Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1689

Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770.

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'Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1689', in Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770, ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].

'Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1689', in Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770. Edited by Brodie Waddell , British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,

"Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1689". Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770. Ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.

In this section

William Ball, a labouring man of Alsop and Eaton. Q/SB/2/397 (1689)

To the Right Worshipfull His Majesties Justices
of the peace at [th]e Generall Quarter Sessions
held at Bakewell for the County of Derby on
July 15th. 1689 humbly sheweth

That your petitioner William Ball being a labour-
-ing man hath lived and continued within the township
of Alsop and Eaton by the space of five yeares and there
continued without any disturbance at all onely the
petitioner haveing a poor lame sister at Parwidge
went now and then to see her and lodged there sometimes
by a week or two together and then he being sick and not
in health and the inhabitants of Parwidge doubting
the petitioner would continue and get a setlement there
complained themselves at the quarter Sessions held at
Bakewell at Midsummer last and the Bench then ordered
that the petitioner should remove from Parwidge
to Alsop and Eaton againe and the petitioner being a
poor labouring man and willing to get a livelyhood
not being chargeable to any did take a bargaine
of work of Raphe Johnson of Ballington the working
lying and being within Alsop and it being so the overseer
of Alsop did peremtorily deny the petitioner a setlement
according to the Justices order So that your poor petitioner
was inforced to go before Mr Justice Spaleman and
shewed his grievance and MrSpaleman gent Justice
Spaleman granted him a warrant that the over
seer of Alsop and Eaton should receive him according
to the order formerly given or else bring him before him or some
other Justice of the peace to shew cause to the con- trary and the overseer will not do so nor give him a setle
-ment The petitioner therefore humbly prays your good
Worships to give special order under your hands to
the overseer of Alsop and Eaton that the petitioner
may have a quiet setlement within the township
of Alsop and Eaton and that uppon such a penalty as
your Worships in your wise discretions shall think
fitt and in so doing the petitioner will ever pray for
your Worships Eternall happyness.

John Ragg of Bonsall, labourer. Q/SB/2/398 (1689)

To all their Majestys Justices of the Peace assembled in
open Sessions att held att Bakewell for this County
of Derby the 16 day of July in the first yeare of the Raigne
of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady King William and
Queene Mary over England etc Annoque Domini 1689

The Humble Petition of John Ragg of Bonsall
in the County of Derby Labourer [illegible]

Humbly shewith

That your poore petitioner is about 80 yeeres of age and is
destitute of a habitation and hath noe body to asist him but
that he is att present upon sufferance with his daughter whose
husband and son are both gone to bee souldiers and left her in
a very poore estate, and shee threatneth to turne her aged
father out of doors, and the inhabitants of Bonsall considering
hee had bin a labouring man and brought up his children in
good fashion, did order the overseers to the poore to allow
your Petitioner twelve pence a weeke for his maintaineance
and the overseeres have runn in arreare with him 7s and will
not pay him, your petitioner humbly prayes hee may have
the order of this Court to compell the overseeres to pay him
his arreares and such further allowance for his present
mantaineance as your Worships shall thinke fitt and
hee shall ever pray etc

John Ragg


To pay the arreares according to agreement
and to continue

An Weane of Hartinton. Q/SB/2/399 (1689[?])

To his Magisties Jutices of the Peace
at the Quarter Sessions for the County of Darby

The Humble Petition of An Weane in that
quarter of Hartinton parrish called Sterndall
quarter Humbly Sheweth

That your Petitioner is a very poore woman
77 yeares of age haveing with her a daughter
55 yeares of age who hath lane under a distemper
about 14 yeares for the most part not able to helpe
herself night or day who doth require a con
tinuall attendant so that your Petitioner is in
great distress haveing nothing to soport and
mentaine herselfe and weak daughter with, Besids some
small releife from a son that is in servis at but
40s a yeare wages and what charitable people give her
on which she is not able to subsist without
some farther releife. Therefore humbly desires
this Honorable Court to order her and her daughter
what to their judgment shall seeme reasonable

And your Petitioner shall ever pray
for you.

1s weekly till further order

Widow White. Q/SB/2/400 (1689)

To the Right Worshipfull the Justices of the Peace etc.

