Petitions in the State Papers: 1630s

Petitions in the State Papers, 1600-1699.

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'Petitions in the State Papers: 1630s', in Petitions in the State Papers, 1600-1699, ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].

'Petitions in the State Papers: 1630s', in Petitions in the State Papers, 1600-1699. Edited by Brodie Waddell , British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,

"Petitions in the State Papers: 1630s". Petitions in the State Papers, 1600-1699. Ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.

In this section

Thomas Rumny of Chatham, ship's carpenter. SP 16/158 f. 6 (1630)

To the right honourable the Lords Comissioneres for the
execution of the office of Heigh Admeralle of

The humble petticon of Thomas Rumny of Chatham
shippe carpenter

Humbly sheweth unto your honnors that whereas your petticoneres
father John Rumny of late dayes was master carpenter of his majesties
good shippe the Adventure, one her last beinge forth he receaved a
hurte by a blowe strucken him one the head as he was at worke in the
gallery some of the company throwinge a boye over bord unto the boat
which was cominge off from the shoare and could not fetch the shippe ride
inge in the Dounes

By which unfortunat accident hapninge your petticoneres father was soe
daungerously hurt as that he was sent home to Chatham beinge un=
cureable and there deceased, one Saint Stevens day last, leveinge your
petticoneres moother a poore destressed widdowe and five small children
fatherlesse, besides your petticoner and another sonne

Nowe forasmuch as it hath pleased God your petticoner is at
mans estat and a sufficient workman at the arte his father
was as by a certificat hereunto annexed may appeare

His humble sute unto your honnours is to be pleased to graunt he may
succed in his fathers place, whereby he may be a healpe and comfort
unto his destressed moother, brothers and sisters who by meanes of the
losse of his father are void of all healpe and comfort

Hopeinge of your honnours favourable graunt herein, and your petticoner
with his destressed moother and her children shall ever pray etc.

Read 2o January 1629
petition of Thomas Rumney
to be carpenter in the

William Romney, carpenter's mate of HM's ship the Adventer. SP 16/158 f. 30 (1630)

To the right honorable the lordes commyssioners for the Admiralty
of England.

The humble peticion of William Romney
carpenters mate of his majesties shipp the Adventer


Whereas your peticioners father having spent the greatest parte of his tyme in
the Navye both in the raigne of Queene Elizabeth King James and now in the
raigne of our most gratious soveraigne King Charles: beeing imployed
in his majesties shipp the Adventer, as master carpenter in hir last imployment
hee receyved a hurt in his head beeing then in worke upon the said shipp
which made him uncapable of performing his office. In which tyme your
petycyoner, dischardged the place of his father, as appeareth by the
testemony of the captaine of the said shipp untill the shipp was
dischardged; his father by reason of his hurt hath ended his lyfe

Your petycioner humbly craveth that your
lordshippes considering the losse hee
hath hadd by his fathers death you
would bee pleased to confarr the place of
his father on your petycioner hee having
beene bredd upp in the waye of a carpenter
in his majesties service: for the which both
hee: his wife and children shalbee alwayes
bound to pray for your lordshippes

Read 6o January 1629
William Romneys petition
to be master carpenter in
the Adventure in place
of his father deceased

Thomas Squire, public notary. SP 16/158 f. 37 (1630)

To the right honourable the lordes commissioners for the
Navy and Admiralty of England.

The humble peticion of Thomas Squire
publiq notary.

Sheweth that by the death of Joseph Fish late regester
of the Admiralty of Yorkeshire and those northern partes
that place is become voyde, and your peticioner conceiveth it
to be within your lordshipps guift, your honours peticioner hath
bene allwaies trained upp in the practice of the civil
lawe, and is recommended by Sir Henry Marten to be fitt
and every way capable of the said imployment: there
are other unfitt men, that have, or will pray this
favour, by which and such like ignorant men, his
majesties service hath beene neglected, and the
country much wronged.

May it therefore please your lordshipps to conferr
and bestowe the said place on your peticioner whoe
is resideing in those partes, and will soe soly
imploy himselfe to the execucion of the said place
or office of regester, as shall be for the advantage
of his majesties service, the preservacion of the
jurisdicion of the Admiralty in those partes (which is
nowe much inchroched upon) and the good
and ease of the inhabitantes there.

And not cease to pray etc

Briant Winne, purser of HM's ship the Happie Enterance. SP 16/158 f. 44 (1630)

To the right honorable the lords comissioners for the Navie
and Admiraltie of England

The humble peticion of Briant Winne purser of
his majesties shipp the Happie Enterance

Sheweth that your lordships peticoner hath a great part of his estate in the
kingdome of Ireland, and cannot without much loss and prejudice
attend his said place and imployment in his majesties said shipp

May it therefore please your lordships to appoint Abraham
Robinson who is a very able and sufficient man to be purser
in the peticioners place in his majesties said shipp the Happy

And your honours peticioner shall not cease to pray etc

Sir Richard Graham, knight and baronet. SP 16/182 f. 1 (1631)

To the Kinges most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Sir Richard Graham knight and barronett
your majesties servant.

Humbly sheweth:

The want of educacion that hath beene and yet is on the borders of your majesties county of Cumberland (especially within the boundes
where your petitioner is landlord) is soe great that the poore inhabitantes there from tenn yeares old to fowerscore and upwardes cannot
say the lordes prayer; insomuch that their want of the knowledge of God (caused by the lack of devine discipline) drawes them to
many inconveniences as robbing, stealing and all other manner of lewd vices to the great disturbance of that poore countrey and
their neighbour countries aboute, insomuch that at the last goale delivery holden at Carlile, those felons that were goeing to
be hanged, begged that their children might be brought up in the feare of God, the want whereof brought them
to that untymely end.

Likewise shewing to your majestie that there is noe church within nyne miles compasse, but onely the church of Arthrett which was
repayred by your royall father of blessed memory upon his comeing in, and intended to have the church of Kirkanders builded (being
formerly the next parish with fower chappelles, whereby there might be schooles kept for learning of young children and catechising
of the old, which (not being followed by the patron and curate of those parishes) continues still ruinous. The church of Kirkanders
is now of noe use but for buryeing of the dead, by reason that in the yeare 1553 the debetable land was devided betwixte
England and Scotland; that part, which was allotted for England the church of Kirkanders was seated in; and at that tyme the
borders being in such disorder as noe churchmen durst live amongst them, the church was taken downe and a house
builded of it. Betwixt the parish of Arthrett and Kirkanders the river of Eske runnes which is unpassable for horse or man
all the winter tyme, being neither boate nor bridge upon that river for transportacion.

And now that your petitioner is both landlord and patron of the churches of Arthrett and Kirkanders, and findes that by noe other meanes
there can be reformacion in those partes, but by educacion, would take downe the house and convert the stones to their
former use and by the assistance of the curate and parishioners there will beginne this godly worke: soe as your majestie
will reestablish the parish of Kirkanders and Nicholl=forrest an extent parish by themselves to be charged in your
majesties first fruite office at forty shillinges and to be confirmed by warrant under your greate seale this is desired
by the curate of that parish as may by the certificate annext appeare, and recomended by the bishopp of the diocess by
lettere to the Bishop of London to assist your petitioner to your majestie herein. And hereafter that your majestie wilbe pleased to
give your direccions for breefes through such places of England as shalbe thought fitt to assist your petitioner
and the parishioners there for the finishing of this worke, this will much conduce the quiet and peaceable
settling of those countreys and will stand to after tymes as a most pious and memorable act of your majestie in
settling soe godly a cure over such of your majesties ignorant subjectes as for the present knowes neither how to feare
God nor man. For which your petitioner and the parishioners there shall daylie pray for your majesties long life and
happie raigne.

The petitioners humble desire is, that your majestie wilbe graciously pleased to give order to your
Attorney Generall to draw up a booke ready for your majesties signiture for the establishing of the
sayd parish under your majesties greate seale of England and the dutchie seale, the same being
parcell of the possessions of the Dutchie of Lancaster. For which your petitioner shall ever praye
for your majestie etc.

Whitehaule 2d of January 1630

His majesties understand by this petition that the reestablishment and erection
of Kirckander and Nichol Forest into an extent parish, is both desired and approved
by the ordinarie, patron and curate and that it wil conduce to the advancement
of Godes service and [illegible] in those partes, is gratiously pleased that Master Atturney
General prepare for his royal signature to pass the great seale and the dutchie seale
such a graunt as here is desired

John Coke

Joseph Harrison and Henry Goodwin, gentleman. SP 16/182 f. 10 (1631)

To the Kinge's most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Joseph Harrison and Henry Goodwin gentleman

Humbly shewing, whereas your majesties late deare father (of blessed memory) by his letteres
patentes under the great seale of England in the thirtenth yeare of his majesties raigne did
graunt unto Richard Hooper and William Randes and the longest liver of them an annuity or
pencion of xxx pounds per annum out of your highnes receipt of Exchequour quarterly; in consideracion
that they undertook at their own charge to cleare all the usuall roades and harbours for shippes
in the narrow seas between the Ile of Wight and Yarmouth of all anchours and cables as
had or shoulde be slipt and lost, soe as your majesties shipes and other vesselles might the safer ride
in harborough in those places, which service hath been allwaies thought requisite and found
to be very necessary for the preserving your majesties shipps and others from danger, and
the said Hooper and Randes are now both deceased and the service neglected to the great hurt
and danger of the said shipps.

