
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the City of Cambridge. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1959.

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'Index', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the City of Cambridge( London, 1959), British History Online [accessed 7 October 2024].

'Index', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the City of Cambridge( London, 1959), British History Online, accessed October 7, 2024,

"Index". An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the City of Cambridge. (London, 1959), , British History Online. Web. 7 October 2024.

Part I of the Inventory contains pages i–cxxix and 1–136, the frontispiece and plates 1–197. Part II contains pages 137–392, the Armorial Index and plates 198–310.

The Armorial Index (pages 397–414) contains the references to heraldry throughout both parts of the Inventory. The heraldic references in the General Index are only to those arms that can be identified with the individual who bore them.

In the Indexes references to the left and right columns on the page are identified by 'a' and 'b' respectively after the page numbers.

The classified lists chronologically arranged in the following Index are necessarily selective.


Abbey House, Newmarket Road (270), p. 366b.

" Street (278), p. 370b.

Abbott, Alexander Scott, 1843, Jane his wife, 1844, and Charles Graham his son, 1837, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.

Abraham, Sacrifice of, St. Catharine's (glass), p. 182b; Circumcision of Isaac by, King's (glass), p. 118b.

Acrostic, scratched in tower, (61) Trumpington, p. 298a.

Adam and Eve Row (278), p. 370b.

" " " Street, p. 371a.

Adam, James and Robert, see under Architects.

-, Dr. John, Provost of King's, new ranges intended by, pp. lvi, 104a, 127a.
-, John, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.
-, Thomas, 1771, and Mary Adams, 1798, headstone, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.
-, William, 1849, monument to, (74) General Cemetery, p. 303a.

Addenbrooke, John, M.D.: floor-slab, St. Catharine's, p. 181b; bequest to found hospital by, p. 312a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Addenbrooke's Hospital (87): p. 312a; 1740 building, p. 312b; entrance gates, p. 313a; No. 13 Fitzwilliam Street (245) now part of, p. 356b; Hobson's Conduit (79), water-channel in fore- court of, p. 309a; Governors of, p. 285b.

-, Edmund: glass given by, Corpus Christi, p. 52b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Joseph, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Adoration of the Shepherds, and of the Magi, see under Christ.

Agnus Dei, representations of: (44) Holy Sepulchre (glass), p. 257a; Jesus (glass), p. 89b, (screen), p. 90b; (46) St. Andrew the Great (glass), p. 261b.

Ainmüller, Professor, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Ainslie, Agnes, daughter of Dr. Gilbert Ainslie, Emily his wife, 1844, Montague their son, 1853, monument of, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 282b.

Ainsworth, Ralph, portrait of, Peterhouse, p. 163b.

Alabaster, effigy in (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279a.

Alcock, John, Bishop of Ely 1486–1500: nunnery of St. Radegund suppressed at petition of, p. 81b; buildings of St. Radegund adapted by, pp. 82a, b, 84b, 85a, 87a, b, 88b, 92b; badge and rebus of, pp. 84b, 85a, 90b, 91a, (glass) 97a; arms of, see Armorial Index. See also Sectional Preface, p. cv.

Aleyn, Isaac: 1661, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Edmund, elected Bp. of Rochester but died before consecration, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Thomas: 1681, Charity of, (61) Trumpington, p. 296b; pulpit given by, (61) Trumpington, p. 298a; 1692, floor-slab, (61) Trumping- ton, p. 298a.
-, Rev. William, (70) Providence Chapel promoted by, p. 301b.

Allenby, William, see Brickmakers and Bricklayers under Crafts- men.

All Saints, church of: (42), p. 254a; built on site of St. Radegund's manor, p. 351b; table said to be from, (55) St. Matthew, p. 283b; wall-tablet from, now in St. John's College, p. 191b.

All Saints in the Jewry, church of, (destroyed), pp. lxvii, 254a.

All Saints Passage, Lichfield House, No. 1 (179), p. 335b.

Almshouses, see Institutions, Charitable.

Alpha, Ann, see Mart, Dalby.

Alphaeus, representation of, Corpus Christi, p. 51a.

Alston, Sarah, Duchess of Somerset, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Altars and Altar-slabs:
-, See also Sectional Preface, pp. lxix, cvi.
-, Mediaeval: (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b; (48) St. Benet, p. 265b.
-, 16th–18th-century:ritual changes affecting, King's Chapel, p. 115b.
-, 19th-century: (44) at Holy Sepulchre, erection and removal of, p. 256a.

Altar-frontals, see under Needlework and Textiles.

Altar recesses, see Sectional Preface, p. lxviii.

Alty, John, 1815, wall-tablet, Jesus, p. 89b.

Ambrose, St., figure of, King's (glass), p. 126b.

Amigoni, Jacopo, see under Artists.

Amphlett, Lydia, see Hollingworth; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Anacreon, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Ananias, Death of, King's, (glass), p. 123a.

-, Elizabeth, see Peyton.
-, Phebe, wife of William Anderson, 1762, four infant children, Elizabeth her daughter, wife of Nathaniel Vincent Stevens, 1774, and William Anderson, 1774, floor-slab, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a.

Andrew, St.: bell dedicated to, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268a; churches dedicated to, see under Dedications. Representations of: (65) Our Lady of the Assumption (image), p. 300b; Corpus Christi (glass), p. 51a; Queens' (glass), p. 170b.

Andrew the Great, St., church of, (46), p. 260b.

Andrew the Less, St., church of, (47), p. 263a.

-, John, LL.D., 1747, monument, Trinity Hall, p. 249.
-, Paris, see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Andrewes, Launcelot, Master of Pembroke College 1589–1605, p. 148a.

Andrews, Lydia, see Gillam, Edward.

Andromeda, relief representing, Clare, 47b.

Angel, see under Inns.

Angels, Orders of, carved representations of, King's, p. 106b.

Anne or Anna, St.: representations of, Corpus Christi (glass), p. 50b; King's (glass), p. 126b; bell dedicated to, (51) St. Edward, p. 273b. See also Joachim, St.

Anne, Queen: donation towards St. Mary's church at Rotterdam from, p. 203a; 18th-century portrait-head of, Trinity (glass), pp. 226b, 227b; arms of, see Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

Anne Boleyn, Queen: initials of, King's (screen), p. 129a, b; falcon badge of, p. 129b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Anne of Cleves, Queen, arms of, see Cleves in Armorial Index.

Anne of Denmark, Queen: statue of, Trinity, pp. 215b, 217a; supporters of arms of, see Denmark in Armorial Index.

Annesley, Arthur, 5th Earl of Anglesey, Pepysian library installed at Magdalene at cost of, p. 145a.

Annesley Place, New Town (285), p. 374a, b.

Annunciation, see under Mary the Virgin, St.

-, Helen, widow of John Anstey, 1837, monument of, (61) Trumping- ton, p. 297a.
-, John, son of Christopher Anstey, 1819, monument of, (61) Trumpington, p. 297a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Name on shield, King's (glass), p. 133a.

Anstey Hall, Trumpington, (325), p. 387b.

" " Farm, Trumpington, (327), p. 388b.

'Antonio, Magistro', see Sculptors.

Apethorpe (Northants.): chairs from, Emmanuel, p. 65a; inscribed panel from, p. 70b.

Apocrypha, Scenes from, King's (glass), pp. 118a, 121b, 122a, 123b.

Apollinaris, St., bell dedicated to, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268a.

Apollo, Minerva, and the Muses, representation of, (277) Theatre Royal, p. 369b.

Apostles: see also Evangelists and under individual names; representa- tions of, Corpus Christi, pp. 50b, 51a; Trinity Hall, p. 248b.

Apostles' Creed, see under Creed.

Apthorpe, East, S.T.P., 1816, floor-slabs, Jesus, p. 90a.

Aqueducts and Conduits: see also Sectional Preface, pp. lxxxviii, xc. Culvert from Bin Brook, St. John's, p. 201b; Fountain supplied from 1327 aqueduct to Franciscan Friary, Trinity, p. 233a; Hobson's Conduit, or Cambridge New River (79), pp. 307b, 308a; Old Botanic Garden, water supplied to, from Hobson's Conduit, p. 307b; Vicar's Brook, p. 307b.

Arbury Road, (13) Structure and tomb at, see Structures under Roman.

-, ..., see Brickmakers and Bricklayers under Craftsmen.
-, J. W., brass engraved by, Gonville and Caius, p. 74b.
-, William, 1616, brass of, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268b.

-, Adam:
-,-, James and Robert, design for altar-piece submitted, King's Chapel, p. 115b.
-,-, Robert, unadopted scheme for court, King's, p. 104a.
-, Baker, Sir Herbert, chapel and new buildings designed by, Downing, p. 58b.
-, Barry, Edward Middleton: alterations to (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, pp. 20a, b, 21b; alterations at Downing, pp. 58b, 60a, b.
-, Basevi, George: competition for (18) Fitzwilliam Museum won by, p. 20a, work on interior, pp. 20a, 21a, 21b; accidentally killed, p. 20a.
-, Bevan, ... (engineer), (81) Magdalene Bridge, p. 309b.
-, Billerey, Fernand, modern fittings by, King's Chapel, p. 115b.
-, Blomfield, A. W.: Corpus Christi (chapel, eastern bays), p. 50a; Emmanuel (Master's Lodge), p. 63a, (Combination Room, oriel), p. 66b; (48) St. Benet, S. aisle rebuilt by, p. 264b; altera- tions at Trinity, pp. 212b, 214b, 219a, 229b, 235a, 241b.
-, Blore, Edward: (22) University Press, p. 24b; Magdalene, designs for Master's Lodge, p. 138b; Trinity (chapel) restoration, p. 219a.
-, Blow, Detmar, modern fittings by, King's (chapel), p. 115b.
-, Bodley, G. F.: (42) All Saints new church designed by, p. 254a; Jesus (chapel) restorations, pp. 84a, 88b; King's, block of chambers added to, p. 104b; refitting Queens', (chapel) p. 169b, (hall) p. 172b; (49) St. Botolph (chancel rebuilt), p. 267a.
-, And Garner, Thomas: alterations at Christ's, pp. 26b, 28b; Queens' (chapel), p. 168a.
-, Bradwell, George, part of (96) Victoria Homes almshouses designed by, p. 317a.
-, Brandon:
-,-, D., see Wyatt, T. H.
-,-, J. R.: (48) St. Benet's church (N. aisle rebuilt and N. porch added), p. 264b; (51) St. Edward (restorations), p. 271b.
-, Brettingham, Matthew, unexecuted plans for range opposite Senate House, p. 10b.
-, Brooks, W. McI., Peterhouse, Gisborne Court, ranges designed by, pp. 157a, 165b.
-, Brown or Browne, Arthur: Emmanuel, (Kitchen, W. front) p. 63a, (New Court, N. extension of W. range) p. 70b; design for New Court, St. John's, p. 201a; (81) Magdalene Bridge, p. 309b.
-, Buckler, John, Magdalene (chapel) alterations, p. 138a, Master's Lodge built by, pp. 138b, 146b.
-, Burgess, William, King's, schemes for E. range of Great Court submitted, p. 104b, for E. end of Chapel, p. 115b.
-, Burrough, Sir James: (16) plan for Senate House, p. 9b; plan for rebuilding E. range of Schools, p. 10a; Clare (chapel, design for, with James Essex), pp. 38b, 45a; scheme for Emmanuel, pp. 62b, 63a; Gonville and Caius, Gonville Court rebuilt by, p. 76b, repairs to Combination Room, p. 77a; designs for King's (chapel) altarpiece, p. 115b; Peterhouse, Burrough's Building, pp. 157a, 159b; Queens', alterations to hall, p. 172b; advice given, St. Catharine's, p. 180a; alterations at Sidney Sussex in style of, p. 203b; associated with alterations, Trinity, p. 235b; Trinity Hall (hall), p. 246a, Front Court refaced by, pp. 246b, 250b.
-, Butterfield, William, candle-sconces on King's (chapel) lectern, p. 126b.
-, Byfield, George: alternative designs for Downing, p. 58b; County Gaol designed by, p. 304b.
-, Campbell, Colen, fittings for Wanstead House (Essex), p. 371b.
-, Caroe, W. D.: Pembroke, addition to, p. 149a; Trinity, Whewell's Court remodelled by, p. 214b; King's Hostel restored by, p. 233b.
-, Carpenter, R. H., and Ingelow, Jesus, additions to, pp. 84a, 96a.
-, Cockerell:
-,-, C. R.: (17) Schools, N. range of Old Court of King's rebuilt by, p. 12a, proposed Court, p. 18a; (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, pp. 20a, 21b; consulted, Trinity (library), p. 237b.
-,-, S. Pepys, Wilkins' design for Downing selected by, p. 58b.
-, Cory, J. A., repairs, Pembroke, p. 148b.
-, Custance, William: initials probably for, (216) The Grove, p. 347b; (238) Grove Lodge, probably built by, p. 354b. See also Sectional Preface, p. cxxix.
-, Dance, George, Wilkins' design for Downing selected by, p. 58b.
-, Dawbarn, G. R., Corpus Christi, Stable Yard ranges by, p. 49a.
-, Dawkes, ..., Queens', restoration of hall, p. 172b.
-, Drinkwater, G., Queens' (modern buildings), p. 168a.
-, Drysdale, G., Emmanuel, lecture-rooms converted to Library by, p. 63a, b.
-, Elborne, H. G., designs for St. Paul's church, (57), p. 286b.
-, Elder, see Surveyors under Craftsmen.
-, Essex, James (junior): Christ's, refacing, etc., by, pp. 26b, 27b–28b, 33a, 34a; Clare (chapel, design for, with Sir James Burrough), pp. 38b, 45a; Corpus Christi (design for new Court), p. 48b; consulted, Downing, p. 58a; Emmanuel (restoration and re- building), p. 63a, b, (hall, ceiling), p. 67b; named on foundation stone of former Guildhall, p. 310b; Jesus, pp. 87a, 92a, 94b; King's (chapel), former fittings, pp. 115b, 133a; Queens' (alterations, additions and refacing), pp. 168a, 169b, 178b, (Pump Court), p. 177b; St. Catharine's, Ramsden Building, pp. 180a, b, 184b, screen-wall perhaps by, p. 186a; St. John's, alterations and restorations, pp. 188a, 194a, 198a, b, drawing of lost tomb, p. 192a; (53) St. Mary the Great, alterations, pp. 276a, 277a, 278a; (16) Senate House completed, p. 9a; plan for E. range of Schools published by, p. 10a; Sidney Sussex Chapel and Library block, pp. 203b, 207b, 208b; Trinity (Great Court, W. range part rebuilt and Nevile's ranges refaced and fitted), pp. 213a, 214a, 228b, 231a, 235a, b, 236a, (bridge), pp. 214b, 244a; Trinity Hall, scheme for Library Court, pp. 246a, 250b, engraved design of, by, p. 246a; former Garret Hostel Bridge by, p. 309a; former Magdalene Bridge by, p. 309b; see also under Essex.
-, Etheridge, William, Queens' (bridge), p. 178b.
-, Fawcett, W. M.: Emmanuel, range designed by, p. 63a; King's, range designed by, p. 104b; St. Catharine's, alterations, p. 180b; competitor for alterations at (87) Addenbrooke's Hospital, p. 312b.
-, Garbett, William, screen formerly in Winchester Cathedral designed by, (76), p. 303b.
-, Garner, Thomas: King's (chapel), altar, p. 115b; see also under Bodley, above.
-, Gibbs, James: King's, unexecuted design, p. 104a, Fellows' (Gibbs') Building, pp. 104a, 134b; (53) St. Mary the Great, galleries said to have been erected under supervision of, p. 279a; (16) Senate House designed by, pp. 9a–10b.
-, Grayson, G. H., Trinity Hall, Latham Building designed by, with E. A. Ould, p. 246b.
-, Grumbold, Robert, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.
-, Hardwick, P. C., competitor for alterations to (87) Addenbrooke's Hospital, p. 312b.
-, Hawksmoor, Nicholas: King's, unexecuted designs for, p. 104a, models for ranges at, p. 127a; St. John's, letters from, concerning bridge, p. 188b, drawing probably by, p. 188b; small payment re Trinity (library) to, p. 237b.
-, Healey, of Bradford, (52) St. Giles, p. 274b.
-, Hooke, Robert, 'draught of Maudlin College' by, p. 139a.
-, Horder, Morley, Jesus, ranges built by, p. 84a.
-, Humfrey, Charles: (87) Addenbrooke's Hospital by, p. 312b; advice given by, Clare, p. 43b; Doll's Close by, pp. 363b, 364a; (246) No. 15 Fitzwilliam Street, perhaps designed by, p. 356b; (173) Nos. 9 and 10 St. Andrew's Hill remodelled by, p. 334a; (50) St. Clement (W. tower), p. 269b; Sidney Sussex, alterations proposed by, p. 203b; Nos. 4–12 Tennis Court Road (247) by, p. 357b; Trinity (Lecture Room Court), pp. 214b, 243b.
-, Hutchinson, Henry, St. John's (New Court), pp. 188b, 201a, (bridge), p. 202a.
-, Ingelow, see Carpenter, R. H., above.
-, Inman, W. S., designs for proposed court, King's, p. 104a.
-, Jackson, Sir Thomas (T. G.): King's, E. screen of Hall removed by, p. 133a; screen from Winchester Cathedral discovered by, p. 303b.
-, James, John, Gonville and Caius (chapel, alteration and refacing), p. 74b.
-, Jones, Inigo: work at Christ's wrongly attributed to, p. 35a; Winchester Cathedral choir-screen, now in Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, p. 303b.
-, Kempthorne, Sampson, designs for workhouses, p. 314b.
-, Kennedy and Nightingale, King's (including New Provost's Lodge), p. 104b.
-, Lapidge, E., designs for proposed court, King's, p. 104a.
-, Leoni, Giacomo, quoted in Sectional Preface, p. ci.
-, Lewis, T., Wilkins' design for Downing selected by, p. 58b.
-, Lutyens, Sir Edwin, Magdalene (Benson Court), p. 139a.
-, Lyon, T. H.: Corpus Christi, redecorations, p. 49a; (54) St. Mary the Less (S. chapel), p. 281b; Sidney Sussex (chapel and other additions and alterations), p. 204a.
-, Mead, John Clement, competition for (19) Observatory won by, p. 22a.
-, Micklethwaite, J. T., (59) Cherry Hinton, restorations, p. 288b.
-, Mills, Peter, see Brickmakers and Bricklayers under Craftsmen.
-, Moore, Temple, (57) St. Paul, transepts added to, p. 286b.
-, Mylne, William Chadwell, Garret Hostel Bridge designed by, p. 309a.
-, Nash, John, on committee to discuss winning design for court of King's, p. 104a.
-, Ould, E. A., see Grayson, G. H., above.
-, Peachey, William, (67) Zion chapel extended by, p. 301a.
-, Pearson, J. L.: Emmanuel, Emmanuel House and extensions to Hostel by, p. 63a; King's, design for altar-piece, p. 115b; (17) Schools, W. range of Old Court completed by, pp. 12b, 17a; Sidney Sussex, additions and alterations, pp. 204a, 206b.
-, Penrose, F. C.: restoration of First Court, Magdalene, pp. 138b, 144a; St. John's, annexe added to, p. 188b.
-, Pite, Beresford, St. John's, Library roof reconstructed by, p. 198a.
-, Porden, William, design for Downing, p. 58b.
-, Poynter, Ambrose: (43) Christ Church designed by, p. 255a; (46) St. Andrew the Great designed by, p. 260b; (50) St. Clement, restoration, p. 270b; (57) St. Paul designed by, p. 286b.
-, Pugin, A. W. N.: Jesus (chapel), fittings designed by, pp. 83b, 84b, 87a, 88a, 89a, b, 90b, chancel roof by, p. 88b, glass by, p. 89b; King's, Old Court, drawings of Gatehouse, p. 17a; Magdalene (chapel, glass), p. 141a; St. Andrew's church (Union Road), designed by, p. 300b; figure of St. Andrew designed by, p. 300b.
-, Rennie, John, (engineer), old bridge condemned by, King's, p. 104b.
-, Rickman, Thomas, St. John's (New Court), pp. 188b, 201a.
-, Salvin, Anthony: Gonville and Caius, additions to, pp. 74a, 77b, (hall), pp. 77b, 81a; (44) Holy Sepulchre, restoration, p. 256a; Jesus (chapel), restorations, p. 83b; (53) St. Mary the Great, alterations, p. 276a; Trinity, alterations and restorations, pp. 213a, b, 217b, 229b, 230a, (Whewell's Court), p. 214b; Trinity Hall, E. range of Front Court rebuilt and alterations to Master's Lodge, pp. 246a, b, 248a; in competition for altering Addenbrooke's Hospital, p. 312b.
-, Sandys, Francis, designs for Downing offered by, p. 58b.
-, Scott, Sir George Gilbert: King's, designs for E. range of Great Court submitted, p. 104b, additions, pp. 104b, 134a, (chapel) repairs, pp. 103b, 109b, 110b, angels on organ, p. 128a; Peter- house (hall and Combination Room), pp. 157a, 162a; (51) St. Edward (E. window), p. 271b; St. John's (chapel, hall, lecture- rooms and Master's Lodge), p. 188a; (53) St. Mary the Great (W. doorway), p. 276a; (54) St. Mary the Less, restorations, p. 281b; (56) St. Michael, restorations, p. 284a; (17) Schools, Gatehouse restored and W. range of Old Court rebuilt by, pp. 12b, 17a; (62) Stourbridge Chapel restored by, p. 298b.
-, Scott, George Gilbert (junior): (59) Cherry Hinton, restorations, p. 288b; Christ's (hall), pp. 26a, 32a; Pembroke (chapel exten- sion), p. 148b, (New Court), p. 149a.
-, Smith, John: (90) Central Union Workhouse, p. 313b; (92) Union Workhouse, Chesterton, p. 314b.
-, Soane, Sir John: unexecuted plans for range opposite Senate House, p. 10b; Gonville and Caius (old hall), remodelling, pp. 74a, 77a.
-, Stevenson, J. J., Christ's, range built by, p. 26b.
-, Stokes, Leonard, Emmanuel, lecture-rooms and N. court by, p. 63a.
-, Street, G. E., designs for E. range of Great Court submitted by, King's, p. 104b.
-, Symons, Ralph, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.
-, Talman, William, advice at St. Catharine's given by, p. 179b.
-, Walter, James: (87) Addenbrooke's Hospital, additions, p. 312b; clerk-of-works to Wilkins, Corpus Christi, p. 57b; (22) Univer- sity Press (printing-house), p. 24b; (187) Nos. 21 and 22 Bridge Street, p. 337a.
-, Ware, Isaac, quoted in Sectional Preface, p. ci.
-, Warren, Edward, Gonville and Caius, alterations to, p. 81a.
-, Waterhouse, Alfred: Gonville and Caius, additions to, pp. 74a, b, 78a, 81a; Jesus, additions and alterations, pp. 84a, 93b; Pembroke (hall, library and ranges), p. 148b; Trinity Hall (Porter's Lodge rebuilt), p. 245b.
-, Webb:
-,-, Sir Aston: Gonville and Caius (St. Michael's Court), p. 74a; King's, range added by, p. 104b; Magdalene (Bright's Building), p. 139a.
-,-, Maurice, Pembroke, alterations to, and Master's Lodge built by, p. 149a.
-,-, Philip, decorations at Peterhouse, p. 157a.
-, Wheeler, Montague, Trinity Hall, interior of N. range of Front Court altered by, p. 251b.
-, Wilkins:
-,-, William (senior): Gonville and Caius, addition to Master's Lodge, pp. 74a, 81a; (276) No. 38 Newmarket Road, built by, p. 369a; (288) Newnham Cottage, built by, pp. 369a, 375b, 376a; theatres owned by, p. 396b; see also under Wilkins, William.
-,-, William (junior): Corpus Christi (New Court), pp. 48b, 49a, glass at, given by, pp. 50b, 51a, 56a; Downing designed by, pp. 58a, b, 60a, (hall), pp. 59a, 60a, 61a; no evidence that (246) No. 15 Fitzwilliam Street was designed by, p. 356b; Gonville and Caius, scheme for, pp. 74a, 81a; King's 105a, (bridge), pp. 104b, 136b, (chapel) repairs, p. 103b, winning design for new court at, p. 104a, (gatehouse and screen-wall), p. 131b, proposal to Gothicise Gibbs' Building, p. 104a, (hall), p. 132a, (library), p. 135b, (Provost's Lodge), p. 136a, glass bought by, p. 125b; Lensfield (destroyed) built by, p. 373b; considered for design of New Court, St. John's, p. 201a; gallery-front designed by, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279a; Trinity (New Court), pp. 214b, 242b; Mr. Walter clerk-of-works to, p. 57b; see also under Wilkins, William.
-, Wood, Sancton, (engineer), (85) Eastern Counties' Railway Station designed by, p. 311b.
-, Wren, Sir Christopher: Emmanuel (chapel), pp. 62b, 64a, b; King's, consulted about proposed completion of, pp. 104a, 127a; Pembroke (New Chapel), pp. 148a, 149a, 153a; St. John's (bridge), letters referring to, p. 188b; Trinity (library), pp. 213b, 215a, 237a, b, 238b, 240b, fittings designed for, pp. 214a, 241b, statues proposed for, p. 239a.
-, Wright, Stephen, (17) Schools, E. range designed by, pp. 10a, 12a, b,
-, Wyatt:
-,-, James: Downing, designs prepared for, p. 58a, b; King's, design prepared for court, p. 104a.
-,-, Jeffry (Sir Jeffry Wyatville): King's, on 1823 committee for project at, p. 104a; Sidney Sussex, alterations, pp. 203b, 204a, b, 206b–208a.
-,-, Lewis, designs for Downing College submitted by, p. 58b.
-,-, Sir Matthew Digby: Clare, alterations to hall, pp. 38a, 42b; (87) Addenbrooke's Hospital, alterations to, p. 312b.
-,-, T. H., Court House (demolished) designed by, with D. Brandon, p. 304b.
-, Wyatville, see Wyatt, Jeffry, above.

Argentein, John: former chantry-chapel of, King's, p. 113a; 1507–8, brass, p. 116a.

Arion, with dolphin, relief, Clare (bridge), p. 47a.

'Armeswerk', enclosure so named in 12th century, p. xl.

Arms, halberds and spear in (84) Guildhall, p. 311a.

Armstead, H. A., see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Arnold, Edward, see under Bellfounders.

Artari, see Plasterers under Craftsmen.

-, Amigoni, Jacopo, Emmanuel, reredos-painting, pp. cxix, 63b, 66a.
-, Baroccio, Federigo, 'Entombment' by, Pembroke, reredos-painting a copy of, p. 154a.
-, Brown, Ford Madox: Jesus (glass), p. 84a; Peterhouse, decorations, p. 157a; Queens', tiles, p. 172b.
-, Burne-Jones, Edward: Jesus (chapel), glass, p. 84a; Peterhouse, decorations, p. 157a.
-, Cipriani, Giovanni Battista: Clare (chapel), p. 46b; Trinity (library), glass, pp. cxiv, cxix, 240a.
-, Eastlake, Charles, (18) Fitzwilliam Museum (design for pediment), p. 20a.
-, Fruytiers, Philippe, (56) St. Michael (portrait of Charles I), p. 286a.
-, Jouvenet, Jean, Jesus, reredos-painting, p. 90a.
-, Mengs, Anthony Raphael, St. John's (chapel), copy of Van Dyck, p. 191b.
-, Morris, William: All Saints church decorated by, p. 254a; Jesus (chapel), work on roof supervised by firm of p. 89a; Peterhouse, decoration, p. 157a; Queens', tiles, p. 172b.
-, Pittoni, Giovanni Battista, Sidney Sussex (chapel), reredos-painting, pp. cxix, 204a, 208a.
-, Raphael (Raffaello Santi), designs, derived from cartoons for tapestries by, occurring in windows, King's, p. 123a; see also Sectional Preface, p. cxiii.
-, Ritz, Valentine: Gonville and Caius, copy of Carlo Maratti, p. 76b; Royal Arms given by, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283b.
-, Romney, George, King's, drawings for intended reredos-painting, p. 115b.
-, Rubens, Peter Paul: glass based on design of Brazen Serpent of, King's, p. 121a; glass based on design of 'Coup de Lance' of, Peterhouse, p. 158b.
-, Sermoneta, Girolamo Siciolante da, King's, reredos-painting, pp. cxix, 115b, 128a.
-, Thornhill, Sir James, Trinity Hall, portrait reputedly after, p. 251a.
-, West, Benjamin, Trinity (library staircase), former reredos-painting, pp. cxix, 239a.

Arts Schools, see Augustinian Friars under Religious Foundations.

Ascham, Roger, arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Deborah, monument to John Sparke erected by, (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257b.
-, George, 1760, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a.
-, Nicholas, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Crafts- men.

Ashdon Hales (Essex), timber from, used in King's chapel, p. 101a.

Ashe, Francis, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Ashley, William, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

Ashton, Charles, 1752, floor-slab, Jesus, p. 90a.

Assheton, Hugh: chantry-chapel of, St. John's, p. 187b; monument of, pp. cxv, cxvi, 190b, 191a.

Assumption, see Mary the Virgin, St.

Athaliah, Massacre by, King's (glass), p. 119b.

Atkinson or Atkynson:
-, Charles William, 1815, tablet, Jesus, p. 89b.
-, John, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

Atwood, Thomas, 1426–54, Master of Gonville Hall, p. 73a.

-, See Smiths under Craftsmen.
-, B., 1783, floor-slab, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b.
-, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas, 2nd Marquess of Dorset, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, J., porringer given to (71) Emmanuel Congregational Chapel, p. 302a.
-, Thomas of Walden, Lord: Buckingham College refounded as Magdalene by, p. 137b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Audley End (Essex): joiner at, recommended by Earl of Suffolk to St. John's, p. 188a; overmantel said to be from, p. 200b.

Augmentations, Court of, concern with Trinity College of, p. 211b.

Augustine, St., figure of, King's (glass), p. 126b.

Augustinian Friary, and Priory of Canons, see under Religious Foundations.

Aurelius, Marcus, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

-, Cornelius, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.
-, John, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.
-, William, 1679, benefactions of, (61) Trumpington, p. 296b.

Authorities, List of, pp. cxxviii–cxxix.

Babington, Humphrey: E. extension of S. range of Nevile's Court, Trinity, financed by, pp. 214a, 236a; 1691–2, floor-slab, Trinity, p. 220b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Backhouse, James, arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Francis, Lord Chancellor: Trinity, marble seated figure of, p. 219b; representation of (glass), p. 240a; 1751, bust of, p. 241a.
-, John, see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons.
-, Martha, early 19th-century floor-slab, (48) St. Benet, p. 266b.
-, Sir Nicholas: chapel at Corpus Christi paid for by, p. 48b; porch paid for by widow of, p. 48b; statue of, p. 49b.
-, Thomas, maces given to Corporation by, p. 310b.
-, William, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

Badew, Richard de, Chancellor of University, p. 37b.

Badrl, ...otus, inscription, Queens' (glass), p. 171a.

Bagutti, see Plasterers under Craftsmen.

Baily, E. H., see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Bainbrig, Thomas: floor-slab, 1703, Trinity, p. 221a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Susanna, wife of John Baines, see Cornwall, Henry.
-, Sir Thomas: 1681, and Sir John Finch, 1682, monument, Christ's, pp. cxvi, 31a, b; floor-slab, p. 31a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, George, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.
-, Sir Herbert, see under Architects.
-, Dr. Richard, 1797, altarpiece given to Pembroke by, p. 154a.
-, Richard Grey, map of Cambridge, 1830, published by, p. cxxix.
-, Thomas: 1740, floor-slab, St. John's, p. 191b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Balls, Henry, 1802, and Sarah his wife, 1778, monument of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.

Balsham, Hugh de, Bishop of Ely: Peterhouse founded by, pp. lxxiv, 156b; bequest from, p. 156b; portrait of, p. 160b.

Balusters and Balustrades, see under Ironwork.

Bancroft, Richard, Archbishop of Canterbury: bookcases to house his library, (21) University Library, p. 23b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Bankes, Banckes, or Banks:
-, Joseph, Esther his wife, Mary their daughter and Samuel (son of Samuel and Lydia Banks) their grandson, monument c. 1800, of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.
-, Matthew, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.
-, Samuel, 1788, and Lydia his wife, 1793, monument of, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 282b.
-, William, legacy to Pembroke from, p. 148b.
-, William John, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Baptism of Christ, see under Christ.

Baptist Chapels, see under Nonconformist Chapels.

Baratta, Giovanni, see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Barbara, St., representation of, Corpus Christi, p. 50b.

Barber, Frances (Redfarn), wife of Robert Barber, 1831, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b.

Barclay's Bank, Benet Street, (140) on site of Augustinian Friary, p. 325b.

Bardfield, timber from, used at King's chapel, p. 101b.

Barge-boards, Ornamental:
-, 16th-century: No. 10 Bridge Street (192), p. 339a; No. 31 Magdalene Street (201), p. 342b; Little Rose Inn (231), p. 352b; Abbey House (270), p. 367a.

-, See Carvers under Craftsmen.
-, Christopher, Bible, 1599, printed by representatives of, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268a.
-, James, 1742, floor-slab, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.
-, Rev. James, 1850, monument of, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a.
-, John: building at Christ's during Mastership of, p. 26b; and Hannah his wife, 1808, floor-slab, Christ's, p. 31a.
-, John Rickard: 1843, and Elizabeth (Turner), wife of Rev. James Barker, 1847, monument of, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a; floor-slab, p. 283a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Robert, Bible, 1634, and Prayer Book, 1636, printed by, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268a.
-, Simon, see Brickmakers and Bricklayers under Craftsmen.
-, Thomas, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Barnard, John: 1703, floor-slab, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Barnardiston, John, Master of Corpus Christi, 1778, floor-slab, p. 50b.

Barnes, Francis, Master of Peterhouse: 1838, floor-slab, Peterhouse, p. 158b; initials of, p. 166a.

Barnett, ..., of York, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Barnwell: former village of, p. 370a; houses in, pp. 365b, 366a.

" Causeway, see Causeways under Earthworks and Allied Structures.

" Gate, formerly near Christ's College, p. 25a.

" Priory, see Augustinian Canons under Religious Foundations.

" Theatre, see Theatre Royal.

Baroccio, Federigo, see under Artists.

Baron, ..., wife of Richard Baron, 1680, floor-slab, (61) Trumping- ton, p. 298a.

Barrett, R., 19th-century warehouses of, p. 333b.

Barrington, Sir Francis, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Barrington, clunch from, used at: Gonville and Caius, p. 73b; St. John's, p. 188a; Trinity, p. 224a.

Barrow or Barrowe:
-, Dr. Isack, 1616–7, Ann his wife, widow of George Cotton, monu- ment of, (42) All Saints, p. 254a.
-, Isaac, Master of Trinity: Trinity library building promoted by, pp. 213b, 237a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Richard, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Barrows, see under Earthworks and Allied Structures.

Barry, Edward Middleton, see under Architects.

Bartholomew, St., figure representing, Corpus Christi, p. 50b.

Bartlet or Bartlett, Anthony, see under Bellfounders.

Barwell, Rev. John, Trumpington Vicarage (326) rebuilt by, p. 388a.

Basevi, George, see under Architects.

Basset, Francis, Lord de Dunstaville, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Bateman, William, Bishop of Norwich: Gonville Hall moved to present site of Gonville and Caius College by, p. 73a; Trinity Hall founded by, p. 245a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Bath Hotel, Benet Street (139), p. 325a.

Bath-houses and Bathing-pools: Christ's, p. 37a; Emmanuel, p. 71a.

Battiscombe, Rev. Henry, (67) Zion chapel built by, pp. lxxxviii, 301a, b.

Bawsey (Norfolk), tiles from kiln at, (56) St. Michael, p. 286b.

Baylie, bricks provided for Trinity Fountain by, p. 232b.

-, Richard, Bp. of Bath and Wells, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, William, 1789, wall-tablet, Jesus, p. 89b.

Beale, corn and coal merchants, Newnham Grange (287) built for, p. 375a.

-, Martha, 1834, floor-slab, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.
-, William, 1831, and Sarah his widow, 1850, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.

Beasts, Royal, King's (chapel), p. 106a.

Beauchamp, Henry, Earl of Warwick, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Beaufort, Lady Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby: Christ's College founded by, p. 25b, buildings begun by, p. 26a, accommodation reserved for, p. 33a, badges of, pp. 27a, 33a, Household Books of, p. 26a, modern statue of, p. 27a; St. John's College founded by, p. 187a; Bishop Fisher executor of, p. 187b; 1674 figure of, p. 192b; arms of, see Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

-, Charles: house built by, bequeathed to Peterhouse for Master's Lodge, pp. 157a, 167a; 1726–7, floor-slab, Peterhouse, p. 158b; portrait of, p. 160b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Francis, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.
-, John, 1565, brass of, Trinity, p. 219b.
-, Joseph, Master of Peterhouse: 1699, floor-slab and wall-tablet, Peterhouse, p. 158b; portrait of, p. 160b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Robert, Master of Trinity 1561–7, initials of p. 219b.

Becke, William, 1614, monument with figure of, (51) St. Edward, p. 273b.

Bede, The Venerable, representation of, (44) Holy Sepulchre (glass), p. 257a.

Bedel, William, Bp. of Ardagh, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Behnes, W., see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Bekensaw, Robert, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Belcher, ..., see under Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Belhus (Essex), glass from, King's, p. 126a.

-, Beaupré Philip, 1821, floor-slab, Christ's, p. 31a.
-, John, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.
-, William, 1795, floor-slab, (56) St. Michael, p. 286a.

Bell, The, see under Inns and see Hoop under Inns.

Bellasis, Henry, arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, See also Sectional Preface, p. cvi.
-, Arnold, Edward, of Leicester, Emmanuel, p. 68b.
-, Bartlet or Bartlett, Anthony: Christ's, p. 29b; Emmanuel, p. 65a.
-, Bowler, Richard, (58) St. Peter, p. 288a.
-, Bury St. Edmunds Foundry: (51) St. Edward, p. 273b; (61) Trumpington, p. 296b.
-, Danyell, John, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268a.
-, Dobson, William, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278a.
-, Draper, John, (48) St. Benet, p. 265b.
-, Eayre, J., of St. Neots, (61) Trumpington, p. 296b.
-, Fitton, I. B., Corpus Christi, p. 50b.
-, Ghein, Peeter Vanden, of Malines, Peterhouse, p. 162b.
-, Gray or Graye:
-,-, Christopher, of Ampthill, Beds.: Jesus, p. 89a; (60) Chesterton, p. 293a; (51) St. Edward, p. 273a; (56) St. Michael, p. 285a.
-,-, Miles, Queens', p. 170a.
-, Gurney, Robert: (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257a; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 261b; (48) St. Benet, p. 265b.
-, Holdfeld (Holdfield), Richard: (60) Chesterton, p. 293a; St. John's, p. 192b; Trinity, p. 222b.
-, Land:
-,-, William (senior), (51) St. Edward (initials W L only), p. 273b.
-,-, William (junior), St. John's, p. 189b.
-, Mears, T.: (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b; (43) Christ Church, p. 255b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 261b; (57) St. Paul, p. 287a; (after 1850) Christ's, p. 29b.
-, Newman:
-,-, Charles: (50) St. Clement, p. 271a; (56) St. Michael, p. 285a.
-,-, Thomas: (45) Holy Trinity, p. 259b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 261b.
-, Norris:
-,-, Thomas, (42) All Saints, p. 254a.
-,-, Tobias or Tobie: (42) All Saints, p. 254a; (48) St. Benet, p. 265b; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 282b.
-, Osborn, T., of Downham, Norfolk: (50) St. Clement, p. 271a; Trinity, p. 222b.
-, Pack and Chapman, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278a.
-, Phelps, Richard, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278a.
-, Taylor:
-,-, of Loughborough, Jesus, p. 89a.
-,-, R., of St. Neots, (47) St. Andrew the Less (?), p. 263b.
-,-, William and John, of Oxford, (60) Chesterton, p. 293a.
-, Tonni, Stephen (Bury foundry), (51) St. Edward, p. 273b.
-, Warren or Warrin, John: (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278b; monument of, p. 279b.

Bell-frames: (49) St. Botolph, p. 268a; (56) St. Michael, p. 285a.

Bell-ringers' Boards, 18th-century: (48) St. Benet, p. 266b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280b.

-, See also Sectional Preface, p. cvi.
-, 14th-century: (42) All Saints, p. 254a; (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b.
-, 15th-century: (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b; (49) St. Botolph, p. 268a; (51) St. Edward, p. 273b; (61) Trumpington, p. 296b.
-, 16th-century: (foreign), Peterhouse, p. 162b; (48) St. Benet, p. 265b; (51) St. Edward, p. 273b.
-, 17th-century: (42) All Saints, p. 254a; (60) Chesterton, p. 293a; Christ's, pp. 29b, 32b; Emmanuel, p. 65a; (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257a; Jesus, p. 89a; King's, p. 116a; Peterhouse, p. 158a; Queens', p. 170a; St. Andrew the Great, p. 261b; (48) St. Benet, p. 265b; St. Catharine's, p. 181b; (50) St. Clement, p. 271a; (51) St. Edward, p. 273a, b; (51) St. Giles, p. 274b; St. John's, pp. 189b, 192b; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 282b; (56) St. Michael, p. 285a; (58) St. Peter, p. 288a.
-, 18th-century: (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b; Clare, p. 46a; Corpus Christi, p. 50b; Emmanuel, p. 68b; Gonville and Caius, p. 77b; Jesus, p. 94a; (45) Holy Trinity, p. 259b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 261b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278a; Trinity, p. 222a; (61) Trumpington, p. 296b.
-, 19th-century: (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b; (60) Chesterton, p. 293a; (43) Christ Church, p. 255b; Christ's, p. 29b; Jesus, p. 89a; (255) 39 Park Side, p. 359b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 261b; (47) St. Andrew the Less, p. 263b; (48) St. Benet, p. 265b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278a; (57) St. Paul, p. 287a; Trinity, p. 230a.
-, Undated, St. Catharine's, p. 182b.
-, Sanctus:
-,-, 17th-century, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278a.
-,-, 18th-century, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a.
-,-, Undated: (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257a; (45) Holy Trinity, p. 259b.

Bell's Court, Castle Hill area, p. 346b.

Belmont (166), p. 333a.

Belvoir Terrace (284), p. 373b.

Benches and Bench-ends, see under Seating.

Bendlowes, Edward, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Benedictines, see under Religious Foundations.

Benefactors' Tables:
-, 17th-century, (61) Trumpington, p. 296b.
-, 18th-century: Peterhouse, p. 158a; (48) St. Benet, p. 265b; (49) St. Botolph, p. 268a; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278b; (60) Chester- ton, p. 293a.
-, 19th-century: (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 261b; (51) St. Edward, p. 273b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278b.

Benet, St., church dedicated to, see under Dedications.

Benet, St., church of: (48), p. 263b; appropriated by Corpus Christi College, pp. lxxxvii, 48a, b, 49a, 264a, b.

Benet Place: Nos. 1–5 Lensfield Road (248)–(250), p. 358a, b; similarity to Park Side, p. 359b.

" Street, monuments (133)–(141), pp. 324a–326a.

-, Catherine, wife of Thomas Bennet, 1729–30, James, Catherine, James and Elizabeth their children, and Thomas Bennet, 1770, monument of, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268b.
-, J., see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.
-, James, 1763, Ann his wife, 1764, and Sibilla their daughter, 1763, floor-slab, (56) St. Michael, p. 286a.
-, William, 1820, wall-tablet, Emmanuel, p. 65b.

-, A. C., Master of Magdalene College: Old Lodge at Magdalene formed by, pp. 139a, 146b; reredos now in Hall at Selwyn given by, p. 202b.
-, Elizabeth, wife of Matthew Benson, 1736–7, Thomasin her daughter, 1739, and Matthew Benson, 1752, floor-slab, (50) St. Clement, p. 271b.
-, E. W., Archbishop of Canterbury: reredos at Selwyn given in memory of, p. 202b.

Benstead, Mary, 176., and Christopher, 177., floor-slab, (60) Chester- ton, p. 293b.

Bentham, Joseph and Anne (Riste) Bentham, monument to George Riste erected by, (61) Trumpington, p. 297a.

Bentley, Richard, Master of Trinity, 1700–42: alterations at Trinity by, pp. 213a, 219a, 229b, 231a; chemical laboratory of, p. 234b; inscription on Cotes memorial by, p. 220a; name of, carved on Master's stall, p. 221b; bust of, p. 241a; 1742, floor-slab, p. 220b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Benton, Robert, 1837, and Rebecca his wife, 1817, paving-stone, (69) Eden Chapel, p. 301b.

Bernard, St.: Queens' College dedicated to, p. 167b; representations of (roof-boss), p. 168b; (glass), p. 170b; allusion to, in arms of Queens', p. 173a.

Bernasconi, John and Peter, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Berry, Dr. Richard, 1723, floor-slab, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b.

Best, Geoffrey, 1662, slab from table-tomb of, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a.

Bethell, Christopher, Bp. of Bangor, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Betrayal, The, see under Christ.

Bevan, ..., engineer, see under Architects.

Bevan Hostel, Trinity, p. 214b.

Beveridge, William, Bp. of St. Asaph, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Beverley, Henry, see Clerks-of-the-Works under Craftsmen.

-, 17th-century, (48) St. Benet, p. 265b.
-, Late 17th or Early 18th-century, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b.

Bigée, Nicholas, see Carvers under Craftsmen.

Billerey, Fernand, see under Architects.

Billingford, Dr. Richard, 1442, brass of, (48) St. Benet, p. 266a.

Billopps, Richard and William, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

Bin Brook, pp. 201b, 307a; see also Aqueducts and Conduits.

Bingham, William, God's House founded by, p. 25b.

Bishop, J. C., 1847, organ at Jesus built by, p. 90a.

Black Bull, see under Inns.

Blackland Farm, earthworks on site of, p. 4b.

Blackmoor Head estate, 1825, sale of, p. 348b.

Blake, Henry William, glass given by, Corpus Christi, p. 53a.

Blanc, Sir T. Le, Master of Trinity Hall, rebuilding fund advanced by, p. 246b.

-, Thomas, 1807, and Mary his wife, 1816, headstone, (61) Trumping- ton, p. 298a.
-, William, 1765, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.
-, William, 1821, and Mary Ann Morton his sister, 1844, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.

Bletchingdon (Oxon), p. 214b.

Blithe, Blyth or Blythe:
-, Frances, Richard, 1722, and Frances Dehague their daughter, 1723, floor-slab, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.
-, John, Master of King's Hall 1488–98, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, John, portrait of, Peterhouse, p. 160b.
-, Rev. Samuel, Master of Clare Hall: 1713, wall-tablet, Clare, p. 46a; monument of, (51) St. Edward, p. 273b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, William, see under Glass-painters and Glaziers.

-, A. W., see under Architects.
-, Charles James, Bp. of London, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Edward Valentine, 1816, floor-slab, and wall-tablet, Emmanuel, p. 65b.

Blore, Edward, see under Architects.

Blow, Detmar, see under Architects.

Blücher Row (278), p. 370a.

Blundell, Thomas, 1819, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.

Blyth or Blythe, see Blithe, above.

Bodley, G. F., see under Architects.

Boldero, Dr. Edmund, Master of Jesus College 1663–79: Old Library refitted by, pp. 83a, 95b, 96a; floor-slab to William Davy provided by, p. 90a; 1679, wall-tablet to, p. 89b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Boleyn, Anne, see Anne Boleyn, Queen.

Bolland, Sir William: bust of, Trinity, p. 241a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Bolton, W. J.: glass restored by, King's, p. 125b; glass given to King's by daughter of, p. 125a, b.

-, Mary, early 19th-century monument of, (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257b.
-, Richard, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.
-, W., 1832, floor-slab, (56) St. Michael, p. 286a.

Bone-hole, (54) St. Mary the Less, pp. 281b, 282a, b.

Bones, John, 1813, and Mary his wife, 1786, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a.

Boniface IX, Bull of, relating to Gonville Hall, p. 73a.

Bookcases, see under Furniture.

-, 16th-century: (42) All Saints, p. 254a; (48) St. Benet, p. 266a; (49) St. Botolph, p. 268a; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278b.
-, 17th-century: (42) All Saints, p. 254a; (66) St. Andrew's Street chapel, p. 300b; (48) St. Benet, p. 266a; (49) St. Botolph, p. 268a; (51) St. Edward, p. 273b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278b.
-, 18th-century: (66) St. Andrew's Street chapel, p. 300b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278b.
-, 19th-century: (42) All Saints, p. 254a; (45) Holy Trinity, pp. 259b, 260b; (66) St. Andrew's Street chapel, p. 300b.
-, Chained, (48) St. Benet, p. 266a.

Boothby Pagnell Manor (Lincs.), Merton Hall compared with, p. 377a.

Boott, F., of Boston, 1806, wall-tablet to H. Kirke White erected by, St. John's, p. 191b.

-, Rev. George: 1809, floor-slab, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Henrietta (Serocold): wife of Rev. George Borlase, and their infant daughter, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Borthwick, Margaret Colville: 1829, monument of, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a; floor-slab, p. 283a.

Botanic Garden: (20), see Sectional Preface, pp. lvii, lxxii; p. 23b; archway from, reset in Cavendish Laboratories, p. 23b; Brook- lands Lodge, p. 23b; 'new' in 1835, p. 374a; Director's offices in Trumpington Road (282), p. 373a.

Botolph, St., church dedicated to, see under Dedications.

Botolph, St., church of, (49), p. 266b.

Botolph Lane, (174)–(177), pp. 334b–335a.

-, Charles, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.
-, " 1737, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.
-, " 1823, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.

Bourchier, Rachel (Fane), widow of Henry Bourchier, Earl of Bath, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Bourchier knots, see Badges in Armorial Index.

Bourn, Thomas, 1741, floor-slab, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.

Bousfield, Dorothy, 1766, floor-slab, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.

Bowler, Richard, see under Bellfounders.

Bowling Green (Chesterton), see Inns.

Bowstead, James, Bp. of Lichfield, arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, John, bookseller and antiquary: Addenbrooke's Hospital (87) partly paid for by, p. 312b; MSS. cited, p. 8a, b; 1813, monument of, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b; No. 32 Trinity Street (115) the house of, p. 321a. See also Sectional Preface, p. cxxviii.
-, John (junior), books presented to All Saints church by, p. 254a.

Boys, William: 1722, floor-slab, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Bracken, Ann, see Kaye, Abraham.

-, Frances, see Sanzter.
-, Francis, and Katherine, see Wildbore, Matthew.

Brackets, see under Ironwork.

Bradford, Samuel, Bp. of Rochester, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Bradmore Street (278), p. 370b.

-, ... see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.
-, George, see under Architects.

Braidwood, Francis, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Brakin, Thomas and Luce, 1538, names inscribed on wall-plates (50) St. Clement, p. 271a.

Brampton, bricks made at, Clare, p. 37b.

-, Catherine (Willoughby), Duchess of Suffolk, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, D., see under Architects.
-, J. R., see under Architects.

Brandon Place (278), p. 370b; p. 371a.

