Lyme Regis

An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Dorset, Volume 1, West. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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'Lyme Regis', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Dorset, Volume 1, West( London, 1952), British History Online [accessed 7 October 2024].

'Lyme Regis', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Dorset, Volume 1, West( London, 1952), British History Online, accessed October 7, 2024,

"Lyme Regis". An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Dorset, Volume 1, West. (London, 1952), , British History Online. Web. 7 October 2024.

In this section

60 LYME REGIS (A.e.)

(O.S. 6 in. (a)XXXVI, S.E. (b)XXXVII, S.W.)

Lyme Regis is a parish and borough on the coast at the extreme W. end of the county. The church, the Congregational Chapel, Belmont, the Old Tudor House and the bridge (39) are the principal monuments. The breakwater or Cobb (38) dates from the Middle Ages but in its existing form it is largely of more recent construction.


b(1) Parish Church Of St. Michael (Plate 122) stands on the E. side of the town. The walls are of local rubble with dressings of the same material; the roofs are covered with slates and lead. The Tower was built in the 12th century and then stood between the chancel and the Old Nave, now a porch. A N. Transept was added c. 1200 and a S. Transept rather later; the existing arch, however, dates from late in the 13th century; a N. aisle was added to the old nave c. 1210 and a S. aisle rather later in the same century. There was an order to consecrate the building in 1298. Late in the 15th or early in the 16th century the existing church, consisting of Chancel, Nave, North and South Chapels and North and South Aisles was built to the E. of the tower; probably at the same time the old transepts were removed, the arches blocked and the old nave converted into a porch. The W. gallery was erected in 1611. The old nave was shortened by about 10 ft. in 1824. The church was restored in 1834 and again in 1885, when the side-galleries were removed and the South Vestry added. There were other restorations in 1901, 1930 and 1933 when the W. wall of the old nave was rebuilt.

The church is of some architectural interest and among the fittings the gallery, pulpit, lectern and tapestry are noteworthy.

Architectural Description—The Chancel (33 ft. by 16 ft.) is structurally undivided from the nave and is of c. 1500. The partly restored E. window is of five cinque-foiled lights with vertical tracery in a four-centred head with moulded reveals and label. The E. bay of the N. and S. walls has a much restored window, similar to the E. window but of three lights. The N. and S. arcades, continuous with those of the nave, are of two bays with four-centred arches of two moulded orders; the piers are moulded and have each four attached shafts with moulded capitals and bases; the responds have attached half-piers; the capitals on the N. are carved with foliage, the initials Ihs., grapes, shields carved with a doubtful charge, modern symbol of the Trinity and an Agnus Dei; the S. capitals have more or less restored foliage, grapes, wheat-ears, portcullis, fleur-de-lis, and three modern shields-of-arms.

The Nave (60 ft. by 16 ft.) has N. and S. arcades of four bays, similar to those of the chancel; much of the carving on the capitals is modern, but a shield bearing three goats' heads, the initials W.D. perhaps for William Dare, Mayor of Lyme, and some foliage may be ancient. The clearstorey has, on each side, four windows each of three four-centred lights in a square head; the S. windows have been much restored.

The North Chapel and Aisle (16 ft. wide) have a moulded plinth and embattled parapet. The much restored E. window is of four cinque-foiled ogee lights with tracery in a four-centred head, with moulded reveals and label. In the N. wall are four windows, the two eastern are similar to that in the E. wall; the other two are modern except perhaps for the splays and rear-arches. In the W. wall is a window, similar to that in the E. wall, but of six lights; and cutting through the sill below it is a modern doorway.

The South Chapel and Aisle (16 ft. wide) are finished with a moulded plinth and embattled parapet; the intermediate buttresses of the S. wall have pinnacles and gargoyles below the parapet. The window in the E. wall and the four windows of the S. wall are similar to the E. window of the N. aisle; the former middle window on the S. has had the tracery cut away and the jambs carried down to form an arch to the modern vestry. The W. window is similar to the W. window of the N. aisle.

