Roll A 27: (i) 1383-85

Calendar of the Plea and Memoranda Rolls of the City of London: Volume 3, 1381-1412. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1932.

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'Roll A 27: (i) 1383-85', in Calendar of the Plea and Memoranda Rolls of the City of London: Volume 3, 1381-1412, ed. A H Thomas (London, 1932), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Roll A 27: (i) 1383-85', in Calendar of the Plea and Memoranda Rolls of the City of London: Volume 3, 1381-1412. Edited by A H Thomas (London, 1932), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Roll A 27: (i) 1383-85". Calendar of the Plea and Memoranda Rolls of the City of London: Volume 3, 1381-1412. Ed. A H Thomas (London, 1932), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

In this section


[Nicholas Brembre, knight, mayor]

Membr. 1

18 May 1384

William Mayhew, grocer, was charged before the Mayor and Aldermen with having said that their judgments were unjust, that the city was badly governed and that John Costantyn, cordwainer (fn. 1), who was recently beheaded in Cheap for the insurrection of 11 Feb., made by him and his accomplices to the terror of the city and the suburbs, was falsely and iniquitously condemned to death by them. The said William acknowledged having spoken these words and put himself on the mercy of the court. He was committed to prison until the Mayor and Aldermen should be advised as to rendering judgment upon him.

Afterwards on 26 May he was brought into court. And because the aforesaid words had been spoken falsely and maliciously and expressly redounded to the shame and dishonour of the mayor and other governors of the city, and in order that others might be prevented from speaking like words, it was considered and adjudged, as had previously been done in like cases according to the custom of the city on many other occasions, that the said William should have a year's imprisonment from 18 May and then pay a fine for his contempt according to the discretion of the Mayor and Aldermen for the time being, unless further indulgence should be granted to him in the meantime. Afterwards on the same day, by the mayor's favour and at the request of several aldermen and other good men, he was mainprised by Adam de St Ives and Henry Perot for his good behaviour towards the king and his people and all the officers of the city, and not to speak such words again under penalty of £40, and he was sworn to fulfil the above undertakings and to save his mainpernors harmless. Thereupon he was allowed to make fine with half a mark to the chamberlain and was released.

23 May 1384

Matilda, widow of Hugh Holbech and executrix of his will, was summoned to answer William Croydon in a plea of detinue of goods and chattels worth £10 5s 10d, viz. 2 vats of lead and one ledtrogh, £6; one mokestunne (fn. 2) 13s 4d; one yeltunne (fn. 3), 10s; 12 kemelyns (fn. 4), 13s 4d; 6 barrels, 4s; one altunne, 2s; 2 algistes (fn. 5), 3s 4d; one clensyngtunne, 6s 8d; 2 watertunes, 3s 4d; one worttyne (fn. 6) and one watertyne, 2s 8d; one bucket with an iron chain and cord, 4s; one clensyngsyve, 3s; one clensyngtonge (fn. 7), 4d; one vanne (fn. 8), 12d; one half-bushel and one peck measure, 8d; one pottle and one quart measure, 6d; 6 racks for a stable, 10s; two dressyngbordes (fn. 9) and one stok (fn. 10), 6s 8d; and three pairs of handmills, 20s; all of which the plaintiff declared that he had placed in the custody of the above Hugh on 23 Aug. 1367 in the parish of St Athelburga (fn. 11) within Bishopsgate. On the death of Hugh, they came into the possession of the defendant, who refused to restore them, to the plaintiff's damage £20.

The defendant appeared and denied having received the goods as declared by the plaintiff and offered to defend herself by her law as a freewoman of the city, to which the plaintiff assented. A day was given her on 26 May to make her law with six other women according to the custom of the city, and she was mainprised meanwhile by John Clee and Stephen Spilleman. On the day aforesaid the parties appeared and the defendant made her law with six other women that she had not received the said goods. Therefore it was considered that the said William take nothing by his bill, but be in mercy for a false claim, and that the said Matilda go thereof quit.

Membr. 1 b

Mainprises of divers persons for keeping the peace: 3 Nov. 1383, Richard Leukenore, carsour, by Henry King, corsour, and John Staunton; Robert Brampton, corsour, by Richard Forster and John Staunton; Richard Waltham by Robert Austyn and Thomas Cotone; 26 Jan. 1384, Simon Frensshe, baker, by Edmund Horton, Walter Parker and Thomas Fraunkeleyn; John Hatfeld, squyer, by Gilbert Meldebourne, John Kelsey and John Dyke towards John Creke, corsour; 3 Feb. 1384, John Abraham, chaplain, by John Abraham and Ralph Abraham; 9 May 1384, Robert Goldryng, gardener, and John Baroun, miller, by Thomas Horsman, Roger Parys, Robert Torkeseye and John Seman, dyer, to answer David Man, cordwainer, and Here Nichol, chaplain, and their companions for a trespass and to keep the peace; 10 May 1384, William Mileward by John Walworth, vintner, and Richard Merlawe, ironmonger, on the same conditions; 25 May 1384, John Hillyng, paviour, by John Holbech, Nicholas Maynard, John Seman, John Norfolke, Nicholas Yvyngho, Thomas Hert, John Coventre and Roger Carpenter; 13 May 1384, Richard Leukenore, corsour, by Henry King and John Salisbury.

25 March 1384, John Neweman of co. Kent by Peter Persholt and William Neweman, weaver, towards John Scot, ripiere (fn. 12).

20 April 1385, Robert Gandrey, esquire, by Adam Kirkham and Walter Pek, tailors, William Whetele, cordwainer, and William Osebarn, goldsmith, towards John Walworth, vintner; 5 May 1385, Walter Cole, bedemaker, by Thomas Clement, brewer, William Fychet, goldsmith, William Swaynlond, pewterer, and Robert Person, taverner, towards Thomas Rolf, lumynour (fn. 13); 9 May, Thomas Prentyz of Sudbury by Robert Haule, draper, John Rouhed and John Portrose of Sudbury and Edmund Heryng of Bury towards John Clenaunt of London; David Morys, dauber, by John Pally and John Goudman, weavers, to obey the officers of the city.

Membr. 2

11 June 1384

Memorandum that at a congregation of the mayor, aldermen, and commoners summoned from the wards of the city as a Common Council on 11 June 1384 there were present Sir Nicholas Brembre, mayor, Sir William Walworth, John Hadle, Thomas Gornwaleys, John Hende, John Sely, Adam Bamme, Hugh Fastolf, John Chircheman, John Organ, Richard Preston, William Staundon, Adam de Seint Ive, Geoffrey Cremelford, William More, Thomas Welford, John Eston, William Ancroft and Roger Elys, aldermen, and the following commoners from the wards:

Tour, William Tonge, Hugh Boys, Thomas Evesham.

Billyngesgate, John Beaufrount, John Wade, Thomas Girdlere.

Algate, Richard Morell.

Lymstret, John Clapshethe.

Langebourne, Thomas Bonaunter, John Dyke, William FitzHugh, John Studley.

Bisshopesgate, Henry Herbury, Peter Torold, John Sibyle, Adam Ratteseye.

Cornhull, Walter Pykenham, Thomas Irlond.

Bridge, Walter Sibyle, Robert Little, John Pountfreyt.

Douegate, William Wotton, Ralph Lubenham, John Wiltshyre.

Vinetrie, John Colshull, Thomas Medlane, John Tilneye, William Sharpyng.

Walbroke, Reginald Aleyn, John Basse, William Sudbury.

Cordwanerstret, William Pountfreyt, Geoffrey Walderne.

Bradstret, William Wodehous, Adam Karlill.

Colmanstret, William Kyng, Robert Havelok.

Chepe, John Fraunkeleyn, Geoffrey Grigge, Thomas Mak William.

Farndon, Elis Weston, Roger Excestre, Simon atte Nax.

Crepulgate, John Forster, Gilbert Prynce, John Higyn.

Aldrichesgate, Thomas Exton, John Dancastre, John Bathe, John Bokkyng.

Bredstret, Thomas Rolf, John Ragenel, John Scorfeyn.

Quenehithe, John Trigge.

Chastel Baynard, John Redyng, John Vautort, John Asshurst.

Candelwykstret, James Snow, William Ivory.

Portsokne, William Burford.

