Langley Marish

An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire, Volume 1, South. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1912.

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'Langley Marish', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire, Volume 1, South( London, 1912), British History Online [accessed 7 October 2024].

'Langley Marish', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire, Volume 1, South( London, 1912), British History Online, accessed October 7, 2024,

"Langley Marish". An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire, Volume 1, South. (London, 1912), , British History Online. Web. 7 October 2024.

In this section


(O.S. 6 in. (a)liii. S.E. (b)lvi. N.E. (c)lvi. S.E.)


b(1). Parish Church of St. Mary, stands in the village. The walls are chiefly of flint and stone; the S. transept and the upper part of the tower are of brick, the transept being covered with cement. The roofs are tiled. The Nave was built in the 12th century, probably before 1150, a North Aisle and arcade were added apparently c. 1180; only part of the arcade remains; c. 1330 the Chancel was re-built, the North Chapel added, and windows were inserted in the N. aisle. Late in the 15th century the chancel arch was re-built, and windows were inserted in the S. and W. walls of the nave. The South Porch was built apparently about the same time, but was afterwards enlarged, to house the library presented by Sir John Kidderminster ('Kedermister' on the monument) in 1638. In 1630 a wood colonnade of three bays was built on the N. side of the nave, the N. aisle and possibly the N. chapel were widened, the 14th-century windows being re-used. The North-West Tower is said to have been added in 1649, and was built, apparently, on the N. and W. walls of the aisle, but on the S. side an arch was constructed to carry it. The South Transept was also built in the middle of the 17th century as a chapel for the Kidderminster family. The West Porch is dated 1808. The whole building was restored in the 19th century.

The church is especially interesting on account of the oak colonnade in the nave, dated 1630, and the 17th-century library, which is unique in South Buckinghamshire. Among the fittings the 14th-century piscina and sedilia are noteworthy.