Lyme Regis, the Parish Church of St. Michael the Archangel

The Tower (13½ ft. by 13 ft.) is of four storeys, cement-rendered and finished with a modern embattled parapet. The ground stage (Plate 155) has, in the E. and W. walls, a 12th-century semi-circular arch with a label; the E. arch is of two orders, the outer plain and the inner roll-moulded and both springing from attached shafts with defaced or renewed capitals; the W. arch is blocked but remains of a shaft and capital are visible on the N. side; in the blocking is a doorway of c. 1500 with moulded jambs and four-centred head. In the N. wall are traces of a blocked two-centred arch of the 13th century; in the blocking is a lancet-window and the doorway to the turret-staircase. In the S. wall is a blocked 13th-century arch; it is two-centred and of three continuous chamfered orders; in the blocking is a window of uncertain date. The second storey has a small pointed window in the S. wall, perhaps of the 12th century. The third storey has, in the N., S. and W. walls, a square-headed opening, that on the S. being blocked and only visible internally. The bell-chamber has, in each wall, a window with a pointed head.

The Old Nave (23 ft. by 14 ft.) has, in the N. wall, remains of an arcade of c. 1210 and of two bays, now blocked; the two-centred arches are of two chamfered orders; the E. respond has a semi-cylindrical shaft with a moulded base and scalloped capital carved with small heads; the middle pier is cylindrical and has a moulded base and capital; the second pier has been destroyed; in the W. bay is a 16th-century window of one three-centred light. In the S. wall are remains of an early 13th-century arch, now blocked; it was two-centred and of two orders, the outer chamfered and continuous and the inner square and springing from short shafts, the eastern resting on a foliated corbel. In the upper part of the wall are the splays of two blocked windows.

The Roof of the chancel is of c. 1500 and of segmental barrel-form; the six bays are divided into panels by moulded ribs with carved bosses at the intersections, including one with a crowned Tudor rose; the wall-plates have carved paterae; the double ribs at the W. end spring from half-angels holding books. The roof of the nave is of similar character and date and is of ten panelled bays; two of the bosses are carved with men's faces; the wall-plates have carved running leaf-ornament. The roof of the N. chapel and aisle is flat and, for parts of its length, has plain tie-beams; the rest has moulded tie-beams, purlins and plates of c. 1500. The flat roof of the S. chapel and aisle has plain tie-beams and is probably of early 17th-century date. The roof of the ground stage of the tower is of c. 1500 and is divided into sixteen panels by moulded ribs with carved bosses at the intersections, including Tudor roses; the moulded plates have carved paterae.