Your petitioners most humbly pray, that your majesty wilbe graciously pleased to
graunt unto them for their lives and the longest liver of them the said
annuity or pencion of 30 pounds per annum in as ample manner as the same
was graunted to the former patentees, they undertaking at their
owne charge by themselves or their deputies to performe the said
service in all things:

And your petitioners (as most bound) shall
daily pray for your majesties long and prosperous raigne.

At the court at Whitehall 4o January 1630

His majestie is graciously pleased, that the lordes
commissioners for the Admiralty shall consi=
der of the pretence and request of the
peticioners; and thereuppon informe his
majestie, what is fitt to be done


Read 14o January 1630
petition of Joseph Harrison
and Henry Goodwin for 30 pounds
per annum for sweeping of

Referred from his majestie.

Ellin Charlton, a poor distressed widow. SP 16/182 f. 25b (1631)

To the Kinges most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Ellin Charlton a
poore distressed widdowe.

Humblie sheweth unto your majestie

That whereas your poore petitioner hath formerlye peticioned
to your majestie for a pardon for her 2 sonns who uppon
wrongfull accusacion were condemned and lost theire lives.
And whereas your poore petitioner (moother to 6 poore
fatherles children at hoame) for enterteyninge her said
2 sonns (shee knoweing noe missbehaviour or misdemeanour
by them) is in daunger of her life.

And she beinge nowe in a most woefull and lamentable
estate, even readie to languishe thorowe greafe and
disscontent havinge laboured theise 20 weekes for her said
childrens lives and not prevaled: but thorowe long suite
hath both spent all her meanes and without a quick dispatch
and your majesties gracious assistance and helpe therein shee is
in daunger of starvinge. And her 6 poore fatherles
children at hoame readye to perrishe thorowe want of
maintenance and releafe.

In tender commisseracion and pittie of your woefull
petitioners estate, may it please your majestie even for
Christes sake to grant her your highnes gratious pardon
for her owne life for all thinges whatsoever by past
that your petitioner may pass quietlie to succoure and
releave her poore fatherles children. And (as in
dutie bound) shee shall dalie pray for your highnes

Ellyn Charletons peticion to
his majesty for a pardon.

Sir William Russell, knight and baronet, treasurer of HM's Navy. SP 16/182 f. 50 (1631)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Sir William Russell knight and baronett
treasurer of your majesties Navye

Most humbly shewing

That the petitioner heretofore for diverse yeares togeather trading as an adventurer in the Muscovy Company and
finding that the said company made many bad debtes, tooke up much money at interest, and did cast up their
stocke at gaine when in truth there was losse, the petitioner dealt plainelie with them and with all fidelitie
did advise them to the contrary, and the said company still persisting in their former courses, the petitioner did
take forth his stocke out of the said company and utterly refuzed to become an adventurer any longer with
them, which the said company did take so offensively that they did not only take from the petitioner 28 pounds profitt in every
100 pounds of his adventure which other adventurers in the said company had, but did also in the name of a
fine, or broake, take from the petitioner 20 pounds in every 100 pounds of his principall money so by him adventured in the said
company, and the said company proceeding in their owne course of of trading, and having a stocke of 80000 pounds or
thereaboutes great part thereof was lost and the new adventurers in the said company became greatlie
indebted uppon their comon seale.

For the satisfaccion of their debtes the said company became humble suiters to your majesties most royall father
of ever blessed memory that he would be gratiouslie pleased to referr the consideracion of the meanes
how the said debtes might be satisfied to diverse aldermen of London and other merchantes of good accompt
which his majestie did accordingly

The said aldermen and merchantes did find out a meanes to satisfie the said debtes by a levyacion to be made and
by imposing great part thereof uppon former adventurers who had no interest at all in the said stocke of
80000 pounds and amongst others by imposing part thereof upon the petitioner and yet neverthelesse the said aldermen
and merchantes did thincke fitt and certefie that if any brother of the said company should pretend just cause
to be releived against the said leviacion and should distinguish his case from the rest then he
should be releived as his case should require.

Hereupon the petitioner togeather with Sir Richard Smith knight and William Cater esquier distinguishing their
case from the rest became suiters to the lordes of his said late majesties privy councell for their releife against
the said leviacion, who were pleased to referr the same to two of his said late majesties learned councell
who uppon hearing of the parties on both sides did find and certefie that they found the petitioners case to
differ from the rest and that the matters in difference betweene the said parties resting uppon matter
of fact they thought fitt that witnesses should be examined therein in a judiciall course and that the
petitioners should then be releived as upon just proofe there should be cause.

According to which direccion your petitioner and the said Sir Richard Smith and William Cater did proceed in
a judiciall course in your majesties honorable Court of Exchequer chamber and have there examined
their witnesses on both sides and the said cause is thereupon now readie to receive an
equall discision:

The humble suite of the petitioner is that insomuch as the said cause doth greatlie
concerne the state of this your majesties kingdome of England for matters of
merchandizing, and is not only a case of great consequence for future
president for the said company and for all other companyes trading
in joint stockes but may be very prejudiciall to your majesty in your majesties
revenue your majestie would be gratiously pleased to referr the hearing
and finall ending thereof to the right honourable your majesties committees for matters of
trade and that not only the parties on both sides but all other who have
formerly bin commissioners or referrees in the same may be warned to be present
and to attend their honours att the hearing thereof if their honours shall so
thincke it fitt.

And the petitioner (as he hath ever bin most especially bound) shall daily pray
for your majesties long, happie and prosperous raigne over us.

At the cort at Whitehall January the 9th 1630

His majesties pleasure is, that the committies for trade shal examine this cause, and uppon
hearing of the parties intrested, either settle an order therein, or els advise his
majestie by what meanes the petitioner may be righted, if they finde it fitt, and
how the like inconveniencies may be prevented, in this and other trades, for the future

John Coke

Sir William Russels petition
concerning the Moscovia
Company proceedings

Hugh Morrell and Charles Snelling, merchants. SP 16/210 f. 14 (1632)

To the lordes of his majesties most honnourable pryvie counsell

The humble petition of Hugh Morrell and Charles Snelling merchants

Most humbly shewing

That by vertu of an order of this honnourable board the 14th of the last
moneth in a buyssins for his majesties especiall service it was therby
ordred that the peticioners should communicat the said order unto
the coal farmers and that ife the could not agree theron
then my Lord Tresorer was prayed and required to take such
order therin as hee in his grave wisdom should see fitt.

The peticioners doe humbly reprasent unto your lordshipps that according
to ther duties in this his majesties service they have these 20 daies
given ther due attendance accordingly but can have no
settled answer from the said farmers.

Humbly therfor desiring your honnours that a messinger may
bee sent unto them, that so they (with they peticioners
may give ther present attendance attendance on
my Lord Tresorer with owt any farther delay to this
his majesties service or trouble to the peticioners who
as in duty bound shall ever pray for your lordshipps long
and happy prosperitie.

Hugh Morrell and Charles Snelling

January 4th 1631

Benjamyn Couper, alderman of Great Yarmouth. SP 16/210 f. 23 (1632)

To the right honourable the lords and others of his majesties
most honourable privy councell.

The humble peticion of Benjamyn Couper his majesties
servant, alderman of the towne of Great Yarmouth.

Whereas a peticion with articles annexed were presented to this honourable board in
the name of the bailiffs, aldermen, burgeses and cominalty of Great Yarmouth
in Norfolk complayning against your peticioner, the same being done by unknowne
adversaries, and not by consent of the bailiffs, aldermen, burgeses and cominalty,
nor according to the custome and ordinances of the towne by calling an assembly,
as Master Ezechias Harris one of the bailiffs did averr to your peticioner. Yt was
ordered by the board the 14th of December last, that your lordships thought fitt that
copies of the said peticion and articles should be signed by the clerke of the councell
and delivered to your peticioner, who was thereby required to make aunswere there
=unto personally before this honourable board the 20th of January next.

Now for so much as the said articles, peticion, and order were not delivered
to your peticioner before the 4th of this present moneth, he being lately
sick retired from Yarmouth into the country for preservacion of his health
altogether unable to travell this winter season without falling into a relapse
to the danger of his life, wanting also time to collect his memory and writings
to cleere himselfe of the scandalous imputacions suggested against him
and especially his innocency depending upon the testimony of many honest
grave and discreet aged persons, altogether unfitt for a winter jorney, with
=out endangering their healths.

Your peticioner humbly prayeth your lordships the premisses
considered to deferr his apearance untill the first weeke in
May next, or other wise to referr the examinacion and
hearing of the cause unto such justices and persons neere
unto Yarmouth, as your lordships shall thinke fitt, to whose
certificate your peticioner will submitt himselfe. And
according to his bounden dutie will dayly pray for your
lordships etc.

The justices of the peace in the county of Berkshire. SP 16/210 f. 29 (1632)

To the right honourable the lordes of his majesties most honourable
privie councell.

The humble peticion of his majesties justices of the peace
in the countie of Berkshire.

