
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London, Volume 2, West London. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1925.

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'Fulham', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London, Volume 2, West London( London, 1925), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rchme/london/vol2/pp31-37 [accessed 7 October 2024].

'Fulham', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London, Volume 2, West London( London, 1925), British History Online, accessed October 7, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rchme/london/vol2/pp31-37.

"Fulham". An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London, Volume 2, West London. (London, 1925), , British History Online. Web. 7 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rchme/london/vol2/pp31-37.

In this section


(O.S. 6 in. London Sheet N.)

The borough of Fulham is conterminous with the parish of the same name and lies on the N. bank of the Thames between Chelsea and Hammersmith. Fulham Palace is the principal monument.


(1). Parish Church of All Saints stands on the W. side of the approach to Putney Bridge. The walls of the tower are of rubble with dressings of lime-stone; the roof is covered with lead. With the exception of the West Tower, which appears to have been begun in the 14th-century, but was not finished till c. 1440, the church was entirely rebuilt in 1881.

Among the fittings the Flemish brass and some of the monuments are noteworthy.

Architectural Description—The West Tower (18½ ft. square) is of four stages, divided by moulded string-courses, and has a moulded plinth and embattled parapet. The tower arch is two-centred and of two moulded orders, the outer continuous, the inner carried on attached shafts with moulded capitals and bases. In the S.W. angle is the original entrance to the stair-turret with moulded jambs and two-centred head. The W. doorway and window are modern except the rear-arch, which appears to be original. The second stage has in the N., S. and W. walls a partly-restored square-headed window of two trefoiled lights with a moulded label, and the third stage has a segmental-headed window of similar design in each face. The bell-chamber has in each wall a partly-restored window of three trefoiled lights with vertical tracery under a two-centred head with a moulded label.