Whereas divers rumours, covins, congregations and affrays had taken place in the city since the time when Sir Nicholas Brembre was chosen to the office of the mayoralty, for which divers reasons had been given, some saying that the fault lay in one person, and others in another, and in order that there might be full knowledge and testimony of the truth, it was demanded of each of the abovenamed persons, by the faith which he owed to God and the king and by the oath which he had taken to the city, to declare on his conscience by whom and in default of whom these disturbances had been made and who was the cause of them, sparing none, and the abovenamed persons severally declared on their faith and oath that the said disturbances had taken place by default of John Norhampton, late mayor, of the city, and had been made by him ever since he had been discharged from his office and Sir Nicholas Brembre had been chosen to that office, and that the said John Norhampton was the cause of all the disturbances.[French]

22 March 1385

Memorandum that at a congregation of the mayor, aldermen and several good men chosen from the wisest and most discreet men of the wards summoned and assembled in the Chamber of the Guildhall on 22 March 1385 there were present Sir Nicholas Brembre, mayor, William Cheyne, recorder, John Hadle, John Boseham, Robert Warbultdn, Henry Vannere, John Hende, Adam de Seint Ive, William More, Nicholas Exston, John Fressh, John Rote, Roger Elys, John Fraunceis, Thomas Welford, William Staundon and Simon Wynchecombe, aldermen, and the following persons from the wards:

Billyngesgate, John Wade,Thomas Girdelere, John Beaufront.

Douegate, William Wotton.

Langebourne, Thomas Bonaunter, John Dyke, William FitzHugh, John Studeley.

Lymstret, Richard Clapschethe and Richard Gregori.

Bredestret, Thomas Rolf, John Scorfeyn.

Farndon, Thomas Panton, John Hille, John Dorsete, William Pershore.

Crepulgate, John Furneux, John Loveye, Robert Asshcombe, John Forster, Gilbert Prynce, John Hugyn.

Bradstret, William Wodehous, Adam Karlill, Richard Willesdon, Beneit Cornewaille.

Aldrichesgate, Thomas Reynham, John Bockyng.

Castel Baynardy John Vatoft, John Asshurst, William Shrympelmerssh.

Cornhill, Walter Pykenham, Richard Manhale.

Walbrok, William Olyver, Reginald Aleyn, William Sudbury.

Vinetrie, John Colshill, Thomas Medelane, John Tilneye, William Sharpyng.

Bisshopesgate, Henry Herburi, Peter Torold.

Candtlwykstret, William Horston, William Giles, Roger Mordon, William Spaldyng.

Queenhithe, Robert Parys, John Trig.

Tour, William Tonge, Hugh Sprot, Hugh Boys, Thomas Evesham.

Cordewanerstret, Robert Lyndeseye, William Pountfreit, Geoffrey Walderne, Robert Dane, Richard Hatfeld, John Hoo.

Chepe, Geoffrey. Crymelford, Thomas Austyn, Thomas Vynent, John Fraunkeleyn, Geoffrey Grigge, Thomas Mak William.

Portsokne, William Wodeward.

Cokmanstret, John Eston.

Bridge, John Pountfreit, Robert Lytle, John Mockyng, Richard Blomville.

Whereas there had long been dissension and division in the city between divers men of the same, whereby great evil and peril might arise, to the destruction and loss both of the city and of the whole realm, unless remedy were found by the aid of God, and the said mayor and aldermen and other wise men desiring peace, tranquillity, accord, unity and quiet among the people, and wishing to be informed and certified, as far as possible, as to the cause and root of the said dissension and division and how they might be ousted, and unity and accord be made and kept among the people, demand was made of every person, alderman and commoner, by the faith which he owed to God and our lord the king and the oath which he had made to the city, to declare and say openly on his conscience and as he would answer before God, sparing none, what was the cause and root of such dissension and division, whereupon all said severally that it was the life of John Norhampton, for so long as he remained alive all those that were of his covin hoped that he would return to the city and by this hope they comforted others, whereby dissension arose and would always continue so long as he lived. And further, each of them said on his conscience that the thing which would most easily engender unity and accord, and would oust all dissensions and divisions and, in their opinion, would bring the matter to a good end, would be to require and pray our said lord the king in his high and royal majesty that execution of the judgment of law given on the said John Norhampton in the Tower of London should be done, for so long as he lived the said people of his covin and lovers of his opinions would hope for his return to the city as aforesaid, which would be to the utter confusion and destruction of the city, which God forbid. And upon this, with one accord, it was agreed that it would be well for the mayor to take with him certain aldermen and commoners, such as seemed to him good, and to approach our lord the king, petitioning him in the manner and form abovesaid.

And also because the mayor and commoners were advised that for the safeguarding of the city and suburbs against any peril that might arise, it would be necessary that a good ditch and a pale above it should be made around all the suburbs of the city for its defence in case need should arise, which God forbid, and because it would take too long to settle the question as to how and in what manner it should be done, since many matters and arguments would be raised among so many men and peradventure no conclusion would be made, it was agreed by everyone that the mayor and aldermen on the morrow should choose from among themselves twelve aldermen and twelve commoners of the most sufficient and discreet men in the city to ordain and treat by what means and how the said matter should be brought into effect, and in what manner the costs which would be needed might be levied, and to do all other things which appertained to the said matter. And all the aldermen and commoners agreed to hold as firm and established whatever the said twentyfour thus elected should do in the matter, and on the morrow the said mayor and aldermen chose the persons underwritten to carry out and perform the said matter, to wit, Sir William Walworth, John Hadle, John Boseham, John Orgon, John Shadworth, Nicholas Exton, Henry Vannere, William Staundon, William More, Robert Warbulton, Thomas Welford and John Fraunceys, aldermen, William Tonge, Adam Karlill, Thomas Rolf, Thomas Girdelere, Henry Herbury, Richard Hatfeld, Thomas Exton, John Loveye, Geoffrey Walderne, John Kirketon, Thomas MakWilliam and Adam Bamme, commoners. [French]

Membr. 3

22 Jan. 1384

In the presence of Nicholas Brembre, knight, mayor, in the mayor's house in the parish of St Michael Paternosterchirche, John Norhampton, citizen and draper, was mainprised by John More and Simon Wynchecombe; sheriffs, and John Toures, William Eriote, Thomas Lyncolln, Richard Brendewode and William Rule, drapers, to bear himself peaceably towards the king and his people and the officers of the city, to preserve the king's peace within the liberty of the city and without, to be obedient to the officers of the city for the time being and to be, and not to make or cause to be made any covin, conventicle, league or congregation openly or secretly by himself or by means of others, or any other thing by his means or speech, whereby rumour, disturbance, commotion or affray might in any way arise within the liberty of the city to the disturbance of the peace, and if he should discover any such covin, to reveal the same to the mayor for the time being and to prevent it, and to be ready, whenever warned, to appear before the said Mayor and Aldermen, and this under penalty of £5000, which the said John Norhampton and his mainpernors agreed, severally and together, to pay to the king and his heirs immediately the said John Norhampton should do anything contrary to any of the above articles or should offend or default in any of them.

22 Feb. 1384

William Norton, saddler, was mainprised by Roger Excestre, Walter Yonge, Thomas Kirewode and Thomas Soys, saddlers, and Gilbert Meldebourne, as above, under penalty of £100.

23 Feb. 1384

William Bowyere, skinner, in the presence of the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen in the Chamber of the Guildhall, was mainprised by Robert Haringeie, mercer, Robert Lyndesey and John Maudeleyn, as above, under penalty of £100. He was also sworn to keep the above articles and to save his mainpernors harmless.

John Gest, skinner, was mainprised by John Bredestret, armourer, Stephen Frith, armourer, John Brundyssh, tailor, and Robert Vygerous, draper, and sworn as above, under penalty of £100.

William Valdrean, saddler, was mainprised by Richard Brok, Roger Excestre, Walter Yonge and Thomas Soys, saddlers, as above, under penalty of £100.

Robert Riseby, draper, was mainprised by John Hende, draper, Geoffrey Walderne, draper, Thomas Welford, fishmonger, Robert Somersete, draper, Richard Knouslee, draper, John Bottesham, goldsmith, Andrew Vyne, draper, and Robert Hunden, draper, as above, under penalty of £300.

25 Feb. 1384

William Watesham, cutler, was mainprised by Robert Eye, Richard Ledyate, John Wodhall and Martin Godard, cutlers, as above, under penalty of £40.

8 March 1384

John Muntham, joiner, was mainprised by Henry Goudchep, John Squyer, John Curson, Robert Norton of the Earl of Warwick's retinue (fn. 14), William Shirebourne, cutler, William Stanes, cutler, John Bussh, tallowchandler, and Hugh Avenell, as above, under penalty of £200.

14 March 1384

John Bussh, goldsmith, was mainprised by Henry Bamme and John Coraunt, goldsmiths, as above, under penalty of £40.

