
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Dorset, Volume 2, South east. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Affpuddle', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Dorset, Volume 2, South east( London, 1970), British History Online [accessed 7 October 2024].

'Affpuddle', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Dorset, Volume 2, South east( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed October 7, 2024,

"Affpuddle". An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Dorset, Volume 2, South east. (London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 7 October 2024.

In this section



Arranged by Parishes

The numbers after each parish heading are the National Grid reference to the position of the parish church. The map sheets covering the parish are next listed with small letters prefixed which correspond to those prefixed to the individual entries in the succeeding inventory. The numbers in brackets within the entries are individual National Grid references; where these do not occur, then the position of the monument is either shown on a village or parish map printed in the text or identified by orientation and distance, also in brackets, relevant to the parish church.

Architectural monuments are normally described in the order N. to S. and E. to W.; the plans are generally to a scale of 24 ft. to the inch, except key plans of 48 ft. to the inch. The symbols used to indicate dating are normally explained on the plans themselves; elsewhere black is used for early work, sometimes of more than one period, and dotting for later alterations, usually post-1850, the distinction being apparent from the inventory accounts. Dimensions given in the inventory are internal unless otherwise stated. The date given in the description of a memorial is that of the death of the person commemorated; if known, the date of erection is added; surnames in brackets are maiden names. Numbers following unidentified shields-of-arms refer to their blazons, which are listed on p. 648.

Mediaeval and later earthworks are described at the end of the parish inventory; the succeeding references to other earthworks and allied monuments are to the accounts of prehistoric, Roman and undated monuments and ancient field groups contained in Part 3 of this Dorset II Inventory.

1 AFFPUDDLE (8093)

(O.S. 6 ins. aSY 79 SE, bSY 89 SW, cSY 89 NW)

The large, roughly rectangular parish of Affpuddle, covering about 4,600 acres, lies 7½ m. E.N.E. of Dorchester. Its S. boundary is the river Frome at about 100 ft. above O.D., N. of which the land rises gradually to a ridge at between 200 ft. and 300 ft. above O.D. All this area is heathland produced by the underlying Reading Beds. On the ridge are a number of natural swallow-holes, among them 'Cull-pepper's Dish'. To the N. the land, on Chalk, slopes gently to the river Piddle and then rises to another ridge which is the parish boundary except in the N.E. where a narrow projection extends into the valley of the Milborne Brook.

The parish comprises a group of four mediaeval settlements and their associated lands. The settlements of Affpuddle, Briantspuddle and Throop lie along the Piddle, while Pallington is situated on the N. bank of the Frome. Rogers Hill Farm (8) in the valley of the Milborne may have a mediaeval origin; but it is not documented until the 16th century (Hutchins I, 207).

The parish church is the principal monument and the bridges (2, 3) over the Frome and Piddle are documented structures of some interest. Apart from a house (4) containing cruck trusses, which is evidence of a late mediaeval phase of building in the parish, the houses belong mainly to the second half of the 16th or first half of the 17th century; they are built of cob and with thatched roofs. In outlying parts there are several 18th-century brick farmhouses and some 19th-century buildings in brick and cob. Neither the heathland part of the parish, S. of the village and the hamlet of Briantspuddle, nor the lower-lying ground further S. at Pallington and about Waddock Cross contains buildings earlier than 1700. The Frampton diaries begun in 1732 and continuing, which are preserved in Moreton House, provide evidence for dating many of the buildings in the parish.


b(1) The Parish Church of St. Lawrence stands on the N. side of the village. The walls are of rubble and squared Portland stone, in places alternating with bands of flint and carstone, and of limestone ashlar and flint in chequer-pattern, with local and Ham Hill stone dressings; the roofs are tile covered, with some stone slating. The Nave and probably the chancel were built c. 1200, and the South Porch was added in the mid 14th century. In c. 1400 the Chancel was rebuilt, the chancel arch being enlarged, the walls of the nave were heightened and the S. wall was patched and partly rebuilt, the two large S. windows being inserted; in 1840 the E. and S. walls of the chancel were taken down and rebuilt (diary of James Frampton II). Soon after the addition of the West Tower late in the 15th century, the N. arcade of the nave and the North Aisle were built. In 1875–8 the church was restored by T. H. Wyatt. The E. end of the N. aisle has recently been fitted as a chapel.

