Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions: 1690s

Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions, 1620-1799.

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'Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions: 1690s', in Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions, 1620-1799, ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].

'Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions: 1690s', in Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions, 1620-1799. Edited by Brodie Waddell , British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,

"Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions: 1690s". Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions, 1620-1799. Ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.

In this section

Morris Garraway, John Beale, Anthony Golmore, James Mackenny, Bryan Macdaniell and Francis Mannering. WJ/SP/1690/07/001 (1690)

To the Honorable the Justices of the Bench at the Sessions at Westminster.

The humble Peticion of Morris Garrawayrem', John Bealerem, Anthony Golmorenoven b.g
James Mackenny rem, Bryan Macdaniellrem and Francis Mannering rem


That your poore petitioners about 9 weeks agoe were comitted to the Gatehouse, for
refuseing to take the Oaths mencioned in a late Act of Parliament (entitled) An act for
the abrogateing of the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance and appointing other Oaths.
And for their non-payment of forty shillings a peice as by the said Act is required,
Notwithstanding your petitioners humbly conceive themselves within the benefitt of his Majesties
most gracious act of Generall pardon.

And therefore humbly pray this Honorable Court to Commi-
serate their present deplorable condition, and to order your
petitioners to be sent for, in order to their discharge

And as in duty bound they shall ever
pray etc

These have now severally refused to take the oath or obedience and allegiance
now duely lawfully tendred to them in open Court and alsoe severally refused to pay the summe of xls.
required of every of them respectively for his said their said refusall
are severally comitted to the Gatehouse there to remayne without
baile or mainprise for the space of three months according to
the late statute Intituled An Act for the abrogateing of the oathes
of supremacy and Allegiance and appoynting other oathes

The inhabitants of King Street, St Margaret Westminster. WJ/SP/1690/07/002 (1690)

To the Right Worshipfull their Majesties Justices
of the peace in Sessions att Westminster.

The humble peticion of the Inhabitants of Kingstreet
in the parish of St Margarett Westminster.


That Kingstreet is the most considerable trading
part of the said parish, But by reason of hackney coaches frequent
standing and plying for fares in the said street the shopkeepers are
very much injured by often stops in the streets which of itselfe is
but very narrow, and which stopp are caused not by the coaches or
carriages going to and fro but by the standing coaches.

That Westminster is supplyed with sufficient places for
plying of coaches without standing in the said street.

And therefore your petitioners most humbly begg this Worshipfull
Bench to grant them an order to the Constables and
Beadles for the suppressing the greivance aforesaid
and to oblige the hackney coaches not to hinder the
shopkeeepers by their standing in the said street
unless they have a fare and waite for them.

And your petitioners shall ever pray etc.

noe order

William Landy. WJ/SP/1690/07/003 (1690)

To the Right Worshipfull the Steward and other their Majesties
Justices of the Peace for the Citty and Liberty of Westminster.

The humble petition of William Landy

Humbly Sheweth,

That your poor peticioner was for the space
of [illegible] allmost six yeares or thereabouts confined in the house of correction belonging to the
said Citty and Liberty of Westminster, and dureing the said time was maintained at
the parish charge, which he being willing to eaase and disburthen the
parish of, did enter himselfe a soldier in their Majesties service to goe into
Flanders, where he continued some time, but by reason of his age and
other infirmityes was alltogeather unable to undergoe and endure the fatigue
and hardship of the campaigne whereupon he was disbanded, and being
uncapable of any other imployment there, was constrained to returne
into his owne country, where he at present remaines destitute of
all manner of succour and dependence, Not knowing where to apply
himselfe for releife but to your Worships goodness.

In tender consideration therefore of the premisses
your poor petitioner most humbly beggs that your
Worships will be graceously pleased to make such
provision as in your wisdomes you shall think fitt
or more burthensom to the parish by reason of his
distempered braine, And your petitioner shall demeane
himselfe soberly, peaceably and quietly, how or wherever
Your Worships shall please to dispose of him

And as in duty bound shall ever pray etca.

Cur cons Laundy

Mary Parr. WJ/SP/1690/07/004 (1690)

To the Right Worshipfull their Majesties Justices of the Peace
for the Citty and Liberty of Westminster.