Fittings—Bells: eight; 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th by Thomas Bilbie, 7th with inscription recording that the peal was erected partly by rates and part by subscription in 1770; 6th by Thomas Mears, 1843, inscribed "O Sea Spare Me". Books: In nave—(a) Erasmus' Paraphrase of St. Luke, (b) Bible of 1653, etc. Brasses and Indents: Brasses: In N. chapel—on N. wall, (1) to William Smyth, mayor, 1677, and Dorothy, his wife, 1695, with achievement-of-arms above; (2) to Juliana Gibbs, 1785, and her son, George Raymond Gibbs, 1785, plate with figures of mother and child. In N. aisle—on N. wall, (3) to Ralph Ellesdon, Thomas his son, William his grandson and Anthony his greatgrandson, the last died 1655, plate with emblems of mortality and shield-of-arms; (4) to Charles Nash, 1790, plate. Indents: (1) in old nave, defaced slab; (2) in paving outside W. door of S. aisle, lozengeshape, in Purbeck slab. Chests: In nave—(1) with panelled front, enriched styles and rails, early 17th-century; (2) with panelled front, carved rails and styles and enriched arcaded panels with inlaid design, early 17th-century. In S. aisle—(3) with enriched top rail, front panels with lozenge-shaped enrichment, early 17th-century. Font-cover: of wood, in 15th-century style, dated 1846. Gallery: At W. end of nave—supported on two fluted oak piers or posts, front with enriched lower band, and divided into bays by fluted Ionic pilasters supporting a continuous entablature with the painted inscription "John Hassard built this to the glorye of Almightie God in the eightieth yeare of his age Ano. Domini 1611"; bays each with an enriched arched panel. Glass: In chancel windows, geometrical designs with figure panels, symbols and two shields-of-arms, mid 19th-century; the E. window is said to be by Willement. In N. wall of N. aisle—E. window, figures of the Evangelists with their symbols and angels holding scrolls inscribed with the opening words of the Gospels, in memory of Harriet Mackenzie, mid 19th-century, by Wailes, with his monogram; W. window, four lights with diaper background, bands of lettering and six small figure-panels of the acts of charity, in memory of Mary Anning, 1847. In S. wall of S. aisle—E. window, four lights with figures of prophets, with emblems and badges in the tracery, the middle lights in memory of Maria Welch 1843, by Wailes, with his monogram. In tower—S. window, roundels of the Baptism and Resurrection, in memory of William Webb Bennett, mid 19th-century. In old nave— S. window, three lights with panels of the Burial, Resurrection and Ascension, bands of lettering and shield-of-arms, mid 19th-century. Lectern (Plate 35): of oak, with fluted bulbous baluster-stem on four enriched feet, desk with fluted terminal, 17th-century. Monuments and Floor-slabs. Monuments: In chancel—on S. wall, (1) to Thomas Coulson Carpenter, M.D., 1833, black and white marble wall-monument with flanking Gothic niches and dado, Latin inscription; (2) to Anna Wilhelmina Carter, 1838, white and veined marble wall-monument with relief carving of urn inscribed in Latin in Roman lettering. In N. chapel—on N. wall, (3) to Mary Margaret Symons, 1834, Richard Harcourt Symons, 1850, and others later, white marble wall monument with painted shield-of-arms, by E. Gaffin, Regent Street, London; (4) to Lovell Pennell, 1819, his wife Jane Youghton, 1823, and their daughter Myra, 1804, oval marble wall-tablet with Latin inscription, by W. Fry, Bridport. In N. aisle—on N. wall, (5) to Eliza Emmitt, 1817, white marble wall-monument with female figure holding a dove and leaning against an urn; (6) to Eliza Cuff, 1822, wall-monument by J. Harris, Bath; (7) to Anne Hussey, 1831, white marble sarcophagus-shaped wall-monument by Osmond, Sarum; (8) to William Cornish, 1814, white marble wall-monument with panelled side-pilasters, pediment, urn and anthemion; (9) to Captain Joseph James, R.N., 1837, white marble wall-tablet in stone frame recording his benefaction to the parish. In S. aisle—on S. wall, (10) to Robert Fowler Coade, 1773, his wife Sarah, 1775, his sister Margaret Tozer, 1796, and his brother Samuel, 1808, black and white marble wall-monument with fluted column carrying an urn, swags, shield-of-arms and crest, by D. Gibbs; (11) to William Pyne, 1839, and his wife Elizabeth, 1833, white and grey marble wall-tablet by Reeves and Son, Bath; (12) to Edward Hillman, 1838, his wife Martha, 1837, and others, white and black marble wall-tablet with flanking fasces and cornice, by Knight, Exeter; (13) to five daughters of Robert and Mary Hillman, no date, also by Knight of Exeter; (14) to John George Donne junr., 1835, and his widow Susan, 1835, black and white marble wall-tablet by Bedford, 256 Oxford St., London; (15) to Charles Donne of Hon. East India Company, 1827, and others, white and veined marble wall-tablet by T. Marsh, New Rd., London In old nave—on N. wall, (16) to Elizabeth (Henley), wife of Richard Rose, 1636, also to Edward Rose, 1723, inscribed slab In churchyard—S. of chancel, (17) tomb with urn on heavy rectangular pedestal-base with shaped ends containing carved shields-of-arms per bend sinister a lion rampant impaling Jolliffe, late 18th-century. Floor-slabs: In chancel—(1) to Elizabeth, daughter of Nathaniel Gundry, 1711–2. In old nave—(2) to Robert Burridge, 1675–6, Elizabeth his wife, 1688, John his son, mayor and M.P. [1733], and Robert his grandson, 17[52], and others later, with shield-of-arms; (3) to Solomon Andrew, mayor, 1684–56, Mary his wife, 1698, and Mary their daughter,wife of Bonham Strangewaies, 1670, with shield-of-arms; (4) to William Smith, mayor, 1677; (5) to George . . . bey, 1681. Plate: includes a cup of 1624, a second cup of the same date but inscribed that the substance was given in another form by Andrew Gogan in 1630; stand-paten of c. 1650, given by Robert Jones in 1664; cup and cover-paten of 1708 given by Cap. Joseph Tayler. Pulpit (Plate 123): of oak, octagonal, seven sides with moulded base, enriched styles and frieze and two ranges of enriched arcaded panels; sounding board with panelled and enriched soffit and cornice with pendants, pinnacles and cresting, on lower member of cornice the inscription "To God's glory Richard Harvey of London Mercer and Marchant Adventurer, 1613. Faith is by hearing", partly restored. Royal Arms: In nave—on W. wall, Stuart arms painted on canvas and framed. Seating: In N. and S. aisles—incorporated in modern pews, enriched arcaded panels similar to those of pulpit also carved scrolled cresting from former Corporationpew, 17th-century. Tapestry (Plate 128): In nave— on N. wall, a marriage-subject, Flemish, c. 1510, given in 1886. Weather-vane: gilded cock, 18th-century (Plate 54). Miscellanea: In old nave—stones from embattled parapet of tower and other fragments; against E. wall, moulded oak beam with carved paterae, c. 1500.

