Petitions to the House of Lords: 1621

Petitions to the House of Lords, 1597-1696.

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'Petitions to the House of Lords: 1621', in Petitions to the House of Lords, 1597-1696, ed. Jason Peacey , British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].

'Petitions to the House of Lords: 1621', in Petitions to the House of Lords, 1597-1696. Edited by Jason Peacey , British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,

"Petitions to the House of Lords: 1621". Petitions to the House of Lords, 1597-1696. Ed. Jason Peacey , British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.

Long title
Petitions to the House of Lords: 1621

In this section

Richard Camell, prisoner in the Fleet. HL/PO/JO/10/1/13 (1621)

To the Right Honorable Lords of the
high Courte of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Richard Camell a prisoner
in the Fleete by your Lordshipps just commandement.

Humbly shewinge to your good Lordships That where he stands comitted by your
Lordshipps to the Fleete and was formerlie committed to the custody of the messenger,
of his Majesties high Courte of Chauncery by the Right Honorable the Lord Chancellor
and Sir Julius Caesar knight Master of the Rolles ever since twesdaie for a
just offence which he confesses deserves a farre greater punishment then it
hath pleased your honors to lay uppon him, And havinge noe meanes
to satisfy your Honors but his humble submission and hartie contricion
for the same, with his faithfull promise never to committ the like offence
againe, and to provide also that the like be never donne by any serving
in that office where he doth.

He most humbly beseecheth your Honors in regard he is but a
poore clerk whose meanes and mainteynance consistes only in
dispatchinge his clientes causes whereof many are nowe in his
handes, That your Honors wilbe pleased to graunt his releasement
wherby he may followe his vocation, to the maintenance of him
self, his wife and children, And he accordinge to his bounden
duty shall alwaies pray for Your Honors in all health and
happines long to contynue.

R Camell

Salomon Browne, servant and solicitor to the Archbishop of York. HL/PO/JO/10/1/14 (1621)

To the Right Honorable the Lordes spirituall and temporall assembled in the
High Courte of Parliament

The humble peticion of Salomon Browne servant and sollicitor to the most Reverend
Father in god Tobie Lord Archbishop of York, Primate and Metropolitan of England

Humblie sheweth to your Honors that whereas by the laudable and ancyent priviledges and
customes of this Realme of England the servant and sollicitor of any the lordes
spirituall or temporall assembled in the High Courte of parliament are and ought
to be protected and freed from arreaste and imprisonment during the continuance of
the parliament, The peticioner being servant and sollicitor unto the most reverend
father in god Tobie Lord Archbishop of Yorke etc was synce the begining of this
parliament arrested by Richard Reynoldes and Robert Wright sergeantes at mace
to the Shereifes of London at the suite of Robert Whale Elizabeth Feild and John

His humble prayer is that this Honorable Courte wilbe pleased to take
consideracion oh his cause and grante a habeas corpus directed to the
Shereifes of London, That thereupon suche order may be sett downe for
this peticioners inlargment as in the judgment of this Honorable Courte shalbe
thought fitt.

Edward Ewre. HL/PO/JO/10/1/14 (1621)

To the Kings most excellent Majestie

James R fiat

Humblie beseecheth your Majestie your humble subject and true leigeman Edward Ewre. That
whereas John Moile gentleman brought an accion of wast against your said subject
Edward Ewre before your Majesties Justices of your Majesties Court of Common plees at
Westminster and had judgment against your said subject Edward Ewre in the said
accion of wast in the foresaid Court before your said Justices which judgment was
afterwardes affirmed before your Majesties Justices of your highnes bench at Westminster
And yet in the recordes proces and givinge of judgment in the plea of the said
accion of wast it is openlie erred unto the full greivous harme of your
said subject Edward Ewer which errors may not be redressed neither
reformed by your lawe but onlie by your high Court of Parliament.

May it therefore please your highnes of your abundant grace that
a writt of error be awarded out of your Majesties high Court of
Chauncerie to be directed to the right worshipfull your trustie subject
Sir James Leak knight and baronett Cheife Justice of your said
Bench whoe hath your said record and proces in keepinge
to bringe or send the said record and proces with all things
concerninge thereunto before your highnes in this your
present parliament and then and there and such direcion to be taken and
for the correccion and reformacion of the said errors as to your
most noble grace by the advise and assent of your Lordes
spirituall and temporall in this your present parliament
assembled shalbe thought meete and as after your noble lawe
and custome of this your Realm of England it ought to be

And your said subject Edward Ewre shall pray
unto Almightie God for your Majesties longe and
prosperous raigne over us.

2 Martii: 1620:

Edw: Ewre to remove
a record forth of the
Kings Bench into the
Parliament to revers a judgment
in a writ of wast

Richard Reynolds and Roberte Wright. HL/PO/JO/10/1/15 (1621)

To the right Honorable the Lords in his Majesties highe Court of
Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of Richard Reynolds and Roberte Wright.

Most humblie shewinge That your poore peticioners haveinge indured longe
imprisonment aswell in the Messingers handes as now in the Fleete and also
haveinge undergonne that greate affliction which it pleased your honours to lay uppon
them and still remayne in prison to their excessive charge which hath tended
to theire utter undoeinge for ever.

May it therefore please your honors to comiserate the poore and distressed
estates of your peticioners whose wives and children are like utterly to perishe
to be pleased to afford them your honors discharge to be directed to the
warden of the Fleete for their inlargement And they as in duty
bound shall dailie pray for your honors lone livees and happye estates.

  • Richard Rennollde
  • Robert Wright

15 Martii.

To be brought hither tomorrowe morning
and the to acknowledge faulte first and then
To be released,

A warrant delyvered to the Sergeant
to bryng the prisoners.

prisoners in the Fleete
to be discharged

Robert Breres, messenger of his majesty's Averie. HL/PO/JO/10/1/15 (1621)

To the Gracious and right honorable the Lords of the High Courte of Parliament

The humble peticion of Robert Breres, Messenger of his Majesties Averie.

Most humbly sheweth, That your supplyant was sente upon a speciall commaunde, from the Right Honorable the Lord Marquesse of Buckingham, to the dwelling howses of Jeffery
Pashmore and Nicholas King, and them bring into the office of the Avery, there to answer unto such matters as should be objected againste them.

And your supplyant comminge to the howse of the said Pashmore, enquiring of his wife for him, she demaunded of your supplyant his busines, whereuppon he tould her, and
then she grewe into a most strange passion, reviling your supplyant with wordes unseemely to be spoken by any woman calling him base roague, rascall, and diverse
other such like speeches, Whereuppon your supplyant departed, and comminge againe the seacond time, mett with the saide Pashmore in his shopp, and toulde him that
your supplyant was sente for him by a speciall commaunde, as aforesaide, But Pashmore denyed that he was the man, and saide that Pashmore was sometimes there,
but he was not the man, But a woman comminge into the shopp called him by the name of Pashmore, Then your supplyant adventured to declare the
Right Honorable the Lord Marquesses commaunde, and then Pashmore demaunded to see the warrant but your supplyant tould him that it was only a commaunde, and
Pashmore saide My Lord Marquesse had nothing to doe with him, for he knew the busines, and coulde not nor would not goe, because his wife was
not within, and he had other busines.

With that his wife came downe staires, in such passion as she formerly was, calling your supplyant base felowe and such like names as she did before.
Then your supplyant departed, and comming the third time had a warrant, and asking of her for her husband, she thereuppon called for a sword, and swore
if your supplyant would not goe out of the howse, she would kill him, Then your supplyant shewing her the warrant, she saide it was a counterfett one,
But the same night your peticioner comminge by chaunce, founde the saide Pashmore, and served the warrant uppon him and commaunded him to obey it,
which he refused to doe, striving to escape, But your supplyant endeavouring to deteyne Pashmore his prisoner, Pashmores wife cryed out Murther, whereupon
one Mr Harbert came downe with his sworde drawen, swearing he would cutt off your supplyants head, if he would not lett Pashmore alone, and then came
in a greate number of women, and they all with the saide Pashmore and Harbert fell uppon your supplyant and his deputie, scratching and abusinge
them and takeing from your supplyant his hatt and sword, your supplyant telling the saide Harbert diverse times it was a warrant from the Councell, but he
saide he cared not, and would not cease his violent takeing awaie of the saide prisoner, but thrust your supplyant and his deputie out of the doores,
deteyninge your supplyantes hat and sword, and tearing his ruffe from aboute his neck.

The peticioner humbly submitteth himselfe to your gracious and honorable grave wisdoms, beseechinge that such order may be taken with the
saide Pashmore and his wife, and the saide Harberte, for this theire contempte, and abusinge your supplyant, and his deputie as in justice
and equitie shalbe thought fitt, And your poore supplyant (as in duety bownde) shall daily pray etc.

Elizabeth King, wife of Nicholas King. HL/PO/JO/10/1/15 (1621)

To the right honorable the Lordes Spirituall and Temporall
of the higher Howse of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Elizabeth King wife
of Nicholas King

Humblie shewing, that being instigated and threatned by Jeffery Pasmore to
arrest Samuell Booth one of his Majesties Servantes, for the doing whereof the said
Jeffery Pashmore justified that he had a reference from his Majestie and would
save the peticioners husband harmeles for the same, And if her said husband
would not execute the same, hee would undoe him and his suerties.

The petitioner humblie beseecheth your honors in regard of her povertie
and charge of children, and cannott live without him,
That your lordships wilbee pleased to give order for her said
husbandes discharge, or elles your petitioner and her children
are utterlie undone, And the rather for that the said
Pasmore is committed by your honors for his contempt
And shee and her Children shall ever praie etc.

petecion of Elezeb: King

her husband Nicholas King
arrested Samwell Booth
at the suyt of Passmore,
standes comitted.

prayes to be discharged.

Petition of Eliz: King

Roger Harris, citizen and freeman of London. HL/PO/JO/10/1/15 (1621)

To the most high and honorable upper house of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Roger Harris Citizen and Freeman of London.

Sheweth That where William Hodges mercer tooke a bond of C li. for payment of L li.
in the name of your honors suppliant of one [blank] Bird and William Jewell an inkeeper
which being forfeited was put in suite and a judgment thereupon obteined and before
Christmas last execucion was taken out and served upon the said Juell by the baylief
of the undersheriff of Surrey about the 15th of Januarie last which was a fortnight
before the begining of this Session of Parliament. After the said Juell was in
prison upon the same execucion and not before, your honnors suppliant was told that the said
Juell was priviledged by the Lord Stafford. But noe such writt of priviledge
was sett up in either of the Compters, nor in the Sheriffes Office of Surrey or Middlesex
as the custome is and as many other which the Lord Stafford had priviledged were sett
up but the said Juells name was not among them. Howbeit your honors suppliant desirous
to be advised by councell whither he might discharge the said Juell by vertue of the
Statute of primo Jacobi Regis and yet sue forth a new execucion after thend of
this honorable Parliament was fully certified by his learned Counsell that he could
not doe it but should loose the debt if he did it, And for that also your honors suppliant (if
he had don it should have shewed himselfe to have bin a very dishonest and unfaithfull
man to the said Hodges who had trusted him and used his name in the premisses and
might also have justly feared that in equity and conscience he should have bin ordred
to make recompense. Therefore he did for the reasons aforesaid forbeare to release
the said Juell. And he did since together with the said Hodges (being sent unto by the
Lord Stafford and told that he should have securitie for the debt if he would give any
reasonable time attend the Lord Staffordes thereaboutes very often and manie times and
his Lordship did saie and protest that he found the said Hodges and your honors suppliant soe
reasonable that if their offers were yet accepted his Lordship would meddle [illegible noe more
in the busines to priviledge the said Juell.

In tender consideracion of the premisses and of his ever ready and willing
submission and obedience to the priviledges of this high and honorable house of
Parliament and for that your honors suppliantes name was but only used in the premisses
as a person trusted therein) your honnors suppliant humbly praieth to be dismissed
from further attendance And he shall day pray etc.

Roger Harris and John Pepwell, citizens and freemen of London. HL/PO/JO/10/1/15 (1621)

To the Lordes Spirituall and Temporall of the
higher Howse of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Roger Harris and John Pepwell
Citizens and Freemeen of London.

Sheweth that William Jewell of Southwarke in the Countie of Surrey inholder was about the
14th. of Januarie last past taken in twoe severall execucions after judgement upon the twoe severall
suites of your suppliantes. The writtes being delivered to the Sheriffe of Surrey about a moneth before

And since the serving of the said execucions, the said Jewell hath shewed forth a writt of priviledge
from the right honorable the Lord Stafford, whereby hee doth not onlie endeavor his enlargement but also
threatens the undoing of your suppliantes.

Your suppliantes shalbee willing to yeild all obedience unto the priviledges of this most honorable Howse. But in
regard there are sett upp in the Compters of London, and in the Sheriffes offices of Middlesex, and
Surrey, divers writtes of priviledge (whereof the said Jewell is none) neither was the said
Jewell ever servant to his lordship nor ever pretended any dependancie upon him untill after the
serving of the said execucions. Soe that your suppliantes though they might proceed against him.

Edward Newton, servant to the undersheriff of Surrey. HL/PO/JO/10/1/16 (1621)

To the right honorable the Lordes in his Majesties highe
Courte of Parliament assembled

The humble peticion of Edward Newton servant to the nowe undersherife of Surrey

Sheweth that your peticioner havinge two execucions delivered unto him, thone at the suite of one Pepwell
for 87li-12d. and thother at the suite of one Harris for 103li against William Jewell protected by
the Right Honorable the Lord Stafford arrested the said Jewell notwithstandinge his proteccion for which
contempt your poore peticioner is by your Honors committed to the Fleete where he yet remayneth.

May it therefore please your Honors to commiserate the poore estate of your peticioner and to be
pleased to afford him his libertie with mittigacion of his Fees for that he is noe way
able to satisfie the same in respect of his povertie beinge a younge clerke and through
his ignorance and want of experience fallen into contempt in this honorable Court
of Parliament. And he as in dutie bound shall daylie praye for your Honors longe lives and
happie estates.

peticion Edri Newton

delivered to the Lords
19 March 1620

Easter Favour. HL/PO/JO/10/1/16 (1621)

To the right honorable the Knights and Burgesses
assembled in the lower house of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Easter Favour
in Bishopsgate Street in three Tunne Alley sworne
before the right honorable the Assemblie of the upper house of Parlyament
the 20th daie of March 1620 1620.

Sheweth that whereas your poore petitioner being a spynner of silver thread, and about Midsommer
next wilbe three yeares sitting at her owne doore one Ireland the officers of Mr Fowle, after they
had then searched and rifled her said house for silver thread, and fownd none, they
commaunded her to goe with them to Mr Fowles chamber in Fynsbury, promising shee
should not stay one houre there, but they contraary to their said promise, putt her
in the common gaole there, where she was kept 6 or 7 daies: And after carried her
before Sir Allen Apsley, Sir [illegible] Michell knightes and justices, and the said Mr Fowle
whoe being both party and judge because she would not take her oath shee had neither
formerly wrought at her said trade, nor hereafter would not, which shee could not
lawfully doe, committed her to Newgate where she was kept to her great disgrace
and hynderance xxty daies, and could not be discharged by any one but the said Mr
Fowles, nor baile, of 1000li would be taken for her.

She most humbly praieth for that your petitioner was thus ymprisoned and troubled
uppon meere suspicion without any just cause to her great infamy disgrace
and hynderance You would be pleased to take the consideracion of theis
her wronges into this honorable house, and take such order for your poore
petitioners reliefe herein, as in your grave, and discreete wisedomes you
shall thinke most fitt And your petitioner shall ever pray etc.

par moi aster lefevre

Stephen Bellott, sometime servant to one Monjoye wire drawer. HL/PO/JO/10/1/16 (1621)

To the right honorable Assemblie the Comons Upper house of Parlament

The humble peticion of Stephen Bellott sometime
servant to one Monjoye wyerdrawer sworne
before the right honorable the the Assemblie of the upper house of Parlyament

Humblie shewing that the peticioner hath for manie yeares gotten
his living by the art of working gold and silver thredd, and thereby
onlie mainteyned his wife and children

That about twoe yeares since Mr Fowles under collor of his patent
sent one Ireland his pursevant, whoe did forciblie enter into the
peticioners house and going up into an upper roome, where the
chamber doore was lockt, the said Ireland did violentlie breake
open the said doore and tooke out of the chamber the peticioners mill
the onlie instrument of his living, and caried away the same to
Mr Fowles whoe doth hitherto deteine the same, whereby
the peticioner his wife and children are utterlie undone

He humblie beseecheth your honorable consideracions of theis
wronges And that the peticioner may have recompence
for the same as your honors shall thinck meet. And
he shall dailie praie etc.

