
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London, Volume 5, East London. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.

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'Bermondsey', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London, Volume 5, East London( London, 1930), British History Online [accessed 7 October 2024].

'Bermondsey', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London, Volume 5, East London( London, 1930), British History Online, accessed October 7, 2024,

"Bermondsey". An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London, Volume 5, East London. (London, 1930), , British History Online. Web. 7 October 2024.

In this section


ACCREDITED TO A DATE ANTERIOR TO 1714, Arranged by Boroughs.

(Unless otherwise stated the dimensions given in the Inventory are internal. Monuments with titles printed in italics are covered by an introductory sentence to which reference should be made.)


(O.S. 6 in. London, Sheet K.)

The Borough of Bermondsey includes the parishes of St. Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey; St. John, Horsleydown; St. Olave and St. Thomas, Southwark; and St. Mary, Rotherhithe. The principal monuments are the church of St. Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey, and St. Mary, Rotherhithe, and the remains of St. Thomas's Hospital.


(1) Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalene stands on the E. side of Bermondsey Street, 50 yards N. of Abbey Road. The church is built in the Renaissance style on a Gothic plan and has a West Tower. The walls are of stone and brick except the early part of the W. tower, which is of rag-stone rubble with free-stone dressings covered, externally, with stucco; the roofs are covered with slate. The two lower stages of the West Tower are of the 15th century and portions of the North Aisle may be of the same date. The remainder of the church was re-built in 1680 and there have been considerable subsequent alterations and additions. In 1830 the upper part of the Tower was rebuilt and the whole structure covered with stucco as at present. In 1852 the interior and the exterior were repaired and repainted and in 1883 the chancel was lengthened and re-roofed, the N.E. vestry was added and the nave pillars were repaired.

Architectural Description. The body of the church is rectangular (58 ft. by 46 ft.) with middle and side Aisles, a Chancel (21 ft. by 16 ft.) projecting eastward from the middle aisle, and a West Tower (7½ ft. square) enclosed within the W. end of the middle aisle. A modern screen now partitions off the W. end of the church as a long vestibule. The extension of the middle bay of the S. aisle projects some twelve feet beyond the S. wall of the main building, and there is a Vestry with a modern addition on the N. side of the chancel. All the features, unless otherwise described in the following account, are of late 17th-century date.

Elevations. The gabled E. wall of the chancel is modern. The E. walls of the N. and S. aisles are carried up with plain parapets continued round from the side walls of the chancel. The modern Rectory covers the greater part of the N. wall. East of this are three round-headed windows, the two westernmost lighting the N. aisle, and the eastern, with the sill at a much higher level and having a later segmental-headed window below, lighting the vestry; in the gable to the middle bay of the aisle are two plain circular windows. In the S. wall of the chancel are two round-headed windows with moulded architraves, the easternmost of which is modern. In the S. wall of the S. aisle, on either side of the extension to the central bay, are two windows uniform with those in the chancel; below the two outermost are squareheaded doorways with moulded architraves, the easternmost of which is modern. The projecting central bay of the S. aisle has a semi-circular gable, a round-headed window and a round-headed doorway below it. The W. wall of the aisles has no ancient features. The Tower stands in the middle of the W. end and is of three stages, the two lower of the 15th century and the uppermost modern. At the E. angles are diagonal buttresses, now covered with paint. To the ground stage above the modern entrance doorway is a 15th-century window with modern mullions and tracery in a two-centred head. The windows in the second stage have been rebuilt.

