Ecclesiastical Buildings: Miscellaneous

An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the City of Cambridge. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1959.

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'Ecclesiastical Buildings: Miscellaneous', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the City of Cambridge( London, 1959), British History Online [accessed 7 October 2024].

'Ecclesiastical Buildings: Miscellaneous', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the City of Cambridge( London, 1959), British History Online, accessed October 7, 2024,

"Ecclesiastical Buildings: Miscellaneous". An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the City of Cambridge. (London, 1959), , British History Online. Web. 7 October 2024.


(62) Stourbridge Chapel, dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene, stands on the N. side of the Newmarket Road, N.E. of the railway bridge. The walls of the chancel and the E. wall of the nave are ashlar-faced; the remainder are of flint pebbles with later brick patching; the dressings are of Barnack or Weldon stone. Most of the original external and internal plastering has now gone. The roofs are tile-covered. A hospital for lepers was founded here at some uncertain date, the earliest reference to it being at the end of the 12th century. The chapel, consisting of Chancel and Nave, seems to have been built about the middle of the same century. It later came into the hands of the monastery of Ely and at the end of the 14th century indulgences were being granted for contributions towards repairs; the roofs may have been renewed at this period.

The chapel and lands were leased by the Bishop of Ely to the Corporation of Cambridge in 1544, released to them in 1597 by Elizabeth I, and in 1606 granted by James I to John Shelbury and Philip Chewte. The survival of the chapel has been attributed to secular uses connected with Stourbridge Fair. In 1816 it was bought by the Rev. Thomas Kerrich and given to the University. It was restored in 1843 and used for services for labourers building the Eastern Counties Railway. Subsequent restorations were in 1867, under the direction of Gilbert Scott, when the W. wall is said to have been remodelled, and in 1949, when the building was put into sound condition for services. In 1951 the University gave the chapel to the Cambridge Preservation Society, now the freeholders.

St. Mary's is an interesting survival of a smaller 12th-century chapel connected with a leper hospital. It contains some rather unusual architectural decoration of the date.

Architectural Description—The Chancel (18 ft. by 12¾ ft.) has a partly rebuilt E. gable with traces of a later blocked window and with two string-courses on the wall below, the upper with billet-ornament and the lower a simple axe-work ornament of vertical and diagonal lines. The angles both have two tiers of attached shafts, much weathered; the upper capitals still retain their scallops. The E. window of one square-headed light is probably a mid 19th-century insertion. The lower string-course on the E. wall is continued along the N. and S. walls. In the N. wall is a 12th-century window of one round-headed light with an outer order carved with conventional leaf-ornament and springing from shafts with scalloped capitals and moulded bases. The upper 2 ft. of the same wall has been rebuilt and incorporates reused 12th-century worked stones. In the S. wall is a 12th-century window generally of similar form to the foregoing, but with the inner order carved with four-leaved flowers and the outer with cheveronornament; the W. shaft is carved with cheveron and spiral ornament and has a moulded band carved with two rosettes; the E. shaft is missing. Further W. is a doorway, now blocked, of uncertain but post-mediaeval date, with jambs and segmental arch of two plain orders. The 12th-century chancel-arch (Plate 282) is semicircular and of two orders with one roll-moulded order on the E. and beaded cheveron-ornament on the W.; the responds have attached and free circular shafts with scalloped capitals and moulded bases. The chancel was formerly covered by a quadripartite vault that sprang from vaulting-shafts in each corner about 5 ft. high. The shaft on the N.E. retains its scalloped capital, much damaged; that on the S.E. has lost its capital; the other two shafts have been removed. The marks of the vault can be seen on the E., N. and S. walls.

The Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene, Stourbridge

The Nave (31 ft. by 17 ft.) has two external string-courses similar to those on the chancel and, between them, the angles are shafted. In the N. wall is a 12th-century window similar to that on the N. of the chancel, but with cheveron-ornament on the outer order and cheveron-ornament on the rear-arch, and jamb-shafts with scalloped capitals and moulded bases. The 12th-century N. doorway, now blocked, has a semi-circular head with cheveron-ornament and a label with billet-ornament; the order springs from modern shafts with original scalloped capitals and moulded bases; the plain inner order of the jambs supports a plain lintel. In the S. wall is a window similar to that in the N. wall. The 12th-century S. doorway has a semicircular head of two orders, the inner moulded and continuous and the outer with cheveron-ornament and springing from restored shafts with original scalloped capitals and modern chamfered bases; the label has cheveron-ornament. Between the two features in the S. wall internally is a rectangular area of blocking; Cotman's sketch of 1818 shows a fireplace inserted here. The W. wall has had the flint-pebble facing renewed. In it are three windows, the two lower round and the one above, in the gable, similar to those in the sidewalls. None of the three is shown in Cotman's sketch of 1818 and the uppermost is probably of 1867, but the lower are not of this date and it is possible that they were in Cotman's time covered by rendering.

The Roof of the chancel is of c. 1400 and of three bays, with moulded principals, plates, purlins and ridge; the principals have curved braces and wall-posts, both moulded, standing formerly on stone corbels; these last have been defaced or removed except one in the S.W. corner carved with a half-angel. The roof of the nave is of similar type and construction but of four bays and with vertical ashlar-pieces; four of the corbels retain carvings of a flower and grotesques.

(J. S. Cotman, Antiquities of St. Mary's Chapel at Stourbridge (1819)).

Fittings—Lockers: In chancel—in N. wall, rectangular recess with rebated reveals, late mediaeval; in S. wall, rectangular recess without sill, of uncertain purpose and date.

(63) Augustinian Friary, founded in 1290, occupied most of the site on the N. side of Pembroke Street bounded by Corn Exchange Street, Wheeler Street and Free School Lane. In the basement of the modern Arts Schools are some reset architectural features and fragments from the buildings of the friary; Cole, born in 1714, remembered a gateway 'much like that of Trinity Hall' (see Monument (41)), comprising a large archway with a 'smaller wicket' beside it, fronting Peas Hill.

The reset material includes three clunch doorways with two-centred heads, one of two continuous stop-chamfered orders, 13th or 14th-century, another of one chamfered order within a square casement-moulding with quatrefoils in the spandrels, c. 1400, and the third originally of two continuous moulded orders but with only the inner order and the lower courses of the outer order surviving, 13th-century. The first two are said to be reset below the positions they previously occupied. The fragments consist of moulded stones from door-jambs and an arch-respond, 14th-century.

(64) Barnwell Priory, Augustinian canons, stood to the N. of the Newmarket Road, immediately N. of the church of St. Andrew the Less. Only a fragment of the buildings survives, comprising a single vaulted chamber standing at the corner of Priory Road and Beche Road. The walls are of clunch-rubble with dressings of Barnack stone and some clunch; brick has been used for repairs and patching; the roofs are tilecovered. Since 1886 it has been the property of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society.

Founded in 1092, the house, originally of Canons Regular, was moved here from near Cambridge castle in 1112. The church was not consecrated until 1190; the other buildings seem to have been extensively rebuilt during the first threequarters of the 13th century, including the greater part of the claustral block subsequent to c. 1254. The priory was surrendered in 1538 and towards the end of the century it was being used as a quarry; some of the stone for the new chapel of Corpus Christi College was from here. Between 1810 and 1812 the site was levelled and the foundations were largely destroyed. The conventual buildings lay in all probability to the N. of the church and it has been conjectured that the surviving fragment adjoined the N.W. corner of the N. and W. ranges of the cloister. The plan and details suggest that it may have been the Kitchen, forming the western part of the N. range, and the lost N. building the service stair to a first-floor Frater.