Stephen Bellott

William Pargiter, Mountagu Wood and Christofer Awbrey. HL/PO/JO/10/1/16 (1621)

To the highe and mightie Prince Charles and to the
right honorable the Lordes Spirituall and temporall in this
highe Court of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of Edward Egerton William
Pargiter Mountagu Wood and Christofer

Humbly shewing That whereas your peticoners have delivered into this
honorable Court their severall peticions against divers orders decrees and other
Actes made by the late lord Chauncellor, Whereby they have humblye
desired releiffe aswell for their particuler grievances, as also for
bringing to lighte of the abuses and indirect dealing in the procuring
of the same, And yet are left remedilesse, in the ending of their suites,
having already made due proofe thereof to this honorable Court.

May it therefore please your highnes and this honorable Court
to take into your honorable consideracions some present course
howe to releive them in their particuler causes by some
committee: And your petitioners shall daylie pray etc.

Thomas Norton, solicitor. HL/PO/JO/10/1/16 (1621)

To the right honorable the Lordes of the upper house of Parliament
committees for the gold thredd.

The humble petition of Thomas Norton sollicitor for that worke

Most humblie sheweinge to your honors that whereas uppon warninge to appeare before
the comittees of the Lower House, I (as in duty I ought) duly attended 14 daies and
was not called untill Frydaie last your honors were pleased to committ me close prisoner
untill I should be examined by Judge Hawton and Mr Baron Denham, which is
don, and also should give in a particuler of such persons as demand satisfaccion for seizurs
made by one Ireland, which I also have delivered in.

Now my most humble suite to your honors is your Lordships wilbe pleased, (for that your peticoner
is a verie poore man and not hable to beare the great charges of imprisonment he
is at and hath a wife sicke and in a deppe consumpcion and 5 small children)
to comisserat him and them and to suffer your petitioner (uppon good baile to attend your honors
commaundes at all tymes) to be at libertie, whereby he maie be hable to releive him
and them And your petitioner his wife and children shall daily praie for your honors long and happie
lives in this world, and life eternall in the world to come.

Thomas Fuller, clerk. HL/PO/JO/10/1/16 (1621)

To the honorable assemblie of the Comons
howse of Parliament.

The humble Peticion of Thomas Fuller clarke

Most humblie beseechinge your honorable consideracions of the state of your peticioners cause
contayned in the paper hereunto annexed wherein appeareth That your peticioner without
all cullor of right was dispossessed by Sir John Hall knight of the rectorie of Upton Gray
in Com Southampton beinge the whole estate of your peticioner for the maynteinance of himself
his wief and three smale children. That Sir John Hall exhibited an informacion into
the Courte of Wardes against your peticioner. That after divers heareinges and injuccions
was awarded for the peticioners possession, which not beinge obeyed, a writt of assistannce
was graunted to the Sheriff to contynue your peticioner in possession. That Sir John Hall
after preferred a bill into the Chauncery for the same cause, And (your peticioner haveinge day
to answere by the course of the Courte) did notwithstandinge in the vacacion obteyne an
injunccion for the possession. That your peticioner obteyned two severall warrantes from
the Sheriff uppon the writt of assistance. That the Sheriffes officers executinge the
same were beaten and wounded by Sir John Hall and divers riotous persons by him brought
and your peticioner not permitted to keepe the possession. That your peticioner is kept
prisoner in the Fleete and not suffered to goe abroade uppon affidavit of contemptuous
wordes spoken, it not appeareinge by the affidavite by whome the wordes were spoken and in
truth your peticioner never uttered any.

Sir John Hall, knight, prisoner in the Fleet. HL/PO/JO/10/1/16 (1621)

To the honorable the Knights Cittizens and Burgesses
of the Comons howse of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of Sir John Hall knighte
prisoner in the Fleete.

Humbly sheweth That your peticioner (havinge much matter of
greivaunce against one Thomas Fuller Clerke and others
wherein hee desireth to pray the judgment of this honorable assembly
hathe been and yett is by the indirect prosecucion of the sayde Fuller, by
the right honorable the Master of the Wardes and Liveries uppon supposed
contemptes soe streightly ymprisonned in the Fleete, that hee
cannott attende his buisinesse and instruct his councell whereby
hee is greatly prejudiced and greeved

In tender consideration whereof your peticioner humbly
prayeth That this honorable courte wilbe pleased to take
into consideracion the greivaunces of your peticioner, and
that such order may be taken that your peticioner may
have his liberty upon good security given for his
retourne into prison yf the Courte uppon hearinge the
matter shall soe thinke fytt and order.

The customary tenants of Thornbury and Ouldbury. HL/PO/JO/10/1/16 (1621)

The most humble petition of the Customary Tennants
of Thornbury and Ouldbury in the Countie of Gloucester
to the high Court of Parliament.

Humbly sheweth. That they are aboutes 200 auncyent tennantes of inheritance; And that
there are aboutes 3000 persons havinge their cheefest releife from them whoe are like to
be undone, and they and their generacion (as hath bin threatned and practized) to
be rooted out by a tedious and chargeable suite contynued and prosecuted by Edward
Stafford esquier sonne and heire of the nowe Lord Stafford and his freindes against
them in his Majesties high Court of Chancery this 5 yeres, pretendinge uncertentye of
their customes thereby to disinherite them (contrary to the statutes and auncyent Lawes
of this Kingdome by which estates of inheritance are allowed maynteyned and preserved)
unles this most high and honorable court of Parliament, and the right worthy
members thereof prevent their harmes, and redresse their greevances (hereunto annexed
appearinge) by making voyde their reportes misprised, orders by sinister meanes of
sollicitors obteyned and a decree privatly and suddenly obteyned in the said Court
of Chancery against them And to setle their peace, as seemeth best to this honorable

For which uppon the bended knees of theire hartes, they will ever pray
that God with all manner of happines will preserve you and yours.

This petition exhibited by Eustace Wenlande

Many of the creditors of the late Thomas Frith, scrivenor. HL/PO/JO/10/1/17 (1621)

To the right honnorable the lords spirituall and temporall assembled in this present Parliament

The humble petition of many of the creditors of late Thomas
Frith, in his lifetime scrivenor in London.

Sheweinge, whereas the saide Frith was indebted unto your petitionors many and great
sommes of monny which are yet unpaide; for paiement whereof the petitionors have had longe
and severall suites in Chauncery, wherein many orders have bene made, and the exami=
=ning of their causes referred unto somme of the masters of that court; who after longe suite
unto them made uppon severall orders, met: onely (as it seemed) to receave fees, which your
petitionors were urged largely to paie, although somme of them could hardly disburse so much;
and yet your petitionors are not releeved in their saide suites but stil barred from reco=
=veringe what is dewe unto them, by coullor of a decree and vertue of twoo severall injunc=
=tions, made and awarded in the saide court above twoo yeares since, which decree in shewe
seemes to be made for all the creditors of the saide Frith, but indeede is made for three of
them onely, videlicet Sir Roger James, Sir Anthony Aucher knights and Elizabeth de La Fountaine
widdowe; who by vertue of a commission owte of the saide court have bene by the shreef of
Essex put in possession of the mannor of Upminster purchased by the said Frith; and receave
both the proffits of the saide mannor and detayne certen woods from Sir William Aylof knighte
barronet, which were by him formerly bought and paide for; of which Sir Roger, Sir Anthony,
and Mistris Fountaine, the saide Sir Anthony might and maye otherwise (by a recognisance acknow
=ledged by the saide Frith) releeve himselfe in common lawe on lands solde by the saide Frith
and formerly bought of the saide Sir Anthony and the saide Mistris Fountaine hath not as yet
made any lawfull proofe of what shee claymeth; so that your petitionors doe verily
beleeve, the saide decree and other proceedings have bene obtayned, and are maintained; by somme
corruption or indirect meanes, wherefore the petitionors doe moste humbly beseech this
moste honnorable assembly, to be pleased to examine whether it be so or not to thende they
maybe be releeved, and not perrish for want of their owne and they shalbe bounden to pray
unto almighty God, for all temporall and eternall happinesse, to all them that are of
this moste honnorable assembly

Your honnors humble petitionors for them
=selves and other creditors of the saide Frith

  • William Ayloff
  • John Poole
  • Thomas Tomlinson
  • James Holden

19 April 1621
read and

Thomas Friths creditors.

John Nanton. HL/PO/JO/10/1/17A (1621)

To the right honourable Thomas Lord Cromwell Baron of Oukham

The humble peticion of John Nanton your lordships servant.

Sheweth, that wheras your suppliant having lately obtayned leave of your lordship for some
few dayes to repayre into Northamptonshire for the dispatching of some businesse there
was upon Sunday the 15th of this Aprill arrested at Blatherwicke in the county aforesaid
as he was comming from the church, by one John Francis of Barton nere Northampton,
and one John Johnson servant to one Master Mason of Newarke upon Trent; upon a bond
wherin your suppliant stood bound for and with one John Scotte of Keyston in the county
of Northampton clerke, to Master Mason abovesaide in 200 pounds for the payment of 100 pounds
at a day long since past.

And wheras likewise your suppliant did then and there pleade that he was your lordships servant
particularly appointed to attend your lordship, and to that purpose produced your lordships testimonyall
under your lordships hand and seale; which being refused and rejected with contemptible and despightfull
wordes, your suppliant did likewise offer bayle for his appearance to the action the most
substantiall and sufficient men in the towne, but could not get them accepted; insomuch
that your suppliant was fortwith convayed by the saide bayliffes unto Northampton
gaole, where the sheriffe was ready with an execution upon the same bonde, by
vertue wherof your suppliant is still detayned in prison, notwithstanding your suppliant did
likewise shew unto him your lordships letters of testimoniall or protection.

Your suppliant humbly desireth your honour for the praesent to excuse his absence,
and if it shall seeme good to your lordship to take some order for his enlargement;
the rather it because it is not for your suppliants proper debt, but for suretyship
for one, whom his creditor might have taken at any time when he had pleased.

And your suppliant as in duty bound, shall dayly pray for your honours etc

John Nanton.
lecta 28 April 1621
and ordred.

Ordered that a writt of corpus cum causa
bee directed to the sheriffes of Northampton [illegible]
shere the to bringe the body of John Nanton
before the lords and the serjeant to
bring the plainant, undersheriff and the
bayliff who arrested him

Humphrey Leigh
esquire or his deputy.

Jeffrye Pasmore, prisoner in the Fleet. HL/PO/JO/10/1/17A (1621)

To the most honorable assemblye of the lordes spirituall
and temporall in the High Court of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Jeffrye Pasmore,
prisoner in the Fleete.


That whereas your peticioner hath bine resident in the cytie of Westminster above 36 yeres,
usinge the misterye of a chandler, and hath ever carryed himselfe as a loyall subject
towardes his majestie and executed dyverse offices which have bine ymposed upon hym within
the said cytie, and hath alwayes paid all taxes rates and assessmentes due to his majestie and to all
other good and charytable uses and soe intendeth to performe to his uttermost abylytie.

And from the tyme of his birth was not questioned or reputed to be [illegible]
of any evill condicion or conversacion much lesse of the cryme of theft robberye
and such enormous offences:

Yet one Samuell Booth (yntendinge maliciouslie to deprive your peticioner
of his good name fame and creditt, and to procure the destruccion of his life and the
forfeiture of all his estate) did publicklie accuse your peticioner to be a notorious
theife and a robber of his majesties subjectes, and in particuler, that your peticioner with two
others had feloniouslye taken and carried awaye from one of his majesties subjectes
upon the high waye 300 pounds of money; by which slander and accusacion your peticioner
hath lost his credit, the support of his estate; for remedye and preservacion
wherof, your peticioner (not knowinge that the said Samuell Boothe
was his majesties servant) by the advise of counsell did cawse the said
Samuell to be arrested at your peticioners suite.

Hereupon the said Bothe did cause the right honorable Marques of Buckingham to grant a warrant
against your peticioner, theffect wherof your peticioner was desirous to knowe but
could not; by vertue of which warrant the said Samuell with others by his procurement
did most riotouslie breake and enter into your peticioners mansion howse, and with terrefying
wordes did muche affright your peticioners wife and persons of good creditt that did
lodge and then weare in thesame howse; yet the said Booth did untrulye certefy
to the said Marques that your peticioner disobeyed and contemned the said warrant.

For these cawses your peticioner was commytted to the Fleete where he yet remayneth
in great distres beinge heartelye sorye that he hath offended in this kynde:

And for that this restraint of your peticioners libertie tendeth to the overthrowe
of his estate by not usinge his trade, and to the losse of his creditt in buyinge [illegible]
and sellinge, hee most humbly praieth your honours for Godes cawse to remytt this
his offence, and that hee maye have his inlardgment, without which he is like to be
utterlye undonne;

And your peticioner shall daylie pray to God for this most honorable assembly
in all prosperytie and happynes longe to contynewe in this world, and afterwardes
to have the full fruicion of the heavenlye kingdome.

Ordered the peticion to be brought to the barr
on Monday [during 3o?] April 1621.

John Bird, servant of the Lord Bishop of Rochester. HL/PO/JO/10/1/17A (1621)

To the most honourable the lordes spirituall and temporall
in the High Courte of Parliament

The humble peticion of John Bird servant to the
Lord Bishop of Rochester above the space of tenn yeares.

Most humbly sheweth unto your lordshipps, that beinge suerty for one
Anthony Porter for a debte of tenne poundes, he was upon Munday
the last day of Aprill arrested by one John Gillett an under=
bayliffe of Westminster to whom he signified diveres tymes that he
was servant to the Lord Bishop of Rochester, and soe knowne in
all Westminster where he dwelt; and att that instant did weare the
said Lord Bishop his livery; and of the truth thereof certified
him by another of his fellowes that waiteth upon the said Lord Bishop
in his chamber sent purposely by the said Lord Bishop to certifie the bayliffe
that he was his man; but the said bayliffe refused to admitt of
the privilidge of the barones of the higher house, except the
said Bird could show him a proteccion under the said Lord Bishop
of Rochesteres hand; then the said John Bird offered the
said bayliffe sufficient bayle of four sufficient men to be
bound in the somme of one hundred poundes for his appearance,
and answearinge of the said suite; which beinge refused, the
said Bird procured the money for which he was arrested and
the use; and tendered yt to the said bayliffe;
notwithstandinge the said bayliffe refused all this,
and delivered the said Bird to the gaoler with all despite.

In tender commiseracion whereof this humble
peticioner prayeth that your lordships would be pleased to
take this cause into your most honourable proteccion and proceede
against the bayliffe Gillet as against one that hath violated
the privilidge of this most honourable house: and your
peticioner shall dayly pray for your lordships increase
in all honour and happines.

Peticion of John
2 May 1621
and ordered

2 May
John Gillett to be sent for to be here
at the next sitting of the howse. [Tomorrow?]

Mathias Fowle, prisoner in the Fleet. HL/PO/JO/10/1/17 (1621)

To the righte Honorable the Lordes of the higher howse
of Parliament.

The most humble peticion of Mathias Fowle now prisoner in
the Fleet


That whereas the adversaryes of your peticoner under coulor of the weale publique
have not onely most falsely accused your peticioner with factes never comitted by him
And further added maany unjust crymes to make him appeare odious in the sighte
of your Lordshipps, and seeke out and sett on and instructe divers people such as they
knowe have abused your peticioner and were his servauntes and have gone away with
his goods to come to accuse him falsely by oathe which they now beginne to repent.

Theirfore he most humbly beseecheth your Lordshipps wilbe pleased even for
Gods Cause to heare him answere every particuler presently or if not
to graunt him libertye upon sufficient suertyes the better to inable him
to use the meanes for the discovery of these practizes: not doubtinge
but he shall make it plainly appeare that all his accions herein tended
to his Majesties service and the weale publique and was cheifly prejudiciall
to his owne estate, as likewise to discover the abuses which his
adversaryes are guilty of to the weale publique which ther some of
them fearinge doe so violently prosecute your peticioner

And as in duty bound your peticioner will dayly pray
for your Lordshipps happines.

