
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Essex, Volume 3, North East. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1922.

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'Stisted', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Essex, Volume 3, North East( London, 1922), British History Online [accessed 7 October 2024].

'Stisted', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Essex, Volume 3, North East( London, 1922), British History Online, accessed October 7, 2024,

"Stisted". An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Essex, Volume 3, North East. (London, 1922), , British History Online. Web. 7 October 2024.

In this section

82. STISTED. (A.c.)

(O.S. 6 in. (a)xxv. N.E. (b)xxv. S.E.)

Stisted is a parish and small village 3 m. E.N.E. of Braintree. The church is a monument of importance.


b(1). Parish Church of All Saints (Plate, p. xxviii) stands at the S. end of the village. The walls are of flint and pebble-rubble with some boulder-clay; the dressings are of limestone and clunch and the roofs are covered with tiles and lead. The N. arcade of the Nave is of late 12th-century date. Early in the 13th century the S. arcade and aisle were built, the arches of the N. arcade rebuilt, and a narrow arch inserted instead of the former E. respond; at the same time or shortly after the nave was lengthened by a narrow bay at the W. end and the Chancel was rebuilt. In the first half of the 14th century the South Aisle was rebuilt and shortly after the North Aisle and North Vestry were rebuilt. The church was restored in the 19th century, when the South Tower and the W. wall of the nave were rebuilt. the North and South Porches built and the clearstorey refaced.

Stisted. The Parish Church of All Saints.

The late 12th-century columns in the nave are noteworthy.

Architectural Description—The Chancel (37½ ft. by 19¾ ft.) has in the E. wall five graduated 13th-century lancets with chamfered and rebated jambs and heads, all partly restored; above them is a round window apparently entirely modern. In the N. wall are two windows, the eastern is a 13th-century lancet with chamfered jambs and head; the western window (Plate, p. 143) is of the 14th century and of three trefoiled ogee lights with tracery in a segmental-pointed head with a moulded label and grotesque stops; further E. is a 14th-century doorway with chamfered jambs and two-centred head. In the S. wall are two 13th-century lancet-windows with chamfered jambs and heads, both much restored. The 13th-century chancelarch is two-centred and of one moulded order; the square responds have moulded imposts.

The North Vestry (15¼ ft. by 18¼ ft.) has a modern E. wall and window and a modern doorway in the W. wall.

The Nave (50½ ft. by 22 ft.) has a N. arcade (Plate, p. 212) of five bays, with early 13th-century, two-centred arches of one chamfered order; the easternmost arch was probably inserted in the deep 12th-century respond and the E. respond has a late 12th-century chamfered impost reset; the column in place of the former respond is circular and has a moulded capital carved with three grotesque heads and a rose with a dragon and a bird feeding off it; the base is modern; the second and third columns are circular and of late 12th-century date and have square moulded abaci and moulded capitals elaborately carved with conventional foliage (Plate, p. 213); the bases are modern except for one stone; the fourth pier is square and has a late 12th-century respond on the E. face, with a chamfered impost foliated at the angles; the westernmost arch springs from a lower level and has 13th-century moulded imposts. The S. arcade is of five bays, the E. and W. bays corresponding in width and character to those of the N. arcade; the whole arcade is of the 13th century and has arches uniform with those on the N.; the easternmost column is similar to the corresponding one on the N. side, but has the capital carved with one grotesque and one foliage boss, the others being left uncarved; the second and third columns are circular and have moulded square capitals. The clearstorey has on each side three quatrefoiled windows probably of the 14th century, but entirely modern externally. In the W. wall are five modern windows; the W. doorway is also modern but incorporates many 13th or 14th-century stones.

The North Aisle (12 ft. wide) has in the E. wall a window all modern except for part of the splays and the segmental rear-arch, which are of the 14th century. In the N. wall are two windows and the N. doorway all modern except for the splays and rear-arches which are probably of the 14th century. In the W. wall is a window all modern except the 14th-century splays and rear-arch.