Membr. 3 b

26 April 1384

Gilbert Malenay, saddler, was delivered under bail to his master, John de Excestre, to bring him up before the Mayor and Aldermen when required, and the same John main prised him to observe the articles in the mainprise of John Norhampton under penalty of £100.

28 June 1384

John Bere, haberdasher, was similarly delivered under bail to John Maymond, mercer, William Denton, tailor, William Talbot, tailor, John Kent, tailor, Roger Stapulhurst, mercer, and Thomas Soys, saddler. He was also mainprised as above under penalty of £100 and imprisonment, and was further sworn to obey the said articles, to save his mainpernors harmless and to keep his tongue from speaking evil or scandal of any of the officers of the city for the time being and to be hereafter.

30 June 1384

John Der, cordwainer, was similarly mainprised by John Long, senior, Robert Sutton, Walter Gyngyvere and William Hare, cordwainers, under penalty of £100, and sworn to obey the articles and save his mainpernors harmless.

13 Aug. 1384

John More, mercer, in the presence of Sir Nicholas Brembre, knight, Mayor, and the Aldermen was mainprised by John Boseham, Robert Warbulton, John Shadeworth and William Shiryngham, mercers, until 1 Nov. to keep the peace towards the king and his people and the officers of the city, to obey the latter, not to make or cause to be made any congregation etc., either openly or secretly, whereby any disturbance of the peace might take place, to warn die mayor of any such congregation etc., to do his best to allay any disturbance and to appear on summons before the Mayor and Aldermen, under penalty of £4000, of which each of his mainpernors should be liable for £1000, if he failed to observe any of the above conditions.

10 Sept. 1384

Richard Yoman was mainprised by John Groos, baker, Andrew Sywardby, tailor, William Arundel, cordwainer, and William Placidas, currier, to fulfil all the conditions in the mainprise of John More, under penalty of £40.

14 Sept. 1384

William atte Hulle, cordwainer, was delivered under bail to Clement Kirketon, tailor, William Cosyn, hostiller, Ralph Elleswyk, tailor, and Roger Lilye, tailor, body for body, to bring him up when required. He was further mainprised to observe the conditions of the mainprise of John Norhampton, under penalty of £400.

John Picot, cordwainer, was delivered under bail to William Cosyn, hostiller, John atte Hull and Edmund Romeseye, cordwainers, and Nicholas Walton, saddler, under penalty of £400.

1 Oct. 1384

John Bacon, tailor, was mainprised by Thomas Sibsay, Thomas Bridlyngton, John Byfeld and John Grosmond, tailors, and Dunstan Harcherigge, draper, as above, under penalty of £100. He was also sworn not to speak scandalously of the mayor, aldermen, or other officers of the city or of their government, and further to save his mainpernors harmless.

Membr. 4

10 Oct. 1384

William Bradestret, saddler, was mainprised by John Pountfret, Roger Excestre, Walter Yonge and Richard Peterburgh.

Further concerning the names of those who were mainprised or delivered under bail for the rumour and affray made in the Guildhall on the day of the mayor's election in the eighth year of Richard the Second

2 March 1385

John Remes, cordwainer, who acknowledged that at the last parliament held at Westminster he had publicly said that there would never be any quiet or rest in the city until an end had been made of Nicholas Brembre, now mayor, was nevertheless by the mayor's favour delivered under bail to Nicholas Bosebury, John Fery, Robert York, William Robyn, Robert Button and Walter Gyngyvere, cordwainers, body for body, to fulfil in their entirety the points and conditions in the mainprise of William Bradestret, under penalty of £100, and he was sworn to the same.

6 March 1385

Michael Hakeneye was mainprised by John Swanton, Adam Bridbroke, John Welles, fellmonger, and John Hakeneye, as above, under penalty of £40, and was further sworn to the same.

8 March 1385

John Lyncolle, goldsmith, who acknowledged before the Mayor and Aldermen that he had often been disobedient and had borne himself improperly towards the mayor and other officers of the city and, together with other evildoers, had made divers prosecutions, as well in parliament and before the magnates as before many others, against the mayor in particular and other governors of the city, and had reprobated and retarded their government to the utmost of his power, in disturbance of the king's peace and against his oath, prayed that the favour of the Mayor and Aldermen be granted to him. By the favour of the mayor he was delivered under bail to Henry Bamme, John Botisham, William de Louthe, Thomas Polle and William Stamynden, goldsmiths, as above, under penalty of £200, and was sworn to the same.

20 March 1385

Robert Fraunceys, goldsmith, who made the same confession as John Lyncolle, was delivered under bail to John Luton, William Stamelden, William de Louthe, Henry Rokhawe, Roger Ryot and Richard Weston, as above, under penalty of £200, and was sworn to the same.

1 Aug. 1385

John Remes, cordwainer, who on the suggestion of the masters of his mistery was committed to prison for rebellion against them and for having spoken indecent words against the government of the city and for other evildoing, was mainprised by John Longe, senior, Robert York and Thomas Pountfreyt, cordwainers, as above, under penalty of £200, and sworn to the same.

17 Aug. 1385

Nicholas Pound, tailor, was delivered under bail to Thomas Barton, goldsmith, William Skendelby, brewer, Richard Tutford, horner, John Newby, smith, John Gace, tiler, John Flemyng, horner, and Richard Bene, tailor, as above, under penalty of £100, and sworn to the same.

Thomas Knape, tailor, was delivered in bail to the same under penalty of £100.

27 Sept. 1385

William Frere, barber, who was taken and committed to prison for having lied falsely and maliciously, saying that John Norhampton had arrived in London and that he had seen him, which words might have resulted in an affray, was liberated by the mayor's favour without mainprise, since he could not find mainpernors. He was sworn as above.

11 Oct. 1385

Richard Molle, grocer, was mainprised by John Hokkele, grocer, John Curson, John Bussh, Nicholas Wyght, Alexander Pulter and Robert Hubert, plomer, for his good behaviour, as above, under penalty of £100, and sworn to the same.

30 March 1386

William Costantyn—concerning whom David, keeper of the gaol of Newgate, gave evidence that he was so ill that his life was despaired of—was delivered under bail to John Doget, currier, Walter Trote, cordwainer, William Spaldyng, tailor, and John Botkisham, serjeant, body for body, and was also mainprised to fulfil all the conditions of the mainprise of William de Bredstret under penalty of £100.

For the same reason Thomas Wakfeld was delivered under bail to Michael de Lenne, chandler, John Witby, weaver, John Slougter, armourer, and John Colney, glover, under penalty of £100.

Membr. 4 b

13 Oct. 1384

Whereas on the eve of the Translation of St Edward King (13 Oct.) Ao 8 Ric. II (1384) proclamation was made throughout the liberty of the city of London, as well on behalf of the king by virtue of his writ, as on behalf of the mayor and aldermen, that no one of whatsoever rank or condition should go armed or wearing breastplate or jack, or should lead an armed force against the king's peace, nor that any one should go to the election of the mayor and sheriffs, except the mayor, aldermen, sheriffs and good men of the wards summoned thereto, under penalty of imprisonment and forfeiture of all that he might forfeit to the king, and under penalty of losing the freedom of the city, as is more fully contained in Letter Book H, fo. [182]; and whereas the mayor, aldermen, sheriffs and good men of the wards being summoned were present on the above feast in the Guildhall for the election of the mayor, and there were present Lord de Nevyll, Lord Fitz Wauter and Thomas Moreux, knights, who were sent by order of the king and his council, there came also certain persons of the middle sort belonging to divers misteries, who, forgetting themselves and having no respect for or fear of the proclamation, and being banded together in a great congregation and assembled in Guildhall, made a great clamour and outcry to the great affray of the mayor, aldermen and commonalty and against the proclamation made in the city. Whereupon, these offences having been committed as well against the king as the mayor, aldermen and sheriffs, divers good men of several misteries made inquiries as to the same evildoers, and afterwards brought the names of certain men of their misteries who were suspected, while others of the guilty persons were taken and others again surrendered themselves, of whom some were mainprised and others delivered under bail, as follows:

19 Oct. 1384

The good men of the mistery of Armourers brought before Sir Nicholas Brembre, Mayor, and the Aldermen and Sheriffs, the names and bodies of the following persons: John Hood, William Randulf, Robert Wormewell, William Pountfreyt, Richard Pecok and John Shirewode, who were all delivered under bail to Simon Wynchecoumbe, John Scorfeyn, John Grove and Peter atte Hethe, armourers, who entered into mainprise for their appearance when summoned, their good behaviour and obedience to the officers of the city, and that they would take no part in covins, conventicles, plots or congregations against the peace, under penalty of £1000. They were further sworn to save harmless those to whom they were delivered under bail.