Sir Henry Fynes, knight, gentleman of the king's privy chamber. HL/PO/JO/10/1/17 (1621)

To the right honorable the Lordes Spirituall and Temporall
in the upper Howse of Parliament assembled

The humble peticion of Sir Henry Fynes knight
Gentleman of the Kinges Majesties privie Chamber

Shewing, That whereas your peticioner being to wayte in his place on the Majestie is
arrested by William Browne undersheriff, Thomas Gittins and Henry Bach underbailiffes of Middlesex, at the
suite of William Tulley Citizen and Merchant tailor of London, and committed to the
Sheriffe of Middlesex (there beeing noe debt due unto the said Tulley by your peticioner) upon
meere spleene (your peticioner having a cause to bee heard in the Chauncery this day against
the said Tulley: Your peticioner also making it appeare unto the said undersheriffe under bailiffes
and to the said Tulley before the said arrest, that your peticioner is the Kinges Servant

Hee humblie praieth your Lordshipps hee may bee discharged of the said arrest
according to the priviledge belonging to the kinges Majesties Servantes in the time
of Parliament: And your peticioner shall dailie pray for the good successe
of your Honorable assembly.

lect 26 April 1621. Ordered the parties delinquentes
to be sent for ymedeatly tomorrowe morning

A habeas Corpus cum causa: to the undersheriff
Sheriff of Middlesex, to bryng the peticioner
in Court the next settynge of the House

Francis Brode. HL/PO/JO/10/1/17 (1621)

To the Kings most excellent Majestie and the right honorable
the Lords Spirituall and Temporall in the Upper
house of Parliament assembled

The humble Peticion of Francis Brode

Sheweth unto your Majesty and Lordships that wheras this peticoner
hath bin comanded by the upper house of parlament to attend
the same howse from day to day about the businesse of gold
and silver thred, and hath also with others preferred a peticion
unto the same house for redresse of diverse grievances
touching the same businesse and hath followed the same
with his personall attendance upon the house untill
yesternight being Thursday 26 April: when one John Brode
(of purpose to hinder his prosecucion) procured certen sergeantes
of the Sheriffe of London to watch the peticioner from the
parlament house and to arest him in his way home upon a fri-
volous accion of 200li damages, which sergeantes (albeit hee declared
his attendance as aforsaid) have committed the peticoner to the
Counter and since have caused other accions to be laid
upon him

Hee most humbly craveth of your most excellent
Majesty and Lordships that hee may bee privileged and
freed from the said arest during his said
attendance upon the parlament And hee
shall pray etc.

Ordered a Habeas corpus pro Fra: Broad
rec tomorrowe morning by
the rest creditour and sergeantes to be sent for
and brought hether, them all.

Fra: Broad was brought
per Habeas Corpus. 28
Apr: 1621
and discharged.

John Broade the
creditor dismissed

Thomas Blackden
and Rich Fells comited

Michaell Willson to be sent
for by another warant to be
here on Monday next by
9 - the mornynge

Robert Locke. HL/PO/JO/10/1/17A (1621)

To the right honorable, the Commons of
the high Court of Parliament,

The humble peticion of
Robert Locke.

Humblie sheweth, That whereas your peticoner in August 1616 lent
(by the comendacion of a scryvener in London) unto Robert Tiffin the
father, Thomas Tiffin his eldest sonne, and Thomas Hayward, 100li. in
money, on their obligacion, paiable with use, at 6. monethes end, and beinge
rennewed from 6. monethes to 6. monethes, till the death of the said Robert Tiffin,
the said Thomas Tiffin and Hayward, (to prevent the callinge in for the money
and any suite to bee comenced against them for the same) not onelie paid the
forbearance, but also earnestlie laboured to put in John Tiffin, insteed of the
said Robert Tiffin, into a new band, for halfe a yeare, makinge the same
their owne debt, otherwise had your peticoner ymediatelie put his band in suite,
and soe accordinglie delivered to them the old band, to be cancelled. After
which the said Thomas Tiffin, John Tiffin, and Hayward, obteyneth a decree in
Chauncery, to enforce the creditors of the said Robert Tiffin deceased whereof
(notwithstandinge the newe securitie taken, they bringe in your peticoner, as
one,) to take composition, which your peticoner refuseth, beinge advised, it is
lawfull for him soe to doe, Yett dare not your peticoner take his course by
lawe for his debt, in regard of this decree, havinge longe forborne the
same, and his securitie well able, and of good meanes, to satisfie the debt.

Humblie beseecheth your Honours To bee pleased, that amounges the rest of
the many agreevances, to take this of your peticoners, into your grave
consideracons, whereby hee maie (without incurringe danger of the
said decree) take his due course of lawe, for his said debt, beinge the
full thirde parte of his estate, left unto him by his father, havinge
forborne the same (upon the last band made) 3. yeares, and upwardes,
without any penny paid him, to the great hinderaunce both of himselfe
his wife and 5. smale children, havinge neither landes nor trade to
lyve on, And hee shall dailie pray to god etc.

Robert Lock

There is course intended to be releive those already suffering
upon the bylls of [illegible] and to prevent the abuse [illegible]






William Tulley. HL/PO/JO/10/1/17A (1621)

To the right Honorable the Lords spirituall and temporall in the
upper house of Parliament assembled

The humble Peticion of William Tulley

Sheweth unto your Lordshipps that your petitioner haveinge recovered a just and due debt of 200li (due 9 yeeres
since) by verdict and judgment against Sir Henry Fynes knight, and outlawed him thereuppon, and
could never take the said Sir Henry, nor have any satisfaccion of the said debt, by reason of
his livinge in Lincolneshire, and findinge the said Sir Henry now in towne, and not knowinge that
hee was the kings servant, and further hearinge that hee was intended to goe beyond the
seas very shortlie: your Lordshipps petitioner repayred to the sheriff of Middlesex with the said outlawry against
the said Sir Henry, and prayed him to informe himselfe, whether hee might take him safely,
which was all your Lordshipps petitioner did whereuppon the said Sheriff shortlie after tould your petitioner
that hee hadd enquired whether hee were the kinges servant, or priviledged by parlyament,
and coulde finde noe such thinge, and that hee would arrest him, and soe did: for the which your Lordshipps
were pleased to committ your petitioner to the Fleete.

Humbly prayeth that the age and necessitie of your petitioner beeinge
considered, and that the same was not done in any wittinge or
willinge contempt of your petitioner, your Lordshipps will honorably be pleased to
give order for his enlardgement: soe shall your petitioner accordinge
to his bounden duetie ever pray for your Lordshipps happines.

William Tulley
prisoner in the Fleete
for arresting Sir Henry

prayes to be discharged

read. 27. Apr. 1621

answered to rest as yt he dothe
as yett

recepi 27 Apr 1621
to rest as yt dothe

William Tullye. HL/PO/JO/10/1/17A (1621)

To the right Honorable the Lords Spirituall and temporall
In the upper house of Parliament Assembled.

The humble Peticion of William Tullye.

Sheweth that your petitioner haveinge recovered a just debt of 200li by verdict and judgment against Sir Henry Fynes which
hath beene due unto him this 9 yeeres and outlawed him upon the same, yett could never receive
any parte satisfaccion thereof, nor gett him taken (uppon the said outlawry) by reason of the said
Sir Henry Fynes his remote liveinge in Lincolneshire.

That your petitioner beinge informed of a present voyadge beyond seas intended by the said Sir Henry
whereby his debt might grow into further danger, and prest thereto by his necessities after
soe longe forbearance, caused the said Sir Henry to bee arrested.

Your petitioner beinge of above 60 yeeres of age, and his wife very sicke, and himselfe acknowledging
and sorrowinge for the offence given to this soe Honorable Assembly in that it doth appere
the said Sir Henry is his Majesties servant in ordinary Humbly prayeth that your
Lordshipps will bee pleased to give order for his present enlardgment, soe shall hee (for
your Honors favour to bee extended to him) accordinge to his bounden duetie daily
pray for all encrease of true happines unto your Lordshipps.

William Tullie

T Yt is ordered that Tully be brought
to the barre to make his submission.
presently, 28 Apr. 1621

I made a shorte warrant instantly
to the Warden of the Fleet accordingly
and for gave it to the gentleman usher
H: Elsynge

Jeffery Pasmore, chandler. HL/PO/JO/10/1/17A (1621)

To the most Honorable assembly of the Lordes spirituall
and temporall in the high cowrte of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Jeffery Pasmore
a Chandlor in Westminster

Humbly sheweth that wheras your peticioner upon a just cawse of accion did
cawse Samuell Booth to be arrested at your peticioners sute, not knowinge that
the said Samuell was then his Majesties servant, therbye to be priveledged,
from such arrest.

Wherupon the right honorable Marques of Buckingham granted his warrant,
against your peticioner, theffect wherof was concealed from your peticioner, yet
it was untrulye certefied to his Honor, that your peticioner commytted a contempt
against the said warrant; Hereupon your peticioner weas fyned at 5. markes
and commytted to the prison of the Fleete, where he remayneth in great distres, being
hartelye sorye that he hath offended in this kynde:

And for that this restraynt of your peticioners libertye tendeth to the overthrow
of his estate, by the not usinge of his trade, and the losse of his creditt in
buyinge and sellinge.

Your peticioner praieth for the honor of god, that his offence may be remytted
and that he may have his enlardgment withowt the which he is like
to be utterlye undonne.

And he shall daylie pray to god for the preservacion of
your Honors in prosperytie and happynes longe to contynew.

To the Lords of the most honorable assembly
of the Higher house in parliament

The humble peticion of Jefferye
Pasmore prisoner in the

for aresteing of Samwell
prayes to be enlarged

Sir John Michell, one of the Masters of the Court of Chancery. HL/PO/JO/10/1/17A (1621)

To the right honorable the Lords
spirituall and temporall of
the upper howse of Parliament

The humble peticion of Sir John Michell knight one of
the Masters of the Honorable Court of Chauncerie in

Whereas on Mondaie last hee was arrested by the Under-
Sheriff of Middlesex at the suite of Anthonie Collett, who
was the onelie procurer, and undertaker for the same.

Hee humblie praies hee maie have the priviledge
of Parliament and a Habeas Corpus cum causa
retornable this daie before your Lordships att 4. of the
clocke this afternoone and a warrant for the said
Collett to appeare here, to answeare his
contempt for the said arrest.

And hee will praie for the good successe
of this honorable Assemblye.

Lecta .2. Maii. 1621

Sir Raph Hansby, knight. HL/PO/JO/10/1/17A (1621)

To the right honorable the Lordes Spirituall and Temporall
in this Present Parliament

The humble peticion of Sir Raph Hansby knight

Humblie sheweth unto your good Lordships That whereas your peticioner having of late
ben convented before your Lordships in Parliament, and ordered by your Lordships to answere
to certaine questions propounded unto him, for the better discovery of the then Lord
Chancellor his corruptions in causes of sutes depending before his Lordship. And your
peticioner making it then appeare unto your Lordships that in anie mischiefes and inconveniences
would fall uppon your peticioner by such his examinacion: Your Lordships were pleased to assure
him, by the right honorable the Earle of Southamptonn, (before whom your peticioner was
examined). That no inconvenience or mischeife should either in present or future fall
uppon him by reason of that his examinacion.

Further shewth unto your Lordships that his adversaries, being manie in number,
strong in purse, and desiring nothing more, then the ruine of your peticioner, have gotten
notice of your peticioners said convencion and examinacion: and have of late indevored
to procure a coppie of the same, from the Clerke of the Parliament, the better to
inable them to stirr up newe sutes.

For the prevention whereof your peticioner is an humble suter to your lordships
That you wilbe pleased to take some such order for with his examinacions, as
to your Lordships honorable and grave wisedomes shall seeme meete: soe as they maie
neither in presente during Parliament, nor in future after Parliament
enable his adversaries to putt him to newe charges, trouble and vexacion.

And your peticioner shall daylie praie for your Lordships everlasting happines.

lecta 8 Maii 1621

Ordered noe copye of the examynacions to be delyvered
and the Lords subcommittees to peruse the former
order, and yf yt be not fr full enough
then to amende yt.

Thomas Jermy, son and heir of Sir Thomas Jermy. HL/PO/JO/10/1/18 (1621)

To the most honourable assembly of commons in the
house of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Thomas Jermy sonne and heire
of Sir Thomas Jermy knight deceased.


That one Robert Wolverston purchased the mannor or Prees in Lancashire of John
Skillicorne upon consideracion of certaine somes of money to be paid at severall daies.
The said Wolverston overburthened with the said debtes, and findinge himselfe unable to
performe them, drew divers of his freindes into bondes for procuringe of present monies
to serve his turnes, amongst which your petitioners said father was procured to be one for
great sommes; who for counter security thereof tooke a statute of the said Wolverston.
But the said Wolverston breakinge with his creditors, your petitioners said father was to his
open disgrace arrested and finally compelled to pay the principall, use, and charges of
the said money amountinge to the some of 2000 pounds and upwardes, to the great prejudice of
himselfe and his posterity. Upon event of which injuries and losses he extended the
said mannor of Prees by vertue of the said statute, and had quiet possession ther=
of, by the space of a yeare and more: and the said Wolverston likewise dealing frau=
dulently with the said Skillicorne, he preferred his bill in Chauncery against the
said Wilverston: where the Lord Chauncellor (upon examinacion of the matter, fin=
dinge his indirect practises) decreed (about ten yeares since) that the said
Wolverston should reassure the land to the said Skillicorne, and the said Skillicorne
should repaie 2000 pounds to the said Wolverston (condicionally the land should be freed
of all incombrances, or otherwise the same money to be paid into the said Court
of Chauncery, for satisfaccion and clearinge of such incombrances as were uppon
it. In due obedience of which decree, your petitioners said father surrendred his possession of
the said landes expectinge satisfaccion by the said decree, wherof the said Wolverston
stood in contempt ten yeares, and laboured by petitioninge his majestie, and all other possi=
ble meanes, unjustly to dissolve the same, but prevailed not.

Sir Cutbert Halsal knight (uppon this decree) purchased the land of Skillicorne
with condicion that he should pay 2000 pounds into the said court for satisfaccion of the said
statute, for not performance wherof, the said Sir Cutbert hath continually bin
committed by orders of that court: but beinge in possession both of land and money,
hath from time to time purchased his liberty, either by meanes of the Lord
Chauncellors servantes, or by corrupcion of the warden of the Fleet, and doth at this
present enjoy it, your petitioner lyinge in prison for many of those debtes which his said
father was enforced to take up, for satisfaccion of the said Wolverstons creditors

In tender consideracion wherof and forsomuch as the said Sir Cutbert hath for many yeres
enjoyed possession both of land liberty and money.

May it please this honourable assembly.

Either to restore your petitioner to the former extent of the said land, or to give order
and directions wherby the said Sir Cutbert may be compelled to make a speedy
payment of the said 2000 pounds into the said court for your petitioners releife.

And your petitioner (as in duety he is bound) shall pray for the preservacion
of yow all.

Thomas Jermy

The last of [April?]
The petition of
Thomas Jermy

Thomas Jermeys peticion

Wolverston hath now
a byll in the [parliement?]
[illegile] [howse?] and this petitioner
may attend the passage
of that byll if
please him


Mathias Fowle, prisoner in the Fleet. HL/PO/JO/10/1/18 (1621)

To the right Honorable the Lordes of the higher house of Parliament

The most humble peticion of Mathias Fowle prisoner
in the Fleete.


That your peticoner hath a very greate family and charge, his wife greate with childe
many young children many servants, and since your peticoner hath beene long imprisoned
and so strictly restrayned, he hath had no meanes to governe or dispose of his houshold and
family but all hath gone to ruine: Insomuch that they being young men desiring nothing
more then libertie and idleness have wantonly and riotously used their owne willes, and
made havocke and spoile of such poore remainder of your peticoners estate, as should have beene
for the payment of his debts, and the relief of his poore wife and children, so that necessity
inforceth his complaint.

Hee therefore most humblie submitteth to your most honorable consideracions his poore
and lamentable estate and most humblie praieth that if your Lordships weightier
occasions will not yet permit tyme to determine his cause, to grant him liberty
upon sufficient baile for his appearance, And your peticioner(as in duty bound) will
daily pray for your Lordships happines.'

Sir Francys Englefylde, baronet. HL/PO/JO/10/1/18 (1621)

To the Right honorable the Lordes Spirituall and temporall in this
present parliament assembled.

The humble petition of Sir Francys Englefylde barronett.


Wheras a bill is now exhibited by the Lord Viscount Mountague in parliament for
the settlinge of certen landes for the payment of his debtes, and raysinge marryage
portions for his daughters as is pretended; Contrarye to which pretence yt is by the
said bill sought to destroye an estate firmelye settled by bargaine sale, deede inrolled and
recoverie for the supporte of the said Viscountes howse and honor.

By the said bill allso yt is indeavored to overthrowe a trust by the Viscount himselfe
raysed to the selfe same purposes which nowe this bill pretendeth and uppon divers other
most just and waightie consideracons; Of which trust the petitioner whoe marryed the
said Viscountes sister is a feoffee in the behalfe of infantes, and expecteth therby noe
benefitt to himselfe.

Wherfore since by the Viscountes bill the said petitioner is scandalized as a
breaker of this trust, for the honest defence of which he hath suffred longe and close
imprisonment, and much losse therbye in his owne estate. And since all others infantes for
whose benefitt this trust was raysed, are by this acte lyke to be utterlye ruyned.