Interior (Plate 46). The Chancel has a ceiling of semi-elliptical form, with sunk coffers, and is divided into two bays by a panelled band; the eastern bay is modern. In the body of the church the middle is divided from the side aisles by a colonnade of five bays with Doric columns, and pilasters against the E. wall, the columns standing on high octagonal pedestals and supporting a trabeation with moulded soffits and modillioned cornice; the trabeation is not carried across the central bay, but is returned across the side aisles; the ceiling over the middle aisle is of elliptical form, divided into bays by panelled bands springing from acanthus-leaf corbels above each column and groined back over the modern clearstorey lights; the middle bay is groined where it intersects a similar elliptical ceiling across the middle bay of the side aisles and has moulded ribs; the two bays at either end of the side aisles have flat ceilings. The W. tower, which stands within the end bay of the middle aisle, has in the E. wall an early 16th-century arch, two-centred and of two moulded orders springing from semi-octagonal responds with badly defaced moulded caps. In both the N. and S. wall is a lower and earlier arch, two-centred and of two chamfered orders springing from semi-octagonal responds with much worn moulded caps, but the bases have been cut away.

St Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey.

Fittings. All of late 17th-century date, unless otherwise described. Candelabra: In middle aisle—two, of brass, each with two tiers of holders on moulded central shaft with cherub-head finial and silk tassel below and spherical pendant inscribed on easternmost "The gift of M. Winefrid Elwood to the Parish Church of St. Mary Magdælen Bermondsey the 24th of December 1703"; and on westernmost (Plate 7) "The guif(t) of M. Winefrid Elwood to the Parish Church of St. Mary Magdelen Bermondsey. Anno Dō. 1699." Coffin: in W. vestibule—portion only of mediæval stone coffin. Cupboards: with doors in panelling at W. end of middle aisle. Doors and Doorcase: under E. arch of tower with semi-elliptical head and in two leaves each of four bolection-moulded panels with upper panels glazed; hung in door-case with moulded imposts, elliptical head with moulded archivolt, panelled soffit, and carved key-block and flanked by panelled pilasters with moulded cornices. (See also Cupboards.) Font: white marble bowl, carved with four cherub-heads, perhaps late 17th-century, stem 1808. Galleries: over N. and S. aisles and W. end of middle aisle, carried on small Composite columns standing on square pedestals and supporting entablature which breaks forward over each column; front to galleries with moulded plinth and enriched capping and panelled with bolection-moulded panels divided into bays by panelled pedestals over each column enriched with carved cherub-heads and festoons. At the W. end the central part of gallery-front breaks forward in semi-elliptical form with slight projection in middle with plain panel and inserted clock face and architrave below curved upwards and enclosing two carved cherub-heads. Monuments and floor-slabs. Monuments: In chancel— on N. wall, (1) to William Casteil, of the merchant-navy, 1681, marble monument (Plate 17) with central moulded panel with shouldered head with shelf below on scroll-brackets with shields-of-arms on apron and flanked by detached Composite columns supporting entablature with broken pediment surmounted by cherubs and four cartouches-of-arms; on S. wall (2), to William Steavens, 1712–13, marble cartouche surrounded by carved enrichment of flowers, fruit, cherub-heads and two skulls with smaller cartouche below carved with a sailing ship and achievement-of-arms above. Floor slabs: In nave—against chancel-steps, (1) to [Jeremiah] Whitaker, Rector, 1654, with shield of arms: inscribed to "Pious Whitaker." In S. Aisle— (2) slate slab with almost illegible inscription and date 16..; at E. end of aisle (3) with illegible inscription and date 1635. Organ Case: with bolection-moulded panelled front to lower part with entablature with frieze carved with books, scrolls, etc.; entablature projecting in middle and at sides in form of brackets carved in middle with acanthus leaves and at sides with cherub-heads, to carry circular 'towers' of pipes; front to upper stage in two bays with enriched cornices to 'towers' and pipe-panels between each in two heights with shaped and carved framing; sides of upper stage with bolection-moulded panelling surmounted by return of enriched cornice to angle 'towers.' Paintings: On E. wall—large panels with figures of Moses and Aaron. Panelling: at W. end of nave below gallery, forming front to cupboards. Plate (Plate 21): includes a silver-gilt dish (Plate 22) of c. 1400 engraved in middle with kneeling figure of man in armour of the period with lady placing tilting-helm on his head with horse, trees and castle in background surrounded by band of running vine ornament and with embossed rim of spiral flutings alternatively convex and concave with trefoiled flower in spandrels; back of plate engraved with grotesque mask; cup of 1608 inscribed "The gifte of William Gardner Esquier" and engraved with achievement-of-arms; cup of 1611, inscribed "This cup was gilded at the charges of Thomas Ledam church warden 1613"; large stand paten of 1639; cup of 1657, inscribed "The gift of John Scotson, Mariner performed by Elizabeth his widow to the parish of Mary Magdalene Bermondsey 1657"; two large flagons of 1662, each embossed with a figure of a woman holding palm in her right hand; and an inscribed alms-dish (Plate 22) of 1711. Pulpit: of oak, hexagonal with moulded base enriched with shell and floral ornament, enriched cornice and moulded and raised panel on each face surmounted by cherub-head with carved swags and carved festoons at angles; pedestal and stairs modern. Reredos: reconstructed and consisting of centre-piece with large cherub-head and heavy carved swags of fruit and flowers; side bays, each with panel, surmounted by cherub-head and segmental pediment. Seating: at W. end of nave—pew, with panelled sides in three stages with pierced carving in top panels. Miscellanea: In N. gallery—in front of windows, two re-used portions of wood balustrade with moulded balusters and handrail; between N.W. angle of organ and W. wall, portion of similar balustrade. In W. vestibule—three capitals to columns (Plate 18), said to have been dug up near the church and probably from the 12th-century priory-buildings which formerly stood close by: (a) scalloped and belonging to small angular shaft; (b) and (c) large, of cushion-form, with square abaci carved with conventional foliage and 'crow-stepped' pattern, and caps carved with shaped panels and monsters in lower corners.

