Petitions to the Staffordshire Quarter Sessions, 1589-1799.
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'Staffordshire Quarter Sessions: 1799', in Petitions to the Staffordshire Quarter Sessions, 1589-1799, ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].
'Staffordshire Quarter Sessions: 1799', in Petitions to the Staffordshire Quarter Sessions, 1589-1799. Edited by Brodie Waddell , British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,
"Staffordshire Quarter Sessions: 1799". Petitions to the Staffordshire Quarter Sessions, 1589-1799. Ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.
In this section
- Protestant dissenters. Q/SB 1799 T/65 (1799)
- The inhabitants of the parish of Adbaston. Q/SB 1799 T/72 (1799)
- William Chrees, Benjamin Pountney and others. Q/SB 1799 M/108 (1799)
- Peter Harding. Q/SB 1799 M/110 (1799)
- Protestant dissenters. Q/SB 1799 M/111 (1799)
- George Ridgway of Hanley. Q/SB 1799 M/112 (1799)
- George Ridgway of Hanley. Q/SB 1799 M/113 (1799)
- George Ridgway of Hanley. Q/SB 1799 M/114 (1799)
- George Ridgway of Hanley. Q/SB 1799 M/115 (1799)
- The minister and inhabitants of the chapelry of Longnor. Q/SB 1799 M/116d (1799)
Protestant dissenters. Q/SB 1799 T/65 (1799)
To the worshipful his majesty's justices of the peace
assembled at the general quarter sessions of the peace held at
Stafford in and for the county of Stafford on Thursday the eighteenth
day of July 1799
We whose names are hereunder signed do hereby certify that
we are protestant dissenters from the Church of England and
that a certain building lately erected situate and being in
Flash in the liberty of Quainford in the parish of Alstonefield
in the county of Stafford is set apart as a place for the public worship
of almighty God for protestant dissenters and we do
humbly request that it may be registered and
recorded as such at the said sessions according to
the statute in that case made and provided witness
our hands this thirteenth day of July in the said
year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred
and ninety nine
- James Beswick
- John Beswick
- Joseph Wood
- James Redfern
- William Chappell
Petition to register a dissenting
meeting house at Flash
Filed at translation sessions
18 July 1799
Master Ryder [illegible]
The inhabitants of the parish of Adbaston. Q/SB 1799 T/72 (1799)
The humble petition of the inhabitants of
the parish of Adbaston in the county of Stafford
That his majesty's most gracious letters patent
under the great seal of Great Britain hath heretofore been
granted to the inhabitants of the parish of Adbaston
aforesaid to enable them to take down and rebuild their
parish church and part of the tower and that collections
have been made by authority thereof and paid into the hands
of the church wardens of the said parish of Adbaston and
the whole expended in the needful repairs of the said church
and tower which is very inadequate to the [sum?] wanted to
finish the same
Therefore the said inhabitants humbly pray
that your worships will be pleased to grant your [illegible]
certificate to the Lord High Chanceller of Great Britain
in order for obtaining a brief to enable them to compleat
their said church and tower
- William Anwyl curate
- [illegible] [Jackson?]
- John Podmore
- Robert Deakins
- William Tildesley
- Thomas [Hoaford?]
- John Caulkin
- William Phillips
William Chrees, Benjamin Pountney and others. Q/SB 1799 M/108 (1799)
To the worshipfull his majesty's justices of the
peace in and for the county of Stafford assembled at the
general quarter sessions of the peace holden at Stafford in and
for the said county on Thursday the tenth day of October one
thousand seven hundred and ninety nine
The petition of William Chrees Benjamin Pountney Anthony
Lane Bernard Wilkes Henry Smith and Catherine Bourne
That the town of Wolverhampton in the said county of Stafford is a town of
considerable resort and that your petitioners have been at a considerable expence in
erecting a theatre in the said town of Wolverhampton and that the said theatre is not
within twenty miles of the cities of London Westminster or Edinburgh or within eight miles of any
patent or licensed theatre or ten miles of the residence of his majesty or of any place
within the same jurisdiction at which within six months now last past a licence
under the act made and passed in the twenty eighth year of the reign of his present
majesty King George the third intituled "An Act to Enable Justices of the Peace to Licence
Theatrical Representations occasionally under the Restrictions therein Mentioned" hath
been had and exercised or within fourteen miles of either of the universities of Oxford and
Cambridge or within two miles of the outward limits of any city town or place
having peculiar jurisdiction and that no license whatever hath been had and
exercised in the said town of Wolverhampton within the space of eight months now
last past
Your petitioners therefore pray that you would
be pleased to grant a license to your petitioners pursuant
to the directions and powers of the said act to permit and
allow the performance of such tragedies comedies interludes
operas plays and farces as now are or hereafter shall be
acted performed or represented at either of the patent or
licensed theatres in the city of Westminster or as shall
in the manner prescribed by law have been submitted to
the inspection of the Lord Chamberlain of the King's
household for the time being at the aforesaid theatre in the
town of Wolverhampton aforesaid in the county of Stafford
