
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire, Volume 2, North. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Haversham', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire, Volume 2, North( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rchme/bucks/vol2/pp143-146 [accessed 7 October 2024].

'Haversham', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire, Volume 2, North( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 7, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rchme/bucks/vol2/pp143-146.

"Haversham". An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire, Volume 2, North. (London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 7 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rchme/bucks/vol2/pp143-146.

In this section


(O.S. 6 in. ix. N.E.)


(1). Parish Church of St. Mary, on the S. side of the village, is built of thin stone rubble with much mortar; the roofs are covered with lead, except that of the porch, which is tiled. The W. wall and window of the Nave are of c. 1170, the nave at that date being of two bays. The West Tower was added c. 1190. Early in the 13th century the Chancel was re-built further towards the E. than the original chancel, but of the same width, and one bay was added to the nave at the E. end; the North Aisle was built also in the first half of the 13th century, and probably a S. aisle was added at the same time. Early in the 14th century the chancel arch was re-built and the South Chapel was added; c. 1340 the nave was widened towards the S. and the South Aisle re-built, the S. wall being made flush with that of the chapel, which now opens into the aisle; c. 1360 the N. aisle was extended towards the E., making it of the same length as the nave, and the N. arcade was re-built. The South Porch was built late in the 14th century, and during the 14th and 15th centuries windows were inserted in the chancel in place of the former lights. The clearstorey was added in the 15th century, and in the 16th or 17th century the E. window of the chapel was altered. The church was restored in 1857, and the tower in 1903.

The church is interesting on account of the 12th-century remains. The 14th-century monument in the chancel is especially noteworthy.

Haversham, Church of St Mary

Architectural Description—The Chancel (33 ft. by 15 ft.) has, at each E. angle, outside, a low buttress of the 13th century, with an edge-roll moulding continued up the wall to the roof. The 14th-century E. window is of three trefoiled ogee lights and tracery in a two-centred head with a moulded external label; the external jambs and head are also moulded. In the N. wall are two windows; the eastern window is of c. 1420, of two cinque-foiled lights and a quatrefoil in a two-centred head; the external jambs are moulded: the western window is of mid 14th-century date, of two trefoiled lights and leaf tracery in a two-centred head; both windows have moulded external labels. In the S. wall are two windows of late 14th-century date, each of two cinque-foiled ogee lights under a square head with pierced and cusped spandrels and a moulded external label: under the western window is an early 14th-century doorway, with moulded jambs and two-centred head, which has a moulded external label: at the W. end of the wall, opening into the S. chapel, is an early 14th-century arch, two-centred, and of two chamfered orders; the responds are of semi-quatrefoil plan and have moulded bell-capitals and chamfered bases; the capitals have been cut for a former screen. The two-centred chancel arch is probably of the 14th century, and is of two chamfered orders dying on to jambs of one chamfered order. The South Chapel (18 ft. by 12 ft.) has an E. window of three plain square-headed lights; the jambs are of the 14th century and the head is of the 16th or 17th century. In the S. wall is a window of c. 1320, of two trefoiled lights and leaf tracery in a pointed head, with a moulded external label having beast-stops. The Nave (40½ ft. by 18 ft.): on the E. wall is visible the weathering of the former high-pitched roof of the chancel; at the S.E. angle is a large square block of masonry forming an abutment to the S. arcade. The N. and S. arcades are of three bays: the N. arcade is probably of c. 1360, and has two-centred arches of two chamfered orders; in the nave is a moulded label with head-stops over the pillars and volute stops over the responds; the pillars are octagonal, and have moulded capitals and bases; some of the bases are hidden by wood panelling, the others have each a rough square sub-base, probably that of a former arcade; the E. and W. responds are chamfered and have semi-octagonal shafts. The S. arcade, of c. 1340, has two-centred arches of two chamfered orders without a label; the pillars are octagonal and the W. respond is chamfered, with a semi-octagonal shaft, all having moulded bases and bell-capitals; in the E. respond the inner order springs from a capital resting on a pointed corbel terminating in a knot. In the W. wall, above the tower arch, and now opening into the tower, is a window of c. 1170, with a semi-circular head, of two orders on the W. side, the outer order having a large edge-roll moulding carried on detached shafts; the N. shaft is enriched with cheveron ornament and has a capital carved with volutes and a moulded base with zig-zag and pellet ornament; the capital of the S. shaft is carved, apparently with a bird, and the base is moulded; the internal jambs are splayed and have an edge-roll moulding between two lines of cheveron ornament; at the spring of the arch the inner line of cheverons stops, and that on the face of the wall increases in size, and overlaps the edge-roll round the head; the internal label is carried down to the sill-level: the window, tower arch and chancel arch are all N. of the axial line of the nave. The clearstorey has, on each side, three windows, each of two lights, and all apparently of the 15th century; the S.E. window has cinque-foiled lights with square heads, and the other windows have each four-centred cinque-foiled lights under a square head with sunk spandrels. The North Aisle (7½ ft. wide) has, in the E. wall, a window of two lights and tracery, of c. 1360, and similar to the N.W. window of the chancel. In the N. wall are two windows, the eastern window is of the same date and design as that in the E. wall; the western window is a chamfered and rebated lancet of the 13th century, with a plastered internal lintel: between the windows is the blocked N. doorway, also of the 13th century, with chamfered jambs and two-centred head, moulded abaci, now perished, and an external label. In the W. wall is a 13th-century lancet, similar to that in the N. wall, and also with a plastered lintel. The South Aisle (9 ft. wide) has, in the S. wall, two windows of c. 1340, of two lights, with tracery closely resembling that of the E. and N.E. windows of the N. aisle; the two-centred heads have moulded external labels: near the E. end of the wall is a small blocked doorway of c. 1340, with moulded jambs and two-centred head, and a moulded label similar to those of the windows: the S. doorway, between the windows, is probably also of c. 1340, and has jambs and two-centred head of two sunk-chamfered orders, with a moulded label which has defaced head-stops. In the W. wall is a lancet window, with jambs probably of late 13th-century date; the head and external label are probably of the 14th century. The West Tower (7½ ft. by 8½ ft.) is of three stages with a modern diagonal buttress at the N.W. angle, and an embattled parapet. On the E. wall are the lowest stones of the weathering of the former roof of the nave. The tower arch, inserted in the original W. wall of the nave, is of late 12th-century date, and of two square orders on the E. side; the abaci and label are modern; the arch has been much grooved on the W. side by the bell-ropes. In the N. wall of the ground stage is a late 12th-century lancet, and in the S. wall a rectangular loop light of uncertain date. In each wall of the third stage is a window of two round-headed lights in a round-headed enclosing order, probably of c. 1190, but much restored. The South Porch has detail probably of late 14th-century date. The two-centred entrance archway is continuously chamfered and has a moulded external label. In the E. wall is a small trefoiled window with the remains of an external label.