Robert Betoyne, goldsmith, was mainprised by Richard Betoyne his father and John Clerke, poulterer, as above, under penalty of £100.

21 Oct. 1384

John Daventre, pinner, was mainprised by John Lorymer, bukelsmyth, Walter Berkeswell, bladesmith, and William Coventre, pinner, as above, under penalty of £100.

Marginal note: divers tailors imprisoned and mainprised because they made an uproar at the election of the mayor

21 Oct. 1384

William Rule, tailor, and his companions, masters of the mistery of Tailors, showed to the Mayor and Aldermen the names of divers men of their mistery who, as they understood, took part in an assembly of men of several misteries in St Paul's Church on the day of the mayor's election and went thence to the Guildhall to make an uproar, in disturbance of the peace and against the proclamation.

John Hastynge, tailor, who confessed, was delivered under bail to John Heydon, barber, and John Middleton, tailor, under the above conditions and under penalty of £100.

Membr. 5

22 Oct. 1384

John Heyward, tailor, similarly bailed by Robert Holm, steynour, Adam Millyng, tailor, and Nicholas Symond, spurrier ; Roger Lilye, tailor, by Adam Millyng, tailor, and Roger March, tailor; Richard atte Wode, tailor, by John Creke, tailor, and Adam Lady, tailor; Richard Chilterne, tailor, by Adam Bury, cordwainer, John Davy, peyntour, John Phelip, fuster, and Roger Laurens; Thomas Grisele, tailor, by Thomas Pope, shearman, and John Marchal, brewer; Henry Henle, tailor, by Thomas Pope and John Marchal; Roger Mordon, tailor, by Clement Kirketon and John Creke, tailors; Robert Ascow, tailor, who did not confess, by John Dymmoke and Clement Kirketon, tailors; William Hill, tailor, by John Grigge, William Holyn and Richard Cornewaill, tailors; Peter Fykelden, tailor, by John Sewale, mercer, Robert Paunton, girdler, William Shirewode, saddler, and Henry Payn, fuster; Robert Crokehorn, tailor, who did not confess, by John Wilby, William Spaldyng, Thomas Bridlyngton, John Burwell, John Donyngton and John Sheldon, tailors; Thomas Mynde, who did not confess, by the same; all under penalty of £100.

John Boseham and others, masters of the mistery of Mercers, brought before the Mayor and Aldermen the following mercers: John Feraunt, John Chedder, Richard Guy, John Vyne, Thomas Everard, William Willesdon and John Toke, as men accustomed to speak maliciously of the Mayor and Aldermen and their government. They were delivered under bail to the said John Boseham, Robert Warbulton, John Organ, John Eston and John Shadeworth, on the above conditions and under penalty of £40 each.

Reymund Standulf, goldsmith, who admitted being at Guildhall, was delivered under bail to John Botisham, Thomas Davy and John Frensshe, goldsmiths, and Gilbert Meldebourne, under penalty of £200.

Edmund Wodhull, cutler, for divers malicious words spoken against the mayor, was mainprised by Richard Goudchyld, John Salle, Walter Kynton and Martin Godard, cutlers, and Richard Betoygne, goldsmith, under penalty of £100.

Edmund Clay, cordwainer, who admitted being at Guildhall against the proclamation, was delivered under bail to Thomas Pope, shearman, Nicholas Bosbury, cordwainer, and William Morys and Walter Peryndon, armourers, under penalty of £100.

John Coraunt and John Somervyll, masters of the mistery of Goldsmiths, brought before the Mayor and Aldermen the following goldsmiths, Hugh Wetherby, Roger Broun, William Lucas, Andrew Stamelden, Stephen Walpol, John Walyngford, Robert Willy, John Welford, William Stamelden, Henry atte Grene and William Lyncoll, as suspected persons, who were accustomed to speak ill of the mayor and aldermen and their government, and as being of perverse and evil condition. Nevertheless by favour of the mayor all of them were delivered under bail to the said John Coraunt, John Somervyll, John Forster and John Botisham, goldsmiths, under penalty of £100.

Membr. 5 b

24 Oct. 1384

John Smyth, armourer, bailed by Roger atte Hacche, girdler, John Whyte, goldsmith, Robert Knyght, armourer, and John Halyngbury, under penalty of £100.

John Couewell, bailed by William Sallowe, junior, John Glosse, skinner, William atte Halle, hostillef, and Simon Berthorpe, saddler, under penalty of £100.

25 Oct. 1384

Stephen atte Frithe, armourer, bailed by Simon Wynchecoumbe, John Scorfeyn and John Grove, armourers, and Robert Asshcoumbe, brodurer, under penalty of £1000.

Robert Arderne, brodurer, bailed by Robert Asshcoumbe, William Sauston and Elias Mympe, brodurers, and John Creek, tailor, under penalty of £1000.

William Hotte, tailor, bailed by William Spaldyng, draper, John Scorfeyn, armourer, and John Creek and John Kynne, tailors, under penalty of £1000.

Thomas Mynton, tailor, bailed by Robert Asshcoumbe, brodurer, Henry Payn, fuster, Nicholas Whitlock, lorymer, and Robert de Holdernesse, cutler, under penalty of £1000.

5 Nov. 1384

John Grene, servant of Edmund Wodhull, cutler, bailed by Walter Kynton, John Essex, Robert de Eye and Martin Godard, cutlers, under penalty of £100.

John Raulyn, John Wylde, Richard Kenyngton, Gerard Furbour, John Albon and Nicholas Doby, armourers, were mainprised by William Thornhull, William Trippelowe, John Shirewode, John Whyte, John Henham, John Herman, Michael Dundalk and John Grove, armourers, under penalty of £200, to fulfil the condition set forth in the bail of Roger Mordon.

William Brandon, servant of William de Thorpe, tailor, mainprised by Roger Elys as above.

William Salkyn, fuller, mainprised by Peter Persolte, Thomas Heed and Thomas Yonge, fullers, and John Maryner, brewer, as above, under penalty of £40.

18 Nov. 1384

Thomas Hogecot, Philip Chipstowe and John Parfay, armourers, were delivered under bail to John Scorfeyn, Peter atte Hethe, Richard Yernemouthe, John Grove, Robert Wormell and William Pountfreyt, as above, under penalty of £100.

24 Nov. 1384

William Kirkeby, tailor, who came to the Guildhall at the mayor's election contrary to the proclamation, was delivered under bail to Robert Ashcoumbe, brodurer, William Spaldyng, John Wilby, Thomas Multon, John Wyght and Clement Kirton, tailors, as above, under penalty of £200.

John Coraunt, goldsmith, who was held in great suspicion concerning the assembly of his mistery and other misteries at St Paul's Church on election day, which came to Guildhall to make an uproar, and who afterwards in the presence of the mayor, John Fraunceys, alderman, and others said that Robert Somersete and John Maudeleyn, tailors, had told him on the day before the election that Lord de Nevyll, Lord Fitzwauter and other lords ought to be present at the election, and that it was their wish as well as the wish of the Mayor and Aldermen that the men of the misteries ought to come there in their liveries for the election of the mayor, which words both he and Robert Somersete denied having spoken, was nevertheless by, the favour of the mayor delivered under bail to Thomas Exton, John Forster, Bartholomew Castre and Thomas Hay, goldsmiths, as above, under penalty of £500.

6 Feb. 1385

William Wodecok, tailor, who came to the Guildhall on election day contrary to the proclamation, and went thence to his shop and fetched a sword, buckler and poleaxe, hoping that a riot would arise, was nevertheless by favour of the mayor delivered under bail to John Tilneye, Thomas Brakkele and Matthew Angelseye, tailors, and Thomas Beneyt, smith, as above, under penalty of £100.

Henry Walsale, tailor, was also delivered under bail to Robert Shirwode, saddler, Henry Pye, William Goudman and William atte Halle, tailors, Thomas Rakeswell, bokelermaker, and Robert Horham, blacksmith, under the above conditions.

Membr. 6

3 June 1385

William Mauncell was mainprised by Henry Goudchepe, Robert Malteby, Richard Biernes, cordwainer, and John Haringeye, saddler, to keep the peace, obey the officers of the city, not to engage in any covin etc. and to warn the Mayor and Aldermen thereof, under penalty of £100.

10 Nov. 1385

William Fyssh, tailor, was similarly mainprised by William Russell, John Grigge and John Cornewaille, tailors, Walter Rous, mercer, and Robert Button, brodurer, under penalty of £100.

