Staughton, Great

An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Huntingdonshire. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1926.

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'Staughton, Great', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Huntingdonshire( London, 1926), British History Online [accessed 7 October 2024].

'Staughton, Great', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Huntingdonshire( London, 1926), British History Online, accessed October 7, 2024,

"Staughton, Great". An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Huntingdonshire. (London, 1926), , British History Online. Web. 7 October 2024.

In this section


(O.S. 6 in. (a)XX S.E., (b)XXI S.W., (c)XXIV N.E., (d)XXV N.W.)

Great Staughton is a parish and village 2 m. S.E. of Kimbolton. The principal monuments are the Church, Place House, and the Village Cross.


b(1). Parish Church of St. Andrew (Plate 76) stands towards the W. side of the parish. The walls generally of mixed stone and pebble-rubble, except the tower which is of coursed Weldon rubble; the dressings are of Weldon and Ketton stone with some clunch and the roofs are covered with lead, tiles and slates. The early Nave of the church appears to have occupied the three E. bays of the existing nave. In the second half of the 13th century the Chancel was re-built and the nave extended to its present limits and the N. and S. arcades built. In the 14th century the North and South Aisles were largely re-built and the South Porch added. Towards the end of the 15th century the E. wall of the chancel and the chancel-arch were re-built and a large part of the nave-arcades re-built partly with the old material; the rood-loft staircase was inserted at the same time and the clearstorey added. The North Vestry is dated 1526 and the North Chapel and West Tower were added about the same time. The church was restored in 1866.

Great Staughton, Parish Church of St Andrew

The W. tower is a massive example of early 16th-century work and among the fittings the monuments are noteworthy.

Architectural Description—The Chancel (36 ft. by 15¾ ft.) has a restored late 15th-century E. window of five cinque-foiled lights with vertical tracery in a four-centred head, with moulded reveals and label with beast-stops; the lower part of the window has been filled in. In the N. wall is a 15th-century window, with moulded external reveals, four-centred head and label; the opening was cut down to the floor-level and the mullions and tracery removed early in the 16th century, to form an archway to the N. chapel. The inner jambs have cuttings for a former screen; further E. is a 13th-century lancet-window, with rebated jambs and an early 16th-century doorway with splayed jambs and four-centred head. In the S. wall are three windows, the easternmost of late 15th-century date but with one of the lights blocked in the 17th century; it is now of two trefoiled lights in a square head with a moulded label and defaced head-stops; the middle window is of late 13th- or 14th-century date and of two cinque-foiled lights with a quatre-foiled spandrel in a two-centred head with a moulded label and mask-stops; the partly restored westermost window is of c. 1330 and of two trefoiled ogee lights with a quatrefoil in a two-centred head with a moulded label and mask-stops; the lights are carried down below a restored transom, to form a 'low-side'; the late 13th-century S. doorway has chamfered jambs, two-centred arch and a moulded label with one old mask-stop. The late 15th-century chancel-arch is two-centred and of two chamfered orders, the outer continuous and the inner springing from attached shafts with moulded capitals and bases; the gable above is embattled and has a sanctus bell-cote.

The North Vestry has in the E. wall a modern window. On the parapet of the N. wall is the inscription "Ao. Dõ. 1526 E. NEL."

The North Chapel (15 ft. by 12¾ ft.) is of early 16th-century date and has an embattled parapet. In the E. wall is a window of three cinque-foiled lights with tracery in a four-centred head, with moulded external reveals; it is now blocked. Projecting from the N. wall is a recess or bay, with a moulded segmental-pointed arch and a panelled stone vault (Plate 133) of the same form with moulded middle, wall and ridge-ribs and trefoil-headed panels; at the intersections of the ridge-rib are three carved shields-of-arms, (a) held by an angel and bearing a cross charged with six scallops for Stonham impaling a horse-barnacle for Barnack; (b) a cross engrailed impaling three boars' heads; (c) a daunce between seven (?) crosslets, for Engaine impaling two pales; the side walls of the recess have each a small square-headed window and the N. wall has a partly restored window of three cinque-foiled lights in a segmental-pointed head with moulded external reveals and label. In the W. wall of the chapel is a modern arch.

