Crest: A leg in armour, couped at the thigh sable.

Fitz-Alan? Barry of eight azure and or.

Fitzhugh. Azure, three chevrons interlaced and a chief or.

Fitzgerald. Ermine, a saltire gules.

Gantlet. A mailed hand, and on a chief two cinquefoils.

Goddard. A chevron vair between three crescents.

Goldwyer. Azure, three stirrups in bend between two cotises or, Crest: A stag's head erased.

Gorges. Gules, six lozenges conjoined or.

Gough. Sable, on a fess gules between three boars' heads coupled, a lion passant.

Greenhill. Two bars and in chief a lion passant.

Grevile. On a cross five roundels, a border engrailed.

Hales. A chevron between three lions.

Hall. Argent, a chevron sable between three columbines azure.

Halswell. Azure, three bars wavy, overall a bend gules, a crescent for difference.

Hamburg, Merchant Adventurers of, Barry nebuly, a chief. Quarterly 1 and 4, A lion passant gardant, 2 and 3, Two roses in fess.

Hancock. Three cocks. Crest: A cockerel statant.

Hawes. Azure, a fess wavy argent between three lions passant or.

Hawkins. Sable, on a base wavy vert a lion passant or, in chief three bezants. On a canton argent an escallop azure between two crosses fitchy sable.

Hayter. Azure, three bulls' heads erased or.

Heath. A cross engrailed between twelve billets.

Hele. Sable, on a bend - five lozenges -.

Herbert, Earl of Pembroke. Per pale, three lions.

Hill. Gules, two bars ermine, in chief a lion passant or.

Hinxman. Argent, a chevron gules between three bugle-horns stringed, on a chief gules three lions. Crest: A bugle-horn stringed.

Horton. Three bends engrailed and a canton.

Hungerford. Sable, two bars argent and in chief three plates.

Hyde. Quarterly, 1 and 4, A chevron between three lozenges, 2 and 3, Paly of six and a bend, for Langford.

Keene, Ermine, three crescents.

Knight. On a fess between three bucks' heads erased, a fret between two martlets.

Lee. Gules, a fess checky or and azure between ten billets argents, impaling unidentified coat.

Long. Sable, semy of crosses crosslet and a lion argent.

Lucy. Semy of crosses crosslet, three lucies haurient.

Ludlow. Argent, a chevron between three foxes, heads erased sable.


Matravers or Fitz-Alan. Quarterly 1 and 4, Gules a lion or, 2 and 3, Sable, a fret or.

Mayne. Argent, on a bend engrailed sable three hands couped at the wrist argent.

Michell. Per chevron sable and gules, a chevron between three swans argent.

Minifie. On a chevron between three annulets, three eagles.

Mompesson? Argent, a lion —.

Montacute. Quarterly 1 and 4, Argent, three fusils conjoined in fess gules, 2 and 3, Or, an eagle vert, for Monthermer.

Monthermer. Or, an eagle vert.

Moulton. Argent, three bars gules between eight escallops sable, 3, 2, 2 and 1.

Musgrave. Six annulets, 3, 2 and 1.

Nevill. Gules, a saltire argent (Monument (3)). Gules, a saltire argent, a label gobony argent and azure (Monument (185)).

Nisbet. Argent, three boars' heads erased sable, a border invected gules.

Norris. Quarterly, Argent and gules, in the 2nd and 3rd A fret or, overall a fess azure.

Nowes. Vair, gules and argent, impaling unidentified coat.

Page. On a chevron between three birds, three pheons.

Payne. A fess between three leopards' faces.

Phipps. A trefoil within an orle of eight mullets.

Pitt. Quarterly 1 and 4, A fess checky between three bezants, 2 and 3, A cross crosslet.

Powell. Or, two chevronels between three lions — gambs erased gules.

Powell. A chevron between three lions — gambs erased.

Priaulx. Gules, an eagle argent.