Fittings—Bells: three and sanctus; 1st by Anthony Chandler, 1667; 2nd by James Keene, 1625; 3rd by James Keene, 1638. Brackets: In N. aisle—at E. angles, two, circular, plain, probably 15th-century. Brasses and Indents. Brasses: In chancel—(1) to John Maunsell, 1605, representation of skeleton in coffin, inscription and two shields with arms, a cheveron between three manches, a crescent for difference; on S. wall, (2) of Alice, wife of Thomas Payn, 1427, figure with modified horned head-dress, and inscription. Indents: In chancel—(1) in upper dexter corner of slab partly hidden by seating, of shield; (2) slab with marginal sinking and traces of indent of figure. Chest: In S. chapel—of oak, with floriated iron straps and two locks, lid in two parts, probably 15th-century. Communion Table: In S. chapel—with turned legs, moulded rails, 17th-century. Glass: In S. chapel— in E. window, fragments, part of figure and cross, white and gold, probably 15th-century. Locker: In chancel—at E. end of S. wall, plain, with rebated edges. Monument: In chancel—against N. wall, canopied altar tomb of c. 1390, with alabaster effigy of woman in sideless gown, cloak fastened with cord, widow's head-dress and pleated barb, nose and hands damaged, head on cushion supported by angels, lion at feet; tomb of alabaster and stone, with moulded top enriched with carved ornament, and moulded plinth; S. side divided into six trefoiled panels, with carved spandrels, and having narrow panels between them, two middle trefoiled panels containing figures of men in civilian dress, the others containing angels holding plain rectangular tablets; slab, under effigy, of stone; canopy of stone with large, two-centred arch, cinque-foiled and sub-cusped, lowest main cusp on W. side destroyed, crocketed label rising in ogee shape above head of arch, all between panelled buttresses with crocketed pinnacles and foliated finials; at back of recess cinque-foiled panels with niche in middle, also cinque-foiled, and having crocketed label, flanking pinnacled buttresses, and moulded bracket; said to be, probably incorrectly, of Elizabeth, Lady Clinton, daughter of William de la Plaunche, 1422, and erected during her lifetime; inscription cut on E. end of tomb records repair by Morrise Thomson in 1669. Niches: In chancel—see Monument. In nave—in E. wall, two, (1) S. of chancel arch, large, probably altar recess, 14th-century, completely restored; (2) S. of (1), small, with cinque-foiled head, cusped spandrels, probably 14th-century, completely restored. Piscinae: In chancel—with pointed head, now covered with plaster, round basin, probably 13th-century. In S. chapel—in E. jamb of S. window, with trefoiled ogee heads, one in S. wall and one in splay of window, no basin, 14th-century, labels modern. Plate: includes cup and cover paten of 1569. Seating: In nave— fifteen seats and two desks with rough poppy-heads, probably 16th-century. Miscellanea: At the rectory—large speaking or singing trumpet (?) of iron plate, in two pieces, probably 17th-century; dug up in the churchyard in 1857.

