St. John's College

An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the City of Oxford. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1939.

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'St. John's College', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the City of Oxford( London, 1939), British History Online [accessed 7 October 2024].

'St. John's College', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the City of Oxford( London, 1939), British History Online, accessed October 7, 2024,

"St. John's College". An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the City of Oxford. (London, 1939), , British History Online. Web. 7 October 2024.

St. John's College

(22) St. John's College stands on the E. side of St. Giles' Street. The walls are of local Oxfordshire rubble and freestone and the roofs are slate-covered. In 1437 Archbishop Henry Chichele founded the college of St. Bernard for students of the Cistercian order, and this eventually formed the front quadrangle of the existing building. The earliest part is perhaps the cellar at the W. end of the N. range; the S. Range of the quadrangle was in course of erection in 1439 and the W. Range and Gatehouse are of much the same date. An appeal was made to the Cistercian houses for the building-fund in 1483 and further building is known to have been in progress in 1501–2; the latter probably included the E. part of the Hall. The Chapel was consecrated in 1530. The E. Range was probably the last of the mediæval work undertaken and it appears to have been unfinished and roofless in 1546. St. Bernard's College seems to have finally come to an end c. 1546, but the buildings were not destroyed and in 1555 the College of St. John the Baptist was founded by Sir Thomas White who acquired the buildings, completed the E. range, added the kitchen to the N. and restored the hall; the E. range included the President's Lodgings on the N. and the old Library on the S. Attics were added over the various rooms in 1573 and in 1579 the ground in front of the college was acquired and enclosed with a low wall. The Outer Library on the S. side of the present Canterbury Quadrangle was built between 1596 and 1601; much of the material came from the White Friars. In Laud's Presidency (1611–21) various works were undertaken; in 1615 the stone dormer-windows and battlements were added to the W. front and in 1617 battlements were added within the quadrangle; the Cook's Building on the street-front N. of the main building was erected in 1612; the chapel was refitted and in 1616 the hall was enlarged to the W. and in 1619 a new louvre built. The Baylie Chapel on the N. of the chapel must have been begun after 1633 when Laud became archbishop, and was, according to Wood, finished in 1662. The Canterbury Quadrangle was built by Laud between the years 1631–36, incorporating the earlier S. range which was extended at both ends. The Senior Common Room was built in 1676 and has an addition of c. 1835 on the N. side. The screen in the hall was built in 1742 and in the second half of the century Holmes Building was erected to the S.W. of the old library. The chapel was drastically restored by Edward Blore in 1843. The new buildings to the N. of the college were erected in 1881 and further additions were made to this new quadrangle in 1906 (incorporating an earlier building) and 1933.

St. John's College Arms

The Canterbury Quadrangle is a fine example of early 17th-century design, the fittings of the library are noteworthy and the earlier work in the front quadrangle has many features of interest.

