
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the County of Northamptonshire, Volume 6, Architectural Monuments in North Northamptonshire. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1984.

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'Warmington', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the County of Northamptonshire, Volume 6, Architectural Monuments in North Northamptonshire( London, 1984), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rchme/northants/vol6/pp157-165 [accessed 7 October 2024].

'Warmington', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the County of Northamptonshire, Volume 6, Architectural Monuments in North Northamptonshire( London, 1984), British History Online, accessed October 7, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rchme/northants/vol6/pp157-165.

"Warmington". An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the County of Northamptonshire, Volume 6, Architectural Monuments in North Northamptonshire. (London, 1984), , British History Online. Web. 7 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rchme/northants/vol6/pp157-165.

In this section


Fig. 200 Warmington Village Map

(Fig. 200)

Warmington is a parish of 1625 hectares on the S. of the R. Nene. The village is in the N.W. of the parish, and the medieval hamlets of Papley and Eaglcthorpe lay to the S.E. and N.E. respectively, on the clayland which occupies the E. half of the parish. Papley is now represented by a single house (36) and Eaglethorpe was depopulated in the last quarter of the 16th century for the enlargement of Elton Park, and is now in Cambridgeshire. Three main holdings in the separate hundreds are recorded in Domesday Book, and their subsequent history probably accounts for the complex settlement pattern in the village. Both the manor and advowson belonged to Peterborough Abbey, but several grants were made to free tenants before 1086. The church is an outstanding building of the late 12th and early 13 th century when it was one of the four largest in the area. At the Dissolution the manor passed to the Crown and was bought in 1746 by Thomas Powys of Lilford. The Earl of Carysfort, whose scat was at Elton, bought the manor in 1797, since when it has remained in the hands of his descendants.

Warmington village consists of several elements, the church being roughly in the middle, in a large area of glebe land. Southorpe is the street on the S., now almost deserted; in the 17th century there was an important medieval house at the W. end, presumably a manor house, to which most of the tenements were attached. Big Green is a triangular green on the E. whose shape was obscured at enclosure in 1774. Mill End on the N. acquired the name of Eaglcthorpe some time after 1874. To the N. of the church and its glebe is a large rectangular plot defined by roads, on which stood Place House, apparently a manor house, in the 17th century. Between Place House and Mill End was that part of Warmington which was in Willybrook hundred (NRO, photo-copy 1108); the present late 17th-century manor house stands within it. To the E. is a moat, of uncertain associations.

There were 97 families in 1673, and 102 in 1801. The Hearth Tax returns of 1673 do not suggest much poverty at that time, the proportion of people exempted being low.

In the S.E. corner of the village a brick pit in the Kellaways and Oxford Clays was functioning in 1840 and had probably closed by 1871. In the village are several houses with distinctive orange bricks, some with brown glazed headers which are used to good decorative effect.


(1) The Parish Church of St. Mary the Virgin (Figs. 201, 202; Plate 30) stands on the south side of the village. It consists of a Chancel, Nave with North and South Aisles, West Tower with spire, and North and South Porches. The walls are partly of ashlar and partly of rubble. The roof of the chancel is steep-pitched and stone-slated and the nave roof is low-pitched.

Patronage of the church was in the hands of Peterborough Abbey from as early as 1146 (The Peterborough Chronicle of Hugh Candidus, cd. W. T. Mellows (1966), 60). It was well endowed and in the taxatio ecclesiastica of Pope Nicholas IV in c. 1291 its value was three times the average figure of other churches in the area. Its wealth is reflected in the scale and quality of its architecture. A large part of the church dates from c. 1200, the nave arcades and the lower two stages of the tower belonging to this period. The decoration of the nave capitals varies: the three eastern capitals of the N. arcade are scalloped and of earlier character than the western three which have leaf decoration. However the consistent design of the arches and abacus mouldings shows that there is no difference in date. Likewise the N. and S. arcades are of the same date although one has octagonal piers and the other round. A weathercourse associated with a steep-pitched roof, surviving on the E. face of the tower, indicates that the nave was originally without clearstoreys. In the mid 13th century the church was enlarged, apparently as a unified scheme but in two stylistic phases, the earlier having more elaboration than the later. In the first phase the S. aisle was rebuilt to provide a wider aisle for two chapels both with piscinae and tomb recesses. The belfry stage of the tower, the stone spire and the buttresses are also mid 13th-century being additions in freestone to the older and lower tower in rubble. In the second phase the chancel was rebuilt, the N. aisle widened and a clearstorey added to the nave. At the same time a timber vault was constructed over the nave, and new chancel and tower arches introduced. Several buttresses were added to the church in the 14th century. The upper parts of the E. and S. walls of the chancel were rebuilt in the late 15th century.