He most humblye beseecheth Your Lordships both in his owne and their behalfe to whose
use he was trusted, to be pleased before the passinge of this acte to heare his
just exceptions against the same; As allso to take into your honorable considerations
the danger of this rare and unusuall precedent, to overthrowe a trust established
by the stongest assurance of the kingdome to the prejudice of infantes, The
rather in respecte this example is like hereafter to be the ruin w not onlye
of this butt of manie other noble famelies, And besides the charitie
herein shewed Your Lordships shall therby bynd them in all humble acknowledgment
of your honorable Favours.

Nicholas Stafford, gentleman, of Balmakigharn, Ireland. HL/PO/JO/10/1/18 (1621)

To the right honnorable the Lordes of
the higher house of parlyament

The humble peticion of Nicholas Stafford
late of Balmakigharn in Ireland gentleman

Humbli shewing that wheras by bill signed by his Majesty
and by writt of error in your suppliantes behalfe a recorde is
removed out of the kinges bench unto this honnorable house
of parlyament according to the ordinarie course of Justice
as uppon hearing of the said cause more at large may

May it therfore please your honnorable Lordships for as much as the
defendant in the said writt is in Ireland to adwarde a scirifacies
for him to apeare before your honnors or an attorny for him at
a day certaine, otherwise your supplicant is utterly undon yf
the parliament be ajurnied before the scirifacies be granted
And your peticioner shall pray.

Henry, earl of Northumberland. HL/PO/JO/10/1/18 (1621)

To the right honorable the Lords Spirituall
and Temporall in the upper house of
Parlement assembled

The humble petition of Henry Earle of

Humbly sheweth; that whereas your supplyant
expechted dayly his writt to be sent him as other
of the nobylyty had, it came not; he then required
it of the Lord Chancelor; it was delayed, thoughe
his Majesty was then pleased and is still soe grati-
ously disposed, that he shall enjoy his right ther-

Therfore he humbly desireth that your Lordships
ot of your wisdoms will give order that it
may be sent according to his right, and he
shall be bound to pray to God to blesse your
Lordships and yowr counsells.

18 Maii 1621

Ordered, that the wrytt be made accordingly
for that the Lord Chamberlyn hath signifyed
his Majesties gratious pleasure therin.

H: Elsynge

cler. parl.

Elizabeth Skory. HL/PO/JO/10/1/18 (1621)

To the most honorable, the Lordes Spirituall and
Temporall in the upper Howse of Parliament assembled.

Elizabeth Skory

Humblie appealeth to your honors goodnes and power. Shewing, that about 5
monethes since, your distressd (and like to bee most miserable) suppliant, (if by your powerfull
goodnes, shee bee not releeved): did, for safetie sake onlie; and for noe other consideracion:
committ, into the handes, of Sir John Bennett, knigt, all her whole portion of money,
(being 1100li. bestowed upon her, by her uncle, Sir Edmond Skory knight, for the
advancement of her maarriage) to bee kept in trust, by the said Sir John Bennett, untill,
shee could, otherwise dispose of it, or, of herselfe in marriage.

Now soe it is: that Sir John Bennett, being demaunded, to make restitution of
this money: saieth; that hee hath disbursed it, upon his owne occasions, since the
beginning, of theis his troubles, and that he will paie it willinglie, as hee shalbe able:
which answeare, being verie unsatisfactorie, and unfruitfull, and cannot, but produce
the ruine of her life, and fortunes, except reall satisfaccion bee made: shee hath none, to
addresse her praiers unto (next unto god) but to your Honors, And; touching the meanes,
how this satisfaccion may bee made: shee wholie, and humblie, herein, as in all thinges
ells; submitteth herselfe, to your Honors wisdome, power and goodnes.

by her Uncle
E: Skory

May 18

uppon the Lord Say his mocion, yt is ordered
that this to be considered of (the when Sir John
Bennett shall come to re receive censure. for
that the House thynkes yt fytt she should be

Sir John Kennedy, knight. HL/PO/JO/10/1/18 (1621)

To the right honorable the Lordes Spirituall and temporall
In the upper house of Parliament assembled

The humble peticion of Sir John Kennedy knight

Humblie shewinge that wheiras theire was a cause dependinge in the court
of Chancery betwixt one David Dromond and your suppliant whoe uppon the proceedinges
could make nothinge appeire to bee justly dew from your suppliant to the said Dromond yett
nevertheless theire was a decree made that the said Dromond should be paied 200li.
for a protexion out of the monyes which was to cum to your suppliant from Ferrers Gosson
and Johnson. And allso divers orders were made in Chancery in the favors of
Tymothie Pinckney who was your suppliantes tennant att Barnellmes theire being no bill nor
sewte dependinge betwixt the said Pinckney and your suppliant. All which your suppliant conseaveth
to be unjustlie mad without consideracion proffe or course of court and don by reson of
corruption to summe of the Lord Chancellors servantes from the unjustice whereof your
suppliant ought to be releeved.

Itt is theirfore most humblie prayed your Lordships wilbe pleased to take
sume consideracion theirof soe as your supplicant may be releeved by a revew
in the chancery before sume Judges assistantes or otherwayes the
matter may be determened by your Lordships medeation or sensure, And
that in the meane tyme the Master of the Rolls may forbeare to proceed
in any of the said causes untill your Lorships pleasures be knowen, And
your suppliant shall pray, etc.

Sir James Conningham of Glengarnock in Scotland. HL/PO/JO/10/1/18 (1621)

To the right honorable Lords, the Lords Spirituall and Temporall
assembled in the high Court of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Sir James Conningham of Glengarnock
in Scotland Knight

Whereas the Kinges most excellent Majestie by Letters Pattentes under the greate Seale of Scotland, graunted unto your Suppliant divers priviledges, and amongst other thinges, the fishing
of the whale at Greeneland, And your suppliant at his great charges, having victuales and prepared divers shipps for the said fishing: His Majestie was
graciously pleased at the humble suite of the Muscovie Company in England, to call in the said priviledges graunted to your suppliant touching the said fishing
at Greeneland, for that it was pretended to be prejudiciall to the state of that trade.

Nevertheles, his Majesty appointed divers Lords of his most honorable privy Counsell here in England to accomodate the differences betwene the said Company, and your suppliant touching the
losses which your suppliant was to susteyne by the provisions made for that voyage: And by consent of Sir Thomas Smyth knight Governor of the said Muscovy Company
and your suppliant, their Lordships appointed Sir Robert Nappier, knight and barronett, Sir Allen Apsley knight Lieutenante of the Tower, and Sir Marmaduke Dorrell knight
Cofferer of his Majesties Houshold, to take notice of your suppliantes provisions, and to sett downne what in their discrecions should be just, and reasonable to bee
reembursed by the said Company unto your suppliant for his said losses.

And whereas the aforesaid Subcommittees certified unto their Lordships that they fownd due and fitt to be paid unto your suppliant the summe of 924li-10s for his said losses
as may appere by the said certificate, And whereas their Lordships did write their Honorable Lettres dated the 19 of July 1618 unto the said Sir Thomas Smyth and
the rest of the marchantes of that Society, putting them in mind of the said agreament, and praying them to make payment of the said money unto your
suppliant without delay.

Yet soe it is, may it please your Honors, That the said Sir Thomas Smyth and the said Muscovy Merchantes knowing that
your suppliant is much ympoverished by theis great losses, and not able to undergoe a sute in lawe with them, (theis being
soe many great, and rich persons of that Society) they utterly deny to pay the said money unto your suppliant.

Wherefore your suppliantes humble request is, that it would please your noble Lordships to call the Governor of the said Muscovy Company before your
Lordships and to give speciall order for present payment of the said money , as also for his attendance, and charges herein, as your honors shall thinke
fitt, and for the ant of the benefitt thereof for theis fower yeares, and better, as appereth by the Commissioners award hereto annexed

And your suppliant according to his bownden duety shall continually pray for the happy prosperity of this honorable assembly.

25 Maii 1621 reade, and the consideracion thereof commytted unto the
Erle of Warwicke, the Lord Bishop of Winchester, the Lord Scroop, and Lord Dacre
and they are to meete to morrowe at one of the clock in the afternoone.
And Sir Thomas Smyth, or some other of the Muscovye company are to have
noatice, and to attend the Lords: Henry Elsynge clericus parliam.

William Smyth and Mary his wife. HL/PO/JO/10/1/18 (1621)

To the honorable Assembly of the Knights and Burgases
in the howse of Parliament

The humble petition of William Smyth
and Marye his wife:

In all humblenes sheweth to this honorable Assembly Your pore petitioners that wheras one Thomas
Lacye of Walsham in the Countie of Suffolk 11mo. Jacobi made his last will and testament
and signed sealed and published it in the presenc of 2: witnesses and within 3 dayes after made a second
publicacion in the presenc of 2 other credible witnesses also and lived 20ti: dayes after:

And by this will (havinge no issue) gave unto Thomas Lacye his brothers sonne all his landes
cattelles, corne and furniture of howshould and by the same will gave the residue of his personall
estate to the peticioners the said Mary beinge his brothers daughter and one whom he intirely loved:

After whose decease the sayd will was lawfully proved per testes in the Prerogative Cort notwithstanding
the said Thomas Lacyes opposicion: And the 4 witnesses before mencioned were ther examined:

After which procedinges Lacy preferred his bill in the Starchamber supposinge that the will was unduly
contrived: And made all the sayd witnesses defendantes and gave out they wold make sure not to leave
out any one, that cold testifie any matter for the will

And then proceded to examinacion of witnesses and did for bribes and rewardes hire divers witnesses
to depose falsly concerninge the contrivinge and publishinge of the sayd will.

And therupon and for that, the testimony of witnesses to the will were taken awaye by
beinge made parties to the Bill the sayd will was there sentenced to be damned:

Since which your peticioners havinge exhibited a Bill in the sayd Cort of Starchamber for the
sayd perjurye and abuse and the nowe Lord Tresuror havinge by order of the sayd Cort certified that the
same was fitt to be proceded in, The sayd cause notwithstandinge by an order obtained Apud Edes
of the nowe Lord Chancellor was dismissed:

Most humbly praye the same beinge a grevans in this and all causes of like
nature, and tendinge to take away all remidie to your peticioners utter undoing that
this honorable assembly wilbe pleased to take the same into examinacion to certifie the sayd
grevans and abuses accordinge to justice and right and to appoint a time for the hearinge
herof and of the peticioners counsell: And that it may be inacted by this present parlament
assembled, that the sentenc first dulye obtained, upon the probate of the will wher the
witnesses were lawfully produced may stand and be available, or otherwise to releeve your
pore distressed peticioners as this honorable assembly shall think fitt, or els your peticioners be utterly

And your peticioners shall dayly pray etc.

Originall Bellamy, one of the yeomen of his majesty's guard. HL/PO/JO/10/1/18 (1621)

To the most honorable Assemblie of the Lords Spirituall and
Temporall in the high Court of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of Originall Bellamy one of
the yeomen of his Majesties Guard

Humblie shewing That your poore peticioner inhabiting in Nottinghamshire
whether his Majestie shortlie intendeth his prograsse, and preparing himself from
thence to come upp to London to attend his Majesties person according to his duetie and
place, was in Marche last arrested at the suit of one Brian Cooke and others
who well knewe him to bee his Majesties servannt, and by the auncient priviledges
of this Kingdome belonging both to his Majestie and to everie peere of this honorable
Assemblie ought to bee priviledged, where hee remaineth restrained.

In tender consideracion whereof May it please this most honorable Assemblie
to afford your peticioner suche relief, as by the high Court of Parliament
hath beene graunted to others in like cases And to give warrant
for his enlargement And according to duetie, hee his poore wief and children
shall dailie pray for your prosperous successe of all your honors consultacions.

26 Maii. 1621 reade. and the house
was enfourmed that the sayd peticioner was
arrested first for treason suspicion of treason.
but after he was baylled for that:
he was arrested for debte

28 May 1621. Ordered that a wrytt
of Habeas corpus cum causa be awarded
to the Sheriffe of Nottinghamshire received on
Mondaye next 4 Junii 1621H. Elsynge

And the Sergeant to brynge
Cooke and the Undersheriff to answer
their contempt at that tyme allso
H. E.

Thomas Heaton of St Mary Aldermanbury London. HL/PO/JO/10/1/18 (1621)

To the Honorable assemblye of the Comons
house in of the High Courte of parliament.

The humble petition of Thomas Heaton of St Mary
Aldermanbury London for him and divers of his kinred.


That John Heaton the petitioners uncle (beinge a Citizen and haveinge
noe wyeffe) made his last will in wrytinge, and therby devysed a
porcion to his daughter Judeth, and the residue of his estate a-
mongst his brothers and sisters children; And if Judeth dyed
before age or maryadge, then her porcion to goe amongst
the brothers and sisters children as aforesaide, and dyed,
And after the said Judeth before adge or marryadge aldo dyed.

Notwithstandinge which said will, and also a caviate put into the
prerogative Courte by Richard Heaton the testators brother,
yet did Sir John Benet knight (being judge of the same
courte) grante an administracion to Thomas Dyke a stranger
and denyed it to the saide Richard beinge next of bloode, wher-
by the poore peticoners (beinge the brothers and sisters childrenn
(and claymeinge by the saide will as aforesaide) were inforced
to give John Dyke, William Dyke and Richard Dyke sonnes to the
said Thomas Dyke (who had the benifitt of the said administions
six hundreth threescore and eight poundes for a composition.

Now in asmuch as your poore peticoners have ben prejudiced
668li by the injustice of the saide Sir John Benet as aforesaide,
and cannot els where be releeved then before your honors,
where true justice is administred.

Therefore your poore peticoners humbly beseech your honors
to take consideracion hereof, and compell the said
Sir John Benet to make satisfacion for the wronges
your poore peticoners have sustayned, by reason of
his unjust grauntinge of the said admininistracion.

And the poore peticoners will ever praye for your honors etc

  • per me Thomam Heaton

Sir John Bennett
is now in examin
ation before the
Lords [illegible]
Therefore [illegible]
[illegible] rejected


George Geldarde, prisoner in the Fleet. HL/PO/JO/10/1/18 (1621)

To the righte Honorable the Lordes of the Higher howse of

The most humble peticion of George Geldarde now
prisoner in the Fleet


That your peticioner was comitted by your Lorshipps about sixe weekes since after such
tyme as he had beene examined before your Lordshipps by meanes whereof he is
utterly undone, his wife being miserably sicke, he miserably poore, and
not able to pay his charges, or gett food for himself and his familye,
and his goods ready to be seazed upon for rent, and other moneys
duringe this tyme of his ymprisonment, which he is every way unable to
prevente for want of his libertye.

He theirfore most humbly beseecheth your Lordshipps even for Gods cause to
comiserate his wretched estate and tedious ymprisonment and to
be pleased to take such order for your peticioners inlargement as
your Lordshipps in your grave wisedomes shall thinke meet And as in
duty bound he will dayly pray for your Lorshipps happines.

William Mathewe of Llandaff, esquire. HL/PO/JO/10/1/19 (1621)

To the right honourable the lords of Parliament in the upper howse assembled.

The humble peticion of William Mathewe of Llandaffe in the countie of Glamorgan esquier.

That Edmond Mathew of Radyr in the said countie esquier did in anno 5to Jacobi by fine recoverie and other conveyance convey the
mannours of Llandaffe Radyr and dyvers other landes in the said countie unto Sir Henry Billingsley knight and his heires in trust for the payment
of 9000 pounds debtes then due unto the said Edmond Mathewes creditours, and for which the said Sir Henry stood then ingaged as suretie for the said Mathewe

That the said Sir Henry Billingsley did according to the said trust pay the said nyne thowsand poundes unto the creditours of the said Edmond

That shortlie after uppon crosse suites in Chauncery betweene Sir Henry Billingsley and others of the one parte and the said Mathewes and others of the
other part for the possession of the said landes and evidences after witnesses examined on both partes, and upon a deliberate hearing, it was decreed 22o November
8o Jacobi that Sir Henry and his heires should injoye the said mannours and landes conveyed unto him untill the said Edmond Mathewe should paye him 8200 pounds [illegible]
by twoe paymentes (videlicet) 3200 pounds and 5000 pounds. The 3200 pounds by the second of May 9o Jacobi and 5000 pounds the second of November 1615. And in defalt of payment
of any parte thereof, that the said Sir Henry should retayne all the said landes to him and his heires forever. And that the said Edmond Mathewe
should uppon oath bring all the evidences concerning the said mannours and landes into the Chancery before Easter terme then next following: and
that Sir Henry should before the said day bring into the Court of Chauncery all statutes bondes and specialties which he had taken upp by the
payment of the debtes of the said Edmond Mathewe.

That the said Sir Henry before the said day did bring into the said Court of Chancery so many statutes bondes and bills as thereby he had freed the
said Mathewe of 60000 pounds penalties.