Architectural Description— The Chancel (36 ft. by 18 ft.) has an E. window, of c. 1330, and of three trefoiled ogee lights with tracery in a two centred head, all of clunch, badly weathered and repaired with cement; the external label is of cement; the jambs inside have engaged shafts with moulded bases and bell-capitals; the rear arch and internal label are moulded, and the label has head-stops. The N. wall is unusually thick (3 ft. 5 in.), and has an arcade of c. 1330, of two bays, with an octagonal pillar and semi-octagonal responds, which have moulded bases and capitals; the two-centred arches are of two moulded orders, and have moulded labels with carved stops; one stop is modern. In the S. wall are three windows and a doorway, all of c. 1330 and of clunch, the windows being repaired with cement; the easternmost and middle windows are each of two trefoiled ogee lights with trefoiled spandrels in a square head; the jambs inside have shafts similar to those of the E. window; the rear arch is two-centred, and the internal label has carved stops; the third window is of two trefoiled lights with a quatrefoil in a two-centred head, and is similar in detail to the E. window, but the tracery is modern: the doorway, under the middle window, has chamfered jambs and pointed head; the rear arch has a moulded label with carved stops. On the E. and S. walls is a moulded string-course of clunch; it mitres with the label of the doorway, the sedilia and piscina, and is also of c. 1330. The two-centred chancel arch is probably of late 15th-century date, and is of two chamfered orders, the inner order rests on carved corbels, the outer order dies into the walls; the jambs are made up of 12th-century quoins, re-used, and one stone on the N. side has carved diaper ornament. The Nave (48½ ft. by 20 ft.) has, on the N. side, a Doric colonnade of three bays, of oak; the intermediate columns are modern; each respond has two shallow pilasters enriched with strap-work and other ornament in low relief; the architrave, frieze and cornice are of oak, and the architrave bears on each side the date 1630; W. of the colonnade is a pointed arch of clunch, of one chamfered order with a double-chamfered label; the E. respond, also of clunch, was originally an octagonal pillar, and, with the arch, probably formed part of a 12th-century arcade: above it are traces of the springing stones of a second arch; the W. respond is square, of brick covered with cement, and is probably contemporary with the tower; both responds have stones, roughly cut, instead of capitals, of the same date as the respond; above each stone is a grooved and chamfered abacus, that on the W. being of 12th-century clunch, the other a modern copy in brick covered with plaster. Above the arch is a stone corbel of the former roof of the aisle. On the S. side of the nave at the E. end the opening into the S. transept is filled with a late 18th-century arcade; W. of this opening is a blocked window of three lights and tracery of late 15th or early 16th-century date; the S. doorway, now blocked, has a pointed head and a segmental pointed rear arch of clunch, probably of the 14th or 15th century, but the date is uncertain, as the outer stonework is hidden by bookshelves in the library. The W. doorway has a pointed head and square jambs covered with plaster, possibly of the 17th century; the inner quoins are continued from those of the W. window; the 15th-century W. window is of three lights and tracery under a pointed head and external label; the outer stonework is almost completely covered with cement. The W. wall and the W. end of the S. wall are faced externally with flint in courses of herringbone pattern; these, with the stone quoins at the E. and W. angles, show the 12th-century date of the nave. The North Chapel and North Aisle (20 ft. wide) are continuous; in the E. wall is a window of three lights and tracery in a pointed head; the jambs inside, the chamfered rear arch and the moulded label with head-stops are of the 14th century, the rest is modern. In the N. wall are four 14th-century windows, of clunch, two in the chapel and two in the aisle, all repaired externally with cement, except the eastern window in the aisle, which is restored with stone; they are each of two trefoiled ogee lights under a square head with a moulded external label. The South Transept has a large window in the gabled S. wall; below the window is a doorway giving access to a passage, cut off from the transept by a screen, and leading to the library. In the gable is a stone, incised with the Kidderminster arms and the date 1626, somewhat defaced, and probably re-set. The South Porch, now the Library, has, at the outer angles of the S. wall, diagonal buttresses; that on the E. is built partly into the S. wall of the S. transept, showing that the transept was a subsequent addition. In the W. wall is a late 15th-century window of two cinque-foiled lights, blocked by the 17th-century fireplace, and in the S. wall are two plain rectangular windows, probably of the 17th century. The North-West Tower (15 ft. square) is of three stages, with an embattled parapet; the lower half of the bottom stage is of flint, all modern, except a little at the E. end of the N. wall; the N.W. angle has a diagonal buttress and at the other angles there are square buttresses, with quoins of cement; the two E. buttresses project into the aisle. Two plain pointed arches of plastered brick open, one into the aisle, the other into the nave; the S. arch is set 1 ft. 6 in. N. of the 12th-century arch in the nave. The first stage is used as the vestry; in the N. wall is a modern doorway and in the W. wall are two single lights with round heads, both covered with modern plaster; the second stage has a similar light on the W. side. The third stage contains a clock-chamber with a bell-chamber above it; the clock-chamber has a round-headed window on the N. side, a rectangular loop on the S. side, and a clock dial on the W. face; over the clock is a small painted shield charged with two cheverons or between three bezants quartering gules a saltire between four fleurs de lis argent; an original oak staircase leads to the bell-chamber, which is lighted by a large round-headed window in each wall, flanked by two small rectangular loops, except in the S. wall, which has only one loop. The Roofs are probably all of the 17th or 18th century, and have plastered collar-beam ceilings and old tie-beams.

