Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1650s

Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797.

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'Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1650s', in Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797, ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/petitions/worcs-quarter-sessions/1650s [accessed 10 March 2025].

'Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1650s', in Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797. Edited by Brodie Waddell , British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/petitions/worcs-quarter-sessions/1650s.

"Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1650s". Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797. Ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/petitions/worcs-quarter-sessions/1650s.

In this section

Inhabitants of Claines. Ref.110 BA1/1/93/17 (1656)

To the right worshipfull the justices of the [peace?]
for the county of Worcester

The humble certificate of the parishioners of
Claynes for and on the behalfe of John Wilkinson of
the said parishe.

Wee whose names are heare subscribed doe humbley certifie that
John Wilkinson of our parishe hath heare lived with us many yeares
hee liveth in the roade way from Worcester to Droyt Wich and other
places remote, hee keepeth a victualinge house (allways lycensed)
to entertaine straingers both horseman or footeman; hee keepeth
good orders in his house observinge all tymes tymes and seasons
hee humbley beseecheth that hee may continue lycensed
for victualinge as formerly hee hath done and hee will ever
praye etc given under our handes the
May [.th?] 1656

  • Gilbert Cockes
  • Thomas Symonds
  • Gilbert Norton
  • William Thomas
  • Richard Blurton
  • Thomas Naysh
  • John Hutton junior
  • William Norton
  • William Barrfley
  • Jasper Withy
  • John Twitty
  • John Gardner

  • Thomas Brooke [churchwarden?]
  • Thomas Hampton churchwarden
  • Rolant Gardner [illegible]
  • John Stinton
  • Walter Thomas
  • William Amslitt
  • Tomas Coneles
  • Antoni Ferne

  • Richard Brookehoulding
  • Richard Yarnold
  • [Robert ...ner?]
  • John [illegible]

John Wilkinson of Claines. Ref.110 BA1/1/93/18 (1656)

To the right worshipfull the
justices of the peace for
the county of Worcester

The humble peticion of John Wilkinson
of Claynes in the county of Worcester

Most humbly sheweth unto your worships that hee is
a man by his industry and hard labour hath built
an house fitt and convenient to entertaine
all sorts of men that are of good behaviour and
fitt to be entertayned as well foote men as
horse with all sortes of provision convenient for
them your peticioner att present is not lycensed but
desireth favour of the worshipfull court to
graunt him a lycence whereby he may have
a livelihood for himselfe his wife and children

All which your petitioner craveth for Godsake

And hee his wife and
children shall as in duty
bound all wayes pray

The grand inquest for the county. Ref.110 BA1/1/93/54-55 (1656)

To the right worshippful the justices of the peace for the county of
Worcester at the generall sessions of the publique peace holden
for the said county the xiiith day of January 1656

The petition of the grand inquest for the body of the said
county at the said sessions

That the measures for corne espetially bushells and strikes in all the
burroughes and markett townes within the said county and other markett
townes in the counties adjacent are alltogether unequall and doe
differ soe farr that the husbandman knowes not what measure will
serve turne when he goes to markett which the petitioners humbly
pray may be presented to the by your worshipps to the members of
Parliament in this present Parliament assembled and serveinge for this
county that they would use their indeavours for the reilifeinge

And your petitioners shall pray etc

  • Robert Willmott
  • Henry Best
  • Henry Turbervile
  • Robert Bishopp
  • John Hunt
  • H Holland
  • William Nicholls
  • Robert Garrett
  • John Bacon
  • Armell Greene
  • John Smyth

  • Richard Yarranton
  • William Stephens

And wee doe humblie desire that your worshipps [will?] be pleased
to consider a grevance which we humbly conceive takes up allmost
haulfe your time at sessions and causes greate expense of
money and much difference betweene parishes and this happens by
the willfullnes of somme and the improvidence of others for
prevention whereof we humbly desire that there may be a general
order of sessions th that [illegible] before any landlord or other p
inhabitante of any parishe receave any person or persons into the
a nother parish that a nother parish into the as a tenant or inhabitant
that is likely to be chargeable to that parishe whether he is comeinge
thus such p landlord landlord or or inhabitant doe first acquainte the [churchwardens?]
and overseers of the poore of such parishe of the name of such
tenant person or persons and of his charge and of were he is for the
present setled which and after a weekes warneinge soe given if
the churchwardens or overseers doe not give reasons against [illegible] such
persons comeinge into the such parish then that they be barred from
complaint afterwardes and that if the said churchwardens and or
overseers doe conceve such persons likely [illegible] to to be a burthen or charge to them and soe
informe the said person that shall give warneinge then that the
persons concerned shall forthwith repaire to the next justice of the
peace for his determination and in case he doe not determine it then
thus it be heard at the next sessions; and any person that
shall not conforme hereto shall give security to such parish for their
saveinge harmles