The interior of the church was partly restored shortly before 1850 and a major restoration was carried out in 1876, the chancel under the supervision of Benjamin Ferrey and the nave under Giles Gilbert Scott. The work on the chancel was at the expense of the Rev. Frederick Hopkins, impropriator, and that on the nave was paid for by public subscriptions headed by Lord Carysfort (Faculty, 4 March 1876; Peterborough Advertiser 21 October 1876). In addition to general repairs the porches were entirely rebuilt. In 1892 an organ chamber was built at the E. end of the S. aisle, to a design by Ferrey.

The building is an outstanding example of a large parish church of c. 1200. Work in the 13th century was on a comparable scale. The 13th-century timber vault over the nave is a rare survival. The stair turret at the N.W. corner of the N. aisle giving access to the aisle roof and thence to an enclosed gallery at the W. end of the nave, is an unusual feature.

Architectural Description – The wide Chancel of the mid 13th century, was much altered in the 15th century when most of the E. wall and the upper part of the S. wall were rebuilt; high, two-stage buttresses were also added on both sides. The gabled buttress at the N.E. angle survives from the 13th century. The E. window has a four-centred head and five graduated lights. In the N. wall a blocked doorway to a former vestry, perhaps a subsequent medieval addition, has been partly masked by a post-medieval buttress. An adjacent doorway to the W. has a round head and an external rear-arch; it may be the former vestry doorway, originally with a pointed head and reset in the 18th century. Two windows, also in the N. wall, have quatrefoils in roundels in the heads. In the S. wall is a blocked priest's door of the 13th century, and two windows with four-centred heads of the 15th century. The chancel arch has a moulded and chamfered head, foliated respond capitals and detached shafts of which the lower lengths are late 19th-century (Architectural Illustrations of Warmington Church, Northamptonshire, by William Caveler, J. H. Parker, ed., 1850).

Fig. 201 Warmington Church

The Nave (Plate 30) has arcades off. c.1200. The capitals vary in style. but the piers have similar roll-moulded bases which are only slightly water-holding. The N. arcade has octagonal piers. The E. respond and the first two piers have scalloped capitals, whereas the third and fourth piers and the W. respond have capitals with water-leaf decoration. The arches of two orders have keep mouldings; the labels have a mask stop. The W. respond is set with an arris axial with the arcade. The S. arcade has round piers; the E. respond and the fourth pier have coved capitals, apparently inserted later in the 13th century. The capital of the first pier and the W. respond are scalloped and those of the second and third piers have water-leaf decoration. In the spandrels of the arches, on both sides, engaged shafts with floriated capitals rise from head corbels, and carry the ribs of the wooden vault with which they are contemporary. The clearstorey, also of the mid 13th century, has plain parapets which meet a similar gable parapet on the E., the opening of which decends vertically at the corners of the clearstorey to meet the parapets of the aisles. The clearstorey windows are of two lights with quatrefoils in roundels in the heads; in the gable wall are two circular cusped windows. In the side walls, between the clearstorey windows are small bull's-eye openings, cut from single stones; they lit the roof space, and although omitted from Caveler's drawing of 1850 are shown on Flesher's watercolour of c. 1S10. At the W. ends of the clearstoreys are doorways with square heads, which lead to a narrow passage against the face of the tower; the passage is carried on a wooden corbel and gives access to the roof space. The quadripartite oak vault has chamfered ribs with webs of boarding, partly restored. At the intersection of the ribs are bosses, mostly carved with foliage, grotesque female and male heads, one of which is crowned, and some heads of woodhouses (Plate 31).