Fittings—Brass: In S. aisle—on E. wall, to Margaret (Saunders), wife of Gerard Hornebolt, c. 1529, lozenge-shaped plate with head and shoulders of woman in shroud, and angels on each side above inscription, below a shield-of-arms, a cheveron between three martlets with an escutcheon on the cheveron charged with a mill-rind cross between four crescents for Hornebolt impaling a winnowing-fan with a molet of six points in chief for des Vanders quartering a cheveron between three moors' heads for Deman, between initials G.M. Flemish work. Communion Rails: now between chancel and N. transept, of oak, with turned balusters, moulded rail and sill and panelled standards enriched with carving in high relief; portion only remains, late 17th-century. Font (Plate 2): octagonal and painted, with moulded bowl of black marble, stone stem with moulded necking, the upper part carved with roses and inscribed "This Fount was erected at the charge of Tho Hyll churchwarden 1622," the lower part panelled, moulded stone base. Glass: In tower—in W. window, top of centre light, a turbaned-head crest, 17th-century; below, achievement with the arms of the See of London impaling Henchman (Humphrey Henchman, Bishop of London, see floor-slab (11) ), late 17th-century; on circular cartouche, within garter (probably modern), quartered shield of France and England (reversed in leading) much faded and repaired, late 16th-century; an achievement of the arms of the See of Salisbury impaling Henchman, late 17th-century; in tracery, incorporated with modern glass, several fragments of German or Swiss glass, mostly heraldic, 17th-century. Formerly in vestry —hanging by wire from saddle-bars set in panels of modern glass, two small figures of St. Philip (Plate 3) and St. Bartholomew, repaired with fragments and with part of black-letter inscription (these figures destroyed by fire 1923). In N. porch— set in modern glass, in square panel divided by cross of modern white glass, France quartering England, 16th-century; a shield of the arms of Cecil quartering Carleon and France (the last coat being an insertion), 16th-century; an achievement of the arms of Byllesby quartering Stapney and Goddard, 17th-century, in an oval cartouche partly made up of fragments, including part of badge of Anne Boleyn, 16th-century. Monuments and Floorslabs. Monuments: In chancel—on N. wall, (1) to Thomas Smith, 1609; wall-monument (Plate 62) of various marbles with inscription on ornamental panel between Corinthian columns supporting entablature with obelisks and broken pediment above; enriched centrepiece in pediment with shield-of-arms; on S. side, (2) of Margaret (Gerrard), wife of Sir Peter Legh, 1605, gilt alabaster monument (Plate 60) with panelled base and Corinthian columns supporting carved entablature; between columns, semi-circular arched recess with effigy of seated lady in widow's hood, etc., holding with her right arm a swaddled infant; on left of figure another swaddled child, and on right an hour-glass stand; above entablature, enriched rectangular panel with moulded cornice and carved wreath enclosing shield-of-arms. In N. transept—on E. wall, (3) of Katherine (Powell), wife of John Hart, 1605, alabaster tablet (Plate 62) with kneeling figures of woman and two sons and two daughters, and two shields, flanked by enriched pilasters supporting entablature surmounted by winged skulls and cartouche-of-arms; (4) to Thomas Bonde, 1600, alabaster tablet (Plate 62) with enriched apron and flanking pilasters supporting entablature with circular achievement-of-arms; (5) of William Payne [1626] and Jane, his wife, 1610, alabaster and coloured marble wall-monument (Plate 62) with figures of man and wife kneeling at prayer-desk in double arched recess carried on central corbel and side responds with flanking Corinthian columns supporting entablature and round centre-piece with achievement-of-arms; on N. wall, (6) to William Plumbe, 1593, and Elizabeth, his wife, wall-monument of various marbles, with panelled base surmounted by Corinthian columns supporting an entablature with damaged side shields on cartouches and centrepiece with achievement-of-arms. Monuments (3–6) were restored after the fire of 1923. In N. aisle, (7) to Sir William Butts, 1545, physician to Henry VIII, small alabaster and black marble tablet, restored by Leonard Butts in 1627; (8) to Anthony Nours and Katherine, his wife, both 1704, white marble draped tablet (Plate 62) with winged skull at foot and cherub-heads at top supporting cartouche with shield-of-arms; (9) to Edmund Gresham, 1593, small square tablet with achievement-of-arms. In S. aisle—on S. wall, (10) to Sir Thomas Kinsey, 1696, alderman, also his grandchildren, Robert and Elizabeth, by his only child Mary, wife of Richard Atkyns, white marble tablet with shield-of-arms; on W. wall, (11) to William Earsby, 1664, plain alabaster and slate tablet with architrave. In W. tower—on N. wall, (12) to Dorothy (Hyliard), 1695, wife of William Clarke, and to her first husband, Samuel Barrow, 1682, whiteveined marble wall-monument (Plate 62) with projecting base supporting sarcophagus surmounted by carved vase with drapery; behind, panel with entablature and cherub-heads supporting lozenge-of-arms (see floor-slab (4)); in N.W. corner, (13) to Thomas Winter, 1681, and Anne (Swinglehurst), his wife, 1689, white marble wall-monument with projecting base supporting vase on pedestal and panel at back with shaped head surmounted by cartouche-of-arms; on S. side, (14) of John Mordaunt, Viscount Mordant of Avalon, 1675 (Plate 61), black and white marble monument with effigy of man in semi-Roman costume holding in right hand a baton; figure stands on pedestal of exaggerated baluster shape with half-balusters of similar design at sides supporting wall-tablets and detached balusters in front supporting gauntlets and coronet respectively; in recess behind figure, shaped slab with cartouche-of-arms. In N.W. porch—on E. wall, (15) to Edward Limpany, 1662, and Margery, his wife, 1675, small stone wall-tablet with crossbones; on S. wall, mostly hidden by temporary war-shrine, (16) to [Elizabeth] daughter of Robert Limpany, 1694, white marble draped tablet with carved cherub-head and cartouche-of-arms set in enriched wood panel with carved pilasters and curved pediment surmounted by carved putti and a flaming urn. In churchyard—N. side, (17) to Frances, wife of William Hopkins, 1702, and her son, Gamaliel, carved head-stone; (18) to Mary, wife of Joseph Mugeadg, 1712, carved head-stone; (19) to "T.F., 1714," small foot-stone; inscription obliterated; (20) to Richard Stratton, 1712, and others later, head-stone; (21) to Benjamin Wyche, 1686, head-stone; (22) to Mary, daughter of Richard Acres, 1714; (23) to Thomas Smith, 1707, head-stone; (24) to Mary Bononi (?), 1711, carved head-stone; (25) to France, daughter (?) of Thomas Mathew, 1696, head-stone; N. of N. transept, (26) to William and Joan (? Wiltshire,) 1706; (27) to Edward Poope, 1664, head-stone; (28) to Daniel Mead, 16. ., head-stone; at E. end, (29) to H. [Henry Compton], Bishop of London, 1713, table-tomb, with achievement-of-arms and iron railing; on E. wall of S. chapel, (30) to Richard Lisle, 1665, wall-tablet; S. of S. chapel, (31) to Sir Francis Child, 1713, Alderman and Lord Mayor of London, large table-tomb (Plate 62) with baluster-shaped angles, moulded top slab, side panels carved with mayoral insignia and end panels respectively with crested helm and shield-of-arms; by S. gate (32) to John Webb, 1701, and Margaratt Webb 1719, head-stone; adjoining (32), (33) to George, Thomas and William, sons of George Kent (?) 1692, head-stone. Floor-slabs: in chancel—(1) to William Rumbold [1667] and his wife, daughter of—Barclay, with shield-of-arms; (2) to Thomas Carlos, 1665, with achievement-of-arms; (3) to John Saris, 1643, and Anne (Migges), 1622 (?), his wife, with shields-of-arms. In S. chapel— (4) to Samuel Barrow, M.D., 1682, with shield-of-arms (see monument (12)). In nave—(5) to Robert Hickes, 1669; (6) to Elizabeth Tipping, 1686, with shield-of-arms; (7) to Robert Blanchard, 1681; (8) to Martha (Earsby), wife of Edward Bilingsley, 1698. In N. transept—(9) to [Isaac Cooke], 1697; (10) to Thomas Doughtie, 1706, and Mary, his wife, 1705, with obliterated shield-of-arms. In N. aisle— (11) to Humphrey Henchman, Bishop of London, 1675, with achievement-of-arms (Plate 62). In S. aisle—(12) to Lieut. William Stevenage, 1709, his son, William, 1709, and wife, Lucy, 1713. Organ-case: In S. chapel—of oak, incorporated in modern casing, with lower part made up from sides of former pulpit and in four panelled bays divided by projections and forming reredos to side altar; mouldings to panels, base and cornice ornamented with carved enrichment; above cornice supporting pipes, carved scroll-work, cherub-heads and moulded cornices with scroll-work round pipes; at base of pipes, enriched wrought-iron arch formerly over entrance to large pew of Limpany family, late 17th-century, reused. Painting: In tower—on N. wall of ringing chamber, in wooden frame with round head, portrait of beadle in red coat with quart pot and churchwarden's pipe; the portrait is inscribed "John Hudnett, Beadle and Sexton of the Parish of Fulham, Middlesex 1690." Miscellanea: Stone bowl, probably mortar, found on site of No. 11, High Street and re-erected in churchyard on brick base in 1896, date uncertain.