Brasses, Monumental:
-, See also Sectional Preface, p. cvii.
-, Academic Dress:
-,-, 15th-century: King's, p. 116a; (48) St. Benet, p. 266a; St. John's, p. 191a; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 282b.
-,-, c. 1500, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 282b.
-,-, 16th-century: Christ's, p. 29b; King's, p. 116a; Queens', p. 170b; Trinity Hall, pp. 248b, 249b.
-,-, 19th-century, Gonville and Caius, p. 74b.
-, Civil Dress:
-,-, Men: 16th-century: Queens', p. 170a; Trinity Hall, pp. 248b–249b.
-,-, Women: 16th-century, Christ's, p. 29b.
-, Ecclesiastical:
-,-, 15th-century: Queens', p. 170a; St. John's, p. 191a.
-,-, 16th-century: King's, p. 116a; Trinity Hall, p. 248b; p. 249b.
-, Military:
-,-, 14th-century, (61) Trumpington, p. 297a.
-,-, 15th-century, Gonville and Caius, p. 74b.
-,-, 16th-century, Christ's, p. 29b.
-, Inscriptions, Heraldry, etc., only:
-,-, 15th-century, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a.
-,-, 16th-century: Christ's, p. 29b; Gonville and Caius, p. 74b; King's, p. 116a; Queens', p. 170a, b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278b; St. John's, p. 191a; Trinity, p. 219b; Trinity Hall, p. 248b.
-,-, 17th-century: Jesus, p. 89a; (49) St. Botolph, p. 268b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278b; (50) St. Clement, p. 271a; Trinity Hall, p. 248b.
-,-, 18th-century: (42) All Saints, p. 254a; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 261b.
-,-, 19th-century: (42) All Saints, p. 254a; Jesus, p. 89a; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 261b; (49) St. Botolph, p. 268a; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 282b.
-, Indents: (42) All Saints, p. 254a; (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b; (60) Chesterton, p. 293a; Christ's, p. 29b; Gonville and Caius, p. 74b; (45) Holy Trinity, p. 259b; Jesus, p. 89a; King's, p. 116a, b; Queens', p. 170a; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 261b. (48) St. Benet, p. 266a; (49) St. Botolph, pp. 268b, 269a; (50) St. Clement, p. 271a; (51) St. Edward, p. 273b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278b; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 282b; (56) St. Michael, p. 285a; St. John's, p. 191a, b.

Brassfounders and Brass Engravers:
-, Archer, J. W., Gonville and Caius, p. 74b.
-, Cox and Sons, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268a.
-, Sidey, of London, St. John's (lectern), p. 191a.

Brassie, Dr. Robert, Provost of King's 1556–58: 1558, brass, King's, p. 116a, chantry-chapel of, p. 113a, name in glass, p. 126a.

-, See also Brass under Plate, Church, and under Lecterns.
-, Candelabra:
-,-, 18th-century (?), Peterhouse, p. 163b.
-, Candlesticks:
-,-, 18th-century, Peterhouse, p. 159a.
-, Door-furniture:
-,-, 18th-century: Christ's, p. 36a; Queens', p. 169b; Trinity, p. 218a; (114) No. 30, Trinity Street, p. 321a.

Brathwaite, [Gawen], 1814, floor-slab, St. John's, p. 191b.

Brattell, Daniel, 1694–5, floor-slab, Trinity, p. 221a.

Bray, Catherine, widow of Sir Reginald, funds for former Grammar School given by, (Jesus), p. 85a.

-, John Griffin Whitwell, 1st Lord, arms of, see Griffin in Armorial Index.
-, Richard Aldworth Neville-Griffin, 2nd Lord, arms of, see Griffin in Armorial Index.
-, Richard Neville-Griffin, 3rd Lord, arms of, see Griffin in Armorial Index.

Brazen Serpent, King's (glass), p. 121a.

Brazier, see under Ironwork, Miscellaneous.

Brereton, St. John, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Breton, J., Master of Emmanuel 1665–76, new chapel built by, p. 62b.

Brettingham, Matthew, see under Architects.

-, John: 1706, benefaction of (49) St. Botolph, p. 268a; and, with Elizabeth wife of William Pitches, 1741, floor-slab, p. 269a.
-, Nurseryman, scratched name in window, (286) Old Nurseries, p. 374b.

-, 16th-century, Queens', p. 178b.
-, 17th-century, Magdalene, p. 138b.
-, 19th-century, Trinity, p. 244b.

Brewster, John, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

-, See also Sectional Preface, p. c.
-, Stow, p. 236b.
-, Trumpington, p. 237a.

-, Initialled, perhaps by bricklayers, (50) St. Clement, p. 270a.
-, Measured:
-,-, 14th-century, (29) Gonville Hall, p. 74a.
-,-, 16th-century: Gonville and Caius, p. 81b; Magdalene, p. 142a.
-,-, 17th-century: Pembroke, p. 155a; Trinity, p. 224a.
-,-, Roman, reused, (58) St. Peter, pp. lxii, 287b.

Brick-work, Notable or Dated:
-, See Building Materials in Sectiohal Preface p. xcviii and also pp. lxxxiv, xcv.
-, 15th-century: Jesus (indeterminate and English bond, yellow brick diaper), p. 84b; King's (chapel), p. 110a; Queens' (diaper), p. 173b.
-, 16th-century: King's (chapel), p. 110a; St. John's, pp. 188b, 193a, (diaper), pp. 189a–b, 192a, (painted diaper), p. 194b; The Old House, Trumpington (329), p. 389a.
-, 17th-century: Jesus, p. 98a; St. Catharine's, p. 183a; St. John's, p. 188b; Bishop's Hostel, Trinity, p. 241b.
-, 18th-century: No. 3 Bridge Street (195), p. 339b; Central Hotel (146), p. 327a; Fitzwilliam House (19), pp. 71b, 72a; Jesus, p. 85b; (237) Kenmare, p. 354a; No. 14 King's Parade (125), p. 322b; Peterhouse, p. 159b; Queens', p. 177b; No. 24 St. Andrew's Street (168), p. 333b.
-, 19th-century: (74) Cambridge General Cemetery, p. 302b; Messrs. Rattee and Kett, Hills Road (280) (polychrome and moulded), p. 372a, b.

Bridge, Rev. Bewick, 1833, monument of, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b.

Bridge Street: (180)–(195), pp. 336a–339b; No. 45, shop-front from, p. 347a.

-, See also Sectional Preface, p. lxxxix.
-, 17th-century, Clare, pp. 38a, b, 46b–47b.
-, 18th-century: St. John's, pp. 188b, 200a; 'Mathematical Bridge' (destroyed) (80), p. 309a; Trinity, pp. 214b, 244a.
-, 19th-century: King's, pp. 104b, 136b; Garret Hostel (80), p. 309a; Hobson's Conduit (79), p. 309a; Magdalene or Great Bridge (81), p. 309b; St. John's, pp. 188b, 202a, (1831, New Bridge). pp. 188b, 199a, 202a; Silver Street (82), p. 309b.
-, Modern, (copy of 18th-century) Queens', p. 178b.

Briggs, Sha...ter, 1799, and Martha his wife, 1799, floor-slab, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a.

-, Francis, daughter of George, 167(2?), headstone, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b.
-, George, 1712, headstone, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b.

Britannia, figure representing (glass), Trinity, p. 240a.

Broad Street (Barnwell) (278), pp. 370b, 371a.

Bromley, Henry, gate given by, Trinity, p. 215a.

Bronze Age, see p. xxxiii and Sectional Preface, p. lix.

-, See also Lecterns.
-, Bronze Age, hoards, p. xxxiv.
-, Iron Age, grave-goods, p. xxxv.
-, Anglo-Saxon: grave-goods, Pagan, p. xxxix; early Christian, p. xl.
-, 18th-century relief on bell, Corpus Christi, p. 50b.
-, 19th-century: doors and grilles, (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, p. 20b; Warwick vase, copy of, (16) Senate House, p. 11b.

Brook House, No. 10 Trumpington Street (236), p. 353b.

Brooklands, Brooklands Avenue (281), p. 372b.

" Lodge, see (20) Botanic Garden.

Brooks, W. Mcl., see under Architects.

Brotherton, Thomas, Earl of Norfolk, arms of, see Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

Broughton, Frederic William, 1846, monument of, (43) Christ Church, p. 255b.

Brown or Browne:
-, Anna, widow, 1821, monument of, (60) Chesterton, p. 293a.
-, Arthur, see under Architects.
-, Elizabeth, patens given by, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283b.
-, of Ely, bricks for Trinity, bought from, p. 215b.
-, Ford Madox, see under Artists.
-, Rev. George Adam, monument of, (60) Chesterton, p. 293a.
-, Isaac Hawkins, 1760, portrait head and wall-tablet, Trinity, p. 220a.
-, John, probably warden of masons: King's (chapel), p. 101a; clunch supplied by, Trinity, p. 222a.
-, Miriam Charlotte and Mary Drage, daughters of Moses and Mary Knell Browne, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.
-, R., see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons.
-, ..., 1661, headstone, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a.

Brownlow, John, 1st Earl, see Cust; arms of, see Cust in Armorial Index.

Bruges, William, Garter King of Arms, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Brunswick Place, Terrace and Walk (267), pp. 365a, 370b.

Brutus, Marcus, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Bryan, Richard, 1680, floor-slab, Queens', p. 170b.

Bryngton, scratched name, Magdalene, p. 145a.

Bucer, Martin, buried in St. Mary the Great, p. 276a.

-, Elizabeth, see Hatton; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Thomas and John, 1629, Bible printed by, (51) St. Edward, p. 273b.
-, Thomas: 1669–70, floor-slab, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Buckingham, Dukes of, see Stafford and Villiers.

Buckingham College, see Magdalene College.

Buckler, John, see under Architects.

Building Materials, see Sectional Preface, pp. xcviii ff.

" Procedures, see Sectional Preface, pp. ciii ff.

" Stones:
-, See Sectional Preface, p. xcviii.
-, Ancaster, (61) Trumpington, p. 294a.
-, Barnack: (13) Arbury Road coffin, pp. lxiv, 7a; (64) Barnwell Priory, pp. 299b, 300a; (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 288a; Corpus Christi, p. 55a; Emmanuel, p. 66b; (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 255b; Jesus, p. 91b; (292) Merton Hall, p. 377a; Peterhouse, p. 160b; (47) St. Andrew the Less, p. 263a; (48) St. Benet, p. 264a; (49) St. Botolph, p. 267a; (51) St. Edward, p. 271b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 275a; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 280b; (56) St. Michael, p. 284a; (58) St. Peter, p. 287b; (17) Schools Building, p. 11b; (62) Stourbridge Chapel, p. 298b; (61) Trump- ington, p. 294a.
-, Barrington Clunch: Gonville and Caius, p. 73b; Trinity, pp. 216a, 218b, 224a, 236b.
-, Bath: (19) Observatory, p. 22a; (61) Trumpington, p. 294a.
-, Beer, Winchester choir-screen, p. 304a.
-, Burwell, Trinity, p. 222a.
-, Cherry Hinton Clunch: King's, p. 99b; Trinity, p. 222a, 236b.
-, Cliffe, King's, see King's Cliffe, below.
-, Clipsham: Corpus Christi, p. 49a; King's, pp. 101a, 105a, 113a; Trinity, pp. 224a, 228b, 232b.
-, Clunch, see Barrington, Cherry Hinton, Eversden and Reach.
-, Collyweston Stone Slates: Clare, p. 37b; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 280b.
-, Devonshire Granite, (19) Observatory, p. 22a.
-, Eversden Clunch: (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 275a; Trinity, pp. 216a, 224a.
-, Fifeshire, King's (bridge), p. 136b.
-, Flint (early use of, in churches): (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 288a; (60) Chesterton, p. 290b; (45) Holy Trinity, p. 257b; (49) St. Botolph, p. 267a; (58) St. Peter, p. 287b; (62) Stourbridge Chapel, p. 298b; (61) Trumpington, p. 294a.
-, Hampole, King's, pp. 105a, 113b.
-, Hasilborough, King's, p. 101a.
-, Haslingfield, Gonville and Caius, p. 73b.
-, Huddleston, King's, pp. 99b, 105a.
-, Ketton: (305) Chesterton Tower, p. 381b; Christ's, pp. 25b, 27a, 28b, 35a; Clare, pp. 37b, 46b; Corpus Christi, pp. 49a, 51b, 53b; (291) Croft Lodge, p. 376b; Downing, p. 58a; Emmanuel, pp. 64a, 66b, 69a; Jesus, pp. 84b, 87b; King's, pp. 131b, 132a, 135b; Magdalene, p. 137a; Pembroke, pp. 153a, 154b; Peter- house, pp. 159b, 161a; Queens', p. 177b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 275b; Trinity, pp. 223a, 224a, 228b, 235a, 237a, 241b, 242b, 244a; Trinity Hall, pp. 245b, 246b, 250a; (61) Trumping- ton, p. 294a; (22) University Press, p. 24b.
-, King's Cliffe: Gonville and Caius, p. 73b; King's, pp. 99b, 105a; Trinity, pp. 215b, 218b, 224a, 232b.
-, Melbourn Rock: (12) Roman structure, p. 6b; (13) tomb structure, p. 7a.
-, Northamptonshire: King's, p. 99b; St. John's, p. 194b.
-, Peterborough: King's, pp. 101a, 105a; St. John's, p. 188a.
-, Portland: (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, p. 18b; King's, p. 134b; (83) milestones, p. 310a; (19) Observatory, p. 23a; Pembroke, p. 153a; Queens', p. 177b; (17) Schools Building, pp. 11b, 12b, 17b, 18a; (16) Senate House, p. 9a; Trinity, p. 244a.
-, Reach, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 275a.
-, Rubble, Re-used: Corpus Christi (from Thorney Abbey and Barnwell Priory), p. 48b; Emmanuel (from Cambridge Castle and St. Nicholas' Hostel), p. 62a; Gonville and Caius (from Barnwell Priory and Ramsey Abbey), p. 73b; (53) St. Mary the Great (from Ramsey and Thorney) p. 275a; Trinity (from Cambridge Castle), pp. 213a, 224a, (from Franciscan Friary and Ramsey Abbey) p. 218b; (13th-century masonry), p. 232a.
-, Thevesdale (Thefdale), King's, p. 99b, 105a.
-, Weldon: Clare, p. 37b; Gonville and Caius, p. 73b; Jesus, pp. 84b, 86a; King's, pp. 101a, 103a, 105a, 112b, 113a; (53) Great St. Mary, p. 275a; St. John's, p. 200a; (62) Stourbridge Chapel, p. 298b; Trinity, p. 218b.
-, Westmorland Slates: (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 255b; (19) Observa- tory, p. 22a; (56) St. Michael, p. 284a.
-, Whitby, (17) Schools Building, p. 18a.

Bullen, Mr., flagstones from Barnwell Priory used by, p. 367b.

Bull Hotel, now part of St. Catharine's College, p. 180b.

Bullinger, Henrie, sermons by, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278b.

Burdon, William, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Burgen, Thomas, portrait of, Peterhouse, p. 160b.

-, ..., see under Glass-painters and Glaziers.
-, William, see under Architects.

Burgh, Lady Elizabeth de, daughter of Gilbert de Clare, University Hall refounded as Clare Hall by, pp. lxxv, 37b; arms of, see de Burgh in Armorial Index.

Burghley, Lord, see Cecil.

Burials, Prehistoric, Roman and Saxon:
-, Beaker Period: 'A' Beaker, Barnwell, p. xxxiv.
-, Iron Age:
-,-, Early, 'B', Newnham Croft, p. xxxv.
-,-, Belgic, skeletons suggesting massacre, p. 1b.
-, Roman: cemeteries, pp. lxiii, lxiv, 4a.
-, Saxon: cemeteries, p. xxxix; secondary burials, pp. 1a, 4a.

Burial-vault, early 19th-century, Downing, p. 58b.

Burleigh, James: 1828, and Sarah his wife, 1824, monument of, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a; salts given to Corporation by, p. 311a; Doll's Close (266) sold by, p. 363b; (268) Burleigh House owned by, p. 366a; site of Brooklands (281) sold by, p. 372b.

Burleigh House, Newmarket Road (268), p. 366a.

" Street (278), p. 370b.

Burman, Thomas, see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Burne-Jones, Edward, see under Artists.

Burney, Richard, 1845, floor-slab, Christ's, p. 31a.

Burning Bush, representation of (glass), King's, p. 118b.

-, John, 1805, monument of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.
-, Peter, statue presented by, (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, p. 22a.

Burrough, Sir James, Master of Gonville and Caius College: 176[4], floor-slab, p. 76b; arms of, see Armorial Index. See also under Architects.

Burrows, Thomas, 1767, Alice his wife, 1757, and Elizabeth their daughter, 1825, floor-slab, (56) St. Michael, p. 286a.

-, Dr., plans for Magdalene prepared for, p. 139a.
-, Samuel: 1712, floor-slab, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Bury, Richard de, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

Bury St. Edmunds Foundry, see under Bellfounders.

Busts, see under Carvings, Wood, and Sculpture in Stone.

Butcher, Joseph, 1814, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a, floor-slab, p. 262b.

Butcher's Close, Newnham, p. 375b.

Butler or Buttler:
-, Jacob, 1765, and Rose (Clark) his wife, 1778, monument of, (47) St. Andrew the Less, p. 263b.
-, Montague, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Samuel, Bp. of Lichfield, arms of, see p. 194a and Armorial Index.
-, Timothy, see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.
-, William: 1617–18, monument with effigy of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, William, 1745, and Joan his wife, 1744, headstone of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b.

Butterfield, William, see under Architects.

Butterley Iron Company, contract to build Garret Hostel Bridge, p. 309a.

Buttetourte, Roger de, town house of, p. xlix.

Buxton, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

Byfield, George, see under Architects.

Byrchold, John, Sergeant plumber, advises at King's College chapel, p. 101b.

Byron, Lord, seated marble figure of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Cadaver, see under Effigies.

Caesar, Julius, bust of, Trinity, p. 240b.

Cage, Sir Anthony, timber given to Jesus College by, p. 86a.

Cain and Abel, representation of (glass), King's, p. 120b.

Caius, Dr. John: student of Buckingham College 1529–33, p. 137a; Master of Gonville and Caius 1559–73, p. 73a; architectural individuality of, p. 73b; Caius Court built by, pp. 73b, 81b; Gates of Humility, Virtue and Honour designed by, pp. 73b, 78b, 80b; Sacred Tower built by, p. 74b; Gate of Honour built after death of, pp. 73b, 78a; 1575, monument of, pp. 74a, 76a; alterations at Trinity Hall recorded by, p. 245b; arms of, see Armorial Index. See also p. lii and Sectional Preface, pp. lxxiii, lxxxiii, lxxxvii, cxvi.

Caley, Arthur, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Cam, River: Roman fortification possibly to guard crossing of, p. 8a; relief representing Father Cam, Old Bridge, St. John's, p. 200a.

-, Prince George of, foundation stone of Master's Lodge, Magdalene College, laid by, p. 138b.
-, Sir John de, properties of, occupied by Gonville Hall, p. 73a.

Cambridge City:
-, Arms of, see Civic and Academic Arms in Armorial Index.
-, Authorities and select Bibliography for, see Sectional Preface, pp. lviii, cxxviii, and footnotes to Sectional Preface.
-, Roman name for, see Sectional Preface, p. lxv.
-, Development of: see Growth of the City, pp. xxxiii ff; Town 'en- closed' in 1215, p. 307a; survival of mediaeval town houses, p. 337b; 17th-century overcrowding in, p. 343a; see also Barnwell area, Castle Hill area, New Town area.

Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Barnwell Priory owned by, p. 299b.

" Architectural Society, church of (47) St. Andrew the Less restored by, p. 263a.

" Camden Society: see Sectional Preface, p. lxix; font presented by, (51) St. Edward, p. 273b; restoration of Holy Sepulchre church by (44), p. 256a.

" Castle: (77), pp. 304a–306b; carved stones from, p. 306b; rubble from, re-used, pp. 17a, 62a, 213a, 224a.

" Chimes, composed by Dr. Crotch, p. cvii.

" Chronicle, local newspaper begun 1762, see Sectional Preface, p. cxxix.

" Corporation, Stourbridge Chapel (62) and lands leased to, p. 298b.

" Folk Museum: (214), p. 346b; Abbey House (270) given to, p. 366b.

" New River, see Aqueducts and Conduits.

" Nursery, see Old Nurseries (268).

" Preservation Society, Stourbridge Chapel (62) owned by, p. 298b.

" University of, arms of, see Civic and Academic Arms in Armorial Index. For other references see individual buildings; also Sectional Preface, pp. lxxii ff.

" Victoria Friendly Society, almshouses (96) erected by, p. 317a.

Camden, Earl and Marquess, see Pratt.

Camden House, Park Terrace (260), pp. 360a–361a.

Campbell, Colen, see under Architects.

-, See Sectional Preface, p. cviii, and also Brasswork, Miscel- laneous under Ironwork, and Sconces.
-, 18th-century, Emmanuel (glass), p. 65b.
-, 19th-century, Trinity (crystal and ormolu), p. 229a.

Candle, 14th-century (wax, painted and gilt), Jesus, pp. cviii, 84b, 90b, 91a.

Candlesticks, see under Brasswork, and Pewter under Plate.

Canfield Park, timber from, used at King's Chapel, p. 101b.

Canning, Sir Stratford, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Cannons (Middlesex), statue purchased at sale at, (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, p. 22a.

Canon Law School, in (17) Schools Building in 15th century, p. 12a.

Canons Regular, House of, see under Religious Foundations.

Canterbury, John, see Clerks-of-Works under Craftsmen.

Canterbury Cathedral, Angel Tower detail compared with Trinity Great Gate, pp. lxix, 211a.

Capra, Villa, Wren's scheme at Trinity reminiscent of, p. 213b.

Capsey, name inscribed on pewter plates, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280b.

Car Dyke, see Sectional Preface, pp. xxxvii, lxv.

Cardinal's Hat, see Inns.

Carew, Isaac, 1742, floor-slab, Queens', p. 170b.

Carey, see Cary.

Carlisle, Frederick Howard, 5th Earl of, painting given by, King's, p. 128a.

Carmelite Friars, see under Religious Foundations.

Caröe, W. D., see under Architects.

Carow, Frances, chest given by, (43) Christ Church, p. 255b.

Carpenter, R. H., see under Architects.

Carre, Professor Nicholas: 1568, Catherine his daughter, and William James, monument of, erected by Catherine, (52) St. Giles, p. 275a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Carrington, Thomas, 1820, Charity of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 261b.

-, ..., see Glass-painters and Glaziers.
-, ..., see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.
-, Francis, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.
-, John, 1706, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.
-, " 1825, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.
-, " see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.
-, T.J.P., defaced brass recorded by, King's, p. 116a.

Carved Stonework, Capitals, etc., not in situ:
-, Pre-Conquest: (54) St. Mary the Less, pp. 280b, 283b; (77) Castle, pp. xli, lxvii, cxv, 306b.
-, 11th-century, (52) St. Giles (reset chancel-arch), p. 274b.
-, 12th-century: (46) St. Andrew the Great (capitals), p. 260b; (49) St. Botolph, pp. 267b, 268a, 269b; (52) St. Giles (reset doorway), p. 274b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 275b; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 282a.
-, 13th-century: (60) Chesterton, p. 294a; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a.
-, Mediaeval: Pembroke, p. 156b; from Barnwell Priory, (270) Abbey House, p. 368a; (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260b; (58) St. Peter, p. 288a.
-, 16th-century, Christ's, p. 37a.
-, 16th or 17th-century, (48) St. Benet, p. 266b.
-, 17th-century, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260b.

Carvings, Wood:
-, See also Images.
-, Brackets: 17th-century, No. 25 Magdalene Street (205), p. 343b.
-, Busts: 17th-century, Trinity (by Gibbons), p. 241a.
-, Figures:
-,-, 15th-century, (60) Chesterton (bench-end), p. 294a.
-,-, c. 1500: (59) Cherry Hinton (bench-end), p. 290b; Jesus (stalls), p. 90b.
-,-, 16th-century, King's (stalls), p. 130a, b.
-,-, 17th-century: King's (organ), pp. 127b, 128a; Peterhouse (gallery), p. 159a; St. John's (stalls), p. 192a.
-,-, 19th-century, Jesus (bench-ends and screen), p. 90b.
-, Miscellaneous:
-,-, 15th-century, Peterhouse (Pietà, French), p. 158b.
-,-, c. 1500: Emmanuel (sill from God's House), pp. cxxviii, 70a–b; Jesus (Alcock's woodwork), pp. 84b, 94b, 97b; (49) St. Botolph (Dutch or N. German), p. 269b.
-,-, 16th-century, Corpus Christi (roundels), p. 57b.
-,-, Post-mediaeval, Jesus (cock on crown), p. 97a.
-,-, 17th-century: Pembroke (former screen), p. 155a; (48) St. Benet, p. 266b.
-,-, Late 17th or early 18th-century, (55) St. Matthew (angels etc., from organ), pp. 283b, 284a.
-,-, 19th-century: Corpus Christi (pelican-in-piety), p. 56b; Jesus (Portuguese panel), p. 86a.

Cary or Carey:
-, John. 2nd Viscount Rochford, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Lucius, Viscount Falkland, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Valentine, Bp. of Exeter, Gothic style for St. John's library approved by, p. 196b.
-, Rev. William, chair used at Serampore by, (66) St. Andrew's Street Chapel, p. 300b.

-, Lynford, 1781, floor-slabs, Jesus, p. 90a.
-, Susanna Maria, wife of Lynford, 1775, floor-slab, Jesus, p. 90a.

Case, John, see Middleton, Sarah.

Caspar, relief representing, on gallery, King's, p. 129b.

Cass, Christopher, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under. Craftsmen.

Castle, Edmund, Dean of Hereford, Master of Corpus Christi College, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Castle, Cambridge, see Cambridge Castle.

" Hill area, (214)–(215), pp. 346a–347b.

" Street: terrace of small houses in, p. 346b; No. 83 (215), p. 347a.

Catelyn, Laurence, 1680, inscription on brass to, Queens', p. 170b.

Catharine or Catherine, St.: St. Catharine's College dedicated to, p. 179a; wheels of, (28) Fitzwilliam House, p. 72a, St. Catharine's, p. 186b; representations of, King's p. 106b; Queens' (glass), p. 170b.

Catherine of Aragon, badge of, King's (glass), p. 125b.

Catterns, Joseph, see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Catton, Thomas, 1838, wall-tablet, St. John's, p. 191b.

Causeway Passage, (267), p. 365b.

Causeways, see under Earthworks and Allied Structures.

Cautley, Thomas, 1835, floor-slab, Jesus, p. 90a.

Cave, Robert, graffiti by, Magdalene, p. 145a.

-, William, Duke of Newcastle, statue given to St. John's by, p. 196a.
-, William Spencer, Duke of Devonshire, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Cavendish Laboratories, archway from site of Botanic Garden, p. 23b.

-, Mildred, Lady Burghley, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, William, Lord Burghley, letter from Dr. Perne to, p. 307b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Cecilia, St., representation of, Queens' (glass), p. 170b.

Ceilings (Plaster, Panelled and Open Timber):
-, See also Sectional Preface, p. cxxii, and Roofs.
-, In Colleges:
-,-, Plaster: c. 1600, St. John's, pp. 188a, 194b. 17th-century: Clare, p. 42b; Emmanuel, p. 65a; Pembroke, pp. 149a, 151b, 153b; St. Catharine's, p. 181a; Trinity, p. 231a, (destroyed) pp. 232b–233a, 235b, 236a, 238b, 239a. 18th-century: Clare, pp. 45b, 46a; Emmanuel, p. 67b; Gonville and Caius, p. 78a; St. Catharine's, pp. 182b–183a; Sidney Sussex, p. 206a; Trinity, p. 229a; Trinity Hall, pp. 246a, b, 248b, 250a. 19th-century: Corpus Christi, p. 53a, b; Downing, p. 59a; King's, p. 136b; Queens', p. 170a; St. John's, p. 201b; Trinity, pp. 223b, 236b, 243a, b.
-,-, Open timber: 15th-century: Gonville and Caius, p. 77b; Magdalene, pp. 144b, 145a; Queens', pp. 171b, 173b; Trinity (stencilled), pp. 218a, b, 234b. c. 1500: Jesus, p. 95b, (stencilled), p. 97a, b; Trinity Hall, p. 252a. 16th-century: Christ's, pp. 27b, 29a, b; Jesus, p. 85b; St. John's, pp. 189b, 193b, 200b. c. 1600, Peterhouse, p. 164b.
-,-, Panelled: 16th-century, St. John's, p. 193a. 17th-century: Gonville and Caius (painted), p. 74b; Peter- house (painted), p. 158a; St. John's, p. 197a. 19th-century: Queens', p. 170a; Trinity, p. 219a.
-, In Houses:
-,-, Plaster: 17th-century, No. 5 Market Hill (150), p. 328b. 18th-century: Anstey Hall, Trumpington (325), p. 388a; Wanstead House (279), p. 371b.
-,-, Timber: 16th-century: No. 4 Market Hill (149), p. 328a.
-, In University Buildings:
-,-, Plaster: c. 1600, Regent House, Schools Building (17), pp. 12b, 14b. 18th-century: Schools Building (17), p. 14a; Senate House (16), p. 11a. 19th-century: Fitzwilliam Museum (18), pp. 20b–21a, b; Schools Building (17), p. 18b.

Cemeteries: for Roman and Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries see p. xxxix and Sectional Preface, p. lxiii; Cambridge General (74), p. 302b; Mill Road (75), p. 303a; see also Burials.

Centaur, representation of (glass), King's, p. 126b.

Central Hotel (146), p. 327a–b; see also 'Three Tuns' under Inns.

-, Lawrence, 1st Master of Emmanuel, 1640, floor-slab, Emmanuel, p. 65b.
-, William, Bp. of Lincoln, President of Queens' College, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Chafy: William, Master of Sidney Sussex College: chapel remodelled by, p. 204a; 1843, and Maria his wife, 1831, wall-tablet to, p. 208a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Chairs, see under Seating.

Chamberlaine, Sir George, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Chancery, Master in, concerned with selection of architect for Downing, p. 58b.

Chantrey, Sir Francis, see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Chantry Chapels, see also Sectional Preface, pp. lxxviii, cxv: Christ's, p. 29a; King's, pp. 99b, 113a, 116a; St. John's, pp. 187b, 192a; (54) St. Mary the Less, pp. 281a, 282b.

Chapel Street Church Hall (68), p. 301a.

Chaplin, Rev. Theophilus, 1667, headstone, (48) St. Benet, p. 266b.

-, Andrew, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.
-, See Pack under Bellfounders.

Chappelow, Professor Leonard, 1768, and Mary his widow, 1779, brass of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 261b.

-, Albion, monument to George Chare set up by, Trinity, p. 220a.
-, George: 1676–77, floor-slab, Trinity, p. 221a, wall-monument, p. 220a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Charles I, King: statue of, as Prince of Wales, Trinity, pp. 215b, 217a; coins of (glass), p. 126a; bronze figure of, at Winchester, p. 303b; model of (16) Senate House presented to, p. 9b; painting repre- senting, (56) St. Michael, p. cxix, p. 286a; arms of, see Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

Charles II, King, arms of, see Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

Cheke, Sir John, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Cherry Hinton: Church of St. Andrew (59), p. 288a; Hall (296), p. 379b; houses in (296)–(304), pp. 379b–381b; lime from, used at Gonville and Caius, p. 73b.

Chesterford (Essex), timber for Trinity Great Gate from, p. 215b.

Chesterton: Church of St. Andrew (60), p. 290b, church given to St. Andrew Vercelli, pp. 290b, 381b; Hall (309), p. 383b; House (310), p. 384a; houses in (305)–(323), pp. 381b–386b; Tower (305), pp. lxviii, xc, 381b–382b.

" Road, houses in (217)–(218), p. 348a, b.

Chests, see under Furniture and Sectional Preface, p. cviii.

-, Dr. John, Combination Room at Trinity Hall fitted by, p. 251a, painting given by, p. 250a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Knightly, Dean of Gloucester, Flemish painting bought by, p. 250a.

Chevallier, John, 1789, floor-slab, St. John's, p. 191b.

Chewte, Philip, Stourbridge Chapel (62) and lands granted to, p. 298b.

Child, Sir Richard, Bt., Wanstead House, Essex, built for, p. 371b.

Childe, John, bell given to Christ's by, p. 29b.

Chinnery, Sir Brodrick, Bt., 1840, and Diana Elizabeth his wife, 1824, monument of, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b, floor-slab, p. 293b.

Christ: bells dedicated to: (60) Chesterton, p. 293a; (51) St. Edward, p. 273b. Church dedicated to (43), p. 255a.
-, Figures of: (45) Holy Trinity (glass), p. 259b; King's (as child, glass), p. 118b; King's (organ), p. 127b; St. John's (painting, fragment), p. 191b; Trinity Hall (Majesty, brass), p. 248b. See also below.
-, Five Wounds of: represented on roof boss, (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257a; King's (painting), p. 128a.
-, Head of: King's (glass), p. 125a; Pembroke (tapestry), p. 154b.
-, Instruments of the Passion, representations of: King's (glass), p. 126b; (53) St. Mary the Great (nave roof), p. 278a, (tower), p. 278a; (56) St. Michael (painting), p. 286a.
-, Scenes from the Life and Passion of (glass unless otherwise stated): Nativity: Corpus Christi, pp. 50b, 51a; King's, p. 118b; Sidney Sussex (painting), pp. 204a, 208a. Angel Appearing to the Shepherds: King's, p. 118b. Adoration of the Shepherds: (56) St. Michael (painting), p. 286a. Adoration of the Magi: Jesus, p. 83b; King's, p. 119a; (52) St. Giles (painting), p. 275a. Circumcision, King's, p. 118b. Presentation in the Temple: Jesus (painting), p. 90a; King's, p. 119a; Trinity Hall (painting), p. 250a. Flight into Egypt, King's, p. 119a. Massacre of the Innocents, King's, p. 119b. Among the Doctors, Jesus, p. 83b. Baptism: (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257b; King's, p. 119b. Temptation, King's, p. 119b. Raising of Lazarus, King's, p. 120a. Parable of Good Samaritan, St. Catharine's, p. 182b. Parable of the Prodigal Son: Emmanuel (painting), p. 66a; King's, p. 122b. Anointing by St. Mary Magdalene, Magda- lene, p. 141a. Entry into Jerusalem, King's, p. 120a. Last Supper: Jesus, p. 89b, (painting), p. 90a; King's, p. 120a. Washing Disciples' Feet, Peterhouse, p. 160a. Agony in the Garden: Jesus, p. 89b; King's, p. 120a. Betrayal: Jesus, p. 89b; King's, p. 120b; Queens' (painting), p. 170b; (49) St. Botolph (relief), p. 269b. Before Annas, King's, p. 120b. Scourging: Corpus Christi, p. 50b; Jesus, p. 89b; King's, p. 120b. Crowning with Thorns: Corpus Christi, p. 50b; King's, p. 121a. Ecce Homo: Corpus Christi, pp. 50b, 51a; King's, p. 121a. Before Herod: Jesus, p. 89b; King's, p. 120b. Mocking: Jesus, p. 89b; King's, pp. 120b, 125a. Pilate Washing His Hands: Jesus, p. 89b; King's, p. 121a. Bearing the Cross: Jesus, p. 89b; King's, p. 121a. Nailing to the Cross, King's, p. 121a. Crucifixion: Corpus Christi (relief on bell), p. 50b, (wall-painting), p. 54b; Jesus, p. 89b; King's, pp. 116a (indent), 121a; Peterhouse, p. 158b; (49) St. Botolph (painting), p. 269a; (52) St. Giles (painting on copper), p. 275a. Deposition: Jesus, p. 89b; King's, p. 121a, (painting), pp. 115b, 128a; Magdalene, p. 141a. Pietà: King's, p. 121b; Peterhouse (carving), p. 158b; St. John's (painting), p. 191b; Trinity (painting), p. 222a. Entombment: (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257b; Jesus, p. 89b; King's, p. 121b; Pembroke (painting), p. 154a. Harrowing of Hell, King's, p. 121b. Resurrection: (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257b; King's, p. 121b; Queens' (painting), p. 170b. Maries at the Sepulchre: Jesus, p. 89b; King's, p. 122a; Magdalene, p. 141a, (relief), p. 141b. Appearing to His Mother, King's, p. 121b. Appearing to St. Mary Magdalene: Corpus Christi, p. 53a; King's, p. 122a; Magdalene, p. 141a. Road to Emmaus, King's, p. 122a. Supper at Emmaus, King's, p. 122a. Appearing to the Apostles: King's, p. 122b; Queens' (painting), p. 170b. Incredulity of St. Thomas, King's, p. 122b. Ascension: King's, p. 122b; Trinity (painting), p. 222a. Pentecost, King's, p. 122b.

Christ Church (43), p. 255a.

Christchurch Street (278), p. 370b.

Christian, Capt. Edward, and Dorothy Christian, see Law, Mary.

Christie, Elizabeth Theodora (Claydon), 1829, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254a.

Christ's College, pp 25a–37b; Butteries, p. 32b; Chapel, pp. 26a, 28a– 32a; Entrance Court, pp. 27a–35a; Fellows' Building, pp. 26b, 27a, 35a; Foundress' buildings, pp. 25b, 26a; Gatehouse, p. 26a; God's House incorporated in, p. 25b; Hall, pp. 26a, 32a, 36b; Hobson St., No. 18 incorporated in, p. 37b; Master's Lodge, pp. 26a, 33a–34a; Second Court, pp. 35a–36b; panelling at Peterhouse compared with that in, p. 163a; woodwork at St. Catharine's to resemble that at, p. 180a. See also College Buildings in Sectional Preface, pp. lxxvi ff.

Christ's Piece, houses near, (263)–(265), pp. 361b–363a.

Christopher, St., representation of, King's (glass), p. 126a, b, (frag- ments), p. 125a.

Churches and Chapels:
-, See also Parish Churches in Sectional Preface, pp. lxvi ff., and College Chapels, pp. lxxviii ff., lxxxvii, Chantry-chapels, Dedications and Nonconformist Chapels.
-, In City:
-,-, Dating from the 11th Century, (48) St. Benet, p. 263b.
-,-, Dating from the 12th Century: (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 255b; (45) Holy Trinity, p. 257b; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 280b; (62) Stourbridge Chapel, p. 298b.
-,-, Dating from c. 1200, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 288a.
-,-, Dating from the 13th Century: (60) Chesterton, p. 290b; (47) St. Andrew the Less, p. 263a; (50) St. Clement, p. 269b; (51) St. Edward, p. 271b; (61) Trumpington, p. 294a.
-,-, Dating from the 14th Century: (49) St. Botolph, p. 266b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 275a; (56) St. Michael, p. 284a; (58) St. Peter, p. 287a.
-,-, Dating from first Half of the 19th Century: (43) Christ Church, p. 255a; (74) General Cemetery, Mortuary Chapel, p. 302b; (75) Mill Road Cemetery, Mortuary Chapel (former), p. 303a; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 260b; (57) St Paul, p. 286b.
-,-, Rebuilt: (42) All Saints, p. 254a; (52) St. Giles, p. 274b.
-, In Colleges:
-,-, Dating from the 12th Century, Jesus, p. 86b.
-,-, Dating from the 13th Century, St. John's (foundations only), p. 187b.
-,-, Dating from the 14th Century: Gonville and Caius, p. 74a; Pembroke (now Old Library), p. 147b; Trinity Hall, p. 248a.
-,-, Dating from the 15th Century: King's, p. 99a, 105a; Magdalene, p. 140b; Queens' (now War Memorial Library), p. 169a.
-,-, Dating from the 16th Century: Christ's, p. 28b; Clare, p. 45a; Emmanuel (now dining hall), pp. 62a, 70a; Trinity, p. 218b.
-,-, Dating from the 17th Century: Emmanuel, p. 64b; Pembroke, p. 153a; Peterhouse, p. 157b; St. Catharine's, p. 181a.
-,-, Dating from the 18th Century, Sidney Sussex, p. 203b.
-,-, Dating from the 19th Century: Corpus Christi, p. 49b; Queens', p. 168a; St. John's, p. 190b.
-,-, Dating from the 20th Century, Downing, p. 58b.

Churchill, John, Marquess of Blandford, 1702–3, table-tomb, King's, p. 127a.

Cibber, Gabriel, see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Cicero, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Cipriani, Giovanni Battista, see under Artists.

City Road, Barnwell (278), p. 370b.

Civil Law School, in 15th century housed in (17) Schools Building, p. 12a.

Clabbon, James, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Clack, John, 1746, Mary his wife, 1757, and William Steers, 1802, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280a.

Clapham, William, 1766, and Jane his wife, 1779, monument of, (60) Chesterton, p. 293a.

-, Gilbert de, father of Lady Elizabeth de Burgh, Clare, p. 37b.
-, Gilbert de, brother of Lady Elizabeth de Burgh, Clare, p. 37b.

Clare College: pp. 37b–48b; formerly University Hall, p. 37b; early buildings demolished, p. 38a; 17th-century drawing of, p. 48a; similarity with Grumbold's work at Christ's, p. 35a; Bridge, pp. 38a, b, 46b–47b; Chapel, pp. 38b, 45a–46b; Combination Room, pp. 41b, 43a; Entrance Gates, p. 47b; Hall, pp. 41b–42a; Library, pp. 42a, 43a, b; Master's Lodge, pp. 38a, 43b, 44a, b; traces of former arcade, pp. 44b, 45a. See also College Buildings in Sectional Preface, pp. lxxvi ff.

" Hall: p. 37b; St. Edward's church used as chapel by (51), p. 271b, 272b.

-, George, Duke of, arms of, see Royal Arms in Armorial Index.
-, Lionel, Duke of, arms of, see Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

Clarendon House (destroyed), p. 362a.

Clark, Clarke, Clerk or Clerke:
-, ..., see Plasterers under Craftsmen.
-, Dobson, view of Ely cathedral scratched on lead of tower-roof by, 1731, (61) Trumpington, p. 298a.
-, Edward, 1726–7, floor-slab, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a.
-, Edward Daniel: 1822, floor-slabs, Jesus, p. 90a; wall-monument, (erected 1825), Jesus, p. 89b.
-, Sir Francis: scholarships founded by, Sidney Sussex, p. 203b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, John, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.
-, John, 1673, monument of, (47) St. Andrew the Less, p. 263b.
-, John Willis, Scroope House (241) leased by father of, p. 355b.
-, Rose, see Butler, Jacob.
-, Simon, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.
-, William, 1882, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.
-, William George, 1879, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Clay, Judith, 1664, monument of, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.

Clay Farm, Trumpington (338), p. 391b.

-, Anne Theodora, 1833, wife of Charles Claydon, monument of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279a.
-, Charles: 1809, and Hannah his wife, 1796, memorial inscription to, (45) Holy Trinity (glass), p. 259b; monument of, p. 260a.

-, and Bell, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.
-, Dr. Richard, Master of St. John's 1595–1612, Second Court begun by, p. 187b.
-, Thoday and, see Thoday under Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Clement, St., church dedicated to, see under Dedications.

Clement, St., church of (50), p. 269b.

Clement, William, clock of 1671 made by, (52) St. Giles, p. 275a.

Cleophas, representation of, Corpus Christi (glass), p. 51a.

Clerk or Clerke, see Clark above.

Cleve, Elizabeth, widow of Robert Cleve, bequest to Gonville Hall by, p. 73a.

Cleves, Anne of, arms of, see Cleves in Armorial Index.

Clive, Hon. Robert Henry, painting presented to St. John's by, p. 191b.

Clobery, Dr. Robert Glynn, 1800, wall-tablet to, King's, p. 127a.

-, 17th-century: Emmanuel (possibly late 17th century), p. 65b; (52) St. Giles (now in Science Museum, London), p. 275a; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278b.
-, 18th-century: Christ's (wall-clock), p. 29b; Clare, p. 40b; Trinity, p. 222a.
-, 19th-century, (57) St. Paul, p. 287a.

Clopton, John, graffitus of, Magdalene, p. 145a.

Close, Nicholas, work on King's chapel supervised by, p. 101a.

Clyff, Thomas, see Clerks-of-the-Works under Craftsmen.

Coach and Horses, see Inns.

Coach-houses, see Stables and, under Outbuildings.

-, C. R., see under Architects.
-, S. Pepys, see under Architects.

Coe, William, 1831, Ann his wife, 1821, and Peter and Ann Wedd their son-in-law and daughter, 1823 and 1849, monument of, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b, floor-slab, p. 285b.

Coffins and Coffin-lids:
-, See Sectional Preface, p. cix, and also under Roman.
-, c. 1200, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b.
-, 13th-century: (64) Barnwell Priory, p. 300b; Jesus, p. 89a; (47) St. Andrew the Less, p. 263b; (48) St. Benet, p. 266a.
-, Late 13th or Early 14th-century: (60) Chesterton, p. 293a; Jesus (fragments), p. 89a; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 282b; (61) Trump- ington, p. 296b.
-, Undated, (54) St. Mary the Less (with later brass indent), p. 282b.

Coffin-stools, 17th-century: Emmanuel, p. 65b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 261b; (48) St. Benet, p. 266a; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278b.

Coke, Sir Edward, 1757, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Cole, Rev. William: glass formerly belonging to, Emmanuel, p. 71a; glass given by, Magdalene, p. 143a; tower of St. Clement's church built from bequest of (50), p. 269b; inscriptions referring to, pp. 270b, 271b; weather-vane from Peterhouse preserved by, (58) St. Peter, p. 288a; 1782 monument of, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a. See also Sectional Preface, p. cxxviii and p. 191b.

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Coles, John Daniel Hamilton, 1835, monument of, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.

Colleges and Halls: See Sectional Preface, on Building Procedure, p. ciii, on Origins and Development, pp. lxxii, lxxvi. Bucking- ham see Magdalene. Christ's, p. 25a; Clare, p. 37b; Corpus Christi, p. 48a; Downing, p. 58a; Emmanuel, p. 61b; Fitz- william House, p. 71b; Gonville and Caius, p. 72b; Jesus, p. 81b; King's, p. 98b; King's Hall, p. 209a, b; Magdalene, p. 137a; Michael House, p. 209a, b; Pembroke, p. 147a; Peterhouse, p. 156b; Queens', p. 167b; St. Bernard's, see Queens'; St. Catharine's, p. 179a; St. John's, p. 187a; St. Nicholas, see King's; Selwyn, p. 202b; Sidney Sussex, p. 203a; Trinity, p. 209a; Trinity Hall, p. 245a; Valence Marie, see Pembroke.

Collier, William, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Collin's Buildings, Castle Hill area, p. 346b.

-, John, 1618, monument with bust of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a.
-, Samuel, 1651, wall-tablet, King's, p. 127b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, William, see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Colman, William, 1794, floor-slab, Corpus Christi, p. 50b.

Coltman, Sir Thomas, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Comberton, John, graffitus of, Magdalene, p. 145a.

-, Dorothy, wife of Richard Comings, 1800 (?), floor-slab, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a.
-, Dorothy Antrobus, 1797, Richard, 1799, and Thomas, 1807, floor- slab, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a.
-, William, 176., and Fowler and Robert Comings, infants, 1779, floor-slab, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.

Commandments, The Ten: (44) Holy Sepulchre (glass), p. 257a, (panels), p. 257b; (49) St. Botolph (panels), p. 269b.

Commencement House, see (16) Senate House.

Communion Rails:
-, See Sectional Preface, p. cix.
-, 17th-century: (60) Chesterton, p. 293a; Emmanuel, p. 65b; Pembroke, p. 154a.
-, 18th-century: Christ's, p. 29b; Gonville and Caius (re-used), p. 76a; Peterhouse, p. 158a; St. Catharine's, p. 181b; (52) St. Giles (formerly at Rotterdam), p. 275a; Trinity, p. 219b.
-, 19th-century, (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257a.
-, Modern but Incorporating Old Material, (48) St. Benet, p. 266a.
-, Modern, Kings', p. 115b.

Communion Tables:
-, See Sectional Preface, p. cix.
-, 16th-century, Corpus Christi, p. 50b.
-, c. 1600, Trinity Hall, p. 249b.
-, 17th-century: Christ's, p. 29b; Emmanuel, p. 65b; King's, p. 116b; (55) St. Matthew, p. 283b; (61) Trumpington, p. 296b.
-, 19th-century: (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257a; Jesus, p. 89a.

-, Charles, Lord, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Mary, see Gooch.

Conant, Samuel, 1706, monument of, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Conduits, see Aqueducts.

Consecration Crosses, see under Crosses.

Conservatory, early 19th-century, Corpus Christi, p. 51b.

Consistory Court: (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 277b; Chancellor's throne, p. 280b.

-, John Charles, son of the painter John Constable: 1841, brass of, Jesus, p. 89a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Sir Marmaduke, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, W. H., see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Cook or Cooke:
-, Elizabeth, 1841, Charity of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 261b.
-, Capt. James, R.N.: 1779, Nathaniel, 1780, Hugh, 1793, Cdr. James, R.N., 1794, Elizabeth, 1771, Joseph, 1768, George, 1772, and Elizabeth, 1835, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a; floor-slab of Hugh, James and Elizabeth, p. 262b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Rev. Joseph, 1825, wall-tablet, Christ's, p. 31a.
-, Mildred, Lady Burleigh, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Dr. Richard, stand-patens given by, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a.
-, Richard Nethercoat, 1819, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.
-, William, 1707, floor-slab, Jesus, p. 90a.
-, William, 1797, wall-tablet, King's, p. 127a.

Cooks, Joseph, 1796, and Mary his wife, 1791, monument of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279a.

Coolege, see Brickmakers and Bricklayers under Craftsmen.

-, C. H., F.S.A., (223) 32 Jesus Lane the home of, p. 350b.
-, Thomas, 1740–1, floor-slab, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.

Copleston, John, 1689, floor-slab, King's, p. 127b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Copley, John Singleton, Lord Lyndhurst, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Corker, William, 1702, floor-slab, Trinity, p. 221a.

Coronation Dinner, 1838, houses shown in lithograph of, pp. cxxix, 359b, 360b.

" Street, New Town (285), p. 374a, b.

Cornwall, Henry: 1699, and Susanna (Cornwall) wife of John Baines, 1700, monuments of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Corpus Christi College: pp. 48a–58a; earliest surviving enclosed court in University, p. 49a; St. Benet's church (48) used as chapel of, pp. 48a–b, 264a–b; rubble from Barnwell Priory used in, pp. 48b, 299b. Butler Library, p. 49a; Chapel (1824), p. 49a; Gate and Gatehouse (19th-century), p. 49a–b; Gateway and Gallery connecting with St. Benet's church (48), pp. 48b, 49a, 54a, 57a–b, 264b; Hall, pp. 51b–53a; old Hall (now Kitchen), pp. 49a, 57a; Library, pp. 49a, 53b; Master's Gallery (destroyed), p. 48b; old Master's Lodge, pp. 48b, 56b, 57a; Master's Lodge, p. 49a, b; New Court, pp. 48b–49b; Old Court, pp. 48a, b, 53b–57b. See also College Buildings in Sectional Preface, pp. lxxvi ff.

-, J. A., see under Architects.
-, Robert Towerson: 1835, floor-slab, Emmanuel, p. 65b; 1835, wall- tablet, p. 65b.