Fig. 202 Warmington Church. Copy of a section through the nave showing the E. face of the tower. From a survey by William Caveler in 1847.

The North Aisle has a plain parapet, a 13th-century, gabled, diagonal buttress at the N.E. corner, and three 14th-century side buttresses, the western of which is built against an earlier stair turret at the N.W. corner of the aisle (Plate 35). The E. window has interesecting tracery; the remainder have quatrefoils in roundels in the heads, and all are mid 13th-century. The N. doorway has a roll-and-hollow moulded head and attached jamb shafts; internally it cuts through the sill-level string course. Above it is a shortened window, uniform and in sequence with other windows in the N. wall, but not aligning with the doorway. This suggests the doorway was a slightly later insertion (Plate 30). In the S.E. angle is a 15th-century internal stair turret for a former rood loft; it has an embattled parapet and the doorways have four-centred heads. The jamb and springing of a former window remain internally in the W. wall; its position indicates that it originally lit the previous narrow aisle. Externally a fragment of plinth of this aisle survives. The South Aisle is also mid 13th-century but the enrichment of the lancet windows suggests that it is slightly earlier than the N. aisle. It has a plain parapet and slightly projecting angle buttresses of the 13th century. The E. window, now internal, is 13th-century but the upper part of the mullions are later. In the S. wall the two eastern windows have triple lancets, side shafts with stiff-leaf capitals and dog-tooth decoration over each light and beneath the enclosing label; the two western windows have similar lancets but lack enrichment (Plate 26). Below the final window externally is a wide relieving arch with flush infilling. The 15th-century W. window has a four-centred head and graduated cusped lights. The S. doorway has a head of three roll-and-hollow moulded orders with side shafts. Above the S. door is a quatrefoil roundel with a two-centred rear arch.

The West Tower is of three stages with clasping buttresses (Plate 20). The lower two stages, of rubble, are of c. 1200, but the belfry stage, spire, buttresses and strings, are of the mid 13th century and of freestone. The 13th-century tower arch has a head of three chamfered orders, moulded capitals, semi-octagonal responds, and slightly water-holding bases; only the head may be contemporary with the tower. On the N. and S. are round-headed lancets with pointed rear arches, and the elaborate W. doorway is original but restored in the late 19th century (Clarke, Churches). Above the W. doorway is a niche with moulded head, engaged shafts and a general decoration of paterae. The vice, a mid 13th-century insertion, has a doorway with a semicircular head. In the second stage of the tower are quatrefoils on the N., S. and W.; they are insertions of the 13th century. That on the W. now incorporates a clock face and on either side is a low-pitched weathercourse of unexplained significance. On the E. face is a weathering of about 45° for a roof the caves of which were level with the base of the clearstorey. The large belfry windows are of two lights with quatrefoils in the heads, shafts with annular rings and dog-tooth decoration. At the head of the wall is a corbel course of trefoils. The octagonal spire has broaches with small carved heads as finials. There are three tiers of gabled lucarnes, the lowest of two lights enriched with dog-tooth; the second tier is similar but of simpler design, and those in the third are of one light. The spire carries a gilded weathercock.

The North Porch of mid 13th-century origin was reconstructed in 1876. It has plain parapets and gabled diagonal buttresses. The archway has a chamfered and moulded head and twin shafted jambs. The interior has a quadripartite vault with a foliated boss. Against the side walls are stone benches. The South Porch (Plate 34), also 13th-century but rebuilt in 1876, has plain parapets and pilaster buttresses on the S.; larger two-stage buttresses with moulded plinths, flanking the S. wall, are 14th-century. The archway has a moulded head, dog-tooth enrichment and clustered shafts with annular rings. Inside, against the side walls, are triple wall arcades with moulded heads and shafts; the W. arcade is deeper than that on the E., and the shafts are clear of the wall. The quadripartite vault has plain chamfered ribs and a foliated boss.