Fittings—Bells: five, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, by William Whitmore, 1649. Brasses and Indents. Brasses: In chancel—S. of communion table, (1) to William Wyot (undated) and John Wyot, 1410, Latin inscription and indents of two shields; N. of communion table, (2) to Elizabeth, daughter of Roger Giffard of Twyford, and wife of Nicholas Clopton, 1434, Latin inscription, indent of woman's figure. In nave—central passage, (3) slab with lower part of small figure and indent of inscription; (4) in Purbeck marble slab, shield with bow and initials, I.B., indent of man's figure and inscription, see brass (8); at W. end, (5) to John Boteler, Maud, his wife, and Alice, their daughter, Latin inscription (undated), probably late 15th-century, slab broken; (6) to Julian, wife of Edward Higgins, and daughter of Christopher and Elizabeth Meale, 1603, verse in Roman capitals. Between N. chapel and N. aisle—in floor, (7) to Thomas Fabyan, 1565, Jane, his wife, 1592, and Thomas, their son, 1565. In vestry—lying loose in chest, (8) of John Bowser, son of Thomas Bowser, of 'Coolebrooke', 1608, figure in long gown, ruff, etc., with inscription, see brass (4); (9) shield quarterly a cheveron within a quarterly border impaling two lions or dragons sitting face to face under one crown, see indent (1). Indents: In nave—central passage, (1) small figure of woman in horned head-dress, and shield, see brass (9). Chairs. in the library, five, carved, with cane seats and high backs, probably mid 17th-century: two, upholstered, probably late 17th-century. Cupboards: in the library, made up of early 17th-century panelling, faced externally with late 17th-century bolection-moulded panelling. Door: in W. doorway, with original strap-hinges, 15th-century, covered with panelling outside, probably late 18th-century. Font: octagonal, with quatrefoil panels in sides of bowl, enclosing leaves, heads, and a Tudor rose, base moulded, probably early 16th-century. Glass: in chancel, in tracery of side lights of E. window, fragments, c. 1330: in N.E. window of N. chapel, two shields of England, and a third of Clare, larger shield in middle with fragments including small figure of a saint, all 14th-century, also monogram HR on one piece, letters RDV on another, a scroll, reversed, with black-letter inscription, fragment of another scroll, a quarry with badge of Henry VII., a crown in a hawthorn bush and letters HE, etc., 14th and 15th-century, one fragment 17th-century, shield made up of fragments, including the royal arms of the Stuarts, set wrongly, and part of a human head: in N.W. window of chapel, part of a shield with arms, apparently barry of six gules and argent, and other fragments, 14th-century, two pieces of a border with letters ED, late 14th-century. Library: about three hundred leather-bound volumes, late 16th and early 17th-century, given by Sir John Kidderminster in 1638. Monuments and Floor-slabs. Monuments: In chancel—on N. side, (1) large monument, flanked by Corinthian columns with kneeling effigies—in W. half, of John Kedermister, 1558, and Elizabeth (Wilford), his wife, 1590, with two sons, three daughters, and inscription,—in E. half, of their son, Edmund Kedermister, 1607, who erected the monument, and Anna, his wife, daughter of John Leigh of Addington, 1618, buried in the quire of 'West Chester' Cathedral, figures of their thirteen children, with inscriptions; over E. column arms of Kidderminster impaling Wilford, in the middle of Kidderminster, with date 1599, over W. column of Leigh; strapwork painted on the wall round the monument; (2) mural tablet of painted wood to Richard Hubert, second son of Richard Hubert, knight, Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to Charles II., 1679; (3) mural tablet to Sir Edward Cockett, 1626; (4) mural tablet of painted wood to Dorothea, daughter of John King, Bishop of London, and wife of Sir Richard Hubert, Groom Porter to Charles I., 1658. Floor-slabs: In chancel—partly hidden by communion table, (1) to Edmund Kedermister, 1607, and brass shield, charged with quarterly coat of Kidderminster, mantled helm and crest of a falcon; in front of comumnion table, (2) to Sir Frauncis Turvile, second son of Ambrose Turvile, knight, and Dame Elenor, daughter of the Rt. Hon. William, Lord Shandoyse [Chandos], 1623; (3) to lady, illegible inscription, with date 1606, slab of white marble; S. of communion table, (4) similar to (3), illegible; on S. side, (5) to Mrs. Francis Daw, 1692; (6) to Mrs. Mary Pottman, 1656. In nave—at W. end, (7) to Sir Edward Cockett, knight, 1626. In N. chapel—(8) to John Mosyer, 'minister of the Gospel'. 1654. Painting: on screen across S. end of S. transept, and on cupboards, overmantel, and other fittings in the library, various designs, late 17th-century, those in the library include books, figures of saints, views of Windsor Castle and Eton College, other houses and landscapes, and portraits of Sir John Kidderminster, the donor of the library, and his wife; in the overmantel and the screen, shields with arms of Kidderminster and their alliances. Panelling: see Cupboards. Piscina: in the chancel, with trefoiled pointed head, carved foliated spandrels, jambs with attached shafts having moulded caps and bases, no basin, 14th-century. Pulpit: hexagonal, with panelled sides and styles enriched with added ornament, given by Sir John Kidderminster, and dated 1609. Royal Arms: at W. end of N. aisle, wood, painted, dated 1625. Screens: between chancel and nave, of oak, traceried, late 15th-century, doors destroyed, cornice modern; across S. end of S. transept, forming passage to library, of wood, late 17th-century (see also Paintings). Sedilia: in chancel, three, in range with piscina, 14th-century. Tiles: in the chancel, many, red and yellow, 4¼ in. square, probably 15th-century. Miscellanea: in the library, fireplace and overmantel, late 17th-century (see Paintings); table, early 17th-century: on S. wall of ringing-chamber of tower, square of ornamental plaster-work, consisting chiefly of geometrical combination of heart-shaped patterns.