Barnwell Priory, Remains of Claustral Buildings

Architectural Description—The building is of the mid 13th century, much repaired and with modern buttresses; originally it continued further to the E., another building adjoined it on the S. and perhaps a second on the N. It was originally divided into double bays, of which the two westernmost pairs survive, by octagonal piers and semi-octagonal vaulting-shafts supporting two-centred quadripartite vaulting with chamfered ribs; pier and shafts have moulded capitals and bases and, with the ribs, are of Barnack stone; the vault is of clunch. The E. wall butts against complete vaulting-shafts in the side walls while the central pier or shaft is bonded into it; this curious arrangement suggests that the E. wall represents in part an original partition, but probably the eastern area of the vaulting and clearly the greater part of the wall have been rebuilt in modern times and therefore the central shaft may well be reused material. In the N. bay of the same wall is a doorway with four-centred head, now blocked, of uncertain date. Some 5¼ ft. to the W. of the E. wall are traces of bondingstones remaining inside the N. and S. walls perhaps marking the position of an early partition.

The N. and S. walls both retain the W. jambs of openings at their eastern extremities. Continuing westward, the N. wall has a tall wall-arch with two-centred head embracing a doorway below and narrower two-centred window above both patched and altered, a 13th-century doorway with modern wood lintel, now blocked, and a fireplace. The fireplace occupies most of the W. bay and has chamfered jambs, a square recess on either side, a square head and a rough relieving-arch; it is of the 13th century, altered and in part destroyed. In the 19th century, evidence remained of an external wall with chamfered plinth running N. close E. of the 13th-century doorway. The S. wall has, outside, three 13th-century vaulting-shafts, with moulded bases and capitals, standing to the springing; the centre shaft is an angle-shaft and the W. shaft has been reset; a large 19th-century arched opening occupies most of the W. bay.

In the W. wall, in each bay, is a 13th-century transomed window of two paired lancet lights, rebated externally above the transom and chamfered externally and rebated internally below, with a moulded label following the heads of the lights and a segmental chamfered rear-arch; the windows are much damaged and patched and in part blocked, and the lower portion of the S. pair has been entirely destroyed for a doorway, now blocked. Fragments of a stone wall-bench survive that ran along the inside of the W. wall and the E. bay of the S. wall, now outside.

In the building are three stone coffins, one retaining part of a lid carved with a cross, 13th-century, and a number of enriched architectural fragments of the 12th and 13th centuries. See also Monuments (46) and (270) for other architectural fragments.

(65) Church of Our Lady of the Assumption and the English Martyrs (R.C.), standing at the corner of Hills Road and Lensfield Road, was built in 1887 –90. It contains the following:

Fittings—An oak statue of about half life size of the Virgin suckling the Child and standing on a crescent (Plate 35), of the mid 16th century, traditionally from Emmanuel College; the connection is unknown. A statue of our Lady of Grace, which acquired some fame, is first recorded at the Dominican priory in 1515. In the Chapel of John Fisher, on the E. wall, a wood figure of St. Andrew crucified, about half life size, set against a large roundel with spandrels carved with seated angels holding St. Andrew crosses and a wide border with painted inscription: 'The Gift of A. Welby Pugin A.D. 1843 St. Andrew pray for us'. It was first in the church of St. Andrew in Union Road, Cambridge, designed by A. W. Pugin and consecrated in 1843, then of the Sacred Heart, St. Ives, and finally erected here in memory of Mgr. Canon Scott, S.T.D. (Plate 11).

(66) St. Andrew's Street Chapel (Baptist) stands on the W. side of the street, next N. of the Police Station. It was built in 1903 in replacement of the chapel of 1836, which itself replaced one of 1764. Nothing of the older structures survives but the chapel contains the following:

Fittings—Books: include a bible, London, 1679, in original binding with silver mounts, another in German, Minden, 1753, with original binding, six works by Robert Robinson of 1790–1812 and his MS. description of his estates at Chesterton, 1783, vellum-bound, tracts, pamphlets and other works forming a small library of some fifty books. Chairs: two; one with reeded horizontal bars in the back, scrolled arms, turned legs and cane seat, early 19th-century, on inscription-plate 'Chair used by the Rev. William Carey, D.D., at Serampore', the pioneer of modern foreign missions, who inspired the founding of the Baptist Missionary Society; the second in S. vestry, of oak, with panelled back and shaped head-rail carved and inscribed 'DS 1670', shaped arms and turned legs, given in 1938. Monuments: On W. wall, (1) of Rev. Robert Roff, 1850, minister, oval wall-tablet of white marble. In churchyard—N. of chapel, (2) of Charles, son of Richard and Martha Foster, 1818, William Foster, 1837, and James M. Foster, 1853, table-tomb with oval inscription-panel; (3) of Katharine (Smith) Eaden Lilley, 1842, plain table-tomb; two other tabletombs and some twelve headstones of the first half of the 19th century. Plate: includes a pair of cups each with two scrolled handles and flared stem, the maker's mark TW JH in a square and the London assay-marks for 1819, given in that year. Miscellaneous: In vestry, framed medallion with modelled portraitbust of the Rev. Rob. Hall Leicester, by T. R. Poole 'medallion modeller to the Prince of Wales', 1814.