aforesaid and within your jurisdiction for such time
as to your worships shall seem meet
- William Chrees
- Benjamin Pountney
- Anthony Lane
- Bernard Wilkes
- Henry Smith
- Catherine Burne
Peter Harding. Q/SB 1799 M/110 (1799)
Ashley Heath 9th October 1799
Master Keen,
As the bearer Nathaniel Alcock
'our foreman' is a man of low circumstances
and has been at a great expence in promoting the
erection of a chapel by subscription to accommadate
a small congregation of methodists in Hookgate for
which he wishes to obtain a licence I hope you will favor
him by having the request presented in court before
[consel?] is called which I understand was a favor
granted to Master Smith a respectable neighbour of mine
for a house he got licensed on the same account
Your kindness herein will oblige my father and
self for whom I am
Your obedient and humble servant
Peter Harding
Protestant dissenters. Q/SB 1799 M/111 (1799)
Hookgate 9th October 1799
To the worshipful magistrates,
we whose names are hereunto subscribed
being protestant dessenters desire that a newly
erected building called Hookgate Chapel, situate
in the parish of Ashley and county of Stafford may
be licensed for the public worship of almighty
- Joseph Cooke
- John Smith [per procr?] of Samuel Smith Samuel Harding
- James Garratt
- Thomas Garratt
- John Lathberry
George Ridgway of Hanley. Q/SB 1799 M/112 (1799)
To the worshipfull the justices at the generall quarter
sessions of the peace held at Stafford in and for the said county October 10 1799
The petition of George Ridgway of Hanley
That your petitioner is a protestant
dissenter from the Church of England
That your petitioner firmly believes
the doctrine of the ever blessed trinity
That your petitioner is trustee to a
society of protestant dissenters who have erected a
chappel at Burslem in the county of Stafford for the worship of almighty God
Your petitioner therefore prays
the said chappel may be licensed
pursuant to the statute in that
case made and provided
And your petitioner will ever pray
George Ridgway
George Ridgway of Hanley. Q/SB 1799 M/113 (1799)
To the worshipful the justices at the general quarter sessions of the
peace held at Stafford in and for the county of Stafford October 10th 1799
The petition of George Ridgway of Hanley
That your petitioner is a
protestant dissenter from the Church of England
That your petitioner firmly
beleives the doctrine of the ever blessed trinity
That your petitioner is trustee
to a society of protestant dissenters who have erected
a chappel for the service of almighty God at
Newcastle under Lyme in the county of Stafford
Your petitioner therefore prays
the said chappel may be licensed
pursuant to the statute in that
case made and provided
And your petitioner will ever pray
George Ridgway
George Ridgway of Hanley. Q/SB 1799 M/114 (1799)
To the worshipful the justices at the general quarter sessions of the
peace held at Stafford in and for the county of Stafford October 10th 1799
The petition of George Ridgway of Hanley
That your petitioner is a protestant
dissenter from the Church of England
That your petitioner firmly believes
the doctrine of the ever blessed trinity
That your petitioner is trustee
to a society of protestant dissenters who have erected a
chappel at Stoke upon Trent Lane End in the county of Stafford
for the worship of almighty God
Your petitioner therefore prays the
said chappel may be licensed
pursuant to the statute in that
case made and provided
And your petitioner will ever pray
George Ridgway
George Ridgway of Hanley. Q/SB 1799 M/115 (1799)
To the worshipful the justices at the general quarter sessions
of the peace held at Stafford in and for the county of Stafford October 10. 1799
The petition of George Ridgway of Hanley
Your petitioner is a protestant dissenter from the
Church of England
That your petitioner firmly believes the doctrine
of the ever blessed trinity
That your petitioner is trustee to a society
of protestant dissenters who have erected a chappell at
Hanley Shilton in the parish of Stoke upon Trent in the county of Stafford for the worship of
almighty God
Your petitioner therefore prays the said
chappel may be licensed pursuant to the statute
in that case made and provided
And your petitioner will ever pray
George Ridgway
The minister and inhabitants of the chapelry of Longnor. Q/SB 1799 M/116d (1799)
The humble petition of the minister and inhabitants of the
chapelry of Longnor in the parish of Alstonfield in
the county of Stafford
that the chapel of Longnor in this county
is in so ruinous a state, that part of the walls must
be taken down and rebuilt, and raised six feet higher in
order that galleries may be erected to enable the in=
=habitants to attend divine service; (the population
being much increased of late years) and the roof of the
said chapel being in such condition as to endanger
the lives of the congregation, the said roof being at
present propped with sundry deal poles as a temporary
support to prevent the same from falling into the body
of the chapel.
We therefore most humbly pray that the justices
will be pleased to grant their certificate to the Lord Chancellor
of Great Britain to obtain a brief in order to enable the
said inhabitants of the chapelry of Longnor to do what
is necessary to their said chapel.
- Thomas Blackey minister
- Thomas Wood chapel warden
- John Wain
- John [Janance?]
- William Johnson
- Thomas Oliver
- John Gould
- John Millward
- Charles Wheeldon
- John Millward
- Nicholas Lomas
- William Needham