Congregational Chapel, Lyme Regis

b(2) Congregational Chapel, on the N.E. side of Coombe Street 160 yards N.W. of the parish church, has walls of stone rough-cast, ashlar dressings and slate-covered roofs. It was built by John Whitty, Minister, architect and foreman, between 1750 and 1755; of the contemporary fittings, the rostrum, parts of the pulpit and a section of the gallery were removed late in the 19th century at the time the original box-pews were replaced by the existing pews. A later school-room adjoins the building on the W. The street front of the chapel is symmetrically designed; it has a plinth, rusticated quoins, a plain band at gallery level and a coved eaves-cornice. The round-headed doorway in the middle has a timber door-case with Roman Doric side-pilasters with full entablature over. On either side of the doorway are two round-headed windows with plain architraves and key-blocks and above there are three oval windows, two of them blocked. There are similar round-headed windows below and oval above in the E. wall, and in the N. wall are two tall round-headed windows. The building is rectangular on plan and is covered with two parallel pitched and hipped roofs.

Inside, there is a gallery with panelled front round three sides supported on square fluted Roman Doric columns with continuous entablature; in the middle of the building, on pedestals, are two free-standing columns of the same order with full entablatures supporting the plate under the valley between the roofs. On a platform near the N. end is the contemporary hexagonal pulpit with panelled sides; the standard with carved scrolls and the canopied sounding-board have been relegated to the gallery. The brass-faced clock in the gallery-front is by Francis Pile, of Honiton.

a(3) Church Of St. Michael And St. George, Roman Catholic, stands on the S.W. side of Silver Street 600 yards W. by N. of the parish church. The walls are of stone faced with stucco with Ham Hill stone dressings. It was built in 1835–7 in 13th-century Gothic style and the Lady chapel was added in 1851; the tower and spire were rebuilt in 1937. The Chancel has buttresses at the angles terminating in octagonal pinnacles above eaves-level and an E. window of three graduated lancet-lights. It is of one shallow bay with quadripartite vault with moulded ribs springing from corbel-shafts, and is divided from the nave by a two-centred chancel-arch. The Nave is in three bays with a two-centred arched opening in the E. bay of the N. wall giving access to the Lady chapel; the vaulting is similar to that in the chancel. The windows in the N. and S. walls are of one lancet-light; the W. window is of three graduated lancets. There are buttresses and pinnacles at the W. end, and a W. Porch.