Cosin, Dr. John, Bp. of Durham, Master of Peterhouse: funds for Senate House promised by, p. 9b; 'model' presented to Charles I by, p. 9b; his work at Peterhouse, p. 157a; portrait of, Peter- house, p. 160b; arms of, see Armorial Index. See also Sectional Preface, pp. lvi, lxxv, lxxix.

Cosyn, Thomas, Master of Corpus Christi, his gallery and additions to St. Benet's church (48) for use as College chapel, pp. 48b, 54a, 264b.

Cotes, Roger, Lucasian Professor: 1758, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a; 1716, wall-tablet, Trinity, p. 220a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Cotman, John Sell, sketch of Stourbridge Chapel (62) by, p. 299a.

-, ..., see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.
-, Ann, widow of George, see Barrowe, Dr. Isack.
-, Sir Robert, Bt., 1757, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Cotton Hall, Kenmare House (237) on site of, p. 354a.

Coulcher, Susannah, wife of the Rev. George, 1842, monument of, (48) St. Benet, p. 266a.

Couldsbury, Maria Elizabeth, 1841, and Charlotte Elizabeth Mill, 1843, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b.

Courthope, Peter: 1695, floor-slab, Trinity, p. 221a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Court House (demolished), on site of Castle gatehouse, p. 304b.

Covel or Covell:
-, John, Master of Christ's: bell given by, Christ's, p. 29b; cupola and clock given by, p. 28b; 1722, floor-slab, p. 31a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Lewis, paten given in memory of his daughter Joan by, (50) St. Clement, p. 271b.

Coverley, Clemency (Robinson), wife of John Coverley, 1790, and John Coverley, 1811, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.

Covington, Richard, 1606, name inscribed on bell, (60) Chesterton, p. 293a.

Cowell, John, Master of Trinity Hall: 1611, brass of, Trinity Hall, p. 248b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Cox, Richard, Bp. of Ely, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Cox and Sons, see under Brassfounders.

-, See Sectional Preface, Building Procedure, p. ciii ff.
-, Brickmakers and Bricklayers:
-,-, See also Masons, Builders and Contractors, below.
-,-, Allenby, William, Pembroke, p. 148a.
-,-, Archer, of London, St. Catharine's, p. 181a.
-,-, Barker, Simon, of Cambridge, St. Catharine's, p. 180a.
-,-, Baylie, Trinity (fountain), p. 232b.
-,-, Coolege, of London, St. Catharine's, p. 181a.
-,-, Howard, John: Pembroke, p. 154b; St. Catharine's (demolition), p. 179b, p. 181a.
-,-, Hutton, Thomas, Pembroke, pp. c, 148a.
-,-, Jackson, George, Pembroke (chapel), pp. c, 148a.
-,-, Lyllie, Trinity (fountain), p. 232b.
-,-, Mills, Peter, Pembroke, p. 148a.
-,-, Reculver, of Greenwich, St. John's, p. 187b.
-,-, Tucke, Gonville and Caius, p. 76b.
-,-, Westley, John see under Masons, Builders and Contractors.
-, Carpenters and Joiners:
-,-, See also Carvers and Masons, Builders and Contractors, below.
-,-, Adams, John, St. John's (gate), p. 189a.
-,-, Ashley, William, Peterhouse (Perne Library), p. 163b.
-,-, Atkinson or Atkynson, John: Christ's, p. 26b; Gonville and Caius, p. 73b; Trinity, p. 224b.
-,-, Austin: Cornelius: p. cxxi; Clare, pp. 42b, 43a; Emmanuel, pp. 62b, 70b; King's (canopies to chapel stalls), p. 115b, (panelling), p. 115b, (bookcases), p. 116a; Pembroke (chapel), pp. 148a, 154b; Queens', p. 171b; St. Catharine's (hall), pp. 179b, 182a–b; Trinity, pp. 229b, 236a–b, (library), pp. 237b, 240b. John: p. cxxi; Christ's (chapel), pp. 28b, 31b, (lecture-room), p. 36b; Emmanuel (bookcases), p. 70b; St. Catharine's (chapel), pp. 180a, 181b; Trinity, p. 229b, (library), p. 237b.
-,-, Bacon, William, of Halstead, (17) Schools Building, p. 12a.
-,-, Banckes, Matthew: Master-carpenter in Office of Works, surveyor at Trinity (library), p. 237a; construction of floor supervised by, p. 237b.
-,-, Billopps: Richard, Pembroke (chapel), pp. 148a, 154b. William (son of Richard), Pembroke (chapel), pp. 148a, 154b.
-,-, Brewster, John, Trinity (chapel), p. 218b.
-,-, Bury, Richard de, Trinity Hall, p. 245a.
-,-, Buxton, William: p. cxxiv; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 275b; Trinity (Great Gate), pp. 215b, 216b.
-,-, Carter: Francis, Trinity (hall), pp. 224a, 226b, 228a. ..., Queens' (stair planned by), pp. 168a, 174b. ..., Trinity Hall, p. 246a.
-,-, Chapman, Andrew: Queens' (bookcases ascribed to), p. 171a; Trinity (hall), pp. 224a, 226a–b, 229b, 230b.
-,-, Cotton, King's (chapel), p. 115b.
-,-, Douse, John, Trinity, p. 222a.
-,-, Essex, James (senior): p. cxxi; Christ's, p. 36b; Clare, p. 43a; Emmanuel, p. 66a; Gonville and Caius, pp. 76b, 77a; Queens' (hall), p. 172b; (53) St. Mary the Great, pulpit by, p. 280a; (17) Schools Building, p. 18a; (16) Senate House, pp. 9a–10a; Trinity Hall, p. 246a.
-,-, Forde, Trinity (chapel), p. 218b.
-,-, Gardiner, Robert, of Haverhill, pp. cxxvi, 51a.
-,-, Harward, William, of Halstead, (17) Schools Building, p. 12a.
-,-, Humfrey, Charles (senior): King's, p. 115b; (21) University Library, pp. 14a, 24a.
-,-, Kale, John: p. cxxiv; (53) St. Mary the Great (church door), p. 278b.
-,-, Lambert, St. John's (hall), p. 193a.
-,-, Longland, John, of London, St. John's (consulted re Bridge), p. 188b.
-,-, Loveday, Thomas, of Sudbury: St. John's, p. 187b, (doors) p. 189a, (rood screen) p. 191b, (stalls) p. 192a, (roof) p. 193b; Trinity (Great Gate), p. 215b.
-,-, Man, Henry: p. civ; Emmanuel, p. 69a; King's (door), p. 117a; Queens', p. 177b; St. John's, p. 188a.
-,-, Mathewes, wainscoting at Audley End by, p. 188a.
-,-, Mildenhale, John de, Trinity Hall, p. 245a.
-,-, Minchin, Robert, of Bletchingdon (Oxon.): Trinity (Bishop's Hostel built by), pp. 214b, 242a; connection with Wren, p. 214b.
-,-, Newling, Magdalene, p. 143b.
-,-, Phillips, Thomas, (16) Senate House, p. 9b.
-,-, Pinckney, Arnold, Trinity (chapel), p. 219a.
-,-, Prentice, Martin, King's (chapel roof designed by), pp. 101b– 102b.
-,-, Raynsforth, Gonville and Caius, p. 73b.
-,-, Rothery, Gonville and Caius, p. 73b.
-,-, Russell: John, of Westminster, Trinity (chapel), p. 218b. Richard, King's (chapel), p. 102b.
-,-, Salter, John, Trinity (Great Gate), p. 215b.
-,-, Silk or Silke: Abraham, St. John's, p. 192b. Thomas: Pembroke, p. 154b; Trinity, p. 236a.
-,-, Simpson or Sympson, Pepys' bookcases made by, Magdalene, p. 146b.
-,-, Stockton, Thomas, see under Carvers.
-,-, Sturgeon: John, King's (chapel), p. 101b. Thomas, of Elsenham (Essex): King's (chapel), p. 101a; Queens', p. 168a. Taylor, Edward, of London, St. Catharine's, pp. cxxi, 180a, 181b. Thorne, Gonville and Caius, p. 73b. Timbrell, Benjamin, (16) Senate House, p. 9a–b. Wallis, Stephen, Trinity (chapel), pp. 218b, 219a. Woodrofe or Woodruffe, etc., see under Carvers, below. Wright, Francis, Clare, pp. cxxv, 38a, 41a–b.
-, Carvers:
-,-, See also Carpenters and Joiners above, and Sculptors and Monumental Masons.
-,-, 'Antonio, Magistro', King's, lost altar with statues by, p. 115 b.
-,-, Austin, Cornelius and John, see Carpenters and Joiners, above.
-,-, Barker, Trinity Hall, p. 246a.
-,-, Bigée, Nicholas, St. John's, pp. cxxvii, 200a.
-,-, Cure, William (junior), see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons.
-,-, Fambeler, Giles, Queens', p. 171b.
-,-, Fells, William, King's (chapel), pp. cxxvi, 115b.
-,-, Gibbons, Grinling, see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons.
-,-, Graye, Thomas, Queens', p. 172a.
-,-, Harison or Harrison, Dyrik, Queens', pp. cxx, 171b.
-,-, Percy, Francis: Clare, p. 42a–b; Magdalene (Pepys Building), p. 139a; Trinity (Library), pp. cxxvi, 237b, 238a.
-,-, 'Phillipus sculptor', King's (chapel), p. cxxiv.
-,-, Phyffers, Thomas, Clare, p. 42b.
-,-, Say, John, of Norwich, King's Hall, p. cxxvi.
-,-, Spakman, Trinity, p. 233a.
-,-, Stockton, Thomas (joiner), King's, p. 102b.
-,-, Thorpe, Trinity, p. 232b.
-,-, Woodrofe, Woodroffe, Woodroofe or Woodruffe: Edward, see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons. George: Clare, p. 38a; Gonville and Caius, p. 74b; King's (chapel), p. 115b; Trinity, pp. 224a, 226a, 242b. Woodward: Francis: St. John's (bridge), p. 188b, (hall), p. 192b; Trinity (chapel), p. 219a, (S. range of Nevile's Court), p. 231b, (library), p. 237b. John: p. cxxvii; Christ's, p. 36b; (83) milestones, p. 310a; St. John's, p. 200a; (17) Schools, p. 16b; Trinity, p. 219a. Thomas, St. Catharine's (chapel), pp. 180a–b, 181b. ...: Magdalene, p. 143b; Queens', p. 172b; St. Catharine's (library), p. 182b. Wyat, Trinity, p. 232b.
-, Clerks-of-the-Works, Etc.:
-,-, Beverley, Henry, (17) Schools Building, p. 17a.
-,-, Canterbury, John, King's (chapel), p. 101a.
-,-, Clyff, Thomas, King's (chapel), pp. 99b, 101b.
-,-, Dekyn, Thomas, King's (chapel), p. 101a.
-,-, Lark or Larke, Thomas (surveyor), King's (chapel), pp. 103a, 113b.
-,-, Roskyn, William: King's (chapel), p. 101a; (17) Schools Building, p. 17a.
-,-, Scales, Oliver, St. John's, p. 187b.
-,-, Walter, James, see under Architects.
-, Masons, Builders and Contractors:
-,-, See also Brickmakers and Bricklayers and Carpenters and Joiners above.
-,-, Ashby, Nicholas, of Ketton (Rutland), Emmanuel (chapel), p. 62b.
-,-, Atkinson, W., (17) Schools, p. 12a.
-,-, Baker, Messrs., (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, p. 20a.
-,-, Bell, John: King's (chapel), p. 101b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 275b.
-,-, Bennet, T and J.: St. Catharine's (Bull Hostel), p. 180b; St. John's (New Court), p. 201a.
-,-, Bentley, see Jeffs below.
-,-, Bernasconi, John and Peter (refacing in Roman cement): Jesus, p. 86b; Trinity p. 213b.
-,-, Bottomley, Charles, Trinity (King Edward's Tower), p. 222a.
-,-, Bradwell, Clare, pp. 38a, 43b.
-,-, Braidwood, Francis, King's (bridge), p. 104b.
-,-, Brown, John: King's, p. 101a; Trinity, p. 222a.
-,-, Burdon, William: Trinity (Great Gate), p. 215b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 275b.
-,-, Carter, John, (95) Jakenett's Almshouses (tenements), p. 316b.
-,-, Cass, Christopher, of London: (16) Senate House, p. 9b; King's (Gibbs' Building), p. 104a; Trinity Hall, p. 245b.
-,-, Clabbon, James, Trinity, p. 223a.
-,-, Clark or Clerk, Simon: King's (chapel), p. 101b; Saffron Walden church, p. 276a; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. lxix.
-,-, Crowe, Spicer, of London: Downing, p. 58b; Trinity (New Court), p. 242b; (22) University Press, p. 24b.
-,-, Custance, William, see under Architects.
-,-, Denston, from Derbyshire, Trinity (Great Court) plastered by, p. 213a.
-,-, Dickinson or Dyckenson, Henry, Trinity, p. 218b.
-,-, Dodington, John (?): Trinity (King Edward's Tower), p. 222a; King's (Hostel), p. 233b.
-,-, Drew, Aristotle, Clare, p. 38a.
-,-, Ely: 'Master mason' of: p. cxvi; St. John's (chantry-chapel), p. 192a. Reginald of, see Reginald below.
-,-, Flory, James, of London, Emmanuel, p. 66a.
-,-, Grumbold: Robert: p. xc; Christ's (gatehouse refaced), p. 27a–b, (chapel), pp. 28b, 31b; Clare, pp. 35a, 38a, 42a, 43b, 47b; Emmanuel (chapel), pp. 64b, 70a; Gonville and Caius (chapel), p. 74b; Jesus, pp. 84a, 92b, 98a; Pembroke, p. 154b; St. Catharine's, pp. 179b, 181a; St. John's (bridge), pp. 188b, 196b, (gateway), p. 200a, (gateway in style of), p. 202a; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 275b; Trinity (chapel, floor-slab), p. 221a, (cartouche), p. 244b, (chimney-pieces etc.), p. 229b, (fountain, rebuilt), p. 232b, (library), pp. 214a, 236a, 237a–b, 240a, (Tribunal), p. 241b. Thomas: p. xc; Clare, pp. 35a, 38a, (design for bridge), p. 46b; St. John's, p. 188a. William: p. cv; Clare, p. 38a; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 275b. Humfrey, Charles, see under Architects and Charles (senior) under Carpenters and Joiners above.
-,-, Hutchinson, Messrs., (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, p. 20b.
-,-, Jackson and Shaw, (17) Schools Building, p. 12b.
-,-, Jeffs and Bentley: Christ's, pp. 27b, 33a; King's (chapel re- fitting), p. 115b.
-,-, Jelfe, Andrews, Trinity Hall, p. 246b.
-,-, Lee: ..., St. John's (tomb set up by), p. 192a. John, King's (chapel), p. 102a. Mathie, Adam, (292) Merton Hall, p. 377a. Meppushal, John, (292) Merton Hall, p. 377a. Munday and Bushell, (19) Observatory, p. 22a. Oliver, John, Emmanuel, pp. cxxi, 62b, 65a. Pearce, Trinity, p. 213b. Percy, Francis, see Carvers above. Perse, Trinity (chapel), p. 218b. Phipps and Ward, London, Corpus Christi, p. 49a. Pierce, Edward: Emmanuel, pp. cxxi, 62b, 65a. Pindar, Queens', p. 177b. Pitcher, William, Christ's, p. 27b. Pitchford, J., (17) Schools, p. 12a. Rattee and Kett: p. ci; (280) premises of, p. 372a. Reginald of Ely: pp. lxxvii, lxxxvii; Peterhouse, p. 164a; Queens', p. 168a; (17) Schools Building (King's, Old Court) pp. 17a, 101a. Rigby, Messrs. J. and C., (17) Schools Building, p. 12a. Rotherham, William, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 275b. Semerk, Henry, King's (chapel), p. 103a. Shereff, John, Trinity (Great Gate), p. 215b. Smythe, John, Trinity (Great Gate), pp. 215a, 216a. Squire, John, Emmanuel, p. 70a. Stannard, Messrs., of Norwich, King's (completion of Great Court), p. 104a. Swayn or Swayne, William: Christ's, p. 26a; King's (chapel), p. 102a; Trinity (Great Gate), p. 215b. Symes, John, Trinity (hall), pp. 213a–b, 224a, (Great Gate), p. 215b. Symons, Ralph, of Berkhamsted (Herts.) and Westminster: Emmanuel, pp. 62a, 66b; King's, p. 103b; St. John's (Second Court), pp. 187b, 194b; Sidney Sussex, p. 203a; Trinity (hall), pp. 213a, 224a. Thoday and Clayton, (87) Addenbrooke's Hospital, p. 312b.
-,-, Thompson, Tompson or Tomson: George: Clare, p. 38a; King's (old bridge), p. 104b; Peterhouse (chapel), p. 157b; (53) St. Mary the Great (font), p. 279a. Messrs., Downing, p. 58b. T. and Son, see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons. Thomas: Clare, p. 43b; Jesus, p. 93b; Peterhouse, pp. 157a, 165b. ...: Gonville and Caius, p. 76b; King's (chapel repairs), p. 103b; Magdalene (pavement), p. 141a.
-,-, Wassyngle, John, of Hinton, Peterhouse, p. 157a.
-,-, Wastell, John: p. lxix; King's (chapel), pp. 102a, 103a, 109a, 112b; Saffron Walden church, p. 276a; Trinity (Great Gate), pp. 211a, 215b.
-,-, Webster, James: Emmanuel, pp. 63a, 70b, 71a; Jesus (New Court), p. 98a; houses in (229) Malcolm Street by, p. 352a.
-,-, Westley, John: p. civ; Clare, p. 38a; Emmanuel, p. 69a; Gonville and Caius, p. 74b.
-,-, Whiting, William, Trinity Hall (hall refaced), p. 246a.
-,-, Wigge, Gilbert: Queens', p. 177b; St. John's (Second Court), pp. 187b, 194b; Trinity (hall pavement), p. 224a.
-,-, Wilson, Queens', p. 177b.
-,-, Wise, Simeon or Simon, of Deene (Northants.): Clare, p. 43b; Emmanuel (chapel), p. 62b.
-,-, Wolrych, John, King's (Old Court, and chapel), p. 101b.
-,-, Young, John, Pembroke, p. 148a.
-, Painters (Colourists):
-,-, Iver, Gonville and Caius, p. 76b.
-,-, Jones, James, Trinity Hall, p. 246a.
-,-, Leach, Jesus (ceiling), p. 84a.
-,-, Metcalfe, J., King's (painted signature), p. 131b.
-,-, Theodore, Queens' (achievement), p. 172a.
-,-, Ward, John, Queens' (panelling), p. 171b.
-, Plasterers:
-,-, Artari, (16) Senate House, pp. 9a, 11b.
-,-, Bagutti, (16) Senate House, pp. 9a, 11b.
-,-, Clark, St. Catharine's, p. 182b.
-,-, Cobbe, St. John's, pp. 188a, 194b.
-,-, Collins, William, see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons.
-,-, Doogood, Henry: p. cxxii; Pembroke (ceiling), p. 151b; Trinity (library), p. 237b; (150) No. 5 Market Hill (ceiling probably by), p. 328b.
-,-, Fyfield, David, Clare, p. 42b.
-,-, Grove, John: p. cxxii; Trinity (library), pp. 237b, 240a.
-,-, Mansfield, Isaac, (16) Senate House, p. 9b.
-,-, Masson, Robert, Trinity (fountain soffit), pp. 232b, 233a.
-,-, Mines, Trinity Hall, p. 246a.
-,-, Plumbers:
-,-, Byrchold, John, King's, p. 101b.
-,-, Greef:
-,-, C. C. T., (131) King's Parade, initials at, p. 323b.
-,-, T., King's (chapels releaded), p. 13b.
-,-, Hennebert (?), John (and glazier), King's (chapel glass), scratch- ings by, p. 125a.
-,-, Kendall, John, Trinity (library), p. 237b.
-,-, Mills, James (and glazier), King's (chapel glass), scratchings by, p. 125a.
-, Slater:
-,-, Yates, Thomas, Trinity, p. 224a.
-, Smiths, Iron:
-,-, See also Goldsmiths and Silversmiths.
-,-, Audley, (225) Jesus Lane, gate between Nos. 4 and 5, p. 351b.
-,-, Grizell, William, Trinity (railing), p. 238b.
-,-, Hacon, Andrew, King's (chapel), windows, p. 101b.
-,-, Kendall, Simon, King's (chapel), windows, p. 101b.
-,-, Partridge, of London, Trinity (library), gates, p. 237b.
-,-, Rule, King's (chapel), door, p. 117a.
-,-, Thorpe, Trinity (crowns on Great Gate), p. 216a.
-,-, Warren, Clare, gates, p. 48a.
-, Surveyors:
-,-, Banckes, Matthew, see Carpenters and Joiners above.
-,-, Custance, William, see under Architects.
-,-, Elder, St. Catharine's, p. 179b.
-,-, Jackson, Clare, p. 38a.
-,-, Lark or Larke, Thomas, see Clerks-of-Works above.

Crake, see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Crane, John: 1652, monument of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b; monument to William Butler erected by, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279a.

Crask, Judith: 1704, Anna Maria (Wright), 1706, wives successively of Thomas Crask, and Thomas, son of Thomas and Anna, 1707, monument of, (51) St. Edward, p. 273b; re-used brass indent, p. 273b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Crauden, Prior John, land (later acquired by Trinity Hall) bought by, p. 245a.

Craven, William: 1815, floor-slab, St. John's, p. 191b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Cream, John, 1848, monument, (69) Eden chapel, p. 301b.

Credence-table, erection and removal of, (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 256a.

Creed, The: Emmanuel (glass), p. 71a; (44) Holy Sepulchre (panels), p. 257b; King's (glass), p. 125a; (49) St. Botolph (panel), p. 269b.

Croft Lodge (291), p. 376b.

Croke, name inscribed on shield (glass), King's, p. 133a.

Crosby Hall (London), roof said to be model for King's College hall, p. 132b.

-, Ann, 1786, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280a.
-, Samuel, 1763, Elizabeth, and son, 17.5, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.

Crosse, Thomas, arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Churchyard and Wayside:
-, See Sectional Preface, pp. lxvii, cix, cxv.
-, 10th or 11th-century, (77) Cambridge Castle (fragment), p. 306b.
-, 14th-century, (59) Cherry Hinton (stump only), p. 289b.
-, 14th or 15th-century, (61) Trumpington (part only), p. 296b.
-, 15th-century: (49) St. Botolph (structure, possibly base of), p. 269b; (61) Trumpington (base only, now in tower), p. 296b.
-, Mediaeval, (60) Chesterton (base only), p. 293a.
-, Consecration: Christ's, p. 29b; (45) Holy Trinity, p. 259b.

Cross Keys, see Inns.

Crotch, Dr., Cambridge Chimes composed by, p. cvii.

Crouch, Thomas: paid part cost of stall canopy-work, King's, p. 115b; bookcase from bequest of, p. 116a; crest and initials of, p. 116a; 167[9], floor-slab, p. 127b.

Crouchback, Edmund, Earl of Lancaster, arms of, see Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

Crowe, Spicer, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Crowland (or Croyland) Abbey, hostel for monks from, p. 137a.

Croyland, Robert of, King's Hall scholars in house of, pp. xlix, 209b.

Crucifixion, The, see under Christ.

Crypt, 17th-century, Pembroke (new chapel), p. 154a.

Cubitt, Thomas, 1841, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.

Cudworth, Ralph: bust of, Christ's, p. 37a; with Joseph Mede and Henry More, 1825, wall-tablet, Christ's, p. 31a.

Cultivation Systems, see under Earthworks.

Cupboards, see under Furniture, and Sectional Preface, p. cix.

Cure, William, see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Cushions, see under Needlework and Textiles.

-, Sir Brownlow, 1st Baron Brownlow, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Sir John, 1st Earl Brownlow, glass given by, Corpus Christi, p. 52b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, John Hume, arms of, see Cust in Armorial Index.

Custance, William, see under Architects.

Cutts, Sir John, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Cybele in chariot, relief representing, (199) No. 30 Thompson's Lane, p. 341b.

Dampier, Thomas, Bp. of Ely, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Dance, George, see under Architects.

Daniel, in Lion's Den, King's (glass), p. 122a.

Daniel or Danyell:
-, John, see Bellfounders.
-, Richard, 1717–8, headstone, (48) St. Benet, p. 266b.

Dann, Alice, wife of John, 1700, floor-slab, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b.

-, Francis, see Dawes.
-, Sir Thomas, 1683, floor-slab, Jesus, p. 90a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Darell, John, 1771, wall-tablet, Queens', p. 170b.

Darnelly, Daniel: Trinity Hall, 1659, brass of, p. 248b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Darwin, Sir Charles, Newnham Grange owned by family of, p. 375a.

Davenant, John, Bp. of Salisbury, arms of, see Armorial Index.

David, King, representations of: (18) Fitzwilliam Museum (copy of Donatello statue), p. 20b; King's (carving on organ), p. 128a, (glass), p. 126a, Cursed by Shimei (glass), p. 120b, Triumph of (glass), p. 120a.

Davies or Davis:
-, E., see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons.
-, John: President of Queens', 1730, floor-slab, Queens', p. 170b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, John, Vice-Master of Trinity, 1817, wall-tablet, p. 220b.
-, Mary, wife of Morgan Gwynn Davies, see Wall, Elizabeth.

-, Martin: Master of Gonville and Caius, 1839, brass of, p. 74b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, William, 1667, floor-slab, Jesus, p. 90a.

Daw, Ann (Emly) Daw, and Sara (Emly) Ellis, 1799, and their mother Catherine Emly, floor-slab, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.

Dawbarn, G. R., see under Architects.

Dawes, Francis (Darcy), wife of Sir William, Bt., 1705, wall-monu- ment to, St. Catharine's, p. 181b.

Dawkes, see under Architects.

Dawson, Robert, 1799, monument of, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a.

Day or D'Aye:
-, James, 1758, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.
-, Thomas: 1681, and Susanna and Anna his wives, monument of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b; alms-dish given by, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Thomas, 1701–2, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.

Decalogue, see Commandments, The Ten.

Deck, Isaiah, chemist, (128) No. 9 King's Parade probably built by, p. 323b.

Dedham (Essex), design of church tower compared with that of St. Mary the Great, p. lxix.

Dedications of Churches and Chapels:
-, All Saints, (42), p. 254a.
-, All Saints in the Jewry (destroyed), pp. lxvii, 254a.
-, Christ Church, (43), 255a.
-, Holy Sepulchre, (44), p. 255b.
-, Holy Trinity, (45), p. 257b.
-, Our Lady of the Assumption and the English Martyrs (R.C.), p. 300b.
-, St. Andrew: (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 288a; (60) Chesterton, p. 290b, church given to St. Andrew, Vercelli, pp. 290b, 381b; St. Andrew the Great (46), p. 260b; St. Andrew the Less (47), p. 263a; St. Andrew without Barnwell Gate, now (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 260b.
-, St. Benet or St. Benedict, (48), p. 263b.
-, St. Botolph, (49), p. 266b.
-, St. Clement, (50), p. 269b.
-, St. Edward King and Martyr, (51), p. 271b.
-, St. Giles, (52), p. 274b.
-, St. John (Zachary), pp. l, li, (destroyed), p. 38a.
-, St. Mary the Great, (53), p. 275a.
-, St. Mary the Less, (54), p. 280b.
-, St. Mary and St. Nicholas, (61) Trumpington, p. 294a.
-, St. Mary Magdalene, (62) Stourbridge Chapel, p. 298b.
-, St. Matthew, (55), p. 283b.
-, St. Michael, (56), p. 284a.
-, St. Nicholas, see St. Mary above.
-, St. Paul, (57), p. 286b.
-, St. Peter, (58), p. 287a.
-, St. Peter without Trumpington Gates, now (54) St. Mary the Less, pp. 156b, 280b.

Dee, Francis, Bp. of Peterborough, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Dehague, Frances, see Blythe, Frances.

Deighton, John, alms-dish given by, (56) St. Michael, p. 286a.

Dekyn, Thomas, see Clerks-of-the-Works under Craftsmen.

Democritus, bust of, Trinity, p. 240b.

Demosthenes, bust of, Trinity, p. 240b.

-, Thomas, portrait of, Peterhouse, p. 160a.
-, Thomas, see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Denston, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Desks, see Prayer-desks under Furniture, Miscellaneous under Ironwork, and Seating.

Devereux, Robert, Earl of Essex, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Dials and Sundials:
-, 16th-century, Gonville and Caius, pp. 73b (destroyed), 80b (traces of).
-, 17th-century: King's, p. 131b; Queens', p. 170a.
-, 18th-century, Trinity, pp. 213a, 233b.
-, Undated, (54) St. Mary the Less (scratch dial), p. 283b.
-, Modern and Restored: Corpus Christi, p. 54b; King's, p. 113b; (49) St. Botolph, p. 269b.

Dickes, Thomas, 1845, floor-slab, Jesus, p. 90a.

Dickins, Dr.: room in Trinity Hall refitted by, p. 252b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Dickinson or Dyckenson, Henry, Trinity chapel stonework inspected by, p. 218b.

Dickman, Jonathan, 1727 (?), floor-slab, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b.

Dillingham, Theophilus, 1678, and Thomas his son, 1722, floor-slab, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a.

Ditches, Moats, etc., see under Earthworks.

Divinity, statue and emblem of, Trinity (library), p. 238a. See also Doctors of. Arms of Regius Professors of, see Civic and Academic Arms in Armorial Index.

Divinity School, see (17) Schools Building, p. 12a.

Dixie, Wolstan, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Dobree, Peter Paul, 1825, monument with bust, Trinity, p. 220a.

-, James, 1759, floor-slab, (61) Trumpington, p. 298a.
-, William, see under Bellfounders.

Docket, Andrew: President of St. Bernard's College and later of Queens' College, p. 167b; inscription to Martin Dunstan, 'servus' to, p. 170b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Docks, see Quays and Docks.

Doctors of Divinity, representations of, bench-ends, Jesus, p. 90b.

Dod, Edward, 1636, monument of, (56) St. Michael, p. 285; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Dodington, John (?), see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Doll's Close, (266) pp. 363b, 364a.

Dominican Friars, see under Religious Foundations.

Doogood, Henry, see Plasterers under Craftsmen.

Doom, see Judgement, The Last.

Doorcases, Projecting:
-, See also Sectional Preface, p. cxx.
-, c. 1600: Christ's, p. 34b.
-, 17th-century: Christ's, p. 36a; Corpus Christi, p. 57a; Emmanuel, p. 69b; Jesus, p. 95b; Pembroke, pp. 152b; Peterhouse, pp. 163a, 165a, b; St. Catharine's, pp. 184a, 186a; St. John's, p. 199a.

Door-furniture, see under Ironwork.

-, See also Sectional Preface, pp. cix f.
-, In Churches:
-,-, 14th-century, (61) Trumpington, p. 296b.
-,-, 15th-century: (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279a.
-,-, 16th-century: (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b; (60) Chesterton, p. 293a; (50) St. Clement, p. 271a; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278b.
-,-, 17th-century: (49) St. Botolph, p. 268b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279a.
-, In Colleges and Houses:
-,-, 14th-century, Trinity Hall, p. 253b.
-,-, 15th-century: Jesus, p. 85a; Queens', pp. 168b, 172a; (17) Schools Building, p. 17a; Trinity, p. 223a.
-,-, c. 1500, Jesus, p. 89a.
-,-, 16th-century: (193) No. 9 Bridge Street, p. 339a; Christ's, pp. 27a, b, 29b; King's, pp. 116b, 117a; Magdalene, p. 139b; Peterhouse, p. 162b; (154) No. 7 Petty Cury, p. 329b; Queens', pp. 174b, 176b; St. John's, pp. 189a, b, 192a, 193b, 194a; Trinity, pp. 216a, b, 231b, 232b.
-,-, c. 1600: Gonville and Caius, p. 80a; St. John's, pp. 195a, 196b.
-,-, 17th-century: Christ's, pp. 29b, 35b; Clare, p. 41a; (377) Coach and Horses Inn, Trumpington, p. 391a; King's, pp. 116b, 117a, 129a; (210) No. 15–16 Magdalene Street, p. 345a; Pembroke, pp. 149b, 154a; Peterhouse, pp. 158a, 165b; Queens', p. 171b; St. Catharine's, pp. 183b, 184a, 186a; St. John's, pp. 189a, 195b, 199a, b; Sidney Sussex, p. 208b; Trinity, pp. 224b, 235b, 236a, b, 239a, 240a, 242a.
-,-, c. 1700: (270) Abbey House, p. 367b; St. Catharine's, p. 181a.
-,-, 18th-century: Christ's, p. 34b, 35b; Clare, p. 42a; (237) Kenmare House, p. 354a; King's, p. 135b; St. Catharine's, p. 185a; Sidney Sussex, p. 209a; Trinity, pp. 229a, 230b, 232b, 235b–236b; Trinity Hall, pp. 248a, 252b.
-,-, 19th-century: (18) Fitzwilliam Museum (bronze), p. 20b; King's, p. 132a; Magdalene, p. 140b; St. John's, p. 201a; (199) No. 30 Thompson's Lane, p. 340b; Trinity, pp. 236b, 243b.

Doric Street, New Town (285), p. 374a.

Dormers, Transeptal: see also Sectional Preface, p. xciv; (270) Abbey House, p. 367a; (137) No. 5 Benet Street, p. 325a; (194) No. 4 Bridge Street, p. 339b; (146) Central Hotel, p. 327a; (158) Fisher House, p. 330b; (214) Folk Museum, p. 347a; (143) No. 3 Free School Lane, p. 326a; (164) No. 32 Hobson Street, p. 332b; (122) No. 18 King's Parade, p. 322b; (179) Lich- field House, p. 335b; (205) No. 25 Magdalene Street, p. 343b; (145) Peas Hill, p. 326b; (173) St. Andrew's Hill, p. 334b.

-, Philip, Master of Corpus Christi, 1822, floor-slab, Corpus Christi, p. 50b.
-, Philip: son of the above, glass given by, Corpus Christi, p. 52b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Douse, John, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

Dovecotes, see Pigeon-houses under Outbuildings.

Dover Cottage, East Road (91), Female Refuge established at, p. 313b.

Dowman, John, arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Sir George, 3rd Bart., Downing College founded by, p. 58a.
-, Jacob Garret, chief legatee of Founder of Downing, p. 58a.

Downing College: pp. 58–61; 1951 Chapel, p. 58b; Combination Room, pp. 59a–b, chapel over, p. 60a; East Lodge, pp. 58b, 61b; Hall, pp. 58b–59b; Master's Lodge, pp. 58b, 61a; Porter's Lodge, p. 61b; West Lodge, pp. 58b, 60b. See also College Buildings in Sectional Preface, pp. lxxxi ff.

" Terrace, (251), pp. 358b, 373b.

Dowsing, William: inscription at Christ's obliterated by, p. 31a; Jesus chapel damaged by, p. 82b; Peterhouse chapel damaged by, p. 157a.

D'Oyly, George: glass given to Corpus Christi by, p. 52b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Drake, Sarah (Thompson), widow of Robert Drake, 1713, floor-slab, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283b.

Draper, John, see under Bellfounders.

Drew, Aristotle, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Drinkwater, G., see under Architects.

Driver's House: see (125) No. 14 King's Parade, p. 322b; see also God's House.

Dryden, John, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Drysdale, G., see under Architects.

Duckett, Lionell: 1603, brass, Jesus, p. 89a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Duffield, Richard, arms of, see Armorial Index.

'Duke of Wellington', battleship, oak re-used from, Gonville and Caius, p. 78a.

Dunbar, church of St. Anne on the Sands, sundial from, King's, p. 131b.

Dundas of Aske:
-, Laurence, 1818, floor-slab, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.
-, Lawrence, Lord, arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Eustace, Merton Hall (292) the dwelling of, p. 377a.
-, Richard, Merton Hall (292) conveyed to Merton College by, p. 377a.

Dunstan, Martin, 'servus' to Andrew Docket, inscription to, Queens', p. 170b.

Dunstaville, Reginald de, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Dunthorne, Richard, 1775, and Elizabeth his wife, 1789, monument of, (48) St. Benet, p. 266a.

Duport, James, Master of Magdalene College, 1668–79, p. 139a.

Durham Cathedral, stop from, incorporated in organ at Jesus, p. 90a.

Dyck, A. Van, see Mengs, A. R. under Artists.

Eachard, Dr. John, Master of St. Catharine's: rebuilding furthered by, p. 179a; bequest of, pp. 179b, 182a; 1697, wall-tablet, p. 181b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Eaden Lilley, Katherine (Smith), 1842, table-tomb, (66) St. Andrew's Street Chapel, p. 301a.

Eagle or Eagle and Child, see under Inns.

Earthworks and Allied Structures:
-, See also Sectional Preface, pp. lix ff.
-, Banks and Scarps, (9) (undated), p. 4b.
-, Barrows: (1) Late Neolithic or Early Bronze Age, p. 1a; (2) crop- mark (undated), p. 1a; (6) (?), p. 4a.
-, Causeways: Barnwell (former), pp. xliii, 366a; Maids', p. 366a; Worts', p. 4b, (341), pp. 391b–392.
-, Cultivation Systems:
-, Celtic Fields: p. 2a; (4) probably Romano-British, p. 2b.
-, Mediaeval Open Fields: p. xlv; (5) East, Grithow, Middle and West Fields, pp. lvii, 2b, 4a.
-, Ditches, Moats, etc.:
-,-, Prehistoric, 'War Ditch' (dating from Iron Age 'A'), p. xxxv, (3) p. 1a.
-,-, Roman: (14) under foundations of Shire Hall, p. 7b; (15) Town Ditch, p. 8b.
-,-, Saxon, (78) King's Ditch, pp. xli, 306b.
-,-, Mediaeval: (77) Cambridge Castle, p. 304b; 'Ditch called Cam- bridge', p. 307a; (78) King's Ditch, pp. 306b, 307b.
-,-, Undated, (339) Moat, Chesterton, p. 391a.
-,-, Enclosures: (3) 'War Ditch' (dating from Iron Age 'A'), pp. 1a–2a; (350) 'Mount Ararat', Chesterton (undated), p. 391a, b.
-,-, Motte, (77) Cambridge Castle (dating from 11th century), p. 304a.
-,-, Roads, see under Roman.

Eastern Counties Association, Cambridge the headquarters of, in 1643, p. 304b.

" " Railway: Station (85), p. 311b; Stourbridge Chapel used for labourers working on (62), p. 298b; at Chester- ton (321), p. 385b.

Eastlake, Charles, see under Artists.

East Road (278), p. 370b.

Eastwell (Kent), glass at King's from, p. 125b.

Eayre, J., see under Bellfounders.

Eden, Thomas, Master of Trinity Hall: 1645, monument of, Trinity Hall, p. 249b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Eden Chapel, see Nonconformist Chapels.

" Street, (278), pp. 370b, 371a.

Edmondes, John, portrait of, Peterhouse, p. 160b.

Edmund, St., King and Martyr: figure of, Magdalene (glass), p. 141b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Edward, St., King and Confessor: figure of, Christ's (glass), p. 30a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Edward, St., King and Martyr: church of (51), p. 271b, chapels in, used by Clare Hall and Trinity Hall, pp. lxxxvii, 38a, 271b.

Edward I, King: Cambridge Castle remodelled by, p. 304a; portrait of, Peterhouse, p. 160b.

Edward II, King: students at Cambridge supported by, Trinity, p. 209b; arms of, see Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

Edward III, King: King's Hall founded by, Trinity, p. 209b; Royal licence for foundation of Pembroke granted by, p. 147b; statues of, Trinity, p. 222a–b; arms of, see Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

Edward IV, King: 1482 Whitsun service in King's chapel attended by, p. 102a; arms of, see Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

-, Ann, 1782, floor-slab, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b.
-, Rev. John: 1716, Catherine his wife, 1744–5, Mary Newcome, 1744, and Dorothy her daughter, 1758, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a; floor-slab, p. 262b.
-, John Dyer, 1833, floor-slab, (48) St. Benet, p. 266b.
-, Samuel, 1730, floor-slab, Queens', p. 170b.

Effigies, Monumental:
-, See Sectional Preface, pp. cxv ff.; and also Brasses, Monumental, and under Sculpture and Statues.
-, Academic Dress:
-,-, 17th-century: Gonville and Caius, p. 76a, b; (51) St. Edward, p. 273b; Trinity, p. 220b.
-, Cadaver:
-,-, 16th-century, St. John's, p. 191a.
-, Civil:
-,-, 17th-century, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279a.
-, Ecclesiastical:
-,-, 13th-century, Jesus (relief), pp. 84b, 89b.
-,-, 16th-century, St. John's, p. 191a.

Egypt: Exodus from, King's (glass), p. 121b; Idols of, falling, King's (glass), p. 119b.

-, H. G., see under Architects.
-, Sarah, wife of William Elborne, 1790, monument of, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a.
-, William, 1772, monument of, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a.
-, William, 1824, and Sarah his mother, 1825, monument of, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a.

Elder, see Surveyors under Craftsmen.

Elijah, Translation of, King's (glass), p. 122b.

Elisha: restores the Shunamite's son, King's (glass), p. 120a; receiving the mantle of Elijah, King's (glass), p. 122b.

Elizabeth I, Queen: 1564 visit to Cambridge of, p. 137b; glazed closet built on loft in King's chapel for, p. 115a; Grammar School on site of Jesus College suppressed by Commissioners of, p. 85a; Stourbridge Chapel and lands released to Cambridge Corporation by, (61), p. 298b; initials of (?), King's (glass), p. 126a; statue of, Trinity, p. 231b.

Elizabeth II, Queen, Royal arms and panelling at Trinity restored for 1955 visit of, p. 224a.

Elizabeth of York: figure of (?), Christ's (glass), pp. 29b–30a; half- figure of, in a rose (carved), King's, p. 109b.

Elizabeth Woodville, Queen: Queens' College partly endowed by, 1465, p. 167b; head-corbel representing, p. 172a; initials of, p. 172b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Robert Leslie, 1867, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.
-, Sara (Emly), see Daw, Ann.

Elliston, William, Master of Sidney Sussex, 1807, wall-tablet, Sidney Sussex, p. 208a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Elms, The, Chesterton (314), p. 384a.

Elsworth, Manor house, fireplaces now at King's and Magdalene removed from, pp. 135b, 146a.

Eltisley, Thomas, Master of Corpus Christi, p. 48a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, 'Master-mason' of, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.
-, Reginald of, see Reginald under Masons, Builders and Contrac- tors under Craftsmen.

Ely Cathedral: carved wood cherub-heads and figures of angels said to be from organ-case formerly in, (55) St. Matthew, pp. 283b, 284a; vestry door in S. transept probably originally from Jesus College, p. 89a; view of, scratched on lead of tower-roof, (61) Trumpington, p. 298a; window-tracery compared with that of St. Mary the Less, p. lxviii.

" Monastery of: chamber at Buckingham College built by, p. 137b; land acquired in 1350 from, to found Trinity Hall, p. 245a; Stourbridge chapel (62) in hands of, until 16th century, p. 298b.

Embroideries, see Needlework and Textiles.

Emly, Ann, Sara and Catherine, see Daw, Ann.

Emmanuel College: pp. 61b–71; Dominican Priory formerly on site of, pp. 62a, 63b, 70b; survivals of mediaeval building, pp. 61b, 62a, 66b, 67a, 70a; Bathing Pool, p. 71a; Brick Building, pp. 62a, 69a–b; Bungay Building, pp. 62b–63a; old Chapel, p. 62a, b, (screen), pp, 63b, 70a, converted to Library, p. 70a, b, and then to Dining Hall, p. 70a; Chapel (Wren), pp. 62b, 63b– 66b; Founder's Range, p. 62a, b; Front Court, pp. 61b, 62a, 63b–69a; Gallery, pp. 63a, 64a–b, 66b; Hall, pp. 62a, 63b, 67b–68b, roof compared with that of Sidney Sussex, p. 206a; Kitchen, pp. 62a, 71a; Master's Lodge, pp. 63a, 71a; New Court, pp. 61b, 63a, 70a–71a; North Court, p. 63a; Westmor- land Building, pp. 62b–63b, 68b, 69a; Wolfenden's Court, p. 62b, 63a; pulpit formerly at, (61) Trumpington, p. 298a; statue traditionally from, at Church of Our Lady of the Assumption, p. 300b; table said to have been given to St. Edward's church by, (51), p. 274b; Emmanuel House, p. 63a. See also College Buildings in Sectional Preface, p. lxxvi.

" Congregational Chapel, see Nonconformist Chapels.

" House, p. 63a.

" Road, Nos. 5 and 13 (263), p. 361b.

Emson, table-tomb of members of family of, 1838, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a.

Enfield (Middlesex): gates from Manor House, at (21) University Library, p. 24a; from Vicarage, at Trinity, p. 244b.

Engineers, see Beven, Browne, Mylne, Rennie and Wood under Architects.

England, Samuel, 1741, floor-slab, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b.

English, Edmund, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Enoch, Translation of, King's (glass), p. 124a.

Entombment, The, see under Christ.

Erasmus, turret occupied by, Queens', p. 173a.

Erechtheion: order resembling that of, Downing, p. 59a; caryatids modelled on those from, (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, p. 21a.

Esau, selling his Birthright, King's (glass), p. 119b.

-, James, senior: and Bridget his wife, James Essex junior, and Elizabeth his wife and their two children, James and Millicent Hammond, Elizabeth died 1790, table-tomb, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a; see also James below and Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.
-, James, junior: 1784, and his children, James, 1757, and Meliscent, wife of Rev. John Hammond, 1787, monument of, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268b; see also under Architects.

Etheldreda, St.: representation of, (44) Holy Sepulchre (glass), p. 257a; stone coffin provided for burial of, in 7th century, pp. xl, lxiv.

Etheridge, William, see under Architects.

Eton College, Henry VI's intentions for his foundations at King's, Cambridge, and, King's, p. 99a; arms of see Armorial Index.

Europa, relief-carving of, Clare, p. 47a.

-, See also Apostles and under individual names.
-, Figures of: Corpus Christi (glass), p. 50b; (45) Holy Trinity (glass), p. 259b; King's (bronze lectern), p. 126b.
-, Symbols of: Emmanuel (plaster ceiling), p. 65a; (44) Holy Sepulchre (slip-tiles), p. 257b; Jesus (embroidery), p. 89a, (screen), p. 90b; King's (brass), p. 116a, (glass), p. 124b; (49) St. Botolph (tower), p. 268a.

Eve, Temptation of, King's (glass), p. 118b.

Eversden, clunch from, used in hall of Trinity, p. 224a.

Ewens, Mrs. S., porringer given to (71) Emmanuel Congregational Chapel by, p. 302a.

Ewin, (181) No. 69 Bridge Street owned by family of, in 18th century, p. 336a.

Exeter (Devon), gates said to have come from Cathedral Close at, King's, p. 117b.

Exhibition of 1851, The Great, glass in Jesus chapel exhibited at, p. 84a.

Exodus from Egypt, King's (glass), p. 121b.

Eyre, Susanna, 1782, marble paving-stone, St. Catharine's, p. 181b.

-, Thomas: 1753, floor-slab, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Sir William, floor-slab of Thomas laid down by, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a.

Fair Street (266), pp. 363b, 364a.

Fairhaven, Lord, (270) Abbey House given to Cambridge Folk Museum by, p. 366b.

Fairmeadow, Thomas: 1711, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Falcon, see under Inns.

Fall of the Rebel Angels, King's (glass), p. 120a, (relief), p. 129a.

Fambeler, Giles, see Carvers under Craftsmen.

Fame, representations of: Gonville and Caius (relief), p. 78b; attendant on Newton, Trinity (glass), p. 240a.

Fane, Thomas, 6th Earl of Westmorland: range at Emmanuel largely built by, pp. 62b, 68a–b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Farcet House, No. 6 Union Road (285), p. 374b.

Farish, Professor the Rev. W., Merton House (293) built by, p. 379a.

Farman, Thomas, President of Queens' College, arms perhaps of, see Armorial Index.

Farmer, Richard, Master of Emmanuel: carving from God's House moved by, p. 70b; Cole's glass acquired by, p. 71a; 1797, floor- slab and wall-tablet of, Emmanuel, p. 65b.

Favell, John, 1804, Elizabeth his wife, 1840, and their children, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b.

Fawcett, W. M., see under Architects.

Fells, William, see Carvers under Craftsmen.

-, John, 1675, Joseph, 1683, sons of Thomas Felsted, monument of, (48) St. Benet, p. 266b.
-, Thomas, 1705–6, and Dorothy his wife, 1687, monument of, (48) St. Benet, p. 266a.

Female Refuge, see under Institutions, Charitable.

" Servants' Training Institution, in Parkside (255), p. 359b.

Ferne, Henry, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Festival Theatre, see Theatre Royal.

ffowler, see Fowler.

-, Robert, 1836, wall-tablet, Sidney Sussex, p. 208a.
-, Theophilus 'Feild': monument to Thomas Southwell erected by, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Walter, Provost of King's, work on chapel supervised by, p. 101b.

Filkins, Charles, 1743, floor-slab, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a.

-, Charles, see under Ironfounders.
-, Sir John: 1682, and Sir Thomas Baines, 1681, wall-moment of, Christ's, p. 31a; floor-slab, p. 31a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Thomas, 1773, and Sarah his daughter, 1777, floor-slab, (48) St. Benet, p. 266b.
-, William, 1731, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280a.
-, William, ironmonger: site of Augustinian friary gatehouse bought by, p. 325b; 1762, monument of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b; 1762, floor-slab, p. 280a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Firebacks and Grates, see under Ironwork.

Fire-hook, see Ironwork.