The humble petition of Mary Parr


That there being a bastard child of one John Davis Esquire
borne in the parish of St Margaretts Westminster, the say Davis
payd a summe of money into the hands of the overseers of the sayd
parish, or gave them security to indempnify the said parish, and thereupon the sayd
overseers were to pay your peticioner 2s 6d per weeke, towards keeping the sayd child

That the sayd overseers did for some time pay the same,
But have refused to pay your petitioner the sayd 2s 6d per weeke since the third day of June
last, without which your peticioner cannot maintaine the sayd child,

Your peticioner therefore humbly prayes that Your
Worshipps will be pleased to order that the said overseers doe
pay your petitioner the sayd arreares, and to ccontinue the
payment thereof for the maintenance of the said child

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc.

Churchwardens to
pay 2s per week
untill Mr
Davis performe
and security of
last order

The churchwardens of St Anne Westminster. WJ/SP/1690/07/005 (1690)

To the Right Worshipfull their Majesties Justices of Peace
for the City and Liberties of Westminster

The humble peticion of the Church-wardens of
the parish of Saint Anne in this Libertie


That there has been necessarily expended the summe of 50li: in and about
repayring of the high-wayes belonging to the said parish, for which no assessment can
be made, before the same be allowed by the Justices of the peace for the said City and
Liberties at their Generall Quarter Sessions, who are authorized to judge and allow thereof
by a late Act of Parliament Entituled an Act for making part of the parish of St Martin in the
Fields, a new parish, to be called the parish of St. Anne in the Libertie of Westminster.

Therefore your petitioners most humbly pray an order of
this Court for allowance of the summe of 50li: to be
fully assessed for the amending supporting and
repayring of the said highwayes, and appointing the
persons under named to assess the same, or such others
p as your Worships shall think fit.

And etc.

The present Church-wardens
Peter Hall, George Bishopp
Thomas Butler, Anthony Loft
William Hinder, William Adams and
John Meard

to make order
for 50l
St Martins and St
Anns levyed
only on St Ans

The churchwardens and overseers of the poor of St Margaret Westminster. WJ/SP/1691/07/001 (1691)

To the Right Worshipfull the Justices for the Citty
and Liberties of Westminster in Session.

The humble Peticion of the Churchwardens and Overseers
of the poor of the parish of St Margarett Westminster.


That Whereas upon the complaint of the Churchwardens
and Overseers of the poor of St James Westminster one Ann Cooper and her son
Charles Cooper were passed the 12th. of June: 1691 to the parish of St Margarett
Westminster by John Tully and Andrew Lawrence Esquires two of their Majesties
Justices for the said Citty and libertie, And Whereas the said Ann Cooper
and Charles Cooper were never Inhabitants or had any legall settlement
in the said parish of St. Margarett.

May it therefore please your Worships to order that
the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor
of St. James be summoned to appear before this
Bench this Session to shew cause why the
said woman and her son ought not be
repassed to them, and to pay such charge as
your petitioners have bin att in releiving them since
they have bin passed as aforesaid.

And your Petitioners shall ever pray

Anne Cooper
ordered back
to St. James
not beeing
at St Margarett

Elizabeth Springham. WJ/SP/1691/07/002 (1691)

To the Right Worshipfull their Majesties Justices of the peace of the
Citty and Liberty of Westminster assembed in Quarter Sessions

The humble petition of Elizabeth Springham


That your petitioner was hired by Mr John Bankes and his wife to be
nurse in his house at 4s. per weeke and to look after his wife
in her lyeing in, which your petitioner faithfully performed for
the space of 10: weekes and that there is now due to the
petitioner the summe of 40s which he unjustly witholdes from
your petitioner

Your petitioner humbly prayes this Worshipfull Bench
to grant her a warrant to recover her

And your petitioner shell ever pray etc

Jur 40s debit

fiat war

The overseers of the poor of St Martin in the Fields. WJ/SP/1691/07/003 (1691)

To the Right Worshipful their Majesties Justices of Peace
for the City and Liberties of Westminster.

The humble peticion of the Overseers
of the poor of the parish of St. Martin in
the Fields.


That one Elizabeth Flyboat was about Easter last passed from
the parish of St. James in the Libertie of Westminster unto Hounslowe in the County of
Middlesex, as the place of her birth and by a beadle or other officer there put out of the towne, and bid
come to London again, and after being found in the said parish of St. James, was
passed a second time from thence unto Hounslowe aforesaid. And by the
officers there was by a warrant or pass sent to the parish of St. Bartholomew
London, and being delivered to one of the officers there together with
the warrant, she was immediately by a beadle put out of the said parish of
St. Bartholomew, and in her way back again, she fell in labour in the
said parish of St. Martins and was brought to bed of a bastard child and your
petitioner forced to keep her in her lying in, and the child is still upon their
charge. And they pretending she knows not the father

Your petitioners humbly pray such reliefe in the
premisses as this Court shall think fit

And etc.