St. John's College

Architectural Description—The Front Quadrangle (about 117 ft. square) is entered by the central Gatehouse on the W. side, which with most of the rest of the W. range is of mid 15th-century date. In front of the college is an enclosure planted with trees and with low stone walls erected in 1579. The gatehouse is of three stages with a restored embattled parapet and a refaced top stage. The partly restored outer archway has moulded and shafted jambs and four-centred arch in a square head with moulded labels stopped on to grouped shafts flanking the jambs; the spandrels are traceried and have shields repainted with the Stuart royal arms and those of the college impaling Laud; the archway is fitted with original oak doors of two leaves with a wicket; each leaf is divided into five vertical cinque-foiled or trefoiled panels with elaborate tracery, moulded styles and muntins. The second stage has an oriel window, all modern except the moulded jambs against the wall; flanking it are two much restored canopied niches with pedestals, panelled backs and ribbed vaulting; the top stage has two restored windows and a restored central niche containing an original figure of St. Bernard, later adapted to represent St. John the Baptist. The E. face of the gatehouse has a partly restored archway with moulded jambs and four-centred arch in a square head, moulded labels and traceried spandrels enclosing repainted shields of the arms of the see of Winchester and of Sir William Cordell. The second stage has a partly restored window with a square head and now fitted with sashes. The top stage has a restored niche similar to those on the W. front and containing a modern figure; S. of it is a window of one trefoiled light; the top of the stage and the N.E. turret have been refaced. The gate-hall has an original stone vault of two bays with hollow-chamfered diagonal, ridge and wall-ribs springing from vaulting-shafts with moulded capitals and bases; the bosses are carved with a monster, a yale, a half-angel holding a shield with a fesse, and foliage. The W. Range, flanking the gatehouse, is of two storeys with attics, finished with a restored embattled parapet and stone-fronted gabled dormers of the 17th century, refaced. The two end bays of the front are gabled, that on the N. being a later heightening, the original bay being finished with a low gable above the first-floor windows, of which the restored parapet-string remains. The windows are of one or two square-headed lights with moulded reveals and labels; one in the S. bay retains its trefoiled heads and the others may have been so finished originally; the lower windows in the end bays have the lower parts partly blocked. The E. face of the range has similar windows, all now of one light and fitted with sashes; the doorways have moulded jambs and four-centred heads; this and the other ranges round the quadrangle have re-built embattled parapets, added early in the 17th century. The S. Range is of similar general character to the W. range, the windows have been restored and are mostly fitted with sashes; the parapet and dormers are similar to those on the W. front and all have been restored. The front to the quadrangle is generally similar to the S. side but the parapet is stepped up in the middle and has a panel with a restored achievement-of-arms of Benjamin Henshaw. Both this and the other ranges have late 17th or early 18th-century moulded lead rain-water heads enriched with roses. The E. Range is generally similar to the W. range on the side towards the quadrangle and has been partly refaced; it has a similar achievement-of-arms on the parapet. It seems to have been originally pierced by three passages, the E. openings of which were exposed in 1924, and the remains of the middle one are still visible inside; the existing passage was formed after 1633; it is entered by a much restored doorway with a round keyed arch, side pilasters, entablature, broken and scrolled pediment and a cartouche-of-arms of the see of Canterbury impaling Laud; the spandrels are carved with a mitre and a stork. The doorway to the President's Lodgings, further N., is similar but less restored; the spandrels have a stork and an Agnus Dei and the cartouche has the arms of the college. The windows are similar to those in the other ranges and all more or less restored. The E. face of the range will be described under the Canterbury Quadrangle. Inside the W. range, on the ground floor are two fireplaces with eared and moulded surrounds and friezes; they are probably referred to in two inscriptions, one re-set and one loose, reading "This chimney was erected by A.Q. 1694 Porter." The room above the gate-hall is lined with 18th-century panelling; the top room in the gate-tower has a flat open roof with chamfered main timbers; one wall-post stands on a stone corbel carved with an angel holding a shield. In the S. range, the W. room on the ground floor is lined with early 18th-century panelling and has an 18th-century fireplace. The western staircase has old timber-framed walls and wooden handrails. Two rooms to the E. have 18th-century panelling and fireplaces. The room E. of the second staircase retains a small portion of the 16th-century painted foliagedecoration on the plaster; on the W. wall is a piece of late 15th or early 16th-century oak partition of the muntin and plank type. The E. room in the range is lined with early 18th-century panelling and has an 18th-century stone fireplace; it is flanked by fluted Doric pilasters supporting an entablature; on the frieze, between the triglyphs are modern painted shields. On the first floor two rooms are lined or partly lined with early 17th-century panelling and others with 18th-century panelling. Inside the E. range, the S. room on the ground floor is lined with 18th-century panelling; on the first floor there is a 16th-century doorway of oak with a moulded frame and ornamental stops; the door is panelled and has a carved head. The passage-way through the range has an early 17th-century fan-vault of two bays with cusped panels and pierced pendants; it springs from moulded corbels; the side walls have each a doorway with a four-centred arch in a square head and one is fitted with an early 17th-century panelled door, with a carved head. The N. part of the range forms part of the President's Lodgings with the main staircase (Plate 185) at the N. end; this is of early 17th-century date and of well-type; it has turned balusters, moulded strings and rails and square posts and newels with a series of variously enriched panels; one newel, at the top, retains its high turned terminal; against the E. wall is a panelled dado of the same age. On the first floor, above the hall, is one of the original staircases of the range and the library is partly lined with early 17th-century panelling.