The South Aisle (11½ ft. wide) has in the E. wall a modern doorway. In the S. wall are two windows all modern except the 14th-century splays and rear-arches; between them is the reset 13th-century S. doorway with jambs and two-centred arch of two chamfered orders, with a moulded label, mostly modern. In the W. wall is a window modern except for the 14th-century moulded splays and rear-arch.

The Roof of the nave is of three bays and has four trusses having tie-beams and octagonal king-posts with moulded capitals and bases and four-way struts, trussed rafters, and central purlin; the tie-beams and wall-plates are modern, the rest is of the 15th century. The roof of the N. aisle has late 15th or 16th-century chamfered tie-beams with curved braces, moulded purlins and flat rafters; the roof of the S. aisle is similar. The roof of the modern N. porch has old lead with a stamped inscription with the churchwardens' names, etc., the date 1677 and a shield of the arms of Turner of Suffolk.

Fittings—Brass and Indent. Brass: In chancel —on N. wall, of Elizabeth (Glascock), wife of John Wyseman, 1584, with figures of woman and daughter kneeling at prayer-desk and shield of arms. Indent: In S. porch—part of Purbeck marble slab, with inscription in Lombardic letters, early 14th-century. Chairs: In chancel—(1) with panelled and arcaded back, curved arms and turned legs, early 17th-century; (2) with carved and panelled back, formerly inlaid, shaped arms and turned legs, early 17th-century. Chest: In S. aisle—dug-out chest, with iron-bound lid and iron rings, date and initials 1676 T.B., I. F. on lid, iron straps with foliations at ends, probably mediaeval. Floor-slabs: In chancel—(1) to William Lynwood, 1699–1700, and Elizabeth, his wife, 1719; (2) to Mary, wife successively to Sir Thomas Wyseman, Sir Henry Appleton, Bart., and Thomas Turnor, 1685. Glass: In chancel—in E. lancets, Flemish glass arranged in panels and borders of various fragments, panels include numerous figure subjects, figures and parts of figures among them, St. John the Evangelist; Adam and Eve; the Last Judgment; the Conversation on the Road to Emmaus; St. John the Baptist; the Betrayal; a High Priest; the Assumption of Elijah, etc., early and late 16th-century. In round window in E. gable, the Ascension, probably 17th-century. In N.E. window, similar glass including the date 1554, the Virgin supported by two women, man's head and fragments. In S.E. window, panels of the Return of the Prodigal and the head of a crowned female saint and fragments; in head late 14th or early 15th-century tabernacle work. In S.W. window, two panels with figures and fragments, 16th-century. Panelling: In vestry— dado of late 16th-century panelling. Piscinae: In chancel—in E. wall, with moulded segmental head, moulded and shafted jambs with capitals and bases, shelf and octofoiled drain, 13th-century. In S. aisle—in S. wall, with moulded jambs and cinquefoiled ogee head, sexfoiled drain, early 14th-century. Pulpit: semi-octagonal, with panelled and bolection-moulded sides and inlaid centres, one panel with shield of arms, early 18th-century, base modern. Seating: In nave—incorporated in pew-front, four linen-fold panels with traceried heads, early 16th-century. Sedile: In S. aisle— sill of S.E. window carried down to form seat, splays stopped with cinquefoiled ogee heads, one restored, 14th-century. Miscellanea: In S. aisle —fixed to E. wall, tile with boundary inscription, 17th-century.

Condition—Good, much restored.


a(2). Moat Farm, house and moat, 1¾ m. N.N.E. of the church. The House is of two storeys, timberframed and plastered; the roofs are tiled or thatched. It was built in the 17th century but has been largely rebuilt in the 19th century.

The Moat surrounds the house.

Condition—Of house, good.

Monuments (3–20).