(67) Former Zion Chapel (Baptist) stands on the S.E. of East Road, some 135 yds. N.E. of Parker's Piece. It is of two storeys with basement. The walls are of gault brick; the low-pitched roofs are slated. The original chapel with a schoolroom in the basement, built on the initiative of the Rev. Henry Battiscombe, former Fellow of King's College, was opened in 1838. It has been used as a hall and schoolrooms since the addition of a new chapel adjoining on the N.E. between 1877 and 1879, when also the N.W. wall was rebuilt further forward to allow the addition of a porch and staircases; at the same time minor alterations were made on the S.W. side. The later works were to the designs of William Peachey, architect, of York.

The S.W. side has a lofty shallow wall-arcade of four bays containing the ranges of four rectangular sash-hung windows on the basement, ground and first floors; the arches have semi-elliptical heads. The doorway between the two eastern bays is an insertion of 1877–9 and the additions of this date include the cornices to the ground-floor windows, the moulded string at first-floor level and the simple eaves-cornice. '1837 Zion Chapel Sunday School 1879' is inscribed on the street front over the doorway. The S.E. end is masked by 1 Petersfield, a house of 1842 given for the ministers' use in 1853 and approached through an internal doorway.

Inside, the upper floor is supported on cast-iron fluted columns with foliated capitals designed originally to carry galleries. On the ground floor, the plain timber internal porch is probably of 1837 and the enclosure of the stairs to the basement is made up of panels from the original pulpit, the latter with blind arcading of three semicircular-headed arches springing from half-round columns, early 19th-century. The baptistery bath has been removed.

(68) Chapel Street Church Hall, Chesterton, (former Baptist Chapel) stands at the N. end of the street, on the W. It is of one storey. The walls are of gault brick; the low-pitched roofs are slated. The original building is of c. 1844; it was extended E. later in the 19th century when also separate rooms were added on the W.

Both sides of the original building have a shallow wall-arcade of three bays with semicircular arches springing from plain brick responds. In each recess is a semicircular-headed window with glazing including narrow marginal panes. The interior is plain and retains no original fittings. It is now used by the Church of England.

(69) Eden Chapel (Baptist) stands at the corner of Fitzroy Street and Burleigh Street, some 180 yds. E. of New Square. It is a building of 1874, replacing the original Calvinistic Baptist Chapel opened in 1825, and contains from the latter, except where otherwise described, the following:

Fittings—Monuments: In vestry—(1) of Lydia Tunwell Flack, 1839, plain shaped wall-tablet of stone; (2) of Susanna and Isabella Wybroe, 1836 and 1840, stone wall-tablet with black marginal line; (3) of John Cream, 1848, stone walltablet with cornice on black backing. In forecourt—(4) of John Stittle, 1813, plain stone tablet, from the Independent Chapel, 'Stittle's Chapel', formerly on the site of 3, 4 and 5 Green Street; (5) of Sarah Hindes, 1818, headstone; (6) of Rob. Benton, 1837, and Rebecca his wife, 1817, coffin-shaped stone in paving.

(70) Former Providence Chapel stands on the S.E. of East Road, between Schoolhouse Lane and Caroline Place, 343 yds. N.E. of Parker's Piece. The walls are of gault brick; the roofs are slate-covered. It was built as a Calvinistic Baptist Chapel in 1833 on the initiative of the Rev. William Allen. The trustees mortgaged it for £400. The mortgagor died in 1834, his executors foreclosed and the chapel was sold for £577 in 1837 to become a church school. The second minister, Henry Battiscombe, then founded Zion Chapel (Monument (67)). It is now a wholesale shop.