That whereas they have latelie receaved a lettere from your
lordshipps bearing date the 28th daie of September 1631 which was not delivered
untill the 10th of this instant Januarie, in which lettere, your lordshipps were
pleased to require them to take order for the carriage of a third part
of one thousand loades of timber from Shotover and Stowood in the county
of Oxon to the most convenient place for transportacion, they humbly
beseech your lordshipps to be pleased to take into consideracion theis reasons
following why they hope to be spared from this service.

First the proportion of the charge is not equall: Buckinghamshire beingat the least two partes bigger then Berkshire.

Secondly a great part of the shire is priviledged from carriages.

Thirdly the greatest part of the countie is soe distant from
the place that the going thether wilbe double the charge of the

Fourthly, in regard that this shire is more charged with sundrie yearely
carriages, both for timber for the Navie, and other his majesties services
then anie other countie, and yet not assisted by anie other county
they hope this shall not be laid upon them.

The premisses considered they humbly desire to be freed from
this service, and that it be laid upon the proper countie or some
other county adjacent, which doe not his majesty those ordinary services
that this countie continuallie doth.

John Delbridge of Barnestaple, merchant. SP 16/210 f. 34 (1632)

To the right honourable the lords and others of his majesties
most honourable privie counsell.

The humble petition of John Delbridge of Barnestaple marchant.

Humbly sheweth that in July 1630 the petitioner frayghted a smale barque to goe
unto Bermudas and Virginea, and to returne to Barnestaple, in the time of her
being forth his majesty by proclamacion required that no tobacco should be landed in
any the out portes but be all brought to London.

May it please your honoures this smale barque being abrode at sea all the winter returned
home in March last, very much weakned and worne by extremity of foule weather, most of
her maryners sickly and some dead, and by reason of a leake much of the tobacco which shee
brought is wett and perished, and will be very likely to spoyle the rest; at her returne the
petitioner desired shee might come to London, but the owners would not adventure their barque,
nor the maryners by reason of their weakenesse could not come, in so much as all her lading
of tobacco was of necessity landed, and put into the keeping of his majesties officers there,
and will be all spoyled to the utter undoeing of the petitioner and to his majesties losse in his
majesties customes, if some present course be not taken for preserving of it

The petitioner humbly prayeth that his majesties officers may be required to
take entry of the sayd tobacco and to take such reasonable custome,
and impost, as may be answerable to the vallue of so meane and much
perished commodity that it may not all perish by lying there
so long together.

And he (as in duty bound) shall ever pray for
your honoures prosperity.

Read the 13th of January
and denyed.

Sir Thomas Canon, knight. SP 16/231 f. 8 (1633)

To the Kings most excellent majesty

The humble petition of your majesties faithfull subject
Sir Thomas Canon knight.

Humblie shewing,
That uppon your majesties commission directed to your subject and others (being sued forth and
sent into the countrie by your majesties auditor of Wales) the forfeiture of one Morgan Thomas (a notori=
=ous felon latelie convicted in the county of Pembroke for stealing of catle) was found and preserved
for your majesty against the accustomed concealement, and deteining of your majesties right in that kinde
by the countrie officers and pretending tytlers, which the felons doe often obteine from them by
unjust compositions, to the slighting of your majesties justice and their incoragement to spoile
your majesties good subjectes; whereuppon your majesty is to receave more by this forfeiture, then
hath bin answered in those partes since the happie entrance of your majesties father to the crowne

That some favorers of this felon (who had his clergie) finding the accustomed course
interrupted by this inquirie, raised opposition to your majesties right, by entytling the Lord Bishopp of
St Davids to this whole forfeiture, and hee compounded with them for the same. Where=
uppon the Bishopp did attempt your subject to deserte the execution of the commission, and to give him way to
carrie the whole forfeiture, whereas the greatest part thereof was out of the small mannour
(whereby hee pretended) in other counties, and divers partes in your majesties lordshipps. Your
subject well knowing your majesties undoubted right, could not yield to this sollicitation, against the
trust of your majesties service, yet offred to certefie the Bishopps claime uppon the retorne of the commission
and to content him by any just office. Your majesties right is cleered by Master Attorneye
Generall against the Bishopps pretence, who by himselfe present and his councell hath bin fully
heard, and the chiefe part of the forfeiture is in levying for your majesty by order of the Court of

But the Bishopp missing to worke your subject to his will, hath (therefore) excercised his causeles
displeasure uppon him divers wayes, and (chiefelie) by staying your subject to renew his lease from
the deane and canons of Windesore of the rectorie of Abergwillie lying within his diocesse uppon your
majesties letter procured by the Bishopp for a lease in revertion to bee graunted to him pretending thereby
to increase the revenew of his bishopprick, but intending (onely) to satisfie his violent will uppon
your subject eyther to bereave him of this cheefe meanes of his livelihood, or to make the renewing
deare to him, having engaged the greater part of his estate for it, and noe lawfull lease can for 9 yeares bee granted from him.

Your subject having trulie and effectually served your majesties father of blessed memorie by all his
raigne, and your majesty (as prince, and during your happie raigne) hitherto aswell in services of your revenew,
as in divers others of consequence, and as a publick minister in his countrey neere 40 yeares
without obteining or moving for reward, proffitt or end of his owne, doth not presume to
meritt thereby (being the obligation of his dutie) but is humbly confident against the
discomfort to suffer for not yielding to bee unfaythfull in your majesties service, where to the hazard
of his life (by Gods grace) shall never force him.

Most humblie beseeching your most excellent majesty that by your gratious direction
to the deane and canons of Windesore your subject may proceede to the renewing of
his lease, with such signification of your gratious favour, as may comfort your subject
in your majesties servic, who daylie prayeth for your majesty.

Sir Thomas Canon knight

Lord Cottington and Secretary

To these desired and Lord London

Sir Thomas Canon, knight. SP 16/231 f. 9 (1633)

To the Kings most excellent majestie.

The humble peticion of your loyall subject Sir Thomas Canon knight.

Most humbly shewing

That whereas your subject hath ben latelie, an humble sutour to your majestie for your gratious direction
to the deane and canons of Winsor that he maie renewe his lease (of 12 yeares in being) of the
rectorie of Abergwylly in the diocesse of Saint Davies; for which the Lord Bushop there hath obteyned your
majesties letter to have it in revercion, meerelie (on his parte) for your subjectes withstanding his sollicitacion
to deserte your majesties right and service. Master Deane hath latelie answered your subject that hee must
obey your majesties letter for the goode of the bishoprick, yett your subject fownd a good will amonge the societie to
continue him theire tenant if it maie stand with your majesties good pleasure. In which proceeding your
subject havinge the happines to understand your majesties gracious and pious purpose to augment that and other
the small bishoprickes of England and Wales, desireth to applie his obedience and service thereunto; with his
humble suite to be understood that he hath engaged the greater parte of his small estate upon this
lease in hope to continue his tenancie according to the auncient custom of the colledge; which hath not
hitherto yeilded a precedent of such alteracion; nor can graunt from the tenant untill within 3
yeres of his terme expired. Whereupon your subject humblie offereth to propound a fitt accomodacion
to himselfe for setling a lawfull lease upon the bishoprick after the expiracion of his terme in being. Or to
accomodate the bishoprick by some fitt meanes so as he maie renewe his lease; and therewith
tendreth his service towardes the advancement of the other bishoprickes of Wales; which he is ready to present
as your majestie shall be pleased to direct.

Most humblie beseeching your gracious consideration of your subjects case (who hath ben a faithfull
servant as is mentioned in the annexed) and that his endeavour touching his particuler case with
former peticion maie be referred to the Lord Cottington and Master Secretary Wyndibank and
in the meane time of theire report to your majestie the colledg maie staie the passing of the lease.

Praying the almightie to preserve your majestie and to blesse you with all happines.

Att the court at Whitehall 3o January 1632

His majestie is pleased to refer both theis peticions to the right honourable the
referrees desired and the Lord Bishopp of London to the intent their lordships
calling whom it may concerne upon examinacion of the premisses retourne
their certificate to his majestie and then hee will further declare his royall
pleasure herein

Edward Powell

Phillip Clarkson. SP 16/231 f. 14 (1633)

To the right honourable the lordes and others comissioners
for the Navie and Admiraltie of England.

The humble peticion of Phillip Clarkson.

Sheweth that your peticioner from his childehood hath bene bredd and
brought upp in his majesties Navie as a gunner, and theis 14 yeares last
past hath served therein as gunners mate. In all which time hee
behaved himselfe honestly carefully and dilligently, and is knowne to
be every way sufficient to discharge the place of master gunner in any of
his majesties shippes of the third or fowerth rate, as by certificates under
the handes of Capten Penington and the Master Gunner of England apeare.

Your petitioners humble suite therefore is. That your honours will vouchsafe
out of your noble disposicions to take his long and faithfull
services into your honourable consideracions, and be pleased to give
order that hee may have the place of master gunner in one of
the two of his majesties shippes which are lately erected, wherein hee
will use his uttermost indeavours for his majesties service

And be daily bound to pray for your honours eternall prosperities

Read 5o January 1632.

Petition of Phillip Clarkson
to be gunner in one of
the new shipps.

John Waterman, carpenter of HM's ship the Mary Rose. SP 16/231 f. 31 (1633)

To the right honourable the lordes and others commissioners
for the Navie and Admiraltie of England.

The humble peticion of John Waterman cappenter
of his majesties shipp the Mary Rose.