11 Feb. 1386

John Whyte was mainprised by Geoffrey Walderne, John Rede, Richard Clophull, William Longisdon and William Doncastre, smiths, Thomas Curch and Robert Thorseby, marchall (fn. 15), as above.

4 April 1386

William Belhomme was delivered under bail to Robert Buxton, Richard Storteford, John de Swanton, Peter atte Hethe, John Lake and Roger atte Hacche, body for body, to fulfil all the conditions in the mainprise of William Mauncel, under penalty of £500, and to be ready and prepared to appear before the Mayor and Aldermen or before the king's justices when summoned. And further the above mainpernors undertook that the said William Belhomme would neither do nor cause to be done any injury to Agnes Caly in her person or her goods by act or word, under the said penalty.

Afterwards on 26 Jan. 1390 the Mayor and Aldermen granted that the above recognisance should be obliterated and held to be null and void, and that William Belhomme and his mainpernors should be exonerated, and so by precept of William Venour, mayor, the record was obliterated.

19 July 1386

William Stanes, cutler, was mainprised by Richard Goodchyld, Richard Waltham, Richard Shirebourne, John Salle, John Twyford and Robert Austyn, cutlers, to fulfil the conditions as in the mainprise of William Mauncell, under penalty of £200.

Thomas Kynggesbrugge, cordwainer, was mainprised by John Waleworth, vintner, Nicholas Bosbury, William Randolf, Robert Button, Robert Norton, cordwainers, and John Curson, as above.

John Lyndeseye, cutler, was mainprised by William Barnabe, John Curson, Robert Norton, William Trymenell, John Deux and Robert Hanslap, as above.

Richard Gibbes, cordwainer, was mainprised by John Walworth, Robert Bryan, Robert Mauncel, Thomas Duke, Thomas Pountfreyt, William Hare, Nicholas Bosebury and Nicholas Loseye, as above.

Richard Little, haberdasher, was mainprised by Robert Norton, John Curson, John Haryngeye, John Barbour, William Randolf and Nicholas Whitele, as above.

29 Aug. 1386

Richard Sturdy, skinner, was sworn before the Mayor and Aldermen to be good and faithful to the king and his heirs, to behave peaceably towards the king and his people, to be obedient to the mayor, sheriffs and other officers, to be tractable and justiciable to the king's peace and to preserve it faithfully to the best of his power, to be ready to appear before the Mayor and Aldermen when warned, to engage in no congregation, covin etc., which might lead to insurrection, the harm of the people, or injury to the government of the city, but to hinder such congregations and to warn the mayor and other officers of the city of them, and further to bear himself peaceably to the masters of his mistery for the time being and to be, and not to do or cause to be done any harm or injury to them, under penalty of £200.

Membr. 7

5 Nov. 1383

John Penreth brought a bill of complaint to the effect that he had been apprenticed to William Paston, alias Reynald, mercer, who was bound by the terms of the covenant to provide him with food, clothing and instruction, and that now his master had been imprisoned in Calais for debt more than eight weeks and his shop in London had been sealed up, with the result that the petitioner was wasting his time treading the streets (batant les ruwes). He prayed to be discharged of his apprenticeship and to be allowed to seek a livelihood where he could. [French]

Testimony was given by Robert Warbelton, John Shadeworth, John Eston and John Loveye, masters of the mistery of Mercers, that the said William was in prison in Calais, that his shop in London was sequestrated and that his wife had no means of providing for the apprentice. Thereupon, according to the custom, the said John was exonerated from his apprenticeship, on condition that he made no claim on his master for the unexpired portion.

19 Nov. 1383

John Bohoun, knight, demanded by bill against John Davy, goldsmith; divers charters, fines, writings and muniments touching his inheritance of manors, lands and tenements in Essex, Bucks and Sussex, which deeds came into Davy's hands on 11 Aug. 1382.

The latter produced them in court in a sealed forcer, which was opened and by judgment of the court delivered to the plaintiff, who gave an acquittance for the same.

6 Dec. 1383

Nicholas Rote, John Waleworth, John Wakele, William Wallere, Thomas Say and John Andreu, vintners of the east part (of Walbrook), John Goldryng, chandler, and Geoffrey Haket, John Heyward, John Grantam, William Succh, William Cornhull and Paul Gisors, vintners of the west part, and Richard Manhale, chandler, were sworn for the scrutiny of wines in cellars and other places where wines were sold and to pour out into the kennel all such as were found unhealthy and corrupt, to prevent old wines from being stored with new, and, together with the chandlers, to survey vinegar and sauces kept in the shops and cellars of chandlers and to pour out etc.

Membr. 7 b

26 Nov. 1383

Writ to the mayor and sheriffs that, whereas John Yorke of London, brewer, had prayed the king that he was in danger of life and mutilation of his limbs by John Norhampton, draper, and John Bleton, they were to summon the said John and John and put them to mainprise under reasonable penalty not to do or cause to be done any harm or evil to the said John Yorke, and if the said John and John refused, they were to commit them to gaol until they were willing to find such mainprise. Dated at Westminster 26 Nov. 1383.

21 Dec. 1383

Quitclaim from John Culham, armourer, to John Freman of Foulmere (fn. 16) co. Cambridge. Witnesses, Simon Wynchecombe, sheriff, William Wyrcestre, keeper of Ludgate, Walter Chyld and Robert Foulmere, clerks, and Thomas de Lincoln.

11 Jan. 1384

Peter de Dalby, servant of John, lord of Welles (fn. 17), came into the Mayor's Court and proffered 40 marks owed by his lord to Hugh Fastolf and prayed that the matter be put on record.

15 Jan. 1384

Quitclaim from Hugelin Gerrard, merchant of Bologna (Boloigne de Crace), to Roger Excestre, saddler, and John Bradeley, tailor.

14 Jan. 1384

Richard Mayllour, rakyere (fn. 18) of Chepe ward, entered into a bond of 20s to the chamberlain not to cast or cause to be cast any dung or other ordure belonging to his own ward into the ward of Colmanstrete, or to throw such ordure into the kennels during rainy weather in order that the force of the water might carry it into Colmanstrete ward, and further to lead away and remove all ordure belonging to Chepe ward which was then in Colmanstrete ward.

John Marchaunt, rakyere of Bassyeshawe ward, entered into a similar bond.

Membr. 8

15 Jan. 1384

Whereas many men of divers places around London use nets of which the mesh is too close and take and destroy every kind of minute fishes called "fry" in the Thames, so that fish of any size or value can hardly arise or be found therein, to the grave damage of the whole city and other places adjacent to the river and against the ancient custom of the city, according to which the mesh of small nets used for fishing should be two inches wide at least, so that little fishes can easily pass through them, and in order to put an end to this loss, Nicholas Brembre, knight, mayor (fn. 19), summoned before him the good men of the following places, viz., from the vill of Chesewyk (fn. 20), William Grene and John Wille; the vill of Fulham, John Hamond and John Broun; the vill of Wandesworth, John Coche; the vill of Batrycheseye (fn. 21), Thomas Fynch and John Bukke; and the vill of Stebbenhithe (fn. 22), Roger Sket and John Pynnok.

The above persons were sworn not to fish or cause any other person to fish with nets of which the mesh was closer than two inches, and if they found anyone else so doing, to take his net and bring it before the mayor, and in case they were forcibly prevented from performing their office, they should certify to the mayor the names of those who resisted them.

25 Jan. 1384

Memorandum that Katherine, widow of Adam Stable, mercer, appeared by her attorney before the Mayor and Aldermen and informed them that her late husband had bought a house near Sopereslane from Robert Marny, knight, and Alice his wife, and had bound himself by a statute before William Waleworth, then mayor of the Staple of Westminster, to pay 500 marks for it at certain terms, the last payment of 25 marks being due on 8 Jan. 1376 in the church of St Mary le Bow. Since no one appeared to receive it, he had brought it to Guildhall next day, but as the chamberlain was not there, he had taken it home again. On many occasions since then he had offered the money to Robert, who refused to accept it. Her husband having died, she now hands it over to Richard Odyham, chamberlain, for payment to Robert and Alice in return for an acquittance. The chamberlain received the money and then returned it to Katherine's attorney, John Chircheman, grocer, taking a bond from him on 3 Feb. that he would be prepared to pay it whenever Robert and Alice should appear to claim it.