To Mr. Jacob Pullyn at the Golden Lyon and Rainbow in Drury Lane } 6s.

[X] Flyboatt
q Bridwell.

Shee now a prisoner
in Bridewell

The overseers of the poor of St Martin in the Fields. WJ/SP/1691/07/004 (1691)

To the Right Worshipfull their Majesties Justices of
Peace for the City and Liberties of Westminster

The humble peticion of the Overseers of the
poor of the parish of St: Martin in the Fields.


That one Alice Barrow of the said parish singlewoman being big with
child, and charging upon oath one Mr.John Brunettee to be the reputed father your
petitioners about the first of June last, got a warrant against him, whereupon he was taken
and carryed before Mr. Wilson, and there entered into a bond (together with John
Hebbs and John Duck) to indempnifie the said parish for the space of 16 yeares from such child or children as she the said Alice Barrow did go withall, And to allow her
2s: 6d: per week till she was delivered.

But now, may it please your Worships, the said John Duck about the third of
the same month of June, went as one of the Overseers of the poor of the said parish
to the said Mr. Wilson, and got a warrant against the said Alice Barrow to answer the
complaint of your petitioners when as your petitioners knew nothing of it, and thereupon she
was taken and carryed before Mr. Fielding and by him committed to Bridewell as
upon your petitioners complaint, where she lay about 3 weekes on the boards ready to
starve, and your petitioners got her discharged and have relieved her ever since. Which
act of the said John Duck has much reflected upon your petitioners and they conceiving themselves greatly abused by being so personated.

Most humbly pray such redress against the said
John Duck for the same, as to this Court shall seem
most fit.

And your petitioners shall ever pray etc.

Elizabeth Rainshaw. WJ/SP/1691/07/005 (1691)

To the Right Worshipfull their Majesties Justices of the
Peace at the Generall Quarter Sessions holden in
Westminster Hall for the City and Liberty of Westminster

The humble peticion of Elizabeth Rainshaw.


That your petitioner hath lived in the service of Mr. Scott
[son in law of Justice Newman] about one year and an half, and has been intrusted severall times with moneys and goods by her mistress to a considerable; value; But now lately their being provision of coals brought into her said master's house the doors were sett open for them to goe in and out at pleasure.

That the petitioners mistress alleadging she lost six silver spoons the same
day and two watches, hath charged your petitioner with the same, and caused her
to be comitted to Bridewell and has bound your petitioners uncle also over to
appear before your Worshipps as being a confederate with her; Notwithstanding
he is known to be an honest sufficient trades man of the parish of
Fulham in Middlesex, and came not nere your petitioner yet the said Misstresse Scott
in the night time cryd out her said uncle was come to rob them, and caused
her husband to goe out of his house with two pistolls in his hands to the
watch to seek the man that indubled at their door and it happened to be one
of their neighbors; Now for as much as the said Mrs. Scott hath heretofore
accused severall of her servants for theft (vizt.) one for a dog of a
hundred guinea's price, and one other for things afterwards found in her
own closett, and hath brought her servants to disgrace when they were not guilty; And your Petitioner being bread up in the country and hath no friends
alive but her said uncle James Rainshaw, and being innocent of the said fact.

Your petitioner therefore humbly prays your Worshipps will
be pleased strictly to examine the circumstances
of the said matter which are too large to incert herein and

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc

Ann Waters wife of Robert Waters. WJ/SP/1691/07/006 (1691)

To the Right Worshipfull their Majesties Justices of the peace for the
Citty and Liberty of Westminster assembled in Quarter Sessions.

The humble petition of Ann Waters wife of Robert Waters.


That your petitioners husband through his wilfull and malitious humour
and for noe other reasons as your petitioner knowes hath turned your
petitioner out of doores and Margarett Goslin his apprentice and makes
noe provision for them, threatning to kill your petitioner and to lame the
apprentice if ever she comes near his house. Notwithstanding
he was formerly repremanded by this Court for soe doeing.
And att the same tyme promised this Court to live peaceably
with your petitioner and provide for his family, and thereupon the Court
dismissed him.