Sheweth that your petitioner from his youth hath bene brought upp in his majesties service under one
of his majesties master shipwrightes, wherein hee alwaies dilligently and faithfully demeaned himselfe,
and is knowne to be a very able well deserving man, and sufficient and fitt to be master carpenter
of a ship of greater burthen. As by the certificates annexed apeare.

Forasmuch as the master carpenters place of his majesties new shipp the Henryetta Maria
which was built by your petitioners maister is yet void. And that the officers of his majesties Navie are
willing to enter him into the said place, if your honours wilbe pleased to give order for the
same. And for that your petitioner hath a great charge of wife and 3 children whose maintenance
doe onely depend upon his indeavours.

Your petitioners humble suite therefore is. That your honours will vouchsafe to take his
long and faithfull services with his desertes and abilities into your honourable
consideracions, and be pleased to give order that hee may be admitted master
carpenter of his majesties said shipp the Henrietta Maria in liew
of the place which now hee hath wherein hee will continue his faithfull
services to his majestie

And be daily bound to pray for your honours eternall prosperities.

Richard King. SP 16/258 f. 13 (1634)

To the right honourable the lords and others commissioners for his
majesties Navy and Admiralty of England.

The humble peticion of Richard King

Shewinge that the petitioner was Master Nicholas clerke (now secretarie to your
lordshipps for the Admiralty) almost 7: yeeres, and since served him for the fishinge
busines, which goes on soe slowly, that it produceth not anie considerable profitt
or imployment, and the petitioner (not able to spend more fruitlesse tyme attending the
same, and unwilling to live idle anie longer) is desirous to picke out some
other imployment, but cannot accomplish the same without your honours favour, and furtherance.

May it therefore please your lordshipps to favour the petitioner soe farre as to recommend
him by your honourable letteres to the farmers of his majesties great customes, and
thereby desire them to imploy the petitioner, and to give him such
sallary, and preferment, as they shall thinke fitt, and according to his
desertes; and the petitioner shall never cease to pray for the increase of your lordships, honours

Read 2o January 1633.

Petition of Richard King to be
recomended to the farmers for
some imployment under them.

William Thomas, purser of HM's ship the Anthelopp. SP 16/258 f. 15 (1634)

To the right honourable the lords and other comissioners
for his majesties Admiraltie of England.

The humble peticion of William Thomas purser
of his majesties shipp the Anthelopp

Sheweth that this last yeare your peticioner being purser of the
said shipp under the command of Sir Richard Plomleigh knight
admirall on the coast of Ireland in which time the said Sir
Richard tooke the Spred Egle of Amsterdam being piratts out of
which to weaken them to send the shipp to harbor with safetie
the said Sir Richard tooke into his shipp xiiii of their men which
your petitioner victuled vi daies beginning the laste of July and ending
the vith of August following: likewise 57 persons of the Lord Deputies
companie had victualls on board the said shipp for the space of 2
daies beginning the 22th of July and ending the 23th of the same which was
likewise uppon the peticioners charge, allsoe his said captaine tooke the
John of Dunkirke in 1633 upon suspicion of piracy out of which hee
tooke into the Anthelopp xxiii of their men whome your peticioner
likewise fownd victuall for the space of ten daies begining the 4th
of October 1633 and ending the xiiith of the same; allsoe to severall
men hee hath delivered victualls according to the customs of the
seas and by order from his commander, all which apeareth under
the hand of the said Sir Richard Plomleigh

Wherefore your peticioner humblie beseecheth your honnors to
give order to the treasurer or victular of his majesties Navy to make
payment to your petitioner for victuling of the said persons after
the rate of his majesties allowance, hee haveing longe since
soe disbursed his mony and your peticioner shalbe bownd
daily to pray for your honnors

Charles Hawkins, master and part owner of the Matthew of Ipswich. SP 16/258 f. 29 (1634)

To the right honourable the lords and others
commissioners for the Admiralty of England.

The humble peticion of Charles Hawkins later master and one
of the part owners of the shipp called the Matthew of Ipswich.

Sheweth, that the said shipp was prested for his majesties service at Cadiz
and the Isle of [Retz?], for which there is due to the peticioner and others part owners
of the said shipp, the summe of 350 pounds, as by billes signed by the late commissioners
of his majesties Navye maie appeare.

And that since, anno 1630, the petitioner (beinge master of the said shipp to the northwardes)
enforced by a distresse of weather, happilye meetinge with his majesties shippe
the Marie Rose (then imployed on that coast) borrowed a cablet of 5 inches
of the value of 6 pounds 13 shillings 4 pence or thereabouts for which the principall officers
require present payment to the treasurer of his majesties Navye.

Now forasmuch as the peticioner, by sundry casualtyes and misfortunes at sea
is become a very poore man, and distressed for present relief both for his
family, and to satisfye his creditors,

His most humble suite is, that your lordships would bee pleased to enable
and accordingly give order to the threasurer of his majesties Navye to make
payment of the said summe of 350 pounds, to the peticioner and other the part
owners; and in the meane time (in regard the said cablet was lent
for the use of that shipp for whose service his majestie oweth so
considerable a summe, and the petitioner but ratably responsable for price
thereof accordinge to his parte in the said shipp) to order that
satisfaction for the same bee respited till payment bee made
of that just debt for fraight aforesaid.

And hee shall ever praie for your honours felicityes.

Whitehall 14th January 1633.

When the peticioner hath restored the Kings cablet which was lent him, the
other parte of his peticion shalbe taken into consideracion.

  • Francis Cottington

  • J Coke Francis Windebank

Read 3o January 1633.

Petition of Charles Hawkins to
be paid allowed 350 pounds due to him for
freight for the Matthew: and to
order that 6 pounds 13 shillings 4 penc demanded of
him for a cable borrowed out of
the Mary Rose may be respited till
he be paid his freight due for
the King

The cable is to be first
restored and [illegible] shalbe
taken into consideracion

John Suckliff. SP 16/258 f. 42 (1634)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of John Suckliff your majesties servaunte.


That whereas your majestie was latelie gratiouslie pleased to graunte unto one Nicholas Malborne
(cooke of the Neptune of London) his pardon for killinge one William Collier one of the same
shipp when the said vessell was in the Turkes dominions but in the said pardon there was
exception of goods and chattles and his whole estate beinge aboute 50 pounds stayed in his
Capteyne Davits hands to your majesties use.

Your petitioner nowe humblye beseecheth your majestie to graunte unto him an order with a
discharger to the said capteyne to deliver to your petitioner what is in his custodie due to the
said Nicholas Malborne your suppliant havinge a wife and sixe children [illegible]
and nothinge but your majesties favour to depend uppon. And your petitioner (as in duty bound will
dayly pray for your majestie.

Att the court att Whithall 15 January 1633.

It is his majesties gracious pleasure that Master Secretarie Windebanke
cause a warrant to be prepared to discharge Captaine Davies
of the above mencioned fiftie pounds, and, that upon receipt
thereof thirtie pounds shalbe delivered to the peticioner and
twentie pounds towards the reparacions of Saint Pauls church
in London.

Thomas Aylesbury

John Sutcliffe.

5 January 1633 [illegible]

John Bridgehampton, master gunner of the Happy Entrance, and the rest of the master gunners of the Navy. SP 16/282 f. 14 (1635)

To the right honourable the lords and others commissioners
for the High Admiraltie of England.

The humble peticion of John Bridgehampton alias Hickes
master gonner of his majesties shipp the Happy Entrance and the
rest of the master gonners of his majesties Navye.

Humblie sheweth unto your good lordshipps that whereas in the time of the late
Queene Elizabeth of famous memory. The master gonners of his majesties shippes and
vesselles did weare the rose and crowne with the letteres E and R: and in the time of
our late soveraigne King James of happy memory, did weare the rose and crowne
with the letteres J and R with a peece of ordinance to each of the said tipes appendant

Now may it please your good lordshipps your supplyant Bridghampton, having herewith
presented to your lordshipps a demonstracion or figure (of his owne invencion) in some
thinges variable to the former, with which hee hath acquainted the rest of the master
gonners of his majesties shipps.

They humbly pray your lordshipps tolleracion and especiall warrant enabling
and authorising all maister gonners of his majesties shipps and vesselles
at their owne charge to provide and weare the said badge or type
(herewith presented to your lordshipps either as it is, or with such
alteracion or addicion, as your honourable lordshipps shall think more requisit
that your humble suppliantes may thereby be discerned from others.

And they (as in duty bound) shall daily pray etc.

Read 2 January 1634

Petition of gunner Hickes
for a cognizaunce to
be provided att the gunneres
G charge

Antilop: Captain [Cogg?]
3 Whelp
18 Whelp:
1 Whelp
10 Whelp: [illegible]

Thomas Askew, water bailiff to Sir Dudley Diggs knight for the manor of Feversham. SP 16/282 f. 57 (1635)

To the right honourable the lords commissioners
for the Admiraltie of England.

The humble peticion of Thomas Askew water bayliff to Sir
Dudley Diggs knight for the mannour of Feversham.