The N. Range comprises the Chapel, the Hall and the Buttery. The Chapel (79 ft. by 26½ ft.) is no doubt substantially a building of early 16th-century date but now retains no features of that age, all the windows being of the date of Blore's restoration in 1843; the walls are ashlar-faced. The E. window replaces one originally of seven lights. In the N. wall are two restored arches, probably of the 17th century, with moulded jambs, four-centred heads and labels, with an angel-stop on the E. In the S. wall are two corresponding blind arches. At the W. end of the chapel is a crosspassage entered by an early 16th-century doorway at the S. end with moulded jambs, four-centred arch and label with foiled spandrels; the N. doorway is modern. The Baylie Chapel (22½ ft. by 12½ ft.) was built after 1633. The E. window is of three cinque-foiled lights with vertical tracery in a segmental-pointed head. In the N. wall is the lower part of a former doorway and in the W. wall is a doorway with moulded jambs and four-centred head. The roof is ceiled with a fan-vault of plaster; it is of two bays with cusped panels and plain shields to the cones; the spandrels have circular traceried panels enclosing shields, that on the E. of Laud as archbishop of Canterbury; the smaller panels have alternately a mitre and a crest; the vault springs from moulded and panelled corbels.

Fittings—Brasses: In the Baylie chapel—on W. wall, (1) of Henry Huchenson, 1573, kneeling figure in gown and hood and three inscription-plates on marble tablet with added inscription to Richard Huchenson, his brother, 1579. In cross-passage—on W. wall, (2) of [Robert] Harte, 1571–2, kneeling figure of man in gown and hood; (3) of John Glover, M.A., 1578, kneeling figure in gown and hood with two inscription-plates; (4) to Henry Price, S.T.B., 1600–1, two inscription-plates, effigy lost; (5) of Robert Shingleton, M.A., 1577, kneeling figure in gown and hood and two inscription-plates. In lobby between chapel and President's lodgings—(6) to William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1644–5, inscription and shield-of-arms, copied from coffin-plate in 1663. Monuments and Floor-slabs. Monuments: In Baylie chapel—under E. window, (1) of Richard Baylie, S.T.D., President and Dean of Salisbury, 1667, and Richard Baylie, his son, 1674–5, alabaster and black marble altar-tomb (Plate 179) with panelled pilasters, arches, blank cartouches and swags, white marble effigy in gown and cap, reclining on books, back-piece, probably from the monument, now fixed on external face of N. wall, with Corinthian columns, entablature, pediment and three cartouches-of-arms; on N. wall, (2) to William Levinz, M.D., President, 1697–8, marble tablet (Plate 32) with Corinthian side-columns, entablatures, broken pediment, achievement and three shields-of-arms, monument signed T. Hill, 1699; (3) of Ralph Huchenson, President, 1605–6, alabaster wall-monument (Plate 30) with painted bust in gown and hood, enriched side-pilasters, cornice and cartouche-of-arms; on the W. wall, (4) of Sir William Paddy, M.D., 1634, alabaster and black marble wall-monument (Plate 195) with bust of man in recess, Corinthian side-columns, entablatures, broken pediment and achievement-of-arms. In passage W. of chapel—on W. wall, (5) to E[dward] Bernard, S.T.P., 1696–7, draped marble tablet with shield-of-arms; (6) of John Case, 1599–1600, alabaster and black marble wall-monument (Plate 34) with painted kneeling figure in gown at prayer-desk, panelled side-pilasters, entablature and cartouche-of-arms; (7) to Edward Waple, 1712, grey marble tablet, with side-pilasters, cornice and cartouche-of-arms; (8) to William Bigmore, LL.B., 1631, stone and slate tablet, with scrolls, entablature, and broken pediment; (9) of Richard Latewar, S.T.D., 1603, alabaster wall-monument (Plate 34) with painted kneeling figure in gown and hood, at prayer-desk, enriched side-pilasters, cornice and cartouche-of-arms; (10) of John Wicksteed, 1606–7, marble tablet with incised figure of man in gown kneeling at desk, cornice and shield-of-arms; (11) to Edward Sparke, LL.B., 1675, stone and marble tablet with cherubs and shield-of-arms. Floor-slabs: In choir—(1) to G. L. (William Levinz), President, 1697–8. In Baylie Chapel—(2) to Edward Sparke, 16[75]. In cross-passage—(3) with date 1646; (4) with date 1712; (5) to T. E., 1685. Pavement: In chapel— of black and white marble squares, laid down in 1676.