Fittings are contemporary and include—Altar: with arcaded front framing painted panels. Communion Rails: of stone, arcaded, with moulded capping. Glass: In nave—in window in middle bay of N. wall, geometric patterns containing shields-of-arms, one of the Papacy; in window in S. wall, geometric patterns. Monument: In churchyard—N. of nave, to Edward Hebdin, 1843, slab with quartered shield-of-arms. Piscina: In S. wall of chancel, with two trefoil-headed openings and tracery in a two-centred head.


b(4) The Guildhall, 100 yards S. of the church, was rebuilt and enlarged in 1887 but incorporates a certain amount of material from the older building. In the open lower storey are some early 16th-century moulded or chamfered ceiling-beams. In the guildhall itself is a reused 17th-century circular post and part of a heavy panelled partition probably of the same period. The dais-balustrade is of c. 1600 and has symmetrically turned balusters, turned posts with finials and a moulded rail. Over the Mayor's seat is an early 17th-century stone carving of the Royal Stuart arms (Plate 56); the seats flanking that of the Mayor are made up of 17th-century materials. In the Mayor's Parlour is some further 17th-century seating with enrichments and a raised central seat with curved arms. The old town fire-bell, by William Purdue, 1647, is now in the Museum.

a(5) Belmont (Plate 126), house on the corner of Pound Street and Cobb Road, 650 yards W.S.W. of the parish church, is of two storeys; the walls are faced with stucco with Coade stone dressings and the roofs are slate-covered. In 1784 Samuel Coade of Lyme Regis transferred the property, then known as Castle Bunter, to his niece Eleanor Coade of the parish of St. Mary, Lambeth, Artificial Stone Manufacturer. The nucleus of the house now existing must have been part of her work and was completed probably by the end of the decade. There is no trace of an earlier house. Small wings were added on the S. about the middle of the 19th century; towards the end of the same century a large gabled addition was made on the E.

The profusion of Coade stone ornament on the N. front is remarkable and is probably without parallel on a front of this size.

The 18th-century house is roughly square on plan, consisting of two rectangular blocks side by side with a party-wall between. The N. front is symmetrically designed; all the dressings are of Coade stone and consist of rusticated quoins, a flat string at first-floor level with guilloche-ornament with four-petalled flowers in the spaces, a cornice with frieze enriched with swags tied with ribbons and six fluted urns standing on the parapet-wall. On the ground floor, the doorway in the centre with its fanlight and the two flanking win dows on either side of it are round-headed (Plate 126); they have plain surrounds within a Coade stone framing composed of rusticated architraves with impost-blocks decorated with dolphins and keystones with finely modelled heads, of Neptune over the door and Amphitrite over the windows. Between the entrance-door and its fanlight, at impost level, is a fluted band with paterae. The first-floor windows have unornamented rectangular openings and plain sills. The W. front is plain and the S. and E. fronts are concealed by later additions.

The interior was altered and most of the original decoration was removed during the second half of the 19th century, except from the S. room on the first floor which contains a late 18th-century fireplace-surround of wood with enrichments, probably of composition, and two enriched door-frames.

Approach to the house on the N. was between two gate-piers with Coade-stone cappings decorated on the sides with oval fluted dies, swags and the crest, a coot; one pier has been destroyed but the capping is preserved.

a(6) High Cliff, house on the N. side of Sidmouth Road, 1000 yards W.S.W. of the parish church, is of two and three storeys; the walls are plastered and the roofs are slate-covered. It was built c. 1840; the former attics have been rebuilt and heightened in recent years. The S. front is symmetrical; the enclosed porch in the centre has Doric columns and entablature, flanking it are round-headed windows set in shallow sinkings and at either end are broad segmental bays. The windows on the first floor are in plain tall rectangular openings; the windows in the bays are probably replacements. There are wide plain eaves and roofs of low pitch. Inside, entrance is into a wide corridor running E. and W. divided into three bays by coupled strip-pilasters; each bay has a plaster semi-circular cross-vault with applied ornament at the intersections. The room at the E. end is oval on plan and has a delicate leaf-pattern cornice. The reeded door-architraves with modelled blocks at the corners, the staircase and a number of fireplace-surrounds are original.

b(7) Old Tudor House, on the W. side of Church Street, is of three storeys with cellars; the walls are partly of stone and partly timber-framed and the roofs are slate-covered. The front block dates from early in the 16th century and the lower back wing was added probably c. 1600. The house has been remodelled, raised and refronted in the 18th century. Inside the building, the S.E. room has original moulded ceiling-beams and there is evidence that the first floor formerly projected in front of the building. In the hall is a moulded wall-plate of the 17th century. The Drawing Room in the back wing has a plaster ceiling of c. 1600; it has moulded ribs forming a geometrical design, with foliage sprays; the frieze has a running foliage-enrichment with wyverns' and bulls' heads crests; a shield on the S. side bears the date 1601. In the attics of the same wing is a length of modelled plaster foliagedesign with cherub-heads. Extending to the W. from the S. end of the house is a low 17th-century wing of timber-framing.