Homestead Moats

b(2). At Trenches, ½ mile N. of the church, with rounded corners, said to have surrounded a house, of which no traces remain. About 400 ft. S. of the moat, are some fish ponds; the soil dug out of them forms mounds, which are supposed locally to have been made for trenches in the Civil War, and give the present house its name.

b(3). At Sawyer's Green, ¾ mile N.E. of the church, three arms of a rectangular moat.

b(4). Parlaunt Park Farm, house, cellar, and moat, about 1 mile E.S.E. of the church. The House is of two storeys; the original walls are timber-framed, with brick filling, which is partly modern, the other walls are of modern brick; the roofs are tiled. The oldest part is probably of late 16th-century date, and is of L-shaped plan, with the inner angle facing W.; a wing was added at the S.W. end probably late in the 17th century, and on the S.E. side are two modern additions. The N.E. wing of the L is now disused and without a roof. The other wing contains the kitchen and staircase, etc., of the present house; on the N.W. side it has a cloister with encased posts, said to be original; the upper storey is covered with modern lath and plaster. The additional wing at the S.W. end is of modern brick and plaster; but on the S.E. side it has a projecing chimney stack of late 17th-century brick. The kitchen has an old chamfered beam in the ceiling and a wide fireplace, partly blocked. One side of the staircase is lined with original oak panelling.

A Cellar, W. of the house, is probably part of a late 16th or early 17th-century building; it is barrel-vaulted, of brick, rectangular on plan, with some small recesses at each end, and a doorway on each side. Any remains of a superstructure which may exist are now hidden by thick ivy.

Of the Moat formerly enclosing the house and grounds only fragments remain; there is said to have been formerly a draw-bridge over the S.W. side.

Condition—Of N.E. wing, ruinous; of rest of house, poor.