But Edmond Mathewe to this day hath not payd anie parte of the said 8200 pounds nor brought into the said court any evidences but contrary to the said
decree hath kept the possession against all proces of contempt untill by direccion from the lordes of his majesties Privie Councell the cannon was
mounted, and the said Edmond Mathewe comitted to the Tower.

19o Junii 1613 That the possession of the said mannour and landes was by the lordes at the councell table confirmed to the said Sir Henry Billingsley and his
heires according to the said decree and left to make such use thereof as he pleased, and Edmond Mathewe comaunded to preferr no
more peticions.

That thereuppon the said Sir Henry by the mediacion of the Lord Herbert did make sale of the said mannours and landes unto the peticioner for 9000 pounds
according to the articles of agreement writt by the Lord Herbert himself: for the payment of which money the peticioner was forced to sell
his ancientest possessions and to pay 420 pounds more to others for the cleering of other pretended titles.

That in Easter terme 12o Jacobi the said Edmond Mathewe exhibited a newe bill into the Chauncery against the said Sir Henry and the peticioner,
thereby surmising a combinacion betweene them, and praying releefe for a supposed overplus of the true value of the said mannours and landes
to which bill both the defendantes answered in Trinitie terme then next following and within 3 dayes after the said terme, the said Edmond replyed
and 6 dayes after the defendantes rejoyned, after which about the middest of the next August the said Edmond Mathewe without the privitie of the
peticioner or the other defendant or their solicitor, sued out a comission ex parte (contrary to course) and examined his witnesses, the peticioner and
the said Sir Henry never examining any one witnesse in this cause. And yett uppon a deliberate hearing of the cause and all Edmond
Mathewes witnesses being read 12o Octobris 14o Jacobi the late Lord Chauncellour Ellesmere did free the peticioner and the said Sir Henry from all
combinacion and had dismissed the cause but that a reference to the Master of the Rolles was desired by the said Edmond Mathewe

12o Octobris 14o Jacobi.

That thereuppon the Master of the Rolles having taken greate paynes by waie of mediacion certified the then Lord Chauncellour Bacon in court
that seeing the peticioner had receaved but 4000 pounds for the landes sould, he thought fitt the said Edmond should paye unto the peticioner 5500 pounds uppon
the first daie of the next terme being Paschae 15o Jacobi and so to have the said landes againe but uppon defalt of payment that those landes
should then remayne absolute to the peticioner and his heires.

That also the 28o Junii 15o Jacobi the Lord Chauncellour Bacon himself uppon full hearing did order and decree that the said Edmond should
pay unto William Mathewe 5000 pounds and 500 markes and so to have the landes unsould, which order was accordingly drawne by Edwardes the
register but before the same was entered a servant of the said Lord Chauncellour brought direccion from his lord to stay the entry thereof.

And then after many delayes the said Lord Chauncellour the 2 of July 16o Jacobi contrary to his former order and report of the Master of the
Rolles, decreed that the peticioner and the said Sir Henry should reconvey the said mannours of Llandaffe and Radyr with their
appurtenences unto the said Edmond and his heires uppon the said Edmondes payment of 2000 pounds unto the peticioner which 2000 pounds with the moietie of the
landes in Pentrich being but of the value of 300 pounds was all which was decreed to the peticioner by this last decree

So that the peticioner for his said 9420 pounds disbursed above 6 yeares before the last decree shall have togither with the 4000 pounds for land
sould the 300 pounds for the landes in Pentrich and the said 2000 pounds by the last decree (if it were payd) but 6300 pounds and so shall loose
3120 pounds of his money disbursed besides the use for 6 yeeres.

Whereby it is evident that the last decree was so made for guiftes and rewardes and will plainelie appeare to your lordships if the
persons (to be produced by the peticioner) maie be examined upon oath.

In consideracion whereof the peticioner humblie prayeth your lordships that both the said decrees maie bee
examined and finding cause (as the peticioner hopeth you shall) that then your lordships would be pleased to reverse
the last decree and to restore the peticioner to his former possession according to the former decree and orders
of the lordes of his majesties most honorable Privie Counsell: and your lordships peticioner shall daylie praye etc.

Maie it please your lordships to be further informed that sithence the ingrossing of this peticion, the order annexed
grounded upon the last decree hath beene delivered the peticioners wife, the peticioner himself being
bedred with sicknes uppon greefe taken for the said last decree humblie submitting herself to your lordships
order and proteccion.

4to Junii 1621.
The lordes spirituall and temporall of the High Court of Parliament doe not
thincke it fitt that a decree in Chauncery be reversed upon a peticion exhibited in
this court, without hearing of counsell of both parties. Henry Elsynge clerk Parliament

The House of Commons. HL/PO/JO/10/1/19 (1621)

Most gracious and dread sovereigne wee your majesties most
humble, and loyall subjectes, the knightes cittizens, and burgesses
now assembled in Parliament who represent the comons of your
realme full of hartie sorrow to be deprived of the comfort of your
royall presence the rather for that it proceedes from want of your
health wherein wee all unfainedly doe suffer: in all humble manner
calling to minde your gracious aunsweare to our former peticion concerning religion, which notwithstanding your majesties pious and princelie intencions hath
not produced that good effect which the daunger of theis tymes doth seeme
to use us to require, and finding how all your majesties goodnes hath beene
requited by princes of different religion, who even in tyme of treaty
have taken oportunities, to advance their owne endes, tending to the subversion
of religion and disadvantage of your affaiers and th'estate of your children, by
reason whereof your ill affected subjectes at home (the popish recusantes)
have taken too much encouragement, and are daungerouslie encreased in theire
number, and in theire insolencies; wee cannott, but be sensible thereof.
And therefore humblie represent what wee conceive to bee the causes of soe
great, and growing mischeifes, and what may bee the remedies.

The causes.

1. The vigilance, and ambition of the pope of Rome, and his dearest
sonne, the one ayming at as large a temporall monarchy, as th'other at
a spirituall supremacye.

2. The divilish posicions, and doctrines [whereon?] poperie is built, and
taught with authority to their fellowes for advancement of theire
temporall endes.

3. The distressed, and miserable estate of the professours of true religion
in forreigne partes.

4. The disastrous accidentes to your majesties children abroad expressed with
rejoysing, and even with contempt to theire persons.

5. The strong confederacie of princes of the popish religion, ayming
namely at the advancement of theires, and subverting of ours, and
takinge the advantages conducing to that end upon all occasions.

6. The great, and manie armies raysed, and mainteyned at the charge
of the King of Spaine the cheif of that league.

7. The expectacion of the popish recusantes of the matching with Spaine
and feeding themselves with great hopes of the consequences thereof

8. The interposing of the forreyne princes, and theire agentes in the
behalf of the popish recusantes for connivence, and favour unto them.

9. Theire open and usuall resort to the howses, and which is worse to the
chappelles of forreine ambassadoures

10. Theire more then usuall concourse to the cittie, and their frequent
conventicles, and conferences there.

11. The educacion of theire children in manie severall seminaries, and
howses of their religions in forreine partes appropriated onely to the
English fugitives.

12. The grauntes of theire just forfeitures intended by your majestie as a
reward of service to the grauntees, but beyond your majesties intencions
transferred, or compounded for at such meane rates, as will amount
to litle lesse, then a tolleracion.

13. The licentious printing, and dispersing of popish and seditious
bookes, even in tyme of Parliament.

14. The swarme of preistes, and jesuites the common incendiaries of
all Christendome dispersed in all partes of your kingdome; and from
theis causes, as bitter rootes wee humblie offer to your majestie that
wee forsee, and feare there will necessarilie followe verie dan=
=gerous [illegible] effectes to the church and state.



1. The popish religion is incomparable with others ours in respect of
theire posicions.

2. It draweth with it an unavoydable dependencie in forreine princes

3. It [illegible] openeth to wyde a gapp of popularity to anie who shall drawe
soe great a part.

4. It hath a restles spiritt, and will strive by theis deg gradacions
if it but once gett a [connivencie?] it will presse for a tolleracion
if that should be obteyned, they must have an equality, from thence
they will aspire to a superiority and will never rest, till they
gett a subversion of the true religion.

The remedies against theis groweing evills which in all humblenes
wee offer to your most excellent wisedome are theis.

1. That seing, this inevitable necessity is fallen upon your majestie
no wisedome, or [providence?] of a pious and peaceable king
cann with honour avoyd, your majestie would not omitt this just
occasion speedily, and effectually to take your sword into your handes

2. That once undertaken upon soe honourable and just groundes your majestie
would resolve to pursue and more publiquely to avow the aiding of
those of our religion in forren partes which doubtles would recruite other
princes and states of the union by theis disasters dishartned and

3. That your majestie would propose yourselfe to mannage this warr with
the best advantage by a diversion or otherwise as in your deepe judgement
shall bee found fittest and not to rest uppon a warr in those partes onely
which will consume your treasure and discourage your people.

4. That the bent of the warr and pointe of your sword may be against that
prince whatsoever opinion of potencie hee hath whose armyes and treasure
have first [diverted?] and since mayteyned the warr in the Pallatinat.

5. That for securing of our peace at home your majestie would be pleased to [illegible]
reveive the partes of our humble peticion formerly delivered unto your majestie
hereunto annexed and putt in execucion by the care of [those?] choise comissioners
to bee thereunto specially appointed the lawes alreadie or hereafter to bee
made for the preventing of [illegible] dangers by popish recusantes and their wonted

6. That to frustrate their hope for a future age our most noble prince
may bee truly and happely married to one of our owne religion.

7. That the children of the nobility and gentry of this kingome and of others ill
affected and suspected in their religion now beyond the seas many may forthwith
bee called home by this meanes and at the charge of their parentes and governours

8. That the children of popish recusantes or of such whose wives are
popish recusantes bee brought upp during during their minority with
protestant schoolemasters and teachers who may so sowe in their tender yeeres
the seede of true religion.

9. That your majestie will be pleased speedely to revoke all former licences for
such children and youth to travell beyond the seas and not to graunte any
such licence hereafter.

10. That your majesties learned counsell may receive commaundment from your
highnes carefully to looke into all former grauntes of recusantes landes
and to avoide them if by lawe they can. And that your majestie will staye
your hand from passing any such grauntes hereafter.

This is the somme and effect of our humble declaracion, which
noe way intending to presse uppon your majesties most undoubted and
regall prorogative wee doe with the fullnes of all duty and obedience
humbly submitt to your most princely consideracion.

The glory of God whose cause is the zeale of our true religion
in which wee have ben borne and wherein by Godes grace wee are
resolved to dye. The safty of your majesties person who is the very life
of your people the happines of your children and posterity the honour and good
of our church and state dearer unto us then our owne lives having
kindled these affections truly devoted to your majestie.

And seing out of our duty to your majestie wee have already resolved
to give at the end of this session one entire subsidy for the present
releife of the Pallatinat onely, to bee payed in the end of February
next which cannot well bee effected but by passing a bill in a Parlyament parlyamentary
course before the feast of Christmas, wee most humbly beseech your majestie as our
assured hope is that you will then also vouchsafe to give life by your
royall assent to such bills as before that tyme shall bee prepared for
your majesties honour and the generall good of your people, and that such bills
also may bee accompayned (as hath bin accustamed) with your majesties
gratious pardon which proceding from your owne mere grace may by your
highnes directions be drawen to that latitude and extent as may best
sort with your majesties bounty and goodnes. And that not only felones and
criminall offenders may take benifitt thereof but that your good subjectes
may receive ease thereby. And if yt shall so stand with your good pleasure
that yt may extend to the release of the ould debtes and duties to the
crowne before the first yeere of your majesties raigne to the discharge
of alienacions without licence and misusing missuing of liveryes and ouster le
maines before the first summons of this Parlyament and of consealed
wardshippes and not sueing of liveryes and ouster le maines before the
12th yeere of your majesties raigne which gracious favours would much
comfort your good subjectes and ease them from vexacions with little losse
or prejudice to your owne proffitt. And wee by our devoute prayers
to the almighty the great king of kinges shall [contend?] for a
blessing uppon our indeavors and for your majesties longe and happie
reigne over us and for your childrens children after
you for many and many generacions.

Elizabeth Skory, an orphan, the youngest daughter of Sir John Skory. HL/PO/JO/10/1/19 (1621)

To the right honorable the Lords Spirituall and temporall
assembled in the upper howse of Parliament

The humble peticion of Elizabeth Skory an orphan
the yongest daughter of Sir John Skory knight deceassed

Sheweth that whereas your honors were pleased to order on
Wednesday last that Sir John Bennett should speedilie
pay your petitioners porcion of xic li. with the proffitt which was deposited
in his handes at the begynninge of December last as Judge of
the prerogative Courte of Canterbury, and that your honours
might be no more trobled therewith: he being now required
eyther to paie the same or put in securitie refuseth to doe
eyther alleadginge he cannot procure security as yet, which
delayes your petitioner feares may be to her greate prejudice

Humblie therefore prayeth your honours to order him to putt
in present security for the payment of the same, with
the proffitts at such tyme as shall seeme meete
to your honors otherwise your petitioner is voyde of all relieffe
for her whole livelihood and estate, and soe your petitioner
shell be ever bound to pray for all your honors

  • Elizabeth Skory

2do Junii 1621 2d Junii 1621

Ordered per Curiam. Sir John Bennett swereth to gyve
bond with suerties such as for the payement therof
as the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury shall allow of.

Thomas Waringe. HL/PO/JO/10/1/19 (1621)

The most Highe and Honorable Assemblie of Parliament

The humble peticion of Thomas Waringe

Humblie sheweth, That whereas the peticoner (by your honours edicte) is to find
suerties for his appearance before your honours on the 17th. day of this instant Decmber
and for the bringinge in, of one Mathewe Watson to answer the forginge of
the right honorable the Lord Staffords hand and seale to certen protections.

Forasmuch as the peticoner in respecte of his extreame povertie, cannot procure such
suerties as is required, his frends all forsakeing him, And that the tyme being
soe short, he cannot be able to bring forth the said Watson at the tyme prefixed

And for that the peticoner, haveing a poore wyffe and a child, whoe are likely to starve
in the streets, haveing noe meanes but the peticoners endevor, to releve them, and he
likely alsoe to starve haveing layne this moneth in prison.

Most humblie therefore beseecheth your honours even for gods sake to be
mercifull to the poore peticoner, and to accepte of such suerties as
he can procure, for his apparannce and the bringing in of the said
Watson att the next sittinge after Christmas, And the peticoner
shalbe bound to pray for your honours healthes and everlasting happines.

8 Dec 1621 reade

to be brought hether on Monday the xviith
of this December. And then such order
to be taken as theer Lordships shall thyncke fytt

18 December. to be sett on the pyllorye to
morrowe from ten to eleaven. with papers.

8 December 1621

Bulkeley Brandon. HL/PO/JO/10/1/19 (1621)

To the right honorable the Lords spirituall and temporall in the upper
House of Parliament assembled.

The humble Petition of Bulkeley Brandon.


That your peticioner by meanes of one Swetenham a bailiffe is sent for to attend this most honorable
Assembly to answere unto (as he pretendeth) a contempt to be committed by your peticioner against the
authoritie of the Lord Stafford in commencing a suite for an escape against the said Swetenham
That by the reasons hereunto annexed it is evident, that the peticioner doth not commence the said suite any
way to question the authoritie or power of any letter of priviledge granted by the said Lord Stafford
but for the said bailiffes corrupt and indirect dealinges in procuring or giving way to procure some false
or counterfeite letter of priviledge for money, after hee had Mr Leigh (being the partie arrested) in custody
above an hower; which your peticioner doe faile at the tryall to prove, the said bailiffe shall by the Corte
where the accion is tryed, bee awarded good costes, which hee hopeth wilbe a sufficient satisfaccion for his
pretended vexacion;

Hee most humbly therefore beseecheth this most honorable Assembly to be pleased to discharge him
of his attendance without payment of fees, hee having noe meanes but what he getteth by
service, except only this debt for which hee now sueth; And that his accion may proceede to a
tryall where the truth will appeare. Which hee humbly leaveth to the grave consideracion
of this most honorable assembly.

