Petitions to the Staffordshire Quarter Sessions, 1589-1799.
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'Staffordshire Quarter Sessions: 1599', in Petitions to the Staffordshire Quarter Sessions, 1589-1799, ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].
'Staffordshire Quarter Sessions: 1599', in Petitions to the Staffordshire Quarter Sessions, 1589-1799. Edited by Brodie Waddell , British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,
"Staffordshire Quarter Sessions: 1599". Petitions to the Staffordshire Quarter Sessions, 1589-1799. Ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.
In this section
Edward Howell of Butterall, yeoman. Q/SR/70/10 (1599)
To the right honorable and worshippfull her
Majesties justices of the peace within the Countie
of Stafford.
In all humilitie moveth you Edward Howell of Butterall in the countie aforesaid yoman, that wh[illegible]
one Raphe Stiche and Edmund Ryley, of Butterlall aforesaid yoman in the passion weeke now last pa[st]
gave it out at Butterlall aforesaid with great othes that they would cutt of the eares of this the [illegible]
sonnes and nayle them on their fathers dowre, and thereuppon in the same passion week [illegible]
Stiche and Ryley came to his the said Howells dwellinge house in Butterall aforesaid and [illegible]
one Margaret the said Howells wif hare and hares calfe, callinge further unto her, and saying [illegible]
thy husbande come out and if he dare, and yet not so contented the said Stiche, and Ryley [illegible]
last meetinge the said Margaret his wif and one Edmund Howell her sonne with her, did beate th[illegible]
Edward Howells said wif, and sonne. And yet not so contented the said Stiche and Ryley [illegible]
Obedya Cottie of the towne of Stafford kirurgion and one George Hewlins, and Richard [illegible]
Stafford Castle yomen, who on Tusedaye last past the xth of this Aprill as hethe said [illegible]
the said Edward Howell satte at his supper in his said dwellinge howse entred into his said ho[illegible]
aforesaid and theie beinge weaponed with swordes dagges and gauntletes did wound one w[illegible]
the said Edward Howells sonne, and had like to have slayne him the said Edward How[illegible]
Margaret his wif had not the under shereffe of the said countie of Stafford and [illegible]
neighboures commen to have rescued him the said Edward, That it would therefore [illegible]
premisses consydered to graunt unto him the said Edward Howell the good abearinge [illegible]
Raphe Stiche, Edward Ryley and Obedya Cottie George Hewlins and Richard[illegible]
Edard Howell as most bounden shall dayly praye for your longe good and hap[illegible]
- Edward Howell sworne per Cur
- Richard Chomley sworne per Cur
- Humfrey Machen Constable of Capenhall sworne
- Raphe Stich theise persons are bounden b[illegible]
- Edward Riley and theise to retourne[illegible]
- illegible name, or names] Relaxatur per querentiem
The inhabitants of Hatherton. Q/SR/70/11-12 (1599)
To the right honorable and there very good
Lord Sir William Peryam knight Lord Cheeffe
Baron of her majesties court of Exchequere
and justice of the assizes within the countie aforesaid
Humblie complayning shewe and beseeche your good lordship
your poore daylie supplicantes the inhabitantes of the hamlett
of Hatherton within the county aforesed that
whereas your seid supplicantes by order sett downe
by the justices of the peace within that lymmytt by force of
the late made statute for the releeveing of the poore
people within the parishe where they were borne
are appoynted to pay xii d everye weeke in
contribution with the parishioners of Rydgley within the
same countye for and toward the releeving of the
poore within the same parishe.
And for that your seid orators suppose themselves
greatlie oppressed by the same and for as much as they
have within theire seid hamlett of Hatherton fyve
or sixe and twentie poore people olde impotent and
unable to worke which they of necessitie by force of
the same statute are bound to releeve, and they being
but eyght in number to releeve them: in tender
consideracion whereof your seid orators appeale
unto your good lordship for some reasonable redresse
therein most humblie beseeching you to peruse the
true names and number of the seid poore people within there seid
smale hamlett, the which is hereunto annexed
and that uppon due consideracion hereof yt maye
please your good lordship to order yt or cause yt to be
ordered by the seid justices that your seid orators
shall not onlie be discharged of the seid contribucion
but that also they maye receave contribucion for the
better releeveing of the seid poore within them out
of and from some other parish or place which is not so
greatlie charged as they are and herein they shall
daylie pray god for your longe contynuance
Your good lordships humble poore
orators the inhabitantes of
the hamlett of Hatherton
Petic xli mo.
The names of the poore people within the towneshippe
or hamlett of Hatherton as foloweth
John Trafford
Rauff Alport
Agnes Hande vid
Thomas Hande
William Hande
William Hargreve
Elizabeth Trafford vid
Ellen Hywson
Richard Hywson
Johanne Hiwson
William Cast
Elizabeth Cast
John Spencer
Katerynn Spencer
Amy Byrche
Mary Byrche
Humfrey More
Elizabeth More
Richard More
Ellen Annesley vid
Margarett Annesley
Thomas Mountford
Joyce Widoson
William Bothe
Alice Bothe
Thomas Bothe
Margaret Bothe
Elizabeth Etherydge vid and two
Yt is agryed th that Hatherton and
Collington shalbe discharged for
contrybutyons to Rydgley so that the
paye all that was imposed of the
[Rat?] the last assyses Walter Chetwynd