The humble petition of Widow White sheweth that whereas the said
Widow White being through extreamity of age disabled from getting her
self a livelyhood, and her common allowance being taken of, she must
of necessity perish, unless you will be pleased to take her deplorable
condition into your tender consideration; doth earnestly request
you would so far condescend towards the reliefe of her extreamity
as to assigne her usuall contribution especially considering she is
incapable of helping herself and hath none to take care for her,
which if you please to do she shall will be infinitly engaged and ever
pray for your plenty and prosperity whilst she is

Your Worships most humble servant

Elizabeth White

Robert Wardle. Q/SB/2/401 (1689)

To the Right Worshifull his Majesties Justices
for the County of Derby: greetinge Wheras the
Bearer hereof Robert Wardle by name of the
parish of Hartington and county aforesaid beinge
fallen [i]nto great poverty and is above eighty
yeares of age: his wife allsoe hath lyen sicke
for the space of one whole yeare: not able in
any nature as to helpe themselves. but in danger
to be cast away except some speedy course be taken
as to there releiufe: hopeinge your worships will
be soe far pleased as to grant him an order where
by he may have releive even what your worships
thinks fitt: his age considered: and in soe doinge
your poor petitioner as in duty bound is and
will be ever ready to pray for your worships
health and happiness: Hopeinge your worships
will not deny but grant him a sufficient releiue
prayinge for your worships happiness who
Is your obedient servant till death

Robert Wardle.

William Brackinfield of Stanton, miner. Q/SB/2/402 (1689)

To the Worshipfull [Blank] Varnam Esquire one of
their Majesties Justices of the peace and to the rest
of the Worshipfull Bench

The humble petition of William Brackinfield of Stanton
and in the parish of Youlgreave miner aged three score and tenn years or thereabouts, etc

Humbly Sheweth

That your poore petitioner haveing foremerly lived uppon his dayly
laboure unchargeable to the parish or any of his neighbours,
is now foreced thorrow poverty and great want to petition
your good Worships for releife in regard your petitioner is lame and
not able to undergoe his worke, this seavin years your petitioner
hath not beene able to put on his one cloathes but by the helpe
of his poore wife, likewise your petitioner hath sould goods out of
his house to releive this his great wants to the value of fouer
pounds which is not unknowne to his neighbours, And unlesse
your petitioner sell the remander of his usefull goods, they will not
alowe your petitioner any releife, your petitioner likewise had some smale
releife from the overceere which was sixpence the weeke, and
now your petitioner hath no alowance at all, And unles your good
Worships looke uppon this my sad condition, your petitioner is likely to
perish for the want of bread

May it please your good Worships to take
this my deplorable condition unto your
grave and godly considerations, and to
grant your petitioner your Worships order, that
thereby your petitioner may bee releived, and as
in duty bound your petitioner will allways p[ray]

To set the p[etitioner] 6d weekly and on worke

Mary Pott of Ballington, widow. Q/SB/2/403 (1689)

The humble petitioner of Mary: Pott
of Ballington widdowe: in the parish
of Bradburie and county of Darby:


Wheras your petitioner being left destitute of all releife
but thorrowgh the providence of God Allmighty hath main
tained myself: with 5: small children: being not pre
judice to the said towne: f[o]r anything: but what throwgh
theire clemency the towne pleased to bestowe uppon
mee: whose charity was and is very small, since
the departure of your petitioners husband: which Three pence
and never and requested anything: untill extreame want and
poverty forced your petitioner to make knowne her
deplorable condition: who hath pawned and sold all that
small substance which her husband left her deceasd of
wherin to releive her and her family: and being in great
want is in her great necessity constrained to make
her condition knowne: to your worshippfull bench
craving your worshipps good assistance: to give
orders to the overseers and officiers that the said petitioner
may have weekely allowance as in your worshipps
grave wisdome you thinke decent who will

pray for your happiness per mee

Mary Pott

George Woodiwis of Brassington. Q/SB/2/404 (1689)

To the Right Worshipfull There Majesties Justices
of the peace for the County of Derby assembled
in open Sessions

The humble petitions of George Woodiwis
of Brassington

Humbly sheweth

That hee being fallen into extreame poverty
and want not haveing wherewith to sustaine him
selfe nor his wife and two three small children: hee
haveing long wrought hard at the lead mines
and not at all of a long time gotten any thing
from them to quit the charge of them: and now
being in great penuary and want: and every
day expecting to be turned forth of doores for not
paying his rent.