Richard Lee of Herriott, Southampton, gentleman. HL/PO/JO/10/1/21 (1621)

The humble peticion of Richard Lee of Herriott
in the county of Southampton gentleman:

Humbly sheweth that whearas [illegible] Nicholas Lee bruther of this peticioner aboute 14 yeares
since died intestate after whose death this peticioner tooke letters of administracion
which administracion Elizabeth Lee then wife of the said Nicholas and [now?] wife of Henrie
Arthur opposed but after longe suite the said Elizabeth [having?] [illegible] proved to have bin
[illegible] the letteres of administracion [were?] by the judges ecclesiasticall confirmed to
this petitioner in [illegible] of Elizabeth Lee alias Arthur xl pounds
costes for which costes and [illegible] other [illegible] the corte the said Elizabeth Lee
alias Arthur was by the said corte excomunicated and soe stood for 7 yeares dueringe
which tyme this peticioner tooke out 2 speciall significavites out of the ecclesiasticall courte
[xxly?] writtes out of the crowne office but cowld never take the said Elizabeth Lee alias
Arthur upon any of the said writtes shee the said Elizabeth Lee alias Arthur knowinge that
if shee were taken shee cowld not by the corse of the corte ecclesiasticall have any appe
alle the yeare and daye beinge past and likwayes before shee cowld be released must not
only paie the peticioner his costes and other charges but alsoe must paie to the kinge upon
every writt soe taken out against her xx pounds savinge uppon the first onelie x pounds and this peticioner
further sheweth that fearing if shee showld be taken yet shee wold make some other means
to bee released without payment of any the said somes this peticioner after the said Elizabeth Lee alias
Arthur had stood excomunicated above 4 yeares preferred a peticion to the right honnorable
Sir Frauncis Bacon then Lord Keeper now Vicount St Albons Lord Chauncellour of England
enforminge his lordshipe of the obstinacie of the said Elizabeth Lee alias Arthur and humblie desiered
that some course might be taken that the said Elizabeth Lee alias Arthur might not bee dissol=
ved untill shee had paied this peticioner his costes and charges upon which peticion
his lordshipp was honnorablie pleased to endorse that in regarde the said Elizabeth Lee alias Arthur
had stood soe longe excomunicated and refused to paie this peticioner his costes and charges
that theirefore if at any tyme the said Elizabeth Lee alias Arthur showld bee taken in execucion
for the same shee showld not bee absolved and released till shee had given satisfaccion; which
peticion soe endorsed by the right honnorable the then Lord Keeper this peticioner caused to bee
carried and delivered to Sir John Hayward who if any appeall or absolucion showld bee had,
was to grante the same and when it was delivered unto the said Sir John Hayward after hee had
read it, hee gave it his man willinge him to take care of it to see it performed; after
which peticion not doubtinge but if hee cowld take the said Elizabeth Lee alias Arthur; that then hee
showld have his costes and charges in regard as hee conceived a course was taken that shee
could not be absolved nor have anie appealle; this peticioner tooke out a new significavit and
another writt uppon the same upon the same uppon which writt the said Elizabeth Lee alias Arthur
notwithstandinge shee lay close in [Walford?] Lane was taken in execucion by the sheriffe
of Middlesex:

But soe it is may it please your honnours that the said Sir John Hayward notwithstandinge it
was against the course of the courte and the direccion of the right honnorable the Lord
Chauncellour absolved the said Elizabeth Lee alias Arthur and granted her an appealle where
uppon the said Elizabeth Lee alias Arthur was discharged out of the prison and soe this
peticioner by the said Sir John Haywardes unjust deallinge as diverse others doe complaine
of the licke hath not only lost his charges and expences hearetofore expended but alsoe
is utterly without meanes for ever takinge the said Elizabeth Lee alias Arthur; againe shee
the said Elizabeth Lee alias Arthur beinge a great papist and in that regard keepes her selfe
soe close that none canne tell well wheare to find her:

The Company of Grocers of London and apothecaries of the city. HL/PO/JO/10/1/21 (1621)

To the honourable House of Commons in the High Courte of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of the Company of Grocers of London and of dyvers apothecaries of the
sayd city.

Most humbly shewing that the Company of Grocers being one of the chiefest and auntientest companies of London consisting
of merchants retayling grocers apothecaries and others of dyvers trades upon the humble peticion and joynt suite of the freemen
of the mistery of the grocers and apothecaries of London the Company of Grocers and Apothecaries were incorporated
made and confirmed into one body politique by his majesties letteres patentes in the 4th yere of his highnes raigne and ever since
and longe before the apothecaries and their medycines and composicions have bene yerely as after as occasion
requyred viewed searched and corrected by the president and censors of the Colledge of Phisicions by authority
of a statute made in the 32th yere of the raigne of Kinge Henry 8 and alsoe by the wardens of the sayd company
assisted with some skilfull apothecaries soe that all thinges concernyng the trade of apothecaries were soe well ordred
and governed as was requisite but dyvers apothecaries of London ayming at their owne private endes without consent
of the sayd corporacion and against the will of many able auncyent and skilfull apothecaries about 7 yeres since preferred a
peticion to his majestie for the obteyning of a newe corporacion of apothecaries only

Which peticion his majestie directed to the nowe Lord Chauncellour being then Attorney Generall and Sir Henry Yelverton
then Sollicitour Generall and signified his pleasure to be that yf they found the way of redresse of disorders in the
apothecaries art to be by incorporating them then to advise upon what pointes the sayd corporacion was meete to consist, and
what rules for government to conteyne, which attorney and sollicitour 13 May 1614 reported to his majestie amongest other thinges
that by the lawe his majestie might separate the apothecaries from the Company of Grocers and erect them into a divyded
body of themselves.

Which certificate your peticioners doe humbly conceave to be both against lawe and inconvenient to the Company of Grocers and
inviolating the cities government, and disturbance of dyvers companies therein and in greate dammage of many his
majesties subjectes for the reasons annexed to this peticion which they humbly desire that you wilbe pleased to cast your judicious
eies upon.

Yet his majestie being thus misinformed by the sayd certificate as wee conceave gave warrant for passing a patent which
was drawne by his sayd councell wherein amongest other thinges is conteyned a graunte without president as is conceaved that
all apothecaries free of the Company of Grocers or any other companies many being there named whereof some are aliens
and all other apothecaries within 7 myles of London with their apprentices shalbe a corporacion and shalbe separated from
their companies and freed from all oathes and taxes of all corporacions in London with unusuall and unwarranted non obstantes
either by lawe or by any president as is conceaved as non obstante statutes actes of Parliamentes customes grauntes or letters
patentes and more was passed in the sayd letteres patentes then was either intended by his majestie or peticioned for by the
apothecaries as that none but they shall sell apothecaries wares or sundry drugges preserves [illegible] conserves [illegible] or
distilled waters.

Which clause last mencioned doth abridge the grocers in sale of drugges [simplet?] and the like and distillers touching
waters and compfittmakers touching preserves and doth wholy take from them their trades whereby many hundredes doe live
and mainteyne their families, unlesse they leave their ould companies whereof they are free and become members of
the new corporacion of apothecaries to the greate weakning of sundry of the companies of London and greate trouble of
conscience to many that have sworne themselves to other companies.

The late honourable Chauncellour Egerton staide the greate seale from the sayd newe corporacion soe longe as he lyved but
shortly after his death the nowe Lord Chauncellour upon consideracions best knowne to himself put the greate seale

Since which tyme the Lord Maior and aldermen of London and your peticioners and dyvers auncyent apothecaries
peticioned his majestie concernyng some differences betweene the grocers and this new company which were referred by his
highnes to the sayd honourable nowe Lord Chauncellour and Sir Henry Yelverton togeather with dyvers other honourable persons whereof
the Lord Chauncellour and Attorney were to be twoe and they to report to his majestie what they thought fitt to be done therein
whereupon they twoe for greate consideracions best knowne to themselves before any report to his majestie made an order
to restraine the grocers in many thinges appertayning to their lawfull trades and did appropriate them to the newe
company and that such apothecaries as would not conforme themselves to the newe letters patentes should have tyme to
dispose of their trades and then to leave them.

Whereupon a proclamacion came forth the 4th of August in the 18th yere of his highnes raigne commaunding that none
should sell compound or make any medycinable receiptes or sell or distill any oyles waters or other extractes to sell in London
or within seaven myles but apothecaries of the newe company upon greate paines therein conteyned and commaunding
that none presume to peticion his majestie for alteracion of the aforesayd order.

Hereupon dyvers have geven over their trades others with trouble of conscience have come into the newe company.

Your peticioners therefore humbly pray this honourable house by your wisedomes to be a meanes
that the sayd newe patent of incorporacion soe indirectly procured in deceipt of his majestie in
dammage of the Company of Grocers in violating of the cities governement and disturbance of
most of the companies of London and many other his majesties subjectes may be repealed and
the indirect meanes used in the procuring thereof may be examyned and that the proclamacion
aforesayd which proceeded upon the sayd chartere and order may by your meanes to his majestie
be recalled these peticioners being grocers leaving the sole compounding and making of
medicines to the apothecaries which wee conceave was his majesties meanyng, unto which wee in all
humility doe submytt.

William Bruen, John Carpenter, William Parker, John Burnett and others. HL/PO/JO/10/1/21 (1621)

To the honorable Assembly of the Commons house of Parliament

The humble peticion of William Bruen John Carpenter
William Parker John Burnett John Ferne Richard Lambe and
John Ward of London merchants.'

Sheweth that your peticioners at diverse and sundrie tymes within theise two yeares
last past, brought unto his Majesties Custome House at London five hundred and fifteene papers
of Venice gold and silver and tendred to the farmors of his Majesties Customes the
money due for Custome upon the same, which being paid the said farmors and their
officers detayned your peticioners said goodes from them untill they should first
compound with the Patentees for gold and silver thred for such moneys as they
would demaund for importing the same contrarie to their patent.

Whereupon your peticioners after their said goodes had bene deteyned from them to
their greate losse, were inforced to paie unto the said Patentees iiis iiiid upon
everie paper, and xviiid a paper for sealing the same, amounting in the whole upon
the said five hundred and fifteene papers to the summe of 86li 19s 02d. And
soe were dischardged from the said Patentees, and by them turned over unto John
Ward and William Davyes officers of the said Patentees, who likewise most
corruptlie and unlawfullie exacted and extorted from your said peticioners diverse
summes of money amounting in all to threescore poundes or thereabouts
which they were constrayned to pay before they could gett their goodes restored
unto them.

Your peticioners for their relieffe herein doe humblie pray, That you wilbe honorably
pleased to call the said Patentees and their said officers before you and to compell
them to restore unto your peticioners all those moneys, which they have soe
corruptlie and unlawfullie extorted from them as aforesaid, and also to give your
peticioners such satisfaction for the losse and damage which they have sustayned
by having their goodes deteyned from them, as in your honorable wisedomes
shalbe thought fitt.

  • per me Jno. Carpenter of the parish of St Mihilles in Cornhill
  • John Ferne of St Marteines Ar Orger
  • William Parker of the parish of St Peteres in Cornhill

Elizabeth Cockren, Mary Fitch, Jane Ewe and Anne Mitchell. HL/PO/JO/10/1/21 (1621)

To the honorable Assemblie of the Commons
house of Parliament

The humble peticion of Elizabeth Cockren,
Mary Fitch, Jane Ewe and Anne
Mitchell daughter of the said Eliz: Cockren
dwelling in Mugwell Streete nere Creplegate

Sheweth that whereas your petitioners were kept in Finsbury prison .6. daies
by the sole power and comaund of Mathias Fowles and the Keeper of
Finsbury prison, being not committed by any Justice of peace; and
was then brought by the servantes of the said Fowles before Sir
Allen Apsley knight Leiutenant of the Tower, Justice Mitchell and
the said Fowles (who then sat both as judge and partie) and was by
them comitted to Newgate upon bare suspition of spining of gold,
and silver, but when they had searched and ransackt their howses they
found nothing, notwithstanding they deteyned your petitioners Eliz. Cockren
and Jane Ewe with others 20. daies in prison, the said Eliz. having
an husband and her family lying very sick.

In tender comiseracion whereof they most humblie
beseeche your honors to comiserate their estates and that
they may have satisfaction for their wronges as your
honors shall thinke fitting.

And they (as by duty bound) shall daylie pray
for your honors in all happines long to

  • Eli. Cockerell dwellinge in Eastcheap
  • Mary Fitch dwellinge in Mugle Street

Twelve East Indian mariners. HL/PO/JO/10/1/21 (1621)

To the right honorable the Lords Spirrituall and Temporall for
hearinge of Grevances for the upper howse of Parliament.

The humble peticion of 12 East Indian Mariners.

Humbly sheweth. Whereas your Lordships was pleased this day to order the petitioners
to bring in a certificate of those proceedinges, which were before the Parliament
1620, and since before the Lordes of his Majesties most honorable privie

May it please your Lordships either to directe your honorable warrant
or a messenger, to be sent for the Masters of the Trinity House
to be present tomorrowe att five of the clocke in the afternoone
before your Lordships And to bringe with them the order which they
received from the Councell Board, with what they have done
therein togeither with the countermaund for not delivery in
of the same,

And they will ever pray
for your honors etc

Warr. as is desired

The distressed prisoners in the Kings Bench and Fleet. HL/PO/JO/10/1/21 (1621)

To the Right Honorables the Knightes, Citizens, and Burgesses, of the house:
of Comons, in Parliament Assembled:

The humble peticion of the distressed prisoners in the Kinges Bench, and Fleett,
and all others his majesties distressed subjectes nowe prisoners, within his majesties
Realme of England, and Walles.

In most lamentable manner sheweth unto your honors that whereas heretofore many good,
and lawdable Actes and Statutes have byn made for the releife and provision of maymed
soldiers. And also for the releife of the poore in every parishe, But as yett no provision
or releif for poore distressed prisoners, in this Realme, which are many thowsandes in
England, whereof at this present remaynes in the 15 prisons in and about this Cittie
of London the nomber of 3500 able subjectes for his majesties service yf occasion of any

And for asmuch as this honorable house is nowe making and establishing of many good lawes for
the peace and good of this Comon welth, which may well concurr and agree with the grave
saying of that worthy and honorable member, of this house (Sir Edward Cooke knight) in his
4th booke of reportes geveth this Christian advise, to all Judges and Justices, that, boni
Judicis interest lites divimere.

Most humbly beseeching your honors to comisserat our distressed estates and to take into
your honorable and charitable consideracion [illegible:'oth'?] is our bill here in Parliament offred
and in your grave wisdomes to make and establishe some good and charitable
lawe, for the speedy releife and releasment of all such prisoners nowe in distresse
or hereafter shalbe so imprisoned (As all other Christian Nations hath done)
in this case: Most humbly beseeching this honorable house to further this our
charitable suite.

And your poore petticioners will nowe and ever hereafter be bound
on their bended knees ey to praye for these honorable houses
of Parliament.

Many of the creditors of the late Thomas Frith, scrivenor. HL/PO/JO/10/1/21 (1621)

To the honnorable Knights, Cittezins and Burgesses of the Commons Howse of Parliament

The humble Petition of many of the Creditors of late Thomas
Frith in his lifetime Scrivenor in London

Shewinge Whereas the saide Frith was indebted to your petitionors many and greate sommes
of money which are yet unpaide; for paiement whereof, the petitionors have had longe and severall
suites in Chauncery wherein many orders have bene made, and the examininge of their causes
referred unto somme of the Masters of that Court, who after longe suite unto them made uppon severall
orders met; onely (as it seemed) to receave fees, which your petitionors were urged largely to paie,
although somme of them coulde hardly disbursse so much, and yet your petitionors are not releeved in their
saide suites, but stil barred from recoveringe what is dewe unto them, by coullor of a decree and vertue of twoo
severall injunctions made and awarded in the saide Court above twoo yeares since, Which decree in
shewe seemes to be made for all the creditors of the saide Frith, but indeede is made for three of
them onely, vizt: Sir Roger James, Sir Anthony Archer, knightes, and Elizabeth de la Fountaine,
widdowe, Whoo by vertue of a commission owte of the saide Court, have bene by the Shreef of Essex put
in possession of the Mannor of Upminster, purchased by the said Frith, and receave both the proffites of
the said mannor and detayne certen woodes from Sir William Aylof knight barronet, which were by
him formerly bought and paide for; Of which Sir Roger, Sir Anthony and Mistress Fountaine, the saide
Sir Anthony might and maye otherwyse (by a recognisance acknowledged by the saide Frith) releeve
himselfe in Common Lawe, on landes solde by the saide Frith and formerly bought of the saide Sir Anthony
And the said Mistress Fountaine hath not as yet made any lawfull proofe of what shee claymeth
So that your petitionors doe veryly beleeve, the saide decree and other proceedinges have bene
obtayned and are maintayned by somme corruption or indirect meanes. Wherefore the petitionors
doe moste humbly beseech thie honnorable assembly, to be pleased to examine whether it be so or not,
to thende they maye be releeved, and not perrish for want of their owne. And they shalbe bounden
to praye unto Almighty God, for all temporall and eternall happinesse to all them that are of
this honnorable assembly.

Your humble petitionors for themselves
and other creditors of the saide Frithe

  • Willm Ayloff
  • John Poole
  • Tho Tomlinson

The petitionor must
accuse some particular
of bribery or corruption
else rejected


The master and company of the William and Thomas. HL/PO/JO/10/1/21 (1621)

To the right Honnorable and Knightes Cittizenes and Burgesses in the house of
Commons this presente Parliamente assembled.