Condition—Good, but much ivy on E. and S. walls.


(2). The Manor House, with dove-cot, moat and fish-pond, S. of the church. The House is of two storeys, built of ashlar; the roofs are tiled. Part of the building is possibly of late 17th-century date and is of T-shaped plan; the transverse wing faces S., the small central wing projects towards the N., and was built possibly as a staircase, but has been converted into a kitchen, etc.; in 1795 a wing was added in the N.E. angle between the original wings, and also projects towards the N. The S. front originally had windows with projecting architraves; the upper windows have been shortened, and all the frames are modern; the main doorway, originally in the middle of the wall, has been moved towards the E. On the E. side the windows have been blocked and the height of the wall was decreased when the N.E. wing was added. The central wing at the back has a blocked circular window in the W. wall of the upper storey. Interior:—In the N.E. wing is a partition with a number of late 17th or early 18th-century balusters, probably re-used from a former staircase.

The Dove-cot, in a field E. of the house, is of 1665, the date, with the initials 'M.T.', inscribed on a panel in the N. wall. It is built of stone, and has a pyramidal tiled roof with an oak lantern in the middle. In the W. wall is the doorway, and in the S. wall, high up, an oak-framed window of three lights. The walls are lined inside with stone cots.

The Moat is S.W. and the Fish-pond S.E. of the dove-cot.

Condition—Of house and dove-cot, good; of moat and fish-pond, fairly good.

(3). Haversham Grange, about 500 yards N.E. of the church, is a house of two storeys and an attic; the walls are of stone; the roofs are tiled. It was built probably c. 1628, the date inscribed on a stone in one of the gables; two doorways and a window, of the 14th century, were probably brought from an ecclesiastical building. The original plan is of modified T-shape, the central wing extending towards the N.E., with an additional wing projecting from the E. angle; the house was restored and the transverse wing extended further towards the S.E. in the 19th century. The ends of the original wings have gables with chamfered copings and shaped kneelers of stone. The central wing is gabled also on the N.W. front, and has a 14th-century doorway, with moulded jambs and two-centred head, and a moulded external label having defaced head-stops. At the back the gabled central wing has, on the ground floor, a 14th-century window of two trefoiled lights and tracery in a two-centred head, with a moulded external label; the window is now blocked, except two rebated low-side lights below the transom; in the gable is a window with wood mullions, probably of c. 1628: the transverse wing has, on the ground floor, a small square window with chamfered jambs and head, possibly of the 14th century: in the gable of the N.E. wing is a stone inscribed with the initials and date 'TTE1628'

Interior:—Some of the ceilings have chamfered beams. Between the central and transverse wings is a 14th-century doorway similar to the entrance doorway, but without a label.

Condition—Walls in bad repair externally.

(4). Farmhouse, now two tenements, about 500 yards N.E. of the church, is of two storeys, built of stone, probably in the second half of the 17th century. The roofs are covered with slate. The plan is T-shaped; the transverse wing, facing S.E., has a small modern addition in front. Two of the chimney stacks are original. Interior:— In one tenement is a wide open fireplace with an original oven.

Condition—Fairly good.

(5). Hill Farm, now three tenements, about 1,400 yards N.E. of the church, is a house of two storeys and an attic, built of stone, probably in the 17th century. The roofs are tiled. The plan is roughly T-shaped, the transverse wing facing S.E. The S.E. front retains some old casement windows. Two of the chimney stacks are original. Interior:—There are some open fireplaces, partly blocked.

Condition—Fairly good.