Prayes that your good worships would consider
the sad condition of your petitioner and
be pleased to grant order to the overseers
of the poore of Brassington aforesaide
that they may provide a habittation for your
petitioner: for hee expects every day to be
turned forth of the house wherein now
he abideth: hee hath desired severalls and
none will trust him or set him a house
to dwell in

hee desires you likewise to grant order unto
the overseers of Brassington aforesaide
to alow him soe much weekly towards the
mentainance of himselfe wife and children
as your worships in your wisdoms shall thinke

and your petitioner as in duty hee is
bound shall ever pray etc


6d weekly towardes house rent
and put out his eldest sonne
apprentise and 1s weekly till
they doe
And that Rogar Frost bee bound
to the peace by the next Justice
for an assault upon Sarah his

Edward Townsend of Tidsall. Q/SB/2/405 (1689)

To the Right whorshipfull Gentlemen of this worthy Bentch

The humble petition of Edward Townsend of Tidsall in the
County of Derby humbly sheweth that your poor petitioner
being a widow man his wife being dead and laft him with four
small children: he being destytute of a habytation is forsed
out to seek releif for his poor children he leaving tow
children behind him the alowed them but either of them a halph
peny a week soe that your poor petitioner wass forsed to fetch
them into the country whear he hath made hard shift to keep
them for this tow or three years: and now being nott able to keep
them any longer would desire ye worthy gentlemen to take itt
into consideration that I may have a habytation whear I wass bred
and born and som relief for my self and poore children

And your poor petitioner will be ever
bound to pray for your whorships souls

Bridget Chetham of Tansley, widow. Q/SB/2/406 (1689)

To the honorable the Justices of the Peace for the County of

The humble peticion of Bridget Chetham of
Tansley widdow

Your Peticioner humbly prayes that she may have an order
for the money mencioned in the certificate annexed
it being left in Ralph Sowters hand for the securitie of
the towne, and the towne being willing and desirous that
she should have it and there being noe person of Johnsons
relacions that claimes it

And your Peticioner will ever praye etc

Bridget Chetham

Dorothy Careless of Darley, widow. Q/SB/2/407 (1689)

To the wright Worshippfull the Justices of the peace for
the County of Derby

The humble peticion of Dorothy Careless widdow of
the parrish of Darley widdow,

Humbly sheweth that your poore peticioners husband dyed
the 28th day of March last past and left your poore petico
ner three small children that are not able to get theire
liveinges the eldest being but 7 yeares of age and the youngest
and is a sucking child and very sickly; and your peticoner hath
not anything to relive them or herselfe with all and your
poore peticoner is alsoe very infirme and sickley.

Therefore your poore peticoner humbly
prayes your Worshipps to consider of this
here deplorable condicion and that you
will be pleased to grant her an order
for a weely weekely pentioon and
your poore peticoner as in duty
bound shall ever pray etc

The overseers to finde the children servvis
and if they refuse to worke to bee sent
to the house of correction

Francis Glover of Sheperd Flat. Q/SB/2/408 (1689)

To the Worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the peace for the County of Derby

The humble petition of Francis Glover of Sheperd Flat in the
parrish of Eayme and County aforesaid Humbly Sheweth

Whereas the said Francis Glover your worships Petitioner Petitioner haveing
formerly lived in good fame ranke and quality amomgst his neighbours
mainetaineing himselfe his wife and children upon his owne worke and
industry: untill of late by God Almighty's providence and by reason of his
old age and almost haveing lost the sight whereby he is altogether unable
of himselfe to mainetaine his said wife and one child now remaineing with
him And furthermore his said wife and child by reason of their indigency
and poverty are altogether unable to mainetaine your said petitioner or

Wherefore your said petitioner most humbly entreats your Worships
to take his miserable condition into your serious considerations
and to grant him an order to the overseer of the poore of Eayme
aforesaid for some weekely allowance as your Worships shall
thinke convenient towards the Mainetenance of your said petitioner
his said wife and children whereby they may not starve for want of

And your Worships petitioner as he is
in duty bound will dayly pray for
your Worships health and happines
long to continue


2s weekly

Elizabeth Webstor of Youldgreave. Q/SB/2/409 (1689)

The Petition of Elizabeth Webstor of Youldgreave

To his majesties Justices of the peace at the Generall Quarter Sessions at Bakewell July 1689