The humble peticion of the Maister and Companie of the Shipp
Called the William and Thomas beinge in nomber xxiiii

Humblie shewinge that those peticioners beinge hired att sett wages per moneth by Captayne Roger Northe
to goe on his voyage for an intended Plantacion to the River of the Amazons: were sett forthe on the said
Voyage the 15th of Marche 1619 and stayed his comminge at Plummouth

After his comminge beinge put forth at sea, the said Capteyne (then and before) declared him-
selfe, that there were divers adventurers in the voyage; as the Lord Northe his brother and divers other lordes
and knights to the number of 43: and that hee had power to proceede and governe in the said voyage by martiall
lawe: and did accordinglie sett upp orders in the shipp and kept courtes in that kynde twice every weeke
all the tyme of the voyage: And havinge there furnished himselfe of some merchandize, and leavinge
there 100 and odd men for a plantacion, they arrived att London the viithof Januarye laste.

But so it is that your peticioners havinge thus performed the said voyage, in which they were out x: monthes, and
therein suffered sondrye extremyties both of severe usage and great penurye and scarcytie of
victualls: The said Captain North utterly refuzeth to pay them their wages, which amount to 350li.
or thereaboutes for the x: monthes (besides the tyme since) in all which space they neyther had nor could gett
one penny wages: Which wages he deteyneth uppon pretence that the merchandizes are seized and taken in
to his Majesties Custome House.

The poore peticioners for releife herein first peticioned to the right honnorable the lord high Admyrall
of England: who lefte them to the course of lawe in the Admyraltye for the recoverye of their said
wages and gave order in wrytinge to the Judge to that purpose.

Whereuppon your peticioners attendinge the Judge; he hath now the xxth of this moneth certified these
peticioners, that his power given him for releevinge them is revoked and utterlie taken from him
for that now they can have no proceedinges there att all.

Forasmuche as these poore peticoners with their wyves children and famylies are neere 140:
which are to bee releeved with these wages; and for that they have attempted all the usuall
meanes to attayne their wages; and for that they have attempted all the usuall
meanes to attayne their wages, and are now excluded of all legall course for the recovery
thereof, They most humblie therefore appeale for releif herein to the wisdome and
justice of this most highe Courte.

  • Mathew Cuvan
  • Allen Colley
  • Nicholas Howber
  • the mark I H of the botson
  • Thomas Foxley
  • William Bernerd
  • the mark + of Dixson quarter maister

the goodes out of which the
marryners should be paid seised
to the King therfore not fitt
to be to call Captain North

George Geldard. HL/PO/JO/10/13/6 (1621)

To the right honorable the Lords of the
higher howse of Parliament.

The humble peticion of George Geldard.


That whereas 17 daies since your petitioner was committed to the Serjeant at Armes
and now is committed to the Fleete by your good Lordships to his utter undoeing and
overthrow of his estate partly for his imprisonement and partly for the most
lamentable sicknes of his wife and povertie of himself, for that hee is unable to
paie his fees.

So it is, if it maie please your Lordships, That Mr Benbow is the greatest occacion
of his error, and misprision in that he made the commission different from
his warrant, as maie appeare by the coppie of the warrant hereunto annexed
for that the warrant is eorum altero, and the commission is eorum quolibet.

Maie it therefore please your good Lordships to commiserate your poore petitioners
estate, and the rather for the misprision aforesaid which Mr Benbow
will confesse, and in regard your petitioner did it ignorantly, as he hath
confessed upon his oath according to the intencion of the warrant, not
knowing the commission to be different from it, untill he was committed
and also in respect there is no prejudice done to any his Majesties loving
subjectes thereby in regard all the proceedinges are voide in lawe, To be pleased
to grant him his libertie uponn sufficient security for his appearance
when hee shall be called.

And as in duetie bound shall dailie
pray etc.

George Geldard. HL/PO/JO/10/13/6 (1621)

To the right honorable the Lords of
the higher howse of Parliament.

The humble peticion of George Geldard


That whereas 17 daies since your petitioner was committed to the Serjeant at Armes and now is
committed to the Fleete by your good Lordships to his utter undoeing and overthrowe of his
estate partlie for his imprisonement and partlie the most lamentable
sicknes of his wife, and povertie of himself, for that hee is unable to paie
his fees.

Soe it is it maie please your Lordships that Mr Benbow is the greatest
occasion of his error and misprision in that he made the commission
different from the warrant, as may appeare by the coppie thereof
hereunto annexed, for that the warrant is eorum altero, and
the Commission is eorum quelibet.

Maie it therefore please your good Lordships to commiserate your poore petitioners
estate and the rather for the misprision aforesaid, which Mr Benbow will
confesse and in regard your petitioner did it ignorantly as he hath confessed
uponn his oath according to the intencion of the warrant not knowing
the commission to be different from it, untill he was committed
and also in respect there is no prejudice done to any his Majesties
loving subjectes thereby, in regard all the proceedinges are voide
in lawe, To be pleased to grant him his libertie uponn
sufficient securitye for his appearance when hee shall bee

And is in duty bound shall daily pray etc.

John Tayler. HL/PO/JO/10/13/7 (1621)

The peticion of John Taylour
concerninge a brewhouse in
Millford Lane.

To the right honorable the knightes cittizens and burgesses in the Howse
of Commons in this present Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of John Tayler.

Sheweth that your peticioner beinge seized in fee of a brewhowse neere the howse of the right honourable the Earle of Arundell which the sayde Earle
indevoured to putt downe and likewise to buy the inheritance thereof at some easie rate, and bycause your peticioner durst not contend with the sayde Earle
your saide peticioner was constrayned to make sale thereof about 5 yeres since unto William Windesour gentleman with generall warrantie which sayde Willyam
Windesour demysed the same unto Augustine Cole, John Benson and Richard Clinton for 31 yeres at 140 pounds yerely rent, with covenauntes only therein for reparacions
which leassees after the demise voluntarily pulled downe divers old buildinges, and builded thereupon divers fayre tenementes the uttmost walles of the lower parte
thereof beinge of bricke and the upper parte of tymber contrary to his majesties proclamacion, at which the sayde Earle was much offended, and caused the sayde
Cole and Benson to be committed to prison, whereupon they were constrayned to sell their interest unto William Gramatt and William Parke, and the sayde
Gramatt and Parke demysed parte thereof unto one Thomas Guy and shortly after the sayde Earle procured a warrant from the lordes of his majesties most honourable
Privie Councell to pull downe the sayde new erected tenementes and parcell thereof was pulled downe by the saide warrant and then the sayde Guy being
tenant of parcell of the demysed premysses and well knowinge of the sayde warrant and was tould that the rest would be pulled downe dealt for the whole interest
of the lease which new buildinges were shortly after pulled downe to the brickwoorke, whereupon the sayde Guy sued the sayde Cole Benson Clinton Parke and
Gramatt in Chauncery and some of them compounded with him, and they gave dischardges each to other, then the sayde Guy upon an unjust certificat
and incouragement of Sir Henry Spiller sued your peticioner and the sayde Willyam Windesour in Chauncery to be abated of his rent, and examyned the sayde Cole
Benson Clinton Gramatt and Parke and your peticioner as witnesses in the sayde cause, and upon full hearinge was dismissed since which the sayde Guy with the others
who were witnesses examyned in Chauncery have now as plainantes by the meanes of the sayde Sir Henry Spiller joyned together and complayned in the Courte
of Requestes against your peticioner and the saide William Windesour for the selfe same matter in substance as was formerly dismissed in Chauncery and your peticioner
and the sayde William Windesor did demurre in lawe unto the sayde bill for double vexacion, which demurrer was referred unto one Master Lane of the Midle Temple
esquire who reported the same bill to be one in substance with the bill formerly dismissed in Chauncery, and yett the Courte of Requestes will deteyne the same
and thereby incourage and cause the tenant to detayne 350 pounds rent in their handes, and bycause your peticioner standeth upon the demurrer and the reporte
thereupon, and refuzeth to answere any further, therefore the sayde Courte of Requestes have committed your peticioner to the Fleete where your peticioner is
prisoner upon good securitie, and your peticioner moved by his councell for a prohibicion in the Kinges Bench which was graunted, but the saide Earle did
write unto the judges against your peticioner, and one Whateman a councellour did goe to the judges chambers and shewed the same unto them, and
afterwardes moved upon the same writinge which was reade in open courte against your peticioner, and the prohibition thereupon was stayed, and
the sayde Courte of Requestes by some meanes doe proceede severely against your peticioner and the sayde William Windesour by which meanes the sayde
Willyam Windesour threateneth to have his remedy against your peticioner whereby your peticioner is like to be undone for that the sayde
Windesour can neither enjoy his land nor the rent thereof, but the sayde Guy still proceedeth and hath given out and reported that he would never
have begun the sayde suyte but that he was incouradged by the Earle of Arundell and Sir Henry Spiller.

Your peticioner therefore most humbly desyreth that you would be pleased to take some order that he may have the due
proceedinges of the lawes of this land, and that he may not be outborne by the letters or writeinges of any great men unto any court
of justice, to pervert justice, and that your peticioner may be released out of prison and from his wronges herein sustayned,
and your peticioner accordinge to his bounden dutie shall pray etc.

John Tayler
at the horsferry over against

Retayned and layed [asyde?]

These petitions not fytt
for this committee

Edwarde Vawdrey. HL/PO/JO/10/13/7 (1621)

To the honorable knightes, burgesses, and citizens of the moste
highe and honorable Comons House of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Edwarde Vawdrey.


That whereas your peticoner hath preferred his peticion of greevance into this honorable courte for many and greate oppressions imposed upon him by the Eschequer
of Chester upon which peticion the peticioner is admitted to preferr his bill into the Parliament house for the redresse of his particuler wronges. But soe it is that
Edward Dodd esquier register of that Courte of Eschequer at Chester doth greatelie menace and threaten this peticioner charginge him that he is clamarous
and that he this peticoner tendes his complainte against the reputacion of the righte honorable the Earle of Derbie whose aucthoritye the inferiour officers of
that courte have abused and doe soe stronglie shrowde themselves thereunder as they have ever used the same to countenance them out in all their proceedinges
which have tended to the subvercion of this peticioners whole estate whereof this peticoner shall ever be unable to unmaske them unlesse it please this honourable assemblie
of Parliament to vouchsaeffe him a judiciall hearinge. The said Master Dodd further saieth that the peticioner hath hitherto done noe good nor heareafter shall doe
any good in his complainte, and that the daie will come he shall be remembered for the same. A most miserable case that a pore subjecte soe wronged and seekinge
to redresse the same in soe honorable a courte by the sufferinge and allowance of his majestie whose gracious inclynacion to justice extendes itself to all his pore oppressed
subjectes: yet notwithstandinge that he shall be thus menaced to be suppressed by greatnes in soe highe and honorable assemblie, as alsoe threatened to be
rewarded with further oppressions when tyme serves. The peticioners humble desire is that by the aucthoritye of this highe and honorable house of Parliament
he maie be protected to followe his causes: and if upon examinacion of his wronges it prove he compleine without cause he lookes for noe other from this honourable
courte but lex talionis to be imposed upon him wherein he findes this comforth that havinge spent himself by longe labouringe for justice nowe he assures
himself he shall finde the same. And further this peticioners humble desire is that this high and honorable assemblie woulde be pleased for thadvancement of justice
and suppression of the abuses of that Courte of the Eschequer at Chester to call before theise persons folowinge and to examyne them of the undue
proceedinges of that courte videlicet:

Fraunces West a silkeman in Cheapeside plainant
against John Strethill of Mobberley in comitatu Cestria
whether he did give or lende 100 markes or 30 pounds to Master Dodd pendente lite and soe had his order for him.

Edmond Jodrell and Roger Jodrell whoe had a
suite against the late Lord Bishop of Chester
whether (pendente lite) they did give or lende 100 pounds unto Master Dodd. And whether was the same soe
given or lent in respect of favour to be done to them the said Jodrells in that suite.

Okell against Rudgate which Oyell
is nowe in towne.
Whether for the obteyninge of his order he gave 10 pounds and to whom he gave the same and what further
abuse was committed by the courte in his cause.

Burgeny against Pulford
this Pulford beinge (amicus curie) had extreordinarie favour in his proceedinges against Burgeny
by abusinge and alteringe the recordes

Burgesse against Pimlott
in this cause the aforesaid Okell can declare the abuses by the court therein.

Fawkener against Leeche
which Fawkener is in towne and complaineth of the undue orders of that courte.

Master Whitby and Master Case 2 atturneys of that courte whoe can upon examynacion laie open the abuses of that courte

Massie against William Leighe
whether this Massie gave 20 pounds for obteyninge of his order, and to whom he gave the same.

Partington of Cotton whoe had a suite in the Eschequer at Chester. Whether pendente lite, Master Dodd sent unto him to borowe 100 pounds and whether
upon his refusall Master Dodd sent to his adversarie and had soe much money from him, and whether did the cause thereupon passe against the said Partington

Master Dodd is nowe in towne whoe this peticioner praieth maie be called to answeare the said menaces and threates
and other the misdemeanours in this peticion

  • Edward Vaudrey 1621

Master Dod to be sent
for [on Thursday next?]

Caleb Morley, parson of Stalbridg, Dorset. HL/PO/JO/10/13/7 (1621)

To the moste honourable assemblie of the Commons
House of Parliament

The humble peticion of Caleb Morley parson
of Stalbridg in the countie of Dorset:

Most humbly sheweth that whereas the late honourable Lord Chauncellour about 5 yeares since for the suppressing of fraude and injustice (and other insufferable courses) and for the uphoulding of his majesties right and title for ever gave his
opinion for your humble suppliant in open court, and stablisht him in quiett possession of his parsonage uppon his majesties said right and title by a writt de vi laica removenda: whoe thereuppon above 6 moneths together
remayned in quiett possession of his said parsonage dureing the said Lord Chauncellours life: and his said possession was farther alsoe quieted and ratified by the grave judgment of 7 reverend bishops,
and 7 others in his majesties Court of High Commission, and afterwardes his said possession was confirmed alsoe by a verdict, and judgement in his highnes Court of Kings Bench

But the now honourable Lord Chauncellour by an injunction graunted in his chamber without hearing the petitioner dispossest him of the proffitts of his parsonage, and invested his lordshipps brother in lawe
the honourable Eearle of Castlehaven therein; howbeit the said Earle neither hath nor can sett forth any title thereunto: and not content herewith questioned his majesties said right and title
alsoe contrary to the tryall proceedinges and opinion of his honourable predecessour, to the petitioners dammage of 2000 pounds.

By reason whereof his ever just and gracious majestie directed the said now Lord Chauncellour divers and sundry tymes to heare, and end your petitioners cause according to justice and equity but his hath
hitherto neglected and refused his majesties said will and pleasure even with threates to imprison the petitioner if he did but mention his majesties direction: and in [stead?] of righting your humble [illegible]
hath dealt unto him [much?] other hard measure to the utter ruine and [undoing?] [illegible] petitioner and his wife and children: and [his?] lordshipp not [prevayling?] by [illegible] of [illegible] justice [illegible]
[majesty?] bownd your suppliant over by order to the Court of Common Pleas [illegible] Earle brought a quare impedit (grownded upon the resignacion of Alan Bishop a
symonist whoe alsoe deceaved the King in his graunte) agaynst the lord his grace of Canterbury and the petitioner after above sixe moneths peaceable possession uppon his majesties title as aforesaid
contrary to the Statute Westminster 2. But the said Earle did not putt in his declaracion in tyme and thereby had noe day in court (the court being then shutt as the Lord Hubbert affirmed)
whereuppon his writt was abated, and his action discontinewed, and dead in lawe. This was certefied to the Lord Hubbert with request of a warrant from his lordshipp that a ne recipiatur
might be entered uppon the roll to prevent the antedate, his lordshipp gave not the said warrant but promised that nothing should be done till both parties were called togeather; nevertheles afterwards
one Wells the said Earles attorney (the court being now open for his adversary) did by collusion antedate and falsely enter the aforesaid declaracion being warned before to the contrary by
Master Cragg the petitioners attorney and twoe other witnesses, this was alsoe certified to the Lord Hubbert and yet after in open court the Lord Hubbert said that being entered it should stand, and
compeld the petitioner by force of a nihil dicit to plead a perfect plea to this antedated declaracion whereas otherwise by lawe, and justice his majesties right, and title the Lord Archbishop and the petitioner had byn
freed from all further incumbrance and sute in that behalfe: the petitioner having putt in his plea, and answere accordingly in Trinity tearme after his counsell mooved for a tryall at the barre, which was granted
by order of the court, at which tyme the said Earles counsell mooved to mend his bill or declaracion, but his mocion was refused by the court, whoe presently determyned that it was to late then to mend the
said declaracion and he should not mend it, for the King himselfe cannot mend in another tearme as the law saith; and yet in Michaelmas tearme following in the petitioners absence the Lord Hubbert uppon a
new mocion affirmed (contrary to the former determynacion of the court, and contrary to [lawe?]) that because it was unduely entered, therefore it should be mended, and then agayne ordered that the said Earle should
then mend the said antedated declaracion, whereas otherwise by lawe and justice the declaracion in itselfe is cleerly overthrowne;

By occasion of which proceedinges the petitioner was inforced to supplicate the lordes of his majesties most honourable Privy Counsell, the Lord Hubbert being called before them to give his answere, promised uppon review to
right the petitioner, nevertheles agayne though uppon full hearing of the cause before his officers, and the attornies of either side, the said Lord Hubbert did acknowledge the lawe to be cleare for
your humble suppliant, and did likewise acknowledge that he was bownd by his oath to performe, and execute it, and made a certificat in wryting to the said honourable lordes of the counsell to determyne it the next
tearme, which is twoe yeares since yet [illegible] failed herein alsoe, and hath not as yet performed: and when all the aforesaid, or any other such like proceedinges cannot ympeach his majesties and the peticioners
right, and title, directly by lawe or justice, there is now (after soe many yeares possession) a new quare impedit (depending the former) commenced solely agaynst the right reverend the Lord Bishopp of
Bristoll that now ys, now at last by evasion to make a leading case agaynst the King, and to out the petitioner of his living being noe partie to the sute, and utterly wasted and disabled any longer to defend
himselfe by course of lawe.