Sheweth that about 2 yeares since there comeing a commaund from your lordshipps prohibiting the
Hollanders to transport any more oisters: and your petitioner being therewith acquainted, gave them warning
thereof, and would not permitt them soe to doe within the said river of Feversham; whereof under his
said master hee hath juresdiccion: for which the fishermen there did much deride and maligne him. Saying that
the Hollanders had power soe to doe in all other the rivers thereaboutes. Yet your petitioner from time to time
charged the Hollanders not to offend in that kinde: but as it seemeth (in your petitioners absence hee
having some occations to goe to sea) the Hollanders have transported oysters out of the said river
for which your petitioner hath incurred your lordshipps displeasure and hath bene sent for by warrant, in
obedience whereunto hee is come upp, and is in the custody of a messenger to his great charges
and humbly attendeth your honours pleasures.

Forasmuch as your petitioner is most humbly and heartily sorrowful for the said offence being
committed without his privity. And for that there shall not be any offence in the like kinde committed
in the said river, during soe long time as hee exerciseth the said place.

Your petitioners humble suite therefore is. That your lordshipps will vouchsafe to accept this
his most humble submission, and be pleased to remitt the said offence, and to
discharge him out of the custody of the messenger, and from any longer

And hee (as in duty bound) shall daily pray for your honours eternall prosperities.

Thomas Askew

Read 10o January 1634

Petition of Thomas Askew

100 poor creditors. SP 16/282 f. 61 (1635)

To the right honourable Thomas Coventry, Lord Alesborough, Lord Keeper of the great seale of England.

The humble peticion of manie poore creditors, being one hundred in number, as apeares by a reporte
for victualles delivered for his majesties use, in the voyages to Cales, the Isle of Reze; Rochell, and other his majesties service


To your lordshipps that the board hath made manie good orders, for the releife of your petitioners whereby they might have beene longe
since satisfied, were itt not for the cunning practice of John Apsley executor to Sir Allen Apsley knight deceased, and
Stephen Alcock deputie victualler and accomptant whoe would not deliver ajust and true state of the account betweene his
majestie and the said Sir Allen to Master Atturney and Master Sollicitor Generall, the 12th of March last, although the same have beene
delayed be the said Sir Allen, the executor, and Alcock above these tenn yeares, by which unjust delaies his majestie is most lamentably
abused and manie of your poore petitioners utterlie undone;

And although your petitioners debtes have beene examined longe since by vertue of an order of the board of the 29th September 1630, by Sir
John Wolstenholme and other commissioners and a report returned to the board, of what they found to be due to your petitioner yett such is the cunninge
practice of the said executor and Alcock with their confederates, whoe wave the orders of the board att their pleasure, that your petitioners
cann have noe justice, under pretence the accomptes are not stated, betweene his majestie and the said Sir Allen, which accomptes your petitioners
have noe relacion unto, nor will the said accountes be ever trulie stated (as your petitioners conceave) unless the board wilbe pleased to call
back the landes to his majestie which his majestie in the 4th yeare of his raigne, was gratiouslie pleased, to grant to the said Sir Allen towards the
satisfieing of his Navie debtes, being of the yearley rent of 700 pounds and upwards, with which land and our owne money, they keepe
us without our money.

In tender consideracion whereof, and for that your petitioneres have suffred soe much injustice by the said Sir Allen in his
lifetime, and since his death, by his executour and the said Alcock and their confederates, that the like was never offred to
anie subjectes before in marine causes, may itt therefore please your lordshipps to commisserate your petitioneres miseries, in such
wise, that the said executour nor Alcock may have power to receave any monie from his majestie for and
towardes the satisfaccion of your petitioneres debtes, but that in your grave wisdomes, you will order your petitioneres present
satisfaccion. And your peticioneres will ever praie for your lordshipps longe prosperitie etc.

The creditors of Sir
Allen Apsley.

Nathaniell Edwardes, William Cane, Robert Seaman and others. SP 16/282 f. 69 (1635)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Nathaniell Edwardes William Cane
Robert Seaman and others imployed by your petitioner Edwardes
to Greeneland

Humbly shewing. That whereas your majesties honourable privy councell of Scottland
haveing heard and taken to consideracion the vile outrages ryotts murthers and
effusion of blood comitted against your petitioner and his servants by the Greenland company
of London and Capten Goodlad comaunder generall of their shipps within the cuntry
of Greenland in the month of July last, and the sayd lordes findeing thereby the
libertyes and prevelidges of that kingdome (as it were trod under foot, have by
their letter to your majestie recommended the exact tryall and reparacion of those greivances
and wrongs, to the end that such order may bee taken therein that recompence may
bee made unto your petitioner not only of his losses and wrongs susteyned in July last
but of the great wrongs and losses which your petitioner susteyned by them in seaven yeeres
before, and also that your petitioner and his servants for the time to come may peceably
and quietly continue their trade in Greenland without any lett or hinderance and
since the question now standeth betweene the two nations your suppliant humbly conceiveth
that it is not soe convenient for their good to bee judged by the lordes of your majesties
privy councell of England onely.

Wherefore and in regard the said ryotts outrages and murthers are allready prooved and
testifyed by the oathes of 15 severall wittnesses now resident heere in England, your
petitioners doe humbly beseech your majestie to bee graciously pleased to referre the examinacion
of theis ryotts vyolences and murders and the great damages and losses sustayned by your
petitioners theis 8 yeeres by the said Greenland Company their factors deputies and servantes
done from time to time to your petitioner Edwardes his deputyes factors and servants,
unto an equall and indifferent comittee to bee nominated and chosen by your majestie of
both nations, whereby your petitioners wrongs and losses may bee repayred, and that
all suits against your petitioner and his servantes the said Cave and Seaman touching
this business may in the meane tyme bee stayed untill the said comittee have
fully ended the business or certifyed your majestie, and your petitioners as in duety bound
shall ever pray for your majesty.

At the court at Whitehall 12 January 1634

His majesty haveing taken into his princely consideracion a letter written to his majesty
from the privy councell of Scottland touching the murthers and outrages above mencioned
is graciously pleased to referre the examinacion and consideracion of the peticion
to certayne noblemen and others his majesties officers chosen indifferently by his majesty
of both kingdomes, videlicet for the English the right honourable the Lord Privy Seale
the Earle of Arundell and Surrey Earle Marshall of England Viscount Willmott
the Lord Cottington and my selfe for the Scottish the right honourable the Earles of Morton
Roxbrugh Dightgow and Sterlin and Sir James Galloway knight or any two
of each nation, who are to cause the above mencioned murther and outrages (if
any bee found to bee duely punished the losses of the petitioner his deputyes and factors
repaired and the right and trade of both nations so preserved hereafter in those partes
as may best tend to the good of his majesties service and the conservation of that
mutuall love and correspondencye which is fitt to bee entertayned amongst the
subjects thereof and in the meane time wee are to give order that all suits
against the
the petitioner and his servants mencioned in the peticion touching this
busines may bee stayed till wee shall have ordered the same or certifyed
his majesty of our proceedings

Francis Windebanke

Milicent Birkenhead, widow, Patrick Crayford and Edward Thorowgood. SP 16/311 f. 32 (1636)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticyon of Milicent [Birkenhead]
widdow, Patrick Crayford and Edward [Thorowg...?]

Humbly sheweth.

That your petitioner Birkenheads late husband deceassed and the other [petitioners?]
having (by the approbacion of the lords of your majesties most honourable privy [coun?]
cell and for the generall good of this kingdome) obteyned two grants [illegible]
your majestie under the greate seale to erect in Westchester, Leverpole [illegible]
Hull, Bristoll and other portes, offices for the registring of the [n...?]
of persons thought fitt and licenced to passe beyond the seas, and [illegible]
ing ship at the portes mencioned in their said grantes

May it please your majestie the petitioner Birkenheads said late [husband]
and the other petitioners not onelie spent fower yeares time in pursuite of
this busines, but also her whole porcion being of good value, and all [illegible]
ever the other petitioners could raise was expended in establishing the [illegible]
offices, which being in some sort effected, and the small benefitt allowed [illegible]
your majestie, all the meanes your petitioners have to maintaine [themselves?] [illegible]
nyne children, yet one Master Mayhew after their trouble [illegible]
upon some unjust pretence endeavoureth to deprive them of their [illegible]
grantes, and hath obteyned a warrant under Master Secretary
Windebankes hand to Master Attorney Generall to prepare a [grant?] [illegible]
him for your majesties royall signature, which is accordingly made [re...?]
whereby your petitioners shalbe for ever utterly undone

They therefore most humbly beseech your sacred majestie to [be?]
gratiously pleased to give order for staie of the said [Mayhews?]
grant, and to referre the examinacion of this business to [illegible]
right honourable the Lord Keeper of your greate seale to the [illegible]
your majestie may be certified of the trueth and of the [great?]
wrong offered to the petitioners. And your petitioners shall (as in duty [bound)?]
daily pray etc

At the court at Saint James 4to January 1635

His majestie is pleased that the right honourable the Lord [Keeper?]
take consideration of this petition and examyne the truth
thereof, and make report unto his majestie how he findeth [the?]
same before any patent passe for the office mencioned:

Vera copia

Thomas Coventrye

May it please your most excellent majesty

I have heard the petitioner Milicent Birkenhead and Master
Mayhew, and their councell and do finde that such
grantes were heretofore made by your majestie as in this
peticyon is suggested, an

And that the grant to Master Mayhew which is now stayed
at the greate seale by occasion of this reference importes
a grant in revercion after the surrender forfeiture or other
determynacion of former patentes, yet the petitioner and her
counsail object against it that there is a clause in it pro=
hibiting the commissioners to signe anie passes but such as shall
be prepared by Master Mayhew or his deputies, which clause
though it be not in expresse wordes limitted to take effect,
after former grantes ended etc yet in mine opinion it cannot
take place untill the grant of the office it selfe take effect
also shee [illegible] seemes to feare least Master Mayhew if he ob=
teine this grant under seale will molest the former
patentees by suites and setting on foot forfeitures, which
in respect of their povertie they cannot well endure, or
defend, which feare how to secure I do not well know
nor dare presume to certify your majestie that in respect
of such a feare it should be fitt for your majestie to restreine
your selfe from granting to anie that your majestie con=
ceave to merit that which is in your power legally to
grant without wronging the former patentees:

20 April 1636

Thomas Coventrye

Thomas Chicheley, high sheriff of Cambridgeshire. SP 16/311 f. 54 (1636)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Thomas Chicheley high
sheriffe of the county of Cambridge.