a (5). Langley Park: orangery, dovecot, and four detached outbuildings, formerly stables, and probably kitchen, etc., N.E. of the house, are all of two storeys, built apparently late in the 17th century, of brick; the roofs are of tiles and of slate. Outbuildings: the small block at the S.W. corner of the group, nearest to the house, was probably the kitchen and offices, and surrounds a small rectangular courtyard, which has a cloister of wood on each side of the court, with passages through the buildings on the E. and W. sides; the windows are mullioned, and some of them are blocked; over the W. side is a clock-turret. The S.E. room is open to the roof, and has an unusually large stone fireplace, and there are original stone fireplaces in several of the upper rooms. The other buildings, formerly the stables and coach-house, further N., are of three sides of a large quadrangle, or stable-yard, now a garden; the E. side is enclosed by a wall with a gateway in the middle; the windows are mullioned and several of them are blocked. The Dovecot, N.E. of the first building, has a pyramidal roof. The Orangery, at the S.E. corner of the large quadrangle, is now converted into a museum, and is of red brick, with pilasters, a string-course at the level of the imposts, and a moulded cornice; in the S. wall are seven large round-headed windows; two are blocked and the middle window is used as a doorway; on the N. side is a small central wing, and on the E. side a tall round-headed window.


b(6). Langley Place, nearly ½ mile E. of the church, is of two storeys, with an attic and cellar, built of brick. The roofs are tiled. The plan is rectangular, facing W., in two blocks, with projecting chimney stacks at the N. and S. ends. The W. block was built late in the 16th century, the E. block was added late in the 17th century, and at the N. end is a low modern addition. The front was re-faced and the attic heightened early in the 18th century; the N. end, above the modern addition, retains a 16th-century gable with diaper pattern in black bricks; in the middle is a projecting chimney stack, and on each side of it a window, one of three lights, with transom and mullions of stone under a square head with moulded label; the other smaller, with framework of stone; both windows are blocked. The E. wall of the house is modern. The chimney stack at each end of the 16th-century block is original, and at the S. end of the 17th-century addition is a contemporary stack. In one of the garden walls is a stone dated 1666.


The following monuments (7–8) are of especial interest as good examples of 17th-century buildings of brick; (7) is dated 1617.

b(7). Almshouses, S. of the church, were founded and built by Sir John Kidderminster in 1617; the walls are of brick; the roof is tiled. They consist of a rectangular building of two storeys, divided into four tenements. The N. Elevation has a central porch of two storeys, covered with cement; the entrance has a semi-circular arch, and over it is an inscription with the date 1617 and the arms of Kidderminster; the upper storey is gabled, and has a window of two lights. On the ground floor, on each side of the porch, is a slightly projecting doorway with a four-centred head and a pediment over it; both doorways have, on each side, a window of two lights, with chamfered jambs, mullion and head, and diamond pattern glazing. The upper storey has two gables on each side of the porch, and in each gable is a window similar to those on the ground ffoor; the dressings of the windows and the quoins are covered with cement. The S. Elevation resembles the N. elevation, without the porch, but with a small central gable. The central chimney stack has four square shafts, set diagonally, on a square base, and at each end of the building is a projecting stack with two similar shafts. Inside the building many of the doors are original, and some retain the contemporary hinges and handles.


b (8). Almshouses, N. of the church, are of brick; the roof is tiled. They form a rectangular building, divided into six tenements, facing S., and were founded in the 17th century. The four tenements in the middle are similar to the almshouses on the S. side of the churchyard, and were evidently built at the same period, but the central porch, without inscription, is a little more elaborate than that in the other almshouses, and the windows have ornamental plaster, possibly of the 18th century. Straight joints in the wall and the chimney stacks between the middle block and the tenement at each end show that those tenements are additions, probably built later in the 17th century; at the E. end is a pedimental gable, and at the W. end a similar gable bears the figures 16—, the rest of the date is illegible.


b(9). House, W. of the church, is of two storeys, built in the first half of the 17th century, but much altered. The plan is rectangular, facing E., with a small central wing at the back. The gabled N. end of the main block and the wing at the back are of 17th-century brick; the other walls are of modern brick, and the back is partly covered with rough-cast. The roofs are tiled. At the N. end of the main block is a chimney stack with square shafts; at the S. end is a large projecting stack, stepped at the top, with two square shafts, and on the N. side of the wing is a similar but smaller stack; all are of 17th-century brick; at the W. end the wing has two blocked windows. Interior:—Some of the rooms have wide fireplaces, partly blocked, and an original door, now disused, is of moulded battens with strap-hinges. The kitchen has a door of early 17th-century panelling. The rooms on the first floor have original timbers in the walls, and some battened doors are also original.