Whereas your petitioner was left in a deplorable, condition
with five small children, and noe one of them able to get any
towards a small livelyhood: and most of them have beene visited
with sickness: whereas It was the [t]owns consent to allow your
petitioner twelv pence weekly: ever since the departure of my
husband: which is two years: whereas your petitioner, cannot
subsist to maintaine herself and children, and pay and a annuall or
yearbyly rent: my landlord his rent daly Threating to put mee and my
children forth of doors: my rent being -0-14. yearly: which I desired
the said towne that the [illegible] wold pay the rent for, the house otherwise have paid
it unto mee, and I wold pay it to my landlord: which they wold not
agree unto: unless I came before your most honnorable bench: where
fore, your petitioner being in a lamentable distressed condition humbly
craveth that you worshipps wold take it into your pious consideration
and give orders to the overseers that your petitioner may have a habitation
whereas to presserve her self and family from being starved
and your petitioner as in duty bound wil ever pray for your happiness

per me Elizabeth Webstor

Alice Naylor, widow of Sheldon. Q/SB/2/410 (1689)

The petitione of Alice: Naylor widdowe
of Sheldon in the parish of Bashull


Whereas your petitioner being: 80: years of age
being widdowe for: the space of :15 years: and your petitioner
hath by your consent hath had: six pence weekly
during: the Seven space of :3: years and moare: who
bringing: upp there family: in a decent and comely
manner without doeing any kind of harme: or wrong to
any neighbor: being in old age past there worke
desiring your worshipp, grace assistance, to
be aid and assistance, to your petitioner who at this
present is destitute and daly wanteth releife: unless
your grave wesdome comiserate your petitioners de
plorable condition as in your grave wesdom your
worshipps shall thinke: and your petitioner as in duty
will ever pray for your happiness:

per me

  • Alice Naylor

  • Your petitioner had orders for: six: pence weekely
    whereas as your said [illegible] have paid and allowd
    but: -0 - 4 -4d: weekely: I desier your worshipp
    full bench to take it into consideration


    8d weekly

    James Cowley of Chappel in le Frith. Q/SB/2/411 (1689)

    To the Worshipfull Bench

    Your poor Petitioner James Cowley of Chappel in le Frith being an ancient
    man and haveing a wife and an very old very old woman
    to his mother in law and being incapleable of any work
    and little or nothing to maintain them withall doth
    begge of your worships pleasure to order him some
    -thing for his further reiefe and for so doing he
    is bound to pray for your health and happiness


    9d weekly


    Milisent Glosop, widow. Q/SB/2/412 (1689)

    To the Honorable their Majesties Justices of the peace
    assembled at Bakewell the 15th of July 89: the
    humble petition of Milisent Glosop widow

    Whereas your Honours humble petitioner hath lately
    lost her husbond and is left with foure children, the
    eldest of which beinge above the age of 16 years
    and willinge and capeable of getinge part of a
    livelyhood toward the maintenance of his mother
    and the rest of her children) the overseeers of the poore
    of Wirkesworth have taken him from his said mother
    and put him apprentice; but after the death of
    his father, hee desireinge to releive his mother
    left his maister, and is sent by the said overseers
    to the house of correction, now this is the desire
    of your petitioner that her son may bee quitt
    or ele that you would please to order the towne
    to alow her somthing toward the releif of her
    poore children, and shee will ever pray for
    Honors health and prosperity.

    Ordered the sonne to bee released out of
    the house of correccion and goe to hes service


    George Woolley of Chappell Milton, blacksmith. Q/SB/2/413 (1689)

    To the Right Worshippfull his Majesties Justices of the
    peace for the County of Derby at the Generall Quarter
    Sessions held for the County of Derby at Bakewell the
    16th day of July 1689

    The humble petition of George Woolley of Chappell Milton in the
    parish of Glossopp and County of Derby blacksmith Humbly sheweth

    Whereas your said petitioner haveing formerly sett
    a howse to Nicholas Cowper within Chappell Milton
    aforesaid And by reason of the great poverty and indigency
    of the said Nicholas Cowper his wife being lame and haveing
    two smale children his hee is altogether unable to pay his rent
    And whereas your said petitioner the 10th of March 1687 gave notice
    to the overseers of t[he] poore of Bowden Middlecale to
    remove the said Nicholas Cowper out of his said house [o]r
    to pay his rent: whch they have yett never performed