Plan of Lyme Regis, Showing the Position of the Monuments

Monuments (8–37)

The following monuments, unless otherwise described, are of the 17th century and of two storeys; the walls are of rubble and the roofs are of modern tiles or slates. Some of the buildings have exposed ceiling-beams and original fireplaces.

b(8) Kenmore, house on the W. side of Church Street 80 yards S. of the parish church, with attics, has a plastered front. It was built in the 18th century. The wood door-surround has rounded side-pilasters with entablature.

b(9) Treales House, now two tenements, immediately N. of (8), has a stucco front. It was built in the first half of the 18th century. The original street elevation was symmetrically designed, but the ground floor has been altered in modern times. The central doorway has fluted side-pilasters and entablature with dentilcornice; the five original windows on the first floor have flat arches with key-blocks.

b(10) House, on the W. side of Church Street, immediately N. of (7), has been much altered and refronted. It is of three storeys.

b(11) House, immediately N. of (10), is of three storeys and has been refronted. It was built in the 16th century and retains some original moulded ceiling-beams.

b(12) Malabar House, immediately N. of (11), was built probably early in the 16th century but has been remodelled and refronted. The cellar has original moulded ceiling-beams.

b(13) Monmouth Hotel, at the S. corner of Monmouth Street, was built early in the 16th century and has later additions at the back. The cellar has heavy ceiling-beams and the Billiard Room has original moulded ceiling-beams forming six panels. The bar has a fireplace with a stone lintel and above it is a panel carved with a lion and bird, said to have come from Melksham, Wiltshire.

b(14) No. 4 Monmouth Street, house 65 yards W. of the parish church, is of three storeys with walls of squared and coursed local stone, much weathered, with Ham Hill stone dressings. It was refronted in the first half of the 18th century. The street front is symmetrically designed; it has plinth, rusticated quoins, cornice and parapet wall; the doorway in the middle has fluted Ionic side-pilasters and pedimented entablature all of wood. The windows are small, with keyed lintels, and the sashes on the third floor retain the original thick glazing bars. Inside there are plank partitions.

b(15) House, Nos. 43–45 on the N.W. side of Coombe Street, 120 yards S.W. of the parish church, is of three storeys and has been much altered. Inside the building is a length of original muntin and plank partition.

b(16) House, Nos. 6 and 6a Coombe Street, opposite the end of Monmouth Street, has been refronted and heightened.

b(17) House, No. 14, 70 yards N.W. of (16), has an early 19th-century shop-front consisting of two bowwindows of unusual shape and a doorway in the centre, all set back behind the building-line within a deep recess framed by reeded architraves and bressumer with reeded fascia (fig. p. 148).

b(18) Houses, Nos. 15 and 16, immediately N.W. of (17), have been much altered. No. 16 has a rebuilt front block but the back wing dates from the 17th century.

b(19) No. 34 Sherborne Lane, house on the S.E. side of the lane 75 yards S. of Coombe Street, has a stucco front. It was built late in the 18th century. The street elevation is symmetrical; the central doorway is flanked by fluted Ionic pilasters supporting a pediment with dentilcornice framing an unpierced semi-circular over-door with applied fan ornament.

b(20) House, at the E. end of Middle Row 200 yards S.W. of the parish church, is of three storeys. It has been remodelled externally.

b(21) House, at the W. end of Middle Row and W. of (20), is of three storeys and has a projecting timber-framed top storey on the N. side.

b(22) House, No. 8, on the S. side of Broad Street, opposite (21).