The building consists of a rectangular block with pedimental gables to N.W. and S.E. and a single-storey porch on the N.W. below a semicircular-headed window within a wallrecess of the same shape. The walls have plain parapets above a simple stucco cornice. The sides are divided into three, and the S.E. end into two bays by continuous brick pilaster-strips. The window with flat brick arch in the upper part of each bay of the side walls is original. The porch, which is now incorporated in later additions, has an outer semicircular-headed archway of two plain brick orders.

The internal arrangement of chapel and gallery, with a basement, formerly a schoolroom, survives, but the upper floor with central opening retains nothing of the original gallerystructure. Below the chapel a small section of the basement formerly enclosed by brickwork was probably the baptistery.

Emmanuel Congregational Church, Trumpington Street, see Monument (71).

(71) Former Congregational Chapel, now Concert Room of the University Music School, stands in Downing Place. The walls are of white brick and the roofs are tiled. Built as Emmanuel Congregational Chapel in 1790, a single-storey porch etc. was added on the W. late in the 19th century and the interior completely modernised in 1936. The fittings from here listed below are now in Emmanuel Congregational Church in Trumpington Street, built in 1874.

The original chapel is an oblong building with hipped roofs. The entrance front, the narrow W. end, where rising clear of the later additions, has a stone plat-band at first-floor level, a simple eaves-cornice and a parapet-wall; it is in three bays, the middle bay projecting 4½ ins. and pedimented, and contained originally three tall semicircular-headed windows. These last have now been in part blocked to form six windows. In the tympanum of the pediment is a small round light. The E. end and the N. and S. walls are plain and also contain tall windows, the E. windows similar to those opposite, the others with segmental heads and in part blocked. A lead rainwater-pipe survives on the S.W. with moulded head dated 1790.

Fittings, in the new church—Monuments: In lobby, (1) of Rev. Joseph Sanders, 1788, white marble wall-tablet; (2) of Joseph Thodey, 1835, stone wall-tablet with cornice. Plate: includes a porringer (Plate 23) with foot and lower part of bowl gadrooned and two beaded scroll-handles, London assay 1698, inscribed 'CWS' and 'Given by Mrs. S. Ewens 1756', a porringer (Plate 23) similar to the first but smaller, London assay 1705, inscribed with indecipherable monogram in a cartouche and 'Given by Mr. J. Audley 1816', a porringer as before but with slighter handles and only a flange for foot, London assay 1711, inscribed 'SPF' with stars in a cartouche, and 'Given by F. Jennings 1816', and a flagon (Plate 23) 9½ ins. high with shaped body, spout, scrolled handle, shaped lid and moulded foot, London assay 1816, inscribed 'Given by Mr. C. Rutherford 1816'.

(72) Friends' Meeting House, 12 Jesus Lane, stands near the junction of Jesus Lane and Park Street. It is of two storeys, with walls of brick and slate-covered roofs. It is the Meeting House built in 1777, but drastically remodelled and heightened in 1925 and now linked to a building of 1894 on the S.

The E. and W. walls and part of the S. wall of the 18th-century building stand free; all have been heightened, the first is set back 3 ins. at first-floor level. Four rectangular sash-hung windows on the ground floor on the E. may be original; all the other openings are modern.

The interior has been largely rebuilt and completely refitted.

(73) Pound Hill Chapel (formerly Methodist, latterly Catholic Apostolic) stands on the N.W. of Pound Hill 20 yds. from St. Peter's Street. It has a gallery and basement. The walls are of gault brick; the roofs are slate-covered. The building is shown, as 'Methodist Chapel', on Baker's map of Cambridge of 1830 and must, for stylistic reasons, have been built only shortly before that date. It is now a warehouse.