The church is of some architectural interest, with notable chequer-work of ashlar and flint in the tower. Among the fittings, the pulpit and bench ends are remarkable for their comparatively early use of Renaissance ornament.

Architectural Description—The Chancel (18¼ ft. by 13¼ ft.) has in the obtusely gabled E. wall rebuilt in 1840 a contemporary window in the 13th-century style, of three graduated lancet lights with chamfered jambs and a segmental chamfered rear arch. The N. wall is of c. 1400, heightened by 2 ft. in 1840; in it is a blocked 13th-century doorway with a two-centred chamfered head and continuous jambs. The rebuilt S. wall contains a reset later 15th-century window with three two-centred and hollow-chamfered lights with sunk spandrels graduated under a triangular head and a hollow-chamfered triangular rear arch; the outside casement-moulding contained undercut carvings now destroyed; to the W. is a reset mid 14th-century window with two trefoiled lights and a square rear arch. The chancel arch of c. 1400 is two-centred and of three moulded orders, the wave-moulded order in the middle is continuous and the inner and outer orders spring from attached shafts with moulded caps; the formerly moulded bases are much damaged and have modern patching. A squint has been cut through immediately behind the N. respond and the sides plastered; it is featureless but presumably contemporary with the N. aisle. Above the chancel arch and appearing outside above and below the chancel roof is the crease of the steeply-pitched roof of c. 1400.

The Nave (39 ft. by 20 ft.) has a late 15th-century N. arcade of three bays with two-centred arches of two moulded orders springing from octagonal piers and semi-octagonal responds with moulded caps enriched with carved paterae and plain chamfered bases; the arch mouldings are carried down the piers and responds. The rood stair inserted into the E. end of the S. wall c. 1400 is built largely of reused 13th or 14th-century material; the lower doorway has rebated jambs and a two-centred head chamfered on the S. and the upper doorway consists of a plain opening plastered over. Immediately W. of the latter is a small light with chamfered jambs and four-centred head formerly opening into the stair and nave, but the nave opening is now blocked. The window of c. 1400 further W. has three ogee cinque-foiled lights and pierced spandrels in a square head with a label; the head has been rebuilt but incorporates original material. The S. doorway is of c. 1200; the two moulded orders of the head and jambs are continuous, the outer order two-centred, the inner trefoiled, and the spandrels are carved in low relief with a symmetrical design of stiff-leaved scrolled foliage; the stops of the moulded label are carved with a male grotesque, possibly reused, and a queen wearing crown and wimple; the rear arch is segmental and chamfered. The window W. of the doorway is similar to the large window further E., but rather more elaborately moulded and inserted rather lower in the wall; it has modern repairs.

The Parish Church of St. Lawrence, Affpuddle

The North Aisle (9¼ ft. wide) was added late in the 15th century. The E. window is of three cinque-foiled lights in a square head with a label with returned stops; the rear arch is segmental and chamfered. The N. wall contains three windows, similar to the window in the E. wall, of which the second has been entirely rebuilt and the third extensively restored. The window in the W. wall is largely of late 14th-century material and was probably made up and reset when the aisle was built; it has three trefoiled lights in a square head with chamfered reveals and a label with returned stops.