The following monuments, unless otherwise described, are of the 17th century and of two storeys, timber-framed and plastered or weather-boarded; the roofs are tiled. Many of the buildings have original chimney-stacks and exposed ceilingbeams.

Condition—Good, or fairly good, unless noted.

a(3). Brook's Farm, house and barn, 1¼ m. N.E. of the church. The House was built probably in the 16th century on a half H-shaped plan with the wings extending towards the N. There are later extensions to both wings.

The Barn, W. of the house, is of four bays, with aisles and a porch.

a(4). Cottage, now three tenements, S. of Lambert's Farm and 500 yards S.W. of (3).


a(5). Baines Farm, house, now three tenements, 500 yards W. of (4), is of L-shaped plan with the wings extending towards the S. and W.

a(6). Tan Office Cottages, three tenements, 570 yards S. of (5). The house was built late in the 16th century on a half H-shaped plan with the wings extending towards the N.W. The upper storey projects on the S.E. front. The original central chimney-stack has modern octagonal shafts with old moulded bases; the other chimney-stack has original octagonal shafts. Inside the building are two original fireplaces of brick with chamfered cambs and four-centred heads.

a(7). Cottage, 60 yards S.W. of (6), has an original square chimney-stack with a moulded capping and a modern shaft.

b(8). Cottage, on the E. side of road, 280 yards N.E. of the church. The upper storey projects on the W. front.

b(9). Cottage, 50 yards S. of (8), is modern but incorporates two early 16th-century moulded bressumers carved with running foliage. Inside the building are some moulded ceiling-beams and joists of the same date.

b(10). Red Lion Inn, S. of (9), has inside the building a reused doorway with a four-centred head.

b(11). Cottage, in Stisted Hall Park and 200 yards W.N.W. of the church, is modern but contains a large quantity of early 16th-century panelling said to have come from the original Stisted Hall, now destroyed.

Stane Street, N. side

b(12). Cottage, two tenements, W. of Blackwater Bridge.

b(13). Cottage, four tenements, 550 yards W. of (12), may be of the 16th century or earlier and has gabled cross-wings at the N. and S. ends.

a(14). Dolphin Inn, and tenements, 650 yards W. of (13), has modern extensions at both ends.

S. side

a(15). Cottage, two tenements, 400 yards E. of (14), has an original central chimney-stack with a cross-shaped shaft set diagonally.

a(16). Baytree Farm, house, 750 yards W. of (15), was built early in the 16th century but the W. part of the house is an early 17th-century addition. The upper storey projects on the N. front and there are two projecting gables to the 17th-century addition. The 17th-century central chimney-stack has grouped diagonal shafts. Inside the building the original block has king-post roof-trusses.

b(17). Jenkin's Farm, house, nearly 1 m. W.S.W. of the church, was built probably early in the 16th century with cross-wings at the N. and S. ends. The porch on the W. front has been rebuilt but incorporates the 16th-century symmetrically turned balusters at the sides and other old material. Inside the building was a considerable quantity of late 16th-century panelling, lately removed to Stisted Hall. The roof of the N. wing has original king-post roof-trusses.

a(18). Kentish Farm, house, about 1 m. N.N.W. of the church, was built on an L-shaped plan with the wings extending towards the S. and W. The original entrance door is of moulded and nail-studded battens with strap-hinges. The original chimney-stack at the S. end has three detached octagonal shafts. The stack at the N. end has original tabled offsets. Inside the building are some original moulded ceiling-beams, a door similar to the entrance door and a panelled dado. The staircase is original and has heavy turned newels and turned balusters; the staircase to the cellar has a balustrade with original flat-shaped balusters and newel.

a(19). Rayne Hatch Farm, house, 1,100 yards N. of (18), is possibly of the 16th century but has been much altered.

a(20). Covenbrook Hall, ¾ m. W. by N. of the church, was largely rebuilt in the 18th century. Inside the building are two 17th-century doors.