Fireplaces, Surrounds and Overmantels:
-, See also Sectional Preface, p. cx.
-, c. 1200, (292) Merton Hall, p. 378b.
-, 13th-century, (64) Barnwell Priory, p. 300a.
-, 14th-century, (305) Chesterton Tower, p. 382b.
-, 15th-century: Queens', p. 172b; Trinity, p. 234b.
-, 16th-century: Christ's, pp. 33b, 34a, b; Gonville and Caius, pp. 79b, 80a; (292) Merton Hall, p. 379a; Peterhouse, pp. 160b, 163a, 164b; Public Library (86), formerly in Veysy's house, p. 312a; Queens', pp. 175a, 176a; St Catharine's, p. 186a; St. John's, pp. 189b, (intarsia) 195a, 200b; Trinity, p. 232a.
-, c. 1600: Jesus, p. 97b; Magdalene, p. 143b; St. John's, pp. 195a, b, 196a; Sidney Sussex, p. 207b; Trinity, pp. 223b, 230a.
-, 17th-century: (325) Anstey Hall, Trumpington, p. 388a; (146) Central Hotel, p. 327b; Christ's, p. 36a, b; Clare, p. 41a; Corpus Christi, pp. 55b, 56a, 57a; Emmanuel, p. 69b; (189) No. 3 Jordan's Yard, p. 338a; Magdalene, p. 146a, b; Pembroke, pp. 151b, 153a, 155a; Peterhouse, pp. 162b, 163a, 165a, b; Queens', pp. 171b, 177a, 178a; St. Catharine's, p. 185a; St. John's, pp. 199a, 200b; Trinity, pp. 231a, 235b; Trinity Hall, p. 252a.
-, c. 1700: (270) Abbey House, p. 368a; Christ's, p. 34b; Gonville and Caius, p. 78a; Magdalene, p. 143b; Queens', p. 175b; Trinity, pp. 223b, 230b.
-, 18th-century: (140) Barclay's Bank, p. 325b; (174) Botolph House, p. 334b; (193) No. 9 Bridge Street, p. 339a; (188) No. 15 Bridge Street, p. 338a; Clare, p. 43a; Corpus Christi, pp. 54b, 55a; (214) Folk Museum, p. 347a; Gonville and Caius, pp. 77a, 78a, 81a; (160) No. 10 Green Street, p. 331b; (238) Grove Lodge, Trumpington Street, p. 354b; (140) Herschel Road (removed from Finch's house), p. 325b; King's, pp. 135a, b, 136b; (222) Little Trinity, No. 16 Jesus Lane, p. 350a, b; Magdalene, pp. 143b, 146a; (178) No. 12 Mill Lane, p. 335b; (273) No. 158 Newmarket Road, p. 369a; Peterhouse, pp. 159b, 160a; (165) Nos. 68 and 68a St. Andrew's Street, p. 332b; Sidney Sussex, p. 207a; Trinity, pp. 218a, 230b, 236b, 243b; Trinity Hall, pp. 246b, 251a; (114) No. 30 Trinity Street, p. 321a; (324) Trumpington Hall, p. 387a; (279) Wanstead House, pp. 371b, 372a.
-, c. 1800, (156) No. 5 Petty Cury, p. 330a.
-, 19th-century: (281) Brooklands, p. 372b; (296) Cherry Hinton Hall, p. 380a; Downing, pp. 60a, 61a; (246) No. 15 Fitzwilliam Street, p. 357b; (216) The Grove, Huntingdon Road, p. 348a; King's, pp. 134a, b, 135b; (283) The Leys School, p. 373a; (287) Newnham Grange, p. 375b; (260) Camden House, p. 361a; (252) 31 Regent Street, p. 359a; St. John's, p. 200a; (240) Scroope Terrace, p. 355b; Sidney Sussex, pp. 206b, 207b; (199) No. 30 Thompson's Lane, p. 341a, b; Trinity, pp. 236a, b, 243b.

-, John, St., Bp. of Rochester: statutes of Christ's College, composed by, p. 25b; accommodation at Christ's for, p. 33a; St. John's College, foundation charter obtained by, p. 187b; chantry chapel, of, pp. 187b, 192a; (65) church of Our Lady of the Assumption, chapel of, p. 300b; arms of, see Armorial Index. See also Sectional Preface, pp. lxxxvi, cxvi.
-, John, 1795, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b.

Fisher House (158), p. 330b.

Fitch, Matthew, party to a contract, Trinity, p. 236a.

Fitton, I. B., see under Bellfounders.

-, Augustus Henry, 3rd Duke of Grafton, Fitzroy Street named after, p. 370a.
-, George Henry, Earl of Euston, Lord Charles, and Lord Henry, arms of, see under Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

Fitzory Street, pp. 370a, 371a.

Fitzwilliam of Merrion, Richard, 7th Viscount: bequest to Univer- sity by, p. 18b; collections of, exhibited, p. 18b; inscription, (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, p. 20b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Fitzwilliam House (Fitzwilliam Hall), (19), p. 71b.

" Museum: (18), pp. lxxvi, 18b–22a; competition for building, p. 20a; incised figure of female saint from Chesterton church in, (60) Chesterton, p. 294a; pall now in, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280a.

" Street, houses in, (244)–(246), pp. 356a–357b.

Flack, Lydia Tunwell, 1839, monument to, (69) Eden chapel, p. 301b.

Flaxman, John, see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

-, Name inscribed on shield, King's (glass), p. 133a.
-, John, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.
-, Richard, Bp. of London, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Flory, James, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Crafts- men.

Flower, Barnard, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Flyer, Ralph: [16]84–5, floor-slab, King's, p. 127b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Folk Museum: (214), p. 346b; (270) Abbey House given to, p. 366b.

-, See also Sectional Preface, p. cxi.
-, 12th-century, (58) St. Peter, p. 288a.
-, Late 12th or Early 13th-century, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b.
-, 13th-century: (60) Chesterton, p. 293a; (47) St. Andrew the Less, p. 263b.
-, 14th-century, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 282b.
-, 14th or 15th-century, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 259b.
-, 15th-century: (42) All Saints, p. 254a; (50) St. Clement, p. 271a; (52) St. Giles, p. 275a; (61) Trumpington (recut), p. 296b.
-, 17th-century: (49) St. Botolph, p. 268b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279a.
-, 18th-century: King's College, p. 117a; (48) St. Benet, p. 266a.
-, 19th-century: (43) Christ Church, p. 255b; (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257a; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 261b; (51) St. Edward, p. 273b; (57) St. Paul, p. 287a.
-, Font-covers:
-,-, 17th-century: (49) St. Botolph, p. 268b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279a; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 282b.
-,-, 18th-century, King's College, p. 117b.
-,-, 19th-century: (43) Christ Church, p. 255b; (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257a.

Foote, Thomas, 1847, monument to, (74) General Cemetery, p. 303a.

Forde, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

Fordham, John, Bp. of Ely, licence to celebrate in Pembroke Hall chapel granted by, 1398, p. 147b.

-, Samuel, 177(1?), and Ann his widow, 1806, floor-slab, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.
-, Samuel, son of Samuel and Ann Forlow, 1782, monument of, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.

Forrester, Susanna (Salter), 1732–3, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.

Fort St. George, see under Inns.

Fortifications: see Sectional Preface, p. lx, under Earthworks, and Cambridge Castle.

Fortune, emblematic figure of, Corpus Christi (glass), p. 53a.

-, Charles, son of Richard and Martha, 1818, William Foster, 1837, and James M. Foster, 1853, table-tomb of, (66) St. Andrew's Street chapel, p. 301a.
-, Ebenezer, 1851, and Elizabeth, 1850, monument of, (74) General Cemetery mortuary chapel, p. 303a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Richard, Mayor of Cambridge: name on staff, (84) Guildhall, p. 311a; site of (281) Brooklands bought by, p. 372b.

-, See Sectional Preface, p. lxxxvii.
-, 17th-century: (79) Hobson's Conduit, p. 308a; Trinity, Great Court, pp. 213a, 232b.
-, 19th-century, King's (1879), p. 105a.

Fowler or ffowler:
-, George: 1775, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Thomas: and Edyth his wife, 15.., brass of, Christ's, p. 29b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Richard, Bp. of Winchester, scheme for King's chapel windows devised by, p. 113b.
-, Thomas, 1710, floor-slab, (48) St. Benet, p. 266b.

Framlingham (Suffolk), church, organ from Pembroke now at, p. 154a.

-, Rev. Clement: 1829, monument of, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b; floor- slab, p. 286a.
-, Samuel, 1840, inscription to, in glass, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a.

Franciscan Friars, see under Religious Foundations.

Frank, Mark, Master of Pembroke College 1662–4, p. 148a.

Freeman or Freman, Martin: 1630, wall-tablet, King's, p. 127b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Freemason's Tavern, see under Inns.

Free School Lane, (142) and (143), p. 326a.

French, Dr., Master of Jesus College, glass given in memory of, Jesus, p. 89b.

Frith, name inscribed on shield, King's (glass), p. 133b.

Frodsham, C., and Co., clock works renewed by, Emmanuel, p. 65b.

Frohock, Marmaduke, stone carved with initials of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280b.

Frontals, see Altar-Frontal under Needlework and Textiles.

Frost, Samuel, 1809, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.

Frostlake Cottage, Newnham (290), p. 376b.

Fruytiers, Philippe, see under Artists.

Fryer, John, graffitus of, Magdalene, p. 145a.

-, Name inscribed, King's (glass), p. 133b.
-, ..., payment for railings to, St. Catharine's, p. 186a.

Furness Lodge, Park Terrace (261), p. 361a.

-, See also Benches, Chairs, etc., under Seating.
-, Bookcases and Presses, fixed and movable:
-,-, See also Cupboards below and Libraries in Sectional Preface p. cxiv.
-,-, 16th-century: Queens', p. 171a; Trinity Hall, p. 253a.
-,-, c. 1600, St. John's, p. 195b.
-,-, 17th-century: Christ's, p. 28a; Clare, pp. 41a, 43a, b; Emmanuel, p. 70b; Gonville and Caius, p. 78a; Jesus, p. 95b; King's, p. 116a; Magdalene, pp. 139a, 146b; Pembroke, pp. 151b, 153a; Peterhouse, p. 163a, b; Queens', pp. 169a, 171a; St. John's, p. 189a; Trinity, pp. 237b, 239a, (archive enclosures), p. 240a, b; (21) University Library, from (17) Schools Building, p. 23b.
-,-, c. 1700: King's, p. 116a; St. John's, p. 189b;
-,-, 18th-century: Clare, p. 43a; Emmanuel, p. 70b; St. Catharine's p. 183a; (17) Schools Building, pp. 14a, 18a; Sidney Sussex, p. 208b; (21) University Library, from (17) Schools Building p. 24a.
-,-, 19th-century: (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, p. 21a; King's, pp. 116a, 136a; Queens', p. 171a; St. John's, p. 198a; Trinity Hall, p. 253a.
-,-, Incorporating 17th-century material: Gonville and Caius, p. 77b; (formerly lectern-bookcases, now benches) King's, p. 131a.
-, Chests:
-,-, See also Sectional Preface, p. cviii.
-,-, 14th-century, (front) St. John's, p. 189b.
-,-, 15th-century: Clare, p. 43b; King's, p. 116b; Sidney Sussex, pp. 204b, 208b; (61) Trumpington, p. 296b.
-,-, Mediaeval, (48) St. Benet, p. 266a.
-,-, 16th-century: (84) Guildhall, p. 311a; King's, p. 116b; (45) Holy Trinity, p. 259b; St. John's, p. 189b.
-,-, 16th or 17th-century: Christ's, p. 27b; (43) Christ Church, p. 255b; King's, p. 116b.
-,-, 17th-century: King's, p. 116b; (49) St. Botolph, p. 268b; (52) St. Giles, p. 275a; St. John's, p. 189b.
-,-, c. 1700, St. John's, p. 191a.
-,-, 18th-century, King's, p. 116b.
-,-, Incorporating old material, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278b.
-, Cupboards:
-,-, See also Sectional Preface, p. cix.
-,-, 15th-century, King's, p. 116b.
-,-, c. 1600, St. John's, p. 196a.
-,-, 17th-century, Clare, p. 46a.
-,-, 18th-century: (214) Folk Museum, p. 347a; (273) No. 158 New- market Road, p. 369a; (196) No. 8 Portugal Place, p. 339b.
-,-, 19th-century, Corpus Christi, p. 53b.
-, Mirror:
-,-, 19th-century, (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, p. 21a.
-, Prayer-desks:
-,-, 17th-century, Jesus, p. 89a.
-,-, 18th-century, Gonville and Caius, p. 76a.
-,-, Date uncertain, Pembroke, p. 154b.
-, Tables:
-,-, See also Communion-tables.
-,-, Late 16th or early 17th century, (51) St. Edward, p. 274b.
-,-, 17th-century: (48) St. Benet, p. 266b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280b; (55) St. Matthew, p. 283b; Trinity, p. 241a, b.
-, Wig-stand:
-,-, 18th-century, Queens', p. 177a.
-, Writing-desk:
-,-, 17th-century, Magdalene, p. 146b.

Fyfield, David, see Plasterers under Craftsmen.

G., J., initials on 1751 floor-slab, Emmanuel, p. 65b.

Gaell, Eldred, 1702, floor-slab, King's, p. 127b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, In Churches:
-,-, 18th-century, (53) St. Mary the Great, pp. 276a, 279a.
-,-, 19th-century: (43) Christ Church, p. 255b; (45) Holy Trinity, pp. 258a, 259b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 261a, b; (53) St. Mary the Great (organ-gallery), p. 279a; (57) St. Paul, p. 287a.
-, In Inns:
-,-, See also Sectional Preface, p. xcviii.
-,-, 16th-century, (154) former Falcon, p. 329b.
-,-, c. 1800, (136) Eagle, Benet Street, p. 324b.
-, Connecting:
-,-, See also Sectional Preface, p. lxxxvii.
-,-, 15th-century, Peterhouse, pp. 49a, 157a, 281a.
-,-, 16th-century, Corpus Christi, pp. 48b, 49a, 57a, b, 264b.
-,-, 18th-century, Peterhouse, pp. 157a, 159a.
-, Long:
-,-, 16th-century: Emmanuel, pp. 64a, b, 66b; Queens', p. 175a; St. John's, p. 187b.

Gallyon, Isaac, 1830, floor-slab, (48) St. Benet, p. 266b.

Gaol, Cambridge County, on site of (77) Castle, p. 304b.

Garbett, William, early 19th-century screen at Winchester Cathedral designed by, p. 303b.

'Garden of Eden', Barnwell (278), p. 370b.

Gardiner, Robert, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

Garner, Thomas, see under Architects also Bodley and under Archi- tects.

Gas Lane, (278), p. 370b.

Gatehouses, Gateways, etc.:
-, See also Sectional Preface, pp. lxxvii, lxxxvii.
-, Dating from the 14th century: Corpus Christi (rebuilt 1757), p. 54a; Pembroke, pp. 147b, 149a; Trinity Hall, pp. 245b, 253b.
-, Dating from the 15th century: King's, pp. 12b, 17a, b, 98b; Peterhouse, pp. 165b, 282a; (17) Schools (now at Madingley), p. 12a; Trinity, pp. 211a, 215b, 222a.
-, Dating from the 16th century: Christ's, pp. 26a, 27a, 37a; Gonville and Caius, pp. 73b, 78b–79b, 80a, b, 81a, b; Jesus, pp. 84b, 85a; Magdalene, pp. 138a, 139b; St. John's, pp. 188b, 189a, 194a; Trinity, pp. 211b, 215b, 216a, b, 231a, b.
-, Dating from the 17th century: Clare, pp. 38a, b, 40a, b, 47b, 48a; Pembroke, p. 156b; St. Catharine's, p. 183a; St. John's, pp. 187b, 196a; Trinity, pp. 213b, 242a.
-, Dating from the 18th century: Corpus Christi, p. 54a; Jesus, p. 98a; Peterhouse, pp. 157b, 167b; St. Catharine's, p. 180a; St. John's, p. 200a; Sidney Sussex, pp. 203b, 208b.
-, Dating from the 19th century: Corpus Christi, p. 49a; King's, pp. 131b, 136b; St. John's, pp. 188b, 201a; Sidney Sussex, pp. 204a, 207b; Trinity, p. 243a.

Gates, Notable:
-, See Sectional Preface, p. cx, and also under Ironwork.
-, 15th-century: Jesus, p. 85a; Queens', p. 168b; (17) Schools Building (Old Court, King's), p. 17a.
-, 16th-century: Christ's, p. 27a; Magdalene, p. 139b; St. John's, p. 189a; Trinity, pp. 215b, 216b, 231b.
-, 18th-century, Sidney Sussex, p. 209a.
-, 19th-century, St. John's, p. 201a.

-, Pell: 1741, floor-slab, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260b; monument, p. 260a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Pell March, son of Pell Gatward and Sarah (Rowland) his wife, 1735, floor-slab, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Gaunt, John of, Duke of Lancaster, see Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

Gearing, Thomas, 1694, floor-slab, King's, p. 127b.

Geldart, T. C., Master of Trinity Hall, 1852–77, arms of, p. 250a.

George, St., representations of: (18) Fitzwilliam Museum (copy of Donatello), p. 20a; Queens' (glass), p. 170b. And the Dragon: King's (relief on stalls), p. 130a; (48) St. Benet (alms-dish), p. 266b; (17) Schools Building (carved spandrel), p. 16a.

George I, King: Moore library presented to University by, pp. 12a, 24a; statue of, (17) Schools Building, pp. 12b, 18b; arms of, see Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

George II, King, statue of, (17) Schools Building, pp. 12b, 18b.

George IV, King, contribution to cost of New Court by, Trinity, p. 242b.

George IV Street, New Town (285), pp. 374a–b.

George and Dragon, see Inns.

George, William, 1756, Margaret his daughter, 1743–4, and Robert his son, 1745, floor-slab, King's, p. 127b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Gerard, John, 1690, floor-slab, King's, p. 127b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Ghein, Vanden, Peeter, see Bellfounders.

Gibbons, Grinling, see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

-, James, see under Architects.
-, Vicary, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Gibson, John, 1767, and Jane his wife, 1756, brass indent (8) re-used as floor-slab of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.

-, Elizabeth (Ivatt), 1800, monument of, (52) St. Giles, p. 275a.
-, James, 1774, Martha his wife, 1769, Robert their son, 1755, and Harriet Elizabeth, 1775, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.
-, James, 1813, and two sons, Lucius, 1812, and Theophilus, 1811, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254a.
-, William, 1786, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254a.

Gilbert, John, see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Giles, St.: church of, (52), p. 274b; site of earlier church, p. 307b; St. Peter's parish now amalgamated with, p. 287a–b.

Gill, Eric, see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Gillam, Edward: 1831, Lydia (Andrews) his wife, 1793, and two children, Mary (Lunn) his second wife, 1807, and Mary, 1788, and Mark Gillam, 1809, monument of, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Rev. Francis, funds for Court supplied by, Peterhouse, pp. 157a, 165b.
-, Thomas, arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, See also Sectional Preface, pp. cxii ff.
-, Figure-subjects:
-,-, 14th-century: Kings, p. 125a; (61) Trumpington, p. 296b.
-,-, 15th-century: Christ's, p. 30a, b; (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257a, b; Magdalene, p. 141b; Trinity, p. 227a.
-,-, 16th-century: Christ's, pp. 29b, 30a, b; King's, pp. 105a, 113b, 115a, 117b–126b; St. Catharine's (enamelled glass), p. 182b.
-,-, 17th-century (?), Christ's, p. 30b.
-,-, 18th-century: King's, p. 125a; Trinity, pp. 226b, 227b, 240a.
-,-, c, 1800, (61) Trumpington, p. 297a.
-,-, 19th-century: Corpus Christi, pp. 50b, 51a; (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257a, b; (45) Holy Trinity, p. 259b; Jesus, pp. 83b, 84a, 89b King's, pp. 124a, 133b; Magdalene, p. 141a; Queens', p. 170b (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 261b.
-, Heraldic:
-,-, 13th-century, (61) Trumpington, p. 296b.
-,-, 14th-century: Corpus Christi, p. 53a; Emmanuel, p. 68b; King's, p. 125a; (61) Trumpington, p. 297a.
-,-, 15th-century: Emmanuel, p. 71a; King's, p. 125a, b; Queens', p. 171b; (56) St. Michael's, p. 285a; (17) Schools Building, p. 14b; Trinity, p. 227a.
-,-, Mediaeval: Corpus Christi, p. 52b; Trinity, p. 226b.
-,-, 16th-century: Corpus Christi, pp. 52b, 53a; Emmanuel, p. 68a; Jesus, pp. 94a, 97a; King's, pp. 118a–126b; Magdalene, pp. 141b, 143a; Peterhouse, p. 165b; Queens', p. 175a, b; (17) Schools Building, p. 15a; Trinity, p. 226b.
-,-, 16th or early 17th century: Emmanuel, p. 68a; Gonville and Caius, p. 81a.
-,-, 17th-century: Corpus Christi, pp. 51b, 52b; Emmanuel, pp. 68a, 71a; Jesus pp. 94a, 96a; King's, pp. 125b, 126a, b; St. John's, pp. 193b, 198a; (56) St. Michael, p. 285a; Trinity, p. 266b.
-,-, 18th-century: Corpus Christi, pp. 51b, 52b, 53a, 57a; Emmanuel, p. 71a; Jesus, p. 97a; Queens', p. 177a; Trinity, pp. 226–228a, 240a.
-,-, 19th-century: Corpus Christi, pp. 50b–51b, 52b, 53a; Emmanuel, p. 68a; (74) General Cemetery, Mortuary Chapel, p. 303a; Jesus, p. 94a; King's, pp. 125a, 133b; Magdalene, pp. 141b, 143a, b; Queens', pp. 171b, 172b, 175a, b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 261b; St. John's, pp. 193b, 197a, 198a; (17) Schools Building, p. 18b; Sidney Sussex, p. 206b; Trinity, pp. 226b– 228a.
-, Miscellaneous (grisaille, foliage, etc.):
-,-, 15th-century: (60) Chesterton, p. 293a; Queens', p. 171a; (56) St. Michael, p. 285a.
-,-, 16th-century, Emmanuel (merchant's marks), p. 71a.
-,-, 18th-century, Emmanuel, p. 71a.
-,-, 19th-century: (74) General Cemetery, Mortuary Chapel, pp. 302b, 303a; King's, pp. 124b–126b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 261b; (61) Trumpington, p. 297a.
-, Quarries:
-,-, 15th-century, Queens', p. 171a.
-,-, 16th-century: King's, pp. 125a–126a; Peterhouse, p. 165b; Trinity Hall, p. 253a.
-,-, 18th-century: (146) Central Hotel, p. 327b; St. Catharine's, p. 184a.
-,-, 19th-century, Corpus Christi, p. 52a.
-, Foreign:
-,-, Dutch: Figure-subjects: 16th or 17th-century, King's, p. 125a.
-,-, Flemish: Figure-subjects: 16th-century, King's, pp. 125a, b, 126a. 17th-century, Peterhouse, pp. 158b, 160a.
-,-, German: Figure-subjects: 16th-century: Corpus Christi, pp. 49a, 50b, 51a; King's (?), p. 125b. 18th-century (probably), St. John's, p. 193b.
-,-, Swiss: Heraldic, King's, p. 125a.
-,-, Country of Origin Unknown: Figure-subjects: 15th to 17th-century, Corpus Christi, p. 53a. 16th-century, Jesus, p. 97a. 18th-century, King's, p. 125a.
-,-, Heraldic: 15th-century, Corpus Christi, p. 53a. 16th to 18th-century: Corpus Christi, p. 53a; Jesus, p. 95b; Trinity, p. 218b.
-, Fragments:
-,-, 14th-century, (61) Trumpington, p. 296b.
-,-, 15th-century: St. John's, pp. 191a, 193b; (56) St. Michael, p. 285a; (61) Trumpington, p. 296b.
-,-, Mediaeval: Jesus, p. 97a, b; King's, pp. 124b–126b; (49) St. Botolph, p. 268b; Trinity, p. 226b.
-, 17th-century, Jesus, p. 97a, b.

Glass-painters and Glaziers:
-, See also Sectional Preface, pp. cxii ff.
-, Ainmüller, Professor, of Munich, Peterhouse, p. 158b.
-, Barker, Thomas, King's (scratching), pp. 121a, 126b.
-, Barnett, ..., of York, Queens', p. 170b.
-, Belcher, ..., King's, p. 124b.
-, Blithe, William, of Thaxted, Trinity, p. 218b.
-, Bond, Richard, King's, p. 115a.
-, Burgess, ..., King's, p. 124b.
-, Clarke, ..., Corpus Christi, p. 57a.
-, Clarke, John, King's, p. 125b.
-, Clayton and Bell, King's, p. 124a.
-, Constable, W. H.: (45) Holy Trinity, p. 259b; King's, pp. 125a, 126a.
-, Flower, Barnard, King's, pp. 113b, 115a.
-, Greenbury, Richard, St. John's, p. 195a.
-, Gyles, Henry, of York, Trinity, pp. 228a, 240a.
-, Hardman, Messrs., of Birmingham: Jesus, pp. 83b, 89b; Magdalene, 141a; Queens', pp. 170b, 172b.
-, Haylock, Edward, King's, p. 121a.
-, Hedgeland, J. P., King's, pp. 121a, 124b, 133b.
-, Hennebert (?), John (also plumber), King's, p. 125a.
-, Hone, Galyon, King's, p. 115a.
-, Humphrey, ..., King's, p. 125a.
-, Jugg, Miles, Trinity, p. 218b.
-, Kempe, C. E., King's, p. 124a, b.
-, Leach, John, King's, p. 125a.
-, Mills, James (also plumber), King's, pp. 125a, 131b.
-, Muss, Charles, Queens', p. 171b.
-, Neve, William, King's, p. 101b.
-, Nicholson, James, King's, p. 115a.
-, Peckitt, William, of York, Trinity, p. 240a.
-, Peghe, Thomas, Christ's, pp. 26a, 30b.
-, Price, W., of London, Trinity, p. 228a.
-, Reve, Thomas, King's, p. 115a.
-, Stevens, Thomas, King's, p. 125a.
-, Symondes, Symond, King's, p. 115a.
-, Utynam, John, Eton College and King's, p. cxiii.
-, van Linge, Bernard, Peterhouse, pp. 158b, 160a.
-, Wailes, William, (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257b.
-, Willement, Thomas: (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257a, b; (17) Schools Building, p. 18b.
-, Williamson, Francis, King's, p. 115a.
-, Wright, Richard, of Bury St. Edmunds, St. John's, p. 187b.
-, Yarrington, S. C., of Norwich, Corpus Christi, pp. 52a, 53a.

Glaziers, see under Glass-painters and Glaziers above.

Glebe Cottages, Cherry Hinton (301), p. 381a.

Gloucester, William Frederick, Duke of, see Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

Glover, name on shield, King's (glass), p. 133b.

Glyn, William, Bp. of Bangor, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Goade, Roger, Provost of King's, 1570–1610: library in side-chapels fitted up by, King's, p. 112a; name in quarries formerly in chapel, p. 112a; uninscribed floor-slab perhaps of, p. 116a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Goblet, L. A., see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

God the Father: St. Catharine's College dedicated to, p. 179a. Bells dedicated to: (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b; (60) Chesterton, p. 293a; (51) St. Edward, p. 273b; (61) Trumpington, p. 296b. Representations of: Christ's (glass), p. 30a, b; Corpus Christi (glass), p. 50b; Emmanuel (carved sill), p. 70a; (44) Holy Sepulchre (glass), p. 257b; King's (glass), p. 126a, (stalls, relief), p. 130a; St. Catharine's (glass), p. 182b.

Godby, James, 1786, and Ann his wife, 1827, floor-slab, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260b.

-, Elizabeth, wife of Paul (?) Goddard, 1711, headstone, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a.
-, Dr. P. S., inscription recording laying of foundation stone of Clare Chapel by, p. 46a.

God's House:
-, Grammar-college of: formerly on the site of King's, then of Christ's, pp. 25b, 28a; glass perhaps from, p. 30b.
-, Later Driver's House, (125), p. 322b; carving from, Emmanuel, p. 70b.

Gold Street (278), p. 370b.

Goldcorn, John, properties of, used by Gonville Hall, p. 73a.

Golden Calf, representations of, King's (glass), p. 119a.

Goldsbrough, Nicholas, 1666, Mary his wife, 1685, Robert their son and two of his children, 1685, monument of, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.

Goldsmiths and Silversmiths:
-, Price, Samuel, gift of Royal Arms to Trinity by, p. 240a.
-, Rundell and Bridge, Messrs., sconces, St. John's, p. 195a.
-, Scofield, John, sconces probably by, St. John's, p. 195a.
-, Smith, Benjamin, sconces, St. John's, p. 195a.
-, Taylor, Joseph, sconces, St. John's, p. 195a.

'Golgotha', gallery in St. Mary the Great, p. 276a.

Gonville, Edmund, Gonville Hall founded by, 1348, p. 73a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Gonville and Caius College: pp. 72b–81b; Caius Court, pp. 73a– 74a, 78a–80b; Chapel, pp. 73a, 74a–76b; Founder's inscription, p. 78b; Gates: of Honour, pp. 73b, 74a, 78a, 80a–b; of Humility, pp. 73b, 78b, 81a–b; of Virtue, pp. 73b, 74a, b, 78a–b; Gonville Court, pp. 72b, 73a–78a; Gonville Hall, pp. 73a, 74a; Hall, pp. 74a, 77a; old Hall, pp. 74a, 77b; Library and old library, pp. 74a, 77b–78a; Master's Lodge, pp. 73a, 74b, 80b, 81a; Perse and Legge Buildings, p. 74a; Sacred Tower, p. 74b; St. Michael's Court, pp. 72b, 74a; Treasury, p. 74b; Tree Court, p. 72b. See also College Buildings and Collegiate Miscellany in Sectional Preface, pp. lxxvi ff., lxxxvii.

" Hall: Physick Hostel bequeathed to, 1393, p. 209b; see Gonville and Caius College.

Gooch, Sir Thomas, Bt., Bp. of Bristol, of Norwich and of Ely, Master of Gonville and Caius College: 1754, and his wives, Mary (Sherlock), Hanna (Miller) and Mary (Compton), monument of, Gonville and Caius, p. 76b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Ann, daughter of Mary Goodall, 1717, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.
-, Elizabeth: 1814, charity of, (51) St. Edward, p. 273b; 1814, monu- ment of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.

Goode, Edward: spoons given to Corporation by, p. 311a; 1815, monument of, (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257b.

Gosling, Henry: 1674–5, floor-slab, (48) St. Benet, p. 266b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Gospel books, representation of (plaster ceiling), Emmanuel, p. 65a.

Gostlin, Dr. John, Master of Gonville and Caius College: Black Bull Inn bequeathed to St. Catharine's Hall by, pp. 179a, 180b; 1704–5, monument of, Gonville and Caius, p. 76a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Gothic Cottage, incorporated in Cross Keys Inn (285), pp. 373b, 374b.

" Street, New Town (285), p. 374a.

Gotobed, ..., floor-slab, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.

Goude, Robert, 1710–1, headstone, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a.

Goussel, Jean Baptiste, 1832, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a.

Gower, Dr., Master of St. John's College: letters to, concerning bridge, p. 188b; 1711, floor-slab probably of, p. 191b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Grafton, Augustus Henry, 3rd Duke of, arms of, see Royal Arms (Fitzroy), in Armorial Index.

Grafton Street, (278) p. 371a.

Graham, Edward, 1842, and Robert, 1843, sons of John Graham and Caroletta his wife, floor-slab, Christ's, p. 31a.

Grammar College, see God's House above.

" School, 16th-century range W. of gatehouse built as, Jesus, p. 83a.

Granby, Frances, Marchioness of, statue presented to (16) Senate House by, p. 11b.

Grantchester, church tower used as meridian-mark by (19) Observa- tory, p. 23a.

Graveslabs, see Slabs under Monuments, Funeral.

Gray or Graye (see also Grey:)
-, Christopher, see under Bellfounders.
-, of Groby, Lord, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Sir John, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Joseph, 1808, monument of, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a.
-, Kruger, shields-of-arms designed by, Magdalene, p. 139a.
-, Miles, see under Bellfounders.
-, Thomas: building fund at Pembroke in memory of, p. 148b; set occupied by, Pembroke, p. 156a; rope-ladder set up for, Peter- house, p. 159b.
-, Thomas, see Carvers under Craftsmen.

Grayson, G. H., see under Architects.

Greef, T., see Plumbers under Craftsmen.

Green or Greene:
-, John, Bp. of Lincoln, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Robert, President of Clare Hall, Latin inscription on floor-slab of Edward Clarke by, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a.
-, Thomas, 1787, floor-slab, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.
-, Thomas, S. T.B., Bp. of Ely: glass given to Corpus Christi by, 1828, p. 52b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Greenbury, Richard, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Green Dragon, Chesterton, see under Inns.

Greenford church, Middlesex, glass from, King's, p. 125a.

Green Man, see under Inns.

" Street, (160) and (161), pp. 331b–332a.

Gregory, St., figure of, King's (glass), p. 126b.

Gresham House (253), p. 359a.

Gresham's College (London), drawing of Trinity incorrectly titled as of, p. 214a.

Gretton, William, Master of Magdalene College, 1813, floor-slab, Magdalene, p. 140b.

Greville, Fulke, Lord Brooke, arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Charles, Earl Grey, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Henry, 6th Earl of Kent: executor of the Countess of Sussex, Sidney Sussex, p. 203a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Griffin, see Braybrooke, Lord.

Griffith, George: 1686–7, headmaster of Perse school, floor-slab, with added inscription to Edmund, Elizabeth and Thomas Halfhyde, 1745–6, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Grilles and Window-guards, see under Ironwork.

Grindall, Edmund, Abp. of Canterbury, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Grizell, William, see Smiths under Craftsmen.

Grove, John, see Plasterers under Craftsmen.

Grove, The, Huntingdon Road (216), p. 347b.

" Lodge, Trumpington Street (238), p. 354a.

Growth of the City, pp. xxxiii–lviii.

-, Robert, 1720, and Bridget his wife, 1721, monument of, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a; see also Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.
-, Thomas: mason, 1657, headstone of, (48) St. Benet, p. 266b; see also Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.
-, William, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Gualo, Cardinal, (60) Chesterton church given to canons of Vercelli by, pp. lxviii, 290b.

Guernsey, Charlotte, Lady, statue presented to (16) Senate House by, p. 11b.

Guildhall (84), foundation stone of, p. 310b.

" Street, (157) and (158), p. 330a, b.

-, Blessed Virgin Mary, united c. 1350 with Guild of Corpus Christi, p. 48a.
-, Corpus Christi, land for a college acquired by, in 14th century, p. 48a.
-, Holy Sepulchre, Fraternity of the, granted building-site in 12th century, p. lxvii.

-, Peter, Bp. of Ely: Emmanuel chapel consecrated by, p. 64a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Sarah, wife of John Gunning, 1832, monument of, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a.

Gurney, Robert, see under Bellfounders.

Gyles, Henry, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Habakkuk, and the Angel (glass), King's, p. 122a.

Hackett, Dr. John, Bp. of Lichfield and Coventry: Bishop's Hostel given by, Trinity, pp. 214b, 241b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Hacomblen, Dr. Robert, Provost of King's, 1509–28: 1528, brass to, p. 116a; chantry-chapel of, p. 113a; party to 1512 contract for completion of chapel, p. 103a; door perhaps provided by, p. 117a; initials of (glass), p. 126b; inscription on lectern, p. 126b.

Hacon, Andrew, see Smiths under Craftsmen.

Hagar and the Angel, tapestry representing, King's, p. 131a.

Hailes, John, 1756, headstone, (61) Trumpington, p. 298a.

-, Rev. John, 1847, monument of, (61) Trumpington, p. 297a.
-, Mary: flagon given by, 1836, (61) Trumpington, p. 298a; wife of John Hailstone, 1838, monument of, (61) Trumpington, p. 297a.

Halberds, see under Arms.

Hale, Bernard, Master of Peterhouse: portrait of, p. 160b; 1663, floor- slab, Peterhouse, p. 158b.

Halfhyde, Frances: widow of Edmund Halfhyde, 1727–8, Edmund their son, 1739–40, Elizabeth their daughter, 1743, and Thomas their son, 1745–6, monument of, (51) St. Edward, p. 273b; arms of, see Armorial Index; inscription to Frances, 1727, on reused brass-indent, p. 273b; inscription to Edmund, Elizabeth and Thomas, 1745–6, see Griffith, George.

-, Mr., freestone for Trinity bought from, pp. 212b, 223a.
-, Stephen, 1661, floor-slab, Jesus, p. 90a.

Hall of the Annunciation of the Blessed Mary the Virgin, or Gonville Hall, see Gonville and Caius College, p. 73a.

Hall Farm, Cherry Hinton (300), p. 380b.

Hallam, Arthur Henry, 1811–33, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

-, In Colleges:
-,-, See also Sectional Preface, pp. lxxx ff.
-,-, Dating from the 13th century, Peterhouse, pp. 156b, 160a.
-,-, Dating from the 14th century: Corpus Christi (old hall, now kitchen), pp. 48a, 49a, 57a; Emmanuel, pp. 62a, 63b, 67b; Trinity Hall, pp. 245a, 250a.
-,-, Dating from the 15th century: Gonville and Caius (now library annexe), p. 77b, Queens', pp. 168a, 172a.
-,-, Dating from c. 1500, Jesus, pp. 83a, 93b.
-,-, Dating from the 16th century: Christ's (rebuilt), pp. 26a, 32a; Magdalene, pp. 138a, 142a; St. John's, pp. 187b, 192a; Sidney Sussex, pp. 203b, 206a.
-,-, Dating from the 17th century: Clare, pp. 38a, 42a; St. Catha- rine's, pp. 179b, 182a; Trinity, pp. 213a, 224a.
-,-, Dating from the 19th century, first half: Corpus Christi, pp. 48b, 51b; Downing, p. 59a; King's, pp. 104a, 132b.
-, In Houses:
-,-, See also Sectional Preface, pp. xc ff.
-,-, c. 1200, (292) Merton Hall, p. 377a.
-,-, 14th-century, (305) Chesterton Tower, p. 382b.
-,-, 15th-century, (336) Green Man, Trumpington, p. 390b.
-,-, 16th-century, (188) No. 16 Bridge Street, p. 337b.
-,-, Mediaeval, (145) Peas Hill, p. 326b.

Halstead, Thomas, 1814, floor-slab, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a.

-, John, initials on key-block, (19) Fitzwilliam House, p. 72a.
-, Thomas, Mayor of Cambridge, coffee-pot given to Corporation by, p. 311a.

Hammond or Hamond:
-, John, map and bird's-eye view of Cambridge, issued 1592, see Sectional Preface, p. cxxviii.
-, John, Doctor to James I, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Millicent, wife of Rev. John Hammond, see under Essex, James.

Hanson, Edmund, portrait of, Peterhouse, p. 163b.

Harcourt, Sir William Vernon, plaster ceiling of Old Guest Room, Trinity, added by, p. 236b.

Hardman, Messrs., see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

-, P. C., see under Architects.
-, William, erection of Seckford monument superintended by, Trinity, p. 220b.

Hardwicke, Earls of, see Yorke.

-, Francis, Bp. of Chichester, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, H. T.: ceiling designed by, Queens', p. 175b; clock designed by, p. 170a.
-, Julius Charles, 1861, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.
-, Sir Ralph, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Robert, executor to Dr. Mowse, p. 310a.

Harman, name on shield, King's (glass), p. 133b.

Harraden, J. B.: 1810 view of Magdalene College by, p. 138b; view of St. Paul's church by, (57), p. 286b.

Harrington, Sir John: executor of Countess of Sussex, p. 203a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Joseph, 1842, monument of, (61) Trumpington, p. 298a.
-, René, 1688, organ built by, King's, p. 115a.

Harrison or Harison:
-, Dyrik, see Carvers under Craftsmen.
-, E., inscription composed by, (16) Senate House, p. 11b.
-, Thomas, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Harrowing of Hell, King's (glass), p. 121b.

-, Sir John, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Sir Percival, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Thomas, 1783, and Rebecca his wife, 181., floor-slab, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.

Harvey, Dr. Henry, Master of Trinity Hall 1560–84, pp. 245b, 252b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Harvard College, 17th-century bookcases from Emmanuel given to, p. 70b.

Harward, William, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

-, Sir Busick, d. 1814, vault of, Downing, p. 58b.
-, Elizabeth Mary (Pershall), widow of Professor Sir Busick Harwood, 1836, monument of, (48) St. Benet, p. 266a.
-, Francis, Anne his wife, and Ann their daughter, see Yeldon, Emma.
-, Richard, 1839, and Eliza., 1843., children of Bernard and Mary Harwood, monument of, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 282b.
-, Tayler, 1834, and Ann his wife, 1840, monument of, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 282b.

Haselgrove, see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Haselum, Ann, 1762, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280a.

Haslingfield: clunch from, used at Clare, p. 37b; at Gonville and Caius, p. 73b.

-, Henry, 3rd Earl of Huntingdon, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Henry, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Hatcher, John: doorway inserted by, (53) Great St. Mary, p. 277a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Hatchments, 19th-century: King's, p. 126b; (61) Trumpington, p. 297a.

Hatfield, William of, inscription beneath shield on Great Gate, Trinity, p. 216b.

Hattersley, G. W., spoons given to Corporation by, p. 311a.

-, Christopher, 1st Lord, gift of freestone to Jesus College by, p. 86a.
-, Elizabeth (Buck), widow of Coniers Hatton: 1731–2, and Richard her son, 1735, monument of, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a; floor- slab of Elizabeth, p. 274a.
-, Richard, Provost of King's, building costs of chapel paid by, p. 102a.

Hauford, Edward, 1582, brass of, Christ's, p. 29b.

Haverhill, timber from, used in King Edward's Tower, Trinity, p. 222a.

Haveus, Theodore, of Cleves: dial designed by, Gonville and Caius, p. 73b; Caius' monument by, p. 74a, 76a.

Hawkes, Samuel, 1829, wall-tablet of, Trinity, p. 220b.

Hawksmoor, Nicholas, see under Architects.

Hawtrey, John, 1673, floor-slab, King's, p. 127b.

-, John, alms-dish given by, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.
-, John, 1705, and Elizabeth his wife, 1705, floor-slab, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.

-, Richard, son of Richard Hayles, 1754, also of Richard Hayles, 1781, Martha his widow, 1799, and Frances their daughter, wife of Rev. F. I. H. Woolaston, 1804, floor-slab, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.
-, Richard, 1781, Martha his wife, 1799, and four children, monument of, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268b.

Haylock, Edward, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Hayward, William Woodcock, 1838, monument of, (48) St. Benet, p. 266a.

Headley, headstones of family of: Dickman, 1753; Henry, 1779; Henry, 1814; Jone, wife of Henry Headley, 1714; Mary, wife of Henry Headley, 1760; Mary, 1796; (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a.

Healey, ..., see under Architects.

Heatherington, Charlott, daughter of John and Margaret Heathering- ton, 1746, and A. H., 1748(?), inscription on reused brass indent, (51) St. Edward, p. 273b.

Hebblethwaite, Henry, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Hedgeland, J. P., see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Hennebert (?), John, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Henrietta Maria, Queen, portrait, St. John's (glass), p. 195a.

Henry III, King: Chesterton church given to Papal Legate by, (60), p. 290b; ditch round Cambridge town re-formed by, p. 307a.

Henry VI, King: need for a hostel for Benedictines suggested to, p. 137a; College of St. Bernard founded by, p. 167b, and foundation-charter annulled by, p. 167b; licence granted to Queen Margaret for a new college by, p. 167b; appropriation of Chesterton church given to King's Hall by, (60), p. 290b; accommodated at King's Hall, 1445, p. 211a. King's College: original site of St. Nicholas College acquired by, pp. 17a, 98b; first stone of gatehouse laid by, pp. 17a, 98b; intentions for enlarged College, pp. 98b–99a; amendment to Statutes drafted by, p. 101a; first stone of chapel laid by, p. 99a; original position of bridge indicated by, p. 104b; side-chapel restored as a memorial to, p. 112b. Representations of: Christ's (glass), p. 30a, b; King's (bronze on lectern), p. 126b, (glass), pp. 126a, 133b; arms of, see Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

Henry VII, King: pall used at anniversaries of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280a; contributions towards completion of King's College Chapel by, pp. 101b, 102b; Garter service in Chapel attended by, p. 102a; initials of, pp. 118b–120a, 121a–123b, 126a; John Blyth chaplain to, Trinity, p. 216b. Representation of, Christ's (glass), p. 30a; arms of, see Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

Henry VIII, King: Trinity College founded by, p. 209a; aqueduct granted to Trinity by, p. 233a; name inscribed on chapel screen, King's, p. 129a; initials of, King's, pp. 116b, 117a, 118b, 119a– 121a, 122a, b, 123b, 126a, b, 129a–130b; Trinity, p. 230b. Statues of: King's, p. 134a, Great Gate, Trinity, pp. 215b, 216b; arms of, see Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

Herbert, Edward James, Earl of Powis, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Herod, carving representing, King's (organ), p. 127b. See also Christ, Scenes from the Life and Passion of.

-, Gerrard: 1703, Mary his wife, 1715, and William his brother, 1722, monument of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Thomas, Abp. of Canterbury: 1828, glass given by, Corpus Christi, p. 52b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

'Herringbone' masonry, Trinity, pp. 228a, 231a, 232a, 235a, b.

Herris, William: 1631, wall-tablet, Pembroke, p. 151b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Hervey de Stanton: Michaelhouse founded by, see p. xlviii and Sectional Preface, p. lxxiv, pp. 209b, 284a; (56) St. Michael rebuilt by, p. xlviii, Sectional Preface, p. lxxxvii, p. 284a.

Heton, Martin, Bp. of Ely, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Hewke, Walter: Master of Trinity Hall, 1517, brass, p. 248b; floor- slab, p. 249b.

Heynes, Simon, President of Queens' College, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Hicks, Francis, 17. ., and Mary, 17. ., floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280a.

Hide (see also Hyde below):
-, Ann, daughter of Thomas and Ann Hide, 1773, floor-slab, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a.
-, Anne, wife of John Hide, 1759, floor-slab, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a.
-, Mary, wife of Thomas Hide, 1770, monument of, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268b.
-, Thomas, 1777, monument of, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a.

Higgs, John, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Highfield, T., graffiti by, Magdalene, p. 145a.

Highgate (Middlesex), Pemberton monument brought from parish church at, (61) Trumpington, p. 298a.

Hildyard, Sir Robert, B., arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Copinger, glass given to Corpus Christi by, p. 53a.
-, William, and Sons: organ rebuilt by, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280a; Trinity organ enlarged by, p. 221a.

Hills Road, houses in (279)–(280), pp. 371b, 372a.

Hinchliffe, Dr. John, Bp. of Peterborough, Master of Trinity 1768–89: painting given by, Trinity, p. 239a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Hindes or Hinds:
-, John, 1697–8, headstone, (52) St. Giles, p. 275a.
-, Sarah, 1818, headstone of, (69) Eden chapel, p. 301b.

Hinges, see under Ironwork.

Hinkin, Mary, wife of James Hinkin, 17 . ., James Hinkin, 1737, and Jane his second wife, 1794, floor-slab, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.

Hippocrene fountain, represented in pediment, (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, p. 20a.

'Historia Scholastica', scene from, King's (glass), p. 119b.

Hitch, Robert, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Hitcham, Sir Robert: ranges built from bequest of, and named after, Pembroke, pp. 147b, 148b, 151a, 156a.

Hobart, Nicholas, initials of, on bookcase paid for from bequest of, King's, p. 116a.

Hoberd, Alan, 1432, brass of, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a.

Hobson, Thomas, carrier: contribution by, towards endowment of (79) Hobson's conduit, p. 308a; inscription on Fountain in memory of, p. 308a.

Hobson Street: No. 18 now part of Christ's College, p. 37b; No. 32 (164), p. 332b.

Hobson's Conduit, see Aqueducts and Conduits.

Hodges, J., 1812, floor-slab, (61) Trumpington, p. 298a.

-, Charles Robert, 1812; John, 1789; and William Henry, 1795; all sons of Francis and Ann Hodson, floor-slabs of, (56) St. Michael, pp. 285b–286a.
-, Francis: 1812, and thirteen of his eighteen children, floor-slab, (56) St. Michael, p. 286a; and Ann, 1804, and twelve children, monument of, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.
-, Robert, 1763, and Mary his wife, 1769, monument of, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a.
-, Sophia, see Maxey, Charles.

Holbech, T., chapel fitted up during Mastership of, Emmanuel, p. 62b.

Holbrook, John, 1436, brass of, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 282b.

Holdfeld or Holdfield, Richard, see under Bellfounders.

Holles, Thomas Pelham, Duke of Newcastle, arms of, see Clinton in Armorial Index.

Hollingworth, Lydia (Amphlett): wife of John Hollingworth, 1831, monument of, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a; floor-slab, p. 283a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Holme, Richard, 1424, indent of brass of, (42) All Saints, p. 254a.

Holmes, Rev. Thomas Chubb, 1846, brass of, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 282b.

Holy Sepulchre Church, (44), p. 255b.

Holy Trinity Church, (45), p. 257b.

Homer, bust of, Trinity, p. 240b.

Hone, Galyon, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Honington (Lincolnshire), organ at Clare brought from, p. 46b.

Hooke, Dr. Robert, see under Architects.

Hoop (former Bell), see under Inns.

Hooper, Dr. Francis: bust of, Trinity, p. 241a; 1763, monument with bust of, p. 220a; Trinity bridge rebuilt from bequest of, pp. 215a, 244a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Hope, Alexander, restoration of 1842 partly financed by, Trinity, p. 229b.

Hopkins, Mary, see Turner.

Hopper, H., see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Hopwood, John James, 1842, monument of, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a.

Horace, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Horder, Morley, see under Architects.

Horham Hall, Thaxted (Suffolk), glass from, King's, p. 126a.

Horn or Horne:
-, Moses, Julian his wife and four children, 1658, monument of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.
-, Samuel, 1634–5, wall-tablet to, Peterhouse, p. 158b.

Hornebie or Horneby, Henry: 1517–8, chantry-chapel probably of, (54) St. Mary the Less, pp. 281a, 282a, b; portrait of, Peterhouse, p. 160b.

Horseheath Hall (Cambs.), gates from: St. John's, p. 202b; Trinity, p. 215a.

Horton, Thomas, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Hose, Mary Ann, wife of Rev. Frederick Hose, 1841, monument of, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a.

Hosea, head of, King's (glass), p. 125a.

-, Mediaeval, see under Religious Foundations.
-, Dating from the 18th century, see Addenbrooke's.

-, See also p. lii and Development of the University in Sectional Preface, p. lxxiii.
-, Bevan, Trinity, p. 214b.
-, Bishop's, Trinity, p. 214b.
-, Garret, replaced by Bishop's, Trinity, p. 214b.
-, Physick: acquired by Henry VIII from Gonville Hall, p. 209a; absorbed by Trinity, p. 211b.
-, St. Nicholas, rubble from, reused at Emmanuel, p. 62a.
-, St. Thomas, lease acquired by Pembroke, p. 148a.

Hotham, John, Bp. of Ely: appropriation of St. Michael's church granted to Michael House by, (56), p. 284a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Hothersall, Burch, donation towards cost of organ given by, Emmanuel, p. 66a.