Roofs. The chancel roof of 1876, designed by Ferrey to comply with an original weathercourse on the E. face of the clearstorey, replaces a low-pitched late medieval roof which cut across the chancel arch (Caveler drawing). The roof over the nave vault is post medieval and consists of king and queen-post trusses with ridge and side purlins. Some of the timber which has lap-jointing is probably reused from the 13th-century roof. The simple N. aisle roof (Plate 66) has bosses, one of which is dated '1650' and another bears the initials 'IM RB'. Wooden brackets for beams are carved with heads. The S. aisle roof has wall posts, braces, and traceried spandrels; medieval, much restored. Stone brackets to carry wall plates of earlier roofs survive in both aisles; some have grotesque carved heads.

Fittings – Bells: six; 1st inscribed 'God save the King, 1670'; 2nd, as 1st but dated 1669, recast 1876; 3rd, with Latin invocation and 'God save his churc', 1604; 4th, 1710; 5th, with Latin tag, recast 1876; 6th, 1912. Brackets:: in chancel – (1), on E. wall, probably imported and set as a bracket (not on Caveler's drawing), a carved slab showing a demi-figure in leafy setting impaling himself with a sword, feathered furies holding his hair, and another draped figure, 15th-century (Plate 45); (2), part octagonal bracket with trefoiled foliage round lower part, 13th-century; in S. aisle (3), chamfered stone shelf. Churchyard cross:: N.E. of church, base only, square block with angle stops to form octagonal top, square sinking for shaft, medieval. Coffins:: in churchyard – (1), N. of church, tapered coffin with round recess for head, medieval; (2), near (1) and similar to it, fragment of head end. Coffin lids in S. aisle – (1) and (2), reset in tomb recesses (1) and (2), tapered lids, either cut lengthwise or built into the rear wall, with omega ornament, stepped cross bases and rectangular terminations to the arms, early 13th-century; in garden of mom. (7), (3), fragment of tapered lid with trefoils growing from central stem, 13th or 14th-century; (4), fragment of tapered lid with wheel cross at foot end, 13th-century. Door in S. aisle, oak plank door with zig-zag decoration on hinges, medieval with modern applied tracery. Font octagonal bowl with cusp-headed recesses, plain octagonal stem with large console brackets beneath bowl, inscribed '1662 SS WB', probably for churchwardens Samuel Shawe and William Berridge; the bowl is apparently modern. See Miscellanea (6). Glass: in chancel in tracery of N.W. window, a quatrefoil and central roundel with floral patterns, 15th-century. Locker: in chancel, rectangular recess with rebated jambs, medieval.

Monuments and Floor slabs. Monuments: in chancel – on N. side (1), 15th-century tomb-chest with thick slab on plain blocks set upright, with indents for a figure, three shields and inscription plate, but a pattern of rivet holes indicates a further figure and a shield; presumably the monument recorded by Bridges as being near the S. door (Bridges II, 481 ff); on S. wall (2), of Sarah Cuthbert, 1723, tablet with fluted pilasters, broken curved pediment enclosing a female bust, gadrooned shelf and shaped apron with lozenge of arms of Cuthbert surrounded by branches. In N. aisle – (3), tomb-chest with polished black stone slab with panelled front and E. end enriched with cusped lattice work incorporating indents for former brass shields, and cusped window-forms, late 15th-century (Plate 52); (4), of Sir Thomas Elmes, 1664, and his son William, 1653, elaborate wall monument of coloured marbles comprising an oval tablet, Corinthian columns, broken scroll pediment enclosing cartouche of arms of Elmes impaling Clarke, swags and cherub's head below (Plate 65); (5), of Robert Moyer, 1719, and wife Elizabeth, 1721, and children, painted freestone slab with round top and bolection-moulded surround and with cherubs' heads in the spandrels; (6), of William Moyer, 1718, son of Robert, painted wooden panel in moulded frame. Floor slabs: in chancel – (1), fifteen small slabs with initials and dates, 1740 to 1768; (2), of Richard Thornhill, large slab with pitch-filled inscription, 18th-century (?). In N. aisle – (3), of John Southwell, 19th-century, signed 'Coles, Thrapston and Wellingboro'; (4), several illegible slabs, some with pitch-filled borders. In S. aisle, (5), of Ishmael Blowfield, 1756, wife Sarah, 1746, and daughter Elizabeth, 1746.