Condition—Good, much altered.

(2) Parish Church of St. Mary, Rotherhithe (Plate 41), stands of the S. side of Rotherhithe Street, 560 yards S.W. of the entrance to Surrey dock. The walls are of yellow brick with stone dressings; the roofs are covered with slates and lead. The present church was rebuilt in the Renaissance style in 1714–15 and stands on the site of an earlier church. The West Tower is said to have been rebuilt in 1738, but has a stone on the N.W. corner with the initials and date T.T. 1747; some stonework on the E. side of the tower suggests that some part of the former church may have been incorporated within the new work. The Sanctuary is also of a later date than the main structure and is probably contemporary with the tower. The spire was rebuilt in 1861 and the N.E. Vestry is a modern addition and a modern hall has been built in the N. side of the church. Side galleries were removed late in the last century.

Architectural Description. The body of the church (75 ft. by 50½ ft.) is rectangular on plan with middle and side aisles, a Sanctuary projecting eastwards 9½ ft. beyond the middle aisle and a West Tower.

Elevations. The Sanctuary and W. Tower, though re-built after the main structure, are of similar character to the rest of the building. The N. and S. aisles have a moulded base, rusticated stone quoins at the angles and a moulded and dentilled cornice surmounted by a brick parapet with a plastered capping. In the E. wall of both N. and S. aisles is a round-headed window with plain stone surround and key-stone with an outer band of rubbed brick. In the upper part of the N. wall of the N. aisle is a range of five round-headed windows uniform with that in the E. wall; below the westernmost is a segmental-headed doorway, now blocked, and with a moulded architrave, cherub-head key-stone and moulded cornice supported on console-brackets; below the next window to the E. is a window with a segmental head, but otherwise similar to those above described; the E. end of the lower part of the wall is covered by the modern parish-hall. The S. elevation to the S. aisle is uniform with the N. elevation of the N. aisle, but has three segmental-headed windows in the middle of the lower part of the wall, of which the two easternmost are blocked, and a doorway, like that in the N. wall, below both the easternmost and westernmost of the upper windows, but the E. doorway is now blocked. In the W. wall of both the N. and S. aisles is an upper and a lower window uniform with those in the side walls.