Now may it please your Worships he hath [illegible] rejected
the directions of this Court and render your petitioner miserable,
and thereby your petitioner and apprentice are likely to become a parish

Your petitioner humbly prayes the releife of this
Worshipfull Bench, that he appearing upon his
recognizance, may be caused to indempnifie
the parish and to make provision for your petitioner and

And your petitioner Shall pray etc.

oath peace

Thomas Berry. WJ/SP/1691/07/007 (1691)

To the Right Worshipfull their Majesties Justices of the peace
for the Citty and Liberty of Westminster assembled in Quarter Sessions.

The humble petition of Thomas Berry.


That your petitioner is bound an apprentice to Abraham Hewe
late of Hayes Court in the parish of St. Anns shoomaker for the
teirm of eight yeares and had 5li: in money with your petitioner.
And when your petitioner had served :1: year and a quarter your petitioners
master went away and left your petitioner destitute. And ever
since for the space of three yeares your petitioner hath been
in the care of his parentes

Now since your petitioners master is returned, your petitioner
hath profered his Service, butt your petitioners master
denies to entertaine your petitioner or to return any
money back

Therefore your petitioner humbly prayes to be
discharged from his apprenticeshipp and
that his master be ordered to return such
moneys as in your discretions shall seem

And your petitioner shall pray etc.

master attend

the indenture delivered
upp. and the apprentice
to bee discharged the old
master poore

George Milson. WJ/SP/1691/07/008 (1691)

To the Right Worshipfull their Majesties Justices of the peace of the Citty
and Liberty of Westminster assembled in Quarter Sessions.

The humble petition of George Milson


That your Petitioner is an apprentice bound to John Hawkins of St: James Markett butcher for the term of three yeares.
That your petitioner hath served almost two yeares thereof and
for that tyme hath been allowed noe apparell butt for the most part hath been most immoderately beaten and misused
by his master and mistress without any just cause.

Your petitioner humbly prayes he may be
releived by this Worshipfull Bench and to be
discharged from his said master and
from his indenture of apprenticeshipp

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc

to bee discharged of his
by consent and master
to deliver his indenture
and clothes

Isabella Lamb. WJ/SP/1691/07/009 (1691)

To the Worshipfull their Majesties Justices of the peace assembled
in Quarter Sessions for the Liberty Westminster

The humble petition of Elizabeth Isabella Lamb.


That your petitioner is bound an apprentice for :7: yeares to Elizabeth
Wood bone lace maker only to learn her trade. In
consideration whereof your petitioners freinds were engaged
to provide meat, drink, washing, lodging and apparell;
which they have hitherto done and performed. That for
5: yeares past of her tyme, your petitioners mistress for the most
part thereof hath putt her to doe household work and other
business; instead of teaching your petitioner her trade.

And since your petitioner is very sensible that her mistress cannot
perfectly instruct your petitioner in her trade whereby your petitioner
may get her living hereafter.

Therefore your petitioner humbly prayes that she may be
discharged from her said mistress and from her
indenture of apprenticeshipp, to the end your petitioner
may be placed with some skilfull person using the
same trade for the remainder of her term.

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc.


General' Quarterial' Session' pacis pro Domino Rege
et Domina Regina tent apud Westmr. pro libertat'
decani et capituli Ecclesie Collegiat' beati Petri
Westm' Civitatis Burgi et Ville Westm' in Com'
Midd et Sancti Martini le grand London
die Veneris scilt tertio die Julii Anno Regni
Domini at Domine nostrorum Gulielmi et Maria Dei
Gratia Angl Scoc Franc et Hibrne Regis
et Regine fidei defensorum etc Tertio

It is ordered by this Court that the within named
Elizabeth Wood doe appear here in this Court
tomorrow at ten of the clock in the forenoon bei
being Saturday To shew cause why the said Isabella
Lamb should not be discharge from her said

per Cur

Smith D. Cl. pacis

The churchwardens and overseers of the poor of St Margaret Westminster. WJ/SP/1692/06/001 (1692)

To the Right Worshipfull their Majesties Justices
of the peace in Sessions att Westminster.

The humble Peticion of the Churchwardens and Overseers of the
poor of the parish of St. Margarett Westminster


That one Mary Wilson lived severall months in the
parish of St. Margarett Westminster but shifting from one place to another
her husband being a soldier that during that time she had a child
in the said parish.

That afterwards the said Mary Wilson went into St.
Martins parish and is there in being, Since which Sir John Elwes and
Justice Brydall have passed the said child to the parish of St. Margarett
and still continue the mother an inhabitant in the said parish of
St. Martin.

Your petitioners therefore humbly offer to this Court that they
beleive the child ought to continue with the mother
she having had no settlement in the said parish and ought
to be thither repassed and humbly desire an order for
the same.