Piscinae: in S. aisle (1), at E. end, trefoil-headed recess under a steeply gabled label enclosing a blind octofoil, chamfered sill with octofoil basin, 13th-century (Plate 41); (2), W. of S. doorway, with roll-moulded jambs, pointed head with tympanum, timber soffit of recess with metal eye, projecting sill with octofoil basin, 13th-century. Pulpit: oak, octagonal, cusped panelling with quatrefoils in the tracery, incorporating some medieval woodwork, drastically restored in 1876 (Faculty). Screens: (1), chancel screen, six side bays and wider central bay, tracery mostly a restoration of 1876 (Faculty) but the uprights and cross members are in part original, 15th-century; (2), in N. chapel, traceried openings, uprights with classical capitals and Renaissance detail on the faces, dado with linenfold panelling, considerably restored, 16th-century. Seating: in chancel (1), against side walls, stone benches; in nave and N. aisle (2), oak benches (Plate 66), the ends with fleur-de-lis finials; also smaller versions without backs for children, 16th-century. Tomb recesses: in S. aisle – (1), with segmental pointed head, roll-moulded edge (Plate 34); (2), similar recess with keel-moulded edge and square capitals; both recesses are mid 13th-century, contemporary with the walls, but the coffin lids forming the sills are probably early 13th-century.

Miscellanea, loose: in chancel – (1), fragment of capital with volutes, 13th-century; (2), stone figure, headless, robed, with scabbard, medieval; (3), head in bonnet; in N. aisle – (4), two heads, medieval; (5), figure, headless, in cope, with key in left hand, probably St. Peter, medieval. (6), in garden of mon. (7), stone bowl, chamfered corners, possibly a font, much weathered, medieval.


Church Street

(2) Elms Farm House, a substantial farm house of two storeys and attics; freestone dressings, sash windows, parapeted gables, class 6, early 19th-century. (Not entered)

(3) The Malt House (Fig. 203), two storeys, originally class 3b, 17th-century, later extended at both ends. An 18th-century addition on the E. has a wooden ovolo-moulded window. The axial beam in the room to E. of the stack has fleur-de-lis stops. The E. stair has re-used turned balusters of the 17th century. To S. of the house, a range with barn and malting buildings is 17th or early 18th-century; stables are of 19th-century date.

Fig. 203 Warmington (3)

(4) No. 59, two storeys, parapeted gables, timber lintels, formerly class 4a, 18th-century.

(5) No. 22, a one-storey with attics and cellar, two-room house with internal stack, resembling class 3b, built in 1778. Parapeted W. gable with date-stone inscribed 'W M Bullimore 1778' probably for William Bullimore, carpenter; roof formerly thatched. An extension to the E., mostly in stone, has a timber-framed S. wall, now with brick nogging; the tie beams rest directly on the wall posts with the wall plate above the frame, in 'reversed assembly' technique. It was probably a workshop.

(6) Former shop, one-storey, one-room plan with bow window with delicate cornice decorated with roundels, early 19th-century. (Not entered)

(7) No. 45, two storeys, Welsh slate roof, freestone dressings, class 6, early 19th-century, doubled in depth after 1850. (Not entered)

(8) No. 41, single storey and attics, roof formerly thatched, class 4a, early 19th-century.

