Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797.
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'Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1690s', in Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797, ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].
'Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1690s', in Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797. Edited by Brodie Waddell , British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,
"Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1690s". Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797. Ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.
In this section
- The poor inhabitants of the tything of Whitstones. Ref.110 BA1/1/167/14 (1693)
- Richard Bell and others. Ref.110 BA1/1/167/73 (1694)
- Thomas Dufty. Ref.110 BA1/1/168/61 (1694)
- Richard Windowes of Doddenham, labourer. Ref.110 BA1/1/171/62 (1695)
- The inhabitants of Grafton Flyford. Ref.110 BA1/1/176/151 (1697)
- Margery Field, widow of Kings Norton. Ref.110 BA1/1/176/158 (1697)
- William Billson. Ref.110 BA1/1/181/4 (1697)
- The inhabitants of Cradley. Ref.110 BA1/1/181/18 (1698)
- The inhabitants of Bretforton. Ref.110 BA1/1/181/8 (1698)
- The inhabitants of Cradely, parish of Halesowen. Ref.110 BA1/1/181/9 (1698)
- Several inhabitants of Whistones. Ref.110 BA1/1/184/19 (1699)
- Richard Dipple and others. Ref.110 BA1/1/199/53 (1699)
The poor inhabitants of the tything of Whitstones. Ref.110 BA1/1/167/14 (1693)
To the worshipfull their majesties justices of
the peace for the county of Wigorn
The humble peticion of the poore
inhabitants of the tything of Whitstones
Humbly sheweth
That the said inhabitants through the greatness
of the severall taxes, the dayley increase of our poore (to whom
we pay 4 shillings per pound) and all manner of provisions soe
excessive deer, by means thereof most of the contributors
to the poore are reduced soe low in their very smale estates
and mean imployments, that they are not able to mainteine
them any longer unless your worships will be charitably
influenced to redress our grevance wee being the true
objects of your compassionate consideracions.
Your petitioners therefore most humbly pray
that your worships would be favourably pleased
to consider our necessitous condicions and either
to annex and joyn us unto Claynes being our
parish to which undoubtedly the said tything is a
member and thereunto belongeth, or to order
us the hundred money as formerly, or as Parshore
by some adjacent parishes to help us, and ease
the insupportable burthen which our shoulders
have and still groan under without which
timely assistance many of our poore fellow
Christians will inevitably perish and
languish through miserable hunger and want
And your peticioners together with
the poore shall alwayes pray etc
Richard Bell and others. Ref.110 BA1/1/167/73 (1694)
To the right worshipfull their majesties justices of the
peace to whom these presents shall come.
May it please your worships, that whereas we are
[informed?] that Joane Bradley the wife of Thomas Bradley
hath sworne the peace of Jane Glove widow which we
rather think is more from malice then any just occasion
given. Wee therefore whose hands are subscribed doe
humbly desire your worships to take the case into consideracion
forasmuch as we know nothing of any difference that
hath beene betweene them unless it be for any former
grudge which we hope may be waved through your
worships perswasions, [illegible] which may be a meanes to
continue peace in our neighbourhood for which we
shall ever be oblieged to subscribe our selves your
worships most humble servants
- Richard Bell
- John Walker
- John [Maris?]
- John Donne
- Edward Gough
- John Chellingworth
- Thomas Stanley
- Roger Willes
- Robert Kimberly
- Richard Brettel
- Richard Bradley
- Thomas Hawbdy
- Thomas Wilkes
Thomas Dufty. Ref.110 BA1/1/168/61 (1694)
To the worshipful justices of the peace
for the county of Worcester etc.
The humble peticion of Thomas Dufty.