Interior. The Nave is divided from the N. and S. aisles by a colonnade of three unequal bays with Ionic columns standing on panelled octagonal pedestals; the columns support a trabeation with panelled and enriched soffit and moulded cornice, from which springs a segmental plaster ceiling, divided into bays by panelled ribs; in each bay are moulded panels. In the W. wall of the nave is a mid 18th-century doorway opening into the W. tower, on either side of which the E. angles of the tower are exposed. The N. aisle has in the E. wall a mid 18th-century doorway opening into the vestry, and in the N. wall are three modern archways opening into the modern parish hall. Both N. and S. aisles have flat ceilings divided into bays by panelled beams with a single moulded panel in each bay.

Church of St Mary, Rotherhithe.

Fittings. All of early 18th-century date, unless otherwise described. Brass: In N. aisle—on N. wall, to Peter Hills, 1614–5, "one of the eldest brothers and assistants of the Company of the Trinity," and his two wives, four plates, one with figures of man and his wives, one with achievement-of-arms and two with inscriptions. Candelabra: In middle aisle—one, with moulded stem and three ranges of holders, gilt dove on top; in side aisles— two, each with one range of holders. Communion Rails: re-made, with a few of the original turned or twisted balusters, other balusters incorporated in seating. Lectern (Plate 15): modern, but incorporating four carved consoles with scroll-work and acanthus-leaf, of late 17th or early 18th-century date. Monuments: In N. aisle—on N. wall, (1) to Captain Roger Tweedy, 1655, painted tablet with painted and incised inscription. In S. aisle—on S. wall, (2) to Brian, Richard, Marke, Alize and Elizabeth, children of Nicholas Reynolds and Elizabeth his wife; Elizabeth the youngest daughter was wife of Robert Wheatly and died 1593, alabaster tablet with inscribed border. In churchyard—on N. wall of N. aisle, (3) to Captain Thomas Stone Jun. 1666, plain stone tablet; on W. wall of N. aisle, (4) to Captain Anthony Wood, 1625, stone tablet (Plate 43) with shaped panel carved with a ship, probably a merchantman. Picture: In S. aisle, framed oil painting, late 17th-century symbolical painting of Charles I. Plate (Plate 21): includes cup of 1619, inscribed on bowl with band of conventional ornament and "An[no] Dom[ini] 1620"; cup of 1672 with Latin inscription recording gift by Mathew Crouch and achievement-of-arms; two covers for above cups dated 1713, but without date-letters; a stand-paten of 1618 inscribed "The gift of Aron Woodcock"; a stand-paten of 1641; a stand-paten of 1672 similarly inscribed as cup of that date; a flagon inscribed "The gift of Captaine Thomas Stone ye yonger Aug 9th 1666" and with achievement-of-arms; alms-dish of 1703 with inscription recording gift by Sarah widow of Captain Robert Seaman; dish with concentric bands of varying ornament in repoussé work with the inner band of petals enclosing rabbits and deer alternating with foliage; two rows of geometrical patterns and a rim with arabesques with cherubs and leopards' faces, probably Spanish, 16th-century; four pewter dishes with gilt inscription on rim and in middle "St. Mary Rotherhithe 1708. W.B." Rain-water Heads: On N. and S. walls of church— four shaped heads dated 1714. Reredos: occupying whole of E. wall of sanctuary, on panelled plinth with moulded base and capping, in three bays with two fluted Corinthian pilasters on either side of middle bay and single pilasters at ends of side bays supporting a continuous entablature with enriched mouldings and modillioned cornice, which breaks forward over pilasters; in middle bay, four bolection-moulded panels, two lower rectangular and carved with grapes, flowers, wheat, etc., two upper round-headed with carved mouldings and containing modern paintings; in side spandrels carved scroll and flowers and in middle spandrel three cherub-heads in high relief with flowers; richly carved festoons between flanking pilasters; in each of side bays two bolection-moulded panels with head of upper panel raised in middle with carved cherub-heads, floral festoon and swags above. The return N. and S. walls of the sanctuary are treated in a similar manner to the side bays of the reredos, and in the angle of the walls are long pendants of fruit and flowers carved in high relief. Royal Arms: In N. aisle—on E. wall, carved and painted achievement with modern painted arms. Seating: Raised panelling, etc., re-used in pews and carved and pierced panels, etc., re-used in stalls.