Houghton, Richard Monkton Milnes, Lord, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Houses (Mediaeval and Notable):
-, See also Houses and 19th-century Development in Sectional Preface, pp. xc ff.
-, Dating from c. 1200, (292) Merton Hall, p. 377a.
-, Dating from the 14th century, (305) Chesterton Tower, p. 381b.
-, Late Mediaeval and 16th-century. (270) Abbey House, p. 366b; (175) and (176) Botolph Lane, pp. 334b, 335a; (188) Nos. 15 and 16 Bridge Street, p. 337b; (219) Fort St. George Inn, p. 348b; (317) Green Dragon Inn and Nos. 7–11 Water Street, Chesterton, p. 385a; (336) Green Man Inn, Trumpington, p. 390b; (189) Nos. 1–4a Jordan's Yard, p. 338a; (329) Old House, Trumpington, p. 389a; (201)–(212) Magdalene Street and Northampton Street, pp. 341b–346a; (149) Market Hill, p. 328a; (178) No. 12 Mill Lane, p. 335a; (145) Peas Hill, p. 326b; (177) No. 3 Pembroke Street, p. 335a; (154) Petty Cury (former Falcon Inn), p. 329a; (153) Nos. 32–34 Petty Cury, p. 329a.
-, Dating from the 17th century: (325) Anstey Hall, Trumpington, p. 387b; (309) Chesterton Hall, p. 383b; (205) No. 25 Magdalene Street (front range), p. 343a; (150) No. 5 Market Hill, p. 328b; (145) and (146) Peas Hill (in part), pp. 326b, 327a; (108) No. 14 Trinity Street, p. 320a.
-, Dating from the 18th century: (174) Botolph House, p. 334b; (146) Central Hotel, p. 327a; (238) Grove Lodge, p. 354a; (223) No. 32 Jesus Lane, p. 350b; (237) Kenmare House, p. 354a; (125) No. 14 King's Parade, p. 322b; (222) Little Trinity, No. 16 Jesus Lane, p. 349a; (34) Master's Lodge, Peterhouse, pp. 157a, b, 167a; (324) Trumpington Hall (incorporating c. 1600 material), p. 386b.
-, Dating from the 19th century: (166) Belmont, p. 333a; (246) No. 15 Fitzwilliam Street, p. 356b; (164) No. 32 Hobson Street, p. 332b; (288) Newnham Cottage, p. 375b; (287) Newnham Grange, p. 375a; (216) The Grove, p. 347b; (280) Messrs. Rattee and Kett, Hills Road, p. 327a; (159) Rose Crescent, p. 330b; (199) No. 30 Thompson's Lane, p. 340b; (235) No. 17 Trump- ington Street (St. Bonaventure's Priory), p. 353b.
-, Terraces of 19th-century date: (266) Doll's Close, p. 363a; (251) Downing Terrace, p. 358b; (244) Fitzwilliam St., Nos. 1– 24, p. 356a; (265) New Square, p. 362a; (264) Orchard Terrace, p. 362a; (258) Park Terrace, p. 360a, b; (227) Radegund Build- ings, Jesus Lane, pp. 351a–352a; (159) Rose Crescent, p. 330b; (239) St. Peter's Terrace, Trumpington Street, p. 355a; (240) Scroope Terrace, p. 355a. See also Sectional Preface, p. xcvi.

-, Richard, 1787, floor-slab, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.
-, Richard, 1791, Mercy his wife, 1787, James their son, 1805, and Ann Triston their daughter, 1814, monument of, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.

-, Catherine, Queen, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Elizabeth, Duchess of Norfolk, buttresses at Corpus Christi paid for by, p. 48b.
-, Frederick, 5th Earl of Carlisle, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, John, see Brickmakers and Bricklayers under Craftsmen.
-, Thomas, 4th Duke of Norfolk: funds to complete Magdalene College given by, pp. 137b, 139b; 1572, execution of, p. 138a.
-, Thomas, 1st Earl of Suffolk: 1624, letter concerning St. John's College Library, p. 188a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Lord William, of Naworth, arms of, see Howard, with Flodden Augmentation, in Armorial Index.

H[o?]wood, Sarah, 17.3, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280a.

Hubbard, Henry, 1778, wall-tablet, Emmanuel, p. 65b.

Huddleston (Yorks.), freestone from, used at King's chapel, p. 99b.

Hudson, Henry, 1838, and Frances King, wife of his son Philip Samuel Hudson, 1841, floor-slab, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a.

Hugh of Balsham, Bp. of Ely: p. xlvi; Peterhouse, p. 156b, and see Sectional Preface, p. lxxiv.

Hughes, David, 1777, wall-tablet, Queens', p. 170b.

Hullier, name on shield, King's (glass), p. 133b.

-, Edward, M.D., candelabrum at Emmanuel given by, 1732, p. 65b.
-, John, arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Charles: Clarendon House the home of, p. 362a; Doll's Close bought by, p. 363b; see also under Architects.
-, Charles (senior), see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.
-, Mary, 1828, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b.
-, Richard, 1659, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Humphrey or Humphry:
-, Dr., surgeon, building scheme for Addenbrooke's Hospital proposed by, p. 312b.
-, . . ., see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Hundridge, Great, grate at (302) Uphall, Cherry Hinton, compared with one at, p. 381a.

Hungerford, John, 1729, wall-tablet, King's, p. 127a.

-, Jane, daughter of Swann Hurrell, 1838, monument of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.
-, Swann, see Ironfounders.

Hustler, William: 1832, wall-tablet, Jesus, p. 89b; two floor-slabs, p. 90a.

-, Henry, see under Architects.
-, Messrs., see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.
-, J., see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Hutton, Thomas, see Brickmakers and Bricklayers under Crafts- men.

Hyde, name on shield, King's (glass), p. 133a.

Ibbotson, John James: 1831, monument of, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a; floor-slab, p. 283a.

Idols of Egypt, Fall of the, King's (glass), p. 119b.

-, See also Sectional Preface, pp. cxiv, cxxvii.
-, 15th-century, a bishop (clunch), from (45) Holy Trinity, now in Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, p. 260b.
-, 16th-century: Henry VI (bronze on lectern), King's, p. 126b; Virgin and Child (wood), (65) Our Lady of the Assumption, p. 300b.
-, 17th-century: St. Peter (wood), Peterhouse, p. 159a.
-, 19th-century, St. Andrew (wood), (65) Our Lady of the Assump- tion, p. 300b.

Ind, Ann, 1807, and Edward, 1808, monument of, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a.

Ingelow, see Carpenter, R. H. and, under Architects.

Ingle, John, 1809, and Susannah his wife, 1832, monument of, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a.

Inglethorpe, Joan, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Inman, W. S., see under Architects.

Innocent VI, Pope, permission for chapel at Pembroke Hall granted by, p. 147b.

Innocent VIII, Pope, gift from Great Turk to, p. 154b.

-, See also Sectional Preface, p. xcvi.
-, Angel (former), p. 328b.
-, Bell (former): (181) No. 69 Bridge Street, p. 336a; see also Hoop below.
-, Black Bull (former), now part of St. Catharine's College, pp. 180b, 186b.
-, Bowling Green, Chesterton (311), p. 384a.
-, Cardinal's Hat (former), now replaced by (22) University Press, p. 24b.
-, Coach and Horses, Trumpington (337), p. 391a.
-, Cross Keys (285), p. 374b.
-, Cross Keys (former), (205) No. 25 Magdalene Street, p. 343a, b.
-, Eagle (136), originally Eagle and Child, p. 324a, b.
-, Falcon (former), (154) No. 7 Petty Cury, p. 329a.
-, Fort St. George (219), p. 348b.
-, Freemason's Tavern (former), (180) Lindum House, p. 336a.
-, George and Dragon (former), (273) No. 158 Newmarket Road, p. 368b.
-, Green Dragon, Chesterton (317), p. 385a.
-, Green Man, Trumpington (336), p. 390b.
-, Hoop (former Bell), (194) No. 4 Bridge Street, p. 339a.
-, Lion (former Red Lion) (155): Petty Cury, p. 329b; woodwork from, at St. John's, p. 195a.
-, Little Rose (231), Trumpington Street, p. 352a.
-, Pickerel (202), No. 30 Magdalene Street, p. 342b.
-, Red Lion, Cherry Hinton (297), p. 380b.
-, Rose (159), Rose Crescent, p. 331b.
-, Rose Tavern (former), (159) Rose Crescent, p. 330b.
-, Three Tuns (former), (146) Central Hotel, p. 327a.
-, Turk's Head (former), (108) No. 14 Trinity Street, p. 320a.
-, White Horse (former), (214) Folk Museum, p. 346b.

Institutions, Charitable and Public:
-, See also Sectional Preface, p. lxxxix and under Schools and School Houses.
-, Almshouses: Jakenett's (95), p. 316b; Knight and Mortlock (former), pp. 274a, 366a; St. Anthony Street, p. lxxi; Storey's (93), pp. 315a–316a; Wray's (94), p. 316b.
-, Homes and Refuges: Female Refuge (91), p. 313b; Female Servants' Training Institution (255), p. 359b; Victoria Homes (96), p. 317a.
-, Workhouses: Parish of St. Andrew the Great (88), p. 313a, b; Parish of St. Michael (89), p. 313a; Union, Chesterton (92), p. 314b; Union, Mill Road (90), p. 313b.

Ipswich (Suffolk), Holy Trinity church, alms-dish with engraved view of, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260b.

Iron age, see p. xxxv, and Sectional Preface, p. lix.

-, Butterley Iron Company, (80) Garret Hostel Bridge erected by, p. 309a.
-, Finch, Charles: of Market Hill, Cambridge, p. 309a; (82) Silver Street Bridge iron span cast by, p. 309b.
-, Hurrell, Swann, of Market Hill, Cambridge (successor to Finch above), (79) bridges by, pp. 309a, 329a.

-, Balconies:
-,-, Cast: 19th-century: (248) Benet Place, p. 358a; (267) Brunswick Place, p. 365a; (258) Park Terrace, p. 360b; (239) St. Peter's Terrace, p. 355a; (17) Schools Building, p. 17b; (240) Scroope Terrace, p. 355b; (233) Nos. 25–27 Trumpington Street, p. 353a.
-,-, Wrought: 17th-century: (150) No. 5 Market Hill, p. 328b; see Sectional Preface, p. cxxvii. 18th-century: (276) No. 38 Newmarket Road, p. 369b; Trinity Hall, p. 252a. 19th-century: (244) Nos. 1–24 Fitzwilliam Street, p. 356b.
-, Balusters and Balustrades (see also Railings below):
-,-, Cast: 19th-century: Corpus Christi, p. 53b; King's, pp. 134a, 136b; (258) Park Terrace, p. 360b; St. Catharine's, p. 186b; (17) Schools Building, p. 18b; (233) Nos. 25–27 Trumpington Street, p. 353a.
-,-, Wrought: 17th-century, Trinity, pp. 237b, 239a. 18th-century: (17) Schools Building, p. 14a; (279) Wanstead House, p. 372a. 19th-century: Brook House, (236) No. 10 Trumpington Road, p. 353b; (216) The Grove, Huntingdon Road, p. 348a; (227) Radegund Buildings, Jesus Lane, p. 352a.
-, Brackets:
-,-, Cast: 19th-century, (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, p. 22a.
-,-, Wrought: 18th-century, King's, p. 130b. 19th-century: (134) Benet St., p. 324b; (202) Pickerel Inn, p. 342b; (159) Rose Crescent, p. 331b; (235) No. 17 Trump- ington Street, p. 353b.
-, Bridges:
-,-, Cast: See also Sectional Preface, p. xc. 19th-century: (80) Garret Hostel, p. 309a; (79) Hobson's Conduit, p. 309a; (81) Magdalene or Great Bridge, p. 309b; St. John's, pp. 188b, 202a; (82) Silver Street, p. 309b.
-, Columns:
-,-, Cast: 18th-century, Queens', p. 177b. c. 1800, (136) Eagle Inn, p. 324b. 19th-century: (101) National School, p. 318b; (73) Pound Hill Chapel, p. 302b; (104) No. 1 Trinity Street, p. 319b; (22) University Press, p. 25b; (67) Zion chapel (former), p. 301a.
-, Door-furniture:
-,-, Cast: 19th-century, St. John's, p. 201a.
-,-, Wrought: 15th-century, Queens', p. 168b. 16th-century: Christ's, p. 29b; King's, p. 116b; Trinity, p. 232b; Trinity Hall, p. 252b. 17th-century: Corpus Christi, p. 57a; Emmanuel, p. 69b; Jesus, pp. 95b–96a; King's, p. 117a; (205) No. 25 Magdalene Street, p. 343b; Pembroke, p. 149b; Queens', p. 169a; Trinity, pp. 224b, 235b. 16th-century: Christ's, p. 29b; King's, p. 116b; Trinity Hall, p. 252b. 17th-century: King's, p. 117a; (205) No. 25 Magdalene Street, p. 343b; Pembroke, p. 149b; Trinity, p. 235b. 18th-century: Sidney Sussex, p. 209a.
-, Firebacks:
-,-, Cast: 16th-century, Trinity, p. 230b. 17th-century: (179) Lichfield House, p. 335b; Peterhouse, p. 160b. 18th-century, (324) Trumpington Hall, p. 387a.
-, Fire-grates:
-,-, Cast: 18th-century: (160) No. 10 Green Street, p. 331b; (276) No. 38 Newmarket Road, p. 369b. 19th-century: (185) No. 28 Bridge Street, p. 336b; Christ's, p. 36b; Corpus Christi, p. 56b; Downing, p. 60a; (223) No. 32 Jesus Lane, p. 351a; (290) Little Newnham, p. 376b; (240) Scroope Terrace, p. 355b; Sidney Sussex, pp. 206b, 207a; (302) Uphall, Cherry Hinton, p. 381a; (279) Wanstead House, p. 372a; (217) Wentworth House, Chesterton Road, p. 348a.
-, Gates:
-,-, Cast: 18th-century, (16) Senate House, p. 11b. 19th-century: (74) General Cemetery, p. 302b; (19) Observa- tory, p. 23a.
-,-, Wrought: See also Sectional Preface, p. cxxvii. 17th-century: Clare, p. 38b; Trinity, pp. 237b, 238b. 18th-century: (20) Botanic Garden, p. 23b; Clare, pp. 47b, 48a; Emmanuel, pp. 63b, 68a; Jesus, pp. 84a, 98a, b; King's, p. 117b; (222) Little Trinity, No. 16 Jesus Lane, p. 350a; Peterhouse, p. 157b; Queens', p. 173a; St. Catharine's, p. 186b; St. John's, pp. 200a, 202b; Sidney Sussex, p. 206a; Trinity, p. 244a, b; Trinity Hall, pp. 251a, 253b; (324) Trumpington Hall, p. 387b; (21) University Library, p. 24a, b. 19th-century: (138) No. 4 Benet Street, p. 325a; Downing, p. 61b; (225) Nos. 4–5 Jesus Lane, p. 351b; St, John's, p. 202a.
-, Grilles and Window-guards:
-,-, Cast and Wrought: 19th-century: Trinity Street: (104) No. 1, p. 319b; (107) No. 13, p. 320a; (110) No. 16, p. 320b; (117) No. 38, p. 321b.
-,-, Wrought: 16th-century, St. John's (surrounding monument), p. 191a. c. 1600: St. John's, p. 195b. 17th-century, Trinity (library), pp. 238b, 240a. 18th-century: Queens', p. 177b; Trinity Hall, p. 248a. 19th-century: (138) No. 4 Benet Street, p. 325a; Jesus, p. 90b; (159) Rose Crescent, p. 331b; (107) No. 13 Trinity Street, p. 319b. undated, Trinity (King's Hostel), p. 234a.
-, Lamp-standards:
-,-, Cast: 19th-century: Corpus Christi, p. 53b; (82) Silver Street Bridge, p. 310a.
-,-, Wrought: 18th-century: (42) All Saints, p. 255a; Trinity, p. 241b.
-, Lectern:
-,-, Wrought: 18th-century: Trinity Hall, pp. cxiv, 249b.
-, Locks and Lock-plates (see also Door-furniture above):
-,-, Wrought: 15th-century: Sidney Sussex, p. 208b; Trinity, p. 223a. 16th-century: Christ's, p. 27b; King's, p. 117a; Trinity Hall, p. 253a. 17th-century, King's, pp. 117a, 131a.
-, Railings (see also Balusters above):
-,-, Cast: 18th-century: King's, p. 136b; 49) St. Botolph, p. 269a; (16) Senate House, pp. cxxviii, 11b. 19th-century: Corpus Christi, p. 57b; (244) Nos. 1–24 Fitz- william Street, p. 356b; (79) Hobson's Conduit, p. 309a; (258) No. 8 Park Terrace, p. 360b; Peterhouse, p. 157b; (227) Radegund Buildings, Jesus Lane, p. 352a; (239) St. Peter's Terrace, p. 355a; (17) Schools Buildings, p. 17b; (233) Nos. 25 and 26 Trumpington Street, p. 353a.
-,-, Wrought: 17th-century, Trinity (library), p. 238b. 18th-century: (42) All Saints, p. 254b; Clare, pp. 47b, 48a; (222) 'Little Trinity', No. 16 Jesus Lane, p. 349b; St. Catha- rine's (removed 1956), pp. cxxvii, 186a, b; Trinity, p. 244b. 19th-century: (291) Croft Lodge, p. 377a; (229) Malcolm Street, p. 352a; (173) St. Andrew's Hill, p. 334b; (235) No. 17 Trumpington Street, p. 353b.
-, Weather-vanes:
-,-, Wrought: 16th-century, (58) St. Peter, p. 288a. 17th-century: Christ's, p. 28b; Emmanuel, p. 64b; Pembroke, p. 153b; Trinity, p. 224b. 18th-century: Emmanuel, p. 66b; Gonville and Caius, p. 77b; Jesus, p. 90b; St. John's, p. 192b. 19th-century: (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290b; Magdalene, p. 142a. undated or modern: Peterhouse, p. 158a; Queens', p. 170a.
-, Miscellaneous:
-,-, Brazier, 18th-century (cast), Trinity, pp. cxxvii, 215a, 226b.
-,-, Candelabra, 19th-century, (277) Theatre Royal, p. 370a.
-,-, Casement-frame, c. 1600, St. John's, p. 195b.
-,-, Chest, 15th-century, Sidney Sussex, pp. cviii, 204b, 208b.
-,-, Clock-frame, possibly 17th-century, Emmanuel, p. 65b.
-,-, Crowns (gilded), 17th-century(?), Trinity, p. 216a, b.
-,-, Desks, 19th-century (wrought), Trinity, p. 221b.
-,-, Fire-hook, 17th or 18th-century, (48) St. Benet, p. 266a.
-,-, Fountain base, 19th-century (cast), (79) Hobson's Conduit, p. 308a.
-,-, Lattices, 19th-century (wrought), St. John's ('Bridge of Sighs'), p. 202a.
-,-, Rings (attachments for ladders, etc.), 18th-century (wrought): (137) No. 5 Benet Street, p. 325a; Peterhouse, Burrough's Building, p. 159b, Master's Lodge, p. 167a.
-,-, Shields-of-arms, 19th-century (cast), Downing, p. 61b.
-,-, Stars, 19th-century, (19) Observatory (cast), p. 22b.
-,-, Wall-anchors, 18th-century (wrought), (271) Oyster House, p. 368b.
-,-, Windows, 19th-century (cast), Trinity, pp. 242b, 243b.

Irwin, Elizabeth (Smythe), widow of William Arthur Irwin, 1834, monument of, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.

Isaac, Circumcision of, King's (glass), p. 118b.

Ivatt, Elizabeth, sister of Joseph, see Gifford.

Iver, . . ., see Painters under Craftsmen.

-, Christopher, 1528, brass of, St. John's, p. 191a.
-, George, see Brickmakers and Bricklayers under Craftsmen.
-, John, nephew of Samuel Pepys, Magdalene, p. 145a.
-, Maria, wife of William Jackson, 1777, monument of, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a.
-, Sir Thomas (T. G.), see under Architects.
-, . . ., see Surveyors under Craftsmen.

Jackson & Shaw, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Jacob, scenes representing: Ladder of, St. Catharine's (glass), p. 182b; Flight of, King's (glass), p. 119a; Esau sells his birthright to, King's (glass), p. 119b; Meeting with Joseph, King's (glass), p. 122b; Burial of, King's (glass), p. 123b.

Jacob, Elizabeth, see Mee, Richard.

Jakenett, Thomas, and Agnes his wife, almshouses founded by, p. 316b.

James the great, St., representations of: Corpus Christi (glass), p. 50b; King's (glass), p. 126a.

James the Less, St., representation of, Corpus Christi (glass), p. 50b.

James I, King: Stourbridge chapel and lands disposed of by (62), p. 298b; Trinity Fountain painted for visit of, p. 232b; statues of: Trinity (Great Gate), pp. 215b, 217a; Winchester (bronze), p. 303b.

-, Henry, President of Queens': window paid for by, Queens', p. 177a; 1716–7, wall-tablet of, p. 170b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, John, see under Architects.
-, M. R., restoration of King's chapel windows directed by, p. 124b.
-, Thomas Burleigh, 1799, monument of, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a.
-, William: see Carre, Nicholas; arms of, see Armorial Index.

James Cottages, Barnwell (278), p. 371a.

" Street: Barnwell (278), pp. 370b, 371a; cottages in, formerly used as almshouses, p. 317a.

Jee, Joseph, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Jeffs, Benjamin, 1785, and Mary his wife, 1770, headstone, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.

Jeffs and Bentley, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

-, John, Bp. of Norwich, Master of Corpus Christi, Vice-Chancellor (1596–1601), arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Thomas, Master of Corpus Christi, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Jekke, Henry, of Barrington, clunch for King Edward's Tower, Trinity, supplied by, p. 222a.

Jelfe, Andrews, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

-, F., porringer given to (71) Emmanuel Congregational chapel by, p. 302a.
-, Nathan, 1851, inscribed in glass, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a.

Jenyn, John, President of Queens', arms of, see Armorial Index.

Jenyngs, Mr., (271) Oyster House the property of, in 1725, p. 368b.

Jeremiah, Imprisonment of, King's (glass), p. 120b.

Jerome, St., figure of, King's (glass), p. 126b.

Jesus College (30): pp. 81b–98b; Italo-Greek amphora found in garden of, p. xxxvi; surviving traces of Benedictine nunnery of St. Radegund, pp. 81b ff; former conventual church, pp. 82a, 84a, 86b ff; former Oratory, pp. 90b, 97a, b; Foundation of College, pp. 81b, 82a; chapel, pp. 83b, 84b, 86b–91a; Cloister Court, pp. 86–98a; First or Outer Court, pp. 83a, 84b–86b; Gate-tower, pp. 84a–85a; Grammar School, pp. 83a, 85a; Hall, pp. 83a, 92b–94b; Master's Lodge, pp. lxxxvi, 83a, 84a, 96a–97b; Old Library, pp. 83a, 95b, 96a; Prioress' Lodging (old hall), pp. 83a, 94b, 96a; Second or New Court, pp. 84a, 98a; desks in St. John's chapel to excel those formerly in, p. 192a; advowson of All Saints by the Jewry given to, p. 254a; see also College Buildings in Sectional Preface, pp. lxxvi ff.

" Lane, houses in (222)–(228), pp. 349a–352a.

Joachim, St.: representation of, Corpus Christi (glass), p. 50b; and St. Anne, representation of Marriage of, Before the Golden Gate of the Temple, Birth of the Virgin, and Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple, King's (glass), p. 118a.

Job, Torment of, King's (glass), p. 120b.

John the Baptist, St., representations of: as child, Corpus Christi (painting), p. 51a; figures of, King's (glass), pp. 125a, 126b; Salome with head of, Jesus (glass), p. 97a.

John of Beverley, St., (?) named in glass, King's, p. 125a.

John the Evangelist, St.: see also Apostles and Evangelists; representations of: Corpus Christi, pp. 50b, 51a; Jesus (brass lectern), p. 89b; King's (glass), half-length figure of, p. 126b, head of, p. 124b, Healing the lame man, p. 123a, Vision of, p. 125a, at death of the Virgin, p. 123b; St. John's (carved figure), pp. 189a, 192a, (glass), p. 193b.

John Zachary, St., destroyed church, pp. l, li, 38a.

-, Dr. James, flagon given by, (51) St. Edward, p. 274b.
-, Jonathan, 1742, floor-slab, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b.
-, Robert, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Thomas, windows in hall at Queens' designed by, p. 172a.

Jonah and the Whale, King's (glass), p. 121b.

-, Inigo: bust of, Trinity, p. 241a; see also under Architects.
-, James, see Painters under Craftsmen.
-, Rev. Salusbury, 1763, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.
-, Rev. Thomas, 1807, bust and wall-monument of, Trinity, p. 220a.
-, William, 1834, floor-slab, St. John's, p. 191b.

Jonson, Ben, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Jordan's Yard, (188)–(190), pp. 337b, 338a.

-, George Francis, 1816, monument of, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.
-, Samuel, see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Joseph: Cast into Pit, King's (glass), p. 121b; Sought by Reuben, King's (glass), p. 122a; In Prison, Corpus Christi (glass), p. 53a; Meeting with Jacob, King's (glass), p. 122b.

Joseph, St., representation of, Corpus Christi (glass), p. 50b.

Joseph Justus, St., representation of, Corpus Christi (glass), p. 50b.

Josselin, John, his Historiola cited, Corpus Christi, pp. 48b, 57b.

Jouvenet, Jean, see under Artists.

Jowett, Rev. Joseph, 1813, floor-slab and monument of, Trinity Hall, p. 249b.

Jude, St., representation of, Corpus Christi (glass), p. 50b.

Judgement, The Last, or Doom, representations of: King's (roof- boss), p. 112a, (glass), p. 124a; (60) Chesterton (wall-painting), p. 293b.

Judges on Assize, accommodation in Trinity for, p. 229a.

Jugg, Miles, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Jurin, James, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Justice, figure representing, (48) St. Benet (communion-rails), p. 266a.

Kale, John, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

-, Abraham: 1823, Susan his wife, 1829, and Ann Bracken her sister, monument of, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b; floor-slab with initials of, p. 293b.
-, John, Bp. of Lincoln: monument erected by, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b; inscription on monument by, Trinity, p. 220a.

Keene, Edmund, Bishop of Chester, floor-slab of John Whalley provided by, Peterhouse, p. 158b.

Kellett Lodge (247), p. 358a.

Kelsey, W. T., see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Kemble, John Mitchell, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Kemp, Edward, 1671, floor-slab, Queens', p. 170b.

Kempe, C. E., see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Kempthorne, Sampson, see under Architects.

-, John, see Plumbers under Craftsmen.
-, Simon, see Smiths under Craftsmen.

Kenmare House, Trumpington Street (237), p. 354a.

Kennedy and Nightingale, see under Architects.

Kerbstones, late 17th or 18th-century, Emmanuel, p. 68b.

-, Jane (Kitchingman), 1731, floor-slab, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a.
-, Rev. Thomas: Stourbridge chapel given to University by, (62), p. 298b.

Kettle's Yard, Castle Hill area, p. 346b.

Keyton, Dr. John, chantry-chapel of, St. John's, p. 187b.

Kilegrewe, Henry, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Kiln, Roman, p. 2a.

-, [?Charles], see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.
-, Frances, see Hudson, Henry.
-, Robert, Master of Trinity Hall, 1676, floor-slab, Trinity Hall, p. 249b; arms of see Armorial Index.
-, Thomas, alms-dish given by, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280b.

King's Childer scholars, Trinity, p. 209a, b.

" Cliffe quarry, see Building Stones.

" College: pp. 98b–136b; see also College Buildings in Sectional Preface, pp. lxxvi ff., and Building Procedure, pp. ciii ff., Glass and Glass-painters, p. cxii, Screens, p. cxxiv, and Stalls, p. cxxvi; St. Nicholas College renamed the King's College of St. Mary and St. Nicholas, pp. 17a, 99a; Old Court: p. 12a, Gatehouse of, pp. 12a, b, 17a, b, 98b; position of old chapel, pp. 98b, 99a; Henry VI's intentions at, pp. 98b, 99a; St. John Zachary demolished for, p. 38a; God's House trans- ferred from site of, p. 25b; progress of works under Henry VII, p. 102a, b; later attempts to complete plans, pp. 103b, 104a; Brick Building, p. 103b; Bridges, pp. 104b, 136b; Chapel: pp. 99a–103b, 105a–131b; (roof), pp. 102a, b, 110b; (side- chapels), pp. 99b, 101a, 110b–113a; (screen), pp. 105a, 115a, 128b–130a; (stalls), pp. 115a, b, 130a–131a; (windows), pp. 113b, 115a, 117b–126b; (vault), pp. 103a, 110a; lectern at Jesus modelled on that in, p. 89b; pulpit from, now in St. Edward's Church (51), p. 274b; Chetwynd Court, p. 104b; 19th-century Gatehouse, pp. 104b, 131b, 132a; Gibbs' or Fellows' Building, pp. 104a–105a, 134b–135b, (bricks from, reused in chapel), p. 128b; Great Court, pp. 104a, 105a, 131b–135b; Hall, pp. 104a, 132b–133b; Library, pp. 104b, 135b–136a; Provost's Lodge (old), p. 104b, (former, 19th-century), pp. 104b, 135b, 136a–b, (present), pp. 104b, 136a–b, (glass from), p. 125b; Screen-wall, p. 132a; Webb's Court, p. 104b; 17th-century clock formerly at, (52) St. Giles, p. 275a.

" Ditch, see Ditches under Earthworks and Allied Structures.

" Hall: see also pp. xlix, l, liii, and Sectional Preface, pp. lxxiv, lxxv, lxxvii, and 'King's Hostel' under Trinity. Formerly on site of Trinity, pp. 209a–212b; in house of Robert of Croyland, p. 209b; appropriation of Chesterton church (60) given to, pp. 290b, 381b; dissolved 1546, p. 212a; chapel replaced by that of Trinity, pp. 211a, 218b; surviving walling of, pp. 215b, 244b; walling incorporated in St. John's boundary wall, p. 234b.

" Lynn, timber brought from: Queens', p. 171b; St. John's, p. 188a; Trinity, p. 224a; see also Sectional Preface, pp. c, cii, ciii.

" Parade, (120)–(132), pp. 322a–324a.

Kitchingman, Jane, see Kerrich.

Kitchens (mediaeval), in Colleges, see Sectional Preface, p. lxxvi.

Knight and Mortlock Almshouses, see Institutions, Charitable and Public.

Knowles, Professor David, cited, p. lxxiv.

Labutte, René, 1790, and Mary his wife, 1808, monument of, (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257b.

La Chénu, Tours (France), glass from church of, King's, p. 126a.

Lake, John, Bp. of Chichester, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Lamb, John, Dean of Bristol, Master of Corpus Christi: glass given by, p. 52b; his history of the College cited, p. 51a; 1850, floor- slab, p. 50b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, See Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.
-, James, 1823, wall-tablet, Trinity, p. 220b.
-, Rev. Dr. Robert: alms-dish given by, (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257b; flagon given by, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.

-, Eliz., 1727, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.
-, Elizabeth, 1759, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.

Lambton, Ralph John, and William Henry, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Lamp-standards, see under Ironwork.

Lancaster, Henry, 1st Duke of, arms of, see under Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

Land, William, see under Bellfounders.

Landbeach (Cambs.), church at: stall-work taken to, from Jesus College, p. 83b; door once at, p. 89a; canopy-work recovered from, p. 97b.

Landen, Ann, wife of Sir Philip, monument to Dr. Isack Barrowe and his wife erected by, (42) All Saints, p. 254a.

-, Rev. John Doudney, 1847, monument of, (43) Christ Church, p. 255b.
-, Thomas: 1473, chantry-chapel of, (54) St. Mary the Less, pp. 281a, b, 282b; portrait of, Peterhouse, p. 163b.

Laney, Dr. Benjamin, Bp. of Ely, legacy for building (16) Senate House, p. 9b.

Langham, Simon, Bp. of Ely: permission for chapel at Pembroke Hall given by, p. 147b; portrait of, Peterhouse, p. 160b.

Langley, Dr. Richard: 1724, floor-slab, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Langshaw, Rev. George: 1843, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b; floor-slab and wall-tablet, St. John's, p. 191b.

Langton, John, Chancellor of Cambridge University, work on chapel supervised by, King's, p. 101a.

Lanham, John, 1651, benefaction of, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268a.

Lapidge, E., see under Architects.

Lark or Larke, Thomas, see Clerks-of-Works under Craftsmen.

Last Judgement, see Judgement.

Latham, Jasper, see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Latimer, Bishop Hugh, pulpit associated with, (51) St. Edward, p. 274b.

Latin exercises, found at Magdalene, p. 145a.

Laughton, Eliz., 1735–6, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.

Law: statue and emblem of, Trinity, p. 238a; arms of Regius Pro- fessors of, see Civic and Academic Arms in Armorial Index.

Law or Lawe:
-, Edward, 1676, and Edward his son, 1682, floor-slab, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260b.
-, Mary, wife of Edmund, Bp. of Carlisle, 1762, and members of the Lushington and Christian families, monument of, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a.

Lawrence, St., figure of, Magdalene (glass), p. 141b.

-, J., tablet recording first dinner dressed in 1828 kitchen by, King's, p. 134b.
-, Sir Soulden, arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, See Painters under Craftsmen.
-, John, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

-, See also Building Materials in Sectional Preface, p. ci.

-, 16th-century, St. John's, p. 200b.
-, Rainwater-heads and Pipes:
-, 16th-century, St. John's, pp. 194b, 195b.
-, c. 1600, St. John's, p. 196b.
-, 17th-century: Pembroke, p. 153b; St. Catharine's, p. 185a; St. John's, pp. 192b, 197a, 199a, b.
-, c. 1700, (270) Abbey House, p. 367a.
-, 18Th-century: (181) No. 69 Bridge Street, p. 336a; (146) Central Hotel, p. 327a, b; (71) former Emmanuel Congregational chapel, p. 302a; (120) No. 22 King's Parade, p. 322a; (49) St. Botolph, p. 269b; St. Catharine's, p. 185a; St. John's, pp. 194a– 195b, 196b, 199a, b; Trinity, p. 218a; (114) Nos. 30 and 31 Trinity Street, p. 321a.
-, 19th-century: (216) The Grove, Huntingdon Road, p. 347b; (131) Nos. 4 and 5 King's Parade, p. 323b; (198) No. 29 Thompson's Lane, p. 340b; (110) Nos. 16 and 16a Trinity Street, p. 320b.
-, Stars, Mediaeval: Queens', p. 172b; (56) St. Michael, p. 284b.

-, See Sectional Preface, p. cxiv.
-, 16th-century: Christ's (brass), p. 31a; King's (bronze), p. 126b.
-, 18th-century, Trinity Hall (wrought iron), p. 249b.
-, 19th-century: (74) General Cemetery Mortuary chapel (wood), p. 303a; Jesus (brass), p. 89b; St. John's (brass), p. 191a.

-, John, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.
-, Joshua: rainwater-head from pipe-works of, (270) Abbey House, p. 367a; wall-anchors inscribed with name of, (271) Oyster House, p. 368b.

Leeds or Leedes:
-, Edward, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, John, 1455, porch added by, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 281a.
-, Robert, 1680, monument of, (56) St. Michael, p. 285a.

Lefevre, Charles Shaw, light-fitting given by, Trinity, p. 229a.

Legard, John Horatio, son of Digby Legard, 1819, monument of, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.

'Legenda Aurea', incidents from, King's (glass), pp. 121b, 123b.

-, Henry, Lord Stawell, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Thomas, Master of Gonville and Caius: bequest to college by, p. 73b; 1607, monument of, p. 76b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Leicester, Rev. Robert Hall, medallion portrait of, (66) St. Andrew's Street Chapel, p. 301a.

Lensfield House, New Town: glass from, King's, p. 125b; destroyed, p. 373b.

" Road, houses in, (248)–(250), p. 358b.

Leoni, Giacomo, see under Architects.

Le Sueur, Hubert, bronze figures for Winchester Cathedral by, p. 303b.

Lettice, Ann (Newling), wife of John Lettice, 1788, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.

Lewis, T., see under Architects.

Leys School, The, (283), p. 373a.

Libraries: see Sectional Preface, pp. Lxxxii, cxiv; (21) University Library, p. 23b; and under (17) Schools Building and individual Colleges.

Lichfield House (179), p. 335b.

Lightfoot, Dr. John, Master of St. Catharine's, p. 179a.

Lillie, William: 1788, monument of, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Lily-pots, representations of: Corpus Christi (wall-painting), p. 54b; (53) St. Mary the Great (tower), p. 278a.

Limes, The, Mill Road, (295), p. 379b.

Linacre, Thomas, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Lindsey, Bertha de, coffin-lid perhaps of, Jesus, p. 89a.

Lindum House (180), formerly 'Freemasons' Tavern', p. 336a.

Linge, Bernard van, see Van Linge under Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Lion Hotel (155), see under Inns.

-, . . ., name inscribed in glass, King's, p. 133a.
-, Dionysius: 1727, floor-slab, Trinity, p. 221a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Thomas de, Bp. of Ely, chancel of (53) St. Mary the Great con- secrated by, p. 275b.

Litlyngton, Abbot of Crowland, hostel for Benedictine monks established by, p. 137a.

'Little Trinity', (222) No. 16 Jesus Lane, pp. 349a–350b.

'Lives of the Prophets', Pseudo-Epiphanian, scene from, King's (glass), p. 119b.

-, Sir Nathaniel, Master of Trinity Hall: portrait of, p. 251a; rebuilding financed by, p. 245b; bequest for remodelling hall from, p. 250a; 1741, monument and floor-slab of, p. 249b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, William, Bp. of Norwich, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Lock, Daniel, 1754, monument with bust of, Trinity, p. 220a.

Locke, John, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Locks and Lock-plates, see under Ironwork.

Lockers, mediaeval: (60) Chesterton, p. 293a; (48) St. Benet, p. 266a; (62) Stourbridge Chapel, p. 299b; (61) Trumpington, p. 297a.

Lodge, John Edmund, 1808, brass of, (42) All Saints, p. 254a.

Lombe, Thomas: 1800, Ann his wife, 1789, and others, monument of, (51) St. Edward, p. 273b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Robert, initials of, cut on roof-timber, St. Catharine's, p. 186a.
-, Sarah, daughter of Thomas Long and Susannah his wife, 1794, floor- slab, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a.

Longland, John, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

Long Stow (Huntingdon), dovecote compared with that at (327) Anstey Hall Farm, Trumpington, p. 388b.

Longworth, Richard, Master of St. John's, initials of, p. 200b.

Lonsdale, Sarah, paten given by, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b.

Lord's Prayer, The: (44) Holy Sepulchre (panel), p. 257b; (49) St. Botolph (panel), p. 269b.

Lord, Simeon, 1764, and Ann, 1779, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280a.

Lorkin, Thomas: 1591, brass of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Lot, Escape of, from Sodom, Corpus Christi (glass), p. 53a.

Love before Minerva, fireplace relief representing, (99) No. 30 Thompson's Lane, p. 341b.

Love, Daniel: 1707–8, and Martha his wife, 1715, floor-slab, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Loveday, Thomas, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

Lovelace, Richard, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Lowell House, see Harvard College.

Lowther, William, later Earl of Lonsdale, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Lucas, Edward: contribution towards cost of gates by, Magdalene, p. 138a; wainscoting paid for by, p. 142a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Luke, St., see Apostles and Evangelists.

-, Edward, 1813, Ann his wife, 1809, and Susanna Turner her sister, 1818, floor-slab and monument of, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a.
-, Mary, see Gillam, Edward.

Lupton, Roger, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Lushington, Mary, wife of Rev. James Lushington, see Law, Mary.

Lutyens, Sir Edwin, see under Architects.

Luxmoor, John, Bp. of St. Asaph, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Lyllie, bricks for Fountain supplied by, Trinity, p. 232b.

Lyndhurst, Lord: bust of, Trinity, p. 241a; arms of, see Copley in Armorial Index.

Lynnet, William: Vice-Master of Trinity, floor-slab, p. 220b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Lynwode or Lindwood, William, Bp. of St. David's, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Lyon, T. H., see under Architects.

Lyttleton, Lord George, arms of, see Armorial Index.

McLennan, J. F., bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Mack, John, 1798, floor-slab, (56) St. Michael, p. 286a.

Madingley Hall (Cambs.): old gatehouse of (17) Schools Building re-erected at, pp. lxxv, 12a; fireplace from Veysy's house now at, p. 312a.

Madox Brown, Ford, see Brown under Artists.

Mafeking Cottage, Cherry Hinton (304), p. 381b.

Magdalene College (32): pp. 137a–147a; see also College Buildings in Sectional Preface, pp. lxxvi ff., and also Religious Houses, Sectional Preface, p. lxx; formerly Buckingham College: p. 137a; exceptional foundation of, p. 139b; dissolved 1539, p. 137b; survival of mediaeval arrangement, pp. lxxxiv, 137b, 139b, 144a; refounded, p. 137b; Brewhouse, p. 138b; Bright's Building, p. 139a; Chapel, pp. 138a, 140b–141a; First Court, pp. 139b–145a; Gateway, pp. 138a, 139b; Hall, pp. 138a, 142a– 143a; Master's Lodge, pp. 138b, 146b; Pepys Building and Library, pp. 138b–139b, 141a, 145a–146b, plan of (325) Anstey Hall compared with, p. 387b; Second Court, pp. 145a–146b; Houses in Magdalene Street acquired by, pp. 139a, 342a; Panel- ling from (205) Magdalene Street now in, pp. 143b, 344a.

" Street: houses in, (201)–(211), pp. 341b–346a; (205) No. 25, panelling from, now at Magdalene, pp. 143b, 344a.

Magus, relief carving representing a, King's (organ-case), p. 127b.

Maids' Causeway, see Causeways under Earthworks and Allied Structures; houses in, (266), p. 363a.

Maitland, Hon. Charles Fox, 1818, monument of, Trinity, p. 220a.

Malchus, attacked by St. Peter, King's (glass), p. 120b.

Malcolm IV, King of Scotland, land given to nunnery of St. Radegund by, p. 82a.

Malcolm Street, houses in, (229), (230), p. 352a.

Malkin, Frederick, 1830, wall-tablet, Trinity, p. 220a.

Malines (Belgium), bell from, at Peterhouse, p. 162b.

Malthus, library of, presented to Jesus College, p. 97b.

Malting House, see (290) Newnham, Little.

Man, Henry, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

Manna in Wilderness, King's (glass), p. 120a.

Manners, John Henry, 5th Duke of Rutland, and Roger, 5th Earl of Rutland, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Manning, Samuel, Senior and Junior, see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Manor Farm: Arbury Road, Roman Settlement at, pp. lxv, 6a; Trumpington, (332), p. 389b.

" House, Chesterton (307), p. 383a; Old Manor House (308), p. 383b,

-, John, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, William Lort, 1820, floor-slab, Trinity, p. 220b.

-, Isaac, see Plasterers under Craftsmen.
-, Lord, bust of, Trinity Hall, p. 253b.

Mapletoft, Robert, Master of Pembroke, p. 148a.

Maratti, Carlo, see Ritz under Artists.

Margaret, St.: bell dedicated to, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268a; Queens' College dedicated to, p. 167b; allusion to, in arms of Queens', p. 173a; representations of: King's (label-stop), p. 106b; Queens' (boss), p. 168b, (glass), p. 170b.

Margaret of Anjou, Queen: Queens' College founded by, 1448, p. 167b; head-corbel representing, p. 172a; initials of, p. 172b; arms of, see under Anjou in Armorial Index.

Margitson, Elizabeth, 1765, brass-indent reused as floor-slab of, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a.

Maries, The Three, representations of, Magdalene (glass), p. 141a, (plaster relief), p. 141b.

-, John, 1830, and Mary his wife, 1832, floor-slab, (61) Trumpington, p. 298a.
-, Richard, 19th-century floor-slab, (61) Trumpington, p. 298a.
-, William, 19th-century floor-slab, (61) Trumpington, p. 298a.

Maris House, Trumpington (330), p. 389b.

Mark, St., see Apostles and Evangelists.

Market Hill, (149)–(151), pp. 328a–329a.

" Street, No. 1 (152), p. 329a.

Marlborough, Duke of, draft for St. Mary's church, Rotterdam, submitted to, p. 203a.

Marsh, Herbert, Bp. of Peterborough, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Mart, Dalby, 1734–5, and Ann (Alpha) his wife, brass indent (7) reused as floor-slab of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.

Martin or Martyn:
-, Edward, President of Queens', arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Francis, gift towards new font, 1631, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279a.
-, Rev. Henry: copy of New Testament translated into Persian by, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 259b; monument of, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 259b.
-, Hugh, 1716, and Mary his widow, 1738, floor-slab, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a.
-, Martha, 1807, wall-tablet to W. Elliston erected by, Sidney Sussex, p. 208a.
-, Rev. Thomas, Pittoni painting acquired by, Sidney Sussex, p. 208a.
-, William, portrait of, Peterhouse, p. 163b.

Martindale, Charles, 1788, and Judith, 1799, floor-slab, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a.

Mary the Virgin, St.: bell dedicated to, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b; churches dedicated to, see under Dedications; King's College dedicated to, pp. 17a, 99a; St. Catharine's College in honour of, p. 179a. Types and Emblems of: King's (glass), pp. 118b, 125b. Figures Representing: Corpus Christi (glass), pp. 50b, 51a, (painting on plaster), p. 54b; formerly in Dominican Priory (statue lost), p. 300b. With Child: (59) Cherry Hinton (paint- ing), p. 290a; Corpus Christi (glass), p. 50b, (painting), p. 51a; King's (glass), p. 126a, (painting), p. 128a; (65) Our Lady of the Assumption (statue), p. 300b; (49) St. Botolph (painting), p. 269a. Scenes from the Life of: King's (glass), p. 117b. Birth and Presentation, King's (glass), p. 118a. Marriage, King's (glass), p. 118b. Annunciation: Clare (painting), p. 46b; Gonville and Caius (painting), p. 76b; King's (glass), p. 118b; Queens' (glass), p. 170b. Purification, King's (glass), p. 119a. At the Sepulchre, Magdalene (glass), p. 141a, (plaster relief), p. 141b. Christ appearing to, King's (glass), p. 121b. Death: Corpus Christi (glass), p. 50b; King's (glass), p. 123b. Funeral, King's (glass), p. 123b. Assumption: Corpus Christi (glass), p. 50b; King's (relief), p. 106b, (glass), p. 124a. Coronation, King's (glass), p. 124a. See also under Christ for Nativity, Peità, etc.

Mary the Great, St.: church of, (53), p. 275a; buttress used as datum for road measurements, p. 310a.

Mary the Less, St.: church of, (54), p. 280b; used as chapel by Peter- house, pp. lxxxvii, 157a, 281a.

Mary, St., and St. Nicholas, church of, (61) Trumpington, p. 294a.

Mary Cleophas, St., representation of, Corpus Christi (glass), p. 50b.

Mary, sister of Lazarus, representations of, Magdalene (glass), p. 141a, (plaster relief), p. 141b.

Mary Magdalene, St.: bell dedicated to, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268a; chapel dedicated to, see under Dedications; Magdalene College dedicated to, p. 137b; figure representing, Magdalene, p. 140b; name inscribed on screen, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290b. Scenes from the Life of: Magdalene (glass), p. 141a; At the Sepulchre (plaster relief), Magdalene, p. 141b.

Mary Magdalene, St., chapel of (Stourbridge chapel), (62) Stour- bridge, p. 298.

Mary Salome, St., representation of, Corpus Christi (glass), p. 50b.

Mary I, Queen: Trinity chapel begun in reign of, p. 218b; arms of, see Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

Mary II, Queen, see William and, under Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

-, Elizabeth, wife of William Mason, 1702 (?), headstone, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a.
-, William, 1713, headstone, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a.

Masson, Robert, see Plasterers under Craftsmen.

-, John, 1793, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.
-, Rev. R., design for new court by, Corpus Christi, p. 48b.

Mathematics, statue and emblem of, Trinity, p. 238a.

Mathew, William, 1797, wall-tablet, Jesus, p. 89b.

Mathie, Adam, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Matthew, St.: figure representing, Corpus Christi (glass), p. 50b; see also Apostles and Evangelists.

Matthew, St., church of, (55), p. 283b.

Matthews or Mathewes:
-, See Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.
-, Charles Skinner, 1811, monument of, (48) St. Benet, p. 266a.

Matthias, St.: figure of, Corpus Christi (glass), p. 50b; represented in Crucifixion scene, Peterhouse (glass), p. 158b.

Maulyverer, John, Fellow of Magdalene, p. 138b.

Mawson, Matthias, Bp. of Ely, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Maxey, Charles, 1837, and Sophia (Hodson) his wife, 1844, monument of, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.

May, John, 1749, floor-slab, Queens', p. 170b.

-, Mary Mayfield (?), 1699, headstone, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a.
-, Owen: 1685–6, Sarah his wife, 1684, monument of, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a; arms of, see Armorial Index; reused brass indent, p. 273b.

Maynard, Charles, 1st Viscount, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Mayor, Ann, see Randall, John.

McLennan, J. F., bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

-, James, 1772, wall-tablet, Emmanuel, p. 65b.
-, John Clement, see Architects.
-, Richard, wall-tablet to James Mead erected by, Emmanuel, p. 65b.

Mears, T., see Bellfounders.

Medcalf, Nicholas, 1537, brass of, St. John's, p. 191a.

Mede, Joseph: with Henry More and Ralph Cudworth, 1827, wall- tablet, Christ's, p. 31a; urn in memory of, Christ's, p. 37a.

Medicine, Arms of Regius Professors of, see Civic and Academic Arms in Armorial Index.

Medusa, head of (plaster), (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, p. 21b.

Mee, Richard, 1791, and Elizabeth (Jacob) his wife, 1778, monument of, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a.

Melbourne Place, Barnwell (278), p. 370b.

Mengs, Anthony Raphael, see under Artists.

Meppushal, John, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Merbure, T., name inscribed on door, Christ's, p. 29b.

Merchants' marks: Emmanuel (glass), p. 71a; King's (glass), p. 125a; St. John's (carved), p. 200b.

Meredith, Moore: 1789, paving-stone, Trinity, p. 221a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Meres, John, benefactions of, (48) St. Benet, p. 266a.

Merley, Nicholas, graffiti by, Magdalene, p. 145a.

Merrill, Joseph, (95) Jakenett's Almshouses endowed by, p. 317a.

Merton, Walter of, p. xlvi and Sectional Preface, p. lxxiv.

Merton College, Oxford (292): Merton Hall the property of, p. 377a; see also p. xlvi, and Sectional Preface, pp. lxxiv, lxxxvii.

" Cottage (294), p. 379b.

" Hall (292): see Sectional Preface, pp. xc, xci, (Building Procedure), p. civ; pp. 377a, 379a.

" House (293), p. 379a, b.

Mesman Bequest, temporarily housed in Pitt Building, p. 18b.

Metcalf or Metcalfe:
-, J., see Painters under Craftsmen.
-, Dr. Nicholas, court built by, St. John's, p. 187b.
-, Robert, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Mey, William, President of Queens': property of Carmelites acquired by, p. 167b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Michael, St.: name scratched in tower, (61) Trumpington, p. 298a; representations of: (53) St. Mary the Great (nave roof), p. 278a; Jesus (oak figure), p. 90b; (17) Schools Building (carved spandrel), p. 16a; Trinity (painting), p. 239a.

Michael, St., church of (56), p. 284a.

Michaelhouse: see also pp. xlix, l, liii, and Sectional Preface, pp. lxxiv, lxxv. Formerly on site of Trinity, pp. 209a, b, 211b, 212a; hall probably adapted to serve Trinity, p. 212a; surviving wall perhaps of, Trinity, p. 229a; appropriation of St. Michael's church (56) granted to, p. 284a.

Michell, Daniel: 1687, floor-slab, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Micklethwaite, J. T., see under Architects.

Middle Temple Hall, dimensions used for hall at Trinity, p. 213a.

-, Francis, Lord, bequest from, Jesus College, p. 92a.
-, Hannah: 1812, monument of, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268b; floor-slab, p. 269a.
-, Sarah, 1730–1, Dr. Conyers Middleton, 1750, and John Case, 1699– 1700, floor-slab, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.

Mildenhale, John De, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

Mildmay, Sir Walter: Emmanuel founded by, p. 61b; conversion of friar's church and range by, Emmanuel, p. 66b, Founder's range at Emmanuel, pp. 62a, b, 68b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Milestones, 18th-century: p. xc; (83), p. 310a; datum-point on buttress of tower, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280b; wall-tablet referring to milages, No. 8 Castle Street, p. 310b.