The West Tower (12 ft. by 11¼ ft.), of the late 15th century, is divided by moulded strings into three stages, with a moulded plinth and an embattled and pinnacled parapet (Plate 2); the stair contained in a rectangular projection on the S.E. corner is carried up square above the main parapet. The inset angle buttresses are in four weathered stages and end at about the level of the springing of the bell-chamber windows; resting on the first weatherings are carved figures of lions, those on the W. with wings. The E. buttresses are carried on shaped corbels showing inside the nave above the level of the apex of the tower arch. The tower arch is two-centred and of one moulded order with a broad reveal, the face of the responds and soffit being enriched with paired sunk panels, trefoiled at head and foot in the upper heights and at the head only in the lower height; the arch mouldings and panelling are continued down to chamfered stops with scrolled spurs above stone benches. In the S. wall, the doorway to the stair has a chamfered two-centred head and jambs with pyramidal stops. The reset lowest loop lighting the stair is two-centred and possibly a reused feature of earlier date than the tower; the two square-headed loops above are in situ. The W. doorway is four-centred and the mouldings of the head are continued down the jambs to chamfered stops. The W. window has four ogee cinque-foiled lights and vertical tracery in a two-centred head with a label; the label is at the level of the moulded string between the first and second stages of the tower. The second stage has in the W. face a square-headed window of one light. Inside, the head of the doorway from the stair is four-centred. In each face of the third stage is a window of two four-centred lights with vertical blind tracery in a two-centred head with a label with square returned stops; the rear arch is triangular and chamfered. Inside, the doorway from the stair has a plain four-centred head. The parapet string is enriched with gargoyles at the corners and in the middle of each side, the latter supporting attached standards rising above the moulded parapet coping in pinnacles with crocketed finials; similar pinnacles at the angles rise from the coping. A smaller version of the foregoing, with minor differences, crowns the stair turret.

The South Porch (7 ft. by 7½ ft.) is gabled to the S. The S. doorway is two-centred and the wave moulding of the head is continued down the jambs.

The Roofs are of the mid 19th century: that of 1840 in the chancel is ceiled; that of 1843 in the nave and that of some years earlier in the aisle are of simple king-post construction without elaboration (diary of James Frampton II).

Fittings—Bells: four; 1st by T.P. (Thomas Purdue), 1685, recast 1827; 2nd by I.W. (John Wallis) of Salisbury, 1598; 3rd by W.P. (William Purdue), 1655, recast 1927; 4th by W.K. (William Knight), 1722. Brackets: in chancel, N. and S. of E. window, two, moulded, mediaeval, restored. Chairs: in chancel, (1) with panelled back, top rail enriched with guilloche ornament, shaped arms with turned supports, turned legs and plain stretchers, mid 17th-century; (2) with panelled back patterned with raised mouldings, top rail enriched with acanthus ornament and styles with reeded fluting, shaped arms on turned supports, and turned legs with shaped apron and plain stretchers, early 17th-century. Chest: in N. aisle, 5½ ft. long with panelled sides, moulded base on carved feet and plank top with moulded edge, the front in two large panels between three narrow vertical panels faced with marquetry decoration of foliage in roundels and quadrants, possibly foreign, c. 1700. Coffin Stools: three, with moulded tops, turned legs and plain stretchers, 17th-century. Communion Rails: see Screen. Communion Table: in N. aisle, of oak, with turned legs, carved frieze and moulded stretchers, 17th-century. Fonts: in N. aisle, (1) square bowl with blind arcading of coupled round-headed sinkings on each face, the lower edge shaped for a shafted pedestal, late 12th-century, pedestal and base modern; (2) round bowl, the face with shallow-cut arcading of interlacing round-headed arches with pellets in the spandrels and heads of the arches, on a round pedestal and round hollow-chamfered base, both cut from a single block of stone, late 12th-century, brought from the church at Turners Puddle. Graffiti: on the responds of the chancel arch, numerous scratchings including dates in the 17th century. Hour-glass: now in D.C.M.