Southwark. Church of St Thomas, and Remains of Hospital.


(3) Church of St. Thomas (now the Chapterhouse of Southwark Cathedral) and Remains of St. Thomas' Hospital stand on the N. side of St. Thomas' Street. The buildings formed part of the S. wing of the middle quadrangle of the hospital which stood on the site before the removal to its present position by the Albert Embankment between Westminster Bridge and Lambeth Palace. The church is now used as the Chapter House of Southwark Cathedral and the Treasurer's buildings adjoining on the E., now called the Collegiate House, are utilised as offices. Later buildings have been erected at either end of the old buildings; the S. front of the Treasurer's house was refronted later in the 18th century and the interior has been remodelled.

The Church is of brick with stone dressings; the roofs are covered with modern slate. It was built in 1702–3 at a cost of £3,043, and replaced the former church which belonged to the Hospital. It is rectangular on plan with a S.W. tower; below the church is a cellar. The S. or Front Elevation (Plate 42) has the projecting S.W. tower at the W. end. The wall of the main building has a plastered plinth with a moulded stone capping, rusticated stone quoins, a moulded stone cornice carried up in the middle in a pediment and a brick parapet with a moulded stone capping and stone pedestals at either end. The plinth is raised in the middle over the former doorway to the cellar. Above the plinth are four round-headed windows with moulded stone architraves and cherub-head keystones and moulded sills connected by a flat continuous stone band. The S.W. Tower has a stone plinth and is divided externally into three stages by flat stone bands; it is finished with a moulded cornice surmounted by a brick parapet with a moulded stone-capping; there are stone pedestals at the angles and in the middle of each face and rusticated stone quoins at the angles of the tower. The ground stage has in the E. wall a square-headed doorway with a moulded architrave and a moulded cornice surmounted by a curved pediment, in the tympanum of which is carved an open book with a cherub-head on either side; the frieze is shaped at each end and has a projecting block in the middle carried down through the architrave. Above the doorway is a circular window with a moulded stone architrave. In the S. wall is a square-headed doorway with moulded architrave flanked by panelled pilasters with scrollbrackets supporting a moulded cornice and segmental pediment above a pulvinated frieze, in the middle of which is a projecting rectangular block carried down through the architrave; in the tympanum are carved three cherub-heads. Above the doorway is a circular window as in the E. wall. Both the second and top stages have in each wall a round-headed window with moulded architrave and plain key-stone. The N. Elevation (Plate 42) is of two storeys. The ground floor formerly had an open walk divided into bays by stone columns of the Doric order supporting an entablature carrying the wall of the upper storey. This has been under-built and the columns concealed, but at the E. end against the modern addition two pilasters are exposed, as is also the whole of the entablature which has plain triglyphs at intervals marking the intercolumniation. A modern building conceals the W. end of the front, but the remainder of the upper storey is divided into four bays by Ionic pilasters standing on pedestals, with separate entablatures and a continuous modillioned eaves-cornice. In each bay is a tall square-headed window with rubbed brick arch, flush moulded frame and sashes with moulded glazing-bars; below each window is a projecting stone pedestal, with a moulded capping forming the window-sill. In the roof are three segmental-headed dormer-windows.