Mill, Charlotte Elizabeth, see Couldsbury, Maria Elizabeth.

Miller's Passage, Castle Hill area, p. 346b.

Millington, William, Provost of King's, work on chapel supervised by, p. 101a.

Mill Lane, No. 12 (178), p. 335a, b.

" Road, The Limes (295), p. 379b.

-, James, see Plumbers under Craftsmen and Glass-painters and Glaziers.
-, Peter (bricklayer), see Brickmakers and Bricklayers under Crafts- men.

Milnar(?), Anthonie, 1666, headstone, (48) St. Benet, p. 266b.

Milner, Dr. Isaac: staircase added during Presidency of, at Queens', p. 174b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Milton, John, busts of: Christ's, p. 37a; Trinity, p. 241a.

Minchin, Robert, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

Minerva: head of, Gonville and Caius (relief), p. 78b; and Love, (199) No. 30 Thompson's Lane (fireplace relief), p. 341b.

Mines, see Plasterers under Craftsmen.

Mirror, see under Furniture.

Misericordes, see under Seating.

Moats, see Ditches under Earthworks and Allied Structures.

-, See also Sectional Preface, p. civ.
-, 17th-century: Emmanuel Chapel (Wren, now lost), p. 62b; Pembroke Chapel (Wren), pp. 148a, 154a; Trinity Hall (Symons, now lost), p. 213a.
-, 18th-century, King's, Ranges (Hawksmoor), pp. 104a, 127a.

Monk, James Henry, Bp. of Gloucester, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Montacute, Simon, portrait of, Peterhouse, p. 160b.

Montagu or Montague: James, Master of Sidney Sussex; Hon. John, Master of Trinity; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Monumental Masons, see under Sculptors.

Monuments, Funeral:
-, See also Brasses, Monumental, Chantry-chapels, Effigies, Sculpture, and Sectional Preface, pp. cxv ff., cxxvii.
-, Altar-tombs (see also Pedestal Monuments and Table-tombs below):
-, 16th-century, St. John's (with canopy), pp. 190b, 191a.
-, 17th-century, (42) All Saints (slab only), p. 254a.
-, Effigies and Statues, see under Effigies, Monumental, and Sculpture.
-, Floor-slabs:
-,-, 17th-century: (60) Chesterton, p. 293b; Christ's, p. 31a; Corpus Christi, p. 50b; Emmanuel, p. 65b; (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260b; Jesus, p. 90a; King's, p. 127b; Peterhouse, p. 158b; Queens', p. 170b; (48) St. Benet, p. 266b; (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a; (50) St. Clement, p. 271a, b; (51) St. Edward, p. 274a; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280a; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a; Trinity, pp. 220b, 221a; Trinity Hall, p. 249b; (61) Trumping- ton, p. 298a.
-,-, 18th-century: (42) All Saints, p. 254b; (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a; (60) Chesterton, p. 293b; Christ's, p. 31a; Corpus Christi, p. 50b; Emmanuel, p. 65b; Gonville and Caius, p. 76b; (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260b; Jesus, p. 90a; King's, p. 127b; Peterhouse, p. 158b; Queens', p. 170b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b; (48) St. Benet, p. 266b; (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a; St. Catharine's, p. 181b; (50) St. Clements, p. 271a, b; (51) St. Edward, p. 274a; (53) St. Mary the Great, pp. 279b, 280a; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a; (56) St. Michael, pp. 285b, 286a; St. John's, p. 191b; Trinity, pp. 220b, 221a; Trinity Hall, p. 249b; (61) Trumpington, p. 298a.
-,-, 19th-century: (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a; (60) Chesterton, p. 293b; Christ's, p. 31a; Corpus Christi, p. 50b; Emmanuel, p. 65b; Gonville and Caius, p. 76b; (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260b; Jesus, p. 90a; Magdalene, p. 140b; Peterhouse, p. 158b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b; (48) St. Benet, p. 266b; (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a; (51) St. Edward, p. 274a; (53) St. Mary the Great, pp. 279b, 280a; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a; (56) St. Michael, pp. 285b, 286a; St. John's, p. 191b; Trinity, pp. 220b, 221a; Trinity Hall, p. 249b; (61) Trumpington, p. 298a.
-, Footstones:
-,-, 18th-century, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b.
-, Headstones:
-,-, 17th-century: (42) All Saints, p. 254b; (60) Chesterton, p. 293b; (47) St. Andrew the Less, p. 263b; (48) St. Benet, p. 266b; (50) St. Clement, p. 271a; (51) St. Edward, p. 274a; (52) St. Giles, p. 275a.
-,-, 18th-century: (42) All Saints, p. 254b; (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a; (60) Chesterton, p. 293b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b; (48) St. Benet, p. 266b; (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a; (50) St. Clement, p. 271a; (51) St. Edward, p. 274a; (52) St. Giles, p. 275a; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a; (61) Trumpington, p. 298a.
-,-, 19th-century: (42) All Saints, p. 254b; (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a; (69) Eden chapel, p. 301b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b; (66) St. Andrew's Street Chapel, p. 301a; (52) St. Giles, p. 275a; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b; (61) Trumpington, p. 298a.
-, Pedestal Monuments:
-,-, 18th-century: (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257b; (48) St. Benet, p. 266a; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a.
-,-, 19th-century: (74) General Cemetery, p. 303a; (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a; (56) St. Michael, p. 285b; (61) Trumpington, p. 298a.
-, Sarcophagus:
-,-, 19th-century, (52) St. Giles, p. 275a.
-, Slabs (see also Floor-slabs above and Table-tombs below):
-,-, c.1000, (77) Cambridge Castle (now in Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology), pp. xli, cxv, 306b.
-,-, 13th-century, Jesus, p. 89b.
-,-, 17th-century, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a.
-,-, 18th-century: (42) All Saints, p. 254a; (49) St. Botolph, pp. 268b, 269a; (50) St. Clement, p. 271a.
-,-, 19th-century: (69) Eden Chapel, p. 301b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.
-,-, Undated, (48) St. Benet, p. 266a.
-, Table-tombs and Tomb-chests (see also Altar-tombs and Pedestal Monuments above):
-,-, 14th-century, (61) Trumpington (with brass, and arch over), p. 297a.
-,-, 17th-century: (50) St. Clement (slab only), p. 271a; Trinity, p. 220b; (61) Trumpington (slab only), p. 297a.
-,-, 18th-century: King's, p. 127a; (48) St. Benet, p. 266a; (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.
-,-, 19th-century: (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a; (74) General Cemetery, p. 303a; (66) St. Andrew's Street chapel, p. 301a; (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a; (58) St. Peter, p. 288a.
-, Tomb-recesses:
-,-, 14th-century: (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279a; (60) Chesterton, p. 293a, b.
-, Tombs:
-,-, 19th-century: (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b; (54) St. Mary the Less (with brass), p. 282a.
-, Urns:
-,-, 19th-century, (74) General Cemetery, p. 303a.
-, Wall-monuments and Tablets:
-,-, 16th-century: (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b; Gonville and Caius, pp. 73b, 74b, 76a; St. John's, p. 191b; (61) Trumpington (set in earlier tomb), p. 297a.
-,-, 17th-century: (42) All Saints, p. 254b; (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b; Christ's, p. 31a; Gonville and Caius, p. 76a, b; (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a; Jesus, pp. 84b, 89b; King's, p. 127a, b; Pem- broke, p. 151b; Peterhouse, p. 158b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a, b; (47) St. Andrew the Less, p. 263b; (48) St. Benet, p. 266b; (49) St. Botolph, pp. 268b, 269a; St. Catharine's, p. 181b; (51) St. Edward, pp. 273b, 274a; (52) St. Giles, p. 275a; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279a, b; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a; (56) St. Michael, p. 285a, b; (58) St. Peter, p. 288a; Trinity, p. 220a; Trinity Hall, p. 249b; (61) Trumpington, p. 297a, (set in earlier tomb), p. 297a.
-,-, 18th-century: (42) All Saints, p. 254b; (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b; (60) Chesterton, p. 293a; Clare, p. 46a, b; Emmanuel, p. 65b; (71) Emmanuel Congregational Chapel, p. 302a; Gonville and Caius, p. 76a, b; (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257b; (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a; Jesus, p. 89b; King's, p. 127a, b; Queens', p. 170b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a, b; (47) St. Andrew the Less, p. 263b; (48) St. Benet, p. 266a; (49) St. Botolph, p. 268b, 269a; St. Catharine's, p. 181b; (50) St. Clement, p. 271a; (51) St. Edward, pp. 273b, 274a; St. John's, p. 191b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279a, b; (54) St. Mary the Less, pp. 282b, 283a; (56) St. Michael, p. 285b; (58) St. Peter, p. 288a; Sidney Sussex, p. 208a; Trinity, p. 220a; Trinity Hall, pp. 246b, 249b; (61) Trumpington, p. 297a.
-,-, 19th-century: (42) All Saints, p. 254a, b; (59) Cherry Hinton, pp. 289b, 290a; (60) Chesterton, p. 293a, b; (43) Christ Church, p. 255b; Christ's, p. 31a; Corpus Christi, p. 53b; (69) Eden Chapel, p. 310b; Emmanuel, p. 65b; (71) Emmanuel Con- gregational Chapel, p. 302a; (74) General Cemetery Mortuary Chapel, p. 303a; (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257b; (45) Holy Trinity, pp. 259b, 260a; Jesus, p. 89b; King's, p. 127a, b; Queens', p. 170b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a, b; (66) St. Andrew's Street Chapel, p. 301a; (48) St. Benet. p. 266a; (49) St. Botolph, p. 268b; (50) St. Clement, p. 271a; (51) St.Edward, pp. 273b, 274a; (52) St. Giles, p. 275a; St. John's, p. 191; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279a, b; (54) St. Mary the Less, pp. 282b, 283a; (56) St. Michael, p. 285a, b; Sidney Sussex, p. 208a; Trinity, pp. 219b–220b; Trinity Hall, p. 249b; (61) Trumpington, p. 297a.

-, Henry, 1729, wall-tablet, St. Catharine's, p. 181b.
-, Henry: epitaph by, Christ's, p. 31a; 1827, wall-tablet of (with Mede and Cudworth), Christ's, p. 31a.
-, Dr. John, library of, presented to University by George I, (21) Uni- versity library, p. 24a.
-, Temple, see under Architects.

Moptyd, Laurence, Master of Corpus Christi, 1557, brass of, p. 248b.

Morell, name on a shield, King's (glass), p. 133a.

Morgan, Charles, 1736, floor-slab, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a.

Morris, William, see under Artists.

Morris, Faulkner and Co.: glass made by, Jesus, p. 84a; ceiling painting directed by, p. 84a.

-, Elizabeth, 1831, and Ann, 1838, daughters of John and Sarah Mortlock, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279a.
-, E. J., (140) Barclay's Bank formerly house and bank of, p. 325b.
-, John: 1754, monument of, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a; arms of, see Armorial Index; reused brass indent, p. 273b.
-, John: 1775, and Mary his wife, 1800, monument of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, John, 1816, Elizabeth Mary his wife, 1817, and William their son, 1848, monument of, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a.

-, John, Abp. of Canterbury, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Mary Ann, see Bland, William.
-, Thomas, Bp. of Durham, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Mosaic, 1870, by Salviati of Venice, Gonville and Caius, p. 74b.

Moses, receiving the Tables of the Law, King's (glass), p. 122b.

Moses, William, Master of Pembroke College, p. 147b.

-, Mary Anne and William, children of Thomas and Rebecca Mott, 18th-century monument of, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a.
-, William, 1772, and Mary his wife, 1755, monument of, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a.
-, William: 1785, and Susan his wife, 1790, monument of, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a; salts given to Corporation by (or by William above), p. 311a.

Mounds, see Barrows under Earthworks and Allied Structures.

'Mount Ararat', see Enclosures under Earthworks and Allied Structures.

Mowse, Dr. William, Master of Trinity Hall, bequest for upkeep of highways by, p. 310a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Munday and Bushell, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Munk, Samuel, 1791, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.

Munro, Johnstone, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, antiquities now in: cross and grave-slabs from site of (77) Castle, p. 306b; 16th- century oak roundels, Corpus Christi, p. 57b; 15th-century image of bishop, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260b; tiles from St. Michael's church, (56), p. 286b; Winchester Cathedral choir screen, p. 303b.

Muses, The Nine, relief representing, (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, p. 20a.

-, Thomas, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, William Peete, 1817, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280a.

Muss, Charles, heraldic glass probably by, Queens', p. 171b.

Mylne, W. C., see under Architects.

Naaman, The Cleansing of, King's (glass), p. 119b.

Naomi lamenting Elimelech, King's (glass), p. 121a.

Napier Street (278), pp. 370b, 371a.

Nash, John, see under Architects.

Nativity, The, see under Christ.

Neale, Josiah, 1792, Ann his wife, 1802, and Ann their daughter, 1826, monument of, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a.

Needlework and Textiles:
-, Altar-frontals:
-,-, 18th-century: King's (Mexican), p. 116a; King's (Continental), p. 131a.
-,-, 19th-century, Jesus, p. 89a.
-, Cushions:
-,-, 17th-century, Pembroke (turkey-work), pp. 149a, 154a.
-, Pall:
-,-, 16th-century, (53) St. Mary the Great (now in Fitzwilliam Museum), pp. cxix, 280a.
-, Tapestries:
-,-, Late 16th or early 17th-century: King's (Brussels), p. 131a; King's (Flemish), p. 131a.
-,-, 17th-century: King's (Dutch), p. 131a, (Flemish), p. 133a; Pembroke (fragment), p. 154b.
-, Veil, for Communion Cup:
-,-, 18th-century, Jesus, p. 90b.

Neptune, representation of, St. John's (relief), p. 200a.

-, Henry, 1768, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.
-, Sir Thomas, glass at King's from collection of, p. 125b.
-, William, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Nevile, Dr. Thomas, Dean of Peterborough, and later of Canterbury, Master of Trinity: building programme in Great Court and Nevile's Court by, Trinity, pp. 212b, 213a, 215a, b, 222b, 229b, 230a, 235a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Charles, 1662, floor-slab, King's, p. 127b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Christopher, painting given by, Emmanuel, p. 66a.

Neville-Griffin, Richard, 2nd Lord Braybrooke, arms of, see Griffin in Armorial Index.

Newbor, Richard, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Newcastle, 1st Duke of, see Pelham-Holles.

New College, Oxford, chapel plan compared with Cambridge types, p. lxxxvii.

Newcombe or Newcome:
-, John, Dean of Rochester; Master of St. John's: 1765, floor-slab, St. John's, p. 191b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Mary, wife of Rev. Dr. John Newcombe, and Dorothy their daughter, see Edwards, Rev. John.

Newel, John, 17[6?]2, floor-slab, Jesus, p. 90a.

-, See Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.
-, Adam, 1696–7: benefaction of, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268a; and with Elizabeth his wife, 1686–7, Mary Smith, 1773, and Francis Smith, 1783, floor-slab, (50) St. Clement, p. 271b.
-, Ann, see Lettice.
-, John, Alderman, spoons given to Corporation by, p. 311a.

-, Charles, see Bellfounders.
-, Thomas, see Bellfounders.

Newmarket Road, houses in, (368)–(277), pp. 366a–370b.

Newnham, houses in, (287)–(292), pp. 375a–377a.

Newnham College, original home of Society in Regent Street (252), p. 358b.

" Cottage (288), pp. 369a, 375b, 376a, see also Sectional Preface, pp. xcv, xcvi.

" Grange (287), p. 375a, b.

" House (289), p. 376a, b.

", Little, (290), p. 376b.

New Square (265), pp. 362a, 363a, b, see also Sectional Preface, p. xcvi.

" Street (278), pp. 370b, 371a.

-, Sir Isaac: allegorical presentation of, to George III by the Univer- sity, Trinity (glass), p. 240a; busts of, p. 241a; figure of (marble), pp. cxvi, 219b.
-, Samuel, 1718, Elizabeth his wife, 1723, their children, and Benjamin Watson, monument of, (48) St. Benet, p. 266a.
-, Samuel, 1718, Sarah his wife, 1716, and John their son, 1719, floor- slab, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a.
-, Sarah: daughter of Samuel Newton, 1724–5, monument of, (48) St. Benet, p. 266a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

New Town (285), houses in, pp. 373b–374b.

" Zealand, former name of New Town (285), p. 373b.

Nicholas, St.: church dedicated to, see St. Mary under Dedications; King's College dedicated to, p. 98b, (17) Schools Building, p. 17a.

Nicholas IV, Pope, nunnery of St. Radegund omitted from Taxation of, p. 82a, b.

Nicholl, William G., see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

-, James, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.
-, John, 18th-century headstone, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a.
-, Thomas, and another, 1700, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.

Nicodemus, Gospel of, scene from, King's (glass), p. 121b.

Nigel, Bp. of Ely, 1133–69, nunnery of St. Radegund founded during episcopacy of, p. 82a.

-, See Kennedy and Nightingale under Architects.
-, J. G.: gate from Enfield originally erected by, now at (21) University Library, p. 24a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Noah, The Drunkenness of, King's (glass), p. 120b.

Nollekens, Joseph, bust of, Trinity, p. 240b; see also Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Nonconformist Chapels:
-, See also Sectional Preface, p. lxxxviii.
-, Dating from the 18th century: (71) Congregational (former), p. 302a; (72) Friends' Meeting House, p. 302a; (66) St. Andrew's Street (Baptist, rebuilt 1903), p. 300b, Robert Robinson's MS. preserved in, p. 384b.
-, Dating from the 19th century: (68) Chapel Street Church Hall (former Baptist), p. 301a; (69) Eden (Baptist), p. 301b; (73) Pound Hill (former Methodist), p. 302b; (70) Providence (former Calvanistic Baptist), p. 301b: (67) Zion (former Baptist), p. 301a.

Norfolk, William, Alderman: beaker given to Corporation by, p. 311a; arms of, see Armorial Index; 1785, and Susan his wife, 1773, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.

-, Thomas, see Bellfounders.
-, Tobie, see Bellfounders.

-, Daniel, 1759, headstone, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a.
-, Edward, Lord, portraits of, Peterhouse, p. 160a, b.
-, Hon. Dr. John, Master of Trinity: p. 237a, b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Roger, biography of Hon. Dr. John North by, p. 237a.

Northampton Street (211)–(213), pp. 345a, 346a.

Northumberland, Hugh, 3rd Duke of: Northumberland Dome given by, (19) Observatory, p. 23a; glass given by, (17) Schools Building, p. 18b; vase given by, (16) Senate House, p. 11b; arms of, see Percy in Armorial Index.

Northumberland Dome, see (19) Observatory, p. 23a.

Norwich, City of, glass given to Corpus Christi by, p. 52b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Noyes, Edward, 1801, brass of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 261b.

Nutting, Thomas, Mayor of Cambridge, p. 310b.

-, H. P., glass given to Holy Sepulchre church by, (44), p. 257b.
-, Thomas Verney, 1818, monument of, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.

Observatory: (19), pp. lxxvi, 22a–23a; former observatory at St. John's, p. 196b.

Ogden, Samuel: flagon given by, (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257b; 1778, monument of, (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257b.

Ogle, John: bills receipted by, Trinity Hall, p. 246a; 1734–5, floor- slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.

Okes, John, Cherry Hinton Hall (296) built for, p. 380a.

Old Botanic Garden, archway from, p. 23b; water supplied to, from Hobson's Conduit, p. 307b.

" Granary, see Newnham Grange.

" House, The, Trumpington (329), p. 389a.

" Manor House, Chesterton (308), p. 383b.

" Nurseries, No. 2 Latham Road (286), p. 374b.

" Police Cottage, Trumpington (334), p. 390a.

" Schools, see (17) Schools Building; and also under University Buildings in Sectional Preface, p. lxxv.

Oldershaw, Francis, wall-tablet, Emmanuel, p. 65b.

Oley, Barnabas: building-accounts begun by, Clare, p. 38a; paid part cost of canopy-work at King's chapel, p. 115b.

Oliver, John, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Crafts- men.

Orchard Terrace (264), houses in, p. 362a.

-, See also Sectional Preface, p. cxviii.
-, Bishop, J. C., Jesus, p. 90a.
-, Harris, René, King's, p. 115a.
-, Hill, Messrs.: (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280a; Trinity, p. 221a.
-, Schmidt, Father Bernard (Smith): Jesus, p. 90a; Pembroke, p. 154; (53) St. Mary the Great (rebuilt), p. 280a; Trinity, p. 221a.
-, Schnetzler, Johannes, Peterhouse, p. 158b.
-, Schrider, Christopher, Trinity, p. 221a.

Organs and Organ-cases:
-, See also Sectional Preface, p. cxviii.
-, 17th-century: King's, pp. 115a, 127b, 128a; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280a.
-, 18th-century: Christ's, p. 31a; Emmanuel, p. 66a; Pembroke, p. 154a; Peterhouse, p. 158b; Trinity, pp. 212b, 221a.
-, 19th-century: Jesus, incorporating 17th-century stops, p. 90a; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b; St. Catharine's, p. 180a.
-, Modern: Clare, p. 46b.

Osborn or Osborne:
-, Francis, 7th Duke of Leeds, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Thomas, see under Bellfounders.

Osiris, carved symbol of, (19) Observatory, p. 22b.

Otte, chest possibly made by, (84) Guildhall, p. 311a.

Oughtred, name inscribed on shield, King's (glass), p. 133a.

Ould, E. A., see under Architects.

-, Barns:
-,-, 17th or 18th-century: (327) Anstey Hall Farm, Trumpington, p. 388b; (338) Clay Farm, Trumpington, p. 391b.
-,-, 18th-century, (307) Manor House, Chesterton, p. 383a.
-, Granaries:
-,-, 17th or 18th-century, (338) Clay Farm, Trumpington, p. 391b.
-,-, 19Th-century, (287) Newnham Grange, p. 375b.
-, Pigeon-houses:
-,-, 18th-century: (327) Anstey Hall Farm, p. 388b; (310) Chesterton House, p. 384a.
-, Stables and Coach-houses:
-,-, 17th-century, (316) Roebuck House, p. 385a.
-,-, 18th-century, (324) Trumpington Hall, p. 387b.
-,-, 19th-century: (281) Brooklands, p. 372b; (216) The Grove, p. 348a; (255) Park Side, p. 359b; (257) No. 27 Park Side, p. 360a.

Overall, John, Bp. of Norwich, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Overton, John, 1696, Elizabeth his wife, 1696, and three children, headstone, (48) St. Benet, p. 266b.

Oxford, College Chapel plans, comparisons with: Sectional Preface, p. lxxxvii; St. Mary the Less (54), p. 281a.

Oyster House (271), p. 368a.

" shells, used as damp-proof course, see under Building Materials in Sectional Preface, p. cii.

Pack, see under Bellfounders.

Paddon, Elizabeth, widow of Rev. George Paddon, 1843, monument of, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a.

-, Richard, memorial to Sir Thomas Page erected by, King's, p. 127a.
-, Sir Thomas: 1681, wall-tablet, King's, p. 127a; floor-slab, p. 127b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, William, 1806, monument of, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.

Paine, John, 1680, floor-slab, Jesus, p. 90a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, See also Paintings in Sectional Preface, p. cxix, and also Wall- paintings.
-, 14th-century, St. Sythe (incised and painted figure), (60) Chesterton, p. 294a.
-, 15th-century: Virgin and Child (Westphalian School), King's, p. 128a; Rhenish School (triptych), Queens', p. 170b.
-, 16th-century: Deposition (by Sermoneta), King's, p. 128a; Portraits (panel), Peterhouse, pp. 160a, b, 163b.
-, 17th-century: Virgin and Child with St. Simon Stock, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a; Last Supper (N. Italian), Jesus, p. 90a; Henrietta Maria (on glass), St. John's, p. 195a; Charles I (attributed to Fruytiers), (56) St. Michael, p. 286a.
-, 18th-century: Deposition (copy), Christ's, p. 31a; Lady Margaret at Prayer (copy), Christ's, p. 31a; Annunciation (by Cipriani), Clare, p. 46b; Virgin, Child and St. John (copy, Roman School), Corpus Christi, p. 51a; Return of the Prodigal Son (by Amigoni), Emmanuel, p. 66a; altarpiece (lost), Gonville and Caius, p. 76b; Presentation in the Temple (by Jouvenet), Jesus, p. 90a; Romantic landscape (overmantel), (222) 'Little Trinity', p. 350a, b; Entombment (copy after Baroccio), Pembroke, p. 154a; Landscape (panel), Queens', p. 177a; Crucifixion (copy after Van Dyck), (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a; Adoration of the Magi (copy after Veronese), (52) St. Giles, p. 275a; Pietà (by Mengs after Van Dyck), St. John's, p. 191b; Adoration of the Shepherds, (56) St. Michael, p. 286a; Rights of the University and Ceremonies relating to Stourbridge Fair, (17) Schools Building, p. 17b; Presepio (by G. B. Pittoni), Sidney Sussex, pp. 204a, 208a: St. Michael binding Satan (former reredos, by West), Trinity, p. 239a; Presentation in the Temple (Flemish), Trinity Hall, p. 250a.
-, 19th-century: Angel-choirs (doors of organ-case), Jesus, p. 90a; Virgin and Child (copy after Raphael), (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a; Crucifixion (on copper), (52) St. Giles, p. 275a; Pietà and Ascension (reredos), Trinity, p. 222a.
-, Modern, Magdalene College (on copper), Magdalene, p. 143b.
-, Undated, Portrait of Ralph Symons (posthumous), Emmanuel, p. 203a.

Pall, see under Needlework and Textiles, and Sectional Preface, p. cxix.

Palladio, Wren's first scheme for Library reminiscent of Villa Capra, Trinity, p. 213b.

Palmby, Ann, 1763 (?), and ..., wife of . . . Palmby, 1793, floor-slab, (48) St. Benet, p. 266b.

-, Alice: cups and flagon given by, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, John, 1840, floor-slab, St. John's, p. 191b.

-, In Churches:
-,-, 19th-century, (57) St. Paul, p. 287a.
-, Linen-fold:
-,-, 16th-century, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280a.
-, In University Buildings and Colleges:
-,-, See also Sectional Preface, pp. cxx, cxxi.
-,-, 16th-century: Gonville and Caius, pp. 79a, b, 80a; King's, p. 128b; Peterhouse, p. 164b; Queens', pp. 171b, 176a, 177a; St. John's, p. 193a; Trinity, p. 230b.
-,-, c. 1600: Christ's, p. 34b; Gonville and Caius, p. 81a; Jesus, pp. 92a, 97b; Magdalene, pp. 140b, 142a, b, 143b, 344a; Peterhouse, p. 162b; Queens', pp. 175a, b, 176a; St. Catharine's, p. 186a; St. John's, pp. 190a, 194b–196a, 200b; Sidney Sussex, p. 207b; Trinity, pp. 218a, 230b, 232a, b; Trinity Hall, p. 252a.
-,-, 17th-century: Christ's, pp. 28a, 33b, 36a; Clare, pp. 42b, 43a; Corpus Christi, pp. 54b, 55b, 57a; Emmanuel, pp. 66a, 69b; Gonville and Caius, p. 79b; King's, pp. 128a, b, 130a, 131a; Magdalene, p. 146a; Pembroke, pp. 151a, b, 152b, 154a–155b; Peterhouse, pp. 163a, 165a, b; Queens', pp. 171b, 176a–177a; St. Catharine's, pp. 181b, 184a, 185a, 186a, 187a; St. John's, pp. 188a, 195b, 198a, 199a, 200a; Sidney Sussex, p. 208b; Trinity, pp. 224a, 226a, 235b, 236b, 239a, 242a; Trinity Hall, p. 249.
-,-, c. 1700: Pembroke, p. 156a; St. Catharine's, p. 185a.
-,-, 18th-century: Christ's, pp. 31b, 32a, 33a, 34b, 36b; Clare, pp. 45b–46b; Corpus Christi, pp. 54b, 55a, b, 57b; Emmanuel, pp. 67b–68b; Gonville and Caius, pp. 76b, 77a, 78a, 79b, 80a; Jesus, pp. 92a, 94a; King's, pp. 133a, 135a; Magdalene, pp. 141b, 142b–143b, 146a; Peterhouse, pp. 158b, 159b, 160a, 162b, 167a; Queens', pp. 170a, 172b, 173a–174a, 177b, 178a; St. Catharine's, pp. 185a, 186a; St. John's, pp. 195a, 196a, b, 200b; (17) Schools Building p. 16b; Selwyn, p. 202b; (16) Senate House, p. 11a; Sidney Sussex, pp. 206a–207b, 208b; Trinity, pp. 212b, 217b– 218b, 221a, 223b, 230b, 232b, 234b, 236a, b; Trinity Hall, pp. 246a, b, 250a–251b, 252b,
-,-, 19th-century: Corpus Christi, p. 52a; (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, p. 21a; King's, p. 128b; Magdalene, p. 141a.
-, In Houses:
-,-, Late 16th or early 17th-century: (201) No. 31 Magdalene Street, p. 342a.
-,-, c. 1600: (191) No. 12 Bridge Street, p. 338b; (242) No. 12 Little St. Mary's Lane, p. 356a; (324) Trumpington Hall, p. 387a.
-,-, 17th-century: (270) Abbey House, p. 366b; (325) Anstey Hall, Trumpington, p. 388a; (192) No. 10 Bridge Street, p. 339a; (146) Central Hotel, p. 327b; (337) Coach and Horses Inn, Trumpington, p. 391b; (189) No. 3 Jordan's Yard, p. 338a; (211) Northampton Street and Magdalene Street, p. 346a.
-,-, c. 1700: (270) Abbey House, pp. 367b, 368a; (232) Tunwells Court, P. 353a; (160) No. 10 Green Street, p. 331b.
-,-, 18th-century: (270) Abbey House, p. 368a; (134) Benet Street, p. 324b; (181) No. 69 Bridge Street, p. 336a; (183) No. 30 Bridge Street, p. 336b; (193) No. 9 Bridge Street, p. 339a; (195) No. 3 Bridge Street, p. 339b; (268) Burleigh House, p. 366a; (158) Fisher House, removed from 58 St. Andrew's Street, p. 330b;
-,-, (164) No. 32 Hobson Street, p. 332b; (223) 32 Jesus Lane, p. 351a; (222) Little Trinity, No. 16 Jesus Lane, p. 350a, b; (178) No. 12 Mill Lane, p. 335b; (112) Nos. 23 and 24 Trinity Street, p. 320b; (116) No. 34 Trinity Street, p. 321b; (324) Trumpington Hall, p. 387a; (279) Wanstead House, p. 371b.
-, Linen-fold:
-,-, 16th-century: Clare, p. 41b; Queens', pp. 171b, 176a; St. Catharine's, p. 186a; St. John's, pp. 193a, b, 200b;

Panton Hall, (285) p. 373b.

" Street, New Town (285), p. 374a, b.

'Paper Mills,, Chesterton (323), p. 386a.

Paris or Parris:
-, Francis Sawyer, 1760, wall-tablet, Sidney Sussex, p. 208a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, John, 1781, floor-slab, (48) St. Benet, p. 266b.

Paris, inscription on bell commemorating Peace of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 261b.

Park Lodge, Park Terrace (259), pp. 360a–361a.

" Side, houses in (254) –(256), pp. 359a–360a.

" Street, Houses in (220) and (221), pp. 348b, 349a.

" Terrace, houses in (258)–(261), pp. 360a–361a.

Parke, Sir James, arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Edward (?), 1649, monument of, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.
-, Matthew, Master of Corpus Christi, later Abp. of Canterbury: gallery built by, p. 48b; statue of, p. 50a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Parker's Piece: p. liii; houses by, (253)–261), pp. 359a–361a; 1838 Coronation Dinner held on, p. cxxix; p. 360b.

Parker Street, Nos. 1–6 (262), p. 361b.

Parkinson, Thomas, contribution towards gates by, Magdalene, p. 138a.

Parliament, Houses of, frontal perhaps made up from hangings in former, Jesus, p. 89a.

Parratt, Eleanor, 1760, wall-tablet to F. S. Parris erected by, Sidney Sussex, p. 208a.

Parris, see Paris.

-, Edmund, 1803, monument of, (56) St. Michael, p. 285a.
-, Humphrey, son of David and Catharine Parry, 1797, monument of (56) St. Michael, p. 285a–b.

Parthenon frieze, cast of, (18) Fitzwilliam Museum. p. 21b.

Partridge, of London, see Smiths under Craftsmen.

Paschal Yard (former), now part of Pembroke College, p. 149a.

Patrick, Simon, Bp. of Ely: chapel consecrated by, St. Catharine's, p. 180a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Paul, St.: church dedicated to, see under Dedications. Figures repre- senting: Peterhouse (glass), p. 158b; St. Catharine's (glass), p. 182b; St. John's (carving), p. 192a; (61) Trumpington (glass), p. 296b. Scenes from life of: At Athens, Corpus Christi (glass), p. 53a; Conversion, pp. 123a, 125a; At Damascus, Preaching at Lystra, Stoned at Lystra, King's (glass), p. 123a; Arrival at Samothrace, Healing at Philippi, Before Lysias at Jerusalem, Before Nero, p. 123b.

Pavements, Stone and Marble:
-, See also Building Materials in Sectional Preface, p. xcix. See also under Tiles.
-, 17th-century: Corpus Christi, p. 51a; Emmanuel, p. 66a; Gonville and Caius, p. 66a; Pembroke, p. 154b; Queens', p. 174a; St. Catharine's, p. 182a; St. John's, p. 187b; Trinity, pp. 237b, 239a, 241b.
-, 18th-century: Christ's, p. 28b; Clare, p. 46b; (237) Kenmare House, p. 354a; King's, p. 128b; Magdalene, pp. 141a, 142b; (222) 'Little Trinity', p. 350a; Peterhouse, p. 158b; (16) Senate House, pp. 9b, 11b; Trinity Hall, pp. 246a, 249b.
-, 19th-century, (18) Fitzwilliam Museum (tesselated), p. 21b.

Paynell, Robert: 1677, floor-slab, Jesus, p. 90a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Peachell, John, Master of Magdalene College 1679–90, p. 138b.

Peachey, William, see under Architects.

Peacock, representation of, King's (glass), p. 126a.

Peacock or Peacocke:
-, George, No. 38 Newmarket Road part of estate of, p. 369a.
-, Thomas, President of Queens', 1557, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Thomas, 1786, monument of, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268b.

Pearce (see also Pierce):
-, Arms of, see Armorial Index and also Serocold in Armorial Index.
-, See Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.
-, Ann (Serocold), widow of Rev. William Pearce, 1835, monument of, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b.
-, Edward Serocold, 1828, floor-slab, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a.
-, George, 1803, and Catherine Pearce, 1820, floor-slab, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b.
-, Georgiana Elizabeth (Smith), wife of Edward Serocold Pearce, 1828, monument of, (59) Cherry Hinton, pp. 289b–290a.
-, Harry, c. 1800, floor-slab, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b.
-, Dr. William, Master of Jesus College: Jesus, painting by Jouvenet presented by, p. 90a; 1820, brass, p. 89a, wall-tablet, p. 89b, floor-slab, p. 90a.

Pearne, see Perne.

Pears (?), Francis Eliza, 1819, floor-slab, (56) St. Michael, p. 286a.

-, John, Master of Jesus, floor-slab of Stephen Hall provided by, p. 90a.
-, John, Bp. of Chester, Master of Trinity, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, J. L., see under Architects.

Peas Hill, houses in (144)–(148), pp. 326a–328a.

-, John, benefactors' tables given by, in 1764, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268a.
-, S., arms of, see Armorial Index.

Peckard, Peter, Master of Magdalene College, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Peckitt, William, of York, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Pedder, William, 1683, floor-slab, (50) St. Clement, p. 271b.

Pegasus, relief including, (18) Fitzwilliam Museum (pediment), p. 20a.

Peghe, Thomas, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Pelham-Holles, Thomas, 1st Duke of Newcastle, Chancellor of the University: Wright's design for Schools put forward by, pp. lxxvi, 10a; statue of George II given by, (17) Schools Building, p. 18b.

Pelican in Piety, representations of: Corpus Christi (wood carving), p. 56b; (44) Holy Sepulchre (glass), p. 257a; Jesus (carving on screen), p. 90b; St. Catharine's, p. 183a.

-, Christopher, Grove Lodge built by, p. 354a.
-, Sir Francis: Trumpington Hall bought by, p. 386b; 1697, monument of, (61) Trumpington, p. 297a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Rev. Jeremy: 1800, hatchment of, (61) Trumpington, p. 297a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, T. or (I), scratched initials of, (334) Old Police Cottage, Trumping- ton, p. 390a.
-, William Augustus, 1816, wall-tablet, Emmanuel, p. 65b.

Pembroke College (33): pp. lxxiii, 147a–156b; see also College Buildings in Sectional Preface, pp. lxxvi ff. Land bought by Foundress, p. 147b; original Chapel (converted to Old Library), pp. 147b–149a, 151a, b; corbels from, p. 156b; Chapel, pp. 148a– 149a, 153a–154b; Chapel Court, p. 147b; First Court, pp. 148b– 154b; original Hall, pp. 147b, 148b, stone door-case from, p. 156b, panelling from, pp. 151a, 152b, 153a; 19th-century Hall, p. 152b; Hitcham Building, p. 147b; Hitcham's Cloister, pp. 148b, 151a; Ivy Court, pp. 147b, 154b–156b; Old Court, pp. 147b, 148b.

" Hall, see Pembroke College, p. 147a.

Pennington, Sir Isaac: (181) No. 69 Bridge Street bought for, p. 336a; 1817, wall-tablet, St. John's, p. 191b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Penrose, F. C., see under Architects.

Pepys, Samuel: contribution towards New Building, Magdalene, by, p. 139a; letter referring to New Building to, p. 138b; library (see under Magdalene College) bequeathed to College, pp. 139a, b, 146b; motto of (carved), p. 145b; diary cited, p. 327a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Percevall, Phoebe, see Withnoll.

-, Alan, Master of St. John's, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Francis, see Carvers under Craftsmen.
-, Francis: and Margaret his wife, 1711, and children, 1705, 1706, monument of, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a; arms of, see Armorial Index; floor-slab of Margaret, 1711, p. 260b.
-, Hugh, 3rd Duke of Northumberland, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, See also under Northumberland.

Perne or Pearne:
-, Dr. Andrew, Master of Peterhouse: 1554–89, p. 157a; portrait of, Peterhouse, p. 160b; weather-vane with initials of, (58) St. Peter, p. 288a; proposal to flush King's Ditch made by, p. 307b.
-, Thomas, 1827, monument of, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a.

Perne Library, see under Peterhouse.

Perry, Charles, advowson of St. Andrew the Less bought by, p. lxix.

-, See Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.
-, Stephen, M.D.: Barnwell Causeway built under terms of will of, p. 366a; Perse Grammar School founded under terms of will of. p. 317a; bequest to Gonville and Caius by, p. 73b; 1615, monument, Gonville and Caius, p. 76a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Perse Grammar School: founded by Stephen Perse, M.D., p. 317a; Fitzwilliam collections exhibited in, p. 18b.

Pershall, Elizabeth Mary, see Harwood.

Persia, Queen of, scroll referring to, King's (glass), p. 118b.

Peter, St.: Church dedicated to, see under Dedications. Figures representing: Corpus Christi (glass), p. 51a; (44) Holy Sepulchre (glass), p. 257a; King's (glass), p. 126a; Peterhouse (carving), p. 159a; (61) Trumpington (glass), p. 296b. Scenes from the life of: Healing the Lame Man, Preaching, Arrest and Scourging, Death of Ananias, King's (glass), p. 123a.

Peter, St.: church of, (58), p. 287a; Roman bricks re-used in, pp. lxii, c. 287b.

Peter, St., without Trumpington Gates, now (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 280b.

Peterhouse (34): pp. 156b–167b. See also College Buildings in Sectional Preface, pp. lxxvi ff. Founded 1280, p. 156b; Arcaded walks, pp. 157a, b, 159a; Burrough's Building, pp. 157a–159b; Buttery, pp. 160a–161a; Chapel, pp. 157a–159b; First Court, pp. 157b–160a; Gallery and Gateway connecting with St. Mary the Less (54), pp. 157a, 281a, 282a; Gisborne Court, pp. 157a, 165b–166b; Hall, pp. 156b, 157a, 160a, b; Kitchen, pp. 157a, 161a; Master's Lodge, pp. 157a, b, 167a, b; Old Court, pp. 156b, 157a, 160a, 165b; original library, pp. 156b, 164a; Perne Library, pp. 157b, 162b–163b; Ward Library, pp. 159b, 160a, Emmanuel College chapel influenced by chapel at, p. 63b; painting formerly in Chapel, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a. St. Mary the Less used as chapel of, (54), p. 281a.

Petersfield, Barnwell (278), pp. 370b, 371a.

Peters-on, Mariken (?), name inscribed in glass, Jesus, p. 97b.

Petty Cury, houses in (153)–(156), pp. 329a–330a.

Pewter, see under Plate, Church.

-, Elizabeth (Anderson), 1659, monument of, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a.
-, Sandys, 1682, and Margaret his wife, 1687–8, floor-slab, (48) St. Benet, p. 266b.

Phelps, Richard, see under Bellfounders.

Philip, St., figures representing: Corpus Christi (glass), p. 50b; King's (glass), p. 126a.

Philip, King, and Queen Mary, Commission for building Trinity College under seal of, p. 212a.

Phillips, Thomas, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

'Philippus sculptor', see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Phipps and Ward, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Phoebus, with Chariot, relief, (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, p. 20b.

Phoenix Nursery, Castle Hill area, p. 346b.

Phyffers, Thomas, see Carvers under Craftsmen.

Physical Chemistry Department, see p. 317.

Physick Hostel, see under Hostels.

'Physics', statue and emblem of, Trinity, p. 238a.

Pickerel, see under Inns.

Pierce or Pierse:
-, Edward, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Crafts- men.
-, John: 1652–3, floor-slab, (48) St. Benet, p. 266b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Pietà, see under Christ, Scenes from the Life of.

Pigeon-houses, see under Outbuildings.

Pigott, Granado, first stone of tower laid by, (50) St. Clement, p. 271b.

Pike, Mary, see Pitchard, George; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Pilkington, James, Bp. of Durham, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Pinckney, Arnold, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

Pindar, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

-, See also Sectional Preface, p. cxxii.
-, 13th-century: (59) Cherry Hinton (two, one double), p. 290a; Jesus, pp. 84b, 87a, 90a; (47) St. Andrew the Less (double), p. 263b; (48) St. Benet, p. 266b; St. John's, p. 191b; (61) Trump- ington (double), p. 298a.
-, 14th-century: (60) Chesterton (double), p. 293b; (48) St. Benet (double), p. 266b; (53) St. Mary the Great (double), p. 280b; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283b; (56) St. Michael, p. 286a; Trinity Hall, pp. 245b, 249b; (61) Trumpington, p. 298a.
-, Late 14th or early 15th-century, Pembroke, p. 154b.
-, 15th-century: (60) Chesterton, p. 293b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280b.
-, Mediaeval, (50) St. Clement, p. 271b.
-, 16th-century, Christ's (two), p. 31b.

Pitchard, George, son of Thomas and Mary (Pike): 1650, monument of, (61) Trumpington, p. 297a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Pitcher, William, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Pitches, Elizabeth, wife of William Pitches, see Brewer, John.

Pitchford, J. see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Crafts- men.

Pite, Beresford, see Architects.

Pitt, William, remainder of fund for statue of, used for building Pitt Press, p. 24b.

Pitt Building: Mesman bequest temporarily housed in, (18) Fitz- william Museum, p. 18b; see (22) University Press, p. 24b.

" Club (London), funds for Pitt Press provided by, pp. 24b, 25a.

Pittoni, G. B., see under Artists.

Plaifere, Thomas, 1609–10, monument with bust of, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268b.

-, See Sectional Preface, p. cxxii, and also under Ceilings, and Vaulting.
-, 15th-century, Magdalene (scored decoration on partitions), p. 144b.
-, 17th-century: (146) Central Hotel (modelled heads), p. 327b; Clare (arch), p. 42b.
-, 18th-century, Magdalene (relief, formerly in reredos), pp. 138a, 141b, cxxiv.
-, 19th-century: Downing (framing for roundel), p. 60a; (18) Fitz- william Museum (heraldic cartouches), p. 21a.

-, See also Sectional Preface, p. cxxiii.
-, Church:
-,-, Alms-dishes: 17th-century: (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260b; (48) St. Benet, p. 266b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280b. 18th-century: (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b; (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a; (51) St. Edward, p. 274b; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283b. 19th-century: (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260b; (50) St. Clement (plated), p. 271b; (56) St. Michael, p. 286a.
-,-, Cover-patens: 16th-century: (42) All Saints, p. 254b; (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a; (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b; (48) St. Benet, p. 266b. 17th-century: (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260b; (48) St. Benet, p. 266b. 18th-century: (42) All Saints, p. 254b; (51) St. Edward, p. 274b.
-,-, Cups: 16th-century: (42) All Saints, p. 254b; (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a; (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b; (48) St. Benet, p. 266b; (51) St. Edward, p. 274b. 17th-century: (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260b; (48) St. Benet, p. 266b; (51) St. Edward, p. 274b; (52) St. Giles, p. 275a; (54) St. Mary the Less (remodelled), p. 283b; (61) Trumping- ton, p. 298a. 18th-century: (42) All Saints, p. 254b; (60) Chesterton, p. 293b; (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 275b; (51) St. Edward, p. 274b. 19th-century: (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b; (66) St. Andrew's Street Chapel, p. 301a; (50) St. Clement, p. 271b; (52) St. Giles, p. 275a; (54) St. Mary the Less (small), p. 283b; (56) St. Michael, p. 286a; (57) St. Paul, p. 287a.
-,-, Flagons: 17th-century: (48) St. Benet, p. 266b; (54) St. Mary the Less (remodelled), p. 283b. 18th-century: (42) All Saints, p. 254b; (60) Chesterton, p. 293b; (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b; (51) St. Edward, p. 274b. 19th-century: (71) Emmanuel Congregational Chapel, p. 302a; (50) St. Clement, p. 271b; (52) St. Giles, p. 275a; (57) St. Paul, p. 287a; (61) Trumpington, p. 298a:
-,-, Patens: 17th-century: (42) All Saints, p. 254b; (50) St. Clement, p. 271b; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283b; (56) St. Michael, p. 286a; (61) Trumpington, p. 298a. 18th-century, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b. 19th-century: (60) Chesterton, p. 293b; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283b.
-,-, Plates: 19th-century, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b.
-,-, Porringers: 17th-century, (71) Emmanuel Congregational Chapel, p. 302a. 18th-century, (71) Emmanuel Congregational Chapel, p. 302a.
-,-, Spoons: 19th-century, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280b.
-,-, Stand-patens: 18th-century: (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a; (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257b; (51) St. Edward, p. 274b. 19th-century: (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b; (52) St. Giles, p. 275a; (57) St. Paul, p. 287a.
-,-, Brass: Alms-dishes: 16th-century: (59) Cherry Hinton (German), p. 290b; (48) St. Benet (German), p. 266b.
-,-, Pewter: Alms-dishes, (42) All Saints, p. 254b. Candlesticks, (51) St. Edward, p. 274b. Plates: 17th-century, (61) Trumpington, p. 298a. 18th-century, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280b.
-,-, Base-metal: Alms-dishes, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.
-, Corporation, all in (84) Guildhall:
-,-, 17th-century, Maces, p. 310b.
-,-, 18th-century: Coffe-pot, Beakers, Maces and Mace-rest, Salts, Spoons, pp. 310b, 311a; Tankard, p. 310b.
-,-, 19th-century, Spoons, p. 311a.

Plato, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Platt, William, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Pleasant Row, Castle Hill area, p. 346b.

Plumme, W., adaptation of monastic buildings supervised by, Jesus, p. 82a.

Plumptre or Plumptree:
-, Dorothy, see Ward.
-, Robert, President of Queens' College, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Russell, 1793, and Frances his wife, 1786, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.

Poetry, Genius of, relief, Trinity, p. 241a.

Poley, I., 1695, inscribed paving-slab, Queens', p. 174a.

Poole, T. R., see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Pope, Alexander, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Porden, William, see under Architects.

Porson, Richard, Regius Professor of Greek: bust of, Trinity, p. 241a; 1808, monument with bust of, p. 220a; floor-slab, p. 221a.

-, John, 1771, monument of, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a.
-, Mary, wife of John, 1747, monument of, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a.

Portland Place, Barnwell (278), p. 371a.

Portugal Place (196), pp. 339b–340a.

Postan, Eileen (Power), memorial to, Peterhouse, p. 158b.

Post House, see Eagle and Child Inn, p. 324a.

-, See also The Growth of the City pp. xxxiii ff and Sectional Preface, pp. lxiii ff.
-, Neolithic: (1) Barrows, p. 1a; (3) War Ditch, p. 1b.
-, Bronze Age, (1) Barrows, p. 1a.
-, Iron Age, (3) War Ditch, p. 1b.
-, Roman: (3) War Ditch, p. 2b; (10) Road, p. 6a, b; (11) p. 6b; (13) p. 7b; (14) Ditch, p. 8a; (15) Town Ditch, p. 8b.
-, Saxon: see Anglo-Danish Cambridge, p. xli; (78) King's Ditch, p. 307a.

Potto, Samuel, Hobson's Conduit endowed by, p. 308a.

-, Anna Horlick, 1852, wife of Robert Potts, monument of, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a.
-, Hannah, widow of Robert Potts, 1845, monument of, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a.

Pound Green, building on former, p. 346b.

-, Robert, 1690, floor-slab, Queens', p. 170b.
-, William Samuel, Master of St. John's, 1775, floor-slab, St. John's, p. 191b.

Powlett, Thomas Orde, Lord Bolton, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Poynter, Ambrose, see Architects.

Pratt, John Jeffreys, 2nd Earl and 1st Marquess Camden: glass given by, (17) Schools Building, p. 18b; arms of, see Pratt and Jeffreys in Armorial Index.

Preist, John, flagon given by, (48) St. Benet, p. 266b.

Prentice, Martin, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

-, Kenrick, Master of St. Catharine's: 1799, floor-slab, St. Catharine's, p. 181b; monument erected by, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268b.
-, Mary, see Preston.
-, Susanna, wife of Rev. Anthony Fountayne Eyre, see Preston, Mary.

Presses, see Bookcases under Furniture.

-, Alice, brass to Thomas her husband set up by, Trinity Hall, p. 249b.
-, John, range built at expense of, Gonville and Caius, p. 73a.
-, Mary (Prescot), wife of Rev. Thomas Preston, 1776, and Susanna (Prescot), wife of Rev. Anthony Fountayne Eyre, 1776, monu- ment of, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268b.
-, Thomas, Master of Trinity Hall: 1598, brass of, p. 248b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Pria..., Michael, 1767, floor-slab, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a.

-, Samuel, gift of Royal Arms to Trinity, p. 240a.
-, W., see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

-, Elene, wife of Phill. Prigg, 1690–1, monument of, (47) St. Andrew the Less, p. 263b.
-, Philip, 1686–7, monument of, (47) St. Andrew the Less, p. 263b.

Prince, Thomas, 1782, inscription to, added to indent of earlier brass, (42) All Saints, p. 254a.