Monuments and Floor-slab. Monuments: in chancel, on N. wall, (1) to Edward Lawrence, 1751, wall-monument with slate panel in stone frame with side scrolls, apron, and cornice with pyramidal pedestal supporting a cartouche of the arms of Lawrence quartering Washington. In churchyard, leaning against N. wall of chancel, (2) to Abel Perkins, 1705, head-stone; S. of nave, (3) to George Perkins, 1794, headstone (Plate 21) with accomplished carving of cherubs and urn; S. of tower, (4) to Alice, wife of Robert Billk, 1714, headstone; (5) to John Gorge, late 17th-century, headstone; (6) to . . . . . . Alles, 1698, headstone; and other early 18th-century head-stones. Floor-slab: in N. aisle, at E. end, to Robert Scutt, 1727. Piscina: in chancel, with lancet-shaped moulded head and chamfered shelf, with the sinking filled, mid 13th-century. Plate: includes a cup with plain flared stem, two square patens with shaped corners and a flagon, all of 1787, given by the vicar, S. L. Milbourne, and a silver-plated alms-dish, probably a secular piece, given by the vicar, R. Waldy, 1839. Pulpit (Plate 66): five sides of an octagon, with moulded top and bottom rails and moulded angle posts, in each side a single tall and narrow carved panel, the carving of Flemish Renaissance character and including a rod-like foliated stem supporting roundels with canopied niches above, in the roundels the Evangelists' symbols and a pelican in piety, in the niches figures of the four major Prophets wearing loose-skirted gowns, hoods or round hats and carrying scrolls, and a fifth, over the pelican, of St. John the Baptist, bare-legged, wearing a hair shirt and carrying a lamb, mid 16th-century. Reading-desk: in N. aisle, modern but incorporating large early 15th-century traceried panel in the front.

Affpuddle Church. Seating; bench-end.

Screen: in nave, in E. bay of N. arcade, in three sections of three and four bays and divided into two heights, the lower height of traceried close panels with moulded styles, the upper with open panels with pierced tracery in the heads, comprising cusped and sub-cusped ogees with roses on the main points and shaped quatrefoils in the spandrels, 15th-century, made up with modern work and with modern colouring. In modern communion rails, pierced traceried heads of the same design and from the same source as the foregoing, a choir screen removed in 1832 (diary of James Frampton II). Seating: in chancel, seat 6 ft. long with panelled back, carved top rail, shaped arm-rests on turned supports, turned legs and carved stretcher, late 17th-century. In nave and N. aisle, reconstructed benches with thirty bench ends of 1545, and incorporating thirty-six linenfold panels, some old rails and moulded styles and much modern timber. The bench ends (Plate 65) mostly include small scrolled armrests and have moulded framing enclosing highly stylised carved foliage and linenfold ornament of Flemish Renaissance character; the designs of the main panels differ, though some repetition occurs in the pattern immediately below the poppy-heads; these last are sharply angular in outline and of foliage design; nine of the ends are narrow and without armrests, and one has the carved inscription in a Renaissance interpretation of Roman caps THES SEATYS WERE MADE YN THE YERE OF OWRE LORD GOD MCCCCCXLV IN THE THYME OF THOMAS LYLLYNGTON VICAR O THYS CHERCH. Stoup: in nave, E. of S. door, with pointed and chamfered head and projecting rectangular bowl, mediaeval. Tiles: twenty, near the responds of the tower arch, with double band of interlace, a lozenge checky with trefoils in the spandrels, a stag's head in a wreath with roses in the spandrels, some retaining traces of a greenish glaze, 15th-century; (tiles now removed). Miscellanea: incorporated in rood stair, roll-moulding, possibly 12th-century; two altar-frontals of recent acquisition (1947) made up of pieces of embroidery in gold thread on velvet, Spanish, probably 17th-century.

Former Wesleyan Chapel (see Monument 29).


a(2) Hurst Bridges, three, including one in Moreton parish (3), over the river Frome and tributaries, are of brick with Portland stone cutwaters and copings and with footings of Ridgeway flagstone (Plate 34). They were built in 1834 as part of a scheme involving the diversion of the river and the construction of a causeway over the water meadows; the money was raised by subscription and the total cost of the project was £1,192. 3s. (diary of James Frampton II; statement of account in possession of Cdr. R. H. C. F. Frampton). The contract for the bridges, which were built by George and William Slade, stonemasons of Dorchester, was in the sum of £795. The plans and specifications were prepared by William Evans, County Surveyor (D.C.C., 8 May 1834, and D.C.R.O.).