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc.

X [illegible] Judgments allow
1s. per weeke to the
mother, they to
bee discharged of that
and St Martin to
releive mother and
child and all her

St Martins to attend
10. Friday

The churchwardens and overseers of the poor of St Margaret Westminster. WJ/SP/1692/06/002 (1692)

To the Right Worshipfull their Majesties Justices of
the Peace in Sessions att Westminster.

The humble peticion of the Churchwardens and Overseers of the
poor of the parish of St. Margarett Westminster.


That on or about the 27th. day of Aprill last Elizabeth
Clare a Child about 5. years of age and Mary Clare about .3. years of
age were by virtue of a passe signed by Sir John Elwes and Walter
Brydall Esquire brought into the said parish of St. Margarett Westminster. Which
pass recites that the said children were brought into the said parish of St.
Martins and there left by an unknown person contrary to Law etc.

That the parents of the said children never had any legall Settlement
in the said parish of St. Margarett.

Therefore your petitioner most humbly begg your Worships to order that
the Churchwardens or Overseers of the poor of the parish of St.
Martins in the Feilds may be sumoned to appear before this
Worshipfull Bench to shew cause why the said children should not
be repassed and to pay such charges as your petitioners have been att
since the said children were sent into the said parish.

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc.

St Martins and St Margaretts
to attend Friday. 10

The child Eliz. borne in

Mary the child to St Martins

The churchwardens of St Anne Westminster. WJ/SP/1692/06/003 (1692)

To the Right Worshippfull their Majesties Justices of the Peace for the
City of Liberty of Westminster now in Sessions Assembled

The humble peticion of the Church Wardens of the
Parish of St Anne within the Liberty of Westminster.

Humbly Sheweth

That there is yearly expended in and about the necessary
repaireing and amending the high wayes of the said Parish
of St Anne the summe of fifty pounds over and above other
incident charges thereunto relating, and since the said money
cannot be assessed and raised without an order of a Generall Quarter

Your peticioners most humbly pray that your
Worshipps will be pleased to grant them such
order, whereby they may be enabled to raise money
to defray all the charges abovemencioned as to your
Worshipps shall seeme meet

And your petitioners shall ever pray etc.

Mr. Cambridge [illegible] office in G[rays?] Lane to [illegible]

Isabella Todd. WJ/SP/1692/10/001 (1692)

To the Honorable the Bench of Justices

The humble petition of Isabella Todd


That your petitioner was a hired servant to
Elizabeth Osborne (who is house keeper to Sir Henry Bellassis) and that
Sir Henry Bellassis Lady ordered the said Elizabeth Osborne to satisfie her
for her said service which shee refuseth to pay tho shee faithfully promised
your petitioner 6li. per annum and now would putt her of with 5li. per annum

Your petitioner therefore most humbly
prays your Worshipps to order the said
Elizabeth Osborne to pay her the said
wages, your poore petitioner haveing foure
children to maintain, and her husband
being now in their Majesties service

And your petitioner shall ever etc.

Ellen Adams widow. WJ/SP/1692/10/002 (1692)

To the Honorable the Justices assembled at Westminster
to hold the Quarter Sessions there.

The humble petition of Ellen Adams widdow


That your petitioner is the sorrowfull widdow of
Richard Adams Esquire formerly a barrister of Lincolns Inn
and well known to severall worthy persons in inhabitantes
of the Cittyes of London and Westminster but now dead for seaven years past.

That since the death of the said Richard Adams your petitioner with her
poore children is fallen into greate want and misery through the
failing of two persons who had in their handes all the
subsistance and provision which the said Richard Adams left for
the support of your petitioner and her children.

Wherefore your petitioner humbly prays your honers to
consider her miserable condition and to recomend her to the
Overseers of the poore and Vestry of St Martines parrish where
she hath [illegible] for some time inhabited to receive such part
of the publique charity as to your honers and the masters of the
parrish shall seeme meet

And your petitioner will ever pray etc.