(2). The Church of St. Andrew, at junction of Greyhound Road and Normand Road, 1¼ m. N. by E. of the Parish Church, is modern, but has one bell by Thomas Bartlet, 1628, brought from the church of St. Martin, Outwich.

(3). The Church of St. Dionis, Parsons Green, 1,000 yards N.E. of (1), is modern, but contains the following fittings from the demolished church of St. Dionis, Backchurch, Fenchurch Street. Font (Plate 2): octagonal, of black and white marble with upper part of bowl moulded, underside carved with cable-ornament and acanthus leaves; baluster-shaped stem with moulded cap and base and lower part covered with four large acanthus leaves, late 17th-century. Plate (Plate 4): includes a large flagon inscribed 1632, but without date-letter, a large flagon of 1642, cup, paten and spoon of 1671, and cup, paten and dish of 1674. Pulpit: hexagonal, of oak, with enriched moulded capping and plinth and panelled sides with enriched mouldings, carved cherub-heads and festoons; underside of pulpit concave and supported by short hexagonal shaft (probably cut down), with capping and base, late 17th-century, stairs of c. 1720.

(4). The Church of St. Etheldreda, Fulham Palace Road, about ½ m. N.N.W. of (1), is modern, but has in the bell-cote one bell by James Bartlet, 1679, brought from the church of St. Michael Bassishaw in the City.


(5). Sandford Manor House, 1¼ m. N.E. of (1), is of two storeys with attics and a cellar. The walls are of brick, covered with modern stucco; the roofs are partly tiled and partly covered with slates. The house faces the E. and was built in the latter half of the 17th century. It is rectangular on plan with a small modern addition on the N., but has been considerably altered and is now divided into two separate residences.

The oak staircase and panelled hall are good examples of their period.