Memorandum that in 1372 the wardship of Walter, son of Adam Glendon, together with £80, was committed to John Blakeney, mercer, as appears in Letter Book G, fo. 286, which John died leaving no goods or chattels to satisfy the orphan's claim, as was testified in court on 12 Jan. 1384, when the orphan, being of age, sued for his money. Thereupon, the sureties becoming liable, Walter Blankeney, mercer, and John Blakeney, fishmonger, appeared together with Robert de Louthe, tenant of the lands and tenements formerlybelonging to the third surety John Mitford, and paid £41 4s. The fourth surety, John Stoke, did not appear and had no goods in the city whereby he might be distrained to come, but on 27 Jan., when he arrived in London, the said Walter, John and Robert de Louthe claimed against him the sum of £10 6s, his share of the above £41 4s. Judgment was given against him for that amount and he was committed to prison, being released on 15 Feb., when payment was made. The balance of the inheritance, viz. £38 14s, which had been deposited in the hands of Adam Stable, was repaid by the latter's executors.

Membr. 8 b

11 March 1384

At a court held in the Chamber of the Guildhall according to the custom of the city before the Mayor and Aldermen, Walter Morton, fishmonger, offered himself against William Hert, baker, who had a day by foreign attachment in a plea of debt of 1250 marks. As the defendant made four defaults, the said Walter prayed that the attachment be valued according to the custom and delivered to him. The attachment was appraised by oath of John Calthorp, Robert Charwell and John Leyton as follows:

2 troghes for paste and one moldyngburd (fn. 23), 8s; 2 bultyngechestes (fn. 24), 3s; one brake (fn. 25) and one tubbe, 2s; 10 quarters of meal (farina) and 2 quarters of flour, £3. 12s; 2 pairs of boltingsieves (bulteu), 12d; 3 quartrons (fn. 26) of wood, 45; one scaldyngpanne, 3s; 3 tubbes, one tyne (fn. 27) and 2 treyes (fn. 28), 18d; one tankard bound with iron, 12d; one dosser (fn. 29), 3 bankers (fn. 30) and 3 quissyns, 18d; 5 fates (fn. 31) and 2 quarts, 10s; 2 quarters of bren, 18d; one chest, 12d; 6 quarters of grain, 36s; one table, 12d; one chair, 8d; one table and one bench, 6d; sum total, £7 7s 8d. Delivery was made to the plaintiff on security of John Mordon, fuller, and Robert Morton, fishmonger, to answer for the attachment if the defendant should appear within a year and a day. As the defendant had no other goods and chattels, his rents and tenements in the parish of Holy Trinity the Less in Vintry ward, valued at 6 marks per annum, were delivered to the plaintiff until he should be satisfied of his debt, under the above security.

Membr. 9

12 May 1384

William atte March, cordwainer, was charged at the suit of the surveyors of the mistery of Cordwainers with having made shoes of oxhide and calfhide mixed, against the ordinance of his mistery (fn. 32), and also with having refused to allow them to survey his work and with resisting them rebelliously, against the common ordinance of the city. The defendant put himself on the favour of the court. It was considered that he be committed to prison for 10 days and pay 10s on his release, in accordance with the ordinance.

26 March 1384

Peter de Alemayne of Iscelworth (fn. 33), Robert Grey of Kyngeston (fn. 34) and John Walsshe of Shene, each having a pannier of small fish called "fry," and Hugh Daye of Shene with a trogh (fn. 35) of the same, were brought before the Mayor and Aldermen and charged with having caught the fish with nets and other engines of too narrow a mesh, to the destruction of the fish in the Thames and against the ordinance thereon made and enrolled. All of them admitted the charge and put themselves on the favour of the court. Thereupon, because this was their first offence and conviction, and because they confessed and bore themselves humbly, and in order to encourage them to come to the city with victuals, the panniers, trogh and fish were restored to them. They were forbidden, under penalty of the pillory, to use such nets or engines in future, and they promised not to do so.

Membr. 9 b

29 Feb. 1384

Memorandum that on 29 Feb. 1384 in the presence of the Mayor and Aldermen the following good men: John Wilton, John Fraunkeleyn, John Barry and John Pyion were sworn to oversee that all the foreigners bringing fresh fish from the sea to the city for sale, and taking their stand at or near the Stocks or in Chepe, should neither sell nor expose for sale any fish, which was putrid, stinking or unhealthy for man's body, and if they found any such fish to arrest it and carry it before the Mayor and Aldermen to do therewith as reason demands; and also that no birlestere (fn. 36) buy any sea fish or freshwater fish before 10 o'clock nor stand in any certain place at the Stocks or elsewhere but that they go from place to place within the liberty to serve the commonalty, and that they sell the same day all fresh fish which they buy after 10 o'clock and do not keep it for sale thereafter; and if the said surveyors found any birlster acting against any of the points abovesaid that they arrest him together with his fish and take them before the Mayor and Aldermen to receive such judgment as seems to them reasonable in such case; and also that all the peteres (fn. 37) who take fresh fish in the Thames east of the Bridge and bring it to the city for sale stand in Cornhill and nowhere else under pain of forfeiting their fish; and those who take fish west of the Bridge stand in Chepe and nowhere else. [French]

12 July 1384

Memorandum that Peter Gracyan and Barthelmeu Seint, Lombards, chose Gautron de Bardes and Baltasar Obryache (fn. 38) to be arbitrators in all plaints and actions between them, and that the latter, with their consent, chose Amflion Pynel, Daniel de la Mer and Nicholas de Luk to be umpires to settle all points on which the said Peter and Barthelmeu could not agree, for the faithful performance of which the said Amfilon (sic), Daniel and Nicholas were sworn before the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen. [French]

4 July 1384

Adam Brikedon, mercer, who was summoned in a plea of account to answer Thomas Cornewaill, tailor, for the sum of £35 entrusted to him to trade therewith, pleaded that the plaintiff had no action against him because he had rendered account at Makynes wharf (fn. 39) in the parish of All Hallows Berkyng in the presence of Peter Oxenford and Roger Fuller, auditors. This the plaintiff denied. A jury of the venue found for the defendant.

Membr. 10

20 March 1383

Matthew Passelewe was summoned to answer John Hende and John Rote, late sheriffs of London, in a plea of debt of £64 due on a bond of 1 Oct. 1381, wherein the plaintiffs by the custom of London produced suit (fn. 40) by their bill exhibited before the Mayor and Aldermen.

The defendant pleaded that the bond [French], which was in the names of John Chircheman, himself and Stephen Brown, was security for the payment by the said Stephen of £64 by quarterly portions, that being the amount for which he purchased the bailiwick of the Thames at Billingsgate for the year Michaelmas 1381 to Michaelmas 1382, and that Stephen had paid £32 for the first two quarters. The holders of the bailiwick had always been entitled to such wines and merchandise coming by water to Billingsgate as were forfeited by reason of their having been sold without payment of custom or toll. During Stephen's tenure of the bailiwick a quantity of Rhenish wine and other goods to the value of £100 were forfeited for this reason, but the sheriffs had wrongfully taken the forfeiture, so that the said Stephen was unable to pay the £32 due for the other two quarters. The defendant prayed judgment whether under these circumstances the plaintiffs could maintain their action against him.

The plaintiffs protested that they did not acknowledge any such custom as regards forfeitures, and moreover certain forfeitures were reserved to themselves in the agreement. During the time mentioned the only forfeiture was that of certain wines found in the possession of William Sharpyng, vintner, the quantity and value of which they did not know. These wines they had claimed as forfeit on the bailiff's suggestion, and with the latter's consent the question of their value had been settled in the house of John Hende in St Nicholas Lane near Candelwykstrete, where William Sharpyng agreed to pay £10. They were willing to account for this sum to the bailiff.

The defendant pleaded that the settlement was made without the bailiff's consent and prevented the bailiff from claiming anything against the said William on account of the forfeiture. On this question of consent a jury was summoned between the parties for the Wednesday following, on which day the defendant offered that if the sheriffs would swear that the agreement was made by consent and in the presence of the bailiff he would admit the debt. The plaintiff John Hende agreed but as the co-plaintiff John Rote was absent from illhealth, a day was given on Saturday. In the meantime, by consent of the parties, William Cheyne, recorder, with Roger Elys, alderman, went on Friday to John Rote's house, where both plaintiffs took the oath. Next day it was considered that the plaintiffs recover £32 against the defendant and 40s damages taxed by the court, and that the said Matthew be in mercy.

Membr. 10 b

16 Dec. 1383

John Aunger, boteller, was summoned to answer William Wyndesore, knight, in a plea of debt. The plaintiff's attorney, Richard Forster, declared that on 18 June 1380 in the parish of St Martin Ludgate the defendant had sold to the plaintiff bottles for carrying his wine on the king's service in France and Brittany in the company of the earl of Buckingham, which bottles, though guaranteed as sound, proved to be defective, so that 180 gallons of wine were lost, and afterwards on 14 Sept. 1383 in the church of the Friars Preachers, the parties had put themselves on the arbitration of William Carlil and Thomas Torold, masters of the mistery of Botellers, on the advice of the whole mistery, and the arbitrators found that the bottles were false and awarded that the said John Aunger should repay the cost of the bottles, viz. £18 6s 8d, together with £10 damages to the said William Wyndesore, both of which sums the defendant had refused to pay.