Fig. 204 Warmington (17) Glebe House

(9) Nos. 35, 37 a pair of two-storey class 7 cottages, early 19th-century. (Not entered)

(10) Long Lane Farm (Plate 116), of two storeys, consists of two ranges in line. The main part on the E. dates from 1719 and is of dark red brick with black headers in Flemish bond, and has a rubble plinth, ashlar quoins, stone lintels with keystones, steeply pitched roof with gable parapets and a class 6 plan. A lozenge-shaped date-stone between the upper windows is inscribed 'ES 1719'. The range to the W., formerly of one storey and attics is of stone rubble and contains two rooms, one having a wide fireplace with a cambered timber bressummer; it is 17th-century. (Not entered)

(11) No. 11 Church Lane, two storeys, freestone quoins, class 6 with single-storey lean-to, early 19th-century. Pantiled roof. (Not entered)

(12) The Old Rectory, of two storeys, includes at the E. end two rooms of 17th-century origin, the E. with a cross beam with bar stops, the W. room formerly with a fireplace suggesting a class 4a plan. The narrower two-room W. range of 19th-century date has a fireplace in the kitchen with an ashlar surround. A further room was later added on the W. The entire house was heavily renovated in the early 19th century.

School Lane

(13) Nos. 2, 4, a pair of two-storey class 4c houses with dark red brick stacks and pantiled roofs, early 19th-century. (Not entered)

(14) Nos. 8, 10, 12, two storeys, brick stacks, pantiled roofs. Nos. 8 and 10 are a pair of class 4c cottages of coursed limestone rubble with some ironstone, early 19th-century. No. 12 has walls of yellow and red brick laid in Flemish bond, probably of local manufacture. Built after Nos. 8, 10. (Not entered)

(15) No. 11, a two-storey, class 4c cottage of coursed rubble to which a similar cottage in brick was later added. The cottages are now united. Welsh slate roof. Early 19th-century. (Not entered)

Hautboy Lane

(16) Nos. 2, 4, 6, a two-storey range of class 4c 19th-century cottages, now three tenements but formerly five. It incorporates at its S. end the gable of a 17th-century house which was shorter than the present long range (Enclosure Map 1775; NRO, Sep. plan 38); the earlier gable is in banded masonry and has a first-floor window with chamfered surround. (Not entered)

(17) Glebe House (Fig. 204; Plate 95), single-storey and attics, class 3b, late 16th-century. It was called the Vicarage House in 1621 and was occupied by Nicholas Taylor, the incumbent (Survey of 1621 at Oundle School). The moulded cross beam and the chamfered fireplace bresummer in the S. room have bar stops, but the N. room has only a chamfered axial beam. On the first floor the S. room has a fireplace with cambered bresummer with double-ogee moulding.

(18) The Old Hautboy, formerly the Hautboy and Fiddle public house (Fig. 205), one storey and attics, originated as a class 4a house, probably built in 1648 and extended to N. by one room in the late 17th or early 18th century. The wing at right-angles is late 18th-century. The original house lies parallel to the street but was never entered directly from it; it has two two-light windows, both originally with chamfered mullions and moulded labels (Plate 124). Internally, the S. room has a chamfered beam inscribed 'IM MH 1648'. The stairs formerly rose beside the stack in the N. room.

The building had become a public house by the end of the 18th century (Warmington Court book at Elton Hall).

Fig. 205 Warmington (18) The Old Hautboy

Chapel Street

(19) No. 2, two storeys, freestone dressings, parapeted gables, originally class 4a, 1725, modified in 19th century and later. The date-stone is inscribed 'B S C 1725'. (Not entered)

(20) Martins House, No. 29, two storeys, freestone dressings, Welsh slate roof, class 8, built in 1848. The date-stone inscribed 'FI 1848' may be for Frances Ireson, mason and grocer (Kelly, 1847) who in 1864 advertized his baker's and grocer's premises for sale (Mercury 27 May). A bakehouse survives in a rear range. (Not entered)

(21) Nos. 31, 35, two storeys, in banded rubble with mullioned windows, parapeted gables and brick stacks, class 6, late 17th-century. The front was originally symmetrical but the position of the entrance is not clear. First-floor fireplace with ogee-moulded stone surround.