Interior. Inside, the building is rectangular on plan with the tower partly projecting into it at the S.W. angle. The ceiling is flat with an enriched modillioned cornice of plaster. On the N. and W. sides is an early 18th-century gallery with a panelled front approached by an early 18th-century staircase (Plate 27) with moulded string and handrail, turned balusters and square newels. Against the E. wall the old reredos remains, but the lower part of the plinth is concealed by a modern platform. The reredos stands on a panelled plinth with bolection-moulded panels and is in three bays with the middle bay flanked by fluted Corinthian pilasters supporting entablatures and a curved pediment; the pediment is surmounted by a panelled attic ramped up in the middle and surmounted by the royal crest with panelled pedestals at the sides supporting respectively a lion and a unicorn; the middle part of the attic projects slightly and on the face of it is a carved cartouche of the Royal (Stuart) arms. Within the middle bay between the pilasters above a panelled base are two round-headed bolection-moulded panels, above which is a moulded architrave in line with the architraves over the pilasters, curved down in the middle, and surmounted by a shaped panel with a painting of a 'glory,' the name 'Jehovah' and cherub-heads. The side bays each have a bolection-moulded panel above a panelled base with a pediment above surmounted by a shaped and panelled pedestal and a panelled triangular shaped finial with a carved flame-top. The other walls of the church are panelled to the level of the window-sills, with a moulded cornice at that level. Standing on the platform or dais is the old pulpit; it is octagonal on plan with a moulded and enriched base and moulded capping and has a bolection-moulded panel on each face with a geometrically designed inlay-panel, one with the initials 'S T H' and the date 1702. In the N. wall below the gallery is a doorway with a semi-circular head leading to the corridor which was formerly an open walk on the N. side of the building. The ground stage of the tower is octagonal on plan with a round-headed arch on the E., S. and W. sides; those in the E. and S. walls form the rear-arches of external doorways; the square-headed doorway in the N. wall has a moulded stone architrave and opens into the main building. The E., N. and S. doorways have original panelled doors, as has the doorway to the turret-staircase. In the passage on the N. side of the main building are three partly exposed Doric columns. The cellar has a brick barrel-vault.

The Collegiate House (Plate 42), formerly the Treasurer's House of the Hospital, is of three storeys with attics and a cellar. The walls are of brick; the roofs are covered with slate. The S. or front elevation was rebuilt later in the 18th century, but has at the W. end a re-used early 18th-century doorway (Plate 9); it is of stone and square-headed with superimposed panelled pilasters of the Doric order to the jambs and reveals with carved scroll-brackets above the flanking pilasters supporting an enriched cornice and a broken segmental pediment; within the pediment and over the head of the doorway are projecting panels. The N. or back elevation has the lower part of the E. end covered by a one-storey modern addition. The ground storey was uniform with that of the church adjoining and had an open loggia or walk with a colonnade carrying the wall above; this where exposed has been under-built, but part of one column and the E. respond with the entablature which they carry are visible. Above the ground floor the front is divided into four bays by Ionic pilasters standing on pedestals uniform with those on the adjoining church, but the pilasters themselves are taller and are surmounted by an entablature of which only the modillioned eaves-cornice is continuous. In each bay are two square-headed windows, one to each of the upper floors; they have flat brick arches and later hung sashes; below the first-floor windows are pedestals with plain stone bands carried across the front of the building at the levels of their moulded bases and cappings, and below the upper windows are projecting brick panels. In the roof are three dormer windows, one of which is modern. Inside the building many of the rooms are panelled with bolection-moulded panelling and have moulded skirtings, dado-rails and cornices. One room on the second floor has a bolection-moulded surround to the fireplace with a carved frieze and key-block and enriched and moulded shelf. The principal staircase (Plate 24) is of early 18th-century date with moulded handrail, square newels, twisted balusters and cut string with carved brackets to each step. A second staircase has moulded string and handrail, turned balusters and square newels, some of which have ball-finials. The walls of the staircase are panelled, but on the landings some of the panelling is modern.