Civitatis Burgus
et Villa Westm
in Com Midd ss

Ad General' Quarterial' Sessionem pacis Domini Regis et Domine Regine
tent apud Westmr. pro Libertat'decani et Capituli Ecclesie Collegiat'
beati Petri Westm' Civitatis Burgi et Ville Westm' in Com'Midd
et Sancti Martini le grand London die mercurii Quinto die Octobris
Anno regni Regis et Regine Willi et Marie nunc Angl etc quarto
Coram Carolo Bonython Servien ad legem Willo Bridgeman Rico
Newman Waltero Brydall Johe Baber Armigeris, ac aliis sociis
suis Justic dcorum domini Regis et Domine Regine ad pacem infra Libertat pred
conservand Necnon as divers felon transgr et al malefca infra Libertat pred
perpetrat Audiend et Terminand assign

It is ordered by this Court That it bee and it is hereby recoemmended to the gentleman
of the Vestry of the parish of St Martin in the Feilds within this Liberty to relieve
Ellen Adams widdow the peticioner within named, as to the said Vestry shall seeme
most meet and convenient

per Cur Smith

Recomended to vestry
St Martins

The overseers of the poor of St Martins in the Fields. WJ/SP/1692/10/003 (1692)

To the Right Worshipfull their Majesties Justices of the
Peace in Sessions att Westminster.

The humble peticion of the Overseers of the poor of the parish of St. Martins in the Feilds.


That one James Lamb was apprentice with
James Alpha cordweyner in St. Michaell Cornwall London
and was discharged from his said master 5th August 1685 and
hath ever since bin a lodger in divers parishes to this time, and
for 9 months last past hath continued in the said parish of
St. Martin without giving notice to any of the officers thereof
according to Law.

That it hath pleased God to afflict the wife of the said
James Lamb with distraccion and thereby become an
extraordinary charge to your petitioners Upon which they addressed
themselves to their Majesties Justices att their Petty Sessions who
referred your petitioners to this Generall Quarter Sessions.

Your petitioners therefore pray your Worships to order the
said James Lamb his wife and child to be passed
to his last legall place of settlement.

And your petitoners shall ever pray etc.

uppon his oath
that last setled
Cornwell to
bee sent there

to Mr. Mathews
oyleman against
Durham Yard
in Strand

The overseers of the poor of St Martin in the Fields. WJ/SP/1692/10/004 (1692)

To the Right Worshipfull their Majesties Justices of the peace for
the Citty and Liberty of Wetsminster assembled in Quarter Sessions.

The humble peticon of the Overseers of the poor of
the Parish of St: Martin in the Feildes.


That there hath been paid ye summe of 23:6s:8d by
Roman Catholickes which last inhabited in the said parish for
not taking the oathes in the last Quarter Sessions, which money
as your petitioners humbly conceive, are to be paid to your petitioners for
[illegible] to be imployed to the use of the poor of the said parish
as the Statute in that case directes. That the moneys
soe paid have been transferred into the handes of the
Churchwardens and hath not been paid over to your petitioners
for the use aforesaid. who humbly conceive themselves
the fitt officers for the distribution thereof to the certain
standing poor who are monthly releived

Your petitioners humbly pray the direction of the
Court therein and that your petitioners should
have the disposing to the use of the poor

And your petitioners shall pray etc.

Civitatis Burgus
et Villa Westm
in Com Midd ss

Ad General' Quarterial' Session pacis Domini Regis et Domine
Regine tent apud Westmr. in et pro Libertat'decani et Capituli
Ecclesie Collegiat' beati Petri Westm' Civitatis Burgi ac Ville in
Com'Midd et Sancti Martini le Grand London die Veneris
Septimo die Octobris Anno regni Regis
et Regine Gulielmi et Marie nunc Angl etc

It is ordered by this Court that notice of the peticion of the Overseers of the
poore of St Martin in the Feilds hereunto annexed
be forthwith given to the Churchwardens of the same
parish therein named. And that they attend
this Court here on Saturday next at 10. of the clock in the
fore noon to shew cause and answer etc cconcerning the matter
in the said peticion. per Cur

And alsoe that the Churchwardens shew cause why
they doe not deliver one hundred poundes in the parish
chest, for releife of the poore, who now want the

per Cur

Edmond Grime, late constable of St Annes Westminster. WJ/SP/1693/01/001 (1693)

Westminster ss

To the Right Honorable their Majesties
Justices of the Peace for the Citty of Westminster

The humble peticion of Edmond Grime late Constable of
the parish of St. Annes in the Liberty aforesaid


That in the time of his being Constable disbursed for the
releife of cripples and passing of sick soldiers and other impotent
person the summe of two pounds three shillings and tenn pence as
by his accounts sworne to before a Justice of the peace will appeare, which
said summe the said Churchwardens of the said parish of St. Annes
refuse to pay your peticoner altho divers times demanded by him

Your petitioner therefore humbly prayes your honors to take
the premisses into consideration and make an order
upon the said Churchwardens of St. Annes aforesaid to
pay your peticioner the said summe of two pound three shilling
and tenn pence Soe disbursed by your petitioner as aforesaid

And your petitioner shall pray etc

Edmond Grimes
peticion for passing
vagrantes 2li: 3s: 10d.