The front elevation has been much altered. It is symmetrically designed and originally had three gables but is now finished with a low parapet. The two chimney-stacks have been rebuilt, probably on the original design, and each have diagonal projections at the angles and two projecting pilasters on each front and stand on rectangular bases. Inside the building the main staircase rises from a central entrance-hall. The walls of the hall are panelled and have a moulded frieze and cornice. The staircase rises in short flights round a central well to the top storey and has richly moulded strings and handrail, square newel-posts with moulded pendants and ballfinials, and turned balusters. The N.W. room was originally panelled but the walls are now covered with modern wall-paper.

Fulham Palace

Condition—Good, much altered.

(6). Fulham Palace, house, barn, garden-wall and moat, stand N. of Putney Bridge. The House is of two storeys; the walls are of brick, and the roofs are tiled. The western of the two quadrangles was built by Richard Fitzjames, Bishop of London (1506–22), and a N.W. wing of the same date is said to have been taken down by Wren c. 1715. In the 18th century the eastern quadrangle was added. Considerable alterations to the earlier, and additions to the later, buildings were carried out in 1813. The W. quadrangle is entered through an archway in the middle of the N.W. front, the 'Great Hall' being in the N. end of the opposite range. The ranges contain various livingrooms and domestic offices, but the whole of the internal plan has been much altered.

Elevations—The elevations are faced with old red bricks but have considerable modern repairs, and none of the windows, with the exception of that over the entrance-archway to the hall, are original. The walls of the quadrangle are completely covered with diapering in black headers. The N.W. Front is gabled at either end and has a central gateway with moulded brick jambs and a four-centred arch. The doors are original and of two trellis-framed leaves each divided on the front into two tiers of five vertical panels by a horizontal rail and hollow-chamfered ribs. The handle and lockplate are old and the doors are each hung on three heavy strap-hinges; in one of the doors is a wicket. With the exception of one towards the centre of the range, the chimney-stacks are modern and the existing windows are mostly of the 17th century, with solid frames. The S.W. Front (Plate 63) has towards the S.E. end three pointed gables with original, but much weathered, cusped and traceried barge-boards. Below the northernmost are two slightly projecting pilasters and, at the first-floor and eaves-levels, plain band-courses. There is one original doorway with a four-centred head and above a modern stone doorway a square moulded panel, cusped and containing a shield with the arms of a bishop under a moulded label. The brickwork on either side of the gables is modern. The N.E. Front is mostly hidden by modern additions, but has one old chimney-stack with angle pilasters and a capping formed by projecting brick courses. The S.E. Front now forms the N.W. side of the E. quadrangle and only a small portion of the original brickwork is visible.

The old Quadrangle (Plate 64) has had the S.W. side refaced with modern brickwork. Elsewhere the windows are mainly of late 17th-century date, with solid frames. The entrance-archway in the middle of the N.W. side is similar to the corresponding one on the outer face of the same range, the connecting passage having a modern flat ceiling. Towards the S.W. end is a doorway with chamfered jambs and a square head and, at the N.E. end, one which is partly blocked and partly filled by a modern window. The S.W. side has a central projecting porch which opens into the 'screens' of the 'Great Hall.' It has diagonal buttresses at the angles and is carried up above the level of the eaves of the adjacent buildings and finishes in a modern parapet carried on an original corbel-table of small trefoiled arches; it is surmounted by an 18th-century bell-turret. Above the modern entrance-archway is a shallow projecting orielwindow, of six four-centred lights with a corbelled and moulded sill and a moulded cornice. Over the window, carved on a stone panel, is an achievement of the arms of the See of London impaling those of Bishop Juxon, surmounted by a mitre and the date 1636. At the back and above the panel is a blocked window. The hall has, on this side, three late 17th-century windows with solid frame, mullion and transom.

