Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797.
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'Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1590s', in Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797, ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].
'Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1590s', in Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797. Edited by Brodie Waddell , British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,
"Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1590s". Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797. Ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.
In this section
[...] West and others. Ref.110 BA1/1/39/25 (1592)
[illegible] typlinge howse whiche [illegible]
[illegible] [...ance?], losse and anoyance, of soe manye of the sayd parishe as [ha...?] [illegible]
[illegible] [...eere?] unto the sayde cottage witheout that by your good meanes and
[illegible] [...nt?] remedye may be taken. In tender consyderacion whereof, and
[illegible] sayde Richard Hasell is a meere strainger and a mane lykely to leave
[illegible] [and?] children to the chardge of the sayd parishe beinge a wanderer Traveller
[illegible] as he sayethe a sowldeer and everye waye able to gett his lyvinge [illegible]
[illegible] And for that the sayde parcell of lande is a chattell [founde?] not the [l...?] [illegible]
[illegible] some smale terme. Nowe all be hit by her majesties lawes and statutes [illegible]
[illegible] by her heighnes laste acte of parliament that noe person or persons [sh...?] [illegible]
[illegible] any cottage or cottages excepte he or they doe assigne and laye to [illegible]
[illegible] acres of lande beinge his or their owne freehould and [illegible]
[illegible] your good worshippes maye onely consyder of the truthe and by [illegible]
[illegible] tratours and in due execution of justice and [on?] her majesties [lawe...?] [illegible]
[illegible] the mischiefs incydent to your orators yf the sayd cottage should [illegible]
[illegible] Godes love.
- [illegible] [West?]
- [illegible] Stonall
- [Thomas Durstoe?]
- [illegible] Chaplen
- [illegible] [lyes?]
- [illegible] Baggett
- [illegible] [...lchen?]
- [illegible] [...omasson?]
- [illegible] [...ter?]
- Thomas Alen
- Raphe Tustyen
- Richard Smythe
- Roger Davyes
- Robert Leador
- Richard Dorlinge
- John Tayler alias [Hoet?]
- Humfrey James
- [illegible]
- William Cooke
- William [illegible]
- [John?] [illegible]
Ann Prescodd. Ref.110 BA1/1/40/1 (1598)
To the right worshippfull Sir John Packington
and Sir Henrie Bromley knightes and other
her majesties justices of the peace within the countie of
Pleaseth yt your worrships to understand that whereas John Hey
late servant with John Nott of Crundall End in the parishe of
Abburley and countie of Worcester in the time of his service there
did begett with child one Ann Prescodd the servant with the said John
Nott, who after the time that he knewe her to be with child did
not onlie frequent the companie of the said Ann but allso promised her divers and
sundry times both before he knewe her to be with child, and sithence, to marry
with her, and soe to make her such recompence as lawfullie he could, but
after yt was openlie knowne that she was with child he did not onlie
denie that promise of marriage to her made, but allso most unhonestly doth absent him self, leaving your poore orator to shift for her self,
your orators brother [saying?] out her majesties letters from her highnes councel
in the marches of Wales, caused the said John Hey to be served with
the same honorable letters, who not obeying the same, some of your
orators freindes repayred to William Walsh esquire one of her majesties
justices of the peace within the said county of Worcester, who graunted
out his precept to the constable of Abburley, to bringe before
him the sayd John Hey. The constable upon the receipt
of the said precept repaired to the house of Marten Hey
brother to the said John Hey, and there speaking with the
said John Hey together with his brother Marten Hey made
them both pryvie, of the said precept, yett nottwithstanding both
the constable and Marten Hey suffered the said John Hey
to departe, and did not bring him before the said justice
according to the tenour of the precept, sythence which tyme of
his departure I your orator have bynn kept amonge some of the
parishioners of Abburley, labouring hard for a poore lyving
soe longe as I was able to worke, but now my worke
decreaseth by reason of my greatnes and unweldinesse they
putt me to shift for my self, having nothing to lyve upon
for that litle wages which I had lefte att the departing out of my
master his service I have spent more then I could gett, am
therefore licke to perish for want of sustinance, without your
worshippes tender consideracions herein towardes me, beseeching
your worrships to consider my wofull distressed case, and that
by your worrships good meanes I may be provyded for by the
freindes of the sayd John Hey who have conveyed him away,
and this I humblie crave for Godes love.
fiat [process?] de bene [geren?]
[versus?] Johannem Haye Martinum
Haye et Jacobum Hurd [const?]
de Abburley
per [curiam?]
Henry Davis and others. Ref.110 BA1/1/71/35 (1599)
To the right worshipfull the Quenes majesties justices at the
quarter sessions here houlden assembled.
Please it your worshippes to be advertized by us whose names are subscribed. That
Margarett Jefferis of Droitwich widowe, (being above threescore yeres of age)
now is and alwaies heretofore hath byn a woman of good lief and honest conversacion,
and that it is well knowen to us and manie others her neighboures, that the controversies
heretofore risen betwixt her and her sonne in lawe Richard Turner did first ryse and
growe, through the apparant wronge and unconscionable dealing of the saied Turner
against her (as she alleadgeth). Wherefore our humble desier is that it wold please your
good worshippes to release the saied Margarett of her being bound for her good behavioure
and the rather for that Master Vernon parson of Hanburie hath by his arbitrable order
appeased and ended all the saied variences betwixt her and the saied Turner as we
are verie crediblye informed.
- Henry Davis bayly
- H: Wylde
- Thomas [Crat?]
- Thomas Wythe
- George [Vett...?]
- [illegible] Brace
- John [Wheley?]
- R. Hill
- Nicholas Davis
- Gilbert Wheeler
- Robart Barnett
- Francis [Monke?]
- Thomas Langford
- John [Howle?]
- Thomas Alexander
- John [Colles?]
- George Bydell
- William [Scoborne?]
- Anthony Jauncye
William Sparry and others. Ref.110 BA1/1/71/37 (1599)
Wigorn [illegible]
To the right worshipfull hir majesties justices of the
peace in the countie of Worcester
May it please your worshippes to be advertised that one Edmunde
Watson of Kingesnorton in the countie abovesaide, beinge a disordered
person and of evill conversation, nothinge fearinge God, but lyvinge
in contempt of hir highnes lawes, in misbehavinge himself
as a common barrator and perturber of the peace of our saide
soveraigne ladie to the greevous abuse and disturbance of a great
part of hir majesties subjectes there inhabytinge not fytt to be tollerated
in soe well governed a common wealth as this is. In consideration
of the premisses and for a good exsample to be gyven to other
offenders for the better preservacion of hir majesties peace hereafter
may it please your worshippes to graunt that a warrant of
the good aberinge may be made out against the saide Edmunde
Watson whereby he may be bounde to the good behavour against
hir majestie and all hir highnes leigh people, and especially
against Johane Watson widowe whom he hath lately most
gretly abused which we hope will be a greate occasion of
quietnes and good governement to be and remayne amongest
us hereafter. And soe leavinge the premisses to your worshippes
good consideracion we humbly take our leave, Kingesnorton
Inhabitantes there this xxth of September 1599.
fiat [process?] [de?] bene [ger?]
- William Sparry
- William Collyns
- Thomas Collens
- Henrie Remster
- Edmund [Beyntey?]
- Edward Fielde gentleman
- John Leye
- Edmund [illegible]
- [illegible]