Prince of Wales' feathers, see Wales, Prince of, under Badges in Armorial Index.

Princes Street, New Town (285), p. 374a.

Prior, Matthew, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Pritchard, Elizabeth, see Wickstede.

Prodigal Son, The Return of the: Emmanuel (painting), p. 66a; King's (glass), p. 122b.

Prophets, figures of: King's (carvings), pp. 128a, 129b, 130a; (glass), pp. 125a, 126a.

Prospect Row (278), pp. 370b, 371a.

'Protevangel of James', incidents from, King's (glass), p. 118a.

-, John, 1847, floor-slab, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.
-, Martha, wife of John Prowett, 1834, and John their son, 1787, floor- slab, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.

Ptolemy II, receiving the Septuagint, Trinity (relief), p. 238a.

Public Library (86), fireplace from Veysy's house now in, p. 312a.

Puckering, Sir Henry Newton, Bt.: cypher of, Trinity, p. 240b; arms of see Armorial Index.

Pugin, A. W. N.: figure given to St. Andrews' church by, p. 300b; see also under Architects.

-, See also Sectional Preface, p. cxxiii.
-, 16th-century, (51) St. Edward, p. 274b.
-, 17th-century: (60) Chesterton, p. 293b; (61) Trumpington, p. 298a.
-, 18th-century: (49) St. Botolph (reconstituted), p. 269a; (53) St. Mary the Great (now re-used as panelling), p. 280a; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283b.
-, 19th-century, (45) Holy Trinity (remade into cabinet), p. 260b.
-, Modern, incorporating old material, (50) St. Clement, p. 271b.
-, Sounding-boards:
-,-, 18th-century, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283b.

-, John, Alderman, beaker given to Corporation by, p. 311a.
-, Capt. William Jardine, R.N., 1848, and William Jardine his son, 1850, monument of, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a.

Pykenham, John, c. 1300, indent, Jesus, p. 89a.

-, Estate of Trumpington Hall sold by family of, p. 386b.
-, Thomas, 1577, monument of, (61) Trumpington, p. 297a.
-, William, 1614, monument of, (61) Trumpington, p. 297a.

Pythagoras House (213), p. 346a.

", School of, (292), pp. xc, 377a–379a.

Quadring, Gabriel, Master of Magdalene, p. 138b.

Quays and Docks: Michael House, p. 1; 'Foot-wharf', St. John's, p. 199a; Salt-hythe, p. li; foundry moved to Quayside, p. 329a.

Queen Street, New Town (285), p. 374a.

Queens' College (35): pp. 167b–178b. See also pp. li–liii and College Buildings in Sectional Preface, pp. lxxvi ff. Lands of Carmelite friary acquired by, pp. xlvi, 167b; Brewhouse, p. 178b; Chapel (1890), p. 168a; Cloister Court, pp. lxxxv, 168a, 174a–177b; Essex Building, p. 177b; Front Court, pp. 168a–174a; Gallery, pp. 168a, 175a, b; Gatehouse, pp. 167b, 168b–169a; Hall, pp. 168a, 172a–173a; President's Lodge, pp. lxxxvi, 168a, 176b–177a; Pump Court, pp. 168a, 177b; Walnut Tree Court, pp. lxxxiii, 168a, 177b–178b; War Memorial Library (former chapel), pp. 168a, 169a–170b; land leased to St. Catharine's College by, p. 179b; wall-painting compared to destroyed example at Peterhouse, p. 164a.

" Road, houses in (293)–(294), p. 379a–b.

Raban, Herbert, 1818, floor-slab, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.

Radcliffe, Sir W., arms of, see Radclyffe or Ratclyffe in Armorial Index.

Radegund, St., Benedictine Nunnery of, see Benedictines under Religious Foundations.

Radegund Buildings, Nos. 49–61 Jesus Lane (227), pp. 351a–352a.

Railings, see under Ironwork.

Railway Dwellings, Chesterton (321), pp. xc, 385b–386a.

" Station (85), p. 311b.

Ramsay, Marmaduke, 1831, wall-tablet with relief-portrait, Jesus, p. 89b.

Ramsden, Mrs. Mary, bequest to St. Catharine's by, p. 180a.

Ramsey (Hunts.):
-, Abbey of: chamber at Buckingham College built at cost of, p. 137b; stone from, used at Gonville and Caius, p. 73b, at St. Mary the Great (53), p. 275a, at Trinity, p. 218b; see also Reinald, Abbot of.
-, Church at, pedestal of lectern at St. John's a copy of that in, p. 191a.
-, Timber from, used at Gonville and Caius, p. 73b.

-, John: Cotton Hall sold to, p. 354a; 1799, Grace his wife, 1792, and Ann (Mayor), wife of Edward his son, 1797, monument of, (48) St. Benet, p. 266a.
-, Mary, wife of Edward Randall, 1827, and Edward, 1840, monument of, (48) St. Benet, p. 266a.

Randall House, see (237) Kenmare House.

-, Arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Edward, 172., floor-slab, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a.
-, John, 1719, and his two wives, floor-slab, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a.

Raphael (Archangel), name scratched in tower, (61) Trumpington, p. 298a.

Raphael, see under Artists.

Rattee, see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Rattee and Kett, Messrs.: house, part of premises of, (280), pp. ci, 372a; see also Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Ray, John, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Raynsforth, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

Reach (Cambs.), lime from, used at Gonville and Caius, p. 73b.

Read, N., see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Rebel Angels, Fall of, King's (glass), p. 120a.

-, 13th-century, (47) St. Andrew the Less, p. 263b.
-, 15th-century: (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260b; (48) St. Benet (recon- structed), p. 266b.
-, 16th-century, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280b.
-, Mediaeval: (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a; (60) Chesterton, p. 294a.
-, Undated, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 282a.

Reculver, of Greenwich, see Brickmakers and Bricklayers under Craftsmen.

Redfarn, Frances, see Barber.

Red Lion, see under Inns and also Lion under Inns.

Redman, John, Master of Trinity, pp. 211b, 212a.

Reed, A., clock made by, Christ's, p. 28b.

Regensburg, 18th-century glass from, St. John's, p. 193b.

Regent House, see (17) Schools Building.

" Street, house in (Glengarry Hotel) (252), p. 358b.

Reginald of Ely, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Regius Professors, arms of, see Civic and Academic Arms in Armorial Index.

Reinald, Abbot of Ramsey, land for building Holy Sepulchre church granted by, p. 255b.

Religious Foundations:
-, See pp. xlii–xliii, xlvi, lii, and Sectional Preface, pp. lxx–lxxi.
-, Augustinian Canons: (64) Barnwell Priory, pp. lxvii, 299b; precinct wall perhaps surviving at (270) Abbey House, p. 368a; glass at King's from, p. 125a; carved stones said to be from, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 263a; stone from, reused at Abbey House, p. 367b, Corpus Christi, pp. xcix, 48b, Gonville and Caius, p. 73b; church of St. Andrew the Less built by (47), p. 263a.
-, Augustinian Friars, (63) Friary, site of, pp. lxxi, 23b, 299b, 325b.
-, Benedictines:
-,-, Nunnery of St. Radegund (afterwards Jesus College): pp. lii, lxx, 81b, 84a; advowson of All Saints by the Jewry given to, p. 254a; see also Jesus College.
-,-, Hostels: for monks (later Buckingham College), pp. lii, lxx, lxxxiv, 137a, b, 139b; Ely Hostel, pp. lxx, 245a.
-, Canons Regular:
-,-, Barnwell Priory (64), originally a house of, pp. lxvii, 299b.
-,-, Vercelli, Chesterton church (60) held by, pp. lxviii, 290b.
-, Carmelite Friars: Friary, site and materials of, pp. lii, 167b, 178b; glass perhaps from, Queens', p. 171a; see also under Queens' College.
-, Dominican Friars, pp. lii, lxx; see also under Emmanuel College.
-, Franciscan Friars: Friary, aqueduct laid in 1327 to bring water to, p. 233a, dissolved, p. 203a; Sidney Sussex College built on site of, pp. lii, 203a; materials from, used at Trinity, pp. 203a, 211b, 218b.
-, Hospital of St. John the Evangelist, pp. xlv, lii, lxxi, 156b, 187b.
-, See also under St. John's College.
-, Hospital for Lepers, (62) Stourbridge Chapel, pp. xliii, lxxi, 298b.
-, Hospital of St. Anthony and St. Eloy, p. lxxi.

Rennie, John (engineer), see under Architects.

-, See also Sectional Preface, pp. cxxiii, cxxiv.
-, 17th-century: Emmanuel, pp. 63b, 66a; Pembroke chapel, p. 154b.
-, 18th-century: Christ's, p. 31b; Clare, p. 46b; Gonville and Caius (reused in organ-gallery), p. 76b; Magdalene (reset in Library), p. 141b; Peterhouse, p. 158b; (48) St. Benet (carved scrolls only, from), p. 266b, St. Catharine's, p. 181b; Selwyn College (originally in Rotterdam), p. 202b; Trinity, pp. 212b, 221b, 239a; Trinity Hall, p. 249b.
-, 19th-century, Queens' (with 15th-century triptych), p. 170b.
-, Modern, King's (incorporating 17th-century cresting), pp. 115a, 128b.

Reston, John, Master of Jesus College, oratory consecrated by, p. 96b.

Resurrection, The, see under Christ.

Reve, Thomas, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Rey..., John, brass-indent (12) used as floor-slab of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.

-, Sir Joshua, painting at Pembroke from collection of, p. 154a.
-, Richard, 1809, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.

Rich, Robert, Earl of Warwick, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Richard II, King, head of, Jesus (glass), p. 97a; arms of, see Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

Richard III, King, work on King's chapel continued by, p. 101b.

Richard, 3rd Duke of York, figure of, Trinity (glass), p. 227a.

-, Dr. John, range built with bequest of, Peterhouse, p. 157a.
-, Thomas, Master of Peterhouse, 1733, floor-slab, Peterhouse, p. 158b.

Rickman, Thomas: see under Architects; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Nicholas, Bishop, chair belonging to, Pembroke, p. 154a.
-, W. H., Ridley's chair bequeathed to Pembroke by widow of, p. 154a.

Rigby, Messrs. J. and C., see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

-, Ann, see Bentham, Joseph.
-, George, 1761, monument of, (61) Trumpington, p. 297a.

Ritz, Valentine, see under Artists.

-, Hannah, wife of Robert Roberts, 1711, monument of, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268b, floor-slab, p. 269a.
-, Robert, 1778, floor-slab, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.

Robertson, D. S., inscription composed by, (16) Senate House, p. 11b.

Robi, William, windows cleaned by, King's, p. 131b.

-, Clemency, see Coverley.
-, Robert: religious books and MS. description of his Chesterton estates by, (66) St. Andrew's Street Chapel, p. 300b; Roebuck House, Chesterton (316), rebuilt by, p. 384b.

-, Ann: flagon and alms-dish given by, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Anna, 1727, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a.
-, James, 1676, James, 1686–7, and Catherine, 1709–10, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a.

-, Charles, Provost of King's: 1712, wall-tablet, King's, p. 127a; floor- slab, p. 127b.
-, Dorothy (Bullock): cup and cover-paten given by, (57) St. Edward, p. 274b; arms of Bullock, see Armorial Index.

Roebuck House, Chesterton (316), p. 384b.

Roff, Rev. Robert, 1850, wall-tablet, (66) St. Andrew's Street Chapel, p. 301a.

-, ... as, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280a.
-, Edward, 1824, floor-slab, (56) St. Michael, p. 286a.

-, See The Roman Period, pp. xxxvi–xxxix, and The Roman Town in Sectional Preface, pp. lix–lxvi.
-, See also Cultivation Systems and Ditches under Earthworks and Allied Structures.
-, Bricks, re-used in St. Peter's church (58), pp. lxii, c, 287b.
-, Coffins, see Sectional Preface, pp. xl, lxiv, (13) p. 7a, b.
-, Defences: fortification, possible site of, p. 8a; palisade, p. 2a.
-, Pottery: kiln, p. 2a; see also under Pottery.
-, Roads, pp. 4a, b, 6a, 391b.
-, Settlement, on site of 'War Ditch', p. 1b.
-, Structures: at Manor Farm, Arbury Road, p. 6a; near Highfield Avenue, Arbury Road, p. 6b.
-, Tombs, with grave goods, p. 7a–b.

Romney, George, see under Artists.

-, In Churches:
-,-, Braced Principal-rafter: c. 1400, (62) Stourbridge Chapel, p. 299a, b. 15th-century: (60) St. Andrew, Chesterton, p. 292b; (49) St. Botolph, p. 268a.
-,-, Hammer-beam: 15th or 16th-century, from All Saints, p. 254a.
-,-, King-post: 14th-century, (56) St. Michael (restored), p. 285a. 15th-century, (60) Chesterton, p. 292b.
-,-, Lean-to: 15th-century: (60) Chesterton, p. 292b; (45) Holy Trinity, p. 259b; (49) St. Botolph, p. 268a. c. 1500, (59) Cherry Hinton (rebuilt), p. 289a, b. 16th-century, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 259b. 19th-century, (57) St. Paul, p. 287a.
-,-, Principal-rafter: 15th-century, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268a.
-,-, Queen-post: 15th-century, (60) Chesterton, p. 292b. 19th-century, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 261b.
-,-, Tie-beam: 15th-century: (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257a; (45) Holy Trinity, p. 259b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278a. c. 1500, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289a. 16th-century, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278a. 19th-century: (43) Christ Church, p. 255b; (44) Holy Sepul- chre, p. 257a; (75) Mill Road Cemetery (former chapel), p. 303b; (57) St. Paul, p. 287a.
-,-, Trussed-rafter: 15th-century, (51) St. Edward, p. 273a.
-,-, Miscellaneous: 16th-century, (50) St. Clement (reset wall-plates), pp. 270b– 271a.
-, In University Buildings:
-,-, King-post: 15th-century, (17) Schools Building, p. 16b.
-,-, Tie-beam: 14th-century, (17) Schools Building, p. 14b.
-, In Colleges:
-,-, Braced Principal-rafter: 15th-century, Gonville and Caius, p. 77b.
-,-, Cambered Beam: c. 1500, Jesus, pp. 86b, 95b. 16th-century, St. John's, p. 189b.
-,-, Collar-beam: 15th-century: King's, pp. 102a, 110b; Magdalene, p. 143b; Peterhouse, p. 162b; Queens', p. 173b. c. 1500, Jesus, p. 94a. 16th-century: Christ's, p. 32b (reconstructed in 19th century), pp. 34a, 35a; King's, p. 110b; Magdalene, p. 142b; St. John's, p. 189b (parts only), p. 190a, b. 17th-century: Peterhouse, p. 158a; St. John's, p. 197a.
-,-, Hammer-beam: 16th-century, St. John's, p. 193a. 17th-century: Trinity, pp. 224b, 228b. 19th-century, Trinity Hall, p. 250b.
-,-, King-post: 15th-century: Magdalene, p. 140b; Queens' (restored), p. 172b. 16th-century: Emmanuel, pp. 62a, 67b; Sidney Sussex, pp. 203b, 204a, 206a. 17th-century, St. Catharine's, pp. 181b (with raking queen- posts), 183a. 18th-century, Christ's, p. 29a.
-,-, Queen-post: 16th-century, Emmanuel, p. 70a. 17th-century, St. Catharine's, see under King-post above.
-,-, Tie-beam: 15th-century, Peterhouse, p. 164a, b. c. 1500, Jesus, pp. 88b, 89a (restored), p. 92b. 16th-century: Christ's p. 29a; Trinity (part only), p. 219a, b. 17th-century, Clare, p. 41a.
-,-, Trussed-rafter: 19th-century, Jesus, p. 88b.
-,-, Miscellaneous: 19th-century: Corpus Christi, p. 52a; King's, p. 132b.
-, In Houses or Barns:
-,-, Collar-beam: 16th-century, (205) No. 25 Magdalene Street, p. 344a. 17th-century: (270) Abbey House, p. 368a; (180) Lindum House, p. 336a.
-,-, Hammer-beam: 17th-century, (97) Old Perse School, pp. lxxxix, 317b.
-,-, King-post: 15th-century, (336) Green Man, Trumpington, p. 391a. 16th-century, (188) Nos. 15 and 16 Bridge Street, p. 337b.
-,-, Queen-post: 17th-century, (186) Nos. 25 and 26 Bridge Street, p. 337a.
-,-, Tie-beam: 15th-century, (336) Green Man, Trumpington, p. 391a. 16th-century: (209) No. 18a Magdalene Street, p. 345a; (292) Merton Hall, p. 379a; (145) Peas Hill, p. 327a; (301) Uphall, Cherry Hinton (?), p. 381a. 17th or 18th-century: (327) Barn at Anstey Hall, Trumping- ton, p. 388b; (338) Barn at Clay Farm, Trumpington, p. 391b.

Rook, Mary, 1830, headstone, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a.

Roos, Margareta de, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Rose, Christopher, 1661, bequest of, recorded on brass, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 261b.

Rose, Little Rose and Rose Tavern, see under Inns.

Rose Crescent: houses in (159), pp. 330b–331b; No. 9 Trinity Street compared with, p. 319b.

Roskyn, William, see Clerks of the Works under Craftsmen.

-, Thomas, Bp. of Lincoln, later Abp. of York: money for Schools Building given by, p. 12a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Thomas: 1702, floor-slab, Trinity, p. 221a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, William, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Crafts- men.

Rothery, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

Rotterdam: Communion-rails from English church at, (52) St. Giles, p. 275a; pilasters from, Magdalene, p. 141b; reredos from, Selwyn, p. 202b.

Roubiliac, L. F., see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Rougham, William, Gonville Hall completed by, p. 73a.

Round House, The, Chesterton (322), p. 386a.

-, Sarah, see Gatward, Pell March.
-, William, cup and cover-paten given to Holy Trinity church by (45), p. 260b.

Royal Library: (16) Senate House, p. 10a; (17) Schools, p. 12a.

Rubens, Peter Paul, see under Artists.

Rudston, John, 1616, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280a.

Rule, see Smiths under Craftsmen.

Rundell and Bridge, Messrs., see Goldsmiths and Silversmiths.

-, John, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.
-, Richard, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

Russell Place, New Town (285), p. 374a.

" Street (285), formerly Gwydir Street, p. 374a, b.

Rustat, Tobias: 1693–4, floor-slab, Jesus, p. 90a; 1693–4, wall- monument of, pp. 84b, 89b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Rutherford, C., flagon given to (71) Emmanuel Congregational chapel by, p. 302a.

Rutland, John Henry, 5th Duke of, and Roger, 5th Earl of, arms of, see Manners in Armorial Index.

Ryder, Henry, Bp. of Lichfield, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Ryle, H. E., Bp. of Winchester, arms of See of Winchester impaling, Queens', p. 177a.

Rysbrack, J. M., see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Rysley, Sir John: alterations to St. Radegund's Nunnery church paid for by, Jesus, pp. 82b, 88b; cloisters rebuilt by, pp. 82b, 86b.

Saffron Walden church (Essex): affinities with St. Mary the Great, (53), p. 276a; see also Sectional Preface, p. lxix.

St. Albans (Herts.):
-, Abbey, All Saints church (42) bestowed upon monks of, p. 254a.
-, St. Michael's church, statue of Francis Bacon in, (copy of, in Trinity Chapel), p. 219b.

St. Andrew's Hill, houses in (171)–(173), pp. 333b–334b.

" Street: (66) Baptist Chapel, p. 300b, Robert Robinson's MS. preserved in, p. 384b; houses in (165)–(170), pp. 332b–333b; No. 58, panelling from, now at (158) Fisher House, p. 330b.

St. Bonaventure's Priory, No. 17 Trumpington Street (235), p. 353b.

St. Catharine's College (36): pp. 179a–187a. See also pp. li, lv, and College Buildings in Sectional Preface, pp. lxxvi ff. Formerly St. Catharine's Hall, p. 179a; Bull Hotel now part of, pp. 179a, 180b, 186b; Chapel, pp. 179b–181b; Gateway, p. 183a; Dr. Gostlin's Court, p. 179a; Hall, pp. lxxxi, 179b, 182a, b, 185b; Library, pp. lxxxii, 179b, 180b, 182a, b; Main Court, pp. 181a– 185a; Ramsden (formerly Yorkshire) Building, pp. 179a, 180a, b, 184b; Sherlock Building (demolished), p. 180b; Walnut Tree Court, pp. 179a, 185a–186a; glass at King's from, p. 126a.

St. Giles, Parish of, 1805 enclosure of, p. 346b.

St. Ives (Hunts.), church of the Sacred Heart at, statue from, (65) Our Lady of the Assumption, p. 300b.

St. John's College (37): pp. 187a–202b. See also pp. liii, lv, and College Buildings in Sectional Preface, pp. lxxvi ff. Formerly Hospital of St. John the Evangelist, see pp. xliii, xlv, xlvi, lii, and Sectional Preface, pp. lxxi, lxxiv. Hospital buildings retained by College, pp. 187b, 191b; chapel (later demolished) converted to use of college, pp. 187b, 188a, 190b, 194b; fittings from, pp. 190b–192a, 193b; angel-corbels perhaps from, p. 200b. Bridges, pp. xc, 188b, 199a, 202a; Chapel, pp. 188a, 190b; First Court, pp. c, 187b, 188b–194b; Gate- houses: main, pp. 187b, 188b; Shrewsbury Tower, pp. 187b, 188b, 196a, b; Hall, pp. lxxx, 188a, b, 191b, 192b, 193a; Library, pp. lxxxii, civ, 188a, b, 196b, 197a; Master's Tower, p. 192b; Master's Gallery, p. 187b; New Court, pp. ci, 188b, 200b–202a; Observatory (former), p. 196b; Second Court, pp. lxxxiii, c, ciii, 187b, 188b, 194b–196b; Third Court, pp. c, 188a, b, 196b–200b; Beaufort Household Books preserved at, p. 26a.

St. Mary's Lane, Little, houses in, (242)–(243), p. 356a.

" Passage, houses in, (118)–(119), pp. 321b–322a.

St. Nicholas' Hostel, see Hostels.

St. Peter's Street, houses in, p. 346b.

" Terrace (239), p. 355a.

St. Radegund, site of the Manor house of, pp. 349a, 351b.

St. Thomas Hostel, see Hostels.

Salisbury, Edward, 1741, Margaret his mother, 1749, and Susanna Stephens, 1763, brass of, (42) All Saints, p. 254a.

Salomas, representation of, Corpus Christi (glass), p. 51a.

Salome, with head of St. John, Jesus (glass), p. 97a.

-, John, see Carpenters under Craftsmen.
-, Susanna, daughter of Edmund, see Forrester.

Salviati, of Venice, mosaics by, Gonville and Caius, p. 74b.

Salvin, Anthony, see under Architects.

Samaritan, Parable of the Good, see under Christ.

Samuel, Presentation of, King's (glass), p. 119a.

Sancroft or Sandcroft:
-, William, Master of Emmanuel 1628–37, Brick Building erected by, p. 62a.
-, William, Master of Emmanuel 1662–4, Abp. of Canterbury, 1678: new Chapel and library proposed by, pp. 62b, 70b; chapel woodwork given by, pp. lxxx, 65a, 66a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Sandars, William, 1767, headstone, (15) St. Edward, p. 274a.

Sanders, Rev. Joseph, monument to, (71) Emmanuel Congregational Chapel, p. 302a.

Sanderson, Nicholas, bust of, Christ's, p. 37a.

Sandiforde, Peter: glass given by, Corpus Christi, pp. 52b, 53a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Edwin, Abp. of York, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Francis, see Architects.
-, Samuel: 1676, floor-slab, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Sanzter, Frances (Brackenbury), floor-slab, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b.

Sapley, timber from, King's, p. 101b.

Saul, see Paul, St.

-, Name inscribed on glass, King's, p. 133b.
-, Naomi, monument to, (74) General Cemetery, p. 303a.

Sautoy, James du, 1815, wall-tablet, Emmanuel, p. 65b.

Saxon occupation, see Anglo-Saxon Cambridge, pp. xxxix–xl.

Saxon Street, New Town (285), p. 374a.

Sayle, Mary, 1850, inscribed in glass, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a.

Saywell, William, 1701, floor-slab, Jesus, p. 90a.

Scagliola used in: Downing, p. 60a; (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, p. 21b.

Scales, Oliver, see Clerks-of-Works under Craftsmen.

Scarlett, Sir James, arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Francis, son of Robert Scawen, 1669–70, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280a.
-, William, 1710, floor-slab, and wall-tablet, King's, p. 127b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Scheemakers, P., see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Schmidt, Father Bernard, see Organ-builders.

Schnetzler, Johannes, see Organ-builders.

Scholefield, Rev. James, Female Servants' Training Institution founded by, p. 359b.

School of Pythagoras, see (292) Merton Hall.

Schools Building (17): pp. 11b–18b. See also p. li, and Sectional Preface, pp. lxxv–lxxvi. Cockerell Building, p. 12a, 17b; Council Room, p. 16b; Dome Room, p. 16b; East Room, p. 14a; proposed court not built, pp. 12b, 18a; Libraries, p. 18a, b; Regent House, pp. 9b, 12a, b, 14b, 24a; gatehouse re-erected at Madingley Hall, pp. lxxv, 12a. See also King's College, Old Court.

Schools and School Houses:
-, See also Sectional Preface, pp. lxxxviii–lxxxix.
-, Dating from the 17th century, (97) Old Perse School, p. 317a.
-, Dating from the 19th century: (192) Chesterton School, p. 318b; (100) Infant School (former), p. 318a; (101) National School, p. 318a, b; (98) National School (former), p. 317b; (99) Pound Hill School and Teacher's House, pp. 317b, 318a; (103) Trump- ington School, p. 319a.

Schrider, Christopher, see Organ-builders.

Science Museum, S. Kensington, clock from St. Giles church in, p. 275a.

Scipio, the Clemency of, King's (tapestry), p. 131a.

Sclater, Sir Thomas, Bart.: part of range at Trinity financed by, pp. 214a, 235b; 1684, floor-slab, Trinity, p. 221a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Scofield, John, see under Goldsmiths and Silversmiths.

Sconces, 18th and 19th century, St. John's, p. 195a.

-, Anne, wife of John Scott: 1617, brass of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Christopher, Mgr. Canon, statue of St. Andrew in memory of, (65) Our Lady of the Assumption, p. 300b.
-, Sir George Gilbert, see under Architects.
-, George Gilbert, junior, see under Architects.
-, William, 1808, and Elizabeth his wife, 1812, monument of, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a.

Scratchings: King's (glazier's inscriptions), pp. 119b, 121a, 125a; Magdalene, p. 145a; Queens', p. 172a; St. John's, pp. 190a, 194a; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280b; (17) Schools Building, p. 15a; (61) Trumpington (including view of Ely Cathedral), p. 298a.

-, See also Sectional Preface, pp. cxxiv–cxxv.
-, In Churches:
-,-, Stone: 14th-century, (56) St. Michael (part only), p. 286a.
-,-, Wood: 15th-century: (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290b; (49) St. Botolph, p. 269b; (54) St. Mary the Less (not in situ), p. 283b; (61) Trumpington (base only), p. 298a.
-, In College Chapels:
-,-, Wood: 16th-century: King's, pp. 105a, 115a, 128b–130a; Emmanuel (old chapel now dining-room), p. 63b; from St. John's, now in Whissendine church (Rutland), p. 191b. 17th-century: Emmanuel, p. 66a; Pembroke, p. 153b. 18th-century: St. Catharine's, p. 181b; Trinity, pp. 212b, 221a; Trinity Hall, p. 250a. 19th-century: Jesus, p. 90b; Magdalene, p. 141a; Peterhouse (with older fragments), p. 158b.
-, In College Halls:
-,-, Wood: 16th-century, St. John's, p. 193b. 17th-century: Clare, p. 42a, b; Trinity, pp. 215a, 226a. 18th-century: Emmanuel, p. 68a; Jesus, pp. 92b, 94a; Magdalene (incorporating earlier material), p. 142b; Queens', p. 173a; Sidney Sussex, p. 206a; Trinity Hall, p. 251a. 19th-century: Christ's (incorporating 16th-century material), p. 32b; King's, p. 133a.
-, Miscellaneous:
-,-, Stone: 17th-century, (76) from Winchester Cathedral (now in Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology), pp. cxxiv, 303b.
-,-, Wood: 19th-century, (74) General Cemetery Mortuary Chapel, p. 303a.

Scrivener, Matthew, rebuilding of College proposed by, St. Catharine's, p. 179a.

Scroope House (241): p. 355b; No. 15 Fitzwilliam Street compared with, p. 357a.

" Terrace (240), p. 355a.

Sculptors and Monumental Masons:
-, See also Sectional Preface, Monuments and Commemorative Sculpture, pp. cxvi–cxvii, Statues, p. cxxvii and also Carvers under Craftsmen.
-, Andrew, Paris, Trinity, pp. 215b, 216b, 222b.
-, 'Antonio, Magistro', King's, p. 115b.
-, Armstead, H. A., King's, p. 105a.
-, Bacon, J., Trinity, p. 241a.
-, Baily, E. H.: St. John's, p. 191a; Trinity, pp. 220a, 241a.
-, Baratta, Giovanni, (18) Fitzwilliam Museum (formerly in Senate House), pp. 11b, 22a.
-, Behnes, W., Trinity, p. 241a.
-, Brown, R., (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.
-, Burman, Thomas, St. John's, p. 196a.
-, Butler, Timothy, Trinity, p. 241a.
-, Catterns, Joseph, Christ's, pp. 27a, 31a.
-, Chantrey, Sir Francis: St. John's (two), p. 191b; Trinity, pp. 220a, 241a.
-, Cibber, Gabriel, Trinity, pp. 237b, 238a.
-, Collins, William, Magdalene, pp. cxxii, cxxiv, 138a, 141b.
-, Crake, of London, Trinity, p. 220b.
-, Cure, William, junior, Trinity, pp. 215b, 216b.
-, Davis, E., Trinity, p. 241a.
-, Denman, Thomas: (54) St. Mary the Less, pp. 282b, 283a; (61) Trumpington, p. 297a.
-, Flaxman, John: (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b; Jesus, p. 89b; Trinity, p. 220a.
-, Gibbons, Grinling, Trinity, pp. 237b, 240a, b, 241a.
-, Gilbert, John, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a.
-, Gill, Eric, (16) Senate House, p. 11b.
-, Goblet, L. A., Trinity, p. 240b.
-, Haselgrove, of Cambridge, Jesus, p. 89b.
-, Haveus, Theodore, see under Haveus.
-, Hopper, H., (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a.
-, Hutchinson, J., Trinity, p. 241a.
-, Joseph, Samuel, St. John's (copy), p. 191a.
-, Kelsey, W. T., (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a.
-, King [?Charles], (42) All Saints, p. 254b.
-, Latham, Jasper, Trinity, p. 220a.
-, Manning, Samuel, senior and junior: (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a; Sidney Sussex, p. 208a.
-, Nicholl, W. G.: (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, p. 20a, b; Trinity, p. 220a.
-, Nollekens, Joseph: (16) Senate House, p. 11b; Trinity, p. 220a; Trinity Hall, p. 253b.
-, 'Philippus sculptor', King's, p. cxxiv.
-, Poole, T. R., (66) St. Andrew's Street Chapel, p. 301a.
-, Rattee: (74) General Cemetery Mortuary Chapel, p. 303a; King's, p. 126b.
-, Read, N., Trinity, p. 220a.
-, Roubiliac, L. F., Trinity, pp. 219b, 220a, 239a, (seven busts), p. 241a.
-, Rysbrack, J. M.: (16) Senate House, p. 11b; (17) Schools Building, p. 18b; Trinity, p. 241a.
-, Scheemakers, P., Trinity, pp. 239a, (three busts), p. 241a.
-, Shout, of London, Emmanuel, p. 65b.
-, Sievier, R. W., Trinity, p. 241a.
-, Story, W. W., Trinity, p. 241a.
-, Swinton, A.: (60) Chesterton, p. 293a; (45) Holy Trinity, p. 259b; King's, p. 127b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 282b.
-, Taylor, Robert, Trinity Hall, p. 249b.
-, Theakston, Joseph: (59) Cherry Hinton, pp. 289b, 290a; Jesus, p. 89b.
-, Thorvaldsen, Bertel, Trinity, p. 241a.
-, Tomson, or Tomson and Son: (42) All Saints, p. 254b; (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b; Emmanuel, p. 65b; (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257b; (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a; Jesus, pp. 89b, 93b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a; (48) St. Benet, p. 266a; St. John's, p. 191b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279a; (56) St. Michael, p. 285a, b; Sidney Sussex, p. 208a; Trinity, p. 220a; (61) Trump- ington, p. 297a.
-, "T.: (60) Chesterton, p. 293a, b; (49) St. Botolph, p. 268b; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a; (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.
-, Weekes, H.: (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b; Trinity, pp. 219b (copy), 220a.
-, Westmacott:
-, Sir Richard, R.A., Trinity, p. 220a.
-, Richard, the younger, (48) St. Benet, p. 266a.
-, White, of London, St. John's, p. 191b.
-, Wiles, Henry: (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a; (60) Chesterton, p. 293a; (74) General Cemetery, p. 303a; Trinity, p. 241a.
-, Wilton, Joseph, (17) Schools Building, p. 18b.
-, Wood, Derwent, Trinity, p. 241a.
-, Woodrofe, Edward, Trinity, p. 220b.
-, Woolner, T., Trinity (eight busts), p. 241a.
-, Wyon, E. W., (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, p. 21b.

Sculpture in Stone:
-, See also Effigies, and Images; also Sectional Preface, Monuments and Commemorative Sculpture, pp. cxv–cxviii, and Statues, p. cxxvii.
-, Busts and Medallion-portraits:
-,-, 17th-century: Christ's (by Catterns), p. 31a; Jesus, p. 89b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a; (49) St. Botolph, p. 268b.
-,-, 18th-century: Christ's, p. 37a; Magdalene, p. 145b; Trinity (by Read and Roubiliac), p. 220a, (by Roubiliac and Scheemakers), p. 239a, (by Bacon, Roubiliac, Rysbrack and Scheemakers) p. 241a; Trinity Hall (by Taylor), p. 249b.
-,-, 19th-century: Jesus (by Flaxman and Theakston), p. 89b; (66) St. Andrew's Street Chapel (by Poole), p. 301a; St. John's(by Chantrey), p. 191b; Trinity (by Baily, Chantrey, Flaxman, Nicholl, Nollekens and Weekes), p. 220a, (by Goblet), p. 240b, (by Baily, Behnes, Butler, Chantrey, Davis, Hutchinson, Sievier, Story, Thorvaldsen, Wiles and Woolner), p. 241a; Trinity Hall (by Nollekens), p. 253b.
-,-, Modern, Trinity (by Derwent Wood), p. 241a.
-, Reliefs (figures or figure-subjects):
-,-, 14th-century, St. George and St. Michael, (17) Schools Building, p. 16a.
-,-, 15th-century, Assumption of the Virgin, King's, p. 106b.
-,-, 16th-century, Fame and Wealth, Minerva, Gonville and Caius, p. 78b.
-,-, 17th-century: Andromeda, Europa, Triton, etc., Clare, p. 47a, b; Ptolemy receiving the Septuagint, Trinity, p. 238a.
-,-, 18th-century, Father Cam, Neptune, etc., St. John's, p. 200a.
-,-, 19th-century: Apollo and the Muses, Phoebus, etc. (after East- lake), (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, p. 20a, b; Cybele in chariot, and Love before Minerva, (99) No. 30 Thompson's Lane, p. 341b; The Genius of Poetry (by Thorvaldsen), Trinity, p. 241a.
-, Statues:
-,-, 16th-century, Queen Elizabeth I, Trinity, p. 231b.
-,-, c. 1600, Edward III, Trinity, p. 222b.
-,-, 17th-century: St. John the Evangelist (by George Woodroff), St. John's, p. 189a; Lady Margaret Beaufort, St. John's, p. 192b; Countess of Shrewsbury (by Thomas Burman), St. John's, p. 196a; Henry VIII, James I, Queen Anne, Prince Charles (by Wm. Cure, junior), Trinity, pp. 215b, 216b, 217a; Divinity, Law, Mathematics, Physics (by Cibber), Trinity, pp. 237b, 238a; Charles Seymour, 6th Duke of Somerset (by Gibbons), Trinity, p. 240a.
-,-, 18th-century: Academic Glory (by Baratta), (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, pp. 11b, 22a; George I (by Rysbrack), George II (by Wilton), (17) Schools Building, pp. 12b, 18b; William Pitt the Younger (by Nollekens), Charles Seymour, 6th Duke of Somer- set (by Rysbrack), (16) Senate House, p. 11b; Isaac Newton (by Roubiliac), Trinity, p. 219b.
-,-, 19th-century: Bishop Alcock, Jesus, p. 85a; Henry VIII, King's, p. 134a; James Wood (by Baily), St. John's, p. 191a; 1st Duke of Buckingham, (17) Schools Building, p. 17b; Lord Byron (by Thorvaldsen), Trinity, p. 241a.
-,-, Modern: Lady Margaret Beaufort, Christ's, p. 27a; Sir Nicholas Bacon, Corpus Christi, p. 49b; Matthew Parker, Corpus Christi, p, 50a; St. Mary Magdalene, Magdalene, p. 140b.
-, Miscellaneous:
-,-, 15th-century, Pedestals, King's, p. 128b.
-,-, 16th-century, Royal Beasts, King's, p. 106a.
-,-, 18th-century, Eagles and Yales, St. John's, p. 200a.
-, Casts and Copies:
-,-, 19th-century: Wilberforce (cast), St. John's, p. 191a; Bacon (copy, marble), Trinity, p. 219b.
-,-, Modern, St. George, David (copy of Donatello), (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, p. 20b.

-, See also Stalls and Seating in Sectional Preface, pp. cxxvi–cxxvii.
-, Benches and Bench-ends:
-,-, 15th-century, (60) Chesterton, p. 294a.
-,-, Late 15th or 16th-century: (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290b; Jesus, p. 90b.
-,-, 16th-century: King's, pp. 116b (now incorporated in chest), 131a; Trinity Hall, p. 253a.
-,-, 17th-century: Emmanuel, p. 66a, b; Peterhouse, p. 163a, b; (48) St. Benet, p. 266b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280b.
-,-, c. 1700, St. Catharine's, p. 182a.
-,-, 18th-century: Clare, p. 46b; (16) Senate House, p. 11b.
-,-, 19th-century, (74) General Cemetery Mortuary Chapel, p. 303a.
-,-, Incorporating old Material: King's, p. 130b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b.
-, Box-pews or Seats:
-,-, 18th-century, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280b.
-,-, Incorporating early material, (51) St. Edward, p. 274b.
-, Chairs:
-,-, 16th-century, Pembroke, p. 154a.
-,-, 17th-century: (60) Chesterton, p. 293a; Emmanuel, p. 65a; King's, p. 116b; (66) St. Andrew's Street Chapel, p. 300b; St. John's, p. 191a.
-,-, 18th-century: (60) Chesterton, p. 293a; (16) Senate House, p. 11b.
-,-, c. 1800, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 261b.
-,-, 19th-century: Emmanuel, p. 65a; (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257a; (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260b; (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 216b; (66) St. Andrew's Street Chapel, p. 300b; (16) Senate House, p. 11b.
-,-, Modern incorporating old material, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 261b.
-, Desks:
-,-, 16th-century: King's, pp. 130b, 131a; (49) St. Botolph(made up), p. 269b.
-,-, c. 1600, Corpus Christi, p. 51a.
-,-, 17th-century: Jesus, p. 89a; Pembroke, p. 154b.
-,-, 18th-century, Clare, p. 46b.
-, Misericordes:
-,-, c. 1500, Jesus, p. 90b.
-,-, 16th-century: King's, p. 131a; (50) St. Clement, p. 271b; St. John's, p. 192a.
-,-, 17th-century: Pembroke, p. 154b; Peterhouse, p. 159a.
-,-, 19th-century, (56) St. Michael, p. 286a–b.
-, Stalls:
-,-, 15th-century: Jesus, pp. 83b, 90b; (56) St. Michael (perhaps from Trinity), p. 286a.
-,-, c. 1500, Jesus (fragments), pp. 90b, 97b.
-,-, 16th-century: Corpus Christi, p. 51a; King's, pp. 115a, 130a; St. John's (incorporated in later work), p. 191b; Trinity (frag- ments), p. 221b.
-,-, 17th-century: Emmanuel: p. 60a; Pembroke, p. 154a, b; Peterhouse, p. 159a.
-,-, 18th-century: Christ's, p. 31b; Clare, p. 46a, b; Gonville and Caius, p. 76b; St. Catharine's, pp. 181b, 182a; Trinity, pp. 212b, 221b; Trinity Hall, p. 250a.
-,-, 19th-century: Jesus, p. 90b; King's, p. 130b; Magdalene, p. 141a.
-,-, Foreign, incorporating old material, (50) St. Clement, p. 271b.
-, Stools:
-,-, 17th-century, Trinity, p. 241b.
-, Thrones:
-,-, 17th-century, (53) St. Mary the Great (for diocesan Chancellor), p. 280b.

-, Henry, monument to Thomas Seckford ordered by, Trinity, p. 220b.
-, Thomas, 1624, canopied tomb and effigy of, Trinity, p. 220b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Adam, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.
-, William, President of Queens' College: 1760, wall-tablet, Queens', p. 170b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, See also Sectional Preface, p. cxxv.
-, 13th-century: (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290b; Jesus, p. 87a.
-, 14th-century: (48) St. Benet, p. 266b; (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280b; (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283b; (56) St. Michael, p. 286b.
-, 15th-century, (60) Chesterton, p. 294a.

Selby, Susannah, 1739, floor-slab, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.

Selwyn, Thomas Kynaston, 1834, wall-tablet, Trinity, p. 219b.

Selwyn College (38), pp. 202b–203a.

Semerk, Henry, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Senate House (16): pp. 9a–11b. See pp. lvi–lvii; also Sectional Preface, pp. lxxv–lxxvi, and Building Materials, pp. xcix, ci. Situation of, in 15th century, p. 12a; model for new building prepared, p. 9b: statues removed from, pp. 18b, 22a.

Seneca, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Senigallia, copy of painting from, Pembroke, p. 154a.

Sepulchre, The Holy, church dedicated to, see under Dedications.

Serlio, Sebastian, Architecture by, perhaps used by Wren at Pembroke, p. 153a.

Sermoneta, Girolamo Siciolante da, see under Artists.

-, Arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Abigail (Watson), widow of Walter Serocold, 1734, floor-slab, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a.
-, Ann, daughter of Rev. Walter Serocold, see Pearce.
-, Rev. Edward Serocold Pearce, 1849, monument of, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b.
-, Henrietta, daughter of Rev. Walter Serocold, see Borlase.
-, Mary, daughter of Rev. Walter Serocold, 1837, monument of, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b.
-, Mary, wife of Rev. Walter Serocold, 1782, floor-slab, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a.
-, Walter: 1747, floor-slab, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a; name inscribed on bell, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b.
-, Rev. Walter, 1789, floor-slab, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a.
-, Capt. Walter, R.N., 1794, monument of, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b.

Serving-hatch, possible 14th-century, Peterhouse, p. 160b.

Sessions House, built on site of Shambles, p. lv.

-, Charles, 6th Duke of Somerset: statues of, (16) Senate House, p. 11b; Trinity, pp. 237b, 240a; bookcases bearing arms of, p. 240b; devices and cypher of, Trinity, p. 240b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Edward, 1st Duke of Somerset, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, George Alexander, 1838, wall-tablet, King's, p. 127b.
-, Jane, Queen, see arms of, and Badges in Armorial Index.
-, John, son of William and Mary Seymour, 1748, and William Seymour, 1761, floor-slab, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.
-, Sarah (Alston), wife of John, 4th Duke of Somerset, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Shakespeare, William, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Shales, Dionsius: 1718–9, Damaris his wife, 1732, and Dionsius their son, 1732–3, floor-slab of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Sharp or Sharpe:
-, John, 1783, monument of, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268b.
-, Jonathan, 1794, monument of, (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257b.
-, Samuel, 1824, floor-slab, (48) St. Benet, p. 266b.
-, Thomas, 1788, Mary his wife, 1801, and Susan their daughter, 1799, brass-indent, reused as floor-slab of, (56) St. Michael, p. 286a.

Shaxton, Nicholas, Bp. of Salisbury, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Sheba, Queen of, King's (glass), p. 118b.

Shelbury, John, Stourbridge Chapel and lands granted to, (62), p. 298b.

Shelford, Rev. T., glass given by, Corpus Christi, p. 51a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Shelford, Great, obelisk to mark source of Vicar's Brook set up at, p. 308a.

Shelley Row, walling perhaps of 17th-century date at, p. 346b.

Shepard, Shepheard or Shepherd:
-, Anthony, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.
-, Rev. John, 1819, monument of, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.
-, Samuel, of Exning, M.P., Great Mace given to Corporation by, p. 310b.

Shereff, John, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

-, Mary, see Gooch.
-, Dr. Thomas: library fitted at expense of, St. Catharine's, p. 180b; railings given by, p. 186b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, John: historian of Jesus College, p. 82a, b; 1667, floor-slab, Jesus, p. 90a.
-, Joseph, President of Jesus, 1671, floor-slab, p. 90a.

Shipton, Richard, 1692, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254a.

Shire Hall, built 1932, p. 304b.

Shoobridge, W., brass designed by, Gonville and Caius, p. 74b.

Shop-fronts and Shop-windows:
-, See also Sectional Preface, p. xcvi.
-, 18th-century: from No. 45 Bridge Street, now in (214) Folklore Museum, p. 347a; (142) No. 1 Free School Lane, p. 326a; (203) No. 29 Magdalene Street, p. 343a; (114) No. 30 Trinity Street, p. 321a.
-, Late 18th or early 19th-century, (141) No. 14 Benet Street, p. 325b.
-, 19th-century: (138) No. 4 Benet Street, p. 325a; (137) No. 5 Benet Street, p. 324b; (187) Nos. 21 and 22 Bridge Street, p. 337a; (130) No. 6 and (129) Nos. 7 and 8 King's Parade, p. 323b; (127) Nos. 10 and 11 King's Parade, p. 323a; (204) Nos. 26–28 Magdalene Street, p. 343a; (201) No. 31 Magdalene Street, p. 342a; (159) Rose Crescent, p. 330b; (171) St. Andrew's Hill, p. 334a; (162) No. 37 Sidney Street, p. 332a; (104) No. 1 Trinity Street, p. 319a; (106) No. 9 and (107) No. 13 Trinity Street, p. 319b; (232) Tunwells Court, p. 352b.

Short Street (266), pp. 363b, 364b.

Shout, of London, see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Siciolante, see Sermoneta under Artists.

Sidey, see Brassfounders.

Sidney, Frances, Countess of Sussex: Sidney Sussex founded according to will of, p. 203a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Sidney Street, houses in (162)–(163), p. 332a.

Sidney Sussex College (39): pp. 203a–209a. See p. lii, and also Sectional Preface, pp. lxxxii, lxxxiv. Greyfriars' buildings formerly on site of, pp. 203a, 207b; College founded 1594, p. 203a; altered by Wyatville, p. 204a; Chapel, pp. 203a, b, 207b, 208a; Chapel Court, pp. 203b, 207b–208b; Sir Francis Clerke's Range, pp. 203b, 208b; 1831 Gatehouse, pp. 204a, 207b; 1749 Gateway, pp. 203b, 208b; Hall, pp.lxxxi, 203b, 204a, 206a; Hall Court, pp. 203b, 204b–207b; Library, pp. 203a, b, 208a–b; Taylor Library, pp. 204a, 206b; Master's Lodge, pp. 204a, 206b.

Sievier, R. W., see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Silk or Silke, Abraham and Thomas, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

Silversmiths, see Goldsmiths and Silversmiths.

Simeon, Rev. Charles: bridge sited and paid for by, King's, pp. 104b, 136b; connection with (45) Holy Trinity Church, pp. lxxxviii, 258a, b, 259b; relics of, p. 260b; 1836 monument of, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Simon, St., representation of, Corpus Christi (glass), p. 50b.

Simon Stock, St., receiving scapular from the Virgin, (59) Cherry Hinton (painting), p. 290a.

Simons, Ralph, see Symons under Masons, Builders and Con- tractors under Craftsmen.

Simpson or Sympson:
-, . . ., see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.
-, Rev. Rowland, 1736–7, floor-slab, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a.

Skaiffe, Henry, 1711, wall-tablet, Emmanuel, p. 65b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Skerne, Robert, building for Fellows and Scholars of, St. Catharine's, p. 180a.

Skerning, Roger, Bp. of Norwich, indulgence for rebuilding con- ventual church of St. Radegund given by, p. 82a.

Skinner, ..., 1710–1, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.

Slack, Sarah, wife of Daniel Slack, 1788, floor-slab, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.

Slade, Robert, portrait of, Peterhouse, p. 160b.

Slaters, see under Craftsmen.

Smart, Elizabeth (Headland), 1846, monument of, (64) General Cemetery Mortuary Chapel, p. 303a.

Smith, Smyth or Smythe:
-, Adam, 1826, floor-slab, Jesus, p. 90a.
-, Benjamin, see under Goldsmiths and Silversmiths.
-, Bernard, Father, see Schmidt under Organ-builders.
-, Edith, wife of John Smith, 1801, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280a.
-, Elizabeth, see Irwin.
-, Elizmar, sister of Robert Smith, Master of Trinity, 1758, floor-slab, Trinity, p. 220b.
-, Elliot, applications for building leases of St. Peter's Terrace to be made to, p. 355a.
-, Francis, 1783, see Newling, Adam.
-, Georgiana Elizabeth, see Pearce; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Jacob, 1814, monument of, (52) St. Giles, p. 275a.
-, Mrs. James, monument to William Coe and others, erected by, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.
-, John, see Smith under Architects.
-, John, see Smythe under Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.
-, John, alias Hovell: 1706, floor-slab, King's, p. 127b; arms of, see Smith alias Hovell in Armorial Index.
-, John, 1715, wall-monument of, St. John's, p. 191a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, John, Professor of Astronomy, Master of Gonville and Caius, 1795, floor-slab, Gonville and Caius, p. 76b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, John: 1840, brass of, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268a; monument of, p. 269a; copy of Crucifixion by Van Dyck given by, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.
-, John Henry, arms of, see Smyth in Armorial Index.
-, Katharine, wife of Jacob Smith, 1833, monument of, (52) St. Giles, p. 275a.
-, Margaret, widow of Joseph Smith, 1804, and her daughter, 1791, floor-slab, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.
-, Mary, 1773, see Newling, Adam.
-, Mary, 1829, and Thomas her husband, 1837, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.
-, Michael, 1773, wall-tablet, Emmanuel, p. 65b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Mrs., cup and cover-paten given by, (48) St. Benet, p. 266b.
-, Peggy, 1786, floor-slab, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.
-, Robert, 1565, portrait of, Peterhouse, p. 160a.
-, Robert, Master of Trinity: bust of, Trinity, p. 241a; statue of Newton given by, p. 219b; 1768, floor-slab of, p. 220b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Susannah Eliza, wife of John Smith, 1833, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.
-, Thomas, 1696, Thomas and Isabell his parents, Mary his sister, Sarah his wife and Sarah their daughter, monument of, (58) St. Peter, p. 288a.
-, Rev. Thomas: paten given by, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b; 1713–14, floor-slab, Trinity, p. 221a.
-, Thomas, 1759, monument of, (58) St. Peter, p. 288a.
-, Thomas, Mary and William, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.
-, Tobie, alms-dishes given by, (48) St. Benet, p. 266b.