Interior—In the N.W. range is some exposed timber-framing and some of the ceiling-beams are exposed. A short flight of stairs on the first floor near the E. angle of the quadrangle has two lengths of early 16th-century handrail and there are a few balusters with a handrail and a newel with a ball-finial of mid 17th-century date. On the landing is a small early 17th-century door of six moulded panels. Two rooms on the first floor at the S. end of the S.W. range had the walls, until recently, lined with linen-fold panelling. About 50 panels have been removed from the southern room and are now fixed in the vestry to the S. of the hall. The other room still retains its panels, though not as originally fixed. In this room is a stone panel, probably from the centre of a stone overmantel, carved with an achievement of the arms of the See of London impaling those of Laud, with the initials W.L. below. The Hall has a plain plaster ceiling; at the N. end is a framed panel of c. 1700, with carved frieze, pediment and carved scrolls at the sides with swags of fruit. The screen, at the S. end, has a central door-case incorporating carved consoles, cornice and pediment of c. 1700. The windows of the hall have a collection of ancient and modern glass, mostly heraldic. On the N.W. side, the second window has a number of 16th-century quarries with the arms of the English Sees and Universities. The third window has (a) Tudor royal arms with crown and wreath, (b) Tudor royal arms impaling the quartered coat of Katherine Howard, (c) a dolphin for Fitzjames, (d) Savage, (e) See of London impaling Savage, (f) Tunstall, with motto, (g) design with three wheat-sheaves and a monogram and date 1598, (h) large wheatsheaf, (i) monogram as in (g), etc., (j) Draycot, (k) badge of two wings, (l) made-up shield, (m) Or three bends azure and a border gules impaling Fitzjames, In window in S.E. wall—(a) Tudor royal arms, with crown and wreath, (b) a pelican in her piety, (c) four quarries, each with a wheatsheaf, (d) Tunstall, (e) Kemp, probably modern, (f and g) as (c), (h) as (d), (i) badge of two wings. All the above are of 16th or 17th-century date and much restored by Wailes in 1847.

In the Porteus Library the three windows on the E. side contain a series of heraldic medallions, formerly in the old chapel; in the first window are (a) See of London impaling Laud; (b) See of St. Davids and the Deanery of Gloucester, both impaling Laud, (c and d) See of London, both perhaps modern, (e) See of London impaling Savage, (f) Kemp, with a wreath of roses, (g) See of London impaling Fitzjames quartering Draycot, (h) See of Oxford impaling Compton, (i) See of London impaling Compton, (j) See of Worcester impaling Fletcher, (k) See of Bath and Wells impaling Laud, (l) See of London impaling Compton. In the second window—(a) France and England quarterly with a label argent, a crown above, (b) See of London impaling Bonner, (c) See of London impaling Grindall, (d) See of London impaling Tunstall, with a motto, (e) See of London impaling Aylmer, (f) See of London impaling Fletcher, with the date 1595, (g) See of London impaling Abbot, (h) See of Bristol impaling Fletcher, with the date 15 . . . (i) See of London impaling Montaigne, (j) See of London impaling Laud, (k) See of London impaling Juxon, (l) See of London impaling Compton. In the third window—a red rose and a white and red rose dimidiated. All the above are of 16th, 17th or early 18th-century date.

The Chapel is modern but the Plate (Plate 4) includes inscribed cup and cover, the cup with a deep bowl, hexagonal stem with knot, and base with concave sides and cherub-heads at points, the cover surmounted by ball and cross, both without date-letter but of Restoration period; inscribed stand-paten with shallow bowl and lid and base similar to above, stem dated 1653; two flagons, both with date 1653; alms-dish of 1670 with date 1671 stippled on base.

The Barn stands to the N. of the house and is a large rectangular building, timber-framed and weather-boarded with a tiled roof. It is of mid 17th-century date but has considerable modern repairs; the W. end has been converted for use as a house.

The N.W. Wall of the kitchen garden, which is in the S. angle of the grounds, is of early 16th-century date from the foundations to a height of from 2 to 3 ft. Towards the northern end is an original brick archway with jambs and four-centred head of four chamfered orders on the N.W., and three on the S.E. side, with a moulded label. Above the arch is a crow-stepped gable; in the middle merlon is a square panel with a traceried quatrefoil enclosing a much weathered shield carved with the arms of the See of London impaling a defaced coat, probably that of Fitzjames.

The Moat, which enclosed an irregular rectangular site measuring about 1,300 ft. by 1,200 ft., has been mostly filled in. It has been suggested that this is the site of the camp occupied by the Danish army in 870.

Condition—Of buildings, good. Good.

(7). Holland House, 110 yards E. of (1), is of two storeys with attics; the walls are of brick and the roofs are covered with slates. It was built in the first half of the 17th century but much altered in the 18th and 19th centuries and is of L-shaped plan with the wings extending towards the S. and E. The W. wall has been covered with cement and all the doorways and windows have been renewed. The N. and E. chimney-stacks are original and have splayed offsets and grouped diagonal shafts; the S. stack appears to have been rebuilt and is rectangular with a moulded brick course at the base of the shaft. Inside the building, in the ceilings of both the ground and first floors are some original moulded beams, and one room on the first floor has a moulded cornice and plain moulded dado with moulded rail of early 18th-century date. In the attics are two ledged and moulded batten doors of mid 17th-century date and an early 18th-century fireplace with moulded shelf and bolection-moulded architrave.