The Nave (58½ ft. by 20 ft.) has a N. arcade of five bays with two-centred arches of two chamfered orders, springing from round columns and half-round responds, with moulded capitals and bases; the work is all a 15th-century reconstruction, incorporating parts of a late 13th-century arcade; the narrower spacing of the first two bays probably indicates that an earlier nave occupied these and the adjoining bay on the W. and that the rebuilding was done piece-meal and in relation to the older structure. The S. arcade is similar and also of five bays, the three westermost being of early 13th-century date and the two eastern a 15th-century reconstruction; the E. respond has an early 13th-century capital but the first two columns have 15th-century capitals and bases. The 15th-century rood-loft staircase, in the S.E. angle, has upper and lower doorways with rebated jambs and square heads. The late 15th-century clearstorey is embattled and has on each side five windows each of two cinque-foiled lights with a quatre-foiled spandrel in a four-centred head, with moulded external reveals and label.

The North Aisle (11 ft. wide) has an embattled parapet. In the N. wall are three 15th-century windows, each of two cinque-foiled lights, with tracery in a four-centred head, with moulded external reveals and label; the N. doorway, of c. 1330, has moulded jambs, two-centred arch and label. In the W. wall is a window, similar to those in the N. wall, but of three lights.

The South Aisle (13¾ ft. wide) has an embattled parapet. In the E. wall is a mid 14th-century window of three trefoiled ogee lights, with net-tracery in a two-centred head with a moulded label and grotesque head-stops. In the S. wall are three windows, similar in date and detail to that in the E. wall, but of two lights only; the mid 14th-century S. doorway has a two-centred arch of two moulded orders with a moulded label and carved stops, one defaced; the moulded jambs have each two attached shafts with moulded and foliated capitals and defaced bases. In the W. wall is a window uniform with that in the E. wall.

The West Tower (about 14¾ ft. square) is of early 16th-century date and of three stages, with a moulded plinth and a quatre-foiled band above it, an embattled parapet, crocketed and panelled pinnacles at the angles, a band of cusped panelling below the parapet-string and a carved gargoyle in the middle of each side. The two-centred tower-arch is of three moulded orders, the two outer continuous and the inner springing from attached shafts with moulded capitals and bases. The partly restored W. window is of four cinque-foiled lights with tracery in a two-centred head, with moulded external reveals and label; the W. doorway has jambs and two-centred arch of three moulded orders in a square head with a moulded label and traceried spandrels. The second stage has in the E. wall an opening to the roof, with chamfered jambs and four-centred head. In the S. wall is a window of two trefoiled ogee lights in a square head with moulded external reveals and label. In the W. wall, below the modern clock-face, is a blocked recess, probably a niche. The bell-chamber has in each wall a pair of windows, each window of two trefoiled and transomed lights with a quatrefoil in a two-centred head with moulded jambs and label; the lights below the transom have four-centred heads. The pinnacles have the following inscribed initials, probably of the date of the tower—D.G., I.P., R.V.L., E. F.E.L.

The South Porch is of 14th-century date, but was much re-built probably in the 17th century. The two-centred outer archway is of two chamfered orders, continued down the responds; the moulded label has weathered head-stops. The side walls have each a modern window.

The Roof of the chancel is modern but incorporates two 15th-century moulded tie-beams. The roof of the N. vestry is of the 16th or 17th century and of two bays with cambered and chamfered tie-beam, central purlin and wall-plates. The early 16th-century roof of the N. chapel is flat and has moulded main timbers, forming four divisions; the tie-beams have curved braces; the S. wall-plate is embattled and carved with paterae and a woman's head. The modern roof of the nave rests on 15th-century stone corbels carved as follows—N. side, (a) grotesque man in hood, (b) angel with book, (c) Virgin and Child with two angels, (d) angel with shield, (e) as (a); S. side, (a) grotesque woman, (b) angel with book, (c) angel with shield, (d) angel with emblem of the Trinity, (e) angel with shield. The modern roof of the S. porch incorporates a 17th-century chamfered beam.