The defendant, after protesting that he did not acknowledge any warranty or that the bottles were defective, pleaded that there had been a quarrel between himself and William Carlill, Thomas Torold and John Shadwell, who envied him and wanted to drive him out of the liberty of the city, because he exercised the same trade as themselves. These persons had instigated the plaintiff to bring an action against him in the Sheriffs' Court and afterwards he and the plaintiff had put themselves on the arbitration of Robert Ikford, William Poule, John Goldfynch and Philip de Wodestrete, on condition that none of the three above-mentioned persons should intermeddle therein. As regards the alleged award by William Carlil and Thomas Torold, he maintained that it was contrary to this condition and therefore he prayed judgment as to whether any action lay against him.

The plaintiff repeated that the defendant put himself on the award of the above William and Thomas.

Process being continued, a jury on 6 July 1384 found that the parties put themselves, as the defendant alleged, on the arbitration of Robert Ikford, William Poule, John Goldfynch and Philip de Wodestrete, who said they could not make an end of the matter unless they had the advice of William Carlill and Thomas Torold, masters of the mistery, and thereupon, by consent of the parties, they were chosen to be in the arbitration, and the whole six of them then made the award in the terms declared by the plaintiff; and the jury assessed the damages, additional to the award, at 40d.

The action was adjourned till 21 July that the court might consult as to their judgment, and the defendant was committed to Ludgate for lack of mainprise. As the court wished further inquiry to be made, the jury were summoned again and after being sworn were asked whether William Carlill and Thomas Torold were afterwards elected as arbitrators or merely to advise and inform the arbitrators. The answer was, as arbitrators. Being asked further if the arbitration was made by assent of the mistery of Botellers, the jury replied that it was by assent of six men of the mistery and that there was only one other person belonging to the mistery and he was present when the arbitration was made. Accordingly it was considered, on the whole verdict, that William Wyndesore recover £28 6s 8d, as awarded by the arbitrators, and the damages taxed by the jury at 40d, and that the defendant be in mercy. And for default of payment the defendant was committed to Ludgate until he paid.

Membr. 11-11 b

10 June 1384

Whereas larcenies and divers evil deeds are commonly perpetrated more openly, notoriously and frequently in this present than in past times in the city of London, its suburbs and neighbourhood, which would not have been possible, if the thieves and evildoers had not been maintained and harboured by persons dwelling in the city and suburbs and residing with innkeepers, who cared little what kind of men they received, to the great damage of the citizens of the city and those repairing there and to the great disgrace and scandal of the same, and in order to prevent such damage and scandal, it was agreed by Sir Nicholas Brembre, Mayor, and the Aldermen (fn. 41) that all innkeepers within the liberty should be sworn to harbour no one longer than a day and night, unless they were willing to answer for them and their acts, nor to receive to their tables any strangers called "travaillyngmen (fn. 42) " or others, unless they had good and sufficient surety from them for their good and loyal behaviour, under penalty of answering for their actions and paying £100 to the Chamber for the use of the commonalty, if they were convicted of offending in either of the two above-mentioned points, and further that the said innkeepers should be sworn to inform the mayor if they had knowledge of any innkeeper or others harbouring men of ill fame or persons suspected of larceny. [French]

[List of innkeepers of the several wards, with the names of their mainpernors: Langebourne, 13; Tower, 3; Bradstret, 2; Queenhithe, 3; Vinetrie, 2; Algate, 6; Bredstret, 22; Douegate, 5; Chepe, 4; Candelwykstret, 1; Lymstret, 1; Aldrichesgate, 6; Cordwanerstret, 1; Crepulgate Within, 7, including Richard Stom at the "Saresineshed"; Crepulgate Without, 7; Castle Baynard, 9; Billingesgate, 4; Farndon Without, under the following subdivisions: Holbourne, 25; Smythfeld, 20; Fletstret, 50, including the innkeepers of the "Lyon," the "Sadel," the "Tabard" and the "Boor," total, 95; Farndon Within, 6; Bassyeshaw, Colmanstret and Cornhull, none; grand total, excluding Walbrook, Bishopsgate, Bridge and Portsoken, for which no figures are given, 197.]

Membr. 12

John Bacon, dean, and the chapter of St Martin le Grand brought a bill that, whereas St Martin le Grand was a free chapel of the king and possessed, by right of its first foundation, of a messuage in the parish of St Nicholas Flesshameles adjoining a little lane called "the Rydye (fn. 43)," which had been a common lane and used by his predecessor, Walter Skirlowe, and the chapter, and their predecessors and tenants time out of mind for the carriage of their baggage from the highway to the house, nevertheless, when John de Norhampton was mayor, Edmund Yernemouthe and John Muntham, joiners, and William Essex, draper, had falsely given the mayor and Common Council to understand that the said lane was the private ground of the mayor and commonalty, so that by their agency the lane was closed and the dean and chapter and their tenants were not allowed to use it, whereby they had lost the greater part of their profit from the messuage—in consideration of which the Mayor and Aldermen were prayed to view the premises and grant a remedy. [French]

The said Edmund, John and William were summoned to appear in the Chamber on 27 June and made default. They were distrained by the closing and sealing of certain of their doors. On a second default other doors were closed, and on a third, all their doors. On a fourth default the mayor, recorder and aldermen viewed the lane and examined the good men of the neighbourhood, and as it seemed to them that the dean and chapter had always had free entrance and exit to and from the lane, as testified by the neighbours, until in the time of John Norhampton a gate had been built and kept closed at the entrance of the lane, it was considered that the dean and chapter and their tenants should have free entrance and exit at all fit times, on condition that the gate be kept closed at night. Thereupon the custody of the gate was committed to John Pyion, tenant of the messuage, saving to the mayor and commonalty the ownership of the lane.

30 July 1384

William Baret, merchant, offered himself against Sir Florimund de la Sparre, knight, in a plea of debt of 100 marks. As the defendant made four defaults, the plaintiff prayed that the foreign attachment be valued and delivered to him. The valuation was made by oath of John Coraunt, John Forster, Conerode Shillyng and Roland atte Bushe, goldsmiths, as follows: one large silver cup called "Rose" £7; one other cup with a base (fn. 44) of treyfoyles, 73s 4d; one gobelet byker of silvergilt, 66s; one ewer of silvergilt, 36s; one girdle of silvergilt with fifteen bars, £7; one gold nouche (fn. 45) with a stone called "saphir" 6 little sapphires, 6 stones called "baleys (fn. 46)," 6 troches, each troche (fn. 47) with 4 pearls and a stone called dyamaund in the middle, 40 marks; sum total, £48 15s 4d, which attachment was delivered to the plaintiff in part payment of his debt under security to answer etc.

Membr. 12 b

20 Aug. 1384

Memorandum that John Calam, brewer, and John Person, cordwainer, appeared before John Bosham, locum tenens of the mayor, and divers good men, locum tenentes of the aldermen, and mainprised Thomas Cook, that he would, with the aid of God, carry 120 quarters of malt from the port of London in a creyer (fn. 48) called "Seintemariebot," of which John Lincoll was master, to the town of Calais and there discharge it, bringing back letters of discharge under the seal of the town-officials there between the present date and Christmas, under penalty of £40 payable to the chamberlain of London. [French]

17 Aug. 1384

Writ of protection in favour of Richard Pecok, esquire, then about to set out for Portugal on the king's service in the company of the master of St James (fn. 49) of Portugal. Dated at Reading 17 Aug. 1384.

4 Oct. 1384

Memorandum that a release and quitclaim, dated 12 Nov. 1371, from Margery, widow of John de Wycombe, mason, and daughter of William Coumbe, shearman, to John Turk, fishmonger, and Isabella his wife, of two tenements, with houses erected thereon, and two vacant plots in Haywharflane in the parish of All Hallows the Great, formerly belonging to John de la Rokele, son of Simon de la Rokele of Braugheng (fn. 50), had been handed in for enrolment about seven years previously, but had not been enrolled because no one appeared to sue for enrolment. Since the quitclaim could not now be enrolled owing to the deaths of the said Margery and John, it was given back to the said Isabella in the presence of Richard Preston, alderman of Dowgate, who testified that she was the widow of John Turk.