Smiths, see Smiths under Craftsmen, Goldsmiths and Silversmiths, and also Ironfounders.

Smithson: plan of King's Chapel by, pp. 112a, 115b; plan of Trinity by, p. 228b.

Soane, Sir John, see under Architects.

Socrates, bust of, Trinity, p. 240b.

Soham (Cambs.), design of church tower compared with that of St. Mary the Great, p. lxix.

Solomon: and Bathsheba, King's (glass), p. 124a; Coronation of, King's (glass), p. 121a.

-, Dukes of, and Sarah, wife of 4th Duke of, see Seymour.
-, William, 3rd Earl of Worcester, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Sorley, W. R., sundial given in memory of, King's, p. 131b.

Soulsby, . . ., wife of . . . s Soulsby, 1734, floor-slab, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.

South Street, (278) p. 371a.

Southwell, Thomas: 160(7?), monument of, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Sowerby, Thomas, 1808, wall-tablet, Queens', p. 170b.

Spakman, see Carvers under Craftsmen.

Sparke, John: 1759, and Deborah his wife, 1772, monument of, (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Sparrow, Antony, Bp. of Norwich, President of Queens', arms of, see Armorial Index.

Spear, see under Arms.

'Speculum Humanae Salvationis', scenes from, King's (glass), p. 118a, b.

Spence or Spen (s?):
-, George, 17 . ., floor-slab, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a.
-, Rev. George, church plate given by, (50) St. Clement, p. 271b.

-, George John, Earl Spencer, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, John, Dean of Ely, Master of Corpus Christi: Corpus Christi, p. 57a; bequest of pavement, p. 51a; 1693, floor-slab, p. 50b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Thomas, M.A., arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, William Pakenham, 1845, wall-tablet, St. John's, p. 191b.

Spenser, Edmund, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

-, See also Sectional Preface, p. lxviii.
-, 14th-century: (60) St. Andrew's, Chesterton, p. 292a; (58) St. Peter's, p. 287b.
-, 19th-century: Corpus Christi, p. 49b; (50) St. Clement (now destroyed), p. 270a.

Squint, (56) St. Michael, p. 284b.

-, John, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.
-, Mary, widow of Samuel Squire, 1732–3, and Susanna Newcome their daughter, 1763, floor-slab, (48) St. Benet, p. 266b.

-, F. E., window inserted at expense of, King's, p. 124a.
-, William, 1729, headstone, (61) Trumpington, p. 298a.

Staff, preserved in Guildhall, p. 311a.

-, Edward, 3rd Duke of Buckingham: hall of Buckingham College built by, Magdalene, p. 137b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Henry, 2nd Duke of Buckingham, Magdalene, p. 137a.
-, Humphrey, 1st Duke of Buckingham, Magdalene, p. 137a.

Stafford knots, see Badges in Armorial Index.

Staffordshire Street (278), p. 370b.

Stag, name cut on lintel, St. John's, p. 194a.

-, See also Sectional Preface, pp. cxxv–cxxvi.
-, In Churches (straight flights):
-,-, 15th-century, (54) St. Mary the Less (stone), p. 282a.
-,-, 18th-century, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280b.
-, In Colleges:
-,-, 15th-century: Jesus (timber, straight), pp. 92a, 95b; Peterhouse (stone, circular), pp. 164a, 165b.
-,-, 16th-century: Gonville and Caius (timber, circular), p. 79a; Peterhouse, p. 162b; Queens', p. 175b.
-,-, c. 1600, Trinity, p. 223a, b.
-,-, 17th-century: Christ's, p. 35b; Clare, pp. 40b, 41b, 42b, 43a, 45a; Magdalene, p. 146a; Queens', pp. 175b, 176b; St. Catharine's, pp. 182b, 185a, b; St. John's, pp. 195a, 199a; Trinity, pp. 223b, 235b, 236a, 239a, 242a.
-,-, 18th-century: Clare, p. 44b; Gonville and Caius, pp. 77a, 81a; King's, p. 135b; Magdalene, p. 142a, b; Peterhouse, pp. 159b, 167a; Queens', pp. 174b, 175b, 177b; St. Catharine's, p. 184b; St. John's, p. 195b; Sidney Sussex, pp. 206a, b, 207b; Trinity, pp. 213a, 229a, b, 230b, 235b, 244a.
-,-, 19th-century: Corpus Christi, p. 53a, b; King's, pp. 134a, 136b; St. Catharine's, p. 187a; Trinity, p. 244a.
-, In Houses:
-,-, 16th-century, (270) Abbey House, p. 367b.
-,-, 17th-century: (186) Nos. 25 and 26 Bridge Street, p. 337a; (184) No. 29 Bridge Street, p. 336b; (332) Manor Farm, Trumpington, p. 389b; (329) Old House, Trumpington, p. 389b.
-,-, c. 1700: (137) No. 5 Benet Street, p. 325a; (19) Fitzwilliam House, p. 72b; (155) Lion Hotel, p. 330a; (232) Tunwells Court, p. 353a.
-,-, 18th-century: (191) No. 12 Bridge Street, p. 338b; (192) No. 10 Bridge Street, p. 339a; (194) No. 4 Bridge Street, p. 339b; (19) Fitzwilliam House, pp. 71b, 72b; (214) Folk Museum, p. 347a; (238) Grove Lodge, Trumpington Street, p. 354b; (223) 32 Jesus Lane, p. 351a; (222) Little Trinity, No. 16 Jesus Lane, p. 350a; (120) No. 22 King's Parade, p. 322a; (276) No. 38 Newmarket Road, p. 369b; (273) No. 158 Newmarket Road, p. 369a; (156) No. 5 Petty Cury, p. 330a; (168) No. 24 St. Andrew's Street, p. 333b; (105) No. 3 Trinity Street, p. 319b; (109) No. 15 Trinity Street, p. 320a; (324) Trumpington Hall, p. 387a; (326) Trumpington Vicarage, p. 388b; (217) Went- worth House, Chesterton Road, p. 348a.
-,-, 19th-century: (195) No. 3 Bridge Street, p. 339b; (194) No. 4 Bridge Street, p. 339b; (296) Cherry Hinton Hall, p. 380a; (291) Croft Lodge, p. 377a; (246) No. 15 Fitzwilliam Street, p. 357b; (253) Gresham House, p. 359a; (216) The Grove, Huntingdon Road, p. 348a; (283) The Leys School, p. 373b; (288) Newnham Cottage, p. 376a; (289) Newnham House, p. 376b; (290) Little Newnham, p. 376b; (293) Merton House, p. 379b; (269) No. 61 Newmarket Road, p. 366b; (287) Newnham Grange, p. 375b; (258) Park Terrace, p. 360b; (252) 41 Regent Street, p. 359a; (198) No. 29 Thomson's Lane, p. 340b; (199) No. 30 Thompson's Lane, p. 341b; (111) No. 20a Trinity Street, p. 320b; (235) No. 17 Trumpington Street, p. 353b; (282) Trumpington Road, p. 373a.

Stalls, see under Seating, and Sectional Preface, p. cxxvi.

Standish, Thomas, 1714, floor-slab, Christ's, p. 31a.

Stanhope, Edward, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Stanley, James, Bp. of Ely, statutes of, Jesus, p. 82a.

Stannard, Messrs., see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Stansted Park, timber from, used at King's, p. 101b.

Stanton, Hervey de, see Hervey de Stanton.

Statues, see under Images and Sculpture and Sectional Preface, p. cxxvii.

-, M. T., 183., floor-slab, (43) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.
-, Sarah, 1833, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.
-, William, see Clack, John.

Stephen, St., Martyrdom of, King's (glass), p. 125a.

Stephens or Stevens:
-, Elizabeth, see Anderson, Phebe.
-, Susanna, brass of, see Salisbury, Edward.
-, Thomas, see under Glass-painters and Glaziers.
-, W., engravings on silver by, p. 311a.

Stephenson or Stevenson:
-, J. J., see under Architects.
-, Richard, 1668, headstone, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.
-, Richard, 1837, wall-tablet, Trinity, p. 220a.

Sterne, Richard, Abp. of York, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Steward, George, 1804, floor-slab, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a.

Still, John, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Stillingfleet, Edward, Bp. of Worcester, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Stittle, John, monument from 'Stittle's Chapel', (69) Eden Chapel, p. 301b.

'Stittle's Chapel', site of former, p. 301b.

Stockton, Thomas, see Carvers under Craftsmen, see also Stokton below.

Stoddart, Robert, 1732, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a.

Stokes or Stokys:
-, John, Fellow of King's, 1559, brass of, King's, p. 116a.
-, Dr. John, President of Queens' College: p. 174a; 1568, brass of, Queens', p. 170a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Leonard, see under Architects.
-, Matthew, Esquire Bedell: brass to his brother John put up by, King's, p. 116b; initials in glass, King's, p. 125a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Stokton, John, and Agnes his wife, names inscribed on 15th-century cross, (61) Trumpington, p. 296b.

Stokys, see under Stokes.

Story or Storey:
-, Edward, Cambridge bookseller, almshouses founded by, p. 315b.
-, Elizabeth: 1727–8, Edward her husband, 1693, Edward their son, 1710, monument of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Joseph, early 18th-century floor-slab, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a.
-, W. W., see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

-, c. 1500, Jesus, p. 90b.
-, Early 16th-century, Christ's, p. 31b.
-, Mediaeval: (60) Chesterton, p. 294a; (50) St. Clement's, p. 271b; (61) Trumpington, p. 298a.

Stourbridge Chapel (62), pp. xliii, lxxi, 298b.

" Fair: p. xliii; Oyster House (271) associated with, p. 368a; survival of chapel connected with, p. 298b; painting showing ceremonies relating to, (17) Schools Building, p. 17b.

Stove, c. 1700, German, (199) No. 30 Thompson's Lane, p. 341b.

Strachie, Dr. Robert, flagon bequeathed by, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.

Strange, John, British Resident at Venice, Pittoni painting acquired through, Sidney Sussex, p. 208a.

Street, G. E., see under Architects.

Strong, William Bate, 1843, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.

Stuart, Joseph, 1831, headstone, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.

Stubbe, Walter, 1514, inscription plate of, Gonville and Caius, p. 74b.

Studholme, Joseph, 1832, wall-tablet, Jesus, p. 89b.

Sturgeon, John, and Thomas, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

Sudbury, Simon, Bp. of London, contract between carpenter of Trinity Hall and, p. 245a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, 18th-century: Christ's, p. 37a; (307) Manor House, Chesterton, p. 383a.
-, c. 1800, Jesus, p. 98b.

-, John, Provost of King's, 1772, and William Henry his son, 1759, floor-slab and wall-tablet to, King's, p. 127b.
-, John Bird, Bp. of Chester, Abp. of York, and later Abp. of Canter- bury, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Sumptner, name inscribed on shield, King's (glass), p. 133b.

Sundials, see Dials and Sundials.

Sussex, Augustus Frederick, Duke of, arms of, see Hanoverian Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

Sussum's Yard, No. 3, woodwork from, St. John's, p. 195a.

-, Charles Manners, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, John: glass given by, Jesus, p. 89b; organ designed by, p. 90a.
-, Thomas, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Swann, Thomas and Mary, children of William and Martha Swann, see Wilkinson, Mary.

Swayn or Swayne, William, see Masons, Builders and Con- tractors under Craftsmen.

-, A., see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.
-, Elizabeth, 1844, monument to, (74) General Cemetery, p. 303a.

Sycling, John, 1506, brass of, Christ's, p. 29b.

Sydall, Elias, Bp. of St. David's and Bp. of Gloucester, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Sydenham, Thomas, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Syer, Hannah Maria, 1832, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.

Sykes, William, 1779, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280a.

Symes, John, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Crafts- men.

Symons, Ralph, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Symondes, Symond, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Sythe, St., painted figure perhaps representing, (60) Chesterton, p. 294a.

Tables, see Communion Tables and under Furniture.

Tables of the Law, see Commandments.

Tabor or Talbor, Sir Robert, physician, 1681, monument of, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a.

Talbot, Mary (Cavendish), Countess of Shrewsbury: building costs borne by, St. John's, p. 187b; statue of, St. John's, p. 196a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Talman, John, see Architects.

Tapestries, see under Needlework and Textiles.

Tarrant Hinton (Dorset), communion-rails from Pembroke College now at, p. 154a.

Tatham, Ralph, 1857, and William, 1834, floor-slab, St. John's, p. 191b.

-, . . ., of Loughborough, see under Bellfounders.
-, Edward, wainscoting probably designed by, St. Catharine's, pp. cxxi, 180a, 181b.
-, George, 1707, floor-slab, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b.
-, Joseph, see under Goldsmiths and Silversmiths.
-, Joseph, Fellow of St. John's, 1836, floor-slab, St. John's, p. 191b.
-, R., of St. Neots, see under Bellfounders.
-, Robert, see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.
-, Samuel, alterations financed by bequest of, Sidney Sussex, pp. 203b- 4a.
-, William and John, of Oxford, see under Bellfounders.

Teddesley Hall (Warwicks.), bust by Rysbrack formerly at, p. 241a.

Telford, Isabella, 1843, monument of, (61) Trumpington, p. 297a.

Temple Guiting (Glos.), church font from, now at King's, p. 117b.

Tennis Court Road, houses in (247), pp. 357b, 358a, see also Sectional Preface, p. xcv.

Tennyson or Tenison:
-, Alfred, Lord, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.
-, Thomas, Abp. of Canterbury, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Terrace Lane, New Town (285), p. 374a.

Terraces, outstanding examples of, see under Houses.

Terrick, Richard, Bp. of London, Clare Chapel consecrated by, pp. 38b, 46a.

Tessellated pavement, (18) Fitzwilliam Museum, p. 21b.

Textiles, see Needlework and Textiles.

-, George, Provost of King's, 1850, hatchment of, King's, p. 126b, wall-tablet, p. 127b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Thomas: 1806, and Lydia his wife, 1830, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a; floor-slab, p. 262b.

Thackham, William, 1721, floor-slab, King's, p. 127b.

Tharp, I., of Jamaica, Fellow-Commoner of Trinity (glass), p. 228a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Thaxted: timber from, used at King's, p. 101b; ironwork by a smith from, Trinity, p. 216b.

Theakston, Joseph, see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Theatre Royal (277), pp. 369b, 370a.

Thefdale, see Thevesdale.

Theodore, see Painters under Craftsmen.

Thetford, Town of, glass given by, to Corpus Christi, p. 52b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Thevesdale or Thefdale (near Tadcaster), quarry granted to King's College, pp. ciii, 99b.

Thirlwall, Connop, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Thoday and Clayton, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Thodey, Joseph, 1835, monument to, (71) Emmanuel Congregational Chapel, p. 302a.

Thomas, St., receiving the Girdle of the Virgin, Corpus Christi (glass), p. 50b.

Thomas, Hugh, Master of Christ's, 1780, floor-slab, Christ's, p. 31a.

-, Sir Edward, copy of Warwick vase made by, (16) Senate House, p. 11b.
-, Rev. T. T., 1829, monument of, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 259b.

Thompson, Thomson, Tompson, Tomson:
-, Anthony, (325) Anstey Hall, Trumpington, built by, p. 387b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Edward: 1829, and his brothers, Lewis, 1832, and Thomas, 1849, monument of, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268b; see also under Sculptors.
-, George, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.
-, Joseph John, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.
-, Messrs., see Masons, Builders and Contractors, under Craftsmen.
-, Sarah: see Drake; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, T., and Tomson and Son, see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.
-, Thomas, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.
-, Dr. Thomas, chantry-chapel of, St. John's, p. 187b.
-, W. H., Master of Trinity: p. 242b; arms of, p. 217b.

Thompson's Lane, houses in (197)–(200), pp. 340a–341b, see also Sectional Preface, p. xcv.

Thoresby, Ralph, diary of, and letter to, cited, pp. 237b, 240a.

Thorndike, Herbert, church plate given by, 1672, (61) Trumpington, p. 298a.

Thorne, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

Thorney (Cambs.): stone from Abbey reused at Corpus Christi p. 48b, and at (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 275a; Park, timber from, used at Trinity, p. 218b.

-, Sir James, see under Artists.
-, William, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Thornton, Nigel de, site of (17) Schools Building bequeathed to University by, pp. xlviii, 12a.

-, See Smiths, and also Carvers, under Craftsmen.
-, Sir Robert: foundation-stone perhaps laid by, (17) Schools Building, p. 12a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Thorvaldsen, Bertel, see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Three Tuns, see under Inns.

-, Catharine, 1825, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.
-, George, 1807, and Maria his wife, 1830, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.
-, Henry, 1834, monument of, (42) All Saints, p. 254b.

Thur. . ., Richard, 1659, monument of, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a.

Thurlborn or Thurlbourn:
-, Deborah, 1761, and William, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280a.
-, Martha and Elizabeth, 1733 and 1736, brass-indent (1) reused as floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.
-, Richard, 1706, Elizabeth his wife, 1702–3, Mary, 1702, floor-slab, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a.

-, See also Tiles and Slates in Sectional Preface, p. cii.
-, Fireplace and Stove:
-,-, c. 1700: (160) No. 10 Green Street (white), p. 331b; (199) No. 30 Thompson's Lane (German, blue and white), p. 341b.
-,-, 18th-century: (146) Central Hotel (Delft), p. 327b; Christ's (foreign, blue and white), p. 36a; Magdalene (English Delft), p. 146a.
-, Slip and Incised:
-,-, 14th-century: King's, p. 128b; (56) St. Michael, p. 286b.
-,-, 15th-century, Queens', pp. 169a, 177a.
-,-, 19th-century: (74) General Cemetery Mortuary Chapel, p. 303a; (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257b; (75) Mill Road Cemetery, former Mortuary Chapel, p. 303b.

Tile-hanging ('Mathematical'): See also Building Materials in Sectional Preface, p. ci. (164) No. 32 Hobson Street, p. 332b; (179) Lichfield House, p. 335b; (149) No. 4 Market Hill, p. 328a; (151) No. 14 Market Hill, p. 328b; (154) No. 7 Petty Cury, p. 329a; (163) No. 48 Sidney Street, p. 332a.

Tillbrook, Samuel, initials of, Peterhouse, p. 166a.

Tillotson, John, Abp., bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Timber, sources and transport of, see Sectional Preface, p. cii.

Timber-framed Buildings:
-, See also College Buildings and Building Materials in Sectional Preface, pp. lxxxv, xciii, cii.
-, In Colleges:
-,-, 16th-century, Queens' pp. 168a, 174a, b.
-,-, 17th-century: Magdalene, p. 138b; St. Catharine's, p. 187a.
-, In Houses:
-,-, 15th-century, (336) Green Man Inn, p. 390b.
-,-, 16th-century: (270) Abbey House, p. 367a, b; (188) Nos. 15, 16 Bridge Street, p. 337b; (186) Nos. 25, 26 Bridge Street, p. 337a; (154) Falcon Inn (former), p. 329b; (158) Fisher House, p. 330b; (214) Folk Museum, pp. cii, 347a; (317) Green Dragon, p. 385a; (157) No. 9 Guildhall Street, p. 330a; (189) Jordan's Yard, p. 338a; (122–3) Nos. 18, 17 King's Parade, p. 322a, b; (201–11) Magdalene Street, pp. 341–346a; (292) Merton Hall, p. 379a; (212) Cory House, Northampton Street, p. 346a; (153) Nos. 32, 33, 34 Petty Cury, p. 329a; (154) No. 7 Petty Cury, p. 329a; (302) Uphall, Cherry Hinton, p. 381a.
-,-, c. 1600, (108) No. 14 Trinity Street, p. 320a.
-,-, 17th-century: (139) Bath Hotel, p. 325a; (337) Coach and Horses Inn, Trumpington, p. 391b; (312) Nos. 26, 28 High Street, Chesterton, p. 384a; (120) No. 22 King's Parade, p. 322a; (124) No. 16 King's Parade, p. 322b; (155) Lion Hotel, p. 329b.
-,-, 18th-century: (121) No. 19 King's Parade, p. 322a; (145) Houses, Peas Hill, p. 326b; (156) No. 5 Petty Cury, p. 330a; (303) No. 146 Rosemary Lane, Cherry Hinton, p. 381b; (111) Nos. 20a, 22 Trinity Street, p. 320b.

Timbrell, Benjamin, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.

Time, Father, representation of, Pembroke, p. 152b.

Tindall, Dr. Humphrey, President of Queens' College: pp. 168a, 174a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Tireman, William, 1777, brass of, (42) All Saints, p. 254a.

Tivoli, Serlio's design for temple at, possibly used by Wren at Pem- broke, p. 153a.

Tobias: And the Angel, King's (glass), p. 122a; Return of (glass), p. 121b.

Tobit, Death of, King's (glass), p. 123b.

Toll-house, former, see (322) Round House, Chesterton, p. 386a.

Tomson, Thompson, Tomson and Son, and Tomson, T., see under Sculptors and Monumental Masons, and see Thompson above.

Tonni, Stephen, see under Bellfounders.

Towne, William, 1496–7, chantry-chapel of, King's, p. 112a.

-, Charles, 3rd Viscount, statue of George I presented by, (17) Schools Building, p. 18b.
-, Charles Fox, 1817, wall-tablet with bust of, St. John's, p. 191b.

Trefusis, Robert, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Treton, Richard, Master of Corpus Christi, p. 48a.

Trevor, Thomas, 2nd Lord, bust of, Trinity, p. 239a.

Trinity, The: bells dedicated to, (60) Trumpington, p. 296b; church dedicated to, see Holy Trinity under Dedications; representa- tion of angels bearing soul to, (48) St. Benet (brass indent), p. 266a; symbols of: (45) Holy Trinity (glass), p, 259b; (56) St. Michael (glass), p. 285a; (17) Schools Building, p. 16a.

Trinity College (40): pp. 209a–244b. See also pp. xliv, xlviii, xlix, lii–lv, and Sectional Preface, pp. lxxi, lxxiii–lxxxv. See also King's Hall and Michael House, and Physick Hostel under Hostels. College founded 1546, p. 212a; site of former Franciscan friary conveyed to, p. 203a; Chesterton Tower (305) the property of, p. 381b; Avenue replanted, p. 215a; Bishop's Hostel, pp. lxxxiv, 214b, 241b; Bridge, pp. xc, 214b, 244a; Chapel: pp. lxxix, 211b–212b, 215a, 218b; workmen engaged on, p. 218b; communion-table from, (55) St. Matthew, p. 283b; stalls said to be from, (56) St. Michael, p. 286b; Comedy Room, possible site of, p. 244b; Fountain, pp. lxxxvii, xc, 213a, 215a, 232b, 233a; Great Court, pp. 212b–213b, 215a–235a; Great Gate, pp. lxix, lxxvii, 211a, b, 215a–218b; Hall, pp. 213a, 215a, 224a–228a; Judge's Suite, p. 230b; Junior Parlour, see Nos. 23 and 24 Trinity Street (112), p. 320b; King Edward's Tower, pp. lxxvii, 209b, 210b–212b, 215a, 222a–223a; King's 'Hostel', pp. 210b, 233b, 234a; King's or New Court, pp. 214b, 242b–243b; Kitchen and Buttery, pp. lxxxi, 213a, 228a, b; Lecture Room Court, pp. 214b, 243b, 244a; Library, pp. lxxxii, 213b, 214a, 215a, 236b–241b; Master's Lodge pp. lxxxvi, 213a, 229a; Master's Tower, p. 230a; Nevile's Court, pp. lxxxiii, 212b, 213b–215a, 235a–241b; Nevile's Gate, pp. 213b, 242a, b; Old Combination Room, pp. 213a, 229a; Old Library Range, pp. 212b, 213b, 223a, b, 234b; Queen's Gate, pp. 212b, 213a, 231b–232b; Tribunal, pp. 214a, 241b; Whewell's Court, p. 214b.

Trinity College, Oxford, Robert Minchin employed by Wren at, p. 214b.

Trinity Hall (41): pp. 245a–254b. See also pp. xlviii, li, and Sectional Preface, pp. lxxiii, lxxv–lxxvii, lxxxv. Hall of Holy Trinity founded 1350, p. 245a; St. Edward's church (51) used as chapel by, pp. lxxxvii, 271b, 272a; Chapel, pp. lxxviii, lxxxvii, 245b– 246b, 248a–250a; Front Court, pp. 245b, 246b–252b; Hall, pp. lxxx, 245a, 246a, 250a–251a; Kitchen, pp. lxxxi, 250a; Latham Building, p. 246b; Library, pp. lxxxii, 245b, 246b, 253a; Library Court, pp. 252b–253b; Master's Lodge, p. 253a, (original), p. 246a; South Court, pp. 245b, 253b; gateway to Augustinian Friary said to have resembled that of, p. 299b.

'Trinity, Little', (222) No. 16 Jesus Lane, pp. 349a–350b.

Trinity Street: Nos. 2 and 37, occupied by Trinity College, p. 214b, Nos. 23, 24, p. 320b; houses in (104)–(117), pp. 319a–321b.

Triston, Ann, see Hovell, Richard.

Tristram, Professor, restoration by, St. John's, p. 189a.

Triton, relief-carving of, Clare, p. 47a.

Trotter, Coutts, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Troughton, of London, bronze dial by, Trinity, p. 233b.

-, Arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Giles de, died between 1327 and 1332, tomb probably of, (61) Trumpington, pp. 294b, 297a.
-, Roger de, 1289, brass probably of, (61) Trumpington, pp. cvii, 294b, 297a.

Trumpington: Church of St. Mary and St. Nicholas, (61), p. 294a–8b; Hall (324), p. 386b; Houses in (324)–(338), pp. 386b–391b.

" Road, houses in (282)–(284), pp. 372b–373b.

" Street: (231–241) houses in, pp. 352–356a; No. 56, see Corpus Christi, p. 58a; Nos. 68, 69a, 70, absorbed by St. Catharine's College, p. 187a.

Trunk, 17th-century, King's, p. 131a.

Truth, figure representing, (48) St. Benet (Communion rails), p. 266a.

Tucke, see Brickmakers and Bricklayers under Craftsmen.

Tudor Badges, see Badges under Armorial Index.

Tunstall, Cuthbert, Bp. of Durham, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Tunwells Court, Trumpington Street (232), p. 352b.

Turk, the Great, emerald given to Pope Innocent VIII by, p. 154b.

Turk's Head, see under Inns.

-, Elizabeth, see Barker, John.
-, Francis, Bp. of Ely, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Mary (Hopkins), 1800, monument of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279a.
-, Susanna, see Lunn, Edward.

Tyndale, Sir Nicholas Conyngton, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Tyrwhitt, Rev. Robert, 1817, floor-slab, Jesus, p. 90a.

Umbrella, formerly property of Rev. Charles Simeon, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260b.

Union Road, New Town (285), p. 374a.

University, The: See also pp. xlv–lvii, and Sectional Preface, pp. lxxii–lxxxviii. Church-plate presented by members of, (57) St. Paul, p. 287a; Royal Visitors and Judges on Assize lodging in Trinity, p. 213a; personification of, presenting Newton to George III, Trinity (glass), p. 240a; rights of, in (17) Schools Building (painting), p. 17b; Stourbridge Chapel given to Cambridge Preservation Society by, (62), p. 298b.

University Arts Schools, see (63), p. 299b.

" Department of Physical Chemistry, see p. 317a.

" Engineering Laboratories, see p. 355b.

" Hall, see Clare College, p. 37b.

" Library:
-, Modern (21): pp. 23b–24b; books from All Saints Church in, p. 254a; bookcases from Bancroft, Moore and Regent House libraries now in, pp. 23b, 24a.
-, Schools Building (17): 17th-century project for a new University Library, p. 9a, b; Fitzwilliam Collection exhibited in, p. 18b; see also Sectional Preface, p. lxxvi.

" Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, see p. 303b.

" Music School (71), Concert Room formerly Congrega- tional Chapel, p. 302a.

" Press (Pitt Press) (22), see Sectional Preface, pp. lxxv, lxxvi, and pp. 24b, 25a.

" School of Architecture, see p. 355b.

Uphall, Cherry Hinton (302), p. 381a.

Urban V, Pope, permission for chapel at Pembroke Hall granted by, p. 147b.

Urn, commemorating Joseph Mede, Christ's, p. 37a. See also under Monuments, Funeral.

Ursula, St., representations of: Arrival at Cologne, Corpus Christi (glass), p. 53a; With the Virgins, King's (glass), p. 126b.

Utynam, John, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Valence, Mary de St. Pol, widow of Aymer de Valence, Earl of Pembroke, Pembroke College founded by, p. 147b; arms of, see Pembroke College under Civic and Academic Arms in Armorial Index.

Van Dyck, Anthony, painting of Dead Christ by, copy of, St. John's, p. 191b.

van Linge, Bernard, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

-, Stone:
-,-, In Churches and Religious Houses: 12th-century: (44) Holy Sepulchre (quadripartite, restored and rebuilt), pp. 256a, 257a; (62) Stourbridge Chapel (quadri- partite, traces only), p. 299a. 13th-century, (64) Barnwell Priory (quadripartite), p. 300a. 14th-century, (61) Trumpington (barrel), p. 296a. 15th-century, St. Radegund, Jesus (ribbed), pp. 92b, 93a, b (restored). Late 15th or early 16th-century, (53) St. Mary the Great, (panelled) p. 277b, (four-centred) p. 277b.
-,-, In Colleges: 15th-century: King's (lierne), p. 112a; Queens' (lierne), pp. 168b, 172b, (quadripatrite) p. 169a; Trinity (unfinished), pp. 211b, 216a. 16th-century: Gonville and Caius (barrel), p. 79a; King's (fan), pp. lxxix, 110a, 112b, (lierne) p. 112a, (quadripartite) pp. 112a, b, 113a; St. John's (fan) p. 198a, (panelled) p. 196b. 17th-century, Clare (fan), p. 40b. 19th-century: Corpus Christi (fan), p. 49b; King's, (lierne) p. 132a, (ribbed) p. 133a; St. John's (fan), p. 201a; Sidney Sussex (ribbed), p. 207b.
-,-, In Houses: c. 1200, (292) Merton Hall, p. 378b (destroyed). 14th-century, (305) Chesterton Tower (ribbed), p. 382b.
-, Brick:
-,-, In Churches: 14th-century, (54) St. Mary the Less (quadripartite, clunch ribs), pp. c, 281b, 282b.
-,-, In Colleges: 16th-century, St. John's (barrel), p. 193a. 18th-century, Clare (segmental, groined), p. 45b.
-,-, In Institutions: 19th-century, (92) former Union Workhouse, Chesterton (barrel), p. 315a.
-, Plaster:
-,-, In Churches: Undated, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 227b.
-,-, In University Buildings: 19th-century, (17) Schools, p. 18a, b.
-,-, In Colleges: 18th-century: Clare (barrel), p. 45b; Gonville and Caius (segmental barrel), p. 77a. 19th-century, Corpus Christi, pp. lxxx, 50a (destroyed).
-,-, In Houses: 17th-century, (146) Central Hotel (segmental barrel), p. 327b. 18th-century, (174) Botolph House (quadripartite), p. 334b. c. 1800, (178) No. 12 Mill Lane (quadripartite), p. 335b.
-, Timber:
-,-, In Colleges: 19th-century, Trinity, p. 217a.

Veasey, Rev. Thomas, 1839, monument of, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a.

Veil, see under Needlework and Textiles.

Vercelli, (Italy): Chesterton church given to canons of, (60), pp. 290b, 381b; Chesterton Tower (305) built for procurator of abbot of, pp. lxviii, 381b.

Verdon, Rev. Thomas, 1731–2, and his wife, 1751, floor-slab, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a.

Veyse or Veysy:
-, John, draper, named as guarantor in contract, Queens', pp. ciii, 168a.
-, John, fireplaces from house of, (86) Public Library, p. 312a.

Vicarage, The: Chesterton (306), p. 382b; Trumpington (326). p. 388a.

Victoria, Queen, arms of, see Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

Viking Settlement, in Cambridge, see Anglo-Danish Cambridge pp. xl–xli.

Villiers, George, 1st Duke of Buckingham, statue of, (17) Schools Building, p. 17b.

Vintner, I. and E., initials on shields possibly of, St. John's, p. 195a.

Virgil, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Virgin, see Mary the Virgin, St.

Vulgate, inscriptions from: Corpus Christi (glass), p. 50b; King's (glass), p. 118a ff.

Wadham College (Oxford), window-tracery at, compared with that at St. John's, p. lxxxii.

Wailes, William, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Walden (Essex): chambers at Buckingham College built by monastery of, p. 137b; oaks for chapel roof supplied by abbot of, King's, p. 102a.

-, Dr. Richard: flagon given by, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b; name carved over Vice-Master's stall, Trinity, pp. 219a, 221b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Thomas, 1764, and Elizabeth his widow, 1780, floor-slab, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.

-, A., 1798, floor-slab, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b.
-, Elizabeth, wife of Gilman Wall, 1760, Mary (Wall) Davies, 1782, Lydia, 1789, Gilman, 1790, and Mary, 1796, floor-slab, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b.

-, Stephen see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.
-, William, 1799, and Mary his wife, 1796, monument of, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260a.

-, See also Sectional Preface, p. cxix.
-, 15th-century: (60) Chesterton (Doom), p. 293b; (59) Cherry Hinton (fragment, figure subject), p. 290a; Corpus Christi (Crucifixion), p. 54b; St. John's (fragment), p. 191b; Trinity Hall (destroyed), p. 252b.
-, 16th-century: Christ's (scroll-work), p. 33b; Corpus Christi (bird and foliage), p. 55a; Jesus (strapwork), p. 92a.
-, c. 1600, St. John's (landscape and animals), p. 196a.
-, 17th-century: King's (shadow-painting), p. 127b; Peterhouse (arcading, destroyed), p. 164a; Queens' (arcading), p. 178a.
-, c. 1700, (214) Folk Museum (marbling), p. 347a.
-, 18th-century, Magdalene (heraldic), pp. 139b, 142b.
-, 19th-century, Jesus (chapel ceiling), p. 84a.
-, Undated: (47) St. Andrew the Less (sacred monogram), p. 263b; Trinity Hall (heraldic), p. 252b.

-, See also Sectional Preface, p. cxix.
-, Early 16th-century, Christ's, p. 33b.
-, 17th-century, Magdalene (fragments), p. 145a.

Walls, Robert, windows in King's chapel cleaned by, p. 131b.

-, Edward (of Houghton): 1688–9, floor-slab, Trinity, p. 221a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Horatio, 1st Lord, and Robert, Earl of Orford, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Walpole, Manor of, bought as an endowment for upkeep of high- ways, p. 310a.

-, Francis, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, W., scratched name of, Magdalene, p. 145a.

Walston, Lady, tapestries given by, King's, p. 131a.

Walter, James, see under Architects.

Wanstead House (Essex), fittings from, pp. cxi, 371b.

" ", Hills Road (279): pp. cxi, 371b, 372a; father of J. W. Clark resident at, p. 355b.

Warboys (Hunts.), timber from, supplied to Gonville and Caius, pp. 73b, cii.

'War Ditch' (3), see Ditches and Enclosures under Earthworks and Allied Structures.

-, Dorothy (Plumptree), 1793, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280a.
-, John, see Painters under Craftsmen.
-, Samuel, Master of Sidney Sussex, p. 203b.

Ward Library, see under Peterhouse.

Ware, Isaac, see under Architects.

Warehouse (182), dating from 1820, p. 336a.

Warkworth or Warkeworth, John: chapel of, (54) St. Mary the Less, pp. 281a, 282b; portrait of, Peterhouse, p. 160a.

Warkworth Terrace (255), pp. xcvi, 359b.

War Memorials: Jesus, Library, p. 85b; King's, All Souls chapel, formerly Argentein chantry chapel, p. 113a; Queens', Library, p. 169b.

Warren, Warrin or Warin:
-, See Smiths under Craftsmen.
-, Edward: 1722, floor-slab, (45) Holy Trinity, p. 260b; and with Ann his wife, 1734–5, and Edward his son, 1734, monument, p. 260a.
-, Edward, see under Architects.
-, John: see under Bellfounders; monument of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b; stone carved with initials of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280b.
-, William: milestones set up by, p. 310a; Warren's Book cited, pp. cxxviii, 245b, 246a, 250a, 310a.

Warrocke, John, range built at expense of, Gonville and Caius, p. 73a.

Warter, Rev. John, 1802, monument of, (52) St. Giles, p. 275a.

Warwick Vase, copy of, (16) Senate House, p. 11b.

Washington, Rev. Godfrey: 1729, monument of, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 282b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Wassyngle, John, see Masons, Builders and Contractors, under Craftsmen.

Wastell, John, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Watercourses, see Ditches, Moats, etc., under Earthworks and Allied Structures, and Aqueducts and Conduits.

Waterhouse, Alfred, see under Architects.

Waterways, importance of, for carrying goods, p. cii.

Waterworks, p. xc, and see Aqueducts and Conduits.

-, Abigail, see Serocold, Walter.
-, Elizabeth (Newton) and Benjamin, see Newton, Samuel.
-, Priscilla (?), 1683, floor-slab, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b.
-, Thomas, Bp. of St. Davids: hospital in Hull built by, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a.
-, William, Alderman of Cambridge 1696–1702, improvements at (150) No. 5 Market Hill by, p. 328b; assumed arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, William, 1721, floor-slab, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 290a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Watts, George, stone carved with initials of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280b.

Waynfleet, William, Bp. of Winchester, building supervised by, King's, p. 99a.

Wealth, relief depicting, Gonville and Caius, p. 78b.

Weather-vanes, see under Ironwork.

Weaver, Thomas: carvings in chapel given by, King's, p. 115b; charges from the arms of, King's (panelling), p. 130a.

Webb or Webbe:
-, Sir Aston, see under Architects.
-, G[eorge?], 1703, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 280a.
-, Maurice, see under Architects.
-, Philip, see under Architects.
-, William, 1613, monument of, Gonville and Caius, p. 76a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Augustine, scratched name of, Magdalene, p. 145a.
-, James, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Wedd, Peter, and Ann his wife, see Coe, William.

Weekes, H., see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Weights and Measures: Standards of 17th and 19th-century date, (84) Guildhall, p. 311a, b; Tables of, (17) Schools Building (painting), p. 17b.

Weldon (Northants.), freestone from, used at Gonville and Caius, pp. ciii, 73b.

Wellington Street (278), p. 370a.

Wells, William, President of Queens', arms of, see Armorial Index.

Wendover, Roger of, cited, p. xlv.

Wendy (Herts.), hammer-beam roof from All Saints church re-erected at, p. 254a.

Wenlock, Sir John, Chamberlain to Queen Margaret of Anjou, foundation stone laid by, Queens', p. 167b.

-, John, 1818, and others, monument of, (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257b.
-, Joseph, chairs, Communion rails and table furnished to Holy Sepulchre (44) by, pp. cix, 257a.
-, Thomas, Earl of Strafford, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Wentworth House, Chesterton Road (217), p. 348a.

-, Benjamin, see under Artists.
-, John, 1744–5, floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.
-, Nicholas, Bp. of Ely, statutes of, Jesus, p. 82b.

Westcott and Hort, painted decoration of Trinity chapel devised by, p. 219a.

Westcroft, Chesterton (314), p. 384a.

Westley, John, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Westmacott, Sir Richard, and Richard (junior), see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Westminster Abbey (London): Wilberforce monument at, copy of, St. John's, p. 191a; statue of Byron at Trinity offered to, p. 241a; 'new chapel' at, cited in contract for glass, King's, p. cxii.

Wett, 'Magr. Thome', inscription in glass, Queens', p. 171a.

Weybridge (Surrey), timber from, supplied to King's, pp. cii, 101b.

-, John, Master of Peterhouse, 1748, floor-slab, Peterhouse, p. 158b.
-, Robert: 1591, brass of, Queens', pp. cviii, 170a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Wheeler, Montague, see under Architects.

Whewell, Dr. William, Master of Trinity: p. 214b; alterations at Trinity by, pp. 216a, 229b; bust of, p. 241a; statue of Francis Bacon presented by, Trinity, p. 219b.

Whichcote, Benjamin, Provost of King's: chapel restored as a memorial to, King's, p. 113a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Whissendine (Rutland), rood-screen from St. John's partly re-erected in church at, p. 191b.

Whisson, Stephen, 1783, paving-stone, Trinity, p. 221a.

-, John, 1710, floor-slab, Emmanuel, p. 65b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Dr. William, Master of St. John's: p. 187b; 1585, wall-tablet, p. 191b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Henry Kirke: 1806, headstone, (42) All Saints, p. 254b; wall-tablet with portrait-relief, St. John's, p. 191b.
-, Jane, wife of G. B. White, 1826, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b.
-, Pearse, 1819, and others, monument of, (48) St. Benet, p. 266a.
-, Thomas, Bp. of Peterborough, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, . . ., of London, see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

White Hill, Great Shelford, clunch at, p. lxv.

" Horse, see under Inns.

Whitgift, John, Bp. of Worcester, later Abp. of Canterbury, Master of Trinity: portrait of, Peterhouse, p. 160b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Robert, 1741–2, floor-slab, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a.
-, William, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Crafts- men.

Whittington, George Downing, 1807, wall-tablet, St. John's, p. 191b.

Whittred, John, 1795, and Mary his wife, 1801, monument of, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a.

Whitworth of Galway, Charles, Lord, bust of, Trinity, p. 239a.

Whytehead, Thomas, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Wickstede, Elizabeth (Pritchard), wife of John Wickstede, brass of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278b.

Widdrington, Ralph, 1688, floor-slab, Christ's, p. 31a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Wig-stand, see under Furniture.

Wigge, Gilbert, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Wilberforce, William, cast of monument of, St. John's, p. 191a.

Wilcox, John: 1762, floor-slab, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a; monument of, Clare, p. 46a.

Wildbore, Mathew, 1689, Francis Brackenbury, 1699–1700, and Katherine successively wife to both, floor-slab, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a.

-, Anne, widow of William Wiles, 1849, monument of, (60) Chester- ton, p. 293a.
-, Henry, see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.
-, William, 1827, monument of, (60) Chesterton, p. 293a.

-, William (senior): and Hannah his wife, 1815, monument of, (52) St. Giles, p. 275a; see also under Architects.
-, William (junior): sale of land by, p. 374a; 1839, wall-tablet, Corpus Christi, p. 53b; arms of, see Armorial Index; see also under Architects.

-, Mary, 1720, and Thomas and Mary, children of William and Martha Swann, monument of, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269a.
-, Thomas, President of Queens', arms of, see Armorial Index.

Willement, Thomas, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Willett, Thomas, 1808, and his wives, floor-slab, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a.

William I, King, castle at Cambridge raised by, pp. xli, xlii, 304a.

William III, see Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

-, John, Bishop of Lincoln, library built at cost of, St. John's, pp. lxxxii, 188a, 196b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Sir John, arms of, see Williams, apparently derived from Richard- son, in Armorial Index.
-, Ludovic, son of Joseph Williams, 1741, floor-slab, (56) St. Michael, p. 286a.

Williamson, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.

Willis, Professor R.: mediaeval features recorded by, Jesus, pp. 87b, 88b; timber vault of Great Gate designed by, Trinity, p. 216a; and passim.

-, Catherine Brandon, Duchess of Suffolk, see Willoughby in Armorial Index.
-, Francis, bust of, Trinity, p. 241a.

Willow Place (267), p. 365b.

" Walk (266), pp. 363b–364b.

Wilshaw, Henry, portrait of, Peterhouse, p. 160a.

-, See Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.
-, Dr. John: paten given by, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b; 1754, paving- stone, Trinity, p. 221a.
-, Joseph, 1815, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a.
-, Norris, 1821, and Mary his wife, 1822, floor-slab, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b.
-, William, 1800, wall-tablet, St. John's, p. 191b.

Wilton, Joseph, see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Winchester Cathedral (Hants.), choir-screen from, now in Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, p. 303b.

Wisbech, John de, Abbot of Crowland, chambers in Buckingham College, built by, p. 137a.

-, Edward, son of William Wise: 17th-century monument of, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b.
-, Francis, 1589, monument of, (59) Cherry Hinton, p. 289b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Simeon or Simon, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Wiseman, Thomas, 1764, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Withnoll, Phoebe (Percevall), wife of Edward Withnoll, 1658, brass of, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a.

-, Reginald, Commonplaces of Wolfgangus Musculus, 1563, printed by, (49) St. Botolph, p. 268a.
-, Widow, portrait of, Peterhouse, p. 163b.

Wolryche or Wolrych:
-, John, 1689, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a.
-, John, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

-, Ann, wife of John Wood, 18th-century floor-slab, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a.
-, Derwent, see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.
-, James, Dean of Ely, Master of St. John's: 1839, floor-slab of, St. John's, p. 191b; monument (with statue) of, pp. cxvii, 191a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, John, 1742, floor-slab, (51) St. Edward, p. 274a.
-, John, 1813, and Mary Ann his daughter, 1816, monument of, (58) St. Peter, p. 288a.
-, Sancton (engineer), see under Architects.

Wood-carving, see under Carvings, Wood.

Woodhouse, Robert, 1828, floor-slab, Gonville and Caius, p. 76b.

Woodlark, Dr. Robert, Provost of King's: Day-books of, King's, p. 99b; work on chapel supervised by, King's, p. 101a; St. Catharine's founded by, p. 179a; Memoriale Nigrum of, p. 179a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Woodrofe, Woodroff, Woodruffe, etc.:
-, Edward, see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.
-, George, see Carvers under Craftsmen.
-, Thomas, 1689, headstone, (48) St. Benet, p. 266b.

-, Richard, Wanstead House sold following the bankruptcy of, p. 371b.
-, William, 1820, floor-slab, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262b.

Woodstock, Thomas of, Duke of Gloucester, arms of, see Royal Arms in Armorial Index.

Woodville, Queen Elizabeth, see under Elizabeth.

-, Francis, see Carvers under Craftsmen.
-, John, see Carvers under Craftsmen.
-, Thomas, see Carvers under Craftsmen.

Woolaston, Frances, wife of Rev. F. I. H. Woolaston, see Hayles, Richard.

Woolf, Michael, 1614, brass of, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 278b.

-, Elizabeth, wife of Gilbert Woollard, junior, 1794, headstone, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.
-, Gilbert, 1795, and Joanna his wife, 1788, headstone, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.

Woolley, Henry (?), 1704, headstone, (50) St. Clement, p. 271a.

Woolner, T., see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

-, Alice, wife of William Wootton, 1713, headstone, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b.
-, William, 1712, headstone, (60) Chesterton, p. 293b.

Worcester College (Oxford), Buckingham College compared with, pp. lxx, 137b.

-, Christopher, Master of Trinity, p. 214b.
-, John: 1840, floor-slab, p. 221a; monument with bust of, Trinity, pp. cxvii, 220a.

Workhouses, p. lxxxix, and under Institutions, Charitable and Public.

Worsley, Robert, 1714–5, floor-slab, and wall-monument of, St. John's, p. 191b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Wortley-Montague, Edward, bust of, Trinity, p. 239a.

Worts, William: 1709, bequest for erection of Galleries, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279a; bequest for building causeway, p. 6a, 392a.

Worts' Causeway, see Causeways under Earthworks and Allied Structures.

-, John: son of William and Hester Wragg, 1823, Isabell, daughter of John and Sophia Wragg, 1824, monument of, (60) Chesterton, p. 293a; floor-slab of John Wragg, 1823, p. 293b.
-, Sophia Olivia, daughter of William and Elizabeth Wragg, 1847, monument of, (60) Chesterton, p. 293a.
-, William: 1804, and Hester, 1808, monument of, (60) Chesterton, p. 293a; floor-slab, p. 293b.
-, William: 1829, Mary his wife, 1866, and Anne Maria their daughter, 1832, monument of, (60) Chesterton, p. 293a; floor-slab of William Wragg, p. 293b.

Wray, Sir Christopher: building at Magdalene College financed by, pp. 138a, 139b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Sir Christopher, see under Architects.
-, Matthew, Bp. of Ely: see Sectional Preface, p. lxxx; new chapel built and consecrated by, Pembroke, p. 148a; supervisor of Hitcham's bequest, p. 148b; his building programme at Peter- house, p. 157a; Christopher Wren's chapel at Emmanuel influenced by work at Peterhouse of, p. 63b; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Anna Maria, see Crask, Judith.
-, Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Wright, 1685–6, and Elizabeth his wife, 1702, floor-slab, (49) St. Botolph, p. 269b.
-, Francis, see Carpenters and Joiners under Craftsmen.
-, Richard, see Glass-painters and Glaziers.
-, Stephen, see under Architects.

Wriothesley, Henry, 3rd Earl of Southampton, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Writing-desk, see under Furniture.

Wroth, Sir Robert, arms of, see Armorial Index.

Wyat or Wyatt:
-, See Carvers under Craftsmen.
-, James, see under Architects.
-, Jeffrey (Wyatville after 1824), see under Architects.
-, Lewis, see under Architects.
-, Sir Matthew Digby, see under Architects.
-, T. H., see under Architects.

Wybroe, Susanna, 1836, and Isabella, 1840, monument to, (69) Eden chapel, p. 301b.

Wycliff, Cambridge University untainted by heresy of, p. lxxii.

Wyon, E. W., see Sculptors and Monumental Masons.

Wythie, Ann, wife of Edward, 1703–4, monument of, (54) St. Mary the Less, p. 283a.

Yarrington, S. C.: see Glass-painters and Glaziers; arms of, see Armorial Index.

Yate, Daniel: 1676–7, monument of, (46) St. Andrew the Great, p. 262a; arms of, see Armorial Index.

-, Thomas, see Slaters under Craftsmen.
-, William, 170., floor-slab, (53) St. Mary the Great, p. 279b.

Yaxly, John, name cut on pedestal, Trinity, p. 238a.

Yeldon, Emma, 1800, Francis Harwood, 1811, Ann his wife, 1838, and Ann their daughter, 1843, monument of, (44) Holy Sepulchre, p. 257b.

-, Edmund, Duke of, arms of, see Royal Arms in Armorial Index.
-, Mr., upholsterer, (125) No. 14 King's Parade built by, p. 322b.

-, Charles Philip, 4th Earl of Hardwicke, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, James, Bp. of Ely, arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Philip, 3rd Earl of Hardwicke: glass given by, Corpus Christi, p. 52b; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Philip, inscription relating to, Corpus Christi (glass), p. 52b.
-, Simon: glass given by, Corpus Christi, p. 53a; arms of, see Armorial Index.
-, Thomas, 1756, floor-slab, (56) St. Michael, p. 285b.

Young, John, see Masons, Builders and Contractors under Craftsmen.

Zebedee, representation of, Corpus Christi (glass), p. 51a.

Zephaniah, figure of, King's (glass), p. 126a.

Zion Chapel, see under Nonconformist Chapels.

Zodiac, Signs of the, painted on sundial, Queens', p. 170a.

Zouche, Eudo de la, Chancellor of the University and Master of St. John's Hospital: 1414, brass of, St. John's, pp. 190b–191a; arms of, see Armorial Index.