Fittings—Bells: six and a sanctus-bell; 2nd and 3rd by Watts, 1633; 4th (Plate 7) by William Dawe, c. 1400, inscribed "Hac in Conclave Gabriel nunc pange suave," with shield—a cheveron between three laver-pots; 5th (Plate 7) by Watts, 1600; sanctus-bell, inaccessible but said to be uninscribed. Brass Indents: In chancel—(1) worn indent with rivets; (2) of inscription-plate and two shields, probably early 15th-century; (3) partly hidden, indent of shield visible; (4) of civilian and wife, scrolls, groups of children, two inscription-plates, shaped indent at top and indents for symbols at angles, early 16th-century. Communion Rails (Plate 151): with turned and twisted balusters, moulded rails and panelled standards, late 17th-century. Doors: In chancel—in doorway to vestry, with moulded frame and fillet planted on, two strap-hinges, early 16th-century. In S. doorway—of nail-studded battens with ornamental lock-plate, 16th-century. In tower—in doorway to second stage, with strap-hinges, 16th-century. Font: In nave—rough octagonal bowl, with beaded lower edge, lower part cut back to a fair face and upper part rough, traces of red and black paint, probably 13th-century, stem modern. Funeral-helm, etc. (Plate 59). In N. chapel— helm with comb and vizor and a pair of gauntlets, early 17th-century. Glass: In chancel—in blocked light of S.E. window, some old plain glass. In vestry—not fixed, various fragments including figure of St. Mary Magdalene, with pot or jar, canopy-work, foliage, grisaille and small figure of an angel, also head of a cinque-foiled light with foliated quarries, grisaille, quatrefoils and part of a hand holding a book, mostly 14th-century with some pieces of the 13th century. Monuments and Floor-slabs. Monuments: In chancel—on N. wall, (1) of Sir James Deyer, 1580, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and Margaret his wife, 1560, also of Sir Richard Deyer, 1605, and Marie (Fitzwilliams) his wife, 1601, erected by Sir William Deyer, large wall-monument (Plate 135) of painted freestone and of two bays divided and flanked by Corinthian columns, supporting an entablature, obelisks and elaborate strapwork-cresting and two achievements-of-arms; in each bay under a double arch kneeling figures of man and wife at desk, man in eastern bay in judge's robes with SS. collar, and man in western bay in armour, at back of recesses four shields-of-arms, deep moulded base with brackets and two shields-of-arms; on S. wall, (2) to Christopher and Mary, infant children of John Conyers, 1679, white marble cartouche with cherub-head, cartouche-of-arms and swaddled infant; (3) to Sarah, wife of John Spencer, and Sarah their daughter, 1632, white marble panel. In N. chapel—in N. recess, (4) to Sir James Beverley, 1670, black marble and alabaster altar-tomb with moulded slab, panelled side with pendants, pilasters at angles, cartouches-of-arms at ends. In S. aisle —against S. wall, (5) of Sir George Wauton, 1606, erected by Sir Oliver Cromwell, K.B., large wall-monument (Plate 135) of freestone, partly painted and consisting of panelled base with two pedestals on which stand caryatides supporting a deep shelf, on shelf, recumbent effigy of man in armour, against wall at back, a composition with pairs of pilasters at sides, cornice carried over round panel in middle, with achievement-of-arms, strapwork-cresting above cornice. In churchyard—S of chancel, (6) to A.A., (1)713, head-stone, now loose. Floor-slabs: In chancel—(1) to Ann, wife of John Baldwin, with shield-of-arms, probably 17th-century; (2) to John Baldwine, 1657, with two shields-of-arms; (3) to Edward Conyers, 1705; (4) to Robert Baldwin, 1678, also to Mary, daughter of John Coniers, 1678; (5) to Christopher and William, sons of Baldwyn Conyers, 1703. Panelling: In chancel—round parts of E. end, panelled dado, 17th-century. Rainwater-heads: On S. wall of chancel—one with panelled front dated 1656, and a second with arabesque panel of about the same date. Scratchings: On jamb of recess in N. chapel and in second stage of tower, 17th- and early 18th-century initials and dates. Screen: Under tower-arch—made up of various pieces including inlaid and other raised panels and a moulded middle rail, late 17th-century; 16th-century upper panels and top rail, carved with inscription—"Of your charyte pray for the good astate of Olyver Leder and Frances hys wyfe, Anno dni. 1539." Miscellanea: In chancel—stone corbel carved with a half-angel holding a chalice, 15th-century, defaced. In nave—at E. end, fragments of a 17th-century monument and a late 15th-century spandrel with conventional foliage. In aisles—heads of late 14th-century windows; parts of a late 13th- or early 14th-century shaft, perhaps used as a piscina, with moulded capital and base; portions of window-tracery; roughly shaped bowl, withdrawn; a bowl with lugs, probably a mortar; various other carved and moulded fragments and part of a Purbeck-marble slab with indent of a shield.