Humbly sheweth. That your peticioner in obedience to the writt to him directed
haveing rated the county of Cambridge to the shipping, and therein
devided nere 1/3 parte of the whole rate upon the Isle of Ely (being parte of the
said county) in the same proporcion as the same hath bin done this fortye
yeares and in the 2 former rates according to the direccion of your majestie and the
board, signified by lettere 21o Septembris 1635 to the then sheriffe.

That your peticioner being lately enformed, that upon the peticion of the said Isle
of Elye against that proporcion your majestie was pleased 2o Decembris last to [reforre?]
the same to the judges of assize of that county, and the judge of the said
Isle of Ely.

In regard they did not in forme your majestie by their peticion of the former setling
of the said rates by your majestie and the board, and the generall rates being now sett
by your peticioner and the particuler rates subdivided by that proporcion: as they
have bin for many yeares levied through the wholle county and partly
nowe collected which without a generall disturbaunce and delay of your majesties
service therein, cannot bee altred for this present rate.

Your peticioners humble suite, is, that hee may receive your majesties direccion
to proceed in the receipt according to the rate assessed by him
without alteracion or disturbaunce by the said reference, and
that those of the Isle may bee enjoyned to pay the same accordingly
and for the future your majestie may bee pleased to determine the said
difference, as in your princely wisedome shall thinke fit.

And your peticioner (as in duty bound) shall
ever pray etc.

John Mesurier of Guernezey, mercer. SP 16/536 f. 1 (1636)

To the right honourable the lords of his majesties most honourable
privie councell.

The humble peticion of John Mesurier of the island of Guernezey mercer


That whereas your lordships and honourable predecessours providing for the good and peace of that island and to avoide
the strifes and contentions of malitious and evill disposed persons, and those who used to force, and bring over
their adversaries under the name of doleance by warrantes from divers persons without giveing caution
(amongst other thinges) 9o October 1580 did order that it should not be lawfull to appeall in any
cause cryminall or of correccion, and the 27o Junii 1627 that no sute by way of doleance should be
admitted without caution first given for payment of costes and charges and likewise caution of 10 shillings to be
given to the poore of the island in cause the said [plaintiff?] should faile in his doleance. And that no
warrantes should be served upon the inhabitantes of the said island but onely such as should come ymediatly
from your lordships

That one Andrew Neale being ymprisoned in the castle of Guernezey at your petitioners suite for debt about
February last, of revengefull and malitious purpose accused your petitioner for a great and notorious
theefe and robber who was thereupon appryhended and forced to put in good caution to appeere and answere
the accusacion and the said Neele being unable to make any conterable proofe thereof of like evill purpose in March last
accused your petitioner of perjury and albeit there is every weeke a court held in the said island haver
never since made proofe of any thing but of late is escaped out of the prison of the castle into this
kingdome yet nevertheles your petitioner notwithstanding his caution hath byn committed prisoner ever since
August last and is not thereof yet discharged.

Wherefore and forasmuch as the said accusacion and ymprisonment hath byn the utter discreditt and undoeing of
your petitioner and for that the said Neele is in the Citty of London and endeavoreth by peticion by way of
doleance without caution farther to vex and trouble your petitioner

He is an humble suiter to your lordships to appointe some tyme to heere your petitioners councell in
this cause and to afforde your petitioner such redresse thereupon as to your lordships in your wisdomes
and justice shall seeme meete and according to his duety he shall be bownde to pray for
your lordships contynuance of health with increase of honour.

Received January 6th 1635

William Hanson, Henry Austen, James Symonds Thomas Holt, and other creditors of Sir Sampson Darrell. SP 16/536 f. 250 (1636)

To the right honourable the lordes and others
of his majesties most honourable privie counsell.

The humble peticion of William Hanson, Henry Austen, James Symonds
Thomas Holt, and divers others creditours of Sir Sampson Darrell
knight deceased, late surveyour of his majesties marime victualls.

Humblie shewinge.

That upon their humble peticions to this honourable boord, your lordships were pleased to referre
the examinacion of the truth of their demaundes therein to Sir William Becker and Sir
Edward Wardour knightes and Edward Nicholas esquier who thereupon have called your petitioners
before them, and in the presence of the Ladie Darell widdow and executrix to Sir Sampson
her late husband, who was assisted by Sir John Parsons (a man cheifely trusted by
her said husband and her selfe) and by Master Alcock and Master Dannet agentes for him in
his life tyme, have heard and received your petitioners accomptes upon their severall oaths, whereby
their demaunds of the severall summes mencioned in their certificate annexed, appeare
to bee justly due to your peticioners.

And in regard Sir Sampson Darell received paymente from his majestie for the provisions
and materialls delivered by your petitioners into his majesties ships set to sea anno 1635 and
died suddenly leaving your peticioners unsatisfied for the same, as by the said certifi=
=cate annexed fully appeareth.

They doe therefore most humbly beseech your lordships to order the said Ladie Darell executrix
to her said late husband forthwith to pay unto your petitioners their just debtes, otherwise they (being
poore men) their wives and children are like to bee undone, they having heretofore
been able to pay their shares towardes his majesties fleetes setting to sea. And they shall
ever pray etc.

Phillip, Earl of Chesterfeild. SP 16/343 f. 12 (1637)

To the right honourable the lordes and others of his
majesties most honourable privie councell.

The humble peticion of Phillip Earl of Chesterfeild


That his brother Sir John Stanhop knight having been sent for by a serjant at
armes, for not paying the money assessed upon him by Master Gell then high
sherriff of the countie of Derby, towards the shipping his said brother being
then so weake by reason of sicknes, that hee could not attend your lordships his
majestie and your lordships for that reason was pleased to dispence with his coming
up, upon condicion that the peticioner should enter into bond for his con=
=formitie, which hee did accordinglie in January 1635.

Now for as much as his said brother Sir John Stanhop, did not only then
yeild all obedience to his majesties comaundes, but hath since as may appeare
by the annexed paper paid such summes of money as by the present
high sherriff was assessed upon him towardes the businesse of the
shipping for this yeare.

The peticioner therefore humbly beseecheth your lordships that Sir
William Beecher knight the clerke of the councell that then
attended and in whose handes the bond remaineth, may bee
required to deliver the same up unto him

And the peticioner as in dutie bound
shall daylie pray etc.

The wholesale tradesmen of London who frequent the two annual fairs at Bristol. SP 16/343 f. 77 (1637)

To the right honourable the lordes and others of his
majesties most honorable privie councell.

The humble peticion of the wholesale tradesmen of London
that frequent the two annuall faires at Bristoll.

Most humbly shewing

That whereas the 25th of this instant January one of the usuall faires is
held at Bristoll whereunto your peticioners resorte with their servantes and goodes
for the supply of most of the counties of this kingdome and the kingdome of
Ireland and principality of Wales.

And whereas it hath pleased God by reason of this late infection (which now
God be praised is very much abated) to send a great calamity upon the
inhabitantes of the Citie of London which hath cawsed almost a generall
cessacion of trade for the full space of 6 monethes and your peticioners
having the cheife part of their estates owing them by chapmen, which
meete no where elles but at Bristoll aforesaid to be furnished with new
creditt and pay their old debtes.

Your peticioners humbly pray that your lordships wilbe favourably pleased
to vouchsafe them an order from this honourable board (they bringing
certificates from the Lord Maior of London that none of their
families either are or have byne this yere infected of the plague
nor any neere adjoyning to them neither have they received any
goodes from any persons visited. That they may be permitted to
have accesse with their goodes and servantes as formerly they have
byn without any restreynt of the officers or inhabitantes of the
said Citie of Bristoll.

And they as in duty bound shall ever pray etc

William Shelly. SP 16/343 f. 80 (1637)

To the right honourable the lords and others of
his majesties most honourable privy councell.

The humble peticion of William Shelly.

In all humblenes sheweth that the Lord Bishop of Lincolne in the first assessment for the ship money was
not assesed at all for his demeasne in Buckden, and only at 3 pounds for his impropriate parsonage there
the towne being charged at 30 pounds and that parsonage being of value above the tenth part of the
towne. By reason whereof the rest of the inhabitantes were unequally assessed, and the poorer
sorte; some whereof receaved the almes of the parrish, overcharged that yeare.