In regard therefore the late honourable Lord [Chancellour?] settled the peticioner in quiet possession of his parsonage by the sheriffe of the county: And the said
possession was further confirmed by [illegible] of seaven reverend bishops and seaven others in his majesties Court of High Commission: and his possession was
confirmed [agoe?] by a [illegible] agaynst [his?] [illegible]
Kingsbench: and for that his gracious majestie hath given soe many just and royall commaundes which hetherto were never duely executed: and the direccion of [the?]
lords of his majesties most honourable Privy Counsell hath not byn performed: he most humbly praieth that his majesties right and title may be heard, and mainteyned, which
could never yet receave a due and full hearing since the now Lord Chauncellours comming to his place, and that your humble suppliant may be releived according to the
justice of his cause, the true state whereof is hereunto annexed: and that the commonwealth may be for ever hereafter freed from chamber
injunctions, and private mocions, and such other like proceedings:

And this humble petitioner with his miserably distressed family and all that love truth and justice shall daily pray for the
happy and prosperous estate of every particular of this honourable assembly.

And for satisfaction to this right honourable assembly touchinge a late objection against the peticioner when his gratious majestie referred the spetiall poynt of his highnes right and
tytle now in question to be examyned by 4 of his reverend judges the peticioner had no notyce of his majesties said pleasure therin, but without hearinge the petitioner or his learned
counsell (and upon a wronge case) the Lord Hubbert certyfied his majestie against your humble suppliant, whereas the Lord Cheife Baron (being then also nomynated by
his majestie to the same purpose) hath averd that he never certyfied against his majesties said right and tytle or against the peticioner, for in truth as wilbe proved he was of the contrary
opynion, and the late Justice [Crooke?] was willinge to have certyfyed for the peticioner, and the then Lord Cheife Justice of the Kings Bench the now honourable Lord Treasurer
within a day or twoe after beinge rightly informed in the case gave his opynion for his majesties said right and tytle and for the peticioner

William Pollgreene, administrator of Edward Lord Morley. HL/PO/JO/10/13/7 (1621)

To the right honourable the Comons Howse of the High Court of Parliament.

The most humble peticion of William Pollgreene administrator
of the goods of Edward Lord Morley lately deceased.

Humbly shewing whereas Edward late Lord Morley being intitled to the office of High Marshall of Ireland, after the
decease of many his honourable ancestors, who many hundred yeares past, hereditarily held the same, with all the fees, powers
comaundes priviledges, and aucthorityes thereunto belonging; it being by graunt and confirmacion of divers kings
of England invested in his famely, as may appeare by certificate of his majesties late councell at law, and divers very
ancient recordes approveing the same, did assigne, surrender and yeild up the said office to the Kinges most excellent majestie
that now is, to the utter disinheriting of the said famely and especially the present heire in so honourable and beneficiall a
place and title forever

In consideracion whereof it pleased his majestie about 6 yeares since, to graunte to him the said Edward Lord
Morley a licence for certayne yeares in the priviledge of imprinting and uttering of a booke of great usefullnes and
awefullnes to his majestie; intituled by the name of God and the King, wherein is sett forth the reasonablenes and
lawfullnes of the oath of alegiance; [in?] the passinge of the graunte of which priviledge, the Lord Chancellour
now being, and then his majesties Attorney Generall, who by his said office had the draweing thereof, was onely
for his favour in that behalfe by way of gratuity to have the some of two thowsand poundes; notwithstanding
the foresaid surrender of the said marshallshippe being of much more value then the said priviledge it
selfe; and for the true payment whereof the said Lord Morley procured sufficient securitye, to enter into
bondes to the use of the said Attorney Generall.

Whereupon shortly after one Symon Spatchurst now clarke of the assizes for the westerne
circute, was a suyter to the said Lord Morley that he might be ymployed in the disposeing of the sayd
bookes; and upon the promys and undertakeing of him the said Symon Spatchurst that he wold bring in very
great profitt thereby to his lordship and not onely furnish his occasions sufficiently, but also satisfie
all his lordships creditors, to whome he was indebted; he the said Lord Morley used the said Symon
Spatchurst accordingly; and he the said Symon Spatchurst did further so much prevaile upon the
credulitie of his lordshipp that the said Lord Morley not onely delivered to him the whole trust and managinge
of the said priviledge with the patent itselfe, but also signed and sealed what deedes or instrumentes
soever he the said Symon Spatchurst wold or did requyre him to doe for his enabling therein
and he the said Symon Spatchurst being so possessed of the said patent, and other instrumentes
presently thereupon combined and agreed with one Willyam Hacher servant to the now Lord Chancellor,
that whatsoever moneys shold be receyved by or for the said books shold be stopped under collor of
satisfyinge of the said Lord Chancellor of the foresaid two thowsand poundes, undertaken for a gratuity
(as aforesaid) which accordingly they have ever sithence, and hitherto doe put in practise; and the said
Symon Spatchurst thereupon, and thereby not onely in the life tyme of the said Lord Morley but since his death
(being about three yeares past) to this present, hath receyved divers and sundry sommes of money amounteing to a greate
value, and hath sold and uttered many hundred thowsand of the same bookes in all partes of this kingdome, and
nevertheles failed and refused to performe any part of his said promise to the said lord in his life tyme, and [denieth?]
to give any accompt or satisfaccion of his said receyptes to your humble peticioner the administratours of the goodes of the
said Lord Morley, pretending that he is sole owner of the said priviledge and hath undertaken the satisfaccion of
the said 2000 pounds as aforesaid, and that the patentees, who were named but in trust to the said lordes use, [have?]
assigned the same to him the said Spatchurst, whereas onely the one of them by the meanes of the said [Hacher?]
for a reward of 20 pounds did sett over his estate unto him the said Spatchurst without the consent of the said
Lord Morley.

It may therefore please you to call the said Symon Spatchurst before you, and to take such order
for the payment of the debtes of the said Lord Morley, for which your peticioner is daylie vexed and
molested, as for the setling of the said patent of priviledge for the remaynder of the few yeares to
come, in the true owner or owners thereof who are blameles and free from all matter of [intermedling?]
much more of offence comytted or done in the execucion thereof (if any have bene) and especially for
the confirmeing and establishing of the use and practise of the said booke; according to the true [intencion?]
of his majestie in the first ordinacion thereof, as to you in your grave wisdomes shall seeme fitt.

For which your humble peticioner shall ever pray etc.

William Polgreene

Not fytt for this [committee?]
bycause itt doth not [complayne?]
of any court of justice

The petition of
William Pollgreen

James Hiwitson, a poor distressed prisoner. HL/PO/JO/10/13/7 (1621)

To the Right Honorable the Knights, and
Burgesses of the Commons house of
Parliament etc.

The Humble peticion of James Hiwitson, a
poore distressed prisoner in the Compter in
Woodstreete. etc.


That whereas upon Weddensdaie last in the after
none, beinge the 2 of this instant May, your suppliant
was at this honorabll house of Parliament, and delivered
his peticion with certaine articles to one of the Bur-
gesses of the Commons house, against one Sir Henry
Martine knight, which burgess, commaund your suppliant
to come againe the next morninge to the Parliament
house, But your suppliant beinge dogged into the Cittie of
London was arrested, at the suite of the said Sir Henry
by one of his men, uppon an accion of 10000 makes
and presently thereuppon cast into the Compter in
Wood Streete, where hee now remaineth, and likely there
there to remaine of purpose, for that the said Sir Henry
feareth that your suppliant will revaile an otion of ivell
in regard your suppliant hath been an officer in his Court

The premisses considered, your peticioner humbly
beseecheth this honorabll house that hee maie bee
sent for, whereby hee maie bee examined
uppon the particulers of his said articles
formerly exhibited; and hee, his poore
wyfe and famelye, shall in duetie bound
daiely pray etc.

James Hewetson

Sir Francis Englefylde, baronet. HL/PO/JO/10/14/2/3345 (1621)

To the honorable assemblie of the Comons Howse in Parliament.

The humble peticion of Sir Francis Englefylde baronett.


That landes by bargaine sale and recoverye are assured in trust to the peticioner, and others for the payment of debtes, for the making
provision for infantes, and the remaine for the support of an honorable howse.

That for the honest defence of this trust, and for refusing to break the same, the peticioner hath bine full three yeres imprisoned in the
Fleete, and during the time of this his restrainte, twice made close prisoner, to his chamber, had his meate for fower
dayes togither kept from him, with divers other affrontes, profered to his person, to the endangering of his life.

That for this cause also, the peticioner hath had fyve severall fines imposed upon him, amounting to 2766 pounds of which 500 pounds hath byne levyed,
yet was not that order upon which this fine of 500 pounds was imposed broken, nor any contempt by him committed against the same.
That theis landes in trust worth 2000 pounds a yere and setled as aforesaid, have bine upon a mocion only, made without hearing the cause, proofe of
witnes, or bill and answeare read, taken from the peticioner, and his other cofeoffee, and the possession thereof, by a writt, to
the sheriff, delivered to others, this before any decree made, injunccion disobeyed, or writt of execucion served.

That all this hath bine upon two billes in Chauncery, the one full five yeres olde, which never received hearing, nor any one witnes
examined to prove the assertions of the said bill: the other preferred by a feme covert (with a most unjust and fraudulent
intent of her owne benefitt) in her husbandes name, without his privitie, which bill the husband therefore disclaimeth, as upon
record appeareth, yet was the peticioner upon this bill prosequuted, full three yeres after.

That in favoure of these two billes, above 30: orders: 2 decrees, and many injunctions have bine made, the peticioner
with his councell heard but thrice.

That theis orders and decrees, doe soe crosse one the other, as the performance of any one, inforceth the breache of many others, yett
agree in that they all or most parte require the peticioners performance of thinges, either meerely impossible, or repugnant to
the expresse direccion of this written trust.

That the peticioner therefore purposing to seeke releiffe in Parliament was sixe weekes before this session, made close prisoner, to his chamber,
whence he was discharged but two daies, before the said session, upon promise made to preferre a fayer bill, without relacion of
any part of the carryage of this cawse.

That this fayer bill he hath preferred, thereby only desiring that upon his accompt delivered, and all moneys paid, that hee may
be discharged of this trust, and such others ingaged therein, as the Lord Chauncellour by severall orders made, hath appointed
to undergoe this burthen, yett hath this bill preferred neare a moneth since, as yet receaved but one reading.

Wherefore the peticioner humbly offereth, to the grave consideracion of this great [counsell, these?]
dangerous presidents like to concerne every subject who possesseth either landes or goodes.

That a feoffee should be punished for refusing to breake a trust.

That fines should be imposed without any offence committed, and levyed contrary to all
legall course of proceeding.

That a possession of landes setled, by the strongest assuraunce of the lawe, and quietlye
enjoyed for divers yeres, should upon a bare suggestion made in court of equitye, bee
taken away and given to others.

That streight and close improsonment of a mans person, as for some heynous offence
against the state, should by private direccion given, be imposed without order made,
or cause shewed whye.

And most humbly beseecheth, yf tyme will not permitt the passage of this his bill, that he may in the
meane, be freed; from these unusuall vexacions suffered for such an offence, as in noe court of equitie
was ever before helde, to deserve punishment.

  • Francis Englefylde

William Cowse, prisoner in Ludgate and servant to Lord Stafford. HL/PO/JO/10/14/4/3362 (1621)

To the Right Honorable the Lordes spirituall and temporall
in his Majesties High Court of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of William Cowse nowe prisoner in Ludgate
and servaunt to the Right Honorable the Lord Stafford.

Shewing That whereas your petitioner being his Lordshipps servant, It pleased his Honor to
graunt unto your petitioner his proteccion, and yet notwithstanding your petitioner (by James
Moorton and Robert Campion, officers to the Sherriffes of London, uppon the xxxth
of June last) was arrested in execucion, at the suit of William Goad and William Jennynges
and hath ever since been detained in prison, and severall suites by other men prosecuted a-
-gainst, All his goodes being seized, and by reason therof your petitioner was not able to paye
his rent, and so forfaited the lease of his house at Michaelmas last, being worth 300li to
bee sold, and your petitioner quite cast out of his house.

Maie it therefore please your Honor to take the same into your Honorable consideracions
and to free your petitioner, according to the priviledg of your High and Honorable Court of
Parliament, as also according to an Act of Parliament made in 1o.
of his Majesty: And that your Majesty Honors would bee likewise pleased to question
the said Goadd for his contempteous wordes, Saying hee neither regarded
the proteccion, Nor your Lordshipps orders, nor anything els, your Lordshipps could
doe, no more then hee regarded a rush.

And your petitioner, with his wife and children
shall daily praie for your Honours happines.

reade 24 No: 1621

Habeas corpus pro Couse against Mondaye next
the mournynge
the offenders to be brought by the Serdgeant

the2 orders made accordingly

William Goade, prisoner in the Fleet. HL/PO/JO/10/14/4/3362 (1621)

To the Right honorable the Lords Spirituall and Temporall in the
high Courte of Parliament.

The humble peticion of William Goade prisoner in the Fleete

Sheweth unto your Honors that one William Cowse being indebted unto your poore peticioner
the some of twenty poundes and upwardes being your peticioners whole estate having a wife and tenn
small children to maintaine having noe other meanes but his owne labors being a
poore bardgeman.

Hath of late procured the said Cowse to be arrested at his suite being formerly protected
by the right honorable the Lord Stafford but before the same arrest it pleased his honor
to grante a revocacion of the said protection under his hand and seale which is now remaining
in the officers hand who did arrest Cowse, and the said Cowse hath procured two persons
to make oath in the High Courte of Parliament that your peticioner hath used
contemptuous speeches of the priviledges and orders of the said house.

Most humbly he beseecheth your Honors for godes sake to have compassion of
the weake estate of your poore peticioner his wife and children who doth in
all humblenes submitt himselfe to this honorable Courte with his earnest desire
to be inlarged of his imprisonment and according to his bounden duty
he shall dayly pray for your honors healthes and happines.

29 No: 1621 pt. m. the sayd Wyll Goad is
discharged out of prison by the Lords
Subcomittees of the priviledges etc

William Cowse, prisoner in Ludgate and servant to Lord Stafford. HL/PO/JO/10/14/4/3362 (1621)

To the Right Honorable the Lordes spirituall and
temporall, of the High Court of Parliament.

The humble peticion of William Cowse, prisoner in
Ludgate, servaunt to the Right Honorable the Lord Stafford.

Whereas your Honors sent for your petitioner uppon a habeas corpus, And there
uppon your petitioner appeared before your Honors uppon Mondaie last
And as your petitioner is informed, your Honors appointed your petitioner to attend
the rising of the Court: Yet notwithstanding your Honors comaund, one
of the Sherriffes officers, brought back your petitioner to the prison
aforesaid, where hee hath remayned above xxtie weekes, to his excee-
ding great charge, and utter undoing of himself his wife and

In tender comiseracion whereof; That your Honors would bee
pleased, to weigh your petitioners case in your godlie and honorable
consideracions: And to bee pleased to give order for your petitioners
enlargement, according to the auntient priviledges of this
High and Honorable Court, but the Act of Parliament of Anno
primo Jacob Regis cap. 13o.

And hee shall daily praie for
your Honors health and happines.