Condition—Good; much restored.

b (10). The Red Lion Inn, opposite the W. side of the churchyard, was built probably in the 16th century, but has been much restored and altered. It is a rectangular building of two storeys; the E. front is covered with cement, and the overhanging upper storey is supported by four small brackets. At the back the lower storey is of modern brick and the upper storey is covered with plaster. At the N. end is a very large projecting chimney stack with square shafts built of thin bricks. The roof is tiled. In the tap room at the N. end of the house is a wide deep fireplace, with jambs and depressed four-centred arch of chamfered brick. The ceilings on the ground floor have each a large chamfered beam.

Condition—Fairly good.

b(11). House, now three tenements, the S. half known as Ivy Cottage, on the E. side of Station Road, is of two storeys and an attic, built probably late in the 16th or early in the 17th century, and originally entirely timber-framed, but at the end of the 17th century the S. half was encased with brick, and modern alterations have been made. The plan is rectangular, facing W., with a shallow projection at the back. The N. half of the building is partly plastered and partly restored with brick; the N. wall is gabled, and has a projecting chimney stack of thin bricks. The S. half has a curvilinear gable at the S. end, and late 17th-century windows with modern frames.

Condition—Fairly good.

b (12). The Harrow Inn, about 800 yards E. of the church, is a two-storeyed building of brick and timber, facing S.; the roofs are tiled. The house appears to have consisted originally of an L-shaped block, with the wings extending towards the N. and E., built possibly in the 16th century; an addition was built at the S. end of the N. wing probably in the 17th century, making the plan T-shaped; further additions, apparently of the 19th century, have made the plan rectangular, with a projection at the N.E. corner. The N. and E. sides retain gables of old timber-framing, with filling of plaster and brick. The central chimney stack is built of early 17th-century brick. Interior:—The constructional timbers are visible in the walls, ceilings and roofs, and the door of a cupboard is made up of a piece of 16th-century linen panelling.


b (13). Cottage, about ¾ of a mile N. of the church, is of two storeys, built late in the 16th or early in the 17th century, and now much restored. The S. front is covered with ivy, but is said to have old timbers under the plaster. The E. end is also covered with plaster, but the W. end and the back have some old timbers with modern brickwork. The central chimney stack has square shafts, built of thin bricks, restored at the top.


George Green

a(14). Farmhouse (See Plate, p. 30), now three tenements, in a lane on the N. side of the road to Langley Marish, about 1 mile N. of the church, is of two storeys; the original walls are on brick foundations, and are timber-framed with brick filling, partly covered with plaster and weather-boarded, partly restored with brick; the roofs are tiled. It was built late in the 16th or early in the 17th century, on an L-shaped plan, the wings extending towards the S. and E.; on the E. side of the S. wing is a small staircase wing, the space between it and the E. wing being filled by an 18th-century addition. The W. front has a gable at the N. end, and on the first floor an original window of three lights, two now blocked. The S. and E. ends of the wings are also gabled. At the junction of the wings an original chimney stack built of thin bricks has four square shafts, set diagonally. On the N. side of the house is a projecting chimney stack, of late 17th-century brick. Interior:—The ceilings have old beams, and the timber-framing is visible in the walls. The original winding stairs of oak remain, with a few flat shaped balusters at the top. One door, with strap-work patterns, is of early 17th-century date.