Early 18th-century stone statues of Edward VI, Sir Robert Clayton, and four cripples, from the old building, were removed to the new hospital on the Albert Embankment.



(4) Walls in rear of Nos. 26–28 Rotherhithe Street about ½ m. E. of St. Saviour's Dock are of rubble with ashlar-dressings, and though incorporated in a modern building are of late 15th-century date. One wall runs from E. to W. for a distance of about 35½ ft. and at an average height of 19½ ft., above which is modern brickwork. At the E. end it returns southwards for 23 ft. at an average height of 8 ft., rising to about 18 ft. at the N. end where the end of the N. wall is corbelled out about 6 ft. above the ground. The original ground-level is not, however, precisely known. The N. wall is now incorporated in the party-wall between some engineering works and a granary, but was formerly an external wall facing northwards. In it are the remains of two ranges of openings, with four openings in each range, but the upper windows are narrower than, and are not placed immediately over, the openings below. All the openings are now blocked with modern brickwork which, except in one of the windows in the upper range, is flush with the external wall-face. The lower openings have two-centred segmental heads, but the hood-mouldings except that of the westernmost head have been cut away. In the upper range, the second window from the W. has exposed jambs of two hollow-chamfered orders, the inner jamb being carried up in a four-centred head and the outer in a two-centred segmental arch with a mutilated moulded label; portions of the mutilated labels to the remaining windows in the upper range are visible. On the E. wall is a wide projection or buttress, now coped with modern brick.

Condition—Fairly good.

(5) Remains of South Gatehouse of Bermondsey Abbey, incorporated in N. wall of No. 7 Grange Walk, a house 160 yards S. of the church of St. Mary Bermondsey, are possibly of the 15th century, but there is no evidence of their date. The iron staples of the gate remain in the N. wall of the house and the adjoining angle is chamfered. This was apparently the S. jamb of the gateway. The house in which it is incorporated is mainly modern, but the lower part is rendered in cement. The basement beneath this part has stone walls.

(6) Consecration Cross, reset in middle pier to the railing in front of the Anglo-American Oil Company's filling-station on W. side of Tower Bridge Road, 100 yards S. of St. Mary's Church, was found re-used in an old wall about 20 ft. N.W. of its present position, in 1922. It appears to have formed part of a 15th-century door jamb, presumably from Bermondsey Abbey. The cross is within a circle and below is a moulded stop.

Monuments (7–17).

The following monuments, unless otherwise described, are of late 17th or early 18th-century date and of two storeys with attics and basement. The walls are of brick; the roofs are covered with slates or tiles. Most of the buildings have been considerably altered and internally are of little interest.

Condition—Good or fairly good unless noted.

(7) House and Shop, No. 78, on W. side of Bermondsey Street is of three storeys with an attic, but the top storey is a modern addition hung with tiles. A modern shop front has been inserted on the ground floor, above which the wall-face is covered with cement. In the middle of the front on the first floor is a projecting bay window with a moulded entablature with the cornice carried up in the middle in a pediment.

(8) House, No. 8 on S. side of Grange Walk, 160 yards S. of the church, is of two storeys with an attic. The front has brick bands between the storeys and a plaster-faced gable; the windows have flush frames and the pitch of the roof has been altered.

(9) House, now four tenements, Nos. 63–66 on N. side of Grange Walk, about 10 yards W. of Fendall Street, is of two storeys with attics. Originally one large house, it has been cut up into tenements and much altered. At the back are modern additions. The front to the street has been plastered and has at the W. end two gables. The westernmost chimney-stack has grouped shafts.