The Hall (82½ ft. by 26½ ft.) was built probably c. 1500 but was enlarged by one bay to the W. in 1616 and in 1935 the screen was set back throwing the former screens-passage into the hall. The windows, four on the S. and three on the N., are partly original but remodelled in the 17th century and now much restored; they are each of a single light with moulded reveals and four-centred head with a label; the doorway, at the W. end, is of c. 1500 and has moulded jambs and four-centred arch in a square head with a modern label; above it is a blocked window. The E. part of the hall has an original roof of three bays and of collar-beam type with curved and moulded braces forming two-centred arches; each bay has a secondary truss with a higher collar-beam; the purlins have curved wind-braces; the roof is covered by a semi-circular panelled plaster ceiling, probably erected c. 1616 but remodelled in the 18th century. The fireplace was inserted c. 1759 at the expense of John Duncan whose name with a copy of Raphael's John the Baptist by Lamberto Gori is above it. The panelling on the E., N. and S. walls is of early 18th-century date and at the dais-end it is divided into bays by Ionic pilasters and finished with an entablature. The stone screen is of 1742 and is ascribed to James Gibbs; it is of three bays with Ionic columns with elaborate iron gates (Plate 28) in the central archway. The N. doorway is fitted with an early 18th-century panelled door. The roof of the W. part of the range is probably original and is of trussed-rafter type. The Buttery adjoins the hall on the W. Its former E. wall has recently been removed and replaced by the re-set screen of the hall; the buttery has late 15th-century moulded ceiling-beams. Below it is a 15th-century cellar of four bays with a central cylindrical column with moulded capital and base; from it and similarly moulded corbels springs the stone quadripartite vault, with chamfered diagonal and wall-ribs. A pier has been inserted, probably in the 17th century, under the former E. wall of the buttery above. In the W. wall are the splays of two former windows. The room above the buttery now forms a gallery to the hall; it is lined with 18th-century panelling. Two sections of 16th-century painted wall-decoration from this room have been re-set on the adjoining staircase; one consists of panels and a frieze of arabesque ornament with a shield on the frieze; the other has an inscription; a second inscription remains in situ on a window-splay. The staircase, to the N., was built in 1616, but in the W. wall of the enclosing building is a window of two cinque-foiled lights in a square head which is presumably of the 15th century; other windows are of the 16th or 17th century. The staircase itself has a square central pier, timber-framed in the upper part and with a newel, having a moulded terminal, and symmetrically turned balusters.

The Cook's Building, or kitchen-wing, extends to the N. along the street-front. It incorporates work of the 16th century but was largely re-built and heightened in 1612. It is of three storeys with attics, the windows, where original, have four-centred heads to the lights and moulded labels and the parapets are finished with a series of restored gabled stone dormers; these have supporting scrolls, finials and diagonal openings to the roof-space. Inside the building, the kitchen has an old panelled door and a wide fireplace, with a three-centred arch, in the W. wall. A room at the N. end has a wide fireplace with an oak lintel. On the first floor, in the W. wall N. of the staircase is the head of a re-used 15th-century window of one cinque-foiled light. The room over the lobby from the hall is lined with early 18th-century panelling and the adjoining room over part of the kitchen with early 17th-century panelling. A room at the N. end has mid 18th-century panelling and there is also some 18th-century panelling on the second floor. The kitchen has a modern extension on the N. and a small projecting wing added in 1612.

The Senior Common Room forms a wing extending N. from the chapel and was built in 1676; it was further extended c. 1835. It is of one storey with basement and attics and the side walls are finished with entablatures. The main windows on the W. side have eared architraves; the timber dormer-windows have pediments. The senior common-room is lined with late 17th-century panelling with a cornice; the fireplace (Plate 23) has a dark marble surround and there is a carved frieze-panel above; the panelled overmantel has enriched mouldings, festoons at the sides and a cartouche of the arms of the college, with scrolled foliage, etc., above. The S. doorways have over-doors with drapery-swags and broken pediments. The enriched plaster ceiling with shells, shell-fish, etc. was made by Thomas Roberts in 1742. On the N.W. of the President's Garden is an outbuilding, probably of the 17th century, but extensively altered.