Homestead Moats.

b(2). N.E. of Staughton Green, about ¾ m. N.W. of the church.

c(3). At Old Manor Farm, about 1 m. S.W. of the church, has an inner and outer ditch; the inner is of oval form and encloses a low mound, possibly a motte. The outer moat is quadrangular and double at the S.W. angle and at the S. side.

c(4). On W. border of the parish nearly 2 m. S.S.W. of the church.

a(5). Place House, house, barns, garden-wall, moat and mound on opposite side of the road immediately W. of the church. The House (Plate 92) is of two storeys, of brick and plastered timber-framing, with some stone dressings; the roofs are tiled. The existing building appears to be the remaining S. wing of a much larger house, presumably built on an irregular H-shaped plan with a large entrance-courtyard on the E. This house was built towards the end of the 16th century on the site of an earlier building but is said to have been partially destroyed by fire in the first half of the following century and it was then, no doubt, that the main block and N. wing were destroyed, no traces of either of which are now visible above ground. The present building has a W. wing projecting slightly towards the S., but this wing has been shortened late in the 17th century, the original end wall now forming part of the garden-wall. The junction of the main block of the original house with the existing S. range is hidden by modern additions which have been built on the N. side of the old S. wing. The interior has been considerably altered and remodelled. The S. front of the existing building has a projecting gabled wing at the W. end which was partly refaced probably in the latter part of the 17th century. Towards the E. end of the front is a smaller but similar gabled projection to which an upper storey has recently been added; E. of this is an original projecting chimney-stack diminishing with crow-stepped offsets; the door-ways and windows are for the most part modern but towards the W. end is an original doorway with a chamfered four-centred head, and a four-light window on the ground-floor retains some original brick dressings. The N. elevation which flanked the original entrance-courtyard has a moulded brick plinth but is partly hidden by the modern additions; E. of the modern additions on the ground-floor are four original transomed stone windows, the westernmost of two and the others each of four lights with square heads and moulded labels; the easternmost has been partly cut into on the W. side by the insertion of a modern doorway; on the first floor are two similar restored windows; at the W. end is the later brick filling where one has been removed and there is a similar filling replacing a smaller window at the E. end; towards the W. end of the front between the modern extensions, on each floor, is an original blocked fireplace with a four-centred brick head. The W. front has on the ground-floor, giving access to a loggia, an arcade of three bays with four-centred arches of two chamfered orders and chamfered piers with chamfered plinths; the head of the middle arch has been re-built; on the first floor is a four-light mullioned and transomed window similar to those on the N. front. Inside the building one of the partition-walls has the timber-framing exposed. The staircase towards the E. end of the range has a solid newel-post and is probably original. The original fireplace in the easternmost room has been filled in. There is a 17th-century doorway hung on strap-hinges. The roof is of collar-beam construction with curved wind-braces to the purlins.