That in December last, the petitioner being churchwarden and warned by the constables (amongst others)
assist them in the equall makinge this years assesment, according to their warrant from the high constables
and your petitioner and other assesors finding upon due consideracion amongst them, that the said Lord Bishop and John
Phillipps his tenant had in acres above a third part of the towne in their occupacion over and besides his
lordships said impropriate parsonage, did to ease the poore assese them at 11 pounds which was 3 pounds for the parsonage as
before, and 8 pounds for above 800 acres of pasture ground, and this assesment was agreed and subscribed
unto, by the two constables, and seven others the assesours.

That his lordship having knowledge of this assesment presently sent for the constables, and required them to
warne the assessours to appeare before his lordship at his mannour house the next night, and wished them privately to
teare or burne that assesment:

That accordingly they appeared, and his lordship reviled some of them, saying, that they were base fellowes,
rascalles, and lyers, and not fitting to assese him, and that the worst boy in his house, was a better man then
the petitioner, or his brother.

That after they came to his lordship the petitioner being told that his lordship advised the constables to burne, or teare,
the said assesment, desired to see it, and they delivered it to him, and he kept it, giveing them assurance, that
he detayned it not any way to prejudice his majesties service, but to further, and settle it, and it being transcribed
the petitioner and other assesours for better confirmacion of it subscribed the transcript alsoe, and voted it with their
generall consentes, and on the same day they published it in the church, which done, the petitioner openly delivered
it to the constables to be delivered to the high sheriff, and on the next day went with the constables to the
high sheriff, and saw them deliver it to him, and this the petitioner did for the [advancement?] of his majesties service, and
preservacion of the said assesment soe duely and equally made from being torne or burnt.

That the assesment was not excepted against by any but his lordship and he caused a servant of his owne to gett
one of the constables to make complaint to himself against the petitioner for detayninge the assesment, and then he
sent his warrant for the petitioner, whoe appeared before him, and his lordship demaunding the assesment the petitioner for the reasons
aforesaid refused to deliver it, whereupon after his lordship had much reviled the petitioner he comitted him to the
gaole refusing to take bayle; but afterwardes Sir Robert Osborne another of his majesties justices of the peace
upon examinacion of the constables, and others touching the petitioners proceedinges, bayled him, taking his recognizance
with suertyes in a good somme to appeare and answeare the matters at the next sessions, which wilbe on
Tuesday next.

The petitioner hath ever bin, and wilbe ready cheerfully to pay this and all other assesmentes for the
service of his sacred majesty, and yet notwithstanding, as he hath lately understood, the said Lord Bishop
hath made complaint against him to this most honourable board, pretending that this petitioner hath hindered his majesties
service, whereas his lordship hath bin the only hinderer, and disturber thereof.

The petitioner therefore most humbly prayes, that either he may be admitted here to
justifie his proceedinges before your lordships, or else that your lordships wilbe pleased to
recomend the examinacion of the whole busines to his majesties justices of peace, at the
next quarter sessions to be held at Huntingdon, and that they may examine, and certify
your lordships the whole truth therein.

The 6th of January William Shelley

Thomas Gibbs, prisoner in Dover castle. SP 16/343 f. 87 (1637)

To the right reverend father in God William Lord Bishop of London
Lord High Treasurer of England etc:

The humble peticion of Thomas Gibbs prisoner in Dover castle,

Humbly sheweth, that whereas your peticioner being master of the shippe called the Sarah of London, and lately at
Dunquerke in Flaunders with her, with goodes and merchandises that he brought out of Spaine, and paid
his majesties customes for at Dover, by directions from John Brockenden and Henry Gurlestone of London
merchantes who had the said shippe then at hire, albeit contrarie to an agreement made betweene his majesties farmers of his customes and the merchantes of Flaunders and their factors tooke a fraight of goodes there, to carrie from thence to
St Lucar in Spaine, and being departed from Dunquerke with the said shippe and goodes, Captaine Smith
captaine of one of his majesties shippes about three weekes past neare the splinter mett with your peticioner and
commanded him to come aboard his majesties said shippe whereuppon your peticioner unadvisedly neglected
to give that due respecte to the same his majesties shippe and the said command as he ought to have
done, for which his acknowledged misdemeanoures he is much greived and resolved never to commit the like

In consideracion whereof, and forsomuch as your peticioner is and ever sithince his shippe hath
lyen in Dover harbour hath beene at near x pounds charges daylie for diett and wages of his

He in all humility beseecheth your good lordshipp to vouchsafe unto him your
honourable aide and favour to the Kinges majestie to pardon his said offences and
grante him his releasement out of prison and he shall as in dutie alreadie much
bound contynue his prayers for your honours health and prosperity

John Dixon of Ipswich, labourer. SP 16/378 f. 15 (1638)

To the right honourable Sir John Cooke knight one
of his majesties principall secretaries of estate.

The humble peticion of John Dixon of Ipswich

Sheweth that whereas your peticioner did about August
last out of charetie entertaine a poore woman into his
howse that was cast out into the streetes, who continued
in your peticioners howse by the space of five or six weekes
in which time she did gett a key to open your peticioners cubbord
doore wher his money was, which being discovered by Ann
Dixon your peticioners daughter of the age of fowerteene
yeares, and the said woman questioned for the same she
threatened to procure to your peticioners daughter much trouble
and went presentlie to the bayliffes of the towne of Ipswich
informing them that the child had spoken certaine wordes
against our gracious soveraigne and further informing that a
neighbour of hers heard the said wordes, the neighbour
being examined by the bayliffes denyed the hearing of
any such wordes notwithstanding which because the complaynt
did import matter concerning his majestie the bayliffes committed
your peticioners daughter to prison and certefied the examinacions
taken to your honour desireing your honours direction therin, the
accuser soone after fled away out of the towne and was not
since seene ther and your peticioners daughter hath continued in prison
fowerteene weekes in great miserie, and is ther like to continue
untill your honour signifie your pleasure therin to the bayliffes of the
said towne.

Humblie therfore shewing beseeching your honour that
you would vouchsafe to give to the said bayliffes such
direccions as your honour shall thinke fitt for the release
of the poore child out of that miserie which she hath
soe longe by reason of an evill disposed womans false
informacion indured and your peticioner shall as in all dutie
he is bound pray for your honours long life and prosperitie

Robert and Margarett Buckley, distressed children of Sir Richard Buckley of Bewmorris knight deceased. SP 16/378 f. 19 (1638)

To the Kinges most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Robert and Margarett Buckley your majesties loyall
subjectes and destressed children of Sir Richard Buckley late of Bewmorris
knight deceased.

Most humbly sheweth
that your said poore subjectes (the legitimate sonne and daughter of the said Sir Richard and Dame
Ann his wife since intermarried with Thomas Cheadle late servant unto the said Sir
Richard) have been by malycious practise of the said Cheadle reported in their native
countrey and elswhere to be none of the children of the said Sir Richard and workeing on the
weakenes of the said Dame Anne your said subjectes mother [gaind?] her to denie your said
subjectes for her children or the children of their said father, and to colour the practise
the said Cheadle bound your said subjectes (being then infantes) to mechanick trades by
contrary names, and the said Cheadle divers tymes after threatned to punish and imprison
your said subjectes if at any tyme they challenged or called themselves by their right
names of Buckley.

That your said subject Robert about two yeares since repayred to Bewmorris in Wales
to his said mothers house to tender his duety and intreate meanes of livelyhood, of
which the said Cheadle haveing notice gave commaund that no enterteynement or lodgeing
should be given him and prosecuteing his former threates imprisoned your said subject vowing
in prison to deteyne him untill he had or should disclayme and renounce his name and
birth right.

That your said subjectes older brother hath 2000 pounds a yeare and childlesse, the said Dame Anne
his mother 1000 pounds per annum and no other sonne but your petitioner and his said elder brother.

Now forasmuch as your majesties said subjectes can by sufficient witnes prove themselves
legitimate as aforesaid and for that they have a long tyme endured and still are like to
suffer misery and oppression by the inhumane practise of the said Cheadle unles your
majestie be pleased to take the cause of the oppressed fatherles into protection

May it therefore please your sacred majestie to give power to the most
reverend father in God the Lord Archbishopp of Canterbury his grace the
right honourable the Lord Keeper the Lord Privy Seale and Sir Francis Windebanke
to call before them or any 2 of them the said Cheadle and Dame Anne and
such witnesses as your subjectes shall produce to be heard and examined
touching the premisses and to determine or otherwise certify the same
to your sacred majestie that order may be directed by your majestie for your
said subjectes releife.

And as in dutie bound they shall pray for your majesties long and
prosperous raigne.

Att the court att Whitehall 3o January 1637.