The S. bridge, in Moreton, crossing the main stream, is of eight spans; the middle bridge (796906) is of six spans, and the third, 125 yds. further N.E., of only two.

The arches are segmental and between them are piers with rounded cutwaters, straight-sided and finished with rounded tops level with the apices of the arches. In the middle of the two longer bridges is a wider pier with a large triangular cutwater at each end continued up to parapet level and forming a refuge. The ends of the parapet walls curve outwards and are finished with small brick piers.

a(3) Bridges, four, over the river Piddle and minor streams (between 90 yds. E. and 300 yds. N.E.), of similar materials and construction to the foregoing, were built in 1848 (Hutchins I, 210). The bridge over the main stream is of two spans, the others are of a single span only.

Monuments (4–36)

The following, unless otherwise described, are of one storey and attics or two storeys and have cob walls, often repaired in brick, and thatched roofs.

b(4) House, at Briantspuddle, now two cottages, comprises a cruck-trussed building of the late 15th century with a subsequent E. extension. Above a stone plinth the walls have been largely rebuilt in rubble; they were originally probably of cob.

The mediaeval house was divided into three 10½ ft. to 13½ ft. bays by four cruck trusses; of these the one at the W. end has disappeared, the moulded foot of the next, an open truss (section a–b), is visible, and two further trusses may be traced to the E.; thus the plan comprised an open hall of two bays with a third, service, bay.

In the late 16th century a stone chimney-stack was built against the open truss of the hall; the through passage behind it perpetuates the site of the original screens passage. An upper storey lit by dormer windows was inserted at the same time. The fireplace in the W. room has a stop-chamfered lintel which is probably a late renewal; the ceiling beams in this room are chamfered and stopped. In the late 17th or 18th century a kitchen with a large fireplace was added at the E. end; to the same date may belong a brick-lined oven on the N. side of the fireplace, now sealed up. The house was divided into two cottages in the early 19th century.

(Reconverted to one dwelling since survey)

b(5) House (500 yds. W.N.W.), now two cottages, was built in 1660 (Plate 45). In the S.E. brick chimney-stack is a stone inscribed with the date in a lozenge, with the initials OIA in the corners. The house was on a two-room plan.

The central entrance, which has an original moulded door-frame, opened into the larger S.E. room; the latter has an ovolo-moulded ceiling beam carried at the N.W. end on an elaborately moulded bracket. An unheated room with attic above was added at the S.E. end, probably in the early 18th century; at the opposite end a lean-to scullery was built when the house was divided in the 19th century.

a(6) Waddock Farm, house (799909), is an early 18th-century brick building, thatched, of two storeys with cellars and attics (Plate 44). The main block lies E. and W., with a N.W. wing and two wings on the S. side. In 1797 the house was altered to face S. instead of N., the N.W. and S.E. wings were enlarged, the latter to include a small porch, and a kitchen block was added at the S.W. corner; all the changes described below are of this date (diary of James Frampton II).

The original N. side was partly masked by a low dairy wing of one storey and attics at the W. end, but, for the rest, formed a symmetrical composition of rather unusual proportions for its period. This had a central doorway flanked by two windows spaced well apart, a brick band above the ground floor, and on the first floor three windows set between four narrow sunk panels with dentilled heads. The doorway was later moved slightly E. and the wing enlarged. The E. end originally had a window in each storey; when the S.E. wing was enlarged the windows were blocked and balanced by recessed panels in the extension. On the S. side of the main block, the middle wing retains typically narrow windows of the early 18th century. Over the later porch is a window similar to the foregoing but now blocked. Probably this side of the house, like the N., was treated as an architectural composition that excluded the flanking wing, but later additions have obscured some of the evidence. The brickwork is in Flemish bond with glazed headers, whereas the enlarged S.E. wing is in garden-wall bond. The W. end has some blocked original openings.