The Old Manor, Gt. Staughton

The Barn (Plate 150) to the N.E. of the house is of timber-traming with brick-nogging; the roof is tiled. It is of late 16th-century date and is of four bays with braced tie-beams and struts to the collars and purlins. Low modern extensions have been built on either end; the E. wall is partly weather-boarded and the W. wall has been re-built in modern brick.

The Barn (Plate 150) to the E. of the above is of two storeys and of timber-framing with brick nogging on a stone plinth; the hipped roof is tiled. It is of late 16th-century date. Inside the building the ceiling to the lower storey has stop-chamfered beams and exposed joists.

The Garden Wall fronting the roadway on the S. side of the house is of 16th-century brick with a weathered coping; it has been repaired in places.

The Moat formerly surrounded the house but has been partly filled in; it has subsidiary enclosures on the W. side.

In the corner of a field 90 yards W. of the moats is a rectangular Mound with rounded angles.

Condition—Of house, good, considerably altered.

b(6). Gaynes Hall, house, garden-wall and moats, 1¾ m. N.E. of the church. The House is modern but incorporates the lower parts of three 17th-century chimney-stacks on the N. side of the building and part of the walling between them. Inside the building are some re-used chamfered beams in the kitchen ceiling, and in the cellar is a re-used post with stop-chamfered angles and fluted ornament at the top. There are also some 17th-century doors.

To the N.E. of the house is a Garden-wall of 17th-century brick with modern refacing on the E. side. The 17th-century garden-wall to the S.E. of the house has a weathered top with a plain brick string carried on brick corbelling; at intervals along the S. side are strip-buttresses and about the middle of its length is a blocked doorway. In the garden to the S.E. of the house are some worked stones of ecclesiastical origin including the following; (a) the upper part of a mid 13th-century slab, (Plate 115) carved in low relief with the head and shoulders of an abbot with crozier, within a moulded cinque-foiled head terminating in a broken foliated finial and flanked by small panels with two-centred heads and small similarly panelled buttresses with broken pyramidal tops; (b) a four-centred chamfered door-head in two pieces; (c) the socketed base for a gable-cross; (d) circular chamfered base with circular socket in middle; (e) a mortar of uncertain date; also miscellaneous parts of window-dressings and semi-circular respondshaft.

The Moat, which formerly surrounded the house, is fragmentary, but has the northern arm partly filled with water and spanned by a bridge. There are remains of an outer wet moat to the S. and E. of the house with a smaller moated enclosure at the N.E. corner. At Crows Spinney, 400 yards E. of the house, are portions of the N. and W. arms of a small Moat; within the former enclosure is a dry ditch forming an incomplete circle with an island within.

Condition—Of house, re-built.

b(7). Manor Farm, house and moat, at West Perry, 720 yards N. of (6). The House stands on the S. side of the road and is of two storeys with attics, and of brick with stone dressings; the roofs are tiled. It is L-shaped on plan with the wings projecting towards the N. and E., the N. wing being the remaining wing of a 16th-century house and the E. wing modern but incorporating a certain amount of re-used material. The N. front of the old wing is gabled and has a moulded coping supported at the base on shaped corbels and surmounted at the apex with a shaped finial; to both the ground and first floors is a three-light window with moulded jambs, mullions, square head and label; in the gable is a small pointed light, now blocked. On the W. front one of the first-floor windows has a re-set old label. The front door is of nail-studded battens. Inside the building the ground-floor room in the old wing has chamfered ceiling-beams and the ceilings of the two easternmost rooms in the modern building each have a similar re-used beam.

The Moat is fragmentary and extends on either side of the road.