Prince. A saltire, overall a cross engrailed ermine.

Ray. A fess between three battleaxes.

Rolfe. Three ravens.

St. George. Argent, a cross gules.

Salisbury, City of. Barry of eight, or and azure.

Salisbury, See of? Azure, a human figure or.

Salters Company. Per chevron azure and gules, three covered salts argent.

Slater. A saltire.

Smithes. Argent, a chevron between three oak leaves vert, each charged with an acorn or.

Spooner. Sable, a boar's head erect couped argent.

Stoning. On a chevron between three roundels, each charged with a fleur-delys, three...

Stourton. Sable, a bend argent between six fountains.

Swayne. 1. Azure, a chevron between three pheons or (Monument(3)).

2. Azure, a chevron erminois between three pheons or, a border erminois (Monument (570)).

Talbot? Bendy of eight gules and argent.

Terry. Ermine, on a pile a leopard's face jessant-de-lys.

Townsend. A chevron between three escallops.

Viner. A bend and on a chief or three choughs.

Walmesley. Gules, on a chief ermine two harts, impaled by unidentified coat.

Warwick. Checky or and azure, a chevron ermine.

Wastfelde or Wastfield. On a fess between six billets, three Catherine wheels. Crest: A Pascal lamb.

Webbe. A cross between four falcons.

Willes or Willis. Argent, a chevron azure between three mullets sable.

Willoughby? Quarterly 1 and 4, Gules, a cross moline argent, 2 and 3, Azure, a cross argent.

Winchester, See of? A sword and key in saltire.

Windover. Sable, two bars and in chief three demi-lions or, in fess point, a mullet for difference.

Wroughton. A chevron between three boars' heads couped.

Wylford or Wilford. A chevron engrailed between three leopards' faces.

Wyndham. Azure, a chevron between three lions' heads erased or, Crest: A lion's head erased within a fetterlock or.


1. Gules, a lion passant or. (3), 26b.

2. Argent, a fess gules. (3), 26b.

3. Argent, a cross gules. (3), 27a, 28a.

4. Gules, two keys in saltire or. (3), 28a.

5. Sable, a cross paty. (3), 28a.

6. Gules, a harp or. (3), 28a.

7. Gules, a cross argent. (3), 28a.

8. Gules, in a border azure semy of crosses paty, three lions passant or. (3), 28a.

9. Argent, a chevron gules. (3), 28a, 28b, see 19 below, 28b.

10. Argent, a chevron sable. (3), 28a.

11. Gules, a chevron sable. (3), 28a.

12. Sable, a chevron between three lilies argent, quartering ermine. (3), 28a.

13. Gules, a chevron between three catherine wheels or. (3), 28a.

14. Argent, a chevron between three roses gules. (3), 28a.

15. Argent, a fess between three moorhens. (3), 28a.

16. Sable, a chevron ermine between three hurdles argent. (3), 28b.

17. Argent, a bend engrailed sable. (3), 28b.

18. Gules, six drops argent. (3), 28b.

19. Gules, a pallium azure, impaling (9) above. (3), 28b.

20. On a chief three lions' heads erased, impaling Eyre. (3), 30a.

21. Azure, on a fess between three riding boots argent, the two in chief in saltire, a heart between two roses gules, impaled by Chester. (4), 35a.

22. Argent, a cross engrailed between four mullets sable, impaled by Lee. (4), 35a.

23. A lion, impaled by Greenhill. (4), 35a.

24. On a fess between three griffins heads erased, impaled by Rolfe. (4), 35a.

25. Azure, a fess ermine, a chief three fleurs-de-lys or, quartering gules, a lion or, impaling Eyre. (5), 38b.

26. A lion and a chief, impaled by Earle. (6), 41a.

27. On a cross, five buckles. (98), 76.

28. Ermine, a lion regardant or. (185), 104b.

29. Ermine, a lion or. (185), 104b.