Inside, the staircase was rebuilt in the late 18th century; it has trelliswork balustrading below a moulded handrail. At the same time the middle part of the house was drastically altered.

Farm buildings to the N. incorporate 18th-century and later brickwork.

b(7) East Farm, house, of two storeys and attics, was rebuilt on an L-shaped plan in 1765 (diary of James Frampton). The main external walls are of brick with 18th-century stone dressings; the others are of banded brick and flint except for the N. gable wall, which is of rubble, and incorporate some 17th-century moulded stone windows of two lights. The roofs are tiled. The plan comprises two principal rooms separated by a stairhall, with a brick S.E. wing containing a kitchen and a pantry. One fireplace has a reused four-centred arched head of the 17th century. The roof was completely renewed in 1856 ('I did it with my own tiles' (diary of Henry Frampton). Tile making was started at the Briantspuddle kiln in 1851).

To the S. is a 17th-century Barn built of rubble and flint. All the farm buildings were burned out in 1890 (diary of R. F. Frampton).

c(8) Rogers Hill Farm, house (819950), of two storeys and attics, was built in the first half of the 18th century on an L-shaped plan; it is of brick, with glazed headers, and has a slated hipped roof. The main E. elevation was stuccoed towards the middle of the 19th century when a gabled porch was added and casement windows were inserted; the interior too was remodelled.


a(9) Pallington Farm (790910) is a house of two storeys and attics with brick walls, stone-mullioned windows and tiled roofs. It was built in 1782 (diary of James Frampton).

b(10) Oakers Wood House (810915), of brick with thatched roofs, was built in 1809 on an L-shaped plan comprising a narrow staircase hall between two rooms with a kitchen at the back. It was enlarged and greatly altered in 1833 (diary of James Frampton II).

a(11) Cottage (786912), in the hamlet of Pallington, is built of brick in English bond with blue headers; the roof is thatched. Above the front door is a stone panel inscribed 'Fishers Tenement 1765'. The cottage has segmental-headed windows and ceiling beams with narrow stopped chamfers. It appears to be an early example of the living-room and scullery type. To the S.W. is a small thatched cob Barn.

Monuments (12–18) are in the village.

b(12) House (¼ m. W.N.W.), of two storeys, on plan comprises two rooms and a through passage. The earliest dateable features, of the late 17th century, are the elliptical-headed windows and the brickwork of the front wall; this last has a projecting first-floor plat-band. The other walls are of cob. A lean-to-scullery was added at the back in the early 19th century.

b(13) House, now two cottages, comprised a hall and inner room when it was built in the 17th century. A third room was added later and the whole divided in the 19th century.

b(14) House, now a cottage, is perhaps of 17th-century origin; a back wing was added before the front was refaced in brick in the late 18th century. (Demolished)

b(15) Former Vicarage, of two storeys and attics, was built in 1792 (diary of James Frampton II) in header bond. A wing was added on the N. in the mid 19th century.

b(16) House, of two storeys, comprises a plan of hall and inner-room type; a stone plinth may imply a 17th-century origin. It was enlarged in the late 18th-century and refaced in brick.

b(17) House, now a cottage, was built in the early 17th century with a central chimney, a hall and a lobby.

b(18) House, now a cottage, was built probably in the early 17th century when it had a hall and an inner room; it has since been enlarged and greatly altered.