(22) The Hollies, No. 39 (Fig. 5), two storeys, red brick stacks, parapeted gables, class 6a, early 19th-century. Early addition on E. later raised to two storeys. An ashlar block inscribed 'IW 1696' must be an importation as the site was unoccupied as late as 1775 (Enclosure Map).

Fig. 206 Warmington (26) The Manor House

(23) Ashdown Farm, Big Green, comprises an 18th-century symmetrical two-room front range with front wall of ashlar and parapeted gables; the two-room rear range at right-angles survives from the 17th century and has a chamfered plinth, ovolo-moulded windows and moulded doorway on the W. and a parapeted gable. Beams and wide fireplace removed.

(24) Nos. 15, 17, 19, 21, Big Green, four class 7b cottages, two storeys at front, single-storey and lean-to at rear, built of pink brick in Flemish bond and with Welsh-slated roofs, second quarter 19th-century. The bricks are said to have been made in the village at the brick pit to the S.

(25) Stone Cottage, Big Green, a pair of two-storey early 19th-century cottages of class 4a and 4c plan with large sash windows; a third single-room cottage was added before 1850. Perhaps originally thatched, now with Welsh slates.

(26) Manor House (Fig. 206; Plate 96), formerly known as Berrystead, was built in 1677. The manor was then held by Anne, widow of Thomas Elmes, but the date-panel in the N. gable inscribed 'WA 1677' in a lozenge implies that the house was built by a tenant. It is of two storeys with attics with parapeted gables and ashlar chimney stacks. The W., or front, elevation is in ashlar and consists of a five-bay central block and slightly projecting cross wings with gables at the front and rear. Projecting from the rear wall is a gabled stair turret. The two-light windows on the W. have transoms except for those in the attics; the architraves are cyma-moulded with fascias (Plate 124). The central door (Plate 125) has an eared architrave with a central panel below a cornice, and between the upper windows is an oval window with a moulded surround. On the S. there was originally a three-light mullioned window on each floor but the lower has been made into a doorway. Except for a mullioned window in the stair turret the remaining windows have wooden lintels. Flanking the stair turret is a continuous one-storey lean-to of later date.

Fig. 207 Warmington (26) Reconstruction of first-floor plan

The four ground-floor rooms are of approximately the same size; that at the N. was the kitchen. Each has an axial beam, one having cutwork decoration to the stops. The stair turret retains its 17th-century staircase with turned balusters and half-balusters against the panelled and ball-finialled newels (Plate 115). Originally the stair gave access only to the two central and the S. rooms on the first floor, by way of a short passage; the N. first-floor room and the attic were reached by a stair from the kitchen (Fig. 207). Two ground-floor rooms have 17th-century bolection-moulded panelling in two heights with bold cornices, and similar moulded wooden fireplace surrounds. On the first floor is a fireplace with an eared surround and over-panel, both bolection-moulded. Another, of stone, has a moulded surround with sunk panels and is also 17th-century (Plate 103). Several doorways have moulded cornices, one being an 18th-century replacement with a pulvinated frieze.

N. of the house is a large Barn with a porch, parapeted gables, ventilation slits and a panel inscribed '1716' on the W. gable. To the E. is a Granary of the early 18th century.

(27) No. 59 (Fig. 208), a pair of two-storey cottages, walls of brick in Flemish bond; pantiled roofs, class 4c, mid 19th-century. Ground floors paved with brick.

Fig. 208 Warmington (27)

(28) Red Lion public house, two storeys, of 17th or 18th-century origin, raised and probably extended in the 19th century. A large internal stack has been removed and the large fireplace mutilated. In 1855 the building had a large dining room or club room, five bedrooms and cellarage, etc. (Mercury, 13 April).