Condition—Of house, good.

d(8). Cherry Orchard Farm, house and moat, nearly 1¾ m. S.S.E. of the church. The House is of two storeys timber-framed and plastered; the roofs are covered with tiles and slates. The house is of T-shaped plan, the back wing being of 17th-century date but the front block has been almost entirely re-built in brick.

The Moat has been partly destroyed.

Condition—Of house, good.

b(9). Village Cross (Plate 142), on N. side of Staughton Highway, 700 yards E. of the church was erected c. 1637. It stands on a square splayed plinth of later brickwork and has an octagonal shaft with rolls at the angles separated by hollows, rising out of a square on a splayed stone base; the shaft is surmounted by a moulded cornice square on plan and supported under the angles by small scrolls; above the cornice is a cube with a sundial on one face and a sunk panel on the opposite side carved with the date "1637" and the initials "E.I." below; the cube has a moulded capping and is surmounted by a ball.


Monuments (10–28).

The following monuments, unless otherwise described, are of the 17th century and of two storeys, timber-framed and plastered; the roofs are tiled or thatched. Some of the buildings have original chimney-stacks and exposed ceiling-beams and joists.

Condition—Good or fairly good unless noted.

b(10). Inn, adjoining churchyard, on S. side of road immediately S.W. of the church, is of L-shaped plan with the wings extending towards the S. and W. It has been considerably altered, the walls have been refaced and modern additions have been built on the end of the S. wing.

a(11). Range of two tenements on E. side of the road, 150 yards S.W. of the church, is of brick and was built c. 1700 on a rectangular plan with symmetrically designed elevations and a hipped roof. The principal or S. front has a projecting band at the first-floor level.

a(12). Cottage S.E. of (11), was built c. 1700 on a rectangular plan with a hipped roof and has a brick front of similar character to (11).

a(13). House, on E. side of bye-road, 20 yards S. of (11), was altered in the 18th century. Against the S. gabled wall is a projecting chimney-stack, the lower part of which is of stone and incorporates some re-used material including a shafted jamb-stone and a piece of a moulded string-course; the stack has crow-stepped offsets and a square shaft set diagonally on a brick base with a moulded capping. Inside the building the southernmost room on the ground-floor has an early 18th-century fireplace with a moulded stone surround with a square head rounded at the angles; above is a moulded wood panel surmounted by a moulded shelf.

a(14). House and smithy, at W. corner of roads to Little Staughton and Staughton House, is of two storeys with attics. It was built on an L-shaped plan with the wings extending towards the S. and W., but was altered c. 1700 when the S. wing was extended and refronted in brick; the E. wing was refronted in brick in modern times. The E. front has a projecting plinth and a projecting band at the first-floor level. At the S. end is a partly blocked window on the ground-floor and on the first-floor two two-light windows with plain mullions and moulded frames and two blocked windows. The S. end of the S. wing is gabled and has a moulded brick coping with kneelers supported on moulded brick corbels. Inside the building one of the bedrooms contains an elaborate piece of Jacobean panelling, divided into two parts by a moulded dado and rail; the lower part has a central square panel surrounded by four angle-panels, each moulded and with an enriched centre, and the upper part has a rusticated panel with a semi-circular head, moulded imposts, scrolled spandrels and an arabesque cartouche in the middle with a smaller ornament above and two fleurs-de-lis.

a(15). Stables at Staughton House, 300 yards S.S.W. of the church are of brick; the roofs are covered with slates and tiles. They were built in the 18th century and are rectangular on plan but the W. wall is not built at right-angles to the building but follows the adjacent roadway; there is a small staircase-wing on the N. side and a modern wing adjoining. At the angles of the building are clasping pilasters with moulded cappings and at the eaves, except on the E. end, a moulded cornice with brick modillions. In the middle of the S. front is a round-headed archway to a passage through the middle of the building; the arch has a plain key and imposts and is flanked by plain pilasters similar to those at the angles of the building. Above the archway is a square brick substructure supporting a modern cupola or bell-turret.