The Canterbury Quadrangle (114 ft. by 111 ft.) was built between the years 1631–36, incorporating the lower library block of 1596–1601. It is generally of two storeys and towards the quadrangle the E. and W. and the N. and S. fronts are symmetrically designed. The E. (Plate 181) and W. sides have each an open loggia to the lower floor, with a central feature and five bays on either side. The central feature (Plate 184) on the W. has a semi-circular arch springing from attached columns, a carved head on the key-block and carved angels in the spandrels; it is flanked by coupled and fluted Doric columns supporting an enriched entablature continued along the front; on the frieze are carved cartouches of the see of Canterbury and Laud; the upper storey has enriched two-stage pedestals and coupled and fluted Ionic columns supporting a second enriched entablature with a segmental pediment; in the tympanum is a large cartouche of the royal Stuart arms impaling France and flanked by a rose and a thistle; in the middle of this stage is a shell-headed niche flanked by Corinthian columns supporting entablatures and a pediment; under the pediment are carved figures of a lion and unicorn and in the niche is a standing bronze figure of Queen Henrietta Maria by Hubert Lesueur; below the niche is a large carved cartouche of the arms of Canterbury impaling Laud and surmounted by a mitre. The side bays of the loggia form a continuous arcade of round arches with carved heads on the key-blocks and enriched spandrels each with a round panel and a woman's bust standing on a bracket; the busts represent virtues as follows—Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, Temperance, Faith, Hope, Charity and Piety or Religion; the spandrels have appropriate symbols and at the ends, figures of angels; the enrichments of the frieze above, on this and the E. front, include the arms of Laud, the various offices he enjoyed, etc.; the arcade rests on plain Doric columns with half-columns as responds. The upper storey has a range of windows each of two four-centred lights with a restored label; the restored parapet is embattled and the string has a series of carvings of beasts, heads, figures, the see of London impaling Laud, etc. The E. front is generally similar but the upper part has been considerably refaced; the central feature (Plate 184) has a bronze figure of Charles I, also by Lesueur, with a cartouche of the royal Stuart arms above; the busts over the side arcades represent the arts—Learning, Astronomy, Geometry, Music, Arithmetic, Logic, Rhetoric and Grammar, with appropriate emblems and books bearing their authors' names. The N. and S. sides of the quadrangle range with those on the E. and W. and have similar parapets, string-courses and upper range of windows; in place of the loggia, however, is a lower range of similar windows and a series of doorways with four-centred arches in square heads and plain shields in the spandrels; the upper storey on the N. has been refaced. On each side are four enriched lead rain-water heads with the arms of Charles I, Laud and Canterbury, or the last two impaled. The E. external elevation or Garden Front (Plate 180) is finished with an embattled parapet and a small gable at each end, all restored. The ground floor has a series of restored windows similar to the upper windows of the quadrangle; in the middle is a restored doorway with a round head and plain imposts and key-block; the spandrels are carved with scrolls and fruit; flanking it are plain pilasters with consoles supporting entablatures and a pediment with cornucopiae and a cartouche-of-arms of Canterbury impaling Laud. The upper storey has a series of restored oriel-windows; the three in the middle and that at the N. end are each of three transomed and four-centred lights with a single light on each return; they rest on moulded corbels, the space below the sills being enriched with jewel and strap-ornament; the oriel at the S. end is similar but of five lights on the face; alternating with the oriel-windows are four other restored windows each of three transomed lights. The parapet string-course has a series of restored carved bosses as on the other elevations. The N. external front is of three storeys finished with a series of small curvilinear gables; the windows were similar to those of the upper ranges of the quadrangle but several have been altered, the mullions removed and modern frames inserted; one original doorway has been altered into a window. The S. external front has no parapet except in the E. bay; the two ranges of windows are similar to those in the upper ranges of the quadrangle; this part of the front dates from 1596–1601. The E. bay is an addition of 1631–6; the lower storey has two windows similar to the rest but the upper storey has an orielwindow, similar to those in the garden front but with a large middle light below the transom taking the place of the two above; the space below the sill has partly finished panels in place of carving. Inside the building, the loggias have each a central doorway (Plate 6) in the inner wall, with architraves, plain imposts, round arch in a square eared head and carved key-stone; above it is an enriched entablature with a pediment and a shell in the tympanum. The passage to the garden has a richly cusped and panelled fan-vault, with pierced pendants; the outer doorway is hung with panelled oak doors with scrolled enrichments and shell-heads. The first floor of the W. loggia mostly forms a long gallery in the President's Lodgings; above it is an attic storey, with a number of doorways with moulded oak frames; one room is lined with early 17th-century panelling; the fireplace has Ionic side-pilasters, moulded shelf and overmantel; the latter is of three bays with Doric columns, entablature and enriched panels with perspective arches. The W. half of the N. range also forms part of the President's Lodgings. On the ground-floor are four doorways with moulded oak frames, four-centred arches in square heads and fleur-de-lis or moulded stops, perhaps earlier work re-used; they are fitted with panelled doors with fluting in the heads. There is a little early 17th-century panelling. The Drawing Room (Plate 183), on the first floor, is lined with early 17th-century panelling divided into bays by Ionic pilasters standing on enriched pedestals and supporting an entablature with a panelled frieze; the fireplace is flanked by Doric columns supporting a strapped entablature; the overmantel is of three bays divided by Ionic columns and flanked by diminishing pilasters supporting an enriched entablature with pendant drops; the middle bay has a panel with a broken pediment and a cartouche-of-arms of Canterbury impaling Laud; the side bays have niches with standing figures of women; the W. doorway of the room has panelled side-pilasters supporting an entablature and double pediment; the outer face has enriched pilasters and a broken pediment with an urn; the door is of two main panels, the upper elaborately sub-divided and the lower with a large jewel-ornament. The ceiling has moulded ribs forming small panels but is of doubtful antiquity. Further E. is an oak doorway similar to those on the ground floor. The rest of the N. range retains a number of oak doorways similar to those in the President's Lodgings. On the first floor, the W. room is lined with early 17th-century panelling with overdoors and entablature; the fireplace has a moulded stone surround, flanked by pilasters supporting an entablature; the overmantel is of two bays with enriched pilasters, entablature and arched and eared panels in the bays. A second room, further E., is lined with early 17th-century panelling, with Ionic pilasters between the bays and an enriched entablature; the fireplace (Plate 22) is flanked by enriched pilasters supporting an enriched double frieze, cornice and shelf; the overmantel, of two bays, has Ionic columns and an entablature; the bays have shaped panels with pediments. The S. range is largely occupied, on the first floor, by the old library; this is reached by a modern staircase at its W. end and at the head of this staircase are three late 16th-century doorways; that leading to the Junior Common Room, has a moulded oak frame with a four-centred arch in a square head with foliage and shields or rosettes in the spandrels; the stops are carved with vases of flowers and leaf-sprays; at the foot of the adjoining attic-staircase is a second doorway of similar form but uncarved; the doorway to the old library is of stone, with moulded jambs and four-centred arch in a square head; it is fitted with panelled doors in two leaves; the inside of the doorway has fluted side-pilasters, bracketed cornice, finials and a pediment with a gilded bust of Charles I, and his cypher, in the tympanum. The Old Library has a trussed-rafter roof, ceiled between the beams. It is fitted with bookcases forming eight recesses on each side and each with a window; the book-cases are finished with entablatures and pediments with finials at the ends; the benches between them have ogee bench-ends finished with a turned knob. The walls of the W. bay are lined with early 17th-century panelling with a bracketed cornice; the E. bay has similar panelling. In the E. oriel-window are nine oval panels of painted glass—(a) achievement-of-arms of Warren, (b) achievement-of-arms of Craven; (c) achievement-of-arms of the founder with inscription recording the making of the window in 1596; (d) royal arms of Queen Elizabeth; (e) achievement of the Merchant Taylors' Company who contributed to the library, 1596; (f) achievement of Dove of Suffolk; (g) shield-of-arms of Berkeley with inscription to Robert Berkeley, contributor, 1596; (h) shield of Hangar, with inscription to George Hangar, contributor, 1596; (i) medallion with portrait of the founder; also four quarries with arms of Archbishop Laud, 1633, and Juxon, Bishop of London, 1636, and the founder. In the S. oriel-window is an achievement-of-arms of Canterbury impaling Laud, with angel-supporters and the date 1636, also a loose panel with the same arms and those of Laud's various other offices, on a bay-tree, perhaps a modern copy. The Laudian Library occupies the whole of the first floor of the main block of the E. range. It has a modern open roof of thirteen bays, with arched braces below the collar-beams; on the braces are attached figures of angels holding books, of doubtful age, and below the collar-beams are carved mitres or shields with the arms of various dioceses, etc., impaling Laud. The library is entered by a doorway (Plate 6) in the S. wall with plain imposts, round arch, acanthus, key-stone, consoles, cornice and broken pediment, with, on the S. face (Plate 6), a wreath and ribbon with the inscription, ὁ θεὸς μάλιστα Πάντων γεωμετρει and on the N. face a cartouche-of-arms of Canterbury impaling Laud; it is hung with doors of two panelled folds, with ornamental pierced upper panels.

The wall between the gardens of the President and the Fellows was built at the cost of Edward Sprot in 1613, according to an inscription over the doorway.