Most humbly sheweth
That your worshipes poor peticioner and all his friendes were
borne in the parish of Martley where he lived ever
since only four yeares that he served as an apprentice
in Dodnam parish your worships poor peticioner haveing the
falling sicknesse the officeres and inhabitantes of both
parishes refuse to entertaine him or imploy him in
that small matter of work that he is able to do through
fear of miscarrying or hurting himself in their
work: his late residence was with 2 old people: from
which place he is exposed and must be constrained to
lye in the open lanes or field: for they will not give
him any other entertainment: nor relief: he
hath an estate of land in each parish Martley
and Dodnam but for the nonpayment of the cheef rent
it is detaind from him and will not come in his handes
untill about 2 yeares and a half hence: and then if it plea=
se God it will be sufficient to maintaine him. But
in the interim he will be utterly lost for want of succour
Therefore your worships poor peticioner
most humbly implores your worships to
take his distressed condicion into your
serious consideracion considering the
calamity he lies under in being plea
=sed to order which of the 2 parishes must
entertaine him and what allowance he
shall have towardes his maintenance
that he perish not: untill his estate
comes into his handes for which pious act
of charity your worshipes poor peticioner
shall be ever bound to pray etc
Let the officers of Doddenham
pay the peticioner twelve
pence per weeke towardes
his relief
per curiam
Richard Windowes of Doddenham, labourer. Ref.110 BA1/1/171/62 (1695)
To their worshipps the justices of the peace
for the said county
The humble peticion of Richard Windowes of
Doddenham in the said county labourer sheweth
that your peticioner being about eighty yeares of age
poore weake impotent and destitute of an habitacion
soe that he is likely to perish this winter if not
releived by your worshipps order herein
Your peticioner humbly prays that your
worshipps wilbe pleased to comiserate his condicion
and to order and appointe the overseers of Doddenham
aforesaid to [appoint?] builde one [roome?] with
a fire place in it in any convenient place within
the said parish and your poore [peticioner?] shall ever
pray etc
Memorandum [that?] I William Talbott doctor in divinity and deane of [Worcester and?] lord of the
mannour of Dodenham above mencioned doe as farr as in me lyes consent
that the peticioner above mencioned shall have a cottage built him upon
in any such convenient place within the said mannour of Dodenham as the [justices?]
thereof [shall?] thinke fitt witnesse my hand and seale this 9th day of
October anno domini 1695.
- W Talbot
The inhabitants of Grafton Flyford. Ref.110 BA1/1/176/151 (1697)
the 12o
Anno 1696
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace
Wee the inhabitants of the parish of Grafton Fliford humbly
shew your worships that one James Tandy of our said parish a
man of good abillity of body to labour for his liveing married a
widdow woman out of another parish and brought with her three
of her daughters (she had by another man) able and fit for service
and did set up selling of ale and have and doe entertaine bad
persons whereby our said parish have suffered much wrong upon
severall accounts and there has also been a very great robery done
of late in our said parish and we haveing a great suspition that
such like persons have used the said Tandys house wee therefore
humbly beseech your worships would be pleased that the said Tandy
may be put downe for selling of ale
There is also one John Willits another of our said parish who has
an estate of free land and able to worke for his liveing sells
ale in a very unfit place and hath also entertained and kept
in his house bad persons whereby we have also suffered much
wrong and fearing lest we may suffer much more we also desire
that the said Willits may likewise be put downe there being no
occasion for any ale house in our said parish and your petitioners
will ever pray.
- Martin Pindar rector
- Robert Baker
- John Palmer
- George Hunt and Thomas [.emet?] overseers
- Henery Eaton churchwarden [Armell Doxley?]
- Richard Eaden cunstable John Kemit
- William George Richard Maris
- George [Sincher?]
- William Hanson
- John Rushall cunstable
Margery Field, widow of Kings Norton. Ref.110 BA1/1/176/158 (1697)
To his sacred majesties justices of the peace
for the county of Worcester.
The humble peticion of Margery Field widow of the parish of
Kinges Norton
Humbly sheweth
That your worshipes poor peticioneres husband deceasing about 3 yeares
agoe left her with 2 very young children and great of the third
at which time their poverty was so great that the parish was faine
to bury the man: the 3 children are yet liveing and your
worshipes considering the indigent condition of the poor widow
were pleased to grant an expresse order to allow her 2 shillings
per week: the which the officers did, untill Whitsontide last
and ever since they have taken off 6 pence every week so that
if it had not been for one man in the parish that trusted
her with bread corne her poor infantes had been lost, for
there was none in the parish that would trust her but that one
man: and now she owes him 19 shilling 08 pence. The said creditor
is but a tenant and has a very great charge of children and
and therefore is not able to lose it: nor she to pay it: the eldest
of the poor widow's 3 children was borne with a rupture and
lies almost continually in great misery. In this her [distressed?]
state she most humbly besseeches your worships to grant her
the former weekly allowance 2 shillings per week that their worships
Justice Wild and Justice Cox allowed her, and also to satisfie the
man for the corne he trusted her with since her allowance was
extenuated and almighty God will doubtlesse bountifully
reward your worshipes etc.