    Wherefore your petitioner most humbly craves your worships
    to grant him an order to the present overseers of the
    poore of Bowden Middlecale aforesaid to pay him the
    arreares of rent due since the time that warning was
    by him given for removeing of the said Nicholas Cowper
    and likewise to remove him and provide him an house to
    live in for the future

    And your petitioner as he is in duty
    bound will dayly pray for your
    worships health and happines
    longe to contineue

    The inhabitants of Bowdon-Middlecale. Q/SB/2/414 (1689)

    To the Right Worshipfull their Majesties Justices of the peace
    at their generall Quarter Sessions of the peace to be
    held at Bakewell the sixteenth day of July in
    the first year of the Raigne of our most gracious
    soveraignes William and Mary (by the grace of God)
    of England etc King and Queen Defenders of the Faith etc
    Annoque Domini 1689

    The humble peticion and informacion of the inhabitants of
    Bowdon-Middlecale some of whose names are here subscribed

    Humbly Sheweth

    That whereas Nicholas Cowper an inhabitant within the parish
    of Chappel in le Frith, did lately remove together with his family
    into our said township of Bowdon Midlecale and by his farme-
    -ing 10li. per annum in landes hath gained a residence amongst
    us. And by reason of his vexatious and scandalous way of liveinge
    hath caused himselfe to be ejected out of his said tenement And
    since it pleaseinge God to visitt one of his children with some
    sicknesse or infirmity of body, The said Nicholas Cowper
    thereupon made his applicacion to not onely to his neighbours
    but alsoe to the inhabitants of severall townships and countyes
    by whose charity he obtained sufficient releife to discharge
    more then his present exegences, But the aforesaid releife not-
    withstandinge The said Cowper unknowne to your worships
    peticioners made his applicacion to this honorable Court for
    further releife, And surrepticiously obtained an order to
    charge our said townshipp with twelve pence weekly allowance
    to him for his releife till further order, Now soe it is may
    it please your Worships The said child upon whose account alone the said
    Cowper could present pretend any cause of releife being dead and
    the said Cowper and his wife being able of body to gett their
    liveing and maintaine their family haveing onely two children
    one whereof is able to gett a livelyhood, wee humbly pray the
    said order may cease And our said townshipp may bee eased of the said
    charge as in equity we ought, And we shall ever pray for your
    Worships health and happinesse and rest your Worships most humble peticioner

    • Ja Carrington
    • Marke Crickett
    • John Waterhouse
    • Laurence Joanson} overseers of the poore
    • Raph Bowdon
    • }
    • Robert Carrington
    • Edward Bennitt
    • Thomas Rollinson
    • Thomas Waterhouse

    Thomas Heathcott of Hope. Q/SB/2/628 (1689)

    To the Right Worshipfull their Majesties Justices of
    the Peace for the County of Derby att the Generall Quarter
    Sessions held at Bakewell for the said County the sixteenth
    day of July Annoque Domini 1689

    The humble petition of Thomas Heathcott of Hope in the said
    County humbly sheweth

    Whereas your said petitioner haveing formerly beene a souldier for the late
    King Charles the first from the year 1642 for the terme of six yeares or
    upwards untill the end of the late Civill Warr: under the command of
    Sir William Sevaile for two yeares or thereabouts untill Collonell Rowland
    Eyre late of Hassopp Esquire tooke up armes for his said late Majestie King Charles
    the First who then was released from the said Sevaile and went under the command
    of the said Collonell Rowland Eyre for about foure yeares longer: And whereas
    your said petitioner haveing received severall wounds att diverse and severall battells
    and seiges and beene severall times imprisoned: And now being very aged poore
    and indigent: Most humbly craves your Worships favour to admitt him into
    present pay as a maymed souldier within this County there being a vaccancy
    upon the death of Francis Rippon late of Pilsley

    Wherefore wee his neighbours duely considering the truth of the
    premisses doe hereby certifie in behalfe of your said petitioner that it
    is an object of charity to entertaine him into the said pay. And in
    soe doeing you will much oblige

    Your Worshipps Servants

    I am credibly informed and
    beleive the contents of this
    peticon is true

    • Thomas Legh
    • William Browne
    • Samuel Cryer
    • John Herll
    • Richard Torr
    • Anthony Herll
    • John Cocking
    • Mathew Berley
    • Nicholas Thornhill
    • Henry Ashtow