His majestie is pleased to referr the consideracion of the peticion to the Lord
Archbishopp of Canterbury his grace, the Lord Keeper, the Lord Privy Seale and
Master Secretary Windebanke or any three of them to the intent they upon
examinacion of the truth of the premisses settle such course for the petitioners releife
as to their wisedomes shalbe found most agreeable to equity and good
conscience, otherwise to certifie their opinions unto his majestie concerneing
the same

Edward Powell

According to his most gracious majesties reference within written wee
appoint Friday the thirteenth of Aprill next for the heareing of this
busines att the counsaile board in the afternoone and doe hereby will and
require the parties within mencioned or any els whome it may concerne to
attend accordingly. Provided that tymely notice be given and a true coppy
of this peticion and reference delivered to them

January 23 1637

  • William Cantuariensis Thomas Coventrye [cs?] Henry [Manchester]
  • Francis Windebanke

William Carne, esquire. SP 16/378 f. 21 (1638)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble petition of William Carne esquier

Humblie sheweth

That your majestie by letteres patentes
was pleased to graunt to your petitioner and Edward Carne his brother for their
lives, the office of receiver of the revenue of the tobacco licences and portage
thereof with 200 pound per annum fee, which your majestie for your better service hath since farmed
to the Lord Goring and have bene pleased to allowe your petitioner the 200 pounds per annum fee,
but your petitioner deprived thereby of the benefitt of portage and other perquisites
incident to such offices wherein hee submittes to your majesties pleasure

Humblie neverthelesse praies that your majestie wilbe pleased to re=
commend the consideracion and satisfaccion of his losse therein to the
Lord Goring and to encourage his lordship to advance the same to some
considerable proporcion, and since your majestie is not pleased to
accept his future service in the receipt of the said revenue, that
you will vouchsafe to accept the surrender of the said letteres patentes
and graunt the like to two such persons as the Lord Goring shall nominate
and give warrant for it accordinglie,

And your petitioner shall for ever pray for your
majesties long and prosperous reigne.

Att the court att Whitehall 3o January 1637

His majestie is gratiously pleased to accept of the petitioners surrender
and that Master Attorny Generall prepare a bill for his royall
signature that a new graunt pass to Timothy Butts and Peirse
Deare during their lives with the said fee of two hundred pounds
per annum and twenty shillings per cent for portage with other
enlargements as formerly hath bin graunted to the petitioner

Edward Powell

William Carne receiver
for Tobacco

January 1638

A warrantt for a graunt of the
receivorshipp of the fynes and
rentes uppon the tobacco licences
to Timothy Buttes and Peirce

John Leaver. SP 16/378 f. 89 (1638)

To the most reverend father in God
the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury his grace etc.

The humble petition of John Leaver.

Sheweth that your petitioner about six moneths agoe brought over
1000 bookes called the Practice of Piety printed at
Amsterdam 800 wherof were delivered into the custody
of Master Knight [registrar?] of the High Commission and the other 200
to the Company of Stationers by information of
Phillip Chetwind, unto whome of right the copie belongeth.

Hee humbly beseecheth your grace that the
said bookes may be delivered to the said Phillip
Chetwind, to his owne proper use; who thereupon
and in consideration of your petitioners misery (being
a poore man and haveing a great charge of
of children to mainteyne) is content to surcease
his suite against your petitioner in the High Commission
provided it may be by your grace's permission.

And, as bound, he shall ever pray etc.

I desire Sir John Lambe to peruse this peticion and
give me an accompt of it at his next comming.

January 8

William Cantuariensis

Petition John Leaver for the
Practise of Pieties to be delivered
to Phillip Chetwind.

Sir Alexander Hume. SP 16/403 f. 22 (1639)

To the Kinges most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Sir Alexander Hume your faithfull

Shewing that whereas Stephen Talmage marriner and
Edward Harris marchant having the a shipp calld the Anne
and Sara of London, and being bound in her for Virginia, in July
was 12 moneths by obligacion became bound to your majestie in 1000 pounds
to returne back to the port of London and there unlayd their
whole fraight of tobaccoe

Now soe it is may it please your majestie that contrary to the
tenour and effect of the said bond the said shipp hath arrived in
Holland, and there hath unlayded her whole fraight, to the
forfeiture of the said bond of 1000 pounds to your majestie, as your petitioner
hopeth to prove

In consideracion whereof, and your petitioners longe and faythfull service
he most humbly prayeth, that your majestie may be gratiously
pleased to grant unto your petitioner or any whome he shall nam
the benefitt of the said bond, the forfeiture thereof of
1000 pounds your petitioner prosecuting the said offence at his owne charge
and that your petitioner may for that effect, have the said bond
delivered into his handes

And shall pray etc

Att the court at Whitehall 5 January 1638

His majesty is pleased to grant the petitioner his desire and Master
Attorney Generall is to prepare a bill for his majesties
signature conteyning eyther a grant of the said bond to
such person as he shall nominate or a discharge to the
parties who have forfeited the said bond, in case the petitioner
shall compounde with them, and the said bond is to be
delivered into the handes of the petitioner to be sued or delivered
as he shall have cause

Francis Windebank

William Brookinge, a poor tailor of Plympton in Devon. SP 16/409 f. 20 (1639)

To the right worshipfull Sir John Lambe knight judge of the Arches:

The humble peticion of William Brookinge a poore taylor of Plympton
in Devon about 200 myles from London:

Sheweth that one Thomas Avent a rich man having much vext and opprest your
petitioner and soe foully defamed him and his wife, that your petitioner was enforst to prosecute
a suite in the archdeacons court of the foresaid towne for the cleeringe of his wifes
creditt, wher sentance past for your petitioner from which the said Avent did appeale
to the chanclers courte att Exon, and ther likewise sentance past for your petitioner from
which alsoe for further vexacion the said Avent did appeale to the Arches, and
ther by apparitours neglectinge the manner of servinge a proces he is likly to recover
some costes against your petitioner before the tryall of this second appeale the which your petitioner
(being soe much opprest and therby brough to soe great povertie) is not able
to pay untill he be allowed his costes for the two severall sentances aforesaid:

Hereuppon seeinge the truth of this peticion may the better
appeare by a certificate hereunto annexted your petitioner therfore
humbly prayeth that the said Aventes costes may be stayed
untill the petitioner may have his costes uppon the foresaid 2 severall
sentances, or untill the second appeale be ended in the Arches,
and that in the meane tyme Sir Richard Strod the recorder
of the said twone towne of Plympton or some such
indefferent man may mediate an end of all matters
if he can or els, to certifie unto your worshipp in whom
the fault is

And your petitioner shalbe ever bound to pray for your worshipps

41 of the leading persons of Cornwall. SP 16/409 f. 22 (1639)

To the right worshipfull Francis Godolphin of Treveneage
esquier high sheriff of the county of Cornewall

The humble peticion of us whose names
are subscribed.

May it please your worshipp that whereas ther hath ben of late
a generall view taken by every captayne of companyes
within the county of Cornwall; wherin ther hath ben a generall defect
of powder, not onely in the private but in the publique store
throughout this countye.

We whose names are subscribed doe desire your worshipp wilbe
pleased to present our greivance, and withall our
request unto the right honourable the lord liuetenant of this
county, and unto the rest of the right honourable the lordes of his
majesties most honourable privye counsell, that we may be spedilye
supplied with a sufficient competency of powder at the Kinges
price, to yeld us a full supplye at his majesties command,
and the better to inhable us to undergoe all services upon
all occasions; and we will daily pray for your worships prosperty

Truro in Cornwall 3 January 1638.

  • William Stanbuoy
  • Francis [Norsworthy?]
  • Christopher [Deet?]
  • George Randell
  • John Michell
  • John Jago
  • Everard Edmondes
  • Edward Grosse
  • John [Haweis?]
  • George [illegible]
  • [illegible]

  • William Randall
  • John Prowse
  • John Michell

  • Ferdinand Hobs
  • Richard Lobb
  • Rawlyng [Tankyng?]
  • Daniell [Cyell?] mayor

  • Richard Ley [illegible]

  • Simon Prust
  • Edward Castle
  • John Chattey
  • Tobias Browne
  • William Sprye
  • James [Tromearme?]
  • Henrie [Trewothnon?]
  • William Williams
  • Thomas Drake
  • John Dingle
  • John Grenfielde
  • Nicholas Flemminge
  • Balthazar Burgess

  • [Brian?] Biscawen
  • Thomas Polwheile
  • George Phippon clerk
  • Richard Wallis
  • Richard Symon
  • Walter Nicholl mayor of [Liskard?]
  • Thomas Clies
  • Richard Harris

  • John Burgess

Henry Coghill, esquire. SP 16/409 f. 80 (1639)

To the right honorable lordes of his majesties most honorable privy counsell

The humble peticion of Henry Coghill esquier

Sheweth that your lordshipps upon the humble peticion of Alice Malby wife of Thomas Malby ordered
your peticioner to pay her certeine arrerages of 20 pounds per annum, for non payment whereof and not
performeinge an order therein, made by the right honorable the Lord Keeper your peticioner
standeth in contempt

That your peticioner hath delivered into the handes of Sir William Beecher knight one of the clarkes
of the counsell 80 pounds beinge the said arrerages and is ready to performe the said orders
and therefore humbly prayeth hee may be dischardged of his contempt

That your peticioner at such tyme as hee was before your lordshipps had not his wrytinges ready
to produce nor such men there as were agentes formerly for him in that busines to
informe your lordshipps of the true state of his case

His humble suite is in regard hee hath paid the arrerages and is ready to secure
the payment of 20 pounds per annum duringe the joynt lives of Mistress Malby and her
husband, which is the principall thinge peticioned for by her

Your lordshipps will take into consideracion the state of the case beinge hereunto
annexed and permitt him to informe your lordshipps and make his defence
by his counsell, and whatsoever your lordshipps shall therein order, your
peticioner wilbe ready on his parte to performe and ever pray for your
lordshipps etc.