Consisting of an oblong block lengthways with the street, the N.E. and S.W. ends have low-pitched gables. The two sides both have three bays of ground-floor and gallery windows divided and flanked by lofty wall-recesses with elliptical brick heads just below the eaves and sills weathered out to the normal wall-face just above basement-level. The basement windows are symmetrically arranged but at odds with the baying above. The principal windows have flat brick arches and, on the street side, rectangular panels below the sills; they contained double-hung sashes, but are now mostly blocked. The entrance from the street is through a doorway in the northernmost wallrecess.

Inside, the gallery returns round three sides of the building in horseshoe form supported on cast-iron columns; it has a panelled front. The other fittings are of the later 19th century.

(74) Cambridge General Cemetery lies on the E. of Histon Road, some 200 yds. N. of Huntingdon Road. Provided and administered by a Company formed by trust deed in 1843, it was opened the same year and in 1936 conveyed and assigned to the Town Council. Original buildings include an entrance lodge and a mortuary chapel, the first in the Elizabethan Tudor style, the second in mid 14th-century Gothic. The date 1833 in the chapel glass perhaps indicates the inception of the scheme.

The Lodge and the Mortuary Chapel are good examples of their kind.

The Entrance Lodge (Plate 309) is of two storeys. The walls are of white brick with red brick diapering and stone dressings. The roofs are covered with polygonal slates. It has acutely pointed gables to N. and S., a semi-octagonal stair-tower on the W., triangular bay-windows, and boldly projecting chimney-stacks. On the E. is a flat-roofed extension incorporating the original porch, now largely remodelled, with a stone panel over the entrance doorway inscribed '1843'. Flanking the Lodge are iron gates hung on brick and stone piers; the N. pier of both pairs of the last has on the E. face a slate panel incised with the regulations for the conduct of the cemetery.

The Mortuary Chapel has walls faced with flint pebbles and roofs covered with polygonal slates. It is centrally planned, in the form of a Greek cross, with transverse gabled roofs. The W. arm is extended to form a porch with a large open western arch; in the end of each of the other arms is a three-light window with curvilinear tracery in a two-centred head, and in every gable-apex a pierced curvilinear triangle or roundel. The W. doorway is contrived below the springing of an arch with two-centred head, this last containing glazed curvilinear tracery.

The crossing inside, forming the main compartment, has E., N., S. and W. arches with two-centred heads, the spandrels between the last and the gabled roofs being pierced and cusped. Original fittings include, among the woodwork, a traceried Screen of seven bays in the E. arch, a buttressed and traceried Lectern, and Benches with shaped ends and poppyheads carved with foliage. In the Glass over the W. doorway are two roundels, one with initials EBL superimposed upon a pair of compasses, the other '1833' in ribbon-like numerals; the other windows contain 19th-century glass with geometric patterns in grisaille and colour, the arms of England and roundels, one with the initial H, another with a stag. A clunch Monument with crocketed gable and finials in the N.E. corner of the eastern arm, of Ebenezer Foster, 1851, and his wife Elizabeth, 1850, with a shield-of-arms of Foster below, is by Rattee. The floor is laid with 19th-century red Tiles with geometric and foliage patterns and EBL with a compass, as in the glass, in white slip.

A number of memorials in the Cemetery are before 1850. The following, (1–4) standing S. of the path between the Chapel and the Lodge and (5) S. of the last, are the more noteworthy: (1) of Elizabeth Headland, wife of Joel Smart, 1846, fluted demi-column with flaming urn, on pedestal, by Wiles; (2) of Eliz. Swinton, 1844, tall tapering pedestal supporting gadrooned urn with swags; (3) of Naomi Saunders, 1843, similar to (2); (4) of Thomas Foote, 1847, similar to (1) and by the same maker; (5) of William Adams, 1849, large pedestal with arabesque-enriched frieze supporting urn. The fine table-tomb in the 14th-century Gothic style, S. of (3) and (4), though recording earlier deaths, is probably shortly after 1850.

(75) Mill Road Cemetery lies some 360 yds. E. of Parker's Piece. It was consecrated in 1848. The custodian's House in the S.W. corner was formerly the Mortuary Chapel etc. and so served until a larger chapel was built in the middle of the cemetery. The later chapel has been demolished.