X fiat

The churchwardens and surveyors of the highways for St James Westminster. WJ/SP/1693/01/002 (1693)

To the Honorable the Justices of the Peace of the
Citty and Liberty of the Westminster at the
Generall Quarter Sessions for the Citty
and Liberty assembled

The humble peticion of the Church Wardens and Surveyors of the
High Way for the Parish of St James within the Liberty of Westminster


That the highwaies and pavements to be repaired
by the said parish are at present soe faulty and broken
that they cannott be sufficiently amended and repaired
for the yeare ensueing from the feast of the Nativity
of our Lord God at lesse charge then the expence of one
hundred and twenty pounds

Wherefore your Pettitioners pray this Honorable Court
to take such order therein for enabling the
inhabitants of the said parish to repaire the
same as by the Statute in that case
it is provided and appointed

And your Pettitioners shall pray etc

[illegible] rate
for 120li acording
to last Statute

The churchwardens and surveyors of the highways for St Martin in the Fields. WJ/SP/1693/01/003 (1693)

To the Right Worshipfull their Majesties Justices of
the Peace for the City and Liberties of Westminster

The humble peticion of the Churchwardens
and Surveyors of the High wayes of for the parish
of St. Martin in the Fields within the Liberty
of Westminster


That the highwayes and pavements to be repaired by the
said parish are now so broken and defective, that they cannot be sufficiently
amended and repaired for the year ensuing from the Feast of the Nativity
of our Lord God last past at less charge than two hundred and fifty pounds

Therefore your most humbly pray an order
of this Court to enable them to repayre the
same, as by the Statute is provided and appointed

And etc.

Order 230li. only
St Martins

January 1692

Robert Gibbon the elder, on behalf of himself and Robert Gibbon his son. WJ/SP/1693/10/001 (1693)

To the right worshipfull their majesties Justices of peace for the City
and liberty of Westminster assembled in Quarter Sessions.

The humble peticion of Robert Gibbon the elder, on the
behalfe of himselfe and Robert Gibbon the younger his son.


That the said Robert Gibbon the younger was bound apprentice to
Thomas Plummer of the parish of St. Martin in the Feilds mercer, by
indenture bearing date the 15th. day of June 1691. to serve
seaven yeares from the 18th day of May last before the date, and had from your petitioner wth his said son 40li. and
hee well clothed, That the apprentice faithfully served him neer
twoe yeares.

That the said Thomas Plummer his master in June last, sold off, and
removed all his goods, left his trade, and withdrew himselfe into
the Savoy and other obscure places, and there remayneth without taking
any care to provide for his said apprentice, though lately often
thereunto requested by your petitioner on behalfe of his said son.

Your petitioner therefore humbly prayes that his son may bee
discharged of his said apprentishipp, and left to your petitioner to place
with some other fit master, And that the said Thomas Plummer
may pay back to your petitioner soe much of the said forty pounds, as to
your worshipps shall seeme meet, and deliver upp his sons trunk
and Brooks.

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc

Benjamin Phillipps. WJ/SP/1693/10/002 (1693)

To the Right Worshippfull theire Majesties Justices of the Peace
for the City of Wesminster

The humble peticion of Benjamin Phillipps


That Robert Holgate and Stephen Miller being indicted for altering
the date of a protection of the Admiralty And your petitioner haveing confidence of theire honesty and
that they were not guilty thereof in October 1692 became bound with one other person and the
said Holgate in a recognizance for the said Holgates appearance and with one other person
and the said Miller in another recognizance for the said Millers appearance to the said

That before the Generall Quarter Session of the Peace held for the said City in
January last (at which time the said Holgate and Miller were to appeare) the said indictment
was removed by certiorary on theire Majesties behalfe into the Court of Kings Bench And the said
Miller being a seaman was forced into there Majesties service and did not appeare But the said Holgate
appeared and was Comitted till bayled in the Court of Kings Bench, In which Court there has
not in soe long time been any prosecution on the said indictment.

That in September last the said Miller being on board the Revenge was
blowed up and drowned as by affidavit appeares.

Wherefore in regard the said indictment was removed on
theire Majesties behalfe before the time appointed by the said
recognizances for the said Holgates and Millers appearance
And for as much as the said Holgate is bayled in the Kings-
Bench And the said Miller was then in theire Majesties service
and is now dead your petitioner humbly prayes that the said recognizance
entred into by your Petitioner may be respited sine die from being

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc.