3 Nov. 1384

Paul Gisors, Robert Harry, John Walworth, Richard Sprot, John Mockyng and Thomas Say, vintners, and John Goldryng, chandler, for the east part (of Walbrook), and John Edrop, John Andrew, Thomas Nel, Nicholas Rote, Geoffrey Haket and John Grantham, vintners, and Richard Manhale, chandler, for the west part, were sworn to the scrutiny of wines in cellars and other places, where they, were sold, to pour out into the kennel all such as they found corrupt and unhealthy for man's body, and to certify to the Mayor and Aldermen how much old red and white wine there was in each place and to whom it belonged, and further to see that the vinegar and other sauces of the chandlers were sound.

Membr. 13

18 Nov. 1384

Bond of Baltazar Umbryak (fn. 51), James Fane, Andrew Michel and Francis de Mas before the mayor, recorder, aldermen and sheriffs in the Chamber of the Guildhall in 1000 marks to pay to Nicholas Brembre whatever sum should be charged against Sanctus Bartholomeo (fn. 52), Lombard, by the arbitrators appointed to settle disputes between the said Sanctus and Peter Gracian.

16 Dec. 1384

Thomas Wilyngham, lethersellere, acknowledged a debt of £17 5s 11d due to Matthew Passelewe, grocer, and payable on the feast of St Hilary next.

18 Jan. 1385

Mandamus, dated at Westminster 18 Jan. 1385, to the mayor and sheriffs, that they deliver John Nobelson (fn. 53), who had been taken and detained under arrest in the city on account of certain of the king's lieges having lately been taken on the Thames and carried to the town of Lescluse in Flanders, who had afterwards been liberated, as the governor, constables and commonalty of the merchants of the Staple at Midelburgh had certified to the mayor by letter, if the said John Nobelson were detained under arrest for no other reason.

In accordance with the above the said John was delivered.

Membr. 13 b

26 Jan. 1385

Robert Forster, senior, of Ancroft, acknowledged a deed whereby he granted, of his own pure and spontaneous wish, without fraud or guile, all his goods and chattels, alive and dead, to William Ancroft, citizen of London. Dated at London 1 Feb. 1384.

Quitclaim from Peter Gracyan, merchant of Lucca, to Francis dil Masse of Siena and Sanctus, son of the late Bartholomew de Sancto, merchants of Bononia Crassa in Lombardy, and companions and attorneys of the society of leronimus Arigy of Bologna, of all actions arising from any debt, contract etc. between 8 March 1382 and the present day. Dated in London 25 Jan. 1384 according to the computation of the English Church [25 Jan. 1385].

Quitclaim from Nicholas Brembre, knight, to Francis dil Masse of Siena, Sanctus, son of Bartholomew de Sancto, and Ierolimus (sic) de Arregis, merchants of Bologna in Lombardy. Dated as above.

Quitclaim from Jakettus Dyne of Florence and Luke Bragadyn of Venice to leronimus Arigy of Bologna, Sanctus de Bartholomeo Sanctum, partner and attorney of the society of leronimus Arigy, and all their partners, of all actions against them for the sum of £75, which had been awarded to the said Jakettus by Galterus de Bardes, Andrew Michel and Galdinus Rest, arbitrators between him and Sanctus, on the ground that the said Sanctus had promised to pay that sum. Dated as above.

Bond from William Tedys, merchant of Florence, to Guilliam Miro, merchant of Cateloigne (fn. 54), for the payment of £47 2s 6½d in two portions at Christmas and Easter. Dated at London 8 Oct. 1384. [French]


  • 1. See Col. Pat. Rolls, 1381-5, p. 391; Col. of Letter Book H, p. 231 for a ratification, on the petition of the mayor, sheriffs and aldermen, of judicial proceedings in the Guildhall resulting in the execution of John Costantyn for having attempted to raise a riot. The mayor, sheriffs and aldermen acted in their capacity as justices of the peace, in accordance with the city's jurisdiction in this respect. See Introduction to Col. of Plea and Mem. Rolls, 1323-64.
  • 2. Possibly a mash-tun.
  • 3. Ale-tun.
  • 4. sc. kimnel, a tub.
  • 5. Ale-joist, a barrel-stand.
  • 6. A tine or tub for wort, the infusion of malt before fermentation.
  • 7. Cleansing-tongs.
  • 8. Sc. fan, a winnowing-basket for separating chaff from grain.
  • 9. A table for dressing meat.
  • 10. A wooden block for chopping meat or fish.
  • 11. St Ethelburga.
  • 12. Cf. Cal. of Letter Book H, p. 234. A name given to foreigners bringing fish to the city, who were now occupying the Stocks Market. Letter Book H, fo. 257 b, les Ripieres qi amesnent pessoun del mier a la cite a vendre. Supposed to be derived from ripa, a bank, shore.
  • 13. Illuminator.
  • 14. Commorantem cum comite Warr'.
  • 15. Farrier.
  • 16. Foulmire.
  • 17. John de Welles, Lord Welles, summoned to parliament from 20 Jan. 1376 to 26 Feb. 1421.
  • 18. The rakyers were street-cleaners, paid out of sums levied from the wards. Cal. of Plea and Mem. Rolls, 1364-81, pp. 85, 150; Munim. Gild. Lond. (R.S.), 1, p. 335.
  • 19. As conservator of the Thames in accordance with the city's charters, 8 Ric. I, 1 John, 11 Henry III and 1 Edw. III. Though the statute of 17 Ric. II, c. 9 enacted that the mayor for the time being should have the conservation of the statutes 13 Edw. I, c. 47 and 13 Ric. II, c. 19, the jurisdiction of the city over the Thames and Medway in the matter of weirs, stakenets and drawnets had been exercised continuously from 1237 onwards. See Munim. Gild. Lond. (R.S.), ii (i), pp. 42, 116, (2), p. 543; Cal. of Letter Book A, pp. 185-8; C, p. 144; E, pp. 237-8; F, p. 111.
  • 20. Chiswick.
  • 21. Battersea.
  • 22. Stepney.
  • 23. Moulding-board.
  • 24. Bolting-chest, a chest for coarse meal or bran bolted or sifted from the fine flour.
  • 25. A baker's kneading-machine.
  • 26. Quarterns, quarters of a hundredweight.
  • 27. A tub.
  • 28. Trays.
  • 29. Or dorser, an ornamental cloth covering the back of a seat.
  • 30. A covering for a bench or chair.
  • 31. Vats.
  • 32. City's Liber Horn, fos. 339-40; Munim. Gild. Land. (R.S.), 11, p. 83 and Calendars of Letter Books, passim.
  • 33. Isleworth.
  • 34. Kingston-upon-Thames.
  • 35. Sc. trough, a wooden box-like receptacle.
  • 36. Hawker.
  • 37. Petermen, a common term in London for fishermen. The word is supposed to refer to the occupation of Simon Peter. Cf. peferboat.
  • 38. See below, p. 82, "Umbryak."
  • 39. See Husting Rolls of Deeds and Wills, 89 (52). This wharf lay east of the Woolwharf, being separated from it by the Stonewharf and a watergate, and west of the wharves later known as "Marowe's New Quay."
  • 40. By this time the suit of witnesses was a mere formality and apparently the putting in and affirming of a bill was regarded as the production of suit. In such bills the only names given were those of the pledges for prosecution. As regards suit.'see Holdsworth, Hist. Eng. Law, i, pp. 300-1.
  • 41. As the Court of Aldermen.
  • 42. Travelling-men, wayfarers.
  • 43. See Husting Roll, 169 (19); the lane was bounded on the north by the king's highway and on the south by a garden of St Paul's church.
  • 44. Ciphus base cum treyfoyles.
  • 45. A clasp or brooch for holding together two sides of a garment.
  • 46. N.E.D. a delicate rose-red variety of the spinel ruby, now called a balas ruby.
  • 47. N.E.D. an ornamental button set with jewels in a bunch.
  • 48. Sc. crayer, a small trading vessel.
  • 49. Fernandus Alfons, master of the knightly order of St James, ambassador of the King of Portugal. See Cal. Close Rolls, 1381-5, pp. 549, 552, 635.
  • 50. Braughing co. Herts.
  • 51. Or Obryache, see above, p. 75.
  • 52. Otherwise Seint de Barthelmeu de Seint, Barthelmeu Seint etc.
  • 53. Nobelson, a Fleming, together with other seamen, had been arrested by the king's orders on an allegation by Richard Spicer that Nobelson's brother and the seamen had carried away Spicer's wife, servants and goods in a vessel on the Thames to Sluys. Cal. Close Rolls, 1381-5, pp. 467-8.
  • 54. Catalonia.