a(15–21). Cottages, seven, of which six are divided into smaller tenements, are all of two storeys, built probably early in the 17th century, of timber and brick. The roofs of the third, fourth and fifth cottages are thatched; the others are tiled. The first cottage, S. of (14), is a small rectangular building with a staircase wing at the W. end; both ends are gabled and are partly of lath and plaster. At the back is a projecting chimney stack of thin bricks. Interior:—The constructional timbers are visible, and the winding stairs, of oak, are original. The second cottage, containing several tenements E. of (15), was probably of L-shaped plan, enlarged in the 18th and 19th centuries. The upper storey is covered with cement. The central chimney stack is of early 17th-century brick. The third cottage, in a lane on the S. side of the road to Langley Marish, is of rectangular plan, facing W., with an original central chimney stack; the chimneys at the gabled ends of the building are probably of later date. The fourth cottage, further S., is also of central chimney type; the upper storey is covered with cement, except the S. gable, which is plastered. The fifth cottage, on the S. side of the lane where it turns at a right angle towards the E., was originally probably a farmhouse and is of rectangular plan, facing N. On the N. front the lower storey is of brick and the upper storey, at the W. end, projects and is gabled. The central chimney stack is probably original, but the shaft is modern. The sixth cottage, further E., on the same side of the lane, was originally a farmhouse; the lower storey is of brick; the upper storey has old timber-framing, but the brick filling is probably of the 18th century. The plan is L-shaped, with a central chimney stack built of early 17th-century brick. The seventh cottage, on the N. side of the lane, has old timber-framing, with late 17th or early 18th-century brick filling. The plan is rectangular, with an original central chimney stack.

Condition—Of third and fourth cottages, fairly good; of the others, poor.

a(22). Rowley Farm, house and barn, about 2 miles N. of the church. The House is probably of late 16th or early 17th-century date, but has been much altered; it is a two-storeyed rectangular building, with a modern addition at the E. end. The S. front is timber-framed with brick filling; the timbers are plastered, and the whole wall covered with pink wash; at the W. end old timber-framing, with 18th-century brick filling, is visible above the barn; the wall at the back is modern. The ceilings have old chamfered beams, now covered with paper. The Barn adjoins the W. end of the house, and is of late 16th or early 17th-century date; it is of T-shaped plan, with low modern additions on each side of the central wing, which projects towards the S. The walls are of brick, with a little timber-framing in one gable; the roof is tiled. On the N. side are narrow loop-lights and a large central doorway, which is flanked by shallow buttresses.


Colnbrook (see also Horton)

c (23). House, now unoccupied, in a road on the N. side of the main street, near the E. end, is of two storeys, built of timber and brick probably early in the 17th century; the roof is tiled. One chimney stack is of old thin bricks.


c(24). House, at the S.E. corner of a road joining the main street at the E. end of the N. side, is of two storeys, facing W. It was built probably early in the 17th century, but the walls have been re-faced with late 17th or early 18th-century brick; the roof is tiled. At the S. end is a chimney stack of early 17th-century brick. The ceilings have stop-chamfered beams.

Condition—Fairly good.

Main street, from E. to W.

c(25). The George Inn, is of two storeys, built probably in the 16th century. The S. front has been re-faced with modern brick, but at the W. end is a large covered gateway with old timbers in the sides. The wall at the back is timber-framed and the W. half has a gable with a foliated barge-board of the 16th century. The roof is tiled. In the ceilings are stop-chamfered beams.

Condition—Fairly good.

c (26–27). House and The King's Arms Inn, are each of two storeys, built probably early in the 17th century, but entirely re-faced with modern brick. The roofs are tiled. Each building has a central chimney stack of early 17th-century brick, and there are old beams in the ceilings of the inn.

Condition—Fairly good.

c(28–29). House and adjoining range of three Cottages, form a two-storeyed rectangular building of late 17th-century date. The front is covered with plaster; at the W. end an original gable of brick is visible above the adjoining cottage, and the wall at the back is also of brick. The roof is tiled. Two chimney stacks are original.

Condition—Fairly good.

c (30). Cottages, two, adjoining the W. end of (29), form a rectangular block, of two storeys, built of red brick with black headers late in the 17th century. The roof is tiled. The central chimney stack is original.

Condition—Fairly good.