b(23) House, No. 10, 15 yards W. of (22), is mainly of the 18th century, but incorporates earlier work at the N.E. angle.

b(24) Royal Lion Hotel, on the N. side of Broad Street, 210 yards S.W. of the parish church, is of three storeys. It incorporates work of the 16th and 17th centuries but has been remodelled and heightened. Inside the building, one room has 16th-century moulded ceiling-beams and a muntin and plank partition.

b(25) Three Cups Hotel, on the S. side of Broad Street, 240 yards S.W. of the parish church, is of three storeys with walls of squared and coursed stone. It was built in the first half of the 19th century. The street-front has rusticated quoins, a semi-circular bay and a parapet wall; the bay is three storeys high and comprises, on the ground floor, an open porch with two freestanding Doric columns with moulded bases and modified entablature covering the main entrance and, on the upper floors, bow-windows with slender pilasters separating the sashes and with cornices over.

b(26) Tudor Cafe, house 50 yards W.N.W. of (24), has been refronted and heightened. In the original back wall is a stone archway with moulded archivolt and plain imposts and key-stone.

b(27) House, Nos. 50 and 51, immediately W. of (26), has been refronted.

a(28) No. 26 Broad Street, house on the S. side of the street, 70 yards W. of (25), is of three storeys, with stucco-faced walls and mansard roof. It was built early in the 19th century. The ground floor contains a modern shop-front between two doorways flanked by Corinthian columns; there are two pilasters the height of the first and second floors, a stone cornice and a parapet wall. The three windows on the first floor have moulded architraves, one with a pediment, and open on to a balcony with iron balustrade of honeysuckle-pattern.

Lyme Regis, a Shop-Front at No. 14 Combe Street

a(29) Raymond House, on the S. side of Broad Street, 15 yards W. of (28), is of three storeys with walls of straw-coloured brick with stone dressings. It was built early in the 19th century. In the ground floor is a restored 19th-century shop-window flanked by doorways with semi-circular fanlights, engaged Roman Doric side-columns, entablature blocks and pediments; the E. shop-window is modern. The upper windows are plain; there is a stone cornice and parapet wall.

a(30) House, Nos. 34 and 35 Broad Street, on the corner of Sherborne Lane, has been refronted in the 18th century. It is faced with stucco, and has a dentilcornice and shaped parapet wall carrying urns, those over No. 34 have been removed recently. The doorway has flanking Roman Doric pilasters and entablature.

a(31) White House, No. 47 Silver Street, 100 yards N.W. of (30), has stucco walls. It was built c. 1825. The street front is symmetrical; the doorway in the middle has a fluted and reeded architrave with small roundels at the corners and simple cornice consisting of a cymareversa moulding. The eaves-cornice is enriched with dentil-like arcading. Parts of the front boundary wall are contemporary with the house.

a(32) Dorset Hotel, at the corner of Silver Street and Pound Road, has walls faced with stucco. It was built in the first half of the 19th century. On the N.W. is an open porch with free-standing Ionic columns and antae and entablature with dentil-cornice; the recessed entrance doorway has a moulded architrave with small roundels at the corners. There is a verandah the length of the N.E. front with trellis-supports to a pent roof. The main roof is of low pitch with narrow eaves.

a(33) Burley, house on the S.W. side of Silver Street, 550 yards due W. of the parish church, is of two storeys; the walls are faced with stucco and the roofs are slate-covered. It was built c. 1835. The house is rectangular on plan with the entrance now in the N. end; there is a small addition on the S.W. The S. front has shallow band under the eaves, they have incised line a shallow band under the eaves, they have incised line decoration ending in square returns. The windows are in plain rectangular openings, and those on the ground floor have the glazing bars arranged in a semi-circular-headed pattern. There are widely projecting eaves on slender shaped brackets and the roof is of low pitch. Covering the whole of the front is a treillage consisting of four uprights supporting a balcony with light iron balustrade on the first floor and a flared pent-roof below the eaves.