Condition—Fairly good.

(8). Linden House, now shop and two tenements, on E. side of High Street, about 200 yards N.N.E. of (1), is of two storeys with attics; the walls are of brick and the roofs are tiled. It was built early in the 18th century. At the first-floor level is a projecting brick band and on both the front and back is a modillioned cornice surmounted by a later brick parapet; the windows have old flush-frames but the sashes have been renewed; the chimneys have panelled sides. Inside the building much original panelling remains. The S.W. room on the first floor is completely lined with bolection-moulded panelling with a cornice and dado-rail. Another room has a panelled dado and the two back rooms have original fireplaces with bolection-moulded architraves and moulded shelves; the doors are panelled with raised mouldings.


(9). The Vineyard, house, on N. side of Hurlingham Road, 600 yards E.N.E. of (1), is of three storeys with cellars; the walls are of brick; the roofs are tiled. It was built early in the 17th century and the original portion is L-shaped on plan with the wings extending towards the N. and E. It was altered in the 18th century, and alterations and additions include the building of a low W. wing and the raising of the main block one storey. The front and side walls are cemented and have plain bands at the floor-levels, a moulded cornice and plain parapet. On either side and at the back is an original brick chimney-stack, the side stacks having three and the back stack four detached shafts, two shafts in each case being set diagonally; the upper parts of all the shafts have been rebuilt. Inside the building, in the ceilings of the front ground-floor rooms, the main beams are exposed and chamfered. The E. room is lined with moulded panelling and has a moulded cornice and dado-rail and a fireplace with bolection-moulded architrave and moulded shelf, all of early 18th-century date; the cupboardrecess adjoining the fireplace is flanked by fluted pilasters supporting a keyed archivolt, and has shaped shelves. The W. room is lined with plain panelling with a moulded cornice and has two panelled doors and a bolection-moulded architrave to the fireplace, and one room on the first floor is also panelled and has a fireplace similar to the one just described. The late 17th-century staircase has a continuous string and moulded handrail, square newels and turned balusters. In the cellar are two early 17th-century panelled doors.


(10). Rosamund Cottage, block of three tenements, at Parsons Green, 60 yards N. of (3), is of two storeys with attics; the walls are of brick and the roofs are tiled. It was built in the second half of the 17th-century and has 18th-century and later additions. The front has a projecting brick band at the first-floor level and slightly projecting eaves; the windows have single moulded frames with transoms and mullions and some of the original casements remain. The doors and hoods are of the 18th century. Inside the building, there are some exposed beams in the ceilings of the ground-floor rooms. The staircase is original but much multilated, and has a moulded string and handrail, square newels and large twisted balusters, many of which are missing. Below the stairs is a six-panelled door formed of pieces of early 17th-century panelling.


(11). Houses, Nos. 111 and 113, North End Road, and entrance gates, on N.E. side of road, 12/3 m. N. of the Parish Church. The houses are of three storeys with attics; the walls are of brick and the roofs are tiled. Originally built as one house, the date 1714 on one of the rain-water heads on the back of the building is probably the year of erection, but the building has been altered and added to both in the 18th century and more recent years. The front of No. 111 has been plastered and much altered, but on the N.W. elevation is an enriched modillioned eaves-cornice, possibly refixed from elsewhere. No. 113 has projecting brick bands at the floor-levels and pilaster-shaped projections at the angles; the windows on the front have brick key-blocks. On the S. parapet at the back is a painted sundial and the date 1723. Inside the buildings, No. 111 has two rooms lined with early and later 17th-century panelling refixed from elsewhere and a refixed chimney-piece dated 1649. No. 113 has some rooms lined with original panelling with wood cornices; one room on the ground and one on the first floor have fireplaces possibly of the same date, and one fireplace on the ground-floor has been refixed from elsewhere. The early 18th-century staircase has a cut string with shaped brackets, turned balusters, column-shaped newels and a moulded handrail. Some of the panelled doors are original.

The two wrought-iron entrance gates have rubbed brick piers with stone cappings; the stone vase surmounting the central pier is not in situ, but the terminals to the other piers are original, though surmounted by modern figures of cherubs.

In the garden of No. 113 is a one-storeyed, timber-framed building with a tile roof and carved barge-boards; the front tie-beam is carried on brackets and dated 1625. The whole building has been re-erected in its present position in recent years.