(Burned and restored since survey)

Monuments (19–28) are in Briantspuddle.

b(19) Cottage was built in the late 18th century with a Barn attached.

b(20) Cottage, of uncertain date, comprised a living room and scullery in the 19th century. A rough, cambered ceiling beam and joists are exposed.

b(21) Cottage was built in the late 18th century; it is of brick with blue headers. A wing was added to form an L-shaped plan. It is called a mill house in the survey of 1801 by James Frampton II (in D.C.R.O.).

b(22) House, now a cottage, was built probably in the 17th century on a plan comprising two heated rooms. It has been greatly altered at later periods.

b(23) Cottages, on the W. side of the Hollow, 'a double cottage' (ibid.), were built in the early 19th century.

b(24) Cottage, of the early 19th century, has some cased ceiling beams.


b(25) House (Plate 49), now a cottage, may be of 17th-century origin, when it had a hall and an inner room. It has been very much altered.

b(26) Cottage has a central chimney and was probably a small 17th-century farmhouse originally.

b(27) Cottages, three together, were built in the early 19th century, incorporating an 18th-century chimney-stack at the W. end.

b(28) Old Dairy House comprises a late 16th or early 17th-century farmhouse of one storey and attics with a late 17th-century S. addition of two storeys and attics. In 1837 'some cottages which adjoined each other were made into a farmhouse for Briantspuddle East Farm' (diary of James Frampton II). The first has a central chimney, hall and lobby. The second, which has a symmetrical elevation, contains a parlour and one unheated room, perhaps a pantry. The S. gable wall and its chimney were rebuilt in the late 18th century, when a straight flight of stairs was inserted adjacent to the pantry. A Barn, Monument (42), formerly belonged to this farm.

b(29) Cottage (814929), formerly a Wesleyan chapel, was built at an uncertain date, perhaps in the 17th century, as a two-storey house. Late in the 18th century it was converted into a chapel by removing the upper floor; the offsets for joists remain in the walls. An 18th-century arch in a cross wall, faced in plaster, survives. A mid 19th-century cottage has been added at the N. end.

b(30) Cottage (815929) was built in the late 18th century and has been much altered.

b(31) Briantspuddle Farm (826931), at Throop and formerly 'Throop Farm', a house of 1869, incorporates a late 17th or early 18th-century wing built of rubble and brick with a thatched roof; inside it has been much altered.

b(32) Well House, 70 yds. S. of (31), is a 17th-century house with a hall and inner room.

b(33) Oakers Wood Cottage (809911) was built in the early 19th century.

b(34) Spyway (808908) is a late 18th-century cottage built in brickwork in English garden-wall bond. (Now ruinous)

a(35) Cottage, known as Scutt's Holding (796911), was built in the early 19th century.

a(36) Cottage (787912), in Pallington 320 yds. W.N.W. of (9), was built in the 18th century, with a central chimney-stack; it was extended in the 19th century and has recently been re-roofed.

The following seven barns, mostly of the early 19th century, built of cob with brick plinths and thatched roofs, are very much alike. Four (37, 38, 40 and 42) do not differ by more than 5 ins. in any of their main measurements (plan p. lxvi). The building of (37) and (38) is recorded in the diary of James Frampton II.

b(37) North Barn (500 yds. N.E.), of 1802, has a porch on the N. side with a hipped gable and another on the S. with a pent roof that follows the pitch of the main roof (Plate 52).

b(38) Barn, of 1802, has a mid 19th-century brick granary to the W.

b(39) Barn (550 yds. S.E.) has a rubble and brick plinth and may be slightly earlier than most of this group.

a(40) Wood Barn (799928) has only one porch; it was lengthened in the 19th century. At each end of the original building are oval windows.

(Roof-covering renewed in asbestos since survey)

b(41) Barn, in Briantspuddle, which may be of the 18th century, has one porch, which has recently been rebuilt in brick. (Altered for garage premises since survey)

b(42) Barn, now Village Hall, in Briantspuddle, has been considerably modernised. It has two porches like those of North Barn.

b(43) Gate Barn (823942) has modern roof trusses (plan p. lxvi).

Earthworks, Etc.

(44–63) Round Barrows, p. 434.

(64) Mound, p. 481.

(65) Stone, p. 513.