b(34) Madeira Cottage and Little Madeira (Plate 124), Marine Parade, 310 yards S.W. of the parish church, have weather-boarded walls and roofs covered with thatch. They were built as a pair in the first half of the 19th century; the range of cottages on the west is of the same period and is now incorporated with Madeira Cottage to form one house. On the S. front the pair have semi-circular bow-windows two storeys in height with entrance doorways to the W.; the eaves have boarded soffits on shaped brackets. The E. doorway has a fanlight and modern surround, the W. doorway is protected by a trellis-work porch with flared roof. The cottages to the W. are stucco-fronted and one has a trellis porch and wide bow-window.

a(35) Colway Manor House, 1,050 yards N.W. of the parish church, was entirely rebuilt in 1921 but incorporates the early 17th-century stone entrance to the former house; it has a moulded semi-circular arch, with imposts, key-stone and label; the inner doorway has a flat three-centred arch in a square head. A Barn, N. of the house, is of 17th-century origin.

a(36) Colway Cottage, 30 yards S. of (35), retains the moulded label of an original window. The roof is thatched.

a(37) Umbrella Cottage (Plate 125), a cottage ornee nearly 5/8 m. W.S.W. of the parish church, has plastered walls and a thatched roof. It was built probably in the first quarter of the 19th century. Polygonal on plan with a central chimney, the thatch is shaped and trimmed at eaves-level in a manner the name suggests. On the N., the entrance front and the sides adjoining it are recessed and the roof is supported on free-standing angle-posts, a number of elaborately carved wood panels and niches have been applied later.

a(38) Cobb, ½ m. S.W. of the parish church, is a substantial stone sea-wall forming a harbour off the. promontory to the S.W. of the town for shelter from south-westerly gales. There was a Cobb here in the Middle Ages; a petition to Edward III for dues describes it as a work of timber and stone decayed by heavy seas. Its history is one of recurring damage and repair, with the result that nothing of mediæval date with certainty survives except, perhaps, the early layout which seems to have persisted without substantial modification. A sketch of 1539 shows a sea-wall wide enough to carry a walk, dog-legged in shape with a round tower with gun-embrasures at the seaward end; Roger North describes it in c. 1680 as a demi-lune with a bar in the middle of the concave. Prior to the end of the 18th century the wall was dry-built; the present building materials consist mostly of Portland stone ashlar on the face with infilling of roughly squared stones laid in mortar; this form of construction is the result of a number of major repairs amounting almost to complete rebuilding undertaken between 1783 and 1829.

The Cobb carries a wide walk with protective parapetwall and is approached along a short causeway. It leads in a direction generally S.S.E. to a distance from the shore of approximately 200 yards where it bends sharply round to N.E. for about 140 yards and then with an angular turn a further 50 yards E.; this north-easterly portion was extended eastward by the Corporation between 1842 and 1852 and is named Victoria Pier. Shortly after the first bend a secondary pier nearly 100 yards long leads off spurwise to the E., this is mentioned first in Stukeley's description of 1723; it was considerably longer and the remains of the continuation of it, destroyed in 1783, are visible at lowtide. The North Wall across the E. side of the harbour leaving a narrow entrance between it and Victoria Pier was built in 1849; the earlier bar was further W., within the present harbour. Since 1853 no major work on the sea-defences has been undertaken. The oldest visible surviving work is some 40 yards of walling in the E. face of Victoria Pier immediately S. of the 1842–52 extension.

b(39) Bridge, carrying Bridge Street over the river Buddle, is of local stone rubble with dressings of the same material. The arch has a span of 18 ft. and is segmental-pointed; the soffit had originally four chamfered ribs, two of which have been removed. The bridge is probably of the 14th century but the roadway was widened on both sides in 1913. About 15 yards to the E. is another stone arch, formerly a bridge but now a cellar to Nos. 2 and 3 Bridge Street. It is two-centred and has a span of 8 ft. It is faced with rough ashlar and the exposed face is of two orders, the outer having simple zig-zag cutting. The work is perhaps of early 13th-century date.

b(40) Bridge, carrying Coombe Street over the river Buddle about 250 yards W.N.W. of the parish church, is of one semi-circular span, ashlar-faced. It was built probably in the 17th century but has been widened on both sides. About 110 yards to the N. is another bridge of similar character and between them the river-channel has stone revetments.