c(16). Garden Farm, house, two tenements, barn and garden-wall, 600 yards S.W. of the church. The House is of two storeys with attics and was built in the 16th century but altered in the 17th century when the chimney-stack was inserted in the eastern part of the building. At a later date it was extended at the W. end and has modern additions on the N. side and at the N.W. corner. Inside the building is an eight-panelled door of c. 1700. In the attics over the E. end of the building is a roof-truss with curved braces to the collar which has been cut through and now abuts on to vertical posts; in the attics over the central part of the house is a roof-truss with a cambered collar supported by curved angle-brackets at its meeting with the principal rafters.

A small rectangular Barn or granary, 30 yards S. of the house, is of timber-framing and brick nogging; it is raised from the ground on modern brick piers; the roof is hip-gabled at either end.

There is a 17th-century brick wall round the garden.

Staughton Highway. N. side

b(17). White Hart Inn, 760 yards E. of the church is of two storeys with attics. It has a modern E. wing with a carriage-way under, on the ground-floor and has also a modern extension at the back. The street or S. front has a projecting gable and originally projected on the first floor but this has been under-built. Inside the building the original staircase retains a newel with a shaped knob.

b(18). House and shop, 60 yards E. of (17), is of two storeys with attics. It has been altered and had modern additions built on the E. end and at the back.

b(19). House, 200 yards E. of (18), has been altered and had modern additions on the E. side. The central chimney-stack has two square shafts set diagonally on a rectangular base.

b(20). Cottage, two tenements, 100 yards E.S.E. of (19), was built c. 1700 incorporating or re-using materials from an early 17th-century building.


S. side

b(21). Cottage, on opposite side of road to (19), has later outbuildings.

Condition—Very poor, derelict.

b(22). Cottage at Staughton Green, on E. side of road, 300 yards N. of Staughton Highway has modern additions at the N. end and is roofed with modern tiles.

b(23). Barn, by corner of cross-roads, 140 yards N.N.W. of (22) is a small rectangular building of timber-framing and brick-nogging with a modern tile roof.

b(24). House, two tenements, at Staughton Green, 300 yards E. of the cross roads, was at one time used as a Poor-house. The western end was originally open to the roof but an upper floor has since been inserted and additions have been made on the N. side. Inside the building the roof-truss over the W. part of the house has a curved collar and curved wind-braces below the purlins; the tie-beam was cut through when the upper floor was inserted.


b(25). Dillington Farm, about 1 m. E.N.E. of the church, was entirely remodelled late in the 18th century and has modern additions on the N.E. side. Joined to the N.E. corner of the house by a modern covered way is a small rectangular building of timber-framing and brick nogging, which is said to have been used as a dovecote.

Re-hung in a doorway to the cowshed is an early 16th-century door; it has four upper and four lower 'linen-fold' panels and formerly had a four-centred head but this has been partly cut away and the door has been lengthened at the bottom; the upper panels have two-centred heads and above these is some carved enrichment.

Condition—Of house, good, much altered; of door, poor.

b(26). Cottage, on N.E. side of road, 120 yards N.W. of (25), is possibly of late 17th-century date but has been entirely remodelled in modern times. It has modern additions and a modern tile roof.

b(27). House and Post Office, at West Perry, on N.E. side of road, 240 yards N.W. of (7), has a later addition on the N.E. end.

c(28). Priory Farm, house, on southern boundary of the parish, nearly 2½ m. S.S.W. of the church, was built probably on an L-shaped plan with the wings extending towards the S. and W., but the S. wing has now gone and the W. wing has been very considerably altered and added to. Inside the building some of the timber-construction is exposed.


a(29). Earthwork at Agden Green, nearly 1¼ m. N.N.W. of the church forms a roughly circular island about 32 yards in diameter and 5 ft. high and is almost completely surrounded by a ditch with a slight outer bank; in the middle of the island is a slight depression or hollow.