October Session
142: Recognizance

The churchwardens and surveyors of the highways of St Anne Westminster. WJ/SP/1695/03/001 (1695)

To the Right Worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the
Citty and Liberty of Westminster now in Sessions assembled.

The humble peticion of the Churchwardens and Surveyors of the
Highwayes of the Parish of St Ann within the Liberty of Westminster

Humbly Sheweth

That whereas the highwayes and pavements of the said Parish of St Ann,
which the Churchwardens and Surveyors are yearely oblidged to amend and repaire cannot for the yeare
ensueing be sufficiently done, at lesse charge then fourscore pounds, and since the said money is not
to be assessed and raised without an order of a Generall quarter Sessions.

Your Peticioners most humbly pray that your Worshipps would be pleased
to grant them such order, whereby they may be enabled to raise the
said summe to defray the charges abovemencioned.

And your peticoners shall ever pray etc

X fiat

The churchwardens and ancient inhabitants of St Margaret Westminster. WJ/SP/1695/03/002 (1695)

To the Right Worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the
Peace for the Citty and Liberties of Westminster
att their generall Quarter Sessions.

The humble peticion of the Churchwardens and
other antient Inhabitants of the parish of
St. Margarett in Westminster.


That the poor of the said parish are
abundantly increased within severall years last past and that the
said parish have been obliged to take up att interest severall hundred
pounds for their releife and their is still owing above 1300.

That the last yeare the poors rate was directed to bee made soe
much as would be sufficient to releive the necessities of the poor, And
thereupon the assessment for the year 1694, was rated at one halfe
more than was the preceeding yeare 1693.

Your petitioners therefore most humbly pray your Worships to bee
pleased to order that the like rate may be made for
this present year 1695. as was for the said year 1694 to bee
assessed according to the usuall method and custome in the
said parish.

And your Petitioners shall ever pray etc

fiat according to

Sampson Cowling. WJ/SP/1695/06/002 (1695)

To the Right Worshipfull his Majestyes Justices of Peace att the
Quarter Sessions holden for the Citty and Liberty of Westminster

The humble petition of Sampson Cowling


That your petitioner in May 1693 was bound an apprentice to
one John Lockhart for eight years, with whome your petitioners freinds
did pay 30li. and agreed to find your petitioner cloths dureing the said terme.

That accordingly your petitioner did faythfully serve his said master
to the best of his knowledge and power above a year and halfe but sometime
the last summer your petitioners said master did build an elaboratory for chimicall
preparations and left the whole burdden thereof upon your petitioner soe that
he did constantly kindle eight or ten fires every morning (and sometimes more)
and looke after and attend the elaboratory without any intermission, very
often on Sundays; and likewise was forced to beat or pound in the mortar
all his said masters ingredients as he had occasion for without anyone allowed
to help him contrary to his said masters promise att his first comeing to him.
By reason of which hard usage your petitioner about Christmas left was forced
to absent himselfe from his said masters service, but returned in a very
short time and went with your petitioners brother to his said Master and beg'd
his pardon and then tendered him his service and was very willing to
give reasonable satisfaction for the time your petitioner had been wanting but
his said master refused either to receive him againe or to provide him another
master, or to restore the money he had with him or any parte of itt.


Your petitioner humbly pray your Worshipps
order to compell his said master either
to take him againe and use him as other
apprentices of that trade usually are, or
restore him soe much of his money as
your Worshipps shall think meet

And your petitioner (as in duty
bound) shall ever pray etc.

Ann Smallwood, widow. WJ/SP/1695/10/001 (1696)

To the Right Worshipfull Bench of
Justices held as a Quarter Sessions for the
Citty and Liberty of Westminster

The humble peticion of Ann Smallwood widdow.


That whereas your petioner stands bound by recognizance for the personall
apearance of Thomas Willson before your Worships this day, and whereas the said
Willson doth still abscond himselfe

Your Petitioner therefore most humbly prayes in prevention of
forfeiture of her recognizance upon which her [name?] do[illegible]

Most humbly prays in tender consideracion thereof [illegible]
end that the sayd Willson may be found out, and made
apeare before your Worships That your Worships will please to
grant her a bench warrant for his aprehension, and that
in favorable compassion to your poor petitioner that the hearing of the
sayd cause may be referred till the first day of the next
sessions, in case the sayd Willson cannot be found

And your petitioner shall pray etc