Her 3 poor children are starved and naked for want of clothes
William Billson. Ref.110 BA1/1/181/4 (1697)
[com Wigorn?]
To all justices of the peace mayours, sheriffs, bayliffs
ministers, church=wardens and constables and to all other
his majesties officers and loving subjects whatsoever,
to whom this humble petition shall come or
concerne greeting.
The humble petition of William Billson.
Most humbly sheweth:
That your poore peticioner William Billson the bearer hereof with his
wife and family late inhabitants of Icomb abovesaid who lived in good repute
and estimacion amongst his neighbours and brought up his family in the
feare of God and alsoe was ready and very willing to promote any act or
deed of charity in releiving any that were in want or need (whether
stranger or neighbour) untill the tenth day of August last past it pleased
almighty God that there happened a most sad and lamentable fire in the dead
time of the night which in a very short time burnt and consumed to the ground
the dwelling house of your poore peticioner together with his goods shop and
shopwares, out buildings and all other his worldly substance to the utter ruine
and undoeing of your poore peticioner his wife and family unless releived by good
and charitable Christians, his losse amounting to the vallue of 340 pounds and upwards
wee whose names are hereunto subscribed inhabitantes of Icomb aforesaid
doe testifie the truth hereof, and doe with your poore peticioner humbly
desire all loving subjects of what degree soever to extend their Christian
charity in some considerable measure towards the reparacion of your poores
peticioners losse and present want and necessity for which wee with your poore
peticioner shall ever pray for you and yours that the like calamity may
never fall amongst any of you which is the continuall prayer of your
peticioner till death witness our hands the first day of December
in the ninth yeare of the reigne of King William the Third
over England etc defender of the faith anno domini 1697
- Thomas Owen rector
- George Hambage
- Thomas Hale church wardens
- Thomas Smith constable
- George Bryan overseer of the poore
The inhabitants of Cradley. Ref.110 BA1/1/181/18 (1698)
Maye 24th 1698
Wee whose names are here subscribed doe thinke itt
fitt and convenient and doe agree to have a reveiue
of our land in our said towneshippe of Cradley
that every man may pay his proporcionable part
to the use of the poore because there is soe many
much greived and if soe be wee can not agree of
it amongst our selves wee thinke itt convenient
to gett one as understands itt to doe itt for us
every man payinge his proporcionable part for
the doeinge of itt
- Wildsmith Badger
- John Hill sythsmith
- Homfery Forrest
- Joseph Prat
- Richard Hill
- Georg [Caslon?]
- John [Gouden?]
- William Hart
- William [Sodon?]
- Samuell Forreste
- John Hedger
- John Hill
- John Butler
- John Shenston
- William Pike
- Gorge [Shonston?]
- Robart Darbey
- John Cole
- Nicholas Booth
- William Forrest
- John Holmes
- John Hill
- William Parkes
- John Hill
- William Bridgwater
- William Darbey
- [Lidya...mer?]
- [Nicholas?] Paston
- Thomas Palmer
- William Tristram junior
The inhabitants of Bretforton. Ref.110 BA1/1/181/8 (1698)
To the worshippfull his majestyes justices
of the peace sitting att the quarter sessions
att Worcester
Humbly sheweth that by virtue of an order lately
made, George Blizard of Bretforton in the county of
Worcester, hath bene obliged to pay toward's the
mayntenance of his grandchildren liveing att
Bengworth in the county of Worcester aforesaid,
the weekley summe of one shilling's, now wee whose
names are hereunto subscribed doe humbly certefye,
that the said George Blizard, after his majesty's taxes,
and his owne rent's are paid, his remayneing rent
is but little above [illegible] eleaven pound's per annum, as appeares
by the payment's hereunder written, and wee further
certefye, that the said George Blizard is above the age
of fourscore yeares and that Mary Blizard his wife,
is above the age of threescore, all which wee humbly
offer to your serious consideration
George Blizards estate
sett att 19 pounds per annum out of
which he pay's yearely
to the Kings tax 3 pounds - 5 shillings - 0 pence
poll 0 - 8 - 8
to my Lady Sands 1 - 4 - 0
to Master Ashwin 2 - 0 - 0
for repayres 20 shillings a yeare 2 - 0 - 0
total 7 - 17 -8
out of 19 pounds 0 0
take 7 - 17 - 8
remayn 11 2 - 4
George Blizard baptized
February 5th 1614
Mary Blizard aged 63
- Edward Loggin
- Edward Lambert
- Vincent Lambert
- John Morris
- Thomas Byrd
- William Ashwinn
- William White
- John Baylis
- John Ashwin
The inhabitants of Cradely, parish of Halesowen. Ref.110 BA1/1/181/9 (1698)
Wee whose names are subscribed inhabitants of the village of
Cradely in the parish of Hales Owen in the county of Worcester
doe hereby certify all whom it may concerne that about forty
yeares since there was survey had of the said village of
Cradely by the consent of all the inhabitantes thereof and according
to such survey all the levyes to the poore have beene made and
conceive it equally done and pray it may contynue witnes
our hands 9o January 1698.