The House has the more conspicuous walls faced with knapped flints and flint pebbles with dressings of limestone ashlar. The W. wall is of brick. The roofs, formerly covered with stone slates, are now tiled. It consists of a main E. to W. block, formerly containing the chapel open to the roof, with a two-storey W. cross-wing containing a committee-room to the S., custodian's rooms to the N. and above. In the middle of the S. wall of the first is a wide doorway sheltered by a shallow gabled porch with a stone tablet over the entrance inscribed 'Parochial Burial Ground Consecrated Nov. 7th 1848'. The wing is gabled to N. and S., the stone copings rising from shaped kneelers with cusped gablets to cusped apex-finials. The windows have timber casements of one, two and three lights in stone reveals. At the intersection of the roof-ridge is a clustered chimney-stack.

Inside, the former chapel, now with a staircase and floor inserted, has a roof divided into three bays by tie-beam trusses with wall-posts and braces and braced collars, most of the latter braces being cut away. The original floor of 9 ins. by 9 ins. tiles remains.

In the cemetery is a number of monuments dating from before 1850 but none is architecturally noteworthy.

(76) Miscellaneous. Built into the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, in the main gallery on the second floor, is the central archway and surrounding stonework of the choir-screen designed by Inigo Jones and set up in Winchester Cathedral between the easternmost piers of the nave in c. 1638. The screen was demolished between 1819 and 1827 though the two bronze figures by Le Sueur, of James I and Charles I, that embellished it, were retained and are still in the nave. (John Britton, Cathedral Antiquities, III, pl. x (1818), shows the screen in position; Winkle's Cathedral Churches (London, 1838), pl. 52, shows the succeeding Gothic screen, designed by William Garbett, with the statues reused. The Gentleman's Magazine, 89, pt. ii (1819), 306, refers to Ingio Jones' screen still in place and ibid, 97, pt. ii (1827), 111, refers to it as removed.) The fragments were found between 1908 and 1910 in the triforium by Sir Thomas Jackson, Bt., R.A., consulting architect for the Cathedral and architect of the Museum, on whose recommendation the Dean and Chapter presented the middle part to the University. Much of the rest of the screen was used for patching the stonework of the Cathedral and the remainder stowed in the crypt. Many of the stones were found to be reused mediaeval dressings. (Museum Arch. and Eth., MS. note dated 3 Jan. 1914 signed T. G. Jackson).

Two 17th-century drawings of the screen are in the R.I.B.A. Library, one attributed to Inigo Jones in the Burlington-Devonshire collection (Drawer 1, no. 53), the other, differing slightly from the finished work, on the flyleaf of Inigo Jones' own copy of the Venice edition (1619) of Sebastian Serlio, Tutte L'Opere d'Architettura etc. (E.W. 72: 013(45), in safe). At Chatsworth are drawings for the two statues (Sketches for Masques, vol. I, no. 129). An agreement for the bronzes was made with Le Sueur on 17 June 1638 and witnessed by Inigo Jones; the figures were to be 5 ft. 8 ins. high, in Roman armour and to be finished by the following March for £340 (S.P. Dom., Charles I, 442, 2); in the event they were fashioned in contemporary armour.

The screen, though fragmentary, is of architectural importance. When complete with the two statues, it was one of the early works of coherent and scholarly Classical design in England.

The re-erected fragment is of Beer stone, extensively restored and painted. It consists of a projecting pedimented bay containing an archway and flanked by half bays (Plate 246). Freestanding fluted Composite columns, pilaster-responds and flanking pilasters all on renewed pedestals support the enriched pedimented entablature, which has a modillioned and dentiled cornice. The attic-face above is panelled and capped by a minor dentil-cornice. The central archway has a semicircular head, a moulded archivolt with carved scrolled keystone and plain jambs with moulded imposts and bases.

(The Burlington-Devonshire drawing is reproduced in Archl. Review (March 1911), 130, and R.I.B.A. Journal xxxvi (24 Nov. 1928), no. 2; reproductions also of the Chatsworth drawings are in the second.)