(10) House, No. 16, on S.E. side of Curlew Street, 290 yards E. of the Church of St. John, Horsleydown, has in the front wall just below the parapet a stone tablet inscribed "F.H.H. MDCCLII," the date evidently of the building of the parapet. The windows have flat, rubbed-brick arches and flush frames with old hung sashes with thick glazing bars. The entrance-door-case is of wood and has flanking Corinthian pilasters, panelled and with carved swags in the panels; it is surmounted by scroll-brackets in which are seated cherubs; over the head of the doorway is an entablature with a cornice and pediment projecting over a central carved key-block and side brackets; the doorway has apparently been heightened, the side pilasters now resting on the carved cherubheads. The back elevation has been slightly altered and has segmental-headed windows. Inside the building the back rooms on the ground floor are panelled in two heights and have dentilled cornices; in one of these rooms is a cupboard with a moulded architrave and semi-circular head. Other rooms have panelled dados and cornices. In the basement is some re-used early 17th-century panelling. The staircase has turned balusters and moulded handrail.

(11) House, on S. side of Bermondsey Wall, 120 yards E. of St. Saviour's Dock, is of two storeys with an attic. The front or W. elevation has at the level of the first floor a projecting brick band and at the eaves a wooden modillioned cornice. The lower windows have segmental heads and flush frames and the upper windows are square-headed. The central doorway has a shell-hood carried on carved scroll-brackets and is carved with radiating flutings and a long-tailed bird. The door is fourpanelled and has a fanlight above. In the roof are three dormer-windows with moulded cornices; over the middle dormer is a curved pediment and the side dormers have hipped roofs. The N. elevation is gabled. Inside the building one of the ground-floor rooms is lined with bolection-moulded panelling in two heights with moulded dado-rail and cornice. The staircase has a close string, moulded handrail and turned balusters.

(12) House, on S. side of Jacob Street, nearly 70 yards E. of Mill Street, has a weather-boarded front and retains some original sash-windows. In the roof is a flat-topped dormer-window.


(13) Row of three houses, Nos. 44 to 46 on E. side of George Row, 40 yards S. of Bermondsey Wall, have had modern shop-fronts inserted on the ground floor, above which the fronts have been plastered. There is a continuous projecting band below the sills of the first-floor windows which have flat heads. The roof of No. 45 has been altered, but in the roofs of both Nos. 44 and 46 is a dormer-window with a hipped roof.

(14) Bridge House, now tenements, on W. side of George Row, 30 yards N.W. of (13), was built on a T-shaped plan with the cross-wing at the N. end. The E. front of the main block is symmetrically designed and has a projecting plinth and a projecting band at the level of the attic-floor, above which the wall is carried up in two ogee-shaped gables. On the ground floor are four and on the first floor are five windows, with rubbed-brick jambs and flat arches; in each of the gables is a similar window; all the frames and sashes have been renewed. Over the central entrance-doorway is a shell-hood, carried on carved scroll-brackets; the hood is carved with festoons in high relief and the figure of an animal. The door is of three bolection-moulded panels and above it is a fanlight. The W. front has been rebuilt and some of the windows at the S. end have been blocked. Inside the building, the walls of some of the rooms are lined with plain panelling with moulded cornices and have bolection-moulded panels over the fireplaces.


(15) House, No. 37, on W. side of St. Marychurch Street, about 120 yards S.W. of the church of St. Mary, Rotherhithe, is weather-boarded at the back. A later shop-front has been inserted on the ground floor. On the front to the street the windows on the first floor have square heads and rubbed-brick dressings.

(16) Range of five tenements, Nos. 302 to 310, on S. side of Rotherhithe Street, 230 yards N.E. of the Surrey Dock entrance to the Surrey Commercial Docks, are of two storeys with attics. The lower parts of the walls are of brick and the upper parts are of weather-boarded timber-framing. The N. or front elevation has in the roof five dormer-windows, one of which has gabled and the other hipped roofs. Some of the windows in the N. wall retain their original woodwork. The W. end is gabled and later buildings have been built against the E. end. The S. side has five gables. Inside the buildings some of the timber-framing is exposed.


(17) House, now two tenements, No. 2, on E. side of St. Paul's Lane, 20 yards S.E. of (16), is of weather-boarded timber-framing. Inside the building some of the timber construction is exposed.