- Henry Hunt
- John Hill
- Samuell Forreste
- William Darby
- John Hedger
- John Shenston
- Olifor Pitt
- John Butler
- Addom Cox
- John Tomson
- Mary Smith widdow
- Samuel Forrest
- John Forest
- Thomas Badger
- Thomas Allchurch
- Robert Darby
- John Cole
- Thomas Tibbits
- Humphery Forest
- Joseph Pratt
- Richard Hill
- John Mansell
- William Pike
- John Holmer
- Nicholas Booth
- William Forrest
- John Souden
- William Sowden
- Samuell [illegible]
- William Hart
Several inhabitants of Whistones. Ref.110 BA1/1/184/19 (1699)
Aprill the 15th 1699
[illegible] Wheras complaints have [been?] made by severall of our inhabitants
[of our?] tything of Whistons, that there has bin no regular way of
makeing assessments for the payeing and relieving our poor so whereby
severall are over charged and [others?] are as much or more under charg'd
wee [therefore?] to prevent all [ir...?] [] proceedings for the future, do
[illegible] [request?] the honourable court to grant us an order for a generall
- Richard Mence
- James Purshutt
- Thomas Flower
- Robert Howard
- John Eaton
- Richard Manderfild
- Thomas Tayler
- John Smith
- Thomas [Minclin?]
- Richard Mancel
- William Heminge
- Moris Mathas
- Henery Phigon
- Richard Twittey
- Edward Bright
Richard Munck
land oversear
of the teything of
Master Arthur Holt hous
is sest at fiefe pound
to the poore and he pays 8 pound
rent for it
Buxtons peny rentes besides
his hous he lives in is set at
six pound 6 shilings a year
and wea wil suppose his own
he lives in to be worth 4 [pounds?]
which is in the whole 10 - 0 - 0 [per annum?]
as he paye to the poore after 5 [shillings?]
Master Mill for his hous is set at
sixteen pound a year and hea is
sest at 9 pound a year to the poore
Coxis peny rentes are 8 pound
a yeare and hea is sest at 4 pound
to the poore
Master Grackson his peny rentes
are twelef pound a year and 15 shillings
hea is sest at 9 pounds ten to the
Master Hope is seast at 5 pound
which is suposed to be worth
8 pound a year
[Alis Anar?] is sest at 3 pound
a year and is worth 5 pound a
Johnathn Potares house is
sest at 3 pound 10 to the poore
and he [illegible] for all most
3 pound a year and his hous he
lives in is a worth as much
which is six pound a year
Master [Mint?] his 2 houses at 4 pound 10 shilings
and he is sest at 0 - 2 - 6
An [account?] of them [that?] [illegible]
over sesed
Richard [Mun...?]
his peny rent is [illegible] [shilings?]
and hea is sest at forty [shilings?]
to the pore
Mistress Twitte [peny?] rents
threscorr [pounds?] [illegible]
sest after 3 [score?] [pound?] [illegible]
to the pore
Master Shearings estate is [illegible]
oune a year and hea is sest after [illegible]
8 pound to the pores
Master Yeatan for the bel is [per?] 6 [illegible]
and he is sest at 6 pound
3 5 2
Richard Dipple and others. Ref.110 BA1/1/199/53 (1699)
Wee whose names are hereunto subscribed
doe humbly pray that a house of Humphry
Potter in the parish of Bromesgrove and county
of Worcester, may be licensed according to act of
Parliament, to be a place of religious
worship for dissenting protestants
- Richard Dipple
- Humphry Potter
- James Lacy
- William Biggs