(29) Home Farm, two storeys with parapeted gables, class 6 with rear wing, early 19th-century. (Not entered)

(30) Eaglcthorpe House (Fig. 209), two storeys and attics, probably originally a three-cell house of late 16th or early 17th-century date. The house was described as newly built in 1607 when it was occupied by Mary, widow of Miles Orme, gent., who died in 1605 (PRO, LR 2/221; Prob. 11/106). Only the two E. rooms of this house survive, the remainder, to the W., being built in two stages in the second quarter of the 19th century. The original house has ovolo-moulded mullioned windows, parapeted gable with finial, and a chimney stack with four separate flues placed axially. The sills of the ground-floor front windows have been lowered to match those of the 19th-century windows. Inside, on each floor there are heavy chamfered cross beams with stops. On the ground floor is a stone door-head from Fotheringhay and probably set in the house c. 1830–40; the spandrels are decorated with a falcon in a fetterlock and a double rose. The door is made up of four panels of early 16th-century date. An original stone fireplace on the first floor has a heavily moulded surround. N. of the house is a building incorporating Stables, harness room and loose boxes, c. 1830–40.

Fig. 209 Warmington (30) Eaglethorpe House

(31) No. 6, two-storeys, three-room plan, late 18th or early 19th-century, certainly after 1775 (Enclosure Map).

(32) Eaglethorpe Farm (Fig. 210; Plate 101), two storeys and attics, probably originally class 3a; a reset panel in the W. wall inscribed 'NE C HM 1646' may well indicate the building date and members of the Cuthbert family. The house was restored and refenestrated in the early 19th century. It now has parapeted gables, ashlar chimney stacks and triple sash windows with marginal panes. The present entrance, with a simple classical surround, is in the stair turret at the rear; the turret may have a 17th-century origin although it now contains an 18th-century stair with turned balusters and square newel. Some 18th-century doors have survived the early 19th-century refitting.

Fig. 210 Warmington (32) Eaglethorpe Farm

Outbuildings include a four-stall stable and granary, late 18th or early 19th-century; a mid 19th-century barn; a building of similar date, formerly used as a coach house and a brewhouse, converted to a cottage by 1855 (Conveyance, Elton Hall MSS, box 23).

N.W. of the house stands a circular Dovecote (Fig. 7; Plate 128) of the 18th century in its present form. An internal framework of timber, lath and plaster, resting on corbelled masonry, provided 797 nesting boxes. A central wooden block carries a replacement potence. The roof has two intersecting tie beams of reused timber, two ring purlins, the lower braced to the tie beam, the upper carrying the glover.

(33) No. 12, formerly the miller's house, two storeys and attics, parapeted gables, class 6 with single-storey rear wing, early 19th-century. (Not entered)

(34) Warmington Grange (TL 056920), two storeys, with freestone dressings, ashlar stacks with round-headed recessed decoration, Welsh slate roof, class 6 with rear wing, second quarter of 19th century. The Farmyard of similar date includes a stable with granary, range for livestock with lean-to hen house, cattle shelters and boxes, a cart lodge and a barn with reset panel inscribed '1684'.

Fig. 211 Warmington (36) Papley Cottages

(35) Villa Farm (TL 086907), two storeys, squared rubble front wall, class 6 with outshut, early 19th-century.

(36) Papley Cottages (TL 105890; Fig. 211), now a row of three cottages on the site of the former village of Papley, incorporate a late 16th or early 17th-century house of class 4a plan which appears on the 1632 map of Papley as 'Slades House' (NRO; RCHM, Northants. I, Plate 15). This house, of one storey and attics, has the original fireplace in the S. room with pyramid stops to the jambs. It was extended to the S. in timber-frame later in the 17th century providing a parlour with a fireplace. Only the W. timber-framed wall is now exposed; it has square sawn timbers, swell-headed posts and long down-braces from posts to rails. In the early 19th century a further room was added to the S. and the front wall of the timber-framed extension encased in stone, the two rooms forming a separate tenement. The majority of fittings are early 19th-century